Mixed Game Rules For WoD

February 28, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Mixed Game Rules

Table of Contents Welcome / Summaries




Basic Rules






Planetary Aspects


⠀ Attributes




⠀ Talents


Archetypes / Legacies


⠀ Skills


Character Sheets


⠀ Knowledges




⠀ Virtues




Welcome to the World of Darkness!


hether you are a seasoned veteran of the Storyteller System or this is your first foray into the World of Darkness, welcome! I hope you enjoy what I have put together here. Unlike Exalted, the different core books of the World of Darkness were not designed to be used together. While they take place in the same setting and are all based on the same core Storyteller System, ultimately they were built as different games. But I decided not to let that stop me! If Vampires and Demons and Werewolves and Wraiths all exist in the same world, they should be able to all be part of the same adventure! To that end, I put together this massive undertaking of making all the different Classic World of Darkness games play nice with each other. Note that I did not even attempt to make the different supernatural types balanced with each other; a Vampire is much more powerful than a Wraith and I did not even try to "correct" that. What I did was try to standardize the core system and traits like Abilities and Virtues so that two different creatures attempting identical actions will be making identical rolls. I also consolidated Merits and Flaws and Backgrounds and Archetypes so that features that should be available to everyone, are. While making your character, you should be primarily referring to your own supernatural type's core book. I have not even included character creation instructions here as this is not meant to supplant the core books, but to supplement them. It is only in the case of the core dice system, Abilities, Virtues, Willpower, Merits and Flaws, Backgrounds, and Archetypes/Legacies that this document should be considered to overwrite the core books.


For those who are unfamiliar with some or all of the supernatural types in World of Darkness (or if you just want a refresher) and are wondering which one to play in a mixed game, here is a brief summary of how each creature plays:


Vampires are undead creatures of the night who must drink blood to survive. They are nocturnal and take damage from sunlight. They can use the blood they drink to power magical abilities called Disciplines, which include such things as supernatural strength and speed, shadow control, necromancy, etc. There are many Elder vampires in a hierarchy of several Clans which engage in petty (and some not so petty) political squabbles, which you may or may not get dragged into. You may have any number of character motivations, but your driving goal is simply to keep drinking blood regularly enough to survive.


Werewolves are shapeshifters caught between the civilized world of humans and the spiritual world of wolves. They have five forms: a human form, a wolf form, a half-form combining human and wolf features, and two quarter-forms halfway in between those. In general, werewolves are in complete control of their transformations, though they may take Flaws to change that. Werewolves can perform shamanistic magic by communing with spirits or tapping into the elements through Rites and Gifts. You may have any number of character motivations, but your driving goal is to thwart the forces of the Weaver (logic and technology), the Wyrm (darkness and corruption), and the Wyld (chaos and lunacy) which threaten Mother Gaia.


Mages are humans with the ability to bend reality with the power of belief. They are either Mystics who use arcane sorcerous secrets to warp reality to their whims, or Technomancers who use cybernetics and enlightened hypertech to perform scientific wonders. Whether they believe in the power of magitech or some more mystical power, it is their belief in their Paradigm that powers their abilities, while the power of Paradox pushes back against them. They also use magical energy called Quintessence that can be harvested from Places of Power. You may have any number of character motivations, but your driving goal is to gain more knowledge and power, either to reinforce scientific consensus as a Technomancer or to undermine it as a Mystic.


Wraiths are ghosts, spirits of dead humans trapped in the Shadowlands, caught between the world of the living, the afterlife, and oblivion. They are tied to the physical world by their Passions - the goals that drive them forward - and their Fetters - the people, places, and objects that hold them back. They have a dual nature, with their primary Psyche controlled by their main player and their Shadow controlled by another player (or, optionally, the Storyteller). Wraiths must constantly fight the impulses of their Shadow, which tries to pull them down into oblivion. Wraiths have ghostly powers called Arcanoi which allow them to push into and affect the world of the living. You may have any number of character motivations, but your driving goal is to keep your Shadow from dragging you into oblivion, and to eventually reach the true afterlife.


Changelings are faerie spirits inhabiting human bodies. They are creatures of dreams, chaos, and imagination, and boredom and depression are their worst enemy. They use Glamour, which is the stuff of human joy and creativity, to weave powerful magicks over nature and the mind. They have a human body, and they also have a faerie body called a "fae mien" which exists superimposed over their human body, usually invisible but always present. You may have any number of character motivations, but your driving goal is to inspire or ravage humans for Glamour and avoid Banality, which is the ultimate death for a faerie.


Mummies are the undead spirits of ancient Egyptians bound to the body of a deceased modern human. They go through an eternal cycle of death and rebirth, traversing the underworld between lives. They follow Osiris, fighting against Apophis and his servants in an eternal struggle of order versus destruction. You may have any number of character motivations, but your driving goal is to resist the forces of Apophis, and to protect your body between death cycles by setting up a wellprotected tomb.



Demons are fallen angels, servants of the Almighty who served as His hands in the creation of the universe, who rebelled against Him and were imprisoned in Hell, until they escaped. Each demon is possessing the body of a recently dead human, with access to their mind and memories. Demons power their abilities with Faith, which is gained by getting humans to believe in and/or worship them. They can take a terrifying and powerful Apocalyptic Form, which is glorious or monstrous depending on their Torment rating; the lower their Torment, the more angelic and less demonic they are. High Torment grants access to greater monstrous powers, but if it gets too high they are lost to the monster and no longer playable as characters. Your motivations may be many and varied, from seeking redemption for the rebellion, to starting your own religion, to killing as many humans as you can.


Hunters are ordinary humans imbued with the power to see monsters, and to kill them. Some Hunters wish to redeem monsters, to save them from themselves and make them human again, but most just want to fill them with bullets until they don't get up again. Most of humanity sees Hunters as paranoid and insane - and to be fair, many of them are, even if their belief in monsters is not wrong - so they often have to cut themselves off from their former lives - or else lead a double life - and hide their visions from the rest of the world. Hunters use Conviction to power supernatural abilities called Edges that give them the ability to fight monsters on equal or greater footing. Hunters also stockpile weapons with the Arsenal background, gaining access to guns and grenades and other police and military equipment to assist in their fight against the supernatural. You may have any number of character motivations, but your driving goal is to protect the world of humans from the world of monsters by any means necessary.


You're a normal human in a world of monsters. Good luck.

World of Darkness Basic Rules

Dice and Rolling

World of Darkness is a d10 system, meaning it only uses tensided dice. Each roll has a target number called the difficulty, which is a number between 2 and 10, usually 6 (difficulties can never be higher than 10 or lower than 2). When you roll, you roll a number of d10s, usually equal to an Attribute plus an Ability. (In most cases, you automatically fail any roll using a Trait you have zero dots in.) Each die that rolls the difficulty or higher counts as a success. Each die that rolls a 1 subtracts a success. One success is usually sufficient to accomplish what you were trying to do with the roll; additional successes mean you succeed better or faster or harder. Some powers have specific effects when you roll additional successes. If your roll totals zero or fewer successes, the roll fails. If none of your dice roll successes and at least one of your dice rolled a 1, this is called a botch, and it means something extra bad happens. 10s may be rerolled for additional successes. Subsequent 10s may continue to be rerolled until no 10s are rolled. You may take a specialty in any Trait you have at least one dot in (and some Abilities require you to take a specialty). Any roll using that trait in the purview of its specialty is made at -1 difficulty. There is a tradeoff though: any roll made with that trait outside the purview of its specialty is made at +1 difficulty. The Storyteller is the ultimate arbiter of whether a specialty is narrow enough to be allowed. You may buy an additional specialty for the same price as buying the next dot in that Trait, up to twice that Trait's rating in total specialties. In most cases, the active character rolls against a difficulty, but sometimes when two opposing characters are both considered active, instead they make a contested roll. In this case both characters roll at difficulty 6, and the one who gets more successes is the victor. "Tie goes to the defender" is a good rule of thumb, though what that means in a given situation is up to the Storyteller.



Willpower is measured in two ways, Permanent and Temporary. Permanent Willpower is a rating like Attributes or Abilities that can be called for in a roll. Temporary Willpower, however, is a resource that can be spent. Many mind-affecting powers can be resisted by spending a point of Willpower, for example. Any time you are making a roll, you may spend 1 Willpower to gain 1 automatic success on the roll, or to channel a Virtue, adding its rating in dice to the roll (assuming the Virtue is relevant to the attempted action). You may only channel a Virtue a number of times per game session equal to that Virtue's rating (max 5). If you wish to act against one of your Virtues, you must succeed on a Willpower roll with a difficulty of twice that Virtue's rating.


At the beginning of combat, everyone rolls Wits + Alertness difficulty 6, and turns progress in order from most successes to least. In the case of a tie, roll off until nobody is tied. On your turn you may move up to your Dexterity + Athletics yards and take one action. You may move before, after, or during your action, or any combination thereof. If you wish, you may split your action into multiple actions up to your Dexterity rating. Subtract a number of dice from your first action’s dice pool equal to the number of actions you are taking, then subtract that many from each subsequent action plus one for each additional action it is. For example, if you take three actions, the first will be at -3, the second at -4, and the third at -5. An attack is a contested roll between the attacker's Dexterity + Attack Ability (Brawl for unarmed, Melee for armed, Athletics for thrown, Firearms for other ranged) vs the defender's Dexterity + Dodge if they are dodging, or Dexterity + Parry Ability if they are parrying. (Note that Lethal damage usually cannot be parried unarmed, and ranged attacks usually cannot be parried at all.) If you hit, you add your threshold successes (attack successes minus defense successes) plus your weapon damage (which usually includes your Strength) to find your attack’s damage pool. You then make a contested roll of your damage pool vs the defender's Stamina + Fortitude (this is called soak; Lethal and Aggravated damage usually cannot be soaked, meaning there is no contest against your damage pool). Your threshold successes on this roll are how many health levels of damage your attack deals.



Most people have seven health levels: Bruised, Hurt (-1), Injured (-1), Wounded (-2), Mauled (-2), Crippled (-5), and Incapacitated. These health levels can be in one of four states: Unharmed, Bashing, Lethal, or Aggravated. Bashing damage comes from blunt weapons like rocks, fists, hammers, etc, and heals relatively easily. Lethal damage comes from piercing weapons like swords, knives, guns, etc, and heals very slowly. Aggravated damage comes from magic weapons like werewolf claws, vampire fangs, etc, and usually cannot be healed by magic. If you take more health levels of damage than your Stamina rating in a single round, you are stunned for one round. Bashing damage is always marked on lower health levels than Lethal, which is always marked on lower health levels than Aggravated. Overflow of Bashing damage converts that many Bashing health levels to Lethal. Overflow of Lethal or Aggravated damage kills you. You take a damage penalty to all actions based on the lowest health level marked. You may spend a point of Willpower to ignore all damage penalties for one round. Damage heals naturally according to the following chart, but most characters have ways to heal damage much more quickly with magic. Health levels are healed in order from lowest to highest. Bashing Damage Lethal and Aggravated Health Level ⠀ Healing Time ⠀ Damage Healing Time Bruised

1 hour

1 day


1 hour

3 days


1 hour

1 week


1 hour

1 month


3 hours

2 months


6 hours

3 months


12 hours

5 months


Vampires call it a coterie, Changelings call it a motley, Werewolves call it a pack. These words are interchangeable, meaning "the player characters and their allies who all travel and adventure together", regardless of supernatural type. For example, a Changeling power that affects her motley affects everyone in the party, even if they are not Changelings.



raits in parentheses are old versions that were folded into the new Trait; any time your game calls for the Trait in parentheses, use the listed Trait instead. Abilities marked with an asterisk may be rolled even with a rating of zero.

Attributes Physical Strength

Strength is a measure of pure muscle power and the brute force a character can bring to bear. It affects how much the character can lift and carry, the damage done with melee weapons or unarmed attacks, and breaking things, from kicking down a door to snapping a mortal’s arm. The character’s Strength is added to the damage dice pool in hand-to-hand combat. It’s also used for various feats involving pure physical strength. X Disabled: You can lift 5 pounds. • Poor: You can lift 40 lbs. •• Average: You can lift 100 lbs. ••• Good: You can lift 250 lbs. •••• Exceptional: You can lift 400 lbs. ••••• Outstanding: You can lift 650 lbs. Dexterity

Dexterity is a character’s capacity for physical action. It covers such things as agility, speed, grace, hand-eye coordination and general athletic ability. Dexterity is used for most physical actions involving precision or control, ranging from shooting a gun to dancing to lock-picking. X Disabled: You stumble and have no fine motor control. • Poor: You are clumsy. You drop things and trip a lot. •• Average: You’re not a klutz, but you’re not graceful, either. ••• Good: You’ve got some grace or athletic ability. •••• Exceptional: You could become a professional athlete or dancer based largely on your natural talent. ••••• Outstanding: You have a grace and precision that’s poetry in motion. Stamina

Stamina is a measure of a character’s overall physical condition, particularly health, endurance, and toughness. Stamina governs how long you can exert yourself and how much physical punishment you can endure, from pain to hunger and thirst. It determines your resistance to illness and poison, your ability to overcome physical trauma, and a measure of your determination and will to live. X Disabled: You spend more than half your time bedridden with illness or injury. • Poor: You get sick all the time and bruise easily. •• Average: You’re pretty healthy most of the time, and you can take a couple of hits before you’re out. ••• Good: You can climb stairs or run without getting out of breath quickly, and you rarely get sick.

•••• Exceptional: You can run a marathon, and you’re in excellent health. ••••• Outstanding: You can survive week-long treks through the desert without food or water and similar trials.



Some people have that certain something that makes you like them right off while others tend to put people off or simply creep them out. That quality is Charisma, the ability of attractiveness, charm and personal magnetism. Charismatic characters tend to get along well with others and make friends easily while those lacking in Charisma have an uphill battle getting people to like them. Charisma is used in conjunction with Abilities involving gaining someone’s trust or cooperation. X Disabled: You rub everyone the wrong way and flub nearly every social situation. • Poor: There’s something about you that people don’t like. •• Average: You’re likeable enough and have a few friends. ••• Good: People tend to trust you and come to you with their concerns. •••• Exceptional: People flock to you and everyone wants to be your friend. ••••• Outstanding: You could easily be an influential political leader. Manipulation

Manipulation describes the character’s ability for selfexpression and using it to influence the feelings and opinions of others. Whereas Charisma is a more blunt Attribute, relating to raw likability, Manipulation is more precise. It is the scalpel to Charisma's sledgehammer. Manipulation can be trying to get your point across, choosing the right words for a speech, or creating just the right artistic composition, for example. It can also be outright attempts to change someone’s opinion through oration, acting, or other tricks. Manipulation can be dangerous, since people don’t generally like to feel manipulated. A failure on a Manipulation roll may earn a character the cold shoulder or a brush-off, while a botch may earn the subject’s undying enmity. Of course, good manipulators rarely let people know they’re being manipulated. It just seems like the character’s ideas are always reasonable and sound. People with high Manipulation scores are either well trusted (if they’re not known manipulators) or not trusted at all (if they are). X Disabled: You say the wrong thing at the wrong time. • Poor: You rarely get your way, unless someone already agrees with you. •• Average: You can win arguments and get your friends to do you favors sometimes. ••• Good: You tend to get your way most of the time. •••• Exceptional: People do you tremendous favors, then thank you for the privilege. ••••• Outstanding: “So I just sign here in blood, right?”



Appearance is a measure of a character’s beauty, grace, style, and overall attractiveness. It’s more than just physical looks, although they’re a part of it. It’s also how the character carries herself and the kind of first impression she makes. Where Charisma is a measure of how likeable a character is, Appearance affects the kind of impression she makes without having to say a word. It’s the effect of a glance across a crowded room or the impact of a photograph (or other image of the character) on someone she’s never even met. Appearance is used for situations where the character must make an impression, either a first impression or a lasting impression, especially when actions and appearance matter more than words. In social situations where first impressions or appearances are important, a character’s other Social Attributes are limited to a rating no higher than her Appearance score. It’s hard to be likeable or convincing when people won’t even give you the time of day. X Disabled: You are a hideous deformed monstrosity. • Poor: You’re nearly attraction-free. It may be your looks, your habits, your attitude or all of the above. •• Average: You don’t particularly stand out in a crowd (which may be a good thing, sometimes). ••• Good: Strangers approach you fairly often, wanting to get to know you. •••• Exceptional: You could be a model ••••• Outstanding: You’re positively stunning. People react to you with either slack-jawed awe or intense jealousy.



