Download Model Grila Limba Engleza Pentru Afaceri 1...
Model grila Limba engleza pentru afaceri 1 1. The vast majority of small businesses start out as ... proprietorship. a) single b) unique c) sole
2. Legal agreements between partners set forth how decisions will be made, disputes will be resolved and how partners could be ... a) bought out. b) buyed up. c) bought over. 3. Business owners assume ... for any of their business's liabilities or debts. a) responsability b) responsibility c) responsably 4. In a company, shareholders elect a ... to oversee major policies and decisions. a) Board of Directors b) joint venture c) general partnership 5. We ... to read the full report yet. a) don't manage b) haven't managed c) haven't been managing 6. How long ... for this company? a) have you been working b) do you work c) are you working
7. A person who thinks up new and original ideas is said to be ... a) innovative. b) inovative. c) innovated. 8. The first job I ... for was in banking. a) applied b) candidate c) chose
9. Congratulations! I've heard that you have been ... to General Manager. a) demoted b) promoted c) transferred
10. ... you help me with this report? a) Will b) Shall c) Have
11. What would you do if someone with a background of successful business ... asked you to invest in a new company?
a) adventures b) ventures c) venturings 12. Your ... plan will be examined by our team. a) business b) bussiness c) buisness
13. They could ... more money on the stock market. a) raise b) rise c) rising
14. During the ten-year period ending in 2004, the number of employees in industry fell ... more than 40,000. a) in b) of c) by d) down
15. During the 2000s employment also ... within the construction field. a) fallen b) felled c) fell d) fall down 16. There has been a ... rise in inflation this quarter. a) steady b) growth c) fall 17. The town's population has grown by 2000 inhabitants - a ... of more than 20%. a) raising b) raise c) rise
18. Sales ... a peak in March and they are likely to remain at this level until the end of the year. a) reached b) got c) stayed on d) fell on
19. One of the first decisions one has to make as a business ... is how the business should be structured. a) owner b) lender c) ower
20. Our bank has local ... like all the other ... banks in the UK. a) shops; top-end b) branches; commercial c) outlets; high-street
21. Choose the equivalent(s) of the sentence: This year the company will make neither a profit nor a loss. a) This year the company will break up.
b) This year the company will break even. c) This year the company will break in.
22. What is the worst ... you've ever had? a) job b) works c) training
23. In subsequent years declining birth rates will make ... scarce. a) labours b) labour c) labor
24. For your ... account you are not entitled to a ... book. a) safe; checking b) savings; cheque c) deposit; check
25. In a partnership, the partners are fully ... for any debts the business has. a) responsible b) liable c) incorporated
26. The ... has been within agriculture and forestry, but industrial employment has declined as well. a) sharpest drop b) cutest fall c) most dramatic growth d) most rapid fall
27. Lend me ten pounds and I'll ... tomorrow. a) repay you b) pay you back c) pay you up
28. They ... last month and now I am unemployed. a) made me redundant b) fired me c) dismissed me
29. You ... to demonstrate this product during your sales pitch. a) could be asked b) will be asked c) are going to be asked
30. I found this wallet full of ... a) cash. b) bank notes. c) bills.
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