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Once upon a time, …. Mata Pelajaran Satuan Pendidikan Kelas/Semester
: Bahasa Inggris : SMP : VIII/2
Standar Kompetensi A. Mendengarkan Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. B. Berbicara Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. C. Membaca Memahami makna dalam esai pendek sederhana berbentuk berbentuk narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. D. Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei sederhana berbentuk narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Materi Pembelajaran: A. Speech functions : Carrying out transactional or interpersonal conversation involving expressions of : Asking for help, refusing to give and refusing an offer of some help Asking for service/goods, giving or refusing for service/goods Asking for information, giving or refusing information Asking for opinion, giving or refusing an opinion. B. Monolog : Listen Tell, read and write various narratives texts C. Short Functional text : Read and write small functional text (Invitation and short message) D. Language features : Simple Past Tense, Past verbs, preferences, prepositional phrase
PART 1 SPOKEN ACTIVITIES A. Building knowledge A.1. Speech Functions Activity 1. Exploring your experience Listen to your teacher’s questions and answer the questions orally. 1. Have you ever made a request for something? ____________________________________________________________ 2. What request did you make? ____________________________________________________________ 3. Was your request granted or refused? What did she or he say? _____________________________________________________________ 4. What do you say if you grant or refuse your friend’s request? _____________________________________________________________ 5. What do you say when you are asking for information? _____________________________________________________________ 6. What do you say when you are asking for opinion? _____________________________________________________________ 7. What do you say when you refuse an opinion or information? _____________________________________________________________ 8. What do you say when you ask for help? _____________________________________________________________ 9. What do you say when you refuse help?
______________________________________________________________ A.1. 1. Asking, granting, refusing requests, service or things Activity 2. Listening to dialogs Listen to your teacher reading the following dialogs. Identify the expressions correctly below. Dialog 1. Doni : Where do you want to go mom ?, Mother : I want to go to your grandmother’s house at the Village. Doni : Oh, you has bought a lot of things. There are rice, soy beans, noodles , sugar, coffee, tea. and many others. Whom are they for ? Mother : Those are for your grandmother. She is old now. We must provide all her needs. Would you like to pack them into the basket, please? Doni : Sure. Dialog 2. Randall : What do you bring with you? Kelly : Oh, All of my site plans . I want to check them Randall : Let me help you. Kelly : Thank you so much. Dialog 3. Ned : Tom!. Why do you look so confusing? Tom : I have lost my wallet. I run out of money. Ned : Here’s some money for you? Tom : Sorry. I can’t take this. I’ll draw it from ATM. I have my card with me. Questions: 1. Which expression are polite request? ___________________________________________________________ 2. Which expression is a granted request? ___________________________________________________________ 3. Which expression is a refused request? ___________________________________________________________ 4. Which expression is giving a service/things? ___________________________________________________________ 5. Which expression is refusing for service/things? ___________________________________________________________ Activity 3. Learn the following and read the expressions aloud. Asking for some help. Can you help me, please? Help me please Will/would you bring this box, (please)? Would you mind passing me the sugar, (please)? Would you like to open the door, (please)? Offering for some help Is there anything I can do for you? What can I do to help you? May I help (you)? Would you like any help? Let me help you Can I help (you)? Here are some money for you This is my …..for you, take it!. Anything else? Can I get something for you? Refusing to give some help
I’m so sorry, but I can… I’m sorry. I don’t think I could … Actually, I want to help…but.. Refusing an offer of some help No, thank you I can’t take it. Sorry No, don’t bother, really. That’s very kind of you, but I can handle it by myself Granting for request Sure All right With pleasure No problem. Here you are Certainly OK, right away Activity 4. Lets practice using the expression. In pairs, make a dialog based on the following situations 1. Your friend is very busy. He forgets to return some books to the school library. He asks your help. You accept it. Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ 2. You want to draw a picture. Unfortunately, your pencil was lost. You tell to your friend. He gives his pencil for you. You accept it You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ 3. When you are on the way to school. You see your friend waiting for the bus. You offer a ride but he/se refuses it. You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ 4. You want to send a letter to your uncle at USA. But you don’t have stamps. You ask your friend to buy it for you . unfortunately he has to do something else. You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________
A.1. 2. Asking for information, giving or refusing information Activity 5. Listening to dialogs Listen to your teacher reading the following dialogs. Identify the expressions correctly below. Dialog 1 Eric, What are you doing now?
Nothing, I’m free now. What’s up?
Let’s have some meal with me!
All right. I’m hungry too.
Dialog 2. I heard a rumors that you are cheating during this test!
Who said that!. I do it myself.
Dialog 3 Mary : Linda, Our teacher ordered us to read chapter 1. Have you done it? Linda : Yes, I do. Mary : What is it about? Linda : It’s a fable. Mary : Do you like it? Linda : Yes, It’s a funny story. By the way. I must go now. Mary : Do you have to? Linda : Yes, My father is waiting for me. There is my father (Waving her hand) Mary : OK Questions: 1. Look at dialog 1. Which expressions are asking for information? ___________________________________________________________ 2. Look at dialog 1. Which expressions are giving for information? ___________________________________________________________ 3. Look at dialog 2. Which expressions are refusing for information? ___________________________________________________________ 4. Look at Dialog 3. “ Have you done it?, ”Do you like it? “ . What kind of expressions are they? ___________________________________________________________ 5. Look at Dialog 3. “Yes, I do”, “ I must go now”. What kind of expressions are they ? ___________________________________________________________
Activity 6. Learn the following and read the expressions aloud. Asking for information What are you doing? Are you free now? Do you have time now? (for personal information) Do you like ……..? Have you done your homework? What do you do on Saturday night? Do you love ….? Do you cheat during the test?
Giving information/confirmation I am free now I am busy now I am doing my homework Nothing. I do nothing I just stay at home Well, I go out with my …. I’m just …… Yes, I am Yes, I do Yes, I have Absolutely Refusing information No, I’m not No, I don’t No, I haven’t I deny that. Absolutely no Activity 7 Lets practice using the expression. In pairs, make a dialog based on the following situations 1. Your friend phones you to go to a new restaurants. You have nothing to do and accept his invitation. accept it. Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ 2. You ask your friend about his or her hobbies. He or she tells everything she or he likes. You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ 3. You got some information that your closest friend hit one of the junior students at your school. You confirm it to him/her and he/she refuses the information refuses it. You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________
You Your partner You Your partner
: _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________
A.1. 3. Asking for an opinion, giving or disagreeing for/with an opinion about someone or something. Activity 8. Listen to your teacher reading the following dialogs. Identify the expressions correctly below. Dialog 1.
Look, Jane!. That Rock is so great, isn’t it? Yeah. It looks wonderful !
Dialog 2. Merry : Look those guys are very talented in music. Andi : Are you sure? Merry : I think so Andi : I don’t think so. It’s boring Merry : Really? Andi : They just play the same song monotonously. Merry : Yes, You are right. Questions: 1. Which expression are giving for opinion ? ___________________________________________________________ 2. Which expression are asking for opinion? ___________________________________________________________ 3. Which expression are disagreeing with an opinion? ___________________________________________________________ Learn the expression Asking for opinion What do you think of …..? What is your opinion about …? The house is so excellent, isn’t it? Giving opinion I think ……. You’re right… Yeah. I like it … absolutely Refusing opinion No. I don’t think so.. I am not with you. I am not in line with you I have different opinion about.. Absolutely no…
Activity 9. Lets practice using the expression. In pairs, make a dialog based on the following situations 1. You and your friend is having a trip to Safari park. Your friend think that the animal should be let free. You disagree with his/her opinion. Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ 2. A new hall is being built at your school. You think it is a great structure. You ask your friend’s opinion about it. You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ 3. You and your friend’s are in Ari Lasso concert. You ask him/her opinion about the show. He/she doesn’t like it too much. You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ A.2. Reading Comprehension Activity 10 Listen to your teacher or friend reading the following story and answer the questions orally. The Boy Who Cried Wolf There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!" The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces. "Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill. Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away. When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!" But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more. Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!" But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come. At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping.
"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?" An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village. "We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!" (Taken from; Aesop Fables)
Questions 1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are the characters in the story? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where and when did the story take place? _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the word “their” in the second paragraph refers to? ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What does the word “he” in the second paragraph refers to? ________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Who was the boy? ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What did he do? _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Why did he like to sing out” Wolf! Wolf!. The wolf is chasing the sheep? _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Why didn’t the villager believe him anymore? _______________________________________________________________________________ 9. What did the boy do when the real wolf came? _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. What is the lesson taken from the story? _______________________________________________________________________________ Activity 11. Building Vocabulary. Match the following words with its definition Answer ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Words Shepherd Chase Grumble Delight Sternly Grin Prowl Weep Scatter liar
No. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.
