Missões Estrangeiras a Trabalhar No Egipto 2

November 25, 2017 | Author: Dr-Mahmoud Elhosary | Category: N/A
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Missões estrangeiras a trabalhar no Egipto 2...


Missões estrangeiras a trabalhar no Egipto Thutmosis III Temple Project Dr. Myriam Seco Álvarez, Academy of Fine Arts of Seville, Spain http://thutmosisiiitempleproject.org// Gebel el Silsila Epigraphic Survey Project Dr. Maria Nilsson, Gothenburg University, Sweden http://gebelelsilsilaepigraphicsurveyproject.blogspot.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GebelElSilsilaEpigraphicSurveyProject?ref=ts&fref=ts Tomb of Piay (TT 263), Sheih abd el-Gurna Teodor Lekov, Bulgarian Institute of Egyptology, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria http://egyptology-bg.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BulgarianInstituteOfEgyptology?fref=ts Nazlet el-Samman/Heit el-Ghurab, Giza Mark E. Lehner, Univ. of Chicago/Harvard Semitic Museum, U.S.A. www.aeraweb.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AncientEgyptResearchAssociatesAERA?fref=ts Pyramid Complex of Senwosret III, Dahshur Dieter K. Arnold and Adela Oppenheim, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, U.S.A. http://www.metmuseum.org/research/archaeological-fieldwork/dahshur-egypt Temple of Philae, Aswan Erich Winter, director; Holger Kockelmann, co-editor, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna Tombs in South Abusir (Qar, Inti, Iuf-aa), 6th Dynasty Miroslav Verner, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Czech Republic http://egyptologie.ff.cuni.cz/?lang=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/egyptologieffcuni?fref=ts Horemheb Cemetery, Saqqara Maarten J. Raven, National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden University, The Netherlands www.saqqara.nl Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfSaqqara?fref=ts Tomb of Ny-ankh-Nefertem, Saqqara West Karol Mýsliwiec, Polish Center of Archaeology, Poland: http://www.pcma.uw.edu.pl/en/projects/egypt/ http://www.pcma.uw.edu.pl/fileadmin/template/main/img/lat70/book70_07.pdf Tombs of Niankh-Khnum and Khnumhotep, Saqqara Yvonne Harpur, University of Oxford, England, Britain http://www.oxfordexpeditiontoegypt.com/ South Abusir-North Saqqara Area Nozomu Kawai, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan, www.waseda.jp/prj-egypt/index-E.html Memphis, Saqqara David G. Jeffreys, The Egypt Exploration Society, England, Britain http://ees.ac.uk/research/memphis-survey.html Facebook EES: https://www.facebook.com/egyptexplorationsociety?fref=ts Kom Helul, Saqqara Paul T. Nicholson, Egypt Exploration Society, Britain http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/share/research/projectreports/catacombsanubis/catacombs-of-anubis.html Gisr el-Mudir, Saqqara Ian J. Mathieson, Glasgow Museum, Scotland, Britain (falecido) informações na página de Leiden:

