MMUP Final for civil Engineers

December 29, 2016 | Author: ahmed | Category: N/A
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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬ MMUP Questions (Civil Engineering) ‫الحمد هلل رب العالمين حمداً كما يحبه ربي ويرضاه والصالة والسالم على حبيبي وشفيعي وسيدي رسول هللا محمد صلى هللا‬ ...‫عليه وسلم وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين‬

This file is only a collecting question on civil engineering from consulting offices and from Engineers exams and finally some of my exam questions: What have been done in this file? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Repeated questions are terminated Missing & in-complete questions have been corrected Questions in red color are with correct answers Questions in green color are all right but I don’t know how to prove it Questions in violet color are answered but not sure about it Answers in blue color are information’s , I have searched for them before exempting he exam


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1. Question on pavement design using AASHTO Method SN = a1D1 + a2D2 + a3D3 + --------SN = structural No. a = coefficient for layer D = Overlay depth You are required to find the overlay depth (D1) for a new wear course Asphalt Given: SN, a1, a2, D2 2. Maximum Value for PHF = 1, Minimum Value for PHF = 0.25 PHF = 3. Last component added for Cement production : Gypsum (calcium Sulphate) 4. Last component added for concrete : Pozzolans(Silica fume, Fly Ash, Slag Cement, Metakoalin) 5. Question on Manning Equation Q= Q= Discharge n= Coefficient for channel material R=  A: Cross sectional area P: Wetted Perimeter S= Slope of channel 6. Flow Rate of WEIR: a) Rectangular: √ b) Triangular √ = 900 )

c) Triangular ( √ Where; Q = Discharge b = width (m) h = head of weir (m) g = 9.81 = V-Notch Angle


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7. Calculate the maximum moment (Values are given for loads & dimensions)

Maximum moment = (WL)(L/2) + P(L/2)

Maximum moment = (WL) (L/2) + PL 8. Weaving in length on interchanges is necessary for: Changing Lane 9. Water Concentration : 55.6 (mol/l) 10. Water Molar Mass : 18 (g/mol) 11. Deepest utility in infrastructure works: a) Water Pipes b) Telecom c) Electricity d) Drainage 12. Why Cross-sections in Road projects are important? To calculate cut & fill Quantities 13. Project manager characteristics should include all except : a) Skills b) Repeatability c) Speed d) Innovation 14. Hydraulic Jump is always : a) Critical b) Sub-Critical c) Super-Critical d) Depends


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15. For this Vertical Curve Find the elevation at EVC??

a= b= C = 132

X = distance u want to get elevation from = 400 Therefore; ⁄

⁄ Y = -10 + 8 + 132 = 130 ft


Calculate Stress on Surface? Volume = X*Y*Z Weight = γconcrete * Volume Stress =


Traffic Where: q = Volume (Veh / hr) k = density (Veh / mile) u = Speed (mile / hr)

18. What is the meaning of Crashing a project a) To increase project resources in order to reduce project total duration b) Project will not finish on time c) Project will not achieve its scope d) None of the above


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19. Fast track project is a) A project (construction) that starts before design is complete b) A cost – plus – fee project c) A project that starts with huge manpower d) None of the above 20. What is the meaning of resource leveling : a) A technique used to determine required resources for project tasks b) A technique used to examine unbalanced use of resources over time c) A report given to project manager about resources d) None of the above 21. In precedence Diagramming Method, activities are represented as: a) Lines b) Nodes c) Point d) None of the above 22. Critical path means: a) Longest sequence of activities path in a project b) Shortest sequence of activities path in a project c) The path that have the maximum resources assigned d) The path with the longest activities 23. In PERT chart, activity durations are calculated by: a) Normal Distribution b) Binomial Distribution c) Logarithmic Distribution d) None of the above 24. For pipe network Q= 10 m3 / sec d (main) = 1 m QB = 3 m3 / sec dB = 0.5 m dA = 0.5 m Therefore; Q = QA + QB QA = Q – QB = 10 – 3 = 7 m3/sec QA = VA * AA VA = QA / AA AA = = 0.196 m2 VA = QA/AA =

= 35.7 m/sec

25. The process of keeping concrete moist for a certain period after casting is known as: a) Finishing of concrete b) Curing of concrete c) Placing of concrete d) None of the above ENG. AHMED Al-BARBARY

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26. A Cantilever beam with a rectangular cross-section is subjected to a concentrated load at its free end. If the width of the beam is doubled, the deflection of the free end will be changed in the ratio of : a) 8 b) 1/8 c) 1/2 d) 2 27. The bending moment is maximum on a section where shearing force is: a) Maximum b) Minimum c) Changing Sign d) None of the above 28. What does QCS stands for?? Qatar Construction Specification 29. What is the common yield strength of reinforcement steel? a) 100 MPa b) 200 MPa c) 275 MPa d) 460 MPa 30. What is the maximum allowable moment redistribution in RCC beams? a) 10 % b) 20 % c) 30 % d) 40 % 31. What is QSAS? Qatar Sustainability Assessment System 32. Safe design load for pile drilled in hard rock depends on: a) Strength of rock b) Crushing strength of concrete c) Buckling of pile d) None of the above 33. RQD = 100 represents : a) Intact rock b) Fractural rock c) Gravel d) None of the above RQD = Rock Quality Designation RQD =


