Miracle Mastery

April 28, 2018 | Author: glaucoazevedo | Category: Mind, Miracle, Parapsychology, Dream, Science
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Download Miracle Mastery...


Learn about psychic abilities, psychic development, Yoga Siddhis, and more!

Are you ready unlock Tangible Psychic Powers so profound that they can bend reality to your will? I'm not talking about those "common" psychic abilities that other people make such a big deal about. You will learn those as a *side-effect* of the powerhouse methods that I can teach you...

I'm talking about the powers and abilities that come from true psychic and spiritual MASTERY. Abilities like: Materialization Invisibility Teleportation Radical Healing Telekinesis Levitation Pyrokinesis Invulnerability Electrokinesis and many, many more!

It is said that when the student is ready the Master will appear... My friend, if you are ready to learn, I am going to teach you exactly how to make literal Miracles, and just so we are on the same page, check out this video that shows four of the abilities from our list in action:

"DJ" demonstrates Healing, Electrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, and Telekinesis through the power of his internal "Chi" energy. There are thousands and thousands of documented cases of miraculous, bizarre and completely inexplicable things happening to ordinary people. People with terminal illness who go into spontaneous remission so sudden and so complete that Doctors are baffled. People who have disappeared out of moving vehicles only to appear a few minutes later confused and disoriented... and hundreds of miles away from where they were. People who have jumped from airplanes and discover that their parachute wouldn't open who wake up on the ground without a scratch or broken bone for their ordeal. People who become spontaneously invisible. People that awaken from sleep to discover they were literally sleeping on air, and then come crashing down as soon as they realized that what they are doing is "impossible." The list goes on and on. We've all heard the myths and legends of these things at some point in our lives, but for every story of a spontaneous occurrence that manages to stumble it's way into a tabloid newspaper, there are thousands of even more amazing things that are being done deliberately, carefully, and quietly by an elite group of people

who can do these kinds of things at will. These incredible happenings and many, many more are documented through human history. Nearly every sacred text of every religion describes special people with the ability to do miraculous things. For lack of any better way to describe them, they are called many things: Saints Seers Light workers Blessed Mystics Shamans Yogis Prophets... "Holy" people. The truth is there are Holy people out there doing miraculous things right now, but it's not what you think. These people are Holy, as in "Whole"-ly, and whether these people got there by the path of religious devotion, or through psychic and spiritual disciplines, these "whole" people have learned to recognize that humans are *much* more than just the flesh we wear. We are Spiritual beings. We are also beings of Energy, and once we understand how to control that energy we can use it to do incredible things. These special people have learned to see and interact with the world in a different way because this new perspective lets them understand how the material world around us works. Miracle Mastery will teach you what they have come to understand, and once you know what they do, you will understand where and how to focus your thoughts and efforts to create real, tangible, "Miraculous" changes to help yourself and others.

Who are these Miracle workers? You would be surprised. Many of them look just like you or me because anyone has the potential to develop these abilities if they know what to do. You may even have passed one of them on the street... You'd never know by looking at them and they are very careful not to call attention to themselves. These Miracle workers aren't interested in fame: That would just surround them with a flock of annoying "sheep" demanding to see tricks and proof, and that would diminish the quality of their lives and their ability

to help others. They have no need for wealth: They can meet their own needs with wave of a hand. You will never read about them in the newspapers, and scientists will rarely see them in a laboratory: they couldn't care less about providing proof to skeptics. Some of these people are deeply religious. Some are not... but they have all embarked on a literally miraculous journey, and one that I invite you to start as well. Most of these extraordinary people have one very surprising thing in common: At one time or another, they all started out pretty much just like you! The only difference is that they all learned certain fundamental truths either by accident, epiphany or through the guidance of a teacher that changed them in ways you will soon learn for yourself. After that understanding comes, it's simply a matter of time and practice until you join them in the ranks of the "Miracle Makers Club."

Would you like to learn what they know, and do what they do? Miracle Mastery will teach you *exactly* what you need to know by teaching you the step-by-step exercises that develop your psychic muscles to the point were they can actually work for you. "WOW, what a fantastic book! I can't tell you how blown away I was... Actually, I can: I am so grateful I read this! It's removed any last lingering doubts of skepticism within me (and there were a lot more than I realized!) through the methodical detail to realworld science and understanding of the way energy actually works. I'm a deep-tissue massage therapist myself, I'm really noticing a difference when I sense the energy moving through me. Even my clients notice the difference. Everything makes SENSE now, and I look forward to getting more and more “aware” each and every day! I really did appreciate how science-minded you were were in your book instead of reverting to what I lovingly refer to as "hippy anti-logic".

