Model Course 1.21 Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
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HTW 3/3/3 27 October 2015 Original: ENGLISH
VALIDATED MODEL TRAINING COURSES Model Course on Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities Note by the Secretariat
SUMMARY Executive summary: summary:
This document provides the draft of a revised model course on Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities Responsibilities
Strategic direction: direction:
High-level action: action:
Planned output: output:
Action to be taken: taken:
Paragraph 3
Related document: document:
STW 40/14
1 Attached Attach ed in the annex is a draft revised model course on Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities. 2 The preliminary preliminary draft of this revised model course was forwarded to members of the validation panel for their comments. Relevant comments on the draft revised model course have been received from the validation panel and have been incorporated, as appropriate. Action requested of the Sub-Committee 3 The Sub-Committee Sub-Committ ee is invited to consider the above information informat ion and take action, as appropriate.
*** Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
1.21 1.21 PERSONAL SAFETY AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES 20[…] Edition Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 2
[Print edition (ISBN: 978-82-801-5082-7) 978-82-801-5082-7) published in 2000 by the INTERNATIONA I NTERNATIONAL L MARITIME ORGANIZATION 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR www.imo.orq
Electronic edition 2000
IMO PUBLICATION | Sales number: ETA121E |
IMO wishes to express its sincere appreciation to the Norwegian Directorate for its valuable assistance and co-operation in the development of this course. Grateful acknowledgement acknowledgement is made for the use of material and diagrams from: International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, by the International Chamber of Shipping, the Oil Companies International International Marine Forum and the International Association of Ports and Harbours (London: (London: Witherby Marine Publishing, 1984).
Copyright (~ International Maritime Organization 2000
All rights reserved. reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior permission in writing from the International Maritime Organization] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 3 CONTENTS
Foreword Introduction Part A: Part B: Part C: Part D:
Course Framework Course Outline and Timetable Detailed Teaching Syllabus Instructor Manual
Appendix 1 [Enclosed Space Entry Permit] [Example of a Lesson Plan] Appendix 2 [Hot Work Permit] [ Sample Enclosed Space Entry Permit] [Appendix 3 Sample Hot Work Permit] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 4 Foreword Since its inception the International Maritime Organization has recognized the importance of human resources to the development of the maritime industry and has given the highest priority to assisting developing countries in enhancing their maritime training capabilities capabilities through the provision or improvement of maritime training facilities at national and regional levels. IMO has also responded to the needs of developing countries for postgraduate training for senior personnel inthe administration, ports, shipping companies and maritime establishing World Maritime University in Malmo, Sweden, in 1983. training institutes by Following the [earlier] adoption of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, [(STCW)] [a number of][and subsequent amendments,] IMO Member Governments [had suggested that] [have supported] IMO [should [ should develop] [in developing] model training courses [to] [which] assist in the implementation of the Convention and in achieving a more rapid transfer of information and skills regarding new developments developmen ts in maritime technology. IMO training advisers and consultants also have subsequently [determined] confirmed from their visits to training establishments in developing countries that the provision of model courses [could] help[s] colleges and instructors improve the quality of their existing courses, [and] enhance[ing] their effectiveness in meeting the requirements of the Convention and [in] implementing implementin g the associated Conference and IMO Assembly resolutions. [In addition,] [i][I]t [was] [is] appreciated that a comprehensive set of short model courses in various fields of maritime training [would supplement] supplement[ s] the instruction provided by maritime academies [and] allow[s] administrators and technical specialists already employed in maritime administrations, ports and shipping companies to improve their knowledge and skills in certain specialized fields. IMO has therefore [developed] [supported the continuing development of] the current series of model courses in response to these generally identified needs [and with the generous assistance of Norway]. These model courses may be used by any training institution and the Organization is prepared to assist developing countries in implementing any course when the requisite financing is available.
[W. A. O'NEIL] [ K. Lim] Secretary-General Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 5 Introduction Purpose of the model courses The purpose of the IMO model courses is to assist training providers and their teaching staff in organizing and introducing new training [courses, or] [programs and] in enhancing, updating[or] [and] supplementing existing training material where the quality and effectiveness of the training t raining courses may [thereby] be improved. It is not the t he intention of the model course [programme] [program] to present instructors with a rigid "teaching package" which they are expected to "follow blindly". Nor is it the intention to substitute the instructor's presence with audiovisual or "programmed" material. As in all training [endeavours] [tasks], the knowledge, skills and dedication of the instructor are the key components in the transfer of knowledge and skills to those being trained through IMO model course material. Because educational systems and the cultural backgrounds of trainees in maritime subjects vary considerably from country to country, the model course material has been designed to identify the basic entry requirements and trainee target group for each course in universally applicable terms, and to specify clearly the technical content and levels of knowledge and skill necessary to meet the technical intent of IMO conventions conventions and related recommendations. In order to keep the training programme up to date in future, it is essential that users provide feedback. New information will provide better training in safety at sea and protection of the marine environment. Information, comments and suggestions should be sent to the Head Maritime Training and Human Element at IMO, London. Use of the model course To use the model course the instructor should review the course plan and detailed syllabus, taking into account the information provided under the entry standards specified in the course framework. The actual level of knowledge and skills and prior technical education of the trainees should be kept in mind during this review and any areas within the detailed syllabus which may cause difficulties because of differences between the actual trainee entry level and that assumed by the course designer should be identified. To compensate for such differences, the instructor is [expected] [at liberty] to delete from the course, or reduce the emphasis on, items dealing with knowledge or skills already attained by the trainees. [He] [The instructor] should also identify any academic knowledge, skills or technical training which they may not have acquired. By analysing the detailed syllabus and the academic knowledge required to allow training in the technical area to proceed, the instructor can design an appropriate pre-entry course or, alternatively, insert the elements of academic knowledge required to support the technical training elements concerned at appropriate points within the technical course. Adjustment of the course objectives, scope and content may also be necessary if within the respective maritime industry the trainees completing the course are to undertake duties which differ from the course objectives specified in the model course. Within the course plan the course designers have indicated their assessment of the time which should be allotted to each learning area. However, it must be appreciated that these allocations are arbitrary and assume that the trainees have fully met all the entry requirements of the course. The instructor should therefore review these assessments and may need to reallocate the time required to achieve each specific learning objective objective.. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 6 Lesson plans Having adjusted the course content to suit the trainee intake and any revision of the course objectives, the instructor should draw up lesson plans based on the detailed syllabus. The detailed syllabus contains specific references to the textbooks or teaching material proposed to be used in the course. An example of a lesson plan is shown in [the instructor manual on page 42] [ Appendix 1]. Where no adjustment adjustment has been found necessary in the learning objectives of the detailed syllabus, the lesson plans may simply consist of the detailed syllabus with keywords or other reminders added to assist the instructor in making [his] [their] presentation of the material. Presentation The presentation of concepts and methodologies must be repeated in various ways until the instructor is satisfied, by testing and evaluating the trainee's performance and achievements, that the trainee has attained each specific learning objective [or] [and] training outcome. The syllabus is laid out in learning objective format and each objective specifies a required performance or, performance or, what the trainee must be able to do as do as the learning or training outcome. Taken as a whole, these objectives aim to meet the knowledge, understanding and proficiency specified in the appropriate tables of the STCW Code. Implementation For the course run considerable e attention must be paid to the availability availabili ty and to use of:smoothly and to be effective, considerabl •
properly qualified instructors
support staff
[rooms] [properly equipped classrooms] and other spaces
[appropriate] equipment [and teaching aids]
[videos and multi-media presentations]
textbooks, [and any appropriate] technical papers
[other] [appropriate] reference material.
Thorough preparation prepar ation is the key to successful implementation implementati on of the course. IMO has produced a booklet entitled "Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses", which deals with this aspect in greater detail. Training and the STCW [1995] Convention [ 1978, as amended] The standards of competence that have to be met by seafarers are defined in Part A of the STCW Code in the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers Convention.[, as amended in 1995.] This IMO model course has been written to cover the competences in [STCW 1995] the relevant section of the STCW Code. It sets out the education and training to achieve those standards set out in [Chapter Vl,] Table A-VI/1-4. Part A provides the framework for the course with its aims and objectives and notes on the suggested teaching facilities facilities and equipment. A list of useful teaching aids, IMO references and textbooks is also included. Part B provides [an] [a course] outline of lectures, [demonstrations and exercises for the course.] [with each competence expanded into subjects and a nominal time period given for each module]. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 7 A suggested timetable timetable is included, but from the teaching teaching and learning learning point of view view,, it is more important that the trainee achieves the minimum standard of competence defined in the STCW Code than [that a] strict [adherence to a] timetable [is followed]. Depending on their ability, some students will naturally take longer to become proficient in some topics than in others. [Also included in this section are guidance notes and additional explanations explanations.] .] A separate IMO model course addresses Assessment of Competence. This course explains the use of as various methods demonstrating competence and criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in the for STCW Code. Part C [gives] [provides] the [Learning Objectives and] Detailed Teaching Syllabus. This is based on the theoretical and practical knowledge specified in the STCW Code[.] [and is presented on two sections. Section 1 introduces the core learning objectives which have been derived from the competencies and corresponding knowledge, understanding and proficiencies detailed in STCW Table A-VI/1-4. Section 2 contains the detailed teaching syllabus which expands further upon the core objectives. The syllabus is] [It is] written as a series of [learning objectives] [ required performance performance criteria], in other words, what the trainee is expected to be able to do as a result of the teaching and training. [Each of the objectives is expanded to define a required performance of knowledge, understanding and proficiency.] IMO references, textbook references and suggested teaching aids are included to assist the teacher in designing lessons. The [new] training requirements for these competences are addressed in the appropriate parts of the t he detailed teaching syllabus. The Convention defines the minimum standards to be maintained in Part A of the STCW Code. Mandatory provisions concerning Training and Assessment are given in Section A-l/6 of the STCW Code. These provisions cover: [ approval by the Administration]; qualification of instructors; supervisors [as] [and] assessors; in-service training; assessment of competence; and training and assessment within with in an institution. The corr corresponding esponding Part B of the STCW Code contains non-mandatory guidance on training and assessment. The criteria for evaluating competence of trainees specified in the minimum standard of competence tables of Part A of the STCW Code are to be used in the assessment of all competences listed in those tables. As previously mentioned, a separate model course addresses Assessment of Competence and use of the criteria for evaluating competence tabulated in the STCW Code. Responsibilities of Administrations [It is the responsibility of] Administrations [should] [to] ensure that training courses delivered by [ their] training providers are such [as to ensure] [that] those completing training [do] meet the [STCW] standards of competence [for the level of certification to be issued]. Validation The information contained in this document has been validated by the Sub-Committee on [Standards of] [Human Factors,] Training and Watchkeeping for use by technical advisors, consultants and experts for the training and certification of seafarers so that the minimum standards implemented may be as uniform as possible. "Validation" in the context of this document means that the Sub-Committee has found no grounds to object to its content. The Sub-Committee has not granted its approval to the documents, as it considers that this work must not be regarded as an official interpretation of the Convention. Convention. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 8 In reaching a decision in this regard the Sub-Committee was guided by the advice of a Validation Group comprised of representatives designated by ILO and IMO. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 9 Part A: Course Framework Aims This model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for seafarers for familiarization, basic safety training and instruction in accordance with Section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code. Objective [Due to the] [This course is designed to prepare new recruits for life on a ship at sea where they will experience a] vastly different [living [ living and working] environmen environmentt [on a ship as] compared to [that if they were living and working] ashore[.] [, this course is designed to prepare new recruits for a life at sea.] Working W orking on a ship can be [a] hazardous occupation for the uninitiated. This course will give new seafarers an insight into the various elements of a ship and working procedures on board so that they adjust to the shipboard environmen environmentt and are better prepared to cope with any unforeseen circumstances. To that extent this course is planned to make their transition from a shore to a sea career [as] smooth [as possible] and [provide some understanding] understandin g] [give some knowledge] k nowledge] of [ship's] [a seafarer's] working [environment and the hazards, procedures and safe work practices they will encounter,] before they actually step on board a ship. A trainee successfully successfully completing this course will will be able to: • • • • • • [• •
comply with emergency procedures take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment observe safe working practices [recognize and identify hazards onboard] understand orders and be understood in relation to shipboard duties contribute to effective human relationships on board ship comply with seafarer hygiene and seafarer well-being practices recognize the dangers and causes of fatigue] f atigue]
Entry standards There are no specific entry standards for the training in this model course. The training is mandatory for all prospective seafarers, who should complete this basic training before being assigned to any shipboard duties. Course certificate On successful completion of the course and demonstration of competence, a certificate may be issued certifying that the holder has met the standard of competence specified in Table A-Vl/1-4 of [the] STCW [1995] [ 1995] [Code]. Such a certificate may be issued only by [centres] [ training organizations] approved by the Administration. Course intake limitations The maximum number of trainees attending each session will depend on the availability of instructors, equipment and facilities available for conducting the t he training. The number should not, at any time, exceed that which will allow sufficient opportunity for each trainee to have adequate practical instruction in procedures for the proper use of systems and equipment. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 10 Staff requirements [The] Instructor[s] shall [be appropriately qualified and] have [appropriate] training in instructional techniques and training [and assessment] methods [and must be approved by the Administration] (STCW (STCW Code Section A-l/6, A-l/6, para[graphs 1-]7). 1-]7). Teaching facilities and equipment [Ordinary] [Suitable] classroom facilities [and an overhead projector] are required for the the] use of audiovisual material such as [multilectures. [In addition, when media presentations], videosmaking] or slides[Where [is intended] it should be ensured that [the] appropriate equipment is available. Teaching aids (A) A1 A2 A3
