March 6, 2017 | Author: DanielEvans | Category: N/A
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Methodology Methodology is defined as a system of procedures used in a particular area of study or activity. In order to obtain the information necessary for this assignment, the researcher chose to employ both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary sources included questionnaires and interviews while secondary sources included textbooks and articles from the internet. The questionnaires are sets of printed questions with a choice of answers. Questionnaires consisted of both multiple choice and open ended questions which were issued to the employees at Digicel Jamaica which contained a maximum of ten (10) questions. It allows for specific responses to be collected therefore this method was used. With regards to the interview, the participant was given a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes in which five (5) questions were asked so as to accommodate quantitative data in respect to the respondent’s knowledge and experience in the area of communication. In addition, textbooks and articles from the internet further substantiate the primary sources of data thus giving the research validity.

Aims & Objectives Aim: 

To investigate the importance of effective communication at Digicel Jamaica.

Objectives: Module 1 

To highlight the background of Digicel Jamaica

Module 2 

To evaluate the effects of effective communication at Digicel Jamaica

Module 3 

To explain the financial statements used at Digicel Jamaica

Introduction This assignment is one that embraces all three modules of Unit 1, namely the Businessand its Environment, the Management of People and Business Finance and Accounting. The research focuses on “The Importance of Effective Communication at Digicel Jamaica.” In this research, the diverse impacts of effective communication at Digicel Jamaica will be widely discussed. In addition, this research will also encompass the ways in which communication flows within the business, the various types of media used in communicating and also the research will seek to highlight the main barriers that may prevent effective communication at this organization. The researcher has chosen to explore this particular topic because firstly, the knowledge obtained from this study would be beneficial to him in this academic discipline as well as he wantsreaders to recognize the importance of communication dynamics at Digicel

Background of the Project

The business under investigation is Digicel Jamaica. Digicel is a mobile phone network provider operating in 31 markets across the Caribbean, Central America and Oceania regions. Before the year 2001, wireless service in the Caribbean was under the control of Cable & Wireless. Cable & Wireless had little competition or incentive to change, and wireless service was considered expensive and poor in quality by Caribbean customers. Therefore in 2001, Jamaica decided to open its phone market up for competition. Digicel owned by an Irish entrepreneur Denis O’Brien first established itself in April 2001 in Jamaica. It grew to 100,000 customers here in approximately 100 days. In the thirteen years since the initial launch, Digicel’s customer base has grown to over two million users and has a market share of over 70% of Jamaica. Today, one of the main objectives of Digicel Jamaica is to provide customers with affordable and innovative mobile communications that fosters personal and professional connections between nations and people and thus far, Digicel has fulfilled this objective. Within a business there is the need to keep proper financial statements so as to ensure the smooth running of the business and Digicel Jamaica is no exception. At the head of the finance department is Colm Delves who is the Group Chief Financial Officer. He works alongside with other directors of the financial board and together they prepare financial statements for Digicel such as balance sheets and trading and profit and loss accounts and this concludes the general background of the privately owned business. .

Literature Review Communication is defined as the process of using words, sounds, signs or behaviours to exchange information, ideas, thoughts or feelings between people or groups. However, effective

communication only occurs if the message has been received and understood by the receiver and the sender knows that it has been understood. (Simpson, Singh 2007)

Therefore, there are seven primary elements in the communication process. These include the sender, the context, the message, the channel, the receiver, interaction and feedback. (Zeuschner, Raymond F 2003) The absence of any one of these key elements lead to communication being ineffective. Ineffective communicaton results in misunderstandings, errors and uncoordinated departments.

In every firm, communication is inevitable and undoubtedly has adverse impact at Digicel Jamaica. Some ofthe many areas of the business that is impacted by effective communication are staff motivation, the number and quality of ideas generated by the staff as well as the response of the receivers. (Simpson, Singh 2007)Once staff are encouraged to participate through group disscussion then effective communication will aid motivation and thus labour productivity will increase. Furthermore, if employees are asked to contribute their input, this can assist with problem solving and most importantly incorrect understanding of a message will lead to incorrect responses and for these reasons, communication has to be effective within every business.

The communication process can flow in the following directions at Digicel Jamaica: downward communication which flows from managers to subordinates which relate to job assignments or evaluations, upward communication which flows from staff to supervisors in relation to concerns or suggestions, lateral which has to do with persons on the same level and

diagonal which flows from persons at a lower level to persons at a higher level. ( Ramtahal,F 2013)

In order to communicate within or outside of Digicel Jamaica, a medium has to be used. Some of the media used are oral communication such as conversations, written communication such as memoranda as well as electronic media such as emails. The type of media appropriate for transmitting messages is often dependent on the quantity of data to be communicated, cost and speed to name a few.

