
May 12, 2018 | Author: moath | Category: Relational Database, Databases, Data Mining, Table (Database), Computer Engineering
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Chapter 6 

Foundations of Business Intelligence: Intelligence: Databases and Information Management True-False Questions


A group grouping ing of char charact acters ers into into a word word,, a group group of word words, s, or or a compl complete ete number number is is calle called da record. Answer: False


Reference: ! "'(

Difficulty: Easy

Reference: ! "''

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ! "''

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: !"''

A data data dicti diction onary ary is is a langu language age asso associa ciated ted with with a datab database ase mana managem gement ent sys system tem that that end end user userss and programmers use to manipulate data in the database. Answer: False


Difficulty: Easy

''DB! B! are are slow lower than than rela elatio tional nal DB DB!. !. Answer: True


Reference: ! ""&

'ne 'ne of the the dra drawb wbac ac$s $s to to ''DB ''DB! ! are are tha thatt they they can canno nott wor$ wor$ wit with h appl applet ets. s. Answer: False


Difficulty: Medium

any any appl applica icatio tions ns toda today y requ require ire databa databases ses that that can can stor storee and and retri retrie"e e"e multim multimedi edia. a. Answer: True


Reference: ! ""#$""%

E"ery E"ery reco record rd in a fil filee sho shoul uld d con conta tain in at leas leastt one one $ey $ey fie field ld.. Answer: True


Difficulty: Easy

A DB! DB! sep separ arat ates es the the logi logica call and and phy physi sica call "ie "iews ws of the the dat data. a. Answer: True


Reference: ! ""#

Each Each chara characte cteris ristic tic or qual quality ity descri describin bing g a part particu icular lar entity entity is called called an attr attribu ibute. te. Answer: True


Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Reference: ! "''$"')

+n a relati relationa onall datab database ase,, comple comple  group grouping ingss of data data must must be be strea streaml mline ined d to elimin eliminate ate aw$ward many-to-many relationships. Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy


Reference: ! "'#


A data warehouse may be updated by a legacy system. Answer: True


Reference: ! ")'

Difficulty: +ard

Reference: ! ")'

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ! "),

Difficulty: Easy

Reference: ! ")#

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ! "),

Data administration is a special organiational function that manages the policies and  procedures through which data can be managed as an organiational resource. Answer: True


Difficulty: Easy

4ommon 5ateway +nterface is a specification for processing data on a eb ser"er. Answer: True


Reference: ! ")*

A eb interface requires changes to the internal database. Answer: False


Difficulty: Medium

+n a eb-based database, middleware is used to transfer information from the organiations internal database bac$ to the eb ser"er for deli"ery in the form of a eb page to the user. Answer: True


Reference: ! ")(

0redicti"e analysis is synonymous with data mining. Answer: False


Difficulty: Easy

Data mining can be a challenge to indi"idual pri"acy. Answer: True


Reference: ! "'&

'/A0 enables users to obtain online answers to ad-hoc questions in a fairly rapid amount of time, ecept when the data are stored in "ery large databases. Answer: False


Difficulty: Medium

'/A0 is a $ey tool of B+. Answer: True


Reference: ! "'&

A data warehouse is typically comprised of se"eral smaller data marts. Answer: False


Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ! ")%

Data cleansing is the same process as data scrubbing. Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy


Reference: ! ")

Multile-./oice Questions 21.

 Analysis +n the chapter-opening case, which of the four generic strategies against competiti"e forces did 6A!4A7 focus on in implementing its new information systems8 a.  b. c. d.

4ustomer and supplier intimacy 0roduct differentiation /ow-cost leadership 9ocus on mar$et niche

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ""'$"')

 Analysis in terms of categorize 22.

 Analysis 9or which function was 6A!4A7s new information system geared toward8 a.  b. c. d.

!upply chain management !ales and mar$eting 0roduction and manufacturing 9inance and accounting

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy

Reference: ""'$"')

 Analysis in terms of categorize 23.

