mind bending languaje system.pdf

November 11, 2017 | Author: IyarX | Category: Hypnosis, Psychological States, Mind, Mind Control, Psychology & Cognitive Science
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Advanced Govert Hypnosis The Mind Bending LanguageSystem

How To Influence Other People With The Way You Behave And The Things You Do And Say





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@ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishine. All rights reserved.


Table of Contents Advanced Covert


The Mind Bending Language

..... 1


............... 1

How To lnfluence Other People With The Way You Behave And The Things You Do And Say.. 1 DVD


........ 5


........... 5

What Kinds of Things Can We DVD



...... 10

What Has To Occur to Make Mind-Bending Language The Simple


.... L4


...... 16


Doubling or Tripling the Effect of Mind-Bending Down the Rabbit








The Outer Edge of lnner



.................29 .............. 31


...... 35

Neuroplasticity and Changing Your sySTEMs

..... L9


Creating Context And The Hypnotic


..... 16


The Fundamental Formula for Doing Hypnosis DVD

................ 10 ....... 11

Mind Bending Language and




The Simple sySTEM Plus DVD

....... 5



Using Hypnosis to Handle Sales Objections

............ 35 ........ 35


................. 40

2 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

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Targeting Specific Resources, Skills and Abilities Making the Hypnotic Process More





Predicates............. The sySTEM DVD

........ 47




................. 51

Power Words for Mind Bending


How To Be More lnfluential and Persuasive ln Your DVD

................ 51



...... 58

Reframing............ DVD

................ 56

......... 58


................. 64








.... 68

lgo/s Short Review Of The Past Two Power


................ 68


Changing The End

Making A






How To Stick Something Together And Make lt More


How To Separate and lntegrate Experiences Using Predicates DVD





Sales And The Covert Hypnotherapy PCAT Sales








................. 92

Therapy and the PCAT



3 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Sfieet Hlpnosis Publishing

lgor's Closing


............... 106


Advanced Covert Hypnosis

............... 109

Exercises Green Chickens are The Simple




Navigating Through




Writing Versions of Words About the Five Senses....

Awareness Spins and Resources or

Cross Spins on



Asking sySTEM Questions Using Using Space and Time




Using Predicates to Create





.............51 ..............52

Using Energy



Using Matter



Using Spin to Give People Greater


Handling Objections Using a Bigger How to Explore Someone's Using PCAT in Sales and




'My Friend John'Technique..............

.......51 .......53 .............55 ..................76 .....105

4 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

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lntroduction This is a covert hypnosis seminar which will be taught overtly. What we'll be covering here is the idea of covert direct hypnosis, so we have the speed and power of direct hypnosis but we have the smoothness of a covert approach. The secret to mind-bending language is to think like someone who's on drugs, and your language just follows naturally. lt's all about influence. We don't want to scare people off by literally acting like we're on drugs, but to create a comfortable, trusting space for them to change.

Wlrat Kinds of Things Gan We lnfluence? We can influence how people think. 2. We can influence how they feel. 3. We can influence how they behave 4. We can influence what they do involuntarily, like dreaming, their physiology, biology etc. 7..

These are different levels of influence that hypnotists have. We have to stimulate the five senses as a way of getting a message across which will end up influencing someone.

Our sixth sense is awareness. lt takes awareness to make sense of the other five senses. What we're here to do is influence people's awareness in order to influence the way they think, feel and behave. We can use mind-bending language and mind-bending activities to accomplish this. Force vs. lnfluenoe

. .

ln trying to persuade, all we're doing is forcing our opinion on someone. Telling someone they're wrong is force, not influence.

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing


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Partner #L; tell your partner that all chickens should be green. Partner #2 tells them "No, because you know red chickens are best, and they're wrong", then sit back, cross your arms and say "See, ltold you".Then reverse. Notice what that feels like to tell someone they're wrong, and what it feels like when someone tells you you're wrong.

Force = You're wrong, buddy!


Partner #L, you know all chickens should be red, but for the sake of harmony, sit and nod politely and go "Yes, lagree all chickens should be green" and notice how that inner conflict works for you. Then switch partners. When you ignore what you actually believe and agree for the sake of it, do you enjoy that? Are you being particularly influential? Does force work particularly well?

Surrender = You're so right! I'll agree to whatever you want!


Partner #L, take a little bit of both and mix them together. For example, if someone says all chickens are green and you smile politely and say "You are so right; there are so many ways of looking at chickens beyond color". Notice how that's very different than saying "you know, there are so many different ways of looking at chickens beyond color".

Do you feel the difference? Switch. What's happening is we're allowing part of the message to settle in, so we're mollifying the beast inside and then, as they feel 'yeah, this is good', you add a little bit more and they go "Oh, l'm curious", then you reverse it. lt's called an agreement reversal. You're agreeing with them just enough for their mind to open, for you to change the position on them.

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Does it always work? No. But the principle is what we're working on right now. Play with different types of timing. Sometimes race all the way through and see how it works. Sometimes pause for your own sake and see how that works. Other times pause, and wait for them to settle down with each idea and then add the next piece so that just when they think you're coming to a stop, ooh, here comes the next piece, just before you lose momentum.

Agreement Reversal = You're so right... that... there's even more things than that !

Igor's Comments Completing this exercise, would it be fair to say that your ability to influence people has increased slightly, and that getting some form of agreement is going to be a useful part of the influencing process? When you agree with someone to a certain extent, that whole influencing process starts taking place more naturally and smoothly. lt's not about pure agreement, agreeing with everything they s€tv, because there's no influencing going on, other than on you.


Next let's do what I call the 'explorers gambit', something we don't really do. Most people do this by an indirect application of force. Partner #L says to partner #2 "1 think all chickens should be green". This time, partner #2 asks "Sir/miss, l'm curious, what makes you say that"?

You have to explore a little about the mindset, so make up whatever answeryou want, but it has to have some sort of logic. For example, "l had a bunch of tasty green chickens recently, and that leads me to believe all chickens should be green." lt's not about the color is it? lt's about the

taste, but they're telling you about color and what they're really concerned about is taste. This is how most problems occur. People will give you a conclusion rather than what they really want or need, then you go off and paint all the red chickens green and they go'no, these are not good enough'because they don't taste the same. Practice this going back and forth from the friendly

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explorer to the abusive explorer, let some anger come out and see how that feels.

The Explorer's Gambit = What makes you say that? (NB: Avoid Negative Tonalityll


lgor's Comments


Did you notice the difference when your attitude comes into what you're doing? You might get some interesting information just with the explorer's gambit.

Would it be fair to say that if you are respectful vs. more aggressive or blaming that's going to increase your ability to influence others? The mind opens up instead of closing down. You want the person you're working with to feel amazing, and you feel great and you both get what you want. Being very precise about being respectful rather than letting some hint of blame, aggression or attack come into your work is very important. The starting point with anyone will always be where they are, rather than where you want them to be.

5. The next exercise will be what I like to call 'the exaggerated openingl. ln essence, you're going to misunderstand what someone says to such an extreme it just becomes ridiculous. One of two things will happen:

a) The ridiculousness will taint the position they're taking so they can't quite stick to the whole green chicken thing, or

b) They'll actually have to give you more information, things they wouldn't normally tell you because you basically goaded them into giving you more. We must find a 'hot topic' because if they don't care about it, then this opening won't work. Let's say you really cared about chickens and their color, in particular the green chickens because they are delicious. So you tell me how delicious they are and I turn around and go "You know what, the whole world should be green and we should shoot people that have anything other than green on"!

I Advanced Covert Hlpnosis

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

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Notice what happens. lf you really believe in this whole green chicken idea, what do you feel like doing? You change to the position that only some chickens need to be green, or some foods, and what that does is force you to go back the other way.

Where the momentum goes this way, rather than that, you can start riding it further forwards. Therefore, rather than saying all chickens are green now, you might say it's enough that some chickens are green, so you've moved their idea a little bit by going way too far one way.

to rein you in and make you more moderate, they're opening the door for a more moderate opinion for themselves, which gives you the first step By trying

toward influence. Play with this, each partner taking turns, and do your best to respond genuinely. This is something really important to you. When someone goes way over the top, put them in their place and say "No, ldon't really understand", and see what comes of it, and what positions start developing.


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The Exaggerated Opening = All food should be green... in fact everything should be green.

lgor's Comments It's much easier to change someone's position rather than attacking it. What we're using is called'the contrast principle'. When you contrast green chickens to red, there might be a fight. But when you contrast green chickens to this ridiculous world where anything that's not green gets shot...its'like'hang on a second, that's a little extreme, l'm not the green chicken Nazi'!


Now let's do an exercise where we start playing with the language a little bit, just so that it sounds like you're agreeing without actually agreeing. For example, someone tells you "All chickens should be green". You say "You really think all chickens should be green, don't you? You really think that, all chickens should be green". Notice how, if you believeit, it's validating because he's heard what I have to sEy, and if you attach

9 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. O 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

something onto

it then you can begin to open up an opportunity for

ch a nge.

Take it further "so you really think all chickens should be green, tell me, what makes you say that"? See how that begins to combine some of the principles we've been working with, the respect, agreement, consistency, but we start combining them a little bit to create an opening. Practice this with each other taking it this additional step. The challenge is that all chickens should be green, and one partner comes back with the

response we just discussed. Can you feel opening up inside your mind?

a sense that something


This is important. This is what we're looking for. We want to create that opportunity inside people's minds to just consider another way of being, and that's where the mind-bending language plugs in.

The Echo Explor€r = You think X... how do you figure that?

DVD2 Wrat Has To Occur to Make Mind-Bending Language Wod€ Mind-bending language as a sequence works to create a special kind of covert trance, but only when you create the context, the space in the mind in which they can sit. To do this:

1. The shields have to come down. 2.

They have to actually take your ideas seriously enough to consider them.


lf you want to change someone's mind, you've got to change their mood first. A shift in mood allows the mind to follow. The mood has to be accepting, open to ideas.

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4. The hypnotist must have an intense desire for the other person to experience trance, coupled with an intense desire for them to have a very positive experience.

The Simple SIETEM


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The Simple SySTEM Who are you? Where are you? When are you? How are you? What are you?


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The Flve Magic Questions

L. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Who? Where? When? How? What?




1. lf I said to you, "Who

are you?" and you gave me your name, l'd say, "l know your name, what I want to know is 'who are you"'?

Do you see what's happening here? Can you sense

it, a little bit of

pressure? Your mind is kind of spinning into a loose gear, shall we say, and you're not quite sure how to answer that yet.


Partner #t, I want you to ask these five questions, the first time round, very quickly, so you get a sense of what their usual answers are. lt will take you 30 seconds. Then reverse.

11 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

Once you've asked in the normal wdy, start sounding like you're the guru with your big yellow sash, shaved head, you've got funny marks on your head, and you're really interested in something other than their trivial answers. ln other words, if they answer off the top of their head, make them pay attention and answer in a different way.

When you're the subject, your job is to try and answer the question the best you can. However, you might not be able to. You may have an experience that you can't put into words. You may find your mental wheels spinning for a while. lt doesn't matter. lt's the act of trying to answer the question that matters. The kind of trying we're talking about here is the one that actually makes your brain do something, hence it will alter what's happening inside your brain.


lwant you to ask these questions blandly, and get a bland response. Then lwant you to use your H+, really look at them meaningfully, use your tonality, like this is the most important question in the world. You might even repeat it a few times. Who are you? Who are you really?

Do you see what l'm doing? lf someone gives me a bland answer, when l'm actually asking a'deeper'question, or a question that's designed to get them to consider it more deeply, I acknowledge it, and then l'll say I want another answer that's not this. So where does that send them? lt sends them anywhere but what they know, that's where we need them to be. So just play with this, five or six minutes apiece.

lgor's Comments There really isn't a right answer. lt's exactly the point where they stop being able to answer your question that you know you're hitting some interesting territory. Did anyone have a sensation where your mind just went blank, but it was kind of like you felt stuff happening? You felt stuff happening, but you had no idea what it was. Your mind is trying to figure out what you're sensing on these boundaries because there's no language attached to it. We make meaning through language.

l'll give you a 10 second version of this. ln order for you to know this is a chair, you have to be able to label it and you have to be able to limit it to say all the 12 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

things that it's not. lt's not a couch, it's not a bed, its'not part of the carpet. So by elevating it in terms of purpose by putting a label on it, you're actually limiting its pu rpose also.

We're taking it to a place where you've not had the chance to put labels on things y€t, which means you haven't had a chance to limit those things y€t, which is why you're sitting there going, "what the hell is that?". That's when you open - I call this a trance of infinite possibilities (TlP). From there, your journey can go in any direction. Anything is possible. De-labeling can be scary for some people, it can take away parts of their identity that they're not ready to let go of. Again, use it with respect, not aggressively, and don't violate social boundaries with someone who may not want to go that deep with you, especially on a casual basis. Used responsibly, this can be a very powerful tool for change. Do you see why we began with this? Do you see how easy it is to slip from being respectful, doing the explorer thing, to being aggressive and attacking? Who are you! lf nothing else, it's annoying, isn't it?

It's about creating the right amount of tension. Too much, and you lose them. You become disrespectful, you become aggressive. Too little, and there's no real impetus, they just start running around in a circle.

2. This exercise is a very simple way of getting them right to the

edge straightaway. lt's a very quick maneuver, but again, it's all about having this in place. lf this is not in place, they will not follow.


Do this with a different partner to get a different reaction. Ask the same five questions, not the light version, but where you are taking them to the edge of the boundary and watch them going into these altered states that are unusual types of covert trances.


When you're doing that, I want you to create a contrast so you can actually see how different ways of phrasing the same ideas come through. lf you ask them,for example, who are you, or where are voU, they give you a particular answer or they start spinning.

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The Mind Bending Language System.


2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

Then ask them:

a. Where are you not? b. Who are you not?


How are you not?

The Simple SIISTEM Plus 'NOT' Who are you not? Where are you not? When are you not? How are you not? What are you not?

lgor's Comments Can you already feel your brains kind of starting to spin a little bit more than before? We're just slightly starting to bring in something more. The negation, the 'not', basically says, whatever you think it is, go somewhere else.

We're going to have a contrast to the positive question, "who are you?" and "who are you not?" You contrast one against the other so you can see what the impact is when you add a negation. lf you start to go to places you're not ready to go yet, just stop and say 'no'. Do you see how powerful this stuff can already be? This is just the warm-up act. So far, we've been opening stuff up. We've been preparing the ground so that when you present hypnotic ideas, they have somewhere to go. You open the cupboard up and go "oh, this one's empty, let's put some stuff in here".

So wouldn't it be useful to have some stuff to put in there, seeing as you're opening the cupboard up anyway? Let's put in some happiness, learning and joy.

