Module 03 Part 4

April 22, 2018 | Author: Aviation World | Category: Inductor, Electric Motor, Inductance, Electric Generator, Series And Parallel Circuits
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Module 03 Part 4...

Description 11. Inductance/inductor.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. Two indu induct ctiv ivee co coils ils are are pla place cedd in clo close proxi roxim mity ity with ith eac eachh other at 90 degrees. The number of flux linkages is. ption !. 0. ption ". maximum negative. ption #. maximum positive. #orrect !nswer is is. 0. $xplanation $xplanation The coils must be parallel parallel for maximum maximum flux linkages linkages %coupling %coupling factor&. factor&. #oupling factor reduces as angular difference increases to. Quest estion Nu Number. er. '. (hat is th the mut mutuual in inductan tance if if tw two co coils of of 10 10m) an and *00m) have 90+ of the flux transferred from one to the other,. ption !. -*9m). ption ". -.*m). ption #. /m). #orrect !n !nswer is is. /m). $xplana $xplanatio tionn Total otal induc inductan tance ce  0.9 0.9  root root  10  *00 *00  /. /. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /. !n in induct ductor or has has 120 12000 00 turn turnss of of wir wiree and and a cro crosss sec secti tioonal nal are areaa of 0.001m'. 3f the core has a permeability of 0.0002001 and the coil is 0.1m. (hat is the value of the inductor,. ption !. !. 100micro). ption ". 100m). ption #. 10m). #orrect !n !nswer is is. 10m). $xplana $xplanatio tionn 0.0000 0.000001 01100 10000 00.00 .00140 140.1 .1  0.01 0.01  10 10 m). m). Quest estion Nu Number. er. -. Three ree in inductors 10 10 m) m)2 * m) an and '0 '0 m) m) are are connect ected in  parallel. (hat is the total inductance,. ption ption !. (itho (ithout ut knowin knowingg the the coupli coupling ng factor factor the total total indu inducta ctance nce cannot cannot be found. found. ption ". '.5m). ption #. /*m). #orrect rect !nswer is is. '.5m). $xplanation $xplanation 3n parallel2 parallel2 the total total inductan inductance ce is lower than the lowest lowest single single inductanc inductance. e. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. *. 3f the the cur curre rent nt reac reache hess a max maxim imum um thro throuugh an ind inducto ctor of of '! '! in 1* seconds2 what is the current after / seconds,. ption !. 1.'!. ption ". 0./!. ption #. 1!. #orrect rect !nswer is. 1.'!. $xplanation $xplanation 1 time time constant constant  1*4* 1*4*  /s. /s. 100+ 100+ charg chargee  '!2 '!2 so 1 time time constant constant %/.'+ %/.'+&&  1.'!. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Question Nu Number. . ption !. 647. ption ". 6' 47. ption #. 67. #orrect !nswer is is. 647. $xplanation N36.

The titime co constant of of an an in inductor is is.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 8. 3f the the rat ratee of of ch chang ange of of cu curren rrentt is is halv halved ed22 mutu mutual al ind inducta uctannce will. ption !. stay the same. ption ". halve. ption #. double. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. stay tay the the sam same. e. $xplanation $xplanation et the the formula formula for mutual mutual inductance. inductance. 7ate of change change of current current %i.e. fre:uency& is not in it. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 5. (hy are are th the iro ironn core coress of most ost ind inducti uctioon coil coilss lam laminat inated ed,. ,. pti ption on !. To redu reduce ce the the eff effec ects ts of eddy eddy curr curren ents ts.. pti ption on ". To red reduce uce the the core core relu reluct ctan ance ce.. pti ption on #. To incr increa ease se the the cor coree per perm meabi eabili lity ty.. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. To red reduc ucee the the effe effects cts of of eddy eddy cur curren rents ts.. $xplanation N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 9. (hen hen more ore than than two two ind inducto uctors rs of diff ifferen erentt indu induct ctan ance ce are are connected in parallel in a circuit2 the total inductance is. pti ption on !. e:ua e:uall ttoo the the sum sum of of the the indi indivi vidu dual al ind induc ucta tanc nce. e. pti ption on ". e:ual e:ual to the the ind induc uctan tance ce of the the hig highe hest st rated rated indu induct ctor or.. pti ption on #. less less than than the the ind induc ucta tance nce of the the low lowes estt rate ratedd ind induc ucto tor. r. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. less less than than the the indu inductan ctance ce of of the the lowest lowest rated rated indu inducto ctor. r. $xplanation $xplanation !dding !dding inductors inductors in parallel parallel is the the same same formula formula as resistors resistors in in parallel parallel %i.e. %i.e. adding an inductor actually decreases the inductance&. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 10. 10. Thee tim Th timee con const stan antt in in an an ind induc ucti tive ve circ circui uitt is is the the time time re:u re:uir ired ed for  for  the current to reach. ption !. 80.8+ of of ma maximum va value. ption ". ". /.'+ of of ma maximum va value. ption #. #. /.8+ of of ma maximum va value. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. /.' /.'+ + of of max maxim imum um valu value. e. $xplanation N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 11. !n !# !# in induct ductiv ivee cir circu cuit it has an indu induct ctan ance ce 0f 10 10 m) m) and and a fre:uency input of 1000);. The opposition to current flow is approximately. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers ption !. / ohms. ption ". /2000 ohms. ption #. /0 ohms. #orrect rect !nswer is is. / ohms. $xplanation $xplanation 3nductive 3nductive reactance reactance is 'pi 'pi  f  6  .'5 .'5  1000 1000  1041000 1041000  '.5 '.5 ohms. ohms. Question Nu Number.


7otating co coil " through 90 90< wi will.

pti ption on !. incr increa easse the the $= $=>> ind induced uced into into ". pti ption on ". incr increa easse the the $= $=>> ind induced uced into into !. pti ption on #. decre ecreas asee the the $=> $=> ind induced uced into into ". #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. decre decreas asee the the $=> $=> indu induce cedd int intoo ". ". $xplanation $xplanation #oupling #oupling factor is maximum maximum when the coils coils are are parallel. parallel. 3t is ;ero ;ero if they they are are at 90< to each other.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1/. !n in induct ductor or of resi resist stan ance ce * k? k? and and indu induct ctan ance ce 'm) is is connected to a @# circuit. The time constant is. ption !. -00 ns. ption ". 10 seconds. ption #. -0 ms. #orrect rect !nswer is. -00 ns. $xplanation $xplanation Time Time constant constant  647  'm)4*00 'm)4*0000  0.000200 0.0002000202- seconds seconds  -00 -00 ns. ns. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 1-. 1-. (hen (hen swit switch chin ingg off off the the sup suppl plyy2 the the bac backk $=> $=> in a col colla laps psin ingg field in an inductor. pti ption on !. can can be be mul multi tipl plee tim times es bigg bigger er tha thann for forwa ward rd $= $=>>. ption ". ". never ex exceeds forward $= $=>. ption #. #. is e: e:ual to to fo forward $= $=>. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. can be multip multiple le time timess bigg bigger er than than forwar forwardd $=> $=>.. $xplanation $xplanation The si;e of the the backAemf backAemf depends depends upon upon how fast the magnetic magnetic field is collapsing. That is how your car ignition turns 1'B into several thousand volts.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Question Number. 1*. !n induced current in a coil. ption !. !. opposes th the $=> $=> prod roducing itit. pti ption on ". does oes no not af affect fect the the $=> $=> produ roduci cing ng it. it. ption #. aids the $=> producing it. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. oppo oppose sess the the $= $=>> pro produ duci cing ng it. it. $xplanation $xplanation The induce inducedd current current in a coil %inductor& %inductor& oppos opposes es the the current current which which produ produces ces it. it. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 1. 1. 1 Bolt is prod produc uced ed when when a cur curre rent nt of 1 !mp per per sec secon ondd is is varied in a coilC. This is a definition of. ption !. 1 !mpere pe per me metre. ption ". 1 )enry. ption #. 1 #oulomb per second. #orrect rect !nswer is is. 1 )e )enry. ry. $xplanation $xplanation 6ensC 6ensC 6aw "$=>  A6 d34dt !ircraft !ircraft $lectrical $lectrical Dystems Dystems EalletCs EalletCs /rd /rd $dition $dition !ppendix 1 page 19*. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 18. 18. Two ind induc ucto torr coi coils ls in very very clos closee pro proxi xim mity ityF if if one one of the the coi coils ls is rotated 90 degrees slowly away from the other the mutual inductance. ption !. decreases. ption ". remains the same. ption #. increases. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. decre ecreas ases es.. $xplanation $xplanation #oupling #oupling factor %mutual %mutual inducta inductance& nce& decreases decreases to ;ero ;ero at 90 90 degrees degrees.. Quest estion Nu Number. er. 15. !n in inductor is is sai saidd to to be be sa saturat rated wh when. ption !. the cu current is is at a max maxim imuum. ption ". ". the cu current th through itit is is ;e ;ero. pti ption on #. it will will no lon longer ger acc accep eptt lin lines es of flu flux. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. it wil willl no long longer er acce accept pt lin lines es of of flux flux.. $xplanation N36. 12. DC Motor/Generator Theory .

