Module 05 Part 1
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Module 05 Part 1...
Description Module 05.Digital Techniques 05.01. Electronic Instrument Systems.
Question Number. 1. What ar are th the ba basic elements fo for 'C 'Classic T' T' format?. Option A. Directio tion, al altitud tude and he heiht. Option !. Airspeed, pitch and roll. Opti Option on C. Airs Airspe peed ed,, att attit itud ude, e, alti altitu tud de and and dir directi ectio on. Corr Correc ectt Ans Ans"e "err is. is. Airs Airspe peed ed,, atti attitu tude de,, alti altitu tude de and and dir direc ecti tion on.. #$planation. N%&.
Question Number. . T(pical displa(s on an #)*% are. Option A. A. #nine in indications. Option !. +O, -ap, lan and and "eathe ther radar. Option C. +O, lan, -ap and Attitude. Corr Correc ectt Ans"e ns"err is. is. +O, +O, -ap, -ap, lan lan and and "ea "eath ther er rada radarr. #$pla #$plana natio tion. n. all allet ettt / Aircr ircraf aftt %nstr %nstrum umen ents. ts.
Questio tion Number. 0. An #A #AD% dis disp pla( la( sho"in in a mo moin ru run"a( moes es do do"n du durin the the final staes of an approach. The aircraft must. Option A. fl( do"n. Option !. fl( up. Option C. hold descent path. Correct Ans"er is. fl( do"n. #$planation #$planation.. At 22ft, 22ft, durin durin Approa Approach, ch, the isin isin un"a( starts to moe moe up up the the #AD% #AD% displa( displa( until, at touch do"n, it touches the bottom of the aircraft s (mbol. %f the isin un"a( start to moe do"n aain it means that the aircraft is climbin and should 3&4 DOWN.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 5. Durin urin an inst instru rum ment ent app approac roach, h, the the lid lides eslo lope pe pointe interr efle efleccts belo" elo" the lideslope centre mar6. This means the aircraft is positioned. Option A. aboe the lideslope. Option !. belo" the lideslope. Option C. to the left of the localiser. Correct An Ans"er is is. aboe th the li lid deslo slope. #$planation #$planation.. Consider Consider the the centre centre of the the 78* 78* scale scale as the aircraft aircraft positio position n and and the pointer pointer as the centre of the 78* beam.
Question Number. 9. #nine parameters ar are displa(ed on on. Option A. #CA-. Option !. #)*%. Option C. 3-*CD:. Correct Ans"er is is. #CA-. #$plan #$planatio ation. n. #nine #nine param paramete eters rs can be displ displa(e a(ed d on #CA- b( selec selectin tin the the #nine #nine ae. ae. *ee *ee allett / Aircraft %nstrumnets and %nterated *(stems ae 0;1.
Question Number. on onta tall *it *itua uati tion on %ndi %ndica cato torr. Opti Option on !. on the the #le #lect ctro roni nicc Attit ttitud udee Dir Direc ecti tion on %nd %ndicat icator or.. Option C. on the -%. Corr Correc ectt Ans Ans"e "err is. is. on the the #le #lect ctro roni nicc Atti Attitu tude de Dire Direct ctio ion n %nd %ndica icato tor. r. #$planation. N%&.
Question Number. 1. An #3%* s(s s(stem AD% displa(s a(s pitch, roll. Opti Option on A. auto autola land nd,, alti altitu tude de,, com compass pass ros rosee and and fli fliht ht dir direc ecto torr bars bars.. Option Option !. autola autoland, nd, decisio decision n hei heiht, ht, rane rane to altitu altitude de and fliht fliht directo directorr bars bars and slip indica indicator tor.. Opti Option on C. auto autola land nd,, rad rad alt, alt, deci decisi sion on hei heiht ht and and sli slip p ind indic icat ator or.. Correc Correctt Ans" Ans"er er is. is. autola autoland, nd, decisio decision n hei heiht, ht, rane rane to alti altitud tudee and and fli fliht ht dire directo ctorr bars bars and and slip indicator. #$planation. N%&.
Questio tion Nu Number. . An el electronic fl fliht in instru trument di displ spla( consists ists of. Opti Option on A. A. -ode -ode con contro troll panel panel,, aste asterr and and *tro6 *tro6ee ene enera rato torr displ displa( a(,, micr microp opro roce cesso ssorr and and Data Data inputs. Option !. !. ADC, Altimeter, +*% an and A*%. Option C. AD%, )*% and *(m *(mbol enerator. Correc Correctt Ans" Ans"er er is. is. -ode -ode contr control ol pane panel, l, ast aster er and and *tro6e *tro6e enera enerator tor displa( displa(,, micro micropro process cessor or and Data inputs. #$plan #$planatio ation. n. Automa Automatic tic 3li 3liht ht Contr Control ol b( #) #) alle allett tt and and *ha"n *ha"n Co(l Co(lee pae pae
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