Mindset For IELTS Foundation Students Book With T 17091013

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CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH Language Assessment Part of the Univesty o Cambidge

An Ofcial Cambridge IELS Course


Cambridge University Pss www.cambridgeorg/elt Cambridge English Language Assessment wwwcambridgeenglishorg

wwwcambridgeorg Information on this title: wwwcambridgeorg/9781316636688 © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2017 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 2017 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Pinted in Malaysia by Vivar Printing A catalogue record for his pubicaion   avaiabe m he Brih Lbra

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UNIT 05: FD













P124 Pl31


MEET THE AUTHORS With a thorough understanding of the essential skills required to succeed in the IELTS test, let our team of experts guide you on your IELTS journey journey..

Greg Archer

Lucy Passmore

Greg Archer is an experienced, DELTA-qualif DELTA-qualified ied teacer and teacher trainer who began teaching IELTS at International House in ondon where he trained and an d qualified as an ELTS Examiner in both Writing and Speaking. Aer moving to Cambridge in 2013 he as been working at an interna tional tional college at various times managing the English anguage department developing appropriate couses to run alongside  A evel and GCSE GCSE study and and primarily teachi teaching ng ELTS and English for Academic Purposes classes to students whose ambition is to enter a UK or Englis-speaking university

Lucy began teacing English English in 2002 in the UK UK and Spain where where she prepared young earners for Cambridge English exams Se as a s been a tutor of Englis for Academic Purposes since 2008 and has taught on EL preparation courses in addition to preparing international students to start degree courses at Brunel University and King's College College ondon. ucy is currently based at Kings College ondon where she teaches on foundation programmes for international students provides in-sessional support in academic writing for current students and contributes to materials and course cour se design


Peter Crosthwaie

Susan Huchso

Pee has woked r the TESOL ad applied appl ied linguisics fields o 13 yeas. Hs pevious expeiece icudes wig ad cosulacy wok wih vaious publishes, wo sessios as Dieco o Sudies o laguage schoos i he UK ove sx yeas' expeiece i he Koea EFL coex ad eachig ad supevisio expeece a he Uivesiy o Cambdge He is cuey a Assisa Poesso a he ee o Applied Egish Sudies (CAES) Uivesy o Hog Kog whee he is he coodiao o he MA Appied iguiscs (MAAL ad he MA ESO He s cuely cuely co-eachg he Secod aguage Acquisio modue  boh pogams He has woked o IELTStest pepaaio publishig ad maeials deveopme o ove 0yeas wih w ih 4 yeas o expeece as a qualied !EL S Examie

Susa Huchiso has bee a ESO eache ad exame o moe moe ha 30 30yeas yeas She has augh oveseas  Iay Hugay ad Russia She ow ves ad wos  Edbugh Edbu gh Scoad as a ESO ES O eache i a idepede schoo o o  gs She has coauhoedd a umbe o couse coauhoe co use boos pepaaio ad pacice maeas o boh Cambdge Egish aguage Assessme ad LS. She has aso deveoped oe ad eacve LS pacce maeas o he Bsh Couc

Natasha De Souza d usy Naasha has bee ivolved  he EL dusy o 15 yeas  as a eache eache Deco o Sudies Examie ad a Examiaos Oce. She saed eachg LS i2006 whe w he she woked o a Uivesiy Pahway Pahw ay ad Foudao Pogamme o a laguage schoo i Cambidge. Moe ecey ecey as a Dieco o Sudies ad a Examiaos Oce she was w as esposible o givg guidace o sudes ad eaches eaches o how he /es /es wos ad how bes o pepae o i

Jishan Uddin Jisha has bee a sce200 a  E eache sce200 He has augh o a age o couses  he UK ad Spa cludg geea Egsh exam pepaao ad Egish o Academc Puposes (EAP couses ad is cuey a EAP lecue ad academc modue leade a Kigs Coege odo He has exesve expeiece eachig LS pepaaio classes o sudes om aoud he wold pa icuay icuay Chia he Mdde Eas ad Kazahsa He aso has expeiece  desigg esouces o aguage sls deveopme as wel as exam pepaao ad admsao

Mar Lwenhal y eas mosy Mac has bee eachg  35 yeas i he UK bu aso aboad i Geece Russa Midde Eas doesa ad a d Pasa He has augh  he pubic seco sce 990  mosy i uhe educao ad adu educaio ad moe ecey o pe sessioal EAP uvesy couses couses He has bee a Speaig ad Wg Examie o ove25 yeas ad has expe kowedge ko wedge o LS equemes o uvesy admsso

ire Wijayaike eachig Caie has bee each ig Egs Egshh sce sce  98 8 She spe much much o he caee  S aa cudig 6 yeas a Bish Couc Colombo. She became a ELS Exame i 990ad examed eguay  Coombo ad Ma Madves o amos20yeas She woed as he ELS Exame Exame ae  ae o S aka ecuig aig ai g ad mooig examies. She Sh e he moved o ag ad schoo eadeshp eadeshp sevg as eache aie ai e ad Pcpa a vaous eaoa schoos. She eued o he h e UK i i  03 ad woed o Middesex Uvesy whee she aed he maeias wg w g caee caee She is cuey a Visg Vis g ecue a Wesmse Uvesy whch wh ch aows he ime o wie She has a PhD i pped gusics ad Egsh aguage eachg om he Uivesiy o Wawc



LEVEL 1 Target Band .5

 CORE MERIAL • Stu Studen dent's t's Book (pr (print int and dig digita ital). l).  Online skills modules fr Reading, Writing Listening Speaking  plus Grammar and Vocabulary

LEEL 2 art Ban 6

LEEL 3 Tar a 7

 ADDITIONAL  ADDITION AL MERIAL  Customised Customised online modules for specific L groups that focus on areas where help is most needed informed by the Cambridge English Learner Corpus  Academic Study Skills Ski lls online module that prepaes students for the challenges of studying a university-level course taught in nglish.

ILE  U YU ES Mindset for IELTS gives teachers the ultimate ultimate flexibility to tailor courses to suit their context and the needs of their students. GIVES TEACHERS CHOICE  Course design means teachers can focus on either the sills or the topics that their students need the most help with

 CUSTOMISATION  CU STOMISATION • Online Online modules modules can can be used in the the classr classroom oom as extens extension ion wor or as extra extr a practice at home allowing the teacher to customise the length and f ocus of the course  Additiona on ne modues desgned fr f r specific  learners can be ncoporat ncoporated ed into the course. course.




FOUNDATI LE CONIGRIN The Mindset for IELTS course comprises 5 key components:

D � 1

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Foundation Student's Book (print and digital) 10 c-b ,  by  v 6090 h f c c   v v 

8 ours o pratie per skill per leel: • L L        • R R      W W  •          • G Gmm mm   Vc Vcb by y

 ours o pratie to get read or te allenges o studing a uniersitleel ourse taugt in Englis. Tis is loked at Foundation eel

 ours o pratie per odule • C C  P Pc c    •        W W   • M M         Vcby • M M    W W    I I        • I I    W W  


Aess to aridge Englis autenti ETS Aadei


pratie tests online online

[ SKILLS MODULES 8 ours o pratie per odule  itn itning ing and Sp Spaki aking ng   ad adin ing g and ri ri ng ng roiding integrated skills to elp wit deelopent o language and ideas to uild onidene wit te produtie skills  a ang ngua uag g ui uild ldr r roiding reedial elp and reision o oaular and graar in exa tpe atiities to elp wit language deelopent  ra raa arr and and oa oaula ular r roiding pratie o te graar and oaular tat appears in ea unit.

� L1 SPECIFIC MODULES Extra pratie p ratie or areas tat tat need te ost work inored  te aridge earner orpus*

MDDLE"EAST  Spelli Spelling ng and oau oaula lar r  ri riti ting ng

 ronuni ronuniatio ation n and Spe Speaki aking ng  Spe Spell llin ing g and rit ritin ing g nternational odules ous on oon areas o weakness and an d are suitale or all irst languages

INENATIONAL  Speaking  ri riti ting ng y  m m   f Lv 1  v 2


Student's Book Mindset for IELTS Foundation Level is aimed at students who are thinking about taking IES, but who are currently at an A2 level It

teaches students in a linear line ar way and helps them to improve both their general genera l English level and introduces eleen eleents ts of assessment that are helpful for both the IELTS test and a nd Englih language assessment in generalIt is designed designed for up to 90 hours classroom use.  The topics topics have have been chosen to hel students develop their skills and and knowledge in connection with everyday topics at the start of the coure cour e and introduces topics topics that will e useful for the th e IETS test as they progress • Topic Topicss have been chosen chosen to suit the needs needs and abilities of students at this level level They help build build confidence at the start of the course whilst stretching stretching them in the later stages so that they start to get an idea of what they will meet on the IETS test   There is coverage of the type of tasks that students at this this level can cope with on on the IELTS test test and more general activities that will give students the foundation for understanding how assessment ites ites work when they progress to a full ELTS course  Each level of Mindset is challenging challenging ut doesn't push students above what they can do

How Mindset for IELT Foundation helps with each skill In the Foundation level all of the skills skills are integrated within the the unit This is because because students at this level level need to be ale a le to see how h ow the skills work with each other Reading skills help develop develop the ideas and skills that are needed to coplete Writing tasks and a nd Listening skills hel to develop the ideas and skills that are needed for the Speaking activities    Speaking- Mindset for I Foundation helps students to develop develop their skills and confidence on familiar topics that they will need to progress their general English knowledge while also enaling them to become more familiar with the type t ype of questions that they will need to be able to deal with on the IE IE TS test test    Writing- In the Foundation level students develop their writing writing skills or every everyday day communication; become familiar with the type of tasks for Part 1 and Part 2 of the IELTS test test and learn about how these types of writing can be developed and in respect to exam type typ e tasks how they will be assessed    Reading- Mindset r ITS Foundation helps develop develop ideas and language skills that students students can use in conjunction with the other skills It also helps them get used to the types of questions they will face at IELS in a way that is approriate a pproriate for studen students who are at a t this level level    Listening - Minet for IEL Foundation helps to develop strategies or listening listening and makes students aware of the types of  activities that are ar e used on the th e IES test It also helps to build confidenc confidencee and develop ideas that will help them with their hortter and longterm linguistic goals

Outcomes At the start of every unit you will see a list of outcomes

IN THIS UNIT YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO •understand activities that people do in their daily routine •use present simple and adverbs of frequency •read multiple texts to choose the correct answer •write describing a daily routine r outine •read to guess meaning from context •listen to information about a student exchange trip •speaka •spe akabout bout you yourr da day y In the Students Book you will see how these outcoes out coes reate to the unit as a whole and in the Teachers Book you will see which part of the unit that they refer to This will help you to decide the best way to develop the skills that your students need There The re are typically three or our overarchin overarchingg outcomes outcom es that relate to either ei ther goals that tha t will help students to progress their overall overal l English English ability and knowledge or ones that will give them an insight into the types of skills they will need when they enter a full ELTS course


Bo xes and Mini Tips Tip Boxes, Bullet Boxes •  Tip boxes boxes help you you and your students improve improve task awareness and language skills. You will find further information on how to get them most out of them in the Teacher's Boo Note that the number in the corner relates to the exercise that the tip goes with

In this kind of exam task, there ther e s oen nformation about the queston n more than one text Look at the nformaton n green. Thnk about why Bs the correct answer here

• Bulet boxes tell you how students are assessed in tests test s and give a better bet ter understanding of the task being be ing addressed ry to add more nfrmatn abut your answer and dn't gve shrt answers You can gve reasns or examples Use because becauser r reasns an fr exmple/ like r examples

• Mini tips help with the understanding of discrete questions and items that will help develop an understanding of the th e type of  question being ased Note that the first number in the corner relates to the exercise number and the second one relates to the question questio n number. number. 06.1 MINI TIP What s the

opposte of the same?

Teacher's Book activit ies and how to teach them It has also been he Teachers Boo has been designed to give you a step- by-step look a ,t the activities developed in a way that will help you see how the language and skills development relate directly direct ly to moving your students in the direction of ELS t also contains the folowing: • Extension activities  exercises that give more practice on the skill or area if you feel that your students need to spend longer longer on them. • Alternative activities  ideas that will will help you develop ideas to tailor them to your students needs and/or interests interests • Definitions to help you with understanding of concepts connected with assessment features that are used both in the ELTS  test and other forms of assessment.  There is also a lin lin to all all of the classroom audio in the Teachers Book Boo k

How to use the online modules secif secific ic to the Foundation Module Mo dule As we as the Students Student s Boo there are ar e also online online modules that can aid with further study These Th ese can be used fr homework or to reinforce what has been taught in class • Re Readi ading ng an and d Wr Writ itin ing  g  • Spe Speak akin ing g and and Liste Listeni ning  ng  • La Lang ngua uage ge Bu Buil ilde der  r  • Gram Gramma marr and and Voc Vocabu abula lary ry

he Reading and Writing and Speaing and Listening give more practice on o n the topics that have been studied in the book Liste ning modules give  They help to develop both ideas and the language sills that the students will will need in order to be be successful  The Language Builder builds nowledge of everyday everyday topics and sets them in an ES context context t can aid with understanding assessment and to build confidence and an d nowledge r lower level students  The Grammar and Vocabulary module presents the grammar and vocabulary from the final section of each unit in a series of interactive exercises




Look at the pictures and rea d the words. Which of these activities do you do every day? Write five more activities you do every e very day.

get up




catch the bus

watch TV

go online

relax with friends

go to bed

have breakast

In pairs, compa compare re your answers and talk about what time you do each e ach activity





Read the sentences sentences about a boy who is doing a language course in the UK. Choose the best answer, A, B or C

O Ping __ at 7:30am every morning morning and has breakfast breakfast with his host family. family.

Answer: Answer:  1 2 



A gets up B stands up C stays up t 830am, 830am, he  the bus to his language language school A goes B catches C travels During the day day Ping studies English and __ to his classmates C tells B chats A laughs Everyone speaks English in his class because the students students all __ from dierent countries around the world C come B live A arrive er Ping finishes school at 300pm he ofen __ some sightseeing in the city with his friends  does B makes C has In the evening Ping relaxes with his his host family _ TV or or goes online C looks B sees A watches

� In pairs, read and discuss the questions 1 Do you do any of the activities in Exercise 3? 2 What time does your school college or job start and finish?  What do young people like to do in the evenings in your country? UNITOl




You are going to read an article about the daily life of three teenagers from dierent coun countries. tries. Skim the text once quickly Underline the activities that you do in your daily routine

NINA ORW I live in a village on Norway's Atlantic coast I get up at 7:30am and walk to college Classes begin at 830am and insh insh at 3 m. Aer tat, I go to one of te collge clubs Tese are not very expensive and tere are lots to coose fro I do atletics and ootball but you can also do tings like folk dancing and cross-country skiing skiing  W en en   arents arents come  ome ome f om om worR  worR ,   a  makes dinner and we all eat togeter Aer tat my mum takes me out for a driving lesson Ive got my test soon and I need to practise!

Im from a small town in Queensland Most people in Australia live near te coast but we live on a cattle farm in te centre of te country I get ge t up at around 7am and ave breakfast My mum teaces at my college so I usually go g o wit er in te car instead of taking te bus College starts at 830am and finise finise at 4m en I get ome, I elp my ad on te farm for a few ors In te evenings I try to watc TV TV but Im usually usually too tired I go to bed at about 10:00pm

MICHAEL BRZ I live in io i o de Janeiro I get up at 6am and catc a bus to college at 630am Lessons start at 720a e ave a break at 9SOam and ten stu Y unti 1230m I get ome at about 40pm Aer tat I oen go to te beac be ac wit y friends to swim in te ocean or pay beac oea,   somemes also just stay at ome to sleep or study In te evenings  coo dinner for my family family ten we watc V or listen to te radio before befor e bed I switc o my ligt at about Opm


o  C � Read the atce agan and the sentences. Choose the best answe, A, B o O W uyi r r lpm? Answe: _  '  _ W  fii uyi A v B Mi C Ni 1 W rk i  mmr f  fmiy r ? ?    C Ni B Mi A v 2 W  u i  r i  vi?  C Ni A v B Mi 3 W   i i  r    m mri? mri? 

16;  S  H P Look at he 16;l M S  information in yeow in the artice about famiy members Which one answers the uestion corecty?

vprpr  vi B Mi C Ni 4 AW m fr  fmiy?  C Ni B Mi A v ivi i i  r?  5 W py   xr ivii A v B Mi C Ni 6 W fi i iiu   TV i  vi?  C Ni A v B Mi 7 W iv   y frm  ?  B Mi C Ni A v



In this 'ind of o f exam task, there is ofe information about the question in i n more than one text. : ok at the infrmation infrmation in green Think about why Bis the crrect answer here.

Read the Gaa bo hen, atch a tch the qestons 1-3 wth the answes A-C. (

Pesent se s e

G  ur vr

 up ry up  up ry hesheit .. Adbs o equency Nvr Si I/youwethey

G  G G4 Vr i  Vr i i l Vr i  i -s, -ch sh x  y  o ss h sh  V  V 

ry r  r r

   



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2 Wy   u vr vr f fruy? fruy? 3 W  vr fr heshei  i?

B i  k u vry y rui rui  C  y    90 mi


a nd44 n the Leadn and Readng n  In as, nd eaes o the eb gos 1, 2, 3 and Eecse. ag azne atce n Eecse 5  ow, yo ae gong to sea abot the agazne Read the tas and ae notes abot what yo cod sa sa  hen, n as, do the tas • Wrk i pir pir    • Su Su   yur k k Su  mk   u u v Mi r Ni  r       Fr xmp        r • Su   yu y  Su  i ki ki u? • r  miu miu p r r





infrmation about the dily routine of a student t  UK university. university . ( Read the infrmation Complete the text using the verbs in brackets in the correc correctt form __ (get (getup) up)  S,  (have)  (eat) (eat)    A   w  (get)       (go)      H �  (return)   7 (make)    12:30 1 2:30 T   8   atch    TV A 3   9 meet)     A 330   (go    g D    (study   w      (go  H   (cook) (cook)   -     I  g,   4 exercise)   g  g    A        TV  (see    H   g   5  fall  


a t the inrmation in Exercise  Write bout your f· Look again at daily routine and the activities activit ies you do everyday I sometimes do the laundry. I never make dinne My bther ofen taes out the bins


similar meanings meanings  Read the text nd match the phrases that hve similar I         I         M   z    w    H w            I  g     I w     I  g w ' g  g        M     ww      w               M    g g                    w           j           g               g   w w    w w   w TV          B        w  C w   4    /   g w 5     E   w 6   g F   

Look at the highlighted highlighted'' words i. Exercise 10 to see how ofen Dan does his activities:




Grant , a volunteer on a science project. � Look at the two pictures showing Julia Grant, Using the pictures, write a description of Julia's daily routine. In your description, you should: • b b      Julia Grnt is 21 years old ol d and wos as a volunteer voluntee r on a science project  in Fi. Every moing, she



          m   m m •  q q    Afer that  /Next  /Then  •   b b  q q 

H elp each othr to correct any  In pairs, copare your texts aout Julia Grant. Help istakes with spelling, graar or punctuation. LISTENING MATCHING

 Read soe inoration aout a wesite oering student exchange prograes. Decide if the sentences are true T or false F

MIN TP How long 15. MIN does a term normaily last at schoo? schoo ? ts ess than a year

5 MN  What should students brng wth them

exchange.om   student _ _exchange.om    b   m!

1 A       b 2  m    m    3 S     b   m 

3   What does 'jon n wth mean T F T F T F



tw o friends, Carlos and Jack, talking ta lking about a student � You are going to listen to two exchange trip. Listen Lis ten and decide which countries Carlo and Jack come from.  Listen again What activity does each member of Jack's family like doing? For quetions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each peron. i: Person Activity O  A  _ 1   B    

17.0 NI NI TP Jack says he likes volleyball and basketball so s o the answer to this question is 'team spts otice that the answer does not alw�ys contain the word wordss you hear, bt the meaning is the same     Be careful! You hear something about the gym but b ut it isnt the correct answer here 4 M I ay attention for words with similar meanings Whats a similar word to fixing?


 23    4   5  

CD         E     F   G  H   

 n pir or small groups, talk about the student exchange tri in Exercie 17 nd ask and answer the quetions 1             I    I        3                    



minutesthining about what  Read the task. What would you say Spend two minutes  you could say and make some notes. notes. n pairs, compare compare your ides

  should should write only short words ophrases f f you write full sentences and then read them out you will lose marks

             : •      •                 j        Now, read and do the tsk. •      •                       yes  no   6 1 T        2 T       __ · 3 T         _ _ 4 T           5 T        T    __

he firstDont threeworry pointsifare factual you cant thin o anything to t o say that is true true - you can invent invent something if yu need to

Stud ent B, you seak for 1-2 minutes about your day and Student A, you  Swap role. Student listen. Show your feedback to each eac h other and discuss how you can improve


UNIT /01

Match the didigital gital times with the times in wods. 1 05:5 A I' fv p  2

08:20 I    p    0645 CB I'  430 D I' y y p g 2050 E I' qurr  v 09:0 F I' v k 7 5:35 G I' fv  fv  005 H I' qurr p fv 9 2:00 I I y-fv  fur 1 6:55 J I f p  Unscamble the lettes in bacets to comlete the text  W I g up   rg,  fr fr  g  I   1 (ahe)  r r I  g   k k  k rkf fr rkf, I  (bhs) y  T I  (emte) y fr    ______ (chact)  u   g  g,    uy  y, u  v  rk fr u  2 'k ' k  fur 'k,   (laee)  g   ______ (og)  y u I  vg, I uuy 7 ___ ______ ___  (cwaht) (cw aht) TV, u I v   f rk I y  y  (od)  yy rk   vg  g, I y  (og)    1 (lal) p rg y    

� Comlete the table sing the wods in the box    g    r  rk   ur uryy     ppg  u urk rk u Mae




� Complete the email using the words in the box. k v v    cc   k  v •• < >

To: Isam

F:    


H S, '           f  My  fy  y  Ty 1          P P   y  2 ____  j Ty 3 ____ y y           5 f   8            y 6   f     7   L      4          y       f  f W           f  10 9 y -

 Complete the sentenes using the third person rm o the erbs in braets 1     (wash)  c v k 2 J (wath)  c V (r)   3 A         c  (pratise) v  5 O (go)   v  k 6   ck   (do)    7 A (ath)       c c  (relax)     N kk 9  k  c  (gie)    c  10   (swith o)        Read the sentenes and underline the orret answer 1   wors/ wor    c c   c c 2      pla/ plas k k     k k 3     c  v stud/ studies        ome/ omes    v  G 5  B  c   wear/ wears   6   v  lie/ lies  c     7        gets up/ get up      hae I has  c c v  v 9      k  mae/ maes z ck 10  c k begin I begins    inish/ inishes  


[ Reorder the words to make correct sentences. 1

the I my I room I friend I tidies

2 play I I I the I football I weekend I at 3 a I to I lunch I I I sandwich I for I take I college 4 six I past I up I wake I I I at I half 5 every I his I my I checks I minutes I brother I phone I five 6 in I I I a I have I evening I shower I the 7 try I 9m I to I I I studying I bere I stop 8 every I go I to I months I I I the I dentist I six  my/ the/ housework I of I does I father I most 10 visit I at I I I my I the I famil  familyy I weekends

� Coplete the email using the words in the box work shouts work opens  fill clean take tidy tells

enjoy  finish

start gets

     !      1           3 ____ ______ __  S.  2           5       6      7          M     S 8  . T     ,  W 10       _____ ______ _       '        12 13 .





Look at he picures of rooms in a house. Wha rooms are hey? Complee he words wih e missng leers �




p laces ha you find in nd around a house Then, mach he names in e ox  Look a some oher places o he picures hall




garage 1




In pairs, you are going to talk together about some pitures. Read and do the task • Student A   e ce ce -   w w w e e w? w?  Studen Studentt B e e e  f e we we e cec cec


• Student Student B   e ce ce    w w w e e w? w? • Studen Studentt A e e  f e e we we e cec cec

. ,'  ; )  - - � J  .


-. .  ;



No label the items in Exerise 3 What other items an you ind in a home n pairs, make a list o the items.





