Modul Pecutan Kertas 3 2016

April 20, 2018 | Author: Mohd Fazdli Mohd Nor | Category: N/A
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Modul Pecutan Kertas 3 2016...



Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016


KIMIA SPM 2016 Disusun seikhlas hati:  Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak, Johor

 Nama Pemilik Cemerlang : ……………….…………………………

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Terengganu Pahang (JUJ) Pahang (Trial) SBP



Experiment to investigate the relationship between pH value with molarity of acid. (page 33) To investigate the factor that affect the rate of reaction sodum To investigate the hardness of bronze compare to pure copper. thiosulphate solution with dilute sulphuric acid. To compare the hardness between bronze and pure copper. (page 6) To investigate the electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate solution using two difference types of electrode (page 37) To determine the heat of neutralization for the reaction between alkali and two different types To compare the elasticity of unvulcanised rubber and vulcanised rubber. (page 34) of acid. (page 10) To investigate the effect of the concentration of sodium Q1: To investigate the heat of neutralization neutralization of sodium hydroxide solution solution with two different chloride solution on the product formed at anode in the acids. (page 13) electrolysis. (page 38) Q2: To investigate the cleansing action of soap and detergent on a pair of socks with oily stain Q1: To determine the effect of position of metals in reactivity series to the heat of displacement Q2: Effectiveness soap and detergent


To compare the heat of neutralisation using two types of acids, nitric acid, HNO 3 and ethanoic acid, CH3COOH react with potassium hydroxide solution, KOH. (page 17)



Q1: To construct an electrochemical series of metals (page 3) Q2: To study the heat of neutralization



Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

Menentukan kedudukan logam zink, plumbum, magnesium dan argentum dalam siri elektrokimia logam dengan menggunakan kaedah penyesaran logam. (page 26)

Q1: To determine the heat of combustion of methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol. Q2: To investigate the effect of the quantity of manganese(IV) oxide as catalyst on the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide for the first 30 seconds (page 28)


To determine the concentration of acid (neutralization) (page 20)


To determine the concentration of nitric acid (neutralization) (page 23)



©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

To determine the conductivity of an ionic and covalent compound in water. (page 43) To investigate the effect of the type of electrode to the product at anode. (page 36) Menyiasat kesan faktor itu terhadap kadar tindak balas antara: (i) Logam yang dinamakan dengan asid yang dinamakan Atau (ii) Logam karbonat yang dinamakan dinamakan dengan asid yang dinamakan (page 41) To investigate the role of solvent to show the properties of acids. (page 39) To investigate the effect of acids and alkali on the coagulation of latex. (page 35) To study the effectiveness of the cleansing action of soap on the socks which are stained with oil using water from two different sources (page 40)) To determine the order of metals in the Reactivity Series. (page 42)

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Terengganu Pahang (JUJ) Pahang (Trial) SBP



Experiment to investigate the relationship between pH value with molarity of acid. (page 33) To investigate the factor that affect the rate of reaction sodum To investigate the hardness of bronze compare to pure copper. thiosulphate solution with dilute sulphuric acid. To compare the hardness between bronze and pure copper. (page 6) To investigate the electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate solution using two difference types of electrode (page 37) To determine the heat of neutralization for the reaction between alkali and two different types To compare the elasticity of unvulcanised rubber and vulcanised rubber. (page 34) of acid. (page 10) To investigate the effect of the concentration of sodium Q1: To investigate the heat of neutralization neutralization of sodium hydroxide solution solution with two different chloride solution on the product formed at anode in the acids. (page 13) electrolysis. (page 38) Q2: To investigate the cleansing action of soap and detergent on a pair of socks with oily stain Q1: To determine the effect of position of metals in reactivity series to the heat of displacement Q2: Effectiveness soap and detergent


To compare the heat of neutralisation using two types of acids, nitric acid, HNO 3 and ethanoic acid, CH3COOH react with potassium hydroxide solution, KOH. (page 17)



Q1: To construct an electrochemical series of metals (page 3) Q2: To study the heat of neutralization



Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

Menentukan kedudukan logam zink, plumbum, magnesium dan argentum dalam siri elektrokimia logam dengan menggunakan kaedah penyesaran logam. (page 26)

Q1: To determine the heat of combustion of methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol. Q2: To investigate the effect of the quantity of manganese(IV) oxide as catalyst on the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide for the first 30 seconds (page 28)


To determine the concentration of acid (neutralization) (page 20)


To determine the concentration of nitric acid (neutralization) (page 23)



©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

To determine the conductivity of an ionic and covalent compound in water. (page 43) To investigate the effect of the type of electrode to the product at anode. (page 36) Menyiasat kesan faktor itu terhadap kadar tindak balas antara: (i) Logam yang dinamakan dengan asid yang dinamakan Atau (ii) Logam karbonat yang dinamakan dinamakan dengan asid yang dinamakan (page 41) To investigate the role of solvent to show the properties of acids. (page 39) To investigate the effect of acids and alkali on the coagulation of latex. (page 35) To study the effectiveness of the cleansing action of soap on the socks which are stained with oil using water from two different sources (page 40)) To determine the order of metals in the Reactivity Series. (page 42)

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Terengganu 2016 1

An experiment was carried out to construct an electrochemical series of metals. Diagram 1.1 shows the set-up apparatus for an experiment to measure the  potential difference between magnesium electrode and W electrode. electrode. An experiment was repeated by replacing W electrode with X, Y and Z electrodes. The magnesium electrode is the negative terminal in all experiments. Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk membina siri elektrokimia beberapa logam. Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengukur beza keupayaan di antara elektrod magnesium dan elektrod W. Eksperimen diulangi dengan menggantikan elektrod W  dengan elektrod X, Y  dan Z. Elektrod magnesium adalah terminal negatif dalam kesemua ek sperimen. V

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

Mg and Y Mg dan Y

Reading:  Bacaan: ……………….

Electrode W  Elektrod W

Magnesium electrode  Elektrod magnesium

Mg and Z Mg dan Z

Reading:  Bacaan: …………………. Diagram 1.2/ Rajah  Rajah 1.2

(a) Sodium chloride solution  Larutan natrium klorida

Record the voltmeter readings in the spaces provided in Diagram 1.2. Catatkan bacaan voltmeter pada ruang yang disediakan dalam Rajah 1.2. [3 marks]

(b) Construct a table to record the voltmeter reading for the different pair of metal.  Bina satu jadual untuk merekod bacaan voltmeter untuk pasangan logam  yang berlainan.

Diagram 1.1/ Rajah  Rajah 1.1 Diagram 1.2 shows the voltmeter readings of all the experiments.  Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan bacaan voltmeter bagi semua eksperimen.

Mg and X Mg dan X

Mg and W Mg dan W

[3 marks] (c)

State one hypothesis for this experiment.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis hipotesis bagi eksperimen eksperimen ini. …………………………………………………………………………………

Reading:  Bacaan: …………….........

Reading:  Bacaan: …………………….

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

4 (d) For this experiment, state:  Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan: nyatakan: (i)

manipulated variable  pembolehubah dimanipulasikan dimanipulasikan …………………………………………………………………………


responding variable  pembolehubah bergerak bergerak balas

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016


Diagram 2 shows two experiments to study the heat of neutralization between sodium hydroxide solution and hydrochloric acid.  Rajah 2 menunjukkan dua eksperimen untuk mengkaji haba peneutralan antara larutan natrium hidroksida dan asid hidroklorik. Experiment I/ Eksperimen I/ Eksperimen I  I Reaction between 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm -3 hydrochloric acid, HCl and 25 cm 3 of 2.0 mol dm -3 sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH. Tindak balas antara 25 cm3 asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm -3 dan 25 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida,  NaOH 2.0 mol dm-3.

