Miracle Healing

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MIRACLE HEALINGS THROUGH ENERGY HOLOGRAMS! How you can successfully be healed thru multidimensional Holographic Energy Downloads.

By changing energy miracles occur

Tom O M Inventor of the HoloCDs

Binmaley, 2417 – Pangasinan Philippines www.spiritualhealingpower.com

Energy Healing thru Holograms………………………………………………………………… 4 WHO AM I REALLY? …………………………………………………………………………………… 4 The Physical Body……………………………………………………………………………………… 6 Etheric/Vital Body……………………………………………………………………………………… 7 The Astral/Emotional Body………………………………………………………………………. 8 The Mental/Intellectual Body…………………………………………………………………… 10 The Causal/Soul Body……………………………………………………………………………… 12 The Physical to Causal Bodies Combined……………………………………………….. 13 The Manasic/Higher Mind Body………………………………………………………………… 16 Budda/Christ Körper…………………………………………………………………………………. 19 The Atmic Body………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 The Monadic Aspect………………………………………………………………………………….. 23 The Logoic/ God/ Goddess/ Solar Aspect………………………………………………… 26 So what can Energy Healings thru Holograms do for me?…………………….. 28 How does the principle of Energy Healing thru Holograms function? …… 29 What is a pattern? …………………………………………………………………………………… 33 The power of subconscious messages……………………………………………………. 38 Creation of Healing Energy Holograms…………………………………………………… 42

The Functional Hologram for your Health………………………………………………. 44 The Ascended Masters……………………………………………………………………………… 45 Glossary of Ascended Master Terminology……………………………………………….49 Comprehensive, Purification, Clearing, Protection and Healing ……………. 53 Self-Clearing Method for Purification and Protection ……………………………. 56 The Self-Clearing & Maintenance Command ………………………………………… 62 The best way to do the Command for complete purification and protection ……………………………………………………. 63 For a quick clearing session ……………………………………………………………………63 Appendix 1 - THE TRUE SPIRITUAL POTENTIAL …………………………………….65

Appendix 2 - THE EVIL .………………………………………………………………..…….….81

Energy Healing thru Holograms “Five peas were living in a pod, which was green, and so they thought, the whole world must be green.“ Hans Christian Anderson Energy Healings thru Holograms are composed of a series of Healing Sessions, which help in their wholeness, human beings to clear, heal and dissolve negative, dysfunctional pattern, and build in positive energy frequencies, which create a positive emotional, mental and physical state of holistic health. Energy Healing let you grow thru Holograms in your spirituality, help to remove all kind of blockages, which sabotage your way to ascension and Wholeness. Healing Holograms (in short: HealHolos) can be encoded in pictures, color cubes, Audio CDs, and in Energy Attunements. Every part of these HealHolos contains, as a cell of your body, the information of the Whole. I will introduce now 6 categories of Healing and Enlighten Holograms, which will clear, heal and remove old, destructive, and non-love pattern from your subconscious and Energy fields:       

Live in abundance, success, and prosperity Create Protection shields Karma Effect General Healing Emotional Healing Mental Healing Blockades and negative pattern of your being and personality (childhood, past lives, partnership, DNA&RNA and genetic pool etc.)

As we start Energy healing thru Holograms we first have to deal with the question: WHO AM I?

WHO AM I REALLY? You are definitely more than the physical body, which you identify yourself with. Your Spirit, Soul and Emotions have their own body. These bodies are different, but interconnected with your physical body. In fact you have much more bodies, than you’ve ever imagined. Sensitive and clairvoyant people at all times were able to see one or more of these nonmaterial bodies. The latest developments and scientific researches proof their existence.

Our daily living and experiences confirm the truth, that we live in a holistic energy reality, based on our thoughts, emotions and belief pattern that shape our daily living thru quantum probabilities. In short: We experience what we think and belief, supported by our emotions. This is why it is important to set your PowerPoint in the ’NOW’ presence. This is the point where you create your reality. Furthermore use the HealHolos to clear, heal and replace the destructive pattern of the past. Then you are on the path to WHOLENESS, back to the KINGDOM OF GOD. This is where YOU belong. To understand who we really are, we first make a journey thru our Energy Bodies, to understand more clearly what it means ‘I AM’.

The figure in the center is the one, who you believe you are. Then you will understand why Energy Healing thru Holograms correspond to the Truth – and the Truth is with GOD.

The Physical Body

Function: The Physical Body provides an experience of complete separation, which is unavailable in any other body. This experience of separation clarifies personal character and the essence of individuality. The Physical Body also provides stability, a solid foundation for all the other bodies. The Physical Body also assists in the crystallization of consciousness - any lessons learned while in a Physical Body, any experiences processed through it, become clearly defined and permanent consciousness as result of the Physical Body's separative and stabilizing influence. This is why the Physical Body is so valuable in our growth process. Range of Consciousness: The five physical sensory organs giving perceptions of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell limited to solid, liquid, and gaseous matter - painful and not painful. The five physical organs of action: hands (grasping, etc.), feet (motion), digestive system (eating and excreting), throat (speaking), and genitals (sex and reproduction). Form/Structure: THE PHYSICAL BRAIN IS NOT A SOURCE OF EXPERIENCE as some current neuroscientists now mistakenly believe. While areas of the brain are associated with different consciousness functions, many neuroscientists do admit that they cannot locate emotions, mind, and soul in the brain. Nor can they fully explain the human psyche with neuroanatomy. THE PHYSICAL BRAIN IS A RELAY STATION, translating emotional, mental, and spiritual events and information into neuro-electrochemical events and information. NEUROCHEMICALS AND ASSOCIATED BRAIN PROCESSES ARE SIMPLY CHANNEL SELECTORS FOR VARIOUS STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. All states of consciousness exist independent of the physical body. This relay station works in both directions: spiritual, mental, or emotional states trigger neuro-electrochemical events in the brain (physical consciousness) AND neurochemical stimulation (for example through drugs) open access to specific states of emotion, thought, or spiritual awareness. CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS HAS PROVEN VERY CLEARLY THAT SOLID PHYSICAL MATTER IS AN ILLUSION AND THAT ALL IS ENERGY ONLY. THEREFORE, TO SAY THAT THE SOLID PHYSICAL BRAIN IS THE MIND, IS A MISTAKE. While the brain appears to be solid, it is not - it is energy appearing solid, but

is not solid - it is energy, only. The mind is also energy, an energy that interacts with the energy that creates the appearance of a brain. The Physical Body is composed of the energy states of solids, liquids, and gases and is dependent upon the Etheric Body for its vitality, life, organization, and many processes that result in health. See an anatomy book for more details. It has a total of 3 spatial dimensions. How Awakened: Through dynamic physical activity and intense physical sensory perception - painful and not painful. Etheric/Vital Body

Function: The Etheric Body gives vitality, health, life and organization to the Physical Body. It attunes our consciousness to the principle of Energy. It steps energies from the higher bodies down into our physical consciousness. Range of Consciousness: An awareness of various types of subtle energy moving through the Physical Body and in the environment. Subtle/etheric energy can be seen as well as felt.

Form/Structure: The Etheric Body is the subtle level of the Physical Body. It is composed of various energies such as electromagnetic, chi, prana, ki, vitality, etc. It is also composed of subatomic particles, the finest of which are quarks. It glows overall with color variations in the range of blue to violet to silver. The Etheric Body has a figure form in the same shape as the Physical Body. This figure form is made of numerous energy channels called nadis or meridians. There are seven major energy centers, called chakras, that are connected to the endocrine glands and process seven main types of consciousness. There are 21 minor energy centers and many smaller energy centers. The Etheric Body has two auric layers. The first extends about one foot from the Physical Body. The second extends about three or more feet from the Physical Body. Each auric layer has luminous string-like hairs that radiate out and always move in wave like motions. From the inner body, sparkles of vitality move outwards. It has a total of 3 spatial dimensions. How Awakened: Awareness of the Etheric Body and the etheric universe is awakened by do practices such as pranayama, tai chi, chi kung (qi gong), taoist yoga as well as simply by paying attention with the idea of energy in mind. The Astral/Emotional Body

Function: The Astral Body gives you the ability to have desires, emotions, imagination, and psychic abilities. To thought it lends power, which is essential for effective action and manifestation. Range of Consciousness: Astral consciousness includes the full range of emotions from fear, hate, and sorrow to love, happiness, and ecstasy. It also includes the full range of desire from totally selfish and destructive desire to common personal desire to high spiritual aspiration to selfless serviceful desire. Astral experiences include dreams, fantasies, out of body experiences, near death experiences, hallucinations, imagination, and visions. The five astral senses are: Clairaudiance (astral hearing), Psychometry (astral touch/feeling), Clairvoyance (astral sight), Imagination (astral equivalent of taste), and Emotional Idealism (astral equivalent of smell). Astral consciousness and the Astral Universe includes anything imaginable, from the worst possible hells to the most glorious heavens. The Astral Universe contains an astral replica of the higher universes. It is filled with imagery, feeling, and above all a personal point of view. Form/Structure: The Astral Body has a figure form in the shape of the Physical Body and an aura usually in an ovoid shape pointed at both ends. The aura extends about 4 to 9 feet from the Physical Body. It has 7 major energy centers, 21 minor energy centers, and many smaller centers, just like the etheric body. It is constantly changing color, dark to brilliant colors depending upon your mood. It has a total of 4 spatial dimensions. How Awakened: Astral/Emotional consciousness is primarily awakened through the stimulation of desire. Awareness of the Astral Universe is awakened by meditation, psychic development techniques, out of body (astral) travel techniques, shamanic practices, lucid dreaming, drugs - especially psychedelics, certain pranayama practices, certain types of trauma, biochemical imbalances, and certain types of energetic stimulation.

The Mental/Intellectual Body

Function: The Mental Body facilitates cognition, the faculty of knowing. It gives you the ability to discern, and to have thoughts, beliefs, concepts, and higher psychic abilities. Range of Consciousness: Mental consciousness ranges from discernment of the very specific, detailed, particular to the discernment of the very general, inclusive, abstract. Separative, distinguishing thought to unitive, embracing thought. The five mental senses are: Higher Clairaudiance (mental hearing), Planetary Psychometry (mental feeling), Higher Clairvoyance (mental sight), Discernment (mental equivalent of taste), and Spiritual Discernment (mental equivalent of smell). The Mental Body has its own range of feeling. When there is excessive focus within the limiting, separative range of thought then there is judgment, mental fear, and depression. When thought expands into the more unitive ranges then there is compassionateunderstanding, peace, joy, awe, and bliss. The Manasic Universe (which includes the Mental/Intellectual Body, Causal/Soul Body, and the Manasic Body) is overall a place of profound rarefied celestial beauty. It is filled

with light - primarily white, blue and gold, although the full range of pastel colors are common. The Manasic Universe, similar to the Astral Universe, contains a mental replica of the higher universes. It is filled with knowledge about everything. Mental consciousness is more objective, factual, and impersonal than astral consciousness. However, individual personality and character reach their pinnacle of development in mental consciousness. Form/Structure: The Mental Body has a figure like form in the shape of the Physical Body. It also has an aura that is ovoid shaped with pointed ends. The aura extends about 4 to 10 feet from the Physical Body. Usual colors are light blue, yellow, gray, silver, white, and gold, however all pastel colors can be present. It has 7 major energy centers, 21 minor energy centers, and many smaller centers, just like the etheric and astral bodies. Radiations of light extend from the heart area. It has a total of 5 spatial dimensions. How Awakened: Mental consciousness is awakened through academic study, reading, certain types of energetic stimulation, and certain meditation practices.

The Causal/Soul Body

The Causal/Soul Body is named "Causal" because it is the originating source of each personality that incarnates in each lifetime. It is the source of your personality, causing it to be and exist. When your personality ends, the essence of you is absorbed back into the Causal Body. It is the first level of your individuality that is relatively immortal as the Causal Body exists for many millions of years, during your journey as a human through many incarnations or lifetimes. Animals have yet to obtain a Causal Body and superhumans that are liberated from the cycle of rebirth discard the Causal Body and move on to higher levels. The word "Soul" is used as a label for many bodies or human aspects by various religions and cultures. Generally it is meant to designate the innermost individuality. Limitations of perception has caused this label to be applied to the astral body, the mental body and other inner aspects. Here it is applied to the Causal Body because it is the pinnacle of personal consciousness. Function: The Causal Body is the depository for all consciousness and virtues cultivated in each personality lifetime; especially developed will/power, love-wisdom, and creative intelligence. It is built out of all the benefits of all past lives. It is the treasure chest that safe keeps the fruits of all past experiences. It is the vehicle that facilitates the unfolding of consciousness that we use physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It is the vehicle for human immortality, whether a personality is in incarnation or not. Range of Consciousness: The Causal Body/Soul is the central focal point of consciousness itself for the entire human being. Therefore its range of consciousness includes the physical, etheric, emotional/astral, mental/intellectual. As it awakens spiritually it becomes aware of other souls on its own level and participates in a universe and an existence independent of the personality. The Soul's life is one of unity, group consciousness, love, wisdom, bliss, and purpose. As it spiritually awakens with the aid of the meditating personality, it extends its range of consciousness into the Higher Mind/Manasic Body, Buddhic/Christic Body, Atmic Body, Monadic Aspect, and eventually the level of Logoic/ God/ Goddess/ Solar Aspect. The Causal Body has two additional mental/manasic senses: Response to Group Vibration (used to find its soul group), and Spiritual Telepathy (used to communicate with other souls). It lives primarily in the Manasic Universe. The experience of time is accelerated such that a physical lifetime is experienced as a day. Form/Structure: Viewed from a 3 dimensional perspective it appears as a radiant orb of white and golden light, a miniature sun, approximately 30 feet in diameter. It has vortices on the top and bottom, lines of light and sparkling energy throughout. Most people have slices missing

that appear dark or vacant which are areas of consciousness that are to be unfolded in time. It has a total of 5 spatial dimensions. Viewed from a 5 dimensional perspective it appears as a radiant, beautiful flower of light that is continually blossoming and turning in upon itself. It has 12 petals, each of which is a vortex that is rotating and conducts a major type of consciousness. As a person evolves through an average of 777 lifetimes these petals or vortices open and become radiant and functional. As the petals open they radiate subtle hues of the colors: orange, blue, yellow, indigo, green, violet, and much rose. How Awakened: Causal/Soul consciousness is awakened through life and certain meditation practices. The Physical to Causal Bodies Combined

The enveloping Causal/Soul Body (golden orb) is the subtlest level of personal individuality, the enlivening source of life and consciousness for the current personality, all past life personalities, and all future life personalities. It could be called the HigherSelf. The Mental/Intellectual Body (next inner level, bluish), is the vehicle for understanding, beliefs, thoughts, knowledge, and cognitive processes. The Astral/Emotional Body (next inner level, multicolored), is the vehicle for emotion, desire, imagination, personal power, and is a focus of feeling. The Etheric/Vital Body (next inner level, light bluish), is the vehicle for energy and vitality, the subtle basis for the physical body.

The Physical Body (at the center, tan colored), is the vehicle for stability, separation, and individual focus. The Personality is composed of the Mental/Intellectual Body, the Astral/ Emotional Body, the Etheric/Astral Body, and the Physical Body, as a unit. The Personality is very temporary and is changed or recreated every lifetime, effectively erasing past life memories on a personality level. All past life experience, knowledge, and developed ability is retained on a Causal/Soul Body level as the Causal Body lasts many millions of years. The above image is of the bodies in their optimal healthy state. But almost all humans look completely different. The Energy Bodies change their appearance, thru negative emotional and thought pattern, environmental influences, negative elementals, food intake, and other detrimental impacts and assaults into a dirty, unhealthy condition. The Energy Body in his common, unhealthy state. This dirty condition will only be recognized by humans thru personal illness or negative emotional behavior, but cannot be seen by most people, because their perception towards higher vibration aura fields is undeveloped.

When perceived with a full range of supersensory perception each of us is an amazingly beautiful display of light, color, and energy. We are all divine beings of light! At the same time, our current time period subjects us to a variety of stresses that take their toll on our energy health. Since perception of these effects of stress is just beginning to awaken in most people, various deleterious conditions tend to accumulate in our nonphysical energy bodies without us knowing it. Over time such deleterious conditions of energy health become what is considered "normal" and are taken for granted. We forget the purity and wholeness that we had as a child, before such conditions accumulated.

