MOA Template For Cities and Municipalities - 1599614100
September 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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MGMBYJOEWM BD JAYGGMGOU (@bttb & ^mj`` Ubwo @bttgry (^U@) ^ljrgs drbm tlg Nljrhty Duoe, joe Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong)
Ulhs JAYGGMGOU hs gxgnutge igtwggo6 [LH@H[ [LH@ H[[H [HOG OG NLJY NLJYHU HUX X ^QGG ^QGG[^ [^UJ UJCG CG^ ^ BDDH BDDHNG NG ([N^ ([N^B) B), j abvgromgot-bwoge joe nbotrb``ge nbrpbrjthbo, eu`y gxhsthoa iy vhrtug tl
bd Ygpui`hn Jnt jshong jmgoege, lb`ehoa bddhng jt 5 Ibu` D`bbr ^uo [`jz [`jzj j Iuh` Iuh`eh ehoa oa,,Ob.:7;1 :7::48, ;1 [r [rho ngtb tbo o ^t ^trg rggt gt nbr. nbr. ^ljw ^ljw Ib u`gv gvjr jre, e, Mjoej`uyboa Nhty, [lh`hpphogs, rgprgsgotge iy hts Agogrj` Mjojagr, YBXHOJ M. AJYMJ, eu`y jutlbrhzge dbr tlhs purpbsg uoegr [N^B Ibjr Ib jre e Ygsb` gsb`ut uthb hbo o Ob. Ob. ;;1 ;;18, ^grhg grhgs s bd 9;9; 9;9;,, js nbot nbotjh jho oge ho ^gnrgtjry‘s ^gnrgtj ry‘s Ngrthdhnjtg Ngrthdhnjtg hssuge hssuge bo :> Mjrnl 9;9;, 9;9;, j nbpy bd wlhn wlhnl l hs jttjnlge js JOOG\ ‐J”3 - joe „ MWOHNH[J@HUX BD @GVB, j dhdtl n`jss `bnj` abvgromgot uoht (@AW) gxhsthoa gxhs thoa uoegr [lh`hpphog [lh`hpphog `jws, `jws, rgpr rgprgsg gsgotge otge iy MJYX @GOGUUG Y. DGYOJOEGV, ho lhs njpjnhty js Muohnhpj` Mjybr , jutlbrhzge uoegr ^joa ^j oaau auoh ohjo joa a Ijyj Ijyjo o Ygs gsb` b`ut uthb hbo o Ob. Ob. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR , ejtge RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, j nbpy bd wlhnl hs jttjnlge js JOOG\ ‐I”.
(Nb``gnthvg`y rgdgrrge tb ho tlhs Jarggmgot js tlg ‐ [JYUHG^”). JOUGNGEGOU^6
Ulg [N^B hs tlg prhonhpj` abvgromgot jagony mjoejtge tb rjhsg joe prbvheg duoes dbr lgj`tl prbarjms, mgehnj` jsshstjong joe sgrvhngs, joe nljrhthgs bd ojthboj` nljrj nljrjntg ntgr, r, tlrbua tlrbual l tlg nboeu nboeunt nt bd swggp swggpst stjcg jcgs, s, rjngs rjngs,, ojthb ojthbow owhe heg g bo`ho bo`hog g `bttgr `bttgry y (‐@bttb”), ^mj`` Ubwo @bttgry (‐^U@”) joe btlgr shmh`jr jnthvhthgs. Ulg tlrust bd tlg jemhohstrjthbo bd [rgshegot Yberhab Ybj Eutgrtg jrg tb gosurg tlg prbvhshb prbv hshbo o joe jvjh`ji jvjh`jih`ht h`hty y bd mgehnj` mgehnj` djnh`hthg djnh`hthgs s dbr gmgrago gmgragony ny sgrvhng sgrvhngs, s, lgj`tl lgj`tl njrg njrg prbarjms joe sbnhj` sgrvhngs, joe prbvheg jpprbprhjtg dbrms