Module 09 Part 2

April 22, 2018 | Author: Aviation World | Category: Sleep, Science, Shift Work, Self-Improvement, Stress (Biology)
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Module 09 Part 2...

Description 09.3. Social Psychology.

Question Number. 1. What is peer group pressure?. Opti Option on A. The The inf influ luen ence ce the the Hou House se of Lords ords have have over over the the Hou House se of omm ommon ons. s. Opti Option on !. Our beha behavi viou ourr inf influ luen ence ced d b" b" our our frie friend ndss and and col colle leag ague ues. s. Opti Option on . The The infl influe uenc ncee an indi indivi vidu dual al has has over over a grou group p of peop people le.. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. Our beh behav avio iour ur inf influ luen ence ced d b" our our fri frien ends ds and and col colle leag ague ues. s. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h. h.) ) &a &ara.*. a.*.1. 1.

Question Number. +. A regular behaviour of an individual is ,no#n as. Option A. the norm. Option !. habit. Option . culture. orrect Ans#er is. habit. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.h.- &ar &ar.+.(.+ .(.+..

Question ion Number. ). n a discussion/ the person #ho is most li,el" to be agreed #ith is. Option tion A. the the per person son #ho repe epeats the poin pointt most ost times imes.. Option !. the most argumentative person. Optio tion . the person #ith the highest status. or orrect ect Ans# ns#er is. is. the the per person #ith ith the the hig highest hest statu tatuss. $%plan $%planati ation. on. No refer referenc encee found found in A& A& '1( '1( or '10/ '10/ but this this is one one of the the proble problems ms found found #ith #ith pilot pilotss stee steep p coc,pit status gradient.

Question Nu Number. *. An en engineer #h #ho ha has de developed hi his o# o#n #a #a" of of pe performing a tas,. Option A. is in in re regular vi violation. Optio tion !. !. is im improving ma maintenan nance ef efficienc". c". Option tion . shoul hould d be be comm ommende ended d fo for hi his re resour ourcef cefulne ulnesss. orrect An Ans#er is is. is in in re regular vi violation. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.h.- &ar &ara.1. a.1.*. *.(. (.

Question Nu Number. (. The ai aim of of hu human fa factors pr programs #i #ithin an an or organi2ations is is. Optio Option n A. A. to saf safeg egua uard rd the the hea health lth and and safe safet" t" of main mainte tena nanc ncee pers person onne nell b" red reduc ucing ing acci accide dent ntss in the the #or,place. Optio Option n !. !. to opt optim imi2 i2ee the the rel relat atio ions nship hip bet# bet#ee een n mai maint nten enan ance ce pers person onne nell and and s"st s"stem emss #it #ith h a vie vie# # to to improving safet"/ safet"/ efficienc" and #ell3being. #ell3being. Optio Option n . to red reduc ucee cost costss b" inc incre reas asin ing g effi effici cien enc" c"// safe safet" t" and and 4ual 4ualit" it" and and decr decrea easi sing ng #as #aste te thr throug ough h human error. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. and and s"st s"stem emss #ith #ith a vie# vie# to imp impro rovi ving ng saf safet" et"// eff effic icie ienc" nc" and and #ell #ell3b 3bei eing ng.. $%pl $%plan anat atio ion. n. A& A& '10 '10 App App.5 .5 &ar &ara. a.+. +.+ + and and Ap Ap '1( h. h.1 1 &ara &ara.1 .1.* .*.) .)..

Question Number. 0. An aircraft engineer #ho has responsibilit". Option tion A. must ust be be lic liceense nsed on the the pa particu ticula larr t" t"pe of aircr ircraaft. Optio Option n !. are are liab liable le to to be cal calle led d to acc accou ount nt as as being being in cha charg rgee or con contr trol ol of/ of/ or or ans# ans#er erab able le for for som somet ethi hing ng.. Opti Option on . is in a man manag agem emen entt pos posit itio ion n #it #ithi hin n the their ir comp compan an" " hie hiera rarc rch" h".. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. are are liab liable le to to be cal calle led d to acc accou ount nt as as bein being g in cha charg rgee or con contr trol ol of/ of/ or or ans# ans#er erab able le for for something. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h. h.) ) &a &ara.+. a.+.1. 1.

Question ion Number.


