ModifiedNLC P343 Setting Calculation

December 24, 2018 | Author: abdulyunus_amir | Category: Electrical Impedance, Relay, Electric Generator, Power (Physics), Electrical Engineering
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Short Description

ModifiedNLC P343 Setting Calculation...




PROJECT: NLC-Retrofitting of Generator Protection . Generator ata recei!e" fro# c$%to#er:

Gen.Capacity Rated Power Factor Gen.Capacity at 0.85 PF

= 247 MVA = 0.85 = 210 MW

 er!ina" Vo"ta#e

= 15.75$V%110V

&ync'rono() reactance *d

= 2.05 p( = 2.05 + 15.75 + 15.75%247 MVA = 2.058 o'!.

 ran)ient reactance *d,

= 0.217 p( = 0.217 + 15.75 + 15.75%247 MVA = 0.217 o'!)

&(- tran)ient reactance *d,,

= 0.105 p(

C%P etai")/ Generator P'a)e C % e(tra" pri P'a)e C % e(tra" )ec

= 10000 A =5A

Generator P ratio

= 15.75 $V% % 110V%

C%P Ratio

= 1.37

N$#erica& Generator Protection-MICOM P'('

A"" )ettin#) in )econdary a"(e)6 )* Generator "ifferentia& +,G*

Gen. FC

= 247 + 10 % √ + 15.75 + 10  = 3055 A

Re9erred to )ec

= 3055 % 10000%5

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= 4.5 A a.ia%e" "ifferentia& &ince we are )ettin# t'e re"ay a) :ia)ed di99erentia" we ()e t'e 9o""owin# )ettin#)

 'e !ini!(! Pic;

 'e 9ir)t )"ope 9or t'e di99erentia" 9or 9a("t c(rrent) near to rated c(rrent  $16 = 0 >  to ac'iee !a+i!(! )en)itiity? t'e a"(e i) )et to @ero or no -ia)6  'e pic;  to ac'iee c"ear di)cri!ination 9or !inor (n-a"ance) ca()ed d(rin# e+tre!e 9a("t condition) 6 Acti!e %etting%

Gro$/ )

Geni99 F(nction Percenta#e :ia) Gen i99 )1 0.45A 9or !a+i!(! windin# coera#e6 Gen i99 ;1 0> 9or !a+i!(! )en)itiity6 Gen i99 )2 5.4A to a""ow con)i)tent )en)itiity 9or a"" interna" 9a("t)6 Gen i99 ;2 150.0> .0ig1 I#/e"ence

Gen. FC

= 247 + 10 % √ + 15.75 + 10  = 3055 A

Re9erred to )ec

= 3055 % 10000%5 = 4.5 A &ince we are )ettin# t'e re"ay a) i#' !pedance i99erentia" we ()e t'e Fo""owin# )ettin#. Ma+i!(! Va"(e o9 t'e t'ree p'a)e )y!!etrica" )'ort circ(it c(rrent Fa("t c(rrent re9erred to t'e )econdary Vo"ta#e dee"oped acro)) t'e re"ay circ(it Vr =$9 + RC B 2 R6 ote/ RC and R are a))(!ed? a) it i) not aai"a-"e6

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Acti!e %etting%

Gro$/ )

Gen i99 F(nction/ i#' !pedance Gen i99 ) / 250 !A 2* Lo%% of E3citation +(4*

 ran)9or!ation Ratio

= C Ratio % P Ratio = 1.37

ia!eter o9 circ"e

= *d + 1.37 = 2.058 + 1.37 = 28.75 o'!


