Mission of Day

February 12, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Direct daygame bible

Preface Hey buddy, Welcome to this bonus mission pack! The idea behind this is to do each of these bonus missions after each chapter of your eBook, so you don’t get too overwhelmed by the content and you actually go out and DO this stuff! Focus on each exercise and attempt each mission at least once. Whatever you do, don’t just skim read through this! This is not about more information and techniques, this is all about ACTION if you want to start seeing results (which is what I want for you ;) Ok, grab a pen and paper and let’s get this show on the road!  Sasha Daygame

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Mission Pack

Chapter 1 Mission 1: Women Complimenting Complimenting women might be daunting. But my solution is to stop being a pussy and start being a boss! If you’re nervous about complimenting a woman then start off complimenting your mom. No, seriously. You might want to compliment a female friend or co-worker. Eventually move on to complimenting women you don’t know. A compliment is a compliment. The most important thing is that it’s genuine, so you have to mean it. That’s the only rule. Don’t say it unless you mean it! If it doesn’t come from the heart (and without expectations) then women will always know that, and it will weird them out.

Mission 2:  Find your Passions The best way to identify the things that inspire you is to do two activities: •

First off, imagine if money or fear did did not exist. What would would you do? Who would you be?

Take a notepad and go ahead and brainstorm all the awesome jobs and paths you could have taken. •

The second way is to remember way back to when you were a kid and you said to your mom “I want to be ______” and ll in the blank.

Don’t censor yourself, even if as an adult you think it’s stupid or unrealistic or non-existent. The point is to think deeper into what drew you to that path. If you wanted to be an astronaut then maybe it’s too late to do that but perhaps exploration was really what you craved. Travel or cultures might be your path.

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One method that has had success for many people is to write down “What is my life’s purpose” on a piece of paper and then write down everything that comes into your head, until you cry. Then you’ve found it. The point is you must be brave enough to pursue that which excites you. Only by doing this will you end up living a life you enjoy every moment of every day – instead of just passing the time and waiting for death, like most. Ideally, I’d like you to discover something new you love doing, and take the rst step towards doing it!

chapter 2

Overcoming Social Pressure Mission 1:  Burn Your Excuses Write down all the thoughts that have ever popped into your head when you’ve seen a beautiful woman. Then cut the paper into pieces so each reason is on one small piece of paper. Hold them in your hands and ponder the fact that these stupid bullshit reasons have kept you from doing what you want. Meditate on it. Soak it in. Then make a small re and throw all the piece of paper into the re individually. Say “these excuses are BULLSHIT and I BANISH them from my life forever” as each piece goes into the re.

Mission 2:  Nose Pick Stop a random stranger on the street and ask for directions – with your right index nger up your nose the whole time! When they nish, try and get them to shake your hand! To get strangers to stop and listen to you, make sure to stand in front of them, make eye contact and SMILE. Then speak slowly and clearly.

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Mission 3:  STD Clinic Stop a random stranger on the street, explain you don’t know the area that well, and then ask them for directions to the nearest place where you can get an STD test.

Mission 4:  Phone Spy Walk around the city, and always get a look at people’s phones while they are texting. When they notice you, look away quickly, then try again. If they try and ignore you, get closer and closer to their phone until ignoring you becomes an impossibility. Repeat.

Chapter 3 The Approach, Pre-frames & Smiling Mission 1:  Eye Contact A simple exercise for eye contact would be to lock eye contact with everybody that you can and hold it for as long as you can in order to try and make everyone look away rst. That’s it. Be careful with men. Some guys will get aggressive and ask “What are you looking at?” If you keep staring after this you can get into a ght. That’s how much pressure eye contact causes. It’s different with women. Eye contact with a female creates sexual tension. Keep eye contact until the woman looks away to diffuse that sexual tension. When she does the game is over. Go over and say hello! Try it: Lock eyes with everyone and watch the magic happen. Go out and try this RIGHT NOW! (Without getting beaten up…)

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“Oh, what if this girl notices me staring at her and she’s thinks I’m weird?” “What if she nds out I was staring at her tits?!” “What if she nds out I want to have sex with her then judges me??!” All of these are horrible, oppressive mindsets that will keep you single for the rest of your life. In fact, I would say one of the unhealthiest beliefs that will keep you from success in this area of life is thinking that you’re a creep for being caught looking at a woman’s eyes. Nothing could be further from the truth. A creeper gets a set of binoculars and works from his window…or tries to sneak under a woman’s dress and get a peek. A REAL MAN isn’t scared to look a woman in the eyes – and he certainly isn’t scared to lock eyes until she looks away, either.

Killer concept:

Women are always testing you. The test that come before all others: Are you man enough to hold eye contact? If not – you’ve struck out – even before the game has begun.