bd jsshstjong tb jrgjs joe pgrsbos jddgntge iy nj`jmhthgs joe ehsjstgrs. Ulg [N^B rgnbaohzgs tlg rb`g bd @AWs js [N^B‘s pjrtogrs ho rjhshoa rgvgougs whtlho tlghr furhsehnthbo joe ho turo wbu`e `hcg tb suppbrt @AWs ho prbvhehoa tlg oggege mgehnj` joe lgj`tl sgrvhngs tb tlghr nbosthtugots. Js sunl, tlg [N^B, pursujot pursujot tb hts mjoejtg joe j`haoge whtl tlg [rgshegot‘s [rgshegot‘s prbarjms, prbvhegs @AWs whtl j pbrthbo bd tlg nljrhty duoe agogrjtge drbm tlg sj`gs bd @bttb joe ^U@ whtlho tlghr furhsehnthbo, js sljrg dbr @AWs tb ig usge iy tlgm dbr tlghr mgehnj` joe lgj`tl-rg`jtge sgrvhngs. [N^B j`sb prbvhegs Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong tb @AWs ho thmgs bd ojturj` nj`jmhthgs joe ehsjstgrs, hon`uehoa tlbsg njusge iy butirgjcs, gphegmhns joe pjoegmhns, uoegr tlg tlg Nj`jm Nj`jmhty hty Jsshst Jsshstjon jong g [rbar [rbarjm jm bd [N^B [N^B,, j nbpy nbpy bd tlg tlg Ygvh Ygvhsge sge Hmp`g Hmp`gmgo mgotho thoa a Auheg`hogs hs jttjnlge js JOOG\ ‐N”. Jnnbrehoa`y, Jnnbre hoa`y, tlg [JYUHG^ ljvg jargge js db``bws6
[jag : bd 1 MBJ (@bttb & ^U@ ^ljrgs, joe Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong Muohnhpj`hty bd @gzb
H. AYJOU BD @BUUB/^U@ NLJYHUX DWOE ^LJYG J. BI@HAJ BI@HAJUHB UHBO^ O^ BD BD [N^B [N^B. Ulg [N^B slj`` pgrdbrm tlg db``bwhoa6
:. J``bnjtg tlg duoes, duoes, js db``bws6 j. @bttb @bttb nljr nljrhty hty duoe duoe sljrg sljrg66 pbhot pbhot dhvg dhvg pgrng pgrngot ot (;.7%) (;.7%) bd tlg tlg Nljr Nljrhty hty Duoe Duoe agogrjtge agogrjt ge drbm tlg sj`gs bd @bttb whtlho tlg furhsehnthbo bd @AW, pursujot tb Jmgoehoa Gxgnuthvg Bregr Ob. >71, sgrhgs bd Gxgnuthvg Bregr Ob. >71-J ( Jmgoehoa :884 ) ejtge ;1 Bntbigr :884. i. ^U ^U@ @ nl nljr jrht hty y duoe duoe sljr sljrg6 g6 js mjy mjy ig jppr jpprbv bvge ge iy tlg tlg [N^B [N^B Ibjr Ibjre e bd Ehrgntbrs joe nbodhrmge iy tlg Bddhng bd tlg [rgshegot, j pbrthbo bd tlg Nljrhty Duoe agogrjtge drbm tlg sj`gs bd ^U@ whtlho tlg furhsehnthbo bd @AW, eurhoa eur hoa tlg gddgnt gddgnthvh hvhty ty bd tlg ^U@ ^U@ Jagon Jagony y Jarg Jarggmg gmgot ot bd [N^B [N^B wh whtl tl hts Jutlbrhzge Jutlbrhz ge ^U@ Jagot Jagot Nbrpbrjthbo Nbrpbrjthbo bpgrjthoa whtlho tlg tlg furhsehnthbo furhsehnthbo bd @AW.
9. Yg`gjsg tlg duoes tb tb @AW, js db``bws6 db``bws6 j. @bttb nljrhty duoe sljrg6 gvgry shx (4) mbotls3 joe i. ^U@ nljrhty duoe sljrg6 bo j mbotl`y ijshs.
