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Chapter 13

Building Systems True-False Questions


The most most comm common on form form of IT-e IT-enab nabled led organi organizat zation ional al change change is autom automati ation. on. Answer: True


Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. #%

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. #&

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. #(

Difficulty: )ard

Reference: p. #(

The The olde oldest st met metho hod d for for buil buildi ding ng inf infor orma mati tion on sy system stemss is pro proto toty typi ping ng.. Answer: False


Reference: p. #$

,ocum ,ocument entati ation on re#eal re#ealss how how well well the the sys system tem has met its origin original al obect obecti#e i#es. s. Answer: False


Difficulty: Medium

The The syst system em is is not not in prod produc ucti tion on unti untill con con#e #ers rsio ion n is is com compl plet ete. e. Answer: True


Reference: p. !

Thorou Thorough gh test testing ing is not not re'u re'uire ired d if) during during the progra programm mming ing stag stage) e) the the design design docum document entss are sufficiently detailed. Answer: False


Difficulty: Medium

T%& T%& desc descri ribe bess the the meas measur urem emen entt of 'ua 'uali lity ty as as 3.! 3.! defe defect ctss per per mill millio ion. n. Answer: False


Reference: p. !

"ll "ll busi busine ness ss pro proce cess sses es are are com compo pose sed d of a flow flow of of good goodss and and ser# ser#ic ices es.. Answer: True


Difficulty: Medium

Ration Rationali alizat zation ion of proc procedu edures res descri describes bes a radic radical al reth rethin ining ing of the the busi busines nesss model models. s. Answer: False


Reference: p. !"

Failur Failuree to addre address ss prop properl erly y the the organ organiza izatio tional nal chan changes ges surr surroun oundin ding g the the introd introduct uction ion of of a new system can cause the demise of an otherwise good system. Answer: True


Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %"

0roto 0rototy typin ping g is more more itera iterati# ti#ee than than the the con# con#ent ention ional al life lifecy cycle cle.. Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. %

11. 11.

" problem problem with with prototy prototyping ping is that that the systems systems constr constructe ucted d using using this method method may may not not be able to handle large 'uantities of data in a production en#ironment. en#ironment. Answer: True


Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. "!

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. #,

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %!

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %#

bect bectss are are groupe grouped d into into hier hierarc archie hies) s) and and hiera hierarch rchies ies into into classe classes. s. Answer: False


Reference: p. %(

bect-or bect-oriente iented d de#elo de#elopme pment nt is is more more increm incremental ental than tradition traditional al struct structured ured de#elopme de#elopment. nt. Answer: True


Difficulty: 'asy

" structure structure chart chart is a bottom-up bottom-up chart) chart) showing showing each each le#el le#el of design design)) its relations relationship hip to other other le#els) and its place in the o#erall design structure. Answer: False


Reference: pp. %*+%&

" data flow flow diagr diagram am offers offers a logical logical and graph graphical ical model model of of informa information tion flow) flow) partiti partitionin oning ga system into modules that show manageable le#els of detail. Answer: True


Difficulty: 'asy

4yste 4ystems ms de#el de#elopm opment ent acti acti#i #itie tiess alway alwayss tae place place in se'u se'uent ential ial orde order. r. Answer: False


Reference: p. %*

In some some forms forms of outsour outsourcing cing)) a compa company ny hires hires an an eterna eternall #endor #endor to create create the softw software are for for its system) but operates the software on its own computers. Answer: True


Difficulty: 'asy

ne ad#antage ad#antage of fourth fourth-gene -generatio ration n tools tools is that that they can easily easily handle handle processin processing g large large numbers of transactions or applications with etensi#e procedural logic and updating re'uirements. Answer: False


Reference: p. %*

nd-user nd-user-de#e -de#eloped loped systems systems can be completed completed more more rapidly rapidly than those those de#elo de#eloped ped through through the con#entional systems lifecycle. Answer: True


Difficulty: 'asy

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %#

5"4 tools tools facili facilitate tate the creation creation of clear document documentation ation and the coordina coordination tion of team team de#elopment efforts. Answer: True

Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. %%

Multiple-oice Questions


 Evaluation 6hat was the primary concern facing the 7irl 4couts regarding their supply chain problems8 a.  b. c. d.

rdering process was inefficient for a large #olume of orders 9igh error rates in ordering and fulfillment Re'uired too much time of #olunteers 0aper-based system was outdated

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: pp. !!+!#

 Evaluation in terms of assess, judge 22.

 Analysis In which way did networ economics play a role in the 7irl 4couts solution to their supply chain problems8 a.  b. c. d.

