July 1, 2019 | Author: lawstudent0506 | Category: Prosecutor, United States Department Of Justice, Jurisdiction, Complaint, Common Law
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MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Memorandum of Areemen! made and en!ered in!o "# and "e!$een: T%E OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN &'MB() $i!h of*+e address a! Om"udsman Bui,din) Aham Road) Di,iman) -ue.on /i!#) re0resen!ed "#Om"udsman /on+hi!a /ar0io Mora,es) and T%E DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE &DO1() $i!h of*+e address a! PadreFaura S!ree!) Mani,a) re0resen!ed "# Se+re!ar# Lei,a M2 De Lima) W3TNESSET%: W%EREAS) !he /ons!i!u!ion and Re0u",i+ A+! No2 6770, o!her$ise 4no$n as The Om"udsman A+! of 5676 0ro8ide !ha! !he Om"udsman &OMB( is !he of*+e 0rimari,# +hared !o im0,emen! !he S!a!e 0o,i+# !o main!ain hones!# and in!eri!# in !he 0u",i+ ser8i+e and !a4e effe+!i8e measures aains! raf! and +orru0!ion9 W%EREAS) !he De0ar!men! of 1us!i+e &DO1( is !he 0rin+i0a, aen+# of !he o8ernmen! manda!ed !o enfor+e !he ru,e of ,a$ and in8es!ia!e and 0rose+u!e offenders 0ursuan! !o Se+!ion ) /ha0!er 5) Ti!,e 333) Boo4 3; of !he Adminis!ra!i8e /ode of 567< &E=e+u!i8e Order No2 >6>(9 W%EREAS) !he OMB and !he DO1 ha8e +on+urren! ?urisdi+!ion o8er +om0,ain!s for +rimes in8o,8in 0u",i+ of*+ers and em0,o#ees fa,,in ou!side !he e=+,usi8e ?urisdi+!ion of !he Sandian"a#an &see Anne= A for !he 1urisdi+!ion of Sandian"a#an(9 W%EREAS) in !he re+en!,# +on+,uded dia,oue "e!$een !he OMB and !he DO1) se8era, issues $ere raised re,a!i8e !o ?urisdi+!ion o8er +ases su"?e+! of 0re,iminar# in8es!ia!ion and 0rose+u!ion in+,udin +oordina!ion) re0or!in) and moni!orin of +ases *,ed "efore !he OMB and !he DO19 W%EREAS) in !he +ourse of !he dia,oue) "o!h !he OMB and !he DO1 re+oni.ed !he need !o +,arif# !he e=er+ise of +on+urren! ?urisdi+!ions o8er +rimina, +ases in8o,8in 0u",i+ of*+ers and em0,o#ees9 W%EREAS) !here is a need !o sim0,if# !he 0ro+edures !o "e o"ser8ed "# !he OMB and !he DO1 for a more ef*+ien! and effe+!i8e in8es!ia!ion and 0rose+u!ion of su+h +ases) in+,udin enhan+ed moni!orin of +ases and im0ro8ed +oordina!ion and re0or!in "e!$een !he OMB and !he DO19 W%EREFORE) re+o !he +om0e,,in need !o address su+h issues and +on+erns) !he DO1 and !he OMB ha8e areed on !he fo,,o$in: A. 1urisdi+!ion 1. The OMB has 0rimar# ?urisdi+!ion in !he +ondu+! of 0re,iminar# in8es!ia!ion and in@ues! 0ro+eedins o8er +om0,ain!s for +rimes +oni.a",e "# !he Sandian"a#an2 2. 3f) u0on !he fi,in of a +om0,ain!) !he 0rose+u!ion of*+e of !he DO1 de!ermines !ha! !he same is for a +rime fa,,in under !he e=+,usi8e ?urisdi+!ion of !he Sandian"a#an) i! sha,, ad8ise !he +om0,ainan! !o fi,e i! dire+!,# $i!h !he OMB: Pro8ided) Tha! in +ase a 0rose+u!ion offi+e of !he DO1 re+ei8es a +om0,ain! !ha! is +oni.a",e "# !he Sandian"a#an) i! sha,, immedia!e,# endorse !he same !o !he OMB... Pro8ided fur!her) Tha! in +ases $here !here are mu,!i0,e res0onden!s in a sin,e +om0,ain! and a! ,eas! one res0onden! fa,,s $i!hin !he ?urisdi+!ion of !he Sandian"a#an) !he en!ire re+ords of !he +om0,ain! sha,, "e endorsed !o !he OMB2 3. The OMB and !he 0rose+u!ion offi+es of !he DO1 sha,, ha8e+on+urren!  ?urisdi+!ion o8er +om0,ain!s for +r imes in8o,8in 0u",i+ offi+ers and em0,o#ees fa,,in ou!side !he e=+,usi8e ?urisdi+!ion of !he Sandian"a#an: Pro8ided) Tha! !he of*+e $here su+h a +om0,ain! is fi,ed for 0re,iminar# in8es!ia!ion sha,, a+@uire ?urisdi+!ion o8er !he +om0,ain! !o !he e=+,usion of !he o!her: Pro8ided *rr!her) Tha! !he OMB ma# refer endorse an# +om0,ain! fi,ed "efore i! !o an# 0rose+u!ion offi+e of !he DO1 ha8in  ?urisdi+!ion o8er !he +om0,ain!2 4. The Prose+u!or enera, or 0ro8in+ia, +i!# 0rose+u!ors sha,, reso,8e +ases referred "# !he OMB !o !he DO1 for 0re,iminar# in8es!ia!ion $i!hou! need of a00ro8a, from !he OMB2

5. 3n +ases $here !he 0re,iminar# in8es!ia!ion $as +ondu+!ed "# !he OMB

"u! referred !o !he DO1 for 0rose+u!ion) rein8es!ia!ion) if ordered "# !he +our! sha,, "e +ondu+!ed "# !he OMB2 3n@ues! 6. 3n@ues! of +om0,ain!s for +rimes +oni.a",e "# !he Sandian"a#an sha,, "e +ondu+!ed "# !he OMB: Pro8ided) Tha! in@ues! of su+h +om0,ain!s for +rimes +ommi!!ed ou!side !he Na!iona, /a0i!a, 1udi+ia, Reion ma# "e +ondu+!ed "# !he +i!#0ro8in+ia, 0rose+u!ors $ho are au!hori.ed !o a00ro8e and fi,e !he 3nforma!ion "efore !he res0e+!i8e /,er4s of /our! of Reiona, Tria, /our!s) 0ursuan! !o Om"udsman Adminis!ra!i8e Order No2 55C62 Prose+u!ion 7. The 0rose+u!ion of +ases in8es!ia!ed "# !he OMB "u! referred !o !he DO1 for 0rose+u!ion sha,, "e under !he fu,, +on!ro, of !he DO1 0rose+u!or2 3n +ase) ho$e8er) !he +our! orders a rein8es!ia!ion) !he same shou,d "e referred !o !he OMB for dis0osi!ion  reso,u!ion2 72 A+!ions on in+iden!s durin !he !ria,) in+,udin !hose "rouh! "efore !he a00e,,a!e +our!s) sha,, "e in a++ordan+e $i!h e=is!in ru,es of OMB 7 DO12 62 The OMB or i!s se+!ora, of*+es sha,, !ransmi! endorse a,, +ase do+umen!s dire+!,# !o !he Pro8in+ia, or /i!# Prose+u!ors Of*+e $hi+h has ?urisdi+!ion o8er !he +ase and sha,, furnish a +o0# of !he endorsemen! and reso,u!ion !o !he Reiona, Prose+u!ors Of*+e or !he Prose+u!or enera,s Of*+e in +ases o8er $hi+h a Me!ro Mani,a /i!# Prose+u!ors Of*+e has ?urisdi+!ion2 Pro8ided) Tha! !he OMB sha,, !ransmi! !o !he DO1 !he oriina, +o0ies of !he 3nforma!ion and Reso,u!ion and +er!ified !rue +o0ies of a,, do+umen!ar# e8iden+e2 5'2 The OMB sha,, ensure +om0,ian+e $i!h !he adminis!ra!i8e re@uiremen!s of !he /,er4s of /our! as !o !he num"er of +o0ies of !he 3nforma!ion and a!!a+hmen!s) *,in fees) and o!hers2 552 The OMB sha,, ensure !ha! a mo!ion for re+onsidera!ion has "een reso,8ed or !he 0eriod for fi,in !hereof has ,a0sed "efore endorsin an 3nforma!ion !o !he DO1 for *,in $i!h !he 0ro0er +our!2 5>2 The OMB sha,, 0ro8ide +om0,e!e +on!a+! de!ai,s of a,, $i!nesses in +ases referred !o !he DO1 for 0rose+u!ion2 B2 Moni!orin of /ases and Re0or!in 52 The DOG and !he OMB sha,, se0ara!e,# main!ain a reis!r# of +ases referred !o ea+h o!her2 >2 The OMB) $hen endorsin a +ase !o !he DO1 for *,in of a +om0,ain! or 3nforma!ion $i!h !he 0ro0er +our!) sha,, in+,ude !herein a re!urn en8e,o0e and a !em0,a!e form for !he de!ai,s of !he +ase !o "e a++om0,ished "# !he DO1 0rose+u!or and re!urned !o !he oriina!in OMB of*+e2 2 For s!a!us u0da!es of +ases referred !o !he DO1 0rior !o !his areemen!) !he OMB sha,, furnish !he DO1 an in8en!or# of !he +ases) and !he DO1 sha,, 0ro8ide !he OMB !he +ase num"er) !he +our!  $here *,ed) !he s!a!us) and a ,is! of OMB +ases no! in+,uded in !he in8en!or#) if an#2 33222 /oordina!ion Me+hanism The OMB and !he DO1 $i,, +oordina!e a! !