Ulg [N^B slj`` snlgeu`g joe hodbrm @AW bd tlg sjmg. Ulg @bttb joe ^U@ Nljrhty Duoe ^ljrg hs bvgr joe jibvg tlg btlgr jsshstjong tljt tlg @AW mjy ig gotht`ge tb rgnghvg sunl js jmiu`jong/mgehnj` trjospbrt vglhn`g, mgehnj` joe lbsphtj` lbsphtj` gquhpmgot gquhpmgot joe nljrhtji`g nljrhtji`g sgrvhngs usuj``y ighoa ahvgo iy tlg [N^B ojthbowheg, js wg`` js jsshstjong dbr hts mgehnj`/lgj`tl rg`jtge butrgjnl prbarjms. I. BI@HAJUHBO^ BD @AW. @AW slj`` pgrdbrm tlg db``bwhoa6 :. Jncobw`geag Jncobw`geag rgnghpt bd @bttb Nljrhty Duoe ^ljrg joe ^U@ Nljrhty Duoe ^ljrg tlrbual tlg hssujong bd Bddhnhj` Ygnghpts iy tlg Muohnhpj` Urgjsurgr, ho djvbr bd tlg [N^B. 9. Bp Bpgo go j sp spgn gnhj` hj` ij ijoc oc jn jnnb nbuot uot wht whtl l hts eg egpbs pbshtj htjry ry ij ijoc oc {@ {@jo joeij eijoc oc bd tl tlg g
[lh`hpphogs (@I[)bdbrtlg Egvg`bpmgot tlg jnnbuot [lh`hpphogs (EI[)} , joe hodbrm joe hodbrm [N^B ho wrhthoa egtjh`s bd tlgIjoc sjmgbd(h.g. ojmg joe oumigr). >. Wth`hzg tlg duoe dbr hts lgj`tl prbarjms, mgehnj` jsshstjong joe nljrhtji`g sgrvhngs, sgrvhng s, nboshstgot nboshstgot whtl tlg [N^B Nljrtgr, Nljrtgr, suifgnt tb jpp`hnji`g jnnbuothoa joe juehthoa ru`gs joe rgau`jthbos, hon`uehoa iut obt `hmhtge tb6
h. Mgehnj Mgehnj`/E `/Ego gotj` tj` mhsshb mhsshbos os33 hh. Mgehnhog Mgehnhog Ebojthb Ebojthbo3 o3 hhh. Lbsphtj Lbsphtj`hzjthbo `hzjthbo Jsshstjong3 Jsshstjong3 hv. [rbnurgmgot [rbnurgmgot bd mgehnj` supp`hgs/gquhpmgot supp`hgs/gquhpmgot33 br v. Mh`c Dggehoa/Outrhthb Dggehoa/Outrhthbo o [rbarjm [rbarjm Wth`hzjthbo bo Ygpbrt whtl 5. ^uimht tb [N^B Hotgroj` Jueht ^grvhng (HJ^) j Duoe Wth`hzjth ^tjtgmgot bd Ygnghpt (js vgrhdhge iy tlg Nbmmhsshbo bo Jueht (NBJ)), js
[jag 9 bd 1 MBJ (@bttb & ^U@ ^ljrgs, joe Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong Muohnhpj`hty bd @gzb
Nljrhty Duoe ^ljrg @bttb
Ejtg jt `gjst tlhrty (>;) ejys prhbr tb tlg turo-bvgr bd tlg suisgqugot sgmh-joouj` sljrg jt `gjst dhdtggo (:7) ejys igdbrg tlg `jst ejy bd Fuog joe dhdtggo (:7) ejys igdbrg tlg goe bd tlg nj`goejr ygjr
7. Ygpbrt tb [N^B br joy bd hts bddhngs br irjonlgs, irjonlgs, joy @bttb/^U@ jagot br joy bd hts bddhngrs br gmp`byggs, br joy pgrsbo, wlb jttgmpts br bddgrs tb ahvg,
eg`hvgr, rgmht, arjot, pjy br nbotrhiutg joy mbogy, njsl br joytlhoa bd vj`ug br nboshegrjthbo, ehrgnt`y br hoehrgnt`y, tb joy pui`hn bddhng ho tlg muohnhpj` abvgr ab vgromg omgot ot,, bddhng bddhngrr br gmp` gmp`byg bygg, g, ho nbosh nboshegr egrjth jthbo bo dbr, dbr, iy rgjsb rgjsbo o bd, bd, br btlgrwhsg rg`jtge tb tlg nboeunt bd @bttb joe ^U@ bpgrjthbos.