……………………………………………………………………….. (iii)

constant variable  pembolehubah dimalarkan dimalarkan

…………………………………………………………………………..……... [3 marks] (f)

Suggest the possible possible voltage if X and Z electrodes is used to construct electrochemical series. Cadangkan nilai voltan yang mungkin jika elektrod X dan Z digunakan untuk membina siri elektrokimia. …………………………………………………………………………..…….. [3 marks]





………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (e) Based on the voltmeter readings, arrange arrange all the metals in ascending order of their electropositivity.  Berdasarkan bacaan voltmeter, voltmeter, susunkan semua logam dalam susunan susunan menaik keelektropositifan.



Stir Kacau

Polystyrene cup Cawan polisterina Cawan polisterina

Polystyrene cup Cawan polisterina Cawan  polisterina

1(e) Experiment Experimen t II/   Eksperimen II  Eksperimen II

Reaction between 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm -3 hydrochloric acid, HCl and 25 cm 3 of 2.0 mol dm -3 ammonia solution. 3 balas antara 25 cm3 asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm-3 dan 25 cm3 Tindak larutan ammonia  2.0 mol dm-3.







Polystyrene cup Cawan polisterina

Stir Kacau

Polystyrene cup Cawan polisterina

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2 ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

5 (a) (i) Based on Diagram 2, state one observation.  Berdasarkan Rajah 2, nyatakan satu pemerhatian. …………………….……………………………………………………………… …………………….……………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (ii) State the inference based on the observation.  Nyatakan inferens berdasarkan pemerhatian itu.

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(d) Based on the temperatures in Experiment II, predict the change in temperature if hydrochloric acid is replaced by ethanoic acid.  Berdasarkan suhu dalam Eksperimen II , ramalkan perubahan suhu jika asid hidroklorik digantikan dengan asid etanoik. ………………………….………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

…………………….………………………………………………………….…… ..………………….………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (b) Based on the results in Diagram 2, state the relationship between the temperature change and the type of alkali that react with hydrochloric acid.  Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Rajah 2 , nyatakan hubungan antara perubahan suhu dengan jenis alkali yang bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik. ………………………….……………………………………………………….… ………………………….………………………………………………………….. [3 marks] (c) State the operational definition for exothermic reaction.  Nyatakan definisi secara operasi untuk tindak balas eksotermik. ………………………….………………………………………………………… ………………………….………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

Pahang 2016 1. Diagram 1.1 shows the apparatus set-up for an experiment to compare the hardness between bronze and pure copper. 1.0 kg weight is dropped at 1m height had hit the steel ball bearing on the block.  Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi eksperimen membandingkan kekerasan antara gangsa dan kuprum tulen. Pemberat 1.0 kg dilepaskan pada ketinggian 1m telah menghentak bebola keluli pada blok.


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

Diagram 1.3(a) shows the dent formed on copper block for experiments in Set I, Set II and Set III.  Rajah 1.3(a) menunjukkan lekuk yang terhasil di atas blok kuprum bagi eksperimen Set I, Set II dan Set III. Experiment  Eksperimen

Dent on copper block  Lekuk atas blok kuprum

Set I Diameter of dent : ………………….  Diameter lekuk

Diagram 1.1/ Rajah 1.1 Diagram 1.2 shows the dent formed on the block.  Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan lekuk yang terbentuk atas blok itu.

Set II

Diameter of dent : ………………….  Diameter lekuk

Set III Diameter of dent : ………………….  Diameter lekuk Diagram 1.2/ Rajah 1.2 ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

Diagram 1.3a/ Rajah 1.3a SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

7 Diagram 1.3(b) shows the dent formed on bronze block for experiments in Set I, Set II and Set III.  Rajah 1.3(b) menunjukkan lekuk y ang terhasil di atas blok gangsa bagi eksperimen Set I, Set II dan Set III. Experiment  Eksperimen

Dent on bronze block  Lekuk atas blok gangsa

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) By using the ruler shown in the diagram, measure the diameter of dents and record the reading in Diagram 1.3(a) and 1.3(b)  Dengan menggunakan pembaris yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah itu, ukur diametersahaja lekuk dan rekodkan bacaan dalam Rajah 1.3(a) dan 1.3(b).

[3 marks] (b) Construct a table to record the diameters and the average diameters of dents on copper and bronze blocks.  Bina satu jadual untuk merekod diameter lekuk dan purata diameter lekuk pada bongkah kuprum dan gangsa.

Set I

Diameter of dent : ………………….  Diameter lekuk

[3 marks] (c) The average diameter of dents on bronze block is different from the copper block due to the arrangement of particles. Explain why. Purata diameter lekuk blok gangsa adalah berbeza dengan blok kuprum disebabkan oleh susunan zarah-zarah. Terangkan mengapa.

Set II

Diameter of dent : ………………….  Diameter lekuk

………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (d) State all the variables for the experiment:  Nyatakan semua pemboleh ubah bagi eksperimen itu:


Diameter of dent : ………………….  Diameter lekuk


The manipulated variable:………….……………………….………… Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan

Dia ram 1.3b/ Rajah 1.3b ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


(ii) The responding variable: …………….………………………………

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(g) State the operational definition for the hardness of block in this experiment.  Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi kekerasan blok dalam eksperimen ini.

Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas

(iii) The constant variable :……………….…………………………… Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan

[3 marks]

(e) State the hypothesis for this experiment.  Nyatakan hipotesis untuk eksperimen itu.

………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

(f) (i) State one observation that can be obtained from the experiments other than diameter of the dent.  Nyatakan satu pemerhatian yang dapat diperolehi daripada eksperimen itu selain daripada diameter lekuk. ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (ii) State the inference based on your answer in f(i).  Nyatakan inferens berdasarkan jawapan anda di f(i).

………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (h) Predict the diameter of the copper block if the experiment is repeated using 2.0 kg of weight and was dropped on the steel ball bearing at the same height.  Ramalkan diameter bagi blok kuprum jika eksperimen ini diulangi menggunakan  pemberat 2.0kg dan dijatuhkan ke atas bebola keluli pada ketinggian yang sama. ………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (i) Diagram 1.4 shows a few materials.  Rajah 1.4 menunjukkan beberapa bahan. Duralumin  Duralumin

Tin Chromium Timah Kromium

Brass Loyang

Pewter Piuter

Iron Besi

Classify these materials into metals and alloys by completing the Table 1. Kelaskan bahan-bahan itu kepada logam dan aloi dengan melengkapkan Jadual 1 [3 marks] Metals




………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. [3 marks] ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(j) Iron spoon and steel spoon are put on wet cotton and left aside for 3 days and then until one week. What is the relationship between the observations obtain and time? Sudu besi dan sudu keluli diletakkan di atas kapas lembap dan dibiarkan selama 3 hari dan seterusnya sehingga satu minggu. Apakah hubungan antara  pemerhatian yang diperolehi dengan masa? …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


SBP 2016 1. Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 show two experiments carried out by a student to determine the heat of neutralization for the reaction between alkali and two different types of acid.  Rajah 1.1 dan Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan dua eksperimen yang dijalankan oleh seorang pelajar untuk menentukan haba peneutralan bagi tindak balas antara alkali dan dua jenis asid yang berlainan. Experiment I Reaction between 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm -3 potassium hydroxide solution, KOH and 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl.  Eksperimen I Tindak balas antara 50 cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida, KOH 2.0 mol dm -3 dan 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm -3.

Initial temperature of hydrochloric acid Suhu awal asid hidroklorik:

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

Inititial temperature of potassium hydroxide Suhu awal kalium hidroksida:

: ………………..…………

Highest temperature of the mixture Suhu tertinggi campuran:

: ……………………………

Temperature change Perubahan suhu:

: ……………………………

Experiment II Reaction between 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm -3 potassium hydroxide solution, KOH and 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 ethanoic acid, CH3COOH.  Eksperimen II Tindak balas antara 50 cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida, KOH 2.0 mol dm-3 dan 50 cm3 asid etanoik, CH3COOH 2.0 mol dm -3.