Detailed Teaching Teaching Syllabus (Part (Part C of the course) and Instructor Manual Manual (Part D of the course). Audio-visual Audio-visual aids. Video [Cassette[/[DVD/Media] [Cassette[/[DVD/Media] Player, Player, TV, Slide Projector, Projector, OHP etc. [Photographs or] [Videos and] pictures of various types of ships, such as bulk carriers, tankers, [passenger ships, RO-RO ships] and container ships and [of] various parts of [the] [a] ship[s], including •
Gangway and safety net
• • • • • • • • • [•
Main deck Holds and hatches Forecastle and poop deck Windlass, anchors and winches Cranes [or derricks] [and cargo gear] Manifold and deck pipeline system (on a tanker) Accommodation Bridge Engine-room Survival craft and fire-fighting equipment] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 11 A4
Video[s] [cassettes]:
V1 IMO - Safer shipping and cleaner seas [(IMO Code No. VID-202)] VID-202)] [(available on IMO website at, at,]]
[Available from: IMO Publishing Publishing Service 4 Albert Embankment London, SE1 7SR, UK Fax: (0)20 7587 3241 URL:+44] [The audio-visual examples listed below are available from Videotel and may be referenced on the website: website: It is to be noted that the below are suggestions only and may be substituted by other similar audio-visuall material at the discretion of the training provider and Administration.] audio-visua [V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
Personal Safety on Board Ship Series (Code No. 553-563) Personal Hygiene (Code No. 293) Waste and Garbage Management (Code No. 627) Fighting Pollution (Edition 2) - Prevention of Pollution at Sea (Code No. 432) Safe Mooring Practice (Code No. 616) Prevention and Reaction to Marine Oil Spills: Under MARPOL (Code No. 591)
V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14
Prevention and Reaction to Marine Oil Spills: The Seafarer's Seafarer 's Role (Code No.592) Setting a Course for Health - Health and Welfare Advice for Seafarers (Code No. 510) Who Needs It? Personal Protective Equipment (Code No. 597) Alcohol Beware! (Code No. 348) Drugs - Way Off Course (Code No. 486) Entering into Enclosed Spaces (Edition 2) (Code No. 534) Welding Safety (Code No. 495)]
[V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8
Personal Safety on Board (Series) (Code No. 554-563) Safety Meeting, Slips, Trips and Falls (Code No. 1185) Working with Multinational Crews - It's a Cultural Thing! (Code No. 1228) The International Safety Management Code (Code No. 524) Hazard Series – Series – Volume Volume 2 (Code No. 1127) Waste and Garbage Management (Code No. 627) Fighting Pollution - Preventing Pollution at Sea Edition 4 (Code No. 1122)
V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21
Safe Mooring Practice Edition 4 (Code No. 1105) Prevention and Reaction to Marine Oil Spills: Under MARPOL (Code No. 792) Prevention and Reaction to Marine Oil Spills: The Seafarer's Role (Code No.794) Health and Welfare Advice for Seafarers (Code No. 510) Fatigue and Stress at Sea (Edition 2) (Code No. 1232) Who Needs It? Personal Protective Equipment (Code No. 597) Alcohol Beware! Edition 2 (Code No. 739) Drugs - Way Off Course Edition 2 (Code No. 740) Entering into Enclosed Spaces (series) (Code No. 1132, 682) Welding Safety (Code No. 495) Unsafe act awareness (Code No. 710) Shipshape: Good Housekeeping Housekeeping Part 3: Accommodation (Code No. 976) Minimizing fatigue, maximising performance (Code 939)]
[The Available Available from: Videotel Marine International Ltd 84 Newman Street London, W1P 3LD, UK Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 12 Tel: +44 (0)20 7299 1800, Fax: +44 (0)20 7299 1818 e-mail: URL: Audio-visual examples listed above may be substituted by other similar audio-visual material Audio-visual at the discretion of the training provider and Administration.] A5
Demonstration equipment as follows: follows: • Helmet equipment • Goggles • Gloves • Safety shoes • Dust masks and respirators • Protective clothing • Self-contained breathing apparatus • [Fall arrestor safety harness • Hearing protection]
IMO references (R) R1
R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 [R9
The International Internat ional Convention on Standards of Training, Certification Certificat ion and Watchkeeping for Seafarers,[1995 (STCW 1995),1998 edition (IMO Sales No.938E)] [1978, as amended and the STCW Code] International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 1974), as amended [(IMO Sales No. 110E)] International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)[(IMO Sales No. 520E),] [as amended ] IMO Life-Saving Appliances Code (LSA Code) [(IMO Sales No. 982E)] Standard Marine Navigational Navigational Vocabulary [(IMO Sales No. 985E)] Human Resources Management Management for Marine Personnel [(IMO Sales No. T504E)] International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) [(IMO Sales No.117E)] Guidelines for the Development Development of Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans [(IMO Sales No. 586E)] Guidance on Fatigue mitigation and management(MSC/Circ.1014) management(MSC/Circ.1014) ]
Details of distributors of IMO publications that maintain a permanent stock of all IMO publications may be found on the IMO web site at Internet website references Further useful material to support the preparation of lessons, teaching and assessment may be found [amongst the following websites:] [by researching on the internet on appropriate websites such as those of flag State Administrations, major shipping companies, classification classification societies and other professional professional maritime organizations.] [W1
DNV-STCW 95 Training and Qualification Support Support /stcw/Rev1 /
USCG STCW Home Page Page USCG Exam Question Bank Bank http://www.uscg.mi l/hq/g-m/marpers/examques/ind /examques/index.htm ex.htm
USCG NVlCs published in the 90s 90s Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 13 W5
ILO Sectoral Activities: Shipping Shipping lic/english/100secto/sectors/ma 0secto/sectors/mariti.htm riti.htm
ILO Database of International Labour Standards Standards ic/english/50normes/infleg/il rmes/infleg/iloeng/index oeng/index.htm .htm
PC Maritime Ltd Ltd http://www.pcmaritime .co.uklcomm/index.htm?/comm/prod x.htm?/comm/products.htm ucts.htm
W8 MARINTEK - Information Technology Technology http://www.marinte /mitd/programme/b2-98m /b2-98m .html] Textbooks (T) T1 T2 T3
T4 T5 T6
ILO Code of Practice for Accident Prevention on Board Ship at Sea and in Port . Port . Code of Safe Working Practices for f or Merchant Seamen. Seamen. London, The Stationery Office Publications Centre[, 1998 (ISBN 0115518363)] [ICS/OCIMF/IAPH,] International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals, Terminals , [ICS/OCIMF/IAPH] [4th ed. London, Witherby and Co. Ltd (32/36 Aylesbury Street, London, EC1 R OET, UK),1996 (ISBN 1-85609-081-7)] Guidelines on the Application of the International Safety Management Code,[. Code,[. 3rd ed.] The International Chamber of Shipping. [(12 Carthusian Street, London, EC1M 6EB, UK),1996] Drug and [A ][a]lcohol [abuse] [P][p]revention [p][P]rogrammes in the [m][M]aritime industry . [ILO ][International Labour Organization] [1996 (ISBN 92-2-110260-2)] Olav Bø, Accident Bø, Accident Prevention Prevention Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 14 Part B: Course Outline and Timetable Lectures As far as possible, possible, lectures lectures should should be be presented presented within within a familiar context and and should should make use of practical examples. They should be well illustrated with diagrams, [photographs] [pictures] and [charts] [videos] where appropriate, and be related to [matter learned] [skills that will be necessary] during seagoing time. An effective manner of presentation is to t o develop a technique of giving information and then reinforcing it. For example, first tell the trainees briefly what you are going to present to them; then cover the topic in detail; and, finally, summarize what you have told them. The use of [an overhead] [audio-visual aids such as video /DVD/media players, digital] projector [and multi-media presentations] presentations] and [ensuring that] the [distribution of copies of the t he transparencies as] trainees' handouts [and student notes are relevant, will all] contribute to the learning process. Course Outline [and Course Timetable] The tables that follow list the competencies and [areas of knowledge, understanding and proficiency,] [subject matter for this course in the sequence that they are listed in Table A-VI/1-4 of the STCW Code], together with [the estimated total] [a suggested number of] hours required for [the completion of] lectures and practical exercises. Teaching staff should note that timings are suggestions only and [should] [that the subject matter may] be adapted to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience[,] equipment and staff available available for training. [and] ability[,] [and the] equipment Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 15 [Course Outline Course Outline Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
Approximate time (Hours) Lectures, demonstrations and practical work
1 Observe safe working pra practices ctices 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Importance of the c course ourse 1.3 Ship familiarization 1.4 Nature of shipboard hazards 1.5 Groups the equipment provided on board to counter these hazards 1.6 Use and demonstration of PPE 1.7 Lists operations that take pl place ace on board w which hich can be hazardous 1.8 Loading and unloading of cargoes 1.9 Mooring and unmooring 1.10 Enclosed spaces 1.11 Hot work 1.12 Working aloft 1.13 Engine-room watchkeeping and maintenance 3.0
2 Contri C ontri bute tto o effecti effective ve human relations hips hi ps on board s hi hip p - Human Human rela relations tionships hips on boa board rd s hip 2.1 Interpersonal relationships 2.2 Team building 2.3 Team work 2.0
3 Unders tand order s and be under underss tood in relation to s hi hipboard pboard duties 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
Fundamentals of communication Methods of communication Barriers in communication Effective transmission skills Effective listening skills Effects and consequences of wrong communication Communication sum-up
4 Comply Comply with em emerg erg ency procedures 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
Explains the term 'emergency' Drills and muster Value and need of drills and and training Internal communication 2.0
5 Take precautions prec autions to prevent pollution of the marine marin e environment 5.1 Define the term 'pollution' 5.2 Effects of operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment 5.3 International measures for pollution prevention, pollution avoidance and containment of pollutants 5.4 Pollution by sewage from ships 5.5 Pollution by garbage from ships 5.6tanks Control of oil discharge from machinery spaces and oil fuel 5.7 Contents of Oil Record Book Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 16 Course Outline
Approximate time (Hours)
5.8 Control of discharge of oil and special areas 5.9 Introduces the contents of Annex Vl of MARPOL
C ontribut ontribute e to ef effective fective hum human an rel relat ations ions hips on board sship hip (conclude (concl uded)d)- S ocial responsi bilities bilities 6.1 Rights and obligation of crew 6.2 Employment conditions, etc. 6.3 Drugs and alcohol 6.4 Health and hygiene on board 6 5 Summing up TOTAL
2.0 14.0
R evie eview wa and nd A s s ess me ment nt Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 17 [Course Outline Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching. Course Outline Competence and subject matter
1 C omp omply ly with em emerg erg ency procedures 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Approximate time (Hours) Lectures, demonstrations and practical work 2.0
Explains the term 'emergency' Musters and Drills Value and need of drills and training Internal communication Review
2 Tak Take e precautio precautions ns to prevent pollution of the mari marine ne envir onment 3.0 2.1 2.2
Define the term 'pollution' Effects of operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment 2.3 Effect of shipping and offshore installations on the marine environment 2.4 International measures for pollution prevention, pollution avoidance and containment of pollutants 2.5 Pollution by sewage from ships 2.6 Pollution by garbage from ships Control of oil discharge from 2.7 machinery spaces and oil fuel tanks 2.8 Contents of Oil and Garbage Record Books 2.9 Control of discharge of oil in special areas 2.10 Introduces the contents of Annex VI of MARPOL 2.11 Review
3 Obs erv erve e safe work ing in g practi practices ces 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14
Introduction Importance of the course Ship familiarization Nature of shipboard hazards Safeguards and equipment used on board to counter hazards. Use and demonstration of PPE Operations that take place on board which can be hazardous to personnel or ship Loading and unloading of cargoes Mooring and unmooring Enclosed spaces Working at heights Hot work Engine-room watchkeeping and maintenance Review Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 18 Course Outline
Approximate time (Hours) Lectures, demonstrations and practical work
Competence and subject matter
4 C ontribut ontribute e to effe effective ctive com communicat munications ions on boa board rd shi p 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8
Fundamentals of communication Methods of communication Barriers in communication Effective transmission skills Effective listening skill Effects and consequences of wrong communication Importance of effective communication on board ship Review
5 C ontri bute tto o effecti effective ve human relations hips hi ps on board sshi hip p 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
Interpersonal relationships (IPR) Team building Team Work Social Responsibilities – Responsibilities – Rights Rights and obligations of crew Employment conditions etc
5.6 Drugs and alcohol 5.7 Health and hygiene on board 5.8 Review
6 Unde Unders rs tand tand and and ttake ake necess ary a actions ctions to cont control rol ffat atig ig ue 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6
Causes of fatigue Circadian rhythms and the importance of sleep Consequences of fatigue Fatigue mitigation and management for individuals Recording hours of work and rest Review
R eview eview a and nd As s ess ment ent
] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 19 [Course Timetable Period/Day
1st period (1.5 hours)
1 Observe safe working practices
3 Understand orders and be understood in relation to shipboard duties (continued)
6 Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship: social responsibilities
2nd Period (1.5 hours)
1. Observe safe working practices (continued)
3 Understand orders and be understood in relation to shipboard duties (continued)
6 Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship (continued)
4. Comply with emergency procedures 3rd Period (1.5 hours)
4th Period (1.5 hours)
2 Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship: human relationships on board ship
4. Comply with emergency procedures (continued)
2 Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship (continued)
5 Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment (continued)
7 Review and assessment
5 Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment
3 Understand orders and be understood in relation to shipboard duties Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 20 [Course Timetable Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence and length of time allocated to each competence. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
1st period (1.5 hours)
Introduction to the personal safety and social responsibilities course and its importance to the prospective seafarer.
4. Contribute to effective communications on board ship (continued)
2. Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment
3. Observing safe working practices 2nd Period (1.5 hours)
3. Observing safe working practices (continued)
1. Comply with emergency procedures
2. Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment (continued)
3rd Period (1.5 hours)
3. Observing safe working practices (continued)
1. Comply with emergency procedures (continued)
5. Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship
6. Understand and take necessary actions to control fatigue 4th Period (1.5 hours)
4. Contribute to effective communications on board ship
6. Understand and take necessary actions to control fatigue (continued)
5. Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship (continued) https://edocs.imo.or g/Final Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 21 Part C: Detailed Teaching Syllabus Introduction The detailed teaching syllabus has been written in [learning-objective] [learning-objective] [required performance] format, in which the [ required performance criteria] [objective] describes what the trainee tr ainee must must [be able to] do [to demonstrate that knowledge has been transferred] [as tthe he learning outcome]. [They provide the instructor with a detailed expansion enabling them to produce a training program covering the required topics of the course. Taken as a whole, the course objectives in Section 1 and required performance criteria in Section 2 aim to meet the knowledge, understanding understanding and proficiency specified in the Table AVI/1-4 of the STCW Code.] [All objectives are understood to be prefixed by the words "The expected learning outcome is that the trainee ...........".] In order to assist the instructor, [ where appropriate], references are shown against the [required performance criteria], [learning objectives] to indicate IMO references and publications and teaching aids, which the instructor may wish to use when preparing course material. The material[s] listed in the course framework [(Part A)] [has] [have] been [used to structure] [included in] the detailed teaching syllabus; in particular,
Teaching Aids (indicated (indicate d by A) and IMO references (indicated by R)
will provide valuable information to instructors. The abbreviations used are:
App: Ch: pa: Reg: Sec:
appendix chapter paragraph regulation Section
The following are examples of the use of references: R2 - Reg. lll/3.4 refers to regulation lll/ 3, paragraph 4, of the t he 1974 SOLAS Convention; Convention; R1 - Table A-VI/2-, refers to Table T able A-VI/2-1 of the STCW Code. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 22 [Section 1: Course Objectives The table that follows lists the competencies and areas of knowledge, understanding and proficiency taken from Table A-VI/1-4 of the STCW Code and from this, introduces the learning objectives of each module of competence.]