� In pairs, discuss the dierences between te items or places. You can use a dictionary to help you. 1 A     I  2 C   3 A g   z 4 A    g  5 A    k


Giorio , describin his bedroom. l You are oin to listen to a student, Giorio, Listen and decide which icture is Giorio's bedroom. 03

During the exam, listen carefully to all the information before hoosng  your answer.

r �

D r 

 



D  Now, cover the pictures in Exercise 7 with a piece of aper and listen aain Then, answer the questo us TWO or TH R words. @ _____________ 1   g   ? _____________ 2        ? ____________ ____________  3     g   ?    03

45   ? ___________      ___  ________ g  g g  g? 6     ? -----------------  - 

I  d     k                 d  




� In Listening 1, Giorgi spke about going to universiy. Bo he gos, hhee neds  to orgise h acommodaton He emails his rien Gavin or help ad advic Read the advert and the email Then, complete Giogio's notes.

Prime Location Agency Agency We find accommodation fr university students coming to the UK.

Taylor I

Andrew Tc�Lor

      b   L, b w  l      lq ll    

< >

To: Girg Fom Gavin

        M        UK f    w  f    f f  w      w    f M  S         w   O   -             w .couk     Girgio's notes: N     1 _______ ___ ___ _   _  _ _   _     __    _  _   _  _ Nam _   _  _   _      amee of   :  2 _ _  _   _  of Com Compa pan ny :

 3 __________ __________ E 4 __________ __________    4 C    C     5  5 __________ __________ 

Make sure you compare the information in the email to what you an see in the advert.



� Look at the table and read the questions and statements. Giorgio decides to mke a phone call to Andrew Taylor What might might they ask or say to each ea ch other? Put a tick next to the question or statement each one might ask or say Andrew Tayor

iorgio 1 Are yo   2 I m   3   yo wn   4 I live        5 Cn you speak E 6 Where s   

I GRAMMAR: SIMPLE PRESENT POSITIVE, NEGATIVE AND QUESTIONS  T hen, complete complete the positive+ positive+ and  Look at the words inin bold in the tble in xercise 10 Then, negative'- statements nd questions? in the chart

ositive() Negtive()

Statements nd Yes/No questions with the verb to be I       

 

Sttements and s/No questions with other verbs

Questions with question Statements and Yes/No questions with wit h words  the verb to be OR other verbs



   I  /     H/ 3

Questions() Questions ()

   

 /  D     


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/   / 



      7

   8

/      UK I Complete Compl ete the sentences sent ences using the correct words   _ ____ ___    1      2   e?  {? 3  I        e 4   y     5 __   y    {?   e ?   


7 

    o  ?




[ Listen to a conversation between betwe en Giorgio and Andrew Taylor �ho works at the accommodation agency. What do they discuss? Circle YES or NO. · i:s 04 YES NO 1 The course Giorgio wants to study at university. 2 His study habits YES NO 3 The number of other other students that also live there YES NO accommodation n 4 Two types of accommodatio YES NO 5 The teachers and lecturers at the un university. iversity. YES NO 6 Where the accom accommodation modation is YES NO 7 Giorgio's travel options from home to u university niversity YES NO 8 The dierent dierent types of ood you can eat there YES N


( Read the sentences from Giorgio and Andrew Taylor's conversation and choose the best answer, A , B or C Location on Agen Agency, cy, Andrew Taylor speaking speaking.. _ 1 Good aernoon, Prime Locati 2 Oh, hello, Giorgio Thank you for your call, I have some questions for you __ 3 First of all, _ - in a room on campus or in private accommodatio accommodation? n? 4 I'm not sure 5 Well, tell me a little about your personality and your preferences preferences _ 6 OK, that's great _ sometimes have a quiet room where you can study study in private? 7 If you live in private accommodation, accommodation, you have a quiet life with maybe one or two other students who are your housemates Although, it takes a long time ti me to travel to university  8 OK, one final question Would Would you prefer catered accommoda accommodation? tion? Im not sure 1  Can I check your student status? B Can I giv give e you my st student udent status?  Have you got time to speak? Can you check my student sta status? tus? 2  I hope that you dont mind B I hope th that at you mind  Do you mind? 3  Where you want to live?  Where you do want to li live? ve?  Where do you want to liv live? e? 4  You can give me some advice? B Can you give me som some e advice?  Can give me you some advice? 5  Are you a sociable person? B You are a sociable person?  Do you be a sociable person?

6  Do you also like to B You also like to  Do you also like 7  think? B What What you you do think?  What do you think? 8  What is catered mean? B What does catered mean?  What means cated?

 Listen again to the conversation in Exercise 13 and check your answers

13. MlNt TIP Do Do__you hear he exac name of a course? 2 J  How many opions for accommodaion does Andrew ayo give?    Does Andrew  ayor menion a numbe number? r  ?

ii:! 04



conversation between Giorgio and Andrew Taylo. � Read the rest of the conversation Complete the conversation with the correct sentences A-H There T here is one example Andrew: D u   qu u   k ? Giorgio: 1 __ 1  __ Andrew: I k  u u  u    WF      u    u Girgio: 2 Andrew: Giorgio: Andrew: Giorgio: Andrew: Girgio: Andrew: Giorgi: Andrew:

Yu  ,  u   u u   play  g  V g V 3 N, u u u  u   g g   4 Y, ' g g u u  u g g 5 Wu u k   u u g   u u ? 6 OK L   u     Yu Yu     g  u   A O, g D     u    V? I k g    CB ? I'            Y I  WF    u     u? E Y, u I     u  O, I ' ' k      Y, '  g    g  g  G O,  g  k I  k g  g, u  H M       u     



ea ch morning n pairs as and answer the estions  ow thin abt what yo do each 1 O  k g    u  g ? k? I u , 32 W D u k  u g  uug   k? ,    u g u?

Sometimes in tests, there are more answers than questios so be caeful to make sure you choose te best option.



� Read how Giorgio describes what he does bere and aer he goes to university each day. For each question, choose the best answer A, Bor Bor C E k mg m lm g 1 _  8:30m T g m g m  g  f m l   0:00m 0: 00m T I 2 _ p  g  I'm      kf  I mm g     _  j g m j I l lk  m m f        4 _    I  k p  g  I gg   m 5 _ m   mm 6 _ m m m W ' m  l I pk m g  g  llg llg  7 __   - f f     ll  I gm k m I mm g  m lp W W       l g  ll p m  m m   lg m W   g    __  pl gm l f  l W' l pp     g         lp  lx f  f I g  lp I   m m  9 __   m mk mk I  g      k I  fll lx lx  I   l 1 l  :30m C  B 1 A p C p 2 A g Bg C fz  A fg Bk 4 A m Bk c m C  5 A  B C  6 A  B C k 7 A mk Bk C f  A  Bk 9 A k B c  C  1 A  Bp  Loo again at what Giorgio says in ercise 1 hen, underin a the adverbs o  requency ae  am oen t tird t t bakf�. ne t to the adverb  Now, ut a circe around the ain verb net ae    I      kf before

 Coete the tabe using



When I use the verb to be ••

T  m 1  xmpl

 

I am n t tid t at bakfst

Whn I use other verbs •••

T  m 2  xmpl

 

We uualy pnd tim in th living  in

 th vnings ..

 Coete the sentences wth the adverb never in the correct osition. 1 I  m  l f l 2I fg   m mk ay or  n airs sea about what you usuay do on weedays and describe a tyica dday  you at the weeend.





� Look at the inormation in the boxes that Andrew Taylor gave to Giorgio. In pairs, answer and discuss the question 1 W     ?

• • • • • • • •

F          () () F -F    { {      ) )      f f 2 3   4 S S               S  S     f f  M      (60      ))   59              


• • • • • • • •

25 minute minute bus bus ride to lecture lecture hall hall (usually (usually - som sometim etimes es longer) longer) Super Sup erast ast Wi WiFiFi (alw (always ays)) Bedroo Bed room m on on grou ground nd lo loor or Doule Dou le bed bed  pil pillow lowss and and sheets sheets pro provid vided ed Privivat Pr atee ath athro room om Detached hous housee (three bedo bedooms oms in total total)) Live with with two other other students students and the homeo homeowner wner No me meal alss incl includ uded ed

�    Ex 4   f? U  q     . 1 In your opinion, what is more important having superast WiFi speed or having a short walk to lectures  Do you preer the idea o having a pillow and sheets sheets provided or not Why 3 How do you like like the idea oo a room room on the ground ground loor 4 Are you unhappy about the idea o sharing a athroom with with other students Or does d oes it not matter to you 6 What thi nk about having havi ng allwith yourlots meals included What do areyou the think advantages o living o other students And what are the disadvantages

UNIT02 •


I W � ITING: AN EMAIL TO A FRIEND ABOUT ACCOMMODATION  � Read the emai Giorgio received fro his friend Gavin Choose the best answer, A, Bore.

The main reason r writing is: A  y k yu  . B  k    C  ll    lk uy •• < >

Hi Gigi S w' bth univsity studnts nw! I lik my m n campus vy much  yu n campus  in pivat amdatin?  yu happy with yu hic hic f wh yu living? Plas tl  abut yu m What th things d yu likE abut wh yu liv? Wit sn Gavin

Giorg io's rep He does not se correct pnctation or capita etters  Loo at Giorgio's Re-write the emai and correct the mistaes• ••  

To: Gavin ___ ______ ___ ______  From Gg   , =    _     ______ _  =    _______ ______ 

hi gavin i liv in pivat acdatin i am vy happy with my  y bd is vy cmtabl i av a big dsk f  studying and  hav psts cmtabl ps ts n th wall th Wi-Fi h is vy ast i am happy abut that baus baus  whn i am in my b i an spak t y pants nlin nlin i can as play nlin nlin gams gam s d yu hav WiFi in yu m is th f d nic wh yu liv wit sn gigi

  Imagine o are Gavin Rep to Giorgio and answer his qestions Then as him two qestions qestio ns abot his accomodation Write 60-80 words


UNIT /02

� Read the definitions of places in and around the home and write the correct words. y y  vyb vy gy ______ ______   21 T     y v    ______ ______ 3 T      y  g  k, y g   TV 4 T     y k   _____ _____ 5 T     y k g  v      6 T      y  b      g _____ _____  Loo at the pictres and nderline the correct answe


a erraced hose I a semi-detached hos hosee a fride/ fride/ a freezer

a wardroe I a cpoard

  an attic/ a asement JL �

c� I

a chair I a sofa UNIT02


Matchh the questions and answer answers.s. � Matc A B   E F

1 What do yyou ou like abot your oom? 2 Who do you live with 3 D you ike to coo 4 Where do ou wah televsion? 5 Is t ofen sunny wher yo liv? 6 Were do you d you homewor

Usualy n he ing om an omtime omtimess in my beoom. Usually in he tdy and sometme n my bedroom. My comfrabe bed an my psters. Yes Go do he h hall all and it  next to the lvng oom My paents,  yy siter and my grandpaen grandpaents. ts. ecause  can cook!

7 8

Can you tell me here the throom i, peas Why don't you oen g n the kitche?

 Yes, and I thnk m qute good at t. H Ye.  ke it becaus I can spend tie n he garden.

th e 11 words about places and thing thingss in and around a home.  Find the E






























































































 Correct the spelling mistake in orange in each sentence. 1 I eally like m  - they are red and bac bac ad they ak my edrom edrom vey dak. ______ ______ 2 I have a right   hat  use wen I do my homework. _____ _____ 3 I thnk  make the walls look moe inteesting - dont you? _____ _____ 4 I is good to lep with with two   -  is is ver ver comftabe ______ ______  5 y bother nev cook - the ony thing thing he can do is urn on the  !! 6

Mot of my othes are n my  - th est ae ae n the dawes nex to my bed     _____ _____ 




� Rewrite the sentences using the question frm. housework O You help your parents with the housework Do you help your arent� with the t he hou�ework? 1 It is okay to come to your house this evening.


You can check that the windows are all closed before we go out

3 You are in the living room next to the kitchen 4 You want to sit in the garden garden


The apartments in the UK are very dierent from the apartments in your country

[ Find and underline the mistakes Rewrite the mistake correcty Some sentences are correct. 1 2 3 4

5 6

In my country, people live usually usually in apartments and not houses houses __ __ My uncle keeps his car always in the garage because it is very expensive expensive ______ ______ ur sink sometimes sometimes makes makes a very strange noise noise ____  ____  I have a housemate but but I don't see very ofen him - he is always studying studying ____  ____  In your country, do people usually celebrate their 8th birthday with a party? _____ party? _____  Do you prefer to do your homework in your bedroom? _____ _____

 Reorder the words to make correct sentences 1 does I he I washing I never I up I the


me I advice I you I some I give I can I?

3 eight I house I leave I morning I the I I I in I always I at I my I oclock 4

o I time I your I does I what I alarm I go I usually I?


ofen I dinner I house I my I comes I to I cousin I for I my


live I future I do I the I where I to I in I want I you I?


live I how I you I do I with I people I many I?

 on I campus I live I you I do I university I the


� you Match dothe notleisure need toactivities use in the box to the pictures. There are three extra activities cycling white water rafing climbing cooking hiking


shopping canoeing

saiing reading


� What do you think about the activities in Exercise 1 omplete the table using the activities rom the word box in Exercise 1 that are true r you. dd three more activities to each group. fun



questions.  In pairs, compare your ideas. Then, discuss the questions. 1 H      f      ? 2        f ?       do  ? 3       ? LISTENING: MULTIPLE CHOICE QESTIONS

Deo n and Mark, talking about an adventure holiday.  Listen to two riends, Deon Which activities rom Exercise 1 do you hear 05


isten again and choose the correct answer, answer, , B or . O          ?  J B J  A nswer:C nswer: C 1 H   f f   World Trek ?  H     f      B H H f     f   2             f B         3 H           f    ? ?  £500 B £650  £800 4    f     N   f

05.0 MIN TIP ark says he cn't go o holday i Jue or uly bause he has olege 51 MIN TIP Deo says, a fred old me whih mahe he asw opio soeoe he kow Ls for e meaig o jus he sam wods Yo a see aoher aoher example of s  quesio 4

 B           ? A 7 B 70   8


(·(·� RA  Rd A   'MN M i: PESET  .PESET. .s1MPLE s1MPLE I PESET coTtuous l�        •                 - -N 

� Read the blog entry and look at the verbs in purple. Then, omplete the table using the verbs rom the blog entry There are two tw o examples •• < >

ABOU POSS COMMENS   §


'     m   Ic I       I                  E             c    I      c I     I              I    0    c Im  c! O     H              I       f     c           cf  c      c

Present simple afirmative

Present continuous negative


W  

 Look aain at the verbs in xerise 6 Then, omplete the grammar rules with simple or contmuous.  W    _ _      c 


I  

a he e, day  w 2 W          c  alway eie, ally  every day 3 W                  c  c  


-s/-es/ /-es/-ies -ies and the -ing rm. � Rewrite the verbs using the third person -s 1 l 8  _ 2  _____  _____  _____ _____       9 l  3 cy 0  4   cy 5  2 k 6  3  7 ly 4  Math the questions -4 with the answers A-D Then, ompete ompe te the grammar rues with simple or continuous. A Y I /N /N I    y jy jy y ly? 2 W  y y    ? B    3  y lly   ly? C Y I /  / N N I   D I'    4 W     ? 5  y k      ______    xly  do. 6 W y k      ______ ______     f f    b

 Read the onversations Then, ompete the sentenes using the verbs in braets in the orret rm  A H Gy W    (oudo)   ? (want)    ?  B I c c y I (wath)  fll c  V y  (ose) (pa) ll ll  y ll y ly y! A O  y    2 A ; I (wait) f y   c W  ? B I y I I  ll    I I  l     ______ () ______ ( )     A O OK S y  3 A  H J S    ? (not answer) y cll y I  B N  f I j     Fc x x k   _ _  (stud)     4 A H _ _  lly  (ouget)  cll ? (not tae) l W {wa) I BI  y? A   ll   (drive)               (wor) y B Wll l lk 

In exams, you will need to show that you have an understanding of dierent verb tenses and how to use them in sentences conversations and longer texts.


� Now, write questions using the words in the present simple or present continuous rms. Then, in pairs, ask and answer the questions 1 Wy/ / E? 2 W  I y I  ? 3 W/  b/  y   ? ? 4 y/ ? 5 W I  I  I ? I READING: USE OF DISTRACTION  You are going to read an article aout a sportsperson First, look at the photos and skim read the article articl e once quickl Then, in pairs, answer the questions 1 W  y  A A  ? ? 2 W   A A b f ? 3 W     f   ?


A     b   b  v   USA S v     f  U S    f  b      b  f b    y   b ' yb v   y              b b  ' y        A y f       v v   USA      f  - b  S   y   y           Oy    y A   f           y f  fv f v    S   y   A y    vy    ff b    y f     b b  

j   H v              y  b b  j  y f y


Exerc ise 12 again and choose the correct answer, answer, A, B or C. � Read the artice in Exercise : m p  f f  f y f  lf  l A Tu B Fl C NGv Answer 1 m l  k bf   b C NGv A Tu B Fl 2 I f  u u   m' m Tu m  l B Fl NGv NGv 3 AI k l m  f   f C mv   US A Tu C NGv NGv B Fl 4 m    Olymp ml B Fl A Tu C NGv 5 m p b     mu  l  m  k A Tu B Fl C NGv NGv 6 m k  b  m u f      f A Tu B Fl C NGv NGv 7 I  f m m pf b  ppl  p m   lpp A Tu C NGv B Fl  1Coete the words ro the artice atch the descritions T  m  p   top   vy  ____________ vy ____________ 2 T m  p yu p _____ _____ 3 T  b m    ll  / lf _________ ___________ 4 W yu   yu    ly  yu    p __ ____ 5 Yu k m f   yu   k    _____ _______ SPEAKING AND VOCABULARY

 Loo at the icres hen, in airs, answer the qestions

I  f  v  yu 1   bll? 2   bll? 3 kk  bll? 4   bll? 5   l? 6   l  m  mp?

7  f? 8 u  k? 9 mv  p? 10 l yu m? 11 ply   m? 12 ply l? 13    pl l?

 n airs, add ore actiities that o now to Exercise 15 hich air in or cass

can thin o the ost what is  n the sae airs, oo at the ictres in Exercise 15 again and descrie what haening in eac one



First,t, dide what � Now, in your pairs, you are going to talk about a dirent sport. Firs sport you ar going to talk about Then, ollow the task. S  A c   • S • S S  B  m m g      A q   f  m fm fm  Y c   q  Exc 5 • S A                • A   q  S B g cc    In this sport, you have to hit a ball over a net

:B: Do you use a acket? : Yes. : Is it tennis? : Yes!  Work in dierent pairs. ou ae going to desribe a pitue. Read the instrutions and do the task. • S S A    c  • S S B    c c 2 •         g   c c •  fv g    m    c  fv c  m


 In sall groups, talk about your hobbies and interests. sk and answe the uestions. 1  cv    g   f m?  c     g? c    c  V? 3 \m \m   m  ? ? / ?


fro m your � Read some information about a film festival and an email you received from friend, Andrew. Then, complete the notes  •• < > To: Jshua From Andew

Fi i i 

Hi Joshua,

Plc (0) -  �_ u      _ l _ ' _      _   D  il g: 1    Cs       _ T   A 3   Fil  l s: 4   W  :    ,

I'm emailing you about the film festval at the weekend. I can only go on Saturday as Im workng on Sunday I dont mnd if we miss Blue Rain, but  cant wait to see Chd  Tme! We can get ood there but dont orget an umbrella as it looks loo ks like the weater wont be good Ill get the tickets online tonight and you can pay me then See you at the entrance at :OOpm Andrew


Blue Rain


Child in Time


£20 on the day or £5 from www.paknemaom

Also available available - food stalls, art and and other activities activities


� You and Andrew are now at the film festival. You receive a message on your phone from another friend, Richard. Reaq the message. What does Richard want to do?

mess age in eply to Richard in  Use the inormation from this unit to write a message Exercisee 22. In your message, you should include: Exercis •        •     •       M ODEL ANS WER •      •        rd,,   Riichard Hi R •       b b  t,, he momen t  th  t t k a t hill Par k   yh  I''m in Sunn y  t!! I ea t In pairs compare your answers Check your answers for mistakes with selling and punctuation and make sure you have used present tenses correctly

Y es, t  th ha t  t  wo  wo tiuivlda lb, wi rh   Andr e w  w..  itr   th  ew g   t  a fil fes t a t  walk    tiic Y ou can wa as t  ta  its  fan t  w  -  ts im   e no w  tcching  Chi ld i n T i      wa t Wer e wa   o u   yo   ou lik e Send me a messag e f y  y  film y    ar oud and see an y r ve  you ar r   when yo e wh c n a r   tr   t n e   e h    th t  t   t a   u o    yo y  t   t e e m l   ' l    d n   a e m o  co can c  y  r ain  i t  ma y  y  for  food and an umbr ella as  t  Br ing  some mone y See you soon, Joshua


� Match the diferent activiies in the box to the pictures. badminton












� Complete the table using the words in the box. tennis taekwono gymnastics chess volleyball horse-riding basketball table tennis athletics badminton karate skiing judo cycling sailing hockey canoein bowling swimming fishing boxin hiking football




i n the correct rm in the box  Compete the sentences using the verbs in score









I'm playin in a tennis tenni s tournament tomorrow. I hope I __ some of my matches term Ever Everyy team team we play aainst aainst 2 Our school football team is not oing well this term    us baseball but it isnt a popular 3 I really want want to learn how to sport in Britai Britain n 4 It is quite diicul diicultt to learn how to the ball with the racket when you start playing tennis 1


When you a sports match, it is important to learn from your mistakes and do better next time 6 In rugby, players usually pass the ball to each other by it · 7 In football, players can't hold the ball  th t hey must move it by it 8 In baseball, players wear a special glove glove on their han to help them   the ball 9 In football an hanball the team that _ the most goals is i s the winner

 Read the sentences about the sport cricket and underline the correct answer 1 Cricket is a popular I good/ favourite sport in several countries around the wor, incluin India an Britain

2 3 4 5

There are  people in a cricket team/ group/ set Yu play the sport by throwing/ hitting/ kicking a hard re ball with a bat It can take five ays to compete a cricket goal/ match/ point People oen use/ wear/ put white clothes to play cricket


� Find the odd word out in each set. Then, complete the reason why it is the odd one out using the words in the box        q  f      1 g g  g fg     f g k      3   kk    _   ____ _  ____ ____    ______ ____ 4  g   j  _   _____ _    _____ ____  ____ _____ 5 g g kg g kg    ---------------------- ---- 6    k k  __   _____ __    _  __ _____  _ __  __ ___  ___ __ -ing

 Complete the verbs. the table using the th e third person present simple orm and the  orm o in rm thrd persn present simpe 1  2  3 g 4  5  6  7  8 k 9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16   Match the sentence halves 1    kg 

A k g   f ?

 I f g     

B  I   

34 5 6 

CD    k? I' g g E g  ? F   S g G     

I ' k   g   W  I     I' g  W       W ' ' S 

UNIT03  •


� R  c  ul  cc   I  k/ m  kg how to pay tennis tennis bt  wod ie to earn 2 ' very sorry, I c mm/ m  mmg yor nae u  3 Can yo hep e with y hoewor? Im  ug/ I  u this qestion 4 John  g/  a reat tie on hoiday Loo at these pitres on his bo bo!! 5 and  araid she  yo g/ an't  borrowit at that thattheboo oent I lg/ I  lgg ttoo y sister sister ot toniht  too tired! 6 I   / Im  g  o ot 7 My brother /  g so any hobbies! hobbies! At the oent, he  kg I k photos in the arden 8 Se  g/ c  yo at the oent She  g/  a shower shower ml   ml fm  u u ug  cc fm f    ml  ck• ck• •• •

< >

 W 1 ())       T       ( 2 ()         3 ______ (j)  () (lk)    5       4            x                6 ( g) g)            x x    7 (k)        (lk)             8 I 9  (want) oe oe h 10  10  (f))     (f     W     K  c  u    1 s that yor brother payin tennis over there?  2 Do yo aways et p  p so eary?  stayi n in a hote?  3 Are yor parents stayin 4 Are yo ain hooate ae?  5 s yor brother havin a ood ood tie in eand? ean d?  6 Do yo and yor parents aways eat eat toether in the evenins?  7 Loo at ts pe oe as a yon hid hid

 No,  not B Yes,  do  Yes, yo are  Yes, it is E No, we don't F Yes they are

A  wearin yor od neae?  8 Do any o yor shoo riends do taewondo? 

