Mini Guide KP Astrology
July 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Lomo Nuokg
Polpbg Ptgps tc Bgarm JU Astrcbcny i
^GB@CLG! [hg Polpbgst ^ay tc Ygak ycur Hcrcs`cpg
Ho, O'l Bggma, am a m a``clpboshgk Astrcbcngr woth cvgr 15 ygars cd gxpgrogm`g amk `rgatcr cd YgkAstrcbcngr. O havg kcmg gxtgmsovg rgsgar`h om Tgko` Tg ko` Astrcbcny, Majshatras, JU Astrcbcny, Tastu (Lahavastu A`harya), Astrc Tastu amk Bab Jotai. O'l hgrg tc sharg woth ycu aicut thg lcst prgko`tovg prgko`tovg tg`hmoqug om Astrcbcny, thg JU tg`hmoqug (Jroshma Lurto Uakhato) who`h os `clpbgtgby iasgk cm thg rgsubts novgm iy majshatra amk ots sui bcrk. O havg iggm rgakomn Hcrcs`cpgs dcr arcumk 15 ygars, amk O havg cisgrvgk that gvgry tg`hmoqug cd Astrcbcny novgs ncck rgsubts iut JU os thg lcst wcmkgrdub prgko`tovg tccb. [hg `c-crkomatcrs novgm iy thg pbamgt pbamg t sonm bcrk, star bcrk amk sui bcrk kospbays `clpbgtg po`turg cd thg spg`odo` gvgmt cd bodg. ^hobg rgakomn `harts thrcunh JU systgl ycu'bb rgabozg that ycu `am rgak ycur cwm hcrcs`cpg om su`h a solpbg way, amk at thg salg tolg ot wobb novg ycu lcrg `baroty cm thg gvgmts rgbatgk tc koddgrgmt argas cd bodg.
Uang 1
[hat's why O `rgatgk thg lomo nuokg tc JU systgl cd Astrcbcny tc hgbp ycu y cu rgak ycur `hart at a kggpgr bgvgb woth lcrg a``ura`y. Om thos iccj O wobb wabj ycu thrcunh thg davcraibg amk umdavcraibg um davcraibg `cliomatocms lakg om JU tc prgko`t koddgrgmt gvgmts cd bodg. [rust lg ycu wobb mgvgr nc ibamj whobg rgakomn a Hcrcs`cpg.
^arl ^oshgs
Uang 9
OM[YCKW@[OCM JU Astrcbcny os a systgl icrm cut cd thg Tgko` systgls iasgk cm thg momg pbamgts amk twgbvg hcusgs. Ot has durthgr domg tumgk thg lgthck cd kgrovomn hcusgs jmcwm as `usps. Phro Jroshma Lurto fo dcumkgr cd thg JU Astrcbcny os wcrshoppgk iy JU dcbbcwgrs as Nck. Om thos nuokg tc JU tg`hmoqug, O wobb gxpbaom thg prgko`tovg part cd Astrcbcny. O wobb try tc solpbody thos systgl iut ycu mggk tc umkgrstamk sclg iaso` dumkalgmtabs cd thg JU systgl. [hg zckoa` `cmsosts cd 045 kgnrggs, who`h os kovokgk omtc 19 hcusgs cd 05 kgnrggs. Ot os kovokgk omtc 9> kovosocms cd 10.95 kgnrggs, jmcwm as `cmstgbbatocms cr majshatra. [hgsg majshatras cd 10.95 kgnrggs arg durthgr kovokgk omtc momg suikovosocms. [hgsg suikovosocms arg `abbgk sui bcrks. Mcw igdcrg ycu start woth JU tg`hmoqug, ycu shcubk havg `clpbgtg jmcwbgkng jmcwbgkng cd 19 hcusgs amk ? pbamgts om Tgko` Astrcbcny. Omda`t thos os thg iasg cd Astrcbcny, sc a strcmn
stru`turg `am cmby ig iuobt cm a strcmn dcumkatocm. Om thos nuokg O wobb ig sharomn ly igst tg`hmoqugs dcr omtgrprgtomn Hcrcs`cpg. O‟bb absc novg ycu gxalpbgs abcmn thg way, tc kggpgm ycur umkgrstamkomn cd hcw tc usg (amk lastgr) thgsg tg`hmoqugs.
Uang 0
Olpcrtamt Yubgs cd JU Astrcbcny 1. Gvgry hcusg wobb havg suppcrtomn hcusgs amk cppcsomn hcusgs 9. Dcr gvgry gvgmt, thg sonm bcrk tgbbs aicut thg laom scur`g cd thg gvgmt.
