Model Test Paper State Judicial Service Test MCQ Law
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Model test paper State judicial Service Test MCQ law This test is useful For Following Jobs/Exams Haryana PSC HCS Judicial Examination Madhya Pradesh Higher Judicial Service Law Officer in Corporation bank vacancy Law Officer posts in United bank of india H.P. Judicial Service (HPJS) Competitive (Preliminary) Examination
1. State the correct answer, the familiar rule ‘redeem up foreclose down’ is a combination of provisions of — (A) Sections-89 and 91 (B) Sections-91 and 92 (C) Sections-92 and 93 (U) Sections-91 and 94 2. ‘A’ gives Rs. 500 to ‘B’ on condition that ‘B’ shall marry A’s daughter ‘C’. On the date of transfer ‘C’ was dead. The transfer is void under which section of Transfer of Property Act? (A) Section-25 (B) Section-26 (C) Secion-27 (D) Section-28 3. A right of future maintenance in whatsoever manner arising, secured or determined (A) Can be transferred (B) Cannot be transferred (C) Can be sold (D) Can be vested 4. A gift of future property is (A) Valid (B) Voidable (C) Void (D) Irregular 5. Within the meaning of provisions of section 67 of the Transfer of Property Act the mortgage remedies by suit are? (A) For foreclosure or for sale (B) For sale (C) For appointment of receiver (D) All are relevant 6. To which of the following sections 5 to 37 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 apply? (A) Transfers of movable property only (B) Transfers of Immovable property only (C) Transfers of property whether movable or immovable (D) Specific transfer and not to general principles of transfer of property
7.‘A’ transfers Rs. 5000 to ‘B’ on condition that he shall execute a certain lease within three months after A’s death and if he should
neglect to do so, to C. B dies in A’s lifetime. Which section of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 shall apply in deciding the legal right of ‘C’? (A) Section-29 (B) Section-26 (C) Section-25 (D) Section-27 Codes: 8.Assertion (A) : Section 14 of TPA provides for the Rules against perpetuity. Reason (R) :This Rule is based on public policy. Select the correct answer from the codes given below (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true but (R) is false (D) (A) is false but (R) is true 9.What is the minimum imprisonment prescribed for use of deadly weapons in ‘Dacoity’? (A) 10 years (B) 07 years (C) 05 years (D) 14 years 10.Under which section of the Indian Penal Code, it is omission, and not an act, which is an offence? (A) Section-491 (B) Section-296 (C) Section-468 (D) Section-508 11.Under IPC, which one of the following sections makes provision of Solitary Confinement? (A) Section-71 (B) Section-72 (C) Section-73 (D) Section-74 12.Which one of the following offences is not compoundable under IPC? (A) Section 323 (B) Section-334 (C) Section-448 (D) Section-307
13. “1 believe in operation Valmiki because every Sant has a past and every criminal has a future.” This statement is of? (A) Justice Sikri (B) Justice P. N. Bhagwati (C) Justice Krislma Iyer (D) Justice J. S. Verma
14. Which one of the following is an incomplete crime? (A) Public Nuisance (B) Criminal attempt (C) Unlawful Assembly (D) Riot
15.A, on grave and sudden provocation from ‘Z’ fires a pistol at Z, who does not die, A is guilty of (A) Attempt to murder (B) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder (C) Attempt to commit culpable homicide (D) Grievous hurt 16.‘X’ with the intention to kill ‘Y’ supplies him powdered sugar believing it to be poison. ‘Y’ eats the powder. ‘X’ is guilty of? (A) No offence (B) Attempt to commit murder (C) Attempt to commit culpable homicide not amounting murder (D) Abetment to commit murder 17.‘X’ is a good swimmer. He finds, Y, a child of seven years of age drowning in a canal. He could have saved the child but did not do so. The child is drowned. ‘X’is guilty of? (A) No offence (B) Murder (C) Abetment of suicide (D) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder 18. An executioner who execute the death penalty is protected from criminal liability under which section of IPC ? (A) Section-97 (B) Section-78 (C) Section-79 (D) Section-80
19. ‘A’ finds a purse with money on the high-road, not knowing to whom the purse belong, ‘A’ picks up the purse. He has corn- miffed an offence under — (A) Section-403 IPC (B) Section-404 IPC (C) Section-405 IPC (D) None of the above 20. Just after theft, a man is found in the possession of stolen goods. This matter relates to which one of the following sections of Indian Evidence Act? (A) Section-114-A (B) Section-114 (C) Section-1l5 (D) Section-111-A