Mission 2:  Your Three Keys of Seduction Pick the quality that you need to work on the most, and do these exercises:


If you lack playfulness, add in some fun irting to your conversations. Next

time you talk to a woman, you MUST say one of these sentences: “You just checked me out, didn’t you?” “I have a question. Do you want to be my girlfriend?” “Ok, that’s enough irting. When are we going on a date?” Then, I want you to get physically playful – do each of these things once time: Find a reason to give her a high ve Find a reason to punch her in the shoulder 

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Find a reason to hug her  Find a reason and PICK HER UP OFF THE GROUND!


If you lack curiosity, next time you talk to a woman, you MUST say:

“Wait, there is one thing I MUST know about you…” (Then ask something!) “I have a feeling about you… I think that you really love [something]…am I right?” Hey, I’m curious about something. If you were in charge of the world, what would you do?


If you lack sexuality, next time you talk to a woman, you MUST say one of these 3 things:

“I’ve got to tell you, you have THE sexiest [ass / tits / legs] I’ve ever seen.” “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I keep trying to stop picturing you naked.” “If I say anything stupid blame yourself. You’re just too beautiful – I can’t focus!” And to be physical, next time you talk to a woman, you MUST do one of these 3 things: Put your arm around her lower back, pull her in close to you, give her a compliment about how sexy/beautiful she is Tell her you have to tell her a secret and to come closer. Kiss her when she gets near enough Tell her she looks tense, move slowly towards her and start massaging her shoulders Ask her if she believes in vampires. If she says yes, say “good” and bite her neck. If she says no say “You should” and bite her neck. Note: That last one is gold. It’s so good, I’ve only ever taught it to my clients because I didn’t want it getting out there! What makes it great is that it’s playful, and sexual. Do you see why? Can you think of anything else that’s

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both? What about all three? If you actually go and do these exercises, you will be amazed how quickly you could get more comfortable adopting these other behavior types.

chapter 4

Group Dynamics Mission 1:  Approach a mixed group (the bigger the better!)

Mission 2:  Approach a girl with her mother

Mission 3:  Approach a guy and a girl together

Mission 4:  Approach a girl working in a shop

Write down what happened after each approach. What went well? What could you do even better next time you try to same situation? Make sure to implement that by going out and attempting the situation at least one more time!

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Chapter 5 Mission 1: 

What to Say Next

Silence Approach a girl, get her to stop, and say only “Excuse me, I don’t want to be too forward or anything… but uhhhhh” then stare at the woman as long as you can without saying anything further at all. Get comfortable with the silence. Get comfortable with whatever happens.

Mission 2:  Follow-up Question Go out today, and approach as many women as you can. You must give them one genuine compliment rst, and always follow it up with “But I have a question” … pause, and ask whatever comes to mind. For training wheels for the creatively challenged you may use one of these lines: • What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this? • Are you friendly? Bec Because ause you seem really friendly! • Are you an artist of some kind? You sseem eem like the creative type!

Chapter 6

3 Key Ingredients The Golden Checklist After each interaction check the following. If you answered “no” to any of

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these, (or were unable to list 5 things about her) you are not doing your job. Keep going until you are able to answer “Yes.” By the time you master these 3 key steps, the amount of dates you get will skyrocket. 1. Did you genuinely express yourself within the rst minute of the conversation? 2. Did you show a genuine interest in the woman? List 5 things about her that are interesting (pro tip: save those 5 things in your phone under her last name so you remember stuff about her!) 3. Did you take the next necessary step to get her on a date? Remember: Two Remember: Two out of three isn’t good enough - keep trying to you get 3 out of 3!

chapter 7

Having Fun

Mission 1:  Pre-Frame Train Run the Pre-Frame train on a girl upon meeting her. So, use a pre-frame on a girl, and then KEEP pre-framing for as long as you can *without* getting to the point. For example: “Hey, I’m not crazy or anything… and I’m not a drug dealer, or anything. I’m not with the police department...that is, you’re not in any legal trouble. Also I should  say, I’m not a model model scout…a lot o off guys are out out here trying to g get et women to  sign up to dodgy dodgy modeling contr contracts. acts. Then you e end nd up paying $500 for your photos, but then get no work so the whole thing’s a scam. I’m not doing that. In fact, I should say I’m not selling anything whatsoever. Nothing at all. Also I’m not with any kind of religion. I’m not trying to get you to join a cult or anything. I don’t even like relegion…” You want to go on long enough where she knows you’re just messing around, but not long enough for her to get bored. 2 minutes is a good amount of time.

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Mission 2:  Over-Compliment Train Give her a small compliment. Then a bigger one. And then bigger and bigger until it’s just ridiculous. For example: “Hey, you’re cute. Well, very cute. I mean you’re really quite beautiful actually. I mean, very beautiful. Extremely. You must be the most beautiful girl in a square mile. Many square miles. The town - and the surrounding areas. Probably the  state/province.  state/prov ince. You know wha what? t? You should run for Miss USA. No - Mis Misss world. I think you could win. Honestly. Maybe there’s a Miss Galaxy pageant? You could win it…” Wait for a good reaction, and then just admit you’re having a laugh. You could say “To be honest, I’m just messing around. Not to say you’re not attractive, you are….. look, how about we get some tea and start over?” or “To be honest, I’m  just messing around. But sstill till after all those co compliments, mpliments, I think y you ou owe me at least one good compliment…..” or “Ok I was exaggerating …. let’s start over. I’m (name.) The further you go, the better.