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Now do the exercise the same way, using the positive or the negation.


Mix and match them. Play with any of the questions, and then do all the questions in a row. You can mix and match them as your instincts guide you.

Notice how each of these questions send you to different parts of your mind. They send you to different kinds of experiences. Allow your instincts to guide you a little bit in terms of what questions you ask.


The only thing we're going to add now is a positive suggestion, a positive experience, For a moment, just consider if you would, and really consider this. When are you not, right now, that happy?


Can you feel the machinery working? Stay with one suggestion, just happiness. Play with different versions of your timing. For example, "Who are you not right now, that's happy?"

Igor's Comments With the language we have up to this point, we're opening up a doorway. We're sending someone outside this little house that they've been used to and they see it, but they don't know what to make of it. We're telling them, in all this vast expanse of nature that they're seeing for the first time maybe or never really appreciated, to search out one thing. Look for the deer, or the bluebird. Now that their filters are a little clearer, we're saying, search out the experiences that make you happy. They may or may not come down on that yet. Why? Because they're kicking a search into process rather than getting a result, for the moment. All you care about is that the random search begins to be targeted toward something useful, toward happiness, as opposed to anything else. All you had to do was add a simple suggestion.

Did you notice how timing is everything? When you have all these complex language patterns, you don't want to waste it. lt's like putting seasoning on a meal; you do it at just the right time. Has everyone been on a swing? What happens when you kick your legs out too soon? Do you go faster or slower? So in order to operate a swing you have to be

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able to find exactly the right spot, the sweet spot that will accelerate you, rather than slow you down. The same is true of hypnotic language, especially advanced covert hypnosis, the mind-bending language we're getting into. The most important thing to me is, are you beginning to sense how your own mind is being shifted into different directions and experiences? This is important, because you need to have experiences before you can take other people to those experiences.

DvI'3 Mind Bending Language and Gonfusion How confusing is it to use mind-bending language? Do you confuse yourself? ln order not to be random or confuse yourself with stuff you're doing or saying, you need to expand your mind to different places, so you know this is this kind of place, and that is that kind of place. Let's look at this language. What kind of experiences are we shaping that look for identity, what people identify with? 'Who are you?' and 'What are you?' are very similar, but still a little different, right? lf I ask you "When are you?" that is again a different type of question, more about time. This is more about identity or identifying something like, which chair or what chair.

How is about equality, isn't it? You're looking at equality in terms of how someone is running, not talking about the activity of running, but the quality of it.

Where is a location in space, so you're already moving through people's minds in different ways, and this is at a very subtle level.

Why as a rule cements things in and makes them more concrete because it demands a rationalization, a reason for something, even an excuse. This has to be used very carefully, it can go both ways. For example, you come home after a hard day or maybe make a mistake and something doesn't work out right and you ask "Why did I do that?" Or someone else asks you why you did that. How useful is that? You sit there knowing you made a mistake and now they're drilling you into that mistake even further.

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How hard is it to get out of your depression when someone is asking you why you're such a sad little soldier? They're asking you to justify a sensation of sadness and it's keeping you in this state. This is why the question 'Why?' is not on the list.

l'm not saying to never use 'why', just make sure you know what the impact will be if you do.





We're going to do the questions and negations like before, let them come in and out, but don't get stuck on making everything negated. What we will add to this now is to start navigating people through time.


We have about 50 variations already, so rather than sitting down for an

hour and working through every single variation (although recommend you do it at some point) we'll select a starting point at I



To do this exercise we are going to change the tense, the time sequence. For example, you use questions like 'are you?"were you?' 'how have you been?'This is the starting point, the direction in space, forward or backward in time.


Just remember to make sure it takes on a spin, a direction to go in so that you're moving your partner somewhere positive. So 10 minutes each, then find another partner.

lgor's Comments

At the moment we're not even interested in how much you're

influencing people, we're interested in you getting reference experiences inside your mind that we can use to create more, so it's a trippy mind-bending language. All we're doing is asking a reasonable question, even though it may sound a little wonky. lf you're not trying to persuade someone, just asking a question, then

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surely you don't care about the outcome, do you? Wherever they land will be the right place, isn't it?

We're not trying to get the magic bullet, the one thing that will get everything done, it's a process. You ask a question, they have a result. You ask another question, there is a different result, then another and another and each time it begins shaping itself.

Overall, over a period of time, notice how each time you do this exercise you tend to be a little happier. Your mind starts putting more focus on those experiences and they come out, even though you don't necessarily know where they're coming from or what they are. Hypnosis is not something you do, it's something you become.


Make up two randomly constructed sentences from the last exercise and write them down. lt doesn't matter what they are, just randomly construct them. They may have'not's'in them, some time elements, just take two different starting points, two different times, maybe one with a negation and one without.


The reason I want you to write them down is so you can do this exercise emphasizing every single word separately each time you repeat it.


When I say "Who are you not, that's happy?" it's different than if I say "Who are you, not, that's happy?" or "Who are you, not that's happy?"


The places you leave your pauses, totally transform the meaning people take from what you're saying. I want you to get very sensitive to what you're emphasizing, where your pauses are and how that affects other people.


What we care about is; where does it send your mind when you're hearing these things emphasized differently, said differently, pronounced differently and paused differently?

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Take L0 minutes and then change partners. Be sure to watch your partner for the effects of different emphasis on words and pauses.


Now do the same exercise again, only this time you'll only have one sentences that l'll give yoU, either


"Where have you been that's happy?" or "How will you be that's happy?"

o The difference now is that

rather than randomly constructing sentences as you did before, you're going to use the same sentence


repeatedly, but emphasizing different words. These are formally to get you used to speaking and doing things in different ways.

Igor's Comments This exercise forces your mind to go places, even though you can't do

it if you're

the subject. You're trying to figure it out, but you're spinning your wheels, so you're discovering new territory. Even as the hypnotist asking the questions, you're going there yourself a

little bit, aren't you? That's very useful. That's part of how you prevent yourself from being confused with what's confusing them. Confusion isn't the operative element. We're not using confusion to get the result we're looking for. Confusion is a side effect of the places we're taking them, which is to open their minds to allowing new information to come in. Pauses offer your neurology time to process, to actually have the experience. lf you rush through, how can they have the experience? lt's like saying "Let's go to the best restaurant in town.Quick, you have two minutes to finish up". lt ruins the whole point of the exercise.

Doubling or Tripling the Effect of Mind-Bending l^anguage We can double and even triple the impact you've had to this point by adding one thing. What's a way of expressing the idea of 'not'other than saying'not'? By adding a very small word, with a very big impact.

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

a e Adding the word 'but' negates whatever you just went through. lf we say "l like you, but...." what we're saying is that whatever came before 'but' is not that. So we're starting with some power words, to sensitize you to how every single word you've used your entire life has a specific effect on other people. As you start becoming more aware of these words, your ability to use them for influence starts skyrocketing.

Down the Rabbit Hole Let's start talking about some location anywhere but here, because we don't want them here. Of course, if they're somewhere else you can just add 'there', instead. For example, when you consider all the things you've done that make you unhappy and go anywhere but there, where does that leave you?

With 'time', we have the same thing. We have 'now' and we have 'then'. What do we have with qualities? We need to do a little variation, at least in the English language, 'like this' or 'like that' does this make sense? How are you being happy in any way 'but' like this, now? How much more is that? What will you have been that makes you happy anywhere but now? Do you feel it? Do you feel yourself tripping down that little rabbit hole? Wave bye-bye to Alice; she hasn't come this far yet. Then there's this one, which is simply 'this' and 'that'. You have much more variation if you add these things together. You have a starting point. You have a transition through time. You have a direction or heading, like a suggestion. You give them pause and time to process. Then you add extra velocity. You know the nitro cars with the tanks? You put the tanks on so that when you're

driving the car at maximum speed, you go "Let's lift this baby up!" and it just takes off. But before you take off, you have to have the direction it goes in, do you not? DGROSE-LSilNG',zur


What will you have been thinking that's good about his exercise any time but then? And beyond that, how will you be, feeling great that is, having done this exercise anywhere but here?

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

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Yes. We're going into these little worm hole thingy's and we don't know where we're coming out. But wherever it is it will be fun!


Do this exercise just like before, adding variables and

using'but'to add the final spin and speed. You know where to start, where to send them. You have an idea of direction, and now we have a little hyper drive that spins them into space. Ten minutes apiece.

lgor's Comments Have you noticed that at this level, although it's relatively mechanical still, it's very powerful stuff and we've not even turned it to any practical purposes yet? Right now, we're doing training wheels, so I expect you to lose the thread a little, then come back, then lose the thread a little bit, but this is interactive. You can't do covert hypnosis if you don't have a normal interaction because most people don't just stand there and have you lecture them.

When we start getting into the freestyle version, we do want to make this sound totally natural and normal. The key is that we're not trying to persuade anyone of anything. lt's a question of getting so many options presented, that at least one of them will make you and them both happy at the same time.

DvD4 The FundamentalFormula for Doing Hypnosis ABS We started by asking about the different senses, the five senses first. The key sense as far as l'm concerned is the sixth sense, awareness. lt's not what you see, hear, feel, touch and taste, although that's part of it. lt's the awareness that allows you to make sense of all that. This is what we've been playing with so far.

So why don't we just go after the awareness directly? Let's look at the fundamental formula, ABS, for doing hypnosis as far as what we're doing in this school, or tradition.



= Attention You have to have a person's attention. You need their awareness of things so that you can shift their attention through 21

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Sfieet Hypnosis Publishing

experiences so they end up having the experiences that you want or need them to have, be it therapeutic or whatever. 2. B = ByPass You're going to bypass their critical factor. This is the part of the mind that automatically rejects information, including information that might be useful for them. Like that little piece of advice you normally like to give people, and they throw it right back in your face because they can't handle it for whatever reason. Their walls are up. 3. 5 = Stimulate You've got to stimulate the unconscious mind. You're getting unconscious response. Attention

What kind of things can you use to focus people's attention, or hijack their awareness and move it around?

o o . o

H+ is definitely going to set the context for Body sensations


Memories Anything that their awareness can turn on

We're talking about the language of awareness. lf lask you to recall a happy moment, l'm navigating your memories, aren't l? lf I s?y, "whatever you do, don't recall the happiest moment in your life. Just don't think about how good it made you feel." What are they going to remember and feel? We have language that navigates your awareness:

o o o o


Hear Touch Taste

We also want to have things like: o Think o Consider



These are more neutral. They're not attached to one of your five senses. This is not a finite list, there are many versions, but you get a sense of what we're coming through with this.

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

You can move people's awareness simply by using language that refers to awareness.

Example: Whatever happens, please don't pay attention to your left foot now because if you were to pay attention to your left foot, you might actually compare it to your right, and notice it feels different.

It's very easy and straight forward to move people's experience just with the language because they have to pay attention to what you ask them to pay attention to whether they want to or not, to decide whether they want to do it. DGRSSiES-WRilNNG VERSiIONSi OF T'IORDS ABOI'T THE




Write down a dozen different versions of words about the five senses, such as feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, but also write down words about this pure sixth sense, such as recall, remember, think, consider, observe (although that can be visual words as well).



You can have single words or little phrases like 'become aware of' or 'pay attention to'. You can use simple vocabulary to grab someone's attention and move it onto something, that's easy to do.

to do this in pairs. Spend a couple of minutes designing a list with your partner, then use the list to make them pay attention to

Six minutes

some part of their experience, either a personal experience like a part of their body, or an external experience, like the lights in the room, the sound of other people and so on.


We're not concerned where the experience goes as long as you're moving the experience around.

2. Add a little twist. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Example: Please become aware of your left foot for a moment and notice that you can be not aware of that left foot, as well as being aware of what's not a left foot.

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Do you see that just by placing my 'not' in different places change the meaning quite dramatically?

it starts to


to use this apposition of opposites. For example, scan your you body until find a good feeling and realize what it's not.


Do you see what it's doing to you? This is hypnosis, isn't it? lt's very simple. Remember the H+, the attitude you're creating.


I don't get anything vaguely hypnotic in terms of context if I say'Think

I want you

about what's wrong with your left foot! Yeah. Think about what's wrong with your right foot!"


Make sure you do all the other normal pieces as well.

,/ ,/ '/

Make eye contact. Smile friendly. Have an intense desire for them to have a positive experience.

Then you say, "Notice the sounds in the room. Notice what aren't the sounds in the room, and don't notice the sounds that are in the room."

Your experience continues to shift each time. Play with all the different types of awareness language, including negations of different elements in the equation, just so you notice how it spins your awareness in different directions. Six minutes. Make sure you and your partner have a turn.

lgor's Comments This is important because you don't want to just throw 'not' in randomly and hope for the best. You want to know what the effect of it will be. The best way to do that is to do it with people and have it done on you to get a sense of it.


Now we're going to add on to this exercise to use it more purposefully in terms of hypnosis. We are going to do pacing and leading.

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This is


simple induction. Make three statements about their awareness that are true. For example:

Those are three statements about your experience. You're aware of all those three things.

Once you've made three statements about something you can experience, add one statement about something that you would like them to experience, but they may or may not be. Example: "You can hear the sound of the buzzing lights and the sound of someone sneezing. You can think certain thoughts and begin to relax." "You're looking at something, carefully considering what it is we're doing here and having sensations inside your body which means, you can relax even further now because you have a lifetime of experiences that you can recall, and you're not aware of sensations like your feet until I mention them. You can hear sounds that help you to relax even further."

What we're doing now is beginning to lead their attention toward some simple suggestions. For the moment let's stick to simple things like 'relax', 'calm','trance','focus'. These are called trance themes, so you're going to talk about themes, ideas that are relatively hypnotic, and as you do so, an experience comes to life inside the other person and they tend to become more hypnotized. You're using the current experience as a stepping stone to the experience you want them to have. lt's a much milder form of creating the same spin that we've been talking about. lt's still a spin, but it's much milder, almost imperceptible.


Work with your partner, and just repeat the same loop over and over, with different themes that you absolutely know are going to be in their awareness. I just want you to get used to the formula because we're about to put octane gas into this, but not yet.Ten minutes total. Really create that hypnotic atmosphere, a more classical trance.

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lgor's Comments We're interested in using this whole process to navigate through spins a bit more. The spin happens inside the mind, or it doesn't. lf it doesn't, then you do it again. lf it does, you do it again. Either way is better, isn't it?


Now we're going to develop this into a very simple mechanism for solving problems. Whether you solve a problem is irrelevant, it's what we're training your mind to in the process.



To the extent that you're willing to not overcome the problem, are you going to try and make it happen? The less the problem is there, the more it's actually working, so the language is actually doing its job.

