Minutes of The Meeting

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Date: January 4, 2019 Presider: Attendees:


Lourdes P. Abansi, Ph. D. SSP IV Perlita J. Tan, Ph. D., HT III Ana Jane A. Ferrer, MT I Dolores A. Santos, TIII Milagros A. Fernandez, TIII Ma. Julie Anne C. Gajes, TIII

Agenda: 1.  Internatio International nal Standard of Operations a.  Benchmarking was already done by Dr. Abansi and Dr. Tan at Solano High School.  b.  Dr. Abansi reminded the group to localize all templates before cascading it to the teachers c.  She also reminded the group that there is an annual report for aside from the various reports. d.  There should be a Supervisory tool when observing teachers



4.  5. 


e.  There should be a pre-supervisory, supervisory and post-supervisory conference between the observer and observe. f.   Note: Surpise visits should be labeled as such but should be be done for checking  purposes –   purposes  –  this  this should only be done to check if the mentee did what was suggested by the mentor. g.  Teachers are supposed to submit accomplishments every month –  month  –  these  these reports go with the KRA of the school. Reiteration of CSC rules a.  The 8 –  8 –  hour  hour working period should be divided as follows: 6 hours teaching load and 2 hours equivalent teaching load (The two-hour ETL should be used for teacher-related activities) Principal Qualifiers  a.  The problem is that there are no individual IPCRF. The IPCRFs have been signed by the SDS. Discouraging of Carpet Supervision  a.  This is to avoid divided focus by the teacher Mentoring/Observation of Teachers  a.   New teachers should be subjected to directive teaching  b.  Self-directive mentoring should be done for experienced teachers c.  Mentors/observations should use a variety of methods in helping teachers d.  Teachers should be classified according to how they should be helped Consolidation of Reports  a.  Mrs. Ferrer will consolidate all JHS J HS reports while Mrs. Santos will consolidate all SHS reports.  b.  The accomplishment will be localized and amended to accommodate the needed data. c.  Teachers should have a journal where they can write their daily assessments. d.  Mrs. Ferrer and Mrs. Santos will be in-charged in -charged of localizing the accomplishment report.


e.  7.  SBM  a.   b.  c.  d.  e. 

Teachers should be able to write something under all KRAs. Committee will be made as per the different KRAs. Dr. Abansi showed the attendees accomplished SBM forms of Casat NHS. All MOVs should be accomplished and prepared. A citizen’s charter should be enhanced.  enhanced.   The participants of the SBM-PASBE Self-initiated assessment of SBM Practice will be as follows: KRA 1: Leadership & Governance Chair: Dr. Perlita J. Tan Members: Ma. Julie Anne C. Gajes Katherine A. Barrerra Elmer M. Tumacder Jocelyn Bilong Michelle Amor O. del Rosario Karen Jane C. Ducusin Primo A. Rivera KRA 2: Curriculum & Learning Chair: Ana Jane A. Ferrer Members: Simeon C. Castro Rendel Grace Ferrer Marybeth M. Lopez Marylu Silverio Lech Daniel C. Tiburcio Sheverly Hermoso Seigfred John Ballesteros Elvin Rafanan *Dolores A. Santos *Ma. Julie Anne C. Gajes *Nica Magno KRA 3: Accountability & Continuous Improvement Improvement Chair: Milagros A. Santos Members: Trista Boy dela Cruz Hervilyn Balut Cesar Ang Noreen Laborte Mylene Liban Krizzia Mae Soriano  Nica Estrellyn Magno Karen Abon Veless Mae Santos KRA 4: Management of Resources Chair: Dolores A. Santos Members: Rodina Mamuric Claire Bautista Rolldhan Cordero Orlando Guillermo Evangeline Lumase Evangeline Panis Ricardo Sta. Ines *Ana Jane A. Ferrer Margery Guillermo Francisco Duldulao SSG President PTA President Jude M. Depalog Tristan Boy A. dela Cruz FEA President ADAS II Katherine Barrerra  Myra Fe Esquibal ADAS II Municipal Kagawad Hon. Ronald Allan Barnacha Prepared by: MA. JULIE ANNE C. GAJES FEA Secretary


MINUTES OF THE MEETING Date: January 7, 2019 

Presider: Attendees:


Lourdes P. Abansi, Ph. D. SSP IV Perlita J. Tan, Ph. D., HT III Ana Jane A. Ferrer, MT I Dolores A. Santos, TIII Milagros A. Fernandez, TIII Ma. Julie Anne C. Gajes, TIII