The cost per user for their hosted 6eb solution The use of a centralized database :sing a centralized system for orders and distribution ;etwor economics did not play a strong role in the solution

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: pp. !!+!#

 Analysis in terms of categorize 23.

The four inds of structural organizational change enabled by IT are< a.  b. c. d.

rationalization) automation) reengineering) and redesigning rationalization) automation) reengineering) and paradigm shift automation) rationalization) restructuring) and reengineering automation) restructuring) reengineering) and paradigm shift.

Answer: /


Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. !

"utomation< a.  b.

may change the entire nature of the business. business processes are analyzed) streamlined) and reorganized to cut waste and eliminate repetiti#e) paper-intensi#e tass. c. standard operating procedures are streamlined to remo#e bottlenecs. d. assists employees with performing their tass more efficiently. Answer: / Difficulty: 'asy Reference: p. !



 Analysis =ased on your reading of the chapter) the redesign of mortgage application process by maor mortgage bans was an eample of which type of organizational change8 a.  b. c. d.

"utomation 0aradigm shift Reengineering ;one of the abo#e

Answer: /


reduction in total claims needing processing. maor decreases in paperwor. salary and daily epense reductions. elimination of the need for processing paper-based claim forms.

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. !,

6hat are the two main considerations in determining which business processes should be impro#ed for an effecti#e reengineering proect8 a.  b. c. d.

5ost and ris   4trategic analysis and pain points 4trategic analysis and worflow Inputs and outputs

Answer: /


Reference: p. !*

"ccording to the chapter case on the 4=">s redesign of its processes) the greatest gain from implementing its new information system was< a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. #$

6hat are the main dimensions used to measure business processes8 a.  b.  b. c.

5ost) time) 'uality) and fleibility 5ost) time) 'uality) and organization Inputs) outputs) cost) and 'uality Inputs) outputs) cost) and time

Answer: a

Difficulty: )ard


Reference: p. #!


nabling organizations to mae continual impro#ements to many business processes and to use processes as the fundamental building blocs of corporate information systems is the goal of< a.  b. c. c.

=0&. =0R. Reengineering. 6or flow management.

Answer: a


=0&. =0R. 4i 4igma. T%&.

Answer: d

Reference: p. #%

Feasibility study Re'uirements analysis 4ystems design Test plan de#elopment

Answer: /

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. #

 AnalysisThe entire system-building effort is dri#en by< a.  b. c. d.

organizational change. feasibility studies. the information #alue chain. user information re'uirements.

Answer: d


Difficulty: )ard

6hich process de#elops a detailed description of the functions that a new information system must perform8 a.  b. c. d.


Reference: p. ##

The idea that the achie#ement of 'uality control is an end in itself describes a main concept of< a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: )ard

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. #

4ystems design< a.  b. c. d.

describes what a system should do to meet information re'uirements. shows how the new system will fulfill the information re'uirements. always tries to increase precision. includes the testing phases.

Answer: /

Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. #


4ystem design specifications that address the category of database design issues will include specifications for< a.  b. c. d.

transaction #olume and speed re'uirements. data entry. input) processing) and output controls. program logic and computations.

Answer: a


Input ,atabase &anual procedures 5on#ersion

Answer: d

Reference: p. #*

Training and documentation :ser interface &anual procedures 4ecurity and controls

Answer: /

Difficulty: )ard

Reference: p. #*

:nit testing< a.  b. c. d.

includes all the preparations for the series of tests to be performed on the system. tests the functioning of the system as a whole in order to determine if discrete modules will function together as planned. tests each program separately. pro#ides the final certification that the system is ready to be used in a production setting.

Answer: c


Difficulty: )ard

,etermining methods for feedbac and error handling would be defined by which category of system design specification8 a.  b. c. d.


Reference: p. #*

Transferring transaction data from a legacy system to the new system would be defined by which category of system design specifications8 a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: )ard

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. #&

4ystem testing< a.  b. c. d.

includes all the preparations for the series of tests to be performed on the system. tests the functioning of the system as a whole in order to determine if discrete modules will function together as planned. tests each program separately. pro#ides the final certification that the system is ready to be used in a production setting.

Answer: /

Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. #&


"cceptance testing< a.  b. c. d.

includes all the preparations for the trials. tests the functioning of the system as a whole in order to determine if discrete modules will function together as planned. tests each program separately. pro#ides the final certification that the system is ready to be used in a production setting.

Answer: d


is tested by an outsourced company. replaces the old one at an appointed time. and the old are run together. is introduced in stage.