: ……………………………

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

11 Initial temperature of ethanoic acid Suhu awal asid etanoik:


Inititial temperature of potassium hydroxide Suhu awal kalium hidroksida:


Highest temperature of the mixture Suhu tertinggi campuran:

: ……………………………

Temperature change Perubahan suhu:

: ……………………………

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016


For this experiment, state the:  Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan:

(i) Manipulated variable: Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan : ….………………………………………

(ii) Responding variable: Pembolehubah bergerak balas: ……………………………………………


(iii) Constant variable:

Record the initial temperature of the solutions, the highest temperature of the mixture and the temperature change for experiments in Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 in the spaces provided.  Rekodkan suhu awal larutan, suhu tertinggi campuran dan perubahan suhu untuk eksperimen dalam Rajah 1.1 dan Rajah 1.2 dalam ruangan yang disediakan. [3 marks]

Pembolehubah dimalarkan: ………………………………………………... [3 marks]

(d) State one hypothesis for this experiment.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini. …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..……


Construct a table to record the data from both experiments.  Bina satu jadual untuk merekod data bagi kedua-dua eksperimen.

…………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

[3 marks] (e)

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

Based on experiment II, state three observations and three respective inferences for the experiment.  Berdasarkan eksperimen II , nyatakan tiga pemerhatian dan  tiga inferens yang sepadan bagi eksperimen ini.

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

1 …………………………………….


State the operational definition for the heat of neutralization for this experiment.  Nyatakan definisi secara operasi untuk haba peneutralan bagi eksperimen ini.







2 …………………………………….


…………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]



Observations  Pemerhatian


Inferences  Inferens


……………………………………. …………………………………….

State the relationship between type of acid and value of heat of neutralization.  Nyatakan hubungan antara jenis asid dan nilai haba peneutralan.

3 …………………………………….









Calculate the heat of neutralization for the reaction in experiment I. [Specific heat capacity of a solution = 4.2 J g -1 o C-1, density of solutions = 1.0 g cm-3 ]  Hitung haba peneutralan untuk tindak balas dalam eksperimen I. [Muatan haba tentu larutan = 4.2 J g -1 oC-1 , ketumpatan larutan = 1.0 g cm-3]

[3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

…………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (i) The experiment is repeated by using solution P and solution Q as shown in Diagram 1.3.  Eksperimen diulangi dengan menggunakan larutan P dan larutan Q seperti  yang ditujukkan dalam Rajah 1.3.

Predict the temperature change when the solutions are mixed.  Ramalkan perubahan suhu apabila kedua-dua larutan dicampurkan . SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


MRSM 2016 1

………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]


Table 1 shows the theoretical value of heat of neutralisation of some acids when react with potassium hydroxide solution. Classify the following acids into acids that ionise completely and partially in water.  Jadual 1 menunjukkan nilai teori haba peneutralan bagi beberapa asid apabila bertindak balas dengan larutan kalium hidroksida. Kelaskan asid berikut kepada asid yang mengion lengkap dan mengion separa dalam air.  Name of acid  Nama asid 

Heat of neutralization/ kJ mol -1  Haba peneutralan/ kJ mol-1

Acid W  Asid W 

- 57.0

Acid X  Asid X 

- 12.0

Acid Y  Asid Y 

- 50.5

Acid Z  Asid Z 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

A student carried out an experiment to investigate the heat of neutralization of sodium hydroxide solution with two different acids. Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 show the initial temperature reading of solution and highest temperature reading of the mixture. Seorang pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji haba  peneutralan antara larutan natrium hidroksida dengan dua asid yang berbeza.  Rajah 1.1 dan 1.2 menunjukkan bacaan suhu awal larutan dan bacaan suhu tertinggi bagi campuran.

[3 marks]

Diagram 1.1/ Rajah 1.1 ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016


Record the reading of the initial temperature of solution and highest temperature of mixture in the spaces provided in Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2. Catatkan bacaan suhu awal larutan dan suhu tertinggi campuran dalam ruang  yang disediakan dalam Rajah 1.1 dan Rajah 1.2. [3 marks]

(b) Calculate and complete the table below.  Hitung dan lengkapkan jadual dibawah.

Diagram 1.2/ Rajah 1.2

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

15 (c) For this experiment, state the:  Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan:

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(f) State the relationship between the strength of the acid and heat of neutralization.  Nyatakan hubungan antara kekuatan asid dan haba peneutralan.

(i) Manipulated variable:


Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan : ….………………………………………


(ii) Responding variable: Pembolehubah bergerak balas:……………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

(iii) Constant variable: Pembolehubah dimalarkan: ………………………………………………... [3 marks]

(g) Classify the following acids to strong acids and weak acids. Kelaskan asid berikut kepada asid kuat dan asid lemah.

(d) State one hypothesis for this experiment.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini.

Sulphuric acid  Asid sulfurik Phosphoric acid  Asid fosforik


Carbonic acid Asid karbonik

Methanoic acid Asid metanoik

Hydrochloric acid Asid hidroklorik

……………………………………………………………………………..…… Strong acids  Asid kuat

…………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

Weak acids  Asid lemah

(e) State the operational definition of heat of neutralization for the experiment.  Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi haba peneutralan bagi eksperimen ini. [3 marks]

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..……


Draw energy level diagram for Set I.  Lukiskan gambar rajah aras tenaga untuk Set I.

…………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

[3 marks] ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 



Diagram 2 shows the set-up of apparatus used to investigate the cleansing action of soap and detergent on a pair of socks with oily stain.  Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan untuk mengkaji tindakan  pencucian sabun dan detergen ke atas sepasang stokin dengan kotoran berminyak.

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(ii) Based on the observation in 2(a)(i), state your inference.  Berdasarkan pemerhatian pada 2(a)(i), nyatakan inferens anda.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]


Experiment II is repeated by using soft water to replace hard water. Predict your observation.  Eksperimen II diulang menggunakan air lembut menggantikan air liat.  Ramalkan pemerhatian anda. …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2 2(a) (i) State one observation based on the Diagram 2.  Nyatakan satu pemerhatian berdasarkan pada Rajah 2.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

Kedah 2016 Two sets of experiment are conducted to compare the heat of neutralisation using two types of acids, nitric acid, HNO 3 and ethanoic acid, CH3COOH react with potassium hydroxide solution, KOH. Table 1 shows the initial temperature and the highest temperature of the solution mixture for both sets respectively.  Dua set eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk membandingkan haba peneutralan menggunakan dua jenis asid yang berlainan, asid nitrik, HNO 3 dan asid etanoik, CH 3COOH bertindak balas dengan larutan kalium hidroksida, KOH. Jadual 1 menunjukkan suhu awal dan suhu tertinggi campuran larutan bagi kedua-dua set masing-masing. Initial temperature/  oC Suhu Awal

Set 1

Initial temperature of  potassium hydroxide solution = 28.0 oC Suhu awal larutan kalium hidroksida =28.0 oC Initial temperature of nitric acid =28.0 oC Suhu awal asid nitrik = 28.0 oC

Highest temperature/  oC Suhu tertinggi


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

Set II

Initial temperature of Potassium hydroxide solution = 28.0 oC Suhu awal larutan kalium hidroksida =28.0 oC Initial temperature of Ethanoic acid=28.0 oC Suhu awal asid etanoik =28.0 oC

Highest temperature = ______ Suhu tertinggi Temperature change = ______ Perubahan suhu



Highest temperature = ______ Suhu tertinggi Temperature change = ______ Perubahan suhu

25 cm3 of 2 mol dm -3 KOH + 25cm3 of 2 mol dm-3 CH3COOH 25 cm3 of 2 mol dm -3 KOH + 25cm3 of 2 mol dm-3 CH 3COOH  Table 1 / Jadual 1

25 cm3 of 2 mol dm -3 potassium hydroxide solution + 25 cm 3 of 2 mol dm-3 nitric acid  25 cm3 of 2 mol dm -3 larutan kalium hidroksida +25 cm 3 of 2 mol dm -3 asid nitrik 

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

(a) Record the highest temperature and the change of temperature for both sets of experiment in Table 1  Rekod suhu tertinggi dan perubahan suhu bagi kedua-dua set eksperimen dalam  Jadual 1. [3 marks] (b) Construct a table that can be used to record the data from both set of experiments  Bina satu jadual yang boleh digunakan untuk merekod data bagi kedua-dua set eksperimen [3 marks] SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(i)…………………………………………………………………………………….. (ii)…………………………………………………………………………………… (iii)…………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks]

(c) State one hypothesis for both sets of experiment.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi kedia dua set eksperimen.

