Module 06 Part 6

April 22, 2018 | Author: Aviation World | Category: Transmission (Mechanics), Gear, Bearing (Mechanical), Strength Of Materials, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance)
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Module 06 Part 6...

Description 06a. Pipes and Unions.

Questio tion Nu Number. 1. When re replacing ing a hyd hydraulic pip pipee, wh where wo would yo you fi find th the co correct replacement part?. Option A. Parts ca catalogue. Option . !aintenance schedule. Option ". ". !aintenance ma manual. "orrect Answer is. Parts catalog logue. #$planation. N%&.

Question Nu Number. '. (ow ar are fl fle$ible ho hoses ca categorised?. Option A. y ma$imum pressure. Option . y diameter. Option ". y length. "orrect An Answer is is. y ma$ ma$im imu um pr pressur sure. #$planation. N%&.

Questio tion Number. ). What are the rigid igid pipes on gas turbine ine engine ines made ade from?. Option A. *tainless steel. Option . Aluminium alloy. Option ". "opper. "orrect Answer is. *tainless steel. #$plan #$planatio ation. n. *tainl *tainless ess steel steel has has a high high resist resistanc ancee to heat. heat. &+ &+-1 -1 ).). ).).1. 1.

Question Number. /. (ow would you te test a hydraulic hose?. Opti Option on A. Pres Pressu sure re test test '.0  wor2 wor2in ing g pressu essure re.. Opti Option on . Pres Pressu sure re test test 1.  wor2 wor2in ing g pressu essure re.. Opti Option on ". Pres Pressu sure re test test 1.0  wor2 wor2in ing g pressu essure re.. "orr "orrec ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. Pres Pressu sure re test test 1. 1.  wor2 wor2in ing g pre press ssur ure. e. #$pl #$plan anat atio ion n. A&+) A&+)--1) 3./. ./.

Question Number. . 4o pre5ent damage to seals on fitment you would. Option A. compress and stretch them. Opti Option on . use use a card cardbo boar ard d pro prote tect cto or o5e o5err the the thre thread aded ed port portio ions ns.. Option ". use grease. "orr "orrec ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. use use a car cardb dboa oard rd prot protec ecto torr o5er o5er the the thre thread aded ed por portio tions ns.. #$planation #$planation.. 6se cardbo cardboard ard protection protection to pre5en pre5entt damage damage to to seals seals when when fitting fitting them. A"/) A"/) 7-1. 7-1.

Question Number. . 8le$ible pipes are identified by. Option A. length. Option . diameter. Option ". material. "orrect Answer is. material. #$planation. N%&.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Questio tion Number. 9. A pipe ca carryi rying lub lubrica icant wo would be id identified by by the colou lour. Option A. white. Option . yellow. Option ". white and yellow. "orrect An Answer is is. yellow. #$plan #$planatio ation. n. *tanda *tandard rd A5i A5iatio ation n !ainten !aintenanc ancee (andboo (andboo2 2 Page Page 1'3+1' 1'3+1'7. 7.

Question Number. 3. Which material is is a hydraulic fluid ho hose ma made fr from?. Option A. :ubber. Option . utyl. Option ". 4eflon. "orrect Answer is. 4eflon. #$planation #$planation.. ;eppesen ;eppesen Apattern> worn into the painted surface.

Questio tion Nu Number. 9. (ow is th the ch change in in di direction ion of of a contro trol ch chain, in, in in tw two pl planes, achie5ed?. Option A. y using a pu pulley. Option . y using bi-planer bloc2s. Option ". y using spring clips. "orre orrecct Ans Answe werr is. is. y using sing bi-p bi-pla lan ner bloc2 loc2s. s. #$pl #$plan anat atio ion n. A&+) A&+)--' 8ig 8igur uree /. /.

Questio tion Number. 3. (ow is a non-re5ersib sible ch chain di different fr from a normal ch chain?. Option A. y use of a chain guard. Opti Option on . #5er #5ery y sec secon ond d out outer er plat platee is is e$t e$ten ende ded d in in one one dire direct ctio ion n. Option ". ". Eifferent en end fi fittings. "orr "orrec ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. #5ery #5ery seco second nd oute outerr pla plate te is is e$te e$tend nded ed in one one dir direc ectio tion. n. #$planation. A&+)-'.

Question Number. 7. When not un under lo load where sh should a pair of of ge gears si sit?. Option A. %n the middle. Option . On the toe. Option ". On the heel. "orrect Answer is. %n the middle. #$planation. N%&.