Answer: c

Reference: p. #&

is tested by an outsourced company. replaces the old one at an appointed time. and the old are run together. is introduced in stages.

Answer: /

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. #&

5hanges in hardware) software) documentation) or production to a production system to correct errors) meet new re'uirements) or i mpro#e processing efficiencies are termed< a.  b. c. d.

compliance. production. maintenance. acceptance.

Answer: c


Difficulty: 'asy

In the direct cuto#er con#ersion strategy) the new system< a.  b. c. d.


Reference: p. #&

In a parallel con#ersion strategy) the new system< a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: 'asy

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. #(

The primary tool for representing a system>s component processes and the flow of data  between them is the< a.  b. c. d.

data dictionary. process specifications diagram. user documentation. data flow diagram.

Answer: d

Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. #,


In what stage of systems de#elopment are design specifications created8 a.  b. c. d.

4ystems analysis 4ystems design Testing 5on#ersion

Answer: /


data dictionary. process specifications diagram. user documentation. data flow diagram.

Answer: a

Reference: p. %!

structure charts. 7antt charts and 0RT. process specifications. data flow diagrams.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %!

"n entire information system is broen down into its subsystems by using< a.  b. c. d.

high-le#el data flow diagrams. low-le#el data flow diagrams. process specifications. structured diagrams.

Answer: a


Difficulty: Medium

To show each le#el of a system>s design) it>s relationship to other le#els) and its place in the o#erall design structure) structured methodologies use< a.  b. c. d.


Reference: p. #,

To understand and define the contents of data flows and data store) system builders use a?n@< a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %!

(Analysis) In an obect-oriented de#elopment framewor for a uni#ersity) how would the classes ,egree) &athematics) and 0hysics be related8 a.  b. c. d.

,egree would be a sister class to &athematics and 0hysics ,egree is a superclass to &athematics and 0hysics &athematics and 0hysics would be ancestors to ,egree ,egree would be a subclass to &athematics and 0hysics

Answer: /

Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. %#


bect-oriented modeling is based on the concepts of< a.  b. c. d.

obects and relationships. classes and obects. class and inheritance. obects and inheritance.

Answer: c


obect-oriented programming re'uires less training. iterati#e prototyping is not re'uired. obects are reusable. a single user interface obect can be used for the entire application.

Answer: c

Reference: p. %%

con#erting specifications into program code. capturing design specifications in the early stages of de#elopment. integrating legacy tools with systems in de#elopment. integrating databases with user interfaces.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %%

The oldest method for building information systems is the< a.  b. c. d.

component-based de#elopment. prototyping. obect-oriented de#elopment. systems de#elopment lifecycle.

Answer: d


Difficulty: 'asy

=ac-end 5"4 tools focus on< a.  b. c. d.


Reference: p. %#

bect-oriented de#elopment could potentially reduce the time and cost of writing software  because< a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. %"

In the traditional systems de#elopment lifecycle) end users< a.  b. c. d.

are important and ongoing members of the team from the original analysis phase through maintenance. are important only in the testing phases. ha#e no input. are limited to pro#iding information re'uirements and re#iewing the technical staff>s wor.

Answer: d

Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. %"


In which type of systems building are the de#elopment stages organized so that tass in one stage are completed before the tass in the net stage begun8 a.  b. c. d.

Traditional 0rototyping R", "ll of the abo#e

Answer: a


Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. %"

(Synthesize) "s a technical proect manager you ha#e decided to propose implementing a prototyping methodology for a small 6eb-based design proect. 6hat is the order of steps you will follow in this proect8 a.  b. c. d.

,e#elop the prototypeA use the prototypeA re#ise and enhance the prototype. Identify user re'uirements) de#elop the prototype) use the prototype) re#ise and enhance the prototype. ,efine the re'uirements) de#elop solutions) select the best prototype) and implement the  prototype. ,efine the re'uirements) de#elop the prototype) re#ise and enhance the prototype.

Answer: /

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %

(Synthesize in terms of arrange, compose) $(.

" systems building approach in which the system is de#eloped as successi#e #ersions) each #ersion reflecting re'uirements more accurately) is described to be< a.  b. c. d.

end-user oriented iterati#e obect-oriented progressi#e

Answer: /


Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. %

6hen systems are created rapidly) without a formal de#elopment methodology< a.  b. c. d.

end users can tae o#er the wor of IT specialists. the organization 'uicly outgrows the new system. hardware) software) and 'uality standards are less important. testing and documentation may be inade'uate.

