MMUP Sample Questions

April 29, 2017 | Author: makoi | Category: N/A
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MMUP Sample Questions 1. If you were awarded a project, you will start work: a. One week before the approval of the authorities b. After the approval of the authorities c. One day before the approval of the authorities 2. Project Scope Management: a. Define scope and control scope b. Executing scope and verify scope c. Closing process and Create work breakdown structure d. All of the above e. Only A & B 3. Scope Management starts with is: a. To identify the client requirements b. Meet the team c. Review strategic plan 4. Final as built drawings for what purpose a. To keep record for later maintenance b. To give more work to architect c. To be used for further renovation 5. Control department work starts a. From the beginning of the project b. During construction c. After construction 6. Project management is ideally suited except a. Accountability b. Flexibility c. Innovation d. Speed e. Repeatability 7. A critical path is the ----------------------in the project management: a. longest b. shortest c. None 8. The forward pass review of the project management will indicate the following: a. The earliest start of the task b. The earliest finish of the task c. Critical path (longest path) d. Only A & B e. All of the above 9. The back pass review of the project will indicate the following: a. The latest start of the task. b. The earliest finish of the task. c. The critical path. d. Only A & C

e. All of the above. 10.Intersecting point for WBS and OBS a. Cost account b. Intersect matrix c. Project matrix d. None of above 11. For operation and designed auto mobile factory a. Mechanical Engineer b. Civil Engineer c. Chemical Engineer d. Petroleum Engineer 12. Which of the following discipline is most suitable for doing a natural gas pipeline work? a. Mechanical Engg b. Petroleum Engg c. Chemical Engg d. Civil Eng 13. Gypsum board at residence and industrial building used except a. Low cost b. Ease of installation c. Recyclability 14. Stress defined a. Strain time force b. Mass divide volume c. Pressure time length d. None of above 15. What is the last of estimation for project a. Estimation b. Assembly schedule 16. Which one of the following is suitable in engineering manner? “Decision shall be based on reason than sit uation ’’. a. Quantity Thinking. b. Logical Thinking. c. Interpersonal Skills. d. Honesty. 17. What is QSAS? a. Qatar Sustainability Assessment System 18. An activity in a project network can be represented by which of the following? a. Arrow b. Line c. Node

d. All of the above 19. Before starting work at site, the major factor has to be checked is? a. Access to site (EFE) b. Storage of Water, tools & equipments c. Safety d. Approval from MMUP / Civil / Defence etc. e. All of the above 20. Software programming flow a. Plan, Do, Check, Act b. Plan, Do, Act, Check c. Plan, Act, Do, Check 21. First step of Scope planning starts with a. Budgeting b. Current earning estimation c. Objectives and requirements to satisfy customer 22. In network which point getting more inward flow a. Float b. Critical path c. Slack d. Merging point 23. What is the least level of WBS a. Deliverable b. Cost c. Work package d. Lowest sub deliverable 24. The best place to build an exhibition and convention center (near the Airport? Or in satellite place far from Urban? Etc) 25. One situation for cancel project. 26. What is the most sensitive period in the project?

Test Q&A

1. What does a 1 ton refrigerant represent: a. The weight of the air conditioner b. The amount heat required to cool 1 ton of air in 1 hour c. The amount of heat required to melt 1 ton of ice at 0 degree in 24 hours d. The weight of the refrigerant used. 2. Water boiling in an open pan a. Pressure constant b. Temperature constant

c. Volume constant d. A&B e. All the above 3. What is the function of cooling towers in a refrigeration system: a. Cool the exhaust air to reduce environmental impact b. Cool the evaporator in the rooms to maintain required temperature c. Cool the condenser in a central A/C unit d. Cool the compressor to a normal operating temperature 4. R134a refrigerant is environmental friendly and is commonly used, what is the molecular formula a. CH2FCF3 (correct answer) 5. If you leave an ON refrigerator with the doors open in a closed room for 2 days, what will happen: a. The temperature of the room will degrease b. The temperature of the room will increase c. Two other choices 6. Zero velocity of a flow inside a pipe will be: a- At the center b- At the wall c-At the d- None of the above 7. If we lay two pipes in a parallel system which statement is true a. The dimension of the pipes is the same b. The flow is the two pipes is the same c. The head loses per unit length of the two pipes is the same d. The head loss across the entire pipes is the same. 8. Bernoulli’s equation applies under certain conditions Incompressible flowViscous flowSteady flowConservation of energy a. a, b, c, d b. a, b & c c. c, d d. a, c & d 9. The pressure forces on a curved submersed object will be: a. Tangential to the object’s Body b. Parallel c. Normal d. None of the above