It REALLY connected with me." -Elizabeth H. My name is Dave DeBold, and for as long as I can remember I've had a fascination with psychic abilities. I'm no Saint, Mystic, or Guru. I'm a regular person just like you, with one exception: My fascination with all things psychic has lead me on an incredible 30 year journey researching, discovering and developing advanced psychic development methods. In that time I've seen, learned and done some amazing things that I hope you will let me share with you.

Psychic powers do not have to be the privilege of a lucky few who were born with "the gift." They are a natural ability that we all have and can cultivate if we know what to do and practice doing it. I'm living proof.

Why am I qualified to teach you? Simple.

I wasn't born with any particular "psychic gifts"... I earned them. I'm not the kind of person who burns incense and chants. I make my living as a scientist, with logical thought, deductive reasoning and a systematic approach to problem solving. What I bring to the table is an open mind and a natural curiosity that stretches across a variety of physical, mental and scientific disciplines. What makes me special in the field of advanced psychic studies is that my interests, explorations and experience across so many different fields of study helped me make connections that others could not see. My style of study was the perfect fit to put me in the right place at the right time to discover the incredible exercises and techniques that you can start exploring for yourself in just a few minutes from now. In spite of (or maybe because of !) my interests in science, from my earliest memories I've always been fascinated with "miracles" and miraculous powers. Science is, after all, nothing more than a systematic way to explore and to learn about what we don't know. I never doubted that the day would come when I would discover exactly how miracles work and and I always dreamed that someday I would be able to perform them myself.

I unlocked my own psychic abilities through years of research with a lot of trial and error, but those where the more "traditional" psychic skills, and while the cultivation of those skills helped to crack open the door of discovery, even they weren't enough to unlock the deeper mysteries of how to make a physical miracle. My pursuit of that knowledge has put me in touch with fellow psychic explorers from all over the world, led me to explore the secrets encoded through the pages of hundreds of rare books and Holy texts, and resulted in decades of study on subject matters literally from A to Z: from Alchemy to Zen meditation. I've explored the depths of my own psyche through years of meditation. I've studied the harmony of mind/ body/spirit that comes from the Japanese art of Kiatsu, the Chinese art of Chi-kung, the Indian arts of Yoga, and many others. While I've certainly done my share of exploration in these exotic avenues, I've also studied more conventional sciences ranging from Biology, Energy harmonics, Classical and Quantum Physics and a host of others too numerous to mention. All of this has been a tremendous adventure, but being a good researcher is not what makes me the perfect person to share this knowledge with you. Even my ability to explain how this all works in clear, simple, easy to understand language does not necessarily qualify me to be your teacher. The one thing that makes me absolutely the best person to teach you how to make miracles is that I do not believe in them. ...And neither should you. In order to "believe" in something, you need to have faith, but once you have proof of that thing, faith, and thus "belief" is obsolete. I don't need to believe in miracles because I know they are real. I've grown beyond the need for faith because I have seen them for myself. I understand how they work, what it takes to make them happen and I have put that knowledge to the ultimate test: by deliberately producing them myself. Over 30 years worth of passionate exploration and joyful discovery are distilled into the the most incredible step-by-step manual ever devised on how to unlock the true human potential, and that potential is absolutely staggering!

In the course of my research I've had some *incredible* experiences... I've seen someone knocked unconscious from more than 10 feet away with nothing more than psychic energy. I've seen a a tiny, 105 pound woman effortlessly fling a 230 pound guy more than 15 feet across a room with

one finger. I've had a life-altering brush with Omniscience. I've had profound experiences with Telepathy, Remote Viewing, Out-of-Body Experiences, Time Perception, Dowsing, Healing, Seeing the Aura, Invisibility, Bi-location and Teleportation. I know exactly how to prepare. I know how to summon the energies, what to think, what to do, what it feels like when you are getting close, what to expect at each stage of an ability as it manifests. Most import of all, I know what *not* to do as your psychic skill begins to manifest, and I will share every detail with you. THAT is what makes me qualified to teach you! In the course of my explorations, I've met with others like myself who have also created miracles... We're not all spiritual "masters" (yet!), but then again, we don't need to be in order to experience these incredible psychic and spiritual powers. We are simply students who are walking on an incredible path and marveling at the scenery, and we are inviting you to join us. We delight in exploring the mysteries of reality and enjoy the serenity that comes from understanding "the big picture" and knowing our place within it, and now you can too. We've compared notes, worked together, studied together and found that there is a surprising amount of things in common around our experiences... both the spontaneous ones and the deliberate ones. After talking with one another, we've come to realize that many of us have even come into contact with *real* spiritual masters, some of us without even realizing it at the time... people *far* more advanced than ourselves who gave us a gentle but timely nudge or a seemingly innocent comment that triggered the epiphany that put us on the path we are on now. Would you like to walk this path? If you are like me when I began my journey, then you probably already know in your heart that these miraculous powers and abilities are real, but you may not (yet) believe that they are within your grasp. They are. You may be skeptical because just like me, you've probably read and been horribly disappointed by psychic development books and courses out there that promise so much less than I do and yet still manage to underwhelm and underdeliver. I know there is a lot of junk out there because I've gone through it all, but *I promise you* that Miracle Mastery is something special.