Answer: d

Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. %&


&anagement should control the de#elopment of end-user applications by< a.  b. c. d. e.

de#eloping a formal de#elopment methodology. re'uiring cost ustification for end-user I4 proects. establishing standards for user-de#eloped applications. both b and c. both a and b.

Answer: d


Report generators and 'uery languages Report generators and application generators 05 software tools and 'uery languages 05 software tools and report generators

Answer: c

Reference: p. %*

05 software tools Report generator  "pplication generator  "pplication software pacage

Answer: c

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. %&

Fourth-generation tools cannot replace con#entional de#elopment tools because< a.  b. c. d.

they cannot handle large numbers of transactions or etensi#e procedural logic. they are not designed to integrate with legacy systems. they do not incorporate methods for documentation. they do not incorporate methods for testing.

Answer: a


Difficulty: )ard

6hich type of fourth-generation language tool contains preprogrammed modules that can be used to create entire applications8 a.  b. c. d.


Reference: p. %&

6hich type of fourth-generation language tools are end-users most liely to wor with8 a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: )ard

Difficulty: )ard

Reference: pp. %*+%&

If an organization>s re'uirements conflict with the software pacage chosen and the pacage cannot be customized) the organization will ha#e to< a.  b. c. d.

change its procedures. outsource the de#elopment of the system. redesign the RF0. change the e#aluation process.

Answer: a

Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. %(


B9idden costsC such as DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD can easily undercut anticipated benefits from outsourcing. a.  b. c. d.

monitoring #endors to mae sure they often are fulfilling their contractual obligations transitioning to a new #endor  identifying and e#aluating #endors of information technology ser#ices all of the abo#e

Answer: d


R",. E",. prototyping. both b or c.

Answer: a

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: pp. %,+"!

The chapter case on outsourcing models describes the outsourcing model of transaction relationships as one in which< a.  b. c. d.

both the #endor and firm co-manage the proect. the firm contracts for relati#ely small chuns of IT ser#ices that are well-defined. the firm>s internal staff are used on a transaction basis by the #endor. use of the #endor>s systems are contracted for on a use or transaction basis.

Answer: c


Reference: p. %,

The process of creating worable information systems in a #ery short period of time is called< a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: 'asy

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: p. "$

This type of systems de#elopment is characterized by significantly speeding up the design  phase and the generation of information re'uirements and in#ol#ing users at an intense le#el. a.  b. c. d.

R", E", 0rototyping nd-user de#elopment

Answer: /

Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. "!


(Synthesis) ou are an IT proect manager for an ad#ertising firm. The firm wishes to create an online sur#ey tool that will be used to sur#ey focus group reactions to products in de#elopment. The most important consideration for the firm is being able to offer the tool as soon as possible as a new corporate ser#ice. 9owe#er) you now that many of the senior managers that are  business owners of this proect ha#e difficulty in understanding technical or software de#elopment issues) and are liely to change their re'uirements during the course of de#elopment. 6hat de#elopment method would be most successful for this proect8 a.  b. c. d.

R", E", nd-user de#elopment 0rototyping

Answer: d


bect-oriented de#elopment 5omponent-based de#elopment 4tructured methodologies R",

Answer: /

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. "#

5ompared to the use of proprietary components) 6eb ser#ices promise to be less epensi#e and less difficult to implement because of< a.  b. c. d.

their ability to integrate seamlessly with legacy systems. the use of uni#ersal standards. the ubi'uity of the Internet. the ability to reuse 6eb ser#ices components.

Answer: /


Reference: pp. %"+"!

7roups of obects are assembled into software components for common functions) which can  be combined into large-scale business applications) in this type of software de#elopment. a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: 'asy

Reference: p. "#

"s discussed in the chapter case on the :.4. "rmy payroll systems) the primary cause of errors in the system were due to< a.  b. c. d.

lac of integration between two systems used for payroll. #endor unfamiliarity with the :.4. "rmy>s business processes. lac of documentation in the reengineering process. poorly documented processes used for determining pay.

Answer: a

Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. ",

Fill in te Blan0s


" systems analysis includes a?n@  feasibility study that is used to determine whether the solution is achie#able) from a financial) technical) and organizational standpoint. Difficulty: Medium


 Information requirements contain a detailed statement of the information needs that a new system must satisfyA identifies who needs what information) and when) where) and how the information is needed. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. %%

"?n@ request for proposal (!P) is a detailed list of 'uestions submitted to eternal #endors to determine how well they meet the organization>s specific re'uirements. Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. %!