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. 3n a @# @# moto motorr2 the the sta stato torC rCss mag magnnetic etic fiel field2 d2 due due to to arm armat atur uree reaction2 moves. pti ption on !. in the the sam samee dir direc ecti tion on of rota rotati tion on of the the arm armat atur ure. e. pti ption on ". in the the opp oppos osit itee dir direc ectio tionn of of rot rotati ation on of the the arm armatu ature. re. ption #. #. into al alignment ent wi with th the N N!. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. in the the oppo opposit sitee directi direction on of of rotati rotation on of of the the armatu armature. re. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Quest estion Number. er. '. ! small air ga gap between magn agnetic tic poles results. pti ption on !. in a weak weaker er fiel fieldd than than a lar large ge air air gap gap22 for for the the same same mag magne neti tisi sing ng for force ce.. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers pti ption on ". ". in a str stron onge gerr field field than than a lar large ge air air gap gap22 for for the the same same mag magne neti tisi sing ng for force ce.. pti ption on #. #. in the the same same fie field ld as as a lar large ge air gap2 gap2 for for the the same same mag magne neti tisi sing ng forc force. e. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. in the the same same field field as a large large air air gap2 gap2 for for the same same magne magnetis tising ing force. force. $xplanation $xplanation.. =agnetic =agnetic field %number %number of flux flux lines& lines& is the the same same regardless regardless of of distance distance  between poles. )owever2 the field density %flux density& will increase with a smaller air gap. Quest estion Nu Number. er. /. The el electr ctromag omagnnetic bra brakke co coil iinn an an ac actuator wo would be be energised. pti ption on !. only only at the the ins insta tant nt of star starti ting ng and and sto stopp ppin ing. g. ption ". all the time in flight. pti ption on #. only nly when the the act actua uato torr is is run runnin ning. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. only only whe whenn the the actu actuat ator or is is run runni ning ng.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. -. 3n a shu shunt nt wound ound dire direct ct curr curren entt mo motor tor wit withh a co constan stantt vo voltag ltagee field supply2 the tor:ue developed by the motor is. ption !. independent of load. pti ption on ". dire direct ctly ly prop propor orti tion onal al to arma armatu ture re curr curren ent. t. pti ption on #. #. inve invers rsel elyy pro propo port rtio iona nall to the the arma armatu ture re cur curre rent nt.. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. direc directly tly pro propo port rtio ional nal to to armatu armature re curr curren ent.t. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Quest estion Nu Number. er. *. @ecr ecreasing th the fi field cu current ent in in a shunt mo motor wi will. pti ption on !. decre ecreas asee spe speed ed and and in increa crease se tor: tor:uue. pti ption on ". incr increa easse sp speed eed and and incr increa ease se tor: tor:ue ue.. pti ption on #. incr increa easse sp speed eed and and decre ecreas asee tor tor:u :ue. e. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. incre increas asee speed speed and and incr increas easee tor: tor:ue ue.. $xplanation $xplanation.. @ecreasing @ecreasing the the field current in a shunt shunt motor motor will will reduce reduce the back back emf emf in the armature so the armature current will increase giving a rise in tor:ue and the 7E= will increase as a conse:uence. Quest estion Nu Number. er. . To calcu lculate ate ge generat rator ou output yo you ne need to to kn know th the. pti ption on !. arma armatu ture re spe speed ed and and numb number er of of ser serie iess cond conduc ucto tors rs.. pti ption on ". arm armatu ature speed eed an and fie field ld stren trengt gthh. pti ption on #. #. arma armatu ture re spe speed ed and and numb number er of of par paral alle lell cond conduc ucto tors rs.. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. armat armatur uree speed speed and and fiel fieldd stre streng ngth th.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 8. 3n a shu shunt nt motor otor22 if you rev revers erse bo both fiel fieldd curr curren entt and and the the armature current2 the motor will. ption !. stop. ption ". change direction. pti ption on #. cont contin inue ue to run run in in th the sam samee dir direc ecti tioon. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. cont contin inue ue to to run run in the the same same dir direct ectio ion. n. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. Erove Erove it with with >lem >leming ingCs Cs left left hand hand rule. rule. Question Number. 5. ! starter generator has a. pti ption on !. low low resi resist stanc ancee seri series es fiel fieldd and and a low low resi resist stan ance ce shu shunt nt field field.. pti ption on ". low low res resis istan tance ce seri series es field field and and a high high resi resist stan ance ce shu shunt nt field field.. pti ption on #. high high resi resist stan ance ce seri series es field field and and a low low res resis ista tance nce shun shuntt fiel field. d. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. low resist resistance ance series series field field and and a high high resi resista stance nce shun shuntt field. field. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 9. 3f the the bra brakke coi coill on an actu actuat ator or motor otor goes oes open open circ circui uit2 t2 the the actuator will. ption !. run slower. ption ". stop. pti ption on #. over verArid Aridee its its mecha echannical ical sto stops. ps. #orrect !n !nswer is is. stop. $xplanation $xplanation.. The brake brake coil coil is wired wired in series with the the actuator actuator motor motor coil. coil. 3t withdraw withdrawss a spring loaded lock to release the actuator when current is applied. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 10. 10. Thee dia Th diagr gram am show showss a '00 '00 B long long shun shuntt gen gener erat ator or.. (hat (hat is the the voltage dropped across the series resistor,. ption !. 0.1' B. ption ". 0.' B. ption #. '00 B. #orrect rect !nswer is is. 0.1' B. $xplanation $xplanation.. @onCt let let the field field configurati configuration on confuse confuse you. you. The The 0.0- and 100 100 ohm resisto resistors rs are part of the generator and can be ignored. Gust consider the 0.0 ohm %the series resistor& and the load resistor. #alculate current %about '!& then calculate voltage across 0.0 ohm resistor. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 11. 3f a gen gener erat ator or speed peed is halv halved ed and and the the fiel fieldd str stren engt gthh is is dou doubl bled ed22 the voltage output will be. ption !. !. unchanged. ption ". doubled. ption #. halved. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. unch nchange anged. d. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1'. )ow can can the the dire direct ctio ionn of of rot rotat atio ionn of of a @# @# ele elect ctri ricc mo motor tor be be changed,. pti ption on !. !. reve revers rsee the elec electri trical cal con conne necti ction onss to eith either er the the field field or arm armat atur uree windi winding ngs. s. pti ption on ". ". rota rotate te the the pos posit itiv ivee brus brushh one one comm commut utat ator or seg segme ment nt.. pti ption on #. #. inter interch chan ange ge the the wir wires es whi which ch con conne nect ct the the moto motorr to the the exte externa rnall powe powerr sour source ce.. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. revers reversee the elect electrica ricall connec connectio tions ns to either either the fiel fieldd or armatur armaturee windings. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 1/. 1/. Thee onl Th onlyy prac practi tica call meth method od of main mainta tain inin ingg a cons consta tant nt volt voltag agee output from an aircraft generator under varying conditions of speed and load is to vary the. pti ption on !. speed peed at whic whichh th the arm armat atuure rota rotate tes. s. pti ption on ". stren trengt gthh of the the magne agneti ticc fiel fieldd. pti ption on #. numbe umberr of of con condu duct ctor orss in in the the arm armatu ature. re. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. stren strengt gthh of of the the magne magnetic tic field field.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 1-. 1-. $lec $lectr tric ic moto motors rs are are oft often en clas classi sifi fied ed acco accord rdin ingg to to the the met metho hodd of of connecting the field coils and armature. !ircraft engine starter motors are generally of which type,. ption !. #ompound. ption ". Dhunt %parallel&. ption #. Deries. #orrect rect !nswer is is. Derie ries. $xplanation $xplanation.. Deries motors motors have the highest highest starting starting tor:ue. tor:ue. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1*. 3f a hea heavy vy mecha echani nica call lloa oadd is is rem remov oved ed fro from a ser serie iess mo motor tor. pti ption on !. the the spee speedd wil willl incre increas asee and and the the arm armat atur uree curr curren entt will will inc increa rease se.. pti ption on ". the the spe speed ed will will inc increa rease se and and the the armat armatur uree curr curren entt wil willl decr decrea ease se.. pti ption on #. the the spe speed ed will will decr decrea ease se and and the the armat armatur uree cur curren rentt wil willl dec decrea rease se.. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. the spee speedd will will increa increase se and and the the armatu armature re curren currentt will will decrea decrease. se. $xplanation $xplanation.. Dpeed increases increases and increases increases the back back emf emf which decreases decreases the armature armature current. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. 3f the the cor corre rect ct sup supply ply wer weree co connec nnecte tedd to to a @# @# shu shunt nt motor otor which had lost its residual magnetism it would. ption !. run in in th the rev reveerse rse di direct ection ion. ption ". fail to run. ption #. run normally. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. run run nor norm mally ally.. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. 3ts a motor motor22 not not a generat generatorH orH.. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

18. 18.

ne ne pur purpo pose se of a gro growl wler er test test is to dete determ rmin inee the the pre prese senc ncee ofI ofI..

