Modul Inggris Kelas 1 Sd

February 14, 2019 | Author: Hilma Suryani | Category: N/A
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modul bahasa inggris...


GREETINGS AND PARTINGS A. Pronounce the expressions of greetings and partings below!

GREETINGS (Ungkapan-ungkapan salam)



Good morning *Good day/good noon Good afternoon *Good evening Hi Hello How are you?

Selamat pagi Selamat siang Selamat siang Selamat sore Hai Halo Bagaimana kabarmu?

Partings(Ungkapan-ungkapan Partings(Ungkapan-ungkapan perpisahan)



Good bye Bye-bye *Good night Good luck See you later See you tomorrow

Selamat tinggal Selamat tinggal Selamat malam Semoga berhasil Sampai berjumpa lagi Sampai berjumpa lagi besok Sampai berjumpa lagi lain waktu

See you next time

*Note:Good day/noon digunakan pada saat jam 12 siang. Good evening digunakan untuk mengucapkan salam pada saat sore maupun malam hari. Good night digunakan jika kita berpisah dan akan pergi tidur. B. Pronounce the expressions of greetings and partings below!


Students Teacher Students Teacher Students

: : : : :

“good morning, morning, sir.”  “Good morning, students.”  “How are you today?”  “I’m fine,thanks, and you?”  “fine, too.” 


Ani Rudi Ani

: “Hi Rudi, How How are you? : “Hi Ann, I’m fine, thanks, what about you? : “I’m very well, thank you.


John Mrs. sarah John Mrs. Sarah John

: : : : :

“Good evening Mrs. Sarah.”  “Good evening, John. What are you doing here, Son?”  “I’m waiting for my father, mom.” Where will you go mom?”  “I will go to the market. I have to go now. Good bye John.”  “Good bye, Mrs. Sarah, see you next time.” 


Mother Santi Mother Santi

: : : :

“Santi, It is nine o’clock now. You should go to bed “Ok, mom, thanks.”  “Good night, honey.”  “Good night, mom.

C. Sing the songs below!


Good morning, good morning The best to you this morning How are you? how are you? I hope you’re feeling fine And happy all the time Good morning, good morning The best to you this morning How are you? how are you? I hope you’re feeling fine And happy all the time . . . HELLO HOW ARE YOU? Hello hello how are you? Fine thanks, fine thanks how are you? Hello hello how are you? I’m fine, thank you

C. Guess it!

1. I go to school at 07.00 o’clock, I say .




2. Sinta goes home at 12.00 o’clock. She says

to my teacher. .


3. Father meets his friend in the afternoon. He says .


. to his friends






to me

to him

4. I study English in the evening. When my friend comes to my house she say 5. Rio wants to go to bed. His mother says

D. Fill the missing letters!

G o od m _ r n _ n g

G _ _ d Afternoon

G o od E v _ n i _ g

G o od N _ g h _ 

D. Colour the picture below!


. .

. .


to him

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