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http://www.saqqara.nl/saqqara/landmarks/gisr-el-mudir Pyramids of Merenre, Ankhnes-Pepi II, Meretities II, Saqqara Audran Labrousse, Scientific Research National Center, France http://msaqqara.free.fr/ Bubasteion Cliff, Saqqara Alain Zivie, Scientific Research National Center, France http://www.hypogees.org/pages/francais/publications.htm New Kingdom Necropolis, Dahshur Masahiro Baba, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan, Japan www.waseda.jp/prj-egypt/index-E.html Tabbet el-Gech, South Saqqara (Hau-en-fer's tomb) Vassil Dobrev, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France Tomb of Hau-nefer, Tabbet el-Gech, South Saqqara Vassil Dobrev, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tabbet-al-guech/ Kom Tuman Tell Azizia, Mit Rahina Galina A. Belova, Russian Institute of Egyptology, Russia http://www.cesras.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RussianInstituteOfEgyptologyInCairo Burial Chamber of Idout, Saqqara Hirosh Suita, Kansai University, Japan, Japan http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/English/about_ku/research/fc_let/index.html Mut Temple, South Karnak Richard A. Fazzini, Brooklyn Museum, U.S.A. https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/features/mut/ Tomb of Djehutymes (TT32), El-Khokha Gabor Schreiber, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary http://www.kairo.balassiintezet.hu/en/hungarian-archeological-expeditions/ Tomb of Amenmesse (KV 10), the KV 10 huts and KV 63, Valley of the Kings Otto J. Schaden, Amenmesse Project http://www.kv-10.com/ Tomb of Amenhotep III (KV 22) Sakuji Yoshimura, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan www.waseda.jp/prj-egypt/index-E.html Small Amun Temple, Temple of Medinet Habu and Luxor Temple William R. Johnson, The Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago, U.S.A. https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/projects/epigraphic-survey#Projects Malqata The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Diana Craig Patch http://www.arce.org/expeditions/currentexpeditions/allexpeditions/u80 Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahari (conservation) Zbigniew S. Tadeusz, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland http://www.archeo.uw.edu.pl/szablon.php?id=852 Memnon and Temple of Amenhotep III, Kom el-Hetan, Luxor Hourig Sourouzian, German Institute of Archaeology, Germany http://www.wmf.org/project/mortuary-temple-amenhotep-iii

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Tomb of the Sons of Ramessses II (KV 5), Valley of the Kings Kent R. Weeks, American University in Cairo, U.S.A. Tomb of Pa-ren-nefer, Assasif (TT188) Susan Redford, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A. http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/d/b/dbr3/thebanto.html Karnak Hypostyle Hall Peter J. Brand, Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, University of Memphis, U.S.A. http://www.memphis.edu/hypostyle/ Tombs of Neferrenpet (TT147), Amenemope (TT148), Saroy (TT233), Dra' Abu el-Naga, Luxor Boyo G. Ockinga, Australian Institute of Egyptology Studies, Macquarie University, Australia http://www.mq.edu.au/research/centres_and_groups/the_australian_centre_for_egyptology/ Ramesseum Temple, Tombs of Ramesses II and Merenptah Christian Leblanc, Louvre Museum, France/MSA, France http://www.mafto.fr/ Tomb of Amenhotep (TT 61), El-Khokha Tomas A. Bacs, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary Tomb of Nefermenu (TT184), El-Khokha Zaltan I. Fabian, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Hungary http://www.kairo.balassiintezet.hu/en/hungarian-archeological-expeditions/ Tombs of Amenmose (TT89) and Anen (TT120), Gurna Lyla P. Brock, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada, Canada http://www.rom.on.ca/en/collections-research/research/world-culture/theban-tomb-89-epigraphic-project Tombs of Harwa (TT37) and Akhinenru (TT404), Assasif Francesco Tiradritti, Italian Archaeological Mission, Italy http://www.harwa.it/index.php Tombs (KV 16, KV 17), Valley of the Kings Robert K. Vincent, American Research Center in Egypt, U.S.A. http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/sites/browse_tomb_830.html North of Karnak Jean Jacauet, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/karnak-nord/ Tomb (TT320), Deir el-Bahari Erhart Graefe, University of Münster, Germany http://www.tmpbibliography.com/resources/bibliography_5nv_tombs_of_the_nobles_tt320_royal_cache.html Temple of Amenhotep III Angelo Sesana, Komosko Center, Italy http://www.cefb.it/scavi.htm Tomb of Horemheb (KV 57), Valley of the Kings Geoffrey T. Martin, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom http://www.thebanmappingproject.com/sites/browse_tomb_871.html ZAWYET EL AMWAT, Tombs at Khunes and Kheteti York University, Canada, Robin Gillam Tombs of Ramesses X (KV 18) and Siptah (KV 47), Queen Tiaa (KV 32), Valley of the Kings, Luxor Elina P. Grothe, University of Basel, Switzerland, Switzerland https://aegyptologie.unibas.ch/forschung/projekte/university-of-basel-kings-valley-project/

