Miranda v Aguirre G.R. No. 133064, September 16, 1999 TOPIC: Justiciable Justiciable and political question question Petitioners: JOSE C. MIRANDA A!"REDO S. DIRI#E MAN$E! %. A"IADO MARIANO &. 'A'ARAN AND ANDRES R. CA'$(ADAO Respondents: %ON. A!E)ANDER A#$IRRE IN %IS CAPACIT( AS E)EC$TI&E SECRETAR(* %ON. EPIMACO &E!ASCO IN %IS CAPACIT( AS SECRETAR( O" !OCA! #O&ERNMENT %ON. SA!&ADOR ENRI+$E, IN %IS CAPACIT( AS SECRETAR( O" '$D#ET T%E COMMISSION ON A$DIT T%E COMMISSION ON E!ECTIONS %ON. 'ENJAMIN #. D( IN %IS CAPACIT( AS #O&ERNOR O" ISA'E!A T%E %ONORA'!E SAN##$NIAN# PAN!A!A-I#AN O" ISA'E!A ISA' E!A ATT( ATT(. 'A!TA,AR PICIO IN %IS CAPACIT( AS PRO&INCIA! ADMINISTRATOR AND MR. ANTONIO C%$A IN %IS CAPACIT( AS PRO&INCIA! TREAS$RER Pon: Puno "ACTS /rit o0 pro1ibition assailin2 t1e constitutionalit3 o0 Republic Act No. 4564 con7ertin2 t1e cit3 o0 Santia2o Isabela 0ro8 an independent co8ponent cit3 to a co8ponent cit3. cit3. Ma3 5 9; Republic Act No. ed b3 t1e !#C on inco8e population and land area 6K t1e la/ 8ust be appro7ed b3 t1e people b3 a 8a?orit3 o0 t1e 7otes cast in a plebiscite in t1e political units directl3 aected. require8ents on inco8e population and land area are i8posed to 1elp assure t1e econo8ic 7iabilit3 o0 t1e
local 2o7ern8ent unit concerned. T1e3 /ere not i8posed to deter8ine t1e necessit3 0or a plebiscite o0 t1e people. t1e peoples plebiscite is required to ac1ie7e a political purpose to use t1e peoples 7oice as a c1ec a2ainst t1e pernicious political practice o0 2err38anderin2 G8anipulate t1e boundaries o0 Gan electoral constituenc3K so as to 0a7or one part3 or class.K T1e records s1o/ t1at t1e do/n2radin2 o0 Santia2o Cit3 /as opposed b3 certain se28ents o0 its people. So8e le2islators epressed surprise 0or t1e sudden 8o7e to do/n2rade t1e status o0 Santia2o Cit3 as t1ere 1ad been no si2ni>cant c1an2e in its socio econo8icpolitical status. T1e onl3 reason 2i7en 0or t1e do/n2radin2 is to enable t1e people o0 t1e cit3 to aspire 0or t1e leaders1ip o0 t1e pro7ince. it is t1e essence o0 an independent co8ponent cit3 t1at its people can no lon2er participate or be 7oted 0or in t1e election o0 o@cials o0 t1e pro7ince. T1e people o0 Santia2o Cit3 /ere a/are t1at t1e3 2a7e up t1at pri7ile2e /1en t1e3 7oted to be independent T1ere /as an atte8pt on t1e part o0 t1e Co88ittee on !ocal #o7ern8ent to sub8it t1e do/n2radin2 0or plebiscite /1en a recess /as called. A0ter t1e recess t1e c1air8an o0 t1e Co88ittee announced t1e /it1dra/al o0 t1e a8end8ent a0ter a 7er3 enli21tenin2 con7ersation /it1 t1e elders o0 t1e 'od3. sponsors1ip speec1 and interpellation Senator Sotto. Mr. President t1e o@cials o0 t1e pro7ince said durin2 t1e public 1earin2 t1at t1e3 are no lon2er 7ested /it1 t1e po/er and aut1orit3 o0 2eneral super7ision o7er t1e cit3. T1e po/er and aut1orit3 is no/ bein2 eercised b3 t1e O@ce o0 t1e President and it is quite 0ar 0ro8 t1e Cit3 o0 Santia2o. L t1ere is a cla8or 0ro8 so8e sectors t1at t1e3 /ant to participate in t1e pro7incial elections. senator roco I t1ou21t it s1ould be put on record t1at /e 1a7e supported ori2inall3 t1e proposal to 8ae it an independent cit3. 'ut no/ i0 it is t1eir request t1en on t1e 8ani0estation o0 t1e C1air8an let it be so. Senator Drilon on t1e 8atter o0 t1e opinion o0 t1e citiens o0 Santia2o Cit3 t1ere is a resolution passed b3 t1e San22unian on Januar3 = 9< opposin2 t1e con7ersion o0 Santia2o 0ro8 an independent cit3. senator al7are /1o 1ails 0ro8 t1is to/n t1e ones /1o /ill bene>t 0ro8 t1is are t1e citiens o0 Santia2o /1o /ill no/ be en0ranc1ised in t1e pro7incial electoral process and /1ose c1ildren /ill 1a7e t1e opportunit3 to 2ro/ into pro7incial leaders1ip. T1is is one o0 t1e pri8e reasons /13 t1is a8end8ent is bein2 put 0or/ard. T1is bill /as sponsored b3 t1e con2ress8an o0 t1at district /1o represents a constituenc3 t1e 7oice o0 t1e district. Senator Drilon /anted to do anot1er plebiscite but Mr ala7are said Q9= o0 Article ) t1at t1e do/n2radin2 is not part o0 created di7ided 8er2ed abolis1ed or its boundar3 substantiall3 alteredB Sotto no/ /anted to /it1dra/ 1is a8end8ent o0 do/n2radin2 but Maceda said senatorial courtes3
de8ands t1at /e as 8uc1 as possible acco88odate t1e request o0 t1e Senator 0ro8 Isabela as /e 1a7e done on 8atters aectin2 t1e district o0 ot1er senatorsB since t1e 8atter aects onl3 1is cit3 Sen Al7are: I ca8pai2ned a2ainst t1e cit31ood o0 Santia2o not because I do not /ant it to be a cit3 but because it 1ad disen0ranc1ised t1e 3oun2 8en o0 83 cit3 0ro8 aspirin2 0or t1e leaders1ip o0 t1e pro7ince. T1e to/n is t1e 2e8 o0 t1e pro7ince. %o/ could /e etricate t1e to/n 0ro8 t1e pro7ince
t/o ot1er do/n2rades /it1out plebiscite: Cit3 o0 Oroquieta Misa8is Occidental9H and t1e Cit3 o0 San Carlos Pan2asinan c1arters /ere a8ended to allo/ t1eir people to 7ote and be 7oted upon in t1e election o0 o@cials o0 t1e pro7ince to /1ic1 t1eir cit3 belon2s /it1out sub8ittin2 t1e a8end8ent to a plebiscite. T1e t/o cities /ere c1artered but /ere not independent co8ponent cities 0or bot1 /ere not 1i21l3 urbanied cities /1ic1 alone /ere considered independent cities at t1at ti8e.
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