The impact of human factors and human error is most important to.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option A. technicians an and en engineers. Option !. planners and managers. Optio Option n . . t is e4ua e4uall" ll" impo import rtan antt to to tec techn hnic icia ians ns// eng engin inee eers rs// pla plann nner erss and and mana manage gers rs.. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. t is is e4ua e4uall" ll" impo import rtan antt to tec techn hnic icia ians ns// engi engine neer ers/ s/ pla plann nner erss and and mana manage gers rs.. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '10 '10 App.5 pp.5 &ara &ara.) .).1 .1..

Question ion Nu Number.


Where ar are th the re responsibil ibiliities ies of of Lic Liceensed Ai Aircraft $n $ngineers la laid do do#n?.

Option A. AWN ). Option !. The Air Navigation Order. Option . A& '1(. orrect Ans#er is. AWN ). $%planation. AWN ).

Question Number. 6. 7iffusion of responsibilit" ma" occur. Option tion A. to an ind indiv ivid idua uall #or #or,i ,ing ng as a mem member ber of of a team team.. Opti Option on !. #ith ith cer certa tain in peop people le #heth hether er the" the" are are #or #or,i ,ing ng in a tea team m or or alo alone ne.. Option . to an individual #or,ing alone. orr orrec ectt Ans#e ns#err is. is. to an indi indivi vidu dual al #or, #or,in ing g as a memb member er of a team team.. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.) h.) &ar &ara.+. a.+.(. (.+. +.

Question Number. 18. 9is," shift is. Optio Option n A. A. the the prob probab abil ilit" it" of bei being ng ass assig igne ned d to a #or, #or, tas tas, , #hi #hich ch inv invol olve vess some some elem elemen entt of ris, ris, or or  ph"sical danger. Option tion !. the the na name give given n to to an an ina inade de4u 4uaate shif hift han hando dove verr. Optio Option n . the the tend tenden enc" c" for for a grou group p of #or, #or,er erss to arri arrive ve at at a cou cours rsee of acti action on #hi #hich ch is is ris, ris,ie ierr than than tha thatt #hich an" individual member might pursue. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. the the tende tendenc" nc" for for a gro group up of of #or #or,e ,ers rs to to arri arrive ve at at a cou cours rsee of acti action on #hi #hich ch is is ris ris,i ,ier er than that #hich an" individual member might pursue. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.) h.) &ar &ara.+. a.+.(. (.(. (.

Questi estion on Numbe umberr. 11. To ens ensure ure tha thatt a tec technic hnicia ian n re remains ins re reason sonabl" abl" curr urrent ent on on the the airc ircraft aft t" t"pes pes to #hich the" hold authori2ations/ the" are re4uired that. Opti Option on A. the" the" hav havee app appro ropr pria iate te con conti tinu nuat atio ion: n:re refr fres eshe herr trai traini ning ng onl onl" ". Optio Option n !. the" the" are are inv invol olve ved d in at at leas leastt 0 mont months hs of of actu actual al air aircr craf aftt main mainte tena nanc ncee e%pe e%peri rien ence ce in in an" + "ear "ear  period onl". Optio Option n . the" the" are are inv invol olve ved d in at at leas leastt 0 mont months hs of of actu actual al air aircr craf aftt main mainte tena nanc ncee e%pe e%peri rien ence ce in in an" + "ear "ear  period and the" have appropriate appropriate continuation:refresher continuation:refresher training. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. the" the" are are inv invol olve ved d in at at leas leastt 0 mont months hs of of actu actual al air aircr craf aftt main mainte tena nanc ncee e%pe e%peri rien ence ce in in an" + "ear period and the" have appropriate continuation:refresher training. $%plan $%planati ation. on. $A5A $A5A &art3 &art31*( 1*(// 00 and AWN ) and A& A& '10 '10 h.* h.* &ara. &ara.*.) *.) ;.

Questi estion on Numbe umberr. 1+. 1+. The dif differen erence ce bet# bet#ee een n #hat hat a per person ca can do and and #hat hat he #il #ill l do is largel" determined b" his. Option A. motivation. Option !. !. education an and training. Option . ph"sical an and mental he health. orrect Ans#er is. motivation. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h. h.) ) &a &ara.). a.).1. 1.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Question ion Nu Number. 1). Whose re responsibilit" is it it th that an an en engineer re remains ins cu current on on ne ne# technolog" and procedures?. Option A. The organi2ations. Option !. The AAs. Option . The engineers. orrect Ans#er is. The engineers. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h. h.' ' &a &ara.). a.).*. *.