Definition make rumbling noises smile broadly express something while crying tears in a number of different places far away from each other roam an area stealthily for prey somebody tending sheep strict: rigid, strict, and uncompromising somebody who tells lies gain enjoyment from something pursue somebody or something
A.3. Grammar Focus A.3.1. Simple Past Tense From the story above we have the following sentences: There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. The sentences use simple past pattern. Here is the explanation: 1. Function To talk about an action that happened in the past. You also use it to tell a story 2. Time reference Yesterday Last….. ……ago this morning in…….(past years)
I went to Jakarta yesterday My sister met your parents last week I read the letter two days ago My father and I walked around the park this morning I graduated from my primary school in 2004
just now a few minutes ago 3. Pattern 1. The affirmative form Subject + V2 (past form) + Object/adverb Subject + was/were + Adj/adverb/noun Examples: Subject I You He She We They I You He She We They They We You I She He It
V2 (past form) cooked walked crossed regular form tasted climbed wanted went rode told fried irregular form took drove were were were was was was was
Object/adverb/adj fish around the park the street the meal the hill a new cars to Solo a motor cycle a mysterious story chicken a taxi a bus students scouts teenager a students a singer a teacher so cold
2. The negative form Subject + Did not + V1 + Object/adverb Subject + was/were not + Adj/adverb/noun
Examples: Subject I You He She We They I She He oni It They We You
Aux+not didn’t
V2 (past form) cook walk cross fry climb want
Object/adverb/adj Fish around the park the street the meal the hill a new cars a cop a nurse smart cold Students scouts a policeman
3. The interrogative form Did + Subject + V1 + Object/adverb Was/were + Subject + Adj/adverb/noun
Examples: Aux+not Did
Subject I You He She We They I She He Joni It They We You
V2 (past form) cook walk cross fry climb want
Object/adverb/adj Fish around the park the street the meal the hill a new cars a cop a nurse smart cool cold Students scouts a policeman
Activity 12 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. Read your work aloud when you have finished. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse There once [1]. ……….(be) a mouse who liked his country house until his cousin [2]. …………(come) for a visit. "In the city where I live," his cousin [3] …………..(say), "we dine on cheese and fish and bread. Each night my dinner is brought to me. I eat whatever I choose. While you, country cousin, work your paws to the bone for humble crumbs in this humble home. I'm used to finery. To each his own, I see!" Upon hearing this, the country mouse [4]. ……………(look) again at his plain brown house. Suddenly he [5]. …………(be, not) satisfied anymore. "Why should I hunt and scrape for food to store?" he said. "Cousin, I'm coming to the city with you!" Off they [6] ………………….(go) into the fine town house of the plump and prosperous city mouse. "Shhh! The people are in the parlour," the city mouse said. "Let's sneak into the kitchen for some cheese and bread." The city mouse [7] …………(give) his wide-eyed country cousin a grand tour of the leftover food on the table. "It's the easy life," the city mouse said, and he smiled as he [8] ………….(bite) into a piece of bread. Just as they [9] …………(be) both about to bite into a chunk of cheddar cheese, In came the CAT! "Run! Run!" said the city mouse. "The cat's in the house!" Just as the country mouse [10] ……………….(scamper) for his life out of the window, he said, "Cousin, I'm going back to the country! You never told me that a CAT lives here! Thank you, but I'll take my humble crumbs in comfort over all of your finery with fear!" Activity 13 In pairs, make five sentences in past form using the words below. 1. to chase : ______________________________________________________________ 2. to bark : ______________________________________________________________ 3. to bite : ______________________________________________________________
4. to say 5. to keep
: ______________________________________________________________ : ______________________________________________________________
B. Modeling text B.1. Narrative text Activity 14 Answer these questions orally. 1. Do you like to listen stories? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What kinds of stories do you like best? ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Who usually tells the stories for you? ___________________________________________________________________ Activity 15 Read the text aloud using a proper pronunciation. Study the structure of the text. Answer the questions below.
Orientation It tells about: - the main characters of the story - the time when the story happened - the story’s setting Complication The series of events lead to the crisis.
The Tortoise and The Hare There once was a speedy hare who bragged about how fast he could run. Tired of hearing him boast, Slow and Steady, the tortoise, challenged him to a race. All the animals in the forest gathered to watch. Hare ran down the road for a while and then and paused to rest. He looked back at Slow and Steady and cried out, "How do you expect to win this race when you are walking along at your slow, slow pace?" Hare stretched himself out alongside the road and fell asleep, thinking, "There is plenty of time to relax." Slow and Steady walked and walked. He never, ever stopped until he came to the finish line. The animals who were watching cheered so loudly for Tortoise, they woke up Hare. Hare stretched and yawned and began to run again, but it was too late. Tortoise was over the line.
Resolution The problem is solved.
After that, Hare always reminded himself, "Don't brag about your lightning pace, for Slow and Steady won the race!"
Questions A: 1. What kind of text is it? ________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the purpose of the text? ________________________________________________________________ 3. Identify the schematic structure of the text? ________________________________________________________________ Questions. B: 1. Who is the main character in the story? _________________________________________________________________ 2. How is his characters? _________________________________________________________________ 3. Who challenged him to race? _________________________________________________________________ 4. How was the race? _________________________________________________________________ 5. Who won the race? _________________________________________________________________
6. Why did the hare lose? _________________________________________________________________ 7. What is the moral of the story? _________________________________________________________________ Activity 16. For homework. Find a story written in English. Identify the structure of the story. Share your work with the class.
B.2. Short Functional Text Activity 17. Study the following personal invitation letter. Read aloud the letter. 1.
Griya Papahan Permain Jl. Muri No. 75 Karanganyar, Solo September 25, 2006 To : Fathur
Whow Komplek Pamulang Permai
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 02 Jakarta Selatan Dear friend Holiday will come soon, won’t it?. I invite you to come to my town. Let’s go to Tawangmangu and camp there. I think the weather would be fine to set up a tent. I’ll get you to see Sukuh and Cheto temples too. You’ll enjoy the tea garden surrounding the temples, surely. We’ll have lots of fun. Don’t miss it. Yours truly
Your address The date when you The letter The address of the Addressee Salutation The body of the letter The closing
Part A. Answer the questions orally. 1. Who sends the letter? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. To whom does he send the letter? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where does the addressee live? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the letter about? ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where is Fathur invited to? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. What can he do there? ___________________________________________________________________________ Part B. Answer the questions orally. 1. What part can we find the sender’s residence? ___________________________________________________________________________
2. What part can we find the addressee’s residence? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. What have you write after writing the addressee’s address? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does the content of the body of the letter? ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Mention the other expression of the closing. ____________________________________________________________________________ Activity 18. Study the following formal invitation letter. Read aloud the letter.
Students’ Organization SMP Negeri 1 Karanganyar
Jl. Jend. Basuki Rahmat No. 23 Telp (0271) 495171 554987 To Class
: Fathur : II/F We invite you to attend our students’ organization meeting. It will be held : Date Time Place Agenda
: Saturday, September 30, 2006 : 12:30 PM : Students’ organization room : Final meeting for the preparation of Music Fest 2006
Please come on time. See you there
Bonky Kurniawan Chairperson
Pratiwi Sudarwati Secretary
Answer the questions orally. 1. Where can you see the invitation? _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who writes the invitation? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Can you guess, who is Fathur? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why is Fathur invited to the meeting? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. When the meeting will be held? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. Why is it called as formal invitation? __________________________________________________________________________
C. Joint Construction of Text Activity 19 Works in pairs. Rearrange the jumbled paragraph into a proper story. Read aloud when you have finished your work. Put the number 1,2,3, etc. before each text.
When they saw me coming, they sang “Happy Birthday” for me. But their voice was horrible. The girl was very frightened. She thought she was taken by a frightening monster to room full of other frightening monsters. A Dreadful Birthday Song
When the girl opened her eyes, she felt relieved to see that it was her parents who sang the song. One night a girl was in bed thinking about her birthday the following day.
Activity 20 Work in pairs. Suppose you and your friend are the students’ organization committees of your school. You are the secretary and your friend is the chairperson. You want to invite the others committees for a meeting. Write an invitation letter to them based on the following data: Addressee
: Liana,class II/d You plan the meeting to be held on Wednesday , October 4, 2006. at 14:00 PM in the school hall, The main concern of the meeting is to prepare “The Class Meeting 2006”.
D. Independent Construction of Text Activity 21. Tell a fable that you know well to the class. Mind your pronunciation and body language. Example: Good morning my teacher and friends, This time I’ll tell you a fable. Do you know what fable is ?
…..OK…good. Fable is animal story. OK, let me start my story. Long time ago …………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name : ________________________ Student Number: ________________________ No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Aspects of scoring
Low (45-59)
Scoring Average (60-75)
Good (76-100)
Pronunciation Intonation Stress Gestures Total Total Score
PART 2 WRITTEN ACTIVITIES A. Building knowledge A.1. Explore your knowledge Task 1. Look at the picture. Answer the questions
1. Do you know? Who is she? ______________________________________________ 2. Who accompanied her? ______________________________________________ 3. What kind of story which tells about her? ______________________________________________ Task 2. Listen to your teacher reading this story, then fill in the blank with the words you heard. Long ago, in the ……..…..(1), there lived a very beautiful princess, snow white. The Queen was her ……….…..(2). She was very jealous of her beauty. So she wanted her to die. Snow White knew about her ………….(3) plan. Her trusted guard escaped her into a forest. There she made a friend with seven ……..….(4). The Queen turned into a ………...(5). Snow White did not realize it. The witch gave her …….…(6) apple. As a result, Snow White was put into sleep for years. ……….….(7), in the end, Prince Charming ……....(8) her with a kiss. They lived together happily ever after. (Free adaptation from Grimm’s’ fairy tale)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Task 3. Your teacher will read the story once more, then answer these questions. Who is the main character of the story? __________________________________________________________________________ Where did the story happen? __________________________________________________________________________ When did the story happen? __________________________________________________________________________ What problem faced by the main character? __________________________________________________________________________ Can she solved the problem? How? __________________________________________________________________________ How is the ending of the story, sad or happy ending? __________________________________________________________________________ What kind of story is it? __________________________________________________________________________ Task 4. Here are words taken from the answer of the listening section in activity 1. Use them to complete the sentences. Fortunately Evil
receive witch
neverland poisoned
stepmother dwarfs
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Peter pan is popular children story. It is told the he lives in ……… . When she wants to go somewhere, the …….uses her magic broom to fly to the destination. Cinderella was sad knowing that she didn’t ……….. an invitation to the ball in the palace. Cinderella’s ……….is a cruel and bad tempered. She always ordered Cinderella to do a lot of works. The ……….helped snow white and took care of her in their home in the wood. The lion was caught in a cage by some hunters. …………., the mice helped him by cutting off the rope tied the cage. 7. To carry out his ……..mind, the witch uses her black magic to kill the Prince. 8. The King died because he drank a …………..juice from his enemy. Task 5. How many words can you make from these letters? Read your work aloud when you finished.