Competence in Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
IMO Reference
Competence 1: Comply with w ith emergency procedures Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: Types of emergency which may occur, such as collision, fire, foundering f oundering Knowledge of shipboard contingency plans for response to emergencies emergencies Emergency signals and specific duties allocated to crew members in the muster list; muster stations; correct use of personal safety equipment Action to take on discovering discovering potential potential emergency, including fire, collision, collision, foundering and ingress of water into the ship
R1Table A-VI/1-4
Textbooks, Bibliography
Teaching Aid [A1-pa 4.1-4.4] [A1 – [A1 – Part C Sec: 2 pa. 1.1 - 1.4]
Action to take on hearing hearing emergency emergency alarm signals. Value of training and drills Knowledge of escape routes and internal communication and alarm systems Objectives [are]: [The expected learning outcomes are that the trainee:] trainee:] 1
[Understands [Understa nds and] complies with emergency response plans and procedures [for various emergency situations]
Identifies emergency alarm signal[s and knows how to reference allocated muster list duties and commence appropriate appropriate actions]
Takes correct action in given emergency drills [and on discovering a potential emergency]
[4 Understands the importance of emergency drills and continued training] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 23 Competence in Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities Competence 2: Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: [Basic knowledge of the impact of shipping on the marine environment and the] effects of operational or accidental pollution [of the marine environment] environment] [on it]. Basic environmental protection procedures [Basic knowledge of complexity and diversity of the marine environment] Objectives [are]: [The expected learning outcomes are that the trainee:] trainee:] 1
States that it is a legal requirement to protect the marine environment from pollution by ships
IMO Reference R1Table A-VI/1-4
Textbooks, Bibliography
Teaching Aid A1- [Part C Sec: 2] pa. [5.1-5.9] [2.1-2.10]
Describes the effects of operational or accidental marine pollution [and understands the impact shipping has on the diverse and complex marine environment]
Describes procedures adopted on board to minimize marine pollution
[4 Demonstrates a basic understanding understanding of of the contents of the annexes to MARPOL] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 24 Competence 3: Observe safe working practices Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: Importance of adhering to safe working practices at all times Safety and protective devices available to protect against potential hazards aboard ship Precautions to be taken prior to entering enclosed spaces Familiarization Familiariz ation with international international measures concerning accident prevention and occupational health Objectives [are]: [The expected learning outcomes are that the trainee:] trainee:] 1
Identifies [the importance of adhering to safe working practices on board a ship and lists operations that take place on board which can be hazardous] [safety hazards in given situations]
R1Table A-VI/1-4
A1 – A1 –[Part [Part C Sec: 2] pa [1.31.13] [3.1 – [3.1 – 3.13]
[Selects the correct personal protective equipment for shipboard tasks]. [Understands the importance of creating a safety culture on board a ship to counter these hazards]
[ Adheres to procedures for entry into enclosed spaces.] [Identifies [Identifies various ship types and common nautical terms applicable to them]
[4 Adheres to procedures procedures for entry entry into into enclosed spaces and knows the potential hazards involved 5
Understands the importance of job hazard analysis, prior planning and safe work practices when undertaking any type of shipboard work, including, but not limited to, loading and unloading of cargoes, mooring and unmooring operations, hot work, working on deck and at heights, engine-room engine-room watchkeeping and maintenance, use of hand and power tools
Identifies and selects the correct personal protective equipment for various shipboard tasks Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 25 7
Understands the basic principles principles and objectives of the of the ISM Code and identifies individual seafarer responsibilities] responsibilities]
Competence 4:[Understand orders and be understood in relation to shipboard duties] [Contribute to effective communications communications on board ship] Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: [Ability to understand orders and to communicate with others in relation to shipboard duties] [Understand the principles of and barriers to effective communication between individuals individuals and teams within the ship Ability to establish establish and maintain maintain effective communications] Objectives are: [The expected learning outcomes are that the trainee:] trainee:]
R1Table A-VI/1-4
A1 – [Part A1 – [Part C Sec: 2] pa. [3.1-3.7] [4.1 – [4.1 – 4.8] 4.8]
[Understands and actions promptly orders commonly given on board ship.] [Understands the fundamentals of communication,, individually and in a team] communication
[Communicates clearly and effectively with shipmates and those in authority.] [Understands and effectively complies with orders commonly given on board ship, using recognized communication techniques
Communicates Communicat es clearly and effectively effect ively with all crew and other people on board and understands the importance of English as the common maritime communication communication language and recognizes the possible influence of cultural differences
Recognizes barriers to effective communication and the effects and consequences of mis-communication] mis-communication] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 26 Competence in Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities Competence 5: Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: Importance of maintaining good human and working relationships aboard ship [Basic team working principles and practice, including including conflict resolution] resolution] Social responsibilities; employment conditions; individual rights and obligations; dangers of drug and alcohol abuse Objectives are: [The expected learning outcomes are that the trainee]: trainee]: 1
Describes the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse [and recognizes their effect]
[Recognises the effects of drug and
IMO Reference R1Table A-VI/1-4
Textbooks, Bibliography
Teaching Aid
A1 – A1 – [Part [Part C Sec: 2] pa. 5.1-5.[7][8]
alcohol] [Demonstrates [Demonstrates a basic knowledge of the employment conditions required by the Maritime Labour Convention and understands the rights, responsibilities responsibilities and
obligations of crew members] Demonstrates Demonstrat es a harmonious working relationship with other prospective seafarers
[4 Understands the importance of team building and working as part of an effective team 5
Understands the appropriate steps to take in dealing with resolution of conflict
Understands the importance of maintaining personal health and hygiene standards] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 27 Competence in Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities
IMO Reference
[Competence 6: Understand and take necessary actions to control fatigue
R1Table A-VI/1-4
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency: Importance of obtaining the necessary rest Effects of sleep, schedules and the circadian rhythm on fatigue Effects of physical stressors on seafarers Effects of environmental stressors in and outside the ship and their impact on seafarers Effects of schedule changes on seafarer fatigue Objectives: The expected learning outcomes are that the trainee: trainee: 1
Understands the importance of obtai obt aini ning ng the necessary rest and managing fatigue for all persons onboard
Textbooks, Bibliography
Teaching Aid
A1 – A1 – Part Part C Sec: 2 pa. 6.1-6.6
Recog Recogni nizes zes effect s of physica l, mental and environmental stressors in and outside the ship and their impact on the well-being of the seafarer
Understan Understands ds the effects effects that tha t reduced red uced sleep, changing schedules, increased workload and the person's circadian rhythm cycle may have on seafarer fatigue
Understands the correlation between seafarer fatigue and accident causation
Lists minimum hours of rest for seafarers from section A-VIII/1of the STCW Code and recognizes the importance of accurately recording hours of work and rest] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 28 [Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
1 Observe safe working practices (3 hours)
IMO Reference
Textbooks, Bibliography
Teaching Aid
R1 – R1 – Reg. Reg. VI/1 & Sec. A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table AVI/1-4
Required performance:
R1 – R1 – Reg. Reg.
1.1 Introduction
VI/1 & Sec. A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table A-
.1 states the aims and objectives of the course
Required performance: 1.2 Importance of the course .1 states that working on ship is a hazardous occupation to which one is exposed as soon as one steps on board .2 explains the necessity of understanding the hazards on board and equipment and procedures provided to
avoid the hazards
Required performance: 1.3 Ship familiarization
T1, T2
T1, T2
.1 identifies likely hazards concerning: - gangway and safety net - main deck - holds and hatches - forecastle and poop deck - windlass, anchors and winches - cranes or derricks - manifold and deck pipeline system (on a tanker) - accommodation - bridge - engine-room
Required performance: 1.4 Nature of shipboard hazards .1 lists the various shipboard hazards as: - slips, trips and falls due to slippery surfaces (oil, grease, garbage, water, ice, etc.) or obstructions (pipelines, welding cables, lashing eyes, w wires, ires, ropes, etc.) - head injuries due to low doorway entrances, overhead loads, falling equipment or material, etc. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 29 - falls through open manholes, unfenced 'tween-decks, loose or missing gratings, etc. - clothing, fingers, etc. getting caught in moving machinery such as grinding wheels, winch drums, gears, flywheels, etc. - burns from steam pipes, hot machinery, welding sparks, etc. - eye injuries through chipping, welding, chemicals, etc. - injuries and sliding/fall of unsecured equipment due to ship movements in rough weather - hazards of extreme weather - lack of oxygen in confined spaces - presence of hydrocarbon gas and toxic gases -- hazards of chemicals used on board fire - collision/grounding flooding/sinking - pirates and stowaways
Required performance: 1.5 Groups the equipment provided on board to counter these hazards and lists the items in
each group
V2, A5
.1 Personal protective equipment: - helmet - goggles - gloves - safety shoes - dust masks and respirators - protective clothing - self-contained breathing apparatus .2 Life-saving appliances: - lifejackets - lifebuoys - liferafts - lifeboats - line-throwing apparatus - EPlRBs and SARTs - TPAs and immersion suits
.3 Fire-fighting appliances: - fire hoses, nozzles, hydrants and fire main - portable fire extinguishers - fire axe - fire-detecting system - fixed extinguishing system .4 Medical equipment: - resuscitator - stretcher Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 30 - medicines - medical equipment .5 Oil spill equipment - absorbent pads - absorbent rolls - chemical dispersant - sawdust, brooms, dust pans, shovels and barrels
Required performance: 1.6 Use and demonstration of PPE .1 Head protection: - importance of the helmet - parts of the helmet and functions of each part - when to use the helmet - care of the helmet .2 Gloves: - necessity for gloves - types of gloves and suitability of each type for different jobs .3 Eye protection: - importance of eye protection
T1, T2
A5, V10
- causes of injury to eye - types of eye protection and differentiation between them .4 Ear protection: - danger of excessive noise - types of ear protection .5 Respiratory protection: - need for respiratory protection - types of respiratory protection and suitability for use - description and checks prior to use of SCBA .6 Safety footwear - need for safety shoes - features of a safety shoe and differences from an ordinary shoe .7 Safety harness
Required performance: 1.7 Lists operations that take place on board which can be hazardous to personnel or ship -
T1, T2
A3, V2
loading/unloading of cargoes mooring - working aloft handling of chemicals engine-room watchkeeping and maintenance lifting loads (manually and mechanically) Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 31 - entry into enclosed spaces - hot work - anti-piracy and stowaway operations
Required performance: 1.8 Loading and unloading of cargoes .1 lists the various ship types as general cargo vessels, bulk carriers, container ships, ro-ro and car carriers, tankers, chemical and gas carriers and passenger ships .2 states that, in general, cargo vessels, bulk carriers and container ships cargo is lifted lifted on and off the vessel by cranes or derricks. Bulk cargo is poured into the ship's hold by conveyor belts .3 states that the haza hazards rds on these vessels, in the holds and on the jetty alongside are mainly from overhead loads, lifting gear and cargo handling equipment such as trucks and forklifts .4 states that no unauthorized persons should be allowed into the working area .5 states that all personnel should use the offshore side of the deck
T1, T2
A3, V2
.6 states that ro-ro ships and car carriers have several decks connected by ramps and cargo is driven on and off the vessel and up to the various decks via the ramps .7 states that cargo is driven at high speeds and any person standing in the way is likely to be run over .8 states that in tankers, chemical carriers and gas carriers cargo is in the liquid state and is pumped into and out from the ship through pipelines .9 states that the main hazard is from gas, which could be flammable, toxic or could cause a lack of oxygen .10 states that personnel working on these types of vessels must have special knowledge of the hazards involved and working procedures, which is covered in the tanker familiarization training course .11 states that passenger ships also may carry cars or other cargo, and includes ferries .12 states that in addition to deck and engine-room staff, there may be a large number of cooks, waiters, housekeeping staff, shop and other service assistants, entertainment, medical and religious attendants, etc. and that personnel working on these ships must have a knowledge of crowd control, especially in emergency situations
R1RegVI/1 & Sec. A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table AVI/1-4
IMO Model Course 1.01
R1RegVI/1 & Sec. A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table AVI/1-4
Required performance: Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 32 T1, T2
1.9 Mooring and unmooring .1 describes mooring as the tying up of a ship to a jetty, berth or pier .2 states that the lines used to tie up the ship are known as mooring lines or mooring wires .3 using a diagram, shows the disposition of headlines and stern lines, breastlines and backsprings .4 states that mooring lines are extremely heavy synthetic lines around 100 mm diameter or more and wires too are heavy around 50 mm diameter, depending on the size of the ship .5 states that all mooring equipment- ropes, wires, heaving lines, stoppers, shackles, winches and windlass, etc. must be checked to be in good order and condition before the operation .6 states that the ship is brought alongside by passing one or more lines ashore and heaving on these lines, using the windlass and mooring winches .7 states that these ropes and wires are risky to handle and can be extremely dangerous to those in the vicinity, especially when under stress
.8 states that when the ropes or wires part under stress, they can cause a whiplash that can kill or dismember a person .9 states that persons engaged in mooring operations must be extremely careful and aware of the risks and stay well clear of a rope or wire under tension .10 states that this operation is more risky during strong winds, heavy seas or swell or rain or by the need for speed .11 states that persons should never stand in the bight of a rope or wire .12 states that the persons heaving the rope on the drum must hold it loosely and be ready to slacken it, should it slip under tension .13 states that mooring lines must be constantly checked and always maintained taut .14 states that special attention must be paid when: - loading or unloading at a high rate - there is a large tidal range in the port or strong currents - there are strong winds or at berths exposed to sea
Required performance: 1.10 Enclosed spaces
A1 – A1 – App. 1 V13 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 33
.1 defines enclosed spaces as spaces where the ventilation is not kept running on a round-the-clock basis .2 lists the possible enclosed spaces as forepeak tank, chain lockers, cofferdams, topside tanks, cargo tanks, ballast tanks, duct keel, after peak tank, bunker tanks, etc. .3 states that careless entry into such spaces has resulted in accidents, sometimes fatal, if the person is overcome by a lack of breathable atmosphere or is injured and not rescued in time .4 divides the hazards iinto: nto: (a) atmospheric hazards and (b) physical hazards .5 states that atmospheric hazards could result from: - presence of hydrocarbon gas - presence of toxic gas or - deficiency in oxygen .6 states that due tto o the presence of hydrocarbon gas, a toxicity and flammability hazard arises 7 states that hydrocarbon vapours can be present due to:
- petroleum leakage - retention in tank structure - retention in pipeline - disturbance of sludge/scale .8 states that other such NO, NO2 SO2. CO2, benzene, H2S,gases, etc., can beas a toxic hazard .9 states that these ga gases ses can evolve from cargo, ship's stores or ship operations .10 defines a toxic hazard as harmful or poisonous to the body • insufficient flammable gas for the purpose and • toxic gas must be less than the TLV .11 defines Threshold Limit Value and states that such gases should not be present in concentrations more than their TLVs .12 states that the atmosphere may be rendered deficient in oxygen due to the causes listed below: - ingress of inert gas (in inerted tank or leakage across from inerted tank into adjoining enclosed space) - rusting - paint drying - hydrogen - electrical cleaning fluids - solvents/emulsifiers - refrigerants - burning Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 34 - flooding with CO2 to fight a fire - welding and gas cutting without proper ventilation - running an internal combustion engine in a confined space - decay of organic matter, e.g. vegetables, grain, fruits, etc. .13 states that oxygen deficiency can result in anoxia .14 states that the symptoms commence with giddiness, breathlessness and unconsciousness and progress onto brain damage causing memory loss, mental instability, paralysis, coma or death .15 states that physical hazards could cause a person to be physically or even fatally injured .16 states that physical hazards could include: - darkness - unsecured ladders - slippery surfaces - obstructions - unguarded openings - unsecured objects left from previous visit - flooding - getting trapped in accidentally
.17 states that the following precautions are to be followed prior to entry into enclosed spaces: - an enclosed space entry permit system must be strictly followed - the space is to be thoroughly ventilated and confirmed by testing of the atmosphere - there must be: • sufficient oxygen to support life - 21% .18 states that proper protective equipment - overalls, hard hat, safety shoes, etc. and approved torchlights, non- sparking tools, etc. must be used .19 states that vigilance and alertness must be exercised, the atmosphere must be monitored and all precautions observed while the job is under way .20 states that personnel must be cautioned against overconfidence or negligence .21 states that protective clothing and the workplace is to be cleaned up after the job is done and things left neat and tidy .22 discusses in brief the contents of an enclosed space entry permit
Required performance: A1 – App. A1 – 2 V14
1.11 Hot work .1 defines hot work as any work which generates heat or sparks of sufficiently high temperature or intensity to ignite a flammable gas - air mixture Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 35
.2 lists welding, cutting, burning, heating, chipping and use of some power tools generating heat, open flame, electric arc or continuous sparks as some examples of hot work .3 lists the hot w work ork hazards as fire, explosion, heat injuries, strong light injuries (ultraviolet light affecting eyes) and shock injury to personnel .4 groups the areas on board where hot w work ork is carried out in ascending order of danger as: - engineer's workshop - engine-room - poop deck and accommodation - cargo area .5 discusses in brief the contents of a hot work permit
Required performance: 1.12 Working aloft .1 describes working aloft as working at a height above the ground or deck where the primary hazard is of falling and consequent injury
T1, T2
A3, V10
.2 states that working overside can also be considered to be working aloft .3 lists examples of various jobs jobs aboard where working aloft is necessary, e.g. - painting bridge front bulkhead, masts, engine-room deckhead - cleaning or painting funnel - greasing, maintenance or repair of radar scanner, crane or derrick blocks and wires - chipping, painting, cleaning or inspecting tanks or holds - painting the ship side, underside of flying bridge wings, etc. .4 lists the hazards of working working aloft as: - falling from a height due to loss of balance, failure of ropes, etc. - injury due to falling material or equipment - burns due to contact with hot surfaces such as the funnel or steam from the whistle - emission of carbon dioxide or toxic gases from the funnel due to combustion, incineration, soot blowing, etc. - exposure to wind and cold - electric and radiation hazard due to proximity with radar scanners or radio aerials .5 states that prior notice must be given to the responsible person concerned prior to commencement of work, e.g. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 36 - duty engineer when working in the vicinity of the funnel to refrain from soot blowing or incineration or to shut off steam to the whistle when working near it - bridge watchkeeping officer when working near radar scanners - bridge watchkeeping officer or radio officer when working near radio aerials or satellite communication dome - chief officer when working on deck .6 states that equipment whose operation is a hazard to the work is to be locked or tagged with the responsibilities vested in a responsible officer .7 states that these che checks cks and procedures may be covered by a checklist or a permit-to-work system .8 lists the equipment used for working aloft as - gantlines - safety lines - wooden stages or bosun's chairs - hooks and shackles - fall arrester - ladders, scaffolding, etc. .9 states that this equipment should be stowed in a separate locker away from paints or chemicals
