MODEL QUESTION PAPER-1 Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 75 PART-A Marks 15 x 1= 15 As!er a" 15 Q#es$i%s-A&& Q#es$i%s 'arr" e(#a& marks) 1. List out any two conventional Energy Sources. 2. What are the common forms of energy? 3. State any two merits of non conventional energy sources. 4. What is meant by Energy conservation? 5. What is Solar a!iation? ". #ention any two $nstrument use! for measurements of solar ra!iation. %. What is the function of solar &hoto voltaic system? '. List out any two ty&es of Solar cells. (. What is win! Energy? 1). What is Win! *ata? 11. What are the ty&es of win! energy conversion system? 12. State any two a&&lications of Win! Energy. 13. What is +io,#ass? 14. *efine -hotosynthesis. 15. What is meant by liuification? 1". State any two a&&lications of +io,/as &lant. 1%. State any two limitations of ti!al energy. 1'. What is meant by Wave machines? 1(. What is 0cean hermal Energy? 2). State any two a!vantages of /eo thermal Energy. PART-* Marks 5 x 1+=, As!er a&& $.e (#es$i%s 21. a. i E&lain the sources of renewable Energy? " ii List out Energy !ensity of various fuels. " or b. i E&lain vailability of resources an! future tren!s. " ii *escribe the growth of energy sector an! its &lanning in $n!ia. " 22. a i 6ow !o you estimate average solar ra!iation?. " ii E&lain flat &late collectors. " or b i E&lain bo ty&e solar coo7er. " ii *escribe the &rinci&le of solar &hoto voltaic energy conversion. " 23. a i *escribe the ma8or a&&lications of win! &ower. " ii E&lain Site selection consi!eration for win! &ower generation. " or b i E&lain hori9ontal ais win! machine. " ii *escribe about safety systems of win! turbine. " 24. a i E&lain urban waste to energy conversion. " ii *escribe +iomass to Ethanol &ro!uction. " or b i E&lain the &rocess of gasification gasificati on of soli! +io,fuels. "
ii What is the &resent status of !evelo&ment of +iomass energy " resources in $n!ia? 25. a i E&lain 0cean hermal Electric conversion 0E:. " ii *escribe &rinci&les of i!al &ower. " or b i E&lain sources of /eothermal Energy. " ii State a!vantages an! !isa!vantages of geothermal Energy. " ;
++33 RENE/A*LE ENER0 SOUR2ES MODEL QUESTION PAPER-II Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 75 PART-A Marks 15 x 1= 15 As!er a" 15 Q#es$i%s-A&& Q#es$i%s 'arr" e(#a& marks) 1. *efine Energy. 2. What is &rimary Energy?. 3. State any two !isa!vantages of conventional energy. 4. What is meant by conventional energy? 5. What is solar ra!iation? ". What is the function of solar energy collection? %. What is the use of solar furnace?. '. What is solar &on!? (. What is meant by Win! Energy? 1). State any two a&&lication of win! energy. 11. List out any two a!vantages of win! energy. 12. State any two a&&lications of win! energy. 13. What is meant by -hoto Synthesis? 14. *efine +io,#ass 15. What is meant by +io,#ass gasification? 1". What are the a&&lications of +io,Energy? 1%. *efine 0cean thermal Energy. 1'. List out wave energy conversion !evices. 1(. *efine /eo thermal Energy. 2). List out /eo,hermal Sources. &PART-* Marks 5 x 1+=, As!er a&& $.e (#es$i%s 21. a.i E&lain in !etail the im&ortance of renewable Energy sources? 12 or b.i *escribe the growth of energy sector an! its &lanning in $n!ia. 12 22. a i Estimate average solar ra!iation " ii E&lain the flat &late solar energy collectors. " or b i *escribe the solar water heaters. " ii What are the a&&lications of Solar &hoto voltaic cell? " 23. a i *escribe the following Win! !ata energy estimation an! site selection for win! energy. 12 or b i E&lain with the s7etch hori9ontal ais win! machine. 12 24. a i E&lain
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