It took me over thirty years to do it, but in my quest for this knowledge I finally ended up learning enough to write the book that I was hoping to read for my entire life.

Miracle Mastery is my life's work, and I literally guarantee that you will be impressed. It is sad, but in the world today, you are quite correct to be skeptical of any extraordinary claim that you can not see and verify for yourself, and I understand that there can be no more extraordinary claim than the fact that *YOU* can develop advanced psychic abilities that qualify as literal, physical miracles. That is why I won't offer you "proof" in the form of pictures or videos that can be faked or altered... no matter how convincing they look, there will always be doubt if they are real. Instead, I'll let you try the tools and techniques for yourself so you can get your own proof, and with absolutely no risk to you... I am so confident that you will be absolutely delighted with my course and amazed with it's content that I will even back it up with a full eight week, no-hassle, 100% money back

guarantee. Please don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you made a mistake by ignoring this offer when you can so easily try it for yourself and feel it working.

I'm taking the risk: If you aren't impressed, simply get your money back. The only risk you take is on missing out on this offer if you wait too long. Order now so you can use my techniques to cultivate incredible internal energies within yourself. You will know the exercises work because you will actually feel your own power, health and vitality growing day by day as you practice. You will create your own proof, because the day will come when you feel like you are going to burst with spiritual energy... and then you will. Miracle Mastery offers you the chance of a lifetime; a chance to experience a day just as I did many years ago. A day where you suddenly find yourself laughing and crying in stunned amazement as you look in wonder at the miracle that you just performed yourself. What will your first miracle be? A materialization? A teleportation? A healing?

Let me share with you the wonder that comes from the "Holy" (as in whole!) union that takes place when Science meets Spirituality. Miracle Mastery is the real thing, and it can literally change your life if you let it, but this offer may be withdrawn at any time so please don't miss out. You can't imagine how incredible it is when science lets your rational mind finally understand the things you already know in your heart and your soul. You won't believe the power that comes from when scientific principles are used to uncover the most powerful methods to connect you to your spiritual energy and the exact, step-by-step methods to apply that energy in ways that seem incredible for those who do not understand. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur C. Clarke Did you know that technology is defined as "The practical application of science"? Miracle Mastery is all about the science of your mind, the science of your spirit, and the "spiritual technology" that is the result of the practical applications that come from uniting the two into a force that can literally change the world around you.

It only looks like magic until you understand how it works! Miracle Mastery will give you exactly what you need to begin your own spiritual evolution so that you can finally realize your *real* potential. Its easy, step-by-step exercises let you develop at your own pace. You will actually feel the energies gathering inside you as proof that you can do it. This course was written to offer anyone exactly what they need, in a clear, easy to read way. Even though Miracle Mastery explains the science behind Miracles and how to make them, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand it. The science behind how Miracles operate is in there if you want it, but you will come to your own intuitive understanding of the entire process simply by doing the exercises in the book.

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How are these physical, "Miraculous" psychic abilities possible? Most people go about their lives applying mere shards of their potential to the problems they face and in the pursuit of the goals they desire. As a result they need to work very hard to overcome those problems to make any progress at all towards what they truly want. They struggle heroically in their efforts to get ahead in the mistaken belief they are doing things the best they possibly can, or sadly, that they are doing things in the only way they can. They are going through life with the equivalent of one hand tied behind their back because no one has ever taken the time to show them how to use the other hand. Since they don't understand their own potential they are satisfied at their small but hard won victories. My friend, you are capable of so very much more... Let me show you exactly how to get it. Miracle Mastery not only gives you the tools to figuratively and literally change your life, it gives you the understanding to use them to their greatest potential. Imagine trying to split a log with an axe that has no handle. Sure, with enough time and energy it can be done, but it won't be easy, clean, or fast... There is a better way. As we integrate more of our facilities, it's like adding a handle to the axe...