N Example
: 1. R A T 2. VEST 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________ 10. ____________________
A.2. Grammar Focus A.2.1. Past Verbs Review From the listening text above we have these sentences She escaped into a forest. There she made a friend with seven dwarfs. Remember that narrative text uses past verbs to tell the events.
Task 6. Change the bold italic verbs into past forms 1. A RICH MAN gives a great feast, to which he invites many friends and acquaintances. _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. His Dog avails himself of the occasion to invite a stranger Dog,
_________________________________________________________________________ 3. A Cook see him moving about among his dishes and, seizing him by his fore and hind paws,
_________________________________________________________________________ 4. He falls with force upon the ground and limped away, howling dreadfully.
__________________________________________________________________________ 5. His yelling soon attracts other street dogs,
__________________________________________________________________________ 6. ………..who comes up to him and inquired how he had enjoyed his supper.
__________________________________________________________________________ 7. He replies, "Why, to tell you the truth,
__________________________________________________________________________ 8. I drink so much wine that I remember nothing. I do not know how I got out of the house."
___________________________________________________________________________ A.2.2. Preferences From the listening text above we have these sentences She was very jealous of her beauty. So she wanted her to die. The word “wanted’ means,” to feel a need or desire for something or choose something despite others” So if you want to say that you like someone or something better than others or other things you can use preferences patterns. 1.
V-ing Noun
V-ing Noun
Examples; Aisyah prefers cooking food to sewing clothes We prefer mango to durian 2.
V-ing Noun
Examples; Aisyah likes cooking food better than We like mango better than
Better than
V-ing Noun
sewing clothes durian
Would rather
Examples; Aisyah would rather We would rather
Vbase Noun
Vbase Noun
cook food than sew clothes mango than durian
Task 7. Fill in the blanks with prefer……to/like…………better than or would rather…..than. 1. Sinta ……………collecting stamp …………….antiques. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Budi ………….playing pencak silat ………….kungfu. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. My father ……… a novel ……….a comic ___________________________________________________________________ 4. I ………….enjoy pop music ………….jazz ____________________________________________________________________ 5. My sister …………….singing ………….dancing ____________________________________________________________________ 6. My brother …………..see Indonesian films …………….Westerns one. _____________________________________________________________________ Task 8. Answer the following questions about yourself. Use ……to/like…………better than or would rather…..than. Give your reasons. Example : to be a scientist or historian? I would rather a scientist than historian because the work of scientist is more challenging. 1. to be a pilot or bus driver? _________________________________________________________________ 2. to have motorcycle or bicycle? __________________________________________________________________ 3. to eat hamburger or fried rice? __________________________________________________________________ 4. to join sport extra or art extra? __________________________________________________________________ 5. to have a dog or cat? __________________________________________________________________ A.2.3. Prepositional Phrase In the listening text above we found this sentence: Her trusted guard escaped her into a forest The underlined phrase is called prepositional phrase. It is used to describe the location or position of an object. Patterns: Subjects Verb Object Prepositional phrase (preposition + noun) Timun Mas put The bowl On the table Cinderella Is pouring Some tea Into the cup Frog Prince took His clothes From the ground Snow White displays Her doll Among other toy Here are some prepositions; No Preposition No Preposition No Preposition 1. On 6. Near 11. Behind 2. In 6. Across 12. between 3. From 8. Beside 13. Against 4. Under 9. Around 14. In front of 5. Into 10. At 15. Task 9 Use the appropriate proposition 1. There are many people ……………….the airport to welcome the popular singer. 2. There is a large pond ……………….the two villages. 3. My father has just installed a lamp …………………his bedroom. 4. All of us are studying for a test …………….Tuesday. 5. Dina take a letter …………..the mail box this morning.
6. Doni keeps his guitar …………………his bed. 7. My uncle built his house ………………the river. 8. The soldiers built wire fences ………….their base to protect them from the enemy. Task 10. Observe your classroom. Then write eight sentences using propositional phrases. Number 1 has been done for you 1. There is a table beside the blackboard. 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________________
B. Modeling of Texts B.1. Narratives texts (Fairy tales) Task 11. You will read a text. Try to understand this words before you read the text. Use your dictionary to consult its meaning. Words Meaning 1. dead : _______________________ 2. castle : _______________________ 3. to decide : _______________________ 4. to run away : _______________________ 5. woods : _______________________ 6. cottage : _______________________ 7. meanwhile : _______________________ 8. dwarfs : _______________________ 9. wish : _______________________ Task 12 Read the story. Study the structure of the text. Title Orientation
Snow White Once upon time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were dead
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry
Then She saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep
Meanwhile the seven dwarfs were coming home from works. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said,” What is your name ?”. Snow White said, ”My
name is Snow White”. Resolution
Doc said ,” If you wish, you may live here with us”. Snow White said, ” Oh, could I? Thank you”. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after. (Taken from : Lampiran Kurikulum 2004)
Task 13. Answer the following questions. 1. Who is the main character in that story? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did she live with her uncle and aunt? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did she run away from the castle? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where did she go? _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where did she take a sleep? _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Who owned the cottage? _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Did she welcome by the owner of the cottage? Show the supporting sentences. ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. What is the end of the story? ______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Are there some complications in that story? Show the supporting sentences. _______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Is the crisis resolved in the resolution? Show the supporting sentences. _______________________________________________________________________________ Task 14. Fill in the blank with suitable words from the box. The Farmer and the Stork A FARMER …………….(1) nets on his newly-sown plowlands and caught a number of Cranes, which came to pick up his …………(2). With them he trapped a Stork that had fractured his leg in the net and was ………..(3) beseeching the Farmer to spare his life. "Pray save me, Master," he said, "and let me go free this once. My broken ……………(4) should excite your pity. Besides, I am no Crane, I am a Stork, a bird of excellent character; and see how I love and slave for my father and mother. Look too, at my ……………(5) -- they are not the least like those of a Crane." The Farmer laughed aloud and said, "It may be all as you say, I only know this: I have taken you with these ……….(6), the Cranes, and you must die in their company." Birds of a feather ……….(7) together. Feathers To : Ponky Placed
To robbers
Hi, friend. I found new location
If you are free. Let’s try next
: Pinkan cock There is something important I
for hiking and biking, Cikoneng hill. It is just an hour from hour hometown. B.2. Short Functional Text.(Short messages) Task 14. I have tried it and the track is so Read the sort messages below. challenging . 1.
want you to know. It’s about Henry, your boy friend. Let’s talk about it secretly. Meet 2.
me at the usual place. 11:00 PM. I wait you there.
week. Please let me know your answer.
22 Johny
The reply:
The reply:
To : Johny
To : Reni
Thanks for your information. Sorry I can’t go there now. I got a little accident yesterday. My left leg is fractured. I hope I can try the track next time.
About Henry!. Of course I’ll come. Wait for me there. Thanks
Questions. 1. What media are used to send short messages. _______________________________________________________ 2. Where does the messages usually put? _______________________________________________________
C. Joint Construction of Text. Task 15. Work in pairs. Write short messages to your friend based on the following situation. Ask him/her to write the reply. 1.
Suppose you are the new elected students’ organization. You want to make up your organization by choosing some new committees. You phoned your friend, but he/she was out. ________________________________ You left a messages for him/her. You ask he/she if he/she would join the organization
________________________________ ________________________________ Your messages:
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 23
The reply:
_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Task 16. Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs into a proper story. Then identify the structure of the paragraph (
Some days later his ship left the harbor. The sea was calm but when he reached the open sea there was a great storm. The ship was drowned. Malin Kundang and his money changed into a stone.
One day Malin Kundang told his mother that he would go to town and work there. At first his mother did not allow him but finally she let him go with tears.
Some years later he sailed to a harbor near his village. When his mother heard about this news she came to meet him. Malin Kundang pretended not to know her. He said, “You are not my mother. Go away !” His mother became very sad and before she went she said, “Oh, Malin Kundang, you are wicked son. You’ll never be safe now. You and your money will turn to stone.”
Now people call it Batu Simalin Kundang. We can see the stone from Air Manis, a village on the coast of West Sumatra near Padang.
An old woman and her son lived in a little village. Her son was called Malin Kundang. They were very poor but they loved each other very much
Malin Kundang worked hard in a big town and in a short time he became a rich man. However he completely forgot his poor old mother.