.10 states that this equipment is not to be used for any other purpose except working aloft .11 states that this equipment is to be checked every time prior to use by a person who is competent to detect faults in wood and rope .12 states that knots, hitches and turns should be correctly and carefully made to prevent slipping, especially when synthetic ropes are used .13 states that stages or bosun's chairs should not be hoisted or lowered by winch .14 states that anchoring points for safety lines or suspension points for gantlines should be strong and not subject to movement .15 states that ropes should not run over hot surfaces or sharp edges .16 states that a safety net should be rigged whenever possible, especially under a free hanging stage .17 states that stages should be secured against ship movement, especially if they are free hanging .18 states that work aloft should not be carried out while the ship is moving violently in a seaway .19 states that tools or materials should be passed in a bucket or by a rope and never thrown .20 states that ladders should be used for climbing onto or from a stage, and not the ropes that suspend the stage Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 37
.21 states that rigid ladders should be placed on a firm base .22 states that tools or equipment should be secured and not placed at the edge, where they can fall .23 states that inexperienced persons or those under 18 years of age should not be sent to work aloft or overside .24 states that work overside should not be carried out while the ship is under way .25 states that, in addition to normal protective equipment, a buoyant vest or lifejacket should be worn .26 states that lifebuoys with heaving line and light should be kept in readiness
Required performance: 1.13 Engine-room watchkeeping and maintenance .1 shows the general layout of an engine-room with the help of movies, slides or photographs .2 lists the machinery located in the engine-room: - main engines
T1, T2
A3, A4
- generators or alternators - boilers - compressors - pumps - motors - electrical equipment .3 states that other equipment which may be located in the engine-room includes: - steering gear - refrigeration machinery - hydraulic or pneumatic equipment - two-way portable VHF - lead-acid batteries .4 states that injuries suffered in the engine-room could be: - burns through contact with steam pipes, hot surfaces, welding sparks, etc. - head injuries through overhead obstructions or falling objects - slips, trips or falls on companion ways, from open floor plates, protruding parts or incautious haste - hearing loss through constant exposure to high decibel noise - contact with moving parts of machinery such as grinder wheels, flywheels, propeller shaft .5 states that use of proper protective equipment iis s absolutely necessary Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 38
.6 states that accidents can be prevented by good housekeeping and safe working practices .7 gives examples of good housekeeping as: - oil or water leaks should be immediately attended to - oil spills should be immediately cleaned and oilstained lagging replaced - oily rags or cotton waste should be properly disposed of in a closed container and not left Iying around to ignite spontaneously - tools should be attended to during work, so that they do not fall off ledges or platforms, and be properly collected and stowed after work - guards for moving parts of machinery should be in position and in good condition - equipment, stores and parts of opened-up machinery should be lashed and secured against movement - all parts of the engine-room should be adequately lighted - bilges should be kept clean and dry - bottom platform gratings should never be left open unless the area is fenced and warning signs are posted - access to fire-fighting equipment, escape routes and emergency exits should not be obstructed by stores or
equipment .8 states that safe working practices practices should iinclude: nclude: - proper locking and tagging of machinery under repair to prevent inadvertent starting -purposes proper checks equipment used for lifting or other prior toofuse - proper calibration of test equipment - proper tests of enclosed spaces prior to entry - use of proper tools for the job and in the proper way
2 Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship (2 ship (2 hours)
R1Reg.VI/1 & Sec. A-VI/1 pa/2 & Table AVI/1-4
Required performance 2.1 Interpersonal relationships (IPR) .1 states that good relationships make the life of all seafarers more comfortable, healthy and less prone to accidents .2 describes the elements which he help lp in better relationships like: - policies of company - function of shipboard management Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 39 - clarity of responsibilities with reference to shipboard functions - structure and flow of authority - importance of understanding needs: • individual needs needs • ship needs needs • company needs needs • social needs needs .3 states that everyone should respect each other's individuality, value, culture and purpose of work .4 states that open communication will will enhance IPR .5 states that shipboard environments demand better IPR from seafarers during both on-duty or off-duty hours .6 describes methods to improve IPR o on n board evolved from: - introducing and understanding each other - commitment of senior officers - valuing of individual differences rather than maximizing weakness - fairness in dealing with personnel - true appraisals and reporting
- discipline on board
Required performance: 2.2 Team building .1 states that the shipboard operation is team work and effectiveness of it depends on effectiveness of the team member .2 states that team helps in better decision making .3 describes: - team goals/aims/objectives - role of individual members - need of cohesiveness .4 lists deterrents to team operation
A1 – A1 – Exercise 5
.5 discusses deterrents such as: - distortion of aims - inflexible behaviour of members - groupism - status/ego problems - hidden agendas - communication problems - physical/environmental problems - handling of grievances/counselling .6 describes each in short with reference to the shipboard environment Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 40 Required performance: 2.3 Team work .1 explains that team w work ork is essential on board for reasons such as: - the shipping company comprises a number of small mobile industrial units (the ship) which may at any particular moment be distributed over large distances throughout the world - when making a voyage, the ship can undergo considerable climatic changes, which may adversely affect personnel - ships are operational for 24 hours each day, and the crew must be organized in regulated shift system, such thatatthe for duty all people times on board are well rested and fit - the personnel on the ship must be organized to operate the ship safely and effectively with numerous operations being performed simultaneously, e.g. • watchkeeping at sea and in port (navigation and machinery operation) • cargo operations • maintenance of hull, machinery and equipment • safety checks and drills, emergency actions
R1 – R1 – Sec. A-VIII/1
• repair/dry-docking • stocking provisions, cooking food, housekeeping • communication ship - shore - ship • the crew must be able to operate with a high degree of responsibility and flexibility
3 Understand orders and be understood in relation to shipboard duties (3 hours)
R1Reg.VI/1 & Sec.A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table AVI/1-4
Required performance: 3.1 Fundamentals of communication
.1 states that good communication is is the most essential element of safety and pollution prevention on board .2 states thatcommunication people's co-operation can be achieved by effective .3 states that effective communication is is the basic basic element for human survival .4 states that language iis s a means of transmitting transmitting ideas, views, instructions, etc.
Required performance: Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 41 3.2 Methods of communication .1 lists basic elements of communication as: - sender - receiver - modes of transmission - methods of transmission - barriers to communication - feedback .2 states that feedback is essential in ship's communication .3 lists methods of communication .4 classifies them under the following following heads: - verbal, e.g. reading, speaking, writing and any communication using words - non-verbal, e.g. body language, sounds, gestures - iconic, e.g. signs, figures, diagrams, pictures and photographs .5 states that all three methods need to be effectively used on board for proper understanding .6 states that verbal communication includes includes all communication pertaining to words, including reading,
A1 – A1 – Exercise 1
writing and speaking .7 states that body llanguage anguage and pictorial symbols are more powerful means of communication than verbal means alone
Required performance: R6
3.3 Barriers in communication .1 states that there are barriers in each step of the basic communication process .2 lists the barriers as: - transmitter's conceptualization stage - transmitter's capability - mode of transmission - media of transmission - receiver's capability - receiver's understanding of the concept - feedback stage - receipt of feedback by transmitter .3 demonstrates barriers at each of above
Required performance: R6
3.4 Effective transmission skills .1 states that the effectiveness of communication lies primarily with the sender Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 42
.2 states that the sender should define the purpose of the particular communication .3 explains the importance of time, place and person addressed in the context of initiating the communication
.4 states importance o off language and vocabulary, e.g., examples of usage of maritime English .5 states that understanding the different kinds of barriers in communication helps in better transmission .6 states that the sender must be capable of effectively speaking, writing, acting, drawing and using available sound signaling apparatus .7 demonstrates above skills to the trainer .8 describes that effectiveness of transmission can be checked by the feedback from the receiver .9 describes that this responsibility lies wi with th the sender
Required performance: 3.5 Effective listening skills
A1 – A1 – Exercise 2&3
.1 states that listening is the responsibility of the receiver .2 explains difference of hearing versus listening .3 demonstrates difference of hearing / listening .4 stateswill thatimprove understanding various barriers of listening listeningthe capabilities .5 states that there are internal and external barriers to listening and appreciating the effect of barriers on listening described earlier .6 describes that human beings are capable of speaking at a rate of 150 words per minute whereas they can listen at a rate of about 1000 wpm .7 states that this results in idle time of 850 wpm, which makes the mind wander .8 states that ideally this idle time should be used for paraphrasing the body language and other signals from the speaker
Required performance: 3.6 Effects and consequences of wrong communication
A1 Exercise
.1 states that a wrong communication can affect safety of life, property and the environment .2 states that it causes human problems and problems in relationships on board Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 43
.3 states that improper communication causes stress, loss of time, loss of resources and even ship's profitability .4 demonstrates cause / effect through an exercise
Required performance: 3.7 Communication sum-up .1 states that effective communication creates the atmosphere conducive to safe working, happy living and sociable relationship among fellow shipmates .2 states that habits, v values alues and attitudes can also be modified by effective communication and knowing the basics of interpersonal relationships, learning skills and team skills
4 Comply with emergency procedures (2 hours)
R1 – R1 – Reg.VI/1 & Sec.A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table AVI/1-4
Required performance T4
4.1 Explains the term 'emergency' 'emergency' .1 emphasizes an emergency being a situation of imminent danger - of loss of life - of injury - of loss of or damage to property - of damage to environment .2 emphasizes the need of immediate action in case of an emergency .3 lists various emergencies which may occur on board ships: - fire - collision - grounding - foundering - man overboard - ingress of water - heavy weather - oil spill, etc.
R2, R3, R8
T1, T2
.4 describes shipboard contingency plans for response to emergencies mentioned above
T1, T2, T4
.5 states the alarm sy systems stems available on board ships and their locations: - ship general alarm - fire alarm
T4 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 44 - ship's whistle, etc.
.6 states the various emergency signals to indicate emergency situations
Required performance: 4.2 Drills and muster
R1, R2
R1, R2,
.1 describes general structure of muster lists: - specific duties allocated to crew members - division of crew in various squads and teams - muster station - emergency headquarters, etc. .2 states action to be taken on hearing emergency alarm signals and discovering potential emergencies as mentioned above: - attire yourself adequately and properly - go to muster station - find out nature of the emergency - take action as per muster list or duty list
Required performance:
4.3 Value and need of drills and training .1 states three aspects of needs of drills and training, e.g. - regulatory or legislative needs, i.e. requirements of SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, ISM, etc.
R3, R8
-action, operational need to ensureby correct and effective can only be-achieved regular and realistic drills - state of mind, e.g. on exposure to an emergency, all persons are affected and there is general dip or reduction in performance. This dip in performance can only be compensated for by regular and realistic drills
Required performance: 4.4 Internal communication
.1 explains various internal communications in in use on board ships - especially for emergency situations, e.g. - telephone - emergency powered or sound-operated phone - public address systems - lifeboat VHF - walkie-talkies - emergency alarms, etc. .2 lists their location and operation .3 describes probable llocation ocation of emergency escape routes on board ships
R10 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 45
.4 explains need o off knowledge of number and locations of escape routes
5 Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment (2 hours)
Required performance 5.1 Define term 'pollution' .1 explains pollution caused by human activities and nature .2 lists main sources of marine pollution .3 states pollutants discharged or likely likely to be discharged by ships due to operational or accidental causes .4 explains causes resulting in marine pollution at sea by ships as a result of: - strandings and collisions
R1Reg.VI/1 & Sec. A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table VVI/1-4 R8
- lightening operations - unchecked garbage and sewage disposal - tank cleaning, washing and line flushing - unchecked chemical disposal in bulk or packaged form - deballasting
Required performance: 5.2 Effects of operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment
V4, V5
.1 states impact of pol pollution lution on marine life and food chain .2 explains hazards po posed sed by chemical, sewage and garbage disposal .3 explains hazards to human beings, animals and livelihood of human beings due to pollution of marine environment
Required performance: 5.3 International measures for pollution prevention, pollution avoidance and containment of pollutants .1 briefly describes contents of MARPOL 73t78 .2 describes segregated ballast tanks .3 describes double-hull design .4 describes reception facilities Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 46
.5 explains sewage disposal arrangements and garbage management plan / record book .6 explains contents and purpose of the shipboard oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP) .7 describes garbage disposal arrangements and handling .8 states shipboard organisation to deal with with pollution .9 describes interface between shipboard and shore organisations .10 explains obligation to report pollution incidents .11 states when to report pollution incidents .12 states to whom to report pollution incidents .13 describes structure of oil spill response team and assigned duties to officers and crew .14 explains measures for control of oil spills .15 describes shipboard response to oil spills due to various causes .16 explains importance of shipboard drills to deal with pollution of the marine environment
Required performance: 5.4 Pollution by sewage from ships
.1 defines w what hat constitutes sewage .2 explainsdepending prohibitionupon on discharge sewage and exceptions distance of from nearest land .3 defines comminuted and disinfected sewage, briefly gives details of holding tanks and approved sewage treatment plant
Required performance: 5.5 Pollution by garbage from ships
.1 defines w what hat is garbage .2 describes disposal of garbage outside special areas / prohibited zones
Required performance: 5.6 Control of oil discharge from machinery spaces and oil fuel tanks
.1 gives brief details of oily-water separating equipment and oil filling equipment MARPOL requirements
Required performance: Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 47
5.7 Contents of Oil Record Book
.1 states purpose of Oil Record Book .2 lists entries which are made in the Book
Required performance: 5.8 Control of discharge of oil and special areas .1 gives details of special areas .2 states requirements of regulation IX of MARPOL 73/78 .3 describes provisions of methods for the prevention of oil pollution from ships while operating in special areas
Required performance: 5.9 Introduces the contents of Annex Vl of MARPOL .1 states that Annex Vl sets limits on sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ships
6 Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship - social responsibility (2 responsibility (2 hours)
R1Reg.VI/1 & Sec. A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table VVI/1-4
Required performance 6.1 Rights and obligations of crew .1 states that each crew member has a social responsibility to his ship, himself, his colleagues, to the company, and to the environment .2 describes his rights, such as: - right to his convictions - right to express his convictions - right to make a request of another as long as he can appreciate that the other has a right to say no - right to clarify communications to enhance interpersonal relationships .3 describes his obligation towards employer .4 states that shipping iis s a commercial entity and profit making is part of the operation .5 states that the employ employee ee must discharge his duties sincerely to the fullest of his capabilities Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 48
.6 states that he should be responsible towards the three elements of the shipping operation, namely, company, government and individual .7 states that there is dignity in labour .8 states that there are responsibilities towards: - obedience, respect, discipline and following orders of his superiors - abiding by company's policies as laid down in the safety manuals and rules and regulations governing flag State requirements and other mandatory legislation - adhering to the safety and environment protection policy at all times and to assist fellow seamen in distress, search and rescue operations and oil pollution mitigation operations
Required performance: 6.2 Employment conditions, etc .1 describes the employment conditions such as: - employment contracts - his rights
national and international requirements
Required performance: 6.3 Drugs and alcohol
V11, V12
.1 states that there are international and national regulations against the use, carrying or distributing of any drug or alcohol .2 states that the puni punishment shment for above could be very, very severe .3 describes some examples from recent reports .4 describes dangers o off drug and alcohol abuse: - how drugs and alcohol affect a human body - their harmful effects and some misconceptions regarding alcohol providing heat to the body in cold climates - dangers of getting involved in drug trafficking / smuggling - company's drug and alcohol policy - narcotics and contraband search .5 describes Port State, Flag State and other authorities' methods of detecting drug/alcohol consumed
Required performance: 6.4 Health and hygiene on board
V3, V9
.1 states that it is a moral respo responsibility nsibility of all on board to observe hygiene and promote good health Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 49
.2 states that cleanliness and good housekeeping is fundamental to good health .3 states that ship's personnel must be highly motivated: - states that there is a definite relation between human needs and motivation - states that delegation can be a powerful tool in motivating people
Required performance: 6.5 Summing up .1 sums up this module by stating tthe he importance of IPR .2 states that delegation, trust and good relations are motivational .3 states that drug and alcohol abuse can be very costly and may lead to prosecution of ship or/and the individual, and may also result in dismissal and/or permanent loss of sea career
7 Review and Assessment] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 50 [Section 2: Required Performance Criteria The detailed teaching syllabus for each area of knowledge, understanding understanding and proficiency contained in Section 2 has been derived from these course objectives.