Questi estion on Numbe umberr. 1*. 1*. Accor ccordi ding ng to udg >udgm ment ent is usu usuall" all" base based d upon. pon. Opti Option on A. ,no# ,no#le ledg dgee and and e%pe e%peri rien ence ce and and ref refer eren ence ce to appr approv oved ed data data.. Opti Option on !. the the evi evide denc ncee ava avail ilab able le and and for force cefu full man manag agem emen entt abi abili lit" t".. Opti Option on . ,no# ,no#le ledg dgee and and e%pe e%peri rien ence ce and and ref refer eren ence ce to cour course se note notes. s. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. ,no# ,no#le ledg dgee and and e%pe e%peri rien ence ce and and ref refer eren ence ce to to appr approv oved ed dat data. a. $%plan $%planati ation. on. lose losest st refer referenc encee foun found d to to this this is A& A& '1( h.0 h.0 &ara &ara.*. .*.(. (.

Question ion Nu Number. +-. Organi2a i2ational cu culture =# =#hether go good or or ba bad is is be best de described as as. Option A. the #a" #e do do th things around he here. Option !. !. #ritten pr procedures. Option . team resource management. or orrect ect Ans# ns#er is. is. the the #a" #e do thin thing gs arou around nd here here. . $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h. h.) ) &a &ara.1. a.1.+. +.

Question ion Number. +6. n an organi2ation ion #hich practic tices human factors there is. Option A. punishment for all violations. Option tion !. no blam lame un unless less ther theree is is a deli delibe berrate ate vio viola lati tion on.. Option . a no blame culture. orr orrec ectt Ans#e ns#err is. is. no blam blamee unl unles esss the there re is a del delib iber erat atee vio viola lati tion on.. $%planation. A& '1 '10 Ap App.$.

Question Number. )8. A person can be be said to be motivated if. Option tion A. the" the" cut corne ornerrs to get the the >ob >ob done done 4uic 4uic,l ,l" ". Option !. the" are on a productivit" bonus. Option tion . the" the" are ta, ta,ing ing acti action on to achie chieve ve som somethi ething ng.. orr orrec ectt Ans#e ns#err is. is. the" the" are are ta,i ta,ing ng acti action on to achi achiev evee some someth thin ing. g. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.) h.) &ar &ara.). a.).

Question Number. )1. Broup polarisation can result in. Option tion A. a gro group up ma,in a,ing g a mor moree ca cautio utious us or e%tr %treme de decis cision. ion. Option tion !. a gro group up ma,in a,ing g a be better tter dec decisio ision n th than the the ind indiv ivid idua ual. l. Option tion . member bers of of the the grou group p no not tal tal,i ,ing ng to one one ano anoth ther er.. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. a gro group up ma,i ma,ing ng a mor moree cau cauti tiou ouss or or e%t e%tre reme me deci decisi sion on.. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.) h.) &ar &ara.+. a.+.(. (.(. (.

Question Nu Number. )+. Who is is mo most li li,el" to de deviate fr from st standard pr procedure?. Option A. @oung/ in ine%perienced ma man. Option !. Over confident/ "oung man. Option . Old tired man. orrect Ans#er is. Over confi nfident/ "oung ung man. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '10 '10 App.9 pp.9 &ara &ara.1 .1.+ .+..

Question ion Number. )). The ideal behaviour of a profession ional ai aircraft engi ngineer is. Option tion A. goa goal dir directe ected d rathe atherr tha than per person son direc irecte ted. d. Option !. both person and goal directed. Option . . neither person or or goal di directed. orrect Ans#er is is. both person an and go goal di directed ted. $%planation. NL. 09.4. Factors Affecting Performance.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Question Number. 1. nformation on drugs and alcohol can be found in. Option A. !A9s. Option !. AWN *'. Option . AWN ). orrect Ans#er is. AWN *'. $%planation. AWN *'.