[hg g star bcrk novgs thg laom rgsubts 0. [h [hg g sui bcrk tgbbs aicut thg quaboty cd thg gvgmt. ;. [h 7. [hg 19th hcusg tc gvgry hcusg, mgnatgs thg laom gvgmt rgbatgk tc thg hcusg. 4. [hg 9mk hcusg tc gvgry hcusg wobb akk tc thg ncck rgsubts cd thg hcusg. >. [hg @uspab sui bcrk cd gvgry hcusg tgbbs thg prclosg cd that hcusg gvgmt. 8. Od Ptarbcrk cppcsgs thg sui bcrk, thgm thg pcwgr cd thg sui bcrk kg`rgasgs, amk thos `am gothgr kgbay cr kgmy thg gvgmt. ?. [hg rubomn pbamgts amk thg rummomn kasha bcrk sonmodo`atcrs od kospbay salg s`ropt thgm thg gvgmt `am ig gxpg`tgk. 15. 15 . Om thos nuokg, O havg usgk dcbbcwomn mctatocm
Mctatocm Hcusg - H
Lahakasha - LK
@uspab - @
Amtarkasha - AK
Pui bcrk - P Ygak thg 1st hcusg `uspab suibcrk as - 1H@PB
Uang 4
Ponmodo`am`g cd Yubomn Ubamgts om JU Astrcbcny
Om Tgko` astrcbcny thg hcusg amk bcrk novgs rgsubts whgrgas om JU thg `usp, ots star bcrk amk sui bcrk novgs thg rgsubts. Hgm`g sui bcrk os thg kg`okomn da`tcr. [hg sui bcrk om thg `uspab s`ropt hgbps tc
domk thg prclosg cd thg gvgmt, thg gxpg`tgk rgsubts amk absc thg quaboty cd thg gvgmt. Phro JP absc omtrcku`gk thg `cm`gpt cd rubomn pbamgts. [h [hg g rubomn pbamgts (YU) arg thg cmby Kovomg tccbs that hgbp tc domk thg tolg cd am gvgmt. [hg rubomn pbamgts arg sgbg`tgk drcl thg Urashma `hart lakg
at thg tolg cd hcrcs`cpg amabysos. [hg laom rubomn pbamgts om`bukg6 1. As`gmkamt star bcrk 9. Ponm bcrk 0. Lccm star bcrk ;. Lccm sonm bcrk 7. Kay bcrk [hgrg arg 19 hcusgs om a matab `hart, amk ot os `abbgk `usp om JU. [hg pcsotocm cd pbamgts pba`gk om thg ihava `hart novgs thg laom rgsubts.
Uang >
Iak haj Yubgs Lc vai bg11 1 ; > 15 Doxgk ? 9 7 8 11 Kuab
> 0 4 Hc w tc usg
19 ?
@ hg`j 1mk H @ PB amk starbc rk Gn1H@ PB Paturm 9,0,8 9 rg`c vgry 0 stai oboty 8 p aom novomntolg Pc p aom amk rg`c vgryi c th w obb c ``uramk thgp grsc m w obb havga stai bg bodg.Dralgw c rj c d gvgmts rgbatgk tc 9mk hc usg 7 ? abw ays hgbp s as thgsgargbaj shlosthama 19th w obb mgnatgthggvgmt 9mk w obb om`rgasgthggddg`ts rgbatgk tc thghc usg
PONMODO@AM@G CD DOYP[ HCWPG/HGAB[H [hg dorst hcusg om Astrcbcny rgprgsgmts thg physo`ab appgaram`g, sgbd- okgmtoty, thg tglpgralgmt cr Pwaihav, amk ycur physo`ab hgabth. Ot absc kgs`roigs thg ickoby appgaram`gs, da`oab pg`uboarotogs, amk sgx appgab cd thg pgrscm. [hg dcbbcwomn `cliomatocms havg iggm lakg cm thg iasos cd JU rubgs.
Dorst hcusg dralgwcrj dcr gvgmts [hg Ncck hgabth `cliomatocm6 9H, 7H, ?H amk 11H Iak hgabth `cliomatocm6 4H, 88H,19H H,19H amk iakhaj [hg Ncck Yg`cvgry Yg`cvgry `cliomatocm6 9H, 77H, H, amk 11H 11H.. [hg ^gaj Yg`cvgry `cliomatocm6 1H, ;H, 115H, 5H, amk iakh iakhaj aj (Iakhaj hcusg novgs cista`bgs amk od `cmmg`ts 4H, 8H, 19H, thgm novgs hgabth ossugs)
Hgabth Dcrluba Od 1st hcusg @PB novgs 4H 8H 19H thgm thg pgrscm wobb da`g kosgasg. [hg 4th hcusg starbcrk a`tovatgs thg pgrock cd kosgasg. Od mgnatovg amk pcsotovg icth hcusgs arg sonmodogk thgm icth gvgmts wobb tajg pba`g, a``crkomn tc thg tolg-bomg cd thg pbamgt.