D. Independent Construction of Text. Task 17. Write a story Follow the steps When you have finished your work. Show them to your teacher. Step Step Sep Step Step Step Title
1 2 3 4 5 6
Make the outline Write the draft Revised your work based on your friend’s suggestion Write the story Revised your work based on your teacher’s suggestion Write your final story : __________________________________________
Name : ____________________ Number : ____________________
Re-orientation (Optional)
UJI KOMPETENSI 1 A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B, C, or D. Text 1. The Ants and the Grasshoppers. One autumn day, some ants were busy in a field. A grasshopper came along. “What are you doing?” said the grasshopper. “We are gathering food and preparing our home for the winter,” the ants said. “But why are you working so hard?” said the grasshopper.” In such beautiful weather it is better to sing and dance.” The winter came and the weather grew very cold. Snow covered the ground. The grasshopper was cold and hungry. He met some of the ants. “Please give me some food”,” he said. “ I am cold and hungry”. “What did you do last summer?” the ants said. ”I sang and danced” was the grasshopper’s answer.” Then you can sing and dance now”. Said the ants. (Taken from : My Favourite Fables) 1. What is the kind of the text above? A. It is a descriptive text B. lt is narrative text C. lt is a report text D. lt is a recount text 2. What is fable? A. lt is a story about Cinderela B. lt is a story about Hero C. lt is a story about all D. lt is a story about the animal 03. Who are the actors? A. The ants B. The ants and Grasshopper C. The grasshopper D. The ants, the grasshopper and me
Text 2. Snow White Once upon time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were dead One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry Then She saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep Meanwhile the seven dwarfs were coming home from works. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said,” What is your name ?”. Snow White said, ”My name is Snow White”. Doc said ,” If you wish, you may live here with us”. Snow White said, ” Oh, could I? Thank you”. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after. 04. What problem faced by Snow White? A. She wanted to go to America by herself B. Her aunt and uncle wanted to take her to America C. She had to be at home while her aunt and uncle were in America D. Dwarfs wanted to take her to America 05. Who involved in the story? A. Snow White, her aunt, her uncle and dwarfs B. Snow White and her uncle C. Snow White, her aunt and her uncle D. Snow White and dwarfs 06. What tense used in the story? A. Present tense B. Past Continuous tense C. Past tense D. Past Perfect tense 07. The synonym of “woods” in prg 3 is… A. park B. forest C. garden D. hill 08. What is the purpose of the story? A. to amuse the writer B. to give information to the readers C. to find the final decision D. to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience Text 3. Two Thin Goats Once there were two goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right. The goats thought they could do everything on their own. However the rope was short. They tried and tried but they could not reach the bushes. They were sad. Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they ate the leaves on the right. Then, they ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. The goats were happy. (Taken from: UNAS SMP 2005/2006) 09. Kenny : How many goats are there in the story? Benny : I think … A. two B. three C. four D. five 10. Kenny : What did the goat want to eat ? Benny : They want to eat … A. trees B. green leaves C. bushes D. a brown rope
11. Kenny : Why did the goats want to eat? Benny : Because…. A. They were near the leaves B. They were tied together C. They were hungry D. They were near the bushes 12. Kenny : Why were the goat sad? Benny : Because… A. The rope was short. B. They could not reach the bushes C. They thought they could do everything. D. They were hungry. 13. Kenny : How did the goats finally reach the bushes? Benny :… A. By doing everything on their own. B. By trying to reach the bushes on their own. C. By cutting the rope. D. By Working together. 14. Angga : Where are you going? Zega : To the post office. Why? Angga : ... Zega : Sure! I will do it for you. A. Can you take me to the post office? B. Would you post this letter, please? C. Will you go to the post office? D. Would you like to answer the letter? 15. Diana : Can you lend me some money? Dona : …. . I have to pay my school tuition at this time. A. All right B. With pleasure C. I would like to, but.. D. Don’t worry 16. Bianca : I must leave now, Bye Elijah : Bye. What does Bianca mean by her expression…. A. Asking for information B. Giving information C. Refusing information D. Asking for opinion E. Giving opinion 17. Belinda : Look! There is Mr. Agus, the new English teacher. He is smart, isn’t he? Betty : …………Mrs. Andjani is better. A. I think so B. Yes, you are right. C. I don’t think so D. Yeah, I like him very much. 18. Zaidan : You looks so hungry. Here some breads for you. Zainal : …………………. I have mine. I’ll eat later. A. I deny that B. I can’t take it, thank you. C. You make me embarrassed D. Thanks for your kindness. 19. Baidan : When did you come home? I Zulaikha : I ………………this morning. A. Arrives B. Arrive
C. To arrive D. Arrived 20. Badrun Sheila A. say B. says C. said D. sayed
: What did Snow White say to the dwarfs? : She ……..that she was a princess.
21. Kania : ……….Linda here this morning? Benny : I ……..see her this morning. A. were- wasn’t B. was-weren’t C. did-didn’t D. was-didn’t 22. Benigno : Which one do you choose, Apple or Pear? Beni : Oh, I prefer ……………….. A. apple than pear B. apple better than pear C. apple to pear D. apple rather than pear 23. Asri : What kind of activity do you like most, run or jog? Diane : Oh, I like …………………… A. run better than jog B. running better than jogging C. run to jog D. run than jog 24. Khalida Doni A. on B. at C. in D. from
: Where do you put your pencil ? : I put it …………the pencil box
25. Adina : Where is my bag? Do you know where my bag is ? Asrul : Look!. You put the bag ……………..your chair . A. inside B. over C. behind D. across .
Let me tell you about my trip to… Mata Pelajaran Satuan Pendidikan
: Bahasa Inggris : SMP 29
: VIII/2
Standar Kompetensi A. Mendengarkan Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. B. Berbicara Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. C. Membaca Memahami makna dalam esai pendek sederhana berbentuk berbentuk recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. D. Menulis Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Materi Pembelajaran: A. Speech functions : Carrying out transactional or interpersonal conversation involving expressions of : Telling some events or stories Responding to the events or stories told Starting, extending or making the conversation longer, closing a conversation Asking and giving agreement Making phone (opening, conversing, closing it) B. Monolog : Listen Tell, read and write various recount texts C. Short Functional text : Read and write small functional text (announcement and post cards) D. Language features : Past Continuous tense, Two words verbs, when and while in past continuous, indefinite pronoun,
PART 1 SPOKEN ACTIVITIES A. Building knowledge A.1. Speech function Activity 1. Exploring your experience Look at the picture. What is the family doing?
They are ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Activity 2. Answer the questions orally. 1. Have you ever gone on trip somewhere? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What famous objects did you visit? ______________________________________________________________________________
3. What object do you like most? ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. How did you go there? ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. What did you see there? ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Did you enjoy it? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. Did you tell your trip to your friends? ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. How was his/her response? ______________________________________________________________________________ A.1.1. Telling events/stories and responding to the events/stories. Activity 3 Listen to your teacher reading the following dialogs. Identify the expressions correctly below. Dialog 1 Ina : I tell you what… Adiarso : Yeah.. Ina : I will tell you my experience on my trip to Bandung? Adiarso : Is it? It sound interesting. Go on. Dialog 2 Leni : I went to Bali last week Adiarso : Did you? Tell me about it. Leni : OK, I will share my experience Questions 1. Which expressions show the will to retell events ? ______________________________________________________ 2. Which expressions show the responses to the events/stories? _______________________________________________________ Activity 4 Learns these expressions How do you retell some events? I will tell you … I tell you what …. Listen… I will share my experience Responses to the events/stories. Right.. Yeah.. I see.. Hmmm…then Did you? Is it? Really?
Special Note: o If you retell a story or some events, use the past tense o When someone tells you a story or some events, give your responses. Show your attention by saying right…I see…, Uhmm, uhuh…
Activity 5. Lets practice using the expression. In pairs, make a dialog based on the following situations 1. Your partner want to tell his vacation at Malang East Java. You give a good responses to his/her story. accept it. Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________
2. You retell your experience having camping at Tawangmangu Central Java. Your friend is so enthusiastic to listen You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ 3. You tell your friend about your trip to the TMII Jakarta. He is interested in your story. You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ A.1.2. Starting, extending or making the conversation longer, closing a conversation Activity 6. Listen to your teacher reading the following dialogs. Identify the expressions correctly below. Act it out. Dialog 1. Ali : Pretty nice place, huh? Ani : Yeah… Ali : It’s so quite around here Ani : It is indeed. Ali : This place has phenomenal history Ani : Is it? Tell me the story. (Ali tells the story of the place) Ani : That’s a good information for me. Well, I think I have to go now. See you Ali : See you Dialog 2. Anita : Nice day, isn’t it? Alia : Well, Yeah… Anita : Have you been here long? Alia : I have been five years working here. Anita : So, you know this files well. Alia : I think so. Anita : Walla… I must get off. It’s been pleasure talking to you. Bye. Alia : Bye. Questions 1. Which expressions show how to start a conversation? ______________________________________________________ 2. Which expressions show how to make a conversation longer? _______________________________________________________ 3. Which expressions show how to end a conversation ? _______________________________________________________ Special Note: Activity 7. o Don’t be afraid to have Learn the expressions a small talk when you meet How to start a conversation? new person in a certain What a nice day, isn’t place. Start, extend and end It’s pretty cool outside the conversation politely. Nice day, isn’t ? o During a small talk with an unknown person. It is not appropriate to talk about politics, religion, or private matters.
Pretty nice place, huh? Nice day to be outside, isn’t it? Have you been here long? How long have you been waiting ? Did you catch the news today? How to extend the conversation? Tell me more And then? Tell me about it By the way… What about.. How to end a conversation? It’s been pleasure talking to you I think I have to go now Well, have a nice day Let’s continue this another time. Take care Activity 8. Lets practice using the expression. In pairs, make a dialog based on the following situations. Act out when you have finished your work. 1. You are on a bus to Semarang. A person next to you start to have a small talk with you. Your partner You Your partner You Your partner You Your partner You
: _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________
2. You are sitting at a park enjoying the day. You want to make a conversation with a person sitting next to you. The topic is very interesting so you try to extend your conversation with him/her. You Your partner You Your partner You Your partner You Your partner
: _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________
3. You are on a bus and having a conversation with a person sitting next to you. The topic is very interesting but you have to get off the bus soon . You Your partner You Your partner You Your partner You Your partner
: _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________
A.1.3. Making phone (opening, conversing, closing it) Activity 9. Listen to your teacher or friend reading the following dialogs. Identify the expressions correctly below. Act it out. A. Informal situation Dialog 1.