Question ion Number. +. f "ou have been prescribed ne# medicine b" "our our doctor "ou should. Optio tion A. A. continue #i #ith "ou "ourr no normal sh shift pa patte ttern. Option tion !. ta,e ta,e ) da" da"ss of off #or #or, , to to tr tr" out out the the ne ne# me medica dicati tion on.. Optio tion . . give the ne ne# medication a +* ho hour tri trial. or orrect ect Ans# ns#er is is. give give the the ne ne# me medica dicati tion on a +* +* ho hour tria trial. l. $%pl $%plan anat atio ion. n. AWN *' &ara &ara.) .).' .' and and A& A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara. a.0. 0.*. *.). ).

Question Number. ). After a general anaesthetic "ou should. Optio tion A. return to #or, as soon as possible. Optio Option n !. !. not not ret retur urn n to to #or #or, , for for at leas leastt +* +* to to **- hou hours rs =dep =depen endi ding ng on the the ind indiv ivid idua ual l.. Option . ta,e at le least ' da"s off #or,. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. not not retu return rn to #or #or, , for for at lea least st +* to to *- hour hourss =de =depe pend ndin ing g on the the ind indiv ivid idua ual l.. $%planation. AWN *' *' &a &ara.).6.

Question ion Nu Number. *. @our do doctor ha has pr prescribed "o "ou tr tran4uill illi2ers as as "o "ou ar are su suffering fr from depression. @ou should. Option tion A. not not te tell "our our em emplo" plo"eer and and car carr" on #or, or, as as no normal. mal. Option tion !. tell tell "our our emplo" plo"er er and and car carr" r" on #or, or, as as no norma rmal. Option tion . not not #or #or, , at at all all #hen hen ta,i ta,ing ng the the tra tran4ui n4uill llii2er 2ers. orr orrec ectt Ans#e ns#err is. is. not not #or #or, , at at all all #hen hen ta, ta,in ing g the the tran tran4u 4uil illi li2e 2ers rs.. $%pl $%plan anat atio ion. n. AWN *' App.1 pp.1 &ara &ara.1 .1 =ii =ii..

Question Number. (. The use of pep pills b" an aircraft engineer. Opti Option on A. is reco recomm mmen ende ded d onl onl" " #hen hen #or #or,i ,ing ng late late or on nigh nightt shi shift ft.. Opti Option on !. as the" the" stim stimul ulat atee the the sens senses es and and ma, ma,ee "ou "ou les lesss pro prone ne to acci accide dent nts. s. Optio Option n . . can can onl" onl" be be use used d if pres prescr crib ibed ed b" "our "our doct doctor or shou should ld nev never er be don donee =e% =e%ce cept pt for for coff coffee ee. . or orrect ect Ans Ans# #er is is. shoul hould d ne never ver be be don donee =e =e%ce %cept for coff offee ee. $%plan $%planati ation. on. AWN *' *' App.1 App.1 &ara.1 &ara.1 =v and A& A& '1( h.* h.* &ara &ara.0. .0.*.) *.)..

Question ion Number. 0. @ou are ta,ing 5C7AD$7 to relief nasal congestio tion.@ou should. Opti Option on A. sta" sta" a#a" a#a" from from #or, #or, unti untill "ou "ou no long longer er re4u re4uir iree the the 5C7A 5C7AD$ D$7. 7. Opti Option on !. !. cont contin inue ue to to ta,e ta,e the them m at at #or #or, , beca becaus usee 5C7 5C7AD AD$7 $7 has has no side side eff effec ects ts.. Opti Option on . avoi avoid d ma, ma,in ing g eng engin inee eeri ring ng deci decisi sion onss or or per perfo form rmin ing g lice licens nsed ed duti duties es.. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. avoi avoid d ma, ma,ing ing engi engine neer ering ing deci decisi sion onss or or per perfo form rmin ing g lic licen ense sed d dut dutie ies. s. $%plan $%planati ation. on. AWN *' *' App.1 App.1 &ara.1 &ara.1 =i% =i% and and A& A& '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.0 a.0.*. .*.). ).

Question Number. '. What is slo# #ave sleep?. Option A. &arado%ical sleep. Option !. 5tage +3 * sleep. Option . 9$ob done done #ithi ithin n a certa ertain in tim time frame. me.