J. BI@HAJUHBO^ BD [N^B. [N^B slj`` pgrdbrm tlg db``bwhoa6 :. Bo hts bwo, bwo, whtlbut whtlbut jwjhthoa j rgqugst rgqugst drbm @AW, @AW, br upbo upbo rgqugst rgqugst bd tlg @AW, @AW, arjot Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong, ho tlg dbrm bd dhojonhj` jsshstjong tb quj`hdhge igogdhnhjrhgs br mgehnj` sgrvhngs, tb ig ehstrhiutge br nboeuntge ho jrgjs jddgntge iy nj`jmhty/ehsjstgr whtlho tlg furhsehnthbo bd @AW, suifgnt tb tlg prbvhshbos bd tlg jpprbvge [N^B Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong [rbarjm Auheg`hogs. Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong upbo tlg hohthjthvg bd [N^B slj`` ig arjotge ijsge bo tlg ^htujthboj`/Jssgssmgot ^htujthboj`/Jssgssmgot rgpbrt suimhttge iy tlg nbongroge [N^B Irjonl Bddhng, hon`uehoa ejtj bitjhoge drbm joy bd tlg db``bwhoa6 h. Ojthb thboj` Ehsjs sjstgr Yhsc hsc Ygeunthbo thbo joe Mjo Mjojagmgo mgot Nbu Nbuonh` onh` (OEYYMN)3 hh. [rbvhonhj` [rbvhonhj` Ehsjstgr Ehsjstgr Yhsc Ygeunthbo Ygeunthbo Mjojagmgot Mjojagmgot Nbuonh` Nbuonh` ([EYYMN)3 ([EYYMN)3 hhh. hhh. Egpj Egpjrtm rtmgo gott bd Lgj Lgj`tl `tl (EB (EBL) L)33 hv. Egpjrtm Egpjrtmgot got bd ^bnhj` ^bnhj` Qg`djr Qg`djrg g joe Egvg`bp Egvg`bpmgot mgot (E^QE) (E^QE)33 v. Bddhng bd tlg tlg [rgshegot [rgshegot „ [rgshegoth [rgshegothj` j` Mjojagmgot Mjojagmgot ^tjdd [M^)3 br vh. Btlg Btlgrr abvg abvgrom romgo gott jago jagonhg nhgs s hovb`v hovb`vge ge ho tlg prbvh prbvhshb shbo o bd sgrvhng sgrvhngs s br jsshstjong ho thmgs bd nj`jmhty/ehsjstgr 9. Nboeu Nboeunt nt prg`h prg`hmho mhojry jry js jssg sgss ssmgo mgott br vj`he vj`hejt jthbo hbo bd hodbrm hodbrmjt jthbo hbo dbr rgqugs rgqugsts ts mjeg iy tlg @AW. Dbr tlhs purpbsg, tlg [N^B Nljrhty Nljrhty Jss Jsshstj hstjong ong Egpjrtm Egp jrtmgot got (NJE (NJE)) br tlg nbongroge [N^B Irjonl Bddhng slj`` nbbrehojtg whtl tlg @bnj` Ehsjstgr Yhsc Ygeunthbo joe Mjojagmgot Bddhng (@EYYMB) joe/b jo e/brr tlg @bnj` @bnj` ^bnhj ^bnhj`` Qg`dj Qg`djrg rg joe Egvg Egvg`b `bpmg pmgot ot Bddhn Bddhng g (@^QE (@^QEB) B),, br tlrbual jo bo-shtg jssgssmgot, hd dgjshi`g. I. BI@HAJ BI@HAJUHB UHBO^ O^ BD @AW. @AW slj`` pgrdbrm tlg db``bwhoa6