Diane Linda Diane Linda Diane Linda Diane Linda
: Hello, May I speak to Linda, please? : Linda speaking. What’s the matter, Diane? : I got an information that your application for a scholarship from Damandiri foundation is approved. : Really? So what should I do then. : I don’t know. I’ll try to get more information for you. I’ll call you back. : Thanks for calling me, Diane. : Bye : Bye
Dialog 2 Budi : Hi …this is Budi. Is Linda there? Lina : Oh, wait for a moment. Linda, there is a phone for you! Linda Budi Linda Budi Linda Budi Linda
: Hello, Linda speaking. : Hi, Linda. This is Budi. : What’s up Budi? : Are you free this evening? I mean I want to ask you Go outside. Watching movie to the theatre . There is A good film there” Sweet November”. : Wow…but I have homework to do! Sorry! : OK, Call me back if you change your mind. Bye : Bye.
B. Formal situation Dialog 3 Mr. Dhani is reserving a taxi from his hotel. He wants to go to airport. Opening a phone call The operator : Good afternoon. Blue Whale Taxi. How can I help you? Mr. Dhani : Good afternoon. This is Mr. Dhani Sugriwa Making reservation Mr. Dhani : I’d like to book a taxi, please. The operator : Where do you want to go, Sir? Mr. Dhani : To the airport, please. The operator : Your address, Sir. Mr. Dhani : Park Avenue Apartment. Jl. Rasuna Said No. 10 The operator : When will you leave, Sir? Mr. Dhani : Tonight The operator : What time will you leave, Sir? Mr. Dhani : 6:30 PM will be all right. The operator : Very well, Sir. Your car will be ready at that time. Closing a phone call Mr. Dhani : Thanks. Goodbye The operator : You’re welcome, Sir. Goodbye. Questions 1. Which expressions show how to open a phone call? ______________________________________________________ 2. Which expressions show how to close a phone call? _______________________________________________________
Activity 10 Learn these expressions How to open a phone call Hi….this is …. Hi, is ……there? Hello?
Hello, can I speak to …., please? Hello, may I speak to …., please?
How to close a phone call? Thanks for calling All right. We’ll talk some other times. I have to go now Can I call you back. I‘ll call you back Nice talking to you Activity 11. Lets practice using the expression. In pairs, make a dialog based on the following situations. Act out when you have finished your work. 1. Your partner call you that he/she wants to visit you tonight. Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ 2. You call your friend, telling him/her that he or she won a prize from bank You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your partner : _______________________________________________________________ 3. You call your parents, asking for money You : _______________________________________________________________ Your parent : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your parent : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your parent : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Your parent : _______________________________________________________________ 4. You call a travel agent , reserving air plane tickets. You : _______________________________________________________________ Travel agent : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Travel agent : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Travel agent : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Travel agent : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Travel agent : _______________________________________________________________ You : _______________________________________________________________ Travel agent : _______________________________________________________________ B. Reading Comprehension Activity 12 Listen to your teacher or friend reading the following story and answer the questions orally. My End of the Week On Sunday morning I and my family went on a boat cruise.
We went underneath the port bridge and then we went past some cargo ships. When we got to Lincoln park we had a picnic. After we had finished, we played on the rock climbing tower. Then Mr. John Smith came over and said Mr. Brown was giving out some apples. Then after we finished that we went home. Although it was tiring, we were happy. (adapted from CBC student works) Answer the questions! 1. Who is the specific participant in the story? _________________________________________________________________ 2. When did it happen? _________________________________________________________________ 3. Where did it happen? _________________________________________________________________ 4. What tense is mostly used in the text? _________________________________________________________________ 5. What kind of conjunction you find in the text? _________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the story about? _________________________________________________________________ Activity 13 Read the text several times and try to understand the story then retell in front of the class. A.3. Grammar Focus A.3.1. Past Continuous Tense From the reading text above we have these sentence: Then Mr. John Smith came over and said Mr. Brown was giving out some apples. The underlined sentence is called Past Continuous tense. 1. Sentence Pattern 1. S+ was/were + V ing + O when S+ V2 2. S + was/were + Ving + O
while S + was/were + Ving
2. Examples: I.
Gerry was sleeping in the bedroom when his father came home from the office Gerry and I were studying in the family room when You arrived When mother Cooked, Dina was having breakfast When You went out we were watching foot ball on TV Mia was typing the report while Sari was writing the resume Sari and I were climbing the rope while the other groups were running trough the foot step While you were sleeping we were playing football While the farmers were working in the field their children were playing kites
3. Functions To express activity/activities that is done in the same time with other activity/happening in the past time 4. More example 4.1. Affirmative pattern Subject I Ina The cow
Was/were Was Was was
V-ing Sleeping Cooking grazing
When it began to rain When her mother came from the market When the sun rose
We They The students
Were Were were
playing Watering studying
Volleyball when the rain fell The plant at 07:00 p.m. last night When the teacher came
4.2. Negative pattern Subject I Ina The cow
Was/were Was not Was not Was not
V-ing Sleeping Cooking grazing
When it began to rain When her mother came from the market When the sun rose
We They The students
Were not Were not Were not
playing Watering studying
Volleyball when the rain fell The plant at 07:00 p.m. last night When the teacher came
4.3. Interrogative pattern Was/were Was was
Subject Ina The cow
V-ing Cooking grazing
When her mother came from the market ? When the sun rose ?
Were Were were
We They The students
playing Watering studying
Volleyball when the rain fell ? The plant at 07:00 p.m. last night ? When the teacher came ?
Activity 14 Combining the two sentences using when 1. Brendan went home from school. It began to rain …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. The phone rang. Renata played in the garden …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. Zainal watched television. I began to sleep ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Dana studied. Lola Came …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Sarah got the key. Her mother looked for it …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. Marni called Bob. Bob played the guitar …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. The taxi moved on . Sari got off …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Mother slept . The baby cried …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Activity 15 Make sentences based on the pictures. Used the words provided. 1.
Leni/David/listen/write Leni was listening to the teacher when David wrote the lesson Or When David wrote the lesson, Leni was listening to the lesson
1. Dina/Doni/Speak/type __________________________________________________ or
___________________________________________________ 2.
Lia/Anita, Nita, Mia/explain/pay attention __________________________________________________ or ___________________________________________________
Mr. Harman/Harun/talk/take a note __________________________________________________ or ___________________________________________________
Mother/baby/sing/cry __________________________________________________ or ___________________________________________________
The nurse/the patient/check/lay on bed __________________________________________________ or ___________________________________________________
Activity 16 Write 5 sentences about your activities last week that had the same time with the activities of you family members! 1.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
A.3.2. Two words verbs From the text above we have these verbs went on came over giving out Activity 17.
Fill in the blank with the following two-words verbs. Look up the meaning of difficult words in your dictionary. Adjust the tense used Look up Write down
wake up cut up
kick off chop down
knock out pick out try on
burn up
1. The carpenter ………….the tree to make chairs and tables. 2.
Mother………….some garbage in the back yard.
3. …………..the wire! If not it will cause short cut. 4. The diligent students……………early in the morning. 5. The center forward ……………the ball to his friends in the football match. 6. If you want to know the meaning of a word you can ………………in a dictionary. 7. The boxer …………….his opponent on the match last night. 8. The women …………..tea leaves on the hill
B. Modeling of Text B.1. Recount texts Activity 17 Answer the questions based on the picture, orally.
1. What does the man do? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Where does he do it? __________________________________________________________________ 3. Have you ever gone to beach? __________________________________________________________________ 4. Where was it? __________________________________________________________________ 5. Have you told your experience to your friend __________________________________________________________________ Activity 18. Repeat after your teacher after he/she reads the text for you. MY DAY AT THE BEACH Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometers from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.
After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought ourselves some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach. Before we made the long trip back we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us both that all the way back we would be riding into the strong wind. When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day! Answer the following questions based on the above text. 1. When did the writer go to the beach? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What is the name of the beach? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. How far is the beach from the writer’s house? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Were there many people playing on the beach? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Why? Tell us? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Guess! What lesson got by the writer from the journey? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there. The underlined word refers to… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! The synonym of the bold typed word is … ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. What is the purpose of the text? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 What tenses are used in the text? …………………………………………………………………………………………….
Special Note: The story above is called a recount text. It tells the reader a past event. It usually focuses on a person’s past experience, so it usually uses the word I or we. A recount text has three elements: orientation or setting, events and reorientation or concluding statements. Of the story. The orientation tells the reader who was involved in the story, what happened, where the story took place, and when it happened. The events tell the sequence of events. These are described in order. The re-orientation summarises the event.
Activity 19 Read the text once more, then find out: 1. Orientation - The setting - How many characters there are 2. Events - how many events are mentioned 3. Re- orientation - Optional – closure of the events Orientation
Activity 20. Find the words below in the story above. What do they mean? 1. was bored : _______________________________________________ 2. hardly
: _______________________________________________
3. a quick dip
: _______________________________________________
4. windy
: _______________________________________________
5. damp part
: _______________________________________________
6. to paddle
: _______________________________________________
7. dawned on
: _______________________________________________
8. totally exhausted
: _______________________________________________
Activity 21. Make simple sentences using the words/phrases above. Mind your tenses 1. __________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________________________________
B.2. Short functional text Activity 22. Listen to your teacher reading the texts Text 1.
Attention customers. The store will be close in fifteen minutes. Take all your purchases to the chasier now. If you are buying five or fewer items and are paying with cash, you can use the express checkout lane. Thank you.
Text 2.
The following is public service announcement. , brought to you by Radio KLZ . Because of the drought, government officials are asking all city residents to conserve water. Residents are asked not to fill their swimming pools or water their gardens until further notice. Stay tunes to Radio KLZ for all the latest updates.