Optio Option n A. A. can can be don donee b" thos thosee actu actual all" l" doi doing ng the the >ob >ob pro provi vidi ding ng the the sup super ervi viso sors rs ta, ta,ee regu regula larr brea brea,s ,s.. Optio Option n !. can can be cou count nter erpr prod oduc ucti tive ve// as fat fatig igue ue dim dimin inis ishe hess moto motorr s,il s,ills ls// perc percep eptio tion/ n/ a#a a#are rene ness ss and and standards. Optio Option n . . can can be be don donee pro provi vidi ding ng ade4 ade4ua uate te rest rest peri period od is avai availa labl blee at at the the end end of the the shi shift ft.. orrec orrectt Ans#er ns#er is. can be counte counterpr rproduc oductiv tive/ e/ as fatigu fatiguee dimi diminis nishes hes motor motor s,ills s,ills// perc percept eption ion// a#a a#aren reness ess and standards. $%planation. A& '1( h.0 &a &ara.1.+.(.

Question Number. 1-. Tiredness causes visual acuit" to. Option A. decrease. Option tion !. Gisual ual acui acuit" t" is not not aff affecte ected d b" b" tired iredne ness ss.. Option . increase. orrect Ans#er is. decrease. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h. h.+ + &a &ara.+. a.+.*. *.

Question Number. 16. Narro#ing of attention occurs at. Option A. lo# levels of arousal. Optio tion !. both high igh and lo# lo# levels of arousal. Option . high levels of arousal. orrect Ans#er is is. high levels of of arousal. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.*. a.*.). ).+. +.

Question Number. +8. The blood:alcohol limit is. Optio Option n A. A. +8 mil millig ligra rams ms of of alco alcoho holl per 188 188 mill millil ilitr itres es of of bloo blood d for for comm commer erci cial al air aircr cre# e#// air air traf traffi ficc controllers and -8 milligrams of alcohol per 188 millilitres of blood for maintenance engineers. Opti Option on !. *8 mill millig igra rams ms of alco alcoho holl per per 188 188 milli illili litr tres es of bloo blood. d. Optio Option n . +8 mil millig ligra rams ms of of alco alcoho holl per per 188 188 milli millilit litre ress of blo blood od for for com comme merc rcia iall airc aircre re# #/ air air traf traffi ficc controllers and maintenance engineers. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. +8 mil millig ligra rams ms of of alco alcoho holl per 188 188 mil milli lili litr tres es of of bloo blood d for for comm commer erci cial al air aircr cre# e#// air air traffic controllers and -8 milligrams of alcohol per 188 millilitres of blood bl ood for maintenance engineers. $%planation. AWN A&*(( No N otice *( &ara.0.

Question Number. +1. Option A. 5tage ) sleep. Option !. 5tage * sleep.

&arado%ical sleep is also ,no#n as.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option . 9$< sleep. orrect Ans#er is. 9$< sleep. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.(. a.(.1. 1.+. +.

Question Number. ++. When ta,ing medicine for the first time. Optio Option n A. A. ta,e ta,e the the fir first st dos dosee at at leas leastt +* hou hours rs befo before re an" an" dut" dut" to ens ensur uree that that it it does does not not hav havee an" an" adv adver erse se effects. Opti Option on !. abse absent nt "ours oursel elff fro from m #or #or, , for for the the dur durat atio ion n of of use use of the the med medic icin ine. e. Option tion . cons onsult ult a doc docto torr if if "ou "ou need need to car carr" out out an" an" duti dutiees. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. ta,e ta,e the the fir first st dos dosee at lea least st +* +* hour hourss befo before re an" an" dut" dut" to ens ensur uree that that it it does does not not hav havee an" an" adverse effects. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. AWN *' &ara.) a.).' =b. b.

Question ion Nu Number. +). Dor a ma man to to ma maintain hi his fi fitness an and he health lth th the co conducive ma%imum recommended alcohol inta,e is. Option A. ) 3 * units per #ee,. Option !. +- units per #ee,. Option . +- units per da". orrect Ans#er is. +- units per #ee,. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.1. a.1.0. 0.1. 1.

Question Number. +*. Human ircadian rh"thms c"cle on a. Option A. +( hour timescale. Option !. - hour timescale. Option . +* hour time scale. orrect Ans#er is is. +( hour ti timescale. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.(. a.(.+. +.1. 1.

Question Number. +(. 9emoval of alcohol from the blood stream. Option A. can be speeded up b" sleeping. Option !. cannot be speeded up. Option tion . can can be spee peeded ded up up b" drin drin,i ,ing ng stron trong g cof coffee. orrect Ans#er is. cannot be speeded up. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.0. a.0.). ).+. +.