Davcraibg @cliomatocms 9H wobb abways olprcvg thg ollumoty amk strgmnth. 9
7H kgpo`ts rg`cvgry, hgabomn amk gmk cd thg kosgasg.
Wmdavcraibg @cliomatocms 1H - Pgbd, 4H - obbmgss, 8H - `hrcmo` kosgasg, 19H Hcspotabozatocm, Hcspotabozatoc m, wgajmgss.
Pc od s`ropt shcws6 1H 4H, 1H 8H, 11H H 119H6 9H6 Lomcr Obbmgss. 1H, 4H, 8H6 `hrcmo` kosgasg amk paomdub tolg sc `am novg surngry as wgbb. 1H,4H,19H6 Lomcr kosgasgs, sc gothgr `am ig hcspotabozgk cr lonht tajg bcmn tgrl lgko`omgs.
Uang 8
Iakhaj Yubgs Hcw tc kg`okg Iakhaj om ycur `hart
Banma/As`gmkamt Lcvaibg Doxgk Kuab
Ponms 1 ; > 15 9 7 8 11 0 4 ? 19
Hcusg 11 ? >
Iakhaj hcusg amk ot's bcrk om thg hcrcs`cpg novgs cista`bgs amk od `cmmg`ts 4H, 8H, 19H thgm novgs hgabth ossugs.
Hcw tc Appby @hg`j6 1 H@PB amk star bcrk, 4 H@PB amk cmncomn
LK, AK. Gxalpbg6 1H @PB Paturm s`ropt om`bukgs 9H, 0H, 8H
9mk Hcusg os rg`cvgry. 0rk Hcusg os mgutrab. 8th Hcusg os thg paom, `hrcmo` kosgasg amk surngrogs. Pc paom amk rg`cvgry icth gvgmts wobb ig gxpgrogm`gk amk thg pgrscm wobb havg a staibg bodg.
Mctg6 Cmby thg cmncomn LK amk AK Ubamgts amk thgor sonmodo`atcrs shcubk ig `hg`jgk dcr prgko`tovg gvgmts.
Uang ?
PONMODO@AM@G CD PG@CMK Iak haj Yubgs Lc vai bg11 1 ; Doxgk Kuab
? 9 7 8 11 > 0 4 19 ? Hc w tc usg
@ hg`j 1mk H @ PB amk starbc rk Gn1H@ PB Paturm 9,0,8 9 rg`c vgry 0 stai oboty 8 p aom novomntolg Pc p aom amk rg`c vgryi c th w obb c ``uramk thgp grsc m w obb havga stai bg bodg.Dralgw c rj c d gvgmts rgbatgk tc 9mk hc usg 7 ? abw ays hgbp s as thgsgargbaj shlosthama 19th w obb mgnatgthggvgmt 9mk w obb om`rgasgthggddg`ts rgbatgk tc thghc usg
HCWPG/PATOMNP [hg sg`cmk hcusg sonmodogs ycur iamj iabam`g, vabuaibgs, fgwgbbgry, icmks a``ulubatgk wgabth amk abb jomks cd lcvaibg pcssgssocms. Laomby cmg's pcwgr amk rgscur`gs, sg`urotogs, stc`js amk shargs. Aioboty tc gxprgss cmg‟s thcunhts, dcck amk gatomn haiots amk absc daloby amk rgbatovgs.
Pg`cmk hcusg dralgwcrj dcr gvgmts 7 Hcusg amk ? Hcusg `ccrkomatcrs abways hgbp as thgsg arg Bajshlo Pthama. 19 Hcusg wobb mgnatg thg gvgmt. 9 Hcusg wobb om`rgasg thg gddg`ts rgbatgk tc thg hcusg.
Davcraibg `cliomatocms dcr Ncck lcmgy 9H, 11H - Pavomns 9H, 4H - Ncck lcmgy 9
15H, 11H - Hung Lcmgy
Wmdavcraibg `cliomatocms 7H, 8H - Lcmgy `am ig ibc`jgk 0H, 8H, 19H - Lcrg Gxpgmsgs 4H, 8H, 19H - Cmg `am ruom lcmgy iy hos cwm kg`osocms.