$o ,e8e,s: 52 Desina!ion of fo+a, 0oin!s for sharin of informa!ion The OMB and !he DO1 sha,, share ,is!s of +ases !hrouh !he /en!ra, Re+ords Di8ision of !he OMB /en!ra, Of*+e and or !he Re+ords Uni! of se+!ora, offi+es and !he Of*+e of !he Prose+u!or enera, of !he DO1 and informa!ion on s0e+i*+ +ases !hrouh !he 0rose+u!ors2 Bo!h $i,, main!ain a reis!r# of OMB +ases !urned o8er !o !he DO1 for 0rose+u!ion2 >2 Es!a",ishmen! of a 1oin! Te+hni+a, Wor4in rou0 &1TW( The OMB and !he DO1 sha,, +oordina!e on ma!!ers re,a!in !o !he 0ar!nershi0 !hrouh a 1TW2 The 1TW sha,, "e res0onsi",e for re8isi!in !he MOA) assessin informa!ion sharin and re0or!in +on+erns) and 0o,i+# re+ommenda!ions2 3! sha,, "e +om0osed of 5' re0resen!a!i8es from ea+h of !he OMB and !he DO1) a00oin!ed "# !heir res0e+!i8e 0rin+i0a,s $ho $i,, ,i4e$ise desina!e !heir res0e+!i8e /hairmen and Hse+re!aria!s2 3332 Transi!or# Pro8isions 52 This Memorandum sha,, a00,# 0ros0e+!i8e,#2 >2 The OMB and !he DO1 sha,, re+ommend !he desina!ion of s0e+ia, raf! +our!s for ,o$ ran4in of*+ia,s: one ea+h for !he Na!iona, /a0i!a, Reion) Lu.on) ;isa#as) and Mindanao2 The desina!ion of

s0e+ia, +our!s is e=0e+!ed !o assis! !he !$o aen+ies in !he moni!orin of +ases and ,o$er ,ois!i+a, +os!s from !ra8e, !o differen! +our!s) a! !he same !ime !o "e!!er manae se+uri!# ris4s of 0rose+u!ors needin !o o !o far Iun +our!s in 0ursui! of +ases2 3;2 Re0ea,in /,ause This su0ersedes a,, 0re8ious MOA) +ir+u,ars and o!her issuan+es 0romu,a!ed "# !he OMB and DO1 !o !he e=!en! !ha! !he# are in+onsis!en!  $i!h !he foreoin2 ;2 Effe+!i8i!# This Memorandum of Areemen! sha,, !a4e effe+! one mon!h af!er sinin "# !he 0ar!ies2 3n Wi!ness Whereof) !he 0ar!ies ha8e hereun!o se! !heir hands on !he da!e and a! !he 0,a+e a"o8eCmen!ioned2 APPEND3J A Sandian"a#an Jurisdi+!ion 5' Se+2 of RA 7>6 0ro8ides !ha! !he Sandian"a#an sha,, ha8e oriina, e=+,usi8e ?urisdi+!ion o8er:  32( ;io,a!ions of RA '56 &An!iCraf! and /orru0! Pra+!i+es La$(9 332( RA 55' as amended "# BP 76) 5679 "( 3ndire+! Bri"er# under Ar!2 >55 as amended "# BP 76) 5679 +( -ua,i*ed Bri"er# under Ar!2 >55CA as amended "# RA < and hiher) of !he /om0ensa!ion and Posi!ion /,assi*+a!ion A+! of 5676 Re0u",i+ A+! No2 < and u0under !he /om0ensa!ion and /,assi*+a!ion A+! of 56769 ( Mem"ers of !he 1udi+iar# $i!hou! 0re?udi+e !o !he 0ro8ision of !he /ons!i!u!ion9 ( /hairmen and mem"ers of /ons!i!u!iona, /ommissions) $i!hou! 0re?udi+e !o !he 0ro8ision of !he /ons!i!u!ion9 ( A,, o!her na!iona, and ,o+a, of*+ia,s +,assi*ed as rade >< and hiher under !he /om0ensa!ion and Posi!ion /,assi*+a!ion A+! of 56762 3;2( O!her offenses or fe,onies $he!her sim0,e or +om0,e=ed $i!h o!her +rimes +ommi!!ed in re,a!ion !o !heir of*+e "# !he 0u",i+ of*+ia,s and em0,o#ees men!ioned a"o8e9 ;2( /i8i, and /rimina, /ases *,ed 0ursuan! !o and in +onne+!ion $i!h E' 5) >) 5 7 5CA issued in 567 ;32( Pe!i!ions for issuan+e of Wri! of mandamus) 0rohi"i!ion) +er!iorari) ha"eas +or0us) in?un+!ion and o!her an+i,,ar# $ri!s and 0ro+esses in aid of i!s a00e,,a!e ?urisdi+!ion9 Pro8ided) ?urisdi+!ion is no! e=+,usi8e of !he Su0reme /our! ;332( Pe!i!ions for -uo Warran!o arisin or !ha! ma# arise in +ases *,ed or !ha! ma# "e *,ed under E' 5) >) 5 75C A ;3332( OT%ERS 0ro8ided !he a++used "e,ons !o S >< or hiher: 3!G a( ;io,a!ion of RA 
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