Jncobw`geag rgnghpt bd tlg Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong tlrbual tlg hssujong hssujong bd jo :. Jncobw`geag Bddhnhj` Ygnghpt iy tlg Muohnhpj` Urgjsurgr, ho djvbr bd tlg [N^B. 9. Wsg tlg tlg Nj`jmhty Nj`jmhty Jsshst Jsshstjong jong dbr dbr joy bd tlg db``bw db``bwhoa6 hoa6 j. db dbbe be ogng ogngss ssht hthg hgs s bd, bd, joe joe dgge dggeho hoa a prbf prbfgn gnts ts dbr, dbr, ehsp ehsp`j `jng nge e djmh djmh`h `hgs gs ho gvjnujthbo ngotgrs3 i. prbnur prbnurgmg gmgot ot bd mgehnh mgehnhogs ogs joe/ joe/br br mgehn mgehnj` j` supp supp`hg `hgs s ogngs ogngssjr sjry y dbr dbr tlg tlg nb nboe oeun untt bd lgj` lgj`tl tl„r „rg` g`jt jtge ge jnth jnthvh vhth thgs gs dbr dbr ehsg ehsgjs jsg g prgv prgvgo goth thbo bo joe/ joe/br br
[jag > bd 1 MBJ (@bttb & ^U@ ^ljrgs, joe Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong Muohnhpj`hty bd @gzb
trgjtmgo trgjtm gott jmbo jmboa a jddgn jddgntge tge pbpu pbpu`jt `jthb hbo, o, hon`u hon`ueho ehoa a wjtgr wjtgr joe joe lyahg lyahgog og sjohtjthbo rgquhrgmgots3 joe n. tgmpb tgmpbrjr rjry y slg`t slg`tgr grs, s, i`joc i`jocgts gts,, mjttrg mjttrgssg ssgs, s, br btlgr btlgr jpp`h jpp`hnj nji`g i`g dbrms bd jsshstjong br sgrvhng wlhnl jrg jmboa tlg prbarjms hmp`gmgotge iy [N^B, upbo tlg rgqugst bd tlg jddgntge @AW, suifgnt tb nbmp`hjong whtl tlg abvgrohoa ru`gs joe auheg`hogs dbr tlg spgnhdhn prbarjm tb ig jvjh`ge. >. Jncobw`geag Jncobw`geag [N^B‘s [N^B‘s nbotrhiuthb nbotrhiuthbo o tlrbual j ‐[N^B Jsshstge [rbfgnt” [rbfgnt” mjrcgr joe jo e `bab `bab wlhnl wlhnl slj`` slj`` ig nbosp nbosphnu hnubu bus`y s`y p`jng p`jnge e whtlho whtlho tlg tlg vhnho vhnhohty hty bd tlg tlg Nhty/Muohnhpj` Lj``. Ub lg`p goljong [N^B‘s nbrpbrjtg ht slj``boj`sb pbst plbtbs joe vhegbs bd tlg jnthvhty/ehstrhiuthbo bd tlghmjag, jsshstjong hts bddhnhj` wgishtg joe sbnhj` mgehj shtgs, hd jvjh`ji`g. 5. Gosurg Gosurg tlg pruegot pruegot jemhohs jemhohstrjt trjthbo hbo joe uth`hzj uth`hzjthbo thbo bd tlg arjot arjot joe slj`` ig prhonhpj``y joe ehrgnt`y `hji`g tb tlg [N^B iy jebpthoa jpp`hnji`g abvgromgot jnnbuothoa joe juehthoa ru`gs joe rgau`jthbos. 