ption !. a sh shorted ar armature. ption ". a broken field lead. ption #. #. an ou outAofAround co commutat tator. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. a sho short rted ed arma armatu ture re.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 15. 15. Thee pur Th purpo pose se of an endA endAtr trav avel el micr micros oswi witc tchh in in a lin linea earr act actua uato torr is is to. pti ption on !. rema remain in open open and and clo close sess at at end end trav travel el only only.. ption ption ". remain remain open open duri during ng normal normal operati operation on and only only clos closee if if the the actua actuator tor overru overruns ns its stops. pti ption on #. rema remain in clos closed ed and and ope opens ns at end end tra trave vell onl onlyy. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. remai remainn close closedd and and open openss at end end trave travell only only.. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. Dee Eallett Eallett A !ircr !ircraft aft $lectri $lectrical cal Dyste Dystems2 ms2 pg 1-0. 1-0. Quest estion Nu Number. er. 19. 6inear ac actuators us used in in ai aircraft raft are are of of. pti ption on !. split plit fiel fieldd serie eriess woun woundd type type.. ption ". compound wound type. ption #. #. split fi field sh shunt wo wound ty type. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. spli splitt fiel fieldd seri series es woun woundd typ type. e. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. Dee Eallett Eallett A !ircr !ircraft aft $lectri $lectrical cal Dyste Dystems2 ms2 pg 1-1. 1-1. Quest estion Nu Number. er. '0. 3f a ge generator sp sparks2 a po possible re reaso ason is is. ption !. the bru brussh sp springs ar are lo loose. pti ption on ". magne agneti ticc flu fluxx defle eflect ctin ingg the the $=> $=>.. pti ption on #. the the bru brush shes es have have been been plac placed ed aroun aroundd the the mag magne netic tic coil coil.. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. the the bru brush sh spri spring ngss are are loos loose. e. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. '1. '1. 3f the the fie field ld stre streng ngth th of a gen gener erat ator or is doub double led2 d2 and and the the spee speedd is is doubled2 the output $=> will. ption !. stay the same. ption ". double. ption #. :uadruple. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. :uad uadrupl ruple. e. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Question Number. ''. 3n a @# @# motor the pole pairs are. ption !. connect ected to th the bru brussh ge gear. ar. ption ". part of the armature. pti ption on #. embe embeddded ded with within in the the fiel fieldd coil coils. s. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. embed embedde dedd wit withi hinn the the field field coil coils. s. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Quest estion Number. er. '/. ! seri eries wound @# motor2 the fifield eld has. ption !. few turns of thin wire. ption ". ". many turns of th thin wi wire. ption #. #. few tu turns of th thick wire. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. few few tur turns ns of thic thickk wir wire. e. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. '-. @oubl oublin ingg the the runn runnin ingg tim timee of of an an ele elect ctri rica call mac machi hine ne woul wouldd. ption !. double the curre rrent used. ption ". ". double th the Jo Joules used. ption #. double the watts used. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. doub double le the the Jou Joule less use used. d. $xplanation $xplanation.. Eower %watts& %watts& is is the rate of of using using energy energy %Goules&. %Goules&. Do doubling doubling running running time time will not change the power. #urrent is the rate of charge flow A so more charge %coulombs& will be used but not at a faster or slower CrateC. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. '*. '*. n a lin linea earr act actua uato torr2 the the fie field ld cuto cutoff ff coil coil will will be ener energgi;ed i;ed when. pti ption on !. only only as the the act actua uato torr com comme menc nces es move moveme ment nt.. ption ". ". the ac actuato ator is is not ru running. ption #. #. the ac actuator is is ru running. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. the the actu actuat ator or is is runn runnin ing. g. $xplanation $xplanation.. >ield cutoff cutoff coil coil is believed believed to be the the brake brake coil. coil. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. '. '. !n elec electr tric ic motor otor prod produc uces es a for force ce of * N at a dis dista tanc ncee of of 0.' 0.'m m from the centre of rotation and rotates at a speed of 100 revs4sec. The motors output is. ption !. 100 horsepower. ption ". '5.- watts. ption #. /1-.' watts. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. '5.'5.- watt watts. s. $xplanation $xplanation.. Eower in a motor motor  tor:ue tor:ue  'pi  revs4sec. revs4sec. Tor: Tor:ue ue  force force  radius. radius. Question Number. '8. Dtarter motors are usually. ption !. series wo wound. ption ". ". compound wo wound. ption #. shunt wound. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. serie eriess wou wounnd. $xplanation $xplanation.. Deries wound wound motors motors have the greatest greatest starting starting tor:ue. tor:ue. Quest estion Nu Number. er. '5. ene enerat rator bru brusshes ar are no normal rmallly mad madee of of. ption !. steel. ption ". carbon. ption #. brass. #orrect rect !nswer is is. carbon. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. the voltage will.

'9. '9.

!s the the gen gener erat ator or load load is incr increa ease sedd %wi %with thin in its its rate ratedd capa capaci city ty&2 &2

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers pti ption on !. remain remain cons constan tantt and and the the amp ampera erage ge outp output ut will will decr decreas ease. e. pti ption on ". decr decrea ease se and and the the amp amper erag agee out outpu putt wil willl iinc ncre reas ase. e. pti ption on #. remain remain cons constan tantt and and the the amp ampera erage ge outp output ut will will incr increa ease se.. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. remain remain consta constant nt and and the the amp amperag eragee outpu outputt will will increa increase. se. $xplanation $xplanation.. The voltage voltage regulator regulator keeps keeps the the generator generator voltage voltage output output the same. same. #urrent #urrent will increase as the load resistance drops. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /0. The vol volta tage ge outp outpuut of of a gener enerat atoor is is co contro trolled lled by. by. pti ption on !. vary arying ing the the curr curren entt of of th the out outpput. ut. pti ption on ". vary arying ing the the resi resist stan ance ce of the the outp utput. ut. pti ption on #. vary arying ing the the curr curren entt of the the fie field ld.. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. vary varyin ingg the the curre current nt of the the fiel field. d. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

/1. /1.

Thee cur Th curre rent nt flow flowin ingg in the the arm armat atur uree of a @# moto motorr is is e:ua e:uall to. to.

pti ption on !. %app %applie liedd vol volts tsAg Agen ener erate atedd vol volts ts&& 4 arma armatu ture re resis resista tanc nce. e. pti ption on ". %app %applie liedd volts voltsAg Agen ener erate atedd vol volts ts&&  armat armatur uree res resis istan tance. ce. pti ption on #. appli applied ed volts volts K gene generat rated ed volt voltss 4 arma armatu ture re resis resista tanc nce. e. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. %appli %applied ed volt voltsAg sAgene enerate ratedd volts volts&& 4 armat armature ure resist resistanc ance. e. $xplanation $xplanation.. hms law law 3  B47. B47. Bo Boltage in the the armature armature is the the applied applied voltage voltage A back emf emf %generated voltage&. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. /'. /'. (hat (hat devi device ce is used used to conv conver ertt alt alter erna nati ting ng curr curren ent2 t2 whic whichh has has  been induced into the loops of of the rotating armature of a @# generator into direct current as it leaves the generator,. ption !. !n inverter. ption ". ! commutator. ption #. ! rectifier. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. ! comm commut utat atoor. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. //. //. (hic (hichh of of the the foll follow owin ingg is is not not one one of of the the purp purpos oses es of inte interp rpol oles es in a generator,. ption !. !. verco rcome arm armat atuure re react action. ption ". ". 7edu educe arci rcing at at th the br brushes. ption #. #. 7educe fi field st strength. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. 7edu 7educe ce fie field ld str stren engt gth. h. $xplanation $xplanation.. NTC one one of the purpos purposes. es. The The purpose purpose of of interpoles interpoles is to overcom overcomee %in fact CpreventC& armature reaction. !rmature reaction is partially responsible for arcing at the  brushes. Quest estion Nu Number. er. /-. To reve everse th the di directi ction of of a se serie ries mo motor. pti ption on !. the the direc directi tion on of of the the curre current nt thr throu ough gh the the fie field ld and and the the arm armat atur uree is rev revers ersed ed.. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers pti ption on ". the the dire directi ction on of the the cur curre rent nt thro throug ughh the the fiel fieldd is is rev revers ersed ed.. pti ption on #. a seco econd seri series es fiel fieldd is fitt fitted ed.. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. a sec secon ondd ser series ies fiel fieldd is is fit fitted ted.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /*. The cur curre rent nt con consume sumedd by a @# star starte terr mot motoor wil will. l. pti ption on !. remain remain relat relativ ively ely cons constan tantt ove overr the the start startin ingg spe speed ed rang range. e. pti ption on ". decr decrea ease se as the the engi engine ne spee speedd incr increa ease ses. s. pti ption on #. incr increa ease se as the the engi engine ne spee speedd incr increa ease ses. s. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. decre decreas asee as the the eng engin inee spee speedd incre increas ases es.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Question Nu Number. /. )ow ar are ge generators ra rated,. ption !. 3mp 3mpedanc ance at at ra rated ted vo voltage age. ption ". !mperes at rate ated voltage. ption #. #. (atts at at ra rated vo voltage. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. (atts tts at at rate ratedd volt voltag age. e. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Quest estion Number. er. /8. @ue to armature react eactiion in a @# motor. pti ption on !. the the lead leadin ingg pol polee tips tips are are mag magne neti tica call llyy wea weake kene ned. d. pti ption on ". ". the the trai traili ling ng pole pole tip tipss are are mag magne neti tica call llyy wea weake kene ned. d. pti ption on #. #. the the magn magneti eticc flux flux is resto restore redd by movi moving ng the the =N! =N! towa toward rdss the the N! N!.. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. the trailin trailingg pole pole tips tips are are magn magneti etically cally weaken weakened. ed. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. /5. /5. Dome Dome elec electr tric ic moto motors rs have have two two sets sets of fiel fieldd wind windin ingg wou wound nd in opposite directions so that the. pti ption on !. spee speedd of of the the mot motor or can can be be more more clo close sely ly con contr trol olle led. d. pti ption on ". moto motorr can can be oper operat ated ed in eith either er dire direct ctio ion. n. pti ption on #. powe powerr out outpu putt of of the the moto motorr can can be more more close closely ly cont control rolle led. d. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. moto motorr can be ope opera rate tedd in eit eithe herr direc directi tion on.. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. Dpecifi Dpecificall callyy series series motors motors.. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /9. (hat hat pola polari rity ty do inte interp rpol oles es take take in a @# motor otor,. ,. pti ption on !. $ith ither2 er2 pro provi vidded they they lay lay on on the the =N! =N!. pti ption on ". ". Thee same Th same as the the nex nextt main main pole pole ahe ahead ad in in the the dir direc ectio tionn of of rota rotatio tion. n. pti ption on #. #. Thee same Th same as the the nex nextt main main pole pole beh behin indd in in the the direc directi tion on of rot rotat atio ion. n. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. Th Thee same same as the the next next main main pole pole behin behindd in the the directi direction on of rota rotatio tion. n. $xplanation $xplanation.. The interpole interpole must must pull pull back the the magnetic magnetic field. field. 3n a motor2 motor2 the magnetic magnetic field field deflects in the opposite direction to the armature.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. -0. (hat hat iiss th the pri princ ncip ipal al adv advanta antagge of of the the serie eriesA sAwo woun undd @# @# motor,. pti ption on !. Duita uitabl blee for for con constan stantt spe speed ed use. ption ". )igh starting tor:ue. ption #. 6ow starting tor:ue. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. )igh )igh star starti ting ng tor: tor:ue ue.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

-1. -1.