 Analysis hich of the following best illustrates the relationship between entities and attributes8 a.  b. c. d.

:he entity 4;!:'E7 with the attribute 07'D;4: :he entity 4;!:'E7 with the attribute 0;74? a.  b. c. d.

field. tuple. $ey field. attribute.

Answer: d


Difficulty: Easy

Reference: ! ""#$""%

 Analysis An eample of a pre-digital database is ? a.  b. c. d.

a librarys card catalog. a cash register receipt. a doctors office in"oice. a list of sales totals on a spreadsheet.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ! ""%

 Analysis in terms of categorize 2&.

:he confusion created by @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ma$es it difficult for companies to create customer relationship management, supply chain management, or enterprise systems that integrate data from different sources. a.  b. c. d.

batch processing data redundancy data independence online processing

Answer: b


Reference: ! ""

Duplicate data in multiple data files is? a.  b. c. d.

data redundancy. data multiplication. data independence. data bac$ups.

Answer: a


Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Easy

Reference: ! ""

A DB!? a.  b. c. d.

ma$es the physical database a"ailable for different logical "iews. ma$es the logical database a"ailable for different analytical "iews. ma$es the physical database a"ailable for different analytical "iews. ma$es the relational database a"ailable for different analytical "iews.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium


Reference: ! ""&


:he logical "iew? a.  b. c. d.

shows how data are organied and structured on the storage media. presents an entry screen to the user. allows the creation of supplementary reports. presents data as percei"ed by end users.

Answer: d Difficulty: Medium


:he type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in twodimensional tables is the? a.  b. c. d.

''DB!. pre-digital DB!. relational DB!. hierarchical DB!.

Answer: c


Difficulty: Easy

field. row. column. table.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy

Reference: ! "'(

+n a relational database, a record is referred to in technical terms as a=n>? a.  b. c. d.

tuple. row. entity. field.



Reference: ! "'(

+n a table for customers, the information about a single customer would reside in a single? a.  b. c. d.


Reference: ! ""&


Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ! "'(

A field identified in a table as holding the unique identifier of the tables records is called the? a.  b. c. d.

primary $ey. $ey field. primary field. unique +D.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium


Reference: ! "'(


A field identified in a record as holding the unique identifier for that record is called the? a.  b. c. d.

primary $ey. $ey field. primary field. unique +D.

Answer: b


DB2. 'racle. icrosoft !/ !er"er. icrosoft Access.

Answer: d

Reference: ! "'(

DB! for small handheld computing de"ices. +nternet DB!. mainframe relational DB!. DB! for midrange computers.

Answer: a

Difficulty: +ard

Reference: ! "'(

icrosoft !/ !er"er is a=n>? a.  b. c. d.

DB! for small handheld computing de"ices. +nternet DB!. des$top relational DB!. DB! for midrange computers.

Answer: d


Difficulty: Medium

'racle Database /ite is a=n>? a.  b. c. d.


Reference: ! "'(

DB! for midrange computers include all of the following E4E0:? a.  b. c. d.


Difficulty: Medium

Difficulty: +ard

Reference: ! "'(

+n a relational database, the three basic operations used to de"elop useful sets of data are? a.  b. c. d.

select, proCect, and where. select, Coin, and where. select, proCect, and Coin. select, from, and Coin.

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium


Reference: ! "'*


:he select operation? a.  b. c. d.

combines relational tables to pro"ide the user with more information than is otherwise a"ailable. creates a subset consisting of columns in a table. identifies the table from which the columns will be selected. creates a subset consisting of all records in the file that meet stated criteria.

Answer: d


 b. c. d.

combines relational tables to pro"ide the user with more information than is otherwise a"ailable. identifies the table from which the columns will be selected. creates a subset consisting of columns in a table. organies elements into segments.

Answer: a

 b. c. d.