...and then learning the proper grip. ...and then the proper stance. ...and then the proper distance to the log. ...and finally: the proper swing. When all of the pieces come together on the same problem at the same time, it is possible to accomplish in one perfect, “Holy” swing what a week's worth of hacking and frustration could not. You get a clean, beautiful cut, not a hacked up mess. Miracle Mastery assumes you are starting from the beginning, and teaches you everything you need to optimize your body, mind and spirit, and then how to integrate them so that the whole is much greater than the sum of those parts. Once you are there, I will show you exactly how to apply them to the four elements you will need to produce a physical miracle:

Focus. In order to accomplish the making of an honest to goodness "Materialization out of thin air" miracle, you need to learn how to bring All facets of yourself and your energies into a single, perfect focus. In the psychic context as in so many others, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This is called "synergy", and it is this extra energy that “Holy” people can bring to bear that the uninitiated can't. This single skill, this “focus” alone is sufficient to change every facet of your life for the better, and not just for your psychic skills and abilities. Your work, your play, your relationships, everything becomes easier. When all aspects of your self are working harmoniously towards the same goal amazing things become possible, and even commonplace. You will see this for yourself very soon after you start using the exercises in my course. Focus is a critical piece of the puzzle, and it's certainly more than enough to bring incredible improvements in your life, but it's not enough to bend reality to your will. To do that, you are also going to need...

Power. Let's face it - Mastery of *Extreme* psychic abilities is not for the weak of spirit.

Turning invisible, moving objects with your mind, or creating solid, material objects from "thin air" requires a tremendous amount of pure power. That's why Miracle workers need to have a *lot* more psychic energy to draw on in order to do what they do, but don't worry:

Miracle Mastery teaches you exactly how to develop and manipulate your energies and how to apply them so that you can experience these amazing psychic skills for yourself. Just follow the step-by-step instructions in my course and I will not only teach you how to master your own internal energies but how to expand how much you can hold and use. I'll even teach you the rarest, most powerful psychic skill of all time: how to use your personal, "internal" energy as a catalyst to summon *vast* amounts of additional energy from your environment to use as you see fit. You will feel the energy coursing inside you and command all the energy you could possibly need to accomplish the truly miraculous things you've always dreamed of.

Control. Power without control would be a disaster waiting to happen. That's why Miracle Mastery contains easy to follow exercises to help you learn incredible control over your mind, body and spirit. These three become the foundation for all that follows; a true "Holy Trinity" that unlocks the nearly limitless potential that is waiting for you.

Harmony. Even with all the pieces in place, your newly discovered focus, power and control can not brute-force your way through a miracle. You need to understand "how it all works." Once you understand how the material world works and your relationship to it, suddenly everything makes sense!

Miracle Mastery will teach you the skills you need to instinctively understand where and how to apply a gentle nudge to the fabric of reality to generate spectacular changes in matter, space and energy. You will learn how to work in harmony with natural laws and with nature itself.

How to make a Miracle The human body is surrounded by a field of living bio-energy that many call the "Aura".

This energy field is kind of like electricity, but it's not quite electrical. It's kind of like magnetism, but it's not actually magnetic. In fact, it is a field of "undefined energy potential" that surrounds you just waiting for you to give it purpose and direction. The aura responds directly to your thoughts, emotions and to the physical state of your body. With practice, you can learn how to change the size, density, shape, color and "energetic" properties of the Aura so that it can do very specific things... If you want to influence an electronic device, you would change the properties of the aura to resonate with electricity. If you want to snuff out a candle flame, you condense the aura over the wick until no oxygen can reach it, and poof! The flame goes out. The Aura is like a psychic "Swiss Army Knife" that can perform incredible feats... if you make it strong enough and if you know how to use it. Unfortunately, in most people the Aura is like a muscle that never gets used. It is so weak and delicate that it doesn't have enough power to actually accomplish anything even if you knew exactly how to use it. In fact, for most people the Aura is so underdeveloped that even if it actually got extra energy from somewhere else it wouldn't be able to handle it. The end result is that you end up getting dizzy or passing out. (This is one of the reasons why people often faint during spiritual healing.) Miracle Mastery takes you by the hand and shows you *exactly* how to gently, safely, and steadily increase the amount of energy that your Aura can contain, as well as how to alter, focus and control that power so that you can start doing amazing things with it. For the really exciting stuff, you are going to need even more energy than your Aura alone can hold, and that is why I'll show you the ultimate secret: How to summon and manipulate vast amounts of external energy so that you can pull of psychic abilities so extreme, they are literally MIRACULOUS! Once you have all the pieces in place, Miracle Mastery gives you the exact "recipes" for 16 different kinds of extreme psychic abilities in three different classes of tangible psychic phenomena: Condensation Class - The ability to summon and focus the energy from your surroundings into a specific area and then impart additional attributes to it. Projection Class - The art and act of projecting energy, usually by way of the Aura to a specific target and with a specific purpose, often to add additional energy to a system or project a force. Manipulation Class - The ability to freely convert matter to its component energy, manipulate that energy and then reassemble it into matter of a different configuration or at a different location.

