Module 03 Part 3

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Module 03 Part 3...

Description 06. DC Circuits.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. A poten otenti tial al diff ifferen erence ce of 50 vol volts ts prod roduces uces a curr curren entt of of 10 10 milliamperes through a resistance of. Option A. 500 ohms. Option B. 5 ohms. Option C. 5,000 ohms. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. 5,000 ,000 ohm ohms. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. #$ % 50& 50&,, ' % 0.01A, 0.01A, ( % ), (%#$* (%#$*'. '.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +. A con conduct ducto or it ith h a po positi sitiv ve Q cha charrge- of C C has has 1+ 1+.5/ .5/ " 101 01 electrons added to it. 't ill have a Q %. Option A. /. Option B. +. Option C. ero. Correct Anser is. /. !"planation !"planation.. A charge charge of 1 Coulomb Coulomb CC- is /.+ 2 101. 101. 3ence  4 + % / C.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . 6he po poer er dis dissi sip pated ated b7 a lo load of 8n 8non on res resis ista tan nce conn connec ecte ted d across a 8non potential difference can be calculated b7. Opti Option on A. divi dividi ding ng the the s9u s9uare are of of the the pote potent ntial ial diff differe erenc ncee b7 the the val value ue of of the the load load resistance. Opti Option on B. B. mult multip ipl7 l7in ing g the the s9uare s9uare of of the the pote potent ntial ial dif diffe feren rence ce b7 the the valu valuee of the the loa load d resistance. Opti Option on C. C. or8 or8in ing g out out the the curre current nt flo floi ing ng in in the the circu circuit it b7 b7 usin using g ohms ohms la la and and multipl7ing the result b7 the resistance. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. or8in or8ing g out out the curr current ent floi floing ng in the the circui circuitt b7 usin using g ohms ohms la and and multipl7ing the result b7 the resistance. O( dividing the s9uare of the potential difference b7 the value of the load resistance. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. . A current of of 5A 5A flos fo for + min minu utes tes. 3o 3o ma man7 coulomb ombs  passed a point in the circuit). Option A. +.5. Option B. /00. Option C. 100. Correct Anser is. /00. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. Q % '6, '6, Q % 5 2 1+0 % /00C /00C..

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. ne current ill be. Option A. /A. Option B. 1A. Option C. +A.


A circ circui uitt has has a cur curre ren nt flo flo  of of /A. /A. 'f the the vol volta tage ge is treb treble led, d, the the

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Quest estion Nu Number. er. /. A 10& ba batter7 sup supplies a re resis sistiv tive lo load of of 10 10 oh ohms fo for 1 minute. ;hat is the or8 done). Option A. /0A*+ .5A- onl7 if C and $ are the same. Besides, it cannot ever be >A or 1A.

Question Nu Number. 50. ;hich is is no not th thermall7 op operated). Option A. A limiting resistor. Option B. A current limiter. Option C. A fuse. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. A limi limiti ting ng resi resist stor or.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Quest estion Nu Number. er.


'n a $es7n s7nn in indicato ator s7 s7ste stem, th the ro rotor is is.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option A. an electromagnet. Option B. B. a pe permanent ma magnet. Option C. an AC magnet. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. a per perma mane nent nt magn magnet et.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 5+. 5+. A load load that that is subG subGec ectt to to a pot poten enti tial al diff differ eren ence ce ith ith a cur curre rent nt running through it ill. Opti Option on A. have have a mag magne neti ticc field field aro aroun und d it it ith h the the magn magnit itud udee and and direc directio tion n of the the fiel field d determined b7 the cor8scre rule. Opti Option on B. dissi issipa pate te poer oer in the the for form m of of hea heat. t. Opti Option on C. C. ill ill mov movee in a dire direct ctio ion n sho shon n b7 b7 the the rig right ht hand hand rule rule.. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. dissi dissipa pate te po poer er in in the the for form m of of heat heat.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':. 07a. Resistance/Resistor.

Question Number. 1. 6he resistance of a material is. Opti Option on A. inde indepe pend nden entt of of th the mat mater eria iall t7 t7pe. pe. Option B. the sam samee as it its co conductance. Opti Option on C. the the rec recip ipro roca call of of its its con conduct ductan ance ce.. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. the the reci recipr proc ocal al of of its its cond conduc ucta tance nce.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +. (esis esista tanc ncee is meas measu ured red usin sing hat hat unit nit of tem tempera peratu ture re). ). Option A. Absolute. Option B. Centigrade. Option C. ahrenheit. Correct rect Anser is. is. Absol solute. te. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . A resi resist sto or has has  ban bands ds on it colo colour ured ed blu blue, 7ello ello , 7ello ello , gold gold.. 'tHs value is. Option A. /0 8I J 5K. Option B. /. mI J 10K. Option C. / 8I J 5K. Correct rect Anser is. is. /0 8I 8I J 5K. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . 6he ele elect ctro ron n flo flo thro throu ugh a cond conduc ucto torr il illl be dec decre reas ased ed the the most if the cross sectional area. Opti Option on A. is decr decrea ease sed d and and the the len lengt gth h is incr increa ease sed. d. Opti Option on B. and and the the len length gth are are bot both h decr decrea ease sed. d. Opti Option on C. and and the the len length gth are are bot both h incr increa ease sed. d. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

is decr decrea eased sed and and the the leng length th is is incre increase ased. d.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 5. mal malll res resis isto tors rs too too sm small all or or mis miss sh hapen apen for for th the app appli lica cati tion on of colour are mar8ed instead using. Opti Option on A. an abbr abbrev evia iate ted d resi resist stan ance ce valu value. e. Option B. a letter code. Option C. a dot code. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. a let lette terr co code. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


6otal tal res resis ista tan nce in a par paral alle lell res resis isto torr cir circu cuit it,, of of (1 (1 and and (+ is. is.

Option A. (6 % 1*(1 4 1*(+. Option B. 1*(6 *(6 % (1 (1 2 (+- L (1 (1 4 (+ (+-. Option C. 1*(6 % 1*(1 4 1*(+. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. 1*( 1*(6 % 1*( 1*(1 1 4 1*(+ 1*(+.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. =. 'f the the res resis ista tan nce of a resi resist stor or hich hich is in seri series es ith ith to to othe otherr resistors is doubled. Opti Option on A. the the cur curre rent nt in that that resi resist stan ance ce is doub double led. d. Opti Option on B. the the vol volts ts drop drop acro across ss that that resi resist stor or incr increa ease ses. s. Opti Option on C. the the cur curre rent nt in that that resi resist stan ance ce is halv halved ed.. Corre Correct ct Ans Anse err is. the the volts volts dro drop p acros acrosss that that resis resisto torr incre increas ases. es. !"planation !"planation.. 6he current current ill ill reduce, but not not halved, halved, since it it depends depends on ho big big the other other to resistors are in relation to it. 't ill hoever ta8e a greater share of the voltage drop in the circuit.

Question Nu Number.


6he to total re resistance of of th the ci circuit sh shon is is.

Option A.  Ohms. Option B. 1. Ohms. Option C. 1+ Ohms. Correct rect Anser is.  Ohms. !"planation !"planation.. eries  4  % / ohms. ohms. 6hen, 6hen, to / ohm resistors resistors in parallel, parallel, total total is half half %  ohms.

