Module 10 270 Questions
March 28, 2017 | Author: Ammar Mohammad | Category: N/A
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Aviation Legislation 1) Airships operated for commercial transport purposes must be maintained under a. Section A8-18 of BCARs b. JAR 145 and supplement 2 of BCAR A8-18 c. Section A8-15 of BCARs for airships not exceeding 2730kg A83>2730kg
2) Where is a register of Air Operators Certificates held? a. By the JAA b. By the ICAO c. By the NAA
3) If you are on an engineering course on 1st June 2001 a. It will continue under BCAR section L b. It must be JAR 66 recognised c. It must be converted to JAR 66 after the course
4) The aircraft types that an operator can fly are listed a. In the company maintenance schedule b. On the Air Operator Certificate c. In the aircraft flight manual
5) The aircraft registration marks that an air operator can fly are found in a. On the company approval certificate b. On the AOC c. In the company exposition
6) Aircraft Type Certificates must be issued prior to the issue of a. C of R b. C of A c. CMR
7) CAA approval of a JAR 145 organisation to undertake base maintenance is a. In the company’s operations manual b. On the company’s Air Operators Certificate Data sheet c. In the company’s ‘Rating List’ part of the schedule approval
8) The requirements for commercial air transport aircraft to carry fuses on board is to be found in a. JAR OPS 1 section k b. ANGR 16 c. JAR 145
9) Where can information on flights under 'A' and 'B' conditions be found? a. JAR OPS Subpart B b. ANO schedules c. BCAR Section A&B 8-13
10) Where can information on the aircraft documents to be carried in flight, be found? a. BCAR Section A&B 8-13 b. ANO Schedule 3 c. JAR OPS Subpart B
11) The flight times recorded in the technical log are recorded a. On the chock to chock basis b. From take off to landing c. From time the first person on board to last person leaves aircraft
12) How long is a technical log retained a. 3 years after the aircraft is destroyed b. 5 years after the aircraft is destroyed c. 2 years after the aircraft is destroyed
13) When signing a CRS for a task involving different trades a. Each engineer must sign for the task involving different trades b. Only one signatory is required to sign the CRS, others sign job cards c. Each engineer must sign the CRS for the complete task carrying out full functional checks
14) JAA publications are issued by a. The JAA b. The NAAs of the individual member states c. The CAA and printed in the international language before distribution to the member states
15) When a JAR comes into force a. It will replace a complete section of BCAR b. It will have to be passed by the parliament in order to become law c. It will from the minimum standard acceptable to the CAA
16) How long is a technical log used by an operator under JAR OPS 1 retained? a. 12 month after the aircraft is permanently withdrawn from service b. 24 month after the date of last entry c. 12 month after the date of last entry
17) Compass system replacement and compensation is certified by a. Compass Compensation certificate b. Flight Release Certificate c. Certificate of Release to Service
18) Information on the MOR scheme can be found in a. Accident Investigator Section of CAP 393 b. ANO articles
c. CAA rules of the air
19) A NAA authority whilst reviewing a company for issue of an AOC assesses a. The technical requirements on behalf of their own laws and the legal requirements on behalf of their own laws b. The technical requirements on behalf of the JAA and the legal requirements on behalf of their own laws c. The technical requirements on behalf of their own laws and the legal requirements on behalf of the JAA
20) When can an aircraft fly without being registered? a. When being flown under ‘A’ condition of the ANO b. When flying it under a Ferry Certificate for export c. When being flown under ‘B’ conditions of the ANO
21) Radio equipment is required to be carried on board the aircraft as it is a. Prerequisite to issue of a C of A b. Prerequisite to issue of an AOC c. Prerequisite to issue of a C of R
22) A pilot who carries out approved maintenance on his own light aircraft must a. report it to the CAA b. have it inspected by a licenced engineer
c. enter the details in the aircraft logbooks quoting his pilot’s licence number
23) The responsibility for compiling an operations manual lies with a. The operator b. The manufacturer c. The CAA
24) Who is responsible for producing the Crew Manual? a. The operator b. The manufacturer c. The CAA
25) Logbooks under JAR OPS 1 are required to be retained for a period of a. 21 month after the aircraft has been released to service b. 12 month after the aircraft has been permanently withdrawn from service c. 24 month after the date of the last entry in the appropriate logbook
26) The minimum experience requirements for a C1 base certifying engineer are a. 5 years experience as a A1 certifying mechanic b. 3 years experience as a B1 or B2 certifying technician c. 8 years relative experience
27) A type rated engineer, certifying work completed by other tradesmen is responsible for
a. Inspecting all part of the work b. Sample inspection of the work c. Inspecting all parts of the work and the paperwork
28) JAR 145 certification of commercial air transport aircraft exceeding 13610kg is not required for a. The certifications of pre-flight inspections b. The rectification of defects c. Daily checks with duration not exceeding 48 hours
29) The definition of a mandatory occurrence is given in a. BCAR section A b. The ANO c. Airworthiness Notices
30) Following the implementation of JAR66 who will be able to certify a CRS on a commercial air transport aircraft maintained by a JAR 145 organizations? a. A holder of an appropriate WTR having passed an approved course b. A person with company approval c. A holder of a type rated licence with company authorisation
31) Where is the period of validity of an aircraft's CMR printed a. On the maintenance statement b. On the approval document to the maintenance schedule c. On the organisation’s schedule of approval
32) When an aircraft is grounded for parts, the expiry date of the CMR a. Is extended to include the time grounded b. Is brought forward c. Remains unaltered
33) A C of A for export a. Allows the aircraft to be exported b. Allows the aircraft to fly to its destination c. Doesn’t necessarily allow the aircraft to be flown to its destination
34) A JAA Form 1 issued by an approved overhaul company is not valid until it is signed by a. A type rated licensed engineer b. A person approved by the NAAA c. An inspector
