Mod 10 essay question.doc

January 19, 2017 | Author: Eagle1968 | Category: N/A
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Module 10 essay...


Mod 10 essay question 1) Describe in details the process of obtaining a Prt-66 Basic License & then describe how you can obtain an extension to the basic license & how you can obtain a type approval & how you can add additional types? Basic license There are 3 main requirements that i must meet before i can obtain a Part 66 basic license. The 3 main requirements are as follows; 1) Age; The minimum age to hold a part 66 license is 18 years old. In order to certify however i have to be 21 years old. 2) Knowledge; I would need to have successfully completed all the exams that is required based on the syllabus in EASA part 66. The amount of exams would depend on the modules required based on which category that i am applying for. I would have either self studied or trained at an approved 147 training organization. I would need to sit for all those exams at either an approved 147 centre or a competent authority exam centre. 3) Experience; After satisfying both the age and knowledge requirements, I would need to submit my proof of work experience in the form of logbooks. The amount would depend on the category that I am applying for. Reductions in experience requirements are given to people who have trained in a part 147 training organization or skilled workers. Once all 3 requirements have been meet, an application via form 19 together with the logbook conforming experience and course completion certificates(if applicable) be made to the competent authority. Type rating The basic pre-requisite for a type rating is the basic license itself. The type rating only applies to category B1, B2 & C as the category A license does not contain type ratings. There are 3 main requirements which i have to meet. 1) Appropriate Training I must have attended a type course at an approved 147 organization which cover both theory and practical aspects.

2) Examination I must have passed all the required examinations in the type course

3) Experience I must submit experience logbooks with a minimum of 4 months of working on that particular aircraft type To apply for the license, i would need to submit the appropriate application form with the required fees to the quality department. I would need to be at least 21 years of age to exercise my privileges.

Additional type approvals For any additional type approvals, the procedure is the same as the first type approval procedure. Any additional type approvals are independent of any type approval

Extensions to the basic license I would need to satisfy 2 main requirements 1) Knowledge I would need to satisfy the knowledge requirements of the Engineer Licence Guidance Document which would include sitting for additional exams 2) Experience I would need to satisfy the experience requirements as per the Engineer License Guidance Document. Once i have satisfy both those requirements, I can apply for the extension via form 19 with the appropriate fees.

2) Describe the four annexes of regulation (EC) 2024/2003, their purpose & relationship Regulation 2024/2003 establishes implementing rules for the continuing airworthiness of aircraft & aeronautical products, parts, applications & for the approval of organizations and personnel involved. It is applicable to all aircraft on the registers of EASA member states except military, customs, police or similar services & to aircraft stated in Annex 2 of the basic regulation. It consist of 4 annexes which are Annex 1(Part M), Annex 2(Part 145), Annex 3(Part 66) & Annex 4(Part 147). Each annex is made up of 2 parts which are section A(procedures for personnel and organizations) and section B(procedures for competent authorities). Each annex is further clarified by the Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) & the Guidance Material(GM) Annex 1(Part M) It establishes the common technical requirements & administrative procedures for ensuring the continuing airworthiness of aircraft. Relationship with Annex 2(Part 145) – for all large aircraft above 5700 Kg MTWA or operated for Commercial air transport, it must be maintained by an approved by a Part 145 organization. Relationship with Annex 3(Part 66) – All crs has to be issued by a Part 66 approved personnel. Part M is currently not applicable to non Commercial Air Transport aircraft until 28 September 2008.

Annex 2(Part 145) It establishes the requirements that need to be met by an organization to qualify for the issue or continuation of an approval for the maintenance of aircraft and components. It is currently not applicable to large aircraft not used for commercial Air transport until 28 sept 2008. Relationship with Annex 3(part 66) – all certification for maintenance has to be done by a part 66 qualified personnel

Annex 3 (Part 66) It establishes the requirements for the issue of aircraft maintenance license and the conditions of its validity & use. It is currently not applicable to aircraft below 5700 Kg MTWA until 28 Sept 2008.