Questi estion on Numbe umberr. +0. +0. Dor a per person #ith ith nor normal ir ircadia adian n rh"th h"thm ms/ the the bod" bod" tem temper peratur aturee #ill ill be lo#est. Optio tion A. bet#een * and 0 ocloc, in in th the morning. ng. Option !. upon #a,ing. Option . at midda". or orrect ect Ans# ns#er is is. bet# bet#ee een n * and and 0 oc ocloc, loc, in the the mor morni ning ng.. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.(. a.(.+. +.). ).

Question Number. +'. f a maintenance engineer has a cold or flu he should. Optio Option n A. onl" onl" abse absent nt hims himsel elff fro from m dut" dut" if his his #or #or, , con contr trac actt inc inclu lude dess sic sic,n ,nes esss pa" pa".. Optio Option n !. !. onl" onl" abs absen entt hims himsel elff fro from m dut" dut" if ther theree are are no sta staff ff shor shorta tage gess at at his his #or #or,p ,pla lace ce or #it #ithi hin n his his #or, team. Optio Option n . . abse absent nt hims himsel elff fro from m dut" dut" unti untill ful full" l" reco recove vere red/ d/ rega regard rdle less ss of other other fact factor ors. s. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. abse absent nt him himse self lf fro from m dut" dut" unt until il ful full" l" rec recov over ered ed// rega regard rdle less ss of oth other er fac facto tors rs.. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.1. a.1.(. (.(. (.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Question Number. +-. onsumption of alcohol. Option tion A. inc increas reasees me menta ntal and and ph"si h"sica call rea reacction tion tim times. Opti Option on !. has has no affe affect ct upon upon ment mental al and and ph"s ph"sic ical al reac reacti tion on time times. s. Option tion . dec decrease easess me mental tal and and ph" ph"sic sical rea reacction tion time imes. orr orrec ectt Ans#e ns#err is. is. incr increa ease sess men menta tall and and ph" ph"sica sicall rea react ctio ion n tim times es.. $%plan $%planati ation. on. A& A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.0 a.0.). .).1 1 &lease &lease thin, thin, abou aboutt the #ordin #ording g ver" ver" care careful full" l"..

Question ion Nu Number. +6. Alertness an and pe performance is is re reduced #h #hen th the bo bod" temperature is is. Option A. above normal. Option !. belo# normal. Option . either above or belo# normal. orrect Ans#er is. belo# normal. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.(. a.(.+. +.). ).

Question Number. )8. A good ru rule of of thumb fo for an ad ade4uate am amount of of sleep is is. Opti Option on A. one one hou hourr of of hig high h 4ua 4uali lit" t" slee sleep p is is goo good d for for t#o t#o hou hours rs of acti activi vit" t".. Opti Option on !. t#o t#o hou hours rs of high high 4ual 4ualit it" " sle sleep ep is good good for for one one hour hour of acti activi vit" t".. Opti Option on . one one hou hourr of of hig high h 4ua 4uali lit" t" slee sleep p is is goo good d for for one one hou hourr of of act activ ivit it" ". orr orrec ectt Ans#e ns#err is. is. one one hou hourr of of hig high h 4ua 4uali lit" t" slee sleep p is is goo good d for for t#o t#o hou hours rs of acti activi vit" t".. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.(. a.(.(. (.1. 1.

Questi estion on Numbe umberr. )1. )1. Dindi inding ng tha that fa famili miliar ar tas tas,s =such uch as as pr progr ogramm amming ing the the vide video o re recor corder der see seems more complicated than usual/ could be an earl" indication of. Option A. acute stress. Option !. chronic fatigue. Option . a cold or flu. orrect Ans#er is. chronic fatigue. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.(. a.(.(. (.*. *.

Question Number. )+. The onl" permitted stimulant is. Option A. bromine. Option !. caffeine. Option . amphetamine. orrect Ans#er is. caffeine. $%pl $%plan anat atio ion. n. A& A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara. a.0. 0.*. *.) ) and and AW AWN *' App App.. &ara &ara.= .=v v..