G No they don t H Yes he is.


W hat are these types of holidays? Match the pictues with the type of holiday, A-0 � Look at the pictures. What C  ngg xng D  b  A n vn  B   b



� Label the pictures with the holiday activities. go on day trips go on culturl visits go horse riding try tradition traditional al food visit water prks stay with host families go mountain climbing visit bech resorts see local attractions go shopping see fmous buildings go on cycling tours

y ou can do on the dierent  In pairs, discuss which holiday activities rom Exercise 2 you ypes of o\ays n xerse 1.


are going  o   :ad abot so so e people who want to book a holiday. Fist, read the descptons of eght deent types of holiday Which would be the best holiday fo you? You

( WILDLIFE EXPERIENCE Come and learn about nature on our  wildlife adventure holidays holidays.. Find out here your favouri favourite te animals live, what they eat and how to protect protect them Our guides will sho you local wildlife in its natural environment Don't forget your camera!

 FUN FAMI HOLIDAYS This is a great choice fr families looking for fun on holiday. Choose from activities at at zoos and water parks, as  well as day trips to local local attractions such as museums art galleries and shopping centres Accommodation and meals are all included, inclu ded, leaving you with more time to enjoy your favourite activities.

G DELICIOUS FOOD TOURS If you enjoy trying new food, you will love this holiday! This is the perfect pe rfect chance to visit popular markets and restaurants withdemonstrations other food-lovers, attend cookery and prepare your own delicious meals with the help of local chefs

 ADVENTURE HOLIDAS Are you looking fr a real adventure in the great outdoors? Try one of our mountain climbing, horse riding or cycling cyclin g tours! Our fully qualifi qualified ed activity instructors will share their knowledg knowledgee of the area and entertain you with true

In some exam reading tasks, you yo u may be asked to complete a matchng exercse where you match descrptons to people. Frst dentfy key k ey words and deas for each person Then match these words and deas wth the descrptons

4 BEACH ESCAPE This is the perfect holiday for people  who simpl simplyy want to rela relax x We oer luxuryy accommodation in our beach luxur resorts, a variety of restaurants serving delicious local food and perfect cafes to relax and watch the sunset Water sports including snorkelling,  windsurfing and sailing are also available.

 LANGUAGE EXCHANGE Do you want to improve your language skills while experiencing life in another country? Our local host families will give you the hance to practise speaking the language, teach you how to cook traditional food and take you to the best local attractions The Language Exchange holiday is a perfect way to make new friends and explore Europe

0 SAILING EXPERIENCE Whether you are a complet beginner or an experienced sailor we can give you the perfect sailing experience! earn the basics of sailing or more advanced techniques with our qualified sailing instructors

0 CITY BREA BREAKS KS Do you enjoy visiting art galleries museums or famous buildings? Do you  want to visit other countries? On our our cultural tours in Europe, you can learn

stories about their past advnture advntures s No previous experience is required, but you

about the history of the city you are visiting Every day includes a dierent 

need to have lots of energy

cultural visit



� Now, read what type of holiday each person wants to go on and read the holiday descriptions again. Then, choose the best holiday or each person O m is 19 and is very active. He enjoys all kinds of sports sports and being outdoors. He has done a lot of water sports in the past, like sailing and windsurfing windsurfing but he would like to try tr y something dierent for his holiday this year year.. He went to the beach last  year, but got bored afer a few days. Best holiday: 

information in the texts carefully. careful ly. Some, but not all of the information may match

 Julia is 16 and an d would like to go on holiday with her best friend from school during during the summer holidays. They want to travel to a new place, visit local attractions and try new food Their parents will not allow their daughters to be in anothe anotherr country without any adults, but they will allow them to travel on their own. Julia and her friend both study Spanish at school and are planning to take a Spanish exam next year. Best holiday: _

050 MINI TIP Does om like to relax on a beach or be more active? Does Do es he want to do water sports or try somethi something ng diferent?

2 Charlie is 21 years old and has just finished university. He would like to spend the

summer su· ·mmer doing something interesting with some friends before they start looking for jobs. He prefers holidays in the countryside to holidays in cities or at the beach. He thinks that he would like to get a job working with wit h animals in the future. Best holiday: _

051 MINI TIP Are Julia and her friend able to stay in a foreign country without thei their parents? 05 MINI TIP What is the most important information information about Charlie's interests?

3 Joanna is 2 and wors as a teacher. She wants to book a holiday in August with her husband. She is usually very tired afer a busy term at school and would like to go somewhere hot and near th sea She wants to relax and not do very ver y much. Best holiday: _

053 MINI TIP What are the two most important things things Joanna is looking for on her holiday?

4 Roger is 50 and wants to book a holiday for his w wife ife and two children. They ould like to do some cultural activities, such as visiting mu museums seums and art galleries, but also some fun activities activ ities to entertain entertai n the children. children. They also love shopping. Best holiday: _

05 MINI TIP Does Roger just want to vsit museums and galleries?

 In pairs, discuss the questions  Which holiday from Exercise  would you most like to go on? o n? Which is the most interesting to you? Why?  Which holiday from Exercise Exercise 4 would you not like to go on? Why?

goin g to listen to a radio interview with a student called Anna, who  You are going has recently taken part in a summer cultural exchange programme First, -= look at the example question and the answer options, and read the Bullet iJf Box Then, listen to Prt  of the interview O Why did Anna decide to go on a language exchange exchange programme in Spain?  She is good at sports.  She studies Spanish and not not French.

n some Listening exam tasks you may be asked to listen to an interview n  n these tasks you should: • identify identify the key words words in the the question or statement • iden identify tify key key words words in in the three multiple-choice


 She wanted to go somewhere new.

Answer:C Answer:C


  readPart11 of the interiew and the highighted highighted parts. In  In pairs  discuss why C � Now, readPart  is the correct answer answer in inExercise Exercise77  Wll  vl  vl  F  S   l      USA     m m   '    USA b m  v      Hv   F Hv F   S   ll        b  F b         S S     choose isten toPart tothe Part2 2 of the radiointeriew thequestions  or or each eachquestion question correct answer B or orC C and answer thequestions 1 W  A  ml lv? lv?     m B   C  m 2 H l  A       ml?    k k B k Ck 3 H l   v  b  k    l l    mm? mm? A 13

B6 v4 C  S     l l   mm mm     6 6  v    ll m B   l lk   S  l C l   l  m    l  5 A k    S  mv  - - B mv  ll  C mv  l SPEAKING: ADDING MORE DETIL AND GIVING REASONS ���


sentenceso Part2 Part2 of nnas interiew inExercise inExercise99 Match the two  Loo at the sentenceso  haes of the sentence  1      USA      l    2 T ml ml    B        l' l' mv m S m  ll m C b 'm  vv       3 A  lv ml ll    m  m k ll  l D    ll [ Readthe ip ipBox Box and answer theqestions theqestions 

options You may hear all the key words but only one answers the question or completes the statement  remem remember ber that that you you may may also also not hear the exact words that you see in the question

1 W   underinedords underinedords       0 m b  

One good way to give more detals when you are talkng n a speakng exam s to gve reasons. Use as, so and becuse to help you connect deas Notce the dferences n Exercse 10 wth the structures and order

2 m W b    underined words    0 0 l? words



Langu age box to � In pars, answer the questons usng the strutures n the Useful Language explan your reasons for your answers. 1      gg cg d  ik   i   mi  i   m? W? 2 W d   g  id? W? W? 3 W d  i m - id i  id id  id i  mi? mi? W? 45 W : idid    ci W?cg? W?     c dv id  k? gg gg GRAMMAR: PAST SIMPLE AND PRESENT SIMPLE

Par t 1 of the nterew wth Anna fro Exerse 8 agan an answer  Rea Part the qustons. W d 1    Fc  Si   gg cg    S     mic cg  2 '    S c 3   v gd   Hv  4  Fc d Si   c   5   i v   Fc    6   g  Si id 1 Wic m dci   ? _  2 Wic m dci  i   g civi? civi ?    3 Wic m dci  ci cmd i  ?    Math the sentenes 13 n Exers 13 wth the tenses 1 an 2 Then, rea the Graar box to he your answers. 1  im im    2  im im     Past sle Present sle     m c  m  k   c     im        cmd    I'm (not) good go od at sports.

I   decided to go

W     m  k     d

     im       m 

g lessons d g I go to French twice a week Nge dd NOT   (Im not good at sports) d DO NOT  ci (I do not/dont not/dont study stu dy ench) Queston  d d c   (Are you Queston good at sports?) d   dd DO  c (o you

m was ivery   Seville nice (when I visited it) Ngav dd NOT   (Seville was not very nice) d DD NOT  c (I did notidnt decide to go) Queton  d d cg   (Was Seville nice?) d   dd DD  c (id you

study French?)

decide to go?)

Note F g v  d  (he/ he/ it) cg m  v m    ()   m cg  ig v

No F g v    cg   iv m    m m Hv   cg   v



erbs 16 orretly  Loo at the erb for staes 16 n the suary Rewrte the erbs  1 d Fc d Si  c c   mm  mm  2   Si   gg cg   3 d i  mi mi i  vig   4    gg gg cg gmm 5   gd ic   g  6  mc   Si   


WRITING: EMAILS -                                                 

 Y  i    i   i i b i i k  i      i i  ik ik    i     g 2            To: ny Frm Si

H Tony, 1 ______ ( to Madrd for my last holday- t 2 ______ (b) great! On the frst day, 13 (vii) some of the famous sghts here ncludng the Prado museum and the Royal Palace. It s derent to my usual holdays. Normally, 14 ( to hot places and relax on the each At ( shoppng and the moment ts the opposte and t s qute cold here. On my second day, I 5 6 (b some souenrs That nght t 7 (b) really nterestng ecause I ( ) new food when  go on 8 () n a Spansh restaurant I usually 9 () ths tme 1 () a tradtonal meal holday ut I am ery happy that 10 holday of soup egetales egetales and meat meat  It 2 (b delcous. It 3 (b) only a short holday ut 14 I really enjoyed t (k) lots of photos What 5 () you do on your holday? Where 6 ______ () you go? Smon  i i      vb i bk �   i i    i i  i i       Lk i  i' i   b b ik   i 1

2 3 4 5    8 9

F    gg            e    e   e   g e                      e         e          · ·


    k  i  i                   e               : : •         •               / /     •      

UNIT04 •


� In pairs, compare your emails rom Exercise 19. Complete the table to see what your partner did well and what you think needs to be improved. Feaure 1 U  g    -gg - gg        /  2 S  / /    34 S   A  // f  /   5 H/S     f     6 H/S     f 

 In pairs, discuss the questions. 1 W   f  g  A'    7  ? 2 H        A? W ? ? D   3 f         A    ? W/ W / W ?  Read the task. hat would you say pend one minute preparin what  you could say and make some notes. It s mportant to know that there is a derence between a trip, a journey and the verb to travel.

D      Y  : •      •           •       •           Now, do the task. se the bullet box to help you. • W W    • S A A  f           • S S  B      • S S    

Trp= a journey, a holday or to

trave or busness or study.


Ex g       x  •    f  g g                        T      g            -                Y    g g   task ca         Y  f        task card. U       • Y    g            f       NO         

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Complete the sentences using the types of holidays in the box. �

a city break

a beach holiday

a family holiday

a language exchange

an adventure holiday

1 You can do lots of activities like cycling and horse-riding on _____ ____  _ , but I don't enjoy relaxing relaxing all the 2 My friends want to go on time. 3 I went on _____ to Paris. It was interesting to to visit all the museums. 4 My sister is going on _____ _____ and will stay with a host family in Itay 5 I went went on __  with with my parents and we camped by a lake

b x  Complete the table using the hliday activities in the bx visit water parks gogoononcycling day trips local attractions culturalclimbing visits goon mountain go horse riding tours seevisit beach resorts go stay with host familie try traditional food see famous buildings go shopping

city break

advenure advenu re holiday

beach holiday

language echange

 Complete the sentences using the holiday activities in the box visit water parks go on day trips go shopping go horse-riding go on a cycling tour go on a cultural visit visit a beach resort go mountain climbing visit local attractions stay with a host family 1 We ofen __ in the airport where you can buy things more cheaply. cheaply. in the countryside I love animals 2 When I visit my aunt, we oe 3 You can like a 9th century castle in my town

4 Families like to 5 You can 6 It is oen cheaper cheaper to 7 8  10

when the weather is hot so they can cool down. by coach to the countryside from the city in their own home than in a hotel

If you are fit a good way to see more of a country is to _____ _____   You shouldn't alone as it can be a dangerous sport When you in a city, you have the chance to see museums and art galleries If you you can enjoy being by the sea, and do d o a variety of activities, activities, like surfing and wate-skiing



� Complete the sentnces using the words in the box.  a aa aa fa a f a   _______ y  v La ya,  a v a 1 T USA  a vy _______  v 2 I k a       ay  f a  fay a  a f a    a av 3 I  f   aa   ___ ____ _ __ v a  a z 4 If y   a aa a a a, a, y a a a   a  ______ ____ __ aa    y  fay v 5 A  f   k     a f ay,  I f    6 I f   av  ay, av ay, k v v  a a a a a   a y      a a  May M ay f    7 Baa a a   f y  a a  A Ga Ga a  a 8 O  a  f y ay ay,, I a   aa y  a 9  Ef T       Pa -  a v   k k  a  k k f  I   ay ay I ' aay k ,  10 I  v v  a a   f  y   Red the conrstion nd underline the correct nswer  1 Do ou lie/ You lie   ay?  , 2 do/  did I aay av a a   ay  y fay  I ,  W 3 did ou usull go/ do ou usull go?  Uay    a a ay ay  a   4 go/ went  a y ak  Wa 5 do ou do/ did ou do ?  W, a y a 6 enjo/ enjos    a, 7 we ll go we ll  ll went   a ay y a fa fa  B   8 s it/ it / s it ? I 9 not rell lie/ dont rell lie ay I k y a    I  a, ,     10 wsn wsntt I didnt  a a I a ay f



email using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. � Complete the email T: on Frm Saah

H Ty, I! ______ (go)  Gy w y y  y  Fy (not like)  dy w My y d d  2 3 (ecie)    B   wd (enjo)        Uy  dy dy 14 d   w 5 (not have)    y y   w  6 (see)        B W d  Bd G G I y  y 7 (be)  y (learn)        y     8 W 9 (feel) d        0 (be)  dd  w W  2 ? T  S

(ou/ like) (ou/ prefer) y  dy? w   dy  

 atch the to halves of the sentence        - -              2     '   C   3 '         4 D    E     D 5 A    Choose the best anser   or C 1  '     x because/ so       2 As/ So     e           3        so/ because  '    '     4     so/ because     

5 So/ As            

UNIT04 •




Look at the pictures. picture s. Match the countries in the box with the pictures of dierent ood



Saudidi Ara Sau Arabibia the United ted Kingdom ngdom ChChinaina Italy BrBrazazilil 


Match the inredients 1-5 with the dishes A-E 1 B C  2 l K

A m  m

 

l    

 ml

3 Pzz 4 F  chips 5 q

  D  E 

 l l  m

gl 


In pairs, read and discuss the foowin uestions 1 Hv y  y      ? 2 W  y v  m y y? 3 W   l  y y?




Look at he photos below. Which do you think you might see at a od festiva festival? l? Discu your idea wih  partner.

You are going to read an article art icle about he Chiee food festival in London Skim the text once quickly Which of the ideas in Exercise 4 does it mention?

CHINESE FOOD FESTIVAL IN LONDON Ti e, e ee  e   e  B Reie Wwy y e Re e  oo

The three-day oo festival celebrat celebrates es

real Chnese cookng and dshes rom other countres. You can taste  wonderul ood at the many ood stals, and watch amous ches showng you how to make some tasty dshes All the amly can come c ome and enjoy ood tradtonal Chnese perormances and try Chinese arts and cras



� Read the article again and the sentences, 1-6. The iformation in bold in the sentences is incorrect. Correct the sentences by choosig the best answer, A, B or C. 1 The Chinese ood festival is in London every year. A True B False  Not Given 2 The festival only includes Chinese cooking. A True B False  Not Given

Answer the questios abut the Chines�fd festiva The wrd in l wi hep yu t chse the crrect answer. Yu need t be carefu that the answer is exacty what it says in the text I

3 You can learn to make some of the Chinese food fo od at the festival A True B False  Not Given 4 Children can come to the festival  Not Given A True B False 5 The festival festival is only about cooking  Not Given B False A True 6 If you don't download a ticket, you must pay to enter on o n the day A True B False  Not Given

I LISTENING: MATHING  listenin g to Mark Ma rk and Jane discussing the fod festival What is the  You are going to listening main topic of their conversation? Listen and choose the best answer, answer, A, B or C. A T he activities they want to see there 08

B The friend friendss they will invite to the festival  T h�Jeasons their other friends cant go

AH.  Listen again and match the people, 16 with the reasons, AH. 1 Marco

A is going sightseeing


2 Mohammed

B cant aord tto o go

reasns than pepe;s yu wn't use a the ettes

 isworking 3 Pierre 4 HangYie

D is going to a restaurant E is helping someone  is doing somethin something g with their fl flatmat atmate e

5 Lucy 6 Larissa

 is in a dieren dierentt country  is studyin

a d check your aswers.  Listen again ad

08 MIN IP What des sightseeing mean? B   f yu cant ard  smething, what dnt yu have?   J  Where des a   fatmate' ive?



ake sure y isten fr a f the infrmatin



Match the od words in the box with the pictures.









spring onion

 

1 1

Complete the table using the food words from Exercise 0 Vegetables




Other ingredients






In pairs, add ad d some more food words to the table atch the verbs r preparing food with the photos bol













are goi n g to l i s ten to a chef gi v i n g a cooki n g demonstrati o n. Li s ten to the � You introduction Which recipe is he going to cook? Choose the best answer, A, B or C 09

mooncakes dupings



Liofstheten ditoathegramsecond second part of the chef' s demonstrati o n Compl e te the descri p ti o ns using the words in the box

You will not always hear te exact same information spoken in te Listening as written in te exercises. You will need to lsten for te specific informationou want.

 (2)   (2)  I

1         

         

3    _ _    y 

4         

5  ___     ___      20 q 

y ___ ___  6  T   



  

    : @

Beore you lsten, i s a good idea to see f ou ca ped he omao.

7    8  _ _   -   y y 




Read the list of ingredients. Which of the ingredients ing redients did the chef use use in the re recipe cipe in Exercise 15? Complete the table using the words in the box. () 

() 



untable singular  

 7

()  () 

()  () 

() k



() 

' untable plual


() 

() 

Complete the sentences using a/ an or some.

 ,  1 F        _____ _____ 

2 F             y   's  ______ s

3       ______     ___ ___  k

Read the sentences and complete headings in the table






+  --


I hv soe ppl I d't hv any cbbg

I hv some ric I dt hv any ilk


D  hv any i?

D  hv any t?

A o of()

W hv a o of wt i th cpbrd

W hv a o of ic cr i th z z 


Hw many crrt d w d? H dt hv many id

 



Hw mu wtr d I pt i? Y dt d t dd u il



Loo at the questions aabout bout eating habits Writ Writee three more questions about eating habits using the grammar in Exercises 16-18 F  D  t a o of ic ce? Hv  v t a cke? Hw mu wt d  dik t d?  th any d y dt lik?

                              � 2 -                           3   

In pairs as and answer the questions. UNIT OS




� Read the instructions about making a Korean dish called Bulgogi and look at the pictures. First, put the pictures A-F in the correct order

O_     ' 






   2 __    3 __       1 T    w  4 y   5 __    f  w            6 __    T y w    y f  7              w P  w w   f f f  w v   f  w  8 __ f 0     w         v  y f     f y w @ Someimes you  No complete te instructions using a/ some or a erb.   -------  3   ------ 4    ____ ____  1  5 _ _


6 _____ _____


7 _ _

agai n at the reading in Exercise 21 Write the instructions o  Look again a meal that ou kno ho to cook or prepare

8 _ _

are asked o coplete senences wih a word or a number and you may no have a lis of words in a word box o refer o.

Yo igh e asked o wrie

ao a roess in he exa so i is ioran o raise inking or ideas ogeher Look a he seqening seqenin g words hghigh hghighed ed in Eerse 22 o see how how he ar s of he insrions are !inked





A,, B, C  C orD. orD.  � Read the text and choose the best answer, A @ I ' uully lik 1 _ _ ml  u I liv l I  g 2 u   f f i  k 3     k I v m 4 im I uully k my fvui ml 5  6  ml i ik uy iii v Myv  ik  i vgl p  I ' 7  i i  I lik i i ml  mu  mim I l  i i u I mim l  i fu im  k! I i vy ppul my uy I ik  l f  f ppl lik i u i i l lyy 8  l g  ip  i i piy   vyy vyy   y  mk Yu  l jy i Dig Bk Cdo   Akig d   o   Ba t  Df C 2 Ai t  B At D Wi 3 A F n  C I n  Bfre  f re e o     f  Dy  4 A Co Dppul Blik C fvui 5 Alvly ry   Dp Bmi c f ry  6 Afl y   r y Bc c   u    t 7  A ffr  u  Cll Dil D Bi C 8 Ai

Sometimes you wl need  o choose from a ls of word to compee compe e the gap n a tex.


 Use the noraton n  n ars,  o are on to ta abot a ea that o eno Use Exercse24 Exercse 24 to he o  n or ta,  o shod sea abot theown: theown: •  pp pp i f yu  yu yu  i i   • y yu lik lik i



 Use the noraton ro ths nt to wrte  an essa abot a ea that s oar n   or contr con tr or one tha thatt o eno  n or essa, o   o sho nµde nµde

My f v voor m  Spged   b Bof, g _., T  g r�i,k  e  Spn gf e t t Bge, yu e d d  m  Fr   f l ,   d d    p  ppd    d pm i  r   A r      d  ar  fr  k   i      brwn N   ex,  ed 

d  d  ef d   d    k g W 1e     dd e hpp mm wr W e wr re, k g,  ed  b  r b  m   A r , p e    e p d  b    f  F  _ _ p me e   dd  p  p·d dd       w  d   d : o  o  .  : :  p    peppe    d e  Smk g nd  B v    r      p bpr be     se     dp     f v v  vrg  mI   k   m          w     e r     d     gd  T r e  m r di r p     p,  e vero  vgb  a se mr v ca  j jy   

•  igi igi  yu yu  •  iui iui  u u  yu mk i •    y i i ppul ppul



UNIT /05

� Match the dierent foods in the box to the photos. beef










 Complete the table using the words in the box
















f A-E � M    1-5   f 1 bake A to cook ood in water B to cut something into smsmaa pieces 2 boi C wito tcook somethi n g such as bread or a cake 3 chop h dry heat in the oven. 45 miryx ED to cook put twosomethi or moreng ingredi hot oients or attogether    l        Cl I some any a an re singuar countabe nouns we use 1 ______beore a consonant and e  2 beore a vowe.  •  have 3 ___ _____ __ san sandwi dwichch  r unch. appe or a snack today. •  had eotsentences,wi 5 _____  ce in the ridege.nouns we use 5_____ nposi hhavaveetivggotesentences, 6 with pura andjuiuncountab • There areare 7 _______ _______ oranges oranges in the cupboard. n questions and negati negative sentences with countabe and uncountabe nouns we use • re re ththereree 9 tomatoes? ish on the menu? • s ththereree 1010 oers and requests, we use 11 ____  n oers water, pease? as e?  Wou aWoud ann d hhavave e 12 1 2 yyouou ikeike 13 tea? 4

8 ______ ______

   R       l  


We use 1  l f/  with positive and negative sentences with countabe and

uncountab e nouns • Wegarden have 2 /  l f oranges to eat because we have an orange orange tree in our   We don't have 3  l f/  ruit to eateat in winter. We use /  with questions and negatives with countabe nouns •WeThere Howuse 7aren / t 6   / /  e  mons cau do you i   o nee need wers d i or n the the shop. reci p e? /  wi t h questi o ns and negati v es wi t h uncounta uncountab b e nouns • There How 8i/    coee i s there i n the cupboard? snt 9 /  sugar in the dish. 4




� Choose the best answer, A, B o C. 1 Could you go to the shop? There isn't _ milk n the fridge. much Bmany A some 2 How _ eggs do we need to make the cake? A many Bmuch a lot of 3 There are _ potatoes in the cupboard so we could could make chips. A much Bany a lot of 4 Do you have  spagh spaghetti etti?? A any Bmany a _ carrots n the fridge 5 I thnk that we have _ any Bsome A much 6 I would like _ fish, please many Bmuch A some 7 How  sugar would you like in your coee? coee? any A many Bmuch 8 There aren't _ vegetables in the shop just caulflower and lettuce A any Bmany much }

9 We don t have _ beef lef Everyone ate it Would you lke chcken instead? A any Bmany much 10 There are dierent salads on the menu I dont know kno w whch one to cchoose. hoose. A any a lot of Bmuch

@ Read the naative and choose the best answe A B o C My 1 _ od s pizza I like 2 __ pas because they they are very easy to prepare If you want to 3 __ your own pzza all you need to do s make the bread r the base Ths s called the dough. You can 4 __ 4 __ tomatoes and cheese and 5 __ 5 __ other ingredients on top You then 6 __ it in the oven for  to  mnutes until t is ready to eat If you don't feel like making pizza you can buy 7 __ 7 __ pzza from your local supermarket supermark et and just put it in the oven when you get home. Nowadays 8 __ of people are so busy that they dont have time to cook at home or they like to have a rest 9  the weekend These people ofen also eat pizza pizz a but they go 10 _ a take-away restaurant and buy a pzza that has already been made made 1 2 3 4


best eatng get mix

Blovely Beat Bhave Bfold

favourite ate make add

5 6 7 8 9 10

A a lot A cook A much A much A at A n

Bmany B boil B some Ba lot Bin Br

much c fry a many for to



cauli flower recipe and look lo ok at the � Read the instructions about making an Arabian cauliflower pictures. Then, match the pictures to the instructions A Whle the cauliflower is boiling, chop ome garlic. B dd the mixture of paste paste,, garlic and lemon juice to the cauliflower. C Next, add the garlic to some special mixture called tahini paste and some lemon juice D First, take a large cauliflower and cut the leaves o so that you only have the white part E Mix the paste, the lemon juice and the garlic together  Next, take the cauliflower and place it in boiling water G Finally, cover the dih and put it in in the fridge until you are ready to eat it






@ Match the words in the box b ox with the photos 1-5.

