MIneral Processing Design and Operations

April 25, 2017 | Author: alfonsopescador | Category: N/A
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Processing and p An Introduction

A. Gupta and D.S. Van

E1..,,-i•..Il..d",·.... eg 29. 1'0 I30x 211. 1000 AE Ams'erda",. Tho Nern."land, TIl< Boule,·.:rnl. Langford [.=e. Kidlington. O'ford OX~ lGf\. UJ..:

Firs' II1Cl)' """ minoral lO the thor, '.11_WjijXJ and quart>: in • 4DIpia ..-ere taken from • bSO)"










. - ucl> wu,¥ 2 kg. n." os"")'. f"" ""pper

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"The final >4DIpk ;book! assay ....ithin '" S% of tho F., tim", \he "limber of incrernenu _

true .."lIluc

2. 1

wUh • confidmcCd by cakul.ui"ll the sampling '~

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" \.II oon~

by • oonvqor belt. 'Tho """,pie cutter "''''' ploed 7S em bolow til< OO'''n. (19S3} [10J l .W. Mcr\Ji. Sarnpliq and Wrighinj; of Bulk SoIKl$. T""", T""h PubliClllions. CLru.t/ml ·b JI.rt.ld, (I 'laS). Pl l AS 1676-1975. Mothods r", ,he Sampli"ll of 11!1fd Coal. SWI.)2

,he .iu dintit..ltion on • m&>. f""'tion

ba,i" (h,>:

dc"";ty of ~Id nti~i!a I(t''''p.-A Vr ':IRe' 1 Ii&iIW log I Rei and log [(F" ip.-/W,') R. ' I ogai ...t R• . T .bles 1.1 and 2.1 IIi"" tho reloboruhip ""'" a limi\ed _ for spIooricaI partid .. Ill. Thi$ daIa .. 01", pou,,01nt and • function of shape and tho (""101 (F"Ip, A V' ) Re'. Oth=1 The values oflog r(F" I['FA V') Re" r and log r(F"'p.-A V,')Re' r cor=pooding to dirm-: "aI ..... ofs/>apc facwr. k. .... 1Ii"en in Table 1.3, To use !h.i.lllble.1og [(h /p,AV,) Re"1 is colculated fiom 0 .,...ured .. '~i"ll ' ·elocily. V r. "'i"ll Eq. (2,2 1) fo< a Oplocri.W ,111 .. of u,li%



ro. ,he IlOf'>.Sp(!eric.l

p41\icle - 1.11 , 3 -

Q,()4.:7 -

and Re - 46.]3

Usually gravity segrq;a1ion method.

orOi"ll ( microo 9.


factor. 11 - 0.636


Cwo % PaMing

Conwn,:d Size. (micruns)

(miide • KrilKiini ""ion and fore .. of onrilion. oU






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lbe >a.iuc of W. C&Il be oonsidertd to be ilIdepenesou .. roller c:ruMcrs "bore one: otagc opiina (SAG) mills. while n:sulu from the omaIlcr onvil ~ more ..ith ball IInde>: i. b;>oed "" .... work dono in rmucina:!he size of the . "" ... fcod··, that i1. th< oriSinai f..d plu. the coane frx ' ion from tho product "'i>""'Lod at the cl4Mifier and mumtd to the mill fcod. n.. oprnt' ing ,,,,rk ioo.. i. uord for:

In .... Bond «I ..... io ....... fO«! F is the prodoct fiom the: i!indina citt"'t. In on



Recordina: mill perfunnancc OIl • ",KUI..- twi. (burl),. Gaily etc.)


Con'"",it\i cumnt pcrfonnancc with historical d.1I


Comrorinl! cird; ,iQn!l ~.

M ill Si..

_ J05 mm (inlemal diamelcr) • 610 mm (internal k nljlb) with _ '.. type lini"ll

M.. terial

Dry mir.eral 5i.. _ redocedtoIOO %< IJ2001"" Quantity _ 1250 em ' (tlIpp«! clown to ii~. ",producible bulk d ..... iW) (; . 38 ,1 mm di • • 0.53 m loni ,,..,1 f"OeZI ~ tlirouBb wbich &0% of the "'" P" = , u.. """I size 1htou&h ",hich 15% "fthe ore p" .... may be choen '" oW, I por\iculII' condition ofmill opemiOll. Bond', ""&ina! upteS$kon [or u.. work iodu i. _ IlII BO% o[ the onaterW PUS;"lI • """"'" ,i.., Thi. hos bdins toot

The toW number of mill ,....·olulioN f'" :he: KI>Ci ilil>dina test (N,) i. clicW.,,,, from 11>0 equati",,:




0 .38)

12. 13 .

