MOdul Science Form 3

January 8, 2017 | Author: Nur Atiah Daud | Category: N/A
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Daily Lesson plan of Science Form 3

Chapter 1: Respiration Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome Learning activity

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Management and continuity of life Respiration Analysing the human breathing mechanism Identify the structure of the human respiratory system Observe model of human respiratory system (SPS activity 1.1)

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Management and continuity of life Respiration Analysing the human breathing mechanism (a) Describe the process of inhalation and exhalation (b) Relate the changes of air pressure in the thoracic cavity to inhalation and exhalation (c) Describe the breathing mechanism Build a functional model of the human respiratory system (SPS activities 1.2 and 1.3) Management and continuity of life Respiration (a) Analysing the human breathing mechanism (b) Understanding the transport of oxygen in the human body (a) Describe the process of inhalation and exhalation (b) Describe the transport of oxygen by blood (c) Describe the diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood capillaries View computer on the breathing mechanism and the diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood capillaries (SPS activities 1.4 and 1.5) Management and continuity of life Respiration Realising the importance of a healthy respiratory system (a) List the substances which are harmful to the respiratory system (b) Explain the effects of pollutants on the respiratory system Carry out an activity to show the effects of smoking on the lungs (Peka Science) (SPS activities 1.6 and 1.7)

Chapter 2: Blood circulation and transport Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome

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Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Understanding the transport system in humans (a) State the function of the heart (b) Identify the structure of the human heart (c) Compare and contrast oxygenated blood and deoxygenated blood (d) Illustrate the path of blood flow in the circulatory system Observe model of human heart (SPS activities 2.1 and 2.2)

Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Understanding the transport system in humans Compare and contrast the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries Carry out activity to compare and contrast the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries (SPS activities 2.3 and 2.4)



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Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome Learning activity Reflection

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Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Analysing the human blood State the constituents of blood and their function Discuss the constituents of blood (SPS activity 2.6)

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Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Analysing the human blood Match the blood group of the donor to that of the recipient Discuss the compatibility between the blood group of the donor and that of the recipient (SPS activity 2.7)



Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Understanding the transport system in humans (a) Describe the circulatory system (b) Illustrate the path of blood flow in the circulatory system Observe the model of the path of blood flow in the circulatory system (SPS activity 2.5)

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Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Analysing the transport system in plants (a) Describe what transpiration is (b) Describe the functions of stomata Examine the epidermis of a leaf under a microscope to identify the stomata (SPS activity 2.8)

Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Analysing the transport system in plants (a) Identify the factors affecting the rate of transpiration (b) Describe how the factors affect the rate of transpiration Carry out experiment to study the factors affecting the rate of transpiration (SPS activity 2.9) Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Analysing the transport system in plants (a) Identify the locations of xylem and phloem (b) Describe the functions of xylem and phloem (c) Investigate the pathway of water in a cut stem using a suitable stain Carry out an activity to identify the locations of xylem and transport of water from roots to the leaves via the xylem (SPS activities 2.10 and 2.11) Management and continuity of life Blood circulation and transport Analysing the transport system in plants Describe the function of xylem and phloem Carry out an activity to study the transport of synthesized food substances via the phloem (SPS activities 2.12 and 2.13)

Chapter 3: Excretion Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome

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Management and continuity of life Excretion Understanding human excretion (a) Explain what excretion (b) Identify the excretory organs in humans (c) State the excretory products of each excretory

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organ (d) Explain the importance of excretion Examine models of kidney, skin and lungs (SPS activity 3.1)

Management and continuity of life Excretion Analysing the urinary system in human (a) Identify the location of kidneys and other parts of the urinary system (b) Describe the shape of the kidneys (c) Identify the structures of the kidneys (d) Describe the functions of the kidneys Examine model of human urinary system (SPS activities 3.2 and 3.3)



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Management and continuity of life Excretion Analysing excretion in plants (a) Describe the ways plants eliminate their excretory products (b) Identify the excretory products of plants Discussion on the ways plants eliminate their excretory products (SPS activity 3.4)

Chapter 4: Reproduction Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome

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Management and continuity of life Reproduction Understanding sexual and asexual reproduction (a) State the importance of reproduction (b) State the types of reproduction (c) Classify animals and plants according to their ways of reproduction Discussion on various type of reproduction includes the various ways of asexual reproduction (SPS activity 4.1) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Understanding sexual and asexual reproduction Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction Carry out an activity to compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction (SPS activity 4.2) Management and continuity of life Reproduction