� statue castle stadium tower bdge

agai n What are the names of the places place s and which countries do they � Look at the photos in Exercise 1 again come from? an d which cities are they in? Are there any  What other amous buildings or monuments can you name, and amous u\gs o mouments n your cty c ty or town?




� Complete the table with the correct words. Some words can be used twice square





post oice

shopping cafe centre police car park sports centre therestaurant coach station library department store undergroun underground d

Travel and transport

Places in a city

tabl e in Exercise 4.  Read the signs and notices. Add the words in blue to the table @ PARKING FOR

Hi Tom, Jm and I are playng football n the ar oday. Do you wan o  o jon u? We'll get on the b b at the own cene a 12:30pm. Let me know Hay


Free for two hours aer that £2 an a n hour.

Ti vi   f i i  y  f

To: Su From   Le      _   e     -     n  s  s   bjct "     H -       -  lilda i  -   y  �  P.a -   "

I ust checed and there

In some Reading exam questions, you wll ead some very shot eal-wold texts, such as signs essages postcads postcad s notes emails o labels. You will need to wok out the man idea of the text text Read the whoe text and decde what the key wods ae to help you undestand what the text says

Hi Deon. I went wen t sghtseeg around  the cty today on a ope  top bus We vsted the mseum ad the castle aog the way We're gong

vy 

are seats avalable on the flght we want ets book them soon befre the prce gets too expensve! expensve!

Bcycles should be lef n the bcycle stands only For advce please speak to a member of staf who can gve more detals

o a boat trp tomorrow trp tomorrow and we be back home on Frday George

Alce howenough are youfor gong to walk the theatre tonght ts ose me to but ms gong by ca and hes oered to drve me et hm know f you want hm to drve you too Sona


+ UNIT06


� Read the signs and messages again in Exercise 5. Choose the correct answer, A B or C 1 What does does the supermarket notice say? A You can pay £2 to leave your car in the supermarket car park all day. B Supermarket customers can only park here for 2 hours hours at a time C You don't need to pay if you finish shopping within 2 hours  Why did Harry write this message? A To give Tom and Jim instructions on how to get to the park. B To invite m to play football with him and Jim. C To find out hat time Tom would like like to play football 3 What is the notice telling passengers? passengers? A They should wait for news about the weather before travelling. B Some passengers will be late today because of the w weather. eather. weather improves C The station is closed until the weather 4 What doesee doesee sugges sugges A To book the flights as soon as possible. B To choose a less expensive flight C To change the date of his and S Sus us flight 5 What does George say? A His sightseeing trip included a visit to a museum and castle. B He visited the castle and museum aer aer going on the boat trip C He hopes to do a boat trip and an open bus tour before returning home. 6 What are train passengers told at the station?  They must not leave bikes at the station B ycle parking is only for members members of station staf. C If they need to know more, they can ask ask someone who works there 7 What should lice do? A ontact Tim T im if she would like a lif to the theatre B Tell Sonia what her travel plans are for this evening C Let Tim Ti m or Sonia know if shes going to the theatre



[ You will hear Part 1 of o f some inrmation about a new shopping centre While you listen circle the words and nubers that you hear 1

06.1 MINI P The options a contain similar words, and they al use words from the notice You need to pay close attention to the main idea of the notice and fnd the option that matches that meaning 02 INI  INI IP Always read the question carefully to see which option is correc correct t There is information in the message about where and when they will play footbal but this was not why Henry wrote the message message




















� isten again to Part 1 of the inormation and complete the text with the missing infrmation. ------1

Northelds' shoppin ingg centre inrmaton  f  w  : 1 J _______ A   F Dv, 2 _______  O u 0  6 L    8  3 ______ ______ Transport By -f  k By b    4 __ ____ ____ ___ _ b. Uu U u  F  w   y  5 _______ _______ 

 You are going to listen to Part 2 of the information Before you listen, match the phrases with the diagrams. diagra ms.        b    

Par t 2 of some inormation aout a new shopping cen centre. tre. Look at the  Now listen to Part map and the list of shops. Match the shops with the the correct letter, A-F. --- 4   1  2 _  _ 5 b  6 b   _ 3 G'     12

Northfields shopping centre map Entnc


In this type of Listening exam task always read the questions careully irst, so you know wat speii inforation you need to listen or. Inforati Inforation on ay inlude a day o te week a prie a spellin a nuber or a postode. Mae sure you pratise the alpabet oen so you ave no trouble with spellin questions

om Bu Sop

Ground floor

6 Mn's and Womns Fahios






Fist l



0 •











Ennc fm Cr P

Cafes and Restaurants



answers to Exercise 10 with a partner. Then, listen again and ccheck. heck. � Compare your answers 2

 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the map in Exercise 10. Examples: A B A B


Where can I buy a tenn rcket? t the sports shop. shop. It's on the grund floor opposite the cafe Wheres the bank? Its between the department store and the moble phon phonee shop shop


Gram mar table. Then, write the comparative and superlative superlative forms of the  Read the Grammar adjectives in the box. Superlative

omparative One syllable



small quck

smaller  qucker 

smallest quckest

(consonant/ vowel/ consonant)

double last letter ad +e

bg sad

bgger sadder

bggest saddest

Two or more syllables

+e more expensve (than) more mportant (than) +e easer happer


expensve mportant

(Two syllables +y) easy happy


the t most expensve most mportant +et easest happest

Irregular  good bd r much/many

better orse urther more

best orst rthest most











_____ 1 _____

2 _____ _____  --- 

4 ___ ___

-------  6 ______ ______

7 ______ ______ ------


� Read the sentences about Manchester and underne the correct form of the adjectves.

1 M i i    Egl  i  UK' i arest/ arer iy 2 M  most/ more   y  iy i  wl 3 M' C Liy i  od/ odest pli liy i  Egli-pkigg wl Egli-pki 4 Man I More lgg  pk i M  y  iy i W Ep 56 T wl frst/ astw pg ibetter i wUKil 80 ly, M   better/ / best iyiM li i i 80 7 M ip i arer/ arest  Biig ip  M Ui ii  more/ most l ll l i Egl wi 0 lg il

9 M Piilly i    bus/ busest i i i Egl 1 More/ Most  0 Nl piz wi wi    M M  In ars dscuss the facts ou read n xercse 14. hat nformaton dd ou aread no? hat dd ou fnd nterestn or surrsn?  rte some sentences about a ct ou no. Incude comaratve and sueratve adjectves. se the nternet to he ou fnd nrmaton  or n rous and read our sentences to each other. Sa hch nfrmat nfrmaton on s the most nterestn and hch s the most surrsn.

In exam speaking tasks, show you know the vocabulary and gammar connected with the topic. Try not to give very short answers Let the examiner see what you know



I SPEAKING: TALKING ABOUT TRANSPORT AND TOWNS  � You are going to talk together in pairs. ead and do the task. •        ••   ,     q q b q b    b b   / mw / mw •   mc vcb vcbyy  y c mmb mmb fm      w  q •  cm cmv v   v v jcv jcv •  w w q q  Your hoeton ransport 1   y cm fm? 1 Hw  y v  y? 2  m b b  m  c  2 Hw    f  v v  y y cy? y w 3  c c  bm bm  y y w? 3      f y w? 4   b  w  cyc w y v? 4  y w  w ? 5    b wy  v  y w? w? 5 Hw c y mk y w b? rea d soe uestions aout our ansers to xerise 18 n pairs disuss the uestions  o read together 1   vcby fm    y y   y w? 2   y w w y f  ? 3  y  cmv cmv  v v jcv  y w? 4  y v y  w? Hw c y m y w  ??

I  WRITING: A LONGER LON GER PIECE P IECE OF CONTINUOUS WRITING WRITIN G   ead the task    f  m y cv fm   -f y

I'm coming to your count next month on holida. Where do you think I should go and why are those places interesting? Whats the best way r me to tvel aund?

• w w w  , w w y' y' q •  y y   b 100 w w

 eore o rite our eail plan our anser Make notes on eah estion and asks. hink aout the oaular oaula r and graar ou an use  o rite our eail You an egin like this Hi Sand Im reall pleased pleased youre coming to visit my countr The fit place you should visit is 

seul linkers to inlude f  bc   partner  elp eah other to orret an istakes ith oparatie  opare our eail ith or partner and superlatie adeties and hek spelling and puntuation ie eah other suggestions on ho to iproe our eails


UNIT /06

� Match the activities with the places. You might go here to 1 send a parcel 2 stay for a few days. 3 speak to a policean policean 4 exercise. 5 have a meal 6 do some food shopping 7 catch a bus or a train 8 relax on the grass 9 borrow a book


supermarket police station library station sports centre post ofice hotel H park I useum

J Match the places in the box to the sets of words  10

look at things from the past

department store 1 2 3


5 6 7

castle seat li cars coee houses history flight




ticket floor road snack cars visitors plane


platform clothes sign talk bikes building passenger


travel toys fast table neighbours museum pilot

 Look at the map and complete the sentences using words in the box next in front of on your lef behind on your right across opposite between


1 The park is ______ the cinema 2 The petrol station is the road from the cinema 3 The post oice is ______ the cafe and the hotel the petrol station 4 The theatre is 5 he sports centre is to the hotel 6 When you come out of the hotel, the post oice is


The bus stop is i s ______ ______ the park 8 When you come out of the museum museum the library is 7



sentences and underline the correct answer � Read the sentences Sy   f  g    y f  b 1 ored I sorr/ heav Ty    g   ppg   g g m 2 latest/ new I earl . T ppg    f Sy' 3 oular/ avorite/ reat p I w  wk,    w w 4 ull/ s/ crowded f pp Sy w 5 wor worried/ ried/ read I careul   p  m I diicult I tired  y w  f  S  f f I6ast wron my f Af x p Ty   kSy y 7 riht/ health k   w m  Colete the sentences usin the adjectives in the o fy g mfb  fm g m 1 I ' y  fg fg b my  w    _ _  2 T by k y  - -  bg bg  m m f g      p 3 T     w wy wy p     4 I'm g  y  bk   mm b   f f  p p 5 I bg bg  m bf  wy fm  mk I fm  9 y 6 T m  y _ b  w fm  p    mzg 7 I  x   w kw     I     _ _ p bf   Colete the tale usin the adjectives in the o xp g m mfb g f  w g f w mp p w   +er  est 

more  the most

small - smalle smallest smallest

fmous  more, the most mous

. .

 Colete the sentences usin the adjectives in racets 1 I k    (sae)  _ (ast)  . 2 T   y _ (ad)   y    y (chea)    3 I L  b  (old)  y  y  p f  w 4 T m q  (i)    I   w 5 My   w w (earl)  my f 6 I  f fm g  I   g p 7 O g wy k (rett)  mm   w w (thin)   y 8 My f   w wg g   m m  I  (ood) f y   y  wk  g  b 10 J  _ _ (ar) wy fm m  P


� Compete the sentences using a comparative adjective. 1 My bk w x b y b' w ___  2 A ll   b   _____  _____  3 M   b Kw  __ __  4 T    yy b   w w yy w _ __  __ _  _ _ 5     b  Il   ___ ___  6 I w x b   b y  w ____  7   y b bk  ____ ____  8 I b   b y   ___ ___  Loo at the pictures of the three cars Compete the sentences using the superative adjectives.

1  A    (cheap) (man)  2  B 3     (arge)   4  A  (man) kl   lk 5    (epensive) 6  A  (sma)  7  B (od)  Compete the emai using the correct orm of the adjectives in racets • •• < >


-�· �·

H S,              W               1 good              2 cheap                E G,        3 ig   P  N Y! Y, Y ,     D ,      -   4 arge         5   interesting        ,        Rz          6 fine      G    · W       W




Writ e A-Din the boxes � Look at the photos. What are the people doing? Write A helping the elderly

B wearing a unifrm

C meeting

D studying


� Read and match the skills and abilities A-J with the pictures, 110. A write well

B talk to new people easily

C read a map

D play sport well

EH cook of food I remember F work for long G nderst nderstand maths easily speakmany manytypes langages a lot hours of information J and do well in exams



very smlar. They both talk about what you are able to do Sklls are things you learn but abltes could be thngs you learn or are already able to do In ths unt, we wll look at them as beng the same dea


 �



PASS 1 , li DFAIL •

wo rd box in Exercse 2 you are good at and  In pairs, talk about what skills from the word which ones you are not good at

listenn to a radio advertisement about a TV programme called  You are going to liste Befre They Were Famous. n pairs, read the notes once quickly Think about what information could be missing Befre Tey Were Famous: Jack Riey, amous l ____ ____ TV Programme detais

Day: 2 __ __

As you read through the notes, try to predct whch nformaton could e mssng Then when you lsten, you wll alread know what type of nforaton to lsten out for nformaton could nclude:

 Tme 4 

Channel 3

numbers dates tmes, years, ages

Jack's i befre he was ous

words nouns, names adjectves

eft school at the age a ge of 5  

Note that f the answer is a

ied exas n both 6  got a job n an 8

number, yu can avod spellng mstakes by wrtng the fgure

and 7   restaurant restaura nt near hs hoe.

and not the word eg you could wrte 4 and not fur.

trained to be a chef n 9     Jacks ife now

has presented a rado show cae 10  snce  wrote hs -rst bestselng cookbook n 11   worked a head chef at Te Lemon Grov between 12  and 13 _ _

arred with 14  chdren

com plete the notes  Now, listen to the radio programme and complete 13






� Listen again to the radio advertisement in Exercise 5. In pairs, talk about what TV chef Jack Riley could and couldn't do in the past and an d what he can and can't do now -= 13

l Now, complete the table with TV chef Jack's abilities abilities in the box wrte well wrte books do well n exams understand maths easly cook many types of food work long hours cook only one type of food


Pesen Able to






Not ble ble to







olt.  Read the Grammar box Then, complete the dialogue using/ t/ ol/ olt.

Pesen Ability

Pas abiliy

We use cn to talk about what we are able to do now We use cant o cannot when we want to say that we are not no t abe to do somethng

We use could to tak aout what were ale to do n the past We use coudn't or coud not when we want to say that we were not able to do somethng somethng in the past.



Can you read a map?

Coud you read a mp?

Wat sports can you pay?

What sports could you py?


A Tell me about what you thnk your sklls and altes are B Well, I have a good memory 1 remember lots of nformaton, whch s really useful when I'm studyng studyng r my eams A Thats really helpful How about sport? re you good at at t really play sport that well When I was younger younger I B No, not really I 2 3 play admnton admnton a lttle bt but I stopped ecause I found t borng A What sklls do you want to learn? learn? B new Id lke to eat better better at amakn mlttle aknbetter frends When wasstll a chld people all Im now, butI Im qute14 shy Other sklls Id I d lketalk to to mprove on are my cookng sklls sklls In the past 15 cook anythng very well wthout burnng t, t , but Ive been takng cookng classes and I 6 _ _ cook many derent types types of food lke curry rsotto and sweet and sour chcken My next challenge s to learn how to make sush - I love Japanese food!



� L     ll  l.    m   ll  l. Skis and abiities questionnaire T hink about the grammar you wll use, What skis are your bestwant skistoand skis abiities? 21 What do you earn? inluding can/ can't I could I uldn't. 3 What skis and abiities did you have when you were younger? 4 What skis and abiities did you NOT have when you were younger?  Y    p   ll  l,        Exc 9 B  p p  m pp   cl   m  Try to add more nformation nformat ion about your answer and don't give short answers. You can give reasons or examples Use because for reasons and fr example/ like fo examples

 N  mll p       Exc 9 A  p     '  Questions

1 What are our best skis and abiities? abiities? 2 What skis do you want to earn? 3 What skis and abiities did ou have when ou were younger? 4 What sis did did ou NOT have when you were younger?  VOCABULARY WORK EXPERENCE

Mc  mm j   x  p 1-5

Student 1


 ifeguard saes assistant sorts oah video gae designer heing edery eoe




facu al text about abou t summer jobs. Then, in pairs, answer the questions � Read the introduction to a facual UMMER JOBS


Heen Green is a careers advisor who works with teenagers and young aduts. In this artice, she exains how young eoe can use their summer hoidays to get some work exerience 1 What do yo thi think nk a ca career reer advisor does? 2 What wi she do in this artice?

 Now, take two minutes only to read the artcle once quickly Then, answer the questions   i i  fr n ppl    r jb r   r r   n rn rn p f r r jb  ln rn r b b

Reading the ext quickly (or 'skmmng the tet) wll wll help you to undestand the man deas.



Can yo ay oota, asketa or tennis Are you god at teaching eoe new skis? Then this coud e the o or you Working as a sorts coach aows you to send ime outside, outside , ay the sorts you ove and get aid r it! It i give you us u seu exerience o working with young eoe which is idea i you are thinking o doing a teaching corse in the utre


· Woking ith edey eoe is a eay goo ay o he he ing othes whie giving something ack to the comnity Yo i he edey eoe who can't go to the semaket so having a ca od e very se se.. oeve oeve i yo don't thee ae a ot o othe things that yo can do Yo can he them se comutes cean thei homes do the gdening and simy e thee to kee them comany. otct yo oca cae home to ind ot aot ootnities o smme  

. I  


How about working in a designr clothes store during your summeof There of opportunities to us a  variety oholiday? f skills. You canare useplenty your ashion knowledge to help people choose the ight outfit or use your knowledge of technology to show people how the latest designer smart  watch works w orks This type ty pe of job is often of ten very ver y sociable soci able as sales assistants will need to speak to customers and with other members of staff. It is a good opportunity to work as part of a team

BE  IFGUAD T YO LCL MMN POOL

Being a lifeguad is an excellent choie if you  want to become moe confident and deelop you decision-making skills  get a jo as a lifeguad, you need to take a swimming test and get a cetificate You also need to do a shot taining couse n the summe mnths, local simming pools ae often busie and are open f longe so thee will be a lot of lifeguad jobs aailable, but you might hae to ok long hous on some days of the eek

LEN TO BE  DIGIA DSI

Ae you interested in computers and learning how to design computer games? You probably  won't be able to find a job in i n an I compan but many of them have training pogrammes r young people during the summer holidays whee they can lean a wide range of IT skills  This is a great choice for anyone who is thinking of studying a computeelated course at university  These couses and an d jobs j obs are very v ery popular these days so it will definitely be useful to get some eperience!


T hen, read the Exam strategy box about answering � First, read the question. Then, True I False I Not Given questions 1 Hl G k _  c cll f g ppl  f   j A  B l  N Gv Answer: C (S     c  ll) Exam trat answerin Tue Tue Fase or oen oen ueston 1 R     v cfll 2 Hglg  k     Helen Green thinks that it i t is dicult r young people to find a summer job.

3   pgp      f    etting a summer ob   j ll gv   cc     g  k pc    ll  l  kll M  k   ll  cl  f   c  ' v  c pc pc   l Hv    c  ll 4 Sc   f  k   glg     Wc  f       g)  g young people = teenagers 5 U   g f  c       Tu Fase  otien th e artie in Exerise 14 again and use the exam strategies in Exerise 15  ow, read the to answer the questions hoose the orret answe answe,, A, B or . 1 Yg ppl l gv pl f    c  A True  otien otien B Fase 2 Sp cc    ccp p  g p v  c c   A True B Fase  ot otien ien 3 Y   v  c  g  j j kg  l p ppl pl A Trueppl  kBFase  c otien otien 4 Yg g cl  lp c c     A True B Fase  otien

If the exact informatio in the statement is not metioed in the text about the statemet, then the answer is N Gv.

5 Sl   g f  l lk      k  otien otien B False A True 6 Y l   g  cfc  g  j   lfg lfg  A True B Fase  otien otien 7 I   lfg    k   vg    k A True B Fase  otien 8   c    g ppl     A True B Fase  otien otien



 n pairs, [ Read an email you received with an advertisement about summer jobs n read the task and discuss what you could write in your email f or one of our summer jobs, l in an application applicat ion form with wi th If u are interested in applying for  your details and whichjob you want to do and send it  me Simon Stone summerjob summer job co-ordinato

I    : : •          . •           •     '          W     6080  t o the summer jobs advertisement � Now, look at a students email replying to hat job does she want to do?

D S                           - E         S  A                f x          T L Now, read auras email again in ercise  ercise 1 n the table, tic tick k the eatures she uses in er email Feature

                                                    ony              


c hoose any of the summer jobs � Now, you will write an email to Simon Stone You can choose from Exercise 14. In your email, you should: •   gg gg     p g - -  p        p p pgp     p p    •          (6080) (6080) •• k k g pk      DO NOT       g  k     g g can/ can't/ could I couldn't.