C € G €



Each partner have a turn.



lnduction Consider a problem you have for a moment. Just something nagging, not the biggest life issue you have. lf your favorite monkey got hit by a truck and now you're traumatized, don't choose that one. Choose something small, like someone cut you offon the way to work the other day. Think about the problem, and as you think about the problem, I want you to realize that there are, so many other ways you can do this. For example, you're aware of the sounds around you. Of course, my voice is one of those sound and you're having certain feelings. Beyond all the thing's you're experiencing inside that wasn't the problem, notice that you can begin to get a sense of this thing resolving. So, go ahead and notice what you see. Feel some sensation in your body. Listen to the sound of the humming lights as you just close your eyes, and

begin to go beyond the problem into a solution beyond now. Feel the sensations of a trance developing. Continue

to listen to my voice,

and sense the temperature in the air. As you experience everything but right now inside this, and begin to resolve the problem further.

26 Advanced Covert Hypnosis

1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; lF 1; 1; 1; 1;


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing



C € C C a C €

d € € €


c I d cc c


Feel that transformation continuing. Notice your thoughts reflecting things, recall all those moments that aren't now, beyond the problem, as it continues to resolve, as you consider anything but this and enjoy it.

Igor's Comments How has that thing that was a problem changed? Reality hasn't changed, has it? As your perception chang€s, two things are important, firstly that you no longer have to feel annoyed or frustrated by the reality of something, and secondly, more importantly, is that the consequence of those feelings about the problem have changed.


Now we're going to add a little bit more to what I just did, and l'm going to simplify it to make it easy for you.


We're going to start in exactly the same way as you did a moment ago by giving three pacing statements. ln other words, things they can verify in their awareness.

1. Things they're feeling. 2. Things they're thinking. 3. Things they're hearing.


Now, we're going to add one awareness spin. ln other words, you've got three things they're aware of here in the pace already. You ask them a question that they can easily answer so they engage with you more fully.


Then, you're going to attach on to it one more statement that sounds like it should be the same kind of thing, but it's not.

Exomple - Notice everything that you weren't thinking until now.

It sounds like it's exactly one of these three things, but you're putting more spin on it, which sends the mind out to one of these little openended trances a bit more. When you add a suggestion, it has that much 27 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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more room to grow in. lt's like you're getting all the weeds out of the wdy, you're putting suggestions in the ground and letting that start to grow up.


Then add a trance theme like: 1. relax 2. go deeper 3. calm 4. focus

Do you remember the trance themes you did in the previous exercise? All we've done is inserted the awareness spin between the two steps of the previous exercise. You're putting a little bit more torque on what you're doing before you present a trance suggestion.


Then, at the end of it all, you're going to add another thing about the problem to make it resolve. So, you're just attaching a simPle instruction along the lines of:

5. as that problem resolves Example - "You're all sitting there feeling the sensations of the chair against your back, and you can notice everything that isn't this moment as you go into a trance, and that problem begins to resolve itself."


Do you see how we're adding extra loops and then we're going into a solution? We're telling the unconscious mind to solve the problem.


Of course, it will not solve the problem in here. You're sending them out here first and saying, hey look around maybe some of this will work.


No? Well, then, do another cycle. Go over here and check around. ls there anything over here that will work? No? Let's do another cycle.

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a a a a a a a a a a a a 3 a a a 3 a a a a -

3 ) ) ) )

3 ) 3 3 ) 3 3 3 )

2 ? ? ? t? ? I

Eventually, you're going to end up somewhere that has something of positive value in relation to whatever that problem is, aren't you? lt's just a question of time, isn't it?


Ten minutes each per person. lf you want, let's make it very easy because l'm not interested in getting very technical with the language yet.Just use any of the awareness language, like these: Notice Recall

Exomple - "So, you can hear me. You're thinking about this exercise. You, of course, can sense your shoes. You do now. Which means you can recall doing things anyhow but like this, as you go into a trance and begin to resolve that problem." This is just a spin on it. We add some kind of awareness language ahead this just to be able to introduce the spin, and we just carry on.


Get some kind of induction, some kind of trance process going, and then reel out of that into a problem solution. Then, cycle through over and over again, as often as those five minutes allow you, just to notice what ha


Igor's Comments We're not interested in destroying the problem. What we're doing is creating so much creativity; the problem can no long exist. Something's going to give. Something's going to work.

DVI'5 Greating Gontext Ard The Hylpnotic Gaze It's not so much language we're interested in, although that's very important. lf you don't have context, it starts taking away from the actual language in terms of where people go, because they'll just answer your questions either haphazardly, or they won't take them seriously.

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L. This exercise is very important in helping you be able to create context a little more. To create a sense where people go "Wow! Something important is happening here and l'd better really concentrate or think about this question properly."


This exercise is to develop a hypnotic gaze. lt sounds simple, you just look at someone, but actually, it's surprisingly not easy. Five minutes. Sit comfortably and look into your partner's eyes, one or the other in silence.

o lf you have difficulty looking at their eyes, look at the center of the bridge of their nose. That makes it easy in terms of the emotional impact it has on you. Remember the H+; focusing in the terms that something positive is going to happen, some hypnotic intent.


Notice as you get into the exercise how the total immersion of the experience changes as someone looks at you for five minutes.

lgor's Comments lf you can preserve that attitude, looking into their eyes, while you're doing all this mind-bending language, don't you think that might be a little bit more powerful? Did you notice after a few minutes of doing this your mind settles down and you're into this sort of steady rhythm and you feel connected?

2. This time, once you've hit that rhythm, and not before - this is very important - to the extent you can maintain that sort of feeling that you have, start saying some of the things from previous exercises. I don't care which one it is.


You can choose one ahead of time and write it down if you want to, or choose one in the moment spontaneously. You can make one up.


Once you've gotten to that point where the rhythm is going, without breaking the rhythm, start slowly adding one or two of these things in and then watch their reaction, then do it again, watch the reaction, and so on.

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e €

C C,


Each person do it for about a minute or two.

Igor's Comments Did you find it easier for your mind to go to these other places, rather than just being spun out? lt's a gentler way of spinning people through things but it takes them much further. The thing to recognize is that language without the mindset is useless.

You'll struggle finding the language in the first place. lf you do find the language, it's just because you memorized it. It won't have the impact.

to start from this base, which will help you get the language more naturally, and it will help the impact be much more profound. Any exercises we do from now on, only do to the extent that you can carry on doing what you've been doing here and surfing from doing it conversationally, but with the same So we want

attitude, which

is a

little trickier.

it more hypnotically, with the same attitude, which is a little easier because that allows your mannerisms to become more hypnotic. Either w?v,

Then do

though, your language will come out smoothly and fit the context at that point if you go there first.

The Outer Edge of Inner Space We're going to follow the sequences we've already learned, but we'll start taking it to the outer edge of inner space. To get there we're going to use a formula, so you don't have to think about it too much. We have our awareness language, 'notice', 'sense' , 'hear', 'feel' and so on. Then

we want to add more spin, so we'll have something like 'everything'


'anything'. Then you have the resource. We've been working with 'happiness'. This could be anything, more confidence, love, or safety for examples. Then you add the spinning like we did before.

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We're now going to add more resources at this point, and we're going to get used to moving awareness through this. Here's what NOT to do: "Notice everything that is (x) anywhere but here." You will have undone everything you've done to that point.






Spend a minute or two getting into the state, and then take them through awareness spins constantly for three or four minutes with a specific resource in mind, or a specific direction. lf they have a problem they want to solve, a small one, feel free to do that as well. Then swap roles.


Use what you have already done, plus the mindset and spin and add resources. This may be a bit tricky at first because you'll have to try to keep track of both your state and the language at the same time. You have to connect the two together because if you don't, you'll never actually be able to use this in the real world.


You can touch them if you want to create that tension. You can lock eye contact. lf their attention drifts, you can kind of give them a little nudge and make sure they're paying attention again. All those things, by all means, do so.


The key for doing this is that you don't pop out. You can't make the whole connection, then go "Okay, great!" and break it and proceed. You'll lose everything you've built up.


The momentum begins with you, and you create the context. You're sub-communicating how they should interact with the ideas you're presenting.


Five minutes with each partner.

Igor's Comments What's important is that you're taking them from where they are out to the edge.

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3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) )

3 ) ) )

3 3 ) ) ) )

3 -

3 ) ) ) ) ) )

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Now we're going to add a few layers at the same time. The spin has been doubled up to give you more momentum as you're going through this.

Example - "Pav attention to everything everywhere but here, anytime but now."

Do you notice how that adds a natural extra layer of spin right at the end?

The key is, don't repeat the same phrase twice, there's very little extra spin there. Example - "Pay attention to everything feeling resourceful, only here, only here." Do you see how there's no more spin? lt's redundant. You add more spin by adding more tag phrases, which are essentially the same spin layer, just putting more spin on what's already going on.

Content under awareness will change according to what you need to achieve. Do 3 levels of awareness (X) all in the same process. Start with one and move through to the final one. Follow this sequence:


The first (X) should just be something that's in their experience, part of

their awareness. For example "Pay attention to anything that's comfortable inside your body, everywhere but here, only now". We're looking for a physical sensation, some part of their physical experience. Or, "See everything in this room, anytime but now, only like this".

You'll cycle two or three of these just to see where the spin begins. Once you've done a few of the experience ones, and you've been spinning them out in terms of what they're experiencing in the room right now: seeing, hearing, feeling and so on, you're going to move them on to a resource.

2. The resource can be something they give you, something they want more of in their life such as: { Confidence '/ Happiness ,/ safety

) )

3 3

that makes you feel happy

33 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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,/ ./



3. Then add some general language around the idea that they can solve the problem. lf you have a specific problem in mind, feel free to mention it to your partner, vou do not have to give any details, or you can. lf you want to keep it private, feel free to keep it private. Either way is fine.

lf you can't think of a specific problem that might be useful, just let your unconscious mind come up with something, and it will. Your partner, the hypnotist, will just talk about resolving a problem in general and then just let your unconscious mind select something appropriate for you to resolve. Do this process two, three or four times, just so you see how easy it is. Fifteen minutes, then switch partners. You may suggest they just close

their eyes and drift at the end of the exercise, so hypnotis! you keep track of the time.

lgor's Comments

to influence, as far as l'm concerned, is not to. lf you're trying to persuade someone of one thing, it's because you're stuck at a level of ideas where that's the only possible thing that could work for you, or for them really in that case. The key

We now have so many choices that we're no longer stuck at the level where 'it has to be this'. Why would you try to force your opinion someone when there are so many other ways of being? lt's just a question of selecting the one that matches that person, at that point in time. You can win and they can win, both at the same time. Your mind stretches beyond that. You have to be 'bigger than the client's problem'. lf you're in a negotiation, you're stuck, and you're stuck at the same level as wherever the other person it. lt's very difficult to make headway.

lf you're bigger than their problem, you can go "oh, it's that", that's not even a problem. Look here, and here, and here. Suddenly it dissolves and disappears.

34 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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A 3 ) ) )

3 ) ) ) )



You need else's.

to be able to stretch your own mind before you can stretch someone

How would you like to know how to do that in your negotiations, in your conversations, in your hypnotherapy practice, with your kids, with your students or with whatever way you want to be using this. We're going to learn this.

DVIT6 Neuroplasticity and Ghanging Your Brain Neuroplasticity basically means that your brain is one of the most flexible organisms, like a muscle, it will grow and get stronger and more powerful the more you use it. Neuroplasticity is the brains ability to hook and unhook dendrites on the neurons to form new meanings and expand ideas. Children's brains are completely neuroplastic, forming new associations and growing neural nets constantly. There are two basic secrets to neuroplasticity:


You have to repeat things.



- intensity of emotion

and variety.

You have to repeat things to create neural pathways. When you have variety and

repetition, your brain learns so quickly, it's unreal. When you have intensity, meaning a powerful experience and repetition, it picks up things quickly and makes all the connections. When you repeat things and get stimulated by them you either enjoy it intensely, and have a strong experience, or you change or vary the exercises enough that you make the pathways. Do you see how we're building lots of exercises that repeat the same idea in different ways to build those pathways?

slr($TEMs l^anguage This is a simple way to remember all the extra little pieces like:

Who are you? What are you?

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e e e C e e

This is called the SySTEM or Systems Language.

These are labels that will help you think coordinates that people build realities on.


in terms of

How do you know something is real? Because it's located somewhere, even if it's inside vou, it's located somewhere in space.


Time Usually it's located somewhere in time. lt either happened,

is happening, or will happen. lf something is outside of time, if it's all the time, then it's now, it will be, and never has been. That's where we're heading.



ln terms of energy, energy just adds to the question how. What's the quality of it? lf someone's running lethargically, quickly or slowly, there's a different level of energy in it. When someone is thinking furiously or calmly, there's a different level of energy in that.

Matter identifies things like....chair, house, an individual etc...and it separates it from the rest of the universe. Just think about space, time and energy. Which combine? You have lots of ways of combining them:



You can talk about awareness in relation to these. You can add spins in relation to


these. You can add these in relation to



or a



of these do you want to

who, what, when, where, how are


resource or an idea.

What we're doing is deconstructing how another person experiences what is real for them, so that we can reconstruct it

,..anywhere but here/there ...anytime but now/then ...anyway but like this/that ...that's anything but this

36 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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e e e C e C C C C e C € €


e € € € € € € € € € € € € €


ea € € €


slightly differently, which will include your bit of influence.


We're going to start bringing the sySTEM back into the awareness exercises we were doing, with cross-spins added.

Awareness Gross Spins VAK +Not

Awareness X

See, hear, feel,


consider, notice, listen to,

Spin only here/there... everywhere here/there...

Spin only here/there... but




think about, remember, look ?t, find, experience, only now/then... only now/then... recall, check, discover, anytime but now/then... anytime but now/then... appreciate, focus oh, concentrate oh, pay like this/that (in every like this/that (in every attention to...


way)... anyway but like this/that...

way)... anyway but like this/that...

and only this/that... and anything but this/that...

and only this/that... and anything but this/that...

Keep adding as many layers of the sySTEM spins as you like

Remember, the cross-spins happen at the point where the other person starts reacting to a spin; they'll go off and drift for a while and as they start coming off that drifting cycle, you add another one to re-intensify the drift. Each time they drift further and further from where their normal state of consciousness is.

With some people you'll have to be much slower, where you work up to this after a few days because the tiniest amount of spin already takes them way out of their normal comfort zone, and that's more than enough.

