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MMED6000DP/S6-CSN801 Service Manual

Copyright @ 2005 Choice Electronic Technology Co. Ltd. Edition: MMED6000DP-CSN801 Issued date: Aug.2005


  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

COPYRIGHT Beijing Choice Electronic Technology Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Ltd.  (hereinafter called Beijing Choice) owns all right to this unpublished work and intends to maintain m aintain this work as confidential. Beijing Choice may also seek to maintain this work as an unpublished copyright. This publication is to be used solely for the purpose of reference, operation, maintenance, or repair of Choice equipment. No part of this can be disseminated for other purposes. In the event of inadvertent inadvertent or deliberate publication, Beijing Choice intends to enforce its right to this work under copyright laws as a published work. Those having access to this work may m ay not copy, use, or disclose the information in this work unless expressly authorized by Beijing Choice to do so.  All information information contained contained in this publication is believed to be correct. Choice shall not not be liable for errors contained herein nor for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, performance, or use of this material. This publication may refer to information and protected by copyrights or patents and does not convey any license under the patent rights of  Beijing Choice, nor the rights of others. Beijing Choice does not assume any liability arising out of any infringements of patents p atents or other rights of third parties. Contentt of the manual is subject to changes without prior notice. Conten PROPERTY OF BEIJING CHOICE ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED



  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

CONTENT Chapter 1 Introduction




Description of abbreviation


Explanation Explanatio n of symbols


Special feature


 Appearance of monitor




Chapter 2 Special operation in menu


Chapter 3 Monitor function and principle


Power supply unit


CSN801 board


Chapter 4 Component and structure Component

21 21

Structure Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Diagram of solutions to various troubles Troubleshooting Error Message

21 30 30 40 43

Chapter 6 Calibration of monitor 


Required testing tool


Power on the monitor 


Front panel test


 Audio system system test


Test of automatic storage


 Alarm test


ECG test


Respiration test


Temperature test


NIBP test


SPO2 test

49 50

Chapter 7 Adjustment procedure



  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

ECG adjustment NIBP adjustment SpO2 adjustment IBP Calibration ET-CO2 calibration Chapter 8 Disassembly procedure Monitor Disassembly Battery Removal Chapter 9 Cleaning and Disinfection Maintenance check General cleaning Sterilization Precondition and cleaning TEMP sensor cleaning and disinfection SpO2 sensor cleaning and disinfection Chapter 10 Warranty Warranty and repair  Exemption and restriction Customer guarantee guarantee Non-warranty and non-replacement policy Customer special warranty period Repackaging


50 50 50 52 54 55 55 55 57 57 57 58 59 59 60 61 61 62 62 62 62 62


  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General MMED6000DP is a Portable Patient Monitor that has abundant monitoring functions and is used for the clinical monitoring of adult, pediatric and neonate. Besides, the user may select the different parameter configuration according to different requirements. MMED6000DP MMED6000 DP can be connected to the central working station to form a network monitoring system. MMED6000DP can monitor vital signals as ECG, RR, SpO2, PR, NIBP, TEMP, Dual-channel IBP (optional), CO2 (optional). It integrates parameter measuring modules, display and recorder in one device, featuring in compactness, lightweight and portability. Large true color  display provides clear view of 6 waveforms w aveforms and full monitoring paramete parameters. rs.

1.2 Description of Abbreviation   HR: SPO2: NIBP: IBP: S: M: D: PR: RR: TEMP1: TEMP2: CO2:

heart rate 2-channel ECG waveform arterial oxygen saturation non-invasive blood pressure invasive blood pressure systolic mean blood pressure diastolic pulse rate respiration rate tempe mperature channel 1 tempe mperature channel 2 end-tidal CO2 concentration

1.3 Explanation of Symbols  Attention  Refer to the relevant the prompt. Resistant defibrillator  BF type equipment


Class II Equipment Heart Beat Detected

Power on/off 

Rotated knob Counter-clockwise and clockwise

 Alarm on

Alarm off 

Sound on



  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

System setup m enu

Trend menu

Equipotential grounding terminal

 AC 50/60 HZ


This symbol indicates that the instrument is IEC 60601-1 Type CF equipment. The unit displaying this symbol contains an F-type isolated (floating) p patient atient applied part providing a high degree of degree of protection against shock, and is suitable for  use during defibrillation. This item is compliant with Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993,, a directive of the European Economic Community. 1993

1.4 Special Features l 

Portable, compact, AC power and internal rechargeable rechargeabl e battery;

Automatically Automatic ally and rapid charge, 80-90% power will be recharged within 3 hours;

Resistant high-frequency high-frequency electrotome electrotome design, design, reliable and special special module module is used used in operation room;

Optional inner printer with 3 channels channels wave or external printer;

Adjust volume more accurately by digital system;

Menu design adopts Huffman decode, decode, o operating perating more effectively;

Support Ethernet, Ethernet, wireless LAN and could connect with Central Central monitoring system.