(f) State the inference based on the answer in 1(e)  Nyatakan inferens berdasarkan jawapan dalam 1(e) ……………………………………………………………………………………….

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (d) For this experiment, state the:  Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan:

………………………………………………………………………………………. [3 marks] (g) Calculate the value of heat of neutralisation for the reactions in Set I and Set II  Hitung nilai haba peneutralan untuk tindak balas dalam Set I dan Set II

Set I

Set II

(i) Manipulated variable: Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan : ….………………………………………

(ii) Responding variable: Pembolehubah bergerak balas:……………………………………………

(iii) Constant variable: Pembolehubah dimalarkan: ………………………………………………... [3 marks]

(e) State three observations that you could obtain in Set II other than change in temperature.  Nyatakan tiga pemerhatian yang boleh anda dapati dalam eksperimen Set II selain daripada perubahan suhu. ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

[3 marks] SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

19 (h) State the relationship between type of acid used and value of heat of neutralisation. Explain your answer.  Nyatakan hubungan antara jenis asid dan nilai haba peneutralan. Terangkan jawapan anda. …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..……

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

 Name of acid  Nama asid

Heat of neutralisation/kJmol-1  Haba peneutralan/ kJmol-1

Acid W Acid X Acid Y Acid Z

-50.3 -57.2 -50.5 -54.0 [3 marks]

…………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (i) Give the operational definition for the heat of neutralisation.  Berikan definasi secara operasi untuk haba peneutralan. …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (j) Based on the temperature in Set II, predict the change in temperature if potassium hydroxide solution replaced by ammonia solution.  Berdasarkan suhu dalam Set II, ramalkan perubahan suhu jika larutan kalium hidroksida digantikan dengan larutan ammonia. …………………………………………………………………………………….. [3 marks] (k) The experiment is repeated using acid W, acid X, acid Y and acid Z with  potassium hydroxide solution. The values of the heat of neutralisation of these acids are given in table 1. Complete table 1 by classifying the acids as strong acid or weak acid.  Eksperimen diulangi dengan menggunakan asid W, asid X, asid Y dan asid Z.  Nilai haba peneutralan untuk semua asid diberikan dalam jadual 1. Lengkapkan  jadual 1 dengan membuat klasifikasi asid kepada asid kuat atau asid lemah. ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Perlis 2016 Diagram 1.1 and 1.2 shows the initial and final burette readings for two experiments. The aim of the experiments is to determine the concentration of acid.  Rajah 1.1 dan 1.2 menunjukkan bacaan awal dan bacaan akhir buret bagi dua eksperimen. Tujuan eksperimen ialah untuk menentukan kepekatan asid. Experiment I  Eksperimen I Titration of sulphuric acid of unknown concentration with 20 cm 3 of sodium hydroxide solution 1.0 mol dm -3 using phenolftalein as indicator. Pentitratan asid sulfurik yang tidak diketahui kepekatannya dengan 20 cm 3 larutan natrium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm -3 menggunakan penunjuk fenolftalein.



Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

Experiment II  Eksperimen II Titration of hydrochloric acid of same concentration as in Experiment I with 20 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution 1.0 mol dm -3 using phenolftalein as indicator. Pentitratan asid hidroklorik yang kepekatan yang sama dalam Eksperimen I dengan 20 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm -3 menggunakan penunjuk fenolftalein.





Diagram 1.2/ Rajah 1.2



Diagram 1.1/ Rajah 1.1 Initial burette reading: ........................................... cm 3  Bacaan awal buret: Final burette reading: ............................................ cm 3  Bacaan akhir buret : Volume of acid used: ........................................... cm 3  Isipadu asid yang digunakan:

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

Initial burette reading:  Bacaan awal buret: . .......................................... cm 3 Final burette reading:  Bacaan akhir buret : ............................................ cm 3 Volume of acid used:  Isipadu asid yang digunakan: ........................................... cm 3 (a) Write the initial, final burette reading and the volume of acid used for both experiments in the spaces provided. Tulis bacaan awal, akhir dan isipadu asid yang digunakan untuk kedua-dua eksperimen dalam ruang yang disediakan. [3 marks] SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(b) Construct a table that consists of the initial, final burette reading and the volume of acid for both experiments.  Bina satu jadual yang mengandungi bacaan awal, bacaan akhir buret dan isipadu asid dalam kedua-dua eksperimen. [3 marks] (e) Based on the volume and concentration of sulphuric acid in Experiment I, predict the volume of hydrochloric acid used to neutralise 20 cm 3 1.0 mol dm -3 sodium hydroxide solution in Experiment II.  Berdasarkan isipadu dan kepekatan asid sulfurik dalam Eksperimen I, ramalkan isipadu asid hidroklorik yang diperlukan untuk meneutralkan 20 cm 3 1.0 mol dm-3 larutan natrium hidroksida. [3 marks] (c) Why must the initial and the final burette reading be recorded in these experiments?  Mengapakah bacaan awal dan akhir buret perlu direkodkan dalam eksperimen ini? .................................................................................................................................... [3 marks] (d) The equation shows the reaction between sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide solution. Persamaan menunjukkan tindak balas antara asid sulfurik dengan larutan natrium hidroksida. H2SO4 + 2 NaOH


+ 2 H2O

…………………………………………………………………………………….. [3 marks] (f) Explain the answer in 1(e)(i) Terangkan jawapan dalam 1(e)(i) .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... [3 marks] (g) State three observations that you could obtain other than burette reading and related inferences in both experiments.  Nyatakan tiga pemerhatian yang boleh diperoleh  selain dari bacaan buret   dan inferens yang berkaitan dalam kedua-dua eksperimen.

Determine the concentration of sulphuric acid used in Experiment 1. Tentukan kepekatan asid sulfurik yang digunakan dalam eksperimen I.

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

22 Observation Pemerhatian

(i) State one hypothesis for both experiments.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi kedua-dua eksperimen.

Inference  Inferen

(i) ........................................................

(i) ........................................................



(ii) .......................................................

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(ii) ......................................................




(iii) ......................................................



.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... [3 marks] (j) The addition of acid to the sodium hydroxide solution in the experiment is stopped when the end point of titration is achieved. Give the operational definition for the end point of titration. Penambahan asid kepada larutan natrium hidroksida dalam eksperimen dihentikan apabila takat akhir pentitratan telah tercapai. Beri  definisi secara  operasi bagi takat akhir pentitratan. .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... [3 marks]

[6 marks] (h) For this experiment, state the:  Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan: (i) Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasi: …………………………………………………. (ii) Responding variable: Pembolehubah bergerak balas: ……………………………………………… (iii) Constant variable: Pembolehubah dimalarkan: ………………………………………………… [3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Pulau Pinang 2016 1. An experiment was carried out to determine the concentration of nitric acid. A  burette was filled with nitric acid and 25.0 cm3  of 0.2 mol dm -3  potassium hydroxide was added into a conical flask. Titration was carried out and  phenolphthalein indicator was used. Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk menentukan kepekatan asid nitrik. Buret diisi dengan asid nitrik dan 25.0 cm 3  0.2 mol dm -3  larutan kalium hidroksida dimasukkan ke dalam sebuah kelalang kon. Pentitratan dijalankan dan penunjuk  fenolftalein digunakan.