Perception measures a character’s ability to notice the world around him and to pick up on small details and nuances. It is often intuitive and unconscious, although characters can focus their perception when studying something intently or searching an area. Perception also influences how much the character pays attention to his surroundings. The absentminded intellectual may be quite intelligent, but not very perceptive. Likewise the jaded wit may be very clever, but tends not to notice things. Perception is used for most rolls involving a character’s senses. This includes noticing details, detecting (and avoiding) traps and ambushes, picking up on subtle clues or hints, finding things and spotting other characters trying to hide. X Disabled: You spend hours on those "find the difference" puzzles and still make no progress. • Poor: Oblivious. You say “huh?” a lot. You might be selfabsorbed, lost in thought or otherwise distracted all the time. •• Average: You pick up on all but the really subtle things. ••• Good: You tend to pick up on little details others miss. •••• Exceptional: Very little escapes your notice. ••••• Outstanding: Your observational skills could make you a brilliant detective (or spy). Intelligence

Intelligence measures reasoning ability and knowledge, the character’s memory, problem solving and analytical faculties. It also includes elements of critical thinking, creativity and the ability to learn new information. Intelligence is used for many scholarly or learned skills, particularly ones involving a 6

large body of knowledge. It’s also used for any intellectual challenge such as figuring out a riddle, piecing together clues of a mystery or doing complex math in your head. Intelligent characters aren’t necessarily better at dealing with people (that’s covered by the Social Attributes) or quicker on the uptake (which is handled by Wits). Low Intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean stupidity. It might just describe a character with a limited education or a simple thinker. Likewise, high Intelligence doesn’t mean the same thing for all characters. It might be a tremendous memory for one, brilliant analytical thinking for another. X Disabled: You have a serious intellectual disability, and required special education classes in school. • Poor: You’re a little slow, or not too “ed-ja-ma-cated.” •• Average: You’re no dummy, but you’re not brilliant, either. ••• Good: You’re pretty smart and probably well educated. •••• Exceptional: You’re the brightest in your class, and most everyone knows it. ••••• Outstanding: Brilliant, a true genius. Wits

Wits describes how quickly a character thinks, covering qualities such as cleverness, guile, reaction time, intuitive (as opposed to rational) thinking, and so forth. Intelligence describes how well a character thinks, but Wits describes how fast. A character with a high Wits rating is rarely caught off guard or surprised for very long. He’s able to react immediately to a changing situation while a character with low Wits plods along and works best with planning and contingencies. Wits are used in situations when characters have to think and react quickly. They also influence things like keeping cool in a difficult situation and reacting with grace under pressure. High Wits characters are difficult to fool or manipulate, while those with low Wits are easy marks. X Disabled: It takes you several minutes to wrap your head around even the most basic concepts. • Poor: You hesitate and have difficulty making even simple decisions. •• Average: Pretty quick on the uptake, but surprises tend to overwhelm you. ••• Good: You can keep your head while everyone around you is losing theirs (perhaps literally). •••• Exceptional: You’re never lacking for a clever comeback or a plan of action. ••••• Outstanding: You react at the speed of thought, before most people even realize what’s happening.


Willpower measures your character’s determination and selfconfidence. Willpower is rated on a scale of 1-10 and has both a permanent and a temporary rating. The permanent Willpower rating is used whenever a Willpower roll is called for. You use the full rating, regardless of how many temporary points you have. Temporary Willpower points can be “spent” for various effects, mostly representing sheer determination overcoming obstacles in the character’s path. Characters with no temporary Willpower left are exhausted, physically, mentally and emotionally. They’ve used up their reserves of determination and tend to be listless and unmotivated. They’re also more likely to give in to circumstances rather than struggling against them. Characters can regain

⠀Willpower in various ways, but it isn’t easy, so players

should spend Willpower carefully. • Spineless •• Weak ••• Unassertive •••• Diffident ••••• Certain ••••• • Confident ••••• •• Determined ••••• ••• Controlled ••••• •••• Iron-Willed ••••• ••••• Unshakable

Abilities Talents


Alertness is the knack for noticing what’s going on around you. It’s typically paired with Perception and complements it. Alertness allows you to take everything in, and Perception lets you pick up on the important details. X Untrained: You need to have most things pointed out to you in order to notice them. • Novice: You pay a little more attention than most. •• Practiced: You don’t miss much. ••• Competent: You’ve always got at least some idea of what’s going on. •••• Expert: Very little catches you by surprise. ••••• Master: You’re aware of everything around you, even things most people never notice. Athletics*

Athletics encompasses all basic talent and training in athletic activities such as running, jumping, swimming, throwing, tumbling and so forth, as well as various sports. It doesn’t cover weight-lifting (which is based solely on Strength) or athletic activities specifically covered by another skill (like Dodge or Melee). X Untrained: You are out of shape. • Novice: Basic talent or training. •• Practiced: High-school athlete. ••• Competent: You could be a professional athlete. •••• Expert: Top-ranked in your sport. ••••• Master: You could compete in the Olympics.

•• Practiced: You can hold your own in a fight against most people. ••• Competent: You’ve fought regularly for some time (and you usually win). •••• Expert: You could be a professional fighter, even a titlewinner. ••••• Master: Welcome to fight club. You’re in charge.


Dodge represents your ability to get out of harm's way. Coupled with Dexterity, it measures how hard you are to hit. X Untrained: By the time you're moving out of the way you've already been hit. • Novice: You operate mostly on reflex. •• Practiced: You’ve gotten some training (or taken enough hits) that you usually know when to duck. ••• Competent: You slip past many attacks with ease and grace. •••• Expert: When the attack arrives, you’re usually not there. ••••• Master: You twist and turn to dodge bullets as they’re coming at you. Empathy*

Empathy is the knack for reading other people’s moods and emotions. For some it’s a matter of body language and other non-verbal cues; for others it’s an almost supernatural sense of what other people are feeling. Empathy also includes understanding how other people feel, whether you sympathize with them or not. It’s useful for knowing when people are pretending to feel something they’re not, covering up their true feelings or lying, although it’s an inexact science, at best. The more time you spend interacting with someone and the better you know them, the easier it is to pick up on how they feel. X Untrained: You may be on the autism spectrum, or maybe you just don't care enough. • Novice: You sometimes pick up on non-verbal cues or get “vibes” from people. •• Practiced: You’re a good listener, adept at getting people to open up to you. ••• Competent: It’s difficult to hide anything from you — you always find out sooner or later.

Brawl* (Martial Arts)

Brawl covers a character’s prowess in unarmed combat, ranging from brutal street fighting to complex martial arts and everything in between. It also includes fighting with tooth and claw (and any other sort of appendage). It handles knowing how to hit and how to do the most damage, along with how to defend yourself. The character may have picked up the ability through training, hard experience, or a combination of the two, and characters with high ratings in Brawl are often familiar with multiple styles and techniques of combat. X Untrained: You could maybe slap someone in the face or step on their foot. • Novice: You know how to throw a punch without hurting yourself and the common effective places to hit the body. 7

•••• Expert: Nobody plays poker with you — you’re just too good at reading people’s expressions. ••••• Master: People are like open books to you — their true feelings written in every nuance and expression.

••• Competent: You can end fights with a look or a word before they even start. •••• Expert: People defer to you without you even trying. ••••• Master: You can cow someone with just a glance.

Expression* (Seduction, Persuasion)


Words have a power all their own, and Expression covers the use of words to get a point across, evoke a particular feeling, or provide a convincing argument. It includes all forms of expression through language, from poetry to speech writing to creative writing (with the exception of deception, which is covered by Subterfuge). Characters can use it to compose written works or to put the right words together at the spur of the moment to deliver a rousing speech or a memorable toast. Used well, Expression can sway others’ opinions, even hold an audience enthralled. X Untrained: You have trouble putting thoughts into words. • Novice: You’ve got a basic grasp of sentence structure and proper word usage. •• Practiced: You have a broad vocabulary and use it well. ••• Competent: You always choose your words carefully for the best possible effect. •••• Expert: You could be a best-selling author or a highplaced speechwriter. ••••• Master: You can create works that touch millions of hearts and minds. Fortitude*

Fortitude allows one to combat the effects of disease, poison, fatigue, sleep deprivation, pain, extreme temperatures, and other harsh or potentially damaging conditions. Characters with this Talent can march carrying heavy loads and swim in ice-cold water. X Untrained: You find yourself out of breath after jogging 100 yards. • Novice: You can keep your head after a night of heavy drinking. •• Practiced: You recover quickly from most infections. ••• Competent: You can sleep outside in the cold and be fine in the morning. •••• Expert: You can run a marathon. ••••• Master: You can function normally after a week without sleep. Intimidation

Fear is a powerful weapon, and an excellent way of motivating people. Intimidation covers all the myriad ways to motivate someone through fear and overpowering force of personality. It may be as overt as a physical threat (backed up by a show of force) or as subtle as wearing a power-tie and sitting someone so they have to look up at you and acknowledge that you’re in the superior position. It can be used to get other people to cooperate (even against their better judgment), back down from a confrontation or reveal information. X Untrained: Nobody is scared of you. • Novice: You know how to make people back down if you push hard enough. •• Practiced: You can stare most people down without too much trouble. 8

Some call it a “gut feeling” while others say it’s subconscious logic, the ability to leap to the right conclusion without actually thinking it through — a matter of pure intuition. Intuition is the ability to choose between two (or more) options with a better chance of picking the right one. It represents that gut instinct for making the right decision at the right time. It’s the ability to roll when a character makes a decision largely at random, like whether to cut the red, green or blue wire as the timer counts down to zero, or picking the right way out of a maze while running away from something. Players can call for an Intuition roll when they get stuck or need to make a decision quickly. Storytellers can roll Intuition for the characters in order to give them clues or help move the story along. X Untrained: Your gut instincts are always wrong, or silent. • Novice: You’ve got a knack for making the right choice. •• Practiced: You’ve learned to listen to and trust your instincts. ••• Competent: When you have a “bad feeling” about something, everyone listens. •••• Expert: You could make a killing in the stock market. ••••• Master: You’ve always managed to make the right choice at the last minute… so far. Kenning (Awareness)

As Alertness measures awareness of the natural world, Kenning measures a character’s ability to sense the supernatural world. It’s a kind of “sixth sense,” the ability to look beyond the mundane façade of everyday life in the World of Darkness to see what’s lurking beneath the surface. Generally, only supernatural beings such as the fallen, mages, spirits and such have Kenning, although there are a rare few mortals capable of it as well. Characters with Kenning get hints, hunches, and flashes of insight regarding the supernatural (how much insight depends on their Kenning rating and how many successes the player rolls). For example, they may be able to pick a supernatural creature such as a vampire or demon out of a crowd or sense the use of supernatural powers. Kenning provides only raw information, a sense for the supernatural. Characters require more specific tutelage (in the form of the Occult Knowledge) to understand what it is they sense. Characters can use Kenning to “scan” for anything supernatural in their vicinity. The Storyteller may also make secret Kenning rolls to see if characters sense the presence of an unknown supernatural force or being nearby. X Untrained: You don't sense the supernatural any more than a normal mortal does. • Novice: You pick up strange vibes from certain places and people sometimes. •• Practiced: You know the supernatural when you see it or come in close contact with it. ••• Competent: You can sense the flow of hidden forces through the world, peering behind the veil of mundane life.

•••• Expert: You pick up on subtle and hidden supernatural forces all around you. ••••• Master: You can sense a supernatural influence anywhere nearby, and you sometimes pick up on more distant forces, if they’re strong enough.


It takes a special quality to get a group of people organized and focused on a particular task: it takes Leadership. Leadership relates to both the ability to organize and direct people and the quality that makes people want to follow your lead, even look to you for guidance. Leadership doesn’t necessarily make you good at solving problems, but it does make you good at organizing people to tackle them. It also doesn’t mean that you’ll make the right decisions, only that others will follow you. X Untrained: Nobody listens to your directions. • Novice: You can get a group of friends or associates organized to handle a task. •• Practiced: People look to you for guidance and direction. ••• Competent: You can take charge in most situations and even get strangers working together in a short period of time. •••• Expert: Your followers like and admire you, and you know just how to motivate them. ••••• Master: You could successfully lead a nation or multinational corporation.


The streets have a culture all their own, a culture you’re versed in. This Talent allows a character to fit into the street scene, gather information, make contacts, buy and sell on the black market and otherwise make use of the street’s unique resources. It’s also important for navigating the dangers of the streets, avoiding the law and staying on the right side of the wrong people. X Untrained: You have never seen the inside of a back alley. • Novice: You’re known, and you can sometimes get what you’re looking for. •• Practiced: You’ve got a reputation and some connections. ••• Competent: You have the respect of the right people. •••• Expert: You’re a fixture of the street scene. ••••• Master: You know everything happening on the streets, sometimes before it happens. Subterfuge*

Subterfuge is the art of deception. Characters with this Talent know how to conceal their true feelings and act in a completely different manner. They’re also good at noticing when others do the same thing. Subterfuge is used when telling a convincing lie, hiding one’s emotions or reactions, or trying to pick up on the same from others. It’s most often used to manipulate other people, but characters also learn it in order to avoid being manipulated. Those with a talent for Subterfuge usually find themselves involved in intrigue and manipulation, one way or another. X Untrained: You don't bother lying because you are terrible at it. • Novice: You can get away with the occasional lie. •• Practiced: You’ve got decent poker face, and you know how to bluff. ••• Competent: You can keep track of complex lies and hide your feelings easily. •••• Expert: You can pull off complex con games with style and panache. ••••• Master: No one would ever suspect you; everyone trusts you implicitly.

Optional Talent: Primal-Urge:

Rare outside of werewolves, this is a sort of animal instinct, tapping into the more primitive parts of the brain to relate to the world on a more primal level. X Untrained: You are civilized and fully domesticated. • Novice: Merely a pup. The urge is there, but unhoned. •• Practiced: Your instincts often put you on the safest path through danger. ••• Competent: You feel at ease in any form because you understand the Wyld in your soul. •••• Expert: The wolf within guides you to react quickly, without rational thought. ••••• Master: Only powerful leaders among the werewolves who are closely attuned with Gaia and the Wyld have this depth of understanding.



Animal Ken

This Skill deals with animals of all kinds, from understanding the behavior of wild animals to taming and training animals to perform tricks. It also allows characters to communicate with animals to a degree, or at least know what they want and get the animals to do as they’re told. Some animals can sense the presence of the supernatural and react adversely to it. Others are attracted to it. X Untrained: You don't like animals and they don't like you. • Novice: You know some basic animal lore and could train your dog yourself. •• Practiced: You can train other people’s pets for them, and you’ve dealt with a number of different animals. ••• Competent: You can train animals for a living. •••• Expert: You can handle and train exotic and difficult animals such as lions and tigers. ••••• Master: You are one with the beasts. Crafts* (Art)

From cooking to carpentry to sculpting, Crafts covers any sort of work with your hands. Characters can build, create and even make functional things or works of art using this Skill. The Storyteller sets the difficulty and time required for individual creative tasks; anywhere from a few minutes to days or more of work. You must choose a Specialty if you put a dot in this Skill. X Untrained: You could maybe draw a stick figure. • Novice: You can do simple projects on your own. •• Practiced: You understand many of the subtleties of your craft. ••• Competent: You can earn a decent living at your craft. •••• Expert: People are consistently impressed with your work. ••••• Master: You’re a true master of your craft, and probably recognized as such. Demolitions

While almost anyone can make things explode, it takes skill to make them explode in the right way and at the right time. This is the Skill of making, setting and defusing various types of explosives. It also covers knowing where to place explosives for maximum effect, how to acquire explosive materials and even how to make them from scratch. Of course, getting explosives legally requires licenses and such, which may be an issue, considering what characters often use them for. X Untrained: You're more likely to blow yourself up than anything else. • Novice: You can make effective Molotov cocktails and other simple homemade explosives. •• Practiced: You can set an explosive device or build a pipe bomb. ••• Competent: You can wire up a car bomb or similar explosive booby trap. •••• Expert: You can handle pretty much any type of explosive. ••••• Master: You can set up a complex implosion of a massive building so it falls in just the right way. 10


While most characters can drive a car, the Drive Skill covers driving various types of motor vehicles under difficult conditions. More skilled drivers know how to drive a diverse range of vehicles and can perform stunts and dangerous maneuvers. They also know how to do things such as give chase or lose a tail, and they understand the limits of their vehicle (often by exceeding them more than once). X Untrained: You passed your driving test, but you get in a lot of accidents. • Novice: You can handle a vehicle under tricky conditions. •• Practiced: You can navigate through heavy traffic or multiple obstacles. ••• Competent: You could be a professional chauffeur. •••• Expert: You could be a professional stunt or race driver. ••••• Master: There’s no vehicle or stunt you can’t handle. Etiquette

Society has certain standards of behavior, although they vary from one situation to another. Etiquette provides guidance when it comes to proper behavior in various social situations. It allows characters to fit in gracefully, act properly, earn respect and deal with other people diplomatically. Etiquette generally refers to the mores and manners of “proper” society, whereas Streetwise handles “street” or “lower class” environments. Characters are often specialized in the etiquette of a particular culture or setting. X Untrained: You burp and swear and use the wrong fork. • Novice: You can fit in and avoid any serious social gaffes. •• Practiced: You know the lingo and rules well enough to look like you belong. ••• Competent: You impress people with your grace and tact. You’re an excellent host and guest. •••• Expert: The soul of tact, you could be a professional diplomat. ••••• Master: You can handle nearly any social situation with aplomb while making it look easy. Firearms

Sometimes the simplest way of handling a problem is by putting a bullet through it. That’s when this Skill comes in handy. It covers recognizing, using and maintaining all types of firearms, from pistols to assault rifles and machine guns, although it doesn’t cover heavy weapons such as bazookas or rocket launchers. Characters can roll Perception + Firearms to recognize a particular type of gun and Wits + Firearms to unjam a gun in combat. Usually the roll is Dexterity + Firearms to fire a gun and hit a target. X Untrained: You have never held a gun before. • Novice: You’ve fired a gun a few times and know what to expect. •• Practiced: You visit the firing range on a semiregular basis and practice with different types of weapons. ••• Competent: You’ve used a gun in a firefight more than once. You can field strip and clean your weapon without consulting the manual. •••• Expert: You regularly get top scores in marksmanship, and you can handle almost any sort of firearm. ••••• Master: You can field strip your gun in the dark or blindfolded, and you hit whatever you aim at.

