Measurement is simply defined as the estimation or determination of extent dimension or capacity usually in relation to source standard or unit! Metrolo"y on the other hand is the study of measurement! The comparison must #e to standard as indicated #elo$! %tandard Comparision Mesurand
Process &Measurement'
&Comparision to a standard'
Fundamental Units Of Measure, SI System The %( system is the latest form of metric system and has t$o supplementary units )i* radian &for solid an"le' and steradian &for plane an"le' in addition to se)en #ase units of metre +" second ampere +el)in candela and mole for len"th mass time current thermo dynamic temperature luminous intensity and amount of su#stance respecti)ely! All other units can #e deri)ed from these ,uantities! The %( system is a comprehensi)e lo"ical and coherent system desi"ned for use in all #ranches of science en"ineerin" and technolo"y! technolo"y!
The sym#ols units and dimension of )arious mechanical electrical and ma"netic ,uantities are "i)en #elo$Quantity
Symbol Unit
Area Volume Frequency Density Velocity
M2 M3 Hz Kg/M3 M/S
L2 L3 T-1 ML-3 LT-1
Acceleration Force or!" energy $o%er Sur&ace tension '(arge $otential" Di&&erence em&
A F " ) $
M/S2 +,+e%ton .,+-M ,./S
* V" )
',A-S V
ML-3 LT-1 LT-2 MLT-2 ML2T-2 T ML2T-3-1
)lectric &iel0 strengt( esistance 'aacitance n0uctance Magnetic &lu Magnetic &iel0 strengt( Magnetic &lu 0ensity
Magnetic moti7e F &orce ,MMF S eluctance 8 $ermea5ility M $ole-strengt( Ψ )lectric &lu D )lectric &lu 0ensity 9 $ermitti7ity
A /%5 H/m 5 ' '/M2 F/m
M-1L-2T22 MLT-2-2 ML2T-2-1 TL L-2T M-1L-3T62
.ote- That the dimension for the electrical current ,uantity is &('!
1! I"#$O%UC#IO"
The de)ice used for comparin" the un+no$n ,uality $ith the unit of measurement or a standard ,uality is called the measurin" instrument! Measurement "enerally in)ol)es the use of an instrument as a means of determinin" a ,uantity or a )aria#le! The instrument assists a person to determine the )alue of an un+no$n ,uantity $hich could not other$ise #e measured #y this human facilities alone! The )alue of un+no$n ,uantity can #e determined #y direct method such as measurement of current #y ammeter or #y indirect method such as determination of resistance #y ammeter )oltmeter method! /irect measurin" instruments are most $idely used in en"ineerin" practice since they are the most simple and inexpensi)e ones and ena#le the measurements to #e made in the shortest possi#le time!
Measurement $or+ employs the follo$in" termsi
Instrument: A de)ice for determinin" the )alue or ma"nitude of a )aria#le or ,uantity!
ii Input signal: A si"nal applied to a de)ice element or system such as pressure applied to the input connection of a pressure transmitter! iii Output signal: A si"nal deli)ered or "enerated #y a de)ice element or system! i& 'ccuracy: The de"ree of conformity or closeness $ith $hich an instrument readin" approaches the true )alue of the )aria#le or ,uantity #ein" measured! ( Precision: A measure of the reproduci#ility of the measurement0 that is "i)en a )alue of a )aria#le precision means the de"ree to $hich successi)e measurements of the same )alue differ from one another! (i Sensiti&ity: The ratio of the output si"nal or response of the instrument to a chan"e of the input or measured )alue!
iiResolution: The smallest chan"e in measured
11 )$$O$S I" M)'SU$)M)"# (n practical measurement of ,uantities it is not possi#le to o#tain exact or perfect )alues! .o measurement may #e made $ith perfect accuracy the imperfections of a measurement are due to errors arisin" in course of practical measurements! Error may come from different sources and are usually classified under three main headin"s-
ross error: These are lar"ely human errors and include0 misreadin" of instruments incorrect ad3ustments ¶llax' and improper application of instruments and mista+es in computation!
*b+ Systematic )rrors: These are errors due to short comin"s of the instrument! %ome systematic errors are-
i! Constructions Errors! This is found in an instrument as indicated #y the manufacturers! The maximum tolerances $ithin $hich ,uantities measured #y the instrument should #e as indicated e!"! ( 14! ii! Effect of the en)ironment on the instrument &Am#ient condition error' e!"! temperature attitudes pressure e!t!c! iii! Error inherent in method used Example (
( A A
6(RR 6 ( Ar 6 ( Rr Rtr ( A6
R Rtr
r Rtr
et ( 6 8A R6199R r61R ( A6 (R6
199 199=1
8 6 :!;8A
1 199=1
8 6 9!98A
Relati)e error 6
9!98 8
x199 614
.o$ let (68A R6199Ω r619Ω ( A6 (R6
199 199=19
19 199=19
8 6:!8:8A 8 69!:8A 9!:8 8
Relati)e error 6
i)! Error due to a"ein" and $ear of e,uipment! Example- consider the measurement of a resistance #y the )oltmeter
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