Text. 3
Attention students, Next Monday is August 17. It will be flag raising ceremony at our school. Don’t forget to wear your school uniform, hat and tie, properly. Black shoes is a compulsory. The ceremony will be started at 7:00 a0.m. on time. So, don’t be late. Questions. 1. What kind of texts are they? __________________________________________________________________ 2. Where do you usually hear the text number 1?. __________________________________________________________________ 3. Where do you usually hear the text number 2 ? __________________________________________________________________ 4. Where do you usually hear the text number 3. __________________________________________________________________ 5. Who usually announces the text number 1? ___________________________________________________________________ 6. Who usually announces the text number 2? ___________________________________________________________________ 7. Who usually announces the text number 3? ___________________________________________________________________
C. Joint Construction of Text Activity 23 Rewrite these jumbled paragraph into a good recount!
AA few hours later, a second man passed the allay, I called, “Please help me.” I knew he was going to help me because we went to the same church. But he acted like he didn’t see me. He returned and left.
D A short time later, a man passed by the allay. He was from my neighborhood. I shouted, “Help me.” I knew he was going to help me. He said, I’ll get the police.” Then, he left. I waited but he never came back.
B I thought for a minute, then said, “Yes he was.”
C One morning I was walking down Fourth Street. I was going to visit a friend. As I was walking pass a park, two men jumped and mugged me. They took my coat and my money, then they left me in an allay.
E It was getting late, I knew I needed help. It was almost dark when a third man passed the allay. He dressed differently. He wasn’t from my country. I didn’t think he was going to help me. But he saw me and felt sorry for me. He stopped and called the police. He stayed with me and waited for the ambulance.
F The next day, the doctor said to me, “It’s a good think that man helped you. You almost died. Who was he, a neighbor?
_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Activity 24. Work in pairs, make some announcements based on the following situation. 1. You’re a student’s organization leader. Your organization opens opportunity for the students to become the committees Write the announcement
2. You’re the leader of youth organization at your village. There will be a neighbourhood cleaning next Sunday morning Write the announcement
3. You’re a boy scout leader. Your organization will gave country hiking next month. Write the announcement
D. Independent Construction of Text Activity 25. Choose one of the announcements you have made at activity 24. Perform it in front of the class. Activity 26. Remember an event that you had the previous time. Tell your friends about it in front of the class.
Examples: Good morning my teacher and friend. This time I’d like to tell you my experience when I had a trip to…… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name : ________________________ Student Number: ________________________ No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Aspects of scoring
Low (45-59)
Scoring Average (60-75)
Good (76-100)
Pronunciation Intonation Stress Gestures Total Total Score
PART 2 WRITTEN ACTIVITIES A. Building knowledge A.1. Explore your knowledge Activity 1 Answer the question.
What do you see? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Activity 2. Complete the chart with the suitable words about tourists sites.
Tourist Sites
Activity 3. Read the text. Fill in the blanks with the words provided in the box. Stable
was flapping
was sucking
OUR DAY AT THE FARM Last Saturday, I visited Mrs. Dunbar’s farm. The first thing Mrs. Dunbar did was let us see the cows and the calve. The calve __________(1) our fingers. Then we ___________(2) the turkey. Peter, the woman’s son, was in charge of the turkey and it ____________(3) its wings about. Then we saw the hens. They could give people two ________(4) eggs a week. After that we saw the horses in the _________(5). Their names were Vicky and Tara. Then Carol ___________(6) us all one at a time a ride on a pony, it was a big one but Carol held us on. After that Mrs. Dunbar ________(7)
us a glass of juice and mallows and crispy cakes. Next she showed us the rat’s
_______(8) , and she told us that one of her chickens was killed by a fox. I was so happy and really enjoyed that day. Activity 4. Answer the question with what people usually do at the place. 1. What do you do when you have a trip to beach. 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ 2. What do you do when you have a trip to a forest? 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you do when you have a trip to sea. 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you do when you have a trip to a river 1. ________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________
A.2. Reading comprehension Activity 5 Read the text carefully. Then answer the questions
A DAY TO REMEMBER About six months ago when I was on holiday in Italy we went to visit the leaning tower of Pisa. Looking at it from the outside it was massive. I am positively sure that it is one of the seven wonders of the world. It was crooked and you would really believe it was going to fall, by the angle it sits in. It has 200 steps leading up to the top. I was quite pleased with myself as I was the first person to reach the top but I was almost blown off the side when I was nearly deafened by the sound of the bells. You were supposed to wear earplugs for the noise but we didn’t have any as we didn’t know the bells were going to ring. When the time came for us to go down again we thought we were going across the road to see a big round building which had a long round roof. While we were walking inside someone came in and they were talking very softly but it in fact made a loud echo. Later we thought we would be sneaky and go down to the graveyard even though we had no permission. There were a few creepy graves that we thought we would find some bones in but we weren’t in luck. We looked in every grave that didn’t have a top on but we didn’t find any. Still, that made our day a thrilling one and one to remember. Questions 1. In what country did the writer have the holiday? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where did he visit to when he was there? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of place was it? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did the writer suggest to wear earplug? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why did the writer sneak into a graveyard? ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. How did the writer feel about the journey? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. What does the word “they” in the second paragraph refer to? ___________________________________________________________________________ 8. What word in the text which has the similar meaning with the word “cemetery”? ____________________________________________________________________________
A.3. Grammar Focus A.3.1. When and While From the reading text above, we have this sentence:
While we were walking inside someone came in and they were talking very softly …. When the time came for us to go down again we were going across the road … The pattern is used to indicate two conditions or events that occur at the same time. Study the explanation.
1. When is used to talk about something that occurs in shorter duration than the condition described iin the clause. 2. Sentence (commonly continuous tense)
Sentence (commonly in past tense)
Example : 1. Linda was reading a newspaper when I came home. 2. The students were discussing the lesson when the teacher arrived at the class 2. While is used to talk about something that occurs in an equal or longer duration than the condition stated in the main clause. Sentence tense)
Sentence (commonly in past continuous tense)
Examples: 1. Dania studied while she was listening to the radio. 2. Ali fell asleep while he was watching television 3. Roni found a wallet while he was walking in the garden 3. While is also used to talk about something that occurs in the same time and duration the condition stated in the main clause Sentence (commonly continuous tense)
Sentence (commonly in past continuous tense)
Examples: I I was ironing my clothes while my little sisters were sweeping the floor. 2. Rina and I were cooking while Deni and Candra were playing in the yard Note: Sometimes when can be used in place of while, but while can’t be used in place of when
Activity 16. Complete the sentence with when or while. 1. Rina lost her wallet _______________she was walking to the market. 2. I was having my dinner ____________my father came . 3. ________Someone phoned, Mr. Rudi was reading a magazine. 4. The little girl was walking along the pavement ________she saw an accident. 5. The students were cleaning the room ________their teacher checked the classroom. 6. The girls bought some handicrafts __________they were having a trip to Bunaken. 7. Linda saw the old man ____________he was crossing the crowded road. 8. Reni’s father called her ___________she was studying. 9. I was washing my clothes ________my brother was brushing his shoes. 10. The policemen were pursuing the robber _________the policewomen were blocking the road with the cars Activity 17. Make sentences using when and While. Follow the examples. Example
: Budiman/drive/his motorcycle/ Ari/walk along/ the street.
1. Budiman was driving his motorcycle when Ari walked along the street. 2. Budiman drove his motorcycle while Ari was walking along the street. 3. Budiman was driving his motor cycle while Ari was walking along the street. 1. Mrs. Anitah/explain/English grammar/the students/take not/t her explanation. a. _____________________________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Mr. Jack/drink/coffee/His wife/eat/spaghetti a. _____________________________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Alison/listen/western songs/Henry/play/games a. _____________________________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Nia/wake up/Dona/take a bath. a. _____________________________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Aisyah/do/her homework/Her mother/enter/her room. a. _____________________________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Mr. Brown/repair/his watch/his boss/call/him a. _____________________________________________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________________________
A.3.2. The Indefinite Pronouns From the text above we have the sentence: While we were walking inside someone came in and they were talking very softly but it in fact made a loud echo. The word someone is called Indefinite pronouns. Here is the explanation
A. The Pattern 1. For positive sentences Something, somebody, someone, somewhere Everything , everybody, everyone, everywhere 2. For negative sentences Nothing, nobody, no one, nowhere 3. For negative and interrogative
Anything, anybody, anyone, anywhere Summary: Form (+) Some(+) Every(-) No( -/? ) AnyB. Examples: 1. Dani Ani 2. Linda Dona
-thing something everything Nothing anything
-body somebody everybody nobody anybody
-one someone everyone No one anyone
-where Somewhere Everywhere Nowhere anywhere
: Hear ! someone is knocking at the door? Check outside, please! : No one knocks the door. It is nobody here. : I have something for you. : What is it?
3. Budiman : I have bad mood. I have go somewhere to get some fresh air. Doni : Don’t go anywhere. Look! The sky is so cloudy. It’s going to rain. 4. Adi Woman
: Anything else, Madam? : No, Thanks. I need nothing more.
5. Alia Dina
: I have looked for my pen everywhere. Does Anyone know it? : No.
Activity 18. Complete the sentences suitable indefinite pronouns. 1. Mr. Bonny : Is there (a) _____________ home? Mrs. Alia : No. (b) ________________went to Puncak this morning. 2. The headmaster Mr. Ali
: Good morning ( c ) ________________. I didn’t see Judith. Where is she? : We don’t know. We have looked for her (d) _____________but We couldn’t find her
3. Andi: Did you find ( e ) ____________ in the box? Asri : No. ( f ) ______________. The box is empty. 4. Mrs Lidia : My watch lost. ( g ) __________must have stolen it. Mrs. Dania : Don’t blame ( h ) ____________. It’s your own carelessness 5. Aria Asni
: We have to put (i) ___________to his would. Medicine or bandage. : We don’t have (j) ______________ left in our supplies.