Question Number. )). Large amounts of caffeine can. Optio tion A. cause an an%ie %iet"/ t"/ headaches an and st stress. Option !. reduce an%iet" and stress. Option tion . impr improv ovee alert lertne nesss and inc increase ease a#arene reness ss.. or orrect ect Ans Ans# #er is is. caus causee an% an%ie iet" t"// hea heada dacches hes and and stres tress. s. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.0. a.0.*. *.). ).

Question Number. )*. The s"mptoms of stress are. Opti Option on A. viol violen ence ce// sic, sic,ne ness ss// abse absenc ncee fro from m #or #or,/ ,/ dru drug g and and alc alcoh ohol ol abu abuse se.. Option tion !. indi indiccatio ations ns of impr improv oveed #or, or, perf perfor orm mance. nce. Optio Option n . irri irrita tabi bili lit" t"// for forge getf tful ulne ness ss// sic, sic,ne ness ss// abse absenc ncee from from #or #or,/ ,/ dru drug g and and alco alcoho holl abus abuse. e. orrec orrectt Ans#er ns#er is. irrita irritabili bilit" t"// forget forgetful fulnes ness/ s/ sic,ne sic,ness/ ss/ absenc absencee from from #or,/ #or,/ drug drug and and alcoho alcoholl abus abuse. e. $%pl $%plan anat atio ion. n. AWN *' and and A A& '1( '1( h. h.* * &ara &ara.+ .+.) .).* .*..

Question Number.


5leeping tablets can.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option A. slo# re reaction an and du dull th the se senses. Opti Option on !. incr increa ease se aler alertn tnes esss aft after er #a,i #a,ing ng the the fol follo lo#i #ing ng morni orning ng.. Option tion . help help 9$< 9$< sle sleep and reali ealig gn cir circa cad dian ian rh" rh"th thm ms. or orrect ect Ans# ns#er is. is. slo# lo# reac eaction tion and and dull dull the the sense enses. s. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.0. a.0.*. *.). ).

Question ion Nu Number. )0. nform ormation ion fo for ce certif"ing staff #he #hen n me medica icall" unfit is is fo found in in. Option A. AWN ). Option !. AWN *'. Option . ANO. orrect Ans#er is. AWN *'. $%planation. AWN *'.

Question ion Number. )'. What effect #ould the consumption of ) 3 ( units ofalcohol?. Option A. Loss of 4ualit" of sleep. Option !. Lo# 9$< sleep. Option . A drop in bod" temperature. orrect Ans#er is is. Loss of of 4u 4ualit" of sl sleep. $%pl $%plan anat atio ion. n. Alco Alcoho holl pro produc duces es a loss loss of 4ual 4ualit" it" slee sleep. p.

Question Number. )-. Long shift #or,. Option tion A. dec decrease easess the the abili bilit" t" to recog ecogni ni2e 2e def defects ects.. Option tion !. inc increas reasees the the abili bilit" t" to rec recogni ogni2e 2e defec efects ts.. Option tion . has has no no ef effect on on the the abil bilit" it" to to rec reco ogni2 gni2ee de defects ects.. orr orrec ectt Ans#e ns#err is. is. decr decrea ease sess the the abil abilit it" " to reco recogn gni2 i2ee defe defect cts. s. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '10 '10 App App.1 .1 &ar &ara 1.( 1.(..

Question Number. )6. ircadian 9h"thms control. Option A. bod" temperature. Option !. urine output. Option . sleeping patterns. orrect Ans#er is is. bod" temperature. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.(. a.(.+. +.1. 1.

Question ion Nu Number. *1. A stimulant al allo#ed to to be be ta ta,en #i #ithout a do doctors pr prescription is is. Option A. bromine. Option !. caffeine. Option . . antihistamine. orrect Ans#er is. caffeine. $%planation. NL.

Questi estion on Numbe umberr.

*+. *+.

The condi ondittions ions laid laid do# do#n in in AWN *' *' ar are app appli liccable able to aircr ircraf aftt eng engin inee eerrs.

Option A. #ho si sign fo for #o #or, co completed. Option tion !. #hen hen unde underr the inf influen luencce of drin drin, , or drug drugss. Option . for their safet" at #or,. or orrect ect Ans Ans# #er is is. #hen hen und undeer the the inf influe luence nce of of dr drin, in, or or dr drugs ugs. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. AWN *' *' &a &aras +.1 +.1 and and +.+. +.+.