Hcw tc Appby @hg`j6 9H @PB amk Ptar bcrk
o m`bukgs 9H, 0H, 8H, 19H Gxalpbg6 9H @PB6 Paturm s`ropt om`bukgs 9H os savomns 0H os mgutrab 8H os cista`bgs, umgarmgk umgarmgk lcmgy cr sukkgm gxpgmsgs. Pc savomns amk sukkgm gxpgmsgs icth wobb ig da`gk cr thg pgrscm lonht da`g ups amk kcwm om lcmgy lattgrs.
Uang 15
PONMODO@AM@G CD DCWY[H HCWPG/GKW@A[OCM Iak haj Yubgs Lc vai bg11 1 ; > 15 Doxgk ? 9 7 8 11 Kuab
> 0 4 Hc w tc usg
19 ?
@ hg`j 1mk H @ PB amk starbc rk Gn1H@ PB Paturm 9,0,8 9 rg`c vgry
0 stai oboty 8 p aom novomntolg Pc p aom amk rg`c vgryi c th w obb c ``uramk thgp grsc m w obb havga stai bg bodg.Dralgw c rj c d gvgmts rgbatgk tc 9mk hc usg 7 ? abw ays hgbp s as thgsgargbaj shlosthama 19th w obb mgnatgthggvgmt 9mk w obb om`rgasgthggddg`ts rgbatgk tc thghc usg
[hg dcurth hcusg prgsgmts thg gmtorg parto`ubars aicut thg lcthgr, hclg gmvorcmlgmt, ollcvaibg prcpgrty, amk vgho`bgs om a pgrscm‟s hcusg. Om da`t, thos `cmvgys a po`turg cd ycur olang ol ang wo wothom thom th thg g hclg hclg,, ycur rgbatoc rgbatocm m woth ycur l lcthgr, cthgr, amk thg bgvgb cd ycu ycurr buxury amk `cldcrt. Ot absc rgprgsgmts gku`atocm amk hgrotang. [hos hcusg laomby rgdgrs tc lgmtab pga`g amk glctocmab satosda`tocm.
Dcurth Hcusg Dralgwcrj dcr Gvgmts 7 Hcusg amk ? Hcusg abways hgbps as thgsg arg a rg bajshlo sthama. 19 Hcusg tc gvgry hcusg wobb mgnatg thg gvgmt. 9 Hcusg wobb om`rgasg thg gddg`ts rgbatgk tc thg hcusg.
Davcraibg @cliomatocms [hg lcst davcraibg `cliomatocm dcr gku`atocm. om`bukgs 9H, ;H, 7H, ?H, amk 11H. 9 Hcusg dcr prolary gku`atocm,(Pamsjara) drcl daloby. ; Hcusg os thg prolg h hcusg cusg dcr iaso` gku`atocm. 9
? Hcusg os dcr honhgr bgarmomns, rgbonocm, amk tga`hgrs. 8 Hcusg novgs hurkbgs cr nap om gku`atocm, ot `am absc novg rgsgar`h crogmtgk lomk od bomjs davcraibg hcusgs. 7 Hcusg os dcr omtgbbongm`g amk `rgatovoty. 11 Hcusg os dcr thg dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs amk naoms.
Wmdavcraibg @cliomatocms
0H os thg 19th cd ;th hcusg sc mgnatgs iaso` gku`atocm. 0
4H, 8H, 19H os a mgnatovg `cliomatocm od `cmmg`ts woth 9H, ;H, 7H, ?H thgm ot `am havg iak olpa`t cm gku`atocm.
Hcw tc Appby @hg`j 6 ;H @PB amk Ptar bcrk. Gxalpbg6 ;H @PB6 Paturm novgs 9H,;H,11H
9H os prolg gku`atocm. ;H os gku`atocm. 11H os dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs. 19H os gxpgmkoturg. Hgm`g gku`atocm amk kgsorg dubdobblgmt hcusg `cliomatocm novgs igst Uang 11
gku`atocm tolg.
DCWY[H HCWPG/UYCUGY[_ Iak haj Yubgs Lc vai bg11 1 ; > 15 Doxgk ? 9 7 8 11 Kuab
> 0 4 Hc w tc usg
19 ?
@ hg`j 1mk H @ PB amk starbc rk Gn1H@ PB Paturm 9,0,8 9 rg`c vgry
0 stai oboty 8 p aom novomntolg Pc p aom amk rg`c vgryi c th w obb c ``uramk thgp grsc m w obb havga stai bg bodg.Dralgw c rj c d gvgmts rgbatgk tc 9mk hc usg 7 ? abw ays hgbp s as thgsgargbaj shlosthama 19th w obb mgnatgthggvgmt 9mk w obb om`rgasgthggddg`ts rgbatgk tc thghc usg
[hg ;th hcusg ncvgrms ycur vgho`bgs, dogbks, pasturgs, rgab gstatg, narkgms, hgrgkotary prcpgrty, amk trgasurgs as wgbb.
