December 8, 2016 | Author: fidez90 | Category: N/A
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example of easa model e-exam for atpl meteorology subject. these are the questions that i remembered after taking the ex...



Among the ten groups of clouds, the following two are mentioned specifically in MET-reports and forecasts intended for aviation: CUMULONIMBUS AND TOWERING CUMULUS


A mountain breeze (katabatic wind) blows : DOWN THE SLOPE DURING THE NIGHT


On a clear sky, continental ground surface, wind calm, the minimum temperature is reached approximately: HALF AN HOUR AFTER SUNRISE


The region of the globe where the greatest number of tropical revolving storms occur is: THE NORTH-WEST PACIFIC, AFFECTING JAPAN, FORMOSA, KOREA AND THE CHINESE COASTLINE


A wind speed of 350 kt within a jet stream core should be world-wide regarded as: POSSIBLE BUT A VERY RARE PHENOMENON


The pressure distribution located mainly in square 2A is a: RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE


What is the name of the low level winds between the subtropical high pressure belt and equatorial trough of low pressure (ITCZ) : TRADE WINDS


How would you characterize an air temperature of -30°C at the 300 hPa level over Western Europe? HIGH


In the International Standard Atmosphere the decrease in temperature with height below 11 km is : 0.65°C PER 100M

10. The QFF at an airfield located 400 metres above sea level is 1016 hPa. The air temperature is 10°C higher than a standard atmosphere. What is the QNH? MORE THAN 1016 HPA

11. Considering the route between Valencia and Charleston at FL 340, the forecast mean temperature is: -50 °C 12. Under the weather conditions depicted, which of the following statements is likely to apply? THUNDERSTORMS MAY OCCUR IN THE SUMMER MONTHS OVER CENTRAL EUROPE

13. What characteristics will the surface winds have in an area where the isobars on the weather map are very close together? STRONG AND BLOWING SOMEWHAT ACROSS THE ISOBARS

14. What cloud cover is typical for a wide warm sector of a polar front depression over Central Europe in the summer? FAIR WEATHER CU 15. Which of the following are high level clouds? State the most complete answer: CI,CC 16. In the northern hemisphere the gradient wind of a cyclonic pressure distribution is 350/24, over the sea the surface wind would approximate: 340/20 17. What feature is normally associated with the initial stage of a thunderstorm? CONTINUOUS UPDRAFT 18. You must make an emergency landing at sea. The QNH of a field on a nearby island with an elevation of 4000 FT is 1025 hPa and the temperature is -20°C. What is your pressure altimeter reading when landing if 1025 hPa is set in the subscale? LESS THAN 0 FT 19. The morning following a clear, calm night when the temperature has dropped to the dewpoint, is likely to produce: RADIATION FOG

20. In which conditions would you most likely encounter clear icing, and how would it normally appear? CUMULIFORM CLOUDS, LARGE WATER DROPLETS, TEMP BTWN 0°C AND -15°C. APPEARS SMOOTH AND TENDS TO SPREAD BACK OVER AN ACFT WING

21. On a Low Level Significant Weather Chart, we see the following for the area where a VFR-flight will take place: BKN CU SC 100 / 023 If the flight is planned at FL 85, we can estimate that: WE WILL PROBABLY HAVE TO DIVERT AROUND SOME CUMULUS TOPS

22. Where are the westerlies to be expected? IN THE MID-LATITUDES 23. An isohypse of the 500 hPa pressure surface is labelled with the number 552. This means that for all points on the isohypse the: TOPOGRAPHY IS 552 DECAMETERS ABOVE MSL

24. When planning a flight at FL 60, which upper wind and temperature chart would be nearest your flight level? 850 HPA

25. What is the vertical temperature lapse rate, up to 11km, in the standard ICAO atmosphere? 6.5C per 1000m

26. What is the meaning of the abbreviation "OVC”? 8 OKTAS 27. The geostrophic wind depends on: DENSITY, EARTHS ROTATION, GEOGRAPHIC LATITUDE

