Pergunta 24: Ignorado A Bot developer has been assigned to automate a process. There is a one step in this process that includes logging in to the application. The developer don't want to publish his login details when build the Bot. How can the bot developer achieve this? (Choose two)
Capture area Use credentials in the Capture Area action (Correto)
Add credentials in the Simulate keystrokes action
Use credentials with recorder tools (Correto)
Add comments so developer don't see the login details Explicação creator/using-theworkbench/cloud-secure-recording-mode.html Pergunta 25: Ignorado A Bot developer is creating Bots that loop through Excel spreadsheets sprea dsheets in Office365. When he ran Bot, getting an error with the message "Cannot find any open spreadsheet action using session name 'Default'" (no action was found to open the spreadsheet using the session name 'Default'). Which of the following actions are considered missing?
Application: Open program/file
Office 365 Excel: Open (Correto)
Analyze: Open
Office 365 Excel: Get multiple cells Explicação cloud/topics/aae- client/Bot-creator/commands/cloudoffice-365-excel-package.html
Pergunta 1: Ignorado After reading data from several CSV files using a loop through files in a folder, a bot developer discovers the first line of data repeats for every CSV file in the folder. How can they eliminate the duplicated data?
Change add another Loop inside the table loop to loop through each value in a record and add a condition to eliminate the duplicate data
Change the Loop iterator to 'for each row in a table'
Change the Read from CSV action to skip the first row
Change the Open CSV action and ensure 'contains header' is selected (Correto) Explicação command---contains-header.html Pergunta 2: Ignorado A developer has recorded a process that t hat edits user information via a web-based form.
The bot works fine for a certain user IDs (the one on e recorded), but any other user ID fails with the message 'cannot find window or application that was open during recording'. What should the developer do to allow the bot to be used with a variety of user IDs?
Adjust the window in the window title variable created by the recording to accept a wildcard
Adjust the Object properties to be more generic
Create a new bot for each user id
Create a variable to adjust the Object properties dynamically Explicação cloud/topics/aae-client/Bot-creator/commands/cloudv2019/page/enterpriseusing-wait-window-action.html using-wait-window-action.html Pergunta 3: Ignorado A developer needs to automate the following process: 1. Receives daily reports in an e-mail with a specific subject 2. Downloads the report 3. Formats the report in Excel (i.e. sorts columns, removes unnecessary columns, filters required rows.) 4. Saves the report with a date-time stamp 5. Logs in to SAP 6. Uploads the report into SAP What action would be used in the Bot for step 6?
SAP: Set text (Correto)
Excel advanced: Create workbook
Excel advanced: Convert excel to PDF
Excel advanced: Save to SAP Pergunta 4: Ignorado Organization A wants to send salary slips in PDF format to its 15000 employees. They also want to password-protect pa ssword-protect the salary slip with a random password. What is the best approach that the bot developer should follow?
Call the JavaScript Function from the JavaScript package
Loop through each PDF file saved in a folder. Use U se the Recorder to set a password in the PDF Application
Loop through each PDF file saved in a folder. Use the Encrypt Document Action from the PDF package to set the password (Correto)
Call the Python function from the Python Script package Explicação cloud/topics/aae-client/bot-creator/commands/cloudv2019/page/enterpriseencrypting-a-document.html encrypting-a-document.html Pergunta Ignorado 5: A bot developer wants to organize a task bot that is easy to read and troubleshoot for other developers, which action will help achieve this thi s goal?
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