MOA Disaster Relief

July 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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This Memorandum of Agreement is hereby entered into by and between: The San Sanggu ggunia niang ng Barang Barangay ay Counci Councill of _______ ___________ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___,, repres rep resen ente ted d by the Punong Punong Ba Bara rang ngay ay,, Hon. _________________________________ with oce address in ____________, Lezo, A!an, herein referred to as T"# BA$A%&A' &()#$%M#%T* The _________________________________________________, represented by  _________  _______ __ __________________________________, who who is se!! se!!in ing, g, disp dispen ensi sing ng an and d retai!ing ret ai!ing of commod commodi+es i+es with an address address in _______ ____________ ________ ______ ______ ___,, Lezo, Lezo, A!an, A!an, herein referred to as T"# #TABL-"M#%T* The ICS OERA OERATIO TIONS NS OFFICE OFFICER R ON RE RE!IE !IEF F OERA OERATIO TIONS NS, re repr pres esen ente ted d by  _____________  _______ ____________ ____________ ____________ _____________ ________, _, with oce address in  _____________  _______ ___________, _____, Lezo, Lezo, A!an, herein referred referred to as THE RE!IEF RE!IEF OERA OERATIONS TIONS OFFICER. "ITNESSETH

/"#$#A, by 0irtue of the $epub!ic Act 12131 a!so nown as the 4Phi!ippine 5isaster $is $educ+on and Management Act of 3212, the Barangay &o0ernment of   _____________  _______ ____________ _________ ___ pro0ided with powers powers to e6ec+0e!y e6ec+0e!y hand!e disaster opera+ons* /"#$#A, the Loca! 5isaster $is $educ+on and Management 7ounci! of the Barangay Barang ay &o0ernment of ____________ __________________ _________ ___ has to $espond and manag manage e the ad0ers ad0 erse e e6ect e6ectss of eme emerg rgenc encies ies,, ens ensuri uring ng that that there there is an ecie ecient nt mechan mechanism ism fo forr immediate immediat e de!i0ery of food to the e0acuees and 0ic+ms* %(/, T"#$#8($#, in considera+on of the abo0e premises, the par+es hereto agree and bind themse!0es under the terms and condi+ons stated hereunder: That during the term and con+nuance of this agreement, as herein de9ned, the THE BARANGA# BARANGA# GO$ERNMENT GO$ERNMENT,, THE ESTAB!ISHMENT ESTAB!ISHMENT an% THE RE!IEF OERATIONS OERATIONS OFFICER sha!! oint!y;  

P!an, organize, conduct and manage the ystem for $e!ief (pera+ons* 5ischarge 5ischarg e and perform such other du+es and responsibi!i+ responsibi!i+es es as may may be necessary for the fast, ecient and e6ec+0e de!i0ery of re!ief goods* and "e!p monitor the condi+on of the e0acuees as we!! as their we!!;being.


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A!!ocate a Budget for $e!ief &oods and (pera+ons* Together with the $e!ief (pera+ons (cer and The #stab!ishment, ensure the accur accurac acy y of number number of go good odss distri distribut buted ed and the co cost stss of the re!ief  re!ief  goods* Pro0ide assistance needed for the $e!ief (pera+ons* (rganize )o!unteers for the $e!ief (pera+ons* -mmediate!y -mmedia te!y pay the estab!ishment estab!ishment for the goods acecu+on and sha!! remain in fu!! force during the en+re period of the program imp!ementa+on. 5one this _______day of _____________ 321? in _______________________. Phi!ippines.

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Hon. Ro)*o . Tiongco Municipa! Mayor

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