Larceny (Security)

Larceny is experience with the tools and techniques of criminal activity — picking pockets, breaking locks, forgery, basic hot-wiring, safe cracking, and even some sleight of hand. Larceny also covers evading or improving security measures. The inner workings of advanced systems such as video surveillance and alarm systems fall under Technology. X Untrained: Locked doors might as well be walls to you. • Novice: You can overcome a simple lock. •• Practiced: You can make money off of card tricks in a back alley. ••• Competent: Locked cars are no obstacle. •••• Expert: Your counterfeit bills could even fool the treasury. ••••• Master: Opening a vault underwater while manacled and surrounded by sharks? Child’s play. Meditation*

Ground, center, breathe, and relax. This Skill helps you sweep aside the clutter of everyday existence and find a spot within yourself that offers calm. Depending on your preferred style, your background, and the purpose for which you practice meditation, this could involve simple quiet time, elaborate postures and breath control, religious devotion, and even ecstatic dance or prayer. This skill is also used to concentrate and maintain focus while tuning out distractions. X Untrained: You have racing thoughts and are easily distracted. • Novice: You can ground and center for a short time. •• Practiced: Regular practice has deepened and extended your abilities. ••• Competent: Even under distracting conditions, you know how to find your center. •••• Expert: “Use the Force, Luke…” ••••• Master: An island of calm is yours whenever you want or need it. Melee

Fighting with a weapon in hand is almost a lost art, but characters with this Skill are acquainted with a variety of melee weapons, from simple clubs to knives, swords, and even exotic weapons like axes or maces. Any weapon that is wielded in close combat falls under this Skill. Thrown weapons are covered by Athletics. A character trained in Melee also knows about various kinds of weapons and combat techniques. X Untrained: You could use a knife to chop vegetables but that's about it. • Novice: You’ve learned the right way to hold a weapon, maybe taken some lessons or been in a medieval recreation society. •• Practiced: You’ve wielded weapons in a few fights. ••• Competent: Not only have you been in armed fights, you’ve generally won them. •••• Expert: You could compete in bouts or teach most fighters a few tricks. ••••• Master: You have a skill usually seen only in movie action scenes.


This Skill includes all the performing arts, such as acting, dancing, singing and playing a musical instrument. Characters use this Skill to give a successful and convincing performance. Combined with Expression, characters can create their own works and evoke particular feelings in their audience. They can express a particular emotion and make it believable (important for actors). You must choose a Specialty if you put a dot in this Skill. X Untrained: You are tone deaf and have no sense of rhythm. • Novice: You’re a talented amateur. •• Practiced: You’re comfortable and capable in front of an audience. ••• Competent: You impress audiences with your performance. •••• Expert: You dazzle audiences with your performance. ••••• Master: You play to packed houses and regularly get standing ovations. Stealth*

Stealth allows characters to sneak and hide, whether moving or standing still. Generally players roll Dexterity + Stealth against an opponent’s Perception + Alertness to escape notice. Storytellers might wish to make Stealth rolls secretly, since characters usually have no way of knowing they’ve been noticed until it’s too late. X Untrained: You could maybe hide behind a brick wall. • Novice: You can hide behind large enough objects or in dark enough areas. •• Practiced: You can disappear into a crowd and follow someone without being spotted right off. ••• Competent: People tell you to stop sneaking up on them. •••• Expert: You can sneak across an open courtyard or along a gravel path without being noticed. ••••• Master: You’re like a ninja, practically invisible when you want to be. Survival

The world can be a harsh place. It takes skill to survive without the comforts of modern life. Survival covers making it in the wilderness (even the wilderness of the urban jungle) with only simple tools and resources. The more skilled characters are, the fewer resources they need in order to survive. They can live off the land, avoid the dangers of the environment, find shelter and so forth. Characters must choose a specialty for the environment they know best. X Untrained: "Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit..." • Novice: You’ve been camping a few times. •• Practiced: You’ve been camping a lot of times and taken a survival course or two. ••• Competent: You can care for a small group of people and keep them alive. •••• Expert: You can live off the land pretty much indefinitely. ••••• Master: You are one with your environment. 11


This Skill covers understanding, operating, repairing, and even building or upgrading electronic devices. Purely mechanical devices fall under the Crafts Skill, while computer hardware and software falls under the Computers Knowledge. Characters without this Skill may know how to operate various common devices, but they don’t necessarily know how they work or how to fix them. X Untrained: If something breaks, you throw it away or call a repairman. • Novice: You can re-wire a lamp and do some common household repairs. •• Practiced: You can do some basic electrical work or build a crystal radio set. ••• Competent: You’re a skilled electrical engineer (with or without the college degree), able to design and build various devices. •••• Expert: You can alter and upgrade existing electronic equipment. ••••• Master: You’re ahead of your time when it comes to designing and building new technology.

Optional Skill: Archery

Operating a crossbow is similar enough to operating a rifle that you can use your Firearms skill for that, but operating an actual bow-and-arrow is a different matter entirely. If your chronicle takes place before the invention of firearms, replace the Firearms skill in its entirety with this Archery skill. Otherwise use this skill for everything from wooden bows to carbon fiber compound bows. X Untrained: You have never held a bow before. • Novice: You’ve fired a bow and arrow a few times and know what to expect. •• Practiced: You visit the archery range on a semiregular basis and probably use a bow regularly to go hunting. ••• Competent: You’ve used a bow and arrow in combat more than once. You know how to care for and even repair a bow in the field. •••• Expert: You are Robin Hood. ••••• Master: You are Legolas.

Knowledges Academics

This Knowledge is education in the “liberal arts,” including history, literature, philosophy, sociology and psychology. It also tends to cover the character’s general level of formal education and experience with the academic world. Most Academics rolls are Intelligence + Academics to recall some particular fact, although you may use Charisma + Academics to favorably impress someone in academia or Manipulation + Academics to deal with the ins and outs of university bureaucracy. The difficulty of the roll is usually based on the obscurity of the knowledge you’re trying to recall, from 4 (for fairly routine things) to 8 (for obscure information). You must choose a Specialty if you put a third dot in this Knowledge. X Untrained: Dropout (or still in High School) • Dabbler: High School Diploma •• Student: Some college ••• Scholar: Bachelor's Degree •••• Professor: Master's Degree ••••• Master: Doctorate Computers

Operating and programming computers falls under this Knowledge. It ranges from using computers for routine operations to in-depth knowledge of hardware and software sufficient to be a computer programmer or engineer. A great many people have at least a dot of Computer, but many other people don’t, and the supernatural sometimes overlook how useful these artifacts of the modern world can be. X Untrained: You've tried "the Google" but didn't understand it. • Dabbler: You can operate a computer and use basic software for email and word-processing. •• Student: You can do complex data-entry and analysis and write simple programs. ••• Scholar: You can design your own programs that are as good as commercial ones. Sometimes better. •••• Professor: You can design your own hardware and software, even create some innovations. You also know how to crack most secure systems and get information from them. ••••• Master: Truly elite, you know everything worth knowing about computers. Few systems are safe from you. Cosmology

This trait reflects a working knowledge of the puzzling Otherworlds beyond the Earthly plane. With it, you stand a decent chance of finding your way around out there without getting yourself killed. (Without it, you’re seriously screwed.) The specific way in which you view the Otherworlds will depend a lot on what you expect to see there; this Knowledge simply gives you the tools to navigate paths, spot hazards, deal with entities, and recognize opportunities or threats when you run across them. Rolls for stepping into other worlds (such as Occult for Werewolves or Awareness for Demons) use Cosmology instead. X Untrained: Other worlds? What other worlds? • Dabbler: Student of the mysteries. •• Student: Occasional voyager. ••• Scholar: Experienced traveler. 12

•••• Professor: Seasoned explorer. ••••• Master: World-walker.


You can wrap your head around concepts that give other people headaches. Puzzles, riddles, artistic themes, uncanny entities, arcane secrets, bizarre methods of communication – you might not understand the specifics just yet, but you can hash out enough comprehension to get by. Especially in a mage’s world, many things transcend rational explanation… and that realm of strangeness is where the Enigmas Knowledge takes you. Whether you need to make jumps of logic, wade into metaphysical currents, spot clues in apparent chaos, or figure out what’s being said waaaaaaaay between the lines (or totally outside them), this Trait is essential. X Untrained: "Huh?" • Dabbler: Puzzles intrigue you. •• Student: Zen koans do not piss you off. ••• Scholar: “You were not put here to ‘Get it,’ Mr. Burton.” •••• Professor: You clap with one hand inside Schrödinger’s box. ••••• Master: You are an enigma. Finance

Finance covers handling and making money, from accounting and keeping books to evaluating an item’s worth and playing the stock market. It can be used to make money legitimately or for things like insider trading and other scams. In addition to providing a comfortable level of wealth, Finance is useful in navigating money trails and similar affairs. X Untrained: You often find your accounts overdrawn by accident. • Dabbler: Some basic experience in bookkeeping and finance. •• Student: A degree in accounting or finance backed by some experience. ••• Scholar: An MBA degree or the equivalent. •••• Professor: You could run a major corporation and make it more profitable. ••••• Master: You can make a fortune on the stock market. Investigation*

You’re trained to look for clues and piece together evidence to solve mysteries, from investigating a crime to discovering secret or hidden goings-on. Where Research is used for finding written or recorded information in books or the internet, Investigation is used for finding clues in the field, putting them together, and tracking down leads. X Untrained: You could probably follow an Encyclopedia Brown book. • Dabbler: Amateur armchair detective. •• Student: Police officer. ••• Scholar: Detective. •••• Professor: Federal agent, professional profiler. ••••• Master: Sherlock Holmes. There’s no mystery you can’t solve. Linguistics

All characters are assumed to speak, read and write in their native language. Dots in Linguistics allow a character to speak additional languages. The player chooses which

languages the character understands with the approval of the Storyteller. One language point makes you conversationally fluent in a language, a second language point allows you to pass as a native speaker. Usually this Knowledge is only used for gaining languages and its rating cannot be used in a roll, but if you designate one of your language points toward "Language Study", then your rating represents an understanding of the science of languages — their construction, design and internal logic — and may be used in relevant rolls. You always have a Specialty in your native language. If you are a Werewolf, your native tongue depends on your Breed. Lupus werewolves have Wolfspeak as their native tongue and start knowing one other language at the conversational level. Homid werewolves have one native language and start knowing Wolfspeak at the conversational level. Metis werewolves start with both Wolfspeak and one other language as native languages. X Untrained: You only know your starting language (or languages, for werewolves). • Dabbler: One language point. •• Student: Two language points. ••• Scholar: Four language points. •••• Professor: Eight language points. ••••• Master: Sixteen language points. ••••• • Prodigy: You can speak and read any mundane language, and pass as a native speaker in 16 languages plus your native tongue. You are considered to have spent a point on Language Study. (This rating is only possible with the Prodigious Linguistics Merit.) Medicine

This trait represents an understanding of the workings of mortal clay, specifically the human body and how to treat it. It represents knowledge of anatomy, physiology and basic medical techniques and treatment at low levels. At higher ranks it includes diagnosis, treatment of disease and surgery, all the skills of a physician (whether or not the character has the license to be an actual doctor). Characters with this trait can treat the injuries and maladies or others. If they wish, they can also use their knowledge of the human body to cause damage. X Untrained: You can treat a headache with aspirin but that's about it. • Dabbler: Basic first-aid and CPR training and understanding of anatomy. •• Student: Pre-med student or trained paramedic. ••• Scholar: You could be a licensed general practitioner. •••• Professor: Surgeon or skilled medical specialist. ••••• Master: Renowned for your skill and knowledge in the field. Occult (Gremayre, Esoterica)

There is a great deal of lore in the world about the occult, the mysterious, the mythic and the legendary. In the World of Darkness, some of it is true, but most of it is not. A character with knowledge of the occult not only knows the theories, myths and legends but also has the ability to discern fact from falsehood. X Untrained: You are new to the world of the supernatural, or don't believe it is real. 13

• Dabbler: You’ve read some books and picked up the basics. •• Student: You’ve read a lot of books and started to pick out the obvious falsehoods. ••• Scholar: You know all the major occult lore and a number of obscure facts, although not all of it is true. •••• Professor: You can separate truth from falsehood, and you know most of what there is to know. ••••• Master: You’re privy to secrets that few others are aware of.

Politics (Law, Bureaucracy)

This measures your knowledge of government, the legal system, and all forms of political bureaucracy. You know the letter of the law, who wrote it, and how to exploit it. X Untrained: You think the President is in charge of everything. • Dabbler: Part-time political activist. •• Student: Political science major or pre-law graduate. ••• Scholar: Political commentator or licensed lawyer. •••• Professor: You could hold a national political office. ••••• Master: You could move through the highest political circles in the world. Religion

Religion covers theology and comparative religious studies along with knowledge of major religions and (with increasing rank) knowledge of lesser-known ones as well. Characters often take a specialty in a particular religion. X Untrained: You've never opened a holy book in your life. • Dabbler: You’ve taken a course or two in comparative religion. •• Student: Divinity student. ••• Scholar: You could be a member of the clergy •••• Professor: You debate religious ideas and principles with experts, and impress them. ••••• Master: You could create your own religion. Research*

For most questions, the answer is out there, if only you know where to look. Research is the skill of knowing where to look for information, gathering it efficiently and organizing it so other people can absorb it without too much trouble. With this Ability, you know the best places to start looking for particular information and the best ways to go about it. Research differs from Academics in that it involves looking for information, while Academics involves knowing information, and Research tends to turn up more detailed information than someone can recall from memory. X Untrained: You've never set foot in a library before. • Dabbler: You know how to use the card catalog in the library and your favorite search engines on the Internet. •• Student: You actually know what the Dewey Decimal numbers mean and how to find things without a card catalog or search engine. ••• Scholar: You’re familiar with the best resources of particular subjects of interest to you. •••• Professor: It’s not a matter of if you will find the information, just a matter of how long it will take. ••••• Master: You have tremendous information at your fingertips, and more only a phone call or email away. 14


This Ability represents an understanding of the physical sciences: biology, chemistry, physics, and so forth. The Storyteller sets the difficulty for coming up with a particular scientific fact or solving a scientific mystery according to the complexity of the task. Science is largely theoretical knowledge, Crafts and Technology cover its practical applications. X Untrained: You flunked chemistry and never took physics. • Dabbler: You did well in high school science class. •• Student: You have a broad general view of the sciences and a little practical experience. ••• Scholar: You’ve done your own research and experiments, probably even had a paper or two published. •••• Professor: You’re a skilled researcher with deep understanding of the sciences. ••••• Master: Your research and theories are renowned and respected.

Optional Knowledge: Rituals

There’s both an art and a science to a good rite. You’ve studied not only the techniques and trappings of ritual practices but also the symbolic, psychological, and metaphysical principles behind the big show. In general, this Knowledge reflects a familiarity not only with the rituals of your chosen practice, but also with the art of staging rituals in general. Most characters will have a specialty in a specific culture or paradigm. X You've been to weddings and funerals but weren't paying attention. • Novice: You could plan a wedding, call the corners, or recite the Stations of the Cross. •• Practiced: Your parties and rites earn respect from your community. ••• Skillful: Beyond your familiarity with specific rituals, you’ve begun learning about other practices as well. •••• Expert: An acclaimed priest or priestess, you’ve got a knack for powerful ceremonies and a broad understanding of specific ritual techniques. ••••• Master: You’ve mastered not only the rites of your culture but many ritual practices of other cultures too. So potent is your knowledge that you could make atheists into believers.