7. J``bw J``bw j rgprgsgotj rgprgsgotjthvg thvg bd tlg [N^B [N^B HJ^, HJ^, NBJ, joe NJE NJE joe/br joe/br tlg Irjonl Bddh Bd dhng ng,, wl wlhn hnl l lj ljs s fu furh rhse sehn hnth thbo bo bv bvgr gr tl tlg g @A @AW tb mb mboh ohtb tbrr tl tlg g Dh Dhoj ojon onhj hj`` Jsshstjong Jsshstjo ng Hmp`gmgotj Hmp`gmgotjthbo thbo bd tlg tlg @AW, @AW, tb gxjmhog joe jueht hts ibbcs bd jnnb jn nbu uot ots, s, `g `gea eagr grs s jo joe e bt btlg lgrr jn jnnb nbuo uoth tho oa rg rgnb nbre res s pg pgrt rtjh jhoh ohoa oa tb tl tlg g jpprbprhjthbo joe usg bd tlg arjot eurhoa rgau`jr bddhng lburs. 4. Wpbo du`` uth`hzjthbo bd tlg Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong br whtlho shxty (4;) ejys drbm rgnghpt bd tlg sjmg, wlhnlgvgr suimhtebnumgot tb tlg [N^B NJE tlg [N^B Irjonl Bddhng j Nrgehtnbmgs Obthnggjr`hgr, / jpprbprhjtg hssuge iy tlru tlg NBJ Ygshegot Ygshegot Juehtbr bd tlg @AW, jnnbmpjohge jnnbmpjohge iy j nbpy bd tlg @hquhejthbo Ygpbrt , hon`uehoa tlg db``bwhoa6 Ygquhrge Ebnumgot/s
Db Dbrr dhoj ojon onhj hj`` js jssh shst stjo jon ng ut uth` h`hz hzge ge tb prbvheg dbr ogges bd dggehoa prbfgnts dbr ehsp`jnge djmh`hgs ho gvjnujthbo ngotgrs
Ngrthdhge @hst bd hoehvheuj`s/djmh`hgs sgrvge
Db Dbrr dhoj ojon onhj hj`` js jssh shst stjo jon ng ut uth` h`hz hzge ge tb purnljsg bd vjrhbus mgehnhogs joe/br Ngrthdhge @hst bd [jthgots mgeh mg ehnj nj`` supp supp``hg hgs s ogng ogngss ssjr jry y dbr tlg tlg ^grvge nboeunt nboe unt bd lgj`tl lgj`tl-rg` -rg`jtg jtge e jnthvh jnthvhth thgs gs dbr eh ehsg sgjs jsg g pr prgv gvgo goth thbo bo joe/ joe/br br trgj trgjtm tmgo got t jmboa tlg jddgntge pbpu`jthbo Dbrr dh dhojo ojonh nhj` j` js jssh shst stjo jong ng eh ehst strh rhiut iutge ge tb Bddhnhj` [jyrb`` bd Dhojonhj` n Db jddgntge djmh`hgs dbr tlg prbnurgmgot bd Jsshstj Jsshstjong ong Ehsiursgmgot Ehsiursgmgots s dbbe, wjtgr, sjo johhtjthbo, tgots joe tb Jddgntge Djmh`hgs br mgehnhog rgquhrgmgots Zuj`hdhge Igogdhnhjrhgs e Nbp Nbphgs hgs bd tlg plbtb (joe vhegb, vhegb, hd jvjh jvjh`ji `ji`g) `g) ebn ebnumgo umgotjth tjthbo bo bd tlg ehstrhiuthbo bd tlg [N^B jsshstjong tb tlg jddgntge djmh`hgs.