3nte 3nterp rpol olee wind windin ings gs fitt fitted ed to @# seri series es woun woundd gene genera rato tors rs are. are.

ption !. in se serie ries wi with th the ar armatu ature. re. ption ". ". in se series wi with th the fi field. ption #. #. in pa paral rallel with th the arm armaature. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. in ser serie iess with with the the arm armat atur ure. e. $xplanation $xplanation.. 3nterpole 3nterpole winding windingss are always always in series with the the armature2 armature2 so so they carry the the same current as the armature. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. -'. (hat hat po polari larity ty do int inter erppoles oles take take in a @# @# gen gener erat ator or,. ,. pti ption on !. the the same same as the the nex nextt main main pole pole beh behin indd in the the dire direct ctio ionn of rotat rotatio ion. n. pti ption on ". eith either er22 pro provi vidding ing th they lay lay on on =. =.N.!. N.!. pti ption on #. #. the the same same as the the nex nextt main main pole pole ahe ahead ad in in the the dire directi ction on of rot rotati ation on.. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. the same same as as the the next next main main pole pole behin behindd in the the direc directio tionn of rota rotation tion.. $xplanation $xplanation.. n a generato generator2 r2 the field field is deflected deflected in the the same directio directionn as the the armature armature rotates. The interpoles must drag back the field. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. -/. The met metho hodd mos mostt oft often en used sed in in ov overco ercom ming ing th the eff effec ectt of of armature reaction is through the use of. ption !. shaded poles. ption ". interpoles. pti ption on #. #. drum drumAwo Awoun undd armatu armature ress in comb combin inati ation on with with a neg negati ative vely ly conn connec ected ted seri series es field. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. inte interp rpooles. les. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. --. --. Thee sta Th start rtin ingg cur curre rent nt of a ser serie iesA sAwo woun undd @# @# moto motorr2 in pass passin ingg through both the field and armature windings produces a. pti ption on !. speed peed slig slight htly ly highe igherr when when unl unlooaded aded.. ption ". high starting tor:ue. ption #. low starting tor:ue. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. high high star starti ting ng tor: tor:ue ue.. $xplanation $xplanation.. !t low speed speed %i.e %i.e starting& starting& there there is a very high current current in the the armature armature %due to to no backAemf&. Dince the field is in series with the armature2 the same high current flows in it2 resulting in a very high tor:ue.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

-*. -*.

To incr increa ease se the the spe speed ed of a shu shunt nt moto motorr a resi resist stan ance ce is plac placed ed..

ption !. in paral rallel with the field eld. ption ". ". in se series wi with th the fi field. ption #. #. in se serie ries with the ar armatu ature. re. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. in seri series es with with the the fiel field. d. $xplanation $xplanation.. !n apparent apparent anomaly anomaly.. 3ncreasin 3ncreasingg the field field resistance resistance decreases decreases the the field strength which reduces the backAemf in the armature. !rmature current therefore increases and its speed increases. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. -. -. ! '00 '00 volt volt moto motorr is is taki taking ng 10 ampe ampere ress arma armatu ture re curr curren ent2 t2 the the armature resistance is 0.1 ohm. The "ackA$=> under these conditions will be. ption !. '01 volts. ption ". 199 volts. ption #. 1 volt. #orrect rect !nswer is is. 199 vo volts. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. -8. -8. (hat (hat is a meth method od used used for for rest restor orin ingg gene genera rato torr fie field ld resi residu dual al magnetism,. ption !. $nergi;e th the ar armature. ption ". >lash the fields. ption #. #. 7eseat th the br brushes. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. >las lash the the fie field lds. s. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. -5. -5. ! high high surg surgee of of cur curre rent nt is re:u re:uir ired ed when when a @# @# elec electr tric ic moto motorr is is first started. !s the speed of the motor increase. pti ption on !. the the cou count nter er emf emf dec decre reas ases es prop propor orti tion onal ally ly.. pti ption on ". the the app appli lied ed emf emf inc incre reas ases es prop propor orti tion onal ally ly.. pti ption on #. #. the the count counter er emf emf buil builds ds up up and and oppo oppose sess the the appl applied ied emf2 emf2 thus thus red reduc ucin ingg the the current flow through the armature. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. the coun counter ter emf emf builds builds up up and oppose opposess the appl applied ied emf2 emf2 thus thus reduci reducing ng the current flow through the armature. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Quest estion Number. er. -9. !ircr rcraft generat rators are cooled led by. by. ption !. fuel cooling radiators. rs. pti ption on ". oil oil coo cooli ling ng radi radiat ator orss aro aroun undd the the main main body body.. ption #. ram air. #orrect rect !nswer is is. ram air. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Quest estion Nu Number. er.


n a co combined @# @# st start arter A gen geneerat rator sy system. em.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers ption ption !. the voltag voltagee regu regulat lator or is connect connected ed to the shunt shunt field field after after the start start cycle cycle is completed. pti ption on ". ". the the volta voltage ge regu regula lato torr contr control olss the the start start se:u se:uen ence ce duri during ng eng engin inee start startin ing. g. pti ption on #. #. the the seri series es coil coil is is ope openn circ circui uitt durin duringg the the eng engin inee start start se:u se:uen ence ce.. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. the volt voltage age regu regulato latorr is conne connected cted to to the shun shuntt field field after after the the start start cycle cycle is completed. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. *1. *1. 3f the the fie field ld curr curren entt to to a shun shuntt woun woundd @# moto motorr is decr decrea ease sedd when operating at a constant load2 the motor speed will. ption !. reduce. ption ". not change. ption #. increase. #orrect rect !nswer is is. increa rease. $xplanation $xplanation.. This may may seem strange strange22 but decreasin decreasingg the field field strength strength of a shunt shunt motor motor will decrease the back emf of the armature and hence increase the current through the armature. This in turn increases the armature speed. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. *'. *'. 3f a mot motor or is spin spinni ning ng at *0 cycl cycles es per per sec secon ond2 d2 how how long long is 1 cycle of the output,. ption !. *0 seconds. ption ". ". 0.5/ se seconds. ption #. #. 0.0' se seconds. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. 0.0' .0' sec secoonds. ds. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. Time Time period period  14fr 14fre:u e:uency ency.. Quest estion Number. er. */. 3n a an an @# mo motor2 the ro rotation of th the =N =N!. pti ption on !. is oppo opposi site te to the the rot rotat atio ionn of of the the arma armatu ture re.. pti ption on ". is slig slight htly ly less less spe speed ed than than the the rot rotat atio ionn of of the the armatu armature. re. pti ption on #. is the the sam samee as as the the rot rotat atio ionn of the the arm armat atur ure. e. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. is opp oppos osit itee to the the rota rotatio tionn of the the arm armat ature ure.. $xplanation $xplanation.. The field field in a motor motor reacts to to the armature armature current current by Cdistor CdistortingC tingC in the opposite direction to the armature A called armature reaction. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. *-. 3n a wav wavee wou wound nd gener enerat atoor wit withh - pol poles es22 wha whatt wou would ld be th the minimum number of brushes,. ption !. -. ption ". '. ption #. 5. #orrect !nswer is is. '. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..  be connected to.

