Modal Lesson Plan (Can and Could)

November 11, 2018 | Author: Zoey Lontiong | Category: Lesson Plan, Verb, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition
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F. Torres St., Davao City

Semi Detail Lesson Plan Grade 7 Prepared by Joely Lontiong


OBJECTIVE  At the end end of the class, the students shall shall have been able able to: 1. Define and enumerate Modal of verb 2. Differentiate the use of can/ can't and could/couldn't.  Discover their talents and abilities throu!h participatin! in class activity.

II Sube!t "atter Modals "an, "ant "ould "ouldn#t III #e$eren!e%"aterials   voane$ !in!ersoft$   !rammarban&.com Materials in!o card (isual aids

IV De&elo'ment o$ t(e lesson ). Preparation 1. Perfo Performi rmin! n! routin routinary ary activ activiti ities es 2. )evi )evie$ e$ past past less lesson on Polysemy *omonyms •  • 

B. "oti&ation Bingo? 1. +ho &no$s ho$ to play Bingo 2. +hat are the mechanics of the !ame in!o Mechanics 1. Players must have bin!o card 2. ach player may have 1 or more cards. . Players $ill mar& each suare as its number is called. 0. Player should complete any five columns. t can be vertical, horiontal or dia!onal. 3. 4he first player $ho can complete one column $ill the $inner 

V Presentation  A modal is a type of au5iliary verb that is used to e5press: ability, possibility, permission/reuest, and obli!ation. 1. "an and "an#t %% Ability and permission "ould and "ouldn#t %% Ability and permission 2. May and Mi!ht

% Possibility and permission

Must, have to %% 6bli!ation . +ill and $ould 7 permission and possibility

+ould rather, than %% 0. 8hould and ou!ht to %% 6bli!ation *ad better%% obli!ation 8hall % 6bli!ation and permission 3. +ould you and +ont you 7 permission/reuest VI )!ti&ity

Direction# 9ill in the spaces $ith bin!o card $ith one of the abilities listed on the board. Min!le around the classroom as&in! each other,  Can you_________? about one of the activity listed on your bin!o board. f the person you as& can do that activity,;sho$ it< you $ill mar&s off the suare $ith their name. f they cannot do it, move on and as&s another person about that ability or another one in your card. =ou can only as& one ability per person before movin! on to as& another classmate, but you can come bac& to the same person as often as you li&e +hen someone !ets five spaces in a ro$, ; t can be vertical, horiontal or dia!onalane ???? come $ith us if she $ants to. 9. 8he doesn't $ant to !o to the s$immin! pool because she ????s$im . 10.

5cuse me sir, ???? please tell me $here the rail$ay station is-

 )ssignment . 1. Croup yourself into 0 2. "reate your o$n super hero. 0. Dra$ it a lon! bond paper. . n a 1 $hole sheet of paper, describe your superhero by usin! can/cant and could and couldn#t. . Present your assi!nment tomorro$ $ith one of the member $ill dress and act li&e your super hero #ubri!s Dra$in! 8ho$s uniueness and heroic ualities in the dra$in!. /01 8&illful used of shadin! to form body "ostume  4he desi!n/actin! capture the flavor of the character /01  Actin! by includin! several details that accurately reflected on the dra$in! Description Proper use of !rammar by usin! the $ords can/cant and 201   could/couldn#t. -001 E

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