@cliomatocms dcr Urcpgrty @cliomatocms 7H amk ?H abways hgbps as thgsg arg bajshlo sthama. 19H wobb mgnatg thg gvgmt. 9H wobb om`rgasg thg gddg`ts rgbatgk tc thg hcusg.
Davcraibg `cliomatocm dcr prcpgrty pur`hasg Omvcbvglgmt cd Lars amk Paturm om LK cr AK. ;H os dcr prcpgrty. 11H os dcr naoms. 19H os dcr gxpgmsgs.
4H, 11H6 Uur`hasg cd prcpgrty cm bcam.
Pabg cd prcpgrty amk kosputgs Lajg >H thg Banma amk larj 0H, 7H, 15H. [hos os novomn prcpgrty naoms tc cppcsotg party. 0H os thg gxpgmsg cd ycur prcpgrty. 0
7H os naom cd cppcsotocm. 15H os ;th drcl >H6 Cppcsotocm wobb naom prcpgrty 8H os Cista`bgs. 4H amk 8H lgams mc arramnglgmt cd lcmgy. ;H, 8H, 19H `am novg kosputg om prcpgrty.
Hcw tc Appby @hg`j6 ;th H@PB amk Ptar bcrk. Gxalpbg6 ;H @PB Paturm s`ropt om`bukgs 9H, ;H, 11H
9H os a``ulubatgk wgabth. ;H os dcr bamk, amk hcusg. 11H os thg dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs. 19H os ycur gxpgmkoturg. Pc savomns, `cldcrt, hcusg amk dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs whgm tcngthgr om a s`ropt, suppcrts thg prcpgrty pur`hasg gvgmt. Uang 19
PONMODO@AM@G CD PGTGM[H HCWPG/LAYYOANG Iak haj Yubgs Lc vai bg11 1 ; > 15 Doxgk ? 9 7 8 11 Kuab
> 0 4 Hc w tc usg
19 ?
@ hg`j 1mk H @ PB amk starbc rk Gn1H@ PB Paturm 9,0,8 9 rg`c vgry 0 stai oboty 8 p aom novomntolg
Pc p aom amk rg`c vgryi c th w obb c ``uramk thgp grsc m w obb havga stai bg bodg.Dralgw c rj c d gvgmts rgbatgk tc 9mk hc usg 7 ? abw ays hgbp s as thgsgargbaj shlosthama 19th w obb mgnatgthggvgmt 9mk w obb om`rgasgthggddg`ts rgbatgk tc thghc usg
[hg sgvgmth hcusg rgprgsgmts larroang, partmgrshop, amk bgnab icmkang. Ot rgprgsgmts a hcusg om a dcrgonm `cumtry as ot os ;th drcl ;th, omtgrmatocmab rgbatocmshop, `cmtra`ts, amk absc omdbugm`g om dcrgonm `cumtrogs. [hos hcusg absc sonmodogs hcmcr amk rgputatocm a`hogvgk. 1
Pgvgmth hcusg dralgwcrj dcr gvgmts 7H amk ?H abways hgbp as thgsg arg bajshlo sthama. 19H wobb mgnatg thg gvgmt. 9H wobb om`rgasg thg gddg`ts rgbatgk tc thg hcusg.
Davcraibg `cliomatocms dcr larroang 9H, >H, 11H wobb novg larroang om ots pbamgt tolgbomg. 9H os akkotocm om daloby. >H os spcusg cr partmgrshop. 8H wobb kgbay th thg g larroang.
4H novgs kosputg amk kosgasgs. 19H novgs kosappcomtlgmt amk bcssgs. Pc od loxgk `cliomatocms thgm kgbay om larroang.
Wmdavcraibg @cliomatocms 1H os 19th cd 9H 4H os 19th cd >H 15H os 19th cd 11H Od woth 8H amk 19H thgm kgmoab cd larroang.
Hcw tc Appby @hg`j6 >th H@PB amk Ptar bcrk.
s`ropt os 9H, >H, 8H, 111H 1H Gxalpbg6 >H @PB Tgmus s`ropt 9H os akkotocm om daloby. >H os spcusg cr partmgrshop. 8H os paom cr cista`bg. 11H os thg dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs. Pc om thos `asg larroang wobb tajg pba`g adtgr cista`bgs amk `am ig kgbaygk.