**. **.

! wire wire is rota rotate tedd thr throu ough gh a mag magne neti ticc fie field ld.. To To give give @# it must must

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers ption !. a co commutator. ption ". slip rings. ption #. a rectifier. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. a com commu muta tato torr. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. ! comm commutat utator or turns turns !# !# to @# in a generato generator. r. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. *. 3f the the sup suppl plyy to a @# shun shuntt moto motorr was was reve revers rsed ed.. pti ption on !. it woul wouldd rot rotat atee in in the the sam same dir direc ecti tioon. ption ". it would fail to run. pti ption on #. it woul wouldd rota rotate te in the the opp oppos osit itee dir direc ecti tion on.. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. it wou would ld rot rotate ate in the the sam samee direc directio tion. n. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. *8. ! serie eriess mo motor tor dra draw ws a hig highh cur curre rent nt on start tart22 and and then then the the current reduces. This is due to. pti ption on !. the the res resis istan tance ce of the the fiel fieldd and and the the arm armatu ature re in serie series. s. pti ption on ". ". the the resi resist stan ance ce of of the the fiel fieldd and and arm armat atur uree in para parall llel el.. ption #. the back $=>. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. the the bac backk $=> $=>.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Quest estion Nu Number. er. *5. 3nterpo rpoles in a @# @# ge genera erator ar are co connecte cted. ption !. in se serie ries wi with th the ar armatu ature. re. ption ". ". in se series wi with th the fi field. ption #. #. in pa paral rallel with th the arm armaature. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. in ser serie iess with with the the arm armat atur ure. e. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. *9. 3n a @# @# gen gener erat atoor2 the the effe effect ct of arm armatu ature reac reacti tioon may may be reduced by moving the brush gear. pti ption on !. in the the dir direct ectio ionn of of arm armat atur uree rot rotati ation on towa toward rdss the the =N!. =N!. ption ". from =N! to N!. pti ption on #. again against st the the dir direc ectio tionn of of arm armatu ature re rota rotati tion on towa toward rdss the the =N!. =N!. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. in the the direc directio tionn of armatu armature re rotati rotation on towa towards rds the =N!. =N!. $xplanation $xplanation.. The =N! =N! leads leads the the ND in a generat generator. or. The brushe brushess should should be put put on the =N!. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 0. The win windi dinngs emb embedd edded in the the pol polee fac faces es of a @# @# gen gener erat atoor are. ption !. !. commutating co coils. ption ". interpoles. ption #. compensating windings. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. comp compen ensa sati ting ng win windi ding ngs. s. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Quest estion Number. er. 1. !  pole waveAwo Awound genera erator has. ption !. / brushes. ption ". ' brushes. ption #.  brushes. #orrect rect !nswer is is. ' bru brusshes. $xplanation $xplanation.. ! waveAwound waveAwound generato generatorr needs only ' brush brushes es regardless regardless of of the number number of  poles2 but some may have more more for increased efficiency. Quest estion Nu Number. er. '. !rma rmature reacti ction in in a @# @# ge generat rator cau causses. pti ption on !. =N! =N! to mov movee in the the opp oppos osit itee dire direct ctio ionn of rot rotat atio ion. n. pti ption on ". =N! =N! to move move in the the dir direc ecti tion on of rota rotati tion on.. pti ption on #. N! N! to move move in the the dir direc ecti tion on of rota rotati tion on.. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. =N! =N! to mov movee in the the dire directi ction on of of rotat rotatio ion. n. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Quest estion Nu Number. er. /. 3n a @# mo motor2 ba backA$= A$=> ri rises if th the mo motor. ption !. speed falls. ption ". ". speed faload rises. ption #. speed rises. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. speed peed ris rises. es. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. "A$=> "A$=> is due due to gener generato atorr action action in the the motor. motor. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. -. ! @# gen generat eratoor arm armat atuure has  pol poles es and and is is lap lap woun woundd. Th The number of brushes re:uired are. ption !. '. ption ". /. ption #. . #orrect !nswer is is. . $xplanation $xplanation..  poles poles is / pairs. pairs. 6ap wound generators generators re:uire re:uire 1 pair pair of brushes brushes for for each pair  pair  of poles. Question Nu Number. *. 7eactive sp sparking is is re reduced by by. ption !. interpoles. ption ". compensating windings. ption #. auxiliary windings. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. inte interp rpooles. les. $xplanation $xplanation.. 3nterpoles 3nterpoles CreduceC CreduceC armature armature reaction reaction %which %which causes causes reactive reactive sparkin sparking&. g&. #ompensating windings CpreventC armature reaction. Question Number. . The backA$=> in a @# motor is. ption !. e:ual to the applied ied $=>. ption ". less than the applie lied $=>. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers ption #. #. great reateer th than the ap applied $= $=>. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. less less than than the the app applie liedd $=> $=>.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 8. 8. Thee flu Th fluxx den densi sity ty of a mag magne neti ticc fie field ld is 1.*T 1.*T.. The leng length th of the the conductor in the field is ' m and the current flowing through the conductor is * amps. The force on the conductor is. ption !. 0. Newtons. ption ". 1* Newtons. ption #. #. /.8* Ne Newtons. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. 1* Newt Newton ons. s. $xpl $x plan anat atio ion. n. >  "3l "3l  1.* 1.*  *  '  1*N. 1*N. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 5. 5. ! @# shun shuntt mot motor or has has '5 volt voltss appl applie ied. d. Th Thee cur curre rent nt take takenn from from the armature of ' ohms resistance is 1 amp. The "ackA$=> is. ption !. ' B. ption ". /0 B. ption #. '8 B. #orrect !nswer is is. ' B. B. $xplanation $xplanation.. To Total tal B  3  7  1  '  'B. 'B. Do 'B "A$=> must be be generated generated by the the generator action. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 9. 3n a mot motor or22 arm armatu ature reac reacti tioon cau cause sess the the =N! =N! to move. ve. pti ption on !. agai agains nstt the the dire direct ctio ionn of of ro rotati tatioon. ption ". ". in th the di direct ection of of ro rotation. ption #. to the N!. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. again against st the the dire directi ction on of rotat rotatio ion. n. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36.

Question Number.


The diagram shown is a.

ption !. shunt wound machine. pti ption on ". short hort shun shuntt com compo poun undd wo wound und mac machi hinne. pti ption on #. long long shunt hunt com compoun poundd wou wound nd machi achinne. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. long long shu shunt nt com compo poun undd woun woundd mach machin ine. e. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36.

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Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 81. 3n a gen gener erat ator or syst system em22 a stab stabil ili; i;in ingg win windding ing is is use usedd. pti ption on !. in ser serie iess wit withh the the fie field ld to to pre preve vent nt osc oscil illa lati tion ons. s. ption ". to control output curre rrent. ption #. #. to pr preve event vo volta ltage ov overs ershoot. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. to prev preven entt vol volta tage ge overs oversho hoot ot.. $xplanation $xplanation.. Dee #!3E #!3E $$641A'. $$641A'. The stabili; stabili;ing ing winding winding picks picks up a Crate of changeC changeC from from the output of an !# brushless generator and damps out voltage overshoot and prevents system oscillation. The pickup is an induction coil wound around the output so is NT wired in series. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 8'. (hat hat part part of a @# motor otor would ould you find find the the pol poles es,. ,. ption !. brushes. ption ". rotor. ption #. stator. #orrect rect !nswer is is. stator. or. $xplanation $xplanation.. The poles poles are a part of of the field field A which which is the stator stator on a @# motor motor.. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 8/. 8/. Thee mai Th mainn adva advant ntag agee of a star starte terA rAge gene nera rato torr ove overr conv conven enti tion onal al units is. pti ption on !. it can can pro produ duce ce a gre great ater er power ower outp utput. ut. pti ption on ". ". for for the the same same pow power er out outpu putt ther theree is a wei weigh ghtt reduc reducti tion on and and the the sta starte rterr driv drivee remains engaged. pti ption on #. #. for for the the same same pow power er out outpu putt ther theree is a weig weight ht red reduc ucti tion on and and the the driv drivee is constantly engaged. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. for the the same same power power outp output ut there there is a weight weight redu reducti ction on and and the star starter ter drive remains engaged. 7 for the same power output there is a weight reduction and the drive is constantly engaged. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 8-. 8-. !n !.#. .#. shun shuntt wou wound nd moto motorr som somet etim imes es uses uses a vol volts ts drop droppi ping ng resistor. The resistor would be. ption !. in se series wi with th the fi field. ption ". in serie ries with the supply. ly. ption #. #. in se serie ries with the ar armatu ature. re. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. in ser serie iess with with the the sup suppl plyy. $xplanation $xplanation.. =ust be be referring referring to a universal universal motor %!# %!# shunt shunt wound,& wound,& The The volts volts dropping dropping resistor is placed in series with the supply. Quest estion Number. er. 8*. #ommuta utator ripple can be reduced by. by. pti ption on !. incr increa eassing ing gen gener erat atoor fre fre:u :uen ency cy.. ption ". the use of a rip ripple filter ter. pti ption on #. a re resis sistor tor in in ser serie iess wit withh th the arm armat atur ure. e. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. the the use use of of a rip rippl plee filt filter er.. $xplanation $xplanation.. ! ripple filter filter is made made of a capacitor capacitor in parallel parallel with with the generato generatorr output output and an inductor in series with the generator output. Quest estion Nu Number. er. 8. 3n a @# mo motor th the in interpoles are pa part of of th the. ption !. rotor assembly. ption ". stator assembly. ption #. field. #orrect rect !nswer is. field eld. $xplanation $xplanation.. 3nterpoles 3nterpoles are a part part of the >ield. 7otor 7otor and and Dtator Dtator are terms for for !# !# motors. motors.