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Analysing the male reproductive system (a) Identify the parts of the male reproductive system (b) Describe the functions of the different parts of the male reproductive system (c) State the role of sperm in reproduction Observe transparency on the different parts of the male reproductive system (SPS activities 4.3 and 4.4) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Analysing the female reproductive system (a) Identify the parts of the female reproductive system (b) Describe the functions of the different parts of the female reproductive system (c) State the role of an ovum in reproduction (d) Compare and contrast male and female gametes (a) Observe transparency on the different parts of the female reproductive system (SPS activity 4.5) (b) Discussion on the differences between male and female gametes (SPS activity 4.6)

Management and continuity of life Reproduction Analysing the menstrual cycle (a) Describe the menstrual cycle (b) Describe the changes in the uterine wall during the menstrual cycle (c) Relate the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle to fertilisation (d) Explain the importance of personal hygiene during menstruation Discuss the menstruation and the menstrual cycle (SPS activity 4.7)

Management and continuity of life Reproduction Analysing fertilisation and pregnancy (a) Identify the location of implantation of the embryo (b) Describe the development of a zygote into an embryo and subsequently into a foetus until birth

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Observe website of internet and discuss on the development of a zygote into an embryo and subsequently into a foetus until birth (SPS activities 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10) Management and continuity of life Reproduction (a) Understanding the importance of pre-natal care (b) Evaluating the importance of research in human reproduction (a) Relate the importance of taking nutritious food to the health of both mother and foetus during pregnancy (b) Describe the methods of birth control (c) Explain the importance of research on human reproduction Discussion on the importance of avoiding the intake of substances that are harmful to the foetus and ways to overcome sterility and the methods of birth control (Peka Science)(SPS activities 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Analysing the sexual reproductive system of flowering plants (a) Identify the different parts of a flower (b) Identify the male and female parts of a flower (c) Describe the function of the male and female reproductive parts of a flower Examine flowers to identify parts of the flower (hibiscus) (SPS activity 4.14) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Analysing the sexual reproductive system of flowering plants (a) Identify the male and female parts of a flower (b) Identify the male and female gametes Use a microscope to observe the (a) cross section and longitudinal section of an ovary to identify the ovules (b) pollen grain (SPS activity 4.15) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Analysing pollination

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(a) Relate the characteristics of flowers to their agents of pollination (b) Compare and contrast self-pollination and cross-pollination (a) Discussion on the characteristics of flowers to their agents of pollination (b) Carry out an activity to compare and contrast self-pollination and cross-pollination (SPS activities 4.16 and 4.17) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Understanding the development of fruits and seeds in plants (a) Identify the location where fertilisation occurs in flowers (b) Describe fertilisation in plants (c) Describe the formation of fruits and seeds Use a microscope to observe the development of pollen tubes in different percentages of sucrose solution (5% 10%) (SPS activities 4.18 and 4.19) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Synthesising the concept of germination of seed (a) Identify the structures of a seed (b) Identify the functions of the different parts of a seed Dissect a seed longitudinally and identify its structure using hand lens (SPS activity 4.20)

Management and continuity of life Reproduction Synthesising the concept of germination of seed Describe the physical changes of seedlings during germination Carry out an activity to observe the stages of germination of a seed (SPS activity 4.21) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Synthesising the concept of germination of seed (a) Making hypothesis on the conditions required for the germination of seeds (b) Design an experiment to study the conditions

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required for the seeds germination Carry out experiment to study the conditions required for the seeds germination (Peka Science) (SPS activities 4.22 and 4.23) Management and continuity of life Reproduction Application of vegetative reproduction in flowering plants Classifying flowering plants according to the parts that can reproduce vegetatively Carry out activity to classify flowering plants according to the parts that can reproduce vegetatively (SPS activities 4.24 and 4.25)

Chapter 5: Growth Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome

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Management and continuity of life Growth Analysing the pattern of human growth (a) Determine the characteristics used to measure growth rate (b) Analyse the growth curve for male and female (c) Compare and contrast between the growth rate in male and female Carry out activity to interpret the growth curve for male and female from infancy to adulthood (SPS activity 5.1) Management and continuity of life Growth Analysing the pattern of human growth Describe the effects of nutrition on the growth in children Discussion on the effects of nutrition on the growth in children (SPS activity 5.2)

Chapter 6: Land and its resources Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome

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Matter in nature Land and its resources Analysing the various minerals found in the Earth crust (a) Explain through examples that minerals exist in the form of natural elements or natural compounds (b) Identify the elements in natural compounds