Pink  Merah jambu Before end point Sebelum takat akhir

Colourless Tidak berwarna

At end point Pada takat akhir

Diagram 1.2/ Rajah 1.2

Diagram 1.1 shows the results of the experiment.  Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan keputusan bagi eksperimen itu. First titration Pentitratan pertama

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(b) Based on Diagram 1.2, give an observation for this experiment.  Berdasarkan Rajah 1.2, berikan satu pemerhatian untuk eksperimen ini.

Second titration Pentitratan kedua

…………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] (c) Give an inference for t he answer in 1(b).  Berikan satu inferens kepada jawapan di 1(b).

………………………………………………………………………………… At end point Before titration Sebelum pentitratan Pada takat akhir

Before titration Sebelum pentitratan

At end point Pada takat akhir

[3 marks] (d) Determine the concentration of nitric acid. Tentukan kepekatan asid nitrik.

Diagram 1.1/ Rajah 1.1 (a) Record the burette reading in Table 1. Catat bacaan buret dalam Jadual 1. Titration Initial burette reading (cm3) Final burette reading (cm3) Pentitratan  Bacaan awal buret (cm3)  Bacaan akhir buret (cm3) First Pertama Second Kedua Table 1/ Jadual 1

[3 marks] [3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

24 (e) State the operational definition for end point in this experiment.  Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi takat akhir dalam eksperimen ini.

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(c) Table 2 shows the data obtained from the experiment. Complete the table.  Jadual 2 menunjukkan data yang diperoleh daripada eksperimen itu.  Lengkapkan jadual itu.

…………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] 2.

A student carried out an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate solution and sulphuric acid. Seorang murid telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan suhu ke atas kadar tindak balas antara larutan natrium tiosulfat dengan asid sulfurik.

(a) For this experiment, state the:  Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan:

(i) Manipulated variable: Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan : ….………………………………………

(ii) Responding variable:

Experiment  Eksperimen

Temperature (ºC) Suhu (ºC)

Time taken for the mark ‘X’ to disappear from sight, t (s)  Masa yang diambil bagi tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan, t (s)















13 Table 2/ Jadual 2 [3 marks]

Pembolehubah bergerak balas:……………………………………………

(iii) Constant variable: Pembolehubah dimalarkan: ………………………………………………... [3 marks]

(d)Based on Table 2, plot a graph of temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution against  Berdasarkan Jadual 2, plot satu graf suhu larutan natrium tiosulfat melawan

[3 marks]

(b) State one hypothesis for this experiment.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini. …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 marks] ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(e) Based on the graph in (d), predict the time taken for the mark ‘X’ to disappear from sight if the experiment is carried out by using sodium thiosulphate solution at 80 ºC.  Berdasarkan graf dalam (d), ramalkan masa yang diambil bagi tanda ‘X’ tidak kelihatan jika eksperimen itu dilakukan dengan menggunakan larutan natrium n tiosulfat pada suhu 80 ºC.


 N  [3 marks]  y a (f) t  Classify the reactions below into slow reaction and fast reaction. a Kelaskan tindak balas di bawah kepada tindak balas perlahan dan tindak balas k  cepat. a 

s a t

Rusting of iron Pengaratan besi Combustion of petrol Pembakaran petrol Slow reaction Tindak balas perlahan

Photosynthesis Fotosintesis  Neutralisation Peneutralan Fast reaction Tindak balas cepat

[3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

Kelantan 2016 1. Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan bagi menentukan kedudukan logam zink,  plumbum, magnesium dan argentum dalam siri elektrokimia logam dengan menggunakan kaedah penyesaran logam. 5 cm3 larutan argentum nitrat 1.0 mol dm-3 dituangkan ke dalam tabung uji A, 5 cm3 larutan plumbum(II) nitrat 1.0 mol dm -3 dituangkan ke dalam tabung uji B dan 5 cm3 larutan zink nitrat 1.0 mol dm -3 dituangkan ke dalam tabung uji C. 5 cm kepingan plumbum di masukkan ke dalam tabung uji A, 5 cm kepingan zink dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji B dan 5 cm kepingan magnesium dimasukkan ke dalam tabung uji C. Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas dan perubahan yang berlaku selepas 20 minit eksperimen dijalankan.


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) Berdasarkan Rajah 1, nyatakan satu pemerhatian dan satu inferens yang sepadan  bagi setiap tabung uji A, B dan C dalam Jadual 1.1. Tabung uji A





Jadual 1.1 [6 markah] (b) Berdasarkan inferens di 1(a), susun logam l ogam-logam zink, plumbum, magnesium dan argentum mengikut susunan menaik kelektropositifan logam.

[3 markah] (c) Bagi eksperimen ini, nyatakan: (i) Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan: ….……………………………..……… (ii) Pembolehubah bergerak balas:…………………………………………… (iii)Pembolehubah dimalarkan:………………………………………………... [3 markah]

Rajah 1 ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(d)  Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini. …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 markah] (e)  Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi tindak balas penyesaran logam dalam eksperimen ini. …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………..…… …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 markah] (f)  Nyatakan hubungan antara jisim pita magnesium dengan masa jika tabung uji C dibiarkan dengan lebih lama. …………………………………………………………………………………… [3 markah] (g) Satu eksperimen lain telah dijalankan untuk membina siri elektrokimia dengan mengukur beza keupayan dalam beberapa buah sel kimia. Jadual 1.2 menunjukkan pasangan logam, bacaan voltmeter dan terminal positif sel kimia itu. (i) Catatkan bacaan voltmeter dalam ruangan yang disediakan dalam Jadual 1.2. [3 markah]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

Jadual 1.2 (ii) Lukis satu gambar rajah lengkap untuk menunjukkan satu sel kimia bagi  pasangan logam kuprum dan argentum menggunakan larutan natrium klorida sebagai elektrolit. [3 markah]

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 



Ramalkan bacaan voltmeter jika eksperimen di atas dilakukan dengan menggunakan pasangan logam magnesium dan a rgentum. …………………………………………………………………………….. [3 markah]

(h) Jadual 1.3 menunjukkan beberapa sel kimia dan ciri-ciri setiap sel itu.

Negeri Sembilan 2016 1

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

A student carried out an experiment to determine the heat of combustion of methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol. Diagram 1 shows the apparatus set -up for the experiment. Seorang pelajar telah menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan haba  pembakaran metanol, etanol, propanol dan butanol.  Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi eksperimen itu. Thermometer Termometer Termometer Wind shield Pengada Penghadang angin ng

Aluminium can  Bekas aluminium Water  Air

[3 markah] Lamp Pelita Pelita Wooden block Blok  Bongkah kayu

Alcohol  Alkohol

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1 Table 1.1 shows the mass of lamp before and after burning of the alcohols.  Jadual 1.1 menunjukkan jisim pelita sebelum dan selepas pembakaran alkohol itu.

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Alcohol  Alkohol

Reading of Electronic Balance  Bacaan Penimbang Elektronik Before


Mass of alcohol used  Jisim alkohol  digunakan (g)

(a) State the mass of alcohols used in the spaces provided in Table 1.1.  Nyatakan jisim alkohol yang digunakan dalam ruangan yang disediakan dalam  Jadual 1.1. [3 marks] (b) State the variables for this experiment.  Nyatakan pembolehubah bagi eksperimen ini.