Uang 10
PONMODO@AM@G CD DOD[H HCWPG/@HOBKYGM Iak haj Yubgs Lc vai bg11 1 ; > 15 Doxgk ? 9 7 8 11 Kuab
> 0 4 Hc w tc usg
19 ?
@ hg`j 1mk H @ PB amk starbc rk Gn1H@ PB Paturm 9,0,8 9 rg`c vgry 0 stai oboty 8 p aom novomntolg
Pc p aom amk rg`c vgryi c th w obb c ``uramk thgp grsc m w obb havga stai bg bodg.Dralgw c rj c d gvgmts rgbatgk tc 9mk hc usg 7 ? abw ays hgbp s as thgsgargbaj shlosthama 19th w obb mgnatgthggvgmt 9mk w obb om`rgasgthggddg`ts rgbatgk tc thghc usg
[hg dodth hcusg rgprgsgmts omtgbbongm`g, hciiogs, `rgatovoty, amk a `hobk. Ot absc kgmctgs bcvg addaors, `curtshops, bo`gmtocusmgss, amk jmcwbgkng. [hg past bodg ncck kggks, lglcry, amk gxg`utocm cd cur pbams.
Dodth hcusg dralgwcrj dcr gvgmts 7H amk ?H abways hgbp as thgsg arg bajshlo sthama. 19H wobb mgnatg thg gvgmt. 9H wobb om`rgasg thg gddg`ts rgbatgk tc thg hcusg.
Davcraibg `cliomatocms `cliomatocms dcr `hobk iorth 9H os akkotocm om daloby. 7H os `hobk amk rgsubts cd ncck jarlas. 11H os thg dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs.
?H os dcrtumg cr Bu`j(Ihanya).
Wmdavcraibg `cliomatocm Od lafcroty cd pbamgts shcw mgnatovg. `cliomatocms thgm mc hcpg cd a `hobk. 1H os bcss cd daloby 9H. ;H os bcss cd `hobk 7H. 1
15H os bcss cd kgsorgs 11H. Od loxgk `cliomatocms thgm `hobk `am ig `cm`govgk adtgr trgatlgmt.
Hcw tc Appby @hg`j6 7th H@PB amk Ptar bcrk. Gxalpbg6 7H @PB6 Fupotgr s`ropt os 9H, 7H, 8H, 11H
9H os akkotocm om daloby. 7H os `hobk. 8H os paom cr cista`bg. 11H os thg dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs. Pc om thos `asg a `hobk `am ig `cm`govgk adtgr cista`bgs.
Uang 1;
PONMODO@AM@G CD [GM[H HCWPG/@AYGGY Iak haj Yubgs Lc vai bg11 1 ; > 15 Doxgk ? 9 7 8 11 Kuab
> 0 4 Hc w tc usg
19 ?
@ hg`j 1mk H @ PB amk starbc rk Gn1H@ PB Paturm 9,0,8 9 rg`c vgry 0 stai oboty 8 p aom novomntolg
Pc p aom amk rg`c vgryi c th w obb c ``uramk thgp grsc m w obb havga stai bg bodg.Dralgw c rj c d gvgmts rgbatgk tc 9mk hc usg 7 ? abw ays hgbp s as thgsgargbaj shlosthama 19th w obb mgnatgthggvgmt 9mk w obb om`rgasgthggddg`ts rgbatgk tc thghc usg
[hg tgmth hcusg rgprgsgmts ycur `arggr, malg, dalg, su``gss, amk status. Ot absc rubgs pcwgr amk prgstong, rgspg`t amk rgputatocm, aliotocm, amk authcroty, om ycur bodg.
[gmth hcusg dralgwcrj dcr gvgmts
7 hcusg amk ? hcusg abways hgbp as thgsg arg bajshlo sthama.
19 hcusg wobb mgnatg thg gvgmt. 9 hcusg wobb om`rgasg thg gddg`ts rgbatgk tc thg hcusg.
Davcraibg `cliomatocms dcr @arggr Davcraibg `cliomatocms dcr @arggr6 9H, 4H, >H, 115H, 5H, 11H 9H os ycur a``ulubatgk wgabth wgabth.. 4H os fci cr lcmgy drcl `bogmt. >H os iusomgss.
15H os dalg amk status om ycur prcdgssocm. 11H os naom amk prcdots.
Wmdavcraibg @cliomatocms 0H, 7H, ?H ?H iromn `hamng cr nap om fci. 4H, 8H, 19H 19H os bcss cd fci fci.. 7H, 8H, 19H wobb iromn lcmgy ibc`jang, cr iamjrupt`y. 7H os naom cd ycur cppcsotocm. 8H os lcmgy cd ycur cppcsotocm. 19H os 4th hcusg cd cppcmgmt amk 19th cd ycurs 1H.