10. Why is an expansion tank used in a water chiller a. Because it is a closed loop system b. To compensate for the water temperature changes in the system c. A & B d. None of the above 11. If your boss allocates a new assignment of which part of it you are not sure about a. Tell your boss to retrieve it from you b. Take the assignment and do your best to complete c. As for professional help on the part which you do not know about d. Do the part that you know and learn about the part you do not know and do it. 12. Which statement is true? a. Project management is used only for primary projects. b. Project management is replacing the middle management in controlling projects c. Project management is… (a true statement!!!!) d. B & C 13. What will a change over changes? a. The duration of a project b. The Scope c. The cost of project d. The design of a project e. A & B 14. Which is the authority/organization/person responsible to ensure that the standards, codes, procedures are being applied. a. Committee of professional engineers b. National Fire Prevention Association c. Qatar Civil Defense d. Can’t recall 15. What is the inspection frequency of the Fire Alarm Boxes a. Yearly b. Semi-annually c. Monthly d. Weekly 16. What is the unit of Strain a. Dimensionless b. N c. M d. Mm 17. What does the ratio of stress over strain a. Bulk Modulus b. Poisson's ratio c. Viscosity Ratio d. Can’t recall

18. What is the Car Dashboard made of a. Metal Alloy b. Polymers c. Hard Material d. None of the above 19. General conditions and Home office overhead are costs? a. Direct b. In direct c. Both d. Contingency Costs 20. Thermoplastic material a. If shaped under heating and applying pressure the chemical properties will change and it will permanently change into hard material b. If heat and pressure will apply the chemical properties of material will not change 21. Which of these is not a rule of interaction a. Law b. Etiquette c. Morals d. Ethics e. Communication 22. Which membrane can be fixed vertically or horizontally between fire rated walls which control the spread of the smoke a. Smoke and Fire dampers b. Fire Damper c. Air Flow device d. Smoke (… something) 23. Corrosion is a result of: a. Chemical reaction b. Electro-chemical reaction c. Both d. None of the above 24. A system of turbine-generator with efficiency of turbine is 90% and efficiency of generator is80%. The overall system efficiency is a. 10% b. 100% c. 72% d. 170%

POINTERS TO REVIEW ON MMUP EXAMINATION (as per my actual set of questionnaire) S t a t i s c s S t r e t h o f t e r i a l M e d i a o m e n t n d R e t i o n s Support Engineering Economics For Internal PinExact Simple InterestI = i n S i l e S e s s w e r : S = / A = p r e s

t n M s n

i g a

a For Fixed

M a c

P m t

p r h

e P P e

n t w o r t h w h e r e : i = r a t e o f i n t e r e s t S = u n i t s t r e n g t h o f m a t e r i a l o r s t r e s s n = d / 3 6 5 f o r o r d i n a r y y e a r P = a x i a l f o r c e ( c o m p r e s s i v e o r t e n s i l e ) n = d / 3 6 6 f o r l e a p y e a r A = c r o s s s e c t i o n a l a r e a ( u n i f o r m ) Types of Stress Engineering Mechanics Axial StressR e c t i l i n e a r M o t i o n S h e a r i n g S t r e s s I n U n i f o r m m o t i o n : B e a r i n g S t r e s s S = V t L o n g i t u d i n a l S t r e s s where:S = i s t h e d i s t a n c e t r a v e r s e d ( d i s p l a c e m e n t ) i n f t / c m / m S i m p l e S t r a i n V = i s t h e v e l o c i t y i n f t / s , m / s , c m / s s t r a i n = e l o n g a t i o n ( c h a n g e i n l e n g t h ) / o r i g i n a l l e n g t h t = is the time in secsHooke's LawI m p u l s e M o m e n t u m T h e o r e m P L m ( V f V o ) = F ( t f t o ) A E w h e r e : w h e r e : V o = o r i g i n a l v e l o c i t y E = m o d u l u s o f e l a s t i c i t y m = m a s s S = s t r e s s