Because all the principles are clearly explained, you will understand exactly how it all works so that you will even know what to do to produce any effect that is not explicitly listed. Miracle Mastery assumes that you are beginning at the beginning with no knowledge or skill with psychic development, and then explains every step clearly. You will learn what to do, how to do it, what not to do, and for those that want to know... even how it works, and why. Beginners to psychic development will actually have an advantage in that they have no bad habits to unlearn and can actually make very fast progress.

Some "psychically experienced" people may be surprised to learn that what they have been doing in their attempts to unlock their psychic skills is very likely the same set of techniques that were abandoned by the "psychic elite" long ago because they are considered dead end techniques. People using these flawed techniques would see some weak or partial results and get excited because they didn't know any better. Then they would continue to practice these in the mistaken belief that they are making progress towards something greater. Unfortunately, using these "broken" techniques is like running down a dead-end alley: It feels like you are making progress right up until you reach the wall, and then there is simply no where left to go. Miracle Mastery will teach the right way to unlock your *full* psychic potential by showing you the real exercises that will completely shatter your old limits while at the same time guiding you around the pitfalls that could impede your progress along the way.

Why is this information being released now? Obviously, the incredibly powerful secrets that I am about to reveal to you have been hidden for a long time, and until recently it was thought that they would need to remain hidden... but something remarkable has happened that changed everything. It started back in 1906 when a great experiment was attempted. That experiment was to release a very small piece of a very powerful and ancient secret to the public in a book called "Thought Vibration" by a man named William Walker Atkinson. The book created a minor stir in a few very limited circles, but in spite of the power of the information it contained, it didn't create the wave of positive change that Mr. Atkinson was expecting. As it turned out, most people of that time simply "didn't "get it." Still, the information was not abused either, so the experiment was put on hold until relatively recently when this same information was translated more into "layman's terms" and re-released to the public. THIS time, it made quite a stir: The book was #1 on the New York Times best-seller list, and at the time of this writing, it has been on this prestigious list for more than 147 weeks and has been translated into 35 different languages.

You may have heard of it. It was aptly called: "The Secret."

This powerful secret is based on a principle called "The Law of Attraction", and most people are surprised to learn that this information is not new... It's even older than the version published in 1906. "The Secret" has been around for literally thousands of years, but it was kept hidden from the general public before the experiment because it's keepers believed that humanity was not yet ready for it. The experiment was to release this small fragment of the puzzle and see how humanity would respond. Back in 1906, the people did not realize what they had. When it was re-released recently, the results were as good as could possibly be hoped for: Those that were not spiritually evolved enough to understand what it represented still ignored it, while those that *did* recognize it's value used it responsibly, and beautifully to aid their spiritual growth and development and generally make things better in every area of their endeavors. In short, while the message was made available to everyone, only the people it was intended for "got it". Humanity passed the test not because everyone was spiritually evolved enough to benefit from the message, but because those that were not tend to wrap themselves so tightly in their cloak of ignorance, disbelief or disinterest that there is no danger of them recognizing, learning, using or abusing skills that are beyond their spiritual maturity level. The Secret proved that important, powerful ideas would only reach those who were ready for them. If you follow the news at all you have probably noticed that things seem to be getting rougher lately: More frequent and larger Earthquakes, Environmental Disasters, Climate changes, Pollution, Drought, Famine, Disease... The Secret was released when it was in part because "enough of us were ready to hear it", but also because we have a lot of challenges that we must face very soon. This is a crucial time to prepare ourselves by learning how to use some powerful new tools for the job ahead. The Secret is one small part of those tools. Miracle Mastery is the rest of it.

Why like this? I've had people from all over the world beg me to teach them what I know, but I've only had the opportunity to work with a small percentage of them directly.