Methanol  Metanol ..................... CH3OH

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016



(i) Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan ............................................................................................................................. (ii) Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerak balas

Ethanol  Etanol .................... C2H5OH



............................................................................................................................. (iii) Fixed variable Pembolehubah dimalarkan ............................................................................................................................. [3 marks]

Propanol Propanol .................... C3H7OH




State one hypothesis for this experiment.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. [3 marks]

Butanol  Butanol .................... C4H9OH


331.29 Table 1.1/ Rajah 1.1

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

Table 1.2 shows the heat of combustion determined by the student.  Jadual 1.2 menunjukkan haba pembakaran yang telah ditentukan oleh pelajar itu. Alcohol  Alkohol Methanol  Metanol Ethanol  Etanol Propanol Propanol Butanol  Butanol

Heat of combustion (kJ mol-1)  Haba pembakaran (kJ mol-1) 540 970 1400 1830 Table 1.2/ Jadual 1.2


Using the data in Table 1.2, draw a bar chart of heat combustion of alcohols against types of alcohol.  Dengan menggunakan Jadual 1.2, lukis carta bar bagi haba pembakaran alkohol melawan jenis alkohol. [3 marks]


Predict the value of heat of combustion of pentanol. Draw a bar of pentanol on the graph in (d).  Ramalkan nilai haba pembakaran bagi pentanol .  Lukis satu bar bagi pentanol pada graf di (d). ............................................................................................................................. [3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

31 (f) State the operational definition of heat of combustion of alcohol in this experiment.  Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi haba pembakaran alkohol dalam eksperimen ini. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. [3 marks] 2

Diagram 2 shows the set-up of the apparatus used in Experiments I and II to investigate the effect of the quantity of manganese(IV) oxide as catalyst on the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide for the first 30 seconds.  Rajah 2  menunjukkan susunan radas yang digunakan dalam Eksperimen I  dan  Eksperimen II  untuk mengkaji kesan kuantiti mangkin mangan (IV)  oksida terhadap kadar penguraian hidrogen peroksida bagi 30 saat pertama.

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016


(i) Based on Diagram 2, state the observation of this experiment.  Berdasarkan Rajah 2, nyatakan pemerhatian bagi eksperimen ini. ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ [3 marks] (ii) State an inference based on your observation.  Nyatakan inferens berdasarkan pemerhatian anda. ……........................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ [3 marks]

Table 2 show the volume of gas evolved for the first 30 s in Experiment I and Experiment II using different quantity of catal yst.  Jadual 2  menunjukkan isipadu gas yang terbebas dalam 30 s  pertama dalam  Eksperimen I  dan Eksperimen II  dengan menggunakan kuantiti mangkin yang berbeza. Volume of gas evolved(cm 3)  Isipadu gas yang terbebas (cm3) Time(s)  Masa(s)

Experiment I  Eksperimen I 0.1 g of manganese(IV) oxide powder 0.1 g serbuk mangan(IV) oksida

Experiment II  Eksperimen II 0.2 g of manganese(IV) oxide powder 0.2 g serbuk mangan (IV) oksida






20.00 Table 2/ Jadual 2

Diagram 2/ Rajah 2 ©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

32 (b)

Use data in Table 2, calculate the average of rate of reaction for both experiments. Compare the both rate of reactions. Gunakan data dalam Jadual 2 hitungkan kadar tindak balas purata bagi keduadua eksperimen. Bandingkan kedua-dua kadar tindak balas tersebut.

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016


The following are the examples of reactions:  Rusting of iron  Potassium reacts with water  Magnesium ribbon burns in air  Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide  Berikut ialah contoh tindak balas :  Pengaratan besi  Kalium bertindak balas dengan air   Pita magnesium terbakar dalam udara  Penguraian hidrogen peroksida

[3 marks] (c)

Classify the above reactions into slow and fast reactions. Kelaskan tindak balas-tindak balas di atas kepada tindak balas perlahan dan cepat.

Reaction in Experiment II is completed at 120 s. State the change of bubbles formed from 30 s to 120 s. Explain your answer. Tindak balas dalam Eksperimen II telah lengkap pada masa 120 s.  Nyatakan  perubahan gelembung gas yang terbentuk dari  30 s ke 120 s.  Jelaskan jawapan anda. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................. [3 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

[3 marks]

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016 (a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Terengganu 2016 Diagram 3 shows four test tubes containing hydrochloric acid, HCl with different concentrations.  Rajah 3 menunjukkan empat tabung uji yang mengandungi asid hidroklorik, HCl dengan kepekatan  yang berbeza.

What is the relationship between the pH value with molarity/concentration of acid?  //Does the molarity/concentration of acid affect the pH value? // Does the pH increases/changes when the molarity/concentration of acid decreases/changes? (b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

Manipulated variable : Molarity// Concentration // 0.0001 mol dm-3, 0.001 mol dm-3, 0.01 mol dm-3, 0.1 mol dm -3 Responding variable : pH value Constant variable : Hydrochloric acid/HCl // Type of acid, r : volume of acid (c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

The higher/lower the molarity/concentration of hydrochloric acid, the lower/higher the pH value

Diagram 3 /Rajah 3 Using the acid in Diagram 3, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the relationship between pH value with molarity of acid.  Menggunakan asid di dalam Rajah 3 , rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyia sat hubungan antara nilai pH dengan kemolaran asid. Your planning must include the following items: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:

(d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

Material: 0.0001 mol dm-3, 0.001 mol dm -3, 0.01 mol dm-3, 0.1 mol dm -3 hydrochloric acid/HCl Apparatus: pH meter/pH paper/universal indicator, test tube/beaker/[any suitable container] (e) Procedure /Prosedur

(a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

1. 2.

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

3. 4.

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis (f)

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data [17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

Molarity/Concentration of acid/ mol dm -3 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001

(e) Procedure Prosedur (f)

Pour 0.0001 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid into test tube/beaker Immerse/Dip pH meter into the acid // Put in a few drops of universal indicator into the acid Record the pH value Repeat step 1 to 3 by using 0.001 mol dm -3, 0.01 mol dm -3  and 0.1 mol dm -3 hydrochloric acid

pH value

[17 marks]

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

SBP 2016 (a)

Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Does vulcanised rubber is more elastic than unvulcanised rubber?// Does unvulcanised rubber is less elastic than vulcanised rubber? (b)

All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

(i) Manipulated variable (ii) Responding variable (iii) Fixed variable

: Type of rubber// Vulcanised rubber and unvulcanised rubber : Elasticity of rubber : Length of rubber/ Mass of weight.

(c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

Vulcanised rubber is more elastic than unvulcanised rubber// Unvulcanised rubber is less elastic than vulcanised rubber. (d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

Materials: Vulcanised rubber strip, Unvulcanised rubber strip Apparatus: Retort stand with clamp , Meter ruler, Clip , [50 - 100]g Weight (e) Procedure /Prosedur

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Based on the above conversation, plan an experiment to compare the elasticity of unvulcanised rubber and vulcanised rubber.  Berdasarkan perbualan di atas, rancang satu eksperimen untuk membandingkan kekenyalan getah tak tervulkan dan getah tervulkan. Your planning must include the following items: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:


(a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

Type of rubber strips

Initial length (cm)

Length after weight is removed  (cm)

Vulcanised rubber  Unvulcanised rubber 

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data [17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

Measure and cut vulcanised rubber strip into [10 - 15] cm length. Record the initial length of the rubber strip. Hang the vulcanised rubber strip at 50 cm height. Hang [50-100] g weight at the rubber strip. Measure and record the length of the rubber after stretched/ with weight. Remove the weight, measure and record the length of rubber strip. Repeat steps 1 to 6 by using unvulcanised rubber strip.

[17 marks]

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016 (a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Perlis 2016 Diagram 2 shows how fresh latex produced from rubber tree and a coagulated latex transform into rubber sheets.  Rajah 2 menunjukkan bagaiman susu getah diperolehi dari pokok getah dan latek yang telah dibekukan ditukarkan menjadi getah keping.