 Write your email from Exerse 17, relyin to Simon Stone co mare your emails from Exercise Ex ercise 21 Comlete Com lete the table and ive advice to  In airs, comare each other about how you can imrove your emails Feature H/    /    H/   k /  H/   k / '         H/   g   / /     gg       / /  H/    p g H/ only k       H/        



� Match the two halves of the sentence. 1 J wrks my urs, bu e des' mid beuse e  u er Spis ery quiky is yer yer I ik i is beuse se 3 I e impred   I g p mrks r my essy bu jus  yer g I 4 im's resus re rey impressie d e did' ee sudy  mu He i's impr  yu d' 5 I e jb ieriew i's rge yig e wi beme  e I ik He 76 Sdr is ery ppur de sdy s my rieds I's diiu  eiee e iee  se 8 I kw i is simpe bu I eed  use my ur beuse I 9 Jsep is rey gd  b, eis d bskeb 10 Luy is e e I i se is s Se

A  k my yp ypes es  d B ud redy spek w er guges C ' udersd ms ery esiy D ud' ee k  ew ew peple easly  ew ms g E  yu remember    irmi? F  iis ery  ridys ridys G ud' ee wrie ery wel  ud e py spr we we e ws  id  ' red mps ery we   jus d ery we ii exms

 Colete the sentences sn the coect o of the ves  the o ge er(x2} e pss sr (x2} i ke(x2} iis sudy  I _______ my driig es s m Nw, I drie  s eery dy uiersiy  y der siser siser is _______ w We se

se ws  be  miy mi y wyer wyer 3 I ik  i is diiu r yug pepe  _______ _______  gd wiu experiee 4 y er ______ me w  k we I ws  id 5 I did' _______ w  py  musi isrume we I ws w s yuger pi esss bu ey re ery expesie I wud ike  i gi 6 y sudes e exm Tey wi ex m 7I my mpuer urse s wee I w  _   desig desig 8 w y ried is  my w websie er ew jb mrrw Se ees  bi erus


� Match the jobs in the box with the pictures. chef


shop assistant






th e missing infrmation infrmatio n in the jobs advertisement using the words in the box  Complete the experience long hours

friendly and helpful sports sports,, art or music energy speak another language hard-working weekend

Waiter/Waitress needed for popular Italian restaurant You do not need to have

�������� of working i a restaurant but you should be 2    an will appy to wor n a team. You work 3 especially at the weekends when we are very busy

Receptionist for busy city hotel, who can (French German or Spanish) 4 You should be 5 to guests and tell them any iformation that they need about tourist attractions local restaurants and trasport in the city

to teach chldre 6 Summer amp Leaders at a summer camp You should have a lot of 7 because you will spend all day with the children. You will need to work weekdays and at the 8 , but you will have one day o each week


� Complet the sentences with the prepositin, in I on/ a 1 My b b  kg a a fguad ____ _____ ___  g  uvy. 2 My u ud ug ug 3 I ud' k  k a aua  k  ud b  fu 45 I  kg Mday   aydayaua  My fd a  b a f 6 I a k ydy  I dd a  a a  TV v k 7 I uuy uuy f  cteories with the correct wors rom the ox  Complete the cteories a  b  f gu a d  a   ag   aa Restaurant



@ Re he conerston  nerline the corret option A 1 Yo n/ Y cnt Cn o o ay ? B  2  cn  cnt/ cn  y akba akba   yu gd a ? A N ay 3  cn/ c n/  cnt/ cn  ay ay  bu   ag   TV B H ay aguag 4 o cn o ct/ cn  ak? A F 5  n/  nt/ cn  a Eg a  ad Ta

 Cmplete he senenes sin c I c't I culd/ culdt.  I   a   g         I  '    ay 

2 I g a bad a  y a My M y b  a I _______ b a b a g 3 I a vu a ya  y  a a   I dd ay bady   y a a u u  dd d ug    udad  bj vy    Re he emil n ci i th s o c/ ct/ culd/ cut i corect  or rec X Crrect the mistes Da S  d   fgua jb  u cola   2 Ifcolt  ad   a a dvy u I a   a  3 cn  fa  I a  qu abu  uad y ad a ya 4 Ty ol a    ay? 5  cn   k  a a gd  f f  j Tak Pab 1 _ _ 2 _ _    -




� Look at the ptures. In pairs, ask and answer the quesions • W    y ly? ly? • H  y l   y y?? • A   y cv cv y jy/ ' ' jy g? g? Wy/   ?

 You are oin to sten to Pat 1 of  onesaion on esaion betwen hree fiends, Samantha, Tom and Saah The firs oie  ou ou wi hear is Samantha Listen to he frst pat of he onersaion and aswer the questins. 14

1  Where ere  doe doess Tom Tom pla  plan n to to g  go? o? _        

2         __ __ __


� Now, listen to Part 2 of th conversation Find and underline the key words in each th e person, Samantha, Tom or Sarah, who gave the opinion = . opinion Then, tick  the Example:J Example: J      =:  =:



1 Joining the gym is too expenive.



2 Running is a boring way to exercie 3 It i more fun to execie with with other people 4 t i better better to exercie outdoor 5 It i a good idea to pay for a peronal traer 6 It i important to follow a healthy diet


activ ity words in the box with the pictures  Match the activity play tenni go cycling watch TV play baketball drink water enjoy art and muic eat fruit and vegetable get enough leep


Identify key wors wor s in each sentence. The sentences are listed liste d in the same order as n the conversation in the Listening

 1In pairs, andofdiscuss the fllowing questions Do youread do any thee activitie in Exercise 4? How ofen do you do them? 2 Do you think thee activitie in Exercie 4 are healthy? Why/ Wh Why y not? 3 magine you have ome important exam at school You are working very hard and are feeling quite streed and tired Which of the activitie would be a good go od way to help with tres? Why?

UNIT08 •  


� You are going to read an essay about the importance of exercising while studying fr exams. Take two minutes to scan the essay very quickly Which of the activities from Exercise Exercis e 4 does the essay talk about? Essay question: Students who are studying for

important school schoo l exams should stop sports lessons. Discuss Some parents may thik that while their childre are preparig for important school exams, they shouldn't have sports lessos. This could be because they want them to focus o exam subjects more, like science ad maths For a similar reaso some parets think childre should also stop paiting and music lessos i the fial fia l school term so they can sped more time studying However I disagree with w ith these views, and believe that hildren should contiue to have sports lessos. These lessos help studets studets keep healthy and happy durig the exam period. Firstly schools eed to encourage young people to follow a healthy lifestyle ad get regular exercise Many youg people dot do eough exercise They prefer to sped their free time indoors on their computers or watchig watchi g TV than goig to the park ad playing teni tenis s or going cycling Many people today are overweight ad have health problems. Tere is a lot of informatio about eating healthily, but people oen forget that regular exercise is equally important Secondly, exercise helps us feel less stressed ad tired t also improves memory ad helps us thik clearly When studets are studyig for exams its a good idea i dea to take regular breaks ad do something something active for

The skils of skimming and scanning are mportant when reading a text First skim a text quckly to understand the main idea. Then read the text again at normal speed, scannng ookng for partcuar information and details

20 miutes Exercise also helps us to cocentrate better better on diicult tasks and helps us sleep better at night Doig D oig exercise may eve help studets get better results i their exams I conclusion, I believe that studets who are revising for importat exams should cotiue to have sports essos because regular exercise is good for their body ad mind

 Read the text in Exercise Exercis e 6 again an answer the questions question s 1                ?             ?


@ Now, look at the question and read the exam strategy. 1 T w bv  c w v p  A  p   p  B '   fc   bjc

C   p     Exam state: answein multil-hoie multil-hoie ustion ustionss 1 R    cf 2 H  w     pcc p 1 he writer thinks thatchildren who have important exams A need sports lessons to keep healthy. B don't need to focus on exam subjects more C need to spend more time studying

3 F  pp pp    w   f b    4 H f       pcc p Some parents may think that while their children are preparing r important school they shouldn't have sports This maths could beFor because they want them toexams, cus on exam subjects more more lik elessons. like science and a similar reason some parents think children should also stop painting paint ing and music lessons in the final school term so they can spend more time studying Howeve I disagree disa gree with these views and believe that children should continue to have sports lessons These lessons help students keep healthy and happy during the exam period

5  wc f  w p  cc Answe: us e the exam strategy strategy to answer the multilehoie � ead the essay again and use questions Choose the est otion, A, B or C. 1 T w    pp pf  p  f  AB     b  p

In some Readn ea, )OU will need to answer multiple-choice questions There is only one correct answer option and the other two are distractors distractors Read the question and answer options then read the text again to find which answer opton matches the information in the text exactly

C  f f  cp cp 2 T w   c f  pp  A  p     p    B j a p C  p    T w w bv   c c  p pp p f A  cv B   C       4 T w   c c  AB bf bf  u b   w c c   v C w p   b  



� Read the statements using should and shouldn't/ should not. Then, underline the correct option in sentences 1-3. C v   C shouldn't should v     x bj y     C should not      1  w k    good/ ad  f    v    2  w ants/ doesn't ant   v     x bj 3  w v f f    to go/ not to go       Read the Grammar o and chec our ansers. shuld W  should w w w  w :

shouldn't I should not

W  shouldnt should not w w w  w :

• w   w            •   w  w w     b  b     • w w w  v v v     • w w  v v    Should  shouldnt should not   vb   v       W   vb   v      make f should  shouldnt should not W   should  q     v Should cire ave pr e i c? Cre  ave pr e i c?

N   w :

 Read the sentences and underline the correct ansers. 1 Y should/ shouldn't   f   vb I  y  f y  2 D w V  y Y should/ should/ shouldn't y w     y 3 W should/ shouldn't   y w   y f x


4 I  w should I shouldn't   bw v  0  vy  5 My f should/ shouldn't   y     y    

 ou are going to descrie a picture First loo at the picture and rea the sentences Then, put the sentences A- in the correct order Eample A I k  by should should    b       b  H shouln't I     f   should shou ld y     B I   by        I k k   by      w w  by   b b             b


pictures and read the instructions. � Now, look at the pictures You should:

When you are describing a picture, you can use these words and phrases phrases

• talk generally generally about what what you can see. see.  give specific specific details about the the pictures pictures   • 

When starting a sentence: This picture shows . , In this picture, I can see  , There is I are 

give yur yur opinion opinion ad reason reasons s use words ad language language related related to health health givee advice giv advice usin using g should I shoudn't. talk tal k for for 1-2 minute minutes s

Being more specific It looks like . . I think+ present continuous  For exaple, I think the boy is playing Giving YOur opinion and reason: I think  because becau se   He/ She/ It/ They should  shouldn't 


 Match the ways to relax in the box with the pictures drik tea

do yoga

go or a walk

do exercise

read a book



Lis ten � You are going to listen to five people talk about their favourite way to relax. Listen and match the speakers with the activities from Exercise Exercis e 15 ·= 16


1 J



2 Elena





choo se the correct answer, A, B or C  Listen again and choose 1 Jim hinks ha people who feel sad shouldn't A forget about their poblems. B read a funny book C read a sad book 2 Elena thinks that if you wan o do yoga, you should A do it a your own home home


B fnd the right teache. C not pay los of money 3 ccording to Kate a common common reason for no doing regular exercise is A i takes oo much time B i is oo expensive

4 How much ime does Mike usually spend outside on his lunch break? A 0 minutes B 0 minutes C 60 minues 5 Which does does Mark do to help him relax? A He drinks some green tea

Look carefully at the first part of the queston. The speaker may may menton ment on detas that are simlar to all three answer optons, but only one opton matches the nformaton exactly.

B He has a cup of tea befoe e C He ries o ge enough sleep

  \\ mae a peson e



Read the

rammar box. hen, read the sentences and underne the correct answer answer have to

don't have to

W    W     • f f l l   l l •      i  i i     i    lig ligi i   •   •     i     lig ligi i ig Don't have to g  doesn't have to f he/ she/ it. Have to g  as to f he/ she/  W    i  ifiii f   do  make   /   . W     i qi  k if    i     ligi   ig Do you have to wear school uniform?

1 W have to/ dont have to i  l   I  f  l l l   l f  k  il  k   have to/ dont have to   g 3 You have to I o you have to pl p  l? 4  i g  l    have to/ has to g      5 W dont have to I doesnt have to  lgg     i RTNG: AN EMAL TO A FREND GVNG ADVCE ans wer the ueston � oo at the tas and read the ema. hen, answer  fi li   k  f f   g l  f l  pl   il •

• < >

To: Alice From Heen

Hi Alice, I think thi nk its a good idea to play tennis tennis or basketball Playing sport is a good way to stay healthy.  don't think you should play computer games games all day. You should make sure you get enough sleep every night, between seven and 10 hours You dont have to studyy fr hours stud hour s and should shoul d try to take egular breaks You should shoul d eat lots of frut fru t and vegetables vegetables and get lots of regular exercise Being healthy gives you more energy and makes you feel good From Helen

1 W i  l    g ?  Use the nrmaton you earnt n ths unt to wrte an ema n rey to your rend ce n you ema, you shoud •   ii ii l l     l l • il il p f  l l iii iii     l l     i ip ip   l •  l l  l l  l              • i i 80-00 80-00    n ars, comare your emas. hat vocabuary and rammar does your artner use ow can you mrove your artners ema


( Match the dierent sporting activities in the box with the pictures. play basketball do yoga play tennis go for a walk

do exercise go cycling

. sentenc es using the correct form of the verbs in the box � Complete the sentences get(x3)








1 It can be expensive to ______ ______ a gym, but they ofen have have a lot of modern equipment. 2 It is very v ery important i mportant to   plenty of water whenever you  _ exe exercise  I   lots of fruit and vegetables vegetables and _____ _____ yoga twice a week 4 I like to running in the park so I can ______ ______ some fresh air when I exercise a personal trainer train er to   5 It is a good idea to advice about living healthily 6 I tennis three times a week and ______ ______  for walks in the park 7 It is important to _ lots of sleep every night green tea it can help you relax 8 When you 9 Many young people _____ a sport or do exercise at school school



Read the dialogues and decide if the sentences are correct  or incorrect,. Then correct the mistakes 1 A What you should eat to be healthy? B It is important to e lots of fruit and vegetbles.

o _ _ 

2 A Is it important tto o exercise? exercise for at lest 50 minutes  week B Yes, you should exercise

D--- 3 A Is it a good idea to play computer games for mny hours? B No you should ply on your computer for so long

    

4 A Do you hae any other adice about being healthy? B I thin you should find ways to relax

    

 A What is the best way to relax? doing yoga I think you shouldn't shouldn't try it B I like doing

o _ _ 

� Complete the coversatio using should/ shouldn't/ should not and a verb i the box

I 

 y  w 

A Did you see that programme last night about how to stay helthy? I learnt so much B Really? I didn't see it Did you tthink hink it ws interes interesting? ting? A Yes, it had lots of useful suggestions Do you know we 1 five glsses of water a day? I never normally have tht much b but ut I'l I'lll try from now on B That's a good idea I alwys think I 2 more sleep Did it mention anything about sleep? A Yes, it said we should sleep for t least eight hours However its not lways possible

B I only sleep for about seven hours so I think I should go to bed earlier A Yes, it will give you more ene energy rgy The other thing it wrned gainst was wtching too much TV It said we 3 more than two to three hours a dy B Did it mention what activities are good fr you? sport t school if you like l ike it A Well, any exer exercise cise is good You 4 a bicycle or walk to school instead of going by bus If not, you  or car c ar B What bout food? Did it give ny dvice bout healthy eting? A Yes, and I think this was the most important piece of advice We fast ood moe than once  week and make sure we eat at 6 least five pieces of fruit and a nd egetables a day



� Read the sentences and undern the correct answer 1 W have to/ to/ don't have to w p l ig p l wi wi  w  k p. 2 Y have to J don't have to p  wmmig   b  lifg   wmmg pl. 3 Y have have to J don't have to b f   yg b y  y i 4 Y have to J don't have to p  l f my m y  y ly. Y  g ig i  pk f f 5  have to/ don't have to w pll  w w ply fbll Ow,   iil  . 6 Y have to J don't have to j  gym  k x l, b y  l f mmb. 7 Pfil p p  ply have to/ don't have to pi f  l    y. 8 Y have to J don't have to b g  p p   y f, b gl pyil iy  g  y.  Coete the tets usng has to I have to I doesn't have to I dont have to. 1 A l,   m w l. T m imp  i  w _    mbl p bf  l. Hw, lik m l, w w l ifm y y.   w  w l 2 A iiy,     m  l l w im y w Ty  m i l y mig I  i i Hw,  iy i y   pil l b  w     ll. If y    mil    gig  b l y  should ld I shouldnt/ should should not not  Coete the daogue usng shou  I jy plyig plyi g i b b I w  imp. W 1 _ I ?


B  My y i  y 2 _ _ p  m  pibl. Hw H w f ply?  Tw  wk   mm. I  g?  m  I  ik i pibl B N, I gg y 3  mp if y  ply m.  I kw 4   y w I  pi. D y ik I   ply y y ? I i lly y? B Myb  y y, b y 5  ply w  wk -   g. T my i. Al, i i   g i  g lp fm m w w   y. I k y 6   l.  atch the two haves o the sentences 1 I   g i  py 2 Jiig  gm 3 I i m f f w y g 4 I  mp  fllw fllw 5 I hk  b   6 g i 

 g wy  kp f. f. B  ly i. C f  pl i.  ig w  ppl ppl E  b xpi. F yg  g    gym




Look at the pictures. Match the ways of learning English in the box with the pictures d      m   d   v  d  d mz

              v    m   d

In pairs, iscuss which ways of learning English fro Exercise 1 work best r you an why



ead the sentences and underne the correct answers.

231 W   yyp ppliymfppl   j, y  ik iff?    mmi about/b lk or/ or/to/ bto/ to/w th/b mil fi T pi ii? or/ about/ ito/ bwy 4  p  l l y fi  l y  Wv  vi  i  y m y l  y    about/wwthh//r m about/ 5  k g f  lgg  l  vi wthh/or/ /or/toto m the·sentence sentence haes � Match the· 1 W i  mi lgg gg    lp i lgg lig? 2  y p pff  mmi   i y fi? 3 H f  y lk  y pk pk i y  y?y? 4 W  y lly    ppl   i?  rys asiandk i g pp m 5n a pse 4 y mi mil? answer the e questonsnyxerc xerc I GRAAR:  FOR FUURE PLANS   oete the ans usn a erb nn the box.  l m  y vi ll 1 'm gig  _ my fi   im ig 2 Hmgimvig g    kmy i   mp i  GOINt

3 Wv   y pp ______  fiv  p   y  mylf m gig  ______ 4 m gig  __ i  liy i mig 5 m gig   mil  my gli fi   k k  n ars dscuss the ans n xercse 5 and answer the questons. 1 H   k k  i i lkig  f pl? 2 Wi v f im   i  i   ??

We use adverbs of time, sch as next week tomorrow and later when we know the exact time of the action. We don't need to use them if we are making a general statement about a futre pan p an or the plan is only a possibility Aderbs of tme sua go at the end of the sentence


Read th Grammar box and check your answrs to Exercise 6.


Prs coninuous going o for fuur pans W      t : e soo abou a pan

I v t b

 I W

am ar

ask somone

(t)  t


  t t  t

lar fv w phrss. talk abut schl

abou a pa.

v t b


  t


Ar Is

 yu h

  t   t

mv t Caada? vd call hs cus c us atr?

as quesios ih i h qusio words -   


  What Whr 09


v t b


  t

ar s

 yu h

  t   t



! d at th wkd? I l

  t uvrsty?


Rad he sentences and decid whether they are correct corre ct or incorrct X. Correct the mistakes 1 W   8,  gg gg     UK D 2 A  gg   g   ? D 3 '  gg        - '  g D 4 S  gg         D

5 Y  gg       g       ? D 6 W   gg  h         ' ? [ n pairs tak about your you r future pans. Discuss what you are oi o do and when.



In everyday speech, people may pronounce going to as gonna. Generaly gonna is acceptable in informal spoken anguage BUT you shouldn't ever use gonna in orma or written Englsh.

ou are oin to hear twooin sudents aanua nd Oierproject. a an internationa coe and coe discussi what they are to doofia for aand Read th questions isten to their conersation Then Th en decide whehr thse sentences are True or Fle.


1    00           gg 2        b    3       gg

True/ Fase True/ Fase True I Fase UNIT09


Listen again and complete the table with the correct information. Then, Then , answer the question 17




Room where they work

Miss Wainwright


Miss Smith


Mr Black


Where is Peter going to next? A The library.  The maths lassroom. C The afe


You are going to talk for one to t o two minutes about a topic First, read the task and make notes about what you could say Desribe a language that you are studying, other than your first language You should say: • what the la langu nguage age is is • how w well ell you know th the e lang language uage • how long you are going to stud studyy the lang language uage ffr r ow expain why you yo u are learning this language

th e task Ask and answer fllow-up questions about the topic � In pairs, do the




In some speaking exams, you w be asked to talk about a topc The topc s a persona experence. You w be gven one minute to pepae you tak and make notes ou an use you notes n the tak to hep you

 Complete the collocations with the correct verb, A, B or C. a onversation A speak 2 _ an adantage A make 3  your skills A hae 4 an eort A make 5 some work A pratise 6 fun 1





C do






C take



C hold

hod A collocation is a word or a phras e ha sounds aral aral ad corec whe i is sed wih aoher word or phrase. Collocaios are no par of grammar b hey ake se o grammar We prefer o say:


Before y holiday, I'm goig o have exra Eglish lessons (NOT ake exra glish lessons) Can yo ake cae of yor roher his



C have

A get



C speak

 a language

afernoon? (NOT have care) Im goig o have a cp of ea (OT ake a p of ea)

someone's advie

A 



A get




take  time (to do something) A have B pratise _ progress A  B make B

C speak C





� You are going to read an article about a teenager who has a special skill. Skim the article once quickly and answer the questions 1 Who is Rchard Doner? 2 What s specal about hm?

I Today, over 50% of the world's total populaton can speak more than one language. Maybe you are one of these people who can communcate communcate n many languages However, t may be bDoner, e unlkely you can speak more than Rchard an that  Amercan teenager teenager who can hold a conversa conversaton ton n over twenty languages

B Rchard lves n New York. It s a cty where ther are people from hundreds of derent countres There are around 80 languages spokn n New York schools Ths s why Rchard beleves that New York York s the perfect perf ect cty fr hm I can dscuss many derent topcs wth people from all over the world and I dont even eve n need to travel to another country, Rchard says

 He also beleves that when you learn a language you dont only learn words or phrases A language helps you begn to learn more about the people and ther cultures -ther deas, ther ood what s mportant mpor tant to them and so on.

 Rchard s very popular all over the world There are lots of vdeos onlne onlne of hm practs practsng ng hs

Can he see a dsadvantage? You can never rest  You have to contnuously practse and put n lots of eort all the tme to be able to remember the languages I beleve that f your bran doesnt do any work you can frget what you know know I dont have tme to speak all of my languages every day so f I want to get better f I want to make progress the mportant mp ortant thng s that I speak each one as oen as I can If I f I dont I start to forget the phrases and words that I know'

skls n a wde range of languages such as Arabc Mandarn German and even Swahl -a language that s common n West Afrca

 The most mportant mportan t thng for Rchard s to hav fun when he learns a language Learnng s easer f you can make t nterest nterestng ng for yourself he explans Also take your tme -you have to learn at a speed that works for you' I dont thnk thnk many would dsagree wth hm!

Read the first three paragraphs again and underline the correct words to summarise the main ideas 1 Rchard Doner s very ve ry specal because he can speak more/ less/ most languages than more/ most of/ most people lots of opportuntes to practse 2 Rchard s very lucky as he has many/ any/ lots 3

hs language sklls Rchard practses speakng s peakng each language all the time/ regularly I every day to mprove

Most paragraphs have one main idea. This helps hel ps the reader to understand understa nd what the the writer wants to say When you read a paragraph, it is always a good idea to think about what the main idea is and try to summarise it n fewer wods



paragraphs 4 5 and 6 in Exercise 16 again and summarise the main ideas � Now, read paragraphs in one sentence 1 --------------� 2 � 3   



Read paragraph 2 rom the artice in Exercise 16 again.  lv   Yk II    y    l f  f f  T   80 l k k   Yk l T  y  blv   Yk     f y   'I   y    l f ll l l v  l  I  v   vl   y y  artic e in Exercise 16 hen, hen , compete the sentences  Read some sentences aout the artice using NO MORE HAN words 1 I  Yk Cy yHREE  f l f  l l b f _ _  {Paragraph 1) Q : I    Yk Cy y  f l f  l b f   l  I   y      l f  f    Answer   2 If    lk  l f f      y  vl  {Paragraph 2) 3  b l  k    b    

In some exam: exam: questions, you wi be asked to comp'ete a sentence using no more than three words. You need to paraprase the original sentece from the artice and write ony the set number of words Remeber you wi ose mark for for writing more �han the specified nuber of words

4 If(Paragraph y k 3)l l  y     b  l    {Paragraph 4} 5 Sl   l l  _ _   (Paragraph 5) 6 W  l  l l   blly blly y y f       (Paragraph (Paragraph 6)



n pairs or sma grops, discuss the qestions 1 W y f f f  y f f   y? 2 D y f     y   y   ? ? Wy?  cod n ouranswer pairs orthegrops pairs read the essa qestion hen, mae notes notes aot ho o question What are the advantages and disadvantages disadvantages of using an online dictionary in a language cass?