Questio tion Nu Number. 10. 8or a pair of ge gears to to op operate pr properly, ly, they must ha ha5e. Option A. lash and pattern. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option . end play and thrust. Option ". pattern and pr profile. "orrect Answer is. lash and pattern. #$pla #$plana natio tion. n. *ee *ee ;eppe ;eppese sen n (elico (elicopt pter er !ain !ainte tena nanc nce. e.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 11. 4he 4he teet teeth h on the the smal smalle lerr whee wheell of a be5el e5el gear gear are are call called ed the. the. Option A. heel. Option . toe. Option ". foot. "orrect Answer is. toe. #$pla #$plana natio tion. n. *ee *ee ;eppe ;eppese sen n (elico (elicopt pter er !ain !ainte tena nanc nce. e.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1'. 4he 4he co correc rrectt mes meshi hing ng of gea gearrs is is fou found nd by obser bser5 5ing ing the the mar2 ar2s mad madee during a gear mesh test. On what part of the tooth should the mar2s be?. Option A. 4op. Option . ottom. Option ". !iddle. "orrect Answer is is. !iddle. #$pla #$plana natio tion. n. *ee *ee ;eppe ;eppese sen n (elico (elicopt pter er !ain !ainte tena nanc nce. e.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


What hat ty type of gear gear wou would be use used d on on a prop propel elle lerr red reduc ucttion ion ge gearbo arbo$ $?.

Option A. *plit ep epicyclic. Option . e5el. Option ". #picyclic. "orrect An Answer is is. #picyclic. #$planation. N%&.

Questio tion Nu Number. 1/. Where wo would you you find th the in inspection in inter5al fo for ch chains? ins?.. Option A. O5erhaul ma manual. Option . !aintenance schedule. Option ". ". !aintenance ma manual. "orre orrecct Answe nswerr is. is. !ain !ainte ten nanc ance sch schedu edule. le. #$plan #$planatio ation. n. 4ime 4ime inter5 inter5als als are only in the the !ain !ainten tenanc ancee *ched *chedule ule..

Questio tion Number. 1. A feathe ther 2ey locates tes a gear on a shaft and permi rmits. ts. Option A. positi siti5 5e dr dri5e i5e an and a$ a$ial mo mo5emen ementt. Opti Option on . posi ositi5e ti5e dri5 dri5ee wi with the gear gear firm firmly ly loc2 loc2ed ed.. Opti Option on ". a po posit siti5e i5e and and stro trong dri5 dri5ee fo for tra trans nsm missi ission ons. s. "orr "orrec ectt Answe nswerr is. is. posi positi ti5e 5e dri5 dri5ee and and a$ia a$iall mo5 mo5em emen ent. t. #$pla #$plana natio tion. n. A fea feath ther er 2ey 2ey allo allows ws a$ia a$iall mo5em mo5ement ent..

Question Number. 1. A worm dri5e creates. Opti Option on A. a dri dri5e 5e in ' pla plane ness and and tran transm smit itss bot both h dir direc ecti tion ons. s. Opti Option on . a dri5 dri5ee in 1 plan planee but but tran transm smit itss both both dire direct ctio ions ns.. Opti Option on ". a dri dri5e 5e in ' pla plane ness but but tran transm smit itss 1 dire direct ctio ion n only only.. "orr "orrec ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. a dri dri5e 5e in ' pla plane ness but but tran transm smits its 1 dir direc ecti tion on only only.. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers #$planation.


Question Number. 19. 4he te teeth of a ge gear wo would normally be. Option A. nitrided. Option . tempered. Option ". case hardened. "orrect An Answer is is. case ha hardened. #$planation #$planation.. (ardening (ardening right through through the the gear gear teeth teeth would would ma2e them brittle brittle and and tend tend to brea2. brea2.

Questio tion Number. 13. %f a chain is remo emo5ed for routine mainten tenance. Opti Option on A. it must ust be proof roof chec2 hec2ed ed to full ull load load.. Option . . it mu must be be pr proof ch chec2ed to to G ma$ lo load. Option ". ". it do does no not ha ha5e to to be be pr proof ch chec2ed. "orr "orrec ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. it does does not not ha5 ha5ee to to be be pro proof of chec chec2e 2ed. d. #$plan lanation ion. A&+)+)-' . ..

Question Number. 17. On gear teeth, the wear pattern should be. Option A. the midd iddle of th the tooth most worn. Option . e5en from top to bottom. Option ". the top edge most worn. "orr "orrec ectt Answe nswerr is. is. the the midd middle le of the the too tooth th most most worn worn.. #$planation. N%&.

Questio tion Number. '0. On be5el gear teeth, th, the wear patte ttern sho should be. Option A. at the centre of the tooth. Option . . greatest at at th the he heel, lea least at th the to toe. Opti Option on ". great reates estt at at the the toe, toe, tap taperin ering g of off to to th the hee heel. l. "orre orrecct Answe nswerr is. is. at the the cen centre tre of of the the too tooth. th. #$planation. N%&.

