MIND HACKING 101 Hacking Into Your Brain’s Permanent Storage Tiago Silva
[email protected] @tiagosilva
Mind Hacking 101
An (Un)Healthy Obsession . Had to learn a lot of boring stuff . Refused to, it was just too boring . Exam was 50% theory, 50% practical . Solution: hammer theory and pray . Problem: how to memorize 200 pages . Hint: Guinness World of Records
Mind Hacking 101
Guiness World of Records . Ben Pridmore can memorize: - 930 binary digits in 5 minutes - 4140 binary digits in 30 minutes - 364 playing cards in 10 minutes - 1404 playing cards in 60 minutes . There had to be a trick . There was a trick . I learned the trick, and passed... barely...
Mind Hacking 101 Self-Assessment
1. Chicken
6. Computer
3. Barbara Streisand
8. Snake
2. Mountain 4. Book
5. Cigar
7. Baseball Bat 9.Car
10. Apple
Mind Hacking 101 Keep in Mind
Storage amd retrieval . We’re good at storing information
. We suck at retrieving information . This limitation can be hacked Encoding
. Repetition sucks, is boring, and unreliable . Use all your senses . Make a hollywood mental movie . Embed emotions . Use stupidity
Mind Hacking 101 The Link System
. Sequential access . Create a storyline . Make each item an actor . Make each actor interact with the next . Keep it stupid!
Mind Hacking 101 The Peg System
. Direct access . Link System is like a Tape . Peg System is like RAM 1 - Tree (one trunk)
6 - Revolver (six bullets)
3 - Stool (three legs)
8 - Skate (it rhymes)
2 - Light Switch (on/off) 4 - Car (four doors)
5 - Hand (five fingers)
7 - Dice (lucky number seven) 9 - Cat (nine lives)
10 - Bowling (10 pins)
Mind Hacking 101 The Major System
. Use phonems to turn numbers into words . Extend the Peg System . Memorize any number 0 - S, Z
15 = T - L = TaiL
7 - K, G
30 = M - S = MouSe
1 - T, D 3-M 4-R
6 - SH, J 8 - F, V
9 - P, B
25 = N - L = NaiL
38 = M - V = MoVie
Mind Hacking 101 Übergeekness
3.1415926 535897932 384626433 83279502
314 = MTR = MoToR 159 = TLP = TuLiP 26 = NJ = NuDGe
53 = LM = LaMa 58 = LV = LaVa ...
Mind Hacking 101 Breaking the Bank
. Memorize playing cards . Drive Casinos bankrupt (I wish...) . Encode cards with Major System . Apply Link System . Apply Peg System . Layout Pegs spatially
2 of Clubs = C2 = CaN
5 of Diamonds = D5 = DoLL 8 of Hearts = H8 = HiVe
3 of Spades = S3 = SaM
Mind Hacking 101
Remembering Everything . Software that knows what you forgot . Make a database with all you knowledge . Make mini-daily reviews . Result: you know everything
Mind Hacking 101
Memory Tracking Systems . Supermemo (horrible interface) . Mnemosyne (open source but basic) . Fullrecall (uses neural network for nice predictions) . Nihonaid (mine, discontinued, but still in sourceforge)
Mind Hacking 101 Unforgetter
. Software-as-a-Service Memory Tracker . As easy as it can be . Generic: works for everything . Uses crowdsourcing to weed out bad content . Manages motivation
Q&A “there is no such thing as dumb questions, only weird presentations”
Tiago Silva
[email protected]