Question Number. 88. !rmature reaction is. ption !. the == ==> op opposing ro rotation. pti ption on ". due to dirty irty or worn comm commut utat atoor. ption #. #. reactive sp sparking. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. the the ==> ==> oppo opposi sing ng rotat rotatio ion. n. $xplanation $xplanation.. The ==> ==> is the the ampereAturn ampereAturnss of the the armature2 armature2 producin producingg a magnetic magnetic field field in the armature2 which opposes the main field and causes it to distort %in direction of motion of the armature&. Question Number. 85. ! shunt motor. ption !. is constant sp speed. ption ". has high starti rting tor:ue. pti ption on #. give givess con const stan antt ttor or:u :uee wit withh var varia iati tion onss in in spe speed ed.. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. is cons consta tant nt spee speed. d. $xplanation $xplanation.. @# Dhunt Dhunt motors motors are Cconstan Cconstantt speedC speedC motors2 motors2 but starting starting tor:ue tor:ue is is small. small. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 89. 89. 3n a @# @# shun shuntt mot motor or22 if the the fie field ld resi resist stan ance ce is incr increa ease sedd wha whatt happens to the back $=>,. ption !. decreases. ption ". remains the same. ption #. increases. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. decre ecreas ases es.. $xplanation $xplanation.. The back back $=> decreases decreases with with an increase increase in in the field field resistan resistance. ce. The The armature armature current would increase and the motor speed would increase. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 50. To incr increa ease se the the vol volta tagge out outpput of a gen gener erat atoor you you can. can. ption !. decrease sp speed. ption ". 3t is not speed dependant ant. ption #. increase speed. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. incr increa easse spee speedd. $xplanation $xplanation.. 3ncreasing 3ncreasing the the speed speed makes makes the armatur armaturee cut the the magnetic magnetic field field faster2 faster2 inducing a greater voltage. Question Number. 51. enerator voltage is. pti ption on !. depen ependa dannt on speed peed of rota rotati tioon. pti ption on ". inde indepe pend nden entt of of sp speed eed of rota rotati tioon. pti ption on #. not dep depend endant ant on on spe speed ed of ro rotati tatioon. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. depe depend ndan antt on on spe speed ed of rotat rotatio ion. n. $xplanation $xplanation.. The faster faster the generator generator turns2 turns2 the the more voltag voltagee it produces produces.. "esides2 "esides2 C3ndependentC and Cnot dependantC mean the same thing. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 5'. The out outpput from from a gene genera rato torr to a com commuta mutato torr is. is. ption !. pulsed @#. ption ". @#. ption #. !#. #orrect !n !nswer is is. !#. $xplanation $xplanation.. utput utput of all all generator generatorss %before %before the the commutato commutator& r& is !#. !#. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 5/. (hat hat is is th the mai mainn dis disad advvanta antage ge of a sta start rter er gener enerat ator or,. ,. ption !. )eavier ier than like fo for like. pti ption on ". (ill not supp supply ly outpu tput at at lo low rpm rpm.. pti ption on #. #an only only be used sed on on pis pisto tonn eng engin ines es.. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. (ill (ill not not supp supply ly outp output ut at at low low rpm. rpm. $xplanation $xplanation.. !t low low 7E=2 7E=2 starterAg starterAgenerato eneratorr is still in motor motor configu configuration ration.. Quest estion Nu Number. er. 5-. "ackA$= A$=> is is th the gr greates atestt wh when a motor tor is is. ption !. at op operating sp speed. ption ". under heavy load. ption #. #. Just st starting to to ro rotate. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. at oper operat atin ingg spe speed ed.. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. "ack "ack $=> is greate greatest st when when motor motor is at high spee speed. d. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 5*. 5*. (hen (hen a cond conduc ucto torr car carry ryin ingg a curr curren entt and and plac placed ed in a mag magne neti ticc field it experiences. ption !. !. an el electrostatic fo force. ption ". an electrom romagn agnetic force. ption #. a magnetic force. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. an ele elect ctro roma magn gnet etic ic for force ce.. $xplanation $xplanation.. The force force is is generated generated by interactio interactionn of two two magneti magneticc fields. fields. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 5. The type type of moto motorr used used in a line linear ar actu actuat atoor is. is. ption !. paral rallel %shunt wound&. ption ". compound. ption #. series. #orrect rect !nswer is is. serie ries. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. !ircraf !ircraftt $lectric $lectrical al Dystem Dystemss Eallett Eallett Eage Eage 1-0. 1-0. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 58. 58. 3f the the spe speed ed of a coi coill in in a magn magnet etic ic fiel fieldd is is doub double ledd and and the the fie field ld strength is doubled the output will. ption !. !. :uadruple. ption ". stay the same. ption #. halve. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. :uad uadrupl ruple. e. $xplanation $xplanation.. Boltage  "lv. "lv. @ouble @ouble " %field strength& strength& and double double v %velocity& %velocity& and Bo Boltage will :uadruple. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


)ow many any bru brusshes hes are are used sed in in an an 5 pol polee wav wavee wou wound nd machi achinne.

ption !. . ption ". 5. ption #. '. #orrect !nswer is is. '. $xplanation $xplanation.. !ny wave wave wound wound @# @# generator generator usually usually has only only 1 pair pair of brushe brushes. s. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 59. 3n the the sh shunt unt gen gener erat atoor th the fie field ld is supp suppli lied ed by. by. ption !. the load. ption ". the armature. ption #. a separate su supply. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. the the arm armat atuure. re. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 90. 90. 3ncr 3ncrea easi sing ng the the spee speedd of an airc aircra raft ft gene genera rato torr resu result ltss in an automatic. pti ption on !. fiel fieldd cir circu cuit it resi resisstanc tancee dec decre reas ase. e. pti ption on ". ". arm armatu ature cir circu cuit it res resis ista tanc ncee incr increa easse. pti ption on #. fiel fieldd cir circu cuit it resi resisstanc tancee in increa crease se.. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. field field circu circuit it res resis ista tanc ncee incr increas ease. e. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


(hich hich gener enerat ator orss are are usual sually ly used used on airc aircra raft ft,. ,.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers ption !. Dhunt. ption ". #ompound. ption #. Deries. #orrect rect !nswer is. Dhunt. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 9'. 3n a cumu cumula lati tive ve com compoun poundd wou wound gener enerat atoor the. the. pti ption on !. the the ser serie iess and and shun shuntt fie field ldss ass assis istt each each othe otherr. pti ption on ". the the ser serie iess and and shun shuntt fie field ldss opp oppos osee eac eachh oth other er.. pti ption on #. #. the the volt voltag agee fall fallss sud sudde denl nlyy wit withh an incr increa ease se in in loa load. d. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. the series series and shunt shunt fields fields assist assist each other other.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 9/. The sh shunt unt wo wound und gen gener erat atoor is is co contro ntroll lled ed by a var varia iabble resistance in. ption !. parallel wi with th the fi field. ption ". seri eries with the armat rmatuure. ption #. series with the field. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. seri series es with with the the fie field ld.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 9-. 9-. Thee ser Th serie iess woun woundd gene genera rato torCrCss term termin inal al volt voltag agee wil will2 l2 when when belo below w saturation. pti ption on !. incr increa easse wit withh an an in increa creasse in in loa loadd. pti ption on ". decre ecreas asee wit withh an an incr increa ease se in load load.. pti ption on #. decr decrea ease se with with a dec decre reas asee in in rot rotat atio iona nall spe speed ed.. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. decre decreas asee wit withh an an inc increa rease se in load load.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 9*. The sh shunt unt wo wound und gene genera rato torr is is norm ormally ally star starte tedd. ption !. on load. ption ". ". $ither of of th the ab above. ption #. off load. #orrect rect !nswer is is. off lo load. ad. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. pti ption on !. pti ption on ". ". pti ption on #. #. winding.


)ow do you red reduce rip ripple ple on on the the outp outpuut of of a @# @# gen gener erat ator or,. ,.

3ncr 3ncreas easee the the spee speedd of of the the armatu armature re and and add add more more turn turns. s. @ecr @ecreas easee the the speed speed of the the arma armatu ture re and and add add mor moree seri series es win windi ding ngs. s. 3ncr 3ncreas easee the the comm commut utato atorr segm segmen ents ts and and con conne nect ct each each to to a sepa separat ratee paral parallel lel

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. @ecreas @ecreasee the spee speedd of the the armatur armaturee and add add more more seri series es windi windings ngs.. 7 3ncrease the commutator segments and connect each to a separate parallel winding. $xplanation $xplanation.. This amounts amounts to increasing increasing the the separate separate armature armature windings windings which which will will increase increase the ripple fre:uency but decrease their amplitude. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 98. 98. !rma !rmatu ture re reac reacti tion on in a @# @# moto motorr cau cause sess the the neut neutra rall axi axiss to to shi shift ft in. pti ption on !. the the dire direct ctio ionn in the the dir direc ecti tion on of of arma armatu ture re rot rotat atio ion. n. pti ption on ". the the dire directi ction on oppo opposi site te to the the dire directi ction on of armatu armature re rot rotati ation on.. pti ption on #. eith either er dire direct ctio ionn dep depen endi ding ng on curr curren entt flo flow w. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. the direc directio tionn oppos opposite ite to to the the directi direction on of of armatu armature re rotati rotation on.. $xplanation $xplanation.. !ircraft $lectricity $lectricity and $lectronics $lectronics by by $ismin2 $ismin2 #hapter #hapter 102 pg 19-. 19-. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 95. !n in indica dicati tioon of of go good com commuta mutati tion on on a @# @# mac machi hine ne wou would  be. ption !. !. high ar armature cu currents. pti ption on ". litt little le or no spar sparki king ng at the the com commu muta tato torr. pti ption on #. silen ilentt oper operat atio ionn of the the mac machi hine ne.. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. litt little le or or no spa spark rkin ingg at the the comm commut utato ator. r. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

99. 99.

3f comp compou ound nd @# gene genera rato tors rs are are ope opera rate tedd in para parall llel el they they must must..

ption !. all rot rotate ate at at th the sam samee sp speed. pti ption on ". have have an e:ua e:uali lisi sing ng or load load shar sharin ingg loop loop.. ption #. #. all us use th the sa same vo voltage. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. have have an e:ua e:ualis lisin ingg or loa loadd shari sharing ng loo loop. p. $xplanation $xplanation.. $ismin $ismin A !ircraft !ircraft $lectricity $lectricity L $lectronics $lectronics A page page 199. 199. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

100. 100.