The above image reveals conditions that are common for most people to have without them knowing it. Some people are beginning to sense that such conditions exist. Some people look better, some people look worse. Whatever conditions are present, they can be resolved. While physical hygiene; taking baths, showers, etc.; is normal practice today, energetic hygiene is not. Who ever taught us to clean our Etheric Body, Emotional Body, or Mental Body? Imagine if you never took a bath or shower your entire life. Perhaps that is the case on energetic levels. Perhaps this is the case for nearly everyone. The dark accumulations that appear on the physical body of the above image are not actually on the physical level. They are dense thought and emotional energies that have accumulated. They create blockages to vital/etheric health. These blockages can also accumulate in chakra energy centers. When this happens, internal organs and glands can be weakened. Blockages in the chakra energy centers can interfere with healthy mental and emotional functioning as well. These accumulated dense energies also create weak areas in the Etheric/Vital Body that can then create holes in the etheric aura. Other causes of etheric holes are: traumas, many common electromagnetic appliances such as leaky microwave ovens and cellular phones, magnets, electric blankets, excess alcohol, certain drugs. These holes leak vital energies and allow unhealthy energies to get in from the environment. The Emotional/Astral Body has accumulated darker colored energies, especially in the lower half of the aura. These are accumulated and sometimes deeply suppressed negative emotions. The Emotional/Astral Body also has holes with vital energies (red streams) leaking out. Such holes are very common and can be caused by emotional loss, arguments, past trauma, excess alcohol, certain drugs. When Emotional/Astral holes are present, there is a lack of natural protection from negative emotional energies in the environment. A long crack stretches from the upper right corner to the lower left corner. These are very common and are the result of some past trauma. The red energies along it are emotionally reactive patterns associated with the past event. In the Mental/Intellectual Body there are generally horizontal zigzagging black and gray lines that are patterns of judgment and suppression. These interfere with accepting one's self and life, and living life to its fullest. The black little tornados in the Mental/Intellectual Body are repetitive negative thoughts. The gray stains in the Mental/Intellectual Body are negative thought energies that have accumulated. The black slices in the Causal/Soul Body are not negative accumulations but rather vacancies - areas or types of consciousness that need to be developed. This is the fundamental cause of all the other deleterious conditions - the need for more consciousness. If you have sufficient consciousness, you can handle any kind of stressful experience with ease and remain free of any negative effects.

The above is just a sampling of various common deleterious conditions that can be perceived with a full range of supersensory abilities or with the latest aura scanning and diagnose devices. There are a wide variety of other conditions that can also be seen in people that are unique to each person. Every human is unique – a genuine mirror of the CREATOR. It is important to emphasize that all of the above conditions can be remedied with the right methods. And you will find the right methods here. This is why you read this book! 

The Manasic/Higher Mind Body

Function: The Manasic/Higher Mind Body is the vehicle of contact with the Universal Mind. Through it we have the ability to directly comprehend vast reservoirs of knowledge and truth about reality and existence. It gives us the ability to become conscious of the Divine Plan as it is working out in manifestation. Range of Consciousness: The Manasic Body's orientation is towards mental comprehension of abstract and universal truths which are infinite in quantity, exalted in quality, and profoundly liberating to the human spirit. When this level of consciousness is awakened the awareness of omnipresence becomes established. Manasic consciousness incarnates the intelligence aspect of Deity. Manasic consciousness is normally rapturous and blissful. It exists in the higher levels of the Manasic Universe.

The 7 Primary Levels of Energy of Our Reality with Integration of Other Systems




7. Logoic

Neither perception nor nonperception, transcendence of perception of separate self and identification with Transcendent Source

6. Monadic

Boundless pure consciousness outside of normal space and time, tremendous power

5. Atmic

Identification with life Pure equanimity, principle, experience of divine will, omnipotence cessation of feeling

4. Buddhic

Whirling groups within groups of souls in purposeful ecstatic interaction, experience of omniscience, realm of universal archetypes

Relationship, at-one-ment, divine union, group consciousness, divine love, compassion, spiritual intuition, source of bliss and all pleasant feeling

Realm of 3c. Manasicuniversal truths, Higher: experience of Abstract omnipresence

Universal abstract thought, divine mind

3b. Manasic- Kingdom of Middle: spiritual souls, Causal, Soul light, bliss

Relative immortality, accumulation of virtues and consciousness of intelligence,

Transition to higher evolution, realization of core individuality, complete freedom from separative individuality

Origination of principle of consciousness

Total Christian Spatial Equivalent Dimensions

Buddhist Equivalent

Hindu Equivalent

Spirit, Father

ImmaterialSphere, NoThingness and Shivaloka, Neither Dharma-MeghaPerception nor Nirbija Samadhi Nonperception Plane, and Cessation

Spirit, Father

ImmaterialSphere, Boundless Vishnuloka, Space & Nirbija Samadhi Boundless Consciousness Plane

Spirit, Father

Brahmaloka, Fine-MaterialAtman, Sphere, 4th SamprajnataJhana Sasmita Samadhi


Spirit, Son

Devaloka, Fine-MaterialAnandamayakosa, Sphere, 3rd SamprajnataJhana Plane Sananda Samadhi


Devaloka, Fine-Material- VijnanaHoly Ghost Sphere, 2nd mayakosa, Jhana Plane SamprajnataVicara Samadhi


Heaven, Soul




Devaloka, Fine-MaterialVijnanamayakosa, Sphere, 2nd SamprajnataJhana Plane Vicara Samadhi

love, will 3a. ManasicRealm of Lower: knowledge Intellectual

Cognitive processing: concepts, beliefs, discrimination


Heaven, Soul

Fine-Material- Vijnanamayakosa, Sphere, 1st SamprajnataJhana Plane Vitarka Samadhi

2c. AstralHigher

Higher heaven worlds

Highest emotions: ecstasy, love, aspiration, altruistic love


Heaven, Soul

Sense-Sphere, Sensuous Manomayakosa Blissful Plane

2b. AstralMiddle

"Heaven" worlds, "Summerlands"

Average emotions: fun, liking; psychic powers


Heaven, Soul

Sense-Sphere, Sensuous Manomayakosa Blissful Plane

2a. AstralLower

Realm of earthbound ghosts and hell realms

Lower emotions: fear, hate, sadness



Sense-Sphere, Manomayakosa Woeful Plane


Sense-Sphere, Body, Earth Sensuous Pranamayakosa Blissful Plane


Sense-Sphere, Body, Earth Sensuous Annamayakosa Blissful Plane

Physical energy, electromagnetic, 1b. Physicalsubatomic Etheric particles, quarks.

Supportive vitality and structural information

Separation, The appearance 1a. Physicalcrystallization of solids, liquids, Dense of growth of and gases consciousness

Please note: This is an extreme simplification. Just as the description of the Physical-Dense world is simplified to the barest description (the appearance of solids, liquids, and gases), so is everything else in this chart. It is meant to give on integrative overview only. Each part of the above table could be expanded to endless volumes of information.

Form/Structure: When awakened, the Manasic Body can be perceived as a vast field of particles of light, radiating from a central point and extending about 1200 feet in diameter and about 340 feet in height. A central column of light-energy signifies its current range of universal thought. It exists in 5 spatial dimensions. Size will vary between people. How Awakened: The Manasic/Higher Mind Body is awakened through specific meditation practices and certain types of energetic stimulation, although the study of abstract mathematics, abstract philosophy, etc. can be helpful.

Budda/Christ Körper

This body was not named after the individuals, The Buddha and The Christ, but rather they were named after this level of consciousness that they embodied. Many world teachers and founders of major religions embodied in the world this state of consciousness. Function: The Buddhic Body facilitates the expansion of consciousness beyond separative individuality. This allows identity to break free of individuality so that identity can include others; such as family, friends, social group, soul group, and eventually humanity as a whole.

The Buddhic Body facilitates intuitive understanding through union with others, knowing by being that which is to be known. The Buddhic level is THE source of happiness and bliss for the Manasic/Higher Mind, Causal/Soul, Mental/Intellectual, Astral/Emotional, and Physical levels. It is the plane of bliss or pleasure. The Mechanism of Pleasure Although it may appear that we get pleasure from external objects or events, upon examination, pleasure is derived entirely from within. If you examine a hot fudge sundae ice-cream under a microscope, you will not find any pleasure inside of it. The same goes for any object and any event that gives us pleasure. What then is pleasure and where does it come from? Pleasure or bliss is our natural innate state of being in the core of our individuality. Varying degrees of this innate bliss flow into our consciousness depending upon our state. During a windy day the sun cannot clearly reflect upon the water. Similarly when our consciousness is agitated by aversion or strong desire, our innate bliss is thrown out of our consciousness. When our aversion or desire is satisfied, we are at peace and our innate bliss is allowed in. When we engage with an object or event that we have a strong desire for, our consciousness becomes concentrated upon it, which further stills our consciousness and allows more bliss in. The more concentrated our consciousness, the more bliss is allowed in and the more bliss we feel. Sex strongly concentrates the consciousness by the action of sexual energy and thereby allows a large amount of bliss in for most people. Even the anticipation of the satisfaction of desire has a concentrating effect upon consciousness and thereby allows some bliss in. Any activity or perception that results in peace or concentrates consciousness allows our innate natural bliss in while such activities and perceptions are not the source of the bliss. The source of your bliss is YOUR INNER SPIRITUAL BEING. You are not your physical body, you are not your emotions, you are not your mind, you are not your personality. All of these are temporary and will be discarded upon death. Your Causal/Soul Body is that nearly immortal part of you that is your source of bliss. It is always in bliss. When you feel pleasure, happiness, joy or ecstasy you are feeling this part of yourself. And, your Causal/Soul Body is just the beginning of bliss. As your consciousness ascends into higher states the bliss becomes increasingly fulfilling and satisfying. This is our Source's homing signal, our Source's way of leading you back home. A true test of progress in the growth of consciousness is the degree of natural happiness or bliss that a person resides in. Therefore, the external universe of phenomenon is composed of objects and events that are painful or not painful, i.e., they inhibit our natural innate bliss or they allow it in. We have more choice than we often realize as to what we allow to be painful for us. For those who have reached enlightened liberation, all is equal, nothing is painful, and bliss is consistently naturally present. Correct meditation is the way to consistent bliss. Striving for an integration of ultimate satisfaction that survives the date of death is essential. At the same time, denying ourselves of the relative satisfactions of this world is unnecessary. The balanced joyful

path includes the appreciation of the relative joys of the world, while not getting lost in their overindulgence, and, daily working on integrating the source of ultimate satisfaction. The joyful path is composed of enjoying life, while understanding the real source of our joy, and becoming evermore full of the source of joy. This body eventually transmutes, heals, and resolves all human problems with the power of love, unity, and wisdom. The Buddhic/Christic body contains the archetype of perfection for the human being. The embodiment of this archetype, the fusion of the personality and the Buddhic/Christic body is the goal of human evolution. Range of Consciousness: Buddhic consciousness does not begin until very significant progress on the spiritual path is made. This starts as intuition (an ability to know wisdom through love, without thought or psychic abilities) and as compassion for others. Pure Buddhic consciousness is characterized by an expansion of identity beyond individuality so that you are big enough to identify with a group of individuals or souls. World teachers embody this state in the way that they totally dedicate their individualities to the good of the group of humanity. Unity is so real and intense on this level that you are in a state continual ecstatic union with others. It is a state of intense love and continual total-being orgasmic ecstasy. If what is thought to be Buddhic or Christ consciousness does not include this experience of intense orgasmic bliss then it is not actual pure Buddhic/Christ consciousness but rather its reflection in the Mental or Astral levels, or a mixture of Buddhic with Mental or Astral levels. Buddhic/Christ consciousness is a state of ecstatic individual selftranscendence. The mark of someone who has truly attained this state of consciousness on a continual basis is that they are never oriented towards their individuality. They will never or rarely speak about their individuality. They are totally selfless in their actions and desire nothing of a personal nature because they reside in the source of fulfillment, in continual intense bliss. Also, their expression is utterly harmless and overflowing with compassion. The Buddhic vehicle has its own level of five senses. These are: Comprehension (Buddhic hearing of 4 sounds: personal, that of others, that of one's soul group, that of the planetary entity that is one's origin), Healing (Buddhic feeling that facilitates realization of the manner in which to heal and cause wholeness), Divine Vision (Buddhic sight that allows one to see the divine in all), Intuition (Buddhic taste, whereby one's essence is recognized in and under all forms), and Idealism (Buddhic smell, the ability to sense the ideal). Buddhic consciousness is also characterized by omniscience, all-knowingness. Realization of identification with the Divine begins on this level. Buddhic consciousness incarnates the love aspect of Deity.

It resides in the Buddhic Universe which is filled with golden and white light, profound wisdom, swirling mandalas of groups within groups within groups of light-beings. (For information about the Buddhic Universe go to The 7 Universes.) Form/Structure: When awakened, the Buddhic/Christic body can be perceived as a large conglomerate of spinning vortices pointed outward. The cone shaped structures, in the image above, are vortices of energy. This body is extremely elastic, and when its attention is directed to an object (on its own level or mental, astral, or physical levels), it expands and elongates and travels to the object faster than the speed of light or the speed of thought, then the vortices tunnel into the object facilitating an immediate unification and merging with the object of attention. A central column of light-energy signifies its current range of consciousness. Rarely are Buddhic bodies seen alone, as depicted above. They are normally dynamically interacting with groups within groups of other Buddhic beings. It has a total of 6 spatial dimensions.

How Awakened: Pain and suffering awaken the beginnings of compassion for others, the first glimmer of Buddhic/Christic consciousness. When a person takes their evolution in their own hands by the disciplined spiritual practice of meditation then pain and suffering become unnecessary and are replaced by bliss. Buddhic consciousness is awakened primarily through certain types of meditation. Loving service to one's family, friends, humanity, and the world, also helps to awaken this consciousness. The Atmic Body

Please note: This image is more metaphorical than actual because such levels cannot be well represented in imagery as they are very abstract. Function: The Atmic Body is the vehicle of identification with the One-Life the enlivens as well as observes and acts through every living being and creature on planet earth. It is the vehicle through which perfect self-mastery is attained. Range of Consciousness: Atmic consciousness is undifferentiated awareness - identification, not with individuality, not with groups of beings, but with all pervading life itself. If there is a strong sense of individuality, then it is not a pure Atmic state but rather a reflection of it in Mental or Astral levels. The feeling of Atmic consciousness is that of pure equanimity, a complete transcendence of both pain and bliss, completely unbiased and equanimous towards all - extremely intense peace. The Atmic 5 senses are: Beatitude (the Atmic ability to hear the sound or vibration that creates the form of anything and everything on all levels up to the Atmic), Active Service (the Atmic feeling sense of the ever unfolding need of creation), Realization (the Atmic ability to see the truth), Perfection (Atmic taste that leads to the heart of one's nature), Perfected Knowledge (Atmic smell that guides a being to its source, its true home). Atmic consciousness is also characterized by omnipotence, an extreme power of will that makes nearly all possible. Atmic consciousness incarnates the will aspect of Deity. It resides in the Atmic Universe. Form/Structure The Atmic body is a radiation from a central point that is unified with the One-Life that envelopes and surrounds the earth; animating, perceiving through, acting through all living creatures on all levels of existence (Buddhic, Manasic, Causal, Mental, Astral, Etheric, Physical) on the earth. This radiation of awareness extends in 7 spatial dimensions. How Awakened: Atmic consciousness is awakened through specific meditation practices.

The Monadic Aspect

Please note: This image is more metaphorical than actual because this level is extremely abstract. Function: The Monadic Aspect is the source of consciousness for all levels of experience (Atmic, Buddhic, Manasic, Causal, Mental, Astral, Etheric, Physical). It is the generator of the principle of consciousness. It is also the powerstation from which we draw the principles of Will, Love, and Intelligence. The Monadic Aspect contains the last remnant of individuality prior to merging back into our Source. It has been called the Spark within the Flame. While a Monad is profoundly at one with and identified with Source, it also has a very subtle individuality, a point of focus. This point of focus is the absolute source of our individual awareness, our individual aliveness, and our individual expression. Range of Consciousness: Monadic consciousness IS the awareness we use on all levels of experience (Atmic, Buddhic, Manasic, Causal, Mental, Astral, Etheric, Physical). On its own level, it is pure consciousness without object, completely formless. It resides in the Monadic Universe. (For information about the Monadic Universe go to The 7 Universes.) The experience of time is accelerated such that a physical lifetime is experienced as a minute while also simultaneously processing billions of years into the past and billions of years into the future.