21. In which section of IPC the law relating to ‘Dowry death’ is contained? (A) Section-304 (b) (B) Section-304 (C) Section-299 (D) Section-302 22. What is the age of the child to get immunity from criminal liability? (A) Less than 10 years (B) Less than 7 years (C) Less than 8 years (D) Less than 14 years 23. In which case the Supreme Court has struck down section 303 IPC as unconstitutional? (A) Machchi Singh Vs. State of Punjab (B) Bachan Singh Vs. State of Punjab (C) Santa Singh Vs. State of Punjab (D) Mithu Singh Vs. State of Punjab 24. The law relating to criminal misappropriation of property is given under section? (A) 403 IPC (B) 404 IPC (C) 407IPC (D) 411 IPC 25. Assertion (A) : Crime is punish able because it is provided in the law. Reason (14) : Crime is revolting to the moral sense of society. In the context of the above, which one of the following is correct? (A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true
26. ‘A’ shoots ‘Z’ with the intention of killing him. ‘Z’ dies in consequence. ‘A’ commits— (A) Culpable homicide (B) Murder (C) Causing death by negligence (D) None of the above 27. Kidnapping is of? (A) One kind (B) Two kinds (C) Three kinds (D) Four kinds
28. ‘X’ sends through his servant a typewriter to be delivered to ‘Y’ his friend. The servant takes the typewriter and uses it over a period of time. The servant is to be guity of? (A) Extortion (B) Theft (C) Criminal misappropriation of property
(D) Criminal breath of trust
29. ‘B’ takes a gold ring of ‘A’ out of ‘A’s possession without ‘A’s consent with the intention of keeping it till ‘A’ gives ‘B’ some money for its restoration to ‘A’. ‘B’ is guilty of— (A) Cheating (B) Criminal breach of trust (C) Criminal misappropriation of property (D) Theft 30. ‘X’ with the intention to cause miscarriage, administered a drug to a pregnant lady ‘ Y’. The child in the womb died. ‘X’ is guilty of? (A) Murder (B) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder (C) No offence (D) Causing miscarriage 31.It cannot be committed in a private place. (A) Murder (B) Riot (C) Assault (D) Affray 32. In which of the following cases the Supreme Court has laid down important guidelines to abate sexual harassment? (A) Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan (B) Apparel Export Corp. Vs. A. K. Chopra (C) Chairman Railway Board Vs. Chandrima Das (D) None of the above
33. ‘A’ incites a dog to spring upon ‘Z’ without ‘Z’s consent. Here ‘A’ intends to cause injury, fear or annoyance to ‘Z’. (A) ‘A’ uses criminal force to ‘Z’ (B) ‘A’ uses force to ‘Z’ (C) ‘A’ uses assault to ‘Z’ (D) All the above 34. ‘A’ enters Z’s house through a window. ‘A’ commits? (A) Trespass (B) House trespass (C) House breaking (D) All the above 35. Assertion A) Homicide is the killing of a human-being by a human-being. Reason (R) : Homicide is always unlawful. Select the correct answer from the codes given below? Codes: (A) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is the coned explanation of (A). (B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) (C) (A) is true, but (R) is false (D) (A) is false, but (R) is true
36. ‘A’ has sexual intercourse with his own wife who is living separately from him under a decree of separation without her consent. Which section of Indian Penal Code covers this matter? (A) Section-376 (B) Section-376-A (C) Section-376-B (D) Section-376-C 37. Which Order under C.P.C. pro vides detailed rules regarding judgements and decree? (A) Order XIX (B) Order XX (C) Order XXI (D) Order XXIII 38. Which of the provision of C.P.C. deals with consequences of disobedience of an injunction granted by Court? (A) Order 39 RI (B) Order39 R2 (C) Order 39 R2-A (D) Order 39 R3 39. Order 21 CRC. dealing with execution of decrees and orders contains? (A) 100 Rules (C) 103 Rules (B) 102 Rules (D) 106 Rules 40. Which of the following is not a case on res-judicata? (A) Duche’s of Kingston case (B) Chhajju Ram Vs. Neki (C) Mmmi Bibi Vs. Trilok Nath (D) Byram Pestonji Kariwala Vs.Union of India 41. Which provision of C.P.C. deals with enforcement of a decree against legal representative? (A) Section-50 (B) Section-51 (C) Section-55 (D) None of the above 42. An original suit for the value of Rs. 20 lakh shall be instituted in the Court of? (A) High Court (B) District Judge (C) Civil Judge (Junior Division) (D) Civil Judge (Senior Division) 43. Which of the following provisions of C.P.C. provides for adjudication of claims and objections to attachment of property?