  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual


Appearance of Monitor 

1.5.1. Screen display u  4 channels




(3) (6)


Fig.1-1 The display of MMED6000DP patient monitor is TFT LCD, which displays the patient

parameters, waveforms, historical data and monitor status. The screen is divided into five areas: (1) monitor status, (2) waveforms, (3) the table of  historical data, (4) parameters (5) menu as well as (6) frame of menu status.


Fig. 1-2  


  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual





Monitoring status frame Bed No.: indicates the bed number of the patient being monitored when the patient monitor is connected with the workstation. DEMO: indicates the device is in DEMO monitoring mode now. In clinical application, this function is not recommended because the DEMO will mislead the hospital workers to treat the waveform and parameter as actual data of the patient, which may result in delay of treatment or mistreatment. Start time: indicates the time powered on the monitor, it shows in “16:25”. Current time: indicates the current date and time, it shows in “05/16/2004, 10:10” Waveforms displaying area The waveform area can maximally display 6 waveforms. The colour of waveforms matches with the parameter’s on the right of the screen. For the maximum configuration, the waveforms provided by the system for selection are (from up to bottom): 2-lead ECG waveforms SpO2 waveform RESP waveform There are two means means to gain RESP RESP waveform, trans-thoracic impedance impedance and Et-CO2 (optional). If operator selects Et-CO2 (side stream) to monitor the patient’s respiration, respiration, the CO2 waveform will instead of the RESP waveform acquired by Trans-thoracic impedance. 2 IBP waveforms(option) waveforms(option) If operator selects IBP operation, the table of historical data will be instead of 2 IBP waveforms.  

Numeric displaying displaying area The parameter area lies to the right side of the graphic g raphic area, which includes: includes:   ECG: heart rate (unit: beats/minute)   NIBP: from left to right, there are Systolic pressure, Mean pressure and Diastolic



pressure (unit: mmHg or kPa) IBP: the BP of channel 1 and 2. From left to right, there are Systolic pressure, Mean pressure and Diastolic pressure (unit: mmHg or kPa) SpO2: SpO2(unit: %) pulse rate (unit: beats/minute) RESP: respiration rate (unit: breaths/minute) TEMP: temperature of channel 1 and 2 (unit: Et CO2: unit: mmHg or kPa



Menu The menu always occupies the fixed position on the bottom of the screen, user can set the system and perform operation.

Frame of menu status



  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

Silence on/off: showing the status of silence on or off 

   Alarm on/off: shows the status of alarm on

or off



Trend: the function is for operator observing the patient’s latest 72 hours change, including historical data table, HR, NIBP, SpO2, ST segment.


System setup: you can configure various aspects of the monitor, including system time, simulation, print setup, color, display wave, language, color, etc.. Menu bar: it shows the different menus of every operation.


Other modes: IBP EXT:




  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual


Function buttons

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)




  1   Alarm  ALARM button, pressing the button will prohibit all the technically audio alarm and physically audio alarm for 3 minutes. The audio alarm function will be restored automatically after 3 minutes or be activated when new alarm occurs. As pressing the

button, the icon in menu status shows

which indicates all the audio alarms

have been shut off.  

NOTE   When “

”  mark appears, the system can not give out the audio alarm

prompt. Therefore, the operator should use this function c carefully arefully..

  2  Silence SILENCE button, whe when pr pre essin sing the bu buttton, thi this

mar mark app appears in th the men menu

status, indicating that all kinds of sound including including the audio alarm and heart beep have been manually muted until the button has been pressed again, the system will imme mmediately re restore th the nor normal mal sta status,

and th the e ico icon sho shows as

  NOTE When pressing “SILENCE”, the system cannot give out the audio alarm and heart beep; therefore, the operator should be considerate in using the function.

  3  Freeze FREEZE button, pressing the button can freeze the waveform of ECG. The screen displays two traces of ECG waveform. When one trace is active, pressing the FREEZE



  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

button will freeze another trace. Pressing “FREEZE” button again will restore the normal monitor status.