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The first one is the cross-spin. You'll start with awareness, when you notice (X). Example: Fear of Cats Someone comes in with a fear of cats. You ask the person something along the lines of, when you experience the problem, when you experience cats,

when you think about cats, when you feel cats, when you see cats, whatever. lt doesn't really matter, any kind of awareness language. when you are awore


cats,then you go into your systems cycles.


so, you ask a question, who are you, when are you, where are you, etc. Of course, you can change the tense, if you want to, but that's coming in another layer. So, who hove you been? Then, yoU add some spins. Only here any time but now.


You're doing cross-spins so you're adding bits onto each other again, and you're combining everything you know.

1. Awareness 2. The systems questions 3. The two different types of spins


With individuals though, you can work it at their pace. lf they're refusing to consider even the first idea, is there any point going on with any of the spins? Hence, our starting point has to be all this, because without this, they're not even going to start considering your ideas. And, if they're not considering your ideas, you have nothing to work with, have you?



What I want you to do is ask your partner to think of a problem. lf they can't think of a problem, do you know what you do? Allow your mind to consider a problem for you. Make is something easy to resolve, some problem that's been bugging you for some time. Step one, when you think about the problem, recall the problem, think about the problem, that bit's easy isn't it?

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e

e e e e e e e C e e e a

e d c


d, d,

d d e e e

e e e e e d q


3 3 3 -

Then you choose any of the system questions, Who are you? Where are you? When are you? How are you? What are you?

) )



3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 )

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ) ) )

3 3 ) 3 ) )

3 3 3 3 3

you want

to put some spin on that already, you change the

tense...who have you been? Who will you be? Who will you have been? Who might you have been? Who could you have been? Who might you be becoming?

By the w?v, these are all correct English grammar, although more unusual forms of them. Then you start spinning. You can put some solution ideas into it if you want. This is a little more involved, so we'll give you a little longer, because now it's not just reading the language out in different cycles, now you're waiting for a reaction before you add the spins. Once you've done a whole cycle you'll come right back to the beginning again and do the same thing on the same problem, with a different set of spins, only this time of course, they'll be experiencing the problems completely differently because of what you did a moment before.

l'll give you 20 minutes, that's 10 minutes apiece to do this so you can really go to town on it.

lgor's Comments We're going to start going a little further now and de-constructing language which is actually softening the spins, because you don't have to go anywhere near as hard core as this to get the results you want. We can start getting practical with it. Believe it or not some problems that to the extent you ignore them go away. Other problems, if you ignore them escalate and grow, but there are a whole class of problems that we torture ourselves with that will go away when you stop thinking about them.

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ln terms of neuro science, there's something called a'xeno effect', which is, as the old saying says'where attention goes, energy flows', it actually alters the brain. People create obsessive/compulsive disorder by thinking about their problem a lot.

It's true. lt's literally to the point where pathways in their brain, like super highways, get created leading to their problem, so that any idea leads back to that, everything goes back to that. Now, a caveat here, do not think that just because we're saying this, that you can ignore all your problems and they'll go away, they will not. The tax man will still come knocking on your door if you don't pay your taxes. And, you'll probably go to jail at some point if you haven't paid your taxes in a long time.

So there are a certain class of problems that you have to actually resolve, whereas, there's another class of problems that people just put way too much attention on and by not doing so, they resolve themselves virtually automatically. This will be important when we get into the more practical side of things. lf you're having trouble solving a particular problem with a person in front of you, sometimes the easiest way to resolve it is to actually resolve a different problem that's similar in nature, but they're not attached to. Then, in resolving that, it creates a pattern that makes the other one easier to resolve.

Using Hypnosis to Handle Sales Obiections Do we have any sale people here? I know you never get any objections in terms of what you're selling, I understand that, but let's suppose some random person came in that really had a messed up life and they had one tiny little objection.

Those of you who are great sales people would realize that some objections you do not even address. They just say them, and just like a token thing you can hear it in the sound of their voice that it's not that big a deal, and by addressing it you get into a whole bucket of trouble you don't want to get into. By ignoring it, as all the other stuff that's going on, then they go "Yeah this, no problem."

l'll buy

Of course, there's another class of objection where if you do not handle them there'll be no sale. Do you know how to tell the difference? Ultimately, it comes down to state.

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2 3

lf they're really attached to something whether or not it's the actual thing they're saying, they'll lock into it and you can feel it. Have you ever really focused on something and you notice your whole body changes? This happens when you're driving down the road, you see something like an accident, what do you do? You join the accident, because where your attention goes your whole car starts steering towards it. It's the same thing when people get into a problem, they tend to get more tense, more excited, they tend to lean forward a little bit and all these sort of things, and of course, the opposite is true too. So, you're looking for their emotional attachment to what they're saying.

lf the emotional attachment isn't quite there, l've done this myself and have seen a lot of people that start addressing something there's no need to address, and they make a problem of something that has nothing to do with anything, just because they're putting more and more attention on it. So, you're lighting up a circuit that is redundant, it's irrelevant. Does sense?

that make

One of the things you do right now, is figure out ways of taking the energy off the problem and onto something else. You're essentially de-stabilizing the problem. You can make things more concrete, or you can make things more fluid and unstable, which gives you more chance to change.

The things that are positive, like resources, happiness, decisions and so on, you can make more concrete so they lock in. Things that are more problematic like objections, you can make more fluid, you de-stabilize them which gives you an opportunity to change them if you need to. I want you to pay attention to intentionality because Most of you have experienced it.

it makes a big difference.

41 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing



DvT' 7 Targeting Specific Resourcesn Skills and Abilities What

if we could navigate through

this trance of infinite possibilities


specifically target certain resources, skills, abilities and so on? lmaging that Merlin the Wizard really did, or does exist. lf you could go back in time and visit him, and he could take you to some other magical realm, where whatever you wanted was possible, what would that be?

l'm sure most of you can think about something that would be useful to have more of in life, like competent hypnosis, elegance, excitement, intuition, power, flexibility or happiness, whatever it

is you


Start thinking about some of these things, because we're about to go through a process that's not necessarily going to give it to you right now, but any time other than now, when you come back and look onto it, you'll be able to experience that this was the point it started. Wouldn't that be worth looking back on? So think about a wish list of seeds you want to plant, somewhere other than where your conscious mind normally is. Do you know why we want to put it somewhere where the conscious mind isn't normally? Because your conscious mind didn't make this happen in the first place! So, clearly, your conscious mind is the wrong place to look for this. DGRCFiE-CROSS SPINSi o].l RESpt RCES

We're about to have a little exploration, we're going somewhere your conscious mind normally isn't. That means the whole idea, the resource; these seeds of suggestions will be implanted in a place where your conscious mind won't interfere. You might as well go there, plant the seed and let it go.

1. The process is very simple. lt's the same thing you did last exercise, only we'll be focusing now on the resource. We put the systems and cross spins on resources.

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cc e

e e e e e e e e e e


a a a ) ) )

s!6TEMs Gross SPins Resource +Not Resource Y

Who are you Where are you When are you How are you What are you



I. F I

F t l-


only now... anytime but now...

only now... anytime but now...

like this (in every way).. anyway but like this...

like this (in every way).. anyway but like this...

and only that... and anything but that...

and only that... and anything but that...

Keep adding as many layers of the sySTEM spins as you like.


Start the same way, some awareness, who you are, where you are and all that sort of stuff, but the key is to start directionalizing the mind toward the resources, the excitement, competency of mastering hypnosis, or the love of music, etc.


Would a love of music help in mastering music? I would think so. Ceaseless tenacity, whatever resource you want but remember that everything else you've learned to date still counts. Don't just throw out a random statement.


Begin with something and you watch them bubble up, and if it doesn't quite bubble up, you re-emphasize it repeatedly until you spin them and they start considering it fully.


Then you talk about whatever the resource is. Then you start spinning some more things, each step waiting until they're responding to some extent. When you're done once cycle, look at them, floating on a high and start again. Drill it into that place.


n F

Spin only here... everywhere but here...

(that is... Y...)

) ) ) )

Spin only here... everywhere but here...

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The Mind Bending Language System.


2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

There will be a special space inside their mind, a space that's not normally used in which this seed, idea or suggestion exists and gets to grow outside of consciousness. By the time it bleeds into consciousness, not only do they have that, but their whole world becomes larger because it's coming from the outside. lt's coming like aliens bearing gifts, only the alien is part of you.



Begin, L0 minutes apiece then switch.

c e

Igor's Comments

to make it official - you have a starting point, like a problem, then you do something and it shifts. From this point your aim is to shift it some more, shift it some more and so on. You're not trying to get all the way there on the first go, I want

are you?

little more extreme than the last one. How can you possibly know where you're nudging them, if you don't know what's happening in between? So part of the influence process is to get feedback, to find out where Each nudge gets a

they are so you're not completely going down a blind alley or down a wrong path.

Making the Hypnotic Process More FreesQile Let's take this whole process and become a little more freestyle with it. Essentially, you want to start with awareness, probably around a problem the person is having. Then you'll make them more aware of whatever that is in the way you've been doing already.

Then add some type of spin around that. Then go through some of the system questions of who, what, where and so on. Feel free to change time scale on that also.

You want to attach some kind of resource, how they want put another spin on them. This is one sequence.

to be different, then

Now, if you notice something significant happen during one of these spins, do you know what to do? No, not yet?

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3 ) ) )

3 3 3 ) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

a a a ) ) ) ) )

Ask what's happening now? What just happened? You want to have a little feedback as to what's going on inside them. Up to this point you've been happy to notice that something has happened and you spin it again. Now we want to know what's happening for two reasons:

1,. We want to know where they are, so you can send them on more than one direction.

2. You want to get a sense of how different

kinds of spinning language send

people in different directions. So you're gathering feedback at a different level now. By the time you've gone through a whole cycle of awareness questions, plus the problem, a spin, a system question, plus the resource and another spin, when you're done the second spin you'll smile at them hypnotically and ask them 'what's happening now', 'what just happened' or 'how they're doing now', any of those variations.

Whatever they say will be your starting point for the next spin. Each cycle through, you keep deepening that, always starting at whatever they've fed back to you. EXERCIE-ECT{O EFFEGT

1. Let's add the Freestyle questions into what we've already been doing. Who's familiar with the echo effect? That basically means, when someone says something to you, if you reflect it right back, it intensifies it. Example - lf someone says to you "How are you feeling?" and you go "l feel great", then you turn to them and say "That's right, you feel great, you really do feel great". That validates the experience they're having and makes it much more powerful.


You can do this in regular conversations as well. Just like you're amusing on something, like you're talking about some toaster oven they're thinking of buying, you do your little spiel and say "How do you feel about the toast oven?" and they go "Fine." Then you say, "Oh, so you feel fine about this, that's interesting. You feel fine, that's a fine oven, isn't it?" They say "Yeah".

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Then you can go into mind-bending language or whatever. The echo effect is simply reflecting the same words back to them in a way that will help them intensify the experience, or at the very least, validate it.


The only things you don't want to echo as firmly are the negatives. You want to put a little spin on those in order to take away from the experience a little bit.

Example - Something negative someone might s?y, when you say "How are you doing?" is that they're tired. So you say "So you're tired right now. So at this moment you're tired."


little bit of spin going on there? You're saying it's temporary so it won't be there forever vs. "You're tired now, aren't you? You're really tired aren't you?" Can you feel the tiniest


little tired right now, for the moment anyway. Beyond the moment, what else awaits you that isn't that?" Then they'll go "What?" Then you go "Just think about it, if you're tired right now, you know for a fact it can't last forever, don't you? Yes, so whenever the moment comes that you're no longer tired, as soon as it comes you'll like it, won't you?"


Can you hear the mind-bending spins subtly moving inside sounds totally rational doesn't it? Let's learn how to do that.


Let's do the exercise, one partner, then switch.

So you say "Oh, right now you're tired, just a

of it? lt

lgor's Comments Who's noticing that you're like a pendulum? You're going to get it, no you don't. You get it, you don't. ls that a relatively common phenomenon? Trust me you're in the right place. lt took me eight years of not getting it to get it, and another two years to get how to teach it, so l've got it, and not got it so many times lcan't even count. l'm trying to pump you through the same experience more quickly to the extent I can in the four days we have together.

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e e e e e C e e e e e e e e e e € €

e e € e e e e C e e e e e e e e e e C e e e e e e

lf you get in and out, in and out, you'll be just fine. Trust me; at the end of it, you'll have a solid grasp of it. When you go home more importantly, you'll know how to develop it. Remember, this is training. You need practice to develop things. Training gets you ready to do it, but then you have to keep going with it to ingrain it. You'll have fun. This is fun isn't it?

Predicates Have you ever been a child? Have you listened to a child as they learn a language while growing up from not speaking very much? First they get simple words like

mom, dad, bottle, basically nouns. Then they start having a few verbs to put it together and make simple sentences like 'dog makes sad' or something like that with not much in between. Then a very interesting stage develops, where they start filling the gaps between the words with very short words called predicates that add nuance. By the time a child is five or six years old, it's pretty eloquent. ln fact, most of the vocabulary they'll need has been formed at that point. On top of that becomes layers of nuances, as they grow older.

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The s36TEM Predicates Space








Above Beyond Aside (from) Here There lnside


Totally Completely Only Absolutely To the extent

Any Ail


A part of Other What else Once Only Except

On top of

nderneath Next to Beneath Deep Down At U

On ln

Between from...to...

within Across Against Alongside Amid Among Behind Below

from ln place of Far

Nea r

Next to Opposite Over Past Through

After Earlier Later Yet Already Now Soon During

While Until for (3 Days) Since (thursday)

than More than Less

Exclusively Partially Against ln addition to


Every Each



by (sunday) ago Between

from...to... up to


Was Has been

Had been Would hove been Could have been Will be Will have been

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e e e e e e e e e e

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

So these predicates are words that allow us

to orient things. For example,'the

dog wags his tail' vs. 'the tail wags his dog'. They allow us to make certain distinctions that are very important in terms of how language works. These predicates are words like "Where is the can?" it's above the fridge, it's next to the fridge, to the left, to the right or inside. "When do you do that?" before, earlier or later. "How are you doing?" All these things have certain predicates,

certain kinds of filler words that allow us to form relationships between two ideas, two nouns or two things, so we understand how to locate it in reality. Where is it? When is it? How is it? What is it?

lf you talk about a person, you can say "How is that person?" "Where is that person?" "Who is that person?" Which is a... what..., and when is that person? This is how we construct reality.

ln other words, the language element of reality, of experience, the thing that gets us locked into those little circles, works by putting relationships between two things. You switch the relationship around, you switch the meaning, ?s in 'the dog wags the tail', and 'the tail wags the dog'. We primarily locate things through space. The largest part of our brain is given up to processing visual information. Even a blind person still uses their visual cortex to process information. lt is also the fastest information processor. Vision works in space, doesn't it? lt locates something'next to', 'inside'and so on. The reason we want to focus on this language is because it's hardwired into us by this stage. We've been using it for so long that all our relationships, including our internal ones are based on that.

lf you want to compare this to that, notice we have predicates 'anywhere', that's about the location isn't it, 'here' and 'there'. Notice how by playing with location 'anywhere but here' it sends your mind in one direction and locks it down again.