Djh`urg tb suimht tlg Nrgeht Obthng/jpprbprhj Obthng/jpprbprhjtg tg ebnumgot hssuge iy tlg NBJ joe tlg nbpy bd tlg @hquhejthbo Ygpbrt joe joe hts suppbrthoa ebnumgots whtlho tlg prgsnrhige pgrhbe slj`` rgsu`t ho tlg egohj` bd joy suisgqugot rgqugsts dbr jssh js shst stjo jong ng dr drbm bm tl tlg g [N [N^B ^B,, uo uoeg egrr jo joy y jo joe e j` j``` bd [N [N^B ^B ho host stht htut uthb hboj oj`` jsshstjong prbarjms. Ht hs lgrgiy uoegrstbbe lbwgvgr tljt `hquhejthbo bd jsshstjong/duoes arjotge eurho eu rhoa a gxtrjb gxtrjbre rehoj hojry ry thmgs thmgs/nh /nhrnu rnumst mstjo jongs ngs sunl sunl js js,, iut iut obt obt `hmhtg `hmhtge e tb, egn`jrjthbos bd stjtg nj`jmhthgs/pui`hn gmgragonhgs wlhnl jevgrsg`y jddgnt
[jag 5 bd 1 MBJ (@bttb & ^U@ ^ljrgs, joe Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong Muohnhpj`hty bd @gzb
tl tlg g bpgrj bpgrjthb thbo o bd abvg abvgrom romgo gott joe joe btlgr btlgr gssgot gssgothj hj`` hostht hosthtuth uthbo bos, s, mjy ig gxtgoege up tb tlhrty (>;) ejys drbm tlg tgrmhojthbo bd sjhe egn`jrjthbo. HHH. GDDGNU BD THB@JUHBO^
Thb`jthbo iy tlg [jrthgs bd joy bd tlg prbvhshbos bd tlhs Jarggmgot slj`` wjrrjot tlg prg-tgrmhojthbo, rgsnhsshbo br rgvbnjthbo bd tlhs Jarggmgot, suifgnt tb tlg db``bwhoa6 h. tb Ulg @bttb @btt b joe Nljrhty Nljrhtsunl y Duoe ^ljrg ^ljrg bd tlg @AW wlhnl wlh ljvg ignbmg ignb mg eug tlg @AW bo ^U@ br igdbrg tgrmhojthbo, rgsnhsshbo brnl rgvbnjthbo slj`` sth`` ig rg`gjsge tb @AW. Jsshstjong g arjotge tb tlg @AW slj`` ig rgturog rgturoge e tb [N^B jdtgr hh. Ulg Nj`jmhty Jsshstjon eug obthdhnjthbo ho wrhthoa3 prbvhege tljt tlg @AW nbongroge slj`` ig ahvgo dhdtggo (:7) ejys drbm rgnghpt bd sunl wrhttgo obthng tb gxp`jho tlg j``gage vhb`jthbo. Djh`urg tb prbvheg wrhttgo gxp`jojthbo slj`` wjrrjot tlg hmmgehjtg rgvgrshbo bd tlg arjot tb tlg [N^B. HT. BULGY [YBTH^HBO^
:. @AW @AW sl slj` j``` supp suppbr brtt j`` j`` [N^B [N^B-h -hoh ohth thjt jtge ge prba prbarj rjms ms,, prbf prbfgn gnts ts joe joe ajmh ajmhoa oa jnthvhthgs3 9. @AW slj`` djhtldu``y nbmp`y whtl j`` hts bi`hajthbos uoegr tlhs Jarggmgot. >. @AW wjrrjots tlg db``bwhoa6 j. tljt tljt ht lj ljs s eh ehsn sn`b `bsg sge e tb [N [N^B ^B j` j``` mj mjtg tgrh rhj` j` ho hodb dbrm rmjt jthb hbo o rg rg`j `jth thvg vg tb tl tlg g gxgnuthbo bd tlhs Jarggmgot3 i. tljt j`` j`` sunl hodbrmjthb hodbrmjthbo o ehsn`bsge ehsn`bsge jrg trug trug joe joe nbrrgnt3 nbrrgnt3 n. tljt ht ljs gotgrg gotgrge e hotb tlhs Jarggm Jarggmgot got whtl whtl tlg [N^B [N^B whtlbut whtlbut tlg lg`p lg`p br hotgrdgrgong bd joy pjrty wlb ljs br mhalt ig dhojonhj``y igogdhtge, ehrgnt`y br hoehrgnt`y, js j rgsu`t bd tlg arjot3 joe e. tljt tlhs tlhs Jarggmgo Jarggmgott hs gotgrge gotgrge hotb obt obt dbr tlg purpbsg purpbsg bd drjue drjue br dbr joy njusg/mjoogr nbotrjry tb tlg [N^B Nljrtgr joe tlg [lh`hpphog `jws ho agogrj`. 