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Tombs of Amenemope (TT29) and Sennefer (TT96), Qurna Eugene Warmenbol, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, Belgium http://crea.ulb.ac.be/Thebes.html Tomb of Neferhotep (TT49), El-Khoka Maria V. Pereyra, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tuchman National University, Argentina http://www.seshat.com.br/2014/04/10/escavacoes-na-necropole-tebana-tt49-tt187-e-tt362-el-khokha/ Tomb of Huy (TT14), Dra' Abu el-Naga Marilina Betro, University of Pisa, Italy http://www.egittologia.unipi.it/pisaegypt/TT14.htm Tombs of Montuemhat (TT34) and Padineit (TT197), Assasif Farouk el-Gomaa, University of Tübingen, Germany http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/fakultaeten/philosophische-fakultaet/fachbereiche/altertums-undkunstwissenschaften/ianes/forschung/aegyptologie/projekte/grabanlage-des-monthemhet.html Tombs of Djehuty and Hery (TT11-12), Dra' Abu el-Naga Jose M. Galán, Spanish Supreme Council for Scientific Research, Spain http://www.excavacionegipto.com/ Tomb of Nespakashuty (TT312), Assasif Elena Pischikova, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, U.S.A http://www.southasasif.com/ Temple of Qasr el Agouz Claude Traunecker, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.osirisnet.net/monument/kasr_agouz/e_kasr_agouz.htm Temple of Mut, South Karnak Betsy M. Bryan, Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A. http://pages.jh.edu/~egypttoday/index.html Tomb of Senenmut (TT353), Deir el-Bahari Francisco Martín Valentín, Institute of Egyptian Studies, Spain http://www.visiramenhotep.es/ Temple of Tausert, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Pearce Paul Creasman, University of Arizona, U.S.A., U.S.A. http://egypt.arizona.edu/ Tomb of Padiamenope (TT33), Assasif Claude Traunecker, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Univ. of Strasbourg, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tt33/ Undecorated tombs in the Valley of the Kings (KV 21, 27, 28, 44, 45, and 60) Donald P. Ryan, Pacific Lutheran University, U.S.A. http://community.plu.edu/~ryandp/egypt.html DEIR EL-BALLAS, Sekhenenre & Ahmose The Ancient Egyptian Heritage and Archaeology Trust, Peter Lacovara Tomb of Puyamre (TT39), El-Khoka Gabriela Arrache and Jorge Canseco, Mexican Archaeological Society, annex to Elwadi University, Mexico http://www.arqueomex.com/S2N3n130_09.html Qasr Ibrim, Aswan Pamela J. Rose, The Egypt Exploration Society, England, United Kingdom http://egyptexplorationsociety.tumblr.com/post/34647052/qasr-ibrim-study-season Joint University of Potsdam / SCA Tell Basta Project Eva Lange

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http://www.ees.ac.uk/research/Tell%20Basta.html Theban Harbours and Waterscapes Survey, EES, London, United Kingdom http://eestheban.tumblr.com/ Pyramid of Djedefre, South Cemetery, Abu Rawash Michel A. Vallogia, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/abou-roach/ Al-Galela Mount, Ain el-Sokhna, Khalid Suez Mahmoud Abdel Raziq, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Suez Univ./Fac. Tour:Hot., France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/ayn-soukhna/ Serabit el-Khadim, North Sinai Pierre Tallet, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Sorbonne, Paris IV, France https://paris-sorbonne.academia.edu/PierreTallet Om Al-Bareega, Tebtynis, Faiyum Claudio Gallazzi, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Pap. Council-Milan Univ., France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tebtynis/ Temple of Hathor, Coptic Church, Dendara Pierre Zignani, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/dendara/ Temple of Tod, Ptolemaic, Luxor Christophe Thiers, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.cfeetk.cnrs.fr/index.php?page=Christophe-Thiers Treasure of Thutmose III Excavation, North of Karnak Jean Jacquet, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/karnak-nord/ Tomb of Petamenophis (TT33), Assasif Claude Traunecker, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tt33/ Balat Georges Soukiassian, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/balat/ Baouit Gisèle Hadji-Minaglou, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/baouit/ Tell el Fara’in/Buto Ballet Pascale, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/bouto/ Douch Michel Wuttman, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/douch/ Kom Ombo Françoise Labrique, Koln, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/kom-ombo/ Médamoud Dominique Valbelle, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/medamoud/ Kôm Abou Billou