All characters get 5 dots to distribute among Virtues at Character Creation, and start with a free dot in each Virtue. Virtue dots cost 2 Freebie Points each, and raising a Virtue costs 3 x its current rating in EXP. To act against a Virtue, you must succeed on a Willpower roll with a difficulty of twice that Virtue's rating. Vampires start with Permanent Willpower equal to the sum of their Valor and Conviction, rather than just their Courage. Compassion (Conscience, Mercy)

Compassion measures a character’s caring for others—how moved he is by injustice and suffering. Compassion makes it easier to care for and help other people, and harder to endure others' suffering. Having a high Compassion can be quite painful in a world of monsters. X Disabled: Sociopath. • Poor: Heart of flint. •• Average: You care about your family and closest friends. ••• Good: You regularly come to the aid of those in need. •••• Exceptional: You never attack first and always accept surrender. ••••• Outstanding: You don't hesitate to aid your enemies if they are in serious danger. Conviction

Conviction measures how easily the character can endure hardship and stand firm in their beliefs. Conviction makes it easier to persevere against adversity, and harder to change your mind. Characters with high Conviction are capable of doing terrible things in the name of an important cause. X Disabled: Wishy-washy yes-man. • Poor: You find hard choices exceptionally difficult. •• Average: Your beliefs can be overcome with a good argument. ••• Good: It takes exceptional evidence and a powerful argument to sway you. •••• Exceptional: You can stand firm even under serious torture. ••••• Outstanding: You will never give in even after a century of torment. Temperance (Self-Control, Instinct, Vision)

Temperance measures the character’s self control. Temperance makes it easier to resist temptation, and harder to let loose and have fun. A character can use Temperance to decline the impulse to strike the person who spat on her or to stop a night of partying early when she knows she has work in the morning. X Disabled: Slave to your id. • Poor: You are hot-headed and debaucherous. •• Average: You can resist most minor temptations. ••• Good: You can keep your head in a heated argument and turn down generous bribes. •••• Exceptional: You don't drink or smoke or gamble. You don't have sex without true love. ••••• Outstanding: You are a paragon of self-denial. You could turn down your heart's desire if you had to.

Valor (Courage, Zeal)

Valor measures a character’s courage and resolve when facing danger. Valor makes it easier to stand strong in the face of fear, and harder to back down from a fight. High Valor can be dangerous in a world where your enemies are often much stronger than you are. X Disabled: Sniveling coward. • Poor: You flee from almost any fight. •• Average: You can face some adversity but run from anyone stronger than you. ••• Good: You can confront a superior opponent without flinching. •••• Exceptional: You can stand firm against your deepest fears. ••••• Outstanding: You can face an entire army without breaking a sweat. If using base Hunter the Reckoning rules, make the following changes. Alternatively, use my Hunter the Reckoning Revised rules which are designed to be used with these Mixed Game rules without special alterations. Hunter Virtues are capped at 10 rather than 5. Hunters buy Virtue dots with Freebie Points or EXP like everyone else rather than earning them through play, but Freebie Point and EXP costs for them are doubled. Hunters cannot raise Virtues higher than 5 at Character Creation. Hunter Conviction is now considered "Temporary Conviction", while the Virtue is considered "Permanent Conviction". Any time you channel Permanent Conviction, you regain a point of Temporary Conviction if you succeed on the roll. You may not gamble more points of Temporary Conviction on a single roll than your Permanent Conviction rating. All Hunter mechanics that refer to Conviction refer to Temporary Conviction. Starting Conviction is replaced by Permanent Conviction.


Merits and Flaws

heck with your Storyteller for their ruling on how many Merits and Flaws you can take, and whether the Category makes a difference. The Storyteller always has veto power over whether a given Merit or Flaw is allowed for your character. My recommended ruling is: You must take at least 1 point of Flaw, and the hard cap is 15 points of Flaw; the guideline is to aim for around 7, but focus more on describing your character than on hitting the right number of points. You may take as many Merits as you can afford, but are not required to take any. Where the text, cost, or availability of a Merit or Flaw differs here from its sourcebook, use the one listed here. Where a Merit or Flaw refers to something specific to its sourcebook's supernatural type but is available to other supernaturals, transliterate it to the equivalent for your own supernatural type (Werewolf Tribe to Vampire Clan, etc). If multiple versions of a Merit or Flaw are referenced, use all of the referenced features and effects. If a version of a Merit or Flaw exists in a sourcebook that is not referenced under its name here, use the referenced version(s) instead. Some Merits and Flaws are not referenced here because their effects are accomplished through other Traits in these mixed rules, such as Backgrounds or Virtues.


Acute Senses

Cost: 1 or 3 Category: Physical Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 642-643 Ageless

Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Mage, Changeling, or Demon Your supernatural spirit grants your human body a vestige of immortality. You age at one-tenth the rate of a normal human. Should your spirit ever be destroyed, leave your body, or retreat into Banality if you are a Changeling, your body begins to age normally. Mummies don't need to take this Merit as they already have a version of this effect. Ambidexterous

Boon / Favor

Cost: 1 to 6 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 488 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 479 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 183 Bruiser

Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Calming Presence

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 183 Vampires must take the Inoffensive to Animals Merit to take this Merit. Coldly Logical

Cost: 1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Common Sense

Cost: 1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 474 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Deceptive Aura

Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Wraith, Mummy, or Mortal Your aura is unusually human for a supernatural creature. You register as a mortal on all Kenning rolls; magical senses can still see you for what you are though. Mummies cannot take this Merit as they already have this effect.

Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177


Ancestor Ally

Early Riser

Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482

Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177 Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480

Eat Food

Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Eidetic Taste

Cost: 1 or 4 Category: Mental Available to: Any Possessed most commonly by redcap Changelings, Eidetic Taste allows you to remember the taste of everything you’ve ever eaten, and be able to identify it instantly if you taste it again. If you're a Changeling, you can take a 4 point version that grants the ability to sense where the nearest supply of that taste might be. If you’ve ever had a bite of someone, it serves as an excellent way to track that meal. Creative changelings have found other uses for this power, including tracking down poisons. Elysium Regular

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 487 Family Support

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any except Mortal Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 479 Former Ghoul

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 487 Friendly Face


Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 487 Healing Touch

Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493 Higher Purpose

Cost: 1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177

I Know You

Good Listener

Inoffensive to Animals

Green Thumb

Internal Compass

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 183 Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any You have a gift for cultivating Flora, even in the desert. You can make grass grow, flowers bloom, plants sprout and so forth with a simple touch. Plants tended by your character always do well, although they must survive on their own once you leave them behind.

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 183 Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493 Cost: 1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Your character has an intuitive sense of direction. She can automatically orient herself according to the cardinal directions without effort, and she gains a one-die bonus on all navigation rolls, whether to pilot a ship or to find her way through a maze. When you take this Merit, choose one realm for it to affect (usually Earth, but you may also choose the Dreaming, the Underworld, etc.).

Intoxication Tolerance

Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Any With a successful Stamina roll (difficulty 7), you can shake off the effects of intoxication, suffering no coordination penalties that might normally affect a drunken fighter. This Merit works against intoxicants such as drugs or alcohol, but not against poisons. Introspection

Cost: 1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Lightning Calculator

Cost: 1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 475 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Mixed-Morph

Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472 Moon-Bound

Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482 Natural [Ability]

Cost: 1 to 3 Category: Mental Available to: Any You have a natural affinity for a certain ability. Choose an Ability rated 3 or higher. The difficulties of all rolls with that ability are reduced by -2. The price depends on the Ability: Combat Abilities like Brawl or Dodge cost 3, Social Abilities like Expression or Intimidate cost 2, other Abilities cost 1. Pitiable

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 479 Poison Resistance

Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177 Prestigious Sire

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 488


Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 488 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 183 Reputation

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any You have a good reputation among those of your Type and Category (Changeling Kith, Vampire Clan, Demon House, etc.). Reduce the difficulty of all social dealings with others of your Category by -2. Sabbat Survivor

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 488 Spirit Magnet

Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Wraith Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482 Strong Back

Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Any Your character is exceptionally strong when it comes to heavy lifting. Add one dot to the character’s Strength when determining how much she can lift or carry. The added Strength does not apply for any other purpose. Time Sense

Cost: 1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 475-476

Tribe/Clan Goodwill

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any except Mortal You have earned the attention and favor of a particular Vampire Clan, Werewolf Tribe, Faerie Kingdom, etc. Perhaps you’ve done them a favor, or maybe they’re trying to recruit you. Regardless, all Social rolls when interacting with that group are made at -1 difficulty. You may not be a member of this group when you first take this Merit, although you can become recruited by them during play at the Storyteller’s discretion. You may take this Merit multiple times for different groups, each with the Storyteller’s approval. True Love

Cost: 1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185-186 Your Best Advocate

Cost: 1 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 183 Animal Magnetism

Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Bad Taste

Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472 Blush of Health

Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Bullyboy

Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 488 Code of Honor

Cost: 2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 476 Crack Shot

Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177

Danger Sense

Cost: 2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 186 Dexterous Toes

Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177 Eidetic Memory

Cost: 2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 476 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Fair Glabro

Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472

Fascinating Gaze

Murderous Mien

Granite Skin


Inner Strength

Open Road

Lack of Scent

Prehensile Tongue/Tail

Lawman's Friend

Poetic Heart

Light Sleeper


Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any Mummy: The Resurrection, pg. 68 Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177 Cost: 2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 476 Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472 Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 488 Cost: 2 Category: Mental Available to: Any You can awaken instantly at any sign of trouble or danger, and do so without any sleepiness or hesitation. If you are a Vampire, you may ignore rules regarding how Humanity or your morality Path restricts the number of dice available during the day. Loyal Heart

Cost: 2 Category: Mental Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Magic Resistance

Cost: 2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Mage or Changeling You have an inherent resistance to spells and magic. The difficulty of all magic, both malicious and beneficent, is at +2 when targeting or affecting you. You may never learn magical Disciplines, Gifts, Lore, or other powers that manifest as spellcasting. Medium

Cost: 2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Wraith Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 186

Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177 Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177 Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 488 Cost: 2 or 4 Category: Physical Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 178 Cost: 2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 186 Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184 This can apply only to others of your supernatural type, or simply to everyone. Sanctity

Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 488 Scholar of Others

Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any except Mortal Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 489 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184 Seldom Sleeps

Cost: 2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 476 Supporter

Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480

Surreal Beauty

Efficient Digestion

Voice of a Songbird

Fake It

Cost: 2 Category: Physical Available to: Any except Hunter, Mortal, or Werewolf Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 177 Cost: 2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184 Animalistic Favor

Cost: 3 to 5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 186 Calm Heart

Cost: 3 Category: Mental Available to: Vampire or Werewolf Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 485 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 476 Daredevil

Cost: 3 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472 Disease Immunity

Cost: 3 Category: Physical Available to: Demon, Vampire, or Mummy As long as you have at least one point of Faith, Blood, or Sekhem, you are immune to all non-magical diseases.

Cost: 3 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Cost: 3 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184 Friend of the Underground

Cost: 3 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 489 Heir to the Throne

Cost: 3 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184 Hidden Diablerie

Cost: 3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493 Increased Pain Threshold

Cost: 3 Category: Physical Available to: Any You feel pain as much as others; it just doesn’t affect you to the same degree. The dice penalty for each of your Health Levels is reduced by one level. Effectively, you have two Bruised health levels and no Incapacitated health level. Iron Will

Cost: 3 Category: Mental Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Long-Distance Runner

Cost: 3 Category: Physical Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472-473 Lucky

Cost: 3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 186



Sex Appeal

Natural Sidestep

Stormwarden / Quantum Voyager

Cost: 3 to 5 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 489 Cost: 3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 You must have some way to step between realms to take this Merit. Noted Messenger

Cost: 3 Category: Social Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Oracular Ability

Cost: 3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493 Perfect Balance

Cost: 1 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 472 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 178 Poison Immunity

Cost: 3 Category: Physical Available to: Demon, Vampire, or Mummy As long as you have at least one point of Faith, Blood, or Sekhem, you cannot be poisoned. Precocious [Ability]

Cost: 3 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 485 Prodigious [Ability]

Cost: 3 Category: Mental Available to: Any Choose one Ability rated at 3 or higher. You gain a dot in that Ability, and your maximum rating in that Ability is raised from 5 to 6. You may only take this Merit once, and only for a single Ability. Rising Star

Cost: 3 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 489 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184

Cost: 3 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 178 Cost: 3 or 5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 643 Wolf Weapons

Cost: 3 or 4 Category: Physical Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 473 Berserker

Cost: 4 or -4 Category: Mental Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 644 Blood of the Wolf

Cost: 4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 186 Broken Bond

Cost: 3 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 489 Iron Resistance

Cost: 4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 186 Primogen Friendship

Cost: 4 Category: Social Available to: Any except Mortal The ruling supernaturals of the city value you and your opinions. You are called in to consult on decisions, and your recommendations carry great weight. Your position may not be an official one, but it’s powerful nonetheless. Soul of the Muse

Cost: 4 Category: Social Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184 Trusty Companion

Cost: 4 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184

Umbral Affinity

Cost: 4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 644 Additional Discipline / Lore

Cost: 5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire or Demon You can take one additional Discipline / Lore (Storyteller discretion) as if it were a Clan Discipline / House Lore. All costs to learn that Discipline / Lore are paid out as if it were native to your Clan / House. A character cannot take this Merit more than once, and Caitiff vampires cannot take this Merit. Art / Sphere Affinity

Cost: 5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling or Mage You’re able to utilize one of the Arts or Spheres with a greater degree of ease than other Changelings or Mages. Select an Art or Sphere; the difficulty to use this particular Art or Sphere is always reduced by two. This Merit may only be purchased once and only for a single Art or Sphere. Breadth of Experience

Cost: 5 Category: Mental Available to: Any You study broadly, not deeply. You gain an additional 5 dots which may be put into any Abilities, but none of these dots may bring any Ability above 3. You may not have any Ability rated higher than 4 at Character Creation. If you take this Merit a second time, you gain an additional 5 dots but may not have any Ability rated higher than 3 at Character Creation. You may not take this Merit a third time.

Gifted Sorcerer

Cost: 5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire, Mage, Wraith, or Mummy Choose one Discipline, Sphere, Arcanoi, or Hekau. Blood, Quintessence, Pathos, or Sekhem costs for using powers in the chosen category are halved, round up. Huge Size

Cost: 5 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 473 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 178 Characters with this Merit also gain the effects of the Natural Intimidation Merit. Jack-of-all-Trades

Cost: 5 Category: Mental Available to: Any You’ve a large pool of miscellaneous skills and knowledge obtained through extensive travels, the jobs you’ve held, or allaround know-how. You automatically have one dot in all Skill and Knowledge Dice Pools. This is an illusory dot, used to simulate a wide range of abilities. You must buy a real first dot in order to buy a second dot or to choose a specialty. Legendary [Attribute]

Cost: 5 Category: Physical, Social, or Mental Available to: Any Choose one Attribute rated at 3 or higher. You gain a dot in that Attribute, and your maximum rating in that Attribute is raised by 1. You may only take this Merit once, and only for a single Attribute. Paragon of [Virtue]

Cost: 5 Category: Mental Available to: Any Choose one Virtue rated at 3 or higher. You gain a dot in that Virtue, and your maximum rating in that Virtue is raised by 1. You may only take this Merit once, and only for a single Virtue. Self-Confident

Cost: 5 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 476 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 181 Too Tough to Die

Cost: 5 Category: Physical Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 644


Cost: 5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494 Untamable

Cost: 5 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 476 Immune to Wyrm Emanations

Cost: 6 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Nine Lives

Cost: 6 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494 Metamorph

Cost: 7 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 473 Regeneration

Cost: 7 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 186-187 Silver Tolerance

Cost: 7 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 True Faith

Cost: 7 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494, 372 Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 644-646

FLAWS Addiction

Cost: -1 or -3 Category: Physical Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 646 Allergy

Cost: -1 to -4 Category: Physical Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 179

Animal Musk

Cost: -1 Category: Physical Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 473 Asthma

Cost: -1 Category: Physical Available to: Any except Wraith or Vampire Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 179 Banned Transformation

Cost: -1 to -6 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Bard's Tongue

Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 187 Botched Presentation

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any When you were first presented to the local supernatural authorities upon being discovered, you flubbed it. Now you’re convinced that they hate you (whether they do or not). You need to succeed on a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) just to stand in front of the local authorities or one of their duly authorized representatives without running, blubbering, or otherwise making a fool of yourself. This Flaw can only be taken by those who underwent such a presentation.