  4  Start/Cancel START/CANCEL ST ART/CANCEL BP measuring measuring button, pressing the button will inflate the cuff to start a new NIBP measurement. When measuring, press it to cancel the measurement and deflate the cuff, including the “CYCLE” and “STAT (NOT STOP)” measuring mode.

  5  Print PRINT button, pressing this button will w ill motivate the recorder or d desktop esktop printer to output the result if the monitor is equipped with them. (6) Menu Main MENU button, pressing the button will exit the submenu and refresh the screen.

  7  Rotary Knob  

The operator operator uses the rotary knob to select the menu item and modify the setup. It can be rotated clockwise or counter-clockwise and pressed like other buttons. The operator uses the knob to realize the operations.


The method of using the knob to execute the operation:

Fig. 1-4

Rotary knob is just like the cursor of computer. When operator rotates the knob on the icon where the operation is wanted, the icon will be automatic highlight. Then pressing the knob, operator will open the setup menu of the corresponding parameter so as to set up the menu.   (8) Power Supply Indicator 


Indicating the power supplying state of the monitor 


Orange: 220Vac main power supplying


Orange and flash: 220Vac main power supplying and battery charging


Green and flash: internal battery power supplying and 50% power has been consumed.

  1.5.3. Side Panel



  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

(2) (1)


(4) (7)



Fig.1-5 (1) ECG socket  connect ECG 5-lead wire with 6 PIN connector 

(2) NIBP socket  conne connect ct NIBP cuff with extension extension tube (3)(4) IBP IBP (IBP1, (IBP1, IBP2) socket:

Single, Dual channel channel (optional) (optional)

(5)(6) Temperature Temperature socket: connecting connecting the the TEMP probe probe (7)SPO2 socket  conne connect ct the SpO2 sensor with wi th extension cable (8) Et CO2 socket  connect the nasal cannula with connector.




1.5.4 Recorder 

Fig. 1-8



  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

 A thermal dot matrices recorder r ecorder with standard 50mm (+1/-1) wide printout p rintout paper is used for  MMED6000DP portable patient monitor. NOTE The thermal array recorder should be installed by the adequate technician. technician.

1.5.5 Rear panel


(2) (3) (5)

(6) (4) Fig.1-9

(1) Power switch

(2) NET: Internet access point: connecting with the central monitoring system through the standard RJ-45. (3) CRT: exteriorly connecting screen and standard VGA. (4) Printer: exteriorly connecting printer, which type is designated by the manufacturer. (5) AC Power supply: supply: 100-230 100-230 (VAC), (VAC), 50/60(Hz); Fuse: Fuse: standard –T 1.6A (6) Equivalent electric ground access for connecting with the hospital’s grounding system.

1.6 Specification Environment  The operation environment should comply with the following f ollowing conditions: Operating Temperature: 5  to 45  Relative Humidity: 0 to 80%, non-condensing Height of sea level: -500m ~ 4600m The transport and storage environment should comply with the following conditions: Storage Temperature: -20  to 70  Relative Humidity: 0 to 93%, non-condensing Height of sea level: -500 m~ 13100m  


  MMED60000DP (S6) Service Manual

Display  Type: Screen Size:

640X480 pixel color TFT 10.4 inch diagonal

Di s pla played yed P ara arame mete ters rs Time:  Alarms:

Battery-backed quartz crystal clock

ECG: Heart Rate: NIBP: Pulse Oximet meter: Respiration Rate: Trends:

ECG Waveform Scale, displayed lead Derived from ECG OR Spo2 Pressure (systolic, mean and diastolic) Pulse Rate, Pul Pulse wave wavefo forrm, and percent saturat ration. Respiration rate derived from ECG. Heart rate, respiration rate, NIBP (systolic, mean, diastolic), Temperatures and SpO2 Tw o channels Traces A or B

Temperatures: Trace Freeze

High and low limits selectable on patient patient parameters

ECG Protected against defibrillator and electro surgery potentials Standard Lead I  II  III  aVL  aVR  aVF  V1  V2  V3  V4  V5  V6 Display Gain Scales 5mm/mV   7mm/mV   10mm/mV   15mm/mV   20mm/mV   25mm/mV Sweep Speed 12mm/s  25mm/s  50mm/s Inpu putt Resistance > 5M Ohm (at 10 Hz, Hz, not includ udin ing g patient cabl ble e) Frequency Re Respo pon nse 0.05Hz-100Hz (3 (3dB) Common Mode >60dB Rejection Ratio Electrode Offset Maximum 0.3V Potential Baseline Recove verry
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