6. Maia Ina
: Where is my pen. I must put it (k) ______________ : Here you are. (l) ___________has put it on my table.
B. Modeling of text. B.1. Recount text Activity 19. Read the following letter, then answer the questions
Fishing at Seribu Island
Event 1
Event 2
Last month, I left Jakarta for Seribu Island. I went there with some members of Jakarta fishing club, who organized the monthly fishing activity. Getting there was not quite easy. It needed two hours by speed boat in a bit rough wave.
Soon, after our arrival at Seribu Island, we got a general briefing. The chief of the fishing club gave some information about the fishing code. It included an explanation how to release out the hook from the fish mouth safely.
Then , we began our fishing. We set out to sea early in the morning. Around 4 kilometers from the beach, we started to fish. Apparently, no one caught any big fish. We caught mostly small yellowtail fish. After fishing for nearly four hours, I only got five fish; three yellow fish, one salmon and one little Merlin. It was not bad at all.
In Summary , the trip was mostly enjoyable. Fishing is absolutely an interesting activity.
(Adapted from : Lets talk VIII, 2006) Questions 1. What kind of text is it? Is it a narrative or a recount text? __________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the purpose of this text? __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the writer of the text? __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Where was the writer from? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. With whom did the writer go to Seribu Island? __________________________________________________________________________ 6. What did they do there? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. When did they sail for the sea? ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. How long did the writer do fishing? ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Did the writer get a lot of fish? How many? ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. How did the writer feel about the fishing activity? ___________________________________________________________________________ B.2. Short Functional Text Activity 20. Read the postcards below.
Nadia has a pen pal. Her name is Aisyah. Two days ago, she sent a Aisyah a postcard. Dear Nabila, Last week, I and my family had a holiday to France. We stayed at Paris for two days. I went to Eiffel Tower. Wow, what a tall structure it is. It was so Amazing. In the tower, I went upstairs by lift . From the Top of the tower, I could see the view of Paris. What A wonderful scenery . I stood there almost one hour. It was really a nice experience! I hope you can go There someday. Love, Nadia
Aisyah Nasta Lutfindra Jl. Literari 80 Perum Dosen UNS Jati Jaten Karanganyar
Responding to Nadia’s postcard, Aisyah writes the following card Dear Nadia,
I’m very glad to receive your marvelous postcard. What a nice trip!. It makes me jealous to you he..he (no it’s just a joke). I wish I could go there someday. Paris is one of My favourite city in the world. When the time comes, Don’t forget to accompany me there Give my best regards to your family.
Love, Ais
Nadia Hutabarat Jl. Buncit Raya 32 Palmerah Jaksel
C. Joint Construction of text Activity 21. In pairs. read the following letter. Answer the questions. 413/53 Alice St Lakemba 29/10/87
Dear Grandpa and Grandma
Yesterday at my school we had International Day. We had performances, food stalls , displays, raffles ticket draw and some of us were dressed in costumes. We started our day off with performances but the one I liked best was the one from fourth grade. It was about games. The performances I was in was called Labamba Straight after our performances we had our lunch. There were food stalls. They came from Australia, Asian, Arabic and Greece. Everyone had a job. These people were from sixth grade. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell International Day Books. We had displays in the hall. These displays were good but I didn’t get to see them. The displays came from a lot of countries. There was also a Trash & Treasure stall where they sell toys. The school got these things by asking the children to bring them in. After lunch we had a raffle ticket draw. I didn’t win anything but a lot of people did. Although I didn’t win anything, International Day was still fun Love from Huy (Taken from : Teaching Factual Writing : A Genre Based Approach page : 5) Questions 1. Who is the writer of the letter? _________________________________________________________ 2. What is the purpose of this letter? __________________________________________________________ 3. What kind of text is it? Is it a recount or a narrative text? __________________________________________________________ 4. What did the writer do in the events? __________________________________________________________ 5. How did the writer feel about the events? __________________________________________________________ Activity 22 Identify the elements of the text (orientation, events, reorientation). Orientation Event 1
Event 2
Event 3
Event 4
Event 5
Activity 23. You got a post card from your best friend, Aditya Prima Sakti, Porong Sidoarjo. Read the post card below. Understand its message. Make a reply trough a postcard, too.
Dear Indra, Stamp I would like to tell you about my holiday. Three days ago. I went to Submarine museum at Surabaya with my siblings. It was a great experience. You Know what!. I entered and went around inside a submarine. What an impressive experience. I also took some photograph in the submarine. I’ll show You later. Tell me about your holiday. Where did you go. Please Tell me. Cheers Aditya
Indra F Jl. Veteran 82 Sukoharjo Central Java
Write your reply here.
D. Independent Construction of Text. Activity 24. Write your trip or holiday experience. Follow the structure of the text. Mind your tenses, word choices, and punctuation. You may follow these steps. Step 1 Make an outline Step 2 Make a draft Step 3 Revise your draft based on your teacher’s suggestion Step 4 Write your final draft, then submit it to your teacher.
: ___________________
Student’s number
: ___________________
: ___________________
Event 1
Event 2
Event 3, etc
UJI KOMPETENSI 2 A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C or D. Text 1. At the Glendi Festival Yesterday I went to the Glendi Festival with nine other kids from my class to take part in the dancing and to have a good time. This festival is held in March each year in a big city park. At first we went together to eat in one of the tents. We bought souvlakia, yiros, chips, roast corn on the cob
and drinks. Everything was so tasty. Afterwards we visited the school tent where we viewed the student projects from many schools. Later we gathered in front of the large stage. The announcer was calling the school teams one by one to dance Greek dances. Our turn came! We danced two dances, a kalamatiano and a hasapiko. The crowd gave us a great applause. At the end of the day we were all tired but happy because we had a wonderful time.
1. Ali : Who went to the Glendi festival? Ani A. B. C. D.
:… I The writer The reader The boy
2. Ali : When was the festival done? Ani A. B. C. D.
:…. in March annually in March once in a month in March every time in March every yesterday
3. Ali : What were bought by the author? Ani : … . A. kalamatiano and a hasapiko, souvlakia, yiros, chips, roast corn on the cob and drinks B. souvlakia, yiros, chips, roast corn on the cob and kalamatianos C. souvlakia, yiros, chips, roast corn on the cob and hasapiko D. chips, roast corn on the cob, souvlakia, yiros and drinks
4. Ali : What did the writer feel after the journey? Ani A. B. C. D.
:…. sad mad angry happy
5. Ali : At the end of the day we were all tired but happy because we had a wonderful time. Ani A. B. C. D.
What is the underlined sentence called ? :…. events orientation resolution reorientation
06. Ali Ani A. B. C. D. E.
: Which paragraph tell us the “event 2”? :…. paragraph 1 paragraph 2 paragraph 3 paragraph 4 paragraph 2 and 3
07 Ali Ani A. B. C. D. E.
: Which belong to time conjunction ? :…. probably when afterwards next week a week later
08 Ali : What is the setting of the story? Ani : … A. Glendi Festival
B. March C. School D. Market 09 Ali Ani A. B. C. D.
: What tenses is mostly used? :…. present simple past simple present continuous Past continuous
10. Ali Ani A. B. C. D.
: Which word belongs to action verb? :…. Festival Yesterday Bought Then
Text 2. By Air I used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we flew low over the city. It slowly went high to the sky. But, suddenly it turned round and flew back to the airport. An air-hostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. Earlier somebody told the police that there was a bomb on the plane. After we landed, the police searched the plane carefully. Fortunately they did not find a bomb and five hours later we were able to take off again. I felt so frightening when I remembered that. 11 Ali Ani A. B. C. D.
: How did the writer use to traveling? : He usually took A car A ship A bus A plane
12 Ali Ani A. B. C. D.
: Where did he depart from? : He departed from A bus station An airport A harbour A taxi pool
13. Ali : Why did the plane fly back to the airport? Ani : because…. . A. There was engine troubles B. There was sick person on the plane C. There was a bomb threatening on the plane D. There were some passengers left at the airport 14 Ali Ani A. B. C. D.
: What did the writer feel after the journey? :…. sad mad angry afraid
15 Ali
: I used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. What is the underlined sentence called ? Ani : … .