5. rgsnhoege Ulhs Jarg Jarggmgo gmgot t slj`` slj`` ig ho gddgnthvg gddgn thvg upbo uiy pbo shaohoa shabd ohoa i[JYUHG^ y tlg [JYUHG^ ig br tgrmhojtge wrhthoa joy tlgiy upbo joe prhbrmjy wrhttgo obthng whtlho dhvg (7) ejys drbm tlg hotgoege ejtg bd tgrmhojthbo, bo joy bd tlg db``bwhoa arbuoes6 (j) vhb`jthbo bd joy bd tlg prbvhshbos lgrgbd3 (i) tgrmhojthbo iy [N^B bd @bttb joe ^U@ bpgrjthbos3 br (n) tlg gxhstgong bd nboehthbos tljt mjcg tlg hmp`gmgo hmp`gmgotjth tjthbo bo bd tlg @bttb @bttb br ^U@ gnbobmhnj`` gnbobmhnj``y, y, dhojonh dhojonhj``y j``y br tg tgnlo nlohn hnj`` j``y y hmprjn hmprjnthn thnj` j` joe/b joe/brr uoogn uoogngss gssjry jry,, sunl sunl js, js, iut iut obt obt `hmhtg `hmhtge e tb, tb, dbrtuhtbus gvgots, br nljoags ho `jw joe ojthboj` abvgromgot pb`hnhgs. 7. Hd tlhs Jarggmgo Jarggmgott hs tgrmhojt tgrmhojtge ge js prbvhege prbvhege dbr ho tlg prgngehoa prgngehoa pjrjarjp pjrjarjpl, l, joy rhalts joe bi`hajthbos bd joy [jrty, wlhnl ljvg jrhsgo bo br igdbrg sunl tgrmhojthbo, slj`` rgmjho uojddgntge. 4. Hd joy sgnthbo, sgnthbo, pjrjarjpl pjrjarjpl,, n`jusg, n`jusg, plrjsg br prbvhshbo prbvhshbo bd tlhs tlhs Jarggmgot Jarggmgot slj`` slj`` ig lg`e hovj`he br uonbosthtuthboj` iy j nburt bd nbmpgtgot furhsehnthbo, sunl egnhshbo slj`` obtbtlgr jddgnt tlgtljt vj`hehty bd tlhs tb Jarggmgot j wlb`g br joy pjrt bd hts prbvhshbos, tljo sb fueage ig hovj`he js br uonbosthtuthboj`.
[jag 7 bd 1 MBJ (@bttb & ^U@ ^ljrgs, joe Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong Muohnhpj`hty bd @gzb
1. Joy ehsput ehsputgs gs wlhnl wlhnl mjy jrhsg drbm drbm br ho rg`jthbo rg`jthbo tb tlhs Jarg Jarggmgo gmgott slj``, slj``, js djr js pbsshi`g, pbsshi`g, ig sgtt`ge sgtt`ge jmhnji`y jmhnji`y iy tlg [JYUHG^. Ho njsg bd djh`urg tb sgtt`g jmhnji`y whtlho tlhrty (>;) ejys drbm rgnghpt iy bog pjrty drbm tlg btlgr pjrty bd j rgqugst tb nbosu`t joe ogabthjtg tlg n`jhm br nbotrbvgrsy, j pjrty slj`` irhoa hts ehsputg igdbrg Jrihtrjthbo Jrihtrjthbo ho jnnbrejong jnnbrejong whtl tlg Jemhohstrjthvg Jemhohstrjthvg Nbeg bd :84-81/Cj`hib, Jc`jo
cobwo tb mg tb ig tlg sjmg pgrsbo wlb shaoge tlg dbrgabhoa Jarggmgot, joe lg/slg jncobw`geage tb mg tljt lhs/lgr shaojturg nbodhrms lhs/lgr vb`uotjry jnt joe bd tlg gothty lg/slg rgprgsgots dbr tlg purpbsgs stjtge ho tlg Jarggmgot.
Ebn Ob. RRRRRRR3 [jag Ob. RRRRRR3 Ibbc Ob. RRRRRR3 ^grhgs bd 9;9;.
[jag 1 bd 1 MBJ (@bttb & ^U@ ^ljrgs, joe Nj`jmhty Jsshstjong Muohnhpj`hty bd @gzb
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