Hcw tc Appby @hg`j6 15H @PB amk Ptar bcrk. Gxalpbg6 15H @PB6 Paturm s`ropt os 9H, 4H,15H, 11H.
9H os a``ulubatgk wgabth cr savomns. 4H os fci cr sgrvo`gs. 15H os wcrj amk status. 11H os thg dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs. Pc om thos `asg a ncck prcdobg fci `am ig gxpg`tgk. Uang 17
PONMODO@AM@G CD [^GBD[H HCWPG/DCYGONM [YATGB Iak haj Yubgs Lc vai bg11 1 ; > 15 Doxgk ? 9 7 8 11 Kuab
> 0 4 Hc w tc usg
19 ?
@ hg`j 1mk H @ PB amk starbc rk Gn1H@ PB Paturm 9,0,8 9 rg`c vgry
0 stai oboty 8 p aom novomntolg Pc p aom amk rg`c vgryi c th w obb c ``uramk thgp grsc m w obb havga stai bg bodg.Dralgw c rj c d gvgmts rgbatgk tc 9mk hc usg 7 ? abw ays hgbp s as thgsgargbaj shlosthama 19th w obb mgnatgthggvgmt 9mk w obb om`rgasgthggddg`ts rgbatgk tc thghc usg
[hg 19th hcusg ko`tatgs sgparatocm drcl daloby cr hcusg away drcl thg iorthpba`g. Ot rubgs ycur dgars, omdgrocroty `clpbgx, amk scbotukg. [hos rubgs sg`rgt, rgstro`tocms, nrgatgst sgbd-sa`rodo`g, `cmspora`y, gxobg, amk gxtrakotocm as wgbb.
[wgbdth hcusg dralgwcrj dcr gvgmts 7 hcusg amk ? hcusg abways hgbp as thgsg arg bajshlo sthama. 19 Hcusg wobb mgnatg thg gvgmt. 9 Hcusg wobb om`rgasg thg gddg`ts rgbatgk tc thg hcusg.
Davcraibg `cliomatocms tc [ravgb Aircak 0H, ?H, 19H pbus sgparatovg pbamgts bojg Paturm, Yahu. 0H os shcrt kostam`g fcur fcurmgy. mgy. ?H os bcmn kostam`g fcurmgy. 19H os sgttbglgmt om Dcrgonm Bamk. Dcr Uurpcsg cd travgb
0H, ?H, 19H + 9H, ;H, ?H - [ravgb dcr gku`atocm. 0H, ?H, 19H + 9H, 4H, 15 15H H - [ravgb dcr fci. 0H, ?H, 19H + 1H, 4H, 8H - [ravgb dcr lgko`ab trgatlgmt. 0H, ?H, 19H + 9H, ;H, 7H, 11H - [ravgb dcr tcurosl.
Wmdavcraibg `cliomatocms 9H, ;H, 11H - [hos wobb lajg ycu rgturm tc ycur hclgtcwm. 9H os daloby `cldcrt. ;H os `cldcrt cd hclg amk lcthgr.
Hcw tc Appby @hg`j6 19H @PB amk Ptar bcrk. Gxalpbg6 19H @PB6 Lccm s`ropt os 0H, 0H, 4H, ?H, 11H, 19H.
0H os O[, tgbg`cllumo`atocm, amabyto`ab sjobbs. ;H os gku`atocm amk rgsokgmtoab `cursg. ?H os bcmn kostam`g travgb. 11H os thg dubdobblgmt cd kgsorgs. 19H os travgbbomn aircak. Pc om thos `asg thg pgrscm wobb tajg bcmn kostam`g travgb tc pursug rgsokgmtoab `cursg om O[. Uang 14
P[GUP [C AUUB_ JU [G@HMOQWG Mcw ycu jmcw aicut JU rubgs dcr olpcrtamt argas cd bodg bojg Hgabth, Gku`atocm, Urcpgrty, Larroang, @hobkrgm @arggr, amk Dcrgonm travgb.
Bgt's Amabysg a Hcrcs`cpg woth am Gxalpbg @hart @hccsg amy cmg tcpo` amk thgm `hg`j thg `uspab s`ropt om ycur Astrcbcny Pcdtwarg. Bccj dcr pang Hcusg Ponmodo`atcrs om JU Hcrcs`cpg. _cu wobb sgg a pang bojg thos6
Cur Qugstocm os aicut Larroang Pgg thg >H s`ropt amk `hg`j whgthgr a pgrscm os kgstomgk tc ngt larrogk cr mct. Om thos `hart wg sgg thg >H@PB shcws Jgtu @hg`j Jgtu Ponmodo`atcrs. Yglgligr that om thos `hart Jgtu os thg laom pbamgt dcr larroang. Pc umkgrstamk thg s`ropt cd Jgtu. Pgg thos om thg pang Ubamgt Ponmodo`atcrs om thg scdtwarg ycu havg abrgaky cpgmgk.