Question Number. '1. e5el gears are. Option A. all o5er case hardened. Option . heel is hardened. Option ". toe is hardened. "orre orrecct Answe nswerr is. is. all all o5er o5er case ase harde arden ned. ed. #$pla #$plana natio tion. n. e5e e5ell gear gearss are are all all o5er o5er case case hard harden ened ed..

Question Number. ''. A chain is chec2ed for stiff lin2s by. Opti Option on A. hangi anging ng by hand and by measu easure re and and sigh sight. t. Option . stretching ing out and measu easurring ing. Opti Option on ". runn runnin ing g th the ch chain ain o5 o5er a fin fing ger by 130 130 deg degre rees es.. "orr "orrec ectt Answe nswerr is. is. runn runnin ing g the the cha chain in o5er o5er a fing finger er by 130 130 deg degre rees es.. #$plan lanation ion. A&+)+)-' . ./.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. '). Eurin uring g an an ins inspe pecction tion inter nter5 5al one one seg segm ment ent of of a lon long cha chain in is foun found d to to  be defecti5e, the solution to this is to. Opti Option on A. repl replac acee ) segm segmen entt eit eithe herr sid sidee of of the the defi defici cien ency cy.. Option . replace th the whole ch chain. Opti Option on ". ". repl replac acee the the part partic icul ular ar segm segmen entt and and run run compo compone nent ntss to che chec2 c2 for for ser ser5i 5ice ceab abil ility ity.. "orre orrecct Answe nswerr is. is. rep replace lace the the who whole chain hain.. #$plan #$planatio ation. n. 4he chai chain n cannot cannot be be repair repaired. ed. %t %t must must be repl replace aced. d. &eafl &eaflet et -/. -/.

Question Number. '/. 4he te teeth of a ge gear wo would normally be. Option A. tempered. Option . case hardened. Option ". nitrided. "orrect An Answer is is. case ha hardened. #$planation #$planation.. 4he teeth of a gear are normally normally case case harden hardened ed by flame cooling cooling and water spray @uenching.

Question Number. '. Non-re5ersible chains can. Option A. only be mo5ed in one direction. Option . only be fitted in one direction. Opti Option on ". not be fitte itted d thr throu ough gh pres pressu sure re bul2 bul2h head eads. "orre orrecct Ans Answe werr is. is. only nly be be fit fitte ted d in in on one dir direc ecti tion on.. #$pl #$plan anat atio ion. n. &eaf &eafle lett -/ -/ /.). /.).'. '.

Questio tion Number. '. 4he large diam iameter ter on a be5el gear is called the. Option A. foot. Option . toe. Option ". heel. "orrect Answer is is. heel. #$plan #$planatio ation. n. 4he large large diam diamete eterr is the the heel heel,, the small small diam diameter eter is the the toe. toe.

Question Number. '9. (ow do you chec2 a chain for elongation?. Opti Option on A. &ay &ay fla flatt on on a tabl table, e, appl apply y ten tensi sile le load load and and mea measu sure re.. Option . AdBust th the end fi fittings. Opti Option on ". (an (ang cha chain in up, up, ch chec2 ec2 sig sight ht line line and and mea measu surre. "orr "orrec ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. &ay flat flat on a tab table le,, app apply ly tens tensile ile load load and and mea measu sure re.. #$pla #$plana natio tion. n. "AA% "AA%Ps Ps &eaf &eafle lett -/ -/ para para .). .).

Question Number. '3. Eri5e planes on an epicyclic gear are. Option A. around a com comm mon a$ a$is of th the pl plane. Option . at diff ifferent an angles to the plane. Option ". at right angles to the plane. "orr "orrec ectt Answe nswerr is. is. arou around nd a com commo mon n a$i a$iss of of the the plan plane. e. #$planation. N%&.

Questio tion Number. '7. "omp ompared with ith the the spur gears, spi spiral gears ha5e. Option A. A. ha5e me mechanical ad ad5antages. Option . . less st stress co concentration ion on on ge gears. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option ". more wear resistance. "orr "orrec ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. less less stre stress ss conc concen entr trat atio ion n on on gea gears rs.. #$planation. N%&.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. )0. 4he 4he clutc lutch h whic which h can can o5er o5erru run n the the dri5 dri5in ing g membe emberr, is 2now 2nown n as. as. Option A. o5erload clutches. Option . no-slip clutches. Option ". ". freewheel cl clutches. "orrect An Answer is is. freewheel clu cluttches. #$planation. N%&.

Questio tion Nu Number. )1. A gear sy system tem, or or ge gear tr train, is is ma made up up of of ge gears th that ar are. Option A. dri5en and dri5er. Option . idler. Option ". dri5en, dri5er and idler. "orre orrecct Ans Answe werr is. is. dri5 ri5en, en, dri dri5 5er and idle idlerr. #$planation. N%&.

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