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency 1 Comply with emergency procedures (2 hours)
IMO Reference
Textbooks, Bibliography
R1: – – Reg.VI/1 and sec.AVI/1 pa.2 and Table A-VI/1-4
Required performance criteria: 1.1 Explains the term 'emergency' 'emergency' .1 describes an emergency as being a situation involving danger or potential danger to persons, the ship or the
Teaching Aid
environment .2 emphasizes the need need of of immediate immediate action in the case of an emergency .3 lists various emergencies which which may occur on board ships: - fire - collision - grounding - foundering - person overboard - ingress of water into the ship - heavy weather - oil or chemical spill - injured person
T1, T2 R2, R3, R8
.4 describes shipboard contingency plans for response to emergencies mentioned above
.5 states the the alarm alarm systems systems available available on T1, T2, T4
board ships and their locations: - ship's intercom - fire alarm bell - ship's whistle, etc.
T4 R2
.6 states the the appropriate appropriate signals to indicate indicate different emergency situations Required performance criteria: Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 51
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
IMO Reference
Textbooks, Bibliography
Teaching Aid
R1, R2
1.2 Musters and drills .1 describes where to find a muster muster list on board and the general structure of muster lists: - muster lists placed in the ship's alleyways on the bulkhead, on the bridge, mess room and engine room control room - specific duties allocated allocated to crew members for different emergencies - division of crew in various squads and teams for different emergencies - muster stations .2 states the action to be taken on hearing emergency alarm signals and discovering potential emergencies as mentioned above: - attire yourself adequately adequately and properly - go to muster station
- find out nature of the emergency - take action as per muster list and duty list and orders given by a responsible person Required performance criteria: 1.3 Value and need of drills and training .1 states three aspects of the need for drills and training, for example: - regulatory or legislative legislative needs involving involving the requirements of SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, ISM, etc. - operational need to ensure correct correct and effective action can only be achieved by regular and realistic drills - state of mind, for example, on exposure exposure to an emergency, all persons are affected and there is general dip or reduction in performance. This dip in performance can only be compensated for by regular
R1, R2, R3, R7, R8
and realistic drills Required performance criteria: 1.4 Internal communication .1 explains various internal communications communications in in use on board ships - especially for emergency situations, for example, example, - telephone
A3 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 52
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
IMO Reference
Textbooks, Bibliography
Teaching Aid
- emergency powered powered or sound-operated phone - public address systems - lifeboat VHF - walkie-talkies - emergency alarms, alarms, etc. .2 lists their location and operation .3 describes probable probable location location of emergency emergency escape routes on board ships .4 explains the "citadel" concept of the ship's design and the need of knowledge of number and locations of escape routes
2 Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment (3 environment (3 hours)
R1: Reg.VI/1, sec.A-VI/1 pa.2 and
Table AVI/1-4 Required performance criteria: 2.1 Define term 'pollution'
R3 V8
.1 explains pollution caused by human activities and nature
.2 lists main main sources sources of marine marine pollution .3 states pollutants pollutants discharged discharged or likely likely to be discharged by ships due to operational or accidental causes .4 explains causes resulting in marine pollution at sea by ships as a result of: - strandings and collisions collisions - lightening, bunkering bunkering and cargo operations - unchecked garbage garbage and sewage disposal - tank cleaning, washing and line flushing flushing pumping bilges bilchemical ges -- unchecked disposal in bulk or packaged form - deballasting Required performance criteria: 2.2 Effects of operational or accidental pollution of the marine environment
V10, V11 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 53
.1 states impact of pollution on marine life and food chain .2 explains hazards hazards posed by chemical, chemical, sewage, sewage, ballast and garbage disposal .3 explains hazards hazards to human beings beings and marine marine life and to the livelihood of human beings due to pollution of marine environment environment Required performance criteria:
2.3 Effect of shipping and offshore installations on the marine environment .1 explains increased stress imposed on the marine environmentt due to increased maritime activities environmen Required performance criteria: 2.4 International measures for pollution prevention, pollution avoidance and containment of pollutants .1 briefly describes contents of MARPOL .2 describes segregated ballast tanks .3 describes double-hull double-hull design
V7, V8
.4 describes reception facilities .5 explains sewage disposal arrangements arrangement s and garbage management plan / record book .6 explains contents and purpose of the shipboard shipboard oil oil pollution emergency plan (SOPEP)
.7 describes garbage disposal arrangements arrangements and handling .8 states shipboard shipboard organisation to deal with pollution pollution - explains obligation obligation to report pollution incidents - states when to report pollution incidents - states to whom to report pollution pollution incidents .9 describes interface between shipboard and shore organisations .10 describes structure of oil spill response team and assigned duties to officers and crew .11 explains measures for control of oil spills .12 describes shipboard response to oil spills due to to various causes .13 explains importance of shipboard drills to deal with pollution of the marine environment Required performance criteria: 2.5 Pollution by sewage from ships
R3 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 54
.1 defines what constitutes constitutes sewage .2 explains prohibition on discharge of sewage and exceptions depending upon distance from nearest land .3 defines comminuted and disinfected disinfect ed sewage, briefly gives details of holding tanks and approved sewage treatment plant Required performance criteria: 2.6 Pollution by garbage from from ships
.1 defines what is is garbage garbage .2 describes dizones sposal of garbage garbage outside special special areas /prohibiteddisposal Required performance criteria: 2.7 Control of oil discharge from machinery spaces spaces and oil fuel tanks .1 gives brief brief details details of oily-water separating equipment and the MARPOL requirements for discharge of oily water
R3, R8
V10, V11
Required performance criteria: 2.8 Contents of Oil and Garbage Record Books
R3, R8
.1 states purpose of Oil Record Book .2 states purpose purpose of the Garbage Record Book .3 lists entries which are made in the Oil and Garbage Books Required performance criteria: 2.9 Control of discharge of oil in special areas .1 gives details details of special special areas areas .2 states requirements requirements of regulation regulation IX of of MARPOL .3 describes provisions provisions of methods methods for the prevention prevention of oil pollution from ships while operating in special areas Required performance criteria:
2.10 Introduces the contents of Annex Vl of MARPOL .1 states that Annex VI sets limits limits on sulphur sulphur oxide oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ships Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 55 Knowledge, understanding and proficiency
3 Observe safe working practices (4 practices (4 hours)
IMO Reference
Textbooks, Bibliograph y
Teaching Aid
R1: Reg.VI/1, sec.A-VI/1 pa.2 and Table AVI/1-4
T1, T2, T4
A3 V2, V3, V6, V9, V17, V18, V19 A5
Required performance criteria: 3.1 Introduction .1 states the aims and and objectives objectives of of observing observing safe working practices
Required performance criteria: 3.2 Importance of the course .1 states that working on ship ship is a hazardous hazardous occupation
V2 V3
.2 explains the necessity of of understanding understandin g the hazards on board and equipment and procedures provided to avoid the hazards Required performance criteria: 3.3 Ship familiarization
T1, T2
A3 V2, V6,
.1 list various various ship types and and common nautical terms applicable applicabl e to them .2 describe the working working environment environment of the ship .3 identifies likely hazards concerning: concerning: - gangway and safety safety net - main deck - holds and hatches hatches - forecastle and poop deck - windlass, anchors and winches winches - cranes or derricks - manifold and deck pipeline system (on a tanker) - accommodation - bridge - engine-room Required performance criteria: 3.4 Nature of shipboard hazards .1 lists the t he various shipboard hazards as: - slips, trips and falls due to slippery slippery surfaces (oil, grease, garbage, water, ice, etc.) or obstructions (pipelines, welding cables, lashing eyes, wires, ropes, etc.) Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 56 - head injuries due to low doorway entrances, overhead loads, falling falling equipment equipment or material, material, etc. - falls through open manholes, unfenced openings, loose or missing gratings, etc. - clothing, fingers, etc. getting caught in moving machinery such as grinding wheels, winch drums, gears, flywheels, etc. - burns from steam pipes, hot machinery, welding sparks, etc. - eye injuries through chipping, welding, chemicals, etc. - injuries and sliding/fall sliding/fall of unsecured equipment due to ship movements in rough weather hazards of extreme weather weather -- lack of oxygen in confined spaces spaces - presence of hydrocarbon gas and other toxic gases - hazards of chemicals used on board - fire - collision/grounding collision/grounding flooding/sinking - pirates and stowaways stowaways Required performance criteria:
T1, T2
V2, V3, V6
3.5 Safeguards and equipment used on board to counter hazards
T1, T2 T2
.1 states that the ship's ship's safety manual contains all the necessary procedures and checklists required to be followed for any ship board operation .2 describe the importance importance of of creating a safety safety culture on board a ship to enable a safer working environment and to counter workplace hazards and the importance of safety meetings onboard .3 states the requirement for the shipboard shipboard familiarization familiarizati on induction for all joining ship's personnel
R2, R7
A4, V5
.4 states the basic principles principles of the International Safety Management Code, the requirement for the ship to have a safety management system and procedures identifying individual seafarer responsibilities responsibilities .5 states the principles of safety safety audits, the on board safety committee, ship's safety officer, incident, nearmiss and hazard reporting and reviews .6 describes the principles principles of of job hazard hazard analysis analysis (JHA) .7 lists personal protective equipment in common use : - helmet - goggles - gloves - safety shoes - dust masks and respirators
A5 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 57 - protective clothing - self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) .8 lists onboard life-saving appliances: - lifejackets - lifebuoys - liferafts - lifeboats - line-throwing line-throwing apparatus - EPlRBs and SARTs - Thermal Protective Aids (TPAs) and immersion suits .9 lists on board fire-fighting appliances: appliances: - fire hoses, nozzles, nozzles, hydrants and fire main --
portable extinguishers fire axe fire extinguishers fire-detecting system system fixed extinguishing extinguishing system self-contained breathing breathing apparatus smoke helmet
.10 Medical equipment: - resuscitator - stretcher
R3, R4
- medical chest and medicines - medical equipment - defibrillator .11 Oil spill equipment - absorbent pads - absorbent rolls - chemical dispersant dispersant - sawdust, brooms, dust pans, shovels and barrels Required performance criteria: 3.6 Use and demonstration of PPE .1 Head protection: - importance of the helmet - parts of the helmet and functions of each part part - when to use the helmet - care of the helmet
T1, T2
A5 V14
.2 Gloves: - necessity for gloves gloves - types of gloves and suitability suitability of each type for different jobs V10
.3 Eye protection: - importance of eye protection protection - causes of injury to eye - types of eye protection and differentiation betwee between n them .4 Hearing protection: - danger of excessive excessive noise Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 58 - types of hearing protection protection .5 Respiratory protection: - need for respiratory protection protection - types of respiratory protection and suitability suitability for use - description and checks checks prior to use of SCBA .6 Safety footwear - need for safety shoes - features of a safety shoe and differences differences from an ordinary shoe .7 Safety harness Required performance criteria: 3.7 Operations that take place on board which can be hazardous to personnel or ship - loading/unloading of cargoes - mooring - working aloft aloft - handling of chemicals - engine-room watchkeeping and maintenance - lifting loads (manually and mechanically) mechanically) - entry into enclosed spaces spaces
T1, T2
A3, V6
- hot work - anti-piracy and stowaway stowaway operations
Required performance criteria: 3.8 Loading and unloading of cargoes T1, T2
A3, V2
.1 lists the various ship types such as general general cargo ships, bulk carriers, container ships, ro-ro and car carriers, tankers, chemical and gas carriers and passenger ships .2 states that, in general, general, cargo ships, bulk bulk carriers and container ship cargo is lifted on and off the ship by cranes or derricks. Bulk cargo is poured into the ship's hold by bulk loaders or dredger buckets. .3 states that the hazards on these ships, in the holds and on the jetty alongside are mainly from overhead loads, lifting gear and cargo handling equipment such as trucks and forklifts
.4 states that no unauthorized persons should be allowed into the working area .5 states that all personnel personnel should should use the offshore side side of the deck .6 states that ro-ro ships ships and car carriers carriers have several several vehicle decks connected by ramps or lifts and cargo is driven on and off the ship and up to the various decks via the ramps/lifts Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 59 .7 states that cargo coming coming into the vehicle vehicle deck may be driven at high speeds and any person standing in the way is likely to be run over .8 states that on tankers, tankers, chemical carriers carriers and gas carriers cargo is in the liquid state and is pumped into and out from the ship through pipelines .9 states that on tankers tankers one of the main hazards hazards is from gas, which could be flammable, toxic or could cause a lack of oxygen .10 states that personnel working on these types of ships must have special knowledge of the hazards involved and working procedures, which is covered in the tanker familiarization training course .11 states that some passenger ships also may be ro-ro ships carrying trucks, cars or other cargo and includes ferries .12 states that in addition to deck and engine-room staff, on a passenger ship there may be a large number of cooks, waiters, housekeeping staff, shop and other service assistants, entertainment, medical and
IMO Model Course 1.01
religious attendants, etc. and that personnel working on these ships must have a knowledge of crowd control, especially in emergency situations Required performance criteria: 3.9 Mooring and unmooring .1 describes mooring as the tying up of a ship to a jetty, berth or pier .2 states that the lines lines used to tie up the ship are known as mooring lines and mooring wires .3 using a diagram, shows shows the disposition of headlines headlines and stern lines, breast-lines and back-springs .4 states that mooring lines are extremely extremely heavy heavy synthetic lines around 100 mm diameter or more and wires too are heavy around 50 mm diameter, depending on the size of the ship .5 states that all mooring mooring equipment equipment - ropes, wires, wires, heaving lines, stoppers, shackles, winches and windlass, etc. - must be checked to be in good order and condition before the operation and coupling of the mooring winches shall be secured if the mooring station is unattended .6 states that the ship is brought alongside by passing one or more lines ashore and heaving on these lines, using the windlass and mooring winches .7 states that these ropes and wires are risky to handle and can be extremely dangerous to those t hose in the Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 60 vicinity, especially when under stress, as they can part and cause serious injury .8 states that persons engaged in mooring operations must be extremely careful and aware of the risks and stay well clear of a rope or wire under tension .9 states that a mooring operation is more risky during strong winds, heavy seas and swell or rain .10 states that persons should never stand in the bight of a rope or wire .11 states that the persons heaving the rope on the drum must hold it loosely and be ready to slacken it, should it slip under tension .12 states that whilst alongside mooring lines must be constantly checked and always maintained taut .13 states that special attention must be paid to the mooring lines when: - loading or unloading at a high rate - there is a large tidal range in the port or strong strong currents - in a confined port when other ships are passing
T1, T2
V9 A3
- there are strong winds or at berths exposed exposed to sea .14 states that the windlass is not constructed or designed to be used as a bollard Required performance criteria: 3.10 Enclosed spaces .1 defines enclosed spaces as spaces where the ventilation is not kept running on a round-the-clock basis
A1 – A1 – App. 2 V17
.2 lists the possible possible enclosed spaces spaces as forepea forepeak k tank, chain lockers, cofferdams, topside tanks, cargo tanks, ballast tanks, duct keel, after peak tank, bunker tanks, water tanks, under engine room plates, etc. .3 states that careless careless entry into into such spaces spaces has resulted in many accidents, sometimes fatal, if the person is overcome by a lack of breathable atmosphere or is injured and not rescued in time .4 divides the hazards hazards into: into: (a) atmospheric hazards and (b) physical hazards .5 states that atmospheric atmospheric hazards hazards could result from: - presence of hydrocarbon gas - presence of toxic gas or - deficiency in oxygen Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 61 .6 states that due to the presence of hydrocarbon hydrocarbon gas, a toxicity and flammability hazard arises, as well as lack of oxygen 7 states that hydrocarbon vapours can be present due to: - petroleum leakage - retention in tank structure structure - retention in pipeline pipeline - disturbance of sludge/scale sludge/scale .8 states that other other gases, such such as NO, NO NO2 SO2. CO2, benzene, H2S, etc., can be a toxic and/or cause lack of oxygen .9 states these gases gases can evolve evolve from cargo, ship's storesthat or ship operations .10 defines a toxic hazard as one that is harmful or poisonous to the body .11 defines Threshold Limit Value and states that such gases should not be present in concentrations more than their TLVs .12 states that the atmosphere may be rendered
