Miranda Sings Quotes

March 13, 2018 | Author: karategirl201 | Category: Foods
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miranda sings quotes...


She has great self esteem

i love when i see it. (myself)

singing is fun for me becuz im so good at it #blessed #singer #model #actress #magician #person #crafter #makeuper #filmer #eater #uncle

i looke good today. not every1 gets that. #blessed

im always so prety when i look at myself

I'm so famus. I can tell because I am.

I'm singing at myself. Souds relly good. I know cuz I hear it

i saw myself today and thought yes.

i know i look grate becuz im confinent. brb - but really, beutiful.

The only person I fangirl over is myself. & a little bit @ArianaGrande cuz my uncle & me lick her album #YoursTruly. But I still lick me mor

She has great relationships with her family members Miley Cyrus tong is always out. Reminds me of my uncle.

im took a sip of my uncles water when he didnt see it and now i will spit it. haha best prank ever

stfu - suck the fun uncle

When a baby cries it means they deserve it - my uncle

my uncle keeps poking me when i told him TO STOP IT

i cant wait to eat taco bell. my uncle says i can have it for brekfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks becuz i was a good girl yesterdy

I just got so mad at my mom so I just spit on this when she didn't see

She is very wise.

pumpkins are like a heart. you cut it open and there are seeds that u can eat them with salt.

a bird is like a wise old friend because your cat eats them if you think about it then you probly did even when u cant

so just think about it when you did or else you didnt when you always did it - me

Roses are red. Vilets are blue. I don't.

If you think about it, knifes could cut things because they are sharp. Think about it.

"Keep calm and carry it" - me

She is very observant.

There is black stuf under my toe

I have to go to the bathroom relly bad but when I sit on the potty it goes back up. Happy 4fth of july

eyelashes are like hair but crunchyer.

there is something stickt on my pants.

my nails taste hard

She is super culturally aware.

im in munich i think. it reminds me of germany here. the only differnece is they dont speak mexican

hola seneritos. #practicinspanish #taco #proofimnotrasist

hola senoretas. comel estal. - spanish for hi i love you

Haters back off! I know way I'm talkin aboir

She is very religious.

I'm freinds with myself because the bible.

TBH - tomorrow be holy - jesus and me

Beer is for sinners. No offense Germany people who r drinking it. I pray 4 u

She gives amazing advice to her friends.

What should u do if ther is brown on ur finger but it doesn't come off good? Asking for a friend.

my teeth feel fuzzy. what shuld i do? asking for a frend.

why do bandaids turn that color after theyv been on a long time? asking for a friend

what shuld i do about the itchy white flakes on my head? asking for a frend.

what do i do when my ear is leaking? asking for a frend

i itched it and it got runny. what do i do? asking for a frend.

How do u get hair off ur back? asking for a frend

She knows what she wants.

i hate when people tell me what to do. like if u say hi when i didnt ask it isn't my fault if you did it wihtout me wanting it. just stop

I hate when people tell me advice! If I ask ur advice that means tell me I'm good. Not other ones. Can I get a amen?

ilysm - i love yogurt sometimes maybe

there! that bug! i told it so i killed it.

after thinking about it all day, i decided i will be the next pope.

I am in a meeting with myself so I'm rely busy.

She keeps updated on pop culture and new music.

If our love is tagedy why r u my lemony

i came in lick a red king ball!

The only good thing Justin timberlake did lately is give brith to Justin bieber. #blessthefather #honerYourParents #yolo

"I got the eye of the tiger mafire ldancing in a fire and your gonna hear meeeeeror." - Katy pery

She has a sophisticated sense of taste.

Save the earth. lets trend this. plants r people 2. RT RT RT !!!! #SaveThePlanetStopEatingSaladsWhatDoYouThinkYouAreADi nosaur

This cheese smells like creases I don't wash good. But that's how he like it she says i ate spagettios and they were grate but they always maake me barf just a little. i dont mind.

i love gracery stores because they have all those eggs you can crack.

spagettios and kraft cheese slices. is my faveorite snack. whats urs?

i ate so much meat for lunch today! u no what they say lots of meat a day keeps the doctor away!

leaves are salads. which means salads are trees. which means trees are living. which means salads are alive and u ate themm. murdurur...

im thinking about hot dogs and how they are tasting when u add milk in ur mouth. reminds me of christmas #godmemories #holidays #myself She gives great advice to her viewers.

Tip of the day - if u feel hot, spit on your arm and blow on it. It feels cooler afterthat. Free air condichoning. Encouraging words of the day - if ur not good at it then dont even try. - me

i love when the skin under and around my eyes are swollen because it esentuates my eyes.. #beautytips

Don't ware hats. Hats hide u. Don't be ashamed of who u are. Unless u r ugly.

wen i talk fast i get more spit. so when i get thirsty i talk fast. - tip of the day form me miranda

She has a lot of body problems.

how are eyes difernt colors if your skin isnt?

my skin is cleaner after i wash it its weird

i pushed and more came out.

just sqeeze it a little bit

i licked my finger and tasted something dark

UGH I hate static electrisity and getting shoked. now my tongue is stinging.

my tongue tastes like yesterday

my finger smells like dirty skin.

How are boogers reel if u can't smell them? Makes no sense if u think about it. Just saying

uh i hate it when my burps taste lick my dogs pooo!!!1!! stop it! Feels like a ant inside up there

I hate that itch that's inside tht u can't scratch good. U no?

the hair in my nose itches ok? not picking it. just have a itch

Pulling out the hair in ur nose is so easy.

She calls people out when they're wrong tomorow is a new day? yeah rite. how can it be if it didnt even happen yet. no offense. yesterday was the first day of fall? yeh rite. then how come its not holloween? gotcha cartoon blood isn't real? yeh rite. then how is it RED?! gotcha.

how can wind exist if i dont see it? yeah right, trees just move becuase they get mad they say you cant count the hairs on ur head. then how did i just count 21 hairs? gotcha infinity is the highest number? yeah rite. what about 358? gotcha.

If a frog is so good at jumping them how come it is still living after that? C? Gotcha white is NOT A COLOR! IF it was, it would have a name like purple or orange. gotcha im starting to think maybe the world isnt round. no offense i just feel like how is it possible if we aren't rolling. i stole my dogs pillow. gotcha Shoot for the stars? Yeh rite. Guns are illegal. 3rd ammendmant. Read about it.

i HATE unicorns because they have a sword coming out of their head like satan. they are demons in disguys. yeh rite. GET OUT OF HEAR~!@

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