www.easaquestionpapers.blogspot.com 17. AC Generators.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. In an alte altern rnat atin ing g cu curren rrentt Sta Starr wir wired ed syst system em,, th the ph phase ase vol volta tage ge is 115 volts and the line voltage will be approximately. Option . !"" volts. Option #. 115 volts. Option $. 1%& volts. $orrect rect nswer is. is. !"" vo volts. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. !. n alt alter ern natin ating g cur curre rent nt gen generat erator or is opera perati ting ng at 5" )* )* in a circuit with a power +actor o+ ".. -he real power is. Option . ")/. Option #. 0!)/. Option $. 5")/. $orrect n nswer is is . ")/. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. &. -he two two +act +acto ors whic which h gove govern rn the the outp utput +re +reue uen ncy o+ an $ generator are the. Opti Option on . the the num numbe berr o+ o+ pol poles es 2in 2in pair pairs3 s3 and and the the rot rotor or 46. 46. Opti Option on #. #. stre streng ngth th o+ o+ the the stat stator or +ie +ield ld +lu +lux x and and numb number er o+ o+ pole poles. s. Opti Option on $. $. spee speed d o+ o+ rotat rotatio ion n o+ o+ the the roto rotorr and and the the stato statorr +ield +ield +lux +lux stren strengt gth. h. $orrect $orrect nswe nswerr is. the number number o+ poles poles 2in 2in pairs3 pairs3 and the rotor rotor 46. 46. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Question Number. . In a de delta7connected generator. Opti Option on . line line vol voltag tagee 8 root root & time timess phase phase volt voltag age, e, lin linee curre current nt 8 phase phase curr current ent.. Opti Option on #. #. line line vol volts ts 8 pha phase se volt volts, s, lin linee curre current nt 8 pha phase se cur curren rentt divi divide ded d by root root &. &. Opti Option on $. $. line line vol volts ts 8 phase phase volts volts,, line line cur curre rent nt 8 root root & times times pha phase se cur curre rent nt.. $orrect $orrect nswe nswerr is. line line volts volts 8 phase phase volts, volts, line line curren currentt 8 root root & time timess phase phase curren current. t. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 5. /hen hen mea measu suri rin ng the the phase hase and and lin linee vo voltag ltages es o+ a gen gener erat ator or,, it was +ound that line and phase voltages were eual. -he generator is9. Option . eith ither del deltta or or st star wound. Option #. delta wound. Option $. star wound. $orr $orrec ectt nswe nswerr is. is. delta elta woun wound. d. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Quest estion Nu Number. er. %. -he per perm mane anent ma magnet in an an .$ ge generato ator in induces. Option . .$. in in th the mai main n ge genera erator. Share your documents with us at (
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www.easaquestionpapers.blogspot.com Option #. #. .$. in in th the ex excit citer ge generat rator. Option $. $. :.$. in in th the ex excit citer ge generat rator. $orre $orrect ct nswe nswerr is. is. .$. .$. in the the exc excite iterr gen genera erato tor. r. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 0. I+ the the pha phase se volta oltage ge in a sta starr co connec nnecte ted d gen gener erat ator or is !""* ""* wha whatt will be the line voltage9. Option . 115*. Option #. &%*. Option $. !""*. $orrect n nswer is is. &%*. 'xplanation 'xplanation.. Star connect connected ed generator generator 7 line line voltage voltage is 1.0& ; phase phase voltage. voltage.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . gener enerat ato or is is lab label eled ed as havi havin ng 11 115*/ < >*4S. Option #. amperes. Option $. >*. $orrect n nswer is is . >*. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. &". -he shap shapee o+ o+ th the out outp put wav wave+o e+orm o+ an $ gen gener erat ato or is is )no )nown wn as a. Option . sine wave. Option #. +reuency wave. Option $. cosine wave. $orrect rect nswer is. is. sine wav wavee. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. &1. &1. -he -he sum sum o+ the the ins insta tant ntan aneo eous us '.6. '.6.= =.Ds in a thr three ee phas phasee sy system stem is. Option . . three ree tim times es the ph phase voltage. Option #. Aero. Option $. eual to the line voltage. $orrect nswer is is. Aero. 'xplanation 'xplanation.. (oo) at a diagram diagram o+ o+ & phases. phases. dd dd up all all three at any vertical line and and it always comes to Aero.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. &!. One revo revolu luti tion on o+ a thr three ee phase hase gen generat erator or will will produ roduce ce.. Option . 1 cycle. Option #. & cycles. Option $. ! cycles. $orrect rect nswer is. is. 1 cycl cyclee. 'xplanation 'xplanation.. lthough lthough there there are three phases, phases, they they are are considered considered separate separate 7 so one cycle cycle is generated per revolution.
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www.easaquestionpapers.blogspot.com Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.
-he DD DD phase hase o+ a thr three ee phase hase powe powerr syst system em is colo colou ur cod coded ed..
Option . red. Option #. blue. Option $. yellow. $orrect nswer is. red. 'xpla xplana nati tion on.. NI( NI(.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. &. -he to tolera leranc ncee o+ the the $ gener enerat ator or +re +reue uen ncy is. is. Option . 1" @A. Option #. " @A. Option $. !" @A. $orrect nswer is is. !" @A @A. 'xplana 'xplanatio tion. n. E* and and pow power er +act +acto or ". ". has has a maximum continuous power output o+. Option . &" )/. Option #. ! )/. Option $. )/. $orrect nswer is is. ! )/ )/. 'xplanation 'xplanation.. -rue -rue ower ower 8 = ; ppare pparent nt ower ower 8 ". ". ; &" 8 !)/. !)/.
Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. %. %. I+ ther theree was was a main mainly ly indu induct ctiv ivee loa load d on an $ gen gener erat ator or,, the the voltage with respect to the current would. Option . lag. Option #. be in phase. Option $. lead. $orrect nswer is is. lead. 'xpl 'xplan anat atio ion. n. 4eme 4ememb mber er $I*I $I*I(. (.
Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 0. 0. On a bru brush shle less ss $ gen gener erat ator or,, the the per perma mane nent nt magn magnet et gene genera rato torr output is. Option . :$. Option #. pulsed. Option $. $. $orrect nswer is is. $. 'xplanation 'xplanation.. -he output output is is $ $ be+ore be+ore it is recti+ied recti+ied by the the diodes diodes inside inside the sha+t. sha+t.
Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . -he out outp put +rom +rom a rota rotati ting ng arm armatu ature $ gen gener erat ato or wou would ld be ta)en +rom. Option . . eith ither th the ro rotor or or th the st stator. Option #. the rotor. Option $. the stator. $orrect rect nswer is. is. the ro rotor. 'xplana 'xplanatio tion. n. *iew *iew $ommen $omment