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Question Number. >. #otentiometers ar are us used as as a. a. Option A. variab riablle voltage source rce. Option B. B. variable re resistor. Option C. variab riablle curre rrent source. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. vari variab able le resi resist stor or.. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. #otent #otentiom iometer eterss are not a ?source ?source?? of voltage voltage..

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 10. 'n a ;h ;heats eatsto tone ne Bridg ridge, e, the the amm ammet eter er read readss er ero, o, and and the the variable resistor is adGusted to 5 ohms. (esistor # has a value of 10 ohms and Q has a value of  100 ohms. ;hat is the value of the un8non resistor). Option A. 5 ohms. Option B. 0.5 ohms. Option C. 50 ohms. Correct rect Anser is. is. 0.5 oh ohms. !"pl !"plan anat atio ion. n. ( % (v 2 #*Q #*Q..

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 11. 'n gene genera ral, l, incr increa easi sing ng the the cro cross ss sect sectio iona nall are areaa of of an an elec electr tric ical al cable. Option A. increa reases its res resista stance. Opti Option on B. enab enable less it to carr carr7 7 more volt voltag age. e. Opti Option on C. enab enable less it to carr carr7 7 more curr curren ent. t. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. enabl enables es it to to car carr7 r7 more more curr curren ent. t. !"planation !"planation.. Det the formula formula for resistan resistance ce of a cable. cable. 'f 7ou increase increase the the cross cross sectional sectional area, its resistance ill decrease and it can carr7 more current. ?Carr7ing voltage? is not technicall7 correct terminolog7, and besides, An7 sie cable can ?carr7? an7 sie voltage, but it is the current hich ill destro7 it.

Quest estion Number. er. 1+. i" res resisto stors each ach of / ohms ould be. Option A. 1 ohm in series. Option B. 1 ohm in parallel. Option C. C. / ohms in in pa parallel. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. 1 ohm ohm in paral aralle lel. l. !"planation !"planation.. Det the formulas formulas for resistor resistorss in parallel parallel and and resistors resistors in series. Or, remember remember that resistors in series, total is greater than the largest, and resistors in parallel, total is less than the smallest.

Question Number.


A potentiometer va varies.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option A. resistance. Option B. current. Option C. voltage. Correct rect Anser is. is. voltage. !"planation !"planation.. A potentiomet potentiometer er is basicall7 basicall7 a variable variable voltage voltage splitter. splitter.

Quest estion Number. er. 1. 6he fo formula fo for re resista stance in in se serie ries is. is. Option A. (6 % (1 (1 4 (+ (+ 4 ( .....(n. Option B. B. (6 % (1 (1 2 (+ 2 ( .....(n. Opti Option on C. 1*(6 *(6 % 1* 1* (1 (1 2 (+ 2 ( .... .....( .(n n-. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. (6 % (1 (1 4 (+ (+ 4 ( ( ... ..... ..(n (n.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 15. ;hat hat is is th the co combin mbined ed valu alue of of res resis ista tan nces ces of of  ohm ohm and and / ohm ohm connected in parallel). Option A. 0.+ ohm. Option B. +. ohm. Option C. + ohm. Correct rect Anser is. is. +. ohm. !"planation !"planation.. (esistors (esistors in parallel, parallel, the total total resistance resistance ill ill be less less than the the smallest smallest but but onl7 slightl7 less-.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 1/. 1/. 'f a numb number er of resi resist stor orss are are conn connec ecte ted d in para parall llel el,, the the tota totall resistance is. Option A. smaller th than th the lo loest. Option B. the same as the loest. Option C. C. greater th than th the lo loest. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. smal smalle lerr tha than n the the loe loest st.. !"planation !"planation.. (esistors (esistors in parallel. parallel. 6ota 6otall resistance resistance is smaller smaller than the loest loest single single resistor resistor..

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1=. 6he res resis ista tan nce to elec electr tric ical al flo flo in in a ire ire depen epends ds on. on. Opti Option on A. the the diam diamete eter, r, leng length th,, mate materia riall of of ir iree and and tempe temperat ratur ure. e. Opti Option on B. the the mat mater eria iall on onl7  cop copper per or or alum alumin iniu ium m. Opti Option on C. the the len lengt gth h and and mate materi rial al of the the ir iree onl onl7 7. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. the diamet diameter, er, length length,, materi material al of of ire ire and and temp temperat erature ure.. !"planation !"planation.. Det the formula formula for resistan resistance ce of a conducto conductor, r, and don?t don?t forget forget that that most most materials have a positive temperature coefficient.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. ;hen hen res resis isto tors rs are are in in par paral alle lell th the tota totall cu curren rrentt is is e9ua e9uall to. to. Opti Option on A. the the cur curre rent nt thro throug ugh h one one resi resist stor or.. Option B. the su sum of the currents. Opti Option on C. the the rec recip ipro roca call of of all all the the cu curren rrents ts.. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. the the sum sum of the the cur curre rent nts. s. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1>. ;hich hich of the these se ill ill caus causee th the res resis ista tanc ncee of of a co conduc nducto torr to to decrease). Opti Option on A. $ecr $ecrea ease se the the leng length th or the the cros cross sse sect ctio iona nall area area.. Opti Option on B. 'ncr 'ncreas easee the the leng length th or decre decreas asee the the cross crossse secti ction onal al area. area. Opti Option on C. $ecr $ecreas easee the the lengt length h or incre increase ase the the cro cross ssse secti ction onal al area. area. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. $ecreas $ecreasee the the lengt length h or or increa increase se the the cros crossse ssectio ctional nal area. area. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. Det the the formula formula for for resistan resistance ce of a conduc conductor tor..

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +0. +0. 'f + res resis isto tors rs,, one one red, red, 7ello ello , blac blac8, 8, gold gold and and the the othe otherr vio viole let, t,  blue, blac8, silver ere replaced b7 a single resistor. 'gnoring 'gnoring tolerance, hat ould the colour coding be). Option A. Bron, blac8, bron. Option B. Blac8, bron, blac8. Option C. Bron, blac8, blac8. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. Bro Bron, n, blac blac8, 8, bro bron. n. !"planation !"planation.. 6he red*7ello red*7ello*blac *blac8 8 resistor resistor is + + ohms ohms get a colour colour code chart-. chart-. 6he violet*blue*blac8 resistor is =/ ohms. 6otal 6otal is 100 ohms. A 100 ohm resistor is  bron*blac8*bron.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +1. A = 8il 8iloh ohm m res resis isto torr has has the the fol follo loi ing ng colo colou ur cod codeM eM.. Option A. A. Fello, &i &iolet, et, Or Orange. Option B. B. (ed, Or Orange, Fello. Option C. Orange, &iolet, (ed. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. Fello llo,, &iolet, olet, Oran Orange ge.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

++. ++.

6he 6he bri bridg dgee circ circui uitt sho shon n ill ill be bala balanc nced ed hen hen the the val value ue of

the un8non resistor ( is. Option A. + ohms. Option B. 1 ohms. Option C. 1 ohms. Correct rect Anser is. + ohms. !"pl !"plan anat atio ion. n. =+ * + % / * (, (, ( % + ohms ohms..

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Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +. A 00 ohm ohm resi resist sto or oul ould d hav have a co colou lour code code of. of. Option A. orange, br bron, blac8. Option B. B. orange, or orange, br bron. Option C. orange, blac8 bron. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. oran orange ge,, bla blac8 c8 bro bron. n. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Number.


'n this circuit, (" is e9ual to.