"Who are you, instead of anywhere but here?" You might say above and beyond what's near. "Who are you above and beyond what's near?" "When are you

49 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


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within that experience until now?" l'm going random AWOL to show you that you can randomly pick words and they start adding spin already. However, we're not going to be randoffi, we're going to be very strategic. For the moment, just recognize how this is being constructed.





1. We're going to do the

exercise the same as last time, only adding more freestyle with predicates to create spin where and when you want to. I want you to have some kind of exercise where you're using the staple routine and adding in the predicates.


With each phrase, notice how we're parting this up.....When you consider this problem.. who are you being.. like this in every way.. and only that? So there are four pauses in that small construction.


So now, in each of those little sub-phrases like when you consider (X),

you're going to introduce one of these extra little words, and for the moment it doesn't matter which one it is, just randomly choose a predicate.


You may sound like you're on drugs, or you may sound more intelligent. We're just getting used to this language by fitting into something you already know.


Take 20 minutes each for this exercise.

Igor's Comments

You can't help but make meaning provided you're engaged



conversation. lf you have a joking conversation, you'll just be playing with it, but when you actually try and make sense of it, like this is really important, that's when it kicks in. This is one of the reasons we've been doing all the H+, setup, eye gazing etc.

What you don't want to have happen is that you present an atmosphere, a vibe if you like, that says "l am about to fool you". lf people are on their guard, they'll

50 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Sffeet Hypnosis Publishing

€ € € €

cc C a cC e c G

a ; ; € € €

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

start analyzing, thinking "What's he saying; this doesn't even make sense, so l'm not going there." The reason is because in the back of their heads they're afraid someone is going to make fun of them in some way, or give them an unpleasant experience.

You have to have your integrity in place, your H+ in place and make sure the whole thing sounds like a real conversation to make sure they actually treat it like one. When they do, they will consider the ideas fully.

DVIDS PowerWolds for Mind Bending Language Now we'll get ready for a set of power words for mind-bending language to be ingrained into you so that they're there for you without having to think about it.

We'll start by ingraining some of the core, the more important, shall we s?y, prepositions that I like to use so they're there naturally, instinctively, whenever you need to use them. We'll put them at a conscious level.

3 3

Here's a warning. To the extent that this makes no sense to you at all, it will work. lf it starts having meaning, you'll actually find it harder. Switch your conscious mind off for a little bit, and know it will be there for you at the unconscious level when you need it.


We've got the four basic sySTEM categories, space, time, energy and matter.


Three predicates I like to use for Space:

3 ) ) ) -

3 3 3 3

a) Beyond b)


Aside lnside



- ASl{IlG SYSIEM QuESIlOllSi tf;ill.lc


Quickly, walk around the room and ask one of the five sySTEM questions: a) Who are you? b) Where are you? c) When are you? d) How are you?

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

e) What are you?



The only answer I want you to give for the first round is one of those 3 words in any order you want. That's it. Go and do it with as many people as possible.

Now let's start filling in some content. Don't make the content anything particularly meaningful or interesting, or even sensible.

Just use the 3 predicates randomly letting your mind between.

fill in content


lgor's Commenb lf you're finding your brains are almost tripping over themselves a little bit, trying to come up with stuff, that's exactly where you want to be! Three predicates I like to use for Time:

a) Before b)


Yet Now



- t SilllG


When someone asks you how you're doing this time, use 'before' , 'yet', and 'now'. Only this time, when you're finished, you will go right back to 'beyond', 'aside' and 'inside' with content. Example - When are you? Before, yet now. Besides what we're saying, inside I feel aside from everything else.


Off you go, change partners as often as you can

52 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


e e e

c ce

Example- How are you? Beyond the question, inside what I feel is aside from anything else.


e e e e e e e e e

The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

e e C

C cC

e € a a G a G a C

G G G G G G G G G at G C,

d, __l


Do the same thing again only this time, we're going to fill in the content between the time predicates as well as the space predicates. Example - How are you? Before I tell you that, anything I say yet isn't now. Beyond whatever's going on inside. Who knows aside from that?


lt needs to make no sense whatsoever, just have fun with it. Go ahead then switch.

Three predicates I like to use for Energy:

a) Totally b) only

c) To the extent No we're going to do the next layer. EXERCEEi


- tffil\G ENERGY


lgnore the first two sets of predicates for Space and Time elements. Just answer your questions with the three Energy predicates. Example - How will you have been? Totally, only, to the extent.

. 2.

Go crazy if you want and mix them up.

Now you're going to do exactly the same thing, don't fill in the content for the Energy predicates, but I want you to add the Space and Time predicates as well, with content. Example - How will you have been? Totally, only to the extent before this moment that's yet, not now, aside from everything else inside, I feel beyond.

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o 3.

Feel the brain melting again? Just when you thought you were getting it, right? Off you go.

Now use all nine predicates with content. Example - When had you been?

Totally to the extent that l'm only before yet now, aside from anything else, beyond inside, I feel things.


Okay, off you go.

Three predicates I like to use for Matter:

a) All b) Other





Just like before, just answer with those 3 predicates for Matter. Forget the other nine for the moment. Example How are you?



Off you go.

Let's take all of them together now. All 12 in one big, glorious sentence.

Example: How will you have been? All the time Other than now Each time to the extent Only that l'm totally this not yet But before I tell you Beyond all other things aside from inside I feel good

54 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis

e e e e e C e e C

C cC


All Other


e e e e e e e e e e e e e e


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

Igor's Comments Hopefully these basic 12 mind-bending language type how words are ingrained, so you can use them without having to think much about them, you're just throwing them in, it's easy.

lwant you to be able to continue to do all the other stuff, eye contact, the gentle gaze, the attitude of agreement, but reversing things if you need to, and so on. That's part of what you're going to use in real life.


Find a partner and have a conversation. Choose who's going to be the hypnotist for the first 5 minutes, and who will be for the last 5 minutes. Pick any topic, such as:

o o o o .

Why are you here? How are you enjoying the course? What do you do for fun? Do you have any family?

As the hypnotist, while having your regular conversation, start weaving

any of these 12 words in casually. The operative word is casually.You might want to do some extra things, like staring, a friendly touch contact. You might want to introduce that a little casually, and then break it off. Casually, then break it off.


You're only saying those things to the extent that people are actually following along with yoU, don't go beyond that level. Five minutes per person. Refrain from being the hypnotist when you're not, it might be harder than you think, but try it anyway.

lgor's Comments The unconscious mind reasons with two types of logic:

1. The Law of Associations


Either two things happen at the same time to the same thing, or one thing causes the other.

2. Symbolism - lf you look at any of the old type magic or more primitive

cultures, they would burn a figure of something as a symbolic thing for something else. When you have dreams, and you dream about a ball that

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actually represents something you played with as a child, it may symbolize lost youth. You can feel all that by just having one ball in the dream. One of the things we're doing is taking you way out of your conscious focus, so that it makes it a lot easier for you to reflect back on normal reality with that mindset. lt's no good just being able to perceive it this way if you can't express it, because then you're just as stuck.

How To Be More lnfluential and Percuasive ln Your Life lpresume you would like to be more influential and persuasive in a particular aspect of your life.

Whether you're a hypnotist trying to sell your practice , or get clients more enthused about the hypnosis that's going to happen, whether you're salespeople trying to sell a product, whether you're parents trying to parent children, whether you're teachers trying to education, whether you're writers or public speakers and so on, you all have areas in which you'd like to be more influential. think about these particular areas, there is some information that you want to communicate. Some ideas, some attitudes or some principles, which, if the other

So, when you

person understood properly, would make your job a lot easier.

ln other words, you have some values as a parent that you want your children to have.

As a salesperson, you want your customers to know things about the product that, if they had it, would make their life somehow better or their business somehow better. As a public speaker, there are some attitudes that, if your audience had them, they would get what they came for. They think they come for the information, but really, it's the other stuff behind the information that they're more interested in.

As an author, nurse or hypnotherapist, there are always some ideas, some attitudes, and some concepts that if people really understood the heart of it, would make your life easier and actually their life easier too.

56 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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For about 5 minutes, think about one of these topics so that you can speak

to someone about this. Get into partners, and talk about your topic to your partner for 5 minutes on this topic.


Hypnotists might talk about the power of hypnosis, or about how hypnosis can help people, or about what hypnosis is and what it isn't.


A salesperson might talk about their particular product and all the advantages it has, and you, of course, as the subject will pretend to be interested in it in terms of whatever that product happens to be.

o o

lf you're more interested in parenting or teaching, then of course, you adopt that position. Here's the thing.As you're presenting your lecture, your information, I want you to go out here as you're talking to your audience. Watch them like a hawk. Do you remember how yesterday we spent a lot of

time waiting for them to react before you put more spin on things? This is what l'd like you to do.




Present an idea, and then you wait to see their reaction while they're kind of processing it. lf they're not processing it correctly, you might say something like, "Let me give an example, because above all the things you've been thinking about, the experience you haven't had yet won't allow you to understand this." You see what happens is the mind opens up, and then you go off and expand the same idea again. Then, you just watch how they absorb that. lf from time to time, you add a little bit of spin here and little bit of spin there, just in your normal conversation, that's great. The key thing you're looking for, though, is how they're absorbing what you're saying.

lf their mind is starting to glaze over a little bit, capture their attention again. Throw a bit of spin in, and just as they're going, "Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Ooh, my brain is hurting, but l'm almost getting it." Then

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you just make it very clear for them. You pause. You let the idea settle in.

Once you can sense that it's settling in - in other words, you'll see them react in a certain way, then you carry on. Again, with some light spin here and there. Then again, when an important idea comes, or an idea you think they might resist, put a bit of spin, and then present the idea again. Then you pause. Let it settle it in.

There are many different things you can do in terms of where you pause, how you pause, and when you spin and so on. We're just getting used to this a little bit as a starting block. ls that easy to do? So, we'll have 5 minutes apiece. Ten minutes in total. Find a different partner. I want you to give them a mini lecture on your topic, whatever reason you came here for. Assume they're interested in your ideas, and just notice where you pause and where you spin.

2 e e c

cc c ;

e e e e e e e C e e e €


Igor's Comments I don't expect you to be fluent, easy and natural at this stuff yet. You'll get there. lf not in this course, when you practice at home and start applying it in practical situations. You will get there.

DVI'9 Reftaming What I want to do now is start exploring how to think as a covert hypnotist, especially with this mind-bending language. How do we start using this a bit more strategically, shall we say? This is where your conscious minds are actually a bit of use. Feel free to bring them back. Reframing is taking an idea that a person thinks of in one way, and switching their view so that they go "Oh, actually maybe it's a little bit different. Oh yeah, I get it. lt's probably more valuable this way."

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cc e €,

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Example - Reframing The Objection Of Having No Time Let's take a simple scenario, and you can adapt this in many different ways. l'm using a very typical scenario that's easy to understand. Let's say you're selling something: a product, a service, a seminar, DVD set, hypnotherapy practice, or whatever.

What are some of the more typical objections people give? One might be, for example, I have no time for that sort of thing. Or, l'd love to do that, but I don't think I have time for that. l've got all these crazv things going on. Another thing might be I don't have enough money. I have no cash for that. l'm sure many of you do sales. lf you have your own business, you're doing sales. Aren't these amongst the highest, most frequent objections you end up getting? I know there are others, but I want to look at these just because it's going to be a useful way of deconstructing how people think so that you know at what point to start strategically leveraging your mind-bending language.

When someone says they have no time, what are they really saying? ln terms of what we're doing here, what they're really saying is, "This is my reality, and inside here the bit that allows me to buy this product is so small that I have no time allocated for it". The fact is they have plenty of time because that's how lives work. There are very few people who generally run out of time for things because they have more important things going on. They're comparing how much time they have left at the end of the day, spare, for this activity. What aren't they thinking about? They're not even thinking about the rest of their lives; the places, for example, where they're wasting time that they don't need.

to you "l have no time", doesn't that make you a little curious? What do they spend their time on? l'm sure there are some very

So, when someone says

? ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

important things, like sleeping. That's important. But how much do they sleep? ls it 10 hours a day? Or is it six?

lf they spend their time watching TV, watching soap operas and so on, -- for example, let's say you're doing a hypnotherapy practice, just because that's kind of my background. lf they say they have no time to come to the clinic, they're telling you that they'd rather watch Oprah than overcome a life-long phobia.

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They'd rather watch Jerry Springer and all the crazy people on that - I have to admit, that's kind of nuts. I mean talk about mind-bending moments, right? They'd rather watch that than actually be happy in their life. They'd rather sit there and be miserable watching that than do something about whatever's making them miserable and change it. Do you see where we're going with this? Now, of course, they don't realize this. lf you point it out, they might go, "Oh, wow". lt's a mind-bending moment.

The reason they don't realize it is because they're so stuck in the tiny little dot that says, 'this is what spare time I have, and it's not enough for that'. They don't realize that they can find time somewhere else, other than where they're looking for it. By the w?v, can you already hear the mind-bending language starting

to develop from this place? The kinds of things l'm interested in are, first of all, what are they wasting their time on? Let's say it's a soap opera. Great. "So, what do you value more, the soap opera or being happy? Which is more valuable to you?"

So, let me ask you this. "Do you value your happiness enough to skip two episodes of your favorite soap opera in order to be happy? Wouldn't that be something?" Can you hear the tiny amount of spin put into that? That's enough usually, isn't it? Now, we're adding our understanding of how people think into the whole mix, and it becomes a little more persuasive. Do you see where we're going with this? Now, for some people, it may not be enough. Do you know what you do at that point? More spin. All you're doing is taking them beyond the place where they're locked in. An addiction is this little circle that's so tight, they can't get out of it. The walls are so high they can't jump out of it. So, it's a just a question of getting them out of that cycle long enough to have choice again. Then, when they have genuine choice, what are they going to choose? The addiction of watching a soap opera, which doesn't really add any value to life, or doing something for an hour or two that will totally transfer their lives so they'll be happier, healthier and stronger and lead a more fulfilling life?

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When presented like that, and there is actually genuine choice going on, it's a nobrainer, isn't it? lt only isn't a no-brainer when something else is interfering. Do you see how this works?