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Carry out field work to collect various rock (mineral) in school area and identify them by referring to the samples of minerals in laboratory (SPS activity 6.1) Matter in nature Land and its resources Analysing the various minerals found in the Earth crust (a) Describe the properties of minerals (b) Write equations in words to show the effect of heat on the minerals Carry out activities to study the properties of minerals (SPS activity 6.2) Matter in nature Land and its resources Understanding the reactions between metals and nonmetals (a) Describe the reactions between metals and nonmetals (b) Write equations in words for the reaction between metals and with non-metals (c) State that metals react with non-metals at different rates Carry out experiment to study the reactions between metals and non-metals (SPS activities 6.3 and 6.4)

Matter in nature Land and its resources Understanding silicon compounds (a) Relate the properties of silicon compounds to their stability (b) (c) (d) (e)

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State the different forms of silicon compounds State examples of silica State examples of silicate Explain through examples the uses of silicon compounds in our daily life Carry out experiment to study the properties of silicon compounds to their stability (Peka Science) (SPS activities 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7) Matter in nature Land and its resources Analysing calcium compounds (a) Describe the properties of calcium carbonate (b) Write equation in words for the reactions of

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calcium carbonate (c) Describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide Carry out experiment to study the properties of calcium carbonate (Peka Science) (SPS activity 6.8) Matter in nature Land and its resources Analysing calcium compounds Describe the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide Carry out experiment to study the formation of calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide (SPS activities 6.9 and 6.10) Matter in nature Land and its resources Analysing natural fuel resources and their importance (a) Describe the fractional distillation of petroleum (b) Describe the characteristics of the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum (c) Describe the uses of petroleum fractions Discussion on the various fractions from the fractional distillation of petroleum and its uses (SPS activities 6.11 and 6.12)

Chapter 7: Electricity Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome

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Energy in life Electricity Understanding electrostatics (a) Describe what electrostatics is (b) Describe how static electrical charges can be produced in some materials (c) State the types of static electrical charges Carry out experiment to produce static electrical charges in materials through friction and detect it using electroscope (SPS activity 7.1) Energy in life Electricity Understanding electrostatics (a) Describe ways to detect static electrical charges (b) State the properties of static electrical charges Carry out experiment to observe what happens when

two objects with the same or opposite charges are brought near to each other (SPS activities 7.2 and 7.3) Reflection


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Energy in life Electricity Understanding electricity (a) State the direction of current and electron flow in an electric circuit (b) Identify the instrument for measuring current (c) State the unit for current (d) Measure current in an electric circuit Carry out an activity to observe the flow of electric current using a Van De Graff generator and a galvanometer (SPS activity 7.4) Energy in life Electricity Applying the understanding of measuring electricity (a) Identify the instrument for measuring voltage (b) State the unit for voltage (c) State the unit for current, voltage and resistance (d) Identify the instrument for measuring current and voltage Carry out experiment to measure electric current and electrical voltage (SPS activities 7.5 and 7.6) Energy in life Electricity Synthesising the relationship between current, voltage and resistance (a) Design an experiment to study the relationship between voltage, resistance and current (b) Carry out an experiment to study the relationship between voltage, resistance and current (c) Describe the effects of the changes in voltage, resistance and current Carry out experiment to study the relationship between resistance and current ( Peka Science) (SPS activities 7.7 and 7.8) Energy in life Electricity Synthesising the relationship between current, voltage and resistance State Ohm’s Law

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Carry out experiment to study the relationship between resistance, current and voltage (SPS activity 7.9) Energy in life Electricity Synthesising the concept of parallel and series circuit Identify the components of an electric circuit and their symbols Match the symbols to the components found in an electric circuit (SPS activity 7.10) Energy in life Electricity Analysing current, voltage and resistance in a series circuit (a) Describe the current flowing through the components in a series circuit (b) Describe the voltage across the components in a series circuit (c) Describe the resistance in a series circuit Carry out experiment to study the current flowing through the components in a series circuit (SPS activities 7.11 and 7.12) Energy in life Electricity Analysing current, voltage and resistance in a parallel circuit (a) Describe the current flowing through the components in a parallel circuit (b) Describe the voltage across the components in a parallel circuit (c) Describe the resistance in a parallel circuit Carry out experiment to study the current flowing through the components in a parallel circuit (SPS activities 7.13 and 7.14) Energy in life Electricity Understanding magnetism (a) Identify magnetic substances and non-magnetic substances (b) Describe what a magnetic field is (c) Draw the magnetic field of a bar magnet (d) Draw the directions of a magnetic field (e) Relate magnetic field lines with the strength of