deficient in oxygen due to the causes listed below: - ingress of inert gas (in inerted tank or leakage across from inerted tank into adjoining adjoining enclosed space) - rusting - paint drying - electrical cleaning cleaning fluids - solvents/emulsifiers solvents/emulsifiers - refrigerants - substances burning in an enclosed area - flooding with with CO2 to fight a fire - welding and gas cutting without proper ventilation ventilation - running an internal combustion engine in a confined space - decay of organic matter, for example, vegetables, grain, fruits, etc. .13 states that oxygen deficiency can result in anoxia .14 states that the symptoms commence with giddiness, breathlessness and unconsciousness and progress onto brain damage causing memory loss, mental instability, paralysis, paralysis, coma or death .15 states that physical hazards could cause a person to be physically or even fatally injured .16 states that physical hazards could include: - darkness - unsecured ladders - slippery surfaces - obstructions - unguarded openings Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 62 - unsecured objects left from previous visit - flooding - getting trapped t rapped inside accidentally .17 states that the following precautions are to be followed prior to entry into enclosed spaces: - an enclosed space entry permit system must be strictly followed f ollowed - the space is to be thoroughly ventilated ventilated and confirmed by testing of the atmosphere - there must be: Sufficient oxygen to support support life (20-21%) Insufficient flammable flammable gas for the purpose, and Toxic gas must be less less than TLV
.18 states that proper protective equipment - overalls, hard hat, safety shoes, etc. and approved torchlights, non- sparking tools, etc. must be used .19 states that vigilance and alertness must be exercised, the atmosphere must be monitored and all precautions observed while work is in progress .20 states that personnel must be cautioned against over confidence or negligence
.21 states that protective clothing and the workplace is to be cleaned up properly after any work carried out
A1 – A1 – App. 2
.22 discusses in brief the contents of an enclosed space entry permit Required performance criteria: 3.11 Working at Heights T1, T2 .1 describes working at heights as working working at a height above the ground or deck where the primary hazard is of falling f alling and consequent injury
A3 V3, V6
.2 states that working working over the ship's side side can also be considered to be working at heights .3 lists examples of various jobs aboard where working at heights is necessary, for example, - painting bridge front bulkhead, bulkhead, masts, engine room deckhead - cleaning or painting funnel - greasing, maintenance maintenance or repair of radar scanner, crane wires and standing rigging - chipping, painting, painting, cleaning or inspecting tanks or holds - painting the ship side, underside of flying bridge wings, etc. .4 lists the hazards hazards of working working at heights heights as: - falling from a height due to loss of balance, failure of ropes, etc. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 63 - injury due to falling material or equipment - burns due to contact with hot surfaces such as as the funnel or steam from the whistle - emission of carbon dioxide or toxic gases from the funnel due to combustion, combustion, incineration, soot blowing, etc. - exposure to wind and cold cold - electrocution and radiation radiation hazard due to proximity with radio aerials or radar scanners .5 states that prior prior notice must be given given to the responsible person concerned prior to commencementt of work, for example, commencemen - duty engineer when working working in the vicinity of the t he funnel to refrain from soot blowing or incineration or to shut off steam to the whistle when working near it - bridge watchkeeping officer when working near radar scanners, radio aerials or satellite communication dome - chief officer when working on deck .6 states that equipment equipment whose operation operation is a hazard hazard to
the work is to be locked or tagged with the responsibilities responsibil ities vested in a responsible officer .7 states that these checks checks and procedures procedures should be covered by a checklist or a permit-to-work system .8 lists the equipment equipment used for working working at heights as - gantlines - safety lines - wooden stages or bosun's chairs - hooks and shackles - fall arrester safety harness - ladders, scaffolding, etc. .9 states that this equipment equipment should be stowed in a separate locker away from paints or chemicals and is to be checked every time prior to use by a competent person .10 states that knots, hitches and turns should be correctly and carefully made to prevent slipping, especially when synthetic ropes are used and that ropes should not run over hot surfaces or sharp edges .11 states that stages, bosun's chairs or any harness apparatus should not be hoisted or lowered by winch Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 64
.12 states that anchoring points for safety lines or suspension points for gantlines should be strong and not subject to movement .13 states that a safety net should be rigged whenever whenever possible, especially under a free hanging stage and that stages should be secured against ship movement .14 states that work at heights should not be carried out while the ship is moving violently in a seaway .15 states that tools or materials should be passed in a sealed container by hand or by a rope and never thrown .16 states that ladders should be used for climbing onto or from a stage and not the ropes that suspend the stage and that rigid ladders should be placed on a firm base and secured
.17 states that tools or equipment should be secured and not placed at the edge, where they can fall .18 states that inexperienced inexperienced persons or those under 18 years of age should not be sent to work at heights or over the ship's side .19 states that work over the ship's side should not be carried out while the ship is under way .20 states that, in addition to normal protective equipment, a buoyant vest or lifejacket should be worn when working over the ship's side .21 states that lifebuoys with heaving line and light should be kept in readiness when a person is working over the ship's side
Required performance criteria: A1 – A1 – App. 3
3.12 Hot work .1 defines hot work as as any work which generates heat or sparks of sufficiently high temperature or intensity to ignite a flammable gas - air mixture .2 lists welding, welding, cutting, cutting, burning, burning, heating, heating, chipping chipping and and use of some power tools generating heat, open flame, electric arc or continuous sparks as some examples of hot work
V18 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 65
.3 lists the hot work hazards as as fire, explosion, explosion, heat heat injuries, strong light injuries (ultraviolet light affecting eyes) and shock injury to personnel
.4 groups the areas on board where hot work is carried out in ascending order of danger as: - engineer's workshop - engine-room engine-room - poop deck and accommodation - cargo area .5 states the hazards that can be generated g enerated by hot work processes and the requisite safeguards
A1 – A1 – App 3
.6 discusses in brief the contents of a hot work permit Required performance criteria: 3.13 Engine-room watchkeeping and maintenance .1 shows the general general layout of an engine-room with with the help of movies, slides or photographs .2 lists the machinery machinery located in and and around the engineroom:
T1, T2
A3, A4 V6
main engines generators or alternators alternators boilers compressors pumps and motors motors electrical equipment equipment steering gear refrigeration machinery machinery hydraulic or pneumatic equipment equipment lead-acid batteries batteries
.3 states that injuries suffered in the engine-room could be: - burns through contact with with steam pipes, hot surfaces, welding sparks, etc. - head injuries through overhead overhead obstructions or falling objects - slips, trips or falls on companion ways, ways, from open floor plates, protruding parts or incautious haste - hearing loss through constant exposure exposure to high decibel noise and not wearing correct hearing protection - contact with moving parts of machinery such as grinder wheels, flywheels or propeller shaft .4 states that use of proper protective protective equipment equipment is absolutely necessary .5 states that accidents accidents may be prevented by good housekeeping and safe working practices .6 gives examples examples of good housekeeping housekeeping as: Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 66 - oil spills should be immediately cleaned cleaned and oil stained lagging replaced and bilges should be kept clean and dry - oily rags or cotton waste should be properly disposed of in a closed container and not left in a pile to ignite spontaneously - tools should be attended to during work, so that they do not fall off ledges or platforms and be properly collected and stowed after work - guards for moving parts of machinery should be in position and in good condition - equipment, stores and parts of opened-up machinery should be lashed and secured against movement - all parts of the engine-room should be adequately lighted - bottom platform gratings should never never be left open unless the area is fenced and warning signs are posted - access to fire-fighting equipment, escape routes and emergency exits should not be obstructed by stores or equipment
.7 states that safe working working practices should should include: include: - Job hazard analysis (JHA) meetings and proper proper planning prior to any task being undertaken - proper locking and tagging of machinery under under repair to prevent inadvertent starting - proper checks of equipment used for lifting or other purposes and proper calibration of test equipment prior to use - using the correct tools and PPE for the task and in the correct manner 4 Contribute to effective communications on board ship (3 hours)
R1: Reg.VI/1 & Sec.A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table AVI/1-4
Required performance criteria: 4.1 Fundamentals of communication .1 states that good communication communication is one one of the most essential elements of safe work practices and pollution prevention on board
.2 states that people's people's co-operation and and co-ordination co-ordination within a team can be achieved by effective communication .3 states that effective effective communication iis s essential in creating a safety culture in a workplace .4 states that language language is a means o off transmitting ideas, ideas, views, instructions, etc. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 67 Required performance criteria: 4.2 Methods of communication .1 lists basic elements elements of communication communication as: - sender - receiver - modes of transmission - methods of transmission t ransmission - barriers to communication communication - feedback .2 states that repeating repeating the instruction as as feedback is essential in ship's communication .3 lists methods methods of of communication communication .4 classifies them them under the following following headings: - verbal, for example, reading, speaking, speaking, writing and any communication using words - non-verbal, for example, body language, language, sounds, gestures - iconic, for example, signs, figures, diagrams, diagrams, pictures and photographs photographs
A1 – A1 – Exercise 1
.5 states that all three methods need to be be effectively used on board for proper understanding understanding .6 states that verbal verbal communication communication includes includes all communication pertaining to words, including reading, writing and speaking .7 states that in certain certain situations body language and and pictorial symbols are more powerful means of communication than verbal means alone Required performance criteria: 4.3 Barriers in communication
.1 states that there are barriers in each each step of the basic basic communication process .2 lists the barriers barriers as: - transmitter's conceptualization conceptualization stage - transmitter's capability capability - mode of transmission - media of transmission transmission - receiver's capability capability
- receiver's understanding understanding of the concept - feedback stage - receipt of feedback by transmitter transmitter - cultural differences differences .3 demonstrates barriers at each of above above Required performance criteria: 4.4 Effective transmission skills
R6 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 68 .1 states that the effectiveness effectiveness of communication communication lies lies primarily with the sender .2 states that the sender sender should define the purpose of the particular communication .3 explains the importance of time, place and person addressed in the context of initiating the communication .4 states importance of language and and vocabulary, vocabulary, for example, examples of usage of maritime English .5 states that understanding understanding the different kinds of barriers in communication helps in better transmission .6 states that the sender sender must be capable of of effectively speaking, writing, acting, drawing and using available sound signaling apparatus .7 demonstrates above skills skills to the trainer trainer .8 describes that that effectiveness of transmission transmission can be checked by the feedback from the t he receiver
A1 – A1 – Exercises 2 and 3
.9 describes that that this responsibility responsibility lies with the sender sender Required performance criteria: 4.5 Effective listening skills
.1 states that listening listening is the responsibility responsibility of the receiver .2 explains difference of hearing versus versus listening listening .3 demonstrates difference of of hearing / listening listening .4 states that understanding understanding the various barriers barriers of of listening will improve listening capabilities .5 states that there are internal and external external barriers barriers to listening and appreciating the effect of barriers on listening described earlier .6 describes that human beings are capable of speaking at a rate of 150 words per minute (wpm) whereas they can listen at a rate of about 1000 wpm .7 states that this results in idle time of 850 wpm, which makes the mind wander .8 states that ideally ideally this idle time should should be used for paraphrasing the body language and other signals from the speaker Required performance criteria: 4.6 Effects and consequences of wrong communication
R5, R6
A1 Exercise
.1 states that a wrong wrong communica communication tion can affect safety of life, property and the environment Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 69 .2 states that it causes human problems and problems in relationships on board .3 states that improper improper communication communication causes causes stress, loss of time, loss of resources and even ship's profitability .4 demonstrates cause / effect effect through an exercise Required performance criteria: 4.7 Importance of effective communication on board ship .1 states that effective effective communication communication creates the atmosphere conducive to safe working, happy living and sociable relationship among fellow shipmates .2 states that habits, values values and attitudes can can also be modified by effective communication and knowing the basics of interpersonal relationships, learning skills and team skills .3 states the importance importance of English as as the common maritime communication language and recognizes recognizes the possible influence of cultural differences
5 Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship (3 ship (3 hours)
Required performance criteria 5.1 Interpersonal relationships (IPR) .1 states that good relationships make the life of all seafarers more comfortable, healthy and less prone to accidents .2 describes the elements which help in better relationships relationship s for f or example: - policies of company - function of shipboard management management - clarity of responsibilities responsibilities with reference to shipboard functions - structure and flow of authority - importance of understanding understanding needs: • individual needs needs • ships needs needs • company needs needs • needs of other seafarers onboard onboard • social needs needs .3 states that everyone everyone should should respect each each other's individuality, individua lity, value, culture and purpose of work Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 70 .4 states that open communication communicati on will enhance IPR .5 states that shipboard shipboard environments environments demand demand better IPR from seafarers during both on-duty or off-duty hours .6 describes how methods to improve IPR on board evolved from: - introducing yourself yourself properly and understanding each other ways of behavior - commitment of senior officers officers - valuing an individual's individual's strengths rather than their weaknesses - fairness in dealing with personnel - true appraisals and reporting reporting - discipline on board - recognizing recognizing and adjusting to cultural differences Required performance criteria: 5.2 Team building .1 states that the shipboard operation is one of team
R1: Reg.VI/1 & Sec.A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table AVI/1-4
work and its effectiveness depends on the effectiveness of each individual individual team member .2 states that teamwork helps in better decision making .3 describes: - team goals/aims/objectives goals/aims/objectives - role of individual individual members - need of cohesiveness cohesiveness A1 – A1 – Exercise 5
- principles of team resource management management .4 lists deterrents to team operation .5 discusses deterrents such as: - distortion of aims - inflexible behaviour behaviour of members - groupism / elitism elitism - status/ego problems problems - hidden agendas agendas - communication problems problems physical/environmental physical/en problems -- handling of vironmental grievances/counseling grievances/coun seling .6 describes each in short with reference to the shipboard environment Required performance criteria: 5.3 Team work Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 71 .1 explains that team work is essential on board for reasons such as: - the shipping company comprises a number of small mobile industrial units (the ship) which may at any particular moment be distributed over large distances throughout the world - when making a voyage, the ship can undergo considerable considerabl e climatic changes, which may adversely affect personnel - ships are operational for 24 hours each day and the crew must be organized in regulated shift system, such that the people on board are well rested and fit for duty at all times - the personnel on the ship must be organized to operate the ship safely and effectively with numerous operations, some extremely demanding, being performed simultaneously, for example, • watchkeeping watchkeepin g at sea and in port (navigation and machinery operation) • cargo operations • maintenance of hull, machinery and
R1 – sec. R1 – A-VIII/1
• • • • •
equipment safety checks and drills, emergency actions surveys/repairs/dry-docking stocking provisions, provisions, cooking food, housekeeping communication ship - shore - ship the crew must be able to operate with a high degree of responsibility responsibility and flexibility