Exampe              



ess ay. Organise the par parts ts in the correct order � Read the names of fur parts of an essay. A P (v) B Cl D I P (v} (v} abo ut the  Read a student's essay answering the question in Exercise 22 Dont worry about gaps r now M    l l   l  l  l     l I  , 1   v  v         , Firsty,     2     kl  l     l l  T      l         ll   Furthermore, Furtherm ore,       v    lk             v      3On the other hand,   k,  ,         v       k,     I     5  l kll     v Additionay,   v l      k     6    lk 7     j l l l   I       l,   8   o sum up,  l l    l   Howee,   ,  l l  l          I    l l   lv  Read the student's essay again in Exercise 24 and choose the best answe A B or 

2 A    3 A v 4 A lk 5 A  6 A   A  8 A 

B  k  B  B  B  B  B  B k

  k   k  k  k      v

to organise ideas  Now oo at the words in bod in the essay that the student uses to - ompete the tabe using the words or phrases in bod         : :                    

 2 3

   

4 5

 l

6 UNIT09


�   :        /nr mation  r ro  m this unit to wr ite an essa y y  about a topic. The topic o f  f yo  your   hat ar e t t    e ad v va  nta ge  ge  s s and  d  is isaad vv a  nt  g gee  s s of :  ha  of t t ak i n g g  EE n  g gli li  s     le  ss  ss  onon s s  w  t t      c c la s la s  ss  ma mat e s s  m  t   e sa  m  sa m  mee c c o ou  unt r r y y ?  ?    y coluear  r e sinsta y, yr o, yo  dyuocut isohno aunldd  icnocnlucdlues ion, and main par ag rr a  phs disc •I na yo • wor ds and phr ases to or g g a   nise ideas. • adv antag es and disadv antag es Y ou should wr ite 220- 250 wor ds

interested terested in learning English. Some students Many students are in can go to English En glish speaking countries and learn with other students from all over the world. Most students though study study in in their own country and have to learn with people who have the same first language as they do I would like to discuss the advantages and an d disadvantages of this Firstly, if a student doesn't know the meaning of a word or understand the teacher they can ask o ne of their clas classmat smates es for help Secondly the teacher will understand what problems problems the class have with learning English and be able to help them with the things that they find fi nd most diicult On the other hand if a student is shy or just lazy they can speak their own language in the lesson all of the time and not communicate in English If they ask their friends for help too ofen they wont improve impr ove their skills. T sum up; it can be helpful for students if they can get help from

ussing  the topic


friends who speak the same language as they do If the whole class speaks the same first language he h e or she can help them with diicult grammar and vocabulary However if a student is in a class where everybody has the same first language they have to be very motivated moti vated to be successful.



UNIT /09

@ Complete the sentences using a preposition or adverb. Not all sentences need a preposition or adverb 1 I usually communicate email with my lecturer at university. someone 2 If you are having a diicult time, it is best to talk 3 You must be able to hold a conversation ______ someone to pass the exam 4 You can't take the course, unless you speak _______ English really well 5 Have you go gott any free time? I want to have a chat something 6 You can go to the careers oice to have a chat someone about jobs 7 Do you want to discuss ______ a topic for the project?

� Match the sentence halves 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I'm going to study I'm going ttoo talk I'm going to use I'm going to listen I'm going to keep I'm ggoing oing to watch I'm going to read I'm going to write

A to songs in English B with a eacher in a classroom C newspapers and magazines  to people whose first anguage is English  emails to my friends F a vocabulary notebook G online videos  a dictionary

question s using the positive, negative or question frm  Complete the sentences and questions of going to for future plans and th thee verbs in brackets -�(+ -�(+/ /buy) a paper dictionary as I can't ca n't use an online dictionary _______ ( /worry) about my English test tomorrow It is only a ______ (?/you/learn) some rench before your holiday in Paris? _______ (+/try) my hardest to improve my vocabulary over the next  ______ (?I you/ you/meet) meet) them outside the library?

______ ( I she/ she/live) live) in campus accommodation when she goes



� Write quesions using going to fr futre plans and the words beow. O  I   I  I  c I? Wat are you going to do af lnch?


I'm   cyc m   m E E  k  I   I  I   jc  ?

Py P,    y  m  k  Im   k A A 2 /  / y/   m I? T    k   y  I     3      mv  y  k I? P c    m  4  I   /c y   mv     c? c ? 5

 I  k  k  x y/?  x  y My  I I  v

I m   k  my  cmy     Coplete the onrsaton usin he words n the bo m v k vc    k Susn My  y         xm      mk  ______ mk ______  George       H v  y 2  _ _

    k  H y  Susan I    m m m   v 4      y eorge I   I  m   k   5        k Suan  c m  E   k    c   y    Geoge        c  k 6      Susa E I m c  mk y 7  y  k c y    E c! George H     8 My    c c m  y m  Coplete the paaphrased sentnes of the onersation in rie 5 Write ON nd R words onl. 1      y c  c  v         2 H    k     _ 3           mc     4   '     k              v   5  k    y k k   m c   6    v          c  


Complete the table using the second part of the collocations in the box.  k        y         wk mae tae

he sentences and underline the correct anser 1 I    y I am going to tae/ am taing/ am a m going to mae  wk 2 L    S k  too/ made/ maes y k     y y tae maes/ maes/ is maing   y I wymae/ amH taing/ taes/   w I     43 R y  g k   y 5 W y maes/ is maing/ made    y ' wy  doing/ taing/ maing k ' Read

pa ragraph � earrange the lining ords and phrases in the correct place in the paragraph I   k   j I    1 To sum up,  w   j  I wk w y  P W     w y    k      2 firstl w  v v  E  I k      j  w y  wk  3 oeer P    vy    w        w q y    4 Furthermore w   y  v  M S     S  w 

 y         v      y   y            ! 5 Additionall   1



3 ______ ______

5 _ _

 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the erbs in the box v ()    y 1 I  kw w vy  y  My   I ______  ______·     w 2    W _______   w  v   y 3 y kw __ _____  ___   wk - I  w w  v  y  y y 4 I  kw y w y  y I y v   5 O E  wy     v w      w    k   6I   w y   w    k  k







Match the technology words in the box with the pictures k m    

m  m TV m 

In pairs, discuss when you use the types of technoogy in Exercise 1 As and answer the questions. W ()    : •     ?? •       ? ? seard',ng ,ng the ter teret? et? • seard'




Read the sentences and underne the correct spengs 1 2 3 4 5

My m crushed/ crashed/ crached  I l my m y mwk. mwk. Y   shout don I shot don/ shut don do n y l w y fii i i. T  m xll epstes/ebstes/ /ebstes/ebsdes ebsdes   l  l y  y. I w  devces/advc advces/ es/dvses -  m,  l   l. T m     ll    m neta/ neta / neto/ neto/ netor

It is important that you spe words correctly n exams, otherwise you will lose marks.

Copete the sentences usng the correct ords n the bo m 1 2 3 4 5 05





If y ' kw w  y  mil,  i i'   i    _ _ I f  mi fm  i i Y  film li  fw m f y     im Y l   f y fil    y ' l m T cloud i  m f  l   i w y  _ _

ou are gong to read an artce about the nternet S the artce once quc What s the best tte r the artce A B or C A Nw lm lm   i i B Hw l mmi   i C y l     i

The nternet s stll qute a new development n tehnology, hoeve t s mpossble to thnk about fe thout t t oks n a ver smple  wa. It tkes nrmaton and sends t t rom one computer to another Jt s not a dult job but t s a ve b one hee are huneds o mllons of omputes onneted to the nternet at the sme tme Howeve the don't all do the same thn Some omputers ae lke a dgtal box at stoe nfomaton (lke vdeos o musi fes) tha people see ead or lsten to These stoes of nrmaton ae alled seves and there are three ategoes The fst tpe s a fle seve whh holds ordna douments The seond s a mal serve r senng and ecevng emals he thd s a eb seer  eb pages We kno these severs store normaton but how do people fnd ths nformaton o send t to eah other? Fo ths ou need a lent

A lent s a ompute that et nomaton rom a see and delves t to anothe ompute When ou go onlne on ou smatphone ou ae usn t as a lent When two omputes on the ntenet ehane nomaton the ae known as pees � Pee-topee (P2P) ommunaton  when ou send someone a photo on ou matphone When that peson sees ths photo ou smatphone s wokn as the eve t stoe the photo and the othe pesons deve  the lent whh seahes o ou nomaton t then dsplas the photo on the othe pesons seen



� Read the article agan in Exercise 5. Then, look at the nformatio from the article and complete the paraphraed paraphraed sentences using ONE to THREE words. @ Exampl:  Paragraph 1 It takes inrmation and sends it om one computer to anothe It is not a dicultjob, but it is a very ve ry big one.           Q 1 Paragraph 1 There are hundreds of millions of computers connected to the inteet  at the same time. Howeve they don't all do the same thing thing

A         _ _     2 Pagaph 2 The second is a mail server for sending and receivig emails Y    v  v 3 Paragraph 3: A client is a computer that gets inrmation om a server and  delive it to t o another compute

 

       v

When you go online on your smartphone, you are using it as a client.

In ome exam quetion, you will need to complete a sentence uing one to three word. The entence youinformation need to complete rewrite the from the text i n dierent word Thi i called paraphraing Paraphran i reading omething thinking about it meaning and putting it in you own word

araphran  mprtant a u w nd t undrtand t n Radn Ltnn Span and Wrtn am

4 Paragraph 3: b    y   ______ Y  5 Paragraph 4: When that peon sees this photo your smartphone  working as the

 serve It stores the photo and the other person's device is the client which search searches es for  your information information

     by

  v v    

060 MINI TIP h pp ppt f dfut i a Th ntn u drnt wrd ut th man th am 061 MINI TIP What  th ppt  th 'am?

 ou are going to t o lsten o a short lecture aout smartphone  Befre ou listen look t the diagram diagram Reorder the letters n

rackets to complete the t he parts of a smartphone 2 1 y b   b 6  4  3    a smrhne smrhn e     (SL I A    (W /    )  U   


Ren fr ese ars   _         3

 _   

082 MIN TP Yu nd 08 thr wrd hr t a th f th thn t d 08.2 MINI I

Yu nd

t  aru wth pn Yu w t th th  anwr wrn f u p th wrd nrrt

    _      5   

4 m

      C  )     W A 6  {

   


with � Now, listen to Part 1 of the lecture. Complete the second column in the table with reasons why a smartphone smartph one has each part using TWO to THREE words. · Listen to Part 2 of the lecture and complete complet e the table. i: Yea % of population with smatphones 19



1 ,







about what he thinks is definite o pobable in the  In Listening 1, the lectue talked about   future. Listen again again to Part 2 in Execise Execise 9 and complete the tables. Peson I Thing Veb (infinitive will, will not I won't  without } 2 3      For positie 1 statements  6         For negatie 4 stateents 


will will not I won't

For questions



Veb (infinitive  without } 9

     ?

Question wod O

Peson I Thing


Peson I Thing

will, will not I wont 11

Veb (infinitive  without } 13



 Read part of a student's end-of-yea school report. Do you think he will be happy  with it

END-OF-YEAR ( SCHOOLREPORT � Michael's result in maths maths improved His scre was % at the start of the  year and  to 82%  the end of the yea. His English gde also   om a C to an A, so this was very good. Hove his science result  by 6%, from 92% to 86%. Tere was also   in his business score (% to 72%). Hopeful these will   again  again next yea


usedd dierent words to � Look again at the school report. Michael's teacher has use describe changes Complete the inrmation in the chart using the words in the school report V (fv)

V ()




a rise





went up



,9 10 ______ ______ 


to go down

7 a decrease

Look again at the inrmation in the table in Exercise 9 Draw a line on the axis below to show the percentage % increase o the population with a smartphone between 2010 and 2025 % of population with smartphones

   +  + t t 90�  80-




 i i  


The vocabulary in be and red is useful when you want to describe changes, especially when numbers get bgger or smaller smaller.. Use a dictionary to check words you are unsure about

20 20







  

































Now read the short description and an d choose the correct answer A B Bor or C T g   w  38%   2    O  1 38% 6%   I       w 4    e        g w 5   86% O A  8 increase C g Answer: 1 A  B  C  2 A  By C   A  B C  4 A   B C g 5 A  Bg C  




� ook at the line graph and use the language in Exercise 12 to describe the way each line in the graph_____ changes. 1 Sm: _____  2 L:   3 Sm : ---- 4 T: -

Percentag of peopl peopl wh own the devices fom 2010 t 2025. 100 90 80

- Smrtphone


- Lpop


- Smart wath -Tablet


40 30 20 10 0 2010




In pairs, copare your answers to Exercise 15. LISTENING 2 AND GRAMMAR

I You are going to listen to a student,  orenzo, answer a question about technology. [ •!M Read the question and listen to orenzo's answers. 20

Descibe a pece of technolog that you would lke to uy n the future.

th e underlined words in tthe he listening script.  ook again at orenzos answers and the hen, atch the underlined words in orenzos answers with the deinitions. 1 m  g  f  v _____  2 T  v     ______ ______  3 T mv  fg fg fm         v _____ _____  4 Av   5 T  f  vi    ______ ______  i




isten again and atch the questions with orenzo's answers. Write 1-4 next to the questions. here are two extra questions.  H    m  f ?  B H m   ? C        fm?  D      ? E        ?  F     ? ?      UNIO




topic as Lorenzo in Exercise 17. � In pairs, you are going to talk about the same topic Choose four of the questions in Exercise 19 that ou could answer Then, complete the sentences Describe a piece of technology that you would like to b in the future.

1 You should say _  2 And you should say _____  3 You als eed to say   4 And o't forget o el me  

sw ap our books with our choice of questions. You are going to  Now, in pairs, swap answer our partner's questions You have two minutes to prepare what ou are going to sa  When ou are read, decide who is going to go first You each have one minute to give our talk about the piece of technolog ou have chosen


 -� �

""   ., ., 





UNIT /10

� R    l  o . 1 My brther / o his fies n his cmputer cmputer but desn't back them up 2 Yu can cnnect a series f cmputers tgether n a / o 3 I prefer t use a lo/ o cmputer as I can wrk frm anywhere anywhere 4 Stp paying games!  o/ C yur cmputer right nw! 5 I dnt ike paying a t f mney fr /  / , but it can cause prbems prbems if yu ny olo/  them fr free  Col     o   ox. stream website device crash attachment backup 1 A set f pages f infrmatin n the internet abut a particuar subject ______ ______ 2 A cpy f the fies frm yur cmputer that yu keep in a dierent pace ______ ______ 3 A machine ike a smartphne that can cnnect t the internet _ _ 4 A fie ike an essay, that yu add t an emai befre sending it ______ ______  5 This happens when yur cmputer suddeny stps wrking ______ ______ 6 Music r vide that yu watch watch n the internet withut dwnading it first first

 Col     o. trave ) arund in the future?  Hw O    (pepe/ trave) B In cars that dnt have anybdy driving  Isnt that dangeus? B N the cars 1 _______ (cmmunicate) with each ther and make sure they a have enugh space n the rad  Thats amazing! B Yes it is There Th ere  ______ (are nt) any crashes ever again 3 (the cars/ abe t) t fy? B Maybe - I can certainy imagine imagine a mi f a car and an aerpane aerpane  And fd - what 4 (pepee I eat)? (pep Simiar meas t the nes we eat tday, but with a t ess meat B Why is that? B We in the th e future, if we want t cntinue t eat as much meat as we d d  nw we s (definitey (defin itey need) mre space fr animas than we actuay have n the panet panet  I see Maybe we cud buid buid farms n the mn? (be) pssibe B Hmmm  Im nt sure that 6  Why nt? Its a great idea! B We hw 7 (the animas/ breathe) breathe) when they are n the mn?


� Look at the graph and read the sentences. Describe which part of this graph does each sentence reer to? There are extra sentences Line A

ao .�� ��  �� ����  ���� ��  ��   � ��  �  �� -

10�-                 _      GO             -



 '   so  

        # #   40   ,  ,                   30     J      ='         J  20    ..r                   0   0



1 2 3    7 8 9










It increased from 0%to to40%. 40%. This rise will continue afer 05 0 5 It decreas decreased ed by 5% It fell by 0% It will finish finish on 65% It went went up from40%to 50% It will fall again afer 00 There will be a rise of 55% 5 5% It went down by 5%





1 There was an increase increase of 5%

Complete the description descripti on of the changes to Line B in the graph using the words in the box fall




Afer it 1




in  00, line B  up by another  0% between 00 and 05. This was its highest point . It started to  in 05, going to40%in to40%in 7   It will 8 to 50%in 50%in 05, and then will 9 to45% to 45%in in 00 to3








80 70 60 so

40 0 20 0 0 2005






 neB



� Whih is the best summary A, B or C r this graph in Exerise 5? A  l w  d dw  l.   cd c    . B T    c   wll  c  l  cll w w   Hwv Hwv    d  f  w l  200 d 201 C   w   40%  2010  dw  20%  2020 d    7%   202 d ck dw  6%   w  l f c.   cd c d  7%  201 201   w dw  40%  2020   l f c     wll. I dd' c c c   l   10% d  dw  %.  Rea an emai rom a granather to his teenage granson an unerine the orret ansers• ••

< >

      - i/ m going to/  going goin g to    Y         atest oe/ ater ate r moern I ate moe                   3 out o orer/ out o time/ out o ate -           !              eatures/ eies I ebsites         j  



                5 siping/ seeping I sapping   harge hargerr I sreen/ ase Y            memory I meories memry     L   -              8 stan/ store/ shop            !           9 ase/ sreen/ battery batter y                  ! G





Lead-in 1 2

Possible answers: wake u p, sleep, have dinner, chat online play sport Students own answers.

Vocabulary and speaking 318 28 3C 4A A 4 Students own answers

Reading: choose the correct answer tudents own answers 6 1 A 2 C 3A 4 8 5 C


6 A 7A

Grammar and speaking

718 2 C 3 A 8 Group  - exerc exercise ise work, play , live, come, get up, help swim, stay stay cook listen, practise Group   catch, watch, relax, finish, switch, teach Group 3 - try, study 9 Students own answers.

5 1 washes 2 watches 3cries 4practises 5 goes 6 does 7 catches  relaxes 9 gives 10 switches o 6 1 works 2 play 3 studies  4 come 5 wear 6 like 7 gets up 8 have 9 makes 10 egins / finishes finishes 71 My friend tidies the room. 2 I play football at the wekend 3 I take a sandwich to to college for lunch 4 I wake up at half past six 5 My rother checks his phone every five minutes 6 I have a showe in the evening 7 I try to stop studying before pm  I go to the dentist every six months. months. 9 My mothr mothr does most most of the housework. housework. 10 I visit visit my family at the weekends. weekends. 8 1 work 2 start 3 opens  4 fill 5 tidy 6 clean 7 work  tells 9 shouts 10 take 11 finish 12 gets 13 enjoy

UNIT2 ead-in 1 1 2 1



1 8

gets up 2 has  eats 4 gets 5 goes 6 returns 7 makes watches 9 mets 10 go 11 studies 12 goes 13 cooks

bedroom basement garden

bathroom  kitchen 4 living room 2 hall 3 hallway  4 study 5 attic 6 garage


Speaking: items in a home 3

Reading: sentence completion


 A-1 curtains 2 (tale) lamp 3 TV  4 desk 5 shower 6 drawers   1 window 2 picture(s) / poster(s) 3lind 4sink 5 pillows 6 oven / cooker







Writing: describing a daily routine 5

Reading: matching 4 8 5 A

6 E

showerr showe

Speaking and vocabulary

6 Students own answers

Writing: a description 13 Students own answers. 14 Student's own answers

Listening 1: picture pict ure description 7 (Picture)  8 1 very comfortable 5 brushes his teth

Listening: matching 15 1 1F F 2F 3 T 16 Jack -Australia; -Australia; Carlos Carlos  USA 171F 2D 3C 4E A 1 Student's own answers.



the garden a blind


to relax


down the hall

Reading: note taking

Speaking: talking about your day 19 Students own answers answers 20 tudents own answers 21 Students own answers.

9 1 Andrew Taylor 2 Prime Location Agency 3 London 4andrewtaylor@uni [email protected] accom.co.uk 5 by email 10 2 Andrew Taylor 1 Giorgio 5 Andrew Taylor 3 Giorgio 4Andrew Taylor 6 Giorgio

Grammar: simple present postive, negative and questions 11 1 am not 2 live 3doesnt live 4 Does 5 can

and 1Grammar 1 H 2D 2D 3 E 4Vocabulary  5 B 6 C 7Unit I  A 19F 10 G 2 1 have 2 rush 3 meet 4catch 5 leave leave 6 go 7 watch  do 9 go to 10 fall 3 make  a noise lunch, the beds, dinner, a mess do  some homework, homework, the laundry, the shopping, the cleaning, the housework 41 live 2 work 3 gt up 4leave 5 have 6 walk 7 catch  finish 9 meet 10 go out




11 Student's own answers

12 1 C 2D 3 F

curtains 2 (table) lamp 3 television/TV  4 desk drawers 1 window 2 poster(s) 3 blind  4 sink 5 pilows 6 oven / cooker Students own answers.

 4 1

6 Can I speak

7 you want  does 12 1 isnt 2 Is the car 3 is 4 I dont play 5Do you play 6 do you play 7 I play

Listening 2: short answers 131 13 1 NO 2 YE 3YES 3YES

4YES 5 NO 6 YES 7 NO  NO 4YES



Reading: dialogue building and matching 14 1A 1A 2A 3 C 4 B 5A 6A 7 C 8 B 16 1 D

2 G

3 A

4 B

5 E

6 F

Reading and grammar 17 Students own answers. 8 1 C 2A 3A 4 B 5 C 6 B  B 8 C 9A 10 C 19 ofen, sometimes, always, someimes someimes sometimes sometimes usually usually always never 20 am go talk tidy help, spend, are, forget 2 1 aer 2 before 22 1 I am never late for school 2 I never forget to do my homework 23 Students own answers

Speaking: choosing accommodation accommodation 24 1 Student's own answers 25  Sdent's own answers

Writing: an email to a friend fri end about accomodation accomodation 6 C

27 Hi Gavin, I live in private accommodation I'm I 'm very happy with my room My bed is very comfortable I have a big desk for studying and I have posters on the wall The Wi-Fi here is i s very fast I am happy about that because when Im in my bedroom, I can speak to my parents online I can also play online games Do you have WiFi in your room? Is the food nice where you live? Write soon Giorgio 28 Student's own answers


1 1 hiking 2 canoeing 3 cycling 4 sailing 5 climbing 6 white water raing 2 Students own answers 3 Student's own answers

Listening: multiple choice questions 4 cycling, hiking, cooking, climbing white water rafing rafing sailing C 2 3A 4A C

Grammar: present simple/ present continuous 6 Present simple airmative  We get up, I usually sleep He looks afer us, He always makes Present simple negative  I dont miss My fiend doesn't like like Present continuous airmative  I'm having, I'm staying, Im resting, Were having The chef is cooking Presentt continuous negative Presen negative  Im not staying 7 1 continuous 2 continuous 3 simple 4 continuous 8 1 lives, living 2 gets, getting 3 carries carrying 4 hopes, hoping 5 washes washing 6 runs, running 7 plays, playing 8 ride, riding  lies lying 10 passes passing 1 cries crying 2 makes making 3 sees seeing 14 begins beginning 9  C 2 D 3A 4 B 5 simple 6 continuous 0  are you doing, you want am'm watching, plays are losing 2 am/'m waiting, arrives 3 isn't answering, iss studying

4 1 1 3 4

Gramma and Vocabulay Unit 2 1  6 2 1 4

bedroom 2 bathroom 3 living room 4 garage 5 hallway garden fridge 2 a semi-detached house 3 some drawers a living room 5 an attic 6 a cupboard 7 a chair

a university campus 3 8  C 2 E 3 G  A 5 H

6 B

7 

Reading: use of distraction 12 Student's own answers

8 F

3  C

4 attic garden study study basement kitchen television/TV desk shower shower window sink, blind 5  curtains 2 table lamp 3 posters 4 pillows 5 oven 6 wardrobe 6 1 Is it okay to come to your house this evening? 2 Can you check that the windows are all closed before we go out? 3Are you in the living room next to the kitchen? 4 Do you want to sit in the garden? 5Are the apartments in the UK very ve ry dierent from the apartments in your country? 7 usually live 2 always keeps his car 3 (Correct) 4 I don't see him very ofen/I dont very ofen see him 5 (Correct) 6 (Correct) 8 1 He never does the washing up 2 Can you give me some advice? 3  always leave my house at eight oclock in the morning 4 What time does your alarm usually go of? 5 My cousin ofen comes to my house for dinner 6 Where do you want to live in the future? 7 How many people do you live with? 8 Do you live on the university campus?

do you / get, walk doesnt take, drives, is working Why are you learning English? 2 What time do you usually get up? What are you learning about in geography at the moment? o you play tennis? 5 What is the teacher doing now?