You are all salespeople. You're selling ideas and concepts as much as you're selling products and services.So, the point of putting the spin in, is to loosen people up from being stuck in just one little way of being, so they can actually have a bigger perspective and say "ln my whole of my life, how does this fit in that can be positive?" lf it does, they'll go for it. lf it doesn't, why should they go for it? lf you haven't got a good enough offer, that's all that happens. PGRCFiE





You get the idea of what we're doing with someone saying they have no time. We're going behind the scenes to figure out how their life is organized so they can come to this conclusion and where the flaw is in their reasoning. Where's the mistake they're making? ln the sense of no time, it's that they're wasting time on the wrong things and they just don't know that.


The example we're using here is a soap opera, it doesn't have to be, it may just be an inefficient use of time. Explore this with your partner, then switch.

Igor's Comments lf someone got a phone call, you hear your house is on fire and your kids are still inside, what do you do? You find time, don't you? You make time, so time exists. It's just the question of either they value all of these frivolous activities more than what you have, in which case either you haven't presented your idea clearly enough in terms of the value of iU or it's no good as an idea for that individual, in which case let it go. Example - Reframing The Objection of Having No Money Let's do this same idea if someone's objection is they have no cash, I don't have enough money. Oh, l'm a poor little bugger. I can't do this. Please give it to me for free. Please. This has happened to you, hasn't it? lt does happen.

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As a rule, when someone says they have no cash, what are they saying? They're not saying that they don't have any cash. They just don't want to spend it on what you have to offer. Have you ever bought something completely idiotic, put it on your shelf and then look at it and go, "Why the hell did I buy thaf?" lt's still sitting on that shelf, isn't it? Probably still in the box it was bought in, sealed, unopened, taking up space.

And, if I can hazard a guess here, some of those things weren't even cheap, were they? How do you spend S1OO or 5200, maybe S1,OOO or 52,000 on some item that brings you no value whatsoever because it's still in a box? But if you think of that one little item that could actually transform your life, you think you can't afford that. Ladies, how many shoes do you have? I know l'm in risky territory here, but what do you value more? Those shoes or your whole life? Exactly. Risky territory. Even then, it's just a question of figuring out what it is about shoes they value. lt's not the shoes; it's how you feel when you're wearing them. lt's how you look. lt's

how you think others will perceive you.

How about spending time learning to look, feel and move that w?y, whether or not you're wearing shoes, so it's you that they're looking at and not your shoes? Wouldn't that be worthwhile? How many shoes would you give up for that? All of them, right? I hope you have a lot because l'm expensive! Do you see how when people present you with an objection of any sort - and we're just using a sales objection right now, it could just as easily be a therapeutic objection, like "Oh, my life is miserable. I can't move on. lf only so and so changed,I'd be okay", it's because they have some kind of flawed logic. This has kept them stuck in too small a circle. So we reframe the problem.

ln so doing, their logic is flawless in the expression of it. Like if that person did change, they would be much better. No doubt about it. Maybe. Or they don't have the cash. No doubt about it. Maybe. Our job, now when we start getting more strategic about this is not just to add spin before you throw in the ideas, it's to realize that people get stuck in very

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small dots of their experience, not realizing that when they look at the larger picture, more is possible. The Principle Of Using Mind Bending Language With Reftaming For the moment, do you get the principle of how you use mind-bending language

coupled with the reframe? You have an idea. Someone presents an objection. You run some spins around it. You present them the idea again and it has somewhere fresh to go.

lf you understand the mindset that allowed them to conclude the objection because this is not really the objection, it's all their thinking, then this is the conclusion behind all the thinking that got them to this place.

lf you can understand that thinking, and you use your mind-bending language around that thinking, the conclusion disappears, doesn't it? Which means the objection disappears. Do you see how that works?

EXEffiiES - MNDul.lG OBJEgnONSi utill.lc A BIGGER HCruRE


Pick a particular topic you want

three or four people and spend about half an hour doing the following:


Write down 2 or 3 of the most common objections to your product, service, idea, concept or whatever it is you're selling. Be that an early bed time for your kids, that you can be more productive at work for your work colleagues, or that your product or service is the thing this person or company needs to buy.


Start thinking about what happens behind the line they give you about the objection that is not actually the objection, it's the conclusion they've come to as a result of thinking certain thoughts and not thin king others.


3 3 ) 3 3 ) 3 ) 3 3 ) 3 3

to influence people on. Get into groups of

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ln your group throw out different ideas of how someone could possible come to this conclusion in terms of what they need to think to get there, and what they need to avoid thinking to get there.

Create some random mind-bending language spins that includes all those things they're not thinking about, so that they are, and all the things that you do think about in a bigger picture so they're not thinking about them in the same way. That can be a therapeutic thing too, "l have a problem (X), and am still thinking in a certain way to have that problem". Just keep it simple, so we have some simple reframes, we'll make it more sophisticated as we go along.

Igor's Commenb This is the key secret

to being great at mind-bending language and an amazing covert hypnotist. You're not dealing with things at face value anymore. You're

going behind the scenes where the real stuff happens.

DV[r {O PGAT Now we'll develop a simple drill that you can do yourself - a little mental exercise which will allow you to develop the ability to get to the thinking behind people's thinking, and develop instant PGAT mind-bending language that fits those scenes so you can reframe, change P = Parameters problems objections, dissolve before they can even arise. f, = Critical Factor Bypass

[ = Access Resources

'Pt stands for Parameters We're looking at what the problem is, and what's the goal, or outcome that they want. lt's asking, where are you now and

T = Transform

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where do you want to be? This is true in a therapeutic context as well as in sales context. Example


- Problem - I have no car and I need one.

Where do you want to be? What are your parameters? these things. lt's cheap, runs well, etc. So you have

- I want a car that does

your context which defines the nature of the entire interaction.

'Gt stands for Critical Factor Bypass

to get past the

conscious mind, past the rationalization, past the excuses and past the objections that will keep them stuck where they are.

You want

Past the procrastination and why it's justifiable, past their being late and why that's justifiable, past the anger and why they're reasonable to be angry, past the 'it's too expensive' and past their 'no time objection'. This is essentially what mind-bending language excels at, because it does this and the next step at the same time.

rAt stands for Access Resources This is all about putting the person into a state of mind where they have choice again, including the choice you want to offer to them.

lf we were going to be ethical influences, that choice may include not buying or doing whatever you want them to buy or do. lf you believe in your product and your ability to match up something they need to something you have to offer, then great, you're a winner.

lf, on the other hand, what you have is of no value whatsoever to that person, then you have no business selling to them and do not ask me to teach you how to do that because I won'U there's no point in it. There are so many people out there that will want what you have, or want what you could offer them, if you actually thought a little about what to put value on, that there's really no point in going down that road.

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l'd be doing you a massive disserve by teaching you to sell stuff that nobody needs or wants, because it actually puts you in a worse, even scarcity mindset, a more 'the worlds going to get you' type mindset, and I don't want to do that.

Do you see how mind-bending language gets you into those two things at the same time? The conscious mind can't quite hang onto the problem the same way anymore, and they're feeling more resourceful about the whole thing.

rTt stands for Transform lf you're doing therapy you will of course, do some testing as well, although we'll de-emphasize that in terms of this course. To transform them all you do is make sure they're empowered in the context where they have to make the decision, or the context where they have the problem, but no longer do.

So basically, attaching this to this which makes their goal easier to achieve. Another way of looking at it is that you're attaching the resource to their current experience so it's easier to go do the things they need to, to get their goal. Does anyone here sell anything? When you think about the reasons why people don't bry, oftentimes, have you ever come across clients or potential clients who talk themselves out of buying something that you know would be absolutely amazing for them, and just what they're looking for?

it hard to make decision, they feel bad so they make the transition of feeling bad and they can't quite conclude on For example, they're getting skittish, find

something. Do you see where l'm coming from with this? DGROS|ES

- Hot

t TO


1. Use a genuine


, or role-play the problem through the


person. Choose something small or minor to get some easy one's u nder your belt. You can use the situation of sales, or therapeutic. The same model works all the way around.

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When someone is in objection, do you know what the real objection is? When and where does it happen? How is it happening? What's really going on inside that?


Take 20 minutes and use the PCAT formula. Ten minutes each.


Here's the key, keep it in the back of your head. Your job is not to resolve the problem. Your job is not to overcome the objection. Your job is not even to get to the root of what's really going on in terms of their thinking.


Your only task is to explore their thinking, so you have the detail you

want, and you nail them down to something consistent. ln other words, when you feel them escaping somewhere you ask them, "Where did that happen?", and you nail them down, do not let that happen. Practice a bit of mind-bending spins and that's about it.


That is your only task.

DVI' {{ lgor's Comments Not quite as simple as it looks, is it? lt's pretty involved. Please, rest assured lam not expecting you to get instant results. What l'm getting you into the mode of is to start thinking about the issues, so you start developing possibilities. Here's what happens. When you start talking to people, mentally rehearsing these scenarios, you'll have sometimes a half dozen different possibilities they could answer, don't you? So you just choose one, it doesn't matter which. One, they're more likely to answer and you go down that road. Then you have other choices and you get another one and go down another road. Does that make sense? This is not about resolving the problem yet, it's about how you think strategically at this point.

You are doing a good job. I want to emphasize something, and that is, just because I make something look easy doesn't mean it necessarily has to be

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instantly there. Once you've connected the right pathways inside your own brain, it'll be just as easy for you.

When I say easy, by the W?y, it's actually not easy for me either. The key difference is that l've given up caring whether l'm right or wrong. Half the stuff you all came up with regarding issues, I have no idea what to do with it, l'm just asking questions and hoping that something will lead me somewhere. Then suddenly, I notice a maneuver or something happening like a little escape mechanism and then l'll pin that down. After a period of time I get a little better at that and something else happens, so you start creating a richer model.


The way to get good at this is...

a) Partner up with some of the people in this room, keep in contact with them via the phone, Skype or something like that and do this coaching process. Externalizing other people's blocks and blockages, be it objections for business or personal work, helps immensely in getting out of your own head and your own assumptions.

b) lstrongly

advise you to not use, shall we say, people in your life that you have a very personal connection to, in terms of what their problem is, because the more involved in the problem you are, the tougher it is for you to deal with, because you'll bring in stuff you don't even realize.

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lgods Short Review Of The Past TWo Days

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Let's have a little review of where we've gotten so far. ln the first couple of days, we focused on just speaking like a covert hypnotist and some of the advanced language - the mind-bending language. Yesterday, we focused our attention on thinking like a covert hypnotist. ln other words, learning to maneuver inside someone's mind so that you can actually have the fine feeling for what you need to say in order to persuade them in a context, either therapy or sales and so on.

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What I want to focus on today is how to put them together in a strategic way. ln other words, you have a good sense of how someone is thinking. You have a good idea of how to speak using mind-bending language. How do you put those two together in a very strategic way so you can plan like an advanced covert hypnotist would?

Maneuvers: ln terms of maneuvers, you can shift people's awareness around.

/ ,/

lt's easy to add negation. You're familiar with the idea of the sySTEM's question's and how they can spin you out in different directions.

Maneuvens Awareness Negation +Not sySTEM Qs (who, where, when, how, what) SySTEM SPINs

Time Shifts Pauses (run on

You're familiar with the different kinds of spins we put on, the two or three different phrases that you can add in a different way, which allows you to accentuate the spin that you're creating. We can move through time by using predicates or tenses. You can shift through time.



You understand the importance and the value of pausing at the right time, partly so they can process what you're saying and, of course, partly so that you can change the meaning after the pause, so that they have a little unexpected moment. The other thing we covered so far are the systems predicates.

A couple of quick things I want to just throw in there in terms of what else you can do. This is more to give you some feeling as to where you can go with this. This is not an exclusive list, but to give you an idea that this is a starting point. Even though this is an advanced covert hypnosis program, it should be a platform, from which you build whatever you want out of it.

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You can add all kinds of things. For example, we've been playing with language and spinning people out in terms of the building blocks they use to make reality. lf you start changing the sequence of that sequence, it changes the meaning, doesn't it. lt's the same building blocks, you just change the meaning, from 'the dog wags the tail' to 'the tail wags the dog', the meaning changes significantly, doesn't it? So, when you reverse the syntax, you can actually change

the impact something has in a way that can be quite mind-bending because the person starts going,

what's going on here?

What we're going to do now is start thinking in terms of strategy. How do you know what you want to say and when you want to say it?

Power Loops A power loop is a hypnotic process, a strategy you have inside your mind to take you from A to P. The PCAT formula , for example, is an example of a power loop. You start with problem, clear the slate and bypass the critical factor from the problem, get resource, associate it and you transform the entire situation.

a a

In order to be able to use those things or to think in those ways, you have units within that. ln other words, between the P and C, you want to do certain things. You want to move them certain directions. You want to make more of the problem, less of the problem and how do you maneuver through those experiences? Example - What if you came across someone whose mind was so closed, that new ideas just wouldn't go in? Wouldn't it be useful to open their minds up?

What if someone is stuck in a rut and they can't see choices, their mind is stuck, wouldn't it be useful to open their mind up to give them more choices?

A closed mind is somewhat of a narrow mind isn't it? lt's a narrow focus. lt's focused on one idea. What we want to do is open the mind; we want to send them in different directions. What opens the mind? What about things like 'more than', 'beyond', or'above'? 'Think about whatever you're thinking of right now and go beyond that. More

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than the thoughts you're having right now, are the ones that are coming aren't they? Above all, keep enough of the mind on the ideas that are coming that you weren't aware of." Do you see how words like 'more than', 'beyond' and 'totally' are opening words, words that encompass more things as a bigger picture?

What is the reverse? 'Less than', 'only this', and maybe 'inside' as well, tend to bring the mind down. You might think, 'we don't want to close minds, we want to open them' wouldn't that seem fair? What happens if someone is sitting there and they're stuck with all these choices going "l could do that, I could do this" and then they sit there happily contemplating their choices but never get anything done?

At that point, what do you want to do? You want to hone their mind down into specifics, so one is inductive, which basically gives the unconscious mind permission to find more and the other one is deductive, which tells them to hone in on one. So now we have a little pattern developing don't we. "Consider all the choices you have",'all' is an opening word isn't it? "Beyond the choices there will be one that only fits you, above all, find that one and totally consider it now, but, only to the extent that you can do something about it."

What's the first thing that comes to mind? Do you see how l'm stretching your mind, closing it up, stretching your mind, etc? lt's a kind of fractionation. This doesn't at all match your experience over the past few days does it, opening up so big and confused, then closing down thinking that you get it. Opening up again, thinking "Oh, my God, this is a roller coaster' and closing it down, thinking "Oh, my God I don't get this anymore".

There's so much choice - oh, this is clear. There's so much choice - oh, this is clear. Do you see how that's working? Meanwhile, you're stretching their minds. So you can open or close their minds. You can create more abstraction; you can create more concreteness, depending on what you need.