Relationship with Annex 4(Part 147) – Training for basic license can be either be done at a Part 147 organization or by self studying. Training for a Type course for category A can be done by the 145 or the 147 organization Training for a Type course for category B1, B2 and C is by an approved 147 which is mandatory Annex 4(Part 147) It establishes the requirements to be met by organization seeking to conduct training and examination of personnel as specified in Part 66.

3) You are a Part 145 company. What aspects would need to be audited by the quality department to retain the company approval & what human factor aspects would be involved. An organogram would help your answer.








FEEDBACK REPORT QUALITY FEEDBACK SYSTEM A typical organizational organogram would look like the above.The primary purpose of a quality system is to enable the organization to ensure that it can deliver a safe product and that the organization remains in compliance with the requirements. The quality department would normally conduct independent audits on all the departments based on the audit plan which is laid down in the company exposition. Aspects that need to be audited: 1) The facilities to carry out planned work There should be segregated workshops and bays protected from the weather. There should also be a large enough work area with proper working environments which take into account all human factors which could degrade employee productivity.(lighting, dust, noise) 2) Approved personnel There should be an accountable manager to ensure that the organization has enough resources to carry out all planned work. There should also be a person to monitor the quality system. 3) Enough certifying staff

There should be sufficient part 66 qualified personnel to carry out all certifying requirements 4) Enough equipment, tools and material There should be sufficient equipment, test sets, calibrated tools & material to carry out all task

5) Procedures for acceptance of components There should be proper procedures in place to ensure only approved components are accepted into the stores & used on the aircraft. 6) Maintenance data is current & updated This is to ensure only up to date & current data is used for the maintenance of aircraft 7) Production Planning to ensure correct planning with resources This is to ensure that all aircraft are maintained to the limits of the check cycles as stated in the maintenance schedule of each aircraft to ensure continued airworthiness 8) Certification of Maintenance 9) A proper system to store maintenance records This is to ensure that all maintenance records & the history of maintenance of the aircraft is kept for the periods stated in the requirements 10)

A adequate occurrence reporting system

This is to ensure that any accidents or incidents is reported to the proper channels 11)

A safety and quality policy

Once the audit has been completed, a feedback report which contains the details of all the findings, recommendations for the findings, datelines and date of the next audit will be prepared & submitted via the Quality Feedback system to the accountable manager. There will be regular meetings with between the accountable manager and heads of each department to ensure that any findings are rectified & complied with. Human Factor aspects

Human factors plays a very important role in the operation of a part 145 organization. Because of that, human factors training are now a requirement for all personnel in the organisation. This training should be conducted for all personnel as part as a continuation training a minimum of every 2 years. Besides that all other human factors like lighting, the level of noise, dust and etc must also be takes into consideration when this audits are conducted.

4) Describe the purpose of the ANO, BCAR, Commission Regulation(EC) 2024/2003 & Commission Regulation (EC) 1702/2003 & describe the relationship btw them. Relationship United Kingdom Legislation – Create & empower Parliament

European Community

UK Parliament Civil Aviation Act


Council Regulation 216/2008

Civil Aviation Authority



Safety Agency Annex 2 Excluded Aircraft Requirements Commission

UK Parliament


Binding by law

Air Navigation Order

(EC) 1702/2003

Prt 21 (EC) 2042/2003 Annex 1 Part M Annex 2 Part 145 Annex 3 Part 66 Annex 4 Part 147