Reference: ! "'*$"''

combines relational tables to pro"ide the user with more information than is otherwise a"ailable. creates a subset consisting of columns in a table. organies elements into segments. identifies the table from which the columns will be selected.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy

Reference: ! "''

:he data dictionary ser"es as an important data management tool by? a.  b. c. d.

assigning attributes to the data. creating an in"entory of data contained in the database. presenting data as end users or business specialists would percei"e them. maintaining data in updated form.

Answer: b


Difficulty: Easy

:he proCect operation? a.


Reference: ! "'*

:he Coin operation? a.


Difficulty: Easy

Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ! "''$"')

An automated or manual file that stores information about data elements and data characteristics such as usage, physical representation, ownership, authoriation, and security is the? a.  b. c. d.

data dictionary. data definition diagram. entity-relationship diagram. relationship dictionary.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium


Reference: ! "''$"')


:he type of database management approach that can handle multimedia is the? a.  b. c. d.

hierarchical DB!. relational DB!. networ$ DB!. obCect-oriented DB!.

Answer: d


7elational DB!  physical "iew shows data as it is actually organied and structured on the data storage media. Difficulty: Easy


Reference: ! ""#

Reference: ! "),

 Information policies are the formal rules go"erning the maintenance, distribution, and use of  information in an organiation. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: ! ")%

Essay Questions )1.

Synthesis T/e small ublis/ing comany you wor0 for wants to create a new database for storing information about all of t/eir aut/or contracts! 1/at factors will influence /ow you design t/e database2

!tudent answers will "ary, but should include some assessment of data qualityF business  processes and user needsF and relationship to eisting +: systems. ey points to include are? Data accuracy when the new data is input, • Establishing a good data model, • Determining which data is important and anticipating what the possible uses for the • data will be, beyond loo$ing up contract information, :echnical difficulties lin$ing this system to eisting systems, •  6ew business processes for data input and handling, and contracts management, • Determining how end users will use the data, • a$ing data definitions consistent with other databases, • Determining what methods to use to cleanse the data. • Difficulty: Medium

Reference: ! ""3 ")%$")

Synthesis in terms of build, formulate )2.

 Analysis 1/en you design t/e new contracts database for t/e ublis/ing /ouse mentioned abo4e3 w/at fields do you anticiate needing2 1/ic/ of t/ese fields mig/t be in use in ot/er databases used by t/e comany2

Author first name, author last name, author address, agent name and address, title of boo$,  boo$ +!B6, date of contract, amount of money, payment schedule, date contract ends. 'ther databases might be an author database =author names, address, and agent details>, a  boo$ title database =title and +!B6 of boo$>, and financial database =payments made>. Difficulty: Medium

 Analysis in terms of diagram


Reference: ! ""#3 ""&$"''


5ist at least t/ree conditions t/at contribute to data redundancy and inconsistency!

Data redundancy occurs when different di"isions, functional areas, and groups in an organiation independently collect the same piece of information. Because it is collected and maintained in so many different places, the same data item may ha"e? =1> different meanings in different parts of the organiation, =2> different names may be used for the same item, and =3> different descriptions for the same condition. +n addition, the fields into which the data is gathered may ha"e different field names, different attributes, or different constraints. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: ! ""

5ist and describe t/ree main caabilities or tools of a DBM6!

A data definition capability to specify the structure of the content of the database. :his capability would be used to create database tables and to define the characteristics of the fields in each table. A data dictionary to store definitions of data elements in the database and their characteristics. +n large corporate databases, the data dictionary may capture additional information, such as usageF ownershipF authoriationF securityF and the indi"iduals, business functions, programs, and reports that use each data element. A data manipulation language, such as !/, that is used to add, change, delete, and retrie"e the data in the database. :his language contains commands that permit end users and programming specialists to etract data from the database to satisfy information requests and de"elop applications. Difficulty: Medium


Reference: ! "''$"',

Synthesis 1/at tyes of relations/is are ossible in a relational database2 Describe and gi4e an e7amle of eac/!