35) Acceptable Deferred Defects (ADDs) are recorded in a. The aircraft log books b. The grey pages of the Modification Record Book c. The tech log
36) A defect rectified on a worksheet must be a. Attached to the tech log page and filed in the aircraft file b. Cross referenced to the tech log or to the work pack depending on when it was recorded and placed in the aircraft file c. Certified in the tech log or the work pack depending on when it was recorded and placed in the aircraft file
37) Information on the classification of acceptable deferred defects is to be found in a. The aircraft log books b. The approval document or the maintenance schedule c. The company’s procedure manual
38) When must details of defects be transferred from the hangar work pack to the aircraft log book? a. As soon after the event as possible but not later than 7 days after the expiry date of the CMR b. Within 10 days after the event c. As soon after the event as possible but not later than 10 days after the event
39) An airship maintenance organisation would require approval under a. JAR 145 b. BCAR A8-18 c. BCAR chap A8-15
40) Where would you find details of the tasks that the holder of a private pilot's licence can do on his own aircraft if it has a C of A in the private category? a. BCAR A8-15 b. Joint Aviation Requirement 145 c. Air Navigation Regulations
41) A reportable accident is one which occurs a. From the moment a person steps on board for the purpose of flight until the aircraft stops b. From the moment a person steps on board for the purpose of flight until the aircraft returns and all person have disembarked c. Between the times when the aircraft takes off and lands
42) A LAE with a 'C' rating can become involved with the certification of a. Radio and radio installation b. The compass system c. Part of the autopilot system
43) When an unserviceable component is removed from an aircraft and replaced with a different component to carry out the same function is classified as a. Modification b. Repair c. Acceptable alternate part
44) An aircraft used for public transport must have a. Permit for flight b. An AOC c. Fitness for flight
45) When does a CMR become valid? a. When written b. Every 4 month c. When issued
46) What information is contained on yellow Airworthiness notices? a. General information b. Technical information, some of which is marked as mandatory c. Safety matters
47) What happens to a 'hard time' component when removed from an aircraft? a. Inspected and if serviceable can be replaced b. Certified as serviceable and placed in quarantine store c. Scrapped or returned for overhaul
48) A vital point inspection is carried out a. Following disturbance of an aircraft part where mal-assembly could cause catastrophic failure b. At all scheduled maintenance inspections c. Only on transport category aircraft over 5700kg MTMA
49) Where is the definition of MOR to be found? a. ANGR b. ANO articles c. BCAR section A
50) Information on bogus parts may be found in a. BCAR Section A b. IEM 145.30 to JAR 145.30 c. Airworthiness Notice 19
51) Since JAR 145 came into effect a. It applies only to transport passenger aircraft b. It has replaced the relevant chapters of BCAR Section A c. It will list the minimum requirements acceptable to the CAA
52) An organisation carrying out maintenance on a private category aircraft exceeding 13610 kg must have a. BCAR Section A8-13 approval b. BCAR Section A8-3 approval c. JAR 145 approval
53) In order to obtain a type rating a. Work on the type for 6 months in the last 24 months b. Have a manufacturer’s course within the last 3 years c. Must work on aircraft for 6 month within the last 24 months
54) Aircraft and aircraft component records must be retained by a JAR 145 approved organisation for a period of a. Three years after the aircraft/ component is permanently removed from service or destroyed b. Two years after the aircraft/ component has been released from the JAR 145 approved organization c. 5 years after the aircraft/ component has been released from the JAR 145 approved maintenance organization
55) A JAR 145 Approved company's Quality Assurance Department a. Must be part of the company b. Must also have BCAR approval before issuing JAA Form 1 Certificates
c. Can be contracted out to another JAR 145 approved company
56) The staffing requirements for an organisation approved to undertake maintenance on commercial transport aircraft are to be found in a. JAR E.25D b. JAR 145.30 c. JAR 25.13
57) Qualification requirements for engineers employed by a JAR 145 approved maintenance organisation are to be found in a. JAR 145.20 b. JAR 25 c. JAR 66
58) JAR are printed by a. JAA b. ACAO c. IATA
59) What is the wording of ACJ a. Aircraft Circular Joint b. Advisory Circular Joint c. Approval Circular Joint
60) JAR 145 approved organisations are approved to maintain
a. All UK registered aircraft above 5700kg MTMA b. All UK registered aircraft in the transport and aerial work categories c. Any JAA country’s registered commercial aircraft exceeding 13610kg MTMA in any C of A category provided the organization has the appropriate ratings
61) How is pressurisation cycles counted? a. Optional records dependent on CAA requirements for the aircraft type b. Are recorded as an additional entry on the tech log and transferred to aircraft log c. Not counted since there is no requirements for their inclusion in the aircraft log books
62) If an ADD is raised in the technical log a. It is transferred to the aircraft log book b. It is left on the tech log page until rectified c. It is transferred to the ADD sheets which form part of the technical log
63) In respect of a CRS signatory the certificate can be made only when a. He has inspected all work done and paperwork b. He has ensured all aspects of work have been carried out c. He is sure he has company approval
64) How many people sign a CRS after scheduled maintenance inspection? a. One b. One in each licence category in respect to aircraft and system
c. One Airframe and one Avionics
65) When accepting parts for use on an aircraft the person must a. Inspect condition and serviceability of item b. Check item has a green serviceable label c. Check item is to the design of authorised Release Certificate
66) Certification requirements for a transport passenger aircraft are to be found in a. The aircraft maintenance manual b. The approval document to the maintenance schedule c. The company approval document
67) On completion of the overhaul of an aircraft component by an overhaul organisation a. The work sheets with a CRS are placed in the aircraft file with the log books b. The work sheets are retained by the overhaul organization in their own files c. The work sheets with a CRS are retained by the overhaul organization and JAR Form 1 is issued to customer