Question Number.


onsumption of of ) 3 * un units of of alcohol be before sleep ca can.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option A. increase 9$< sleep. Option !. decrease the 4ualit" of sleep. Option . . lo#er the bo bod" temperature. orrect Ans#er is is. decrease th the 4u 4ualit" of sl sleep. $%plan $%planati ation. on. Alcoh Alcohol ol has has no benef beneficia iciall 4ualit 4ualities ies =as =as far far as #or, #or, and slee sleep p is conc concer erned ned an"# an"#a" a"..

Questi estion on Numbe umberr.

**. **.

The c"cl c"cles es of bod" bod" tem temper peratur ture/ sle sleeep re re4uir 4uireement ment and aler lertnes tnesss are are calle alled. d.

Option A. earth c"cles. Option !. circadian rh"thms. Option . ecto 3 meridian c"cles. orrect Ans#er is. circadian rh"thms. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h. h.* * &a &ara.(. a.(.+. +.

Question ion Number. *(. The inta,e of caffeine in moderate 4uantiti ities can result in. Option tion A. an%ie n%iet" t"// hea heada dach ches es and nega negati tive ve mood ood sta state tess. Opti Option on !. !. lac, lac, of of sle sleep ep and and sub subse se4u 4uen entt disr disrup upti tion on to to the the cir circa cadi dian an rh"t rh"thm hms. s. Optio Option n . . a temp tempor orar ar" " inc incre reas asee in the the abi abilit lit" " to to sus susta tain in vig vigil ilan ance ce and and incr increa ease sed d ale alert rtne ness ss.. orr orrec ectt Ans Ans#e #err is. is. a temp tempor orar ar" " incr increa ease se in in the the abil abilit" it" to sus susta tain in vig vigil ilan ance ce and and inc incre reas ased ed ale alert rtne ness ss.. $%pl $%plan anat atio ion. n. A& A& '1( '1( h. h.* * &ara &ara.0 .0.* .*.) .) =&e =&ep p pill pills s..

Questi estion on Numbe umberr. *0. *0. Wor,ing ,ing e%ces %cessi sive vel" l" long long shif hifts dur during ing uns unsocia ociabl blee hour hourss can can lea lead to. to. Opti Option on A. decr decrea ease sed d abil abilit it" " to det detec ectt defe defect ctss duri during ng air aircr craf aftt main mainte tena nanc nce. e. Option !. !. an in increased im immunit" to st stress. Opti Option on . . incr increa ease sed d abil abilit it" " to to dete detect ct def defec ects ts dur durin ing g air aircr craf aftt main mainte tena nanc nce. e. orr orrec ectt Ans#e ns#err is. is. decr decrea ease sed d abi abili lit" t" to dete detect ct defe defect ctss dur durin ing g air aircr craf aftt mai maint nten enan ance ce.. $%planation. A& '1( h.* &ara.(.(.*.

Question Number. *'. n theor"/ human error is most li,el" to occur. Option tion A. #hen hen the the bod" bod" tem temper peratur aturee is at its lo# lo#est. Option !. during ver" hot #eather. Optio tion . #hen the bod" temperature is stable. or orrect ect Ans Ans# #er is is. #hen hen the the bod" bod" tem temper peratur aturee is is at at its its lo# lo#est. est. $%pla %plan natio ation. n. A& '1( '1( h.* h.* &ar &ara.(. a.(.+. +.). ).

Questi estion on Numbe umberr. *-. *-. An ind indiv ivid idua uall suf sufffering ing fr from stre tress #he #hen n co confr nfronte onted d #it #ith h a tas tas, #it #ithi hin n his his capabilit" is li,el" to thin, the tas, is. Option A. too demanding. Option !. not demanding enough. Option . . someone el elses re responsibilit". or orrect ect Ans# ns#er is. is. some omeone one els elses es respons ponsib ibil ilit it" ". $%plan $%planati ation. on. A& A& '1( '1( h.* &ar &ara.+ a.+.0 .0 One One defenc defencee strate strateg" g" of a perso person n under under stre stress ss is to avoi avoid d additi additiona onall stressors/ b" =for e%ample shifting responsibilit".

Question Number. *6. AWN *' does not mention. Option A. peps. Option !. sudafed. Option . melatonin. orrect Ans#er is is. melatonin. $%plan $%planati ation. on.
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