What does Future mean - Understanding Time Much misunderstanding exists today as to the nature of time in higher levels. The following is intended to resolve some of these issues. Time is not a dimension in space. Time does exist in higher levels, it is just different. Time is both objective and subjective. Objectively it is a linear progression of universal change. Subjectively it is the processing rate and a holistically inclusive consciousness of change. The higher your consciousness, the faster time goes by. The lower your consciousness the slower time goes by. When you are happy, time flies. When you are depressed, time stretches on for a seeming forever. Why? Because higher states of consciousness use subtler (lighter and quicker) energy and lower states of consciousness use denser (heavier and slower) energy to process your experiences. Thus, when you are in a higher state you process experiences faster and when you are in a lower state you process experiences slower. Using physical level change (time) as a baseline, which is very dense and slow compared to higher levels, higher states process physical change much quicker than lower states. Thus higher states "eat" physical time at a faster rate, giving the experience of physical time flying by. Lower states "eat" physical time at a slower rate, giving the experience of physical time passing slowly. Also, acceptance of experience speeds processing rate and resistance to experience slows processing rate, acceptance speeds up the experience of time and resistance slows the experience of time. Additionally, the higher your consciousness, the more expansive and inclusive it is of the past and the future. The higher the state, the greater the ability to include more of the past from which learning is continually occurring and more of the potential future that is being created in a continually more optimal way. The past is set and does not change. What is changing is how we view the past, how we frame it. There is nothing wrong with the past that needs changing. No event is inherently bad, everything is subject to interpretation as bad or good or neutral. What needs changing is how we view the past, how we interpret it. When the past is resisted, it is interpreted as a detriment and acts upon the present as a detriment. When the past is increasingly accepted, valued, and learnt from then it is interpreted as a resource that empowers the present and the future. As we grow in consciousness, we are able to harvest increasing quantities of valuable lessons from the past. Events are temporary but the valuable consciousness gained from the events lasts forever. The potential future is continually being improved as we harvest lessons from the past - we continually see better ways of doing things, as time passes. Time generally speeds up for an older person (life goes by faster) because they are generally processing at a higher rate. Thus the higher your consciousness, the faster time goes by. Time is so sped up for the Causal Body (the Soul) that a Personality lifetime for it is like a day. A good life is like a good day. A bad life is like a bad day - nothing more, very temporary. For the Monad, time is much faster - a Personality lifetime is like a minute. Thus, hundreds or thousands

of human lifetimes (incarnations) are experienced very quickly for the Monad. However, while the Monad is focused upon the current moment along with the Personality and the Soul, the Monad is also so expanded in its consciousness that it is simultaneously processing billions of years into the past and billions of years into the future, in the now it is experiencing what could be called the "Eternal Now". Form/Structure: Impossible to describe aside from that it exists in 8 dimensions. Its expanse is much greater than a planet but usually not greater than a solar system. How Awakened: Monadic awareness is awakened through specific meditation practices. The Logoic/ God/ Goddess/ Solar Aspect

Please note: This image is more metaphorical than actual because this level is extremely abstract. The Solar Aspect is the source of our Light, Life, and Love. The Solar System is Alive. Nearly all the planets are populated on nonphysical levels. There are 200 Billion Monads/Individual Beings (such as you and me) living in this Solar System. The earth is the densest place to live in our Solar System. There are many nonphysical planets that are teeming with life and activity. Each Individualized Being is an atom in its body. Each planet is a major energy center in its body. 60 Billion of the Individualized Beings in our Solar System are on the Human path of evolution. 140 Billion of the Individualized Beings in our Solar System are on the Angelic (called in the east Devic) path of evolution (which is feminine in relation to the Human path). This makes our Local God, the Solar Deity, technically feminine in gender since most of its atoms are feminine. Our Solar Deity is a Goddess. We are Her children. She is our caretaker. We are the atoms in Her body. We fundamentally, as Individual Beings, are Her.

Function: To unfold Consciousness which is fundamentally Love. The previous Solar System unfolded Intelligence, which an inherent part of our current Solar System. The next Solar System will unfold Will and Power, after Love is fully developed. Range of Consciousness: Encompassing the life and activity of 200 Billion Beings evolving and living on multiple levels (Monadic, Atmic, Buddhic, Manasic, Causal, Mental, Astral, Etheric, Physical) on many planets. Interstellar dynamics in 9 spatial dimensions. Understanding Spatial Dimensions Much misunderstanding exists today as to the nature of spatial dimensions. The following is intended to resolve some of these issues. Although our consciousness is primarily limited to 3 spatial dimensions, we actually exist in a universe composed of many more spatial dimensions, possibly an infinite number of dimensions. Without realizing it, we actually use 4 Dimensional awareness all the time. We have to in order to perceive 3 Dimensional objects. This will be explained as follows. The 1st Dimension is Length, creating a line. The 2nd Dimension is Width, which combined with the 1st Dimension creates a plane or sheet. The 3rd Dimension is Height, which combined with the 1st and 2nd Dimensions creates a cube. The 4th Dimension is an added depth in hyperspace (outside of 3 Dimensional Space). When the 4th Dimension is combined with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dimensions a hypercube is created. When a 1 Dimensional object (a line) is viewed with 1 Dimensional awareness (1 direction only) a point is perceived. When viewed with 2 Dimensional awareness a line is perceived. When a 2 Dimensional object, such as a square, is viewed with 2 Dimensional awareness a line is perceived. When viewed with 3 Dimensional awareness a square is perceived. When a 3 Dimensional object, such as a cube, is viewed with 3 Dimensional awareness a flat object is perceived. When viewed with 4 Dimensional awareness a cube is perceived.

THUS WE USE 4 DIMENSIONAL AWARENESS TO PERCEIVE 3 DIMENSIONAL OBJECTS, ALL THE TIME. To perceive a 4 Dimensional object, such as a hypercube, we must use 5 Dimensional Awareness. The Physical-Etheric Universe is structured in 3 Spatial Dimensions. The Astral(Emotional) Universe is structured in 4 Spatial Dimensions. The Manasic Universe (including Causal/Soul and Mental/Intellectual) is structured in 5 Spatial Dimensions. The Buddhic/Christic Universe in 6 Spatial Dimensions. The Atmic Universe in 7 Spatial Dimensions. The Monadic Universe in 8 Spatial Dimensions. The Logoic Universe in 9 Spatial Dimensions. Time is not a spatial dimension but rather is a measure of events in space. To call the Astral Universe the 4th Dimension is a mistake because the Astral Universe also contains Dimensions 1, 2, and 3. Also, the Manasic and higher Universes all contain the 4th Dimension. In the same way it is a mistake to call the Manasic Universe the 5th Dimension. Full and complete awareness in a higher Universe includes awareness of additional spatial dimensions. Form/Structure: The entire Solar System including the Sun, the known physical planets, asteroids, moons, and a vast number of nonphysical planets existing in subtle levels of reality. When viewed as a whole on all levels the Solar System looks like an immense whirlwind of radiant energy, like a huge radiant atom. It is an atom in the body of our Galactic God, The Galactic Deity. It also serves the role of the Heart Chakra/Center of a Being somewhat larger than itself. How Awakened: Logoic/Solar Consciousness is awakened through specific meditation practices.

So what can Energy Healings thru Holograms do for me? Energy Healings thru Holograms are composed of a series of Healing Sessions, which help in their wholeness, human beings to clear, heal and dissolve negative, dysfunctional pattern, and build in positive energy frequencies, which create a positive emotional, mental and physical state of holistic health. Energy Healing let you grow thru Holograms in your spirituality, help to remove all kind of blockages, which sabotage your way to ascension and Wholeness. Healing Holograms (in short: HealHolos) can be encoded in pictures, color cubes, Audio CDs, and in Energy Attunements. Every part of these HealHolos contains, as a cell of your body, the information of the Whole. I will introduce now 6 categories of Healing and Enlighten Holograms, which will clear, heal and remove old, destructive, and non-love pattern from your subconscious and Energy fields:       

Live in abundance, success, and prosperity Create Protection shields Karma Effect General Healing Emotional Healing Mental Healing Blockades and negative pattern of your being and personality (childhood, past lives, partnership, DNA&RNA and genetic pool etc.)

How does the principle of Energy Healing thru Holograms function?

Note: This color cube is an example of a Healing Hologram with rainbow coloring as the carrier energy. Energy healing takes place, when the encoded energy of the Hologram will be transmitted to the contemplator thru intend, prayers and conscious soul connection.

YOU, the Health & Truth Searcher, would like to connect and align yourself to GOD. Absorb the following: I AM Aligned with GOD Calibration 

I now align with GOD. I am one with GOD. GOD please clear and remove any blocks or obstacles I have to becoming one with you or any blocks I have to becoming 100% sovereign. GOD please fill me with love, peace, grace, healing and truth.

GOD please help me to surrender as much as I can at this time to you. GOD please place me into a state of serenity and clarity and optimal functioning and well-being. GOD please clear my past. GOD please open my heart and mind to the fullest extent possible at this time.

GOD please align my ego with the will of GOD. GOD please deactivate my ego and open me to oneness. GOD please deactivate, deprogram and shut down any and all interference, mind control, subversion, subjugation and any matrix energies within my energetic systems, spaces and my quantum fields, parts and particles. GOD please deprogram me from mass, duality and tribal consciousness and deprogram me from family and religious programming. GOD please illuminate my shadow and dissolve as much of it as is possible at this time from my quantum fields, parts and particles and from my energetic systems.

God please clear me of attachments that are less than Divine. God shield me of attachments that are less than Divine. God please align my ego to the Divine. God transform me into a hollow reed, for the Divine energy to flow through. God please align my will with the will of the Divine. God align my vessel of light with the Divine vessel of light. God please align my mind with the Divine.

GOD I ask for a new alignment and a deeper relationship with you. GOD please raise my level of consciousness as well as my love, light, service and Christ consciousness quotients to the highest levels that I can tolerate now. GOD please align me with the Truth and Love and Light of GOD on all levels to the fullest extent possible at this time. GOD please help me to be peaceful, serene, compassionate and nonattached.

GOD please blast, clear, release and heal on all levels any disturbed energies; less-than-love interference; matrix energies; karma; cords; discrepancies; curses, spells and hexes; dense, stuck, slow, stagnant, congested energies; less-thanlove energies; negative thoughts, attitudes and emotions; entities, implants, and any non-me frequencies, etc. going beyond all that I know to ask for from my aura, energetic systems and quantum fields and particles. GOD please extend this clearing to my business, web sites, home, land, personal property, car and personal office space.

GOD please clear any underlying patterns or energetic anchors, allowings and permissions or auric leaks, rips and tears going beyond all that I know to ask for in my energy field that creates an opening for any less-than-love, non-me frequencies to enter my quantum fields, aura, energetic systems, business, web

site, home, real and personal property, car, etc. GOD please clear out any and all energetic anchoring, allowings and permissions that allow me to be influenced and/or interfered with by the dark side. 

GOD please heal my body, mind, heart and soul to the fullest extent possible at this time.GOD please clear, heal, upgrade and recalibrate all of my chakras up to function at the level of 100% and in the divine ideal level of opening, direction, spin and flow. GOD please heal my DNA and any genetic predispositions that allow or support an energetic imbalance to the fullest extent possible now. GOD please heal all of my energy bodies, quantum and subatomic fields, energetic systems, etc.

GOD please clear, release and heal my cellular memory, addictive patterns and programming, impatience, lust, greed, unkindness, sarcasm, core fear, trauma, guilt, shame, depression, stress, anxiety, tension, worry, grieving and memories as much as is possible at this time.

GOD please clear out all energetic patterns around doubt; deserving; feeling unloved, unappreciated or unsupported; loneliness; self sabotage; and lack of self love, esteem and acceptance from my consciousness at all levels of my being. GOD please clear any blocks I have to giving, receiving, flow, abundance and any blocks that obstruct my ability to connect with the universal flow of abundance.

GOD please clear me from learning my lessons by playing them out in the physical plane of duality. GOD please release me from the limitations, bondages and constraints of cause/effect, time, money, energy, duality consciousness, drama and processing.

GOD please establish a perimeter 5,000 miles long in all directions around my quantum fields and particles, consciousness, aura and energetic systems, as well as around my web sites so that no thing or being with less than 100% Love can enter into this sacred space or impact me or my web sites in any less than 100% Love manner.

The energies of this meditation or prayer or affirmations has been encoded in the image below. Calibrated Image to Help YOU to Align with GOD The energies and frequencies from the list of affirmations above has been encoded into the image below. As you look at the cube below, take several deep breaths, get centered in your heart and ask if it is in your highest good to accept these energies. If you get a YES, all you have to do is say: "God I choose to align with you. Please calibrate these energies and transmit them to me in the divine ideal way. Thank you!"

The transmission of the energy is authorized by levels of Higher Consciousness and encoded into the color cube by different realms like the angelic councils, Ascended Masters, Devas or the Hierarchy of the Light. This Higher Consciousness – as mentioned as the several bodies above – is actually a part of your Being. You are this Consciousness in development. If we take this violet cube above as the carrier energy, then these Higher Spirits transmit the energies in this cube and encode also an invisible symbol, which can be only recognized by your soul. An Energy or Spiritual Healer, who acts as a facilitator and intercessor, directs this transmission. The Healer connects to the Higher Spirits and anchors the energy into the cube or an Audio CD or can directly connect the energy to your Higher Self and Soul. But the transmission can only take place by your intend and the permission of your soul. Higher Beings are only interested in the acceleration of YOUR development, the clearance of your old, destructing pattern of thoughts and belief in your energy fields, and healing on all levels of your existence. They work only for your Highest Good at the moment! Let’s take again a look to the picture of the disturbed Energy Bodies:

The person in the center is you – or the ONE you think you are – and is mostly treated by doctors and psychologist with best ethic intend and scientific knowledge. But therapies based only on the cellular level can only suppress symptoms, but unfortunately worsen the situation of the picture above, since medicine itself are drugs, which darken the etheric body even further. And worse, the origin of the disease will never be cleared, healed and removed. The origin of a disease are in most cases accumulated negative thoughts and emotions, which contaminate chakras, the etheric and other Higher Bodies, and finally allow a disease to warn or inform the ’man in the center -YOU’ that there is something wrong in your whole system. In fact a disease is nothing more than a gentle reminder of corrections to be done by the will and change of attitudes of the ’Personality’ living in their evolving Energy Bodies. The solution is the Healing thru Energy Holograms, because all energetic bodies up to the physical will be cleared, healed and old pattern will be removed and replaced by new, positive programs. What is a pattern? A pattern is a belief system and an energetic accumulation of vibrations in the subconscious mind that we’ve finally anchored thru our thoughts and beliefs, which are determined by the mass consciousness, DNA/RNA, genetic pole, environment, school, and childhood. You can compare it with a recording on your tape recorder. You speak the text and the recorder repeats the message. But, once the subconscious has stored the text, as your Hard Disc this book, than your subconscious mind doesn’t ask your permission any more to replay it, but plays it automatically and sabotages sometimes best intensions.

Example: In your previous life you was a monk in India, where poverty was a means to reach ascension from the wheel of karma. Now, in your present life as a post officer you wonder, that you have debt and cannot hold money, and often even waste it The pattern of being poor is still stored in your Energy field and always searches for ways, that you will not get rich, because the subconscious belief system pattern has memorized poverty as an important virtue for spiritual enlighten. This is why spiritual oriented people often struggle with money issues. Solution: You clear your Higher Bodies, delete the pattern of poverty, and implant a new pattern into your subconscious mind: ’I enjoy abundance and prosperity and I attract easily money in my life.’ To accomplish Healing thru Energy Holograms we will execute the following steps: 1) First you align with GOD. How do you do that: The healing Energy of the Alignment with GOD is encoded in the color of Hologram in the picture below. Take a few deep breath and connect both with your soul (simply touch your heart) and the energies in the Hologram (simply visualize yourself standing in the color cube).

Note: Connect to your soul   

Ask your soul if the Healing Energies encoded in this cube are for you highest good. If you receive a YES, say loud or silent “I accept “, and the energies are downloaded into your Energy Field. Once you get the feeling that the energies are downloaded – similar to a computer download to your hard disc – just say or think “Thank you GOD/CREATOR.“

Note. Visualize yourself in this rainbow cube 2) Next, the karmic ties will be removed (if allowed at that time).  