In addition and lastly, whilst in the process of communicating, there are barriers to effective communication. These barriers are things that hinder the transmission and/or receipt of information. Some of the barriers to effective communication include; perceptual, cultural and personal bias. These barriers result when people see things differently from others. For example, differences in culture, religion and status can cause bias in the delivery and responses. Another barrier to effective communication is the enviroment. This includes the fact that there may be noise in the physical surroundings which can prevent messages from being heard, and also time differences.

Which of these methods is most efficient in the communication process? Fig. 1.

Figure 1 above illustrates the most efficient means by which communication takes place at Digicel Jamaica. Explicitly, the results show that oral communication is the most effective method used at the business. In addition, electronic media is the second most efficient means of communication; however written communication is the least effective means by which both employers and staff communicate within the organization.

What is the preferred flow of communication? Fig. 2

Figure 2 above represents the flow of communication preferred by the employees at Digicel Jamaica. The most preferred is the upward flow of communication. The second most preferred is the lateral whilst the third most preferred is the diagonal. However, based on the graph it is evident that the downward flow of communication is the least preferred among the employees.

How does effective communication help in the daily operations at Digicel Jamaica?

Fig. 3. The above figure shows the impacts of effective communication on the daily operations at Digicel Jamaica. As the graph illustrates, majority of the employees have come to the consensus that there is a better relationship between employers and staff and this is represented as the greater portion of the graph. However, other employees are of the view that increased productivity and greater profits are both equal impacts of effective communication.

What are some of the most effective communication strategies used at Digicel Jamaica?

Fig. 4 The employees were asked their opinion of what they think is the most effective communication strategies used in the business. A part of the staff population says that issuing letters/memos is the least effective strategy whilst another set says that the use of technology is the second most effective. However, majority of the employees are of the opinion that having regular meetings with employees is the most effective communication strategy within Digicel Jamaica.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The researcher was furnished with a wide variety of data which was beneficial in compiling this project. The researcher obtained knowledge on the most efficient methods used in

communication, the preferred flow of communication, the impact of effective communication in the daily operations at Digicel and also the most effective communication strategies used.

In figure 1, the most efficient methods used in communication are given. These methods include oral and written communication as well as electronic media. It was discovered that the most effective of the three was oral communication which was represented by a total of fifty percent. This method of communication would include meetings in general which the employees say that they are able to give their suggestions etc. In addition, it was also noted that the second most efficient method was the use of electronic media which made the communication method faster and the least used method was written communication which would include letters and memoranda.

Figure 2 displayed the preferred flow of communication at Digicel Jamaica. There are four types which consist of upward, downward, lateral and the diagonal flow of communication. The most preferred flow of communication is the upward flow which goes directly from subordinates to employers. This was represented by a total of 40 percent. Employees say that whenever communication flows like this, they are able to voice their opinions and this makes the staff feel important in the business. Contrastly, the downward flow is most resented by employees as it represents rigid authoritarian leadership. However, the lateral flow is the second preferred among employees as this is communication that takes places with staff on the same level and diagonal commmunication is represented by 20 %

Figure 3 illustrates the impact of efficient communication on the daily operations at Digicel Jamaica. The responses included better relationship between staff and employers, greater

profits as well as increased productivity. The researcher noted that a surprising 60% of the staff population say that effective communication fosters a better relationship between employers and staff. In addition, it was also discovered that increased productivity and greater profits shared an equal percentage of both 20% as one leads to the other.

Lastly, figure 4 depicts some of the most effective communication strategies used at Digicel Jamaica. These strategies consist of having regular meetings with employees, issuing letters/memos and also technology driven. 60% of the respondents gave their opinion that the use of meetings is the most effective strategy used as they can voice concerns or give opinions which are quickly responded to. Technology driven which includes the use of emails etc was represented by a total of 30% as technology does enhance communication in making the process easier and faster whilst, the use of letters and other written media was leasted represented as shown by a total of 10%

Recommendations Based on the data collected, it can be agreed that there is room for improvement where communication is concerned at Digicel Jamaica. The researcher recommends three suggestions to Digicel Jamaica. The first recommendation is that regular staff meetings should be held so that workers are able to have a say in the running of the business so that employers can know the way forward as their input is just as vital. Secondly, managers should seek to employ more of the upward flow of communication as it makes workers feel valued and that they are also a part of the business and lastly Digicel Jamaica should continue to use the oral method of communication as it has been proven to be most effective.

Conclusion Despite the fact that the communication process may not be entirely perfect at Digicel Jamaica, it can be agreed that effective communication does take place at the business. Effective communication impacts Digicel Jamaica in such a way that it promotes a better relationship between management and staff, it increases labour productivity which in turn gives the business greater profits.

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