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magnetic fields Carry out an activity to draw the magnetic field and the directions of the magnetic field of a bar magnet (Peka Science) (SPS activities 7.15, 7.16 and 7.17) Energy in life Electricity Understanding electromagnetism (a) Relate the current flow through a conductor with magnetism (b) Describe what electromagnetism is Carry out an activity to study the relationship between the current flow through a conductor with magnetism (SPS activity 7.18)

Chapter 8: Generation of electricity Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome

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Energy in life Generation of electricity Understanding the generation of electrical energy (a) List the various electric generators (b) Describe the generation of electrical energy in various types of power station Carry out an activity to study the principle of the generation of electrical energy (SPS activity 8.1) Energy in life Generation of electricity Understanding transformer (a) Describe the roles of transformer in the transmission and distribution of electricity (b) Identify the different parts of a transformer (c) Describe how a transformer work (d) Compare and contrast a step-up transformer and a step-down transformer Carry out an activity to study how a transformer work (SPS activities 8.2 and 8.3) Energy in life Generation of electricity Analysing the electricity transmission and distribution system Sequence the components in the electricity transmission and distribution system Discussion on the sequence of the components in the electricity transmission and distribution system (SPS

activity 8.4) Reflection


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Theme : Learning area : Learning objective : Learning outcome Learning activity

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Energy in life Generation of electricity Understanding the electrical supply and wiring system at home Describe the functions of the parts of an electrical wiring Discussion on the functions of the parts of an electrical wiring (SPS activity 8.5) Energy in life Generation of electricity Understanding the electrical supply and wiring system at home Describe the wiring in a 3-pin plug Carry out an activity to complete the wiring of a 3-pin plug (SPS activity 8.6) Energy in life Generation of electricity Analysing the cost of electrical energy usage (a) Calculate the amount of current flowing through an electrical appliance and the cost of electricity used (b) Recall the relationship between electrical energy usage, power and time (c) Solve problems by calculating the cost of electricity used Carry out an activity to calculate the amount of current flowing through an electrical appliance and the cost of electricity used (SPS activities 8.7 and 8.8) Energy in life Generation of electricity Understanding the functions of fuse and earth wire Describe the function of fuse in electrical wiring systems Carry out an activity to study the occurrence of a short circuit (SPS activity 8.9) Energy in life Generation of electricity Understanding the functions of fuse and earth wire Determine the suitable rating of a fuse for an electrical

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appliance Carry out an activity to determine the suitable rating of a fuse for an electrical appliance (SPS activity 8.10) Energy in life Generation of electricity (a) Evaluating the importance of safety precautions in the use of electricity (b) Evaluating the importance of conserving electricity State the safety measures to be taken when using electricity Discussion on the safety precautions and conserving electricity (SPS activity 8.11)

Chapter 9: Stars and galaxies Theme Learning area Learning objective Learning outcome

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Astronomy and space exploration Stars and galaxies Analysing the Sun (a) Describe the characteristics of the Sun (b) Identify the structures of the Sun (c) State how energy is generated by the Sun (d) Identify the phenomena occurring on the surface of the Sun (e) Explain the effects of the phenomena on the surface of the sun on the Earth Observe computer software/projector slide on the structures and phenomena of the Sun (SPS activities 9.1 and 9.2) Astronomy and space exploration Stars and galaxies Understanding the stars and the galaxies in the Universe (a) Identify the Sun as a star (b) Describe what Milky Ways is (c) State the types of galaxies (d) Identify the characteristics of star (e) Compare and contrast the star based on certain characteristics Observe computer software / projector slide on Milky Ways and the star (SPS activities 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5) Astronomy and space exploration Stars and galaxies

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Understanding the stars and the galaxies in the Universe (a) Describe the formation and the death of stars (b) Describe the Universe (c) State the position of the Solar System in the Universe Observe computer software/ projector slide on star and the formation and the death of stars (SPS activities 9.6, 9.7, and 9.8)

Chapter 10: Space exploration Theme : Learning area : Learning objective : Learning outcome


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Astronomy and space exploration Space exploration Understanding developments in the field of astronomy and space exploration (a) Describe the developments in the field of astronomy (b) Describe the developments in space exploration (c) Explain with examples the applications of technology related to space exploration and astronomy Observe computer software / projector slide on the developments in the field of astronomy (SPS activities 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4)

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