Acceptable Means of Compliance And guidance material. GM, etc


EASA CS 23, 25, 27, AMC,

Not Binding by Law The Civil Aviation Act and (EC) 216/2008 are both equal in which they have been debated in parliament and has been passed as legislation. This would be the principal act of parliament which regulates the civil aviation industry in both UK & Europe. Both of this have allowed and given power to the creation of CAA & EASA respectively. Currently as it stands, all aircraft expect those stated in (EC) 216/2008 are subject to the implementing rules and certification specifications of EASA. This means that all those aircraft classified as non-easa aircraft in (EC) 216/2008 would still be subjected to the rules and requirements of the civil aviation act and ANO. The ANO, (EC) 1702/2003 and (EC) 2024/2003 are the principal statutory instrument in regulating air navigation. They are binding by law. They contain all the requirements which need to be meet in the civil aviation industry. Although the ANO, (EC) 1702/2003 and (EC) 2024/2003 establishes in law the basis for the regulation of the civil aviation industry , it does not provide specific details of what is to be achieved. This information is provided in publications such as BCAR, EASA Certification Specifications, AMC and GM. This are considered the acceptable means of compliance or guidance material which are not binding by law. Purpose; ANO – is the principal statutory instrument regulating air navigation. It establishes in law the basis for the regulation of the civil aviation industry. BCAR – Comprises of minimum technical requirements and administrative procedures that form the basis for the manufacture of aircraft, the approval of equipment, the approval of design, manufacturing and maintenance organisations, the approval of personnel, certification and continued airworthiness procedures. (EC) 1702/2003 – lays down implementing rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances as well as for the certification of design and production. (EC) 2024/2003 – for the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and the approval of organizations and personnel involved in these task (EC) 216/2008 – common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a EASA

5) Describe the procedures and requirements of a maintenance organization obtaining a part 145 approval The application of a part 145 approval should be made to the competent authority via EASA Form 2. For organizations having their principal business in Member states, the component authority would refer to the authority designated by that member state and for organizations having their principal business located in a third country, the competent authority would be EASA. When applying for a part 145, there a few different approvals which can be applied for. An organizational may be granted an approval ranging from a single class rating with limitations to all classes and ratings with limitations. The different type of classes are as follows; A Category ‘A’ class – Is for maintenance of aircraft or component (including engines/apu) only while such components are fitted to the aircraft. A Category ‘B’ class – Is for maintenance of uninstalled engine/apu and engine/apu components while such components are fitted to the engine/apu.

A Category C class – Is for maintenance of uninstalled components expect engine/apu intended for fitment on aircraft or engine/apu. A Category D class – Is for non-destructive inspection When submitting an application for a part 145 approval, the organization needs to submit a maintenance organization exposition (MOE) which details the scope of work deemed to constitute the approval showing how the organization intends to comply with part 145 requirements. The exposition should contain the following, a general organization structure, details of the management team and their roles, the organization safety and quality policy, the maintenance procedures of the organization and additional line maintenance procedures if applicable. This exposition should be amended as necessary to remain an up to date description of the organization where any subsequent amendment would need to be approved by the competent authority. Upon submission of the application and MOE, the competent shall verify that the procedures specified in the MOE complies with all the requirements of part 145. This compliance will be verified via audits. The audit report form should be EASA Form 6. Any findings should be recorded in this form as either being level 1 or level 2 findings. The competent authority shall record all findings, closure actions( action to close the findings) and recommendations. Once all the findings have been corrected, the initial approval can be issued. The competent authority shall then formally approve the MOE and will issue EASA Form 3 approval certificate which includes the approval ratings. The conditions of the approval will also be stated in Form 3. This will only be done once the competent authority is fully satisfied that the organization is in full compliance with part 145. The reference number of each organization shall be a unique numeric number which will be stated on Form 3. The validity of the approval is for an unlimited duration. Any changes to name, address, approval scope and rating and new base facilities should be notified to the competent authority so changes to the approval certificate can made in accordance to the required procedures.