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34. If the liquid limit of clay is 50 , and the plasticity index is 30, then the plastic limit is: a) 20 b) 30 c) 50 d) 80 PI = L.L – P.L. = 50 – 30 = 20 35. Generally, weight of reinforcement concrete in Kg/m3 is: a) 1500 b) 1600 c) 2000 d) 2400 36. Why steel is used as reinforcement in reinforced concrete: a) Easily available b) Good bond to concrete c) Coefficient of thermal expansion is the same for steel & concrete d) All the above 37. Slump test of concrete is used to test: a) Workability b) Durability c) Strength d) Water content 38. If the water required for 1 bag of cement is 30 liters, the water-cement ratio is: a) 0.4 b) 0.5 c) 0.6 d) None of the above Weight of 1 bag of cement = 50 KG Therefore; water cement ratio =

= 0.6

39. Stress means: a) The internal forces developed in a material due to external forces = (force/Area) b) Ability to resist external forces c) Deformation in a material due to external forces d) Forces applied perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a member 40. The value if concrete cube strength is given at: a) 1 day b) 8 days c) 28 days d) 35 days


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41. For a simply supported beam, the shear and flexural stresses will be equal to zero at: a) End supports b) Middle of span & above neutral axis c) Middle of span and on the neutral axis d) End supports and below neutral axis 42. Nominal moment of resistance, Mn for a rectangular section is given by: a) Mn = fc a b (d - ) b) Mn = As Fy (d -


c) Mn = As Fy (d -

) + fc a b (d -

d) Mn = ρ b d2 Fy ( 1 - 0.59 ρ



43. Strength of concrete primarily depends on : a) Quality of water b) Quantity of aggregates c) Quantity of cement d) Water-Cement ratio Common range is 0.38  0.5 44. If a T-shaped beam passes over many supports, the section above the support should be designed as: a) Rectangular section b) T-Section c) I-section d) None of the above 45. Soundness of cement is tested by: a) Vicat’s apparatus b) Le – chatelier apparatus c) Compressive strength testing apparatus d) None of the above 46.

Air entrained concrete is used in lining walls and roofs to make them: a) Heat insulated b) Sound insulated c) None of the above d) (a) & (b)

47. In the cantilever truss shown, the horizontal component of the reaction @ A is: a) 30 tonnes b) 60 tonnes c) 90 tonnes d) 120 tonnes = (10*15)/5


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48. A simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed load is propped at the center of the span so that the beam is held to the level of the end supports. The reaction of the prop will be: a) Half of the distributed load b) 3/8 the distributed load c) 5/8 the distributed load d) None of the above 49. Four columns of a building are to be located within a plot size 10m*10m.The expected load of each column is 4000 KN. Allowable bearing capacity of soil is 100 KPa. The suitable type of foundation is: a) Isolated footing b) Raft footing c) Pile foundation d) Combined footing Total plot area = 10*10 = 100 m2 Total column load = 4*4000 = 16000 KN Required bearing area = = 160 m2 > 100 m2 So, it is not possible to achieve safe bearing on the soil within the plot area 50. For the beam below, the deflection @ point B is: a) b) c) none of the above 51. for the beam below, the slope at the middle of the beam is: a) zero b) c) 52. For the beam below, find the deflection @ point B: a) b) c)


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53. Find the moment @ the middle of the beam a) 100 KN.m b) 50 KN.m c) 64 KN.m d) 0 KN.m Mmidspan =


= 64 KN.m

54. Ultra – Sonic testing of concrete is: a) Non-Destructive test b) Used on smooth concrete surfaces c) A destructive test d) Used for soil testing I. 1&2 II. 3 only III. 3 & 4 55. How many slump layers of concrete are required in slump test: a) 4 layers b) 2 layers c) 3 layers d) 7 layers 56. Summary of beam Moment, Slope & deflection: Beam Type






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57. Foundations are placed below ground level to increase: a) Strength b) Workability c) Stability of structure d) All of the above 58. Compaction of backfill is used to: a) Reduce water content in backfill material b) Reduce air content in backfill material c) Crushing of stones in backfill material d) None of the above 59. The un-drained shear strength of clay is equal to: a) Half of the unconfined compressive strength of clay b) Twice the unconfined compressive strength of clay c) One & a half the un-confined compressive strength of clay d) None of the above 60. A 5-m high retaining wall is backfilled with sand (unit weight (γ) = 19 KN/m3) with angle ( ) of 300 with angle of friction (δ) of 150 Ka = tan (45 - ) = tan (45 -