Option A. (+ 2 ( L (. Option B. ( 2 ( L (+. Option C. ( 2 (+ L (. Correct rect Anser is. is. ( 2 (+ L (. !"planation !"planation.. Assuming Assuming the the diagram diagram is incomp incomplete lete no cross branch branch ith ith a eroed eroed ammeter ammeter as per a ;heatstone bridge- 6a8e 6a8e ("*( % (+*( and transpose.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Quest estion Nu Number. er. +5. 'n a pa paral rallel circ circu uit co containing re resist sisto ors. Opti Option on A. the the sum sum of the the vol volta tage ge drop dropss e9u e9uals als appl applie ied d vol volta tage ge.. Opti Option on B. the the vol volta tage ge is the the sam samee in in all all part partss of of the the circ circui uit. t. Opti Option on C. C. resi resist stan ance ce is is dete determ rmin ined ed b7 valu valuee of curr curren entt flo flo.. Corre Correct ct Ans Anse err is. the the volt voltag agee is the the same same in in all all part partss of the the circu circuit it.. !"planation !"planation.. 'n a parallel parallel circuit, circuit, the voltage voltage across across each resistor resistor is the the same. same.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +/. +/. ive ive diff differ eren entt val value ue resi resist stor orss all all have have the the sam samee vol volta tage ge drop droppe ped d across them. 3o are the resistors connected). Option A. 'n eries*#arallel. Option B. 'n eries. Option C. 'n #arallel. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. 'n #ara #arall llel el.. !"planation !"planation.. (esistors (esistors in parallel parallel ith each each other other all all have the same same voltage voltage drop. drop.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

+=. +=.

Cond Conduc ucta tanc ncee of of a circ circui uitt is + mill milli iho hos. s. ;hat ;hat is its its res resis ista tanc nce) e)..

Option A. 5000 Ohms. Option B. 500 Ohms. Option C. 5 egohms. Correct rect Anser is. is. 500 Oh Ohms. !"planation !"planation.. Conductanc Conductancee is the ease at hich hich current current flos. flos. 't is the inverse inverse of resistance. resistance. 6he unit ?ho? is ?Ohm? bac8ards-. Conductance % +*1000 hos. 6herefore (esistance % 1000*+ Ohms.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +. ;hen hen lig light hits hits a photo hotod diode iode,, its its resi resist stan ance ce.. Option A. sta7s the same. Option B. increases. Option C. decreases. Correct rect Anser is. is. decre creases ses. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. (esista (esistance nce decreas decreases es ith light light inten intensit7 sit7..

Question Nu Number. +>. A + e egohm re resistor ca can be be r ritten. Option A. +0. Option B. +0. Option C. +0. Correct An Anser is is. +0. !"planation !"planation.. ometimes ometimes the multip multiplier, lier, li8e  for for meg-, or or @ for 8ilo8ilo- or ( for for 1- is put put in place of the decimal point. 6he last letter is the tolerance. ee orum for more info.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. Option A.

0. 0.

'n a ;hea ;heats tsto tone ne brid bridge ge at bala balanc ncee the the gal galva vano nome mete terr rea reads ds ero ero..


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Question Number. 1. 6he un unit for resistivit7 is the. Option A. A. ohms*s9uare me meter. Option B. ohms*meter. Option C. C. ohm.meter. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. ohm.m hm.met eter er.. !"pl !"plan anat atio ion. n. N':. N':. http httpM* M**en *en. .i8 i8ip ipedi edia. a.or org* g*i i8i 8i*! *!le lectr ctric ical alre resi sista stanc ncee

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +. +. A = @ilo @ilohm hm resi resist stor or ith ith a 10K 10K tole tolera ranc ncee has has the the foll follo oin ing g colour codeM. Opti Option on A. Fello llo, &i &iolet, let, Ora Orang nge, e, il ilve verr. Option B. B. Orange, &i &iolet, et, (ed (ed,, Do Dold. Opti Option on C. (ed, ed, Ora Oran nge, ge, Fello llo,, ilv ilver er.. Corre Correct ct Ans Anse err is. Fello llo,, &i &iolet, olet, Oran Orange ge,, ilv ilver er.. !"planation !"planation.. Aircraft !lectricit7 !lectricit7 and !lectronics !lectronics !ismin !ismin #age #age 100.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. . . 6he 6he tot total al resi resist stan ance ce in a cir circu cuit it is grea greate terr tha than n the the leas leastt res resis isto torr. 6his is true for a. Option A. seri eries an and par paraallel lel ci circuit. it. Option B. series circuit onl7. Option C. C. parallel ci circuit on onl7. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. seri series es circ circui uitt onl onl7 7. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':. 07b. Resistance/Resistor.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


6he un8 un8no no n resi resist stan ance ce ( in the the ;heat heatst sto one brid bridge ge sho shon is. is.

Option A.  ohms. Option B. 1/ ohms. Option C. 1 ohm. Correct rect Anser is.  ohms. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. ( % + 2 *. *. (ead (ead up on on ;heat ;heatston stonee bridge bridges. s. Question Number.


6his is a s7mbol for.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option A. a vi visual di displ spla7 rec rectifie fier. Opti Option on B. a var varia iab ble diff ifferen erenti tial al resi resist stor or.. Option C. C. a vo voltage age de dependant re resist sisto or. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. a vol volta tage ge depe depend ndan antt resi resist stor or.. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. &$( % &o &oltage ltage $ependan $ependantt (esistor (esistor..

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . A poten otenti tiom omet eter er has hich hich of the the foll follo oin ing g pro propert pertie ies) s).. Option A. ;ire ound. Option B.  terminals. Option C. #reset values. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is.  term termin inal als. s. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . An in increa crease se in oper operat atin ing g tem temp perat eratu ure in most elec electr tric ical al devi device cess carr7ing current results in. Opti Option on A. a decr decrea ease se in in resi resist stan ance ce and and an inc incre reas asee in curr curren ent. t. Opti Option on B. no ef effect fect on on the the resi resist stan ance ce and and cu curren rrent. t. Opti Option on C. an incr increa ease se in in res resis ista tanc ncee and and a dec decre reas asee in in cur curre rent nt.. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. is. an increas increasee in in resis resistan tance ce and and a decre decrease ase in curren current. t. !"planation !"planation.. ost conduct conductors ors have have a ?positive ?positive temperature temperature coefficie coefficient?. nt?. 6he 6he e"ceptions e"ceptions are are semiconductors.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


Coppe opperr is is an an infe inferi rio or co conduc nducto torr to to alu alum miniu inium m hen hen com compa pari ring ng..

Option A. CA ith CA. Option B. eight for eight. Option C. load for load. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. eig eight ht for for eig eight ht.. !"planation !"planation.. Copper Copper is a better better inductor inductor but alumini aluminium um is much much lighter. lighter. CA % cross sectional area not Child upport Agenc7-.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /. ;hat hat hap happens pens to the the res resis ista tanc ncee of of a copp copper er cond condu ucto ctor he hen n th the temperature increases). Option A. 't decreases. Option B. 't increases. Option C. 't remains the same. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. 't incr increa ease ses. s. !"planation !"planation.. All materials materials e"cepts e"cepts semicond semiconductors uctors have a positiv positivee temperature temperature coeffi coefficient. cient.