68) An alert bulletin printed by the manufacturer of a British constructed aircraft is a. Classified as mandatory by the CAA and will be followed by an incorporation in the publication CAP 476
b. A recommended modification to the aircraft
69) Total engine hours expended may be determined from information given in a. The aircraft log book b. The engine log book c. The maintenance statement
70) Mandatory modifications are a. Modifications of an urgent nature b. Modifications which are approved on an airworthiness approval note c. Modifications which ensure continued airworthiness
71) Information contained in the ANO is a. Of a mandatory nature where safety is concerned b. Of legal nature in all sections and is therefore mandatory c. Written in compliance with the Civil Aviation Act of 1982 ratifying ICAO convention
72) Compliance with the ANO is restricted to a. Aircraft and their equipment which are on the United Kingdom and Commonwealth registers b. Aircraft and their equipment which are on the United Kingdom civil register only
73) British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) are printed by a. CAA b. JAA
c. HMSO (Her Majesty’s Stationary Office)
74) An organisation approved by the CAA to an overhaul and repair aircraft engines must first comply with a. BCAR Chapter A-13 b. JAR 145 c. BCAR Chapter A8-15
75) Amendments to BCAR Sections A & B are by way of a. Blue papers b. Yellow papers c. Grey papers
76) The technical requirements for the design and construction of aircraft engines are found in a. Joint Aviation Requirement 25 b. Joint Aviation Requirement E c. BCAR Section P
77) A quarantine store is a part of an approved store where a. Aircraft parts are placed whilst awaiting delivery to customer b. Aircraft parts are placed, once they have been proved to confirm to specification c. Aircraft parts are placed, until they have been proved to conform to specification
78) A prototype engine is defined as a. A type of engine which has not been evaluated by the CAA before for the purpose of the issue of a British Type Certificate b. A new engine but similar to one previously investigated by the CAA for issue of British Type Certificate c. A foreign built engine which has been issued with type certificates by both the airworthiness authority of the country of origin and British CAA
79) An aircraft with a transport category C of A cannot be flown for hire and reward except a. Under the terms of an aircraft dealers certificate b. Under the terms of an air operators certificate c. Under the terms of an aerial work certificate
80) Which of the following manuals would be referred to when checking the airworthiness directive of a British built aircraft? a. CAA additional directives CAP 473 b. FAD volume 3 CAP 474 c. CAP 476 Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary
81) FAA Airworthiness Directives are amended by a. Blue papers b. Bi-weekly listings c. Monthly issue numbers and dates
82) The publication CAA Additional Airworthiness Directives CAP 473 is amended by
a. Bi-weekly listings, since the publication covers additions to FAA Airworthiness Directive b. A letter of transmittal c. Monthly issue numbers and dates
83) An Airworthiness Directive carried out to a propeller of American construction fitted to British built aircraft below 5700kg MTMA would be certified in a. The propeller log b. The aircraft log c. The modification record book
84) If an Airworthiness Directive has not been complied within the flying hour limitations given in the directive, what would this have to the engine? a. The approved engineer can award an extension to the compliance time to enable the engine to remain in operation b. The engine and thus the aircraft is grounded until the directive has been complied with c. The aircraft can be certified fit for flight under ‘A’ conditions of the ANO and continue operations for the period of validity of the certificate
85) The certification requirements for scheduled and non-scheduled mandatory inspections, overhauls and repairs are to be found in a. The aircraft maintenance manual 05-10-00 b. The organization schedule of approval c. The approval document to the aircraft maintenance schedule 86) The purpose of a CRS is a. To comply with ANO article 15
b. To turn log book/ job card in a legal document to ensure signatory takes full responsibility for work done c. To ensure that log book entry is complete
87) A hard time component inspection involves a. An in-situ function test b. Removal of a component, its inspection and refitting c. Replacement with a new or overhauled component
88) Duplicate inspections are a. Inspections certified by an approval signatory or LAE and certified by a second approved signatory or LAE b. Inspection signed by a mechanic and countersigned by an approved signatory or LAE c. Inspections which have to be duplicated but which can finally be certified by a one approved signatory or LAE
89) A duplicate inspection must be certified a. After CRS is certified b. Before CRS is certified c. Doesn’t matter where it is written, so long as it is included in the log book entry
90) If an engine fuel control is disturbed a. The whole fuel control system must be inspected again in duplicate b. The part disturbed must be in inspected again c. The part disturbed must be inspected again in duplicate
91) The certificate of maintenance review (CMR) is required by
a. All aircraft on British Register b. All transport and aerial work aircraft on the British Register c. All transport and aerial work aircraft over 2730kg
92) When related to aeronautical engineering, the term 'Inspection' is defined in the publication a. ANO article 11 b. BCAR Section L c. Airworthiness Notice (AWN)3
93) Log books are required for all aircraft on the British Register a. Together with one for each engine and one for each variable pitch propeller b. Together with one for each engine c. Together with one for each engine and for the propellers
94) Aircraft log books a. Can only be flown in the aircraft to which they relate when the tech log is not available b. Must never be flown in the aircraft which they relate c. Are designed to be used in the air for the recording of defects and then to be transferred onto the tech log
95) An aircraft technical log forms a a. Permanent history of the aircraft b. Part of the certificate of airworthiness for transport category aircraft c. Day to day history of the aircraft
96) Which of the following documents forms part of the tech log a. Air operators certificate b. Maintenance statement c. Type certificate data sheet