The mill i, loaded with the occond c!wgo and irirw:l for N, .. >oIuli"",, Aft .. (Pindillj!. tho rntu. mill charge ;, ",rerncad i, "'" ,imulated and th<


metbod "'ill ii'·.' 10"'" WorI: Index ,-al.,..



1. M ..J,,"'~ lUl"I • ~OIt-. _d.n ,.iU.otd !>< of tho T ,,,.. E c"".., .. zero input io«s (hat .... It> big f'" re«ivilijl IIoppers of r¥I< othon ope ..... primarily by !he: """ticillion of impact ..


u . D.. i ~ D of Ja ... C " "b... Jaw crusl>ers are de:k the ~e of IInun

~+SI.67q"2H T(t)


- the fno> > 25.4 """ in Il>e foed ond • on in\etpOlaliD,/l spline: 1'unctio!l ofIoMO/!"

( 4.1}

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'"' F.q. (4.12) ;r>di.I the ca!»clty, Q,. iJ dirt>cdy proportiooaI '" frequency. AI ruter m,,,'efJlrIl! oflho jo..... ",,= .... ponicle WU»I foil the oompiele di!llanCe, ... during the IIaIf "",Ie. Q, was f.,..,..j Ie be inv.... ly pmpoJtional !O freq""""Y on;! coold be ..... " d by the relation:

Q, _13H3S W (2L_ + ,..""",,


Lt)( ~)

- C"l*"il)' (fut &oquency) in t <

•••" "


""x 0/

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' 00 Freq uency (eyel..""ln)

fit- 4.'. Chanp of upocily ,,11Il 1I't.1""""y "'''''' J.... pIaIo _ i l l l to Eqo. (4. 12l ond (4. IJ~ 4 - 0.221..., W _ ).2 ... t.- - 0.1 0m. R - 10,G - lm.

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'" ., id inK ~f fine 'U< "" (he "fICMinK fao:;es of ,he j.",~ i. P'<

cru.ocr T«juircd for a Bi,-rn duly aDd its prod,",'i"ity_ Tho ~= is Sf (lit .",sIt«. Q,



,,;c!th Qfth< crushing cavity. m Speed, rpm cOOSlA/lL drgost of partjck. Taking the large51 si", of the panid< that should be < limestll< was 8 kW. E$1;ma/e tl>e PO"~ rthM of Mineral !)re"im:. Jorn. W;I~y. I '!-IS. ]9 ] fU:. Rose and J.t:. t:m:li>lr. Tram, IMM .. 76 ( 19(7) C32. ]10] J. Broman. Engin=in¥ ond l>linin~ Joornal. JUDe (1m) w. 11 11 S. 10.10",,11. TJ , Napi." Cone: c"",non .,ore ori2i.... lIy crs at< .imi l..- to ~ orn>h< .. thPOf11 tl>< diochari!< end desiifl"" lho , j-« of , ... « prr minU1W\t ho.,, ~. ,.O!U< _

...., 2 - J,


Broman JUSi< fre,qurnc)' mould DOt h The theoretical worI< of Rose ond English (11] \0 determine tl>< copooil)' of jow eN>hm i, al.., applicablo to i)'raIor)' crusheB. A«Olippo!!" hing I'f=I'l'" "!'JII;..! i, ~Iy of the order 0(200 MI'>. but for Iw1E1A1ME. Cb.ap! .. I. 19116. Pr. l"-J I. K. s.c"(If.:rt, 4'" T,wbb",)' S,.... Melt>ournton Coof.",ncc. A"'tr>I ..;m InOncrt and 0 II.. " ""blod. 7A""",-KulHJ'PfM 11.193-1. P S61. K. Sd lllnerl, in Ad,'"""", in Mineral P"",e"ing. S~ I ElA I).1E. O\apI-.., M"""n (1) erl be "-';1= io «mo. "(.adi,,, R and wiClh.

W, oft .... cha.lI< in tI>e mill ..,



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R - O.SH. + O.!2SW'IH.

p .IO)

Tho;: r"""iQrl ofmill mlume «"';od by tbe'~ can olIO be ,al,.loted from Ihc: ....,.... IIC< mill cIIar¥s 121 for Alli. CJuolmcn mill . arc lIi,'r o in ToOk 7.2. For "0e .... ofF.d (7.17) i. illu'lntW in hom"l. 7.1, If the modia Ii.. form.l.. estimau a ball Ii.. I... ,han 25 mm or • ball size lO be chaJvd to ~nd L'" 0 .. Eq. (7.16) may be oppliod. as all til< ",1",-1IlIt ~ten .... 'lOW lno"n. The .. r"", ""bsliluting in Eq. (7.16) \he 1000t!l diOJl'lclbout 2 %. Durini IOC ljriOOinllC ",0e surfac. arto Qf the p;II'Iiclc. i""",o.ses and !he diamClcr of the ball dimini>hc:, " i th ball man The ball woar \aw. c.. th< ... r"", b<


,,,,ted ..:

aon ,,-.'" '"

Boll ourfllC< orea [14 1. l!.all weor '" IlaII 1101""", [22).