t = t i m e L = o r i g i n a l l e n g t h Vf = final velocityF = a v e r a g e P o i s s o n ' s R a t i o define as longitudinal strain over lateral strain Fluid Mechanics / Thermodynamics Helical SpringS t e a d y F l o w S y s t e m E x a c t F o r m u l a : m 1 = m 2 S = 6 4 P R ^ 3 n / G d ^ 4 A 1 V 1 p 1 = A 2 V 2 p 2 w h e r e : w h e r e : P = a p p l i e d l o a d A = c r o s s s e c t i o n a l a r e a D = m e a n d i a m e t e r o f t h e s p r i n g h e l i x V = v e l o c i t y n = n o . o f t u r n s p = d e n s i t y G = m o d u l u s o f R i g i d i t y d = diameter of spring wireB o y l e ' s L a w R = r a d i u s P1V1 = P2V2Beam Deflection and MomentsM a s s S i m p l y S u p p o r t e d M= W/gw h e r e : R o o f T r u s s e s / S p a c e T r u s s e s m = massg = 9.81 m/s2 = 32.2 ft/s2Density

PERT CPM p = m / v C r i t i c a l P a t h w h e r e : A c t i v i t y / W o r k / D u r a t i o n p = densitym = mass Definition of Terms v = v o l u m e Q C S Poisson's RatioP i p e s i n P a r a l l e l D i s p u t e Q = Q 1 + Q 2 + Q 3 F o r c e M a j u r e where:Q = DischargeNote:I am supposed to bring my solution/answers on the scratch but the examiner took it from me. But I hope this will help you pass the examThis is based on my actual set of questionnaire. Most formulas are direct substitution. Some questions can be answered logically.Good Luck to All. Engr. Norman Reyes Bulayan QS Engineer - Barracks Project S=

Model Test 1

1) NFPA …… ..for Car parking structure system (ans. 88A)2) Inspection of heat detector according to NFPA (ans.Quarterly)3) Visual inspection of zone control valve as per NFPAstandard (ans. Semi yearly)4)

Testing of Fire alarm sound according to NFPA standard(ans. Monthly)5) Condensate water generated from which part of split unit(ans. Evaporator)6) Project definition (sorry the choices are not listed)7) What is the system used to extract the air from thebasement (ans. Ventilation system)8) What is the name of the upward force which is equal thedownward force and keep the object floating (ans.Buoyancy force)9) At which part of project the following take place: designchange, scheduling and planning (ans. Execution part)10) Bolt size: M33x 3 means (ans. 33 related to boltdiameter and 3 related to pitch to pitch distance)11) Fire damper function is (sorry choices are not listed)12) Function of cooling tower is (sorry choices are notlisted)13) Convert from CM to INCH (ans. Divide by 2.54)14) Civil defense the main part to approve and review thefire fighting systems 15) Water start boiling at (ans. Saturated liquid)

ns MMUP Questions PMP 2 feb2015.docx

1 If you were awarded a project, you will start work:

One week before the approval of the authorities. After the approval of the authorities. One day before the approval of the authorities. 2 Project Scope Management: Define scope and control scope. Executing scope and verify scope Closing process and Create work breakdown structure All of the abovee. Only A & B. 3 Scope Management starts with is: To identify the client requirements Meet the team Review strategic plan 4Final as built drawings for what purpose To keep record for later maintenance To give more work to architect To be used for further renovation 5 Control department work starts From the beginning of the project