97) Technical laws relating to Civil Aviation are contained in a. The civil aviation act 1982 b. Civil aircraft airworthiness information and procedures c. The air navigation order
98) Technical and administrative information is circulated to licensed engineers, aircraft owners, and approved organisations a. Airworthiness notices b. ANO revisions c. General Regulations, revisions to CAP 393
99) Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Information and Procedures a. Contain information of a mandatory nature b. Are a guide to the general maintenance of aircraft c. Contain approved inspection schedules
100) British Civil Airworthiness Requirements a. Specify the minimum qualifications for aircrew and engineers b. Give technical information c. List the minimum design requirements for aircraft
101) An aircraft flying on Commercial Transport operations requires
a. To be maintained by a B1 approved organisation b. To be maintained by a JAR 145 approved organisation c. To be maintained by a A1 approved organisation
102) A British aircraft manufacturer must apply for a Certificate of Airworthiness to the a. ICAO b. Department of Trade and Industry c. SRG of the CAA
103) Certificate of Maintenance Review (CMR) comes into force a. When issued b. When it is signed c. When it is placed in the aircraft
104) The categories of C of A acceptable for UK registered aircraft are listed in a. CAAIP leaflet AL-8-2 b. ANO Schedule 3 c. BCAR Section A Chapter A8-13
105) The scale of equipment required to be carried by public transport category aircraft is laid down in ANO a. Article 4 b. Schedule 5 c. Schedule 4
106) The period of validity of a Certificate of airworthiness is a. 12 month b. Stated on the certificate c. 3 years
107) An aircraft in the Transport Category (Passenger): a. May transport passengers on approved routes only b. May carry passenger on c. May be used for any purpose
108) A Certificate of Maintenance Review (CMR) is made out a. In duplicate for aircraft and owner b. Once only for the owner c. In triplicate fro owner, aircraft and CAA
109) A Design Certificate certifies that a. The design organization has been approved b. All necessary requirement of BCAR have been complied with c. The drawings have been approved by the chief designer
110) The Certificate of Registration of an aircraft a. Is valid for 12 months b. Is valid provided an approved maintenance c. Must be renewed if a change of ownership occurs
111) Log books are initially provided by a. The operator b. The manufacturer c. The CAA
112) Which of the following documents must be carried on an aircraft when flying for international public transport? a. Engine log book b. Air Operator Certificate c. Certificate of Registration
113) A Certificate of Release to Service states that a. A task has been carried out in accordance with JAR 145 b. An operator has satisfied the CAA of his competence c. The aircraft has been maintained to an approved schedule
114) Which of the following is not contained in the Tech Log? a. Certificate of Maintenance Review b. Weight and cg schedule c. List of acceptable deferred defects
115) You would expect to find information on ground handling of aircraft in the a. Aircraft maintenance manual b. Aircraft overhaul manual c. Flight manual
116) ATA Specification No. 100 is a. An internally agreed maintenance schedule b. A system of numbering chapters and section of manuals c. A statement of international airworthiness requirements 117) Maintenance records must be retained for a. Six month b. Until CAA approval has been given to destroy them c. 2 years after engine, aircraft or propeller has left the JAR 145 organization
118) Where would you find legislation governing Nationality and Registration Marks on UK registered aircraft? a. ANO b. CAAIP c. BCAR
119) A Certificate of Maintenance Review has to be raised a. Defect rectification b. Specific intervals c. Major overhaul
120) A quarantine store holds a. Holds life controlled items only b. Holds parts and materials received from overseas c. Materials and parts until proved to conform specification
121) A bonded store holds
a. Parts and materials until released by H.M. Customs b. Aeronautical supplied proved to conform to specification c. Aeronautical supplies which have failed to conform
122) A mandatory modification a. Must be carried out before the current inspection cycle is completed b. Must be embodied before the next flight c. Is a modification which the CAA considers necessary to ensure continued airworthiness of the aircraft
123) A modification document contains at a minimum a. Modification reference number, issue number, data, description, and list of parts b. Modification reference number , data, description c. Modification reference number and description
124) A concession is authority a. For permanent reduction of a requirement b. To accept a limited quantity of sub-standard parts c. Not to embody a modification
125) Which of the following is typical of the number granted to a JAR 145 approved organisation? a. AI/0000/83 b. DA/0000/67 c. CAA 00027
126) Variable load is weight of a. Fuel, oil and non-expandable equipment relevant to role b. Crew, their baggage and equipment relevant to role c. Basic weight plus operating weight
127) A log book is required for each engine, a. Fixed propeller, aircraft b. Airframe, APU c. Each V.P. propeller, aircraft
128) Technical logs are mandatory for the following groups a. Transport Category plus aerial work b. Transport Category plus Private c. Private plus Special Category
129) Rectification of defects should be entered in appropriate log books a. Immediately reported b. Within seven days of expiration of Certification of Maintenance Review c. Before expiration of Certificate of Maintenance Review
130) A Certificate of Maintenance Review must be retained for a. Two years after expiry of period of validity b. Six month after date of issue
c. Two years after date of issue
131) A flight manual a. Forms part of the certificate of Registration b. Forms part of the certificate of Airworthiness c. Contains information for the crew only
132) Maintenance Schedules are produced by the a. CAA Airworthiness division b. Approved maintenance organization c. Manufacturer with CAA approval
133) Where would you find details of inspections and classification of damage and repairs to aircraft? a. Repair Manual b. Maintenance Manual c. Flight Manual
134) If after a duplicate inspection, the control system is disturbed in any way before flight, a. The whole duplicate inspection must be repeated b. That part which has been disturbed shall be re-inspected in duplicate c. The second part only of the duplicate inspection must be repeated