Question Number. =. Carbon has a. Opti Option on A. tem tempera peratu ture re coef coeffi fici cien entt of of er ero o. Opti Option on B. posit ositiv ivee tem temp perat eratu ure coef coeffficie icient nt.. Opti Option on C. negat egativ ivee tem tempe pera ratu ture re coef coeffi fici cien ent. t. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. negat negativ ivee temp tempera eratu ture re coe coeff ffic icien ient. t. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers !"planation !"planation..

Carbon Carbon is a semicond semiconductor uctor,, so its resistance resistance reduces reduces ith ith temperatu temperature. re.

Quest estion Number. er. . 6he 5t 5th co coloured red ba band on a resis sistor re represe resen nts th the. Opti Option on A. reli reliab abil ilit it7 7 or tem tempera peratu ture re coef coeffi fici cien ent. t. Option B. tolerance. Option C. multiplier. Correct rect Anser is. is. toler lerance. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. >. 'f the the tem tempe pera ratu ture re of a pure pure meta metall is is red redu uced ced to to ab absolu solute te ero ero,, its resistance ill be. Option A. unaffected. Option B. practicall7 ero. Option C. infinit7. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. pract ractic ical all7 l7 er ero. o. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Quest estion Number. er.


;hat is represen sented ted b7 this diagram ram).

Option A. 6hermistor. Option B. B. (heostat. Option C. C. #otentiometer. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. #oten otenti tiom omet eter er.. !"planation !"planation.. A potentiomet potentiometer er has  connectio connections, ns, a rheostat rheostat has onl7 +.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 11. 'f a re resist sistor or is too too sm small all or or mis missh shap apen en to fit fit the the colo colour ur cod code  bands, ho else is it?s value indicated). Option A. $ots. Option B. Number code. Option C. :etter code. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. :ette etterr co code. de. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Number.


6his is is a diagram of a.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Option A. :ight $e $ependant (e (esis sistor. Option B. B. :aser $i $iode (e (ectifier. Opti Option on C. :ogar ogarit ithm hmic ic $if $iffe fere rent ntia iall (es (esis isto torr. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. :igh :ightt $epe $epend ndan antt (esi (esist stor or.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Number. 1. 6his is is a diagram of a. Option A. A. &aria riable &oltage age so source. ce. Option B. &aria riable Current source. ce. Option C. &ariable (esistor. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. &ariab riable le (esi (esist stor or.. !"planation !"planation.. A potentiomet potentiometer er is not a voltage voltage or current current ?source?. ?source?.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 1. 1. (esi (esist stor orss re9 re9ui uire red d to carr carr7 7 a comp compar arat ativ ivel el7 7 high high curr curren entt and and dissipate high poer are usuall7 of. Option A. ;ire o ound me metal t7 t7pe. Option B. Carbon compound t7pe. Option C. ;ire ound ceram eramic ic t7pe. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. ;ire ou ound nd cera ceram mic t7 t7pe. pe. !"planation !"planation.. Aircraft !lectricit7 !lectricit7 and and !lectron !lectronics ics b7 !ismin, !ismin, Chapter Chapter /, /, pg 101.

Question Nu Number. 15. A th7ristor. Opti Option on A. if ener energi gie ed d on, on, ill ill sit sitch ch on a cir circu cuit it.. Opti Option on B. has has a posi positi tive ve temp temper erat atur uree coef coeffi fici cien ent. t. Opti Option on C. if ener energi gie ed d on, on, ill ill sit sitch ch off off a cir circu cuit it.. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. if ene energ rgi ied ed on, on, il illl sit sitch ch on on a circ circui uit. t. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. An C( C( is is an e"am e"ample ple of of a th7rist th7ristor or..

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1/. 6he tem tempe pera ratu ture re of a pure pure meta metall can can great reatl7 l7 aff affect ect the the resistance of it. ;hat temperature scale is used). Option A. Absolute. Option B. Centigrade. Option C. ahrenheit. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. Centi entig grad rade. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers !"pla "plana nati tion on..

N': N':.

08. Power.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. 1. A 10 & batter7 supplies a re resis sistive load of of 10 10 oh ohms fo for 1 minute. ;hat is the poer supplied). Option A. 100 ;. Option B. 10 &A. Option C. 10 ;. Correct Anser is is. 10 ;. !"planation !"planation.. #oer % '+( '+( time time is not re9uiredre9uired-.. (esistive (esistive load onl7, onl7, so anser anser is in ;att ;atts. s.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +. A resi resist sto or dis dissi sip pates ates 0 ;a ;atts. tts. 'f it run runs fo for  hour hourss 15 15 min minu utes, tes, ho much energ7 is dissipated in total). Option A. +0. 8. A heate eaterr h hich ich con consu sume mess 0 00 @il @iloG oGou oule les* s*se secc is is on on for for hrs hrs 15min. 6he energ7 consumed is. Option A. 0 8;h. Option B. . 8;h. Option C. 00 8;h. Correct rect Anser is. is. 00 8; 8;h. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. 8. 1>. 6he 6he si sitc tch h on on a $C $C circ circui uitt con conta tain inin ing g a full full7 7 char charge ged d capa capaci cito tor  r  is opened. 6he voltage across the capacitor. Option A. drop rops im immedi ediate atel7 to ero ero. Opti Option on B. star starts ts to fall fall e"p e"ponen onenti tial all7 l7 to ero ero.. Opti Option on C. remain remainss e9u e9ual al to the the ori origi gina nall cha charg rgin ing g vol volta tage ge suppl suppl7 7. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. remain remainss e9ual e9ual to the the orig original inal chargi charging ng volt voltage age suppl7 suppl7.. !"planation !"planation.. 'f there there is no no e"ternal e"ternal circuit circuit,, the charge charge can go nohere. nohere.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +0. +0. 6he 6he cur curre rent nt in a $C $C cir circu cuit it cont contai aini ning ng a ful full7 l7 char charge ged d capa capaci cito tor  r  is. Option A. ero. Opti Option on B. is depe depend nden entt upo upon n the the sie sie of of the the capaci capacitan tance ce of the capaci capacitor tor.. Option C. ma"imum. Correct Anser is is. ero. !"planation !"planation.. 'f the capacitor capacitor is full7 full7 charged charged,, it is e9ual and opposite opposite to the the source source voltage, voltage, so no current flos.

Question Nu Number. Option A. both. Option B. A.C. Option C. $.C. Correct Anser is. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.


A capacitor is is a barrier to to.


Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. ++. ++. ;hat ;hat is the the tot total al capa capaci cita tanc ncee of a para parall llel el circ circui uitt cont contai aini ning ng three capacitors ith capacitance of 0.+5microfarad, 0.0microfarad, and 0.1+microfarad, respectivel7). Option A. 0. Rmicro-. Option B. B. 0.0 R Rmicro-. Option C. 0.0 pi8o arad. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. 0. Rm Rmicro icro- -.. !"planation !"planation.. Capacitors Capacitors in parallel, parallel, the same same formula formula as resistors resistors in in series  i.e. Gust Gust add them all up.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. +. ;hen t to ca capacit citors are co connected in in se series. es. Opti Option on A. A. the the charg chargee stored stored on on each each is inv inver ersel sel7 7 prop propor orti tion onal al to the the vol volta tage ge acro across ss it. it. Opti Option on B. the the cha charrge sto store red d on on eac each h is is the the same same.. Opti Option on C. C. the the char charge ge sto stored red on each each is dire direct ctl7 l7 pro propo porti rtion onal al to to its its capa capacit citanc ance. e. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. the the char charge ge stor stored ed on on each each is the the sam same. e. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers !"planation !"planation.. 'f the7 ere not not the same, same, there there ould ould be a current current flo beteen beteen them, until the7 e9ualised out.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. +. 6he ch charge on on a capa apacit citor is is e" e"pres ressed sed as. as. Option A. the ratio Q*&. Option B. the product Q 2 &. Option C. the product C 2 &. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. the the pro produ duct ct C 2 &. !"pl !"plan anat atio ion. n. (eme (ememb mber er Q % &C. &C.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +5. +5. ;hen ;hen hand handli ling ng a hig high h vol volta tage ge capa capaci cito torr in in an an ele elect ctri rica call cir circu cuit it,,  be sure it. Opti Option on A. has has a full full cha charg rgee befo before re rem remov ovin ing g it fro from m the the circ circui uit. t. Opti Option on B. is full7 full7 disch dischar arge ged d bef befor oree rem remov ovin ing g it it fro from m the the circ circuit uit.. Opti Option on C. C. has has at least least a resid residua uall char charge ge befo before re rem remov ovin ing g it from from the the circu circuit it.. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. is full7 full7 discha discharg rged ed befo before re remo removin ving g it from from the the circui circuit. t. !"planation !"planation.. Charged Charged capacitors capacitors can can be lethal, lethal, even even hen hen charged charged to to sa7, sa7, 1 volt. volt.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +/. 6he die diele lect ctri ricc co consta nstant nt of a cap capac acit ito or is is a mea measu sure reme men nt of. of. Opti Option on A. the the ele electr ctrica icall resist resistan ance ce of the the capac capacit itor or diel dielect ectric ric.. Opti Option on B. B. the the electr electros ostat tatic ic ene energ rg7 7 stor storin ing g capa capaci cit7 t7 of of the the capac capacito itorr diele dielect ctric ric.. Opti Option on C. C. the the elect electri rical cal repul repulsio sion n of elect electro rons ns it ithi hin n the the diele dielectr ctric ic mat materi erial al.. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. the elect electros rostati taticc energ7 energ7 storin storing g capacit7 capacit7 of the the capacito capacitorr dielect dielectric. ric. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +=. +=. 6hre 6hreee 1+ 1+ micr microf ofar arad ad capa capaci cito tors rs in para parall llel el.. 6he 6he over overal alll cir circu cuit it capacitance is. Option A.  microfarads. Option B. 1 microfarads. Option C. / microfarads. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. / mic micro rofa fara rads ds.. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. Capacit Capacitors ors in in paralle parallell  Gust add them them up. up.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +. A circ circui uitt has has 1 meg mego ohm and and  micr microf ofar arad ads. s. ;hat hat is is th the tim timee constant). Option A.  seconds. Option B. 1 second. Option C. 0 seconds. Correct rect Anser is. is.  sec seco onds. !"planation !"planation.. 6ime 6ime constant constant % (C. (C. 6he 6he mega mega and and the the micro micro cancel. cancel.

Question Number. +>. A capacitor rating is. Option A. the vo voltage it it i ill ch charge to to. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Opti Option on B. the the ma" ma"im imum um cont contin inuo uous us volt voltag agee it it can can ta8e ta8e.. Option C. C. the vo voltage it it i ill ru rupture at at. Corre Correct ct Ans Anse err is. the the ma"im ma"imum um con conti tinu nuou ouss volta voltage ge it can can ta8 ta8e. e. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 0. 6he mul multi tipl plie ierr co colou lour cod codin ing g on a cap capac acit itor or is in. in. Option A. picofarads. Option B. farads. Option C. microfarads. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. picof icofar arad ads. s. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er.


6he tota totall capa capaci cita tanc ncee of the the circ circui uitt sho shon is. is.

Option A. /Rmicro-. Option B. Rmicro-. Option C. Rmicro-. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. Rm Rmicro icro- -.. !"planation !"planation.. 6otal 6otal capacitance capacitance of capacito capacitors rs in series- % 1+* 1+* %  microfarads. microfarads.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +. ;hen hen a capa capaci cito torr is is cha charg rged ed from from a $C $C supp suppl7 l7,, the the voltage*time curve is. Option A. A. logarithmic. Option B. linear. Option C. C. e"ponential. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. e"po e"pone nent ntia ial. l. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . An ele elect ctro rol7 l7ti ticc cap capac acit itor or is used used becau ecause se it has a. a. Opti Option on A. smal smalll ph7 ph7si sica call si siee for for lo lo lea lea8a 8age ge curr curren ent. t. Opti Option on B. larg largee ph7 ph7si sica call si siee for for a lar large ge capa capaci cit7 t7..

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Opti Option on C. smal smalll ph7 ph7sica sicall sie sie for for a larg largee capa capaci cit7 t7.. Corre Correct ct Ans Anse err is. small small ph7sic ph7sical al sie sie for for a larg largee capa capacit cit7 7. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

. .

An elec electr trol ol7 7tic tic cap capac acit itor or oul ould d be used used in circ circui uits ts supp suppl7 l7in ing. g.

Option A. heav7 loads. Option B. light loads. Option C. C. heav7 * li light lo loads. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. heav heav7 7 * lig light ht load loads. s. !"planation !"planation.. !lectrol7tic !lectrol7tic capacitors capacitors are used used in circuits circuits of all sies.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 5. 5. A +0 #ico #icofa fara rad d capa capaci cito torr it ith h a 1 ego egohm hm resi resist stor or ta8e ta8ess ho ho long to charge). Option A. 100 microseconds. Option B. +0 milliseconds. Option C. 0.1 second. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. 100 100 micr micros osec econ onds ds.. !"planation !"planation.. 6ime 6ime constant constant 6C- % (C % +0*1,000 +0*1,000,000 ,000,000, ,000,000 000 2 1,000,00 1,000,000 0 % +0*1,000,0 +0*1,000,000 00 % +0 microseconds. But full7 charged is 5 2 6C % 100 microseconds.

Quest estion Number. er. /. 6he disch scharge curve of a capaci acitor is. Option A. A. !"ponential. Option B. B. :ogarithmic. Option C. :inear. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. !"pone ponent ntia ial. l. !"planation !"planation.. 6he capacitor capacitor dischar discharge ge curve curve is an e"ponent e"ponential ial deca7, deca7, hoever hoever,, the charg chargee curve is logarithmic the inverse of e"ponential-.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. =. ;hat hat is is th the val value ue of a mon monol olit ithi hicc cap capac acit itor or ith ith 10 on it it). Option A. 1000pf. Option B. 10,000pf. Option C. C. 100,000pf. Correct rect Anser is. is. 10,000pf. !"planation !"planation.. 10 means means 10 folloed folloed b7  eros. eros. Capacitors Capacitors are are ala7s ala7s measured measured in  picofarads.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . ;hat hat is is th the fo formul rmulaa for for or8 or8ing ing out out the the cap capac acit itan ance ce of a capacitor if @ % dielectric constant, A % area of the plates, d % distance plates apart). Option A. c % @2A*d. Option B. c % d*@2A. Option C. c % @2d*A. Correct rect Anser is. is. c % @2A*d. !"pl !"plan anat atio ion. n. C % @2A @2A*d *d.. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. >. >. 6otal tal cap capac acit itan ance ce of  cap capac acit itor orss eac each h 1+m 1+mil illi lia ara rad d in in a para parall llel el circuit. Option A. /milliarad. Option B. 1+milliarad. Option C. /mf. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. /mil /milli li arad arad.. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. 6otal otal C % % C1 4 C+ 4 C capa capacito citors rs in parall parallel-. el-.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 0. A com combina binati tion on of 1 meg megoh ohm m and and  mic micro rofa fara rad d ou ould ld give ive a time constant of. Option A. 0 seconds. Option B. 00 ms. Option C.  seconds. Correct rect Anser is. is.  sec seco onds. !"planation !"planation.. 1,000,00 1,000,000 0 2 *1,000,0 *1,000,000 00 %  seconds. seconds. NoteM 6ime 6ime Constan Constantt is as8ed for, for, not ?time to charge?.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

1. 1.

