Modifiers of Human Acts

October 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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MODIFIERS OF HUMAN ACTS: MODIFIERS OF HUMAN ACTS PowerPoint Presentation: Certain factors which may affect any of the three constituents of human acts. These factors may iminish one!s cu"#a$i"ity A"so %nown as o$stac"es affectin& the 'o"untariness of human acts A. IGNORANCE:  A. I(NORANCE I(NORANCE )ac% )ac% or a$sence a$sence of %now"e&e %now"e&e in a #erson ca#a$"e ca#a$"e of of %nowin& a certain thin& or thin&s thin&s (A.) Invini!"e i#norane: *A.+ In'inci$"e i&norance The ty#e of i&norance which cannot $e is#e""e $y orinary i"i&ence. Ca$ses o% invini!"e i#norane: Causes of in'inci$"e i&norance It may $e im#ossi$"e for the ini'iua" to remo'e his i&norance $ecause he has no way of sus#ectin& that he is i&norant. *a waiter who is not aware of the #oison on the foo that he ser'es+ Ca$ses o% invini!"e i#norane: Causes of in'inci$"e i&norance ,. A"thou&h one may rea"i-e that %now"e&e at a certain #oint shou" $e acuire it is mora""y im#ossi$"e for him to o$tain the %now"e&e * An aeta who "i'es in the mountains a"" his "ife an ha##ens to come to Mani"a for the first time an 'io"ate the traffic "aws+ Ca$ses o% invini!"e i#norane: Causes of in'inci$"e i&norance ,. A"thou&h one may rea"i-e that %now"e&e at a certain #oint shou" $e acuire it is mora""y im#ossi$"e for him to o$tain the %now"e&e * A octor who is assi&ne to cure an im#ossi$"e isease+

PRINCIP&E FOR IN'INCI&E IGNORANCE: /RINCI/)E FOR IN0INCI1)E I(NORANCE No o$2ecti'e"y wron& act is cu"#a$"e if it is #erforme in in'inci$"e i&norance in as much as the e"ement of %now"e&e is not ue to the fau"t of the a&ent. (.) 'ini!"e i#norane: *1.+ 0inci$"e i&norance The ty#e of i&norance which can an shou" $e is#e""e. The a&ent cou" %now an shou" %now Can $e c"eare u# if one is i"i&ent enou&h A mani"a resient who 'io"ates traffic "aws ue to his i&norance of such "aws is sti"" res#onsi$"e INDS OF 'INCI&E IGNORANCE: 3INDS OF 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE SIM/)E 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE 4 when one uses some5 $ut not enou&h i"i&ence in an effort to remo'e i&norance One is ou$tfu" whether c"asses are sus#ene5 as%s his c"assmate who is a"so ou$tfu"5 then ecies not to &o to c"ass5 is cu"#a$"e of not comin& to c"ass if there are no sus#ension

INDS OF 'INCI&E IGNORANCE: 3INDS OF 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE /RINCI/)E FOR SIM/)E 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE 4 If one #erforms an o$2ecti'e"y wron& act whose wron&ness one is unaware of $ecause of sim#"e i&norance5 the action is cu"#a$"e. Howe'er5 the cu"#a$i"ity is "essene $y the #resence of that i&norance INDS OF 'INCI&E IGNORANCE: 3INDS OF 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE CRASS OR SU/INE I(NORANCE 4 a %in of i&norance which thou&h not irect"y wi""e5 cou" an shou" $e c"eare u#5 $ut "eft who""y unistur$e $ecause of "ac% of effort. 4A octor isco'ers that his #atient has sym#toms which he oes not reco&ni-e5 $ecause of "a-iness 6 thou&h he can consu"t meica" $oo%s an fe""ow #hysicians4 he ma%es no attem#ts to ascertain the nature of the isease INDS OF 'INCI&E IGNORANCE:


3INDS OF 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE /RINCI/)E FOR CRASS OR SU/INE I(NORANCE 4 This ty#e of i&norance "essens the im#uta$i"ity of an act. Sti"" it ma%es one &ra'e"y cu"#a$"e if it concerns a matter of &ra'e im#ortance

INDS OF 'INCI&E IGNORANCE: 3INDS OF 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE 7. AFFECTED I(NORANCE 4 the %in of i&norance which is e"i$erate"y fostere in orer to a'oi any o$"i&ation that %now"e&e mi&ht $rin& to "i&ht. 4 it is not on"y the "ac% of %now"e&e $ut the unwi""in&ness of the #erson to is#e" his i&norance INDS OF 'INCI&E IGNORANCE: 3INDS OFa 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE 7. /RINCI/)E FOR AFFECTED I(NORANCE 4 this ty#e of i&norance in re&ar to matter of serious im#ortance is &ra'e"y cu"#a$"e.

PRINCIP&ES GO'ERNING IGNORANCE: /RINCI/)ES (O0ERNIN( I(NORANCE 8. IN0INCI1)E I(NORANCE e"iminates mora" res#onsi$i"ity or cu"#a$i"ity. ,. 0INCI1)E I(NORANCE oes not e"iminates cu"#a$i"ity $ut "essens it. 9i&norance of the "aw e:cuses no one;
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