135) A Certificate of Maintenance Review is necessary after a. Refuelling an aircraft b. Any task affecting airworthiness of the aircraft
c. A specified number of hours from the issue of the previous one
136) Are CAAIP mandatory? a. Only selected parts which are in BCAR b. Nothing in CAAIP is mandatory c. Yes, but only for six month a time
137) The aircraft captain records the aircraft hours flown and defects in a. Aircraft Log Book b. Maintenance Statement c. Technical Log 138) A Technical Log is originated by a. Operator b. CAA c. Manufacturer
139) Where would you find mandatory instrument markings and warning plaques? a. Maintenance schedule b. Flight Manual c. Aircraft log book
140) Who produces and prints servicing schedules? a. CAA for Air Operator Organizations b. CAA and approved by the manufacturer c. Aircraft manufacturer and in some cases the operator, and approved by CAA
141) Details of International Aircraft markings on the UK register will be found in a. BCAR b. ANO c. Flight Manual and Certificate of Airworthiness
142) When a minor adjustment to a control system has been made away from base, a pilot or flight engineer may sign, if licensed for the type concerned a. Both parts of a duplicate inspection b. Neither part of the duplicate inspection c. The second part of a duplicate inspection
143) An aircraft flying for public transport requires a. Air Operator Certificate b. Air Transport Certificate c. Air Owners Certificate
144) What has to be certified following a modification to a public transport aircraft a. Certificate of Modification b. Certificate of Release to Service c. Certificate of Maintenance Review
145) What work has to be recorded and signed for? a. Only work involving replacements b. Only work which entails a duplicate inspection c. All work carried out
146) Who can sign a Certificate of Release to Service? a. Only a licensed engineer b. A licence engineer or approved inspector c. Anyone who has work on the particular task
147) Where is the wording of the Certificate of Release to service laid down a. CAAIP b. Technical log c. BCAR and AMC 145.50b
148) What should not be kept in Quarantine or Bonded Store a. Commercial stores b. Engine spares c. Aircraft spares 149) Where can information on overhaul and replacement periodicities be found? a. Technical log b. Maintenance Manual c. Flight Manual
150) When is a Certificate of Fitness for Flight under 'A' Conditions required a. To allow unregistered aircraft to fly for air test b. After a Certificate of Maintenance Review has been signed c. To allow an aircraft to fly on air test to check out modification
151) Who can sign a Certificate of Maintenance Review
a. The captain of the aircraft he holds an ATPL b. A multi category type rated Licence Engineer or person approved by the appropriate JAR 145 organization c. A Flight Engineer licensed for the aircraft type
152) Amendments to aircraft manuals a. Can be embodied by the chief supervisor or his delegates b. Are embodied by the operator and a copy forwarded to the CAA for approval c. Must not be done without written consent of the CAA
153) When is an Airworthiness Approval Note issued a. By the CAA to the operator to approve the fitting of a major modification b. On completion of a test flight for Certificate of Airworthiness c. After renewal of the Certificate of Maintenance Review
154) Above what weight is an Air Operators Certificate required? a. 2730 kg b. All aircraft for public transport c. 3600 kg
155) An aircraft radio licence has to be renewed a. Every three years b. Every five years c. Annually and on change of ownership
156) If the operator varies the content of the maintenance schedule, what action must be taken? a. Amend the Maintenance Schedule b. Await CAA approval before amending the Maintenance Schedule c. Amend the Maintenance Schedule and seek the CAA approval
157) Who has to approve all Maintenance Schedules before they can be used? a. The Department of Trade and Industry b. The operator or his delegated maintenance organization c. The Safety Regulation Group of the CAA
158) A Certificate of Release to Service must be issued after a. A repair has been carried out in accordance with an approved repair scheme b. A re-fuel has been done c. All pre-departure inspection
159) Mandatory Warning Plaques and symbols must be displayed a. In the cabin only if they are legible b. On all flights c. They need not be displayed if they are incorporated in the flight manual 160) The responsibilities for certification of aircraft are laid down in a. ANO b. ANO (General) Regulation c. Airworthiness Notice 3
161) Reportable occurrences are defined in
a. ANO schedules b. ANO articles c. BCAR
162) An aircraft captain can authorize temporary repairs while away from base a. It satisfied that the aircraft is safe to return to base b. Only if authorised to sign the Certificate of Release to Service c. If safe to fly to nearest authorised maintenance organization to issue a CRS
163) Maintenance Schedules are issued a. With an approval document by the CAA b. In a folder with the operators name on the cover c. Only if authorised to sign the Certificate of Release to Service
164) Approval of minor modifications to applicants other than design organizations is given by a. Issue of a letter of approval b. Issue of a form AD261 c. Issue of an Airworthiness Approval letter
165) When NIL defects are entered by a captain in the tech log a. A Certificate of Release to Service must be issued, nothing NIL defects b. All copies of this entry must be renewed before flight c. One copy is kept on the ground
166) Deferred defects are recorded on
a. The deferred defect manual b. Acceptable deferred defect sheet, part of the tech log c. The technical manual
167) The carriage of a technical log is mandatory for all aircraft registered in the UK a. Registered in the UK b. Registered in the UK on international flight only c. Registered in the UK which have a Certificate of Maintenance Review
168) An aircraft is awaiting spares, what effect has this on the Certificate of Maintenance Review a. None, it remains unchanged b. Deduct time c. Add time
169) If an engine is inhibited where is it recorded? a. Airframe log book b. Engine log book c. Flight manual
170) When extra documents are used for maintenance recovery and are too numerous to list in the aircraft log book a. Obtain new log book and cross refer to the original log book b. Enter brief details in log book and retain documents c. Enter brief details in the log books and cross refer to a work pack 171) You are the pilot of an aircraft which sustains major structural damage facilitating major repair, who would you inform?