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Sylvain Dennin, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/mefkat-kom-abou-billou// Montagne thébaine Guy Lecuyot, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/montagne-thebaine/ Muraille du Caire, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/murailles-caire/ Umm Balad (Domitianè, puis Kainè Latomia), al-Zarqâ (Maximianon), al-Muwayh (Krokodilô), Dawwî, Bir Sayyâla, alHamrâ, Bir al-Hammâmât, Qusûr al-Banât, Khashm al-Minayh (Didymoi), Abû Qurayya (Dios), Duwayq (Phalakron?), Jirf (Xèron Pelagos) Hélène Cuvigny CNRS, IRHT, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/praesidia/ Abūṣīr, Taposiris Magna, Kom el-Nougous Marie-Françoise Boussac, univ. Paris Ouest-Nanterre, ArScAn, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/taposiris-magna-plinthine/ Tell el-Iswid-Sud Béatrix Midant-Reynes, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tell-el-iswid/ Tell Ǧanūb Qaṣr al-ʿAǧūz. Victor Ghica, Teologiske Menighetsfakultet, Oslo, IFAO, Macquarie http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tell-ganub/ Tôd Christophe Thiers, UMR 5140, CNRS-Univ. Montpellier III, IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/tod/ Ouadi Yann Tristant, Macquarie Univ., IFAO http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/wadi-araba/ Tabbet el-Nahassin Magazine, Alexandria Sand Tira Cemetery, Alexandria Jean Y. Empereur, Centre d'Études Alexandrines, France Mereya Island, east of Mereya Island, south of Mariut Lake, Alexandria Valerie Pichot, Center of Alexandrian Studies, France http://www.cealex.org/sitecealex/navigation/FENETR_NAVfouil_situ_F.htm Mastaba of Akhethetep, Saqqara Christiane Ziegler, Louvre Museum, France http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/arcnat/saqqara/fr/home.htm Bubasteion Cemetery, Saqqara Alain Zivie, National Center for Scientific Research, France http://www.hypogees.org/ Istabl Antar, Fostat Roland Gayraud, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/istabl-antar/ Bayt Al Razzaz, Cairo American Research Center in Egypt, U.S.A. http://www.wmf.org/project/bayt-al-razzaz Historic Cairo Gerry D. Scott, American Research Center in Egypt, U.S.A. http://www.arce.org/conservation/historic-cairo-guides The Azhar Park Project in Cairo and the Conservation and Revitalisation of Darb al-Ahmar, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Switzerland http://www.akdn.org/hcp/egypt.asp