6) Describe the requirements for the issue of a part 66 category A license and the procedures to obtain authorisation on this license? A category A license permits the holder to issue certificates of release to service following minor scheduled line activities and simple defect rectification within the limits of tasks specifically endorsed in their authorisation. The certification privileges are strictly restricted to work that the authorisation holder has personally performed in a part 145 organisation. The A license is divided into four sub-categories which are; A1 – Aeroplanes Turbine – Engines A2 - Aeroplanes Piston – Engines A3 – Helicopter Turbine –Engines A4 – Helicopter Piston – Engines

Basic License Application for the basic license should be done via Form 19E to the competent authority. There are three main things an applicant must satisfy before being granted a Category A basic license; 1) Age; The minimum age to hold a part 66 license is 18 years old. In order to certify however the applicant would have to be 21 years old. 2) Knowledge; The applicant would need to have successfully completed all the exams that is required based on the syllabus in EASA part 66. The applicant would have either self studied or trained at an approved 147 training organization. The applicant would need to sit for all those exams at either an approved 147 centre or a competent authority exam centre. 3) Experience; After satisfying both the age and knowledge requirements, the applicant would need to submit his/her proof of work experience in the form of logbooks. The current experience requirement for a category A basic license is 3 years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft if the applicant doesn’t have any previous relevant technical training. This can be reduced to 2 years if the applicant has had training considered relevant by the competent authority as a skilled worked. It can be further reduced to only 1 year if the applicant has completed an approved 147 organisation basic training course. At least 1 year of this required practical experience must be recent maintenance experience on the aircraft of the category A basic license being applied for. Once all 3 requirements have been meet, an application via form 19E together with the logbook conforming experience and course completion certificates(if applicable) be made to the competent authority. Authorisation on this license The holder of a category A basic license may only exercise their certification privileges on a specific aircraft type following the satisfactory completion of relevant category A aircraft task training carried out by an approved 145 or 147 organization. This training shall include practical hands on training and theoretical training as appropriate for each task authorised. Satisfactory completion of training shall be demonstrated by an examination or by a workplace assessment carried out by the approved 145 or 147 organisation which will then issue an authorisation for the applicant on his basic license.

7) What are the requirements for cockpit voice recorder in commercial transport a/c? Discuss the requirements to release an aircraft without a CVR? The cockpit voice recorder (CVR) is designed to record crew conversation and communication into a memory unit in flight and on ground. Requirements of non commercial air transport aircraft For any aircraft which is required by the ANO Schedule 4 to be equipped with a CVR, the CVR shall start recording from the start of the takeoff run to the end of the landing run. It should be able to record and preserve the last 30 minutes of its operation on not less than 4 separate channels. Requirements for non commercial helicopters

For any helicopter which is required by the ANO Schedule 4 to be equipped with a CVR, the CVR shall always start recording from the time the rotors first turn for the purpose of taking off until the rotors are next stopped. It should be able to record and preserve the last 60 minutes of its operation on not less than 3 separate channels. Requirements for commercial air transport aircraft first issued with an individual Certificate of Airworthiness on or after 1 st April 1998 and above 5700 kg Under this requirement, the CVR shall record in within a time scale the communication of flight crew on the cockpit using radio, aeroplanes interphone system and public address system. It should also record the aural environment in the cockpit and the voice/audio signals identifying navigation or approach aids introduced into the headset or speaker. The CVR shall be able of retaining information recorded during at least the last 2 hours of its operation. The CVR must start automatically to record prior to the aeroplane moving under its own power and continue to record until the termination of the flight when the aircraft is no longer capable of moving under its own power. The CVR should also have a device to assist in locating it in water. For all other aircraft which are used for commercial air transport but do not fall under the above category, all the above applies with one exception where instead of being able to retain information recorded during at least the last 2 hours of its operation, it only has to retain information recorded during at least the last 30 minutes of its operation. Requirements to release an aircraft without a CVR With regards to the ANO, it stated that an aircraft shall not be required to carry the CVR if before takeoff the equipment is found to be unserviceable. The aircraft can fly in accordance with the arrangements made with the CAA. Those arrangements are normally contained in an aircraft MEL and are specific to that particular aircraft type. Taking a Boeing 777- 200 aircraft for example, the CVR may be inoperative provided the flight data recorder operates normally and repairs to the CVR needs to be carried out within the stated interval in the MEL which is within 72 hours. On top of that, maintenance personnel are required to place a placard indicating the CVR is in-operative on the CVR panel to indicate to the flight crew that the CVR is unserviceable.