Even at prices of over $4,500 for a weekend seminar/retreat, there are far more people who wish to sign up to learn these incredible skills then there are available openings. As much as I want to teach this extraordinary information to as many people as possible, it saddens me greatly that there is simply no way for me to personally instruct so many sincere, deserving people from every corner of the world. Taking on students with the "old school" personal instruction approach would severely limit the number of people that I can share this information with. Instead, for the last three years I have worked tirelessly to distill the the most important ideas, techniques and exercises from over thirty years of psychic and spiritual research into a stand-alone course that would be extremely effective for people at all levels of their psychic development. I have worked closely with a select group of people with a sincere interest but with no experience in accessing their psychic abilities to ensure that the information contained in Miracle Mastery contains everything that someone brand new to these ideas needs for their success. With their help, I have created the definitive work on the development of physical psychic abilities and I've done it in a way that is easy to understand. I also address their questions, fears and misconceptions as well as point out the common stumbling blocks that could potentially set them back years in their own psychic growth, just as they had for me. All of this ensures that Miracle Mastery permits anyone to learn these amazing secrets as quickly and easily as possible. Offering Miracle Mastery through this limited time offer through the internet also allows me to offer it to a far greater number of people and at a much lower price than I can through personal training and seminars.

Are you ready? If you are fascinated with the idea of deliberate, *tangible*, psychic manifestations you need to read this book. I have condensed decades of research, study, practice and experiences into the most concise, practical, *incredible* manual ever written on how to use your innate psychic energies to make genuine, tangible Miracles.

"I found the words and instructions in this book to be easy to follow and plausible for any who are willing to take the great step to master themselves and come to realize abilities they may not have been aware that they had. All the exercises are excellent in the preparation for tapping into those unknown capabilities that each person has and it even gives enough steps to allow a person to figure out how to accomplish other abilities that have not been specifically listed. It is an excellent place to start and prepare yourself for finding the key to the greater mysteries... " -Rhiannon S.

No matter who you are, you will benefit tremendously learning what I would like to teach you. Are you: ...someone who has always dreamed of having these extraordinary abilities? Your search is over. My course will teach you *exactly* what to do to increase your internal energy to the point where you can produce real, tangible, Miraculous abilities .There is no other course on the market that can touch my powerhouse techniques. ...someone curious about psychic experiences? Learn from first hand accounts what happens and what they feel like. ...confused because something extraordinary happened to you that you don't understand? Discover the dynamics of your psychic-self, how and why it works the way it does, and how to cultivate it to your advantage. ...suffering from weird, mysterious and frustrating inexplicable things? You may be doing them yourself. Learn about how your sub-conscious mind works and why it has a much closer connection to your psychic abilities than your conscious mind does. Learn how to harmonize your conscious and sub-conscious mind so that you can stop the spontaneous events and then gain conscious control over your abilities. ...a fellow seeker? Learn from my experiences, and share your own. You are not alone. There are many, many people just like you and me.

...an Open minded skeptic? Try the exercises provided and feel for yourself how the energy moves inside you! You've got nothing to lose, and in a very short time you'll see a dramatic improvement in your energy levels, your physical and mental health, and your concentration. Keep practicing with an open mind and you may be *very* surprised indeed at exactly what you can accomplish!

What to expect... and do you have what it takes? Miracle Mastery is very different from anything you have encountered before. It is literally life changing... but quite frankly it's not for everyone. Just as anyone can buy a book on body building, and nearly everyone has the potential to get in top physical shape, the simple reality is that not everyone is willing to put in the effort required to get results. Miracle Mastery is similar, but it teaches you how to build your mind and spirit so that you can use them in ways profoundly different than what most people can imagine. Even though everyone has the potential to create miracles using the exact techniques that I am offering, most people will not reach the level of spiritual evolution that allows you to make tangible, physical miracles. To attain that level of development takes dedication, patience and effort... and it is surprising how few people are willing to invest the time into their own development, even when the rewards are so incredible. Even though the exercises are not difficult, they quickly offer profound physical, mental and health benefits, and can be done in as little as a half-hour each day, most people will quit before they advance far enough to experience any of the truly spectacular results. This is actually a good thing! Human nature provides numerous and elegant safeguards to ensure that only people worthy of these abilities will advance to the level where they will have them! People with weak character will quit, and this is precisely what allows me to offer the people who deserve this knowledge a way to finally have access to it without the need to fly to Tibet or India to seek out one of the very few Masters who are able and willing to teach this incredible information. You have NO IDEA how lucky that is... These Masters deliberately make themselves *VERY* hard to find in order to deter people who are not sincere in their quest for this knowledge. Even if you could find such a Teacher, it is very unlikely that would help you. You would still have to beg for a *chance* to study with them and then you would have to go through some grueling trials to prove your worth: These Masters take very few students, often require that you renounce your former life and donate all of your worldly possessions, and then demand years of discipline and dedicated study before they will teach the same techniques that I am offering here.