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e e You can create more induction, which creates more choices, or you can hone them down through deduction to one or two simple things they can actually do. You can overload or you can simplify, do you see how that works?

lf there's a lot of emotion attached, you have to go in, clear the emotion to the objection and come out. Unless you go in and clear out whateve/s going on there, the objection will remain. They can't make the decision to come see you because they'll either be too afraid, too confused, or whatever. This is at sales level. Of course, you can see the obvious therapeutic application too.

lf, on the other hand, they're going "like yeah, I don't know if it'll work for me", are they particularly attached to that, or do they just throw it out there to see what happens? At that point, you simply move it to one side and say I understand that. Do an agreement reversal. You agree with it and then you reverse it. Say "l understand that, of course, you have doubts it's only natural isn't it? Now aside from the thoughts you're having now, how do you want to think that's so much more, so when you will have had whatever you came here for, you can look back and go that was worth it?" Aside, start again, open up, hone down, look back...do you see how we've created a loop, a whole process just based on the language and what it does to the mind?

Ghanging The End Point We can also change the end point. How about this "You're all here for some reason and I know you don't know what it is...the more you think about it and go beyond whatever you thought was there, you begin to have so much more choice and you can totally consider all that only to the extent you feel good now." Open up, create choice, hone down, and then you create a target, feel good. So in other words, you're saying going into a trance of infinite possibilities to find out what's there, select one of those things only that happens to conform to the whole category of feeling good.

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don't know which one it'll be, but it'll be one of them. And, even if it isn't, I can spin back and do it again. So you get to choose where they start and where they end up. You get to choose the journey they take, to the open or close their mind. I

Example - How can you unstick someone when they're stuck in a particular point of view? "My decision is final!" Have you ever heard that? I had an executive I was coaching earlier in my days who was about to lose a big account. He got an email that said "This is what we decided to do, this decision is final now, it's been approved and we're going forward".

He sent them back a two line email...something along the lines of...as your deciding that, what else...whatever, he put in some reframe around what they were missing in terms of working with his company. Ten minutes later, he got a phone call from the CEO of the company that was just dumping him saying you know what, you're absolutely right, let's talk.

It's not always going to be that cut and dried, but do you see how you can take people's minds, when they think they're stuck but they're not?

Making A Decision Believe it or not, you are still making the same decision now to keep going with that decision. You can change your mind about it at any time, so decisions do not exist. Relationships do not exist, you relate, you decide, and you keep relating and keep deciding every moment of your life, until you don't. That's when the relationship is over. You stop relating or stop relating in that way.

The decision has been broken. lt hasn't broken really, it's not like a little toy where you can whine and say "Oh, mom I broke my decision", it's simply that you changed your mind.

How To Stick Something TogetherArd Make lt More Real You do it the other way. There's something you can do that's actually very subtle

in both directions that has nothing to do with language. lt

has attention. Remember, where our attention goes, our energy flows.

to do with

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e c


lf someone keeps looping back to the problem, where's all the attention going? Where's all the energy going? What's becoming more real? lf you distract people away from the problem, where is the energy going now? To something else. So if you want to build something, you put attention on it.

- Let's say someone

says "l've wanted one of these toaster ovens forever now." "Really, how come?" "l don't know, I just feel it's going to be amazing to have one of these, it's going to be awesome!" Example

"Really, you really think it's going to be awesome?" " Yeah." "How do you know?" "lt's just awesome, I saw it on TV and so on." " Really?" "Yeahl" "Are you sure?" "lt'd be awesome to have this thing."

What am I doing?

l'm spinning his attention back over and over to his feeling of how cool this thing will be and l'll do it in different ways, but the point is, its building attention on how positive and awesome it will be to have this thing. lt's becoming more real. Do you see how simple that is?

How To Separate and Integrate Experiences Using Predicates How do you separate and integrate experiences using these predicates? As you feel 'this', what happens to 'that'? Do you see how they come together? lnside of both, what's the same? What's the only thing that drives'that'? See how'that'comes together.

Aside of those, between those what else is going on? Aside from that, what's this? Do you see how l'm separating or bringing together. Together with this, that can be this, can it not? Do you see how your language can separate or integrate? Now you can have separation, for example, you can do "How are you doing right now?" "Im feeling bad." "Between the bad feeling and what you know, you realize there's a space that you can think in, isn't there?" Do you see how I separate it out?

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Example - So when you look at that memory way over there, something that had happened to yoU, you can think about that little boy or girl, and all the things that happened to him. And, you know that he made it through don't you? Do you see what l'm doing now? Separating.

At the end, of course, is "As you consider that boy and all the stuff that's happened to him, you realize that this is just one experience. That little boy became this young man and that's really you, isn't it?"

"lnside you you've always had that, so as this grows up inside you, you realize that was just a memory and you are more than that aren't you?"

Do you see how we're cycling through these things? How do we start using this stuff and putting it together? This is what we're interested in.

Power loops are basically a process where you take people through little steps that gets you to an outcome. lf someone is feeling an intense feeling that's negative, before you can handle that feeling, they have to be in a position where they can interact without being overloaded by it. So what is it I already imply as the first step? Separation, which you can do by dissociation or by a different language like between and so on. But that doesn't solve it all does it? You may have to move to other experiences that they can then bring together before they've integrated it.

Do you see how l've created a little journey here? l'm here, l'm overloaded. separate. I jump to a different point of view.


I come up with a resource. I bring those resources together and re-integrate. So, l'm here now feeling much more positive about the whole thing. Do you see how that works? Do you see the loop that's gone through which allows you to transform? By the w?y, the PCAT formula, ds far as l'm concerned, is pretty much the key to everything you'll do. You'll just be able to do variations whether it's... Sales


75 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

You're running through the same loop, we're just putting different variations and spins on different things. EGRCtriE




hl SAES AIID THAf,ryty

Get into groups of 3 or 4 people. Those interested in sales on one side of the room, those interested in covert therapy, change and so on, on the other side. You'll all get a chance to do both anyway.


Start engaging your brain first and brainstorm how to use a PCAT formula for a simple bit of covert therapy, and a more complex bit of covert therapy, like a full regression technique or something like that.


it in the group, maybe draw up little plans; throw in some notes as to what language might be useful here and there, what the effect of the language is, why you might use it and so on.


Here's a hint. lf you don't have any experience as a salesperson, make sure the people you're in the group with do.


lf you have less experience as a therapist, in other words, you're more of a novice starting up; make sure you're in a group of people who have more experience, that way you both learn from each other.


Twenty minutes per group. As a group, you're going to design a simple sales process and a complex sales process, a simple bit of covert therapy and a complex piece of covert therapy.


C e C C C C C C C C C C C C C C G C a C C C C C C

ca a C a C

C € C € € €

d d

cd €

76 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


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L l--


p i.I. p p p ii. I

! A A A 3 -

Igor's Comments Some of you find this a little bit difficult, of course. Remember, this is just practice, the more familiar you become with the foundations, the easier it gets to apply it.

So, to the extent you go off and apply the foundations even more, you'll find this even easier once you leave here.

You all know my tricks now, it's not fair!

This is how I would do this, step by step. Whenever you do your stuff, especially power loops, you start off very blatant, no matter which group you were in.


Step one is to make the client excited. Are you excited client? No? Get excited. Okay. Think of it in childish steps like that because then it's easier and very clear what you're trying to achieve.


The next step is to layer over that a little bit of sophistication so it's a little more fluid. Consider a time that makes you feel more excited and how does that feel now? That's a little more fluid and smooth, but still pretty obvious what you want.

3 ) )

A ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) -


reason why we spend three days building foundations, because applications become really complex if you have no foundations to work through.


3. The final stage is to make it covert, so you present it in a way that no one sees. As you're looking at this, I noticed you had an experience, what was that? All the things you're thinking right now, lwant you to realize that rest assured, it'll only give you more than that. I know that's exciting, I understand. Do you see how l've now moved them toward the same place, using my spins and all the other stuff and doing it increasingly covertly? So it doesn't matter on what end of the scale you're standing, because you'll get to the end eventually, it's just a question of how fluid you are with the tools as you go along.

77 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

DvD 13 Sales Ard The Govert Hypnothenapy Process What I want to do now is to start working through some simple processes to take away with you.One for a sales process, and one for a covert hypnotherapy process. Just so you have something stable that you can pull out of the bag any time you need it and you can adapt to fit the situation you're in.

lwant to give you one on both camps, because when you have that range, you can pretty do anything with it. They will both conform to the PCAT formula to some extent. ln other words, there'll be variations on a theme.

PGAT Sales Process

P- Every sale is about solving a problem. lf there is no problem, there is no sale. lf they don't want it, there is no sale. Either you find a problem worth solving, or you walk away. lf you can't resolve their problem, it's unethical to sell them anything. A problem is painful or it isn't a problem; even if it's positive, otherwise there is no motivation for change. Use H+

to intensify the problem, using predicates such as: think, feel, consider, become aware of, contemplate, recall, remember, Use awareness language

experience, look at, see, hear or notice. You also have spatial words like deeper and inside. You have time words like now, through and during. Build the problem up as if it is a current experience. lntensify the problem to the extent that you can help them resolve it. Then you can do some of the systems questions. Parameters

o o o

What's the problem? Where are you now? Where do you want to be?

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) ) -

3 ) -

3 -

3 ) )

3 3 3 3 3

PGAT Sales Process The thing l'd like to do is start up piece by piece, so when you go off and actually practice this, you understand each element.

Rather than give you a list of things to do, we want to break it down in terms of the strategy, where the loop is, what you're trying to run through, the power loops. You're also trying to fit in the language and mindset as well.

What are you doing when you're doing sales? 'P' Solving problems. lf they don't have a problem to solve, can you sell anything? lf they don't want it, how can you sell something? You either find a problem that's worth solving, or you walk away. Now luckily, in most sales type situations they will come to you with a problem. ln terms of the sales process, the first thing we want to do is to activate whatever the real problem is, or the pain is. Problems have pain don't they? Otherwise they wouldn't be problems, would they?

lf a problem isn't painful it's not really a problem. You have to know what the problem or pain is otherwise there's no motivation for change. By

the way, this doesn't necessarily mean that you can't have positive problems.

Does anyone want to go on holiday to enjoy a nice exotic location somewhere, have someone rub you down with oils and massaging a little bit, spoon feeding you your cocktail, etc? lsn't that nice?


3 3 3 ) 3 ) 3 ) )

3 3

Do you have that right now? How painful is that? Do you see that the absence of something is as much of the problem as the presence of something? So the first thing we want

and there's a couple way's you can do this.

lf they come to you with a problem already, then you just run with what they have, or you can begin to explore what they're talking about to find out. By the wdy, this is an ingenious sales strategy for the one-on-one type process. Not necessarily in terms of groups or doing a sales pitch.



3 3

to do is identify what the problem is, and stimulate it,

Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

Do you realize there's a difference in terms of sales pitch, because there's less interaction involved? But if someone comes to you and says can you stop people smoking? You have a rough problem don't you?

lf you start digging into it saying "Do you want to stop someone else?" And they say "lt's me" you ask them what they've done that has failed. What's the only thing left to you right now? Do you feel the spin going on? Once you're exploring the problem, you want to start to intensify it. You'll drop them right in the middle of it so they realize 'damn, this is something I really want to resolve'. "As you step inside your identity as a smoker, what are all the things you're not capable of that you really want to have?" Can you see the intensity being built up at this point?

What kind of language allows you to identify the problem and intensify it, in terms of the predicates we have? Awareness language. So if you turn awareness onto the problem and keep using different kinds of awareness language to get it back on the problem, will it escalate? Yes. Example - Everyone think of a problem you have in your life, I don't care what it is, just something minor. Put your hand up if you're actually thinking of a problem right now. Now consider that problem for a moment, in all its aspects. You know you feel certain things when you're thinking about that don't you? The more you do the more you realize that deep down inside, that problem is something you want to fix isn't it? Beyond all the things you've done it's all failed, hasn't it? That's why it's still here. And it's here right now isn't it? And it will continue all the way, until something ha ppens.

Do you see the first two steps in action? Did you start feeling a little bit? Were you thinking, "You bastard, now you put me into it again"? Can you sense the motivation for change building? That's your leverage. Can you hear the language? All, more, inside, deeper...those are your systems predicates aren't they? Remember those, space, time, energy and matter.

80 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

'Beyond'can be beyond whatever they've tried they've still failed, so you have to make sure you're doing mini loops within that to keep them plugged into the problem This is important isn't it?

So, you get aren't we?

o . o

to this stage here and we're pretty much in the parameter stage

What's the problem? Where are you now? Where do you want to be?

Notice that I can ask them where they want to be and intensify the problem at the same time, can't l? "So, when you think about that problem you thought about a moment ago and really consider it, you know what it'll be like when you don't have it, don't you? It'll feel pretty good wouldn't it? But you know you don't have that yet, don't you?"

"You're not there yet and, to the extent that you're not there yet, you really want something to change, don't you? So when you think about all the things you do want, and you realize you don't have it yet", now we can start moving on to the next segment.

What l'd like you to realize is that today we'll be focusing on you, to make sure that things you don't have are the things that you do. Would that be something worth exploring? Do you see me pulling you into the whole process here? I don't even know what the hell your problems are, this is all based on the systems predicates, can you see that?

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

l'm creating a loop for you to find your own thing. Now when you actually have content, it gets even more covert, because it sounds like you're talking about the problem. The next stage, you don't want them stuck inside the problem because all that does is depress them and they'll be stuck there forever. Great, you've just made another miserable person, well done. The only purpose is to clear their mind and

8'l Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

spin. Basically, you use your mind-bending language

to spin them out of

whatever the problem was. The only purpose of plugging into the problem is to create a launch pad for them to realize the solution is actually worth having. How many times, either as a hypnotherapist or a salesperson, has someone come to you, you present them with your idea and they go "Oh,l don't know if it's worth it"? Example - They tell you, kidding me, a better life?"

"l don't know if it's worth it?" And you go, "Are you

A friend comes up and says he has insomnia, can't sleep at night. So l'm going through the whole spiel of how sleeping is easy, it's no problem at all, etc. Then he finds the fee. At that time it was tz}f an hour, which now would be 5240. So he looks at the fee and gasps, and says "l don't want it that much".

What's he thinking? He's thinking about the money. I say "Oh really, how good are you sleeping?" He says "Not very good." "Are you enjoying that?" "No." "So are you enjoying that as much as that pair of jeans you're wearing? Two hundred and fifty dollars for that wasn't it?" "So what would you rather do, trade those pair of jeans in to be able to sleep comfortably for the rest of your life, or to keep the pair of jeans and just be so tired you can't even do anything with them? lt's up to you."Do you see the difference? You have to plug them into the problem for them to have a sense that there's something worth solving in the first place. Then you clear their mind of that. Why? Because, you're going to start accessing resources, you're going to give them a solution, but the solution never works if they're in that depressed state of mind. Have you ever given someone some advice whilst they were depressed? How will

that work? The sales process is giving advice isn't it? Here's what we have to fix, that. But, if they're so depressed that everything sucks then your advice will be included in that.