A. B. C. D.
events orientation resolution reorientation
16. Bom Bom : I’ll tell you something Bim bim : …………... Which expression show Bim Bim’s attention A. yeah, please B. that’s good luck C. thank you very much D. don’t mention it 17. Desi : I went to Bali last week. Ani : … . A. You looks great B. You must be rich C. Did you. Tell me more D. I know how it feels 18. Sari : Nice day, isn’t it? Aris : Yes, the weather is fine presently. Sari : By the way. I have to go now. Aris: … . Sari : All right. See you Ari : See you. A. I tell you what B. That’s very kind of you C. Let’s continu this another time D. Really? 19. Deni : Can I meet Sally Please? Sally :…………………….. What’s the matter Deni. A. I have stop now B. Sally is going out. C. Sally speaking D. Thank for calling but Sally is busy. 20. Diane : Thanks for calling me, Budiman : Bye.. Diane expresses how to … A. Give information B. Give attention C. Open a phone call D. Close a phone call 21. Donna : We will go to Bali next week. How about you, Senna? Senna : I have no objection The underlined utterance expresses Senna’s …….. A. sympathy B. agreement C. disagreement D. information 22. Dono : Where were you when I phoned you Kasino : ………………………..when you phone me. A. I took a bath B. I were taking a bath C. I am taking a bath D. I was taking a bath 23. Diana : What did you and your sister do when I slept last night. Alia : ………………………………… A. I were watching television while my sister was listening to the radio
B. I was watching television while my sister was listening to the radio C. I watched television while my sister listened to the radio D. I am watching television while my sister is listening to the radio 24. Don : ……………… here. Where are they? Sinta: Sleeping A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody 25. Deni : Do you ……………ghost? Marni : Yes, I do. A. Believe to B. Believe at C. Believe in D. Believe on
PERSIAPAN UJIAN BLOK SEMESTER 2 A. Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C or D I. READING PART Text 1. Two Thin Goats
Once there were two goats. Both of them were hungry. They were tied together with a brown rope. They wanted to eat the green leaves from two separated bushes. One bush was on the left. The other bush was on the right. The goats thought they could do everything on their own. However the rope was short. They tried and tried but they could not reach the bushes. They were sad. Then, the goats decided to work together. First, they ate the leaves on the right. Then, they ate the leaves on the left. The leaves were delicious. The goats were happy. 01. Dania : Where did the story happen? Anissa : …. . A. At the bushes B. At the mountain C. At a zoo D. In a jungle 02. Alia: What is the story about? Dika :…. A. The green leaves B. The bushes C. The brown rope D. The two thin goat 03. Kenny : Why did the goats finally reach the bushes? Robert : Because they … together. A. tied B. tried C. worked D. cut the rope 04. Marry : What is the purpose of the text above? Landy : I think … . A. to give a report B. to tell a true story C. to describe goats D. to entertain readers 05. Azizah : Look at the passage on line 3 paragraph 2. You read “… However, the rope was short. They tried and tried but they could not reach the bushes. They were sad.”. What is the part of the text called… . Noordin : It is called .. . A. resolution B. orientation C. description D. complication Text 2. My End of the Week On Sunday morning I and my family went on a boat cruise. We went underneath the port bridge and then we went past some cargo ships. When we got to Lincoln park we had a picnic. After we had finished, we played on the rock climbing tower. Then Mr. John Smith came over and said Mr. Brown was giving out some apples. Then after we finished that we went home. Although it was tiring, we were happy. 06. Ben :When did the writer have a boat cruise? Adi : …. A. Wednesday morning B. Friday morning C. Saturday morning D. Sunday morning 07. Kelly : With whom did the writer go? Sandy :…. A. his wife B. his sisters C. his daughter D. his family 08. Aminah : Where did the writer have a picnic? Azizah :… A. boat cruise B. a bridge port
C. Lincoln park D. rock climbing 09. Heni :Who are the participants in the story about? Lestari :…. A. the writer B. the writer family C. Mr. Brown D. All are right 10. What is the genre of the text above? A. narrative B. report C. spoof D. recount 11. How is the generic structure of the text above? A. orientation-events-reorientation B. orientation-reorientation-events C. reorientation-orientation-events D. orientation-events-twist 12 .What kind of tenses is used mostly in the text? A. simple present tense B. simple past tense C. simple future tense D. present perfect tense 13. “After we had finished, we played on the rock climbing tower”. The sentence above belongs to… A. event 1 B. event 2 C. event 3 D. re-orientation 14. “Although it was tiring, we were happy” . the sentence above belongs to… A. orientation B. event 2 C. event 3 D. re-orientation 15. .“Although it was tiring, we were happy. The underlined word refers to… A. B. C. D. Text 3.
the writer the picnic the rock climbing the boat cruise
My Baron I have some pets at my house but Baron is my favourite. Baron is a female tabby dog. She is very adorable with her soft fur. She has round eyes. Her leg are long and strong. She can run fast to catch my boomerang when I play with her. Her voice is sweet. She rarely bark. When I come homes, she usually give me a kiss. Baron is a nice playmate. I’m happy to spend my time with her. She always follows me everywhere I go when I am home. When I wake up in the morning. She always be my bedside, waiting for me quietly. 16. Andy : What is the purpose of the text above? Warhol : I think … . A. to give a report B. to tell a true story C. to describe the animals D. to entertain readers 17. Budi : Who is Baron ? Asih : .. . A. a pet B. a dog C. a person D. a home 18. Hasan : When does he usually give a kiss to the writer?
Hasanah :…. A. In the morning B. When the writer wakes up. C. When the writer comes to his/her house D. When the writer plays boomerang 19. “I have some pets at my house but Baron is my favourite”. What part of the text is it? A. Orientation B. Identification C. Events D. Description 20. “I have some pets at my house but Baron is my favourite”. The underlined word means … A. wild animals B. Animal kept at the circus C. Animal kept at the zoo D. Animal kept at home Text. 4 I …(21) along the coast road last night when it rained hard. Suddenly the car leaned to one side. At first I thought a tyre was gone but then I saw telegraph poles. They …(22) down to the ground. They looked like matchsticks. Then a lot of rocks came down to the road. There were rocks ….(23), so I left my car and got back to town. Well, as I said, there …(24) much left. 21. A. am driving B. was driving C. were driving D. will be driving 22. A. fall B. felt C. fell D. fallen 23. A. somewhere B. Anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere 24. A. isn’t B. wasn’t C. weren’t D. won’t Text 5. Dear Any, We are having some informal meetings in the school hall on Saturday 23, September at 13.00 p.m. to discuss the school bazaar programme at village office of Selo village. I as chairperson, helped by Erry as secretary of the committee will handle the meeting/ We do hope you and Andy will be able to join us. Yours truly, Eric Craven
24. Kania : What kind of text is it? Desi: It is … A. An advertisement B. A brochure C. An invitation D. An announcement
25. Kerry : What is the purpose of this text? Asya :… A. to discuss a market B. to suggest Any to a meeting C. to invite Any to a meeting D. to describe the school Bazaar programme 26. Kamila : Where will the meeting be held? Adi :… A. at the village office B. at the school hall C. at the Selo village D. at the school canteen 27. Budi: Who is Eric Craven Lisa : He is … A. the member of the committee B. the secretary of the committee C. the chairman of the committee D. the school leader. Text 6.
SCHOOL TRIP TO ANCOL WATER PARK On Sunday, October 29. our class _____(28) hold a trip to Ancol Water Park. Departure time : 7:00 a.m. Programs : Morning hiking ______(29) the beach, volley ball, Lunch at sea view restaurant. Afternoon swimming. Watch the jazz festival at the beach. .__________(30) : Rp. 75.000,00 Contact persons : Rika and Amy Chairperson Eniya
28. A. can B. will C. could D. would 29. A. across B. into C. along D. over 30. A. fare B. tuition C. donation D. fee II. SPEAKING PART Complete the dialogs with suitable expressions Dialog 1. (Ring…ring …the telephone is ringing) Amy : Hello, _______________(31)
Dea Amy Dea Dea Amy Dea Amy Dea. Amy
: Hello. It’s me, Dea. _______________(32) : Hi, Dea. I am fine. I miss you so much. : So do I. : _________________(33) that I will stay at your home during next holiday. : ____________(34). I ‘m so happy to hear that. OK Just let me know when you have arrived here. I will pick you up. : Sure. Well, Amy. I’ll talk to you later. : O.K. Dea. ________________(35) : My pleasure. Bye now : See you soon.
31. A. Amy listening B. Amy hearing C. Amy speaking D. Amy going 32. A. How do you do today B. Let me introduce you. C. How is your mother today D. How are you today 33. A. I’m coming to tell you B. I’m going to tell you C. I’m calling to tell you D. I’m phoning to warn you 34. A. Are you! B. Did you! C. I don’t’ know what you are talking about. D. Are you kidding? 35. A. Thank you for coming B. Thank you for calling C. Thank you for staying D. Thank you for holiday Dialog 2. Shinta and Dania are enjoying their meal at KFC Shinta : Um… how is the chicken . _____________(36) Dania : Umm…not bad. It tastes ______________(37). I think I like it. Shinta : Well, Dania, are you done? Dania : Yes, I am. Shinta : Can we leave now? Dania : O.K. Let’s go. 36. A. Do you buy it? B. Do you fry it? C. Do you cook it? D. DO you like it? 37. A. quite salty. B. quite hot C. quite delicious D. too raw III. WRITING PART 38. Rizal : Look! Have you ever seen the animal in the picture? Arief : Sure. Why? Rizal : Can you describe the animal in detail? Arief : Okay, listen! .... A. This animal is very cute. It looks like a bear. It has black and white fur. It eats bamboo shoots. It lives in the bamboo forests in China. B. This animal is very large. It is very fierce. It lives in Asia. It eats meat. It has yellowish fur with black bands. C. This animal looks like a large monkey. It has long arms, a black face and black fur. It lives on the ground in African forests. D. This animal is small. It looks like a bear. It has no tail. It lives in Australia. It eats leaves.
39. Arrange the sentences into a paragraph! 1. Mexico is one of the world’s suppliers of sisal. 2. Other grain crops are wheat, and barley rice. 3. It is used for making rope. 4. Corn is the most important grain grown in Mexico. 5. Sugarcane, coffee, tobacco, and bananas are also grown. A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 B. 4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 3 C. 4 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 3 D. 2 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 1 40. Arrange the sentences to make a story. It tells you about plants and animals! 1. We can help our government by not only obeying the hunting and fishing laws but also growing new plants to provide food and shelter for the wildlife. That may help them from being extinct. 2. Our world has more than 1.500.000 kinds of plants and animals. Unfortunately, we have lost a great many of those species and we are afraid that we shall lose many more if we are not careful. 3. Some countries in Asia have built national parks and wildlife reserves to protect certain species. 4. We can find none or only a small number of certain species of animals because people have been killing them and have been cutting down their shelter. etc. The arrangement is .... A. 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 B. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 C. 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 D. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1
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