= 0.5 + *d, + 1.37 = 0.5 + 0.217 + 1.37 = 1.52 o'!

a.Lo%% of E3citation 5it1o$t Un"er !o&tage FFai" A"! &tat() Dna-"ed FFai" A"! An#"e 15.00 de# FFai" A"! e"ay 5.000 )  'i) )ettin# i) eE(ia"ent to a power 9actor o9 0.3 "eadin# and need to -e c'ec;ed wit' operatin# power 9actor at nor!a" r(nnin# condition) FFai"1 &tat() Dna-"ed FFai"1 DR VAGD VH Mea)(rIt Mode P'a)eAC?UP /rotection

:ac;(p F(nction / nder i!pedance Vector Rotation one  1H )ettin# 12.15 o'!)  1H ti!e de"ay 5.000 )ec  1H tRD&D 0 )ec  2H )ettin# 17.00 o'!)  2H ti!e de"ay 1.000 )ec  2H tRD&D 0 )ec ---+CUSTOMER RECOMMNAE * Vector Rotation one H1 &ettin# 1.200 '! H1 i!e e"ay 1.750 ) H1 tRD&D 0) H &ta#e2 Dna-"ed

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H2 &ettin# 1.700 '! H2 i!e e"ay .000 ) H2 tRD&D 0)

 'e i!pedance a"(e i) )et at 70> o9 t'e "oad i!pedance a9ter ta;in# care o9 0> oer"oadin# 9or a )'ort d(ration? o"ta#e ariation) etc. * Re!er%e Po7er Protection +'2R* Stage ) +'2-)* A))(!in# !ore t'en 2> o9 power "ee" co("d re)("t in dan#ero() oer )peed tran)ient on "o)) o9 e"ectrica" "oadin#.

Power protection )ettin#)/ Power1 F(nction Reer)e o9 C error). Ratio Correction/


= 140MVA % 11√ 748A


= 748 + 5%8000 4.53 A


= 748 + 5%8000 4.53 A


= 140MVA % 18√ 585.7A

= =

585.7 + 1%800 0.72 A

11$V F("" "oad c(rrent &econdary c(rrent V1 &econdary c(rrent V2 A6

18$V F("" "oad c(rrent &econdary c(rrent

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&econdary c(rrent on V )ide o9 C

V1 Ratio correction 9actor

= = =

5 % 4.53 1.08


= 1.08


5 % .23



V2 A6 Ratio correction 9actor V Ratio correction 9actor

0.72+ 2. + √

= .23

5 % 4.53

Vector correction /  Ly0  Ly0  Ly0

CR 8000%5 CR 8000%5 CR 800%1

RDF Protection/ 0.1 R)ta- = 9 Rct B 2R"6 % 0.1 9 = "oad % > = 140 + 10  % √ + 18 + 10  6%.11815 = 4357.55 A Re9erred to )econdary = 4357.55 + 1%800 = .13 R)ta- = =

9 Rct B 2R"6 % 0.1 .13 1.78B2+1.86

= . '!)

(. Generator Interfa$&t B VG)(

&ettin#/ A))(!in# !a+i!(! )tandin# o"ta#e "ee" i) -e"ow 5.4V )et at V=5.4V  M& = 0.1 (. GT O oer"oad o9 9("" "oad c(rrent 1.10 + 585.7 = 44.A Re9erred to )econdary = 44. + 1 %800 = 0.805A

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&tand-y Dart'9a("t )ettin#/ 20> 9("" "oad c(rrent 0.2 + 585.7 = 117.14A Re9erred to )econdary = 117.14 + 1%800 = 0.15A 6 UAT ifferentia& Protection - ?>C0)24

Pic; o9 C error). Ratio Correction/


= 15MVA % .8√ 127.A

= =

127. + 5%1500 4.24 A


= 15MVA % 11√ 787.A

= =

787. + 5%1000 .35 A


= 5 % 4.24 1.173

.8$V F("" "oad c(rrent &econdary c(rrent

11$V F("" "oad c(rrent &econdary c(rrent V Ratio correction 9actor V Ratio correction 9actor

= =


Vector correction /  Ly0  Ly0

CR 1000%5 CR 1500%5

(. UAT O 9("" "oad c(rrent 0.2 + 787. = 157.4 Re9erred to )econdary = 157.4 + 5%1000 = 0.787A

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