Uang 1>
Ygakomn thg Jgtu P`ropt... @cliomg abb thg olpbo`atocms drcl thos `hart. Cpgm thg pang whgrg pbamgt pbamg t sonmodo`atocms arg novgm, bojg thg `hart ycu `am sgg hgrg.
Bccj at Jgtu om thos `hart Ponm Bcrk os Lgr`ury Ptar-bcrk os Fupotgr Pui bcrk os Fupotgr
Yglgligr thgsg...
Jgtu6 0H ?H Fupotgr66 ;H 7H ?H 15H 19H Fupotgr Fupotgr66 ;H 7H ?H 15H 19H Fupotgr
Bccjomn lcrg omtc larroang qugry Mcw bgt's `hg`j davcraibg amk umdavcraibg `cliomatocms dcr larroang, ycu `am cpgm thg pang 10 dcr lcrg kgtaobs.
Davcraibg `cliomatocms dcr larroang6 9H >H 11H
Wmdavcraibg `cliomatocms dcr larroang6 1H 4H 15H
Uang 18
Gvgm od cmg davcraibg sonmodo`atcr os prgsgmt thg pgrscm wobb ngt larrogk. [hgrg os 7H amk ?H who`h arg mgutrab dcr larroang iut wg havg 1H 4H 15H as wgbb. Bgt lg tgbb ycu a sg`rgt that od thg `cliomatocms
arg mgutrab dcr larroang woth strcmn umdavcraibg `cliomatocms thgm thg pgrscm wobb ngt larrogk om thg davcraibg tolg bomg iut larroang wobb irgaj cm`g that davcraibg tolg pgrock os cvgr. [hg larroang was cm 05-5?-?9 LK Tgmus AK Lgr`ury UK Fupotgr Bgt's sgg who`h Ponmodo`atcrs was a`tovg om thos tolg bomg. Tgmus6
9H >H ?H 15H 11H 19H
Lgr`ury6 0H 4H ?H 15H 11H 19H Fupotgr6 Fupotg r6 ;H 7H ?H 15H 19H (Pgg thg `hart pbamgt amk hcusg sonmodogk) Om thos `hart Tgmus os vgry strcmn dcr larroang, sc ot navg tolgby larroang.
Uang 1?
IYOMNOMN O[ [CNG[HGY [hgsg `ccrkomatcrs arg mct davcraibg as thg davcraibg `cliomatocm dcr larroang os 9H, >H, 11H. [hg `cliomatocm kgpo`ts6 0H
Phcrt kostam`g travgb.
Hclg `cldcrt.
Bojomns cr B
Bcmn kostam`g.
15H ^crj, malg, amk `arggr. 19H Bcss cd rgbatocmshop. [hg aicvg `cliomatocm os wgaj as pgr larroang sonmodo`atcrs sc thos way thg larroang bastgk dcr sclg tolg iut gmkgk om sgparatocm. Dc`us cm thg qugstocm amk sgbg`t thg rgbatgk hcusg.
Qugstocm6 Larroang prcspg`ts
^hgm thg lars LK (lahakasha) amk Yahu (amtarkasha) AK startgk om 9515, thos pgrscm
lcvgk away drcl hos partmgr, tc gxpbcrg hos `arggr.
Hcusg6 >th Hcusg. Mctg thg >th Hcusg @usp
P`ropt ( >H@PB) Ponm bcrk6 Lgr`ury Ptarbcrk6 Fupotgr Pui bcrk6 Jgtu Lgr`ury6 0H 4H ?H 15H 11H 19H Jgtu6 0H, ?H Fupotgr6 ;H, 7H, ?H, 15H, 19H
Uang 95
pcomt6 Om 9515 Yahu was tramsotomn Ly Pg`rgt pcomt6
Panottarous, Fupotgr sonm, Jgtu star, sc Fupotgr amk Jgtu sonmodo`atcrs domabby navg rgsubts.
Od ycu bojgk thos iccj amk wamt tc rg`govg mgw arto`bgs amk iccjs drcl lg kcm't dcrngt tc suis`roig tc ly mgwsbgttgr at rgkastrcbcngr.`cl rgkastrcbcngr.`cl/mgwsbgttgr /mgwsbgttgr
[hamj ycu B B
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