Can't Hold Your Liquor

Cost: -1 Category: Physical Available to: Any This is the opposite of the Intoxication Tolerance Merit. Drugs' and alcohol's effects on you are twice as potent and take hold twice as quickly. This has no effect on poisons. Cast No Reflection

Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire or Demon Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494 Cold Breeze

Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Werewolf, Hunter, or Mortal Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494 Conniver

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Cursed

Cost: -1 to -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 187 Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 646

Dangerous Mentor

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184 Dark Secret

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 489 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184 Deep Sleeper

Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Any When you sleep, it is very difficult for you to awaken. The difficulty of any roll to awaken from sleep is increased by +2. Deficient [Ability]

Cost: -1 or -3 Category: Mental Available to: Any You are hopelessly inept at a particular Ability. Rather than automatically failing or being able to attempt it untrained, you automatically botch any roll with this Ability. You may never have any dots in this Ability without buying off this Flaw first. If the Ability could be used untrained this Flaw is worth 3 points, otherwise it is worth 1. Diminished [Virtue]

Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Each time you take this Flaw, you lose one of your starting Virtue dots. This can bring a Virtue to zero. Note that Virtues at zero represent extreme deficits in your psyche, and will be noticeable to anyone who spends significant time interacting with you. Diminished [Willpower]

Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Each time you take this Flaw, you lose one of your starting Permanent Willpower dots. This can't bring this trait to zero. Docile

Cost: -1 to -3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Echoes [Mage]

Cost: -1 to -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 646-647

Enemy / Hunted

Cost: -1 to -5 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490-493 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 480, 484 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 184, 185 Expendable

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 489 Fewer Backgrounds

Cost: -1 Category: Background Available to: Any Taking this Flaw gives you two fewer Background dots to spend at Character Creation. You may take this Flaw up to two times. Forced Transformation

Cost: -1 or -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Geas

Cost: -1 to -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 187

Impaired Sense

Cost: -1 to -6 Category: Physical Available to: Any One of your senses is defective. The difficulties of any die rolls involving the use of that sense are increased by two. As a one-point Flaw, this condition can be corrected, such as with glasses or a hearing aid; as a three-point Flaw for vision or two for any other sense, the condition is too severe to be corrected; and as a six-point Flaw for vision or four for any other sense, you are blind/deaf/etc. and all Perception rolls based purely on that sense fail automatically. Additionally, if you are blind, the difficulty of all Dexterity based rolls are increased by two. Impatient

Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Incomplete Understanding

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any except Mortal Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 Infamous Sire

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 Infamy

Cost: -1 to -5 Category: Social Available to: Any You have acquired a bad name among supernaturals of your type. You suffer a penalty of one die per point of this Flaw on any Social rolls involving supernaturals of your type other than your own party. You may not take the Reputation Background. Insane Ancestor

Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Insubordinate

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185 Mistaken Identity

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490


Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 New Arrival

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 New Kid

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any except Mortal Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 No Partial Transformation

Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 473 Oathbound

Cost: -1 to -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 187-188 Overconfident

Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477 Phobia

Cost: -1 to -5 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180

Prey Exclusion

Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Vampire or Werewolf Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 485 Repulsed by Garlic

Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494 Short

Cost: -1 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 473 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 179

Slipped Seeming

Cost: -1 to -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling, Demon, Vampire, or Werewolf Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 188 Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Smell of the Grave

Cost: -1 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire, Demon, or Mummy Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Soul's Reflection


Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 485 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477

Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling, Demon, Mummy, Werewolf, Wraith In mirrors and other reflections your true self is revealed. This means Fae Mien for Changelings, Apocalyptic Form for Demons, First Life for Mummies, and Crinos Form for Werewolves. For Wraiths, this means your Corpus is always visible in mirrors and other reflections even when you are otherwise invisible in the Skinlands. Obviously, this Flaw can sometimes cause problems with hiding your character's true nature. You cannot take this and the Cast No Reflection Flaw.

Sire's Resentment

Special Responsibility

Slip Sideways

Speech Impediment

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 You must have some method of stepping into other worlds to take this Flaw.

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 485 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477 Sterile and Impotent

Cost: -1 Category: Physical Available to: Any While your body technically has all the requisite sexual hardware, you are infertile and impotent. You are incapable of physical arousal (though you may still experience it emotionally), and even if sex is somehow forced on you, you are incapable of reproduction. Sefekhi Mummies may not take this Flaw as they have already duplicated its effects in their gruesome ritual of rebirth. Strange Eyes

Cost: -1 or -3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Hunter or Mortal For 1 point, your eyes are a startling color, maybe emerald green, violet, or yellow, and possibly with a non-circular pupil. For 3 points, your eyes also glow in their color. The color and pupil may be hidden with colored contacts, but the glow must be hidden by a stronger covering such as sunglasses.

Strict Carnivore

Cost: -1 Category: Physical Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 473 Sympathizer

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 Tic/Twitch

Cost: -1 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 179 Touch of Frost

Cost: -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Demon, Vampire, Mummy, or Wraith Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494 Tribe/Clan Enmity

Cost: -1 Category: Social Available to: Any You have earned the attention and disfavor of a particular Vampire Clan, Werewolf Tribe, Faerie Kingdom, etc. Perhaps you’re a former member of the group, or have refused to join them and they feel slighted. Perhaps they feel you’ve done them wrong, or the group you are a part of is ideologically opposed to what they stand for. Regardless, all Social rolls when interacting with that group are made at +1 difficulty. You may not be a member of this group when you first take this Merit, although you can become recruited (or rerecruited) by them during play at the Storyteller’s discretion. You may take this Merit multiple times for different groups, each with the Storyteller’s approval. Twisted Upbringing

Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Any except Mortal Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Unconvinced

Cost: -1 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 485 Albino

Cost: -2 Category: Physical Available to: Any except Vampire Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 74


Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Beacon of the Unholy

Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Mage, Wraith, Hunter, or Mortal Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494 Bizarre Quality

Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Wraith or Mortal Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 188 Bound

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 Catspaw

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 490 Construct

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Mortal, Hunter, Demon, or Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 647 Curiosity

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180


Eerie Presence


Escaped Target

Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Mage, Mortal, or Werewolf Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 494-495 Cost: -2 to -3 Category: Social Available to: Any A disfigurement makes your appearance disturbing and memorable. When in the presence of those who judge based on appearances, the difficulties of die rolls relating to social interaction are increased by two. You may not have an Appearance rating greater than 2. As a three-point Flaw your deformity also raises the difficulty by +2 for rolls of one chosen Physical Attribute, as your deformity afflicts your mobility. Derangement

Cost: -2 to -5 Category: Mental Available to: Any You have some sort of mental illness, such as PTSD, ADHD, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, dissociative identity disorder, etc. Work with your storyteller to determine its game effects and how many Freebie Points it is worth. (Note: You cannot use this Flaw for Sociopathy, as that is achieved by having zero dots in Compassion.) Hunter: The Reckoning, pg. 203-205 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 485 Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 648-650

Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Mortal Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 495 Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any except Mortal You had targeted a mortal (or monster in the case of Hunters) for death or conversion, but someone else got there first. You cannot stand the humiliation of being cheated of your prize, and fly into a rage (+2 difficulty to avoid frenzy) whenever you see the one who got away or the one who took them. This hatred may lead you into other irrational behaviors as well. Furthermore, your petty and irrational behavior is well-known and quite noticeable, and as a result you are at +1 difficulty on all Charisma rolls until the situation is resolved. Failure

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 491 Foul Mouth

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185

Dulled Bite

Fourteenth Generation

Echoes [Changeling]


Cost: -2 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Cost: -2 to -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 188

Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481

Infectious Bite

Cost: -2 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Intolerant

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185 Loathsome Regnant

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 492 Lord of the Flies

Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire, Demon, or Mummy Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 495 Lunacy

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Vampire or Werewolf Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Mark of the Predator

Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Hunter, Vampire, or Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Masquerade Breaker

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 491 Old Flame

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 491 Open Wound

Cost: -2 or -4 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire, Demon, or Mummy Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482 Pack Mentality

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 477

Persistent Parents

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any except Wraith Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Your character must have good reason to not want to be found to take this Flaw. Possessive

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185 Recruitment Target

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185 Rival Sires

Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 491-492 Short Fuse

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 478 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Shrinking Violet

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185 Stereotype

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Any except Mortal Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Territorial

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Vampire or Werewolf Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 478 Thirst for Innocence

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Vampire or Werewolf Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486


Too Human

Can't Cross Running Water



Cost: -2 or -5 Category: Physical Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 179 Cost: -2 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 492 Vengeful

Cost: -2 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 478 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180 Vulnerability to Silver

Cost: -3 Category: Physical Available to: Any Regardless of your chronological age, you have the body of a young child (between five and ten years old), leaving your Physical Attributes underdeveloped and making it difficult to interact with some aspects of mortal society. You may not have more than two dots in Strength or Stamina at character creation, and the difficulties of all die rolls when attempting to direct or lead mortal adults are increased by +2. Characters with this Flaw should also take the Short Flaw. Diminished [Attribute]

Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Mortal, Mage, Hunter, or Werewolf Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482 Werewolves cannot take this Flaw as they already have this effect.

Cost: -3 Category: Physical, Social, or Mental Available to: Any Each time you take this Flaw, you lose one of your starting Attribute dots. This can bring an Attribute to zero. Note that Attributes at zero usually present as obvious impairment or deformity, and will make you stand out as clearly disabled.


Disgrace to the Blood

Cost: -2 or +4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling or Demon Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 188 If you are a Demon, your Apocalyptic Form must have Wings in order to take this Merit or Flaw. Anachronism

Cost: -3 Category: Mental Available to: Changeling, Demon, or Mummy Something went wrong during your Chrysalis, Possession, or Joining, and your mortal psyche was lost or destroyed in the process. You have no memories of your human life, and have awoken in a strange far-future world that is completely alien to you. To have any memories at all, you must use the Remembrance Background, and those memories will only be from your spirit's former life. At character creation you may only put points into abilities that your spirit self would be familiar with (you may have no points in Computers, Technology, or Firearms, for instance). Also, at character creation no ability may have a higher rating than your Remembrance Background (minimum 1). The Ability Deficit Flaw would be an appropriate complement to this. You can increase your skills - including modern ones with practice and experience points. You also have difficulty pretending to be whoever you appear to be, as you have no memory of them, resulting in possible trouble with ties from their life. You must have the Amnesia Flaw to take this Flaw.


Cost: -3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire or Demon Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 495

Cost: -3 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 492 Double Jeopardy

Cost: -3 Category: Physical Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 474 Driving Goal

Cost: -3 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 478 Fallen Leader

Cost: -3 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 492 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185 Haunted

Cost: -3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 495 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 188-189


Cost: -3 Category: Mental Available to: Any You can’t seem to make up your mind fast enough; it takes you a while to sort through all your options, examine the pros and cons, and then decide which is the best decision. You must make a Willpower roll whenever your character must make a decision, otherwise you remain undecided. Iron Allergy

Permanent Wound

Cost: -3 or -6 Category: Physical Available to: Any You always rise from sleep with at least three levels of Lethal damage, though this may be healed in any of the normal ways. This Flaw is worth 6 points if you have no method of healing yourself, otherwise it is worth 3. Pierced Veil

Cost: -3 to -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 189

Cost: -3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf or Changeling Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 188


Ra's Rest

Cost: -3 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 474 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 179 Lazy

Cost: -3 Category: Mental Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482 Lesser Resurrection

Cost: -3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Mummy Mummy: The Resurrection, pg. 69-70 Lifesaver

Cost: -3 Category: Mental Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 182 Low Pain Tolerance

Cost: -3 Category: Physical Available to: Any Pain affects you significantly worse than others. The dice penalty for each of your Health Levels is increased by one level. Effectively, you have no Bruised health level and two Incapacitated health levels.

Cost: -3 or -1 Category: Supernatural Available to: Mummy Mummy: The Resurrection, pg. 70 Repelled by Crosses

Cost: -3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Mortal, Mage, or Hunter Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 495 Sleeping With the Enemy

Cost: -3 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 492 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185 Slow Healing

Cost: -3 Category: Physical Available to: Any You have difficulty healing wounds. Healing magic is half as effective or twice as expensive to use on you, and all natural healing times are doubled. Victim of the Veil

Cost: -3 Category: Mental Available to: Any except Wraith, Hunter, or Mortal Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Ward

Cost: -3 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 492

Cost: -3 Category: Social Available to: Any You are devoted to someone else's protection. Wards get caught up in the action of stories, and they’re frequent catalysts for dangerous situations.

One Arm



Cost: -3 Category: Physical Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 474

Cost: -3 Category: Mental Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 182

Conspicuous Consumption

Thin Blood

Disease Carrier

Touch of Death

Cost: -4 Category: Mental Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 486 Cost: -4 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Fifteenth Generation

Cost: -4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 481 Grip of the Damned

Cost: -4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 495 Guilt-Wracked

Cost: -4 Category: Mental Available to: Any Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 182 Metis Child

Cost: -4 Category: Social Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 482 Mute

Cost: -4 Category: Physical Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 474 On Probation

Cost: -4 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 185 Overextended

Cost: -4 Category: Social Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 492 Parfum de Goat

Cost: -4 Category: Social Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 180

Cost: -4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Cost: -4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Demon, Mummy, Wraith, or Vampire You are undead, and as such the power of death resides in you and bleeds from you. Simple living things, such as plants and insects, wither and die at your touch. Hardier creatures also suffer damage, taking one bashing damage for every hour after the first in which they remain in contact with you. The injured and ill cannot heal naturally in your presence, and magical healing costs one extra (Blood, Faith, etc) point if bought or is at +2 difficulty if rolled when within three yards of you. You can heal yourself normally, but if others try to heal you the increased cost or difficulty applies. Mummy: The Resurrection, pg. 70 Ability Deficit

Cost: -5 Category: Mental Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 478 Chimerical Magnet

Cost: -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 189 Dark Fate

Cost: -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 495 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 189 Flesh of the Corpse

Cost: -5 Category: Physical Available to: Vampire, Demon, or Mummy Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 483 Infertile Vitae

Cost: -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 Laughingstock

Cost: -5 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493


Venus Rising

Light Sensitive

Venus Midsky

Psychic Vampire

Venus Descending

Sidhe's Curse

Mars Rising

Red List

Mars Midsky

Taint of Corruption

Mars Descending

Planetary Aspects

Jupiter Rising

Cost: -5 or -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Mummy Mummy: The Resurrection, pg. 70 Cost: -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 495 Cost: -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 189 Cost: -5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 189 Cost: -7 Category: Social Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 493 Cost: -7 Category: Supernatural Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 484 You may only have one of these, as it represents the astrology of your birth. Mercury Rising

Cost: 3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 28 Mercury Midsky

Cost: 2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 28 Mercury Descending

Cost: -3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29

Cost: 4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29 Cost: 3 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29 Cost: -2 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29 Cost: 6 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29 Cost: 5 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire or Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29 Cost: -6 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29 Cost: 7 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any except Mortal Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29 Jupiter Midsky

Cost: 4 Category: Supernatural Available to: Vampire or Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29 Jupiter Descending

Cost: -6 Category: Supernatural Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; Player's Guide (1e), pg. 29



t Storyteller discretion, any of these Backgrounds can be waived and just made part of a good backstory without requiring points to be spent on them. For example, if you were a lifeguard or a teacher, the Storyteller might allow you to start with the necessary documentation for that without needing to spend points on Certification, or they could allow you to have a relationship with your mortal family without needing to spend points on Kinfolk. Where the text, cost, or availability of a Background differs here from its sourcebook, use the one listed here. Where a Background refers to something specific to its sourcebook's supernatural type but is available to other supernaturals, transliterate it to the equivalent for your own supernatural type (Werewolf Tribe to Vampire Clan, etc).

Note: Unless you are a Mage or a Mummy, this Background is called Innocuous, its rating is capped at 3, and you must have exactly Appearance 2 to take it. If your Appearance ever changes, you lose the benefits of this Background until your Appearance becomes 2 again. Photos and video of you are not magically blurred or lost, you just look so generic that they could be of anyone. X You’re as obvious as anybody else. • You blend into crowds. •• Your presence slides out of memory. ••• You’re that person no one easily recalls. •••• Records, pictures, even memories of you are few and hard to find. ••••• You’re like a ghost in this world, known only to the folks you choose to trust.


Available to: Any except Wraith Hunter: The Reckoning, pg. 120-121 (Note: This Background costs double dots for anyone other than Hunters.)