) = 1/3

Lateral earth pressure = Ka * γ * h = 1/3 * 19 * 5 = 31.667 Lateral earth Force (RH) = 1/2 * Ka * γ * h2 = 0.5 * 1/3 * 19 * 52 = 79.16667 Vertical pressure (RV) = Σ W  W1 = γ (conc) * width1 * length1  W2 = γ (conc) * width2 * length2  W3 = γ (conc) * width3 * length3 Therefor; (RV) = W1 + W2 + W3 Then Factor of safety = (FS) =



µ = tan δ

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61. Two columns 50cm*50cm & 60cm*60cm carry 80 tonnes & 120 tonnes of loads respectively. The center to center distance between columns is 5m.The permissible bearing capacity of the soil is 20 t/m2. If the footing is not to project more than 25 cm beyond the outside of the smaller column, pick up the correct design parameters of the footing from the following: a) Distance of C.G. of the loads from the smaller column = 3m b) The length of the foundation slab = 7m c) Area of the footing = 11 m2 d) Width of the footing = 1.57 m e) All of the above = 11 m2

Area of footing, A =

Length of footing = 5+1+1 = 7 m Width for footing =

1.57 m

C.G. = 0.25 + 0.5/2 + 5/2 = 3m 62. For dense sand, the number of blows from standard penetration test is: a) 0  10 b) 20  40 c) 50 d) 100 63. What are the magnitudes of the horizontal & vertical reactions, repectively at support A of the frame shown below: a) 16 KN , 18 KN b) 16 KN , 6 KN c) 6 KN , 16 K d) 8 KN , 6 KN Summation of moments about B=0 ΣMB = 0 = (16KN*1.5) – (24*2) + (RA*4) = 0 RA = 6KN↑ 64. Consider the following statements: Shrinkage of concrete depends on : a) Relative humidity of the atmosphere b) Passage of time c) Applied stress I. 1&2 II. 2&3 III. 1,2& IV. 3 65. A pin-jointed truss is loaded as shown in the given figure. The force induced in member DF is: a) 1.5KN (tension) b) 4.5KN (tension) c) 1.5KN (compression) d) 4.5KN (compression)


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66. The ratio of total elongation of a bar of uniform cross-section produced under its own weight to the elongation produced by an external load equal to the weight of the bar is: a) 2 b) 1 c) 1/2 d) 1/4 67. Two simply supported beams B1 and B2 have spans L and 2l respectively. Beam B1 has a cross-section of 1*1 and B2 has a cross-section of 2*2. These beams are subjected to concentrated loads (w) at the center of their spans. The ratio of maximum flexural stress in their beams is: a) 4 b) 2 c) 1/2 d) 1/4 68. What is the meaning of concrete hydration: a) The reaction between cement & water b) Curing of concrete c) Setting of concrete 69. What is poison’s Ratio? The ration of transverse (or horizontal) strain to axial (or vertical) strain 70. Plywood is used in formwork because: a) The tensile strength is equal in all directions b) The tensile strength is maximum in the short direction c) The tensile strength is minimum in the long direction 71. What is poison’s ratio for normal concrete: a) 0.2 b) 0.3 c) 0.4 d) 0.5 72. Mastic asphalt is normally used for: a) Waterproofing b) Paving c) None of the above 73. In SPT, N34 refers to: a) Soil bearing b) Shear capacity c) Others 74. For better rock sampling, we should use: a) Double sleeve barrel b) Single sleeve barrel c) Main barrel


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75. What are the critical activities of the bar chart shown below: a) Activities A,C,E b) Activities B & E c) Activity F

76. Temperature (Allowable) of asphalt during lining? 135175 77. Time cost curve is representing the relation between? Earned cost & planning cost 78. Elevation of leveling device is 106:23 what is the ground level if reading of the stand is 6:52? 106.232-6.52 = 99.71 79. The direct cost includes the following: Labors & staff cost, project materials (supplies), plants, transportation and consultant services 80. Indirect cost & expense during: The project, overhead, profit and administrative equipment rental , audit and legal 81. The nearest 100 feet is a) 4400 Ft b) 4000 Ft c) 440 Ft d) 40000 Ft 82. PERT is: Program Evaluation & Review Technique 83. If the load magnitude I a traditional R.C. column increases continuously, the allowable moment in one plane is constant Zero (0)


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84. If the design speed of road is 60 mile and r = 8% , t = 1. Then the minimum radius is equal to?


16.2 R = 3600

R =222.22 (Ft) or 67.19 (m)

85. Good timer used for construction the moisture content 10  12 % 86. The delay time for a series of activities that would not affect if occurred the project timing called: a) Total Slack b) Total Slag c) Critical Float d) Float Pad e) Critical Slag 87. What is the maximum value for PH? a) 1 b) >1 c) 1, but the actual value of CPI
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