Required performance criteria 5.4 Social Responsibilities – Rights and obligations of crew .1 states that each crew member has a social responsibility responsibil ity to their ship, their self, their colleagues, to the company and to t o the environment .2 describes rights, such such as: - right to convictions convictions - right to express convictions convictions - right to make a request of another as long as they can appreciate that the other has a right to say no - right to clarify communications to enhance interpersonal relationships relationships .3 describes the obligation towards their their employer .4 states that shipping shipping is a commercial commercial entity and pro profit fit making is part of the operation .5 states that the employee employee must discharge discharge their duties duties sincerely to the fullest of his capabilities Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 72 .6 states that the employee should be responsible towards the three elements of the shipping operation, namely, company, government and individual .7 states that there there is dignity dignity in labour labour .8 states that there there are responsibilitie responsibilities s towards: - obedience, respect, discipline and following orders of superiors - abiding by company's policies as laid down in the safety manuals and rules r ules and regulations governing flag State requirements and other mandatory legislation - adhering to times the safety and environment protection policy at all and to assist fellow seafarers in distress, search and rescue operations and oil pollution mitigation operations .9 states that a crew member has the right to make a complaint regarding regarding a breach of seafarer rights on board the ship without fear of victimization or reprisal Required performance criteria:
5.5 Employment conditions, etc .1 describes the employment conditions such such as: - employment contracts - seafarers rights and well-being principles
- national and international requirements - basic purpose of the Maritime Labour Convention .2 describes the concern of the mental wellbeing of of seafarers involving: - the issue of poor mental health and the associated risks that can arise as a result of a life at sea - the need for an understanding of the social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual wellness of the seafarer whilst on board a ship and whilst ashore Required performance criteria: 6.3 Drugs and alcohol
V15, V16
.1 states that there are international and and national regulations against the use, carrying or distributing of any illicit drugs .2 states that the punishment punishment for above could be very very severe .3 describes some some examples examples from recent recent reports Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 73
.4 describes dangers of drug and alcohol abuse: - how drugs and alcohol affect a human body - their harmful effects and some misconceptions misconceptions regarding alcohol providing heat to the body in cold climates - dangers of getting involved involved in drug trafficking/smuggling - company's drug and alcohol policy - narcotics and contraband contraband search .5 describes Port Port State, Flag State State and other other authorities' methods of detecting drug/alcohol consumed Required performance criteria: 5.7 Health and hygiene on board .1 states that it is a moral moral responsibility responsibility of all on board board to observe hygiene and promote good health .2 states that cleanliness cleanliness and good housekeeping housekeeping is
V12, V20
fundamental to good health .3 describes basic basic principles principles of food hygiene and and good housekeeping in food preparation and food storage areas .4 states that ship's personnel personnel must must be highly motivated: motivated: - states that there is a definite relation between between human needs and motivation - states that delegation can be a powerful tool in motivating people 6 Understand and take necessary actions to control fatigue (2 hours)
R1: Reg.VI/1 & Sec.A-VI/1 pa.2 & Table AVI/1-4 R1 Sec. AVIII/1
Required performance criteria: 6.1 Causes of fatigue
V13, V21
V13, V21
.1 describes the causes of fatigue - reduced sleep quantity and quality - sleep debt Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 74 - changing changing schedules - workload - time spent awake - individual health status .2 describes the effects effects of of physical, physical, mental mental and and environmental environmen tal stressors in and outside of the ship and their impact on seafarers levels of fatigue - the effect of noise, vibration, lighting and ventilation - shipboard operational factors - individual health status - stress Required performance criteria: 6.2 Circadian rhythms and the importance of sleep .1 states the importance importance of obtaining obtaining the necessary rest, in particular sleep .2 states the importance importance of sleep quality quality and quantity quantity and on board factors that can detract from both
.3 states the different types types of sleep sleep .4 describes the human biological clock and circadian rhythm and explains the importance of time of day when considering effects of fatigue on seafarers - importance of exposure to daylight - window of circadian low - daily pattern of alertness due to influence of biological clock V12
.5 states they types of of factors that may deteriorate deteriorate sleep quality - seafarer health - ship board environmental environmental factors including light, noise, temperature, ventilation and bedding - stress - exposure to 'blue' light from personal electronic devices immediately prior to sleep
Required performance criteria: 6.3 Consequences of fatigue
.1 describes the consequences consequences and and effects of seafarer seafarer fatigue with respect to individual performance - effects on attention and memory - increase in risk taking behavior due to fatigue - impact on problem solving ability Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 75 - micro-sleeps - impact on long term seafarer health .2 states cognitive, physiological physiologica l and behavioral signs and symptoms of fatigue .3 case studies of maritime casualties attributed to fatigue
Required performance criteria: 6.4 Fatigue mitigation and management for individuals .1 states that sleep sleep is the only 'cure' for fatigue .2 describes why why "reset breaks" should should be scheduled scheduled to maximize the influence of the circadian rhythm to be effective in recovering from fatigue .3 states techniques techniques for maximizing maximizing rest breaks - frequency and duration of rest breaks
V13 V21
naps .4 states that seafarers seafarers are responsible responsible for maximizing maximizing their own opportunities for rest and sleep .5 states that it is every seafarers responsibility responsibility to advise their supervisor when they are feeling fatigued
Required performance criteria: 6.5 Recording hours of work and rest .1 states the minimum minimum hours hours of rest for seafarers in accordance with section A-VIII/1of the STCW Code and the importance of recording accurate hours of work and rest .2 states that the seafarers' maximum maximum working working hours and minimum rest periods and associated provisions, are legally required under the STCW and Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 .3 states that a table of shipboard working working arrangements is to be established ''in a standardized standardized format'' and this will facilitate f acilitate understanding understanding by seafarers on board the ship and the competent authorities. The table should: - cover the anticipated schedule of service at sea and in port for f or each seafarer employed on board Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 76 - refer to watchkeeping duties as well as any additional work which is expected - contain the maximum hours of work or the minimum hours of rest required by the laws, regulations or collective agreements in force in the flag State - provide a total t otal scheduled work-rest-hour work-rest-hour figure for each seafarer - be written in the working language or languages of the ship and in English 7 Review and Assessment (3.0 hour)]
T6 Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 77 Part D: Instructor Manual Introduction The instructor manual provides guidance on the material that is to be presented during the course. The course material reflects the requirements for the basic training or instruction in personal safety and social responsibilities, as specified in regulation Vl/1 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, [1995] [1978, as amended]. The material has been arranged in six sections: 1 [Observe safe working practices] [Comply with emergency procedures] 2 [Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship: human relationships on board ship] [ Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment] 3 [Understand orders and be understood in relation to shipboard duties] [Observe safe working practices] 4 [Comply with emergency procedures] [Contribute to effective communications on board ship] 5 [Take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment] [Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship] 6 [Contribute to effective human relationships on board ship (concluded): social responsibilities)] [Understand and take necessary actions to control fatigue]
The consolidated text of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, the 1978 SOLAS Protocol and amendments (R2) and Human Resources Management for Marine Personnel (R6) are used as a basic reference throughout the course. The course outline and timetable provide guidance on the time allocation for the course material, but the instructor is free to make adjustments as necessary. Throughout the course it is important to stress that rules and regulations must be strictly observed and all precautions taken to minimize risks. Where appropriate, trainees should be given advice on the avoidance of accidents. The detailed teaching syllabus must be studied carefully and lesson plans or lecture notes compiled where appropriate. appro priate. An example of a lesson plan is given [on page 42] [in Appe Appendix ndix 1.] Instruction should be made as practical as possible and actual equipment should be used, where available, to illustrate lessons in the classroom. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 78 Guidance Notes The following notes are intended to highlight the main objectives of the course. The notes also contain some material and guidance on the conduct of the course and on topics which are not adequately covered in the quoted references. [Instructions][Guidance] to [lecturers][Instructors] [lecturers][Instructors] It must be borne in mind that candidates for this course may have never been on a ship, [may] have [definitely] [little or] no idea of working procedures and may even be from non-coastal areas having [no] [a very basic] idea of what a ship is or looks like. Hence the delivery of the course must be brought down to an [absolutely] [appropriate] [basic] level. At every stage, especially in the beginning, it is necessary for the [teacher] [instructor] to give the student an understanding understandin g of a ship layout or environment environment by explaining, for example, that the hazards of trips, slips and falls[,] [or head injuries] are different in a shipboard environment as compared to ashore [as the ship is a moving platform of complex design.] This may be done by extensive diagrams, photographs or videos of the ship layout. At the same time it is not recommended that [the candidates] [trainees] [trainees] be disciplined disciplined into blindly accepting these lessons [so tthat hat he] [thereby] lose[s][ing] any initiative or [critical] thinking ability. [We do not want] The aim is not to [bring out] [ produce] robots programmed to work without thinking. [Candidates] [Trainees] can be [taught] [encouraged] to think [independently about a situation] by giving them a [situation] [scenario] and asking them to respond, [e.g ][for example].
At the scene of a road accident, what what would you be expected expected to do? or
On a visit to the docks what would you see and what dangers could you be exposed to? or
How can chemicals used to clean utensils, bathrooms and toilets harm us and what precautions must be taken?
These [types [types of] questions must be continually asked throughout the course as the trainees' level of knowledge increases, so that [he does] [they do] not close the responsive part of [his] [their] mind and just sit in class [to] [and] accept whatever is told, but [thinks] [encourages them to think] before answering and develop the ability to reason and question. [Only] [It should be emphasized to the trainees that only] then can [we give him the] [they have] responsibility [of his] [for [for their own] personal safety and [those] [that] of [his] [their] shipmates, knowing that [he] [they] will [adapt his response to] [be able to think and react to the ]change[d][ing] circumstances [of [of the shipboard environment], within the basic principles of safety that [he has] [they have] been taught. The course outline and timetable provide guidance on the allocation of time for the course material, but the instructor is free to make adjustments as necessary. The detailed teaching syllabus must be studied carefully and lesson plans or lecture notes compiled where appropriate. An example of a lesson plan is attached [at the end of Part D] [in the Appendices]. It may be helpful to prepare material for [use] [presentation [presentation such as power point] with [an overhead] [a [a digital] projector and for distribution to trainees as handouts. Thorough preparation preparati on is essential if the course is to be effective and successful. Teaching Teac hing Aid A3 requires photographs or pictures of various parts of the ship which must either be large in size for classroom viewing or able to be projected on a [OHP] screen. [The] [Suitable videos can be used and] pictures [and videos] should indicate the operations on board the ship and provide an idea of the likely hazards that could occur during these operations. [In] [When presenting] the review of the course [material] the instructor should stress the important aspects of each subject area and [take [ take the opportunity to] clarify [any] doubts or Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 79 answer[ any] queries [about the material that the students may have]. [which might remain in the minds of the students.] [Evaluation] Assessment] [ covers any practical exercises and theoretical knowledge. Examples of exercises [are given below and] [which] may be used together with oral questions based on the course [syllabus] [material are given below]. [Once again,] Questions based on hypothetical situations situations may be asked to t o test if the candidate can apply the principles [[he he has] [they have] learnt to various [changed] circumstances, but should not be used as a criteria for failing [the] a candidate or [requiring them to] repeat[ing] the course. [Example] Exercise 1 Candidates are required to appreciate the process of communication with the help of the diagram given below:
Thoughts, idea, symbol, picture (concept)
B: barriers
SENDER selects one of the modes to convey it to the Receiver
Transmission through selected mode
RECEIVER, interpretation
B Feedback
Received concepts
[Example] Exercise 2 On a full-scale picture of a ship, ask the candidates to name the various parts in English.
[Example] Exercise 3 Explain phrases or give orders in English and ask candidates to explain the meaning of the phrases or respond to the orders.
[Example] Exercise 4
Need two volunteers Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 80
Time: 5 mins.
Person 1 Enacts and speaks the following in a loud, belligerent voice while staring intensely at you and shaking a finger. "There is a meeting of all officers next Monday at 3 p.m. in the ship's office. Don't even think about not being there. Understand!!!" [Instructor ][Faculty]
Discusses pros and cons of such a communication. communication. Enacts a possible right method. Approaches you and says: "There is a meeting of all officers next Monday at 3 p.m. It will be in the t he ship's office. It is very important that all of you attend the meeting." [Instructor][ Faculty] (5 mins)
Explains the effect of soft voice, commanding approach, clarity of message, etc.
Example Exercise 5
(1) List three qualities of a good team leader on your ship. (a) ……………………………….. (b) ……………………………….. (c) ………………………………… …………………………………
(2) List two communication communication skills you need to get the instructions clear to the subordinates. (a) …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… (b) ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… (3) List two communication communication skills essential for the subordinate to clearly understand the instructions. (a) …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… (b) ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… (4) Circle the right answer (a)
When you follow through the shipboard instructions, you (i) blame others (ii) act to complete the task (iii) tell your senior what to do
Disagreements on board the ship (i) should be handled emotionally (ii) must be avoided (iii) can be handled smoothly
Leadership quality in you means that (i) you can work together (ii) others are afraid of you Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 81 (iii) (d)
you can ask them to solve the problem
Delegation of responsibilities responsibilities is possible if (i) There is a competent subordinate subordinate (ii) There is an excellent leader (iii) There is trust in a subordinate
Instructor Notes: After completion of of the class work, [faculty] [the In Instructor] structor] must discuss th the e points and hear hear out the comments of the participants. Discussion time - 5 mins. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 82 Appendix 1 Example Lesson Plan COURSE: PSSR LESSON NUMBER …… …… TRAINING AREA: [Working practices] [Safe Work Practices] eac ng ext oo s, a n e ement ment method refs. bibliography Specific learning objective (in teaching sequence with memory keys) 1.12 Working [at Heights][aloft] (15 minutes) .1 describes working [aloft][ at heights] as working at a height above the ground or deck where the primary hazard is of falling and consequent injury .2 states that working [overside] [over the ship's side] can also be considered to be working [aloft] [at heights] .3 lists examples of various jobs aboard where working [aloft ][at heights] are necessary, [e.g]. for example], - painting bridge front bulkhead, masts, engine-room deckhead - cleaning or painting funnel - greasing, maintenance or repair of radar scanner, crane or derrick blocks and wires
T1, T2
nstructor guidelines
me (mins.)
A2, A3 5
V10 (relevant extracts) Ask class for examples. List on [chalk] [white] board
chipping, painting cleaning or inspecting tanks or holds - painting the shipside, underside of flying bridge wings, etc. .4 lists the hazards of working [aloft] [at [at heights]as: - falling from a height due to loss of balance, failure of ropes, etc. - injury due to falling material or
Refer to Company procedures
equipment - burns due to contact with hot surfaces such as the funnel or steam from the whistle - emission of carbon dioxide or toxic gases from the funnel due to combustion, incineration, soot blowing, etc. - exposure to wind and cold - electric and radiation hazard due to proximity with radar scanners or radio aerials
Refer to work permits
.5 states that prior notice must be given to the responsible person concerned prior to commencement of work, [e.g]. [for example,] -duty engineer when working in the vicinity of the funnel to refrain from soot blowing or incineration or to shut off steam to the whistle when working near it -bridge watchkeeping officer when working near radar scanners -bridge watchkeeping officer or radio officer when working near radio aerials or satellite communication dome -chief officer when working on deck .6 states that equipment whose operation is a hazard to the work is to be locked or tagged with the responsibilities vested in a responsible officer Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 83 [Appendix 1 Attached enclosed entry permit system is to be followed or your company's checklist check list as applicable, otherwise DO NOT ENTER.
ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT • General Location/name of enclosed space
Reason for entry
This permit is valid *
from to
hrs hrs
(*See Note 1)
• Section 1- Pre-entry Preparations (To be checked by the master or responsible officer) Has the space been segregated by blanking off or isolating all connecting pipelines? Have valves on all pipelines serving the space been secured to prevent their accidental
Date Date
. .
opening? Has the space been thoroughly ventilated? Pre-entry atmosphere test readings:
(See Note 2)
% vol (21%)
. .