How does acids and alkalis affects on the coagulation of latex?// Does acids and alkalis affects on the coagulation of latex?// What is the effect of acids and alkalis on the coagulation of latex?// Does latex coagulate when acid is added and does not coagulate when alkali ia added? (b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

Manipulated variable Type of acids and alkalis // ammonia solution and ethanoic acid Responding variable coagulation of latex//coagulate or not Constant variable Volume of latex / acid / (ammonia solution) / alkali // latex / temperature (c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

The presence of ethanoic acid, latex coagulate and the presence of ammonia, latex does not coagulate// When ethanoic acid is added to the latex, coagulation occur but when ammonia solution is added to the latex, coagulation do not occur. Referring to the diagram, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of acids and alkali on the coagulation of latex.  Merujuk kepada rajah di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk mengkaji kesan asid dan alkali ke atas pengumpalan lateks.

(d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

Materials: Latex, ethanoic acid, ammonia solution Apparatus: beaker, glass rod (e) Procedure /Prosedur

Your planning must include the following items: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut: (a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (f)

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data [17 marks]

latex is poured is into a beaker. ethanoic acid is added into the beaker The mixture is stirred with a glass rod. The changes occurred are observed and recorded. The step 1 to 4 are repeated by replacing ethanoic acid with a mmonia solution.

Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

Mixture//substance added to latex Latex + ethanoic acid//ethanoic acid Latex + ammonia solution//ammonia

Observation//coagulate or not

[17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Kedah 2016

Do the types of electrodes affect the types of products formed at anode?// Does the type of electrode/ anode affect the choice of ions to be discharged?

Diagram 2 shows the conversation between two students about the electrolysis experiment.  Rajah 2 menunjukkan perbualan antara dua orang pelajar tentang eksperimen elektrolisis.

(b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

Ahmad : I carried out an experiment of electrolysis copper(II) sulphate solution using carbon electrodes. I observed the gas bubbles are released at anode. Saya telah menjalankan eksperimen elektrolisis larutan kuprum(II) sulfat dengan menggunakan elektrod karbon. Saya perhatikan gelembong gas dibebaskan di anod. Muthu: When I used copper as electrodes, I observed the anode become thinner.  Bila saya menggunakan kuprum sebagai elektrod, saya perhatikan anod semakin nipis

Manipulated variable: Types of electrode/ anode Responding variable: Product formed at the anode Fixed variable: Electrolyte// The concentration of electrolyte (c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

When carbon electrodes are used oxygen/ bubble produced and when copper electrodes are used brown solid/ copper formed at the anode. (d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

Materials: copper(II) sulphate solution, (0.5 - 2.0) mol dm-3 //any suitable solution that match with metal plate used, carbon rod, copper plate// any metal plate that match with a solution used, wooden splinter// any suitable material used for testing a gas or any product at anode. Apparatus: electrolytic cell, battery, connecting wire, test tube

Referring to the conversation above, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of the type of electrode to the product at anode.  Merujuk kepada perbualan di atas, rancang satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan jenis elektrod ke atas hasil di anod.

(e) Procedure /Prosedur


Your planning must include the following items: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut: (a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (f)

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data [17 marks]

Fill the electrolytic cell (beaker) with half full of copper(II) sulphate solution (any suitable electrolyte that match with metal plate used). A test tube filled with copper(II) solution is inverted on the anode carbon electrode. Complete the circuit. Electricity is flowed. Record observation at anode. Step 1 -5 is repeated using copper plate

Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

Type of electrode Carbon Copper/ any metal


[17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Pahang 2016 Maryam and Aiman had carried out an experiment to investigate the electrolysis of copper(II) sulphate solution using two difference types of electrode. Diagram 2 shows the conversation  between the chemistry teacher and both students about the observation at anode.  Maryam dan Aiman telah menjalankan eksperimen mengkaji elektrolisis larutan kuprum(II) sulfat menggunakan dua jenis elektrod yang berbeza. Rajah 2 menunjukkan perbualan antara guru kimia dan kedua-dua pelajar itu mengenai pemerhatian di anod.

Does the type of electrodes /anode affect the type of products formed during the electrolysis? (b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

Manipulated variable: type of electrodes / anode // carbon electrode, copper electrode. Responding variable: products formed at the anode. Fixed variable: electrolyte/ copper(ll) sulphate solution (c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

When carbon electrode is used the oxygen gas is released, when copper electrode is used the Cu2+ ion formed // When carbon electrode is used gas bubble is released, when copper electrode is used the copper thinner // When copper electrodes are used instead of carbon electrodes, the type of product formed at anode is different. (d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

Materials: Copper(ll) sulphate, CuSO4 solution Apparatus: Batteries, Connecting wire, Carbon electrodes, Copper electrodes Electrolytic cell / beaker (e) Procedure /Prosedur

Referring to the conversation above, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of the type of electrode to the product at anode.  Merujuk kepada perbualan di atas, rancang satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan jenis elektrod ke atas hasil di anod. Your planning must include the following items: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut: (a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Pour the copper(ll) sulphate solution into the beaker Connect carbon electrodes to batteries Dip the carbon electrodes into copper(II) sulphate solution Record the observation. Repeat the experiment using copper electrodes to replace carbon electrodes.

Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

Type of electrodes

Observation at anode

Carbon Copper

[17 marks]

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data [17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

MRSM 2016 Diagram 3 shows a conversation between two students about product f ormed at anode after electrolysis of sodium chloride solution .  Rajah 3 menunjukkan perbualan antara dua orang pelajar mengenai hasil yang terbentuk di anod selepas menjalankan elektrolisis larutan natrium klorida.

Does different concentration of sodium chloride solution affect the product formed at anode?// Does dilute sodium chloride solution produce oxygen gas/gas ignite the glowing wooden splinter at anode AND does concentrated sodium chloride solution produce chlorine gas/gas turns moist blue litmus paper to red and then bleached at anode . (b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

Manipulated variable : Concentration of sodium chloride solution a: Dilute(concentration ≤ 0.001 M)  ,Concentrated (concentration ≥ 0.1 M) Responding variable : Product formed at anode // Ion discharged at anode Fixed variable : Sodium chloride solution // Type of electrode // Carbon electrode (c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

When higher concentration of sodium chloride solution is used, chlorine gas/ gas then turns moist blue litmus paper to red is produced / Cl- ion is discharged at anode AND when lower concentration of sodium chloride solution is used, oxygen gas/ gas ignite the glowing wooden splinter is produced / OH- ion is discharged at anode (d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

Based on the above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the effect of t he concentration of sodium chloride solution on the product formed at anode in the electrolysis.  Berdasarkan situasi di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyiasat kesan kepekatan larutan natrium klorida terhadap hasil yang terbentuk di anod dalam elektrolisis.

Material : [ concentration > 0.1] mol dm-3 /concentrated sodium chloride solution, [concentration ≤ 0.001 ] mol dm-3 / dilute sodium chloride solution, Wooden splinter// any suitable material used for testing a gas or any product at anode, Blue litmus paper,Battery Apparatus :Electrolytic cell // Beaker , Connecting wire, Test tube, Carbon rod (e) Procedure /Prosedur

1. 2.

Your planning must include the following items: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:

3. 4. 5. 6.

Fill the electrolytic cell /beaker with half full of [concentration ≥ 0.1 ] mol dm-3 of sodium chloride solution Invert a test tube filled with sodium chloride solution on the anode c arbon electrode. Complete the circuit. Collect and test the gas released at anode Record observation. Repeat step 1-5 by using [ concentration ≤ 0.001] moldm-3 sodium chloride solution to replace [ concentration ≥ 0.1 ] mol dm-3 of sodium chloride solution

(a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

Concentration of sodium chloride solution  / mol dm-3

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


[concentration ≥ 0.1] mol dm-3 / Concentrated 


Tabulation of data Penjadualan data


[concentration ≤ 0.001] mol dm-3 / Dilute [17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

[17 marks]

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Negeri Sembilan 2016

Does an acid need water to show its acidic properties? (b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

 Manipulated variable: Presence of water  Responding variable: acidic properties//Colour change in litmus paper  Fixed variable: Type of acid //Glacial ethanoic acid (c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

Water is needed for an acid to show its acidic properties (d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

Apparatus: test tubes/boiling tubes/petri dish, droppers Materials: Glacial ethanoic acid, water, blue litmus paper (e) Procedure /Prosedur

Referring to the conversation above, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the role of solvent to show the properties of acids.  Merujuk kepada perbualan di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyiasat  peranan pelarut untuk menunjukkan sifat-sifat asid. Your planning must include the following items: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut: (a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Drop ethanoic acid into a test tube Dip a dry blue litmus paper in the acid. Record observation Add (1-5) cm3 of water to the acid. Dip a dry blue litmus papers to the mixture Record observation.