28. The boundary between polar and tropical air is known as: POLAR FRONT 29. At the same latitude the geostrophic wind is greater than the gradient wind around a low pressure system with equal pressure gradient because the: CENTRIFUGAL FORCE OPPOSES THE PRESSURE GRADIENT

30. Where is the projection of the polar front jet stream on the surface most likely to be found in relation to the cold and warm fronts of a depression? 50 TO 200 NM BEHIND THE COLD FRONT AND 300 TO 450 NM IN THE WARM FRONT

31. A layer is conditionally unstable if the air: IS UNSTABLE FOR SATURATED AIR AND STABLE FOR DRY AIR

32. Which of the following statements concerning jet streams is correct? IN THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE BOTH WESTERLY AND EASTERLY JET STREAMS OCCUR

33. How would the term "vertical visibility is missing or not measurable" be indicated in a METAR? VV/// 34. Define a “HIGH” : AN AREA WITH HIGHER PRESSURE THAN THAT OF THE HORIZONTAL ENVIRONMENT 35. The lines on a contour chart join points of : EQUAL HEIGHT 36. What is the temperature deviation in degrees Celsius, from the ICAO Standard Atmosphere overhead Frankfurt? ISA - 13°C 37. Assuming a generalised zonal system of world climatic and wind circulation, zone "X" is an area of : SUBTROPICAL HIGH PRESSURE SYSTEMS 38. The final stage of a thunderstorm is reached when : A WELL DEVELOPED ANVIL CAN BE SEEN 39. Without readjusting the barometric setting of altimeter, it will under read when : FLYING FROM LOW TO HIGH PRESSURE AREA 40. Ice accretion to the airframe is likely to be most hazardous at temperatures: BETWEEN 0°C AND -23°C IN LARGE CU

41. What is signified if an occlusion is described as "cold"? THE AIR AHEAD OF THE ASSOCIATED WARM FRONT IS LESS COLD THAN THE AIR BEHIND THE ASSOCIATED COLD FRONT 42. Why is a calm and clear-sky night colder than cloudy night? THE RADIATION FROM THE EARTH’S SURFACE SLIPS INTO SPACE 43. Where is the most dangerous zone in a tropical revolving storm? IN THE WALL OF CLOUDS AROUND THE EYE 44. In which of the following conditions is moderate to severe airframe icing most likely to be encountered? IN NIMBOSTRATUS CLOUD 45. Regarding stratus (ST) and nimbostratus (NS) : ST DOES CAUSE DRIZZLE AND NS RAIN 46. Which of the following statements is true? THE MORE STABLE THE ATMOSPHERE, THE LESS TURBULENCE 47. What will be the effect on the reading of an altimeter of an aircraft parked on the ground as an active cold front is passing? IT WILL FIRST INCREASE THE DECREASE 48. At the same latitude the geostrophic wind is less than the gradient wind around an anticyclone with equal pressure gradient because the: CENTRIFUGAL FORCE IS ADDED TO THE PRESSURE GRADIENT 49. Which of the following cloud types is found at high levels? CC 50. The layer of the atmosphere above tropopause is known as : STRATOSPHERE

51. The widest precipitation zone occurs usually: AHEAD OF A WARM FRONT

52. Over Paris at what flight level would you expect to find the tropopause according to the map? FL 300 53. What is the approximate composition of the dry air by volume in the troposphere? 21% OXYGEN, 78% NITROGEN, AND THE REST OTHER GASES 54. With reference to a “rotor circulation” we can say that : IT IS A LOW LEVEL PHENOMENON 55. In the disturbed temperate regions: THE WEATHER IS MAINLY GOVERNED BY THE TRAVELLING FRONTAL DEPRESSIONS 56. What is the main energy source of a tropical revolving storm? LATENT HEAT RELEASED FROM CONDENSING WATER VAPOUR 57. The difference between temp and dew point is greater in : DRY AIR 58. The occurrence of freezing rain at FL 60 is most likely in square: 3C 59. If CAVOK is reported then: NO LOW DRIFTING SNOW IS PRESENT 60. When water vapour condenses or water freezes: HEAT IS RELEASED IN BOTH CASES 61. What are the expected weather conditions for a flight Zurich to Stockholm at FL240? THE CRUISE PART OF YOUR FLIGHT WILL BE PERMANENTLY CLEAR OF CLOUDS 62. Updraughts in a thunderstorm are prevailing during the: INITIAL STAGE 63. Which cloud type (genus) is described by the following definition? ; "Grey cloud layer, often dark, the appearance of which is rendered diffuse by more or less continuously falling rain or snow, which in most cases reaches the ground. It is thick enough throughout to blot out the sun. Low, ragged clouds frequently occur below the layer, with which they may or may not merge." NIMBOSTRATUS