a. The safety regulation group of the CAA b. Chief inspector of accidents c. The approval maintenance organization, responsible for its maintenance
172) After a mandatory inspection has been carried out by a licensed engineer, what is issued a. A flight release certificate b. A certificate of maintenance review c. Certificate of Release to Service
173) Aircraft components released for service from a JAR 145 approved overhaul organisation must do so under cover of a. JAA form 1 b. JAA form 10 c. CAA form 268A
174) Under what conditions can an aircraft fly on air test if the Certificate of Airworthiness has run out a. A clearance certificate b. ‘A’ condition c. ‘B’ condition
175) Mandatory occurrences should be reported to a. Department of trade and industry b. Chief inspector of accidents c. Safety date and analysis units of the CAA
176) A work pack gives details of a. The aircraft weight, C of G and loading particulars b. The task carried out in order to implement particular part of the maintenance programme c. All documents required to be carried in the aircraft during flight
177) How would you ensure that a foreign imported aircraft complied with BCAR a. Check the aircraft log books against BCAR b. Check the aircraft log books against schedule 4 of the ANO c. Check the aircraft against CAP 480 and the British type certificate
178) Aircraft components released for service from a JAR 145 approved overhaul organisation must do so under cover of a. JAA form 1 b. JAA form10 c. CAA form 268A
179) A British type certificate is a pre-requisite to issue a. A British C of A for export b. A British Certificate of Airworthiness c. A Permit to fly
180) The wording for the CRS when certifying a private category aircraft is laid down in a. ANO Article 11 & schedule 7 b. JAR 145.50b c. BCAR Sect A & B/6-2
181) A work pack gives details of a. The aircraft weight, C of G and loading particulars b. The task carried out in order to implement particular part of the maintenance programme c. All documents required to be carried in the aircraft during flight
182) How would you ensure that a foreign imported aircraft complied with BCAR a. Check the aircraft log books against BCAR b. Check the aircraft log books against schedule 4 of the ANO c. Check the aircraft against CAP 480 and the British type certificate
183) Aircraft components released for service from a JAR 145 approved overhaul organisation must do so under cover of a. JAA form 1 b. JAA form10 c. CAA form 268A
184) A British type certificate is a pre-requisite to issue a. A British C of A for export b. A British Certificate of Airworthiness c. A Permit to fly
185) The wording for the CRS when certifying a private category aircraft is laid down in a. ANO Article 11 & schedule 7 b. JAR 145.50b
c. BCAR Sect A & B/6-2
186) Overhaul manuals are compiled and supplied by a. The aircraft manufacturer b. The component manufacturer c. Chapter 24 electrical power
187) Securing wire bundles information is found in a. Introduction b. Chapter 24 electrical power c. Standard practices
188) Which type of diagram shows cable codes or wire numbers? a. Wiring diagram only b. Schematic diagram c. Both schematic and wiring diagrams
189) Zone numbers which help to locate a particular component are found in a. Wiring diagram only b. Both schematic and wiring diagrams c. Schematic diagram
190) Which part of the structural repair manual gives information on special protective treatments a. Fuselage Chapter 53 b. Wings Chapter 57 c. Structures – General Chapter 51
191) Overhaul manuals are compiled and supplied by a. The aircraft manufacturer b. The component manufacturer c. The aircraft operator
192) Bonding of metal for lightning strike on composite materials a. Does not need bonding as frame is an insulator b. Have cages with secondary bonding arrangements c. Is bonded by connecting together with primary bonding connections
193) When using a bonding tester a. The single probe is permanently connected b. The dual probe is permanently connected c. Both probes are permanently connected
194) Before conducting an insulation test all filament should be a. Bridged b. Removed c. Earthed
195) An acceptable resistance value for a galley lighting circuit is a. 2 mega ohms
b. 1 mega ohms c. 5 mega ohms
196) To find details of electrical connector assembly you would refer to a. Chapter 20 and 91 of the appropriate manual b. Chapter 20 of the appropriate manual c. Chapter 20 and 94 of the appropriate manual
197) Standard circuit symbols will be found in a. ATA 200 specification b. ATA 100 specification c. British Standard 3939
198) In practice circuit symbols used in production of aircraft wiring diagrams will a. Always be found in aircraft maintenance manual chapter 20 b. Always be found in standard specification c. Normally be found in standard specification
199) The final element of a schematic wiring diagram will normally be a. Issue 1,2,3 etc b. Sheet 1,2,3 c. 101,201,301 etc
200) A service bulletin with a red top a. Originates from company quality department b. Is an alert bulletin from the manufacturer
c. Originates from CAA
201) Electrical symbols are found in a. Standard practices b. Introduction c. Chapter 24 electrical power
202) Securing wire bundles information is found in a. Introduction b. Chapter 24 electrical power c. Standard practices
203) Which type of diagram shows cable codes or wire numbers? a. Wiring diagram only b. Schematic diagram c. Both schematic and wiring diagrams
204) Zone numbers which help to locate a particular component are found in a. Wiring diagram only b. Both schematic and wiring diagrams c. Schematic diagram