 B

3 B

 B

5 C

6 A

7 A

4 1 professional 2 train 3 successful 4 fit 5 advice

Speaking and vocabulary 5  basketball 2 basketball 3 football 4 badminton, tabe tennis 5 football 6 badminton basketball, table tennis, football, chess 7 badminton, basketball, table tennis, football tai chi 8 badminton table tennis 9 chess 0 kite flying tai chi  basketball football 2 badminto badminton, n, table tab le tennis kite flying, tai chi, chess 3 badminton basketball, football, table tennis, tai chi 6 Students own answers answers 7 Students own answers 8 Students own answers 19 a person running running people doing yoga a father walking along with his son (holding hands), a couple (a ( a man and a woman) walking together, together, a person doing pushups 20 Student's own answers

Writing: responding to a message from a friend 21 1 (Saturday) 3rd June 2 £ 3 :pm 4 Child in Time 5 (an) umbrella 22 He wants to meet up 23 Students own answers answers 24 Students own answers answers



Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 3 l 1 tennis 2 voeyba 3 basketba 4 footba  badminton 6 swimming 7 skiing 8 cycing 9 saiing 10 hiking 2 pay - tennis, tennis,chess, chess,voeyba, voeyba,footba, footba,badminton, badminton,hockey, hockey, tabe tennis,basketba tennis, basketba do  karate,j karate,judo, udo,boxing, boxing,gymnastics ,taekwondo, athetics go - horseriding, horseriding,swimming, swimming,skiing, skiing,cycing, cycing,saiing, saiing,hiking, hiking, canoeing,fishing, canoeing, fishing,bowing bowing 3 1 win 2 beats 3 pay 4 hit 5 ose 6 throwing 7 kicking catch 9scores 9scores 4 1 popuar 2 team 3 hitting 4 match 5 wear  tennis, tennis,water water sports 2 athetics,tea athetics,tea sports 3 racket,actions racket,actions used in sports 4 judo, judo,mountain mountain sports  boxing,sports boxing,sports equipment 6 winner, winner,types types of competition 6 third person present simpe - snows, snows,fixes, fixes,gets, gets,stops, stops,invites, invites, marries,washes,makes, washes,makes,oers, oers,buys, buys,crosses, crosses,copies, copies,dances, dances,swims, swims, happens, traves -ing form - snowi snowing, ng,fixing, fixing,getting, getting,stopping, stopping,inviting,marrying, washing,making, washing, making,oering, oering,buying, buying,crossing, crossing,copying, copying,dancing, dancing, swimming,happening,traveing happening,traveing 718 71 8 2F 3D 4A  G 6C 6C 7 E 8 1 I dont know 2 I can't remember 3 I dont understand 4 is having  It beongs, beongs,is is reading 6 I don't want to 7 has, has,is is taking 8 can't hear, is having 91 am/m having 2 has 3 amm enjoying 4 ike 5 amm staying 6 haveve got 7 work 8 am'm ooking 9want 10 finishes 10 1D 1D 2B 3F 4A  H 6E 7 C  G



Writing: emails 16 1 Madrid 2 It was a city break break and the weather weather was cod cod Normay he goes goes on beach hoidays in warm weather 171 went 2 was 3 visited 4 go  went 6 bought 7was 171 ate 9dont 9dont try 10 did 11 tried 12 was 13 was 14 took 15 did 16 did 11 1 1  2    6  7 9 19 Students own answers 20 1  2  3 

Speaking: experiences 21 Students own answers 22 Students own answers 23 Students own answers

amma an Vocaula Un 4 1 1 an adventure hoida hoidayy 2 a beach hoiday 3 a city break 4 a anguage exchange  a famiy hoiday 2 city break  gofood,see break on day trips,see trips, see oca attractions, attractions,go go shopping, try traditiona food, see famous buidings, go on cutura visits adventure hoiday hoiday - go mountain cimbing,go horse riding, go on o n cycing tours,visit water parks beach hoiday hoiday - visit beach beach resorts anguage exchange exchange - stay with host famiies 3  go shopping 2 go horseriding 3 visit oca attractions 4 visit water parks 5 go on day trips 6 stay with a host famiy 7 go on a cycing tour 8 go mountain cimbing 9 go on a cutura visit 10 visit a beach resort 4 1 popuar 2 fun 3 natura 4 oca 5 boring 6 cutura


interesting 8 deicious 9 famous 10 traditiona  1Do you ike 2 I do 3 do you usuay go 4 went 5 What did you do 6 enjoy 7 We a went 8 Was it 9 dont reay ike 10 wasnt 6 1 went 2 dont ike 3 decided 4 enjoy  didnt have 6 saw 7 are 8 earnt 9 fet 10 was 11 do you ike 7

Lead-in llD




Vocabulary: holiday activities try traditiona food

2 1 4


go horse riding


visit water parks


go mountain cimbing7go shopping go on cycing 6 visit beach resorts tours see famous buidings 9see oca attractions 10 go on day trips 11 go on cutura visits 12 stay with with host famiies 3 Students own answers.

12Do 12 Do you prefer prefer 71D 2E 3A 48 C 1 because 2As 3 so 4 because As


Reading: reading for f or specific information and detailed meaning


Leadin 1 1 China 2 SaudiArabia Arabia 3 Itay 4 United United Kingdon

4 Students own answers F 2A 3E 48 6 Students own answers

5 Brazi

Vocabulary and speaking 2 1D 2E 3A 4C B B 3 Students own answers

Listening: interview task

Vocabulary and reading

7Exampeanswer (ExampeanswerC) C)  Students own answers 918 2A 38 48 B

4 Possibe answers: food stas, stas,famous famous chefs,traditiona chefs,traditiona activities arts and cras  food stas, stas,famous famous chefs,traditiona chefs,traditiona activities,arts and crafs

d etail and giving reasons 10Speaking: 1C 2A adding 3D 4Bmore detail 11 1 as 2 so,because 12 Students own answers

6 1C 2B 3A 4A  B 6C

Listening: matching 7 C

18 2F 3A 4E G H

Grammar: past simple and present simple 13 1  2 1,3 3 ,5,6 14 1 Present Present simp simpee  1, 1,3 3 2 Past simp simpee -  1 1 studies 2 went 3 correct 4 thinks  correct 6 isnt

Vocabulary and listening 10 1 four 2 spring onions 3 garic 4 rice  pasta 6 amb 7samon carrot carrot 9onion 9onion 11 Meat - amb Vegetabes  carrot, carrot,onion, onion,spring spring onion,garic onion,garic Fish/Seafo Fish/ Seafood od - sam samon on Carbohydrates  rice pasta Otherr ingre Othe ingredien dients ts - four


Student'ss own own answers. answers. 12 Student' 13 1 chop 2 mix 3cut  4 roll 5 fold  6 boil  7 fry 14 C 15 1 mix 2 chop 3mix 4 chop 5 cut

6 roll

7 fold 8boil

Grammar and speaking 16 a cabbage, cabbage, some meat, onions, onions, some salt, shrimps, some water    - a cabbage    (some) shrimps, shrimps, (some) oranges, (some) (some) onions U U  some) meat, (some) (some) salt, (some) rice, (some) (some) mik, (some) water 17 1 a, some 2 some, some 3some, some 181 18 1Countable 2 ncountable

Speaking: eating habits 19 Possible answers: 1 How much meat do you eat each week? 2 Are there any recipes you like to cook? 3Are there many many famous chefs on TV in your country? countr y? 20 Students own answers

Reading: sentence completion 1 21 2 2C C 3F 4 A 5 E 6D 22 1 a 2 some 3chop/ cut  4 some 5 a  6 mix  7 cut 8fry I cook

Writing: describing describi ng a process 23 Students own answer.

Reading:: sentence completion 2 Reading 24 1 A 2C 3 B 4 B 5C 6C



Reading and vocabulary  4 Places in a city square, car park, post oice , police station, library, sports centre, restaurant , cafe, shopping centre, department store Travel and transport transport car park, motorbike, motorbike, coach, platform, motorway, ticket the underground 5 Places in a city supermarket supermarket,, park, town centre, station, museum, castle, theatre Travel and transport transport parking, bus, trains, flight, boat trip, bicycles, walk, by car  6 1C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 A 6C 7 A

Listening: gap fill  7 0 am, 6 pm, Thursday, 8 pm, Wednesday, Wednesday, 65, 729, £50, £2.00 81adzen 2 WT3BX 3Thursday 4 2/two  15/fifteen minutes 9 1 on the le of 2 on the right of 3opposite  4 next to 5 between 10 1 F 2C 3A 4E 5 B 6D 11 Students own answers. 12 Students own answers

Grammar: comparatives and superlatives 13 1 taller, tallest 2 more famous, the most famous 3hotter, hottest  4 busier, busiest s more interesting, the most interesting  6 frienlier, friendliest  7 older, oldest 8thinner, thinnest 14 1 largest 2 more 3oldest  4 More 5 first  6 best  7 larger 8most 9 busiest 10 More 15 Student Studentss own answers.

16 Student s own answers. answers. 17 Students own answers.

Speaking: a meal you enjoy enjoy 25 Students own answer.

Speaking: talking about transport and towns

riting: food in your country

18Students own answers. 18Students 19 Students own answers

26 Students own answe answer. r.

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 5

Writing: a longer piece of coninuous writing

1 1 duck 2 lettuce 3lobster  4 garlic 5 salmon  6 spaghetti  7 beef 8cauliflower 2 Meat Meat beef beef,, duck Vegetables Vegetables  lettuce lettuce,, carrot, garlic, cauliflower cauliflower Seafood/Fish -lobster, -lobs ter, salmon salmon Carbohydrates Carbohydrates  spagh spaghetti etti 3 1C 2 A 3 3 4E D D  4 1 a 2 an 3a  4 an 5 some  6 some 7 some 8any 9 any 10 any 11 some 12 some 13some 13some  1 a lot of 2 a lot of 3a lot of  4 many 5 many 6 many  7 much 8much 9 much  6 1C 2 A 3C 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 B 8B 9C 10 10C C  7 1C 2 A 3C 4C 5 B 6 A 7C 8B 9 A 10 10C C 81 81  2 F 3A 4C 4C E GB GB 7


20 Students own answers. 21 Students own answers 22 Model answer. Hi Sandy, Im really pleased youre coming to visit my country. The first place you should visit is London. Its I ts one of the most famous cities in the wor\. It has fantastic museums and parks and is perfect if you like shopping. shopping. The buses an the undergroun are the best ways to travel. Aer that you should go to the LakeDistrict. I think this is the most beautiful part ofEngland. England. It has the highest mountains in the country and the largest and deepest lakes. You can get there by train and then use the buses to get around. Best wishes, Martin 23 Students own answers.



Vocabulary nit 1amma 1 F 2 3and B 4E 5 J 6 A 7D 8H6 9C 10 I 2 1 train 2 department store 3 motorway  4 cafe 5 street  6 castle 7 airport 3 1 opposite 2 across 3between 4 next to 5 behind  6 on your right  7 in front of 8on your left  4 1 bored 2 new 3favourite  4 full 5 careful  6 tired  7 healthy s 1 comfortable 2 modern 3 friendly  4 interesting 5 old  6 high 7 famous

Lead-in 1 1 bridge 2 stadium 3statue  4 castle 2 1 Sydney Harbour Bridge, Australia 2 Birds nest stadium,China China 3Statue of Liberty, SA  4 NeuschwansteinCastle,ermany ermany 5 Leaning tower of Pisa, Italy 3 Student's own answers.

5 tower



6 +er/est- clean, low, high, cheap, old, new, fast, strong morethe most . - expensive, modern, comforable, diicul, importan carefu, interesting, crowded  7 1  8 1 5 9 1 5 10 1 5

saer/ aster 2 worse 3 cheaper 4 older 5 bigger earlier 7 prettier 8 thinner 9 better 10 further more expensive 2 more interesting 3 hotter 4 prettier better 6 more excited 7 noisier 8 worse the cheapest 2 the most 3 the arges 4 the most the most expensive 6 the smallest  7 the oldest he best 2 cheaper 3 bigger 4 te  _ arges a_ rges  he most interesting 6 the finest he

UNIT 7 Lead-in





She says which ob she is ineresed ineres ed in

She says wha skills she has

She says wha sils she sh e didn hae in he pas bu does now She uses a good srucure srucure  greeing o sar he emai and ends wih her name

She uses use s correc and approprae approprae grammar She only alks abou he inormaion in he nsrucions

C 2D 3 4

She uses he correc number of words

Vocabulary: Vocabula ry: skills and abilities 2  A 2 I 3 F 4D 5 G

riting: an email for a summer job 18 hotel receptionist

 B

7 J 8 H 9 E

22 Sudens own answers 0 C

4 Listening: Suden's own note answers. answers. completion extension 5 1 chef 2 Wednesday 3 three/ 3 4 8:00 8:00/ / 800 I 8 oclock 5 sixteen/   maths 7 English 8 Italian 9 London 10Dinner 10 Dinner wih Jack 11 2004 12 2002 13 2005 14 two/ 2

Grammar: can/ can't/ could/ couldn't 6 Possible answers:  t school, I was a really reall y bad student I coudn't undersand maths easily and I couldn write very wel

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 7 1 1 F 2  3 G 4 J 5 E   D 8 C 9 H 10 I 2 1 passed 2 studying/ finishes 3 get 4 taught 5 learn/ take  failed/ take  7 stared/ learn 8 sarting 3 1 receptionis 2 docor 3 waiter 4 eacher 5 lieguard 6 shop assistant  7 cleaner 8 chef 4  experience 2 hardworking 3 long hours 4 speak anoher language 5 friendy and helpfu 6 spors, art or music  7 energy 8 weekend 5 1 at 2 at 3 in 4 on 5 in I at 6 at 7 a


2 When I was , I coud only cook soup rom a tin and I couldn  write a sentence without making lots of mistakes 3 Now, I can cook over 00 dishes and write books. I cant work for really long hours any more like I could at The Lemon Grove  7 1 Jack can write books 2 Jack can cook many types o food 3 Jack could only cook one type of food 4 Jack cant work long hours 5 Jack couldnt understand maths easiy  Jack couldnt wrie well  7 Jack couldn couldn't 't do well in ex�ms 8 1 can 2 can't 3 could 4 coudn 5 couldnt 6 can

peaking: describing skills skill s and abilities 9 Students own answers. 10 Students own answers 11 Student's own answers

Vocabulary: work experience eading 1: true false not given 13 13  Gives people advice aboutjobs and careers 2 Explain how young people can use u se their summer holiday to ge useul work experience 14 1 It gives you the opportuny to earn money and a nd gain useful work experience/ earn new skills I heps to find a ob 2 Five/ 5 2 C

3 B

4 A

UNIT Leadin

5 B

 B

7 C

8 B

17 Sudents own answers.

1 Studens own answers. 2 1 o he sports cenre 2  oining he gym 3 1 Samanha 2 Tom 3 Sarah 4 Samantha 5 Samantha and Sarah 6 Sarah

Vocabulary and speaking 4 1 eat frui and vegetabes 2 play basketbal 3 enoy ar and music 4 go cycling 5 play ennis  drink water  watch TV 8 get enough seep 5 Studen's own answers

eading: an opinion based essay 6 watching TV go cyclin cycling g play ennis

get enough seep

 7 1 disagree 2 The writer says that sports lessons make students healthier and hep students feel less stressed. 9 1 C



Listening : matching

12  video games designer 2 helping elderly people 3 sports coach 4 lifeguard 5 sales assistan

16 1 A

6 Restaurant Restaurant  waiter tables chef meal Hotel  recept receptionist ionist rooms rooms guests i cleaner Shop  cash desk clohes changing rooms shop assista assistant nt  7 1 Can you 2  can 3 I can 4 can you 5 I can 8 1 can 2 cant 3 couldnt 4 couldnt 9 1 X, can 2  3  4 X, could they 5 

2 B

3 B

4 A



Grammar 1: should I shouldn't/ should not 10 1 bad 2 wants 3not to go 12 1 should 2 should 3shouldn't 4should 5 shouldnt

Speaking: describing a picture 13 C



Vocabulary: how to relax 15 1 do exercise 2 drink tea 3ead a book 4do yoga 5 go for a walk

Listening 2: multiple-choice questions 16 1 read a book 2 do yoga 3do exercise 4go for a walk 5 drnk tea 171C 2 8 3 A 48 48 SA

Grammar 2: have to/ to / dont have to 1 1 have to 2 dont have to 3Do you have to 4has to  ont hae o

Listening: discussing a language project 11 1 False 2 True 3True 12 1 tudent services 2 College oice 3tudent administration ofice 4 A

Speaking : a longer lo nger talk about a topic 13tudents own answers 13tudents 14tudents 14 tudents own answers

Vocabulary and reading 15 1 1C C 2 8 3 C 4 A 5 B 6C 7 C  B 9 A 10 8 16 1 He is an American teenager. 2 He can hold a conversation in over twenty languages l anguages 171 17 1 more I most 2 lots of 3regularly 1 tudents own answers

Reading: sentence completion 20 2 to another country 3some work 4their cultres 5 West Africa 6 have fun

Writing: an email to a friend giving advice 19 tennis and basketb basketball all 20 tudents own answer. 21 tudents own answer

Grammar and Vocabulary Vocabulary Unit 8 1 1 5 2 1 6

go cycling 2 do yoga 3play tennis 4play basketball go for a walk 6 do exercise join 2 drink/do 3eat/do 4go/get 5 have/get play I go 7get  drink 9 play

Writing: shor short t essay on a topic 21 tudentsa tudent s own answers 22 tudent's own answers 23Possible 23 Possible answer:C D A 8/ C A D 8 25 1C 1C 2 8 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 A  A  8 26 1 Firstly 2 Furthermore 3 Additionally 4On the other hand 5 However 6 To sum up 27tudents 27 tudents own answers.

Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 9

31 Incorre Incorrectct- What shoul should you eat to be healthy? 2Correct 3Incorre Incorrect ct  No, you shouldnt shouldnt play on your computer for so long 4 Corect 5 Incorrect  I think you should should try it. 41 should drink 2 should get 3shouldnt watch 4should play 5 should ride 6 shouldnt eat 5 1 have to 2 have to 3dont have to 4dont have to 5 have to 6 don't have to 7have to  don't have to 6 1 have to I dont have to 2 dont have to/have to/have to 71 should 2 should 3should 4should 5 shouldnt 6 should 8

1 C

2 E


3 D

4 B

5 F

6 A


Leadin 1 1 use a dictionary 2 talk to people whose first language langua ge isEnglish English 3listen to songs inEnglish 4write an email to a friend 5 keep a vocabulary notebook 6 study with a teacher in a classroom 7watch videos online online  read newspapers and magazines 2 tudents own answes.

Vocabulary and speaking 31 to 2 by 3about 4with 5 with 41C 2E 3 48 SA

1 1 by 2 to I with 3with 4 5 about 6 to/ to/with with 7 2 1 B 2 D 3H 4 A 5 F 6 G C E 31 I'm not going to worry 2  Are you going to learn 3I'm going to try 4 Are you going to meet 5 he isnt going to live 41 Who are you goin g to do the language proect with? 2 are you going buy a dictionary f rom?skills? from? 3Where How are you going toto improve your language 4When are you going to tell the teacher you want to move up to a higher leel class? 5 Why are you not going to go to university next year? year ? 5 1 efort 2 work 3advice 4fun 5 time 6 skills 7progress  advantage 6 1 hisEnglish English exam 2 advice 3have fun 4long time 5 make any progress 6English 7make  a mistake dinner somebody laugh a noise a dierence a guess take  a test an exam a picture a walk  1 am going to take 2 made 3makes 4take 5 makes I making 9 1 Firstly 2 additi additionall onallyy/fur furthe thermor rmore e 3Further Furthermore more/Additionally 4However 5 To sum up 10 1 are going to have 2 are trying 3discussed/ were discussing

5 tudents own answers.

4communicates 5 to hold 6 had/ am having/ will have/ am going to have

Grammar: going to for future plans 6 1 meet 2 video call 3learn 4study 5 send 71 The writer uses going to. 2 tonight this aernoon next week, today this morning, at the weekend 9 1 X, am going to 2  3 4X is going to buy 5 X , Are you you going going to tell 6  10 tudents own answers.






18 1 features 2 latest model 3 swipe 4 out of date 5 memory

Lead-in 1 1 smartphone 2 letter 3 laptop 4 tablet 5 landline telephone 6 smart TV 7 smart watch 8 desktop computer 2 Student's own answers.

Vocabulary and reading 3 4 5 6

1 1 B 1 4

crashed 2 shut down 3 websites 4 devices 5 network attachments 2 download 3 stream 4 backup 5 store dierent things 2 using a mail 3 sends information to go on online line 5 searching for information

Listening: a lecture 7 1 display 2 power button 3 input 4 microphone 5 power bar 6 case 8 1 use an app 2 on or o 3 charge your phone, upload (some/ your) files 4 speak into 5 check the battery 6 protect the phone 9 1 38

2 6

Listening 2 and grammar

 78

4 86

Grammar and vocabualary 10 1 People 2 will 3 be 4 They 5 wont 6 look 7 Will 8 they 9 look 10 What 11 will 1 smartphones 13 look 11 Student's own answer. 12 1 to rise 2 rose 3 to ncease 4 an increase 5 to go up 6 to fall 7 a fall 8 to decrease 9 decreased 10 went down

19 1 D

2 C 3 E 4 A

Speaking: describing a gadget

20 Students own answers 21 Students own answers 22 Students own answers

Gamar 1 1 5 2 1 6 3 1 4  4 1 3 6 9 5 1  6 A

Vocabulay 10 stores 2 network 3 laptop 4 Shut down apps I download website 2 backup 3 device 4 attachment 5 crash stream will communicate 2 won't be 3 Wil the cars be able will people eat 5 will definitely need 6 will be will the animals breathe y - from 005 005 to 00 00 2 (extra sentence y  betwee between n 00 and and 05 4 (extra sentence 5 y  in 030 030

x 7 (extra sentence) 8 y - between 00 00 and 05 y  between 05 and 00 00 10 (extra sentence increased 2 005 3 55% 4 went 5 fall I decrease 6 down 00 8 rise  decrease I fall This is not the best summary summary Firstly it is not enough just to say that the lines went up and down a lot econd i t is not true to say that Line A changed much more than ine  ine B as both of them changed a great deal. B This is the best summary The student has seen see n the dierence in the main trends of ines A and B and has summarised this

13 Answers in chart

information well  This is not the best summary Too much detail too many years and too many percentages are incuded It is therefore not a summary 7 1 m going to 2 latest model 3 out of date 4 features 5 swiping 6 screen 7 memory 8 store 9 case

% of population with smartpones 100











14 1 B


2 A 3 C


4 B








5 A

Writing: describing a graph 15 Students own answers 16 Student's own answers




Listening 6 ad 7 §§: 02 Carlos: Hi Jack! I'm realy excited excited about coming to stay with you at your house on the student exchange exchange trip to Austraia next term. ack: Me too, Carlos! I know youre going to have a great time at my school and with my family. Carlos: Tell me a bit about your family. What do you al like doing? Jac: We, I ove paying voeyball and basketball. I do voleybal voleyba l once a week and basketball twice a week Carlos: I remember you have a brother brother What does he do? Is he

interested in in sport, too? to o? ack: No, not realy. He prefers staying at home and reading. Hes a member of our local gym but he never goes Carlos: Oh, that sounds like me! Youve got a sister too, havent you? ac: Yes, shes really good at painting and drawing Some of her work is hanging up on the wals at home, so you'll be able to see it when you come Carlos: That would be great Id ove to see it What about your parents?

