www.easaquestionpapers.blogspot.com 1.2a. Semiconductors - Transistors.
Question Number. 1. In an NPN transistor the P is the. Option A. collector. Option B. emitter. Option C. base. Correct Answer is is. base. Expl Explan anat atio ion. n. NPN NPN or PNP PNP, the midd middle le one one is alwa alwas s the the Base. Base. Airc Aircra! ra!tt Elect Electri ricit cit and and Electronics "th Edition Eismin Pa#e 11$.
Quest estion Nu Number. er. %. &hen co compare ared to to a photo di diode, a photo tr transisto stor. Opti Option on A. is less less sen sensiti siti'e 'e to li# li#ht le'e le'els ls.. Opti Option on B. resp respon onds ds !ast !aster er to chan chan# #es o! li# li#ht ht.. Opti Option on C. is slow slower er to resp respon ond d to chan chan#e #ess o! li#h li#ht. t. Corre Correct ct Answe nswerr is. is slo slowe werr to res respo pond nd to to chan chan#e #ess o! li# li#ht ht.. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Quest estion Number. er. ). *or cor correct ect ope operati ation o! a transi ansisstor, the the !ol !ollowin# con conditions must appl. Opti Option on A. +he +he base basee emi mitt tter er -unc -uncti tion on must must be !orwa !orward rd bias biased ed and the base basec col olle lect ctor or -unction must be #reater than ./ 'olts. Opti Option on B. *or *or an NPN NPN trans transis isto torr the the base basee emi mitt tter er -unc -uncti tion on must must be !orwa !orward rd bias biased ed and and !or a PNP transistor the base emitter -unction must be re'erse biased. Opti Option on C. +he base aseco coll llec ecto torr -un -unctio ction n must be re' re'erse erse biase iased d and and the the base basee em mitte itter r -unction must be !orward biased. Corr Correc ectt Answe nswerr is. is. +he +he base basec col olle lect ctor or -unc -uncti tion on must must be re'e re'ers rsee bias biased ed and and the the base base emitter -unction must be !orward biased. Explanation Explanation.. Eismin Aircra!t Aircra!t Electricit Electricit and Electron Electronics ics "th Edition Edition pa#e pa#e 11$. 11$.
Question Number. smbol. Option A. . Option B. a. Option C. 2c#. Correct Answer is. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Current #ain in a common emitter ampli!ier is #i'en the
Question Number. ". &hen a positi'e 'ol 'olta#e is ap applied to th the bas base o! a nor normall biased npn common emitter ampli!ier. Opti Option on A. the the col colle lect ctor or 'olt 'olta# a#ee #oe #oess les lesss pos posit iti' i'e. e. Option B. B. the em emitter cu current ent de decrea reases ses. Option C. the bas basee current decrea reases. es. Corre Correct ct Ans Answe werr is. the the colle collect ctor or 'ol 'olta ta#e #e #oe #oess less less posi positi' ti'e. e. Explana Explanatio tion. n. 34etch 34etch the the circu circuit it and and wor4 wor4 it out. out. Share your documents with us at (
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Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.
&hich hich wa wa does does con con'ent 'entio ion nal curr curren entt !lo !low w in in a PNP PNP -un -unctio ction n5.
Option A. Emitter to base. Option B. Collector to base. Option C. Collector to emitter. Corr Correc ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. Emit Emitte terr to to bas base. e. Explana Explanatio tion. n. Con'en Con'ention tional al current current in a PNP tran transist sistor or !lows !rom E6I++E E6I++E7 7 to BA3E. BA3E. Note8 In an NPN transistor it would be collector to emitter.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /. *or cond conduc ucti tio on o! a tran transi sist sto or, the the emit emitte terr -unc -uncti tio on is. is. Opti Option on A. !orw !orwar ard d or re'e re'erse rse as appr approp opria riate te to the the inp input ut si#n si#nal al.. Option B. re'erse biased. Option C. !orward biased. Corr Correc ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. !orw !orwar ard d bia biase sed d. Explanation Explanation.. *or a transisto transistorr to switch switch on, the baseemitt baseemitter er 9or -ust -ust emitter: emitter: -unction -unction must must be !orward biased. Aircra!t Electricit and Electronics "th Edition Eismin Pa#e 11$.
Question Number. ;. In a PNP tra transistor, which wa do does con'entional current !low5. Option A. Base to to em emitter. Option B. Collector to emitter. Option C. Emitter to collector. Corr Correc ectt Answe nswerr is. is. Emit Emitte terr to to col colle lect ctor or.. Explana Explanatio tion. n. In a PNP tran transist sistor or,, the main current current !low !low is Emitter Emitter to Collecto Collectorr 9re'erse 9re'erse o! what it is with an NPN transistor:.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.