205) Which part of the structural repair manual gives information on special protective treatments a. Fuselage Chapter 53 b. Wings Chapter 57 c. Structures – General Chapter 51
206) Amendments to Maintenance Manual by manufacturer are given by a. A letter of instruction b. A letter of transmittal c. A letter of amendment
207) ATA 100 manual layout the airframe SYSTEM group occupies a. 51-57 b. 5-12 c. 20-49
208) Which element in the ATA number 24-16-01 refers to the chapter? a. 24 b. 01 c. 16
209) Service bulletins are issued by the a. CAA b. Manufacturer c. Aircraft operator
210) In maintenance manual description and operation is covered in page block a. 101-199 b. 201-299 c. 1-99
211) JARs, when implemented a. Will succeed BCARs b. Will succeed FARs c. Will be an alternative to BCARs
212) Where is the period of validity of CMR stated? a. In the maintenance statement b. On the CMR c. In the maintenance schedule
213) If, at a major check, there is too much documentation to go into the log book a. all documentation pack should be attached to log book b. a new log book is raised c. the documentation is stored elsewhere and the logbook is cross referred to it
214) What can an A1 licensed engineer sign for? a. Minor Scheduled Line Maintenance tasks on turbine engine aircraft b. Minor Scheduled Line Maintenance tasks on piston engine aircraft c. Minor Scheduled Line Maintenance tasks on turbine engine helicopters
215) What approval would you need to maintain airships? a. A8 – 18 b. JAR 145 with two sections of A8 – 18 c. JAR A
216) Where would you find the syllabus for a JAR-145 organisation certifying staff? a. JAR 147 b. JAR 145 c. JAR 66
217) Who is responsible for monitoring company compliance to JAR-145? a. Accountable Manager b. Quality Manager c. Base Maintenance Manager 218) Aircraft that are not regulated by EASA a. remain regulated under ANO b. remain regulated under JAR c. remain regulated under FAR 219) European Commissions Regulation (EC) No: 2042/2003 - Annex 1 (Part M) is about a. JAR-OPS b. Aircraft Operations c. continued airworthiness aircraft and aeronautical products 220) Info about AMC of Part-M, Part-145 and Part-66 is found in a. JAR-OPS b. EASA Decision No: 2003/19/RM c. BCAR's 221) By when do BCAR licensed aircraft maintenance engineers have to conform to EASA Part-66? a. 2001 b. 2006 c. 2011 222) What does JAR stand for? a. Joint Aviation Requirements b. Joint Airworthiness Requirements c. Joint Airworthiness Regulations 223) To what does a B1-3 License apply to? a. helicopter with turbines, their engines, airframes and electrics
b. helicopters with piston engines, their engines, airframes and electrics c. light aircraft with piston engines 224) What can an A1 licensed engineer sign for? a. Minor Scheduled Line Maintenance tasks on piston engine aircraft b. Minor Scheduled Line Maintenance tasks on turbine engine aircraft c. Minor Scheduled Line Maintenance tasks on turbine engine helicopters 225) When the block CRS is finally issued for base maintenance at a JAR 145 organisation, who is ultimately responsible for maintenance carried out during the check a. The Category B LAE b. The Category C LAE c. The accountable manager 226) The JAR 145 approval is not required to carry out a. Pre flight checks b. Daily checks ( as long as 48 hours has not passed) c. Defect rectification 227) Where would you find the requirement and syllabus for a maintenance licence a. JAR 145 / part 145 b. JAR 66 / part 66 c. JAR 147 / part 147 228) An approved JAR 145 organisation is one which is a. of a standard acceptable to the CAA and the FAA b. of a standard as defined in the ANO c. of a standard acceptable to the JAA 229) A certificate of maintenance review is a. Is not required for all transport aircraft maintained under JAR145 / part 145 b. Required for all transport aircraft maintained under JAR145 / part 145 c. Is required for all aircraft over 5300kg MTWA 230) What is an “ Exposition ” a. A document which sets out details of an organisation b. A document which sets out details of a maintenance organisation
c. A document which sets out details of how maintenance work is carried out 231) A B2 Licence applies to a. line maintenance on airframe structure b. line maintenance on electrical systems and avionics c. line maintenance on airframe structure and power plants 232) Flight data recorder data relevant to a MOR must be kept for a. 7 b. 14 days c. 6 month 233) EASA part / JAR 145.A.60 Occurrence reporting must be made within a. 72 hours b. 96 hours c. 10 days 234) CAA CAP 382 MOR reporting must be made within (may be adjusted to question 3 soon) a. 72 hours b. 96 hours c. 10 days 235) How long does a JAR-145 approved organisation have to retain aircraft documentation? a. One year after the aircraft has been permanently withdrawn from service b. Two years after the aircraft has been released from the organisation c. Five years after the aircraft has been permanently withdrawn from service 236) The time scale for retaining training records within JAR- / part 147 school is a. 5 years after the completion of the course b. 5 years after the candidate leaves the course c. 2 years after the candidate leaves the course 237) For which type of maintenance do you need JAR /part 145 approval a. Pre-Flight Daily b. Hanger Base Maintenance c. Weekly check 238) Who is responsible for publishing JAR’s