Thee wind Th windin ings gs embe embedd dded ed in the the pol polee fac faces es of a gen gener erat ator or are. are.

ption !. !. commutating co coils. ption ". interpoles. ption #. compensating coils. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. comp compen ensa sati ting ng coil coils. s. $xplanation $xplanation.. $ismin $ismin A !ircraft !ircraft $lectricity $lectricity L $lectronics $lectronics A page page 19*. 19*. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 101. 101. Erol Erolon onge gedd reac reacti tive ve spar sparki king ng in in a @# @# gen gener erat ator or cou could ld dam damag agee the. ption !. !. armature. ption ". commutator. ption #. pole pieces. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. com commutat utator or.. $xplanation $xplanation.. !ircraft $lectricity $lectricity and $lectronics $lectronics $ismin $ismin Eage Eage 198. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 10'. 0'. The pol poles es of a @# @# gen gener erat ator or are are lam lamin inat ated ed to. to. ption !. reduce eddy curren rent lo losses. ption ". ". reduce fl flux lo losses. ption #. reduce hys hystere eresis losses. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. redu reduce ce hyst hystere eresi siss loss losses es.. $xplanation $xplanation.. !ircraft $lectricity $lectricity and $lectronics $lectronics $ismin $ismin Eage Eage 15. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 10/. 10/. ne ne adv advan anta tage ge of a @# @# mot motor or over over an !# mot motor or is. is. pti ption on !. the the dire direct ctio ionn of rot rotat atio ionn of the the rot rotor or can can be be chan change ged. d. pti ption on ". less less volta oltagge is is re: re:ui uire redd in in @# @# th than !#. pti ption on #. the the @# @# moto otor wil willl use use les less cu curren rrent. t. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. the the @# moto motorr will will use use les lesss curre current nt.. $xplanation $xplanation.. @ue to to the generated generated back back emf2 emf2 a @# @# motor motor will will use use less current. current. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 10-. 10-. 3n a shu shunt nt woun woundd dir direc ectt cur curre rent nt moto motorr the the tor: tor:ue ue is. is. pti ption on !. inve invers rsely ely prop propor orti tion onal al to the the cur curren rentt in in the the armatu armature. re. ption ". independent of load. pti ption on #. prop propor orti tion onal al to the the cur curre rent nt in the the arm armat atur ure. e. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. prop propor orti tion onal al to the the cur curre rent nt in the the arma armatu ture re.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. 13. AC Theory.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


#onve onvenntio tion re: re:uuires ires that that in a sy symmetr metric ical al / pha phase se syst system em22 th the.

pti ption on !. red red vol volta tage ge is take takenn as as the the refe refere renc ncee pha phase se.. pti ption on ". yello yellow w vol volta tage ge phas phasee lead leadss the the red phas phasee by by 1'0 1'0 degr degrees ees.. pti ption on #. red red vol volta tage ge phas phasee lea leads ds the the blu bluee pha phase se by 1'0 1'0 degr degree ees. s. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. red red volt voltag agee is tak taken en as as the the refer referenc encee phas phase. e. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. '. (hat hat is is th the pha phasse dif diffe fere rennce in a cir circu cuit it with with 100B 100B22 drawi rawinng 0. 0.* amps2 consuming *0 (atts,. ption !. 0re:uency wild wild can only only be used used on resisti resistive ve circuits circuits %such %such as heating heating and lighting&. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 19. 3n an !# cir circu cuit it how how is the the val value ue of tru truee po power wer calc calcul ulat ated ed,. ,. pti ption on !. "y voltm voltmet eter er read readin ings gs mult multip ipli lied ed by ammet ammeter er read readin ings gs.. pti ption on ". "y volt voltss mul multi tipli plied ed by amps amps mult multip ipli lied ed by power power facto factor. r. pti ption on #. #. "y watt watt met meter er rea readi ding ngss mul multi tipl plie iedd by powe powerr fact factor or.. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. "y volt voltss multi multipli plied ed by amps amps multi multipli plied ed by power power facto factor. r. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. '0. '0. ne ne of of the the chie chieff adv advan anta tage gess of of alt alter erna nati ting ng curr curren entt is is that that it can can  be transmitted at a high voltage with a low power lossF lossF the voltage can then be changed to any desired value of. ption !. @# by by me means of of tra trannsformers. ption ". @# by means of invert erters. ption #. #. !# by means of tra trannsformers. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. !# by mean meanss of of tran transf sfor orme mers rs.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. '1. )ow many any am ampere peress wil willl a '5A '5Avvolt olt gen gener erat ator or be re:u re:uir ired ed to supply to a circuit containing five lamps in parallel2 three of which have a resistance of  ohms each and two of which have a resistance of * ohms each,. ption !. 1 ampere. ption ". '*.'/ amperes. ption #. 1.11 amperes. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. '*.'/ *.'/ ampe ampere res. s. $xplanation $xplanation.. resistance2 resistance2 then then use use ohms ohms law %3B47& %3B47& to to find the total total current. current. 3t is is a tricky tricky calculation to do without a calculator2 so round the total resistance up %to 1 ohms& then choose the nearest answer for 3. Quest estion Nu Number. er. ''. >re:u e:uency %);& is is th the nu number of cy cycles per. ption !. minute. ption ". second. ption #. revolution. #orrect rect !nswer is is. secon cond. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

'/. '/.

Thee fre Th fre:u :uen ency cy of a powe powerr wav wavee in an !# resi resist stan ance ce circ circui uitt is. is.

pti ption on !. half half the the fre fre:u :uen ency cy for for vol volta tage ge and and cur curre rent nt.. pti ption on ". the the sam samee as as the the fre: fre:ue uenc ncyy for for volt voltag agee and and curr curren ent. t. pti ption on #. twic twicee the the fre: fre:ue uenc ncyy for for vol volta tage ge and and cur curre rent nt.. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. twice twice the the fre: fre:ue uency ncy for for volta voltage ge and and curre current nt.. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. 6ook 6ook at a diagr diagram am of of a powe powerr wave. wave.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Quest estion Nu Number. er. '-. 3n an an !# ci circu rcuit2 it2 th the ef effective vo voltag tage is is. pti ption on !. less less than than the the max maxim imum um inst instan anta tane neou ouss vol volta tage ge.. pti ption on ". e:ua e:uall to to the the maxi maximu mum m ins insta tant ntan aneo eous us volt voltag age. e. pti ption on #. #. grea greate terr than than the the max maxim imum um inst instan anta tane neou ouss vol volta tage ge.. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. is. less less than than the maximu maximum m inst instanta antaneo neous us voltag voltage. e. $xplanation $xplanation.. $ffective $ffective voltage voltage is anothe anotherr term for 7=D 7=D voltage2 voltage2 due due to it being being e:ual to to the @# heating effect. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. '*. (hich hich wav wave fo form is stepp tepped ed posit ositiv ivee an and neg negat ativ ivee wit withh une:ual length sides,. ption !. 7ectangular wa wave. ption ". Trape;oidal wa wave. ption #. Daw tooth wave. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. Trape rape;o ;oid idal al wave wave.. $xplanation $xplanation.. ! trape;oid trape;oidal al waveform !6( !6(! !OD has une:ual %vertical& %vertical& sides. sides. )owever2 )owever2 a sawtooth wave could also be considered c onsidered to have une:ual length sides %but does not necessarily have&. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. '. The val valuue of of an an !# !# sin sinee wav wavee tha thatt wil willl giv givee an an e: e:uiv uivalen alentt heating effect in a @# resistor is the. ption !. peak value. ption ". 7=D value. ption #. average value. #orrect rect !nswer is is. 7=D va value. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Question Number. '8. The pe peak factor fo for a sine wa wave is is. ption !. 1.11. ption ". 0.808. ption #. 1.-1-. #orrect rect !nswer is. 1.-1-. $xplanation $xplanation.. Eeak factor factor %sometim %sometimes es called called Ccrest Ccrest factorC& factorC& is calculate calculatedd by peak peak value47=D value47=D value. >or a sine wave it is 1.-1-. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. '5. !n in integr tegrat ated ed step step inp input at une: ne:ual ual ttim imee bas basee pro produ duce ces. s. ption !. a sine wave. ption ". a s:uare wave. ption #. a saw tooth wave. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. a saw saw toot toothh wav wave. e. $xplanation $xplanation.. 3ntegrating 3ntegrating a step input input produces produces a CrampC CrampC or sawtoo sawtooth th waveform waveform.. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


The mar markkAto AtoAsp Aspace ace rat ratio io of the the wave wavefo form rm sho shown is. is.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

ption !. ! to @ 4 @ to $. ption ". @ to $ 4 @ to #. ption #. ! to " 4 " to #. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. ! to @ 4 @ to to $. $. $xplanation $xplanation.. =arkAtoAspa =arkAtoAspace ce is the the ratio of the duratio durationn of the the s:uare s:uare waveCs waveCs positive positive amplitude %represented by a mark& to its negative amplitude %represented by a space&. Quest estion Number. er. /0. >orm >actor fo for a sine wa wave !# ou output is is. ption !. 1.1. ption ". 1.-1-. ption #. 0.808. #orrect !nswer is is. 1.1. $xplanation $xplanation.. >orm >actor  7=D 4 !verage  0.808 0.808 4 0./ 0./ %for a sine wave&. wave&. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. /1. /1. ! sine sine wave wave of 7=D valu valuee 8.0 8.088 vol volts ts has has a peak peak to peak peak valu valuee of. ption !. '0.0 vo volts. ption ". 10.0 volts. ption #. 0.808 volts. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. '0.0 0.0 volts olts.. $xplanation $xplanation.. Eeak  7=D 7=D  1.-11.-1- 8.08 8.08  1.-11.-1-  10B 10B EeakAtoAp EeakAtoApeak eak  '  peak peak  '0B. '0B. Quest estion Nu Number. er. /'. The tr true po power in an an !# ci circui cuit is is gi given by by. ption !. volts  amps. ption ". E>  volts  amps. ption #. #. voltmeter re reading  E>. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. E>  vol volts ts  am amps. ps. $xplanation $xplanation.. True True power power  E>  !pparent !pparent power. power. !pparent !pparent power power  volts volts  amps. amps. Quest estion Nu Number. er. //. The av average va value of of 10 100 vo volts pe peak !# is is. ption !. 80.8 vo volts. ption ". 1-1.- volts. ption #. /.8 volts. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. /.8 /.8 volts olts.. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. !verage erage value value of a sine sine wave is is 0./8 0./8  peak. peak. Quest estion Nu Number. er.