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Qasr Alam, Qaret Atub, Bahariya Oasis Frederic Colin, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/bahariya/ Badia Mount, Agama, Abu Drurub, Ain Barka, Abu Regoum, Qata Fayer Valley Francois Paris, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/bahariya/ Monastery of St. Catherine, South Sinai Roberto Nardi, Center for Conservation/Archeology, Rome, Italy http://www.cca-roma.org/en/conservation-mosaic-transfiguration-monastery-st-catherines-sinai Abu Mina, Alexandria Peter Grossmann, German Archaeological Institute, Germany http://old.dainst.org/en/project/abu-mina?ft=all New Kingdom Cemetery, North Dahshur So Hasegawa, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan http://www.egyptpro.sci.waseda.ac.jp/e-dhshr.html Chatby 1 and 2, Alexandria Harry E. Tzalas, Institute of Hellenic Underwater Archaeology, Greece http://honorfrostfoundation.org/index.php/the-greek-mission-underwater-archaeological-survey-at-alexandria-harrytzalas/ First and Third Intermediate Period Cemetery, Ahnasya al-Medina, Beni Suef Maria Carmen Perez Die, Spanish National Museum, Spain http://heracleopolismagna.es/ Funerary temple Tutmes III, Luxor West bank Myriam Seco Álvarez; Nur Abd el Gafar Mohamed. http://thutmosisiiitempleproject.org/index.php/es/inicio Qubbet el-Hawa Project Alejandro Jiménez http://www.ujaen.es/investiga/qubbetelhawa/index.php Bahnasa, Minya Joseph Padro, Barcelona University, Spain http://www.ub.edu/museuvirtual/visita-virtual-oxirrinc/la-missio-oxirrinc.php?idi=ES Mit Rahina, Qasr Apries, Kom Touman Maria H. Trindade, Faculty of Social and Human Science, Universidade Nova, Lisboa, Portugal http://home.utad.pt/~apries/index_port.html South and Middle Quft, Qena Laure Pantalacci, Lormir University, Lyon Univ., and Mark Bloche, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/coptos/ Amun Temple, San el-Hagar, Sharkeya Philippe Brissaud, Scientific School of High Studies, Dept. of Regional Science, France http://www.tanis-sanelhagar.fr/ Khaleg, Abu Qir, Eastern Port (Heraklion), Alexandria Frank Goddio, European Institute of Underwater Antiquities, France http://www.franckgoddio.org/projects/sunken-civilizations/alexandria.html Citadel el-Deir, Kharga Oasis Francoise Dunand, Center of Research and History of the Region, Limoges http://recherche.flsh.unilim.fr/oasis/

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Syene, Aswan Cornelius V. Pilgrim, Swiss Institute, Cairo http://www.swissinst.ch/html/forschung_neu.html Naga el-Hagar, Aswan Michael Q. Mackensen, Swiss Institute, Cairo http://www.swissinst.ch/html/hagar.html Nelson Island, Alexandria Paolo Gallo, Turin University, Italy http://nelson-society.com/nelsons-island/ Min Project Canarian-Tuscan Archaeological Mission http://www.min-project.com/en-gb/home.aspx Valley of el-Mahfi, Sheik el Abbiad, Ain Dela, Farafra Oasis Barbara E. Barich, La Sapienza, Rome University, Italy http://w3.uniroma1.it/uniromafrica/missioni/egitto/cv_barich.htm Tukh el-Karamous, Zagazig Enrico Acquaro, Bologna University, Italy http://www.sierrasoft.com/stories/0001/0001.asp Huy Tomb (TT 14), Dra Abu el-Naga Marilina Betro, Pisa University, Italy http://www.egittologia.unipi.it/pisaegypt/TT14.htm Dayr al-Barsha Project , Leuven University http://www.dayralbarsha.com/ Elkab Dirk L. Huyge, Museum of Art and History, Belgium http://www.kmkg-mrah.be/fr/elkab-ou-lurbanisme-en-lan-2600-avant-j-c Tell Ibrahim Awad, Sharkeya Willem M. Van Haarlem, Allard Pierson Museum, The Netherlands http://www.allardpiersonmuseum.nl/collectie-onderzoek/onderzoeksprojecten/opgraving-tell-ibrahimawad/opgravingen.html Tell el-Far'ain, Buto, Kafr el-Sheikh Ulrich Hartung, German Institute, Germany http://old.dainst.org/en/project/buto?ft=all B Cemetery, Khasekhemwy, Peribsen, Umm el-Qaab, Abydos Gunter Dreyer, DAIK, Germany http://www.univie.ac.at/egyptology/en/ProjAbydos.html Khnum Temple, Hekaib Chapel, Elephantine Island, Aswan Dietrich Raue, DAIK, Germany http://www.dainst.org/projekt/-/projectdisplay/25953?p_r_p_1690909578_redirectURL=%2Fsuchen%3Fp_p_id%3D3%26p_p_lifecycle%3D0%26p_p_state%3Dm aximized%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26_3_struts_action%3D%252Fsearch%252Fsearch%26_3_redirect%3Dhttp%253A%252 F%252Fwww.dainst.org%252Felephantine%26_3_keywords%3Delephantine%26_3_assetCategoryTitles%3D%26_3_entry ClassName%3D#_LFR_FN__projectdisplay_WAR_daiportlet_view_results Qantir, Sharkeya Edgar B. Pusch, Hildesheim Museum, Germany http://www.ucl.ac.uk/qatar/research/qantir-piramesse