Computer-aided software (systems) engineering (CASE)  pro#ides software tools to automate the methodologies to reduce the amount of repetiti#e wor in systems de#elopment. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. #&

 Process specifications describe the transformation occurring within the lowest le#el of the data flow diagrams. Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. #&

The con#ersion strategy in which the old and new systems are run concurrently is called a?n@  parallel strategy. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. #

Conversion is the process of changing from the old system to the new system. Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. #

"?n@ systems design is the model or blueprint for an information system solution and consists of all the specifications that will deli#er the functions identified during systems analysis. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. #

Reference: p. %(

 "oint application design is a process used to accelerate the generation of information re'uirements by ha#ing end-users and information system specialists wor together in intensi#e interacti#e design sessions. Difficulty: 'asy


Reference: p. "!


#eb services loosely coupled) reusable software components based on etensible marup language ?G&H@ and other open protocols and standards that enable one application to communicate with another with no custom programming re'uired. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. "#

'ssay Questions


Synthesis Descri/e eac type of organi1ational cange ena/led /y information tecnology. 2i3e an e4ample of eac type of cange5 as it migt /e illustrated troug te operations of a otel.





In automation) employees are assisted with performing tass automatically. In a hotel) this might mean that a system is set up for the reser#ations des to record and  process customer reser#ations. In rationalization of procedures) standard operating procedures are streamlined. In a hotel) this might mean that a reser#ation system that re'uired three or four steps for checing a customer in would be reduced to one or two steps. In business process reengineering) business processes are analyzed) simplified and redesigned. In a hotel) the reser#ation and chec-in system might be designed to allow the customers to reser#e rooms and chec in themsel#es) without the need of a hotel employee to confirm the process. In paradigm shift) the #ery nature of the business is rethought and new business models are defined. In a hotel) this might mean that the idea of renting rooms on a night by-night basis to clients might be rethought of as an etended stay place) or perhaps e#en as a condominium or other business type. Difficulty: Medium

Synthesis in terms of model 


Reference: pp. !"+!


Synthesis 6ou are consulting for te information tecnology di3ision of a state uni3ersity to guide and facilitate te design of a new system for andling college applications5 wic as pre3iously /een andled entirely wit a paper-/ased process. Tey would li0e to set up a system /y wic prospecti3e students can apply online. 7at factors sould tey consider /efore em/ar0ing on systems de3elopment8

4tudent answers will #ary) but should include an understanding of the elements of re#iewing an identified business process to understand how the process wors. "n eample answer is< The uni#ersity has decided which business process they wish to enable through information technology. ;ow they should perform some more analysis on that process itself. Factors they will need to loo at include< • • • • • • •

identifying the inputs and outputs. identifying the flow of this process. identifying the #arious acti#ities and buffers or time delays in the process. identifying the resources< capital) labor) and time in#ol#ed in the process. identifying the information structure and flow. identifying the process owner. identify other process actors and decision maers.

They will need to re#iew the eisting process and determine what steps can be automated or reengineered. " systems analysis with feasibility study should ultimately be conducted. Difficulty: )ard

Reference: p. #$

Synthesis in terms of propose +3.

Descri/e ow /usiness processes are measured.

There are four main dimensions used to measure business processes< • •

0rocess cost< the total cost of the process for a typical transaction . 0rocess time< the total decision and acti#ity time of all actors . 0rocess fleibility< the ability of the process to produce a #ariety of outputs or change in the face of en#ironmental pressures. 0rocess 'uality< the amount of time and money spent to correct defecti#e parts and ser#ice Difficulty: Medium


Reference: p. #!


7at is te purpose of systems analysis8 7at does te systems analyst do to acie3e tese goals8

It consists of defining the problem) identifying its causes) specifying the solution) and identifying the information re'uirements that must be met by a system solution. The system analyst creates a road map of the eisting organization and systems) identifying the primary owners and users of data in the organization. From this organizational analysis) the systems analyst details the problems of eisting systems. =y eamining documents) wor   papers) and proceduresA obser#ing system operationsA and inter#iewing ey users of the systems) the analyst can identify the problem areas and obecti#es a solution would achie#e. ften the solution re'uires building a new information system or impro#ing an eisting one. The systems analysis itself would include a feasibility study to determine whether the solution suggested would be achie#able from a financial) technical) and organizational standpoint. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: pp. #"+#

9ist and descri/e at least nine factors considered in te design specifications for a new system. 2i3e at least two e4amples for eac one. • • • •

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utput. &edium) content) timing ;nput. rigins) flow) data entry
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