This is why I am going to do something unheard of in internet marketing history - I'm going to ask you to look into your heart and ask yourself:

Are you worthy of what I have to show you? This is no joke. The material that I am offering here is the real thing, but the reason I can share these incredible techniques with you is that only very special people will advance to the levels where truly miraculous results are commonplace.

Miracle Mastery is the key to a *very* exclusive club, and it is ok if you are not yet ready to join. Let's be honest: most people are content to live their life within the status quo and Miracle Mastery was not written for these kinds of people! It is designed for extraordinary people and for people that aspire to become extraordinary. It's for people of adventurous spirit who are ready to shed the beliefs that keep them shackled to mediocrity. If you are the kind of person with a natural curiosity and a sincere desire to learn, grow and evolve, then Miracle Mastery is *exactly* what you are looking for. Please take advantage of this offer while it is available. It may be withdrawn at any time. Are you worthy? If so, in just a couple weeks, anyone that regularly does the practices and exercises that I outline can expect to feel more calm, invigorated and energized. You will be sleeping better and feeling more rested and refreshed while usually needing less sleep. You will be more mentally alert, and you will probably start to notice your memory improving. Within the first month of using my techniques, you will notice a general and sometimes dramatic improvement to your overall health and a kind of vitality that infuses everything you do. You will start to experience the benefits of "focus"... which allows you to start seeing things in a new way that lets you anticipate and deflect problems before they ever have a chance to manifest, as well as instinctively seize opportunities that you would not normally have noticed. This makes it seem like you live a charmed life or have a guardian angel looking out for you since suddenly everything seems to get easier. By your second month, many people report a dramatic increase in their own psychic abilities: Profound flashes of intuition, the ability to see the Aura, psychic dreams, and even experiences with Astral Projection (Out of Body experiences) and other "common" psychic skills. Most people can advance to this level with just a little effort, and for many, these results are exciting enough so that they continue on the journey of extraordinary self-improvement to see what comes next.

It is for these people that I have created Miracle Mastery, and if you are one of them, you will be very, VERY pleased with your purchase. On the other hand, if you are the kind of person who spends more time looking for short cuts than it would take to do a job right, then get used to disappointment. You won't find what you are looking for in the pages of Miracle Mastery (or anywhere else for that matter.) In fact, if you are looking for a "quick, easy path to super-powers", then you will probably be better off visiting eBay and paying ridiculous sums of money for a cheap piece of junk jewelry that claims to have some sort of "magic spell" on it. Naturally it won't work, but at least until it arrives you can pretend that you are getting closer to having the abilities you are looking for.

When will you see results? Sooner or later, everyone asks the question "How long will it be before I can do...?" Most people who commit to doing the exercises regularly will sense the changes in their internal energy patterns and see and feel real improvements to their physical health, vitality, memory, and mental focus surprisingly quickly: usually a very noticeable improvement in just a matter of weeks. Some folks may have already developed a skill for subconsciously influencing things around them without even realizing it and may be surprisingly very close to being a Miracle Maker already! These people may be able to start bringing their abilities under conscious control very quickly once they learn how from my course, but most folks take much longer to develop the personal power and proficiency with the skills that are required to reach the most dramatic abilities. Exactly how long before *you*perform your very first Miracle will be entirely unique to you - It depends on where you are starting from, how much you need to unlearn, how often and well you do the exercises, and how quickly and completely you absorb and apply the information in the course. In Miracle Mastery, I point out the "sign-posts" you will experience as you practice so you can gage your progress and see how you much you are improving, but it is impossible to narrow down exactly when you will have your first experience. But don't be disappointed:

I understand that you are probably very excited to experience these incredible psychic abilities as quickly as possible. That is why I've developed a unique training method that will let you experience exactly what it feels like to have and use these skills *much* sooner than you ever dreamed possible...

Maybe even within the week!

I'll tell you more about this power house training method and how it works in the next section, but in the mean time, remember this: No matter how long it takes for you to develop your abilities, the sooner you get started, the sooner you will see results!