A one-to-one relationship occurs when each record in one table has only one related record in a second table. An eample might be a table of salespeople and a separate table of company cars. Each salesperson can only ha"e one car, or be related to the one car in the database. A one-to-many relationship occurs when a record in one table has many related records in a second table. An eample might be a table of salespeople and clients. Each salesperson may ha"e se"eral clients. A many-to-many relationship occurs when records in one table ha"e many related records in a second table, and the records in the second table ha"e many related records in the first table. An eample might be a clients table and a products table. 4lients may buy more than one product, and products are sold to more than one client. Difficulty: +ard

Synthesis in terms of build, model 


Reference: ! "'#$"'%


1/at are t/e t/ree basic oerations used to e7tract useful sets of data from a relational database2 •


:he select operation creates a subset consisting of all records =rows> in the table that meets stated criteria. :he join operation combines relational tables to pro"ide the user with more information than is a"ailable in indi"idual tables. :he project operation creates a subset consisting of columns in a table, permitting the user to create new tables that contain only the information required. Difficulty: Medium Reference: ! "'*$"''

 Evaluation Describe t/e ways in w/ic/ database tec/nologies could be used by an office stationery suly comany to ac/ie4e low-cost leaders/i!

!ales databases could be used to ma$e the supply chain more efficient and minimie warehousing and transportation costs. Gou can also use sales databases to determine what supplies are in demand by which customers, and whether needs are different in different geographical areas. D!! databases using business intelligence could be used to predict future trends in office supply needs, to help anticipate demand, and to determine the most efficient methods of transportation and deli"ery. Difficulty: +ard

Reference: ! "'$")#

 Evaluation in terms of predict, assess )).

 Evaluation Describe t/e ways in w/ic/ database tec/nologies could be used by an office stationery suly comany to ac/ie4e roduct differentiation!

0roduct databases could be made a"ailable to customers for greater con"enience when ordering online. Databases could be used to trac$ customer preferences and to help anticipate customer desires. !ales databases could also help a client anticipate when they would need to re-supply, pro"iding an additional ser"ice. Data mining could help anticipate trends in sales or other factors to help determine new ser"ices and products to sell to the clients. Difficulty: +ard

 Evaluation in terms of predict, assess


Reference: ! "'$")#


 Evaluation 1/at ma0es data mining an imortant business tool2 1/at tyes of information does data mining roduce2 In w/at tye of circumstance would you ad4ise a comany to use data mining2

Data mining is one of the data analysis tools that helps users ma$e better business decisions and is one of the $ey tools of business intelligence. Data mining allows users to analye large amounts of data and find hidden relationships between data that otherwise would not be disco"ered. 9or eample, data mining might find that a customer that buys product  is ten times more li$ely to buy product G than other customers. Data mining finds information such as? Associations or occurrences that are lin$ed to a single e"ent. • !equences, e"ents that are lin$ed o"er time. • 4lassification, patterns that describe the group to which an item belongs, found by • eamining eisting items that ha"e been classified and by inferring a set of rules. 4lusters, unclassified but related groups. • + would ad"ise a company to use data mining when they are loo$ing for new products and ser"ices, or when they are loo$ing for new mar$eting techniques or new mar$ets. Data mining might also be helpful when trying to analye unanticipated problems with sales whose causes are difficult to identify. Difficulty: +ard

Reference: ! ")"$")'

 Evaluation in terms of assess *.

 Evaluation 1/at are t/e differences between data mining and 85A92 1/en would you ad4ise a comany to use 85A92

Data mining unco"ers hidden relationships and is used when you are trying to disco"er data and new relationships. +t is used to answer questions such as? Are there any product sales that are related in time to other product sales8 +n contrast, '/A0 is used to analye multiple dimensions of data and is used to find answers to comple, but $nown, questions, such as? hat were sales of a productHbro$en down by month and geographical region, and how did those sales compare to sales forecasts8 Difficulty: +ard

 Evaluation in terms of assess


Reference: ! ")*$")'

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