Dene Denera rall ll7 7, hat hat is the the vol volta tage ge acro across ss a ful full7 l7 char charge ged d cap capac acit itor or). ).

Option A. :ess than circuit voltag tage. Option B. B. ame as as ci circuit vo voltage. Option C. ore than circu rcuit voltage. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. ame ame as cir circu cuit it vol volta tage ge.. !"planation !"planation.. 6he anser anser to this 9uestio 9uestion n depends depends upon upon ho ho accurate accurate 7ou 7ou ant to to go.  Normal theor7 is that a full7 charged capacitor has an e9ual and oppositeopposite- voltage to the suppl7. 3oever, a capacitor is never full7 charged something in the order of >>.>>>>>>K charged-.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +. ;hen hen ould uld 7ou use an elec electr tro ol7ti l7ticc capa capaci cito tor) r).. Option A. On a balanced circuit. Opti Option on B. :o outp outpu ut com comp pared ared to sie sie re9 re9uire uired. d. Opti Option on C. :arg :argee outp output ut comp compar ared ed to sie sie re9u re9uir ired ed.. Corre Correct ct Ans Anse err is. :arg :argee outp output ut comp compar ared ed to sie sie re9u re9uir ired ed.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

. .

A capa capaci cito torr has has Bro Bron, n, Blac Blac8 8 and and Oran Orange ge band bands. s. 't?s 't?s valu valuee is. is.

Option A. 10 picofarads. Option B. 10 nanofarads. Option C. 100 picofarads. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. 10 nan nanof ofar arad ads. s. !"planation !"planation.. Bron % 1, Blac8 Blac8 % 0, Orange Orange % "1000. "1000. 6ot 6otal al is 10,000 10,000 picofarad picofaradss ala7s ala7s  picofarads ith capacitors- % 10 nanofarads. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. . . &oltag ltagee mea measu sure red d bet betee een n the the plat plates es of a capa capaci cito torr ill ill be generall7. Opti Option on A. can can dan dange gero rous usl7 l7 high higher er tha than n app appli lied ed volt voltag age. e. Option B. B. the sam samee as as ap applied voltage age. Option C. less than app applied voltage. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. the the same same as as appl applie ied d volt voltag age. e. !"planation !"planation.. 6echnica 6echnicall7 ll7 the voltage voltage on a charged charged capacitor capacitor never never reaches the the applied applied voltage. 't gets to >>.>>>>>K and more-.

Quest estion Number. er. 5. $iele electri ctricc constant ant of a capaci acitor is. Opti Option on A. ma" & that that can can be be app appli lied ed to a cap capac acit itor or.. Opti Option on B. B. elec electr tros osta tati ticc stor storin ing g capa capabi bili lit7 t7 of of the the diel dielec ectr tric ic.. Option C. C. ma" ' sto stored red in in th the ca capaci acitor. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. is. electro electrostat static ic stor storing ing capabi capabilit7 lit7 of the dielect dielectric. ric. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. 6he dielec dielectric tric store storess electrica electricall energ7 energ7..

Question Number. /. One microfarad is. Option A. 1 2 101+ farads. Option B. 1 2 101+ farads. Option C. 1 2 10/ farads. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. 1 2 10/ 10/ fara farad ds. !"planation !"planation.. . Of the the foll follo oin ing g hic hich h pair pair of mater ateria ials ls ould ould most read readil il7 7  become magnetied). Option A. 'ron and steel. Option B. Copper and steel. Option C. Nic8el and brone. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. 'ron 'ron and and ste steel el.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 10. 6he cor coree mat mater eria iall use used d fo for an an ele elect ctro rom magn agnet is soft soft iro iron  because. Opti Option on A. its its mag magn netis etism m is is no not eas easil il7 7 des destr tro7 o7ed ed.. Opti Option on B. it retain retainss most most of its its flu flu" " den densit sit7 7 hen hen dema demagn gnet etie ied. d. Option C. C. it de demagneties ea easil7. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. it dem demag agne neti tie ess easi easil7 l7.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 11.  pole of another magnet.

'f the the No North rth pol polee of of a mag magn net is bro brought ught neare earerr to to the the Nort North h

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Opti Option on A. attr attrac acti tion on bet betee een n the them m il illl be be inc incre reas ased ed.. Opti Option on B. repu repuls lsio ion n bet betee een n them them ill ill be redu reduce ced. d. Opti Option on C. repu repuls lsio ion n bet betee een n them them ill ill be incr increa ease sed. d. Corre Correct ct Ans Anse err is. repu repulsi lsion on bet betee een n them them il illl be incr increa eased sed.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Number. 1+. ;here is is th the ma magnetic dip le least). Option A. #oles. Option B. 'soclinals. Option C. !9uator. Correct rect Anser is. is. !9uato ator. !"planation !"planation.. agnetic agnetic dip is another another name name for inclinatio inclination. n. 't is least at the e9uator e9uator,, and ma"imum >0 degrees-at the magnetic poles.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 1. 1. ;hen ;hen a numb number er of ferr ferrit itee pie piece cess are are grou groupe ped d toge togeth ther er,, the7 the7.. Opti Option on A. are are semi semip perm erman anen entt mag magne nets ts he hen n $C $C is is pass passed ed thro throug ugh h them them.. Option B. electromagnets. Opti Option on C. can can be used used to sto store bin binar7 ar7 code code.. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. can can be be used used to store store bin binar7 ar7 code code.. !"planation !"planation.. agnetic agnetic tape tape uses tin7 ferrite particles particles coated onto a plastic plastic tape. tape.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. Amp Ampere ere tur turns ns is calc calcul ulat ated ed b7 the the num numbe berr of of tu turns. rns. Option A. multiplied b7 b7 cu current. Option B. B. divided b7 b7 current. Option C. C. multiplie lied b7 b7 mag magn netic tic fl flu". Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. mult multip ipli lied ed b7 curr curren ent. t. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. Ampere Ampere turns turns means means A# 2 6T(N. 6T(N.

Question Number. 15. 6he unit of flu" is the. Option A. Ampere turns * metre. Option B. ;eber. Option C. Ampere turns. Correct rect Anser is. is. ;eber. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Nu Number. 1/. :ines of of ma magnetic fl flu" pa pass fr from. Option A. outh to North. Option B. !ast to ;est. Option C. North to outh. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. North orth to outh outh.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Quest estion Number. er.


;h7 is fer ferri ritte use used d in in memo emor7 circuit cuitss).