A .... i" and Klimp0: same chorac,erU,ics.

U'in~ ,hi. cooccpt !hey dc'mnincd the c~ in a &rindin& ')"(oll "umben, " , ,.n,. , ..> .... .., \hOI til< "con..... di"";""Ii"" ~f "ll5 of . j", 1\

i1: (1.14)

(7.m whero ~ could ""I'e

per unit time. Eq,

"th.r. 01 ""'I,"i,'e ""] .... can be: ",·",-';n«l '" include lIIo initial .tanin£ t"'G "" and rnechonical an ... g.~ts (0 rotate tile mill. Attempt' '"

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,., I. 2. ). 4.


Mill do...,..,..., Mill length, % ollOl~orballloo.din3 .

Mill 'IIOCcT',od!hat the f,ac,iooal fillin¥ at ",hich a ball mill " no,... !be ntalCi"M" PO"" could dilfer. Ru"lond.md Kjos 12.21U2J ha,... pplied Bond", F.q . (7.SII) and ,"" ""'""ncr!han ,ho in.ido: "'rkini length of "'" milL Rod. have. rell< dco;i,y of"'" 0 ... R"",laod aod Kjos [2J co ... i::

W _ 12 .0x

10 [~_ 1 1 "'" ,,150 JIOOO

- 6,0 kWh.'1 S,'1' 2 ConJ F, do 1101 OWly C"""",ion factor F, "ill be ookuL>.1ec~ for [:< cor>di'ion.. ,..fer tructm j. w cru,he" i. abou, lllO- loo mrn. thu. the .",umum 10ed "'" may be ulon '0 '>II¥" bC,use. II>< thn::lUPPI'I Ilonce a balor.ce be',..ee" II>< nwnbe, ..... sl"" of balt. is "'Iuirod, Ball size. used ....... A""",lilUl ooOOilioR> rronnally ""'ge bo«>",n 100 mm 000 12~ mm "'I,h • m.... imum of 17~ rnrn. For ore, lilal d Ed",3fd,' 1. work """ limited 1 a f,ow O....T ....tioon< only_ '" ob'mall d iame .. , mill. . How",'.,. long m ill. (low .. ~) may''''''''''''' more po",e, than hip:osp:ribcd in Cllaptcr ), For """" '"""'" • 10111< QU!I01i,y of OJ< i. _ .vailabI< for Mooml [2S1 has de""lop«!. SAG Mill Comminut"'" (SlolC) lCSlIO 1Ie9.L





Toble9.1 Laboratory Tm K=tIts on Temora q",1d 0.-" [nl-


B.oIl Cbarg"'"

hom the t2bk it CUI b< """" that the required f... autg¢f>OW grindi"l! ..... ltighc .... It can Ihcn:fOf< be: """"Ioded that ""'~ grindinll "',.. 001 ",itabl. ",ith this particular aold Of< but ,..",;-.~ .. Opcntion ...·ith about!% ball chari< ""'" til< prcfrnro option. Ihsod on thost test ~"I .. . 6,7 m diameter. 2.1 m Io in 01051 circuit with. hydros. Wilh the aid of computrn 0 range of \lIio"" ~ • • «Xttbin0 ~l>Ilin~ "",di. IlI.J .. ", (r llO ) to the mill' tango. """" ...",,n 4S onef "'Oft in thi, dirt}' ""lid h=nml. iII indle' or M ~ 25 .4 (L. + d.r' for ......... in milli mttm. \VherI M i. ",bstilUled in Eq •. I I U) 0lId (11 .4), the mesh size rnoy be calcu1o.ted. For example the mesh number of • "'IIW"< oprniIli of ""1«fI "ill be,




100 L'

The: OX of tho .. oxpmsioos for def addi,;.,., Qf:!" ond r", ..,....... _ ~ me\efS, 4'shbov< di..,..,.;oo io.l;"",'amc_ This fr.ction " described a< thc .... ..... of critical "'" and the basi< fW>CIion is desOUl

71 . 73. lJ4-2:14, 2&2

283.286.217. 291 640. 641--6S I. 670 >IU11'1P footot



191 9

MiDetaIogical fllClOr



l'artiti"" oodf",itrrt J 79, 381 • S 52 F'atoubiljly 438. 44(1, 449, 4Sl."" 478-479,4&2, 48S-487


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