Try it with no Risk! Never before has access to these incredible techniques been made so easy, but you'll need to act quickly before this offer is withdrawn. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering about what might have been if you'd only acted in time. Order now and you won't have to spend 30+ years of your life learning new disciplines, or finding, translating and decoding rare manuscripts in the hopes that you get lucky and piece together the secret. You won't have to endure waiting years for space to open in a $4,500 training seminar. You won't have to pay $600 or more in airfare just to reach the correct CONTINENT where you *might* be able to find a teacher. You won't have to leave your friends and loved ones behind, donate all your worldly possessions and endure grueling physical, mental and emotional hardships to prove that you are worthy to study these techniques. If you have an open mind, a sincere desire to learn incredible skills like extreme healing, telekinesis, invisibility and you are willing to invest even a little time in yourself, you have a very, very rewarding path ahead of you! Just click the button below to get started:

(All Payments 100% secured by ClickBank) The opportunity is right here in front of you, and I offer it with no risk whatsoever: Miracle Mastery is backed by a full eight week money-back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied for any reason, and that guarantee is backed not just by me personally, but also by Clickbank - the largest retailer of information products on the internet. When you order now, I will also include some outstanding bonus material to help you get results even faster: Remember when I said you might be able to experience what it is like to have these abilities within the week? Your first bonus is how:

Free Bonus #1: In Your Dreams: The Complete Guide to Lucid Dreaming

A Lucid Dream is when you "wake up" inside your dream so you can take conscious control of your dream environment.

The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination, and yet the experience is as real as your waking life. Every sense is accurate. The sights, the sounds, the sensations, even the tastes and smells are incredibly real.

The part of your mind that creates your dream environment has a much closer connection to the psychic powers and abilities that you are trying to develop. Practice the psychic abilities you want to learn in your dreams and your mind starts developing the connections that will help you experience the REAL abilities much faster than you could in any other way.

By learning how to control your dreams, you are learning how to make this part of your mind work cooperatively with your conscious mind when you are awake. Having 100% of your mind working towards the same goal at the same time is one of the trickiest skills that you will need to master to unlock your powers, but thanks to lucid dreaming you can do it quickly, easily, and even have a lot of fun doing it. While you are practicing your super-powers, you could travel to exotic locations in the blink of an eye, know the exhilaration of flying like a bird or to breathe underwater and swim with dolphins, even see what it's like to live in a house made of diamonds or visit Atlantis! You can literally live your dreams while getting closer to achieving your waking goals!

This $50 course is yours FREE with your order!

Free Bonus #2:

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Before Miracle Mastery, this was "THE" book about how to develop spiritually to awaken one's psychic and spiritual abilities. To this day it still contains one of the most definitive lists and descriptions of the tangible psychic powers and abilities that we are discussing here. The book also talks about the less tangible skills like developing knowledge of the past and future, how to speak and comprehend all languages, telepathy, Ascension, how to negate the need of food and water, and a great deal more. The Yoga Sutras of PATANJALI was written more than 200 years before the birth of Christ but is still fascinating to read and offers excellent insight into psychic and spiritual development. This version was translated from the original sanskrit and offers a commentary to help modern readers understand the contexts, meanings and concepts of the original.

Free Bonus #3:

Thought Vibration and the Law of Attraction This is the book that I mentioned earlier... The original classic written by William Walker Atkinson back in 1906 that set the stage for "The Secret" as it is popularly known today. This is the same information that landed the modern version on the NY Times best seller list for 147 weeks! It contains a wealth of absolutely fantastic information that will help you cultivate and dramatically improve your mental and psychic skills to help you permanently change your life for the better. In addition to the original Law of Attraction it also contains outstanding material on developing willpower and mental control, how to transform negativity into a powerful force for positive change, how to develop powerful, positive mental habits and how to channel dynamic internal and external forces to achieve your desires. Its mental training methods and exercises are also extremely well suited to help people new to psychic development cultivate the perfect mind set to learn the tangible, physical psychic skills contained in Miracle Mastery!

Claim Your Copy Now YES! Dave, I have an adventurous spirit and I am ready to learn the most powerful Psychic and Spiritual development techniques ever developed. Show me how to unlock my natural abilities to make literal, *physical* Miracles! ●

I understand that I will receive INSTANT digital access to the complete Miracle Mastery course: the same material in the $4,500 training seminar but without needing to wait years for an opening. I will also receive your incredible Lucid Dreaming course and other fantastic gifts for FREE with my purchase as your way of welcoming me into the inner circle of Miracle Makers! I also understand that that I have eight full weeks to see for myself how incredible your course is and if I am not completely satisfied in that time I can return it for a 100% refund. I understand that this special price of $47 dollars is only available as a special thank you to the people you've worked with and who offered feedback while developing the course, and that this price will not be available when the product is released to the general public and may increase at any time.

Regular Price $197 Special "Thank You" price: $47

Miracle Mastery and your free Bonus materials are electronic books delivered in PDF format and you will be able to download them as soon as you complete your order. You could start exploring the most powerful psychic development secrets ever discovered for yourself in just a few minutes from now! Special Note: These materials require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software to view. While most computers already have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, if yours does not you can download it for free by clicking Here .

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