Toxic Gases
% LFL (Less than 1%)
ppm (specify gas & PEL) (See Note 3)
Have arrangements been made for frequent atmosphere checks to be made while the space is occupied and after work breaks? Have arrangements been made for the space to be continuously ventilated through the period of occupation and during work breaks Is adequate illumination provided? Is rescue and resuscitation equipment available for immediate use at the entrance to the space? Has a responsible person been designated to stand by the entrance to the space? Has the Officer of the Watch (bridge, engineroom, cargo control room) been advised of the planned entry? Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 84 Has a system of communication between the person at the entrance and those entering the space been agreed and tested? Are emergency and evacuation procedures established and understood? Is there a system for recording who is in the space? Is all equipment used of an approved type?
• Section 2 - Pre-Entry Check (To be checked by the person authorised as leader of the team entering the space)
Has Section 1 of this permit has been completed fully I am aware that the space must be vacated immediately in the event of ventilation failure or if atmosphere tests change from
agreed safe criteria Evacuation level of atmosphere I have agreed on the communication procedures I have agreed upon a reporting interval of
Emergency and evacuation procedures have been agreed and are understood
To be signed by: Master or responsible officer
Authorised team leader
Responsible person supervising entry
This permit is rendered invalid should ventilation of the space stop or if any of the conditions noted in the checklist change
Notes: 1. The Entry Permit should contain a clear indication as to its maximum period of validity which, in any event, should not exceed a normal working day. 2. In order to obtain a representative cross-section of the compartment's atmosphere, samples should be taken from several depths and through as many openings as possible. Ventilation should be stopped for about 10 minutes before the pre-entry atmos atmosphere phere tests are ttaken. aken. 3. Tests for specific toxic contaminants, such as benzene and hydrogen sulphide, should be undertaken depending on the nature of the previous contents of the space.
] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 85 [Appendix 2 2 SAMPLE ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT Refer to Enclosed Space Entry Procedure Ship Name: Permit ID: Safety Coordinator: Person in Charge: Permit Approval:
Start Time: Finish Time:
Date: Date:
Master / Chief Engineer /Port or Ship Manage / Port Authority (Cross out un-necessary)
Location of Task: Description Of Task:
The maximum validity of any permit is 12 hours. h ours. At this time work must be complete or a new permit completed. A copy of the JHA is to be affixed to this permit.
Completion or Cancellation of Permit This permit is to be cancelled on completion of the work, at expiry of this permit or if conditions change at any time or in the event of an emergency. Note: Any person may cancel this permit on grounds of safety. Time: Date: Name: Signature: Reason for Cancellation:
If this panel is completed all work must stop and persons must proceed to a safe location. Once the risks have been identified and actions taken to ensure it is safe to continue a new permit will be issued.
All fields are to be completed Yes Yes Common Precautions: Precautions: All or N/A. N/A. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 86 Com Com
Com Com Com Com Com Com
Have the communications been tested and are fully operational. When the work involves stored energy systems such as pressurized pipes, electrical systems, etc. the hazards and the mitigating measures have been identified in the JHA as part of the planning process. Isolation / lock- or tag-out has been utilized where isolation of systems is required. Equipment for this task has been inspected and is fit for purpose. Persons are correctly wearing PPE appropriate for the task. Weather conditions, forecasts and impacts have been reviewed. Where applicable shore facility has been notified of this permit. The task has been reviewed with all persons participating in the task and they understand the task, the sequence of events and their role. JHA completed. Task discussed at the work planning meeting. If not action has been taken to ensure departments effected have been notified of this permit. The closure checklist has been updated to ensure the department is notified when the work is completed.
Encl Encl Encl
Encl Encl Encl
Enclosed Space Entry: Entry: All fields are to be completed Yes Yes or N/A. The (Enclosed (Enclosed Space Entry Procedure) Procedure) have been reviewed and the requirements of the procedure are understood and being complied with. All personnel entering the enclosed space have received approved enclosed space entry training. Space has been isolated by blanking off or isolating lines and valves using Lockout or Tag-out. Space has been cleaned. Whenever possible, tanks that have previously carried hydrocarbons must be water washed, purged if necessary and gas freed prior to entry. Entry into bunker tanks that have not been water washed must be carried only after conducting a risk assessment and obtaining written permission from shore management. Space is thoroughly vented and provisions in place to ensure continual venting throughout the period of occupation including during breaks. Atmosphere has been checked by calibrated equipment and will be regularly checked during the space entry and following every break. Calibrated personnel gas detectors will be used by persons entering the space? Illumination and backup has been provided in case of failure of the primary source. Emergency equipment is in place, its use understood. (Minimum 2 x BA sets, 2 x ELSA, Rescue line, radio, resuscitator, 2 x torch, rigged tripod where appropriate) All persons are aware of emergency and evacuation route and process including what to do if a fire or other alarm is heard.
N/A Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 87
Encl Encl Encl
Enclosed Space Entry: Entry: All fields are to be completed Yes Yes or N/A. All equipment is approved for the task. E.g. where required EX rated equipment is to be used. Persons entering tank are wearing a harness. Safety person is standing by the entrance and understands the actions to take in the event of an emergency. Positive communication between the Safety Standby Person and Tank Party to take place at intervals not exceeding ____________Minutes.
N/A Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 88 For confined space entry: Minimum oxygen value (20.8%), Hydrocarbon LEL (< 1%), Carbon Monoxide (0 ppm).
Gas Monitoring Log: A Log: A gas monitoring log must be filled out individually for each tank to be entered. Initial 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Location Worksite and Depth % Oxygen Hydrocarbon LEL % Carbon Monoxide PPM Space and Depth % Oxygen Hydrocarbon LEL % Carbon Monoxide PPM Space and Depth % Oxygen Hydrocarbon LEL % Carbon Monoxide PPM Authorization Signatures Signatures – The below must be completed before work can commence. –The
Safety Coordinator - Signature required I_____________________________________________ have reviewed the above and have satisfied myself that the precautions mentioned above are in place and that the persons participating in the task are aware of the hazards and the precautions that must m ust be taken. Signature Time Date Person in ChargeCharge- Signature required, may be the same as the safety coordinator. I_____________________________________________ have checked and confirmed that all the safety precautions are in place and that the persons involved in the task have participated in the tool box talk. Signature
Chief Engineer - Signature when required by procedure or JHA. I_____________________________________________ have discussed the job and safety precautions with the person in charge and reviewed the document docum ent and I am satisfied that suitable precautions have been taken and that the safety arrangements will be maintained for the duration of the work. Signature
Master - Signature Required After reviewing this document and the associated safety precautions with the person in charge I,_____________________________________________ am satisfied that suitable precautions have been taken and that safety arrangements will be maintained for the duration of the work. Signature Time Date Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 89 Completion Checklist is to be completed when the task is completed or the permit has expired. Completion Checklist: The task is not complete and the contents of this permit have been transferred to a new permit. The impact on permits interacting with this one have been reviewed and it is safe to cancel this permit. All work is completed and the task site is left in a safe condition. All tools and equipment being used for the work have been cleaned and put back in their original positions. Any equipment or systems that have been worked on have been tested and confirmed as fit for use. All appropriate persons have been advised of any precautions required. Where appropriate signs have been posted.
Enclosed Space Entry Log (Note this may be maintained by the Deck OOW) Person Assigned as leader entering the space. (Name) ----------------------------------------------------------------------Name Time In Time Time In
Safety Standby person (Name) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Time
Time In
Time In
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
Person 4
Person 5
Person 6
Person 7
Person 8
Person 9
Person 10
] Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 90 [Appendix 2 HOT WORK PERMIT This permit to work relates to any work involving temperature conditions which are likely to be of sufficient intensity to cause ignition of combustible gases, vapour or liquids in or adjacent to the area involved. Before completing this form, refer to the accompanying guidance notes.
This permit is valid from
Location of hot work . Has an enclosed space entry permit been issued? Reason if No 'No'
Yes / No
Description of hot work
Personnel carrying out hot work
. Person responsible for hot work
Person responsible for safety
1.1 Has Has the hot work area been checked with a com combustible bustible g gas as indicator for . hydrocarbon vapours?
Yes / No. Time
1.2 Has the surrounding area been made safe? .
Yes / No. Time
2.1 Has the hot work area been checked with a combustible gas indicator for hydrocarbon vapours?
Yes / No.
2.2 Has the equipment or pipeline been gas-freed?
Yes / No.
2.3 Has the equipment or pipeline been blanked?
Yes / No.
2.4 Is the equipment or pipeline free of liquid 2.5 is the equipment isolated electrically?
Yes / No. Yes / No. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 91
2.6 Is the surrounding area safe?
Yes / No.
2.7 is additional fire protection available?
Yes / No.
2.8 Special conditions / precautions
. In the circumstances noted it is considered safe to proceed pr oceed with this hot work. Signed Master team
Person in charge of hot work
The work has been completed and all persons under my supervision, s upervision, materials and equipment have been withdrawn.
Authorised officer in charge .
First copy for display at work area Second copy for ship or terminal records
GENERAL (a) Starting/finishing time must not exceed the Authorised Signatories '/Responsible Officer 's working hours. (b) Specific location of hot work to be given (c) Description of hot work to include type of equipment to be used. SECTION 1: Applies to all hazardous work not involving naked flame or continuous spark production, pr oduction, and would include use of electrical equipment, use of air-driven rotary equipment, sand or grit blasting, hammering and mechanical chipping and movement of equipment or materials over or near to machinery that is operating. SECTION 2: Applies to all hot work involving high temperatures, open flame, electric arc or continuous source so urce of sparks etc. This type of work includes but is not limited to welding, burning and grinding.
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 92 [Appendix 3 SAMPLE HOT WORK PERMIT Refer to the Hot Work Repair Procedure Ship Name: Permit ID: Safety Coordinator: Person in Charge: Permit Approval:
Start Time: Finish Time:
Date: Date:
Master / Chief Engineer / Port or Ship Manager / Port Authority (Cross out un-necessary)
Location of Task: Description Of Task:
The maximum validity of any permit is 12 hours. h ours. At this time work must be complete or a new permit completed. A copy of the JHA are to be affixed to this permit.
Completion or Cancellation of Permit This permit is to be cancelled on completion of the work, at expiry of this permit or if conditions change at any time or in the event of an emergency. Note: Any person may cancel this permit on grounds of safety. Time: Date: Name: Signature: Reason for Cancellation:
If this panel is completed all work must stop and persons must proceed to a safe location. Once the risks have been identified and actions taken to ensure it is safe to continue a new permit will be issued. Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 93
Com Com
Com Com Com Com Com Com
Common Precautions: All Precautions: All fields are to be com completed pleted Yes Yes or N/A. N/A. Have the communications been tested and are fully operational. When the work involves stored energy systems such as pressurized pipes, electrical systems, etc. the hazards and the mitigating measures have been identified in the JHA as part of the planning process. Isolation / lock- or tag-out has been utilized where isolation of systems is required. Equipment for this task has been inspected and is fit for purpose. Persons are correctly wearing PPE appropriate for the task. Weather conditions, forecasts and impacts have been reviewed. Where applicable shore facility has been notified of this permit. The task has been reviewed with all persons participating in the task and they understand the task, the sequence of events and their role. JHA completed. Task discussed at the work planning meeting. If not action has been taken to ensure departments effected have been notified of this permit. The closure
checklist has been updated to ensure the department is notified when the work is completed.
Hot Hot Hot
Hot Hot
Hot Hot Arc Arc Arc
Hot Work: All Work: All fields are to be completed Yes or N/A. N/A. (Hot Work Repair Procedure) Procedure) has been reviewed and the requirements of the procedure are understood and being complied with. Port or Ship Manager endorsement has been received and is attached to the permit. Hot work location is gas free and provision for continuous monitoring made. Pressurized devices, tanks, lines, spaces and vents in immediate vicinity are being managed to ensure no venting of combustible vapours. Hot work site has been inspected and all areas impacted by heat from the hot work are free of combustible materials. Areas adjacent to the worksite (Including above, below and behind) are clean and free of combustible materials and vapours. Structures being worked on including pipes, equipment, etc. have been isolated and are free of stored and / or live energy. Pipes and structures have been electrically isolated. Fire protection is in place and suitable for the risks. Electrical equipment has been inspected, is routed clear of sharp surfaces and other hazards. Clothing and leather gloves are being kept as dry as possible. The work site is being maintained free of water. Welding operator is wearing insulated boots, where the operator may come in close contact with the ship's structure protection has been provided by dry insulating mats or boards.
N/A Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 94
Arc Gas
Hot Work: All Work: All fields are to be completed Yes or N/A. N/A. Gas cutting equipment including all hoses, valves and flame arrestors, etc. are in good working condition. Gas will be cut off when the bottles are not in use. In the event of an incident the safety watch is familiar with the means to immediately cut power / gas supply and understands the actions to take.
Gas tests are to be conducted after every break, time between checks is not to be more than 3 hours. The work site is to have a gas reading of less than 1% LEL hydrocarbon. Note: Only trained and qualified personnel shall take gas readings. If possible accredited chemist to issue the Gas Free Fr ee Certificate or Confined Space Entry Permit with gas readings.
Hot Work Gas Monitoring Log Initia Location l
Work Site Bunker tanks
Authorization Signatures Signatures – The below must be completed before work can commence. –The Safety Coordinator - Signature required I_____________________________________________ have reviewed the above and have satisfied myself that the precautions mentioned above are in place and that the persons participating in the task are aware of the hazards and the precautions that must m ust be taken. Signature Time Date Person in ChargeCharge- Signature required, may be the same as the safety coordinator. I_____________________________________________ have checked and confirmed that all the safety precautions are in place and that the persons involved in the task have participated in the tool box talk. Signature
Chief Engineer - Signature when required by procedure or JHA. I_____________________________________________ have discussed the job and safety precautions with the person in charge and reviewed the document docum ent and I am satisfied that suitable precautions have been taken and that the safety arrangements will be maintained for the duration of the work. Signature Time Date Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
HTW 3/3/3 Annex, page 95 Master - Signature Required After reviewing this document and the associated safety precautions with the person in charge I,_____________________________________________ am satisfied that suitable precautions have been taken and that safety arrangements will be maintained for the duration of the work. Signature Time Date Completion Checklist is to be completed when the task is completed or the permit has expired. Completion Checklist: The task is not complete and the contents of this permit have been transferred to a new permit. The impact on permits interacting with this one have been reviewed andwork it is safe to canceland thisthe permit. All is completed task site is left in a safe condition. All tools and equipment being used for the work have been cleaned and put back in their original positions. Any equipment or systems that have been worked on have been tested and confirmed as fit for use. All appropriate persons have been advised of any precautions required. Where appropriate signs have been posted.
Starting/finishing Starting/finishing time must not exceed Signatories'/Responsible Signatories'/Respo nsible Officer's working hours.
(b) Specific location of hot work to be given (c) Description of hot work to include type of equipment to be used. SECTION 1: Applies to all hazardous work not involving naked flame f lame or continuous spark production and would include use of electrical equipment, use of air-driven rotary equipment, sand or grit blasting, hammering and mechanical chipping and movement of equipment or materials over or near to machinery that is operating. SECTION 2: Applies to all hot work involving involving high temperatures, open flame, electric arc or continuous source of sparks etc. This type of work includes, but is not limited to, welding, burning and grinding. TESTS FOR COMBUSTIBLE GAS SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT IMMEDIATELY BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF HOT WORK AND AT FREQUENT INTERVALS AS LONG AS THE WORK IS IN PROGRESS.
After the completion of any hot work, an appropriate number of subsequent inspections of the area and adjacent areas if relevant, should be made, to to ensure there is no remaining ignition hazard.] ___________ Documents/English/HTW Documents/English/HTW 3-3-3 (E).docx
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