Available to: Any You have another character who joins you on your adventures. They are effectively your sidekick, even if they are technically more powerful than you. This Background is not used for other Player Characters, it always represents an NPC. The Storyteller decides at the start of the chronicle whether Allies will be controlled by their players or by the Storyteller, and how many Allies each character will be allowed (this may be zero). Note that Allies may never take this Background. X No allies. You rely on your fellow players for support. • A mortal of moderate influence and power. •• A supernatural creature of the same type as you. ••• A supernatural creature of any type. •••• A supernatural creature of any type with an extra 15 Freebie Points to spend. ••••• A supernatural creature of any type with an extra 30 Freebie Points to spend. The Storyteller decides at the beginning of the Chronicle from among the following options: Allies earn EXP as if they were player characters. Allies earn half as much EXP as player characters. Players may divide their EXP among their main character and their Allies. Allies do not earn EXP. Alternate Identity

Available to: Any except Wraith Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 111 Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 304-305 Ancestors

Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 136 Arcane / Cloaking / Innocuous

Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 305 Mummy: The Resurrection, pg. 64



Available to: Wraith Wraith: The Oblivion; 20th Anniversary, pg. 142

Avatar / Genius





Destiny / Fate

Black Hand Membership



Dream / Hypercram

Bystanders / Kinfolk / Cult


Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 305-306 Available to: Mummy Mummy: The Resurrection, pg. 64 Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 306-307 Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 111-112 Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 307-308 Available to: Any except Mortal Hunter: The Reckoning, pg. 121 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 138 Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 310 Where Contacts are mortals who are useful to you who know basically nothing about you, this Background represents mortals who know exactly what you are, and help you anyway. Bystanders are those who were there at a Hunter's awakening, but were not themselves imbued. Kinfolk are humans who have Werewolf relatives. Cult are believers in a Mage who assist them in ther magick with their belief. Other supernaturals have other names for these people, but in every case they are normal people with normal lives who are in on the secret of who and what you are. They do not generally have any special skills or knowledge; this is used to represent family, friends, or other social support network. They might cover for you or offer moral support; at most they might give you a place to lay low for a few days. Mages can use their belief to assist in magick, and they make good Pact targets for Demons. (Note: This Background gives half as many people (round down) for Hunters and Wraiths.) X None. • 3-7 people. •• 8-12 people. ••• 13-17 people. •••• 18-22 people. ••••• 23-30 people. Certification

Available to: Any except Wraith Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 308 Chantry / Construct

Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 308-309 Chimera

Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 169

Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 309 Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 310-311 Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 311-312 Available to: Any Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 112-113 Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 312 Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 169 Eidolon

Available to: Wraith Wraith: The Oblivion; 20th Anniversary, pg. 143 Enhancement

Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 312-313 Exposure

Available to: Any Hunter: The Reckoning, pg. 122 Fame / Notoriety

Available to: Any You have a measure of fame in mortal society, possibly as a performer, athlete, politician or other sort of public personality. On one hand, fame gives you power and influence in mortal society. You can get away with a lot when you’re famous, and people tend to defer to you. On the other hand, it is difficult for you to go places without being recognized, and anything unusual about you is more likely to be noticed (although not necessarily in a bad way — the famous are expected to be eccentric). The Storyteller may reduce the difficulty of some Social rolls when you’re dealing with particularly star-struck fans or the like. Usually this Background is used to represent how well known you are in the mortal world, but optionally it can be used to represent how well known you are among supernaturals of your type. Wraiths may only use this Background in this second way. You may not have more dots in mortal-world Fame than you have in Resources. X Nobody: You're nobody special as far as the masses are concerned. • Popularity: You are a big deal in your high school or neighborhood. You have a peculiar vehicle that people around town recognize, you are a pastor at a medium-to-large church, you were once the star of the high school football team.

•• Notoriety: You are recognized and/or well-known within certain circles. Maybe you’re a preeminent lepidopterist whom all the other lepidopterists idolize. Or you could be the mayor or meteorologist in a medium-sized city. You might be one of the 1.1 million living people who has a Wikipedia page. ••• Working-Class Fame: A lot of people know who you are and they are distributed around the world. There’s a good chance that a stranger will approach you to say hi at the grocery store. You are a professional sports player, musician, author, actor, television host, or internet personality. You might still have to hustle to make a living, but your fame is your job. You’ll probably trend on Twitter if you die. There are probably about 30,000 Tier 3 Celebrities in America. •••• True Fame: You get recognized by fans enough that it is a legitimate burden. People take pictures of you without your permission, and no one would scoff if you called yourself a celebrity. When you start dating someone, you wouldn’t be surprised to read about it in magazines. You are a performer, politician, host, or actor whom the majority of people in your country would recognize. Your humanity is so degraded that people are legitimately surprised when they find out that you’re “just like them” because, sometimes, you buy food. You never have to worry about money again, but you do need a gate with an intercom on your driveway. At any given time, there are probably fewer than 500 Tier 4 Celebrities in the world. ••••• Divinity: You are known by every person in your world, and you are such a big deal that they no longer consider you a person. Your story is much larger than can be contained within any human lifetime, and your memory will continue long after your earthly form wastes away. You are a founding father of a nation, a creator of a religion, an emperor, or an idea. There have been fewer than 100 Tier 5 Celebrities ever, and very few achieved this status while alive.

Familiar / Companion

Available to: Any You have a supernaturally enhanced animal companion of some kind. A Mage might have an intelligent owl, a Changeling could have a Chimerical flying toad, a Mummy could have the spirit of the cat she was buried with. Work with your Storyteller to build your animal companion; the Mage and Mummy books have rules for Familiars/Companions and the Changeling book has rules for Chimerical creatures, use those rules as a baseline for designing familiars for other supernatural types. Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 314-316 Mummy: The Resurrection, pg. 64-65 Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 171 X No special pets. • Your Companion has access to a few scattered bits of helpful information. •• You’ve got a pretty cool Companion. ••• A magnificent Companion is loyal to you. •••• You’re favored with the presence (if not always the good behavior) of a smart and miraculous creature. ••••• Your Familiar probably knows more than you do, can be quite demanding, and has a very outspoken personality. Followers / Retinue / Retainers

Available to: Any Followers are servants, worshippers or even loyal hirelings working for you. They answer to you due to loyalty, magical control, or mundane manipulation. They’ll follow your command to the best of their ability, though some would betray you if the opportunity presented itself, especially if you mistreat them or if they are bound to you against their will. Followers that are ignored or mistreated will eventually leave in search of greener pastures. Followers that are treated well will tend to remain loyal, although they still have their own goals and personalities. You and the Storyteller should work together to describe any followers you have and why they follow you. This Background can be used for Followers / Retinue, who come with you, or Retainers, who stay behind and take care of things in your absence. X No followers — you rely on your party for support. • One follower of moderate power, or two minor sidekicks. •• Two moderate followers, four sidekicks, or a single, more powerful one. ••• Three moderate followers, or a combination of lesser and greater ones. •••• Four moderate followers, six minor sidekicks, or a combination of all three types. ••••• Five moderate followers, or an assortment of lesser and greater ones. ••••• • Six moderate followers, a small gang of sidekicks, or one or two really powerful friends. ••••• •• Seven moderate followers, a staff of sidekicks, or a handful of strong companions. ••••• ••• Eight moderate followers, a bunch of followers, or a few major badasses. ••••• •••• Nine moderate followers, a private militia, or a pack of major friends. ••••• •••••Ten capable followers, a small army, or a truly deadly gang.


Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 114, 270 Ratings higher than 5 may only be taken with Storyteller approval. X Thirteenth Generation: 10 max blood pool, can spend 1 blood point per turn • Twelfth Generation: 11 max blood pool, can spend 1 blood point per turn •• Eleventh Generation: 12 max blood pool, can spend 1 blood point per turn ••• Tenth Generation: 13 max blood pool, can spend 1 blood point per turn •••• Ninth Generation: 14 max blood pool, can spend 2 blood points per turn ••••• Eighth Generation: 15 max blood pool, can spend 3 blood points per turn ••••• • Seventh Generation: 16 max blood pool, can spend 4 blood points per turn ••••• •• Sixth Generation: 17 max blood pool, can spend 5 blood points per turn ••••• ••• Fifth Generation: 18 max blood pool, can spend 6 blood points per turn ••••• •••• Fourth Generation: 19 max blood pool, can spend 7 blood points per turn ••••• ••••• Antediluvian: 20 max blood pool, can spend 8 blood points per turn

Once per game session, if you are near the Legacy, roll this Background's rating. On a success, you regain that many points of Corpus or Quintessence, or one point of Sekhem, Faith, or Glamour. (Obviously, you may only gain points in traits you actually have.) If your character's legacy is ever destroyed or forgotten, you lose this Background. Mages do not usually have actual past lives, but those with this Background evoke a figure of legend on a primal level, seeming to be the reincarnation of King Arthur, Sun Tzu, Babe Ruth, Elvis, Little Red Riding Hood, Batman, Grumpy Cat, etc., and that Legend serves as your Legacy. X No trace of your past lives remain. • Your legacy is a small item - a piece of jewelry, a painting, or the like - that is on display in a museum or a private collection. •• Your legacy is of strong interest to a particular group of people. ••• People see your legacy every day, such as an entire park dedicated to your honor. •••• Your legacy is known world-wide; you designed the Eiffel Tower, built the Great Pyramid, or carved the Grand Canyon. ••••• An important idea in modern life is attributed to you. Perhaps you founded a religion or a political movement, or made a scientific discovery. Library


Available to: Any except Wraith Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 318


Available to: Wraith Wraith: The Oblivion; 20th Anniversary, pg. 144


Available to: Any except Mortal Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 318-319


Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 319-320

Available to: Wraith Wraith: The Oblivion; 20th Anniversary, pg. 143 Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 114 Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 169-170 Available to: Any except Wraith Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 114-115 Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 316-317 Ka

Available to: Mummy Mummy: The Ressurection, pg. 65-66 Legacy / Legend

Available to: Mage, Demon, Mummy, Changeling, or Wraith You left some significant mark on the world in your previous life from which you still draw strength. It might be a structure, a great historical deed, or even an idea. It could be a painting of you hanging in an art gallery, a mummified cat that was buried with you and is now sitting in a museum, or a canyon that was the site of your greatest prehistoric battle and is now a tourist attraction. To receive the benefit of this Background, the Legacy must still exist, and it must be remembered by mortals (not just supernaturals).

Memoriam Mentor Node

Notable Heritage / Pure Breed

Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 138, 480 Your direct family line is particularly renowned, either in supernatural society or in the human world. You must choose (with your Storyteller’s approval) which world your heritage relates to, and detail your family line accordingly. This Background may give bonus dice or difficulty reduction to various related rolls at Storyteller discretion. You are expected to live up to your lineage’s reputation. If you fail to do so, you may find this Background dwindling over time as stories of your own failings begin to outweigh the high regard your family receives. X You have no notable lineage. • You have your father’s eyes. •• Your grandfather made a name for himself in a famous battle, and you carry that name with pride. ••• Your pedigree is widely known and well respected. •••• You could dress in rags and still command respect. ••••• The greatest of heroes live on in you. Pacts

Available to: Demon Demon: The Fallen, pg. 156-157 X You have no established pacts, and must gain Faith through Revelations. • One established pact (1 Faith every 24 hours). •• Two established pacts (1 Faith every 12 hours). ••• Three established pacts (1 Faith every 8 hours). •••• Four established pacts (1 Faith every 6 hours). ••••• Five established pacts (1 Faith every 5 hours). ••••• • Six established pacts (1 Faith every 4 hours). ••••• •• Seven or eight pacts (1 Faith every 3 hours). ••••• ••• Nine to twelve pacts (1 Faith every 2 hours). ••••• •••• Thirteen to twenty-four pacts (1 Faith every hour). ••••• ••••• Twenty-five or more pacts (1 Faith / 30 minutes). Paragon

Available to: Demon Demon: The Fallen, pg. 157 Patron

Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 320-321 Rank

Available to: Any except Wraith Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 321 Relic

Available to: Wraith Wraith: The Oblivion; 20th Anniversary, pg. 145-146 Remembrance / Past Lives

Available to: Any Changelings, Mummies, and Demons are supernatural spirits inhabiting the body and mind of a mortal human. You can automatically access all the memories of the human you are inhabiting, but the memories of your own immortal spirit are more ephemeral. The Remembrance Background allows

access to the memories of the intangible spirit that makes up your supernatural being. For other Types, this Background is called Past Lives, and represents human lives lived generations ago before being reincarnated as you. X You know your name and what you are, but you remember nothing of your existence before waking in this human body. • You have hazy memories when triggered by an event. •• You gain accurate information with a reminder. ••• You experience relevant flashbacks even without a reminder. •••• You remember remarkable information, including major events. ••••• You clearly remember large swaths of your history including entire lifetimes.








Wonder (Device / Fetish / Talisman / Etc.)

Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 321-322 Available to: Any except Wraith Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 322-323 Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 139 Available to: Vampire Vampire: The Masquerade; 20th Anniversary, pg. 117 Sanctum / Laboratory

Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 323-324 Secret Weapons

Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 325 Spies

Available to: Any Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 325 Spirit Heritage

Available to: Any Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 139 Status / Title / Eminence

Available to: Any except Mortal You have a position of significant standing (earned or unearned) among supernaturals of your type. You may have occasion to roll your Status in conjunction with a Social Trait; this reflects the positive effects of your prestige. X You are a commoner. • You are the equivalent of a squire, squiress, or esquire. •• You are the equivalent of a knight or dame. ••• You are the equivalent of a baron or baroness. •••• You are the equivalent of a count or countess. ••••• You are the equivalent of a duke or duchess. ••••• • You are the equivalent of a lord or lady. ••••• •• You are the equivalent of a prince or princess. ••••• ••• You are the equivalent of a king or queen. ••••• •••• You are the equivalent of an emperor or empress. ••••• ••••• You are the equivalent of a god or goddess. Tomb

Available to: Mummy Mummy: The Ressurection, pg. 66-67 Totem [Mage]

Available to: Mage Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 326-328 Totem [Werewolf]

Available to: Werewolf Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 140

Available to: Changeling Changeling: The Dreaming; 20th Anniversary, pg. 171 Available to: Mummy Mummy: The Ressurection, pg. 67 Available to: Hunter Hunter: The Reckoning, pg. 124 Available to: Any A wonder by any name is still as sweet… and you have one. What’s a Wonder? Perhaps it’s a mystic Talisman imbued with magickal power; a Fetish whose strange properties come from a spirit bound within its form; or a Technocratic or weird-science Device, shaped by Enlightened Science into something that transcends mortal technology. Mage: The Ascension; 20th Anniversary, pg. 328 Werewolf: The Apocalypse; 20th Anniversary, pg. 137-138 X No items of power. • A Wonder with one small power – that is, a Wonder worth 1-3 points. •• A Wonder with one or two powers, probably with some Quintessence and an Arete of its own. (4-6 points.) ••• A Wonder with a few notable powers or one respectable one. (7-9 points.) •••• A Wonder with impressive powers or a powerful Effect. (10-12 points.) ••••• A Wonder with mighty powers or a single devastating Effect. (13-15 points.)


Archetypes / Legacies

hangelings must choose one Seelie Legacy and one Unseelie Legacy. Everyone else must choose one Archetype to be their Nature (who they are inside) and one Archetype to be their Demeanor (how they behave around others) (these can be the same Archetype if you wish) ("Legacy" and "Archetype" are interchangeable terms in this context). In all cases, you gain a point of Willpower when you act on either of your Quests, and must spend a point of Willpower to act against either of your Bans.

Seelie Legacies Activist

You try to fix a broken world. Quest: Confront abuse, right wrongs, or reveal an actual conspiracy and, by doing so, bring it down. Ban: Never let an abuse of power go unchallenged. Architect


You love setting trends and getting attention. Quest: Solidify your social standing, or rise higher. Ban: Never pass up the chance to make yourself look good or impress a superior. Guru

People find you spiritually compelling. Quest: Guide yourself or another to a spiritually enlightened action or epiphany. Ban: Never focus on the physical when there is a spiritual side available. Hermit

A recluse at heart, you’d rather be left alone. Quest: Discover the solution to a problem all on your own through thoughtful introspection. Ban: Never chat idly. Speak only if you have unique insight and the situation is dire.

You want to build something lasting. Quest: Create something that will endure. Ban: Never pass up an opportunity to improve something with your personal touch.


If it's not new and exciting, you're not interested. Quest: Find a new approach to something old. Ban: Never do something in an older way when a newer way is available.


Life is a banquet, and you intend to feast. Quest: Truly enjoy yourself and share your joy with others. Ban: Never turn down an opportunity for pleasure.

Humor is your weapon and your shield in life. Quest: Lift others’ spirits or deny your own pain through humor. Ban: Never endure a serious situation without cracking a joke.


Bon Vivant


Common sense and plain dealing are your way. Quest: Overcome adversity with a practical solution. Ban: Always use logic and common sense. Caregiver

You seek to alleviate the suffering of others, even when it costs you. Quest: Protect others from harm or alleviate others' suffering. Ban: Never knowingly cause distress or harm to anyone (other than a sworn enemy).

A greater Truth awaits us, and you know what it is. Quest: Achieve a goal in the name of a higher ideal (love, friendship, romance, etc.). Ban: Never hide your feelings. Your imagination drives progress forward. Quest: Inspire a helpful new breakthrough. Ban: Never accept that something cannot be done. Jester


You work to improve the system from within. Quest: Use careful and systematic reasoning to solve a problem. Ban: Never break with the established methods of problem solving. Martyr


You were made to suffer for the benefit of others. Quest: Sacrifice yourself for your ideals, or for the good of someone else. Ban: Never avoid pain merely for its own sake.


You believe an agreement can always be reached. Quest: Convince others to compromise. Ban: Never be the one to initiate combat.

You live for the challenge of proving your skill. Quest: Overcome a truly challenging obstacle. Ban: Never refuse a fair challenge. The whirl of politics and intrigue excites you. Quest: Maintain social peace and harmony. Ban: Never purposefully cause disharmony.



Purity and delicacy have a beauty all their own. Quest: Keep your innocence and sense of wellbeing intact through a frightening situation. Ban: Never reveal yourself to anyone or trust anyone except your closest friends.


Making others happy brings you joy. Quest: Make someone happy, but keep them unaware of the part you played in it. Ban: Never purposefully do anything to make someone unhappy (other than a sworn enemy). Penitent

You have sinned and must redeem yourself. Quest: Make a significant step toward redemption. Ban: Never commit an act of evil. Prophet

Your life's work is to speak the truth. Quest: Inspire a successful change by speaking truth to power. Ban: Never knowingly say anything untrue. Regent

Some are born to rule, and you always take charge. Quest: Resolve a situation with your strength or leadership. Ban: Never avoid your duty or compromise the laws by which you live. Sage

Wisdom is good, but it’s even better when it’s shared. Quest: Give someone advice that helps them succeed. Ban: Never impede anyone’s chosen course of action (except a sworn enemy). Scientist

Everything is a puzzle to solve. Quest: Gather information logically and systematically, and use it in another similar situation. Ban: Never accept a solution based in emotion or guesswork.