82 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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PGAT Sales Process C - Using language to open people up to what you're offering. Use sySTEM predicates to assist in spinning people out of the problem and opening them up to the possibilities you're offering. Use directional predicates that distance them from the problem i.e. past, aside from, far, yet, now.

Distancing them from ha ppen.

the problem creates space for something else to

Critical Factor Bypass, clearing the slate, some language for that:

o o o o o o o o o . o

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Aside from...you're moving yourself away from 'that' Beyond

Above all...you're getting physical distance

After Until...until creates a dividing line But...is a dividing line Ago...puts it behind you Later perhaps To the extent You can also go before time,'it's before this', ?s if the problem hasn't even happened. 'To the extent'is a useful one. "Can you think about the problem only to the extent that you can go beyond that now?"

Your thing just can't work because they don't feel it working right now, so in order to create hope and inspiration for them to change, you have to be able to create a dividing line between what was and what will be, and they'll be stuck right in the middle. You're then going to say to them, "Which way do you want to go?" They'll take deep breath and say "l'll go over there."

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing


Now, do you understand what we're doing with this stage? Yes. Where are we in the PCAT formula?'C'. What kind of language fits at this stage? Let me make it easy for you.

ln terms of the system predicates, what kind of language will assist you


spinning people out of the problem and creating enough of a trance of infinite possibilities that they can actually open up to the possibilities you'll be offering them. "How about, aside from all the things that have failed, isn't it worth considering all those things you haven't y€t, that could actually help you go past this?" (Past, aside from) "Above all, thinking of all the things you haven't done yet, doesn't it help you realize that that problem can only be temporary, it's just that you haven't solved it, yet. Now, shall we look at some things you can do to make all that so far and gone that you don't even care anymore?" (Far and gone, yet, now) Do you see how, l'ffi distancing myself from the problem and creating an open space for something else to happen? Do you see that working? Do you notice how systems predicates allow you to do this?

I really want you to get this, because this is a very strategic process we're going through. Would it help if we lined out some actual words that fit here and here so you could write them down? The problem- for these two stages we wanted to have a problem, identify the problem and intensify it. So, we want to have some kind of awareness, 'think', 'feel', 'consider' and 'look at'. There's so much more, but if you need one example of it that would be it. I can give you some alternatives if you need them. (Think, feel, consider, become

aware of, contemplate, recall, remember, experience, look ?t, see, hear or notice) lt's classic awareness language that brings them into the problem a little bit. Then you can do some of the systems questions.

How can you maintain your idea of H+ if you're pushing them deeper into problem? Consider it this way. You're about to help them resolve something.

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c a cc c cc cc cc cc cc c cc cc cc cc d

ri J,



cc c cc, J cJ J J J J J J

Example - Let's use an analogy, which actually happened teenager.

to me when I was a

We had a cat and one night she didn't come back. We were a little worried, so the next day we hear this meowing and she's in the flowerbeds. She somehow got her paw caught in her flea collar and all night long had been carving it up, literally almost up to the bone, and cut all the way through her shoulder, and was not a pretty sight. She was crying something pitiful. Here's a problem. We need to get her to a vet and she needs to be cleaned up, sewn up and all the rest of it. But, if l'm going to take the collar off, is it going to cause more pain or less? Every touch is going to make this thing tighten, and she was not a happy cat, by the way. Luckily, it was a small cat. So, we had to cause a little bit of pain to create enough space to clear stuff out so the healing could begin, because she couldn't heal whilst that was still there.

This is how people work with problems, they put an isolation thing around the problem so they can cope and get on with life. You have to strip off the coping mechanism enough that you can clean up what's inside it. Otherwise, you're not cleaning anything up, it'll bounce off the shield they've put around it to be able to cope. So, you're only intensifying this to the extent that you can actually help them resolve it afterwards. Because, if you don't, what's going to happen is they're going to be safely protected by their coping mechanism and they'll never deal with it, so they'll keep having the problem.

lf you don't do this stage, what you're

guaranteeing is that you'll have the problem for longer. Do you want that? No. So then, the only ethical thing as far as I can tell would be to put them into the problem enough that they realize that they want a solution, and that you can actually help them. Now, it would not be ethical to do that if you didn't actually have a solution for them, because then all you're doing is creating a pity fest and that's no good. But, to the extent that you are convinced that what you have to offer can actually help them.

85 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

How could you be ethical any other way than enough to change it?

That's where experience comes

to plug them into the problem

in. lf, for

example, you're


starting hypnotherapist, with a stop smoking session you're a safe bet. Sexual abuse, you may not want to go down that road too much.

lf you're in

business you have a whole set of business experience, say you're working for a corporation, they already know what they can do. So, if you don't know what your company does then you have no business selling it yet. That's why, when you join a company as a rule, you tend to go through a process of training to be able to sell the product, so you understand what it can do. So, when someone says to you, "Well I need this", then you go "You know what, that's not us." Does that make sense?

That's the difference between selling something ethically and unethically.

Which your industry already knows how to do, and you're creating that process, or in terms of therapy, vou have the experience to do that level of work. Somewhere you'll be in a gray area and it's up to you to decide how hard you'll push because you don't know how far you can take it, so you might go this far but not further. This is something you have to find your own boundary about. So we have awareness language to get them into the problem, don't we? Now we need to intensify it. What things intensify it?

86 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

e e e e e



C C C C C ;

G ; ; ; ;

G ; ; ; ; ; ;


cc G

With this, you'll say it and then go back to the problem rather than a solution. This can go two ways, "so what else have you done that's not the problem" goes away from the problem. "What else is going on inside you, that's more than the problem you've been thinking about", deepens it. "Only think about that problem enough to realize that this is something you really want to change, isn't it? You tell me." But of course, how can they not, when l've led their mind down that particular path? Do you get how that works? ls that enough in terms of the language? So we're all

clear on some examples of the language you can use and you can find other examples like it.

The energy words are very useful for it, but you also have spatial words like 'deeper' and 'inside'. You have time words like 'now', 'through' and 'during', because you're building it up as a current experience. You can have matter words like 'all', 'each' and 'every','what else' ' inside this' and 'only'. So they do have the whole system predicates, it's just that you're using them strategically to keep focusing the attention back on the problem over and over again to build it up. Clearing the slate, let's get some language for that.

87 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


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You can also go before time, 'it's before this', like the problem hasn't even happened. You might sov, for example, "So before you started smoking, you realized you were a non-smoker and quite happy don't you?" Do you see how l've gone before it now, to still clear the slate?

To the extent' is a useful one, "Can you think about the problem only to the extent that you can go beyond that now?" lt takes you up to a threshold and then uses some of the other system's predicates to pop you through the threshold. ln terms of matter again, they all work in terms of where you focus the attention. All the things that are not that. Here negation becomes very useful doesn't it? "So if you think about the problem you've had, and consider all the things that are not that, they're the same things that allow you to be more then you used to think. So when you will have the ability to look back on yourself a long time after this is over, won't you feel proud of yourself that this is something you've overcome, right?"

Do you see how that language works? Are we clear on clearing and spinning words, in terms of the 'C' part of the formula?

PGAT Sales Process

A - Presenting your Solution The solution is to help them go inside and find a resource. Present the benefits or value of your solution. Take them to the state they want to be in. Tell them what it will mean to have your product or service. Access Resources

o o o o o

You'll be more successful in life. You will be happier. You will feel better. You'll get more done. You will no longer feel bad.

88 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


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e e e e





G G G cG G C G


What's the next step of the formula?'N Now we'll start going into the solution elements. The two stages here, presenting or offering your solution and, very importantly, presenting the benefits or value of that solution. So you present your solution, this is what we do. That's your classic pitch. That's what people think about regarding the sales process.

All they think about, this is what we do; this is our solution, they don't bother with starting the whole process off, or with finishing the whole process off. They just present information and hope for the best, which is really no sales progress at all. So, you're going to offer your solution and then the benefits of the solutions. What is the value of this to that person?

Let's consider the problem you thought about a moment before, and I know you've been thinking about it some time now, which means it's probably a little weightier than it used to be. "Aside from all those things, all the things you've failed at, you realize that there's still hope for somebody to change, otherwise you wouldn't be here would you?" 'There's so much more to you that it's really a question of finding that isn't it? So, to the extent that I can show you a process to go inside and find something that will totally demolish that problem, isn't that something that would be valuable to you?"

"How much better will you feel? Beyond how much better you'll feel, how much more will you be capable of? Won't you be a success in life, or should we say a greater success in life, when all those things that used to be a problem no longer are, isn't that fair to say?" "And if you're feeling the way you want to feel, most of the time, because there's no guarantees for everything is there, but if you're feeling the way you want to feel most of the time, how much more will you get done that makes you a true success in life?"

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"So, isn't it worth exploring something inside you that's so much bigger than the problems you've had, so they no longer have to follow you? Wouldn't that be worthwhile doing?"

/ / ,/ / '/ ,/ / ,/

Do you hear the entire process up to this point? Did we start with some kind of pain? Briefly, just to reactivate it. Didn't we intensify it slightly? yes.

Did we clear the mind a little bit to move a little separation from that? Did we offer a solution, which is to go inside and find a resource? Did we tell you about the benefits and the value of it? Or, did I just hope you would work it out for yourself? How did I show you the benefits?

Partly the idea was to take them to the state they want to be in. The way I showed you the benefits is to actually tell you what it'll mean. You'll be more successful. You will be happier. You will feel better. You'll get more done. You'll be a greater success in life. You will no longer feel bad. These are all benefits, aren't they? These are things you wanted, are they not? They're valuable to you. ls this making sense to you? Do you see how the strategy we've been building up so far plugs in very naturally to all this stuff?

It's great, because rather than telling you how good you'll feel, I asked you how much better will you feel, and while you're considering that, and whether you want to debate me, I say beyond all that so I put that aside and you take it into consideration that "Oh, that is true". Take one extra step from that. This is how we get more technical. By considering how good you feel and you started that loop going, thinking maybe I will, maybe I won't...beyond all that, what else will be happening? Where's my launch pad? Did I launch from depression or from feeling good?

lf l'm launching from feeling good and open the frame up, where are you going to go? All the other positive things that are possible, aren't you. l've sent you into a positive spin inside that trance of infinite possibilities and you don't even have a chance to argue about it because the thing that's worth arguing about is already behind us.

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c C G

cc C ;


C ; ;


cc cc cc c

So, I use that as a launch pad into that space, great and there's nothing to argue about at that point.

PGAT Sales Process T

- Take them into the middle so they can make a choice.

You now have two positions: 1. What is happening now? 2. Where do you want to be? You want to put them smack in the middle so they can make a choice.


o o o

to be here? Do you want to be there? lt's up to you. To the extent that they forget the problem, you may want to plug them into the problem enough while you're doing this to remind them that they're not there anymore, or that they don't have to be Do you want


Do you see why we selected the words, the 12 mind-bending power words the other day? They're not the only ones, but in my opinion, they're some of the most useful ones. They take you in many different directions.

Of course, lthink all the things on the list are valuable, and there are more only to the extent that are useful to you though.


What you're essentially doing here is you have two positions. What is happening now, and where do you want to be? You want to put them smack in the middle so they can make a choice. So, do you want to be here, or there, it's up to you?

To the extent that they forget the problem, you may want to plug them into the problem enough while you're doing this to remind them that they're not there anymore, or that they don't have to be there.

9{ Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Sfreet Hypnosis Publishing

DvI' 14 Thenapy and the PGAT Formula Shall we have a look at how to use the PCAT formula as a therapeutic process? You have a problem, which is the 'P' state. You do some spins, 'C which spins the mind out of the problem.

'A'You find some kind of resource, you spin around until the resource ends up mixing up with the problem and 'T outcomes - with the question here - you test whether they have attached properly.

PGAT Formula for Therapy P - Parameters - Access the Problem.

/ '/ ,/ '/ / / ,/

Use H+

Use awareness language to intensify the problem, using predicates such as: think, feel, consider, become aware of, contemplate, recall, remember, experience, look at, see, hear or notice. You also have spatial words like deeper and inside. You have time words like now, through and during. Build the problem up as if it is a current experience. Intensify the problem to the extent that you can help them resolve it. Then you can do some of the systems questions:

o o o

What's the problem? Where are you now? Where do you want to be?

92 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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a a a a 3 a 3 3

a a a a a 3 a a a a a a a 3 a n n n ? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

C - Critical Factor Bvpass - Spin the mind out of the problem.


Use sySTEM predicates to assist in spinning people out of the problem.


Use directional predicates that distance them from the problem i.e. past,

aside from, far, yet, now.

/ ,/

Distancing them from the problem creates space for something else to happen. Clearing the slate, some language for that:

o o o o o o o o o o

Aside from...you're moving yourself away from 'that' Beyond Above all...you're getting physical distance

After Until...until creates a dividing line But...is a dividing line Ago...puts it behind you Later perhaps To the extent You can also go before time, 'it's before this', ?s if the problem hasn't even happened. To the extent' is a useful one. "Can you think about the problem only to the extent that you can go beyond that now?"

93 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing


- Access Resources - Find a resource and spin them around

until they find a solution.


The solution is to help them go inside and find a resource.


How can you help them find a solution?


The simplest version of all is to:

1. Spin them around until they naturally fall into a trance of infinite

1. 2.

possibilities. Remember, this is where anything good or bad can happen. Once they're in it, you can steer them towards one thing or another.


We're going to have them start searching for solutions.


You do not need to know what the solution is, they will.

'/ /

To the extent that you let them find easier, so does theirs.

it, not only does your life get

Take them to the state they want to be in.

o o o .

You'll be more successful in life. You will be happier. You will feel better. You'll get more done.

94 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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7- Transform -Make sure the outcome is where they want to go. Test whether they have attached properly to the outcome.

{ { ,/ /

Just attach the solution to the problem.

Essentially you're saying, '?s you think about the problem, take the resources with you and change".

Now we need to have a test to make sure they've attached to that outcome. We need to know that it's worked. There's a very simple device that allows you to test things covertly. lt's called is a rhetorical question.

{ '/

lt's a question that you don't really need an answer to. What you're really doing is asking the other person's unconscious mind to give you a demonstration of where they're at.

Will you be able to solve every problem like this? No, it's a process, a simple process. You're sitting on a park bench with someone who is a little bit miserable. That will work fine. A friend of yours is having a bad day. That will work just