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option A. 3igh reluctance. Option B. :o permeabilit7. Option C. 3igh remanence. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. 3igh igh rem reman anen ence ce.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. ag agneti neticc line liness are are flo floing ing paral aralle lel. l. 6he7 ill ill.. Option A. have no no ef effect on on ea each other. er. Option B. B. attract ea each ot other. Option C. repel each other. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. repe repell each each oth other er.. !"planation !"planation.. Assuming Assuming this this means parallel parallel AN$ in the same same direction, direction, the7 the7 ill repel repel each other. :i8e the magnetic fields around to ires, carr7ing current in opposite directions.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. 1>. 1>. 6he 6he hor hori ion onta tall com compo pone nent nt of the the ear earth th?s ?s magn magnet etic ic fiel field d is is mos mostt strongl7 felt at. Option A. e9uator. Option B. 5 degrees latitude. Option C. poles. Correct rect Anser is. is. e9uato ator. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. +0. 6o par paral alle lell lin lines es of magne agneti ticc flu" flu" in the the same same pola polari rit7 t7.. Option A. repel each other. Option B. B. have no no effect on on each other. er. Option C. C. attract ea each ot other. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. repe repell each each oth other er.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +1. +1. agn agnet etic ic fiel fields ds arou around nd to to par paral alle lell con condu duct ctor orss car carr7 r7in ing g curr curren entt in the same directions ill. Option A. repel. Option B. attract. Opti Option on C. ill ill attra attract ct or repe repell dep depen endi ding ng on the the t7p t7pee of of cur curre rent nt.. Correct rect Anser is. is. attract ract.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':. httpM***UGfalard*magneticforcesfields*magneticforcesfields.html

Question Number. ++. agnetic fi field on a solenoid is is. Opti Option on A. the the sam samee bot both h ins insid idee and and outs outsid idee the the coil coil.. Option B. ea8est est outside the coil. Option C. C. stron rongest outsid side th the co coil. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. ea8 ea8es estt outs outsid idee the the coil coil.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers 10b. Magnetism.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. 1. ;hich of th the fo folloing is is ab absol solute pe permea rmeab bilit7 lit7)). Option A. Rmicro-r. Option B. Romicro node-. Option C. Rmicro-. Correct Anser is. Rmi micro cro-. !"planatio tion Rmic micrro- % Ro Romi micro node-2 e-2Rm Rmicro icro--r.

Question Number. +. 6he s7mbol for flu" densit7 is. Option A. 3capital-. Option B. Vph7-. Option C. Bcapital-. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. Bcap capit ital al-. -. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':. Quest estion Nu Number. er. . A param aramaagneti etic ma materi erial ha has a rel relaativ tive pe perme rmeabili ilit7 of. Option A. ero. Option B. less than unit7. Option C. C. greater th than un unit7. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. grea greate terr tha than n uni unit7 t7.. !"planation !"planation.. A paramagnetic paramagnetic material material has has a greater greater permeabilit7 permeabilit7 than free free space vacuu vacuum-. m-. so its relative permeabilit7 is greater than 1.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. . 6hroug rough h hi hich ch mater ateria iall il illl mag magne neti ticc lin lines es of forc forcee pas passs th the most readil7). Option A. Copper. Option B. 'ron. Option C. Aluminium. Correct Anser is is. 'ron. !"planation !"planation.. 'ron especiall7 especiall7 soft soft ironiron- has the the greatest greatest permeabilit7 permeabilit7..

Question Number. 5. #ermanent magnets have. Opti Option on A. high igh relu reluct ctan ance ce,, hig high h co coerci ercive ve fo force. rce. Opti Option on B. lo lo rel reluc ucta tan nce, ce, hig high h co coerci ercive ve forc force. e. Opti Option on C. high igh rel reluc ucta tan nce, ce, lo lo co coerci ercive ve forc force. e. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. high high rel reluc ucta tanc nce, e, hig high h coerc coerciv ivee forc force. e. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /. Option A. retentivit7. Option B. h7steresis. Option C. C. flu" densit7.

6he ter term m used sed to denot enotee the the stre stren ngth gth of a magne agneti ticc fie field ld is. is.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. flu flu" den densi sit7 t7..  per unit cross sectional area.

!"pl !"plan anat atio ion n

lu lu" den densi sit7 t7 is th the num numbe berr of of flu flu" " lin lines es

Quest estion Nu Number. er. =. A soft ir iron co core is use used d in in an an !: !:!C6(O mag magn net be because ause.. Opti Option on A. it has has :O; :O; perm permea eabi bili lit7 t7 and and 3'D 3'D3 3 coe coerc rciv ivit it7 7. Opti Option on B. it has has 3'D 3'D3 3 per perme meab abil ilit it7 7 and and :O; :O; coer coerci civi vit7 t7.. Opti Option on C. it has has 3'D 3'D3 3 per perme meab abil ilit it7 7 and and 3'D3 3'D3 coer coerci civi vit7 t7.. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. is. it has 3'D3 3'D3 perm permeabi eabilit7 lit7 and :O; coerciv coercivit7 it7.. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Number. . A nonmagnetic metal. Option A. has hi high re retentivit7. Option B. has no permeabilit7. t7. Option C. C. is a poor co conductor. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. has has no no per perme meab abil ilit it7 7. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. >. ;hat hat is the the ef effect fect of inse insert rtin ing g an iro iron core core into into a curr curren entt carr7ing coil). Opti Option on A. 6he 6he flu" flu" den densit sit7 7 of of the the orig origin inal al mag magne neti ticc field field remain remainss cons consta tant nt.. Opti Option on B. B. 6he 6he core core ten tends ds to to mov movee from from a stro strong nger er to to a ea ea8e 8err part part of the the field field.. Opti Option on C. C. 6he 6he flu" flu" den densit sit7 7 of of the the orig origin inal al mag magne neti ticc field field prod produc uced ed b7 b7 the the coil coil is is increased. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. 6he 6he flu" densit7 densit7 of of the orig origina inall magnet magnetic ic field field prod produce uced d b7 the the coil coil is increased. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Number. 10. lu" densit7 ill. Opti Option on A. incr increa ease se lin linea earl rl7 7 it ith h coe coerc rciv ivee forc force. e. Opti Option on B. decre ecreas asee lin linea earl rl7 7 it ith h mag magn netic etic flu flu". Opti Option on C. incr increa ease se line linear arl7 l7 ith ith mag magneti neticc flu flu". ". Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. incre increas asee linea linearl7 rl7 ith ith mag magnet netic ic flu flu". ". !"plana !"planatio tion n lu" lu" densit7 densit7 % magn magneti eticc flu" line liness per unit unit cross cross section sectional al area. area.

Question Number. 11. torage of magnets should be. Option A. in a non magnetic po". Option B. B. in pa pairs ith 8eep eeper plates tes. Option C. in pairs end to end. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. in pai pairs rs it ith h 8ee 8eepe perr plat plates es.. !"planation !"planation.. Bar magnets magnets are stored in pairs pairs endtoend endtoend-- and ith ith 8eeper 8eeper plates. plates. ee ee forum for e"planation-.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er..

1+. 1+.

6he 6he h7 h7ster steres esis is loop loop for for a magn magnet etic ic mate materi rial al is on a gra graph ph ith ith..