Agenda: 1.  SBM (Part 2) -  All members in the committees will be maintained -  Committee on School Performance Performance Improvement will be added to the committees created during the previous meeting. Access, Efficiency, quality and relevance will be the focus of this committee. Access includes enrolment increase, efficiency includes dropout rate and completion rate and quality and relevance will include NAT MPS. Mrs. Santos will be heading this committee. -  Committee on SBM Self-Assessment and Validation will also be created. This is a ready committee to assess the readiness of the school on and before the actual assessment. The assessment made by this committee will be validated by the Division Office. All of the attendees of this meeting will be members of this committee. -  Self-assessment rating  -  School performance improvement (Improvement of Learning Outcomes –  Outcomes  –   improvement of performance indicators –  indicators –  access  access (45%), efficiency (25%), quality and relevance (30%)) This comprises 60% of the total rating. -  Enrollment data should be three years back. (2014-present) This should be averaged and percent should be taken. The attendees discussed the rating r ating  process. -  Data for the Dropout rate should start from 2014-present. -  Completion Rate should also start from 2014 –  2014 –  present.  present. The concept should be further clarified. The attendees referred refer red to the rating of Bintawan National HS to further explain the concept.   2014 is the baseline for the study -   NAT MPS should start from 2013-2014. 2013-2014. The person in-charge sh should ould look for the latest results of the NAT. N AT. There is a 5% increase in tthe he NAT results. -  *Mrs. Santos will be in-charge for all computations. The attendees discussed how the percentages and other pertinent data will be determined. -  Committee on EBEIS was created with the following members: -  Chair: Milagros A. Fernandez -  Co-chair: Primo Rivera -  SBM Assessment -  Documentary Analysis –  Analysis –  A  A team will be evaluating the paper   -  Observation Observation –   –  A  A member of the team will be observing a teacher   -  Discussion Discussion –   –  A  A team will be discussing with the teachers the aspects of the assessment.  

-  Each of the chairmen was given a copy of the contextualized SBM assessment asse ssment tool. 


-  Dr. Abansi read the different indicators of the t he different KRAs and suggested the points that the school can receive. She also als o discussed the different MOVs/Documents/System that should be prepared in order to get the corresponding point. Each KRA is assigned a validator. A self-assessment self-asse ssment was done to determine the expected score per KRA –  KRA  –  indicator.  indicator. She reminded the attendees that all stakeholders should be involved in the discipline of the child.   -  A Policy on Child Protection Program should be created. The administration should benchmark for this policy but the administration and stakeholders should draft their own own Child Protection Policy. Policy. The group will be  benchmarking at Uddiawan NHS NHS and Bintawan NHS.  -  A Committee on Child Protection Council will be created and headed by Nica Estrellyn Magno.  -  Read the implementing guidelines on SBM. DO 83 s. 2012 for more information. -  The SDF will be reviewed by the team.

Prepared by:



MINUTES OF THE MEETING Date: January 10, 2019 

Presider: Attendees: Recorder: Agenda: I. 



Lourdes P. Abansi, Ph. D. SSP IV All Faculty Ma. Julie Anne C. Gajes, TIII

SBM Orientation cum LAC session on Instructional Supervision 1.  There are three memos under the SBM orientation 2.  Division memo of self-initiated assessment 3.  There should be a continuance of the SBM SBM Self-Initiated Assessment Committee a.  Dr. Abansi read the memo on self-initiated assessment (DO 48 s 2017). This should be a basis for our self-assessment.  b.  Localized assessment tool is also included in this memo. This is a requirement for all schools. c.  The school should schedule an SBM validation as the faculty have assessed it in the school level.