Why stay put when there’s so much to see out there? Quest: Survive a truly dangerous situation by your own wits. Ban: Never plan for the future.

Unseelie Legacies Addict

There’s something you’ve just got to have, no matter what. Quest: Give in to your addiction and sate it. Ban: Never resist your addiction. Beast

Nobody ever disobeys you twice. Quest: Remove opposition to your goals. Ban: Never retreat; never forfeit that which is yours. Bravo

Might makes right, and you’re always right. Quest: Achieve success through the application of force. Ban: Never cave to superior force. Capitalist

Why give it away when you can sell it? Quest: Make a successful "sale" of any commodity (physical items or intangibles like favors). Ban: If you're good at something, never do it for free. Chameleon

You manage to blend in to any situation. Quest: Fool someone into thinking you’re someone else for your own (or your party's) benefit. Ban: Never draw attention to yourself. Child / Conniver


Won't someone take care of me? / Why work hard when you can get others to do it for you? Quest: Convince someone else to care for you or help satisfy your needs without any reward. Ban: Never do for yourself what you could get someone else to do for you instead.


Nothing's perfect, and that's just not good enough for you. Quest: Point out a flaw that would have been harmful had it gone undetected. Ban: Never suffer in silence.


You follow orders, but in your own way. Quest: Achieve your orders' directives. Ban: Never disobey a direct order. You are a natural sidekick, the perfect right hand. Quest: Be vital to an accomplishment, but take no credit for your role. Ban: Never contradict or undermine your hero. You can handle anything life throws at you. Quest: Endure hardship, or encourage others to do the same. Ban: Never give in to adversity. Traditionalist

The way it’s always been done is good enough for you. Quest: Succeed at a task in the time-honored way. Ban: Never do something in a newer way when an older way is available. Visionary

You see the potential in things, the way they could be. Quest: Inspire others to follow their dreams or ideals. Ban: Never accept that something cannot be done.



What a rush! You’re all about finding the next big thrill. Quest: Succeed at a dangerous task you have deliberately undertaken. Ban: Never turn down a dare. Deviant

Rules only get in the way of getting what you want. Quest: Commit a selfish act that shakes up the status quo. Ban: Never do anything that helps others more than you. Fatalist

Nothing matters; why can’t anyone else see that? Quest: Warn others of doom that comes to pass. Ban: Never laugh except in bitterness, sarcasm, or schadenfreude.


Don’t take life too seriously, no matter what. Quest: Deflate an overblown ego or knock the self-righteous down a peg. Ban: Never search for the “whys” in life; there are none. Gambler

You’ll to risk everything on a chance for something better. Quest: Take a chance and come out ahead. Ban: Never turn down a long shot because of the odds. Grotesque


Down with the system! Authority must be challenged. Quest: Successfully weaken authority. Ban: Never obey a direct order. Riddler

Wisdom shouldn't be easily earned, so you tease and test. Quest: Confuse or mislead someone. Ban: Never allow anyone to discover the truth about you. Ringleader

You love the thrill of shocking and appalling others. Quest: Cause someone to falter or lose their composure. Ban: Never willingly conform to polite society.

You’re the boss, and you make damn sure everyone knows it. Quest: Use your followers to accomplish your goal. Ban: Never allow any one person to threaten your organization or goals.

You upgrade things by taking them apart. Quest: Puzzle out a way to improve something that was supposedly designed well to begin with. Ban: Never accept that an obstacle cannot be overcome.

It's all about you. Quest: Achieve something others think you don’t deserve. Ban: Never choose work over pleasure.



A pusher to the end, you love to see how far others will go. Quest: Convince others to do something they oppose, but then enjoy. Ban: Never shelter anyone from the harsh truths of life. Machine



You delight in suffering and pain. Quest: Commit a terrible act of evil. Ban: Never help someone else unless doing so helps you even more. Savage

Weakness is for lesser beings. Quest: Transcend the limits of mere flesh, bone, and steel. Ban: Never succumb to physical weakness.

The natural order reveals who is truly worthy. Quest: Through your own cunning and might, conquer foes who believe their culture is superior to wildness. Ban: Never indulge in civilized folly.

You invert order to reveal greater truths. Quest: Invert expectations to lead folks to realize how false those expectations had been. Ban: Never conform to standard expectations.

The inferior must be destroyed. Quest: Drop more bodies than anyone else did in an encounter. Ban: Never acknowledge another's superiority.

Mad Scientist


You test the limits of pain and endurance. Quest: Suffer in a way you never have before. Ban: Never avoid pain merely for its own sake. Monster

You crave the fear of others. Quest: Cause others to recoil from you in horror. Ban: Never allow someone to find you endearing. Pandora

You live to uncover secrets, even if it’s a dangerous idea. Quest: Overcome a situation you created by doing what you were warned against. Ban: Never keep a secret. Peacock

Everyone just needs to realize you’re the best. Quest: Truly impress someone. Ban: Never admit failure or fault. Rake

Your appetites will never be sated, but you do love to try. Quest: Succeed in your pursuit of pleasure. Ban: Never part with anything without either hope of reward or a hard fight.



You find comfort in knowing you are the lowest of the low. Quest: Make others vilify you as worthless, or despair of ever getting through to you. Ban: Never accept praise.

Character Sheets


he wonderful Chris "MrGone" Leland worked with me to make Character Sheets for these Mixed Game Rules. You can find his products on Storytellers Vault here. Every character uses the first two sheets (labeled "Classic World of Darkness" in big letters at the top) as a "Main Sheet". Each supernatural type has its own "Add-On Sheet" to use in conjunction with the Main Sheet. If your character is a Mortal, you don't use an Add-On Sheet. If your character is somehow multiple supernatural types at once (a Werewolf who has also awakened as a Mage, for instance), you can use multiple Add-On Sheets to represent this.


World Of Darkness Name:






Physical Strength___________OOOOO Dexterity___________ OOOOO Stamina___________OOOOO Talents Alertness___________ OOOOO Athletics___________OOOOO Brawl_____________OOOOO Dodge_____________ OOOOO Empathy___________ OOOOO Expression__________ OOOOO Fortitude___________ OOOOO Intimidation_________ OOOOO Intuition___________ OOOOO Kenning___________OOOOO Leadership___________ OOOOO Streetwise___________ OOOOO Subterfuge__________ OOOOO Other Traits _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO


Social Charisma___________ OOOOO Manipulation________ OOOOO Appearance_________ OOOOO


Skills Animal Ken_________ OOOOO Crafts_____________OOOOO Demolitions_________ OOOOO Drive______________ OOOOO Etiquette___________ OOOOO Firearms___________OOOOO Larceny___________OOOOO Meditation_________OOOOO Melee_____________OOOOO Performance________OOOOO Stealth____________OOOOO Survival___________OOOOO Technology_________OOOOO


Backgrounds _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO Willpower

OOOOOOOOOO ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨

Combat Weapon/Attack

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________


____ ____ ____ ____


____ ____ ____ ____


____ ____ ____ ____


____ ____ ____ ____


____ ____ ____ ____


____ ____ ____ ____

Mental Perception__________ OOOOO Intelligence___________ OOOOO Wits______________OOOOO Knowledges Academics__________ OOOOO Computer___________ OOOOO Cosmology__________ OOOOO Enigmas___________OOOOO Finance___________OOOOO Investigations________ OOOOO Linguistics__________ OOOOO Medicine___________ OOOOO Occult____________OOOOO Politics____________OOOOO Research___________OOOOO Religion___________OOOOO Science____________OOOOO Virtues

Compassion_________ OOOOO Conviction__________ OOOOO Temperance_________ OOOOO Valor_____________OOOOO

Health Bruised Hurt Injured Wounded Mauled Crippled Incapacitated

–1 –1 –2 –2 –5


¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨


World Of Darkness Merits & Flaws Merit

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ Flaw

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________


____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Bonus

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Other Traits _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO


Gear (Carried) _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Equipment (Owned) _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Vehicles _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Misc _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________


________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Age:____________________ Height:__________________ Hair:____________________ Weight:__________________ Eyes:____________________ Race:____________________ Gender:__________________ Nationality:_______________

Combat Weapon/Attack

_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


Classic World of Darkness

Name: Clan:

Humanity/Path __________________




_________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO





Other Traits Blood Pool

¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Blood Per Turn:_____


_________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO

Rituals Name

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Weakness _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO



_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO


_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Werewolf Classic World of Darkness

Name: Breed:









No Change

Strength(+2)_____ Stamina(+2)_____ Manipulation(– 2)__ Appearance(– 1)___

Strength(+3)_____ Dexterity(+2)____ Stamina(+3)_____ Manipulation(– 3)__

Strength(+1)_____ Dexterity(+2)____ Stamina(+2)_____ Manipulation(– 3)__

Difficulty: 6

Difficulty: 7

Strength(+4)_____ Dexterity(+1)____ Stamina(+3)_____ Manipulation(– 3)__ Appearance 0 Difficulty: 6 INCITE DELIRIUM IN HUMANS

Difficulty: 7

Difficulty: 6

+1 Die to Bite Damage

Other Traits


O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨


O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________



O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨


_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________



–2 Perception Diff.


O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨


O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Item:_______________ Level:___ Gnosis:___ Power:_____________________________ Item:_______________ Level:___ Gnosis:___ Power:_____________________________ Item:_______________ Level:___ Gnosis:___ Power:_____________________________ Item:_______________ Level:___ Gnosis:___ Power:_____________________________

Rites ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


Battle Scars:__________________________

Name:______________________________ Caern Location:________________________ Type:_______________________ Level:____ Totem:____________ Leader:____________

___________________________________ ___________________________________ Metis Deformity:_______________________ ___________________________________

Classic World of Darkness









Correspondence______ OOOOO Entropy___________OOOOO Forces_____________ OOOOO Life______________OOOOO Matter_____________ OOOOO Mind_____________OOOOO Prime_____________ OOOOO Spirit_____________OOOOO Time______________ OOOOO

Other Traits Arete


Quintessence •


Rotes _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Wonders ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Focus ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Familiar ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Grimoires ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Seekings ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Quiets ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Wraith Classic World of Darkness

Name: Life:





Other Traits




O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨


___________________________________________________________________OOOOO ___________________________________________________________________OOOOO ___________________________________________________________________OOOOO ___________________________________________________________________OOOOO ___________________________________________________________________OOOOO ___________________________________________________________________OOOOO


______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO


______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO


Psyche: Shadowguide Player:


Thorns Angst _______________________ O O O O O O O O O O _______________________ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Psyche Willpower _______________________ O O O O O O O O O O

Dark Passions _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO

Changeling Classic World of Darkness

Name: Player: Chronicle:

Kith: House: Seeming:


O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨

Other Traits Nightmare



______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO ______________________________ OOOOO Birthrights/Frailties _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Name

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________


_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨


Actor_________________________OOOOO Fae__________________________OOOOO Nature_________________________ OOOOO Prop__________________________ OOOOO Scene__________________________ OOOOO Time__________________________ OOOOO

Antithesis _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Chimerical Items

Court: Seelie Legacy: Unseelie Legacy:

Ravaging/Musing Threshold _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Chimerical Companions ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


Classic World of Darkness

Name: Amenti:






Other Traits



O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨


Amulets________________________ OOOOO Alchemy________________________ OOOOO Celestial_______________________OOOOO

Effigy__________________________ OOOOO Necromancy____________________OOOOO Nomenclature____________________ OOOOO

Spells/Rituals Name

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________


_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____


_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________



_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


Classic World of Darkness

Name: House:





Other Traits



O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨

O O O O O O O O O O ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨

_________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO


_________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO

_________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO _________________OOOOO

Apocalyptic Form

Low Torment Abilities _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

High Torment Abilities _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________



___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Appearance _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________


___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Pacts Name

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________


______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Offered Faith

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________


______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Offered Faith

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Hunter Classic World of Darkness

Name: Creed:



Primary Virtue:



Edges Name

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________



_________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO


______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________


___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Hunter Classic World of Darkness

Name: Creed:



Creed Virtue:


Edges Name

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________



_________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO _________________ OOOOO


______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________


___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________


_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________



Abilities ... 9-16 Ability Defecit (Flaw) ... 36 Academics (Knowledge) ... 14 Activist (Archetype) ... 44 Acute Senses (Merit)... 18 Addict (Archetype) ... 45 Addiction (Flaw) ... 26 Additional Discipline (Merit) ... 25 Additional Lore (Merit) ... 25 Ageless (Merit)... 18 Albino (Flaw) ... 31 Alertness (Talent) ... 9 Allergy (Flaw) ... 26 Ally (Background) ... 38 Alternate Identity (Background) ... 38 Ambidexterous (Merit)... 18 Amnesia (Flaw) ... 31 Anachronism (Flaw) ... 34 Ancestor Ally (Merit)... 18 Ancestors (Background) ... 38 Animal Ken (Skill) ... 12 Animal Magnetism (Merit) ... 21 Animal Musk (Flaw) ... 27 Animalistic Favor (Merit) ... 23 Appearance (Attribute) ... 8 Arcane (Background) ... 38 Archery (Skill) ... 14 Archetypes ... 44-46 Architect (Archetype) ... 44 Arsenal (Background) ... 38 Art (Skill) ... 12 Art Affinity (Merit) ... 25 Artifact (Background) ... 38 Asthma (Flaw) ... 27 Athletics (Talent) ... 9 Attributes ... 7-9 Avant-Garde (Archetype) ... 44 Avatar (Background) ... 39 Awareness (Talent) ... 10-11


Ba (Background) ... 39 Backgrounds ... 38-43 Backup (Background) ... 39 Bad Taste (Merit) ... 21 Banned Transformation (Flaw) ... 27 Bans ... 44-46 Bard's Tongue (Flaw) ... 27 Beacon of the Unholy (Flaw) ... 31 Beast (Archetype) ... 45 Berserker (Merit) ... 24 Bizarre Quality (Flaw) ... 31 Black Hand Member (Background) ... 39 Blessing (Background) ... 39 Blood of the Wolf (Merit) ... 24 Blush of Health (Merit) ... 21

Bon-Vivant (Archetype) ... 44 Boon (Merit)... 18 Botched Presentation (Flaw) ... 27 Bound (Flaw) ... 31 Bravo (Archetype) ... 45 Brawl (Talent) ... 9 Breadth of Experience (Merit) ... 25 Broken Bond (Merit) ... 24 Bruiser (Merit)... 18 Bullyboy (Merit) ... 21 Bumpkin (Archetype) ... 44 Bureaucracy (Knowledge) ... 16 Bystanders (Background) ... 39


Calm Heart (Merit) ... 23 Calming Presence (Merit)... 18 Can't Cross Running Water (Flaw) ... 34 Can't Hold Your Liquor (Flaw) ... 27 Capitalist (Archetype) ... 45 Caregiver (Archetype) ... 44 Cast No Reflection (Flaw) ... 27 Catspaw (Flaw) ... 31 Certification (Background) ... 39 Chameleon (Archetype) ... 45 Changeling: The Dreaming ... 4, 54 Chantry (Background) ... 39 Character Sheets ... 47-58 Charisma (Attribute) ... 7 Child (Archetype) ... 45 Child (Flaw) ... 34 Chimera (Background) ... 39 Chimerical Magnet (Flaw) ... 36 Clan Enmity (Flaw) ... 31 Clan Goodwill (Merit) ... 21 Cloaking (Background) ... 38 Code of Honor (Merit) ... 21 Cold Breeze (Flaw) ... 27 Coldly Logical (Merit)... 18 Combat ... 6 Common Sense (Merit)... 18 Companion (Background) ... 40 Compassion (Virtue) ... 17 Competitor (Archetype) ... 44 Computers (Knowledge) ... 14 Conniver (Archetype) ... 45 Conniver (Flaw) ... 27 Conscience (Virtue) ... 17 Conspicuous Consumption (Flaw) ... 36 Construct (Background) ... 39 Construct (Flaw) ... 31 Contacts (Background) ... 39 Conviction (Virtue) ... 17 Cosmology (Knowledge) ... 14-15 Courage (Virtue) ... 17 Courtier (Archetype) ... 44 Crack Shot (Merit) ... 21 Crafts (Skill) ... 12

Critic (Archetype) ... 45 Cult (Background) ... 39 Curiosity (Flaw) ... 31 Cursed (Flaw) ... 27