(A) Order 21 R 59 (B) Order 2l R 58 (C) Order 21 R 57 (D) None of the above 44. Which provision of the C.P.C. provides that one person may sue or defend on behalf of all in same interest? (A) Order 1R1 (B) Order 2 R2 (C) Order lR8 (D) Order lR9 45. The meaning of written statement is? (A) Suit of plaintiff (B) Suit of defendant (C) Answer by defendant of plaintiff’s suit (D) Answer by plaintiff of defendant’s suit 46. Under which provision of C.P.C. the Collector may be appointed as a Receiver? (A) Order 40 Rule I (B) Order 40 Rule 2 (C) Order 40 Rule 3 (D) Order 40 Rule 5
47. ‘Objections as to local or pecuniary jurisdiction shall be raised at the first opportunity.’ This is the essence of CRC. (A)Section-20 (B) Section-21 (C)Section-24 (D) Section-25 48. The doctrine of res-judicata is not applicable in the case of following writ (A) Habeas Corpus (B) Certiorari (C) Mandamus (D) Quo-warranto 49. All orders and notices served on or given to any person under the provisions of C.P.C. shall be in writing is provided under? (A) Section-141 (B) Section-142 (C) Section-143 (D) Section-144 50. Provisions relating to set-off and counter claims are contained in which one of the following orders? (A) Order VI (B) Order VII (C) Order VIII
(D) Order IX 51. The court may compel the attendance of any person to whom a summons has been issued under section-32 CRC. and for the purpose may impose a fine upon him not exceeding (A) Rs. Five hundred (B) Rs. One thousand (C) Rs. Three thousand (D) Rs. Five thousand 52. No second appeal shall lie under section 102 C.P.C. from any decree, when the subject matter of original suit is for recovery of money not exceeding? (A) Rs. Three thousand (B) Rs. Five thousand (C) Rs. Twenty thousand (D) Rs. Twenty five thousand 53. How many minimum number of judges of the High Court are required to sign the confirmation of death sentence? (A) 3 (C) 4 (B) 2 (D) 5 54. An irregularity by the Magistrate in which one of the following cases will not vitiate proceedings? (A) Making an order for maintenance (B) Demanding security for good behaviour (C) Tendering pardon to accomplice (D) Trying an offence summarily 55. Order under section-144 Cr. P.C. 1973 is amenable to writ jurisdiction on violation of any Fundamental Rights. This was held in case of — (A) Dibakar Naik Vs. Pushpalata Patel (1997)3 crimes 107 (B) Gopalachari Vs. State of Kerala 1981 SC.R 338 (C) Gulam Abbas Vs. State of U.P. 1981 SC. 2198 (D) Shelam Ramesh Vs. State ofA.P. (1999) 8 SCC. 369 56. Classification of compoundable and non-compoundable offences has been provided under Cr. ? (A) First Schedule (B) Second Schedule (C) Section 321 Cr. P.C. (D) Section 320 Cr. P.C. 57. Which provision under the Code of Criminal- Procedure, 1973 prescribes the mode of execution of sentence of death that “the convict be hanged by the neck until he be dead”? (A) Section-413 (B) Form No. 42 of the Second Schedule of the Code (C) Section-416
(D) Section-414 58. Which section of Cr. P.C pro vides for confirmation by the High Court of an order of death sentence passed by the Session Court prior to its execution? (A) Section-366 (B) Section-368 (C) Section-369 (D) Section-371 59. The appeal against an order of acquittal passed by the Court of Judicial Magistrate first class shall lie to? (A) The Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate (B) The Court of Session (C) The High Court (D) The Supreme Court 60.In which one of the following sections of Cr. P.C. provision for free legal aid is made (A) Section-301 (B) Section-306 (C) Section-304 (D) Section-309 Answers:1 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 A 9 B 10 A 11 C 12 D 13 C 14 B 15 C 16 A 17 A 18 B 19 D 20 B 21 A 22 B 23 D 24 A 25 B 26 B 27 B
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
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