Say loud or silent “I accept “, and the energies are downloaded into your Energy Field. Once you get the feeling that the energies are downloaded – similar to a computer download to your hard disc – just say or think “Thank you GOD/CREATOR.“

Note. Visualize yourself in this color cube

3) Now you dissolve old pattern and remove old messages from your subconscious.  

Say loud or silent “I accept “, and the energies are downloaded into your Energy Field. Once you get the feeling that the energies are downloaded – similar to a computer download to your hard disc – just say or think “Thank you GOD/CREATOR.“

Note. Visualize yourself in this color cube 3) Now you clear and heal yourself from old, specific poverty pattern and replace the old pattern with new, to program your subconscious mind with abundance and prosperity.  

Say loud or silent “I accept “, and the energies are downloaded into your Energy Field. Once you get the feeling that the energies are downloaded – similar to a computer download to your hard disc – just say or think “Thank you GOD/CREATOR.“

Note. Visualize yourself in this color cube

Applying consistently these 3 simple steps over 21 days, you can clear your Energy field from negative pattern, that prevent you in this life to enjoy abundance and prosperity, and from keeping your money in your bank account. In this book you will learn how to use healing holograms for all kind of problems, disease, and corrupted pattern. Always align with GOD first. Align with GOD – Look into the cube below, connect to your heart and soul and say loud or silent: “God I want to be ONE with you and release NOW all blockages and negative pattern that sabotage my alignment with you. Thank You!”

Note. Visualize yourself in this rainbow cube

After you have cleared, healed and released negative pattern from your Being, you have to reprogram your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the gate to your soul and Higher Self. The power of subconscious messages: How you can materialize your dreams, desires, and goals in the shortest possible timeframe. The Power of Subliminal Messages How to attract your wishes, needs and desires with the minimum of time and effort. One of the major secrets to success with anything at all, be it wealth, health, success or anything else at all that you desire is to bypass the conscious mind in order to access the immense powers of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is around 90% of your total mind power as opposed to the 10% of our mind that we usually use in our normal daily waking state. The subconscious mind is sublime; that is to say that it will unquestioningly accept anything and everything we submit to it, and will then act upon our instructions thereby bringing our vibration into complete harmony with our desires, thus enabling them to manifest into our life where we can

experience them in full. In order to access the infinite potential of the subconscious mind we first of all have to bypass the logical, reasoning, ego driven filters of the conscious mind which will always intercept our instructions in the form of our needs, wishes and desires in order to analyze them to "decide" whether or not they are "in our best interests". Of course, the "interests" of our conscious mind are not always, and in fact rarely are consistent with our "best interests". The conscious mind is only interested in control and in maintaining the status quo of whatever gives it the most gratification based on the demands of the ego. Again, It is absolutely crucial if we are to progress and to attract into our experience all that we need, wish for and desire that we have to bypass the conscious mind, which might also be seen as our adversary, in order to access the infinite power of the subconscious mind, which in turn will bring us into vibrational harmony with our needs, wishes and desires so that the super-conscious Mind, The Universe, can subsequently materialize them into our experiential reality where we can enjoy and benefit from them. By continually repeating our desires in the form of short statements phrased in the present tense, in other words in the form of affirmations, gradually the message will filter through the conscious mind to reach the subconscious mind which will then act upon them to bring the object of the affirmations into your experiential reality. Affirmations are particularly powerful just before sleep and just after waking due to the fact that we are in, or close to the "theta" frequency range which brings us into much closer contact with the subconscious Mind, which in turn can receive your affirmations much more directly and subsequently act upon them. It is clear therefore that the key to attracting our wishes, needs and desires is to bypass the filters of the conscious mind in order to directly access the infinite potential of the subconscious mind. There are several ways of accomplishing this and in fact this is one reason why I developed HoloCDs. Over the years I have heard of and from literally thousands of people who have been faithfully and frequently repeating affirmations without much success. And there is nothing like a lack of success to attract even more of a lack of success as the Law of Attraction works immutably in all directions. If we experience a lack of success then we begin to believe that we will never succeed and that then becomes our reality. Ironically it is much easier to attract a lack of success, as many people have discovered, due to the fact that this is very often what the conscious mind wants in maintaining its ego driven status quo, and will therefore have its full cooperation. So in this case you have both your conscious and subconscious mind working against you. There are several ways of more effectively accessing the power of the subconscious mind and HoloCDs provides you with all the tools to accomplish this most easily and effectively.

I have found over the years that it is human nature to want as much as possible in return for as little effort as possible, which of course is understandable in the busy lifestyle of today. After all, no one really wants to spend all day repeating affirmations. However, it is absolutely vital to be totally conscious of your thoughts at all times, your thoughts creating your reality. Only allow thoughts that are consistent with your needs, wishes and desires and dismiss everything else immediately. So how then can we attract our desires with the minimum of time and effort? Enter Subliminal Messages. The official dictionary definition of "Subliminal" is: "Below the threshold of conscious perception". Which of course is precisely our objectives. By sending affirmations "below the threshold of conscious perception", we can much more quickly, easily and effectively access the power of the subconscious mind to our considerable benefit So what then are our options for achieving this? There are two main methods by which we can use subliminal technology for maximum effect: Audio Subliminal Messages Visual Subliminal Messages Invisible Subliminal Messages (Energy holograms) In all cases our objective is to get our message in the form of an affirmation stated in the present tense through to the subconscious mind without the conscious mind intercepting, analyzing and subsequently rejecting it. Fortunately the range and speed of perception of the subconscious mind is considerably greater than that of the conscious mind. Visually the subconscious mind can perceive and understand visual messages that are not perceivable by the conscious mind. The same applies to audio messages where the ears can hear and perceive audio messages that are not perceivable by the conscious mind. For visual subliminal messages this means flashing the messages at such a speed and at such a frequency that only the subconscious mind can detect them. For audio subliminal messages this means playing the messages at a frequency that cannot be perceived with the conscious hearing range of the human ear. HoloCDs includes advanced technologies to accomplish both of these objectives. Invisible subliminal messages are symbols created by Higher Beings into picture cubes (as introduced in this book) that couldn’t be seen by the human eye but perceived and encoded by your soul and transmitted to the subconscious. I am frequently asked how log it takes to start seeing tangible results from these subconsciousprogramming techniques.

The answer is it takes an average of 30 days of frequent, consistent use of these methods, but of course everyone is unique and whereas some people might see results within a few days, it might take others several months. Consistency is the key however. if you miss a few days you will be effectively be back at the beginning. This can be illustrated by an experiment carried out by NASA for the space program. Trainee astronauts where given a special pair of glasses to wear that caused everything they view do be inverted so it was upside down. Their task was to adapt to this "upside down" environment. The astronauts had to wear these special glasses almost all the time with very few temporary exceptions. For around 30 days everything seemed to be upside down. But after 30 days on average suddenly everything appeared to be the right way around, just as it would be without the special glasses. The subconscious mind had learned that the glasses were a "trick", and placed everything viewed the right way around once again, thereby overriding the physical effect of the glasses. The glasses had not changed, only the mind had changed. The HoloCDs have a frequency modulation sound layer to program the subconscious mind even faster and effective. Stimulating your brain with this sound frequency has the following effects: » Safely and effortlessly take you to states of profoundly deep (and extremely pleasurable) meditation… » Stimulate the creation of new neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, balancing your brain and leading you to a highperformance state scientists call "whole brain functioning"… » Dramatically improve your learning ability, memory, intuition, creativity, and your ability to focus, concentrate and think more clearly… » Create true quantum leaps in your personal self awareness… » Significantly lower your stress levels and lower your levels of harmful brain chemicals related to stress… » Create remarkable improvements in your mental and emotional health—even in areas that have stubbornly resisted change with other approaches… » Dramatically increase your production of vital (and very pleasurable) brain chemicals related to your longevity, well-being, and quality of life…

This frequency is overlapped with a meditation sound to bring you even deeper state of relaxation. While you are in a relaxed state, the subliminal messages will go directly and without disturbance to your subconscious. In that moment the Universe – GOD – is working for you to manifest your desires dreams, and goals.

NOTE: Make sure that you set an intend or imagine your purpose, when you start a subliminal program. Healing thru personalized Energy Holograms We have met up to now two pre-requisites to create a life in health in harmony. The Clearing and removing of old, negative pattern from the Energy bodies thru Higher Beings, which are able encode the healing power in Holograms. These Higher Beings are mostly angels, archangels, ascended masters (more later) and other Light Beings. Their purpose is to help human evolution, and to prepare humankind for the New Age, where the earth and other planet are shifted to a higher and more subtle frequency and vibration. The reason for this higher vibration is the convergence from the central sun to the earth. The consequence is the repulsion of dark, dense, and slow vibrations, so that we will experience dramatic, positive changes in our spiritual life. Concepts – like energy healing- that are mocked by most now will be soon medical reality. You can be really blessed to experience a great and interesting time on your adventure evolution journey. You are an important part of these changes, and this is why you read this book. The starting point was the whole energy body, that has to be cleared, healed and newly programmed with positive attitudes, thoughts, and emotions. You build a new manifestation of your own, loving, peaceful, joyful and abundant reality. The steps: 1) 2) 3)

We do daily clearing and healing sessions with the encoded Energy Holograms. We listen daily to HoloCDs which re-program our subconscious mind in the way we want it. We create Holograms by ourselves, to attract Healing Energy directly from the cosmos.

Creation of Healing Energy Holograms

What do you have to know about Healing Holograms: 1. It is not only your intention to create a picture, but rather a living substance. (HoloCreation). This substance is very subtle and cannot be perceived by the physical senses.

2. The process of creation starts in the presence, not in the future. NOW – is your power and creation point. 3. As you create your reality or perfect health, you are a creator. Accept and realize the importance that you can mold life after your goals, wishes and dreams. 4. As with the encoded Energy Holograms, you will get connected to powerful dimensions and frequencies. The whole universe is composed out of countless frequencies. During the process of HoloCreation you work with Higher Powers, which transmit the manifestation of your imaginations and emotions toward the physical realm. 5. Your job is to consciously set intend und expectation towards the realization. 6. Keep an open state of mind and gratitude. Have confidence that your created substance has a real existence. That leads us to the next step. 7. That your creation can grow you have to plant it in the ‘universal soil.’ You know you created an entity that has to be planted and then be nurtured to grow. From a seed to a tree. Healing thru Energy Holograms The Healing process is, simply stated, the conscious control of energy. When you learn to control thoughts and emotions and direct them wisely, you will create the state of health, you demand. It goes with success, peace, harmony, abundance, love, prosperity, family and all positive state of manifestations you can ever imagine. You, and nobody else create them! If you learn how to direct and channel your thoughts positively, you will experience the positive outcome in your daily life. We all create this reality thru Energy Holograms. This includes miracle healing and perfect health that is our main topic. From now on you can be the creator of your reality and grow spiritually…That is the sense and purpose of our earth-school called life. HoloCreation is the intended focus of your thought energies toward a clear picture of your dreams, wishes and in our case health. The basic assumptions regarding the creation of Healing Holograms are: * GOD OR THE UNIVERSE IS AN INTELLIGENT, THINKING ’SUBSTANCE’ OR CONSCIOUSNESS THAT CREATED EVERYTHING AND PERMEATES IN ITS PRIMAL ENERGY THE WHOLE KOSMOS! * AN IDEA OR THOUGHT DIRECTED TO THIS SUBSTANCE PRODUCES THE THING THAT IS IMAGINDED BY THE THOUGHT! * THINGS OR WISHES FORMED IN THE THOUGHTS AND IMPRESSED THRU HOLOCREATION UPON THE INTELLIGENT SUBSTANCE, CAN CAUSE THE WISH, ONE THINKS, TO BE CREATED.

The concrete steps to let HoloCreations do their work in the universe:

HoloCreation Category _________________________________________ Creator thank you for your healing assistance for_____________________ Big Picture and Result _________________________________________ Main Emotion ________________________________________________ 1.Sreenshot __________________________________________________ Emotion _____________________________________________________ 2.Sceenshot __________________________________________________ ___________________ Emotion 3.Screenshot ___________________ Emotion ____________________________________________________ Big Picture and Result __________________________________________ Main Emotion (appr.15 Seconds to be hold) _________________________ After this procedure plant the HoloCreation into the universe. You do this by either shooting it there as a rocket or visualize its ascension as a balloon. 1)


After you finished the session, don’t think or visualize anything anymore about this particular HoloCreation. However you can do other, new HoloCreations. Once you are thru with you daily sessions, forget about them completely. Take your time to create regularly and consistently, but then cut your connections to the HoloCreations. Do your daily routine, but be open for impulse and intuition that will follow, and give you directions and hints how to act in accordance and sync to your goal. Let the HoloCreations grow and trust in the process.

Since we life in a three dimensional world of space and time, it will take time to manifest the goals in your reality. The lecture here is to have faith in Gods work rather than to give in to your doubts, negative and analytic thinking of your day-to-day living. WARNING: Destructive thoughts and emotions will prevent your HoloCreation to grow. Then your Ego and analytic thoughts will step in and doubt the whole process. So be ready to eliminate these destructive elements or let it be done. I highly recommend Angelic Energy Holograms. They are thousand times proofed to be very effective.

The Functional Hologram for your Health Now, we fill up the above example for the daily SESSION: HoloCreation Category: Health - I give thanks for my new hope and positive attitude toward my health. Big Picture and Result: You see yourself happy and full of joy at the breakfast table Main Emotion: Joy and Happiness 1.Screenshot: You jump out of your bed while laughing Emotion: Happy 2.Screenshot: You do jogging in your surroundings Emotion: Power 3.Screenshot: You crack jokes with your co-workers in your office Emotion: Relaxed Big picture and result: You see yourself happy and full of joy at the breakfast table Main Emotion: Joy and Happiness (hold this emotion for about 15 seconds) After you hold the Main Emotion for approximately 15-30 seconds plant your daily HoloCreation into the Universe. You do this by either shooting it with a rocket to the stars or visualize the HoloCreation as a balloon that ascend to heaven. Practical Example: You had a heart attack, and now recovering from the stroke. You’ll do the following in sequence: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Medical Treatment to support the physical recovery and maintenance. Daily clearing and healing of the energy pattern thru Healing Holograms that led you to a stroke. (NOTE: It is not only the bad diet, stress, inheritance, and lack of exercise that causes a disease, even they support it) Listen to HoloCDs which program your subconscious for fast Filling up your daily HoloCreation for Health – as filled up above. Print out a sheet, copy it and use it daily. Take in only natural, organic food and supplements in agreement with your health care professional. Take your medicine in the holstic way.

Here you will find more about Healing thru Energy Holograms: http://www.spiritualhealingpower.com/Energy-Healing.html More about personal Healing: http://www.spiritualhealingpower.com/distanthealing.html You already can imagine who you really are, because we made our journey thru the Energy Bodies. All bodies are in constant development, as that is our purpose as individualized souls. To accomplish miracle healing thru holograms, we have take all resources of your Being into account. In fact there are no miracles existing, but rather phenomena and appearances of the cosmic truth that seem like miracles only for ‘uninitiated humans’, because they cannot rationally explain them in their limited material way of perception. Finally you have to accept the fact that you are a multidimensional, holographic Being! As you perceive yourself in the day-to-day life is only the surface of the deep ocean. As you create or receive Energy Holograms, your Higher Self and your soul will integrate these energies in your physical reality. Your Higher Self exist in Higher

realms and is directly connected to the whole universe. You can call it your control station or ‘Best Buddy’, since it always try to give you impulses to manifest your goals, wishes and dreams, if they are aligned with your personal incarnation purpose. Your subconscious has a direct pipe to your Higher Self. This is why you take in consideration to work with your subconscious, thru dreams, the HoloCDs or both. Your Higher Self and your soul are also the recipients that receive messages, clearing, healing and power from Ascended Masters, Angels, and the Hierarchy of Light encoded in Holograms. Your soul decodes the energy and transmits it to your physical body and to your inner voice. You will realize that if you feel doing or not doing something in that or another way – you call it intuition. But in order to receive these energy transmissions, you have to accept it, since your free will has always priority. If you accepted the Energy, the only thing you have to do is to receive it, show gratitude, and give thanks to GOD and the HIGHER BEINGS like the Ascended Masters. But you might ask yourself who are these Ascended Masters ? The Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters who guide and help with the expansion of Light on this planet are God-Free Beings, not bound by time and space. Having come into embodiment, as you and I through the portals of birth, They walked the earth fulfilling the inner calling of Their God Presence day by day, lifetime after lifetime. They mastered all the lesser things of this world, learning the lessons of Life, balancing karma, fulfilling Their earthly mission and manifesting and becoming God in action. At the completion of Their mission They achieved the ultimate Victory through the Ascension, the permanent integration with the Light of Their own true reality, Their Mighty I AM Presence. They continue to stand ready to assist the mankind of earth to accomplishing this same Goal and will continue to extend the Fires of Their Hearts till all are received into the Brotherhood of Light.