Mission 3:  Shitty Guesser Take some kind of guess about her, then keep guessing (Can be what she does, where she’s from, or even her favorite food) - if you are wrong, keep making absurd guesses for as long as she’ll stand around. Eventually fess up to being silly and continue as per normal. (Obviously you can run after her and explain you were joking!) …. Alternatively, you can just keep going until you get a reaction, and then continue into normal conversation. For example: “Hi! Call me crazy but i’m 99% sure that you’re…a yoga teacher. You’re not? Wait…you’re a kindergarden teacher? No? Wait! Don’t say anything. You are… you teach kung-fu, don’t you?! You could kill me in one chop! I’m wrong! Ok wait! You’re…it’s something something to do with kung-fu, isn’t it?! I can see it in your eyes. You’re a real killer….I’m close aren’t I??”

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The Direct daygame bible

chapter 8 Mission 1: 

Deep connection

Find Her Passions After each conversation with a woman, write down the following… • What is her passion in life? • How did she discover this passion? • What does she love about it so much? • How does doing this make her feel? • What excites her the most about it? • If she were to tell someone ONE thing that would make you want to give it a try, what would it be? This mission can be tricky, depending on where you’re at. First, you must have a passion in life, or at least something you love doing very much.

Mission 2:  Find Your Passions Then, I want you to sit down under a tree somewhere, and really think about the answers to these questions: • What is your passion in life? • How did you discover this passion? • What do y you ou love about it so much? • How does doing this make you feel? • What excites you the most about it? • If you had to tell someone ONE thing that would make them want to give it a try, what would it be? Next, I want you to take an hour out of your life (yes, 1 whole hour) and

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go somewhere QUIET. Get comfortable. Then, I want you to construct a fun or interesting story either about how you discovered your passion, or something that happened once while you were partaking in it. You can exaggerate, as long as the story is based on something that actually happened. Some things to think about: What’s funny about this? How can you bring the humour our more? What’s different about this incident that what normally happens when you “do your thing?” Why is it noteworthy? Remember, short and punchy is the winner. You don’t want it to be a 5 minute story. One minute is more than enough - less than 30 seconds is better. Often my hilarious stories can be ultra short, less than 5 seconds. I.E “I had a dog once. I loved it, and it ran away. Now I’m dead inside.”

Pro Tip: After sharing a story, always insist she shares one with you back.

Mission 3:  Secrets Tell a girl a secret about you, that you normally wouldn’t share with anyone. Then, insist she has to tell you one. If she’s shy, here’s some fun things I like to say “Don’t be a party pooper! We’re having fun here!” “I won’t judge you, I swear. Even if you killed an innocent animal. Still won’t  judge” “Okay I’m going to count backwards from 5. If you don’t tell me one by then time I get to 0, I’m going to kill a cat, and it will be all your fault. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….. here kitty kitty kitty…..

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chapter 9 Mission 1: 

Taking Things Things Further

Set Up A Date Via Text Grab a couple of numbers you’ve got from your recent daygame approaches and send them all an invite to a fun date with you next week over text, just changing the day for each. Try the basic structure: “Hey [nickname], let’s do [something different 1] and [something interesting 2] next week. Is [weekday 1] or [weekday 2] better for you?”

Mission 2: 

Use a Re-engage Text If you have a few numbers that have aked on you, send them all the same re-engage text message. An ideal text in this case is one that doesn’t ask her to meet up, just throws something random out there, for example: “I just met your twin!”  or  “omg the most random thing just happened” or  “you’ll never guess what I just saw!” the point is to pique her curiosity. After she gets back to you, you can simply call her, or text her that you’ll tell her about it when you see her, and then arrange the date!

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Mission 3:  Call Her Grab at least one of your numbers that hasn’t responded to your rst message, and give her a call (ideally on a weekday or Sunday evening when she’s probably not doing much.) Start with something random and funny that happened to you, ask her what she’s been up to, build a bit of rapport for like 5 minutes, then you can get her to tell you what her schedule is like and arrange a date right there!

Chapter 10

Putting It All Together Mission 1:  Your Type of Relationship Write down at least 5 of the qualities you are looking for in your ideal relationship. Do you want to have 3 wives, or 2 casual fuckbuddies in different countries, or a monogamous girlfriend you live with? You need to be clear about what your ultimate goal is, and then act congruently and honestly with that at all times.

  Mission 2: Further Reading I recommend the following books for further reading on the subjects of polyamory, authentic communication with women and sexual mastery…

 Mode One by Alan Roger Currie Sex 3.0 by JJ Roberts The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida The Multi-orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia Plus: free Johnny Soporno videos on polamory here

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