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Tuna el-Gebel, Minya Mélanie Flossmann-Schutze and Abd Halim Nur el-Din, Egyptology Institute, Munich Univ; Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Germany https://tunaelgebel.wordpress.com/ Athribis, Sheikh Hamad, Sohag Rafed El-Sayed, University of Tübingen, Germany http://www.athribis.uni-tuebingen.de/ Edfu Temple, Aswan Dieter F. Kurth, Hamburg University, Germany http://adw-goe.de/forschung/forschungsprojekte-akademienprogramm/edfu-projekt/ El-Hez, South Bahariya Oasis Miroslav Bárta, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Czech Republic http://egyptologie.ff.cuni.cz/?req=doc:baharija&lang=en&PHPSESSID=43ff054ccedaa63df37ef3896da03b5b Helmi Warashdi Village, Tell el-Daba, Sharkeya Manfred Bietak, Institute of Archaeology, Vienna University, Austria http://www.auaris.at/html/index_en.html Tomb of Amenhotep (TT61), El-Kokha Phil H. Ermo Gaal, Lorand-Eotvos University, Hungary http://www.kairo.balassiintezet.hu/en/hungarian-archeological-expeditions/ Hierakonpolis, Kom el-Ahmar, Edfu Renee F. Friedman, British Museum; United Kingdom http://www.hierakonpolis-online.org/index.php/about-the-site HIERAKONPOLIS AND EL KAB, El-Kab and Hagr Edfu The British Museum, William Vivian Davies Zawiet Om el-Rakham, Marsa Matrouh Steven R. Snape, Liverpool University, United Kingdom http://www.liv.ac.uk/archaeology-classics-and-egyptology/research/projects/zawiyet/ Tombs of Kagemni, Ptahhotep II, Saqqara Yvonne Harpur, University of Oxford, England, United Kingdom http://www.oxfordexpeditiontoegypt.com/ Sa el-Hagar, Harbeya, Kafr el-Sheikh Penelope Wilson, Durham University, United Kingdom http://community.dur.ac.uk/penelope.wilson/sais.html Tell el-Amarna Barry J. Kemp, McDonald Institute of Archaeology, United Kingdom http://www.amarnaproject.com/ Amarna Royal Tombs and Valley of the Kings University of Arizona, Nicholas Reeves http://www.arce.org/expeditions/currentexpeditions/allexpeditions Tell Edfu Nadine Moeller, Oriental Institute, Chicago https://oi.uchicago.edu/research/projects/tell-edfu-project Om ed-Debadib, Wadi Ain Amur, North el-Kharga Oasis Salima Ikram and Corinna Rossi, American University in Cairo and Cambridge University, United Kingdom. http://www1.aucegypt.edu/academic/northkhargaoasissurvey/home.htm Giza, Database Project Mark E. Lehner and Margaret Watters, National Geographic Society; MSA, U.S.A.