d.  There are a lot of things to be done for the SBM teachers te achers hence, she conducted meetings with regards to the SBM. The team also conducted a “benchmarking” activity at Bintawan NHS and Uddiawan NHS. NHS.   e.  KRA 1 is headed by Dr. Perlita Tan. The title is Leadership and Governance. This KRA can also be found in the RPMS-PPST. f.  KRA 2 is headed by Mrs. Ana Jane A. Ferrer. The title is Curriculum and Learning. She read the members of the committee. g.  KRA 3 is headed by Mrs. Milagros A. Ferrer. The title is Accountability and Continuous Learning. She also introduced the members of the committee. h.  KRA 4 is headed by Mrs. Dolores A. Santos. The title is management of Resources. She then introduced the members of the committee. i.  Additional Committees: Committee on School Performance Improvement with the following indicators: access, efficiency, effici ency, quality and relevance. i.  The teachers have roles to play pla y under enrolment. They can help improve our rating under enrolment. The basis is the increase in enrollment for the past 3 years. ii.  The teachers were also reminded re minded that they are partly to blame for the dropout rate. Parents also have a role to play in decreasing the dropout rate. Completion rate is also included in the second indicator: efficiency. This could be assessed as to the number of students who completed their high school education from Grade 7 to Grade 10. iii.  Even if there is no NAT, teachers should still stil l be aware of the school rating. Teachers should think of ways to increase the NAT rating. Introduction of the Different KRAs Dr. Abansi then read the different indicators for KRA 1. She started s tarted giving the rubric for KRA 1 as an example of the task that the group is going to do. She then went on to discuss the indicators for the different differ ent KRAs. She also discussed some of the MOVs for the different KRAs. All teachers should not be excused from work.



Benefits of SBM Validation 1.  There used to be grants for SBM passers 2.  Autonomy Autonomy –   –  the  the school will not be often evaluated. V.  School assessment committee SSG President Francisco Duldulao Jude M. Depalog PTA President Tristan Boy A. dela Cruz FEA President ADAS II Katherine Barrerra  Myra Fe Esquibal ADAS II Municipal Kagawad Hon. Ronald Allan Barnacha Dr. Perlita Tan Other Teachers Ana Jane A. Ferrer Dolores A. Santos Milagros A. Ferrer VI.  Child Protection Policy Committee Chairperson: Lourdes Abansi Vice-chairman: Perlita Tan Tristan Boy dela Cruz Franciso D. Duldulao Daisy Ojadas  Nica Magno

VII.  Committee on EBEIS Chairperson: Milagros Fernandez Members: Chairmen per committee VIII.  Creation of the School Governing Council Student Representative Faculty Representative (c/o Mr. dela Cruz) Alumni Representative (c/o Mr. dela Cruz) Retirees Representative (c/o Mrs. Dangilan) Professional Group Representative (c/o Mrs. Mamuric) Business Sector Representative (c/o Mr. Cordero) IP Representative (c/o Mrs. Lumase) Religious Sector (c/o Mrs. Mamuric) Private Sector (c/o Mrs. Balut) Community Organization Sector (c/o Ms. Gajes) Barangay Sector (c/o Ms. Gajes) Government Sector (c/o Ms. Gajes)  NGO (c/o Mrs. Hermoso) Division Office (c/o Mrs. Esquivel) IX.  Schedules Election of SGC should be January J anuary 26, 2019. Documents would be ready by February 4-5, 2019 Schedule of Self-Assessment: February 8, 2019 X.  Forms for Instructional Supervision a.  COT COT –   –  pre-conference  pre-conference and post-conference i.  There is a form to be accomplished before the observation  b.  CB-PAS forms are still going to be utilized i.  There should be a “surprise visit”

c.  STAR observations form


Other Matters: 1.  Accomplishment Form was revised to jibe with the SBM validation. This form should  be used effective this month. 2.  Dr. Abansi expressed the need for punctuality in all school s chool activities. 3.  She also expressed that all teachers should properly dismiss all students. Prepared by:



MINUTES OF THE MEETING Date: January 24, 2019 Presider: Attendees: Recorder:

Lourdes P. Abansi, Ph. D. SSP IV All Faculty Ma. Julie Anne C. Gajes, TIII

Agenda: 1.  Updates on submission of grades a.  Dr. Abansi gave an assessment on the submission of grades. The deadline was set almost two weeks after the test in order for the teachers to be able to finish their grades. Submission of grades would be brought up during the one-on-one interview. The original date for the releasing of cards and PTA conference should was January 16, 2019. 2.  Updates on SBM documents preparation a.  KRA 1 finished 80% of the requirements. requirements. i.  The first setback is the FEA Constitution and By-laws. A meeting should be held for the FEA in order to approve the by-laws. ii.  Another problem is the SMEPA reports. Accuracy should be achieved in finishing this report. One problem is the unavailability of data since the data  being requested dates back to three years. The SMEPA data should should start from SY 2017-2018.  b.  KRA 2 finished 99.9% of the requirements i.  One issue of this KRA is the binding of the documents since it is very thick. c. KRA 3 finished 80% 80% of of the requirements i. The suggestion box is badly needed by this KRA. ii. A survey should also be done by the KRA to complete one indicator. iii. Quality assurance should be done by all KRAs. d. KRA 4 finished 75% 75% of the documents. documents. i. The problem is the financial report of the PTA fee. 3. Recognition Program, Homeroom PTA Meeting and Distribution of Cards. a. The submission of grades was extended for one week. The initial plan was to conduct the releasing of cards and homeroom PTA meeting on a Saturday.  b. The different committees will be as follows: i. Stage decoration will be chaired by Mr. Dela Cruz, Mr. Cordero and others. But Mr. Dela Cruz will be in-charge of the sound system. ii. Hall preparation will be chaired by Mr. Ang. Dr. Abansi reminded the faculty on the placement of chairs. iii. All advisers will be charged with the discipline, attendance and punctuality of their students. iv. Awardees should wear their school uniforms during the recognition. v. Awardees should be punctual. vi. Certificates should have already alread y been finished by now. vii. The awards to be given tomorrow will be for Academic Excellence, Perfect Attendance and Special recognition viii. The awards committee should have validated and report the SH result r esult of evaluation for approval. The awards committee will be as follows:



Chairman: Dr. Lourdes Abansi Co-chairman: Dr. Perlita Tan Members: Mrs. Ana Jane Ferrer Milagros A. Fernandez  Nica Estrellyn T. Magno 4. Early Registration a. Enrolment venue and documentation committee shall comprise of Mr. dela Cruz, Mrs. Del Rosario and Mr. Ballesteros  b. Mrs. Del Rosario and Mr. Ballesteros was acknowledged by Dr. Dr. Abansi c. Dr. Abansi recalled the chairmen per grade level. d. All grade chairmen will consolidate the enrollment data. e. Dr. Abansi reminded the committee to tell all the students that they will be accepted in college regardless of their strand/track. f. For Grade 7 and 11 chairmen, they should be on their toes since most of the early registrants will be from these groups. g. The chairmen should consolidate all reports of from the early registration. h. January 26 is the deadline of the submission of the online and hard copy of the report. i. Mrs. Mamuric will consolidate all reports.  j. Mr. Rafanan and Ms. Soriano will replace Mr. Rivera in the committee committee while Mr. Tumacder will replace Mrs. Ducusin. 5. Other Updates a. “Time on Task” . There should be strictly 205 school days in a year. All the contents of this is included in DO 9, s. 2008. Integration of the different events/occasions/activities is suggested to avoid class disruption.  b. Streamers should not be put up. up. Instead, bulletin boards should be pu putt up to educate the students c. Dr. Abansi gave the different between an order versus an advisory. d. Not all coaches for competitions will be allowed to chaperon contestants. There should only be a maximum of 2 chaperons per contest. e. Number of days per month June - 18 July –  July  –  22  22 August –  August  –  19  19 (1 is patronal fiesta) September –  September  –  19  19 ( 1 is intrams) October - 15 (3 were due to Typhoon Typhoon Rosita)  November –   November  –  18  18 (1 Foundation Day) December –  December  –  10  10 (6 was due to the Christmas Break) January –  January  –  21  21 February –  February  –  18  18 There is a total of 186 days for the year. There is a need for one day for remediation. To make up for that one day loss, February 5 will be considered a school day. The dress code 6. ManCom a. There is a new uniform which will be used every Thursday.  b. If the SDS and governor governor are both present in an event, the SDS w will ill still be the first one to give the speech. c. During typhoon onslaught, faculty should voluntarily come to school. d. Do not be a burden to your association.


e. The quality policy should be memorized and recited by the faculty. f. Finals will be March 15-16 for graduating students g. Finals will be March 21-22 for non-graduating students 7. SGC Meeting and Election of Officers a. Educate students about the use of FB  b. IPCRF –  IPCRF –  June  June 2018 to April 2019. c. Do not announce in advance. d. Avoid going out during school days. e. SALN should be submitted on January J anuary 28. f. Tenure of Permanent Security guards are going to be abolished. g. Major KRAs should be prioritized over plus factor. h. Not all time-in and time-outs should be 5:00. i. Official time is 7:30 –  7:30 –  11:45  11:45 and 1:00 –  1:00 –  4:45.  4:45.  j. Dr. Abansi also reminded the faculty about the Exit Exam, Exam, proposed last day.

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