Jesus Set The Example Jesus came forth to reveal the Conscious Dominion and Mastery that is possible for every human being to attain and express, while still here on earth. He showed the Dominion of the Ascended Masters, and proved to mankind that it is possible for each person to so call forth his God Self that each one can consciously control all things human. The Ascended Masters Are Real Beings The Host of Ascended Masters are tangible Beings of Great Light! They are real, visible, glorious, living and caring friends of old who have such Love, Wisdom and Power that the human mind gasps at its immensity. They work everywhere in the universe with complete Freedom and limitless Power, to do naturally all that the average individual would consider supernatural. They Have Transcended All Human Limitation An Ascended Master is an individual who by Self Conscious effort has generated enough Love and Power within himself to snap the chains of all human limitation, and so stands free and worthy to be entrusted with the use of forces beyond those of human experience. He realizes himself to be the Oneness of Omnipresent God - “Life.” Hence, all forces and things obey his command because he is a Self-Conscious Being of free will, controlling all by the manipulation of the Light within Himself. "Mastery" and "Ascension" These Glorious Beings, who guard and help the evolving human race, are called the Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection. They are all the word Master implies because by bringing forth the Love, Wisdom and Power of the God Self within, They manifest Their Mastery over all that is human. Hence, They have "Ascended" into the next expression above the human - which is Superhuman Divinity, Pure, Eternal, AllPowerful Perfection. Each Ascended Being Is The Complete Embodiment of Love It is through the radiation or outpouring of his own Pure and Luminous Essence of Divine Love that an Ascended Master is able to help those who come under his care and direction. This Luminous Essence has within It the Highest Force in the Universe, for it dissolves all discord and establishes Perfect Balance in all manifestations. The Ascended Master's Body is constantly pouring out Rays of His Light Essence upon the discords of earth, dissolving them like the rays of force which we call light and heat from our Physical sun dissolves a fog. The Radiation which They pour out to humanity on earth is consciously drawn energy to which They give quality, and again send it out to accomplish a definite result. In this way, They give protection thousands and thousands of times to persons, places, conditions, and things of which mankind are totally oblivious.

Each Master Is One With The Mind of God The Ascended Master has the All-Knowing Mind and the All-Seeing Eye of God. From Him nothing can be hidden. Each Master knows and sees all concerning the student, patient or healer for He reads clearly the record which every human has made. This reveals the state of the humans development - his strengths as well as his weaknesses. Each Master Is An Individual Focus of the Forces of Nature They are the wielders of such Power and manipulators of such concentrated force as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. The Ascended Masters are really Great Batteries of tremendous Power and Energy, and whatever touches Their Radiance becomes highly charged with Their Light Essence through the same activity that makes a needle kept in contact with a magnet take on its qualities, and become a magnet also. All Their help and Radiation is forever a free Gift of Love. For this reason They never use any of Their force to compel. They Are The Guardians of Humanity The Ascended Masters are the Guardians of the race of men, and as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he too may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary, human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes, until like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expression of his Divinity. Communion With The Ascended Masters Brings Bliss Personal association with one or more Ascended Masters produces an intense feeling of Love and Gratitude that can never be put into words. Following such contact with Their Living Presence, there can be but one overwhelming desire displacing all other desires and that is to BE ALL THAT THEY ARE! Once a human has truly, even for a fraction of a second, experienced the Ecstatic Bliss radiating from an Ascended Being, there is nothing in human experience that one would not endure or sacrifice in order to reach Their Height of Attainment and express the selfsame Dominion and Love. Since 1880 the Ascended Masters have carefully released to the mankind of earth the understanding of how each individual might cooperate in winning Their final Freedom and attaining the original purposes of incarnation. Precept upon precept, They have built a magnificent, cohesive understanding of True Identity. In this process they help humans, the animal kingdom, mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and elemental kingdom to further develop and evolve. One way they do this is, is by anchoring their master energy in Healing Holograms, and release it by intend to individualized souls –YOU – or group souls that we find, for example, among animals. If you create the holograms, as explained before, by yourself, you are the one, who first sends the impulse to Ascended Master or other Higher Beings that respond accordingly, and help to manifest your desire – HEALTH, FAST RECOVERY – in your day-to-day life.


Glossary of Ascended Master Terminology

Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters are Individuals who were once embodied on Earth and learned the lessons of Life in Their embodiments. They gained Mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled Their Dharma (Divine Plan). An Ascended Being has become God-like and a Source of unconditional Love to all Life, and through the Ascension has united with His or Her Own God Self, the "I AM" Presence. Ascended Masters serve as the Teachers of mankind from the Realms of Spirit. The Divine Plan is for all people to eventually attain the Ascension and move forward in Spiritual Evolution beyond this planet.

Ascended Master Octave

Also known as the Ascended Masters' Octave, this refers to God's Realms of Light - the Immortal, Eternal Realms of the Spirit Universes and the Highest Heavens, Octaves or Planes of Spirit. These are the habitation of the Ascended Masters, Angels, Cosmic Beings, and Elohim. Saint Germain explained that in the Octave of the Ascended Masters there is " . . . Perfect Life which is the Divine Light and Eternal Inheritance of every one of God's children. Many have chosen to take a long time to come to This Point, but all must make a beginning sometime, and all must do It eventually."(The Magic Presence, by Godfre Ray King, 1974 - 4th edition, pages 86 - 87) 


The Ascension in the Light into our Immortality - through reunion with our own God Presence - is a goal of life. That is when there is a complete raising and permanent union of the purified outer self with the "I AM" Presence - that True Identity that is the unique Individualization of the Most High Living God for each person. 

Bodies of Men and Women

We have "seven bodies". There are four lower bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and memory. These bodies are four sheaths composed of four distinct vibrations of matter that surround the life stream and provide the vehicles for the personal identity's journey through time and space. There are three Higher Bodies: the Holy Christ Self, the Causal Body, and the Electronic Body of the Mighty I AM Presence, [the "Holy Trinity" for each lifestream]. These Bodies are three Immortal Bodies composed of three distinct Vibrations of Spirit. There is also the "White Fire Body" [the Individualized God Flame] - out of which the I AM Presence of each Twin Flame is Individualized. The "White Fire Body" continues Active and Immortal - before the embodiment of Twin Flames, during embodiment, and after the Ascension of the Twin Flames. 


A Chohan is an Ascended Master that focuses the Christ Consciousness of one of the Seven Rays of God's Manifestation, becoming the Law of the Ray and governing Its use in man. A Lord or Master; a high Adept; an Initiate who has taken more Initiations than the five major Initiations which make man a "Master of the Wisdom". One of "Seven Mighty Beings who, having passed the Sixth Initiation, have the Power to focus within Themselves the Ray-Streams or Attributes of Logoic Consciousness" (The Secret Doctrine by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, 5th Adyar edition, Volume 6, page 452)

The Seven Chohans of the Rays are Ascended Masters representing the Attributes of the Solar Logos and Christ Consciousness of each Ray to Earth's evolutions. o The First Ray (Blue Flame of Power, Will, Protection, and Faith) is represented by El Morya in the Retreat of God's Will, Darjeeling, India. o The Second Ray (Yellow Flame of Illumination, Wisdom, and Understanding) is represented by Lord Lanto in the Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton Mountains, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA. o The Third Ray (Pink Flame of Love, Adoration, Creativity and Compassion) is represented by Paul the Venetian in the Château de Liberté in southern France. o The Fourth Ray (White Flame of Purity, Discipline, and Harmony) is represented by Serapis Bey in the Retreat and Temple of the Ascension at Luxor, Egypt. o The Fifth Ray (Green Flame of Truth, Healing, Abundance, and Science) is represented by Hilarion in the Temple of Truth at the Island of Crete. o The Sixth Ray (Ruby, Purple, and Gold Flame of Peace, Ministration, and Service) is represented by Nada in the Arabian Retreat in Saudi Arabia. o The Seventh Ray (Violet Flame of Freedom, Ceremony, Mercy, and Transmutation) is represented by Saint Germain in the Cave of Symbols at Table Mountain in the Teton Mountain Range, Wyoming; and at the Great Divine Director's Focuses of the Cave of Light in India and the Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, Romania.

Christ Self The Holy Christ Self — also known as the Higher Mental Body, the Higher Self, or the Guardian Angel — is the "Only Begotten One of God." Beloved Kuthumi described this Body as "the only part of you created solely by God, in contrast to your human consciousness." (Pearls of Wisdom, December 2, 1960 - Volume 3 Number 49) It is the Christ Mind that is aware of the Perfection of the God Presence, but is also aware of the imperfections and requirements of the outer self. It does not accept any imperfection of the outer human self, but remains Pure and Perfect. The Holy Christ Self is endowed with the Discriminating Intelligence to act in the outer self. It has been described as a "Step-down Transformer" with the ability to act in the lower human realms. It is an Intelligent Being with a Body of Light that is of a lower vibratory rate than the God Presence.

Electronic Body

The Electronic Body is the Immortal Body which the I AM Presence — a Divine Spirit — uses as one of Its Vehicles of Expression. This Electronic Body has Divine Purity and Structure, and forever remains "Eternally Youthful, Beautiful, Strong, Perfect, and Free from every conceivable limitation. In this Body, Individuals can and do function wherever they choose in the universe, for in It there are no barriers of time, place, space, nor condition." Beloved Jesus referred to this Body when He spoke of the Seamless Robe or the Bridal Garment of the Spirit. No imperfection can ever be recorded in or upon It, for It is composed of Pure Electronic Light. Saint Germain has stated that: "Every human being sometime, somewhere must raise the outer or atomic structure into the Imperishable, Electronic Body, where no imperfection exists." (The Magic Presence, by Godfre Ray King, 1974 4th edition, pages 63 - 66, 87) 

Great Central Sun

The Great Central Sun is the Source and Center of the Galaxy and a Cosmos. It is the Nucleus of Integration of the Spirit/Matter Cosmos, and the Origin of all physical and spiritual creation. It is the Heart of the God Life of the Universe. "The Great Central Sun is One with every individual's Mighty I AM Presence." (Jesus, October 1, 1939, Voice of the I AM®, November 1939, page 7) 

Great White Brotherhood

A Spiritual Organization composed of those Ascended Masters who have Arisen from our Earth into Immortality, and yet have said: "We are not going on into Cosmic Heights and leaving our brothers and sisters on Earth behind. We will stay and assist." At this moment in Cosmic History, the Door is wide open. The Great White Brotherhood is sponsoring the Release of the Spoken Word through conclaves, seminars, writings, books, and through personal discipleship and training. The Great White Brotherhood also includes Members of the Heavenly Host, the Spiritual Hierarchy directly concerned with the evolution of our world, Beneficent Members from other planets that are interested in our welfare, as well as certain unascended chelas. 


The Cosmic Hierarchy is a "Universal Chain" of Individualized God Free Beings fulfilling Attributes and Aspects of God's Infinite Selfhood. Included in this Cosmic Hierarchical scheme are Solar Logoi, Elohim, Sons and Daughters of God, Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, the Twelve Solar Hierarchies, Archangels, Angels, Beings of the Elements, and Twin Flames of the Alpha-Omega Polarity sponsoring Systems of Worlds and entire Galactic Systems. This Universal Order of Divine Self-Expression is the means whereby God in the Great Central Sun steps down the Presence and Essence of His Universal Being /

Consciousness in order that all Life in time and space might give and receive Unconditional Divine Love. One's placement on this "Ladder of Life" in the Spirit / Matter Universes is determined by one's level of Spiritual Attainment - measured by Awareness and Manifestation of balanced Love, Wisdom, and Power - as well as the embodying of other Divine Qualities. 

Human creation

Human creation is that mis-creation which human beings create with a consciousness of being separate from God - separate from Divine Ideals and Inspiration. It is limited creation that is the result of carnal and mortal motivations, with a tendency toward human equations of desire, egotism, self conceit or self concern. There may be a measure of vanity, or pride, or prejudices inherent within the thoughts and feeling world. Most of these can be very subtle, but create negative pattern that will be cleared, healed and replaced by Healing Energy Holograms.

Healing means Learning. This is what this book is all about. Here we see again the picture of the human energy bodies filled up with mis-creation.

Before the Energy Healing......................

Let’s go ready to rumble

As you already know, what your bodies are composed of, what the sense of our lives is, that Higher Beings are willing to guide, help and heal us, let’s start a practical session to clear, heal, and protect YOUR bodies thru ENERGY HOLOGRAMS. You may repeat each service as much as you like. As each service is repeated, new levels of healing and empowerment are given, to the maximum degree that you are able to integrate them. Comprehensive Purification, Clearing, Protection and Healing This service clears from your auric field and energetic system obstacles to healing, health, happiness, and spiritual awakening, (if they are present) such as: detrimental thought forms; parasitic discarnate people; detrimental psychic mechanisms; detrimental cords; curses; detrimental spells; detrimental vibrations, patterns, forces, energies, and other detrimental influences; blockages and congestion in all chakras, minor centers, acupuncture points and meridians. All chakras, energy bodies and energy structures are cleared and healed.

.......after a complete healing! NOTE: Drink extra water after this service to flush out associated physical toxins that may release as subtle energy toxins are cleared. You may repeat the service whenever you feel the need. Before receiving this session, make sure that you will not be disturbed in a room all to yourself without any animals or people in it for a half hour. Turn off the ringer on the phone or the volume of the answering machine or any other device that might disturb you. Do not watch TV or listen to loud music during the session. Soft, low volume, soothing music is okay. You want to be as still and receptive as possible during the half hour service session. This is your special time to receive profound healing and empowerment.

For this particular service, print out a copy of the Self-Clearing-Method, before the session, which you may read during the session. This will teach you how to keep yourself clear after the session. This is very important. To activate the clearing energy, visualize yourself in the violet cube below and say out loud, "I release all that is not aligned with my highest good, now and forever. Please Purify, Clear, and Heal my Energy System now." You need to do this only once. (If you are doing this for another person, such as your child, v i s u a l i z e t h e m i n t o t h e c u b e a n d s a y , "We release all that is not aligned with our highest good, now and forever. Please Purify, Clear, and Heal (their name)'s Energy System now. You may read the Self-Clearing Method while you are receiving the session if you like. Print this out before the session so it will be ready before you start. It will give you a method of keeping yourself clear after doing this service. This is very important. This clearing will only work once for one person per session. Afterwards, drink extra water for seven days to flush out associated physical toxins. You may need extra rest also for three to seven days in order to integrate the changes. Sensitive people usually feel the changes immediately while others may notice the changes over time, or other people will notice the changes for you. Here is the activating statement again: "I release all that is not aligned with my highest good, now and forever. Please Purify, Clear, and Heal my Energy System now." If you are doing this for another person, such as your child, visualize them into the cube and say: "We release all that is not aligned with our highest good, now and forever. Please Purify, Clear, and Heal (their name)'s Energy System now."

After you’ve finished this Healing Session, please repeat the following Self-ClearingMethod daily. It takes only one minute. IMPORTANT! STAY TUNED! You may repeat each service as much as you like. As each service is repeated, new levels of healing and empowerment are given, to the maximum degree that you are able to integrate them. Self-Clearing Method for Purification and Protection You may copy this document and pass it on. If the following sounds bizarre . . . Consider the fact that all radio music from classical to heavy metal, all TV broadcasts from the news to wonderful movies to horror movies, and millions of cellular telephone conversations are permeating the air around you and passing through your body right now, invisibly, inaudibly, without any perception of them by you at all. The reason why it is not affecting you is because it is not targeted at you, but rather the radio or TV. Supersensory reality is verified by modern science.