Listening 2  ad 5 §: 04 Andrew: Good aernoon, Prime Location Agency, Andrew Andrew Taylor speaking Can I first firs t check your student student status? Giorgio: Hello, yes, of course. My names Giorgio Rossi and I will soon be a student at Brickbat University. Im calling today to discuss where to live when I come to the UK to study at the university Andrew: Oh, hello, Giorgio. Thank you for your ca, I have some questions or you. I hope that you dont mind Can you speak Engish? Giorgio: Yes but I apologise if I make any mistakes. Andrew: Don't worry. So, So , what do you want to study? Giorgio: Im not sure exacty, but something with engineering. Andrew: First of a, where do you want want to live - in a room on campus or in private privat e accommodation? Giorgio: Im not sure Can you give me some advice? Andrew: Of course! Well, tell me a litte about your personaity and your preferences Are you a sociabe person? Giorgio: Oh, yes, I am definitely sociabe. I live with my parents at the moment. We have a big famiy and there are aways aw ays lots of visitors. Andrew: OK, thats great. Do you also like to sometimes have a quiet

ack: Well, my mum loves growing things She spends a ot of time outdoors, planting flowers and cutting the grass Carlos: That sounds interesting. And your dad? Wh at does he like doing? Jack: Well, hes really good at building and fixing things. If anything gets broken around the house, he fixes it. He makes new things, too, like furniture. Carlos: Great! And I know kno w your grandma ives with you. What does she like doing? Jack: We, were lucky - shes an amazing cook and makes us all wonderfu meas every day. day. She already wants to know kno w what you like eating. Carlos: [Laughs] Really? We, that gives me an idea for a present for her - a recipe book fom where Im from in the USA ack: Perfect!

Listening 1 7 ad 8 §§: 03 Giorgio: Im excited about going to university, but I feel nervous about leaving my home, especialy my bedroom bedroom I like it a lot My bed is very comfortabe comfortabe  Ive got four big pilows pilows When I sit on my bed, if I look out of the window I can see the garden. I oen do my homework at my desk and, to help me study, I sometimes turn on the lamp so I can see my notes and my course books better. When I want to reax, I usualy play games on my phone, which I keep k eep in the drawers next to my bed. I havent got my own bathroom. I need to go down the ha if I want a shower or bath However, I have got a sink where I brush my teeth every morning before I go to colege I have two posters: one o ne is above my bed and the other one is next to the TV. What else? I dont like curtains very much, so I dont have them. At the window, I have hav e a blind instead. I think thin k it wil be strange at first seeping somewhere new but Im sure Ill get used to it and Ill make it fee like home

room to study in private? Giorgio: Wel, it depends on how I fee  sometimes like to be sociable and other times, I prefer to study alone Can I ask, ask , where exactly the accommodation is? Andrew: Well, if you live in a room on campus, it is very convenient for your studies, as you actualy ive in a building in the university However, its aso noisy There are hundreds of other students who aso live there, and they oen make lots of noise, but if you ive in private you have a quiet life inwho a dierent part of the cityaccommodation with maybe one or two other students are your housemates Although, it oen takes a long lon g time to travel to university What do you think? Giorgio: Its a diicult decision I want to make ots of new friends, but I aso know that I need to work hard and study. Andrew: OK, one fina question Meals. Woud you prefer to ive somewhere which is catered? Giorgio: Im not sure. What does catered mean? Andrew: Caterd means that a your food is included in the price of the accommodation.. For example, if you decide to live on campus you accommodation can usuay choose catered accommodation. That means that for example, every day, you can go to the canteen for your breakfast, unch or dinner, and its always free Th e other option is selfcatered accommodation, where you can either cook at home or you can go out for al of your meals. However, you always have to pay for your food







4 and 5 §: os Deon: Hy, Mark! Ar yu still itrstd i cmig  a wk's advtur hliday with  this sumr? : Of curs, but ca w g i August? I cat d Ju r July bcaus f cllg. Deon: Yah, sur! I guss w d t bk s s Thr's a cmpay calld World Trek that my frid tld m abut H wt   f thir cyclig hlidays last yar, ad lvd it. Thr's lts f ifrati  thir wbsit wbsit.. : Rally? Deon: Ys - thy d difrt kids kids f advtur hlidays hlidays Thers  by th sa with lts f watr sprts, ad athr i th frst whr yu ca d hikig ad ckig, ad yu lar hw t ck utdrs. Th  I lik bst is i i  th mutais W ca d thigs lik climbig ad whit watr raig What d yu thik? : That suds aazig! Is it xpsiv? Deon: S s  thrs a spcial r  at th mmt. Nrmally th price is six hudrd ad fiy puds, but if yu bk bfr Friday, its fiv hudrd puds Th sailig hlidays ar ight hudrd puds, s its t bad! : What ds ds that iclud? Deon: Trasprt, accmdati ad ur guid.W ly hav t pay

eene: Hw wdrful! wdrful! Hw lg ar xchag prgrams usually? nn: Wll, f thad laguag wks butmst th sprts musicxchag xchagprgrames prgramslast lastfr frtw fur wks If I f yu g  a laguag xchag prgramm i August, yu ca g fr thr wks bcaus it's th schl hlidays I wt  a laguag xchag t Spai i July, s I culd ly stay fr tw wks, ufrtuatly eene: Wh ca tak part i th prgramm? nn: Wll, thr ar sm ag rquirmts fr th prgramm.Yu must b vr th ag f furt t tak part i th laguag xchag prgram ad sixt fr th sprts ad usic xchag prgram If yu wat t tak part i th sprts ad music xchag prgramm, prgramm, yu hav t b  a schl sprts tam r play i th schl rchstra. Yu ca ly tak part i th laguag xchag prgramm if yu study Frch r Spaish eene: I s  s wuld yu rcmmd this this prgramm prgramm t thr studts? nn: Ys, dfiitly I had a grat tim stayig with Carm Carm ad hr family. I ad flt awlcmi bit hmsick wh spk I first arrivd, but thy wrssI was wr fridly wlcmig. g. Carm rall y gd rally Eglish, wrrid that I wuld't iprv my Spaish, but I always a lways trid t spak Spaish with hr parts. My laguag lag uag skills hav imprvd a littl bit, but I thik that its bttr t stay fr thr wks bcaus yu hav r tim t practis th laguag. eene: The whl prgram suds rally itrstig, Aa  thak yu fr tllig us abut it

fr als ad driks : Thats rally gd, ist it? Lt's bk tight! Shall I cm t yur plac this vig arud sv? Deo: Ca yu c at ight? ight? Iv gt a tis lss util sv thirty. : Ys, sur S yu th.


UNIT Listening

7, 8 and 9



7 :: 06 P eene: Gd ar ar vrybdy ad wlc t th travl shw. Tday, I'm talkig t t  Aa Cx fr Cabridg, Cabrid g, wh has rctly tak part i th Sur Cultural Exchag rgramm Gd afr, Aa! nn: Gd ar! eene: Aa, whr ca studts g  th Sur Cultural Exhag rgra? nn: Wll, studts ca travl t Frac r Spai Spai  a laguag xchag, r t th USA  a sprts r music xchag I didt g t th USA bcaus I t vry gd at sprts. Hwvr, I study Frch ad Spaish at schl, s I had tw ptis Iv b t Frac bf bfr, r, s I dcidd t g t Spai istad 9


ii:: 07

P2 eee: Whr did u sta  yur summer cultural xchag prgra? nn: I stayd with a hst family i a small villag just just utsid th city f Svill. Mst ppl i th city liv i apartmts, but y hst family livd i a big hus Th faily had a daughtr wh was y ag calld Carm, s s  w had lts f fu tgthr W als al s visitd Carms gradparts wh liv  a farm i th cutrysid As I lv aials, it was a rally ral ly gd xpric fr 

ii::e o ii : Hi, Ja. ne: Oh, hi Mark : Im rally lkig frward t th fd fstival fstival I lv Chis Chis fd ad I hp ur frids ca cm ne: Wll, I'm I' m afraid mst f th are are busy : What v Marc? He always says h has thig t d ad that h's itrstd itrstd i tryig w fd ne: hammd says says Marc has  my Mhamd cat g bcaus h is hlpig his flatmat dcrat his rm : But th fstival is fr! ne: Ys, but w hav t g thr  th udrgrud udrgrud ad I'm sur hll wat t buy s fd wh hs thr : Wll, I d't hav uch y y ithr, ithr, prhaps irr culd ld him sm Hs gt a jb ad h is Marcs bst fried ne: Oh, irr ca't c ithr. : Rally? Is h at wrk? All h thiks thiks abut is wrk! wrk! ne: N, his parts ar cmig cmig frm Frac ad hs gig t shw thm arud Ld . yu kw, Big B, Twr Bridg .. : OK, what abut Hag Vi, Vi, hr mthr mthr ws a Chis rstaurat, sh must b itrstd. ne: Sh is, but shs gig gig t hlp with th ckig fr hr familys familys party  th day w'r w'r gig I dt kw abut Lucy ad arissa thugh : Wll, I phd Lucy, but hr flatmat said sh was  hliday hliday i Italy ad wt b back util th wk ar th fstival ne: I didt v kw sh was  hliday.Ad Larissa? : Shs gt a rally iprtat xam, s sh ds t prpar fr it it ne: Wll it lks lik its just gig t b yu yu ad m th. Nt t wrry Wll tak lts f phts t shw vry!



Vocabulary and listening 14 § §: : 5 09 Today, Toda y, I'm going to show you how to make one of my favourite Chef: recipes. ts a type of o f foo thats been popular for thousans of years The Jiaozi Jiao zi or umplings are eautiful and have the shape of a half-moon You start by making them in a similar way to nooles You nee to make some oug first, but this is quite easy 15

§: 5 10


OK, so what do you nee to make the dumplings? First of all, you nee to make the cases These are the cases which you'll put the other ingredients in. To make the cases, you need to t o make the dough Of course, you need flour for this To To make 20 cases, youll nee four cups of flour Then, mix the flour flou r with two cups of water Don't forget to ad some salt, but only a little to a some taste When you've mixed the ingredients, leave the dough for ten minutes  the owl to make sure it's ready. You can make the filling f illing to go insde the dough while you wait There are two main ingreients in the filling Firstly, you have the

cabbage. nee to chop this up anany admeat, it to another importantYou ingreient, the meat. Youfinely can use but today t oday 'm using lamb Put the meat and cabbage together and mix it by han When its mixed well, you can ad some other ingreients ingreients n China, people like to a spring onions to their dumplings an  do too! t oo! ' '  like some seafoo today, too, so m going to ad some shrimps Chop the spring onions and shrimps into small pieces and mix them together with the rest of the filling To make sure that eveything sticks together, a some vegetable oil

0 d  rt2

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Ok, now let l et me show you a map of the shopping centre esee As you can see, there are two floors. On the first floor theres a cinema, where you can see some great movies An opposite that, in a smaller area, there are lots of places to eat and rink There are fastfood restaurants as well, if you on't have time to sit an eat All the shops are on the groun floor The biggest shop is the supermarket superma rket f you use the car park entrance, ent rance, its it s the last shop on your right Then, all the way over on the other side of the building, is the second biggest shop shop Greens epartment store. You can get almost anything in there, incluing gifs, things for the kitchen, an furniture Also on the ground floor is a harmacy selling micine, and health an beauty products. Youll You ll fin it between the men's and women's clothes shop shop an the caf Male an female toilets are also on this floor, which is on the same side as the cafe There's also a great boo store selling everything you might nee for school f youre coming from the car park entrance, thats the second shop on your right, nextsmallest to the sports and i you nee a mobilethe phone, th ats the shop shop shop in the Oh, shopping centre  between bankthats and the shoe shop You can get all the latest mobile phones there So  hope youll all visit v isit Northfiels' soon an that youll have a great time here

UNIT7 Listening


Now that the mixture is ready, you need to finish the cases Fir st, cut the ough into twenty pieces, making sure they're all the same size, and roll them into flat little circular shapes. shapes. Put the mixture into the centre of the cases Make sure you on't put too to o much filling in at this stage otherwise otherwise you wont be able to close the cases an all the filling will come out when it's cooking cooking T hen, fold them into halfmoon shapes Finally, boil the dumplings three times, and there you have it Delicious half-moon dumplings reay to eat

UNIT 6 TRANSPORT AND PLACES N TOW Listening 7 and 8 � =5  Prt 1 esee: Hello everyone and welcome to this talk about Northfields Shopping Centre t  t opens next weeken an 'm very excited to be able to tell you about it tonight. ts a beautiful builing, full f ull of light an colour and a wonerful place to spend time in t was designe by a prizewinning architect John Gazen Thats GADZEN Have a look at his website website  hes one some fantastic work Northfields is just outside town, on Forest Drive f  f youre coming by car an want to use yor sat nav, then t hen the postcoe is WT3 BX That's the easiest way to do it; it works better than using the adress We are open seven days a week, an our opening hours are ten am until six pm every ev ery day except Thursday That's when we have latenight shopping shopping until 8:00 pm Were planning to open late on Wenesays too, but that won't happen until we see how popular the centre is There are lots of ways to get to t o us. We have a large car park, which at the moment is free to t o use You can also come by bus from the town centre Bus 635 brings you to the entrance Theres also bus 729, but that stops further away and its a fiveminute wak to the shopping centre An of course, you can use the unergroun. A ticket from town is only £350 The bus costs £2.00, so the unergroun is a bit more expensive but much faster faster From the town centre, it only takes fifeen minutes!


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Good evening! Hello, my name's Jack Riley  worke in a restaurant when  was younger, but now m a famous chef You can listen to my cooking show on Mondays at half past seven This Wenesday, you can see se e me on the TV show Befre They Were Famous. m going to tell you about my life before  became a TV chef You can see the programme on channel three and they will show it at eight o' clock.

People ofen ask me how  became beca me so successful, an  tell them that it wasn't always that way Most M ost of my friends lef school when they were eighteen an went to university, but  lef school when  was sixteen sixt een At school,  was a really bad stuent.  only passe my exams in History and French.  couln't unerstand maths easily an  couln't write very well, so  ailed my exams in both maths and English  always enjoyed trying dierent foods, especially o n holiays in Spain with my family, but  first iscovere my love of cooking when  got a summer job working in the kitchen in an talian restaurant near my home The chefs there could make these amazing ishes out of really simple ingredients.  wante to be like them, but  live in a small village near Cambridge and it wasnt possible to train to be a chef there.  applied for jobs in Rome, but  couldn't speak talian so in the en,  ecie to move to Lonon an train to be a chef Today, my career is moe successful than  coul have ever imagine  first appeared on TV in The Food Show in 2005, and  starte presenting my radio show, Dinner with Jack in 2006  wrote my first bestselling cookbook, Jack's Best Dishes in 2004. An  worke as head chef at two top Lonon restaurants The Olive Tree in 2001, an The Lemon Grove between 2002 and 2005 m marrie with two beautiful chilren  and my thir chil will be born in December When  was 16,  could only cook soup from a tin and  coulnt write a sentence without making lots of mistakes Now,  can cook over 100 dishes and write books  cant work for really long hours any any more like  id at he Lemon Grve That was the hardest  have ever worked in my life! An  still can't o maths!




Lstenng Par  1  55:5 55:54 4 Samantha: Hello, To. Sarah: Hi, To. Wee e you goig? m: Hi, . Hi, . I' goig goig o e e spos cee. Sarah: O, ge. I' ikig of joiig e gy ee. m: Relly? Wy do' you coe wi e d ge soe ifoio bou i?

Pa2 3 i :  :5 Sarah: Ok, ks. Did you joi e gy? gy? m: Yes, I did. Is go elly ge ge equipe equipe - ll vey ode ode d ew. Howeve, i is  lile lile bi expesive expesive los foy pouds pouds  o, d 's wi  sude discou... Bu I've bee b ee evey dy sice I joied. Sarah: £40  o! T is expesive. Howeve, if you ik i's  good gy, ybe Ill y i. Samantha: Well, I ik £40  o is wy oo uc. I do' kow wy people sped so uc oey o  gy ebesip, we ey c execise i e pk fo fee. m: Ive ied uig i e pk, bu i ws ws elly boig! I pefe o

Kat: I ik  doig egul execise is e bes wy o elx. Is good fo e body d lso f e id. Ae  so u o wok ou we feel oe elxed d ppie. Oe  peso's eso fo o doig egul execise is ey do ve eoug eou g ie. Howeve, Howeve, you c lwys fid wys o do oe execise, like wlkig ised of geig e bus o divig. M: We I  feelig sessed   wok, I go sig oudoos fo  wlk i e pk. Beig fes i d lookig  ue elps e o del wi y pobles. Beig cive fo jus wey iues ouside is eoug o ke you feel elie, bu e loge you sped, e bee. I y o sped lf  ou evey dy execisig duig y luc bek. I c' sped e wole ou ouside becuse I do lwys ve ie. Eveyoe sould give i  y. Mar: We I w o elx, e fis ig I do is ke yself  cup of e. I ik gee e kes e feel cle  blck e, bu  ll ypes of e c ke you feel less sessed.A sessed. A ece sudy foud  people wo dik e duig sessful i es e uc oe elxed  ose wo do' You sould dik e  ig oug o you y fid i diicul o sleep.



Lstenng  d  ii::5 Sa: Olive, we eed o o discuss bou ow o s ou pojec. Reebe  ou ece ws us o wie e epo o wo igs. Oe, ow y sudes i college ledy spek oe 

execise wi fieds becuse bec use i ecouges e o wok de. Sarah: I pefe o do execise execise wi fieds s well  i's uc oe fu  execisig loe. Samantha: Bu is o jus uig uig Tey ve ve goup execise clsses ee i e pk i e oig. Execisig ouside is bee becuse you ge los of o f fes i. Ad you c execise wi  pesol ie, oo. Sarah: T souds good. I ik Id like o ve ve  pesol ie. How uc does oe cos? Samantha: I py £20  ou. m: £20  ou! Does'  wok ou o be oe expesive expesive   joiig e gy? Samantha: I is expesive, bu I ik  i's wo e oey. You c fid ou wic ype of execise e xecise is bes fo you, d you c ge soe elly useful dvice o die, oo. Sarah: T does soud useful. I eed soe dvice o y die i's  i's o ge  e oe. Ad I kow   ely die elps elp s you ge fi. Samantha: I c give you e eil ddess ddess of y pesol ie ifif you w. Sara: Ts ge! ge! Tks . . m: W bou e gy? Do you ik you'll you'll joi i? Sarah: Yes  I ik I' I' goig goig o y bo.

Lstenng  6 d i§i§:: h  h Jm:7 We I eed o elx, I usully ed  book. I believe  edig c lso cge you ood. Fo exple,  good ovel c ke you foge bou ll of you woies d  fuy soy c ke you feel ppy. If you'e feelig sd, you sould ed  sd soy oug, s is will ke you feel wose. na: Fo e, doig yog is e bes wy o elx. You do eve ve ve o sped  log ie doig i o feel e beefis  eve five iues of beig execises c ke  difeece. Doig yog will elp you bee deeply, wic is e fses wy o feel oe elxed. You c do yog clsses i y diee plces. I is expesive eie! My spos cees oe yog yog  clsses   low pice. You ve o fid  good ece oug  's elly ipo.



Listening l Partl  §§:: 1s Good morning, I'm here today to talk about the design and an d the success of smartphones. smartphones. They are conveient, and they allow us to keep control of our lives. One importan importan  reaso why I thik smartphones sma rtphones are so successful is because of their simle, clean design. desig n. Of course, there are many dierent brands, but let's look at a t a common examle on on this picture. First of all, on the front of the phon, we w e have the glass touch screen, also kown as the display. It's It' s very easy, you only need to press your finger on this when when you want to use a ap Next, N ext, on the top right side of the smartphone, is the power button. You use this to turn the phoe pho e on or o again At the bottom, there is a USB iput. This Th is is where you plug i and charge your phone. You ca alsoYou connect to ajust laptop adthis upload fi les and photos files from your phone will see above is theyour microhne Whenever you make a call, you speak ito this. At the oposite end of o f the touch screen, you ca see the power bar, which you can look loo k at to check the battery. If the bar is low, you will eed  eed to lug it in and an d charge it again soon. Around the phone on the outside, keeping keepi ng all of this in place pla ce is the case - somet sometimes imes made made from lastic, but ow more oe made of

oe lguge .. r: ... yes, d wo, w level ei Eglis is. Is  big pojec so I ik wee goig o ve o spek o  lo of people. p eople. Sa: Yes, I kow! Do you elly ik i'll be possible o spek o eveyoe? I' o sue. Tee Tee e ove wo uded sudes s udes i ol. r: I kow, bu I guess oly lf of e spek jus  sigle lguge. Sa: T's sill  lo. I do ik we ve eoug eoug ie o go oud d ve  c wi e wole college. How e we goig o sow e esuls? ir: I ik ill be  poble if we oly iclude ubes. We eed oe  . Sa: Yes, I gee. gee . Mybe cludig cludig soe gps o bles is  good ide. Le e ik... Fis, we eed  eed o fid ou ow y sudes we ve ee i e college i ol. Te we c wok ou ow y of e spek wo o oe lguges. r: C I ke  suggesio? I ik we c sk fo  ifoio ifoio  fo e college oice fis. I eebe , o y fis fi s dy ee, I pu ifoio bou y secod lguge o e egisio fo. o, I ik i's e se fo eveyoe. Sa: Ts  good ide.T'll sve us soe ie I'll ke  ppoie o go d spek o soebody ee  e clss. Wo do I eed o see? Is i Miss Wiwig? r: No, se woks i e e sude sevices oo. You eed o see Miss i. es i e college oice. Sa: C you eid e wee   is? Is i ex doo o e e IT sevices oices wee M Blck woks? r: No, M Blck is i e sude sude diisio ofice so you eed o go o e floo bove. Sa: O, O. I kow wee  is ow. r: Ge. O, I' goig o ve luc. Do you w o joi e? Sa: No, soy, I c'. I eed o sudy fo y s es. Ejoy Ejoy you luc. I goig o sudy i e liby. lib y. Bye!

metal. Many metal. M any people think that the reason for the case is i s so that they can have a diferent design and colour and make it more personal persona l Actually, every phone eeds a good, strog case to protect the phone from breaking Part2

9 55:51

Smarthoes are becoming more poular every day, all arond the world n 2010, 38 percent of the world's poplatio owned a smartphone Most of these peole were from developed areas of the world, like North America and Europe. ive years later, that figre was a ot higher. In 2015, 62 6 2 ercent of all people had oe. Ad, i i  the future, these amazing little devices will probably proba bly be even more popular. So poplar that, by 2020, 78 percet of the population will ow one, and by 2025 many scietists believe that this number will be even higher still Not as high as 100%, but close. This is mostly because, in the less develoed arts of the world, peole will wi ll be richer tha they are ow. o w. So, in that year, when 86 percet will own oe, what will smartphones smartph ones look like? Will they look the same as they do now? I'm afraid afrai d I cant say for sure, sure, but I do kow that they won't look the same as the one in the icture that we're looking at today.

senng 2 7 ad 19 §: 0  It has a silver case, and the scree is bigger tha most other smartphones The dislay is also really clear. It's really light, �nd � nd thin, its got a lot of memor, and the battery lasts for a very log time  Its very expensive, so beore beore I buy it, Im going to visit visit a mobile phone sho first, first, so I ca try all the ew features. But Im definitely going to get it oline in the ed Im sure it will be cheaper  The phoe phoe I have now, the Pls 5, is the latest latest model model  it came out last year. But I think it will start s tart to be really slow ad seem see m out of date soon. soon. The Plus 6 is even faster, ad it's better better for playing games ad streaming things oline, oline, so that's why I'm goig to get it as soon as I can. 4 I'm not not sure sure if it will help me with everythig everythig It wot do my homework homewo rk for me if I swie the scree for examle. examle. t I think thi nk it will be helpful for some some thigs. Theres an a for writig a study pla, so Im going to download that, anyway




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