The 7= 7=D va value of of '0 '00 vo volts pea peakk to to pea peakk is is.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers ption !. 1'8.- volts. ption ". 80.8 volts. ption #. 1-1.- volts. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. 1-1.-1.- volt volts. s. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. 7=D  0.80 0.8088  peak. peak. Eeak is is 14' of of peakAto peakAtoApe Apeak. ak. Quest estion Number. er. /*. The po power fa facto ctor of of an an !# ci circuit is th the. ption !. cosine of of the phase ang angle. ption ". tangen gent of th the phase angle. le. ption #. #. sine of of th the ph phase an angle. #orr #orrec ectt !ns !nswe werr is. is. cosi cosine ne of of the the pha phase se ang angle le.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /. The >o >orm >acto actorr of of an an !# wav wavef efoorm can can be be fo found und by by. pti ption on !. 7=D 7=D valu valuee div divid ided ed by the the aver averag agee valu value. e. pti ption on ". aver averag agee val value ue div divided ided by the the 7=D 7=D value alue.. pti ption on #. aver averag agee val value ue tim times the the 7=D 7=D valu value. e. #orre #orrect ct !nswe nswerr is. is. 7=D 7=D valu valuee divi divide dedd by the the aver averag agee valu value. e. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. >orm >orm >acto >actorr  7=D 7=D 4 !v !verage. erage. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /8. ! diffe iffere rent ntia iato torr has a time time cons consta tant nt which hich is. is. ption !. long. ption ". e:ual to the input pulse. ption #. short. #orrect rect !nswer is. short. $xplanation $xplanation.. ! differentiat differentiator or provides provides a voltage voltage proport proportional ional to the rate of of change change of the input. Do for a s:uare wave input2 it needs to give a pulse on the step up2 nothing on the straight bit of the s:uare wave2 then a negative pulse as the input drops back to ;ero. nly a very short time constant can do this. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. /5. /5. 3f the the fre fre:u :uen ency cy is incr increa ease sedd in in an an !# cir circu cuit it of pure pure resi resist stan ance ce22 the effect is. ption !. nothing. ption ". ". decreased resistance. ption #. #. increased resistance. #orrect rect !nswer is is. nothing. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /9. (hat hat so sort of wav wave wou would ld be used sed in in a #7 oscil scillo losscope cope to control sweep,. ption !. D:uare. ption ". Dine wave. ption #. Dawtooth. #orrect rect !nswer is. is. Dawtooth. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers $xplanation $xplanation.. ! sawtooth sawtooth wave wave is used used in an oscillos oscilloscope cope to control control sweep. sweep. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


3f an !# sin sinee wav wavee has has an 7=D value alue of *B *B its its peak peak valu valuee is. is.

ption !. ./8 B. ption ". 8.08 B. ption #. 1-.1- B. #orrect rect !nswer is is. 8.08 B. $xplanation $xplanation.. Eeak value value  1.-11.-1-  7=D 7=D  1.-11.-1-  *  8.08 8.08 B. B. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. -1. !ppar pparen entt power wer in an !# circ circuuit is fou found by. by. ption !. B  3  cosP. ption ". B  3  sinP. ption #. B  3. #orrect !nswer is is. B  3. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. !ppare !pparent nt pow power er  amps amps  volts. volts. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. -'. -'. ! sine sine wave wave has has a peri period odic ic time time of 0.* 0.* mil milli lise seco cond nds2 s2 what what is its its fre:uency,. ption !. '00 );. ption ". 'h;. ption #. '0h;. #orrect !nswer is is. 'h;. $xplanation $xplanation.. >re:uency >re:uency is is 14time 14time period period.. (atc (atchh that prefix CmilliC. CmilliC. f  14T 14T  140.000* 140.000*  1020004*  '000 );  ' k);. Question Number. -/. Ehase angle is. pti ption on !. the the cos cosin inee of of the the peak peak valu valuee of of an an ac ac vol volta tage ge.. ption ption ". the differ differenc encee in in degr degrees ees of rotatio rotationn betw between een ' alte alterna rnatin tingg volt voltage agess or or curr current entss or a voltage and a current. ption ption #. the differ differenc encee in degrees degrees betwee betweenn the the posi positiv tivee and and nega negativ tivee parts parts of an !# sine sine wave. #orrect #orrect !nsw !nswer er is. the diff differen erence ce in degree degreess of rotati rotation on betwe between en ' alterna alternatin tingg voltag voltages es or currents or a voltage and a current. $xplanation $xplanation.. Ehase angle is the differe difference nce in degrees degrees of rotation rotation between between ' alternating alternating voltages or currents or a voltage and a current. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. --. The im impeda pedanc ncee of an an !# circ circui uitt is meas measuured red in. in. ption !. ohms. ption ". ". kilovoltAamperes. ption #. amperes. #orrect !n !nswer is is. ohms. $xplanation $xplanation.. 3mpedance 3mpedance is Cresista Cresistance nce to electron electron flowC flowC in an !# circuit circuit and and is measured measured in hms. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. -*. -*. (hat (hat happ happen enss to the the curr curren entt in in a seri series es resi resist stiv ivee res reson onan antt circuit,. ption !. 3t is maximum. ption ". 3t is minimum. ption #. 3t is ;ero. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. 3t is maxim aximum um.. $xplanation $xplanation.. !t resonanc resonancee the impedan impedance ce is minimum minimum %;ero apart apart from from the resista resistance nce in the circuit& and so current is highest. Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. -. -. ! circ circui uitt has has 11* B 7=D2 7=D2 '.*! '.*! at 0 degr degree ees2 s2 what what is the the po power  wer  dissipated,. ption !. 89 (. ption ". /00 B!. ption #. 1-/ (. #orrect rect !nswer is. 1-/ (. $xplanation $xplanation.. !pparent !pparent Eower Eower  11* 11*  '.*  '58.*. '58.*. E>  cos cos 0  0.*. 0.*. True True Eower Eower  !pparent Eower  E>. Quest estion Nu Number. er. -8. 3n a re resonant par paraalle llel cir circcuit2 it2 cu curre rrent iiss. ption !. ;ero. ption ". minimum. ption #. maximum. #orrect rect !nswer is is. minimu imum. $xplanation $xplanation.. !t resonance resonance in a E!7!66 E!7!66$6 $6 circuit circuit22 current is is minimum minimum %would %would be ;ero if it were not for the resistance in the circuit&. Question Number. -5. Eower factor is. ption !. sin theta. ption ". tan theta. ption #. cos theta. #orrect rect !nswer is is. cos th theta eta. $xplana $xplanatio tion. n. Eower Eower factor factor is cos cos of the the phase phase angle angle %theta& %theta&.. Quest estion Number. er. -9. Eeak fac factor in in a standard !# cir circuit is is. pti ption on !. 1.-1 1.-1-- tim times es max. max. valu valuee of of app appli lied ed volt voltag age. e. pti ption on ". 1.1 1.11 time timess max max.. val value ue of appl applie iedd volt voltag age. e. pti ption on #. 0.80 0.8088 time time max. max. valu valuee of of app appli lied ed volt voltag age. e. #orre #orrect ct !ns !nswe werr is. 1.-1 1.-1-- times times max max.. value value of of appli applied ed volt voltag age. e. $xplanation $xplanation.. Eeak >actor >actor %or %or #rest >actor& >actor&  Eeak47=D Eeak47=D  1.-1- for a sinuso sinusoidal idal wave. wave. Question Nu Number.


The co controlling wa wave in in a #7T is.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers ption !. s:uare. ption ". sawtooth. ption #. sinusoidal. #orrect rect !nswer is. is. sawtooth. $xplanation $xplanation.. ! sawtooth sawtooth wave wave is re:uire re:uiredd to control control the the electron electron beam beam vertical vertical and and hori;ontal scan. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. *1. ! wav wave fo form havi havinng e:u e:ual al ampl amplit ituude and and tim timee bas basee is is a. a. ption !. !. rectangular. ption ". sawtooth. ption #. s:uare waveform. #orr #orrec ectt !nswe nswerr is. is. s:ua s:uare re wave wavefo form rm.. $xpla xplana nati tion on.. N36 N36. Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. *'. The Din Dinee wav wavee sig signa nals ls of a cir circu cula larr tim timee bas basee are are.. ption !. in phase. ption ". ". phase se separated by 90
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