As science has verified, our five physical senses reveal very little of what is actually around us and existing in our universe. "Invisible" energies have long been perceived by those with supersensory perception. With the acceleration of technology, it is just a matter of time before science verifies all the other forces and influences that sensitive and highly perceptive people have been aware of for a long time. Awakening to more perception of reality while maintaining a balanced consciousness. Achieving greater degrees of freedom. Existing on nonphysical levels (energetic/etheric, astral/emotional, and mental/thought levels) there are some forces and influences that do not have our best interests in mind and that have their own agendas at our expense. You cannot free yourself from such influences if you are not open to the concept that they are there and if you do not act accordingly to purify and protect yourself. You are controlled by what you are unconscious of. You gain control and freedom by becoming more conscious. You cannot control something in your life if you deny its influence. Denying its influence and pretending that it is not there will not protect you. For example, most people deny the influence of diet upon their health, pretending that what they eat will not harm them. Years later they end up with clogged arteries, cancer, or some other health problem. Refusing to believe that the food they ate was harmful did not protect them. However, the opposite of denial is excessive worry about the influences. You don't want to do this either. This will only increase your relationship with the influences. The proper attitude and steps to gain freedom from detrimental influences are to: 1. be open to the possibility that they may be influencing you, 2. endeavor to be conscious of such possible influences with a detached awareness (not obsessing about them), 3. be humble to the possibility that you may not be able to completely perceive them yet, 4. assert the proper actions to purify and protect yourself regardless of your perceptions, 5. observe any changes that resulted from your actions to purify and protect yourself. A trap to avoid and how to get out, if necessary. Proceeding with as much detachment as possible is essential in this work. Some people get caught up in obsessing about the possibility of such influences and what they actually create is a battle with their own self generated imaginings and thoughtforms of such influences. Through their fear and obsession with such influences, they generate thoughtforms of such influences attacking them that seem real. However, they are not real even though the effects and experience can be as real as from the real thing. Such influences are their own creation. There is a general law in the universe that "The higher can control the lower." In other words the more evolved can control the lesser evolved simply because the more evolved are closer to Source and have more spiritual power available to them. Therefore, any fear of such influences can be resolved when you recognize the fact that any influence that is malevolent is less evolved, is farther away from Source, and has less spiritual power than you. If someone self generates thoughtforms of detrimental influences that attack them, they cannot win the battle with these thoughtforms. This is because they are fighting with the wrong enemy, the thoughtforms, when they should be fighting with the generating source of the thoughtforms that is within themselves, an aspect of their subconscious mind. The solution to this situation is to: 1. determine to end obsession and fear of such influences, 2. to fully own the influence as one's own creation, 3. to use the appropriate commands to disintegrate the thoughtforms and the generating source, of the thoughtforms, within themselves.

About these commands and why they work. The commands invoke a higher power that is always available to assist in the purification, redemption, liberation, and protection of individuals and humanity. When you command with the power of The Universal Forces of the Light (or equivalent replacement word), you are backing up / empowering your command with the omnipotence of all the Love, Light and Evolutionary Force that is flowing through this planet. Although it may not appear so when you watch the news or read the newspaper, the Light DOES have the upper hand, and IS in control here on planet earth. Darkness is present at this time to contrast with the Light and thereby generate more Light-Consciousness. The "Devil" truly does not know for whom he works. It is the challenges that make us stronger. The challenges that we face today are temporary, however the beneficial consciousness that they generate is eternal. Perceived from a higher, more extended perspective of millions of years, this period of darkness that humanity is going through now is only a momentary "spanking" for wrong choices we have made in the past - karmic repercussions for past wrong doings. Humanity IS learning from its mistakes and IS returning to the path of Light. The Omnipotent Light is making sure that this occurs and is available to you upon your invocation of it.

Self-Clearing Method: General Purpose Clearing and Maintenance Command The purpose and reason for this command is explained as follows. When the world and people’s energy bodies are viewed from a higher vision perspective, where all levels of reality (etheric, emotional, mental, and causal) are seen beyond the physical veil that normally blocks the experience of them; it can be clearly seen that many interfering and detrimental influences are nearly everywhere and significantly hinder and harm people and their lives. For example, the earth is covered with people that have died but have not made it into the Light upon dying and thus are earthbound. These discarnate earthbound people still have their physical desires for food, sex, alcohol, drugs, and violence but no body to fulfill their cravings. So, they attach to living people in order to get the energy of the fulfillment of these addictions. Very rarely do I meet people who do not have any such parasitic discarnate people attached to them. It is almost always the case. This nothing to be afraid of, because now you have the knowledge and power to keep yourself clear of them. They want you to be afraid and be in denial of them so that they can get away with their parasitic ways. It is very easy to clear them. You just need to do the command below and they are gone. If you don’t do the command, you will have many bad days and may get ill. If you do the command at least weekly, which only takes 30 seconds, then you will have mostly good days, and your health will tend to improve. Test it out for yourself. When you feel lousy, do the command and see if it makes a difference. Do the command especially if you really don’t feel like doing it, because this indicates that you have a discarnate that is trying to discourage you from doing the command so it does not get cleared.

It is important to really understand the command for it to be fully effective. It is explained in detail as follows. It is intentionally written with improper English in such a way so that it will have the maximum effectiveness. Current grammar rules do not apply in this situation. If a term is not well defined then go to the Glossary for further explanation. How sections relate is explained as follows: "I release all agreements on all levels, conscious, subconscious, and superconscious, throughout all time and space forever, with;" refers to "all nonaligned with the divine plan of my entire being and its life" "and with the power of the Universal Forces of Light, I command:" also refers to "all nonaligned with the divine plan of my entire being and its life" Definitions of words used: (These are in the order in which they are placed within the command.)( Newly added words are bolded (they've gotten trickier and new things have been discovered.)) Agreements = an energy exchange on a usually subconscious level that they set up so that they can attach to you. For example, one day you don’t feel like going to work, so they whisper into your subconscious, “Okay, I will give you an excuse by making you sick, in exchange for some of your life-force.” Your subconscious agrees and then you have an attached discarnate. Many other examples could be given. Subconscious = that level of our consciousness that is below our normal conscious awareness and has more to do with the automatic accumulated tendencies and functions of our being. Superconscious = above the level of your normal consciousness, which can be the astral, mental, and higher spiritual worlds. Universal Forces of Light = a Universal Force of Light that has only the highest good of all in mind and lends its power to protect and clear you. Command = I assert, demand, I intend.(You have a right to do this regarding your personal being and those you take care of.) All nonaligned with the divine plan of my entire being and its life = there is divine plan of the greatest good designed by God/Source for all, collectively and individually, meaning perfect health, happiness, consciousness, relationships, etc. (and this phrase is directed at all that is nonaligned with this, or against it.)

Entire being = your personality (physical, etheric, emotional, mental) and soul and higher spiritual selves and aspects that make up who you are. Influencing, having influenced or intending to influence me = present, past, and future intended influences. To any degree in any way, directly or indirectly = comprehensive to any degree, great or subtle, directly or indirectly through others. Beings = discarnate beings or lifeforms on any level of reality. Parasitic Beings = these can be people or similar lifeforms that inhabit the personality that you own as if it where there own and can lead to multiple or semi-multiple personalities, depriving you of experience when they take over. Psychic Parasites = these can be all sort of creatures that you can pick up nearly anywhere. Drug Entities = a strange type of lifeform that lives through and motivates the use of drugs of any kind. If can be taken on by the taking of any type of drug of any kind, recreational or pharmaceutical, even indirectly by way of the mother to unborn child. Thoughtforms = masses of mental and emotional and sometimes etheric vitality that have a dynamic behavior and do anything the creator intends them to do. People are always creating thoughtforms, whether they realize it or not. They can have good effects or bad effects depending on what they are made of. Psychic Mechanisms = these are mental, emotional, and/or etheric devices that have specific functions to do very precise things. They can enhance abilities when made for good. They can block abilities and cause great harm when made for bad purposes. On average 30% of people have them at one time or another. Another name is an implant, but made out of nonphysical materials. Psychic Implant = a psychic (nonphysical) mechanism that is embedded in one's energy system. It is named for greater specificity and thus greater effectiveness in the clearing process. Cords = energetic cord or rope like connections between people when they are connected in some way. They can be good or bad. This command is designed to only clear the harmful ones. Curses = these are strong negative thoughtforms on primarily a mental level. People unknowingly create them and put them on people when they judge them extremely harshly. They can be very detrimental. Spells = these are strong emotional thoughtforms that usually enchant people to do things they would normally not do. Hexes = an intention to degenerate an aspect of the person or their life.

Psychic Robots = a robot created and used on a nonphysical level for malicious purposes. Limiters = energy forms placed in a persons energy system that causes limitation of some kind. Black Magic = magic (ritual or non ritual intention that is misaligned with your free will and the divine plan and/or harmful and/or manipulative. Psychotronic Influences = influences originating from electronic devices that capture, may amplify, and direct intent. Cosmic Evil = evil that originates above the Logoic Plane, usually from the Cosmic Astral plane when the 7 planes of our evolutionary system are lumped together as 7 divisions of what is called the Cosmic Physical Plane. (There are 7 Cosmic Planes - our 7 planes being the 7 subplanes of the Cosmic Physical Plane.) "stimulation or evocation of my past harmful karma" = we usually have a reservoir of harmful karma accumulated from the past that must be balanced in some way. "anything appearing to be of the light but not really" = self explanatory. "intensification of my misaligned with the divine plan problems" = self explanatory. Control Lines = energetic "strings" that are used to manipulate and control a person. Subliminal and Superliminal Programing = programming done on a subconscious or superconscious (above conscious) level. Vibrations = these are sound like influences that are detrimental. Patterns = these are combinations of vibrations that are, in the case of this command, harmful. Forces = these are directed energies that are, in the case of this command, harmful. Energies = these are energies that are, in the case of this command, harmful. "any of the above that are masquerading as my being" = self explanatory. "any of the above integrated with my being but not aligned with its divine plan" = self explanatory. "any of the above coming through other people or other beings or other objects toward me or other people or events in my life" = self explanatory. "any of the above that is timed to activate in the future" = self explanatory.

Level of the Light of the spiritual Soul = the light at then end of tunnel that is usually available to people just after the death experience. It is a place of healing, positive transformation, and reunion with the higher self. Level of the Divine Light = this is the level above the Soul that is of the Christ/Buddhic/Divine Love/Krishna/Maitraya/Mohammed/etc. consciousness that is the healing place for very dark beings. Level of the Cosmic Light = this is the level of the Cosmic Christ/etc. place where Cosmic evil is healed. One more time. If the following sounds bizarre . . . Consider the fact that all radio music from classical to heavy metal, all TV broadcasts from the news to wonderful movies to horror movies, and millions of cellular telephone conversations are permeating the air around you and passing through your body right now, invisibly, inaudibly, without any perception of them by you at all. The reason why it is not affecting you is because it is not targeted at you, but rather the radio or TV.) This command (or inferior versions of it) have been used several times daily for over 15 years and continually refined to its current state so as to have the maximum and most comprehensive effectiveness. It is arranged, by line for ease of comprehension. Do with serious, attentive, and clear intent.

The Self-Clearing & Maintenance Command: "With the power of the Universal Forces of Light, I release  all agreements nonaligned with the divine plan on all levels,  conscious, subconscious, and super conscious,  throughout all time and space, and with the power of the Universal Forces of Light I command:  all those nonaligned with the divine plan  of my entire being and life, including: all those influencing, having  influenced or intending to influence  me in any way, directly or indirectly: and all those shielding from, diverting of, or interfering with this command; including: all beings, parasitic beings, psychic parasites,      

drug entities, thoughtforms, psychic mechanisms, psychic implants, cords, curses, spells, hexes, psychic-robots, limiters, any kind of black magic, psychotronic influences, cosmic evil, stimulation or evocation of my past harmful karma, anything appearing to be of the light but not really, intensification of my misaligned with the divine plan problems,

         

control lines, subliminal and superliminal programing, intentions, vibrations, patterns, forces, energies, any of the above that are masquerading as my being, any of the above integrated with my being but not aligned with its divine plan, any of the above coming through other people or other beings or other objects toward me or other people or events in my life, any of the above that is timed to activate in the future, and anything else that is nonaligned with the divine plan, on any and/or all levels of existence, known and unknown or unnamed;

to release     

from me and all beings and things and go into the level of the Light of the Spiritual Soul or into the level of the Divine Light or into the level of the Cosmic Light, according to the Highest Good, now, and continuing for a week!"

Remember to do at least every week. Set aside a day when you always do it, such as Sunday first thing or before bed. The Universal Forces of Light will align with your intention for a week at a time. You have to keep up the momentum and show them that you still want the protection and clearing, as they follow your free will. The best way to do the Command for complete purification and protection. First you should do the Energy Reality service #1 Comprehensive Purification, Clearing, and Healing. This will clear you of all interfering influences and give you a fresh start. However, soon thereafter, you will inevitably pick up new interfering influences and soon be nearly back where you started. So what you need to do is do the command every day. However, the General Purpose Clearing and Maintenance Command works best when combined with another purification and protection technique simultaneously. This is called the Vibrational State. It is a very important technique, which, when learnt, will blow out any intruding detrimental influence, but it will do so temporarily. The General Purpose Clearing and Maintenance Command clears most intruding influences forever into the light, to never return. So when you combine the two, you get complete protection. The Vibrational State clears everything temporarily and the General Purpose Clearing and Maintenance Command clears everything that has been cleared from you and takes it into the light permanently. So you want to do them together. It is easy with a little practice and only takes a minute to do when you get the hang of it. You will feel great! For a quick clearing session………….. Align yourself with the..... Energy Hologram that will help YOU in seconds. As you look at the cube below, take several deep breaths, get centered in your heart and ask if it is in your highest good to accept these energies. If you get a YES, all you have to do is say: "God I choose to align with you. Please calibrate these energies and transmit them to me in the divine ideal way. Thank you!"

Note. Visualize yourself in this color cube

IMPORTANT: Please use the Practical Mastery Sheet for Daily Holistic Healing

„Who passes on Happiness, does not meet Life.”

Appendix 1 THE TRUE SPIRITUAL POTENTIAL Who and what are you and why are you here? Understanding the components of self. Since you are a religious and/or spiritually inclined person, you already know there is more to your being than meets the eye. Yet most of us – especially in the Western world – have been programmed to deny our inherent spirituality. Modern science tells us our personality is a product of the firing of neurons in the gray stuff between our ears. Most Western religions say that although we have a soul that can enter a higher world, we cannot do so on our own. We need an outer savior or an outer church in order to be saved. Thus, both science and religion portrays us as incomplete beings that do not have the potential to become spiritually self-sufficient. Yet the inner, mystical teachings of most religions disagree with this assessment. Jesus himself told us that the kingdom of God is within us and that we will not find it as long as we are looking for it outside ourselves. The purpose of this page is to help you discover who you truly are by describing the components of your total being. By integrating this knowledge, you can free yourself from the programming of denial and begin to unfold your spiritual potential. You can BE here below, all that you are Above.

Parallel or interpenetrating realities The foundation for a spiritual outlook on life is the realization that we live in a world with two realities, namely the material realm and the spiritual realm. Most religions agree with this viewpoint, yet Western religion generally says there is an impenetrable barrier between the two realms. Thus, you need some kind of external mediator – a savior or a church – in order to cross the barrier and be saved. Before you can fully accept who you are, you have to overcome this illusion of separation. Ironically, even though science denies the existence of anything beyond the material world, science has opened up for a deeper understanding of the relationship between the spiritual and the material realm. Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity proves that everything is energy. Energy is often described as a form of vibration, which means there could be an infinite range of vibrations.

We know there are different levels of vibration in the material universe. For example, visible light ranges from the low frequencies of red light to the higher frequencies of violet light. Yet beyond this range we find ultraviolet light and science has found even higher vibrations. Science has even proven a flow of energy/subatomic particles from an unseen realm into the world we can measure. The importance of these findings is that science has broken down the barrier between matter and energy. The world is not made from two separate and incompatible elements but is made from only one substance that takes on various appearances. Energy can appear as ever-moving waves, as stationary fields or as “solid” matter. These findings have broken down all of the barriers we traditionally set up with our outer minds, such as the barrier between mind and matter or the barrier between the spiritual realm and the material realm. In reality, everything is made from the same basic substance. Science calls it energy, the Bible calls it light (And God said, Let there be light!) and Mother Mary calls it the Mater light. This substance can be molded into any form, and it has been used to create everything in the world of form. Thus, the material universe is made from the same basic “stuff” as the spiritual realm. The Ma-ter light has simply been lowered into a different vibrational spectrum and our senses/minds currently see it as solid substance instead of vibrating energy. This is what gives rise to the illusion that there is a separation between Spirit and matter. In reality, the spiritual realm in interpenetrating with the material universe—is is right here with us. The world, our senses and outer minds program us to believe that we are disconnected beings that have been thrown into a hostile world without a lifeline. In reality we are extensions of – individualizations of – a greater spiritual being. This being is not some remote God in the sky. It is the spiritual part of your own being and you came out of it. Thus, you can never truly be separated from it. However, most people have fallen prey to the illusion – an illusion that can exist only in the mind – that we are separated from, even that we have been abandoned by – our spiritual selves. The true goal of all spiritual teachings is to help us reestablish a conscious connection to our own higher beings, leading to a full realization and acceptance of who we really are. The point is that we all have a higher and a lower part of our beings. The higher part exists in the spiritual realm and cannot be affected by anything in the material world. The lower part is the vehicle for our experiences and our expression in the material world. The following sections will explain the components of the higher and lower parts of our beings.