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http://www.aeraweb.org/projects/gpmp/ Tell el-Rub'a, Mendes, Dahleya Donald B. Redford, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Mendes-Expedition/191507070890946?sk=info&tab=overview Hierakonpolis, Temple and Town Elizabeth J. Walters and David P. Gold, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A. Teti Cemetery, Saqqara David P. Silverman, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. http://www.penn.museum/research/research-egyptian-section/789-saqqara-expedition.html Complex of Senwosret III, South Abydos Josef Wegner, University Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania; New York University; Yale University, U.S.A. http://www.arce.org/expeditions/currentexpeditions/allexpeditions/u16 Theban Desert Road Survey/Yale Toshka Desert Survey John C. Darnell, Yale University, U.S.A. http://www.yale.edu/egyptology/ae_theban.htm LUXOR EAST AND WEST ABNK, ARCE Projects In Luxor Theban Temple (TT 110), Khonsu Temple, Karnak Temple John Shearman Middle Cemetery, Abydos Janet E. Richards, University of Michigan, U.S.A. http://www.arce.org/expeditions/currentexpeditions/allexpeditions/u85 Abydos Project of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, David O’Connor, Director, Matthew Adams, Associate Director/Field Director http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/fineart/academics/abydos/abydos-current.htm Ramesses II temple New York University, Sameh Iskander, Ogden Goelet http://www.arce.org/expeditions/currentexpeditions/allexpeditions/u20 Fag el-Gamous Tomb, Faiyum Charles W. Griggs, Brigham Young University, U.S.A. http://rsc.byu.edu/archived/excavations-seila-egypt/5-excavating-christian-cemetery-near-selia-fayum-region-egypt Qarit Rosas, Qarit el-Hamra; Watfa City, Faiyum Willeke Wendrich, UCLA; Groeningen University, U.S.A. http://www.archbase.com/fayum/ El Hibeh, Beni Suef Carol A. Redmount, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A. http://nes.berkeley.edu/hibeh/ Tomb of Rai (TT72) and Amose (TT121), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Peter A. Piccione, Charleston University, U.S.A. http://piccionep.people.cofc.edu/t2p2/index.html#brochure The Joint Expedition to Malqata Diana Craig Patch http://www.arce.org/expeditions/currentexpeditions/allexpeditions/u168 Tomb of Neferrenpet (TT43), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Melinda Hartwig, American Research Center in Egypt, Georgia State Unviersity, U.S.A. http://www.arce.org/expeditions/currentexpeditions/allexpeditions/u159

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Deir el-Medina tombs, Luxor Cédric Gobeil, IFAO, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/deir-el-medina/ Armant temple, Esna Christophe Thiers, IFAO, France http://www.ifao.egnet.net/archeologie/ermant/ Djoser Pyramid, Saqqara Bruno Deslandes, UNESCO http://www.saqqara.nl/excavations/other-excavations/latvian-expedition Ankhor tomb, Assasif Manfred Bietak, Austrian Institute of Archaeology, Austria http://www.oeai.at/index.php/luxorasasif.html Quesna, Munifiyah Joanne Rowland, Oxford University, Britain http://ees.ac.uk/research/Minufiyeh%20Archaeological%20Survey.html Tomb 23, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna Galina A. Belova, Russian Institute for Archaeology and Egyptology Studies, Russia http://www.cesras.ru/ Taposiris Magna Temple, Alexandria Kathleen Martinez, Catholic Santa Domingo University Meir tombs, Asyut Naguib Kanawati, Macquarie University, Australia http://www.mq.edu.au/research/centres_and_groups/the_australian_centre_for_egyptology/fieldwork_activities/ Frasier Tombs, Minya Elizabeth Thompson, Macquarie University, Australia http://www.mq.edu.au/research/centres_and_groups/the_australian_centre_for_egyptology/fieldwork_activities/ Project AcrossBorders, Sai Island, Upper Nubia http://acrossborders.oeaw.ac.at/ SOHAG, Red Monastery, wall painting conservation ARCE, Elizabeth Bolman, Temple University http://www.arce.org/conservation/featuredconservation/u1 Sohag, White Monastery ARCE, Stephen Davis/Gillian Pyke

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