a. ICAO b. NAA c. JAA 239) JAR stands for a. Joint Aviation Regulations b. Joint Aviation Requirements c. Joint Aircraft Requirements 240) JAA stands for a. Joint Aviation Authorities b. Joint Aviation Agency c. Joint Aircraft Authorities cycle 241) As per definition component means a. engine or airframe b. any engine, propeller, part or appliance c. airframe, engine & propellers 242) As per definition certifying staff means personnel responsible for the ___________ after maintenance a. sign off b. release of an aircraft or a component c. the log book 243) All of the processes ensuring that, at any time in its operating life, the aircraft complies with the airworthiness requirements in force and is in a condition for safe operation a. is the definition for continuing airworthiness b. is the definition for aircraft monitoring c. is the definition for JAR-/EASA-OPS M 244) Large aircraft per definition means an aircraft, classified as an aeroplane with a maximum take-off mass of more than a. 5,700 kg b. 5,700 kg, or a multi-engine helicopter c. 5,700 lbs
245) any one or combination of overhaul, repair, inspection, replacement, modification or defect rectification of an aircraft or component, with the exception of pre-flight inspection a. is the definition for repair
b. is the definition for maintenance c. is the definition for continuing airworthiness 246) The inspection carried out before flight to ensure that the aircraft is fit for the intended flight a. is the definition for a pre-flight inspection b. is the definition for a daily inspection c. is the definition for a ETOPS-Inspection 247) The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall consist of, as appropriate, a. aircraft, engine & propeller logbooks b. aircraft logbook, engine logbook(s) or engine module log cards, propeller logbook(s) and log cards, for any service life limited component and the operator's technical log c. aircraft logbook, engine logbook(s) or engine module log cards, propeller logbook(s) and log cards, for any service life limited component 248) The aircraft continuing airworthiness records shall contain the a. current AD's; status of modifications and repairs; status of compliance with maintenance programme; status of service life limited components; list of deferred maintenance b. current AD's; status of modifications and repairs; status of compliance with maintenance programme; status of service life limited components; mass and balance report c. current AD's; status of modifications and repairs; status of compliance with maintenance programme; status of service life limited components; mass and balance report; list of deferred maintenance 249) As per EC No 2042/2003 an operator shall ensure that the aircraft technical log is retained for ____ months after the date of the last entry. a. 24 b. 36 c. 48 250) The maintenance of components shall be performed by appropriately approved Subpart F or a. Part-145 maintenance b. Part-21 maintenance c. Part-27 maintenance
251) The regulation which establishes the measures to be taken to ensure that airworthiness is maintained, including maintenance is a. part 66 b. part 145 c. part M 252) Part M applies to a. Commercial aircraft b. Private and commercial aircraft c. Private aircraft only 253) The organisation involved in maintenance of large or commercial aircrafts and components is a. a part M company b. a part 145 company c. a part 66 company 254) A part 145 company must have a. part 66 licensed and part 147 trained personnel b. part 66 licensed personnel c. part 147 trained personnel 255) To perform aircraft maintenance a part ____ approved company must perform the work per part _____ with part ____ certified personnel being trained by a part ____ company. a. M , 145 , 66 , 147 b. 145 , M , 147 , 66 c. 145 , M , 66 , 147 256) The JAR 145 approval is not required to carry out a. Pre flight checks b. Daily checks ( as long as 48 hours has not passed) c. Defect rectification 257) The turbine engine aircraft certifying mechanic has a a. Cat B2 licence b. Cat A1 licence c. Cat A2 licence 258) The piston engine aircraft certifying mechanic has a Cat a. B1.1 licence b. Cat A1 licence c. Cat A2 licence
259) The piston engine helicopter certifying mechanic has a Cat a. A3 licence b. A4 licence c. B1.3 licence 260) The turbine engine helicopter certifying mechanic has a Cat a. A3 licence b. A2 licence c. A1 261) The Cat ‘A’ licence is a ________ based licence. a. avionics b. engine c. mechanical 262) A Cat A mechanic cans issue CRS a. within the limits of his authorisation b. for simple tasks c. for all tasks he has been trained for 263) After the required 800 hours for an A1 or 600 hours part 147 basic training for an A2 licence, practical line maintenance experience of a. 6 month is required b. 1 year is required c. 2 years is required
264) Self-Starter without any previous experience who have passed the theoretical exams for a Cat A licence require a. 3 years of work experience b. 2 years of work experience c. 1 year of work experience 265) The maintenance engineer who can sign a CRS for aeroplanes with turbine engines must have a a. B1.3 licence b. B1.2 licence c. B1.1 licence 266) The maintenance engineer who can sign a CRS for aeroplanes with piston engines must have a a. B1.4 licence
b. B1.3 licence c. B1.2 licence 267) The maintenance engineer who can sign a CRS for helicopters with turbine engines must have a a. B1.1 licence b. B1.3 licence c. B1.4 licence 268) The maintenance engineer who can sign a CRS for helicopters with piston engines must have a a. B1.2 licence b. B1.3 licence c. B1.4 licence 269) To be able to issue CRS for special avionics tasks you must have a a. B1 licence b. B2 licence c. Cat A.2 licence 270) The subdivisions of a B2 licence are a. B2 licence has no subdivisions b. B2.1 , B2.2 B2.3 & B2.4 c. B2 aeroplanes & B2 helicopters
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