Your Higher Being - Your God Flame The concept of a God Flame has been introduced by Jesus, Mother Mary and other masters in recent years. It refers to the fact that it is only in the material world that things seem solid. In the spiritual realm, everything seems more transparent because it is made from energies of higher – thus less “dense” – vibrations. As you go to higher levels of the spiritual realm, you encounter higher and higher – more intense – vibrations. Thus, to the human eye, the higher spiritual beings seem like balls of fire or flames of great intensity. This concept is even found in the Bible as God appearing to Moses as a spiritual fire that did not consume the physical bush: And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. (Exodus 3:2) For our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:29) The masters have not (yet) told us how many different God Flames there are. There could potentially be an infinite number, especially when you consider that your personal God Flame has two components. Your flame has a masculine or Alpha polarity and a feminine or Omega polarity. 

The Alpha polarity is the core of your Being. It is the God quality out of which your I AM Presence (see below) came. Thus, the very core of your Being embodies the central qualities of this God Flame. For example, your Alpha component might be Love. Your Omega polarity is the specific quality that you are meant to bring to Earth. It is your gift to this world, the contribution that your higher being wanted to make to the overall purpose of expanding the spiritual light in the material world, thus gradually turning this world into another part of the spiritual realm. When this happens, it will no longer be possible for people to fall prey to the illusion that they are separated from their higher beings—which is the illusion that gives rise to all human suffering. Thus, we might say that we all came here to help end suffering.

For example, say your Alpha flame is Love and your Omega flame is Truth. In that case, you are here to bring truth—for example by giving people spiritual understanding or a better vision for how to improve their material lives. However, in order to be successful, you need to bring truth within the overall quality of your Alpha flame of love. You must bring truth in a loving way or your truth will not be well received by others. The point here is that only by having balance between the two polarities of your God Flame will you be ultimately successful. As another example, consider that your Alpha flame is Power and your Omega flame is truth. In that case, you can and should be more direct and powerful in your expression of truth. Yet you must not fall into the lower aspect of power by seeking to control others in order to force them to accept your truth. The essential point is that your particular God Flame is unique to you, and thus you have to be true to who you are in order to fulfill your reason for being here.

The concept of a God Flame is probably new to you and it can seem somewhat confusing in the beginning. Yet as you walk the spiritual path and reestablish your conscious connection to your higher being (as described on this page and throughout this website), you will gain greater clarity concerning the qualities of your God Flame. Here are a couple of hints that can help you get started: 

What qualities do you truly love? What makes you feel enthusiastic? What do you sense is missing the most from this world? Is there a quality you think would solve most of the world’s problems? Is there a positive quality that other people often see you expressing? Is there a negative quality you see in yourself or the world? Is there a quality you think is responsible for most of the world’s problems? Is there a quality that other people see in you, accuse you of having or not having? Is there a quality that people often resist when you try to express it? The cause of this can be that you might have come to focus on the opposite qualities of your God Flame. You might see these as a problem in the world or you might even have taken them on in order to transform them with your flame. You might also have a lack of balance between the two polarities of your God Flame, which is why people oppose your expression of it. For example, you might be stating a truth, but if you do it in a non-loving manner, people are not receptive.

The point being that all such observations can help you discover the qualities of your God Flame. Your spiritual self or I AM Presence The chart illustrates the higher and lower parts of your total being. The core of your spiritual self is also called your I AM Presence to signify that it is your true identity, it is what gives you the ability to know that “I am!” The top figure depicts your I AM Presence as the white sphere. The French philosopher René Descartes said, “ I think, therefore I am.” While this is a valid observation from the material universe, the higher reality is that you must have a sense of being before you can think. Thus, your spiritual self gives you a sense of being and the fact that you have consciousness enables you to think. I AM, therefore I can think. The name “I AM” is linked to the name that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai: 13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say

unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? 14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. (Exodus, Chapter 3) As Jesus explains, there is a hierarchy of spiritual beings in Heaven. They extend from the highest God through many levels of vibration, many levels of the spiritual realm. Your life stream is part of that hierarchy, part of the Chain of Being. In other words, in the material realm most people have a sense of identity as being separate beings, and we see ourselves as separated from other people, from nature and from God. In the spiritual realm all conscious beings realize that all life is one and came from the same source. This does not mean that spiritual beings don’t have individuality. Yet they see that their individuality is an expression of a higher Being that reaches all the way back to the Creator as the source of all life. This is clearly stated in the Bible: Without him was not anything made that was made… (John 1:3) In other words, in the spiritual realm, all beings have a sense of oneness without sameness, seeing each other and themselves as unique expressions of the same transcendent reality—what we human beings call “God.” Your lower being is an extension of, an individualization of, your I AM presence, and it was created out of God’s desire to be more—which is unconditional love. Your I AM Presence desired to send a part of itself into the material universe, partly to experience this level of God’s creation from the inside and partly to help co-create God’s kingdom here on Earth. Your I AM Presence contains the divine blueprint for your individuality, all of the characteristics that make you a unique expression of God’s Being. This blueprint was created by your spiritual parents – spiritual Beings existing in one of the spiritual realms – and it is permanent and immutable. It is, so to speak, the foundation for your efforts as a co-creator. The very purpose of life is to grow in self-awareness and to expand our creative abilities until we can take dominion over the material universe (the mastery of mind over matter demonstrated by Jesus and the Buddha) and thereby bring God’s kingdom to Earth. When we use our creative abilities wisely, we can build upon the foundation of our divine individuality and can actually expand it. We thus become more than we were created to be by learning positively from our experiences in the material universe. Because the I AM Presence resides in a realm of vibrations that is higher than the material universe, it cannot be negatively affected by any mistake we make in this realm. No matter what mistakes you might have made, it has not impacted your true identity. Therefore, regardless of how miserable you might feel, you ALWAYS have the potential to reconnect to your I AM Presence and unlock your true spiritual potential. This is a safety mechanism built into God’s design of the universe, and you can NEVER lose your ability to establish a sense of oneness with your higher being. However, as we

will see later, there are certain components of your lower being that work against this connection and make you feel separated from God. Your causal body On the chart, you will see a number of colored rings around the white sphere that represents your I AM Presence. This represents the attainment you have gathered through your many lifetimes in the material world. It is a product of your positive learning experiences—and take note that even what seems like a mistake to a human being can be turned into a positive learning experience. Thus, it is wise to look at life as a scientific experiment. We are here to find out what works and what doesn’t work. As long as we are willing to turn every experience into a positive learning experience, there is no point in feeling guilty for our mistakes. When Thomas Edison was working on inventing the light bulb, he tried 2000 materials that didn’t work before he found one that worked. He didn’t look at this as having made 2,000 mistakes. He said, “I discovered 2,000 ways not to make a light bulb.” You might have discovered 2,000 ways not to make the kind of human being you want to be, but these experiences can still be used to make the kind of human being you do want to be. The Bible refers to the causal body in these sayings: 19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew, Chapter 6) Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me. (Mark 10:21) Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours. (Genesis 37:3) Your causal body can be seen as your cosmic bank account that you can draw on for your spiritual growth and for the fulfillment of your purpose for coming to Earth. Once you reestablish a conscious connection to your higher being, you will be able to draw

upon your experiences from past lifetimes. This is why certain people are able to compose symphonies or perform other amazing feats as young children. The flow of energy The figure-8 that frames the upper and lower figures represents the flow of energy from your I AM Presence into your lower being. When you are lost in the duality consciousness, you will misqualify the spiritual energies, and they cannot ascend back to the spiritual realm. These energies become your karma, and the misqualified energy accumulates in your four lower bodies (see later). This misqualified energy blocks your intuitive connection to your I AM Presence and it reduces the energy that can flow from your Presence, thus restricting your creative abilities. When you reclaim the balance of your four lower bodies, the figure-8 flow is restored, and the energies now flow back to the spiritual realm, where they are multiplied and sent back to you. Thus, when you multiply your talents, your creative powers are expanded. Jesus explains this in his parable about the talents:

For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath. (Matthew 13:12) The true way to multiply your talents is to selflessly work on raising up all life. You do this by expressing your God Flame instead of pursuing goals aimed at raising up yourself or taking from others. This can be done fully only when you attain personal Christhood, meaning that you overcome the human ego (see later). You then see yourself as a cocreator with God and realize that you are one with your I AM Presence. Through this state of enlightenment, you will also realize that all other co-creators came from the same source, and thus all people are part of the Body of God on Earth. Thus, the true way to raise up yourself is to selflessly work to help others overcome the ego and attain spiritual freedom. Jesus described the oneness of all life in the following quotes: Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40) And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. (Matthew 20:27) And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)

Paul also talked about the oneness of all life: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. (Romans 12:5) For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. (1Corinthians 12:12) Your lower being The lower figure in the chart represents you, the evolving lifestream. The chart shows your lifestream at its highest potential, meaning that you are free of the consciousness of duality and have put on the mind of Christ. Thus, your lower being reflects the perfection of your higher Being. You can be here below all that you are Above. The Vitruvian man by Leonardo DaVinci symbolizes your lower being in a perfectly balanced state. The figure is surrounded by a circle, which represents the plane of spirit. The square represents the material universe, created from the “squaring of the circle,” namely the process whereby Spirit became matter. The square symbolizes the four basic elements, namely fire, air, water and Earth. This represents your four lower “bodies,” namely your identity body, your mental body, your emotional body and your physical body. (For a more detailed explanation, see later) Let us take a closer look at the components of your lower being. The Conscious You The Conscious You, or conscious self, is a new concept that was introduced by Mother Mary in her book. It is not found in most spiritual teachings, and thus it takes some thinking to get your mind around it at first. However, when you internalize the concept, you see how it can accelerate your spiritual growth tremendously. The conscious self is the seat of your sense of identity. Your I AM Presence gives you existence, but it is the conscious you that is self-aware in the material world and recognizes, “I AM.” It is also the conscious self that – ideally – makes the important decisions in your life. The key to understanding why the conscious self is such a revolutionary concept is the realization that the Conscious You is charged with the task of defining your identity as a

co-creator on Earth. In other words, your divine identity is anchored in your I AM Presence, but in order to express yourself in the material world, you need a sense of identity as a co-creator in this world. This sense of identity is not created for you, and you must define it by yourself. It is the Conscious You which has been given the task of defining what comes after the words “I AM…” The Conscious You is an expression of God’s Being, a state of pure awareness. We might say that the Conscious You has a built-in sense that “I AM” but it has no contents in that self-awareness. Consequently, the conscious self can identity itself as absolutely anything it chooses. In theory, it can identify itself as a rock. This is what gives us the ability to identify ourselves as spiritual beings who are here to take dominion over the Earth (our high potential) or as human beings who are the products of hereditary and environmental factors (our low potential). We can either think we are in the world but not of the world or that we are in the world and of the world. Your highest potential is that your conscious self develops a sense of identity that is based on and in harmony with the divine individuality that is anchored in your I AM Presence. When this happens, there is perfect harmony – even oneness – between the higher and lower parts of your being, meaning that you are not a house divided against itself. Mother Mary explains that everything in the world of form is created as a result of the interaction of two polarities, namely the expanding force of the father and the contracting force of the mother. In order for any form to be sustainable, these two polarities must be held in a dynamic balance. On a cosmic scale, the factor that is designed to create and maintain this balanced is the universal Christ mind. In your own being, your spiritual self represents the father polarity and your lower being represents the mother polarity. You can express your highest potential only when there is balance between the two elements, and it is the Conscious You that is designed to ensure this oneness. Thus, the Conscious You is meant to fulfill the role of the Christ in your being. In order for this to happen, the Conscious You must follow Jesus’ command: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) The kingdom of God is a symbol for the Christ consciousness, meaning that the Conscious You has become one with the universal Christ mind, has become the Living Christ, the Word incarnate. You therefore experience the truth in Jesus’ words: I and my Father [meaning your I AM Presence] are one. (John 10:30) Most people have not yet developed this higher sense of identity as sons and daughters of God. Instead, we have fallen prey to the temptation to develop a lower sense of identity as human beings. This has happened as a result of the process that the Bible describes as the Fall of Man. In reality, the Biblical story of the Fall symbolizes what has happened to all people. Adam and Eve are archetypes, symbols for the higher and lower – masculine and feminine – aspects of our beings.

What really happened in the Fall was that our conscious selves were tempted into building a sense of identity defined by the conditions in the material world. Thus, instead of taking dominion over the material world, we have allowed the world to take dominion over us, even to the point of defining our identity based on the current imperfections on Earth. This earthly sense of identity creates a division between our higher and lower selves and it prevents us from fulfilling our potential as co-creators. Instead, we create imbalanced conditions that lead to suffering for ourselves and others. The problem is that the conscious self is expressing itself through a limited sense of identity that is centered around the human ego. The container of self and your four lower bodies The lower figure on the chart is what Mother Mary calls your container of self. It contains your four lower bodies. These are interpenetrating energy bodies that co-exist in the same space because they vibrate at different levels of frequencies: 

The identity body, also called the etheric body. The contents of your identity body define your sense of identity. How do you see yourself, how do you see God, how do you see the world and how do you see the interaction between them? Do you see yourself as a spiritual being who is here to take dominion over the Earth or do you see yourself as a material being, a product of the Earth with no power to change it? The mental body contains your thoughts. It is here you form a mental image of the specific things you want to do in the material world and how to accomplish them. This mental image will be based upon your sense of identity, which defines parameters for what you think you can or cannot do. Thus, if you identify yourself as a human being, you will limit what you think you can do. The emotional body is obviously the seat of your feelings. Emotion means Energy in MOTION. Your thoughts are mental images, but in order to become actions or manifest forms, they must be set in motion, and this happens at the level of the emotional body. However, this body also contains your desires, and they can conflict with your mental plans. Ideally, your emotions should be reflections of your thoughts that are reflections of your sense of identity that is a reflection of your Divine individuality. Yet it is common that the emotions take on a life of their own and seek to run your life instead of being run by your thoughts. The conscious mind and physical body. For most people, most of their sense of identity, thoughts and emotions are hidden below the threshold of conscious awareness. Thus, they do not understand the process that leads to a conscious thought, feeling and action. This means they have little power to control their actions, which simply flow from processes that are subconscious—and people can only watch.