64. In January an extended high pressure area is normally observed over: SIBERIA 65. A dry, sand- and dust-laden North Easterly wind that blows in winter over large parts of North West Africa is known as a: HARMATTAN 66. The main components of an altostratus are: ICE CRYSTALS AND WATER DROPLETS 67. The Bora is a: COLD CATABATIC WIND WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF VIOLENT GUSTS 68. The weather most likely to be experienced at position "S" is: OVERCAST WITH DRIZZLE AND OROGRAPHIC FOG 69. Fallstreaks or virga are: WATER OR ICE PARTICLES FALLING OUT OF A CLOUD THAT EVAPORATE BEFORE REACHING THE GROUND 70. Which of these statements best describes the weather most likely to be experienced at 1500 UTC?; TAF LSZH 211322 22018G35KT 9999 SCT012 BKN030 BECMG 1315 25025G45KT TEMPO 1720 4000 +SHRA BKN025TCU BECMG 2022 25015KT T1815Z T1618Z = VISIBILITY 10 KILOMETRES OR MORE, MAIN CLOUDBASE 3000 FEET, WIND 250°, TEMPERATURE 18°C 71. Two aircraft, one with a sharp wing profile (S), and the other with a thick profile (T), are flying through the same cloud with same true airspeed. The cloud consists of small supercooled droplets. Which of the following statements is most correct concerning ice accretion? AIRCRAFT S EXPERIENCES MORE ICING THAN T 72. What is the lowest cloud base that can be expected from the forecast for 1500 UTC ? KCHS 280430Z 280606 VRB05KT 4000 BR SCT005 OVC013 PROB40 SHRA BECMG 1314 9000 SHRA OVC015 PROB40 TEMPO 1416 VRB15G25KT 1600 TSRA OVC010CB BECMG 1618 26010KT BKN030 BECMG 2122 CAVOK. 1000 FEET

73. The air masses that are observed most frequently over western Europe are: POLAR AIR AND TROPICAL AIR 74. Most tornadoes have a life span that lasts for: A FEW MINUTES UP TO 30 MINUTES 75. Which of the following conditions is most likely to lead to the formation of advection fog? MOIST WARM AIR MOVING OVER A COLD WATER 76. An aircraft is flying at FL 150, with an outside air temperature of -30, above an airport where the elevation is 1660ft and the QNH is 993hPa. Calculate the true altitude : 13690ft 77. When are the rainy seasons in equatorial Africa? MARCH TO MAY AND OCTOBER TO NOVEMBER 78. Frontal thunderstorms are mainly associated with: COLD FRONTS 79. Thermal turbulence is caused by: VERTICAL MOVEMENTS OF AIR DUE TO CONVECTION IN UNSTABLE 80. Which precipitation type normally indicates freezing rain at some altitude above the ground? ICE PELLETS 81. Relative humidity: INCREASES IF THE AIR IS COOLED WHILST MAINTAINING THE VAPOUR PRESSURE CONSTANT 82. Good visibility in the lower levels may be expected when: COOL DRY AIR IS MOVING OVER A WARMER SURFACE 83. What is the type, intensity and seasonal variation of precipitation in the equatorial region? RAINSHOWERS, HAIL SHOWERS AND THUNDERSTORMS OCCUR THE WHOLE YEAR, BUT FREQUENCY IS HIGHUEST DURING TWO PERIODS: APRIL-MAY AND OCTOBERNOVEMBER 84. The most dangerous icing conditions are encountered in: SUPERCOOLED PRECIPITATION

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