Opti Option on A. curr curren entt agai again nst flu flu" dens densit it7 7. Opti Option on B. flu" flu" dens densit it7 7 agai agains nstt magn magnet etis isin ing g forc force. e. Opti Option on C. tota totall flu flu" agai agains nstt flu flu" " densi ensit7 t7.. Corre Correct ct Ans Anse err is. flu" flu" den densit sit7 7 again against st mag magne neti tisin sing g forc force. e. !"plana !"planatio tion. n. 6he h7ster h7steresis esis curve curve is is  agains againstt B.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. 1. A mate aterial rial ith a narro h7 h7ste steresis sis lo loop. Option A. cannot be be ma magnetised. Option B. B. ill ha have hi high re retenti entiv vit7. t7. Option C. ill have lo ret retent entivit7. t7. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. ill ill hav havee lo lo rete retent ntiv ivit it7 7. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Number. 1. 'f a bar magnet is cut in half. Option A. A. the ma magnet is is de destro7ed. Option B. to bar magn agnets are are for formed. Opti Option on C. one one bar bar magn magnet et and and one one non nonma magn gnet et is form formed ed.. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. to to bar bar mag magne nets ts are are for forme med. d. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Question Number. 15. Copper is a. Option A. ferro rromagn agnetic mater terial ial. Option B. param ramagnetic tic mate ateria rials. Option C. C. diamagnetic ma material. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. diam diamag agne neti ticc mat mater eria ial. l. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1/. 6he   of a coil coil fed fed it ith h + amp amps an and hav havin ing g 10 10 tur turns ns is. is. Option A. 5 ampere turns. Option B. +0 amperes * turn. Option C. +0 ampere turns. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. +0 am ampere pere turn turns. s. !"planation !"planation..  s7mbo s7mboll 3- is is amps amps 2 turns. turns. Tnit Tnit is Ampere Ampere 6urn 6urns. s.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. 1=. An e" e"amp ample of of a para aramagneti etic mat mater eriial is is. Option A. silver. Option B. iron. Option C. glass. Correct Anser is is. iron. !"planation !"planation.. 'ron is is a paramagneti paramagneticc ferromagnet ferromagnetic ic actuall7-, actuall7-, the the other other + are diamagn diamagnetics etics :B# notes are rong about glass-.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Question Number. 1. &ibration in a magnet causes. Option A. flu" to sta7 the same. Option B. flu" to decrease. Option C. flu" to increase. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. flu flu" to to dec decre reas ase. e. !"planation !"planation.. A good a7 a7 to destro7 destro7 a magnet magnet is to to drop it or or subGect it to high high fre9uenc7 fre9uenc7 vibrations.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. 1>. #ermea rmeab bilit7 of a mat mateerial rial can be be fo found b7 b7. Option A. flu" densit7 *  . Option B.  2 flu" densit7. Option C.  * flu" densit7. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. flu" flu" dens densit it7 7 *  .. !"planation !"planation.. #ermeabilit7 #ermeabilit7 % B*3 (eluctance (eluctance % 3*B, similar similar to resistance resistance ( % &*'-.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +0. +0. ;hen ;hen magne agneti tii ing ng a piec piecee of mate materi rial al,, magn magnet etic ic stre streng ngth th ill ill rise. Opti Option on A. nonl onlin inea earl rl7 7 it ith h mag magn netic etic forc force. e. Option B. B. linearl7 rl7 i ith co coerci erciv ve fo force. Option C. C. linearl7 rl7 i ith ma magneti etic fo force. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. non nonli linea nearl7 rl7 ith ith magn magneti eticc force force.. !"planation !"planation.. agnetic agnetic force force is  or 3 in in 3enries-. 3enries-. 't is not linear because because of of magnetic magnetic saturation.

Question Number. +1. A material e"posed to to heat i ill. Option A. have no no ef effect on on mag magn netism. sm. Option B. be ea easier to magnetise. Option C. C. be ha harder to to magnetise. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. be hard harder er to magn magnet etis ise. e. !"planation !"planation.. 6he ?curie? ?curie? temperatu temperature re is the temperature temperature above above hich hich the the material material cannot cannot be magnetised.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. ++. 'f co cobalt alt ha has a permeabilit7 it7 of of  00 it it is is a. a. Option A. A. ferromagnetic. Option B. paramagnetic. Option C. C. diamagnetic. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. ferr ferrom omag agn netic etic.. !"plana !"planatio tion n Cobalt Cobalt is a hard hard ferro ferromag magnet netic ic silver silverh hite ite eleme element. nt. httpM**en.*i8i*Cobalt

Question Nu Number. +. Cobalt ha has a pe permeabilit7. Option A. A. greater th than un unit7. Option B. less than unit7. Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option C. same as unit7. Corr Correc ectt Anse nserr is. is. grea greate terr tha than n uni unit7 t7.. !"pl !"plan anat atio ion. n. N':. N':. http httpM* M**e *en. n.i i8i 8ipe pedi dia. a.or org g*i8 *i8i* i*Co Coba balt lt

Question Number. +. agnetic flu". Opti Option on A. e"is e"istt in in all all spac spacee aro aroun und d the the magne agnet. t. Opti Option on B. is more more conc concen entr trat ated ed at the the cen centr tree of of bar bar magn magnet et.. Opti Option on C. C. occu occupi pies es the the spa space ce aro aroun und d the the mag magnet net ith ith e9u e9ual al flu flu" " den densit sit7 7. Corre Correct ct Anse nserr is. is. e"ist e"ist in all all spa space ce aro aroun und d the the mag magne net. t. !"pla "plana nati tion on.. N': N':.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +5. +5. 6he 6he abi abili lit7 t7 of a circ circui uitt to prod produc ucee a magn magnet etic ic flu" flu" unde underr the the influence of a . Option A. permeance. Option B. permeabilit7. Option C. permanence. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. perm ermeabi eabili lit7 t7.. !"plana !"planatio tion n Aircraf Aircraftt !lectrica !lectricall 7stem. 7stem. #allett #allett rd rd !dition !dition appen appendi" di" one one page 1>/. 1>/.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. +/. agnetic tic fl flu" sa saturat ration ta ta8es pl place ace h hen. Opti Option on A. the the mag magne neti tised sed medi medium um ill ill accep acceptt no no fur furth ther er line liness of of flu flu". ". Opti Option on B. the the mag magn netic etic fiel field d dro drops to to ero ero.. Opti Option on C. C. the the magn magneti eticc fiel field d star starts ts to to redu reduce ce it ith h incre increase ased d magn magnet etis isin ing g force force.. Correct Correct Anse Anserr is. the magnet magnetised ised medium medium ill ill accept accept no furt further her lines lines of of flu". flu". !"pl !"plan anat atio ion n ee ee a B3 B3 diag diagra ram. m.

Ques Questi tion on Numb Number er.. +=. +=. Cabl Cables es are are shie shield lded ed to prev preven entt ?3? ?3? magn magnet etic ic inte interf rfer eren ence ce in ires ith the folloing material. Option A. Copper braiding. Option B. err erromagnetic materi teriaal. Option C. $iamagnetic material. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. is. Coppe opperr brai braid ding ing. !"plana !"planatio tion n Aircraf Aircraftt !lectric !lectricit7 it7 and and !lectro !lectronic nics, s, !ismin !ismin 5th editi edition on #age #age =.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. +. pontaneou eous mag magn netis tism is is ass asso ociated ted i ith. Option A. A. diamagnetic ma materials. Option B. ferro rromagn agnetic mater terial ials. Option C. param ramagnetic tic mate ateria rials. Corr Correc ectt Ans Anse err is. ferr ferrom omag agne neti ticc mate materi rial als. s. !"pl !"plan anat atio ion n N':. N':. http httpM* M** * ..geo. umn. n.ed edu* u*or orgs gs*i *irm rm*h *hg+ g+m* m*hg hg+m +mb b*h *hg+ g+m mb. html ml..

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