The key to controlling your conscious mind and your actions is to push back the threshold of conscious awareness so you begin to understand what goes on in the higher bodies and can begin to consciously control it. Your conscious self is perfectly capable of doing this, as it can project itself anywhere it can imagine. The essential concept you need to understand is that your four lower bodies form a filter that colors the light streaming into your lower being from your I AM Presence. As Mother Mary explains, everything in the world of form is created from the Ma-ter Light. What keeps you alive and gives you the ability to act in the material world is a stream of energy that flows from your I AM Presence into your four lower bodies. This can be compared to the light coming from the light bulb in a movie projector. As this light passes through your four lower bodies, it is colored by the contents (images, beliefs and energy) of those bodies. It is like the light in a movie projector that is colored by the images on the film strip—only you have four film strips. If you have beliefs and images in your four lower bodies that are out of harmony with your own higher being – especially when you have self-centered beliefs and selfish desires – you will impose imperfect images upon the Ma-ter light. This will lead to unbalanced actions that produce suffering in your life and it is possible to create a downward spiral that leads to more and more suffering. In fact, many people do not start the spiritual path until they experience a severe crisis – hit bottom – and finally decide they can’t live that way any longer. Imposing imperfect images upon the Ma-ter light will produce energy of a lower vibration. This misqualified energy cannot flow back up to your spiritual self and become your treasure laid up in heaven. Thus, selfish actions break the figure-eight flow and the misqualified energy has to go somewhere. As science has told us, energy cannot be created or destroyed [by human beings], which means that the misqualified energy you produce will stay at that level of vibration indefinitely. The energy will not simply disappear but will be stored in your four lower bodies. This energy will form a filter – EVIL means Energy VEIL – that prevents you from maintaining contact with your spiritual self. This can gradually cloud your vision until you think your are a human being confined to the material universe with nothing beyond it. It also reduces your creative powers until you think your only option for doing anything on Earth is to use your physical body. The accumulated energy has robbed you of your mental powers. When you understand that what occurs at the conscious level – including your outer circumstances – is simply an image projected unto the screen of your mind, you realize that in order to change what is projected unto the screen of life, you have to go to the projection room and change the film strips in your four lower bodies. Life at the conscious level can be compared to the level of the movie screen. If you don’t like the movie that is playing in the theater, how much can you change the movie by working at the level of the screen? You are much more likely to be successful when you go to the source and change the images on the film strip, meaning the contents of your four lower bodies. When you understand this dynamic, it becomes very obvious that one of the key elements of walking the spiritual path is to purify – transform – the misqualified energy

stored in your four lower bodies. You must lighten your load before you start climbing a mountain. The human ego The human ego is a term that has been used differently by various psychologists and spiritual teachers. On this website it is used specifically to refer to a "being" that exists in your four lower bodies. This being is somewhat self-aware and it has a survival instinct. For most people, their egos have attained a high degree of control over their lives. The spiritual path is a process of taking control away from the ego and thus attaining the freedom to be who you were created to be. Yet the ego will not give up control voluntarily. It is therefore essential for you to understand how the ego was created. This is a somewhat complicated process, so the following is just a brief summary. As explained above, the Conscious You is the center of your lower being and it is meant to be in control of your four lower bodies. Yet in order to maintain this control, the conscious self must be willing to take full responsibility for your life and make the important decisions. In order to make balanced decisions, the conscious self must reach for the Christ mind and take up its position as the Christ in your being. The Christ mind is designed to ensure oneness between your higher and lover self, between Spirit and matter. Because all co-creators have free will, it is possible for them to go against God’s law of oneness and create the illusion that they are separate beings. This creates the illusion that you can raise up yourself in comparison to others and that you can harm others without hurting yourself. By giving co-creators free will, the consciousness of anti-christ came into being as an option. In other words, co-creators have two options for building their sense of identity: 

You can base your identity on the Christ mind, in which you see yourself as one with God and one with all life. This creates harmony in your own being and makes sure your actions will raise up both yourself and everyone else. You will then fulfill your reason for being and bring the Earth closer to manifesting the kingdom of God. You can base your identity on the mind of anti-Christ, which means you see yourself as separated from God and from all other parts of life. This inevitably leads to a division between your higher and lower self, and your lower self will not reflect your divine individuality. You will never feel fulfilled in this way and all your actions will ultimately lead to suffering for yourself.

When you were created as a self-conscious being, you lived in a protected environment – a symbolic description is the story of the Garden of Eden – in which you were guided by a spiritual teacher. As you grew in self-awareness, you had to face the temptation to use the mind of anti-Christ—symbolized by the serpent. Most people on Earth gradually became blinded by the logic of the mind of anti-Christ and started making decisions based on this logic. This led to suffering and the conscious self started feeling that every decision it made had undesirable consequences. Thus, there came a point when the conscious self decided that it would no longer make

decisions, it would no longer be in a position of responsibility. At the moment you decided to abandon your responsibility to make decisions, your ego was born. This happened because your outer circumstances demanded that decisions be made, and since the conscious self would not make them, someone else had to. That someone else is the ego. To understand the creation of the ego, consider that your subconscious mind functions much like a computer. If you repeat a certain action enough times, you create a computer program in the subconscious mind that can now perform the action without your conscious mind being engaged in it. One example is riding a bicycle; once you have learned it, you never forget it. You might not ride a bike for ten years, but once you get on, the subconscious computer program takes over. The downside is that if you create a self-centered or self-destructive program, it will produce suffering and your conscious mind will seem powerless to avoid it. An obvious example is an addiction. Before the conscious self decided to abandon its responsibility, it had already created a number of such programs. When you refused to make decisions, these programs took over. You have probably read science fiction stories of a super computer becoming so powerful that it attained intelligence and wanted to control the world. Well, after you abandoned control over your life, the subconscious computer became more powerful and the ego was formed. The ego has a limited form of self-awareness and intelligence, and it has a very strong survival instinct. The ego does not actually care about you, it only cares about itself. It is seeking to control you so that it can use you as a tool for expanding its power in the world. It is like the mad dictator who can never get enough. If you threaten the ego, it is willing to destroy you – destroy your self-esteem and sense of identity – in order to survive. The ego is generally not intelligent enough to reason that since it depends on you for its existence, destroying you means destroying itself. You also need to understand that the ego knows it can maintain its control over you only by staying hidden. If the Conscious You discovers the ego and understand how it controls your life, you will not accept this and will take back control. The ego will do anything to avoid this, including changing its behavior and beliefs. Thus, when you find the spiritual path, your ego will not give up. It will seek to use your spiritual beliefs in order to maintain or even expand its control over you. Thus, it is quite possible that people can think they are very spiritual, yet they are still controlled by their egos. This is what Jesus addressed in the following statement: Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye. (Luke 6:42) Because the ego will do anything to stay hidden, it will seek to get you to deny or ignore these teachings on the ego. Therefore, once you begin to understand the ego, you will see that overcoming it is the real key to winning your spiritual freedom. All of the true spiritual teachers have taught about how to overcome the ego. The Buddha talked about attaining enlightenment and overcoming suffering, which means you must overcome the

ego. Jesus talked about the kingdom of God, namely a state of consciousness in which you are no longer controlled by the ego. If you are a sincere spiritual seeker, you need to study the ego and you can find very profound teachings on it. Your Christ self On the chart, the figure that sits at the nexus of the figure-eight is your Christ self. It is the mediator between the I AM Presence and the lower being lost in duality. We might say that your Christ self is a spiritual teacher that is sent to you after you lost contact with your higher being. It is inside your container of self and thus you can reach it at any time by focusing on your heart and activating your intuitive faculties. Jesus talked about the Christ self in the following quotes:

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; (John 14:16) But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26) It does not take any superhuman or psychic abilities to hear the still, small voice of your Christ self. However, take note that your Christ self is not at the level of your physical body and the normal, conscious awareness of most people. Nor is it at the level of your emotional body or even your mental body and the intellectual, or rational mind. Your Christ self does not descend below the level of your identity body, and thus it is up to you to raise your attention to that level. Unfortunately, the world programs us to focus our attention at the lower levels. Some people are very focused on the material world, some are very emotional and some are very intellectual, all of them finding it difficult to hear their Christ selves. Thus, you must develop the ability to focus your attention on the higher parts of your Being and on the spiritual realm. Jesus talked about the importance of attuning to your Christ self when he said: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) In order to hear your Christ self, you may also have to silence the loud voice of your ego that seeks to overpower your Christ self or seeks to rationalize away your intuitive

insights. In fact, your ego is constantly trying to set itself up as the ultimate authority in your life, a position that should be occupied by your Christ self until the Conscious You attains oneness with your I AM Presence. The ego does this by setting up certain beliefs as being infallible, thereby creating a mental box around your mind. Thus, many people dare not look beyond their mental boxes to hear the voice of their Christ selves—which is ALWAYS seeking to lead you outside ANY mental box and thus challenges the "infallible" beliefs of the ego. As you follow the spiritual path, you gradually put on the mind of Christ, meaning that you gain the vision and discernment that empowers you to see through the many illusions created by the mind of anti-christ. This helps you reclaim the purity of your four lower bodies from the selfish beliefs that cause your suffering. It is through the mind of Christ that you can take dominion, first over your four lower bodies, and then over the material realm. At first, the Conscious You will see your Christ self as an external teacher, but you will gradually build a deeper sense of oneness with the teacher. This leads to the mystical union whereby you become the bride of Christ and attain oneness with your Christ self. You can then accept that the Conscious You has attained its rightful position as the Christ in your being. You have become the Living Christ. You will then be “As Above, so below,” meaning that your I AM Presence can now act through your lower being. You have then taken dominion over the Earth, as symbolized by the globe under the feet of the Vitruvian man. You can then claim with Jesus: My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. (John 5:17)

The soul You might have noticed that the above sections do not contain the word “soul.” In fact, in Mother Mary’s book she does not use the term soul. The reason is that the word soul has been used in many different ways by various religious, spiritual, esoteric and psychological teachers. Thus, it can have so many different meanings and interpretations that it has become less useful. There is a higher and a lower component of your four lower bodies. The lower higher component is independent of the physical body and stores your experiences from embodiment to embodiment. Thus, the higher understanding of the soul is that it is not created by your spiritual parents but is created by you during your many embodiments on Earth. However, the soul is created from energies in the material frequency spectrum, which is why traditional religion says the soul is mortal, corruptible and needs to be saved. One consequence of this is that the soul can be fragmented by traumatic experiences, which can lead to severe psychological problems.

The soul is made from energies that are not yet fully pure and thus cannot ascend and become part of your causal body. The soul is made from your sincere attempts to do good, as opposed to the ego which is created from your attempts to run away from God or even your deliberate rebellion against God’s law. As long as you allow the ego to make decisions for you, you create a downward spiral that takes you away from God. As you turn around and start walking the spiritual path, you create an upward spiral, but that doesn’t mean everything you do has the full purity of the Christ mind. As an example, consider that you work as a biologist seeking to find a cure for disease. Your work helps reduce the suffering of others and is thus a worthy cause, yet your primary motivation is not love for others but your desire to receive a Nobel prize or become rich. Thus, your motivation is still self-centered rather than a selfless desire to raise all life. Consequently your experiences do not have the purity that can rise to the level of your causal body. Thus, they are temporarily stored in your soul and will be raised to the causal body when your motivation reaches the purity of the Christ mind. It is important to understand that the ego can never be resurrected but must be allowed to die. The soul can be resurrected, but only when it is transformed through a spiritual rebirth. As Jesus said: 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John, Chapter 3) In order for the soul to be fully transformed, you must first attain mastery over the soul— being born of water. You must then give up the soul and the sense of identity based on the soul—being born of the Spirit. You can do this only when you have attained a high degree of personal Christhood, meaning that you have built a new sense of identity based on oneness with your I AM Presence—thus not being left in a vacuum with no identity. Jesus described the process of giving up the soul in the following statements: He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. (Mark 10:39) For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. (Mark 16:25) He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. (John 12:25)

Appendix 2 THE EVIL

Why is there evil in the world? The concept of evil has caused much confusion, not only among Christians, but also among spiritually interested people all over the world. The main reason behind all this confusion is the widespread denial of the importance of free will. In the answers to other questions, I talk about a power elite that is seeking absolute control over the people. This elite will do anything to spread false beliefs, through religion or science, stating that free will either does not exist or is not important. What this power elite is trying to do is to make you deny your God-given potential to manifest Christhood on earth. If you deny the existence of free will, then it becomes exceedingly difficult to explain the obvious fact that there is evil on this planet. If you are a scientific materialist, you have virtually no explanation for evil, so most of these people tend to ignore it. I might add here that ignoring a cancerous tumor is not the best way to deal with it. If you are a religious person, then you end up having to come up with a series of contrived arguments that somehow seek to deal with the problem that if human beings do not have free will, then God must have created evil. For most people, the idea that God has created evil just doesn’t sound right. It doesn’t sound right, because it isn’t right.

The reality of the matter is that God has not created evil. Contrary to what some religions teach, evil is not the polar opposite of God. God is a completely self-contained being and God has no opposite. I have earlier told you that when God starts creating the world of form, God creates two polarities, as illustrated in the Taoist symbol called the Tai-Chi. Nevertheless, evil does not form the polar opposite of God, and it does not even form the polar opposite of good. The polarities of the Tai-Chi are not mutually exclusive. They are complimentary and through their interactions they bring forth a new aspect of the world a form. That aspect of the world a form will be in harmony with God’s law, and therefore it will be sustainable. It will not self-destruct. The essence of evil is that it is not in accordance with God’s law. Therefore, evil does not form a creative polarity with good. Evil cannot create anything; it can only destroy. Nothing that is influenced by evil is sustainable, because it violates God’s laws. Therefore, anything affected by evil will be temporary, and it will eventually self-destruct. Evil as the result of choice Why is there evil in the world? The presence of evil is the result of a free-will choice, or rather numerous free-will choices. The original free-will choice that brought evil to this planet was not made by human beings. It was made by the leader of a band of Angels, and his name was Lucifer. Lucifer made the choice that he was not willing to follow one of God's commands. That command was that the angels of God were to serve human beings. Lucifer made this choice because of pride. He wanted to be the most important angel in heaven, and when God refused to show this favoritism, Lucifer rebelled. You must understand that in heaven all beings have free will. Yet, because they clearly know the laws of God, it is extremely rare that a heavenly being will use this free will to go against the laws of God. However, it did indeed happen with Lucifer. In heaven, all spiritual beings have unlimited potential for expressing their individuality and creativity within the context of God’s law. Yet, if a being chooses to go against God’s law, that being cannot remain in heaven. What is God to do with such beings? God has two options. 

God can consume these beings as if they had never existed. Our God is a consuming fire, and God can consume any part of the world of form, leaving absolutely no trace. God can give these beings a second chance to voluntarily choose to come back to the laws of God. However, if God does so, these beings cannot remain in heaven. Therefore, God must create some other place where these beings can reside. That other place is the material universe, including planet earth.

In the material universe, the energies are so dense that it is not immediately obvious that everything in this universe is created from God’s light. Therefore, this universe can serve as a temporary home for those beings who have stepped outside of God’s law and therefore no longer see themselves as God’s offspring. I want you to understand that

this was not God’s original plan for the material universe. This was, to use a popular expression, Plan B. I want you to know that during my life on earth, I and all of my close associates studied an old biblical text, called the Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch describes the process whereby fallen angels were cast out of heaven and took on human bodies. The Book of Enoch also states that these fallen angels have continued to appear in human bodies. I consider the Book of Enoch to be an extremely important work, and I would like all my followers to familiarize themselves with this book. If I studied it, why would you not study it? I might add that the Book of Enoch was later taken out of the orthodox Bible. I wonder why? The origin of evil My basic point is that the origin of evil was a free-will choice made by a group of very powerful spiritual beings who chose to rebel against God. They have since formed what I have called the power elite. Many of these souls have so far demonstrated an absolute commitment to stick with their original decision to rebel against God. Therefore, they have attempted to turn planet earth into a world where God does not exist. In other words, they want to shut God out of this world in an attempt to prove that they can exist without God. They also want to set themselves up as surrogate or false Gods on earth. They believe that their ends can justify absolutely any conceivable means. These souls will do anything to gain and maintain control over the people of earth. Unfortunately, maintaining such control is not very difficult. The fallen angels have a powerful weapon in their quest for control, namely the relativity of the carnal mind. Any human being in the grips of the carnal mind is an easy target for the manipulators of this earth. If everything is relative, then everything can be defined by some authority here on earth, including right and wrong, truth and error. The fallen angels have created numerous philosophies in an attempt to spread false ideas. You must understand that the power elite will do anything to prevent you from discovering the truth of God. For example, for the past 2,000 years they have attempted to use the orthodox Christian church to prevent the spreading of knowledge. For centuries, the orthodox church was a very efficient mind control machine, as the burning of books and the inquisition clearly demonstrate. Today, the power elite is facing the problem that technology has made it easier than ever to disseminate information. They are attempting to cope with this by actually flooding the market with false information of every conceivable type. That is why you see so many books or websites that promote the most incredible theories (including a number of books that contain false theories about me and my true teachings). The hope of the power elite is that you will be overwhelmed by all of this information, so that you will either shut your mind (and refuse to consider any new ideas) or become so confused that you no longer know what to believe (and therefore end up doubting everything). The only way to escape this subtle manipulation is to reach beyond the level of the carnal mind and put on personal Christhood. The essence of personal Christhood is the ability of discernment, the ability to discern what is of God and what is not of God. Therefore, a Christen being is the ultimate threat to the fallen angels who consider

planet earth their territory. They will do anything to prevent a Christen being from walking the earth. They will do anything to prevent a large number of Christen beings from walking the earth. Therefore, they will do anything to prevent people from discovering and accepting the path of personal Christhood.

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