(f) Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

Eksperiment Glacial ethanoic acid Glacial ethanoic acid+Water


[17 marks]

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data [17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Pulau Pinang 2016

Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Sarah is helping her mother to wash the clothes. She then tries to wash a pair of socks stained with oil using soap and water from two different sources as shown in Table 3. Sarah found that the cleaning was only effective when using the water from one of the sources. Sarah sedang membantu ibunya membasuh baju. Dia cuba membasuh sepasang sarung kaki yang dikotori dengan minyak menggunakan sabun dan air daripada dua sumber yang berlainan seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 3. Sarah mendapati bahawa pencucian hanya berkesan apabila menggunakan air daripada salah satu sumber.

Which water source allows soap to clean the oil stain on the cloth? // What is the cleansing action of soap on the cloth with oil stain using hard water and soft water? (b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

Manipulated variable: Type of water // Water source A and water source B Responding variable : Cleansing action of soap // Presence or absence of oil stain Fixed variable : Size of oil stain // soap (c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

Concentration (mg dm -3) Kepekatan (mg dm-3)

Water source Sumber air A B







 Anda diberikan satu tugasan untuk merancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk mengkaji keberkesanan tindakan pencucian sabun ke atas sarung kaki yang dikotori dengan minyak menggunakan air daripada dua sumber berlainan di dalam Jadual 3.

Your planning must include the following items: Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


Materials : Water from sources A and B, Soap, socks / shirts / pants/ clothes with oil stain Apparatus : Beaker / Basin, Glass rod


You are given a task to plan a laboratory experiment to study the effectiveness of the cleansing action of soap on the socks which are stained with oil using water from two different sources in Table 3.

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) Procedure /Prosedur

Table 3/ Jadual 3

(a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

Soap in hard water has better cleansing effect than soap in soft water.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Pour water from source A into a beaker until half full. Add 2 spatulas of soap into the beaker. Stir the mixture Place a piece of sock with oil stain into the beaker. Stir the sock in the soap solution. Observe the oil stain on the sock and record it. Repeat the experiment by using water from source B.

(f) Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

Water  Air Source A Sumber A Source B Sumber B

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data

Observation Pemerhatian

[17 marks]

[17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Kelantan 2016 Gambar foto 2.1 dan 2.2 menunjukkan tindak balas antara ketulan marmar, CaCO 3 dengan asid hidroklorik, HCl

Adakah/ Bagaimanakah saiz/ jumlah luas permukaan yang berbeza logam/karbonat logam/[nama]* mempengaruhi kadar tindak balas apabila bertindak balas dengan a sid [nama]* (b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah:

Manipulated variable: Saiz bahan/ [nama bahan] Responding variable : Kadar tindak balas Fixed variable : Isipadu dan kepekatan asid/suhu (c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis

Semakin kecil/besar saiz (logam/karbonat logam/[nama]*), semakin tinggi/rendah kadar tindak balas. (d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas

Materials : zink/magnesium/magnesium karbonat/zink karbonat, air Apparatus : Jam randik, kelalang kon, silinder penyukat, basin, kaki retot, neraca dan tiub penghantar bersama penumbat getah. Kenal pasti faktor yang menyebabkan perbezaan pemerhatian yang terdapat dalam tabung uji gambar foto 2.1 dan 2.2. Berdasarkan faktor yang anda nyatakan itu, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyiasat kesan faktor itu terhadap kadar tindak balas antara: (j) Logam yang dinamakan dengan asid yang dinamakan Atau (ii) Logam karbonat yang dinamakan dengan asid yang dinamakan. Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:

(a) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

(c) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


(e) Procedure /Prosedur

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

5 cm pita magnesium dibersihkan dengan kertas pasir. 50 cm 3 asid hidroklorik 2.0 mol dm-3 disukat dan dimasukkan ke dalam kelalang kon. Magnesium dimasukkan ke dalam kelalang dan jam randik dimulakan. Kelalang digoncang perlahan-lahan. Masa untuk semua logam larut direkodkan. Langkah 1 hingga 5 diulangi dengan menggunakan 5 keping pita magnesium bersaiz 1 cm.

(f) Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data [17 marks]

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

[17 marks]

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 


Modul Pecutan Kimia Kertas 3 Soalan Percubaan SPM Negeri 2016

(a) Problem statement/ Pernyataan masalah:

Melaka 2016

Does different metal have different reactivity towards oxygen?

Method to store metal depends on reactivity of metal towards oxygen. For example, sodium is kept in paraffin oil, calcium is put in a vacuumed desicator and zinc is wrapped with paper. The reactivity of the metals is compared by observing the brightness of flame or glow when the metal burns in oxygen. Kaedah penyimpanan logam bergantung kepada kereaktifan logam itu terhadap oksigen. Sebagai contoh, natrium disimpan dalam minyak parafin, kalsium disimpan dalam desikator yang kedap udara dan zink dibalut dengan kertas. Kereaktifan logam dibandingkan dengan memerhatikan kecerahan nyalaan atau baraan semasa logam terbakar dalam oksigen. Diagram 2.1 shows the set-up of apparatus for an experiment to determine the order of metals in the Reactivity Series.  Rajah 2.1  menunjukkan susunan radas bagi eksperimen untuk menentukan susunan logamlogam dalam Siri Kereaktifan Logam

(b) All the variables/Semua pembolehubah: Manipulated variable: Type of metal// Different metals// Any four different metals in Reactivity Series except K, Na & Ca. Responding variable: Brightness / intensity of flame or glow // Reactivity of metal Fixed variable: Potassium manganate(VII)// Quantity/ mass of metals/ potassium manganate(VII)

(c) Hypothesis/ Hipotesis The higher the position of metal in Reactivity Series, the brighter the flame or glow / the higher the reactivity of metal.

(d) List of materials and apparatus/ Senarai bahan dan radas Magnesium, Copper, Iron, Zinc, potassium manganate(VII), asbestos paper, glass wool, boiling tube, retort stand and clamp, bunsen burner, spatula and forcep

(e) Procedure /Prosedur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Referring to above situation, plan a laboratory experiment to arrange metals in terms of their reactivity with oxygen. You are required to use four different metals.  Merujuk situasi di atas, rancang satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyusun logam-logam berdasarkan kereaktifan logam berkenaan bertindak balas dengan oksigen. Anda dikehendaki menggunakan empat jenis logam yang berlainan.

(d) List of materials and apparatus Senarai bahan dan radas

(e) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(e) Procedure Prosedur

(f) Hypothesis  Hipotesis


(f) Tabulation of data/Penjadualan data Metal Magnesium Copper

Perancangan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut:

(d) Problem statement Pernyataan masalah


Put one spatula full of potassium manganate(VII) in a boiling tube. Push in some glass wool into the tube and clamp it horizontally. Place one spatulaful of magnesium powder on a piece of asbestos paper and put it into the boiling tube. Heat the magnesium strongly and then heat the potassium manganate(VII). Repeat steps 1 to 4 / experiment using copper, iron and zinc to replace the magnesium. Record the observation.


Iron Zinc [17 marks]

Tabulation of data Penjadualan data

©Mohd Fazdli Bin Mohd Nor, SMK Pesisiran Perdana, Tangkak

[17 marks]

SPM 2016, Kimia 4541 A+ 

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