Module 03 Electrical Fundamental

April 22, 2018 | Author: Aviation World | Category: Atoms, Ion, Atomic Nucleus, Proton, Electron
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Module 03 Electrical Fundamental...

Description Module 03. Electrical Fundamentals 01. Electron Theory.

Question Number. 1. A neutron has. Opti Option on A. the the oppo opposi site te cha charg rgee to an Ele Electr ctron on but but half half the the weig weight ht of of a prot proton on.. Opti Option on B. the the sam samee cha charg rgee as as an an Ele Elect ctro ron n but but half half the the mas mass. s. Opti Option on C. no elect electric rical al char charge ge but but wil willl add add weig weight ht to the the nuc nucleu leus. s. Corr Correc ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. no elec electr tric ical al ch char ge but will add weight to the nucleus. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. !. "he uni unitt whi which ch con consist sistss of of two two or more ore dif diffe fere rent nt t#pe t#pess of of ato atoms ms is $nown as a. Option A. particle of of an an element. Option B. B. molecule of of a compound. Option C. molecule of an element. Corr Correc ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. mole molecu cule le of of a com compo poun und. d. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. %. In what what e&u e&uipm ipment ent is is a phot photo on rad radia iate ted d when when an elec electr tron on lea' lea'es es a hole(. Option A. )hoto*cell. Option B. E+. Option C. )hoto diode. Correct Answer is. E+. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. ,. A good el elect ectric rical in insul sulatin ting ma materi teriaal wi will co contain ain. Opti Option on A. Onl# Onl# a sma small ll num numbe berr of elec electro trons ns in in the the oute outerr shell shell of eac each h atom atom of of the the material. Opti Option on B. stro strong ngl# l# boun bound d elect electro rons ns in the the atom atomss of of the the mate materia rial. l. Opti Option on C. -ea$l# a$l# boun bound d fre free e ele elect ctro rons ns in the the atom atomss of of the the mate materia rial. l. Correct Correct Answe Answerr is. strong strongl# l# boun bound d electr electrons ons in the the atom atomss of the materia material. l. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. /. "he sma small lles estt par parti ticl clee th that a sub subst stan ance ce can can be be sp split lit an and sho show w the the same properties as the whole is $nown as. Option A. an Element. Option B. a 0olecule. Option C. an Atom. Correct rect Answer is. is. an Atom. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Quest estion Number. er.


-hat charge do does the the nucleus of of an atom posses sess(.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Option A. )ositi'e. Option B. Neutral. Option C. C. Negati'e. Correct rect Answer is. is. )ositi'e. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Quest estion Nu Number. er. 2. -hat is th the max maxiimum nu number of el electr ctrons in in sh shell N of an an atom(. Option A. 13. Option B. %!. Option C. 1. Correct Answer is is. %!. Explanation Explanation.. 4hell $ 5 ! electrons6 electrons6 shell 5 5 3 electrons6 electrons6 shell 0 5 13 electron electronss and shell shell N 5 %! electrons 7or use the !n! exclusion rule8.

Question Number. 3. An ox#gen molecule is made up of. Opti Option on A. two two ox# ox#ge gen n ato atoms ms shar sharin ing g neu neutr tro ons. ns. Opti Option on B. two two ox# ox#ge gen n ato atoms ms shar sharin ing g pro proto tons ns.. Opti Option on C. two two ox# ox#ge gen n ato atoms ms shar sharin ing g ele elect ctro rons ns.. Corre Correct ct Answe nswerr is. two two ox# ox#gen atom atomss shari sharing ng electr electron ons. s. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Question Nu Number. 9. If el electrons ar are ad added to to an an at atom it it be becomes. Option A. a neutral ion. Option B. a positi'e ion. Option C. a negati'e ion. Corr Correc ectt Answe nswerr is. is. a neg negat ati' i'ee io ion. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1:. An ele elem ment ent who whose se ato atom ms ha' ha'ee few fewer er tha than n , ele elect ctro ron ns in in the their ir 'alenc# shell are. Option A. semiconductors. Option B. good insulators. Option C. good conductors. Corr Correc ectt Ans Answe werr is. is. good ood con conduct ductor ors. s. Explanation Explanation.. "he further further awa# from from a complete complete shell shell the the better better a conduc conductor tor it is.

Question Number. 11. "he charge on a proton is. Option A. positi'e. Option B. B. negati'e. Option C. neutral. Correct rect Answer is. is. positi'e. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Share your documents with us at ([email protected] ( [email protected])) DownloadOur Mobile pp !or "ecent #apers Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1!. -hat hat eff effec ectt do do the the elec electr tron onss of of one one atom atom ha' ha'e up upon the the electrons of another atom(. Opti Option on A. "he# he# ha' ha'ee no no ef effect fect on eac each h oth other er.. Option B. "he# repel each other. Option C. C. "he# at attract ea each ot other. Corr Correc ectt Answe nswerr is. is. "he# "he# repe repell eac each h oth other er.. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Question Number. 1%. -hat is a molecule(. Option A. "he sm smallest est pa part of an an at atom. Opti Option on B. "he smal smalle lest st part art of a comp compou oun nd. Opti Option on C. "he smal smalle lest st part art of an elec electr tron on.. Corre Correct ct Answe nswerr is. is. "he "he smal smalle lest st par partt of of a comp compou ound nd.. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Question Number. 1,. An atom is. Opti Option on A. the the smal smalles lestt par partt of an elem elemen entt that that ret retai ains ns its its cha chara racte cteri risti stics cs.. Opti Option on B. the the smal smalles lestt par partt of of a comp compou ound nd that that can can exist exist indep indepen ende dentl ntl# #. Opti Option on C. the the smal smalle lest st part partic icle le of matte atterr. Correct Correct Answe Answerr is. the smal smallest lest part part of an an elemen elementt that that retain retainss its char characte acterist ristics. ics. Expla xplana nati tion on.. NI NI.

Question Number. 1/. A neutron is is a particle wh which is. Opti Option on A. is cont contai aine ned d in in the the nuc nucle leus us of all all ato atom ms. Option B. B. orbi rbits th the nu nucleu cleuss of of th the at atom. om. Opti Option on C. is cont contai aine ned d wit withi hin n the the nucl nucleu euss of of mos mostt ato atoms ms.. Corre Correct ct Ans Answe werr is. is cont contai aine ned d with within in the the nucl nucleu euss of most most atom atoms. s. Explana Explanatio tion. n. 0ost 0ost atoms atoms because because h#dro h#drogen gen has has no neutro neutron. n.

Ques Questi tion on Num Number. er. 1. "he mass ass of an atom atom is con contain tained ed main mainl# l# in the. the. Option A. proton. Option B. nucleus. Option C. C. electron. Correct rect Answer is. is. nucleus. eus. Explanation Explanation.. "he proton proton and the the neutron neutron are approxi approximatel# matel# the same same mass 7neutro 7neutron n 'er# slightl# hea'ier8. "he electron is ;ust under 1

Question Number. !,. "he 'alence electron is. Opti Option on A. the the ele elect ctro ron n in in out outer er shel shelll of of ato atom m. Opti Option on B. the the ele elect ctro ron n in in in inner ner sh shell ell of of ato atom m. Option C. a positi'e electron. Corre Correct ct Answe nswerr is. is. the the elect electro ron n in in out outer er she shell ll of of atom atom.. Explana Explanatio tion. n. "he 'ale 'alence nce electr electrons ons is
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