8) There is a deferred defect that affects both auto-land and ETOPS capability. Describe in detail, how you would ensure any replacement parts are compatible and how you would return the aircraft to service. ETOPS stand for extended range twin operations are those flights conducted over a route that contains a point further than an hour flying time at the approved one engine inoperative cruise speed from an adequate airport.

Auto-land capability means a system which allows precision instrument approach to touchdown which is performed by the autopilot system with instrument landing system(ILS) assist. The Minimum equipment list describes items affecting ETOPS and Autoland capability. In order to ensure operational integrity, ETOPS and Autoland flight, a more restrictive MEL is required. Some of these items when deferred with cause the aircraft status to be downgraded to either a non-etops aircraft or no autoland capability respectively. The following flowchart will help enhance the troubleshooting process when dealing with ETOPS or autoland.










CLEAR TECH LOG Gather Information As the defect has already been deferred, i will refer to the deferred defect logbook to get more information on the particular problem. If the problem has already been identified and the problem just requires a replacement of a component, i would check to see if the replacement part has already been preordered. If it has i would refer to the appropriate maintenance manual for the procedures in carry out the replacement. If the problem has been identified but the replacement spares have not been ordered, i would refer to the appropriate illustrated parts catalog for the part number of the component i require. This process is quite critical because the part i order has to etops compatible. The IPC will state if the part is etops or non-etops items. I would then proceed in ordering the part.

Rectification Upon receiving the component from the stores, i would check the new item part number, modification status, effectivity and cross refer it to the IPC to ensure it is

the correct part. I would then perform a visual inspection on the component to ensure it is not damaged and serviceable. I would then proceed in carrying out the replacement of the component as per the procedures set out in the aircraft maintenance manual. Once the component has been installed, i would label the unserviceable component which i had removed and return to the particular workshop or manufacturer or even the store depending on which was necessary. Inspection and Functional After completing the replacement, i would do a final inspection to ensure that all the work that is required has been carried out before proceeding to do a functional test. Before carrying out a functional test, i will ensure that all safety aspects that need to be done have been carried out. IF the component requires a duplicate inspection, i would ensure that a equally qualified maintenance personnel has done a duplicate inspection. Clearing of paperwork Once all the functional have been carried out and are found satisfactory, i as an ETOPS qualified maintenance personnel will certify the all the required paperwork. As this is a deferred defect, i would have to clear the deferred defect logbook and technical log where necessary. As this task also involved tht replacement of a component, i would also have to enter the component change details, defect item number, serial number off and on, part number off and on. If the task involved a duplicate inspection, i would have to certify the 1 st part of the duplicate and ensure the 2nd part of the duplicate is certified by the engineer who carried out the inspection. Since etops is critical, it may require a verification flight to ensure the serviceability of the aircraft. If this is required, i would make a technical log entry and defer it by raising a defer defect logbook entry. I would raise a notice to crew requesting them to carry out an ETOPS verification flight. The captain will record in the defect column of the technical log sector record after completing the 90 minutes of flight, ”ETOPS verification flight satisfactory for xxx minutes(where xxx minutes is the maximum ETOPS diversion time that the aircraft is capable of. If it takes longer than 90 minutes to evaluate, the aircraft would be dispatched as a non ETOPS flight. For satisfactory verification flight, the aircraft defer defect logbook and notice to crew will be cleared at the next station using the technical log sector record if the verification was satisfactory. The aircraft defer defect logbook will remain open for unsatisfactory verification flight. If the part replaced was not an approved etops part, i would do the replacement of the part as the replacement section and then certify the paperwork as a non etops flight.

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