Damage ... 6 Dandy (Archetype) ... 44 Danger Sense (Merit) ... 21 Dangerous Mentor (Flaw) ... 28 Dare-Devil (Archetype) ... 45 Daredevil (Merit) ... 23 Dark Fate (Flaw) ... 36 Dark Secret (Flaw) ... 28 Deathsight (Flaw) ... 32 Deceptive Aura (Merit)... 18 Deep Sleeper (Flaw) ... 28 Deficient [Ability] (Flaw) ... 28 Deformed (Flaw) ... 32 Demesne (Background) ... 39 Demolitions (Skill) ... 12 Demon: The Fallen ... 4, 56 Derangement (Flaw) ... 32 Destiny (Background) ... 39 Deviant (Archetype) ... 45 Device (Background) ... 43 Dexterity (Attribute) ... 7 Dexterous Toes (Merit) ... 21 Dice and Rolling ... 5 Diminished [Attribute] (Flaw) ... 34 Diminished [Virtue] (Flaw) ... 28 Diminished [Willpower] (Flaw) ... 28 Disease Carrier (Flaw) ... 36 Disease Immunity (Merit) ... 23 Disgrace to the Blood (Flaw) ... 34 Demon: The Fallen ... 4 Docile (Flaw) ... 28 Dodge (Talent) ... 9 Domain (Background) ... 39 Double Jeopardy (Flaw) ... 34 Double-Jointed (Merit)... 18 Dream (Background) ... 39 Dreamers (Background) ... 39 Drive (Skill) ... 12 Driving Goal (Flaw) ... 34 Dulled Bite (Flaw) ... 32


Early Riser (Merit)... 18 Eat Food (Merit)... 19 Echoes [Changeling] (Flaw) ... 32 Echoes [Mage] (Flaw) ... 28 Eerie Presence (Flaw) ... 32 Efficient Digestion (Merit) ... 23 Eidetic Memory (Merit) ... 21 Eidetic Taste (Merit)... 19 Eidolon (Background) ... 39 Elysium Regular (Merit)... 19

Eminence (Background) ... 43 Empathy (Talent) ... 9-10 Enemy (Flaw) ... 28 Enhancement (Background) ... 39 Enigmas (Knowledge) ... 15 Escaped Target (Flaw) ... 32 Esoterica (Knowledge) ... 15-16 Etiquette (Skill) ... 12 Expendable (Flaw) ... 28 Exposure (Background) ... 39 Expression (Talent) ... 10


Fair Glabro (Merit) ... 21 Fake It (Merit) ... 23 Fallen Leader (Flaw) ... 34 Failure (Flaw) ... 32 Fame (Background) ... 39-40 Familiar (Background) ... 40 Family Support (Merit)... 19 Fascinating Gaze (Merit) ... 22 Fatalist (Archetype) ... 45 Fate (Background) ... 39 Favor (Merit) ... 18 Fetish (Background) ... 43 Fewer Backgrounds (Flaw) ... 28 Fifteenth Generation (Flaw) ... 36 Finance (Knowledge) ... 15 Firearms (Skill) ... 12 Flaws ... 26-37 Flesh of the Corpse (Flaw) ... 36 Followers (Background) ... 40 Fool (Archetype) ... 46 Forced Transformation (Flaw) ... 28 Former Ghoul (Merit)... 19 Fortitude (Talent) ... 10 Foul Mouth (Flaw) ... 32 Fourteenth Generation (Flaw) ... 32 Friend of the Underground (Merit) ... 23 Friendly Face (Merit)... 19


Gambler (Archetype) ... 46 Geas (Flaw) ... 28 Generation (Background) ... 41 Genius (Background) ... 39 Gifted Sorcerer (Merit) ... 25 Good Listener (Merit)... 19 Granite Skin (Merit) ... 22 Green Thumb (Merit)... 19 Gremayre (Knowledge) ... 15-16 Grip of the Damned (Flaw) ... 36 Grotesque (Archetype) ... 46 Guilt-Wracked (Flaw) ... 36 Gullible (Flaw) ... 32 Guru (Archetype) ... 44


Hacker (Archetype) ... 46 Harmless (Merit) ... 19

Haunt (Background) ... 41 Haunted (Flaw) ... 34 Healing Touch (Merit) ... 19 Heir to the Throne (Merit) ... 23 Herd (Background) ... 41 Hermit (Archetype) ... 44 Hidden Diablerie (Merit) ... 23 Higher Purpose (Merit) ... 19 Holdings (Background) ... 41 Huge Size (Merit) ... 25 Hunted (Flaw) ... 28 Hunter: The Reckoning ... 4, 17, 57-58 Hypercram (Background) ... 39


Knowledges ... 14-16 Laboratory (Background) ... 43 Lack of Scent (Merit) ... 22 Lame (Flaw) ... 35 Larceny (Skill) ... 13 Laughingstock (Flaw) ... 36 Law (Knowledge) ... 16 Lawman's Friend (Merit) ... 22 Lazy (Flaw) ... 35 Leadership (Talent) ... 11 Legacies ... 44-46 Legacy (Background) ... 41 I Legend (Background) ... 41 Legendary [Attribute] (Merit) ... 25 I Know You (Merit) ... 19 Lesser Resurrection (Flaw) ... 35 Idealist (Archetype) ... 44 Immune to Wyrm Emanation (Merit) ... 26 Library (Background) ... 41 Lifeblood (Flaw) ... 37 Impaired Sense (Flaw) ... 29 Lifesaver (Flaw) ... 35 Impatient (Flaw) ... 29 Light Sensitive (Flaw) ... 37 Impotent (Flaw) ... 30 Incomplete Understanding (Flaw) ... 29 Light Sleeper (Merit) ... 22 Lightning Calculator (Merit) ... 20 Increased Pain Threshold (Merit) ... 23 Linguistics (Knowledge) ... 15 Indecisive (Flaw) ... 35 Loathsome Regnant (Flaw) ... 33 Infamous Sire (Flaw) ... 29 Long-Distance Runner (Merit) ... 23 Infamy (Flaw) ... 29 Lord of the Flies (Flaw) ... 33 Infectious Bite (Flaw) ... 33 Low Pain Tolerance (Flaw) ... 35 Infertile Vitae (Flaw) ... 36 Loyal Heart (Merit) ... 22 Influence (Background) ... 41 Lucky (Merit) ... 23 Inner Strength (Merit) ... 22 Lunacy (Flaw) ... 33 Innocuous (Background) ... 38 Innovator (Archetype) ... 44 M Inoffensive to Animals (Merit) ... 19 Insane Ancestor (Flaw) ... 29 Machine (Archetype) ... 46 Insubordinate (Flaw) ... 29 Mad Scientist (Archetype) ... 46 Intelligence (Attribute) ... 8 Mage: The Ascension ... 3, 52 Internal Compass (Merit) ... 19 Magic Resistance (Merit) ... 22 Intimidation (Talent) ... 10 Manipulation (Attribute) ... 7 Intolerant (Flaw) ... 33 Mark of the Predator (Flaw) ... 33 Intoxication Tolerance (Merit) ... 20 Mars Descending (Flaw) ... 37 Introspection (Merit) ... 20 Mars Midsky (Merit) ... 37 Iron Allergy (Flaw) ... 35 Mars Rising (Merit) ... 37 Iron Resistance (Merit) ... 24 Martial Arts (Talent) ... 9 Iron Will (Merit) ... 23 Martyr (Archetype) ... 44 Intuition (Talent) ... 10 Masochist (Archetype) ... 46 Investigation (Knowledge) ... 15 Masquerade Breaker (Flaw) ... 33 Mediator (Archetype) ... 44 J Medicine (Knowledge) ... 15 Meditation (Skill) ... 13 Jack-of-All-Trades (Merit) ... 25 Medium (Merit) ... 22 Jester (Archetype) ... 44 Melee (Skill) ... 13 Judge (Archetype) ... 44 Memoriam (Background) ... 41 Jupiter Descending (Flaw) ... 37 Mental Attributes ... 8 Jupiter Midsky (Merit) ... 37 Mentor (Background) ... 41 Jupiter Rising (Merit) ... 37 Mercury Descending (Flaw) ... 37 K Mercury Midsky (Merit) ... 37 Mercury Rising (Merit) ... 37 Ka (Background) ... 41 Mercy (Virtue) ... 17 Kenning (Talent) ... 10-11 Merits ... 18-26, 37 Kinfolk (Background) ... 39 Metamorph (Merit) ... 26 Knave (Archetype) ... 46

Metis Child (Flaw) ... 36 Mistaken Identity (Flaw) ... 35 Mixed-Morph (Merit) ... 20 Mole (Merit) ... 24 Monster (Archetype) ... 46 Moon-Bound (Merit) ... 20 Mortal ... 4 Mummy: The Resurrection ... 4, 55 Murderous Mien (Merit) ... 22 Mute (Flaw) ... 36


Naïve (Flaw) ... 29 Narc (Flaw) ... 35 Natural [Ability] (Merit) ... 20 Natural Sidestep (Merit) ... 24 New Arrival (Flaw) ... 29 New Kid (Flaw) ... 29 Nightsight (Merit) ... 22 Nine Lives (Merit) ... 26 No Partial Transformation (Flaw) ... 29 Node (Background) ... 41 Notable Heritage (Background) ... 42 Noted Messenger (Merit) ... 24 Notoriety (Background) ... 39-40


Oathbound (Flaw) ... 29 Occult (Knowledge) ... 15-16 Old Flame (Flaw) ... 33 On Probation (Flaw) ... 36 One Arm (Flaw) ... 35 Open Road (Merit) ... 22 Open Wound (Flaw) ... 33 Oracular Ability (Merit) ... 24 Orchid (Archetype) ... 44 Overconfident (Flaw) ... 29 Overextended (Flaw) ... 36


Pack Mentality (Flaw) ... 33 Pacts (Background) ... 42 Panderer (Archetype) ... 45 Pandora (Archetype) ... 46 Paragon (Background) ... 42 Paragon of [Virtue] (Merit) ... 25 Parfum de Goat (Flaw) ... 36 Party ... 6 Past Lives (Background) ... 42 Patron (Background) ... 42 Peacock (Archetype) ... 46 Penitent (Archetype) ... 45 Perception (Attribute) ... 8 Perfect Balance (Merit) ... 24 Performance (Skill) ... 13 Permanent Wound (Flaw) ... 35 Persistent Parents (Flaw) ... 33 Persuasion (Talent) ... 10 Phobia (Flaw) ... 29

Physical Attributes ... 7 Pierced Veil (Flaw) ... 35 Pitiable (Merit) ... 20 Planetary Aspects ... 37 Poetic Heart (Merit) ... 22 Poison Immunity (Merit) ... 24 Poison Resistance (Merit) ... 20 Politics (Knowledge) ... 16 Possessive (Flaw) ... 33 Precocious [Ability] (Merit) ... 24 Prehensile Tongue/Tail (Merit) ... 22 Prestigious Sire (Merit) ... 21 Prey Exclusion (Flaw) ... 30 Primal-Urge (Talent) ... 11 Primogen Friendship (Merit) ... 24 Prodigious [Ability] (Merit) ... 24 Prophet (Archetype) ... 45 Protégé (Merit) ... 20 Psychic Vampire (Flaw) ... 37 Pure Breed (Background) ... 42


Quantum Voyager (Merit) ... 24 Quests ... 44-46


Ra's Rest (Flaw) ... 35 Rake (Archetype) ... 46 Rank (Background) ... 42 Rebel (Archetype) ... 46 Recruitment Target (Flaw) ... 33 Red List (Flaw) ... 37 Regeneration (Merit) ... 26 Regent (Archetype) ... 45 Relic (Background) ... 42 Religion (Knowledge) ... 16 Remembrance (Background) ... 42 Repelled by Crosses (Flaw) ... 35 Repulsed by Garlic (Flaw) ... 30 Reputation (Merit) ... 20 Requisitions (Background) ... 43 Research (Knowledge) ... 16 Resources (Background) ... 43 Retainers (Background) ... 40 Retinue (Background) ... 40 Riddler (Archetype) ... 46 Ringleader (Archetype) ... 46 Rising Star (Merit) ... 24 Rites (Background) ... 43 Rituals (Background) ... 43 Rituals (Knowledge) ... 16 Rival Sires (Flaw) ... 33 Rogue (Archetype) ... 46


Sabbat Survivor (Merit) ... 20 Sadist (Archetype) ... 46 Sage (Archetype) ... 45 Sage (Merit) ... 22

Sanctity (Merit) ... 22 Sanctum (Background) ... 43 Savage (Archetype) ... 46 Scholar of Others (Merit) ... 22 Science (Knowledge) ... 16 Scientist (Archetype) ... 45 Secret Weapons (Background) ... 43 Security (Skill) ... 13 Seduction (Talent) ... 10 Seelie Legacies ... 44-45 Seldom Sleeps (Merit) ... 22 Self-Confident (Merit) ... 25 Sex Appeal (Merit) ... 24 Short (Flaw) ... 30 Short Fuse (Flaw) ... 33 Shrinking Violet (Flaw) ... 33 Shy (Flaw) ... 30 Sidhe's Curse (Flaw) ... 37 Silver Tolerance (Merit) ... 26 Sire's Resentment (Flaw) ... 30 Skills ... 12-14 Sleeping With the Enemy (Flaw) ... 35 Slip Sideways (Flaw) ... 30 Slipped Seeming (Flaw) ... 30 Slow Healing (Flaw) ... 35 Smell of the Grave (Flaw) ... 30 Social Attributes ... 7 Sociopath (Archetype) ... 46 Soldier (Archetype) ... 45 Soul of the Muse (Merit) ... 24 Soul's Reflection (Flaw) ... 30 Special Responsibility (Flaw) ... 30 Speech Impediment (Flaw) ... 30 Sphere Affinity (Merit) ... 25 Spies (Background) ... 43 Spirit Magnet (Merit) ... 20 Spirit Heritage (Background) ... 43 Squire (Archetype) ... 45 Stamina (Attribute) ... 7 Status (Background) ... 43 Stealth (Skill) ... 13 Stereotype (Flaw) ... 33 Sterile (Flaw) ... 30 Stormwarden (Merit) ... 24 Strange Eyes (Flaw) ... 30 Streetwise (Talent) ... 11 Strength (Attribute) ... 7 Strict Carnivore (Flaw) ... 31 Strong Back (Merit) ... 20 Subterfuge (Talent) ... 11 Supporter (Merit) ... 22 Surreal Beauty (Merit) ... 23 Survival (Skill) ... 13 Survivor (Archetype) ... 45 Summaries ... 3 Sympathizer (Flaw) ... 31


Taint of Corruption (Flaw) ... 37 Talents ... 9-11

Talisman (Background) ... 43 Technology (Skill) ... 14 Territorial (Flaw) ... 33 Thin Blood (Flaw) ... 36 Thirst for Innocence (Flaw) ... 33 Tic (Flaw) ... 31 Time Sense (Merit) ... 20 Title (Background) ... 43 Tomb (Background) ... 43 Too Human (Flaw) ... 34 Too Tough to Die (Merit) ... 25 Totem [Mage] (Background) ... 43 Totem [Werewolf] (Background) ... 43 Touch of Death (Flaw) ... 36 Touch of Frost (Flaw) ... 31 Traditionalist (Archetype) ... 45 Traits ... 7-17 Treasures (Background) ... 43 Tribe Enmity (Flaw) ... 31 Tribe Goodwill (Merit) ... 21 True Faith (Merit) ... 26 True Love (Merit) ... 21 Trusty Companion (Merit) ... 24 Twisted Upbringing (Flaw) ... 31 Twitch (Flaw) ... 31


Umbral Affinity (Merit) ... 25 Unbondable (Merit) ... 26 Unconvinced (Flaw) ... 31 Unseelie Legacies ... 45-46 Untamable (Merit) ... 26 Uppity (Flaw) ... 34


Vampire: The Masquerade ... 3, 50 Valor (Virtue) ... 17 Vengeful (Flaw) ... 34 Venus Descending (Flaw) ... 37 Venus Midsky (Merit) ... 37 Venus Rising (Merit) ... 37 Vessel (Background) ... 43 Victim of the Veil (Flaw) ... 35 Virtues ... 17 Visionary (Archetype) ... 45 Voice of a Songbird (Merit) ... 23 Voices (Background) ... 43 Vulnerability to Silver (Flaw) ... 34


Ward (Flaw) ... 35 Wayfarer (Archetype) ... 45 Weak-Willed (Flaw) ... 35 Werewolf: The Apocalypse ... 3, 51 Winged (Flaw) ... 34 Willpower ... 6, 8-9 Wits (Attribute) ... 8 Wolf Weapons (Merit) ... 24 Wonder (Background) ... 43 Wraith: The Oblivion ... 4, 53 Wretch (Archetype) ... 46


Your Best Advocate (Merit) ... 21


Zeal (Virtue) ... 17

©2020 Caleb Wichman World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen, Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Giest: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, White Wolf, Storyteller System™, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers Vault™ and their respective logos, icons and symbols are trademarks or registered trademarks of White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. This work contains material that is copyright of White Wolf Entertainment. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for the Storytellers Vault. ©2018 White Wolf Entertainment AB, Västgötagatan 5, SE-118 27 Stockholm, Sweden.


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