MMUP Questions PMP MMUP Sample Questions1.If you were awarded a project, you will start work:a.One week efore t!e appro"al of t!e aut!orities.#fter t!e appro"al of t!e aut!oritiesc.One day efore t!e appro"al of t!e aut!orities$.Project Scope Mana%ement: a.&efine scope and control scope .'(ecutin% scope and "erify scope c.)losin% process and )reate work reakdown structure d.#ll of t!e ao"e e.Only # * + .Scope Mana%ement starts wit! is: a.-o identify t!e client reuirements .Meet t!e team c./e"iew strate%ic plan 0.inal as uilt drawin%s for w!at purpose a.-o keep record for later maintenance .-o %i"e more work to arc!itect c.-o e used for furt!er reno"ation 2.)ontrol department work starts a.rom t!e e%innin% of t!e project .&urin% construction c.#fter construction 3.Project mana%ement is ideally suited e(cept a.#ccountaility .le(iility c.Inno"ation d.Speed e./epeataility 4.# critical pat! is t!e 5555555555555555555555in t!e project mana%ement: a.lon%est .s!ortest c.none 6.-!e forward pass re"iew of t!e project mana %ement will indicate t!e followin%: a. -!e earliest start of t!e task .-!e earliest finis! of t!e task c.)ritical pat! 7lon %est pat!8 d.Only # * + e.#ll of t!e ao"e 9. The back pass review of the project will indicate the following: a. The latest start of the task. b. The earliest nish of the task. c. The critical path. d.nl! " # $ e."ll of the above. %&.'ntersecting point for ()* and )* a. $ost account b.'ntersect +atri, c.Project +atri, d.-one of above %%.or operation and designed auto +obile factor! a.Mechanical /ngineer b.$ivil /ngineer c.$he+ical /ngineer d.Petroleu+ /ngineer %0.(hich of the following discipline is +ost suitable for doing a natural gaspipeline work1 a.Mechanical /ngg b.Petroleu+ /ngg c.$he+ical /ngg d.$ivil /ngg %2.3!psu+ board at residence and industrial building used e,cept a.4ow cost b./ase of installation c.5ec!clabilit! %6.*tress dened a.*train ti+e force b.Mass divide volu+e c.Pressure ti+e length d.-one of above %7.(hat is the last of esti+ation for project a./sti+ation b."sse+bl! schedule %8. Which one of the following is suitable in engineering manner?“Decision shall be based on reason than sit

uation ’’. a.Quantit! Thinking. b.4ogical Thinking. c.'nterpersonal *kills. d.onest!. %. (hat is Q*"*1 a.Qatar *ustainabilit! "ssess+ent *!ste+ %;."n activit! in a project network can be represented b! which of thefollowing1

14 (A) STANDARD DEFLECTION LIMITS DESCRIPTION DEFLECTION LIMIT REFERENCESFrames: Columns and RafterVertical DeflectionDrift Horizontal SwaySpan / 180 for RFSpan / 90 for CantileverHeight / 45(for buildings without crane)Height / 60(for buildings with crane) As per UBC, ’94 Vol.2. Section 2349,862As per MBMA, Section C 6,8,Page 117 for crane buildingframes the maximumcalculated bare frame driftunder MBMA loadingrecommendationscommonly range from H/60to H/100. Roofs: Eave Strut, Purlins & Sheeting.Span / 180 As per UBC, ’94 Vol. 2, Section 1643, Page 2-1203. Wall & Structural Framing : Rails, Wall SheetingSpan / 120(for walls with flexiblefinishes)Span / 240(for wall with brittlefinishes) As per UBC ‘94 Vol. 2, Section 1643.2 Page 2-1203. Flat Roof / Mezzanine Span / 360(With Live Load Only)Span / 240(With Live Load +Dead Load) As per UBC, ‘94 Vol.2, Table 16-D, Page. 2-32.

15 Aesthetic standards In order to create an attractive,functional development, aesthetic standards have been established. Thesestandards will promote a consistent,orderly appearance that will helppreserve property values and provideassurance to tenants and investorsabout the quality of development thatwill occur around them.The aesthetic standards addresscomponents of a plot plan that willaffect the visual quality of the plot asviewed from off-plot locations. Inaddition, these components affect theexperience of on-plot workforce in theireveryday lives.Figures 6-62 and 6-63 below illustrategraphic guidelines for plot landscaping,plot wall character and main signage forthe logistics, support, & light industrialland Use Zone. For an attractive andconsistent appearance throughout thelogistics and industrial Zones, each plot should have a distinct “front” side and“back” side. In general, the fr ont sideshould contain the main office andparking within a landscaped setting. Thesides and rear of the plot can be moreutilitarian and contain loading areas,utility structures and other ancillary usesthat are generally screened from view ofpublic roads. COMPONENT DESIGN STANDARD

Location ofOffices Offices shall be located at the front of the building facing the road. Where Mezzanine office are considered a dedicated andseparate entry shall be provided that is distinguished from warehouse structure and is commensurate with commercial officeaesthetics. OutdoorStorage Areas Any outdoor storage area (including garaged in storage areas and liquid waste storage tanks) shall not be located withinthe Front setback. Any outdoor storage area must be screened from the road. MechanicalEquipment & Utilitystructures In general, mechanical equipment and utility structures shall be screened from offsite views: • At grade water tank and mechanical equipment shall be located to the side and rear of the building. • Roof-top water tank and mechanical equipment shall be screened from view and not be visible from the road. landscaping A landscaping strip with a minimum average width of 1.5 m shall be provided along all road frontages except acrossvehicle crossings and where a guardhouse is located in the road boundary setback. the landscaping strip must contain: • Minimum 1 tree and one additional tree for every 10m of roads frontage. • Where three or more trees are required these trees shall be planted no more than 15mapart or closer than 5m apart. • Trees shall be of a species capable of reaching a minimum height at maturity of 8m andshall not be less than 1.5 m high at the time of planting. Walls &Fencing Walls and fences are permitted under the following conditions:

• On the read and side of the property, solid walls are allowed up to a height of 2.5m however, on the front of the propertyand any external boundary solid walls only up to a height of 1.4m above which a tubular metal fence with minimum 80%opacity may be erected. The total height of this barrier shall not be more than 2.5m. • The following types of fences shall not be permitted on any side of the plot: • Barbed wire fencing. • Corrugated metal sheet fencing.Foundations of all walls and fences shall be located within the plot boundary Signage Signage and branding is permitted at designated locations within the plot boundary as follows: • Embedded within the boundary wall near the entrances to the plot. • On the vertical surface of the main building. • On a standalone independent pillar located within the plot (not exceeding the maximum height of the building).Dimensions of the signage shall be restricted within a rectangular frame of 15m x 3m BuildingFaçadetreatment Attractive building façade design is required. Architects are encouraged to create simple, timeless design solutions thatcontribute to a high-quality character: • Buildings shall display variety in forms, material and colour to reflect a style consistent with modern logistics facilities. • The office or non-logistics components of the project shall be expressed differently from that of the warehouses. • Ancillary buildings and service buildings shall be architecturally treated with colours and materials appropriate to fit withinthe architectural style of the main warehouse facilities

16 Southern Region Logistic Projects Figure 6-62: Typical Plot Boundary Wall (Front) with Signage – Plot Identification Signage P l o t I d e n t i fi c a t i o n S i g n a g e E l e v a t i o n V i e w P l o t I d e n t i fi c a t i o n S i g n a g e 3 D V i e w Figure 6-63: Typical Plot Boundary Wall (Side & Rear) S i d e & Re a r Fe n c e E l e v a t i o n V i e w S i d e & Re a r Fe n c e S t r e e t Vi e w Similar to MMUP Development Guidelines

MMUP Qatar exam sample questions for civil engineers 1) What is QSAS : Qatar Sustainability Assessment System 2) Which of the following discipline is best suitable for operation of an automobile factory? : Chemical engineering 3) In cohesive soils, what is a standard thickness of each layer of backfilling? : 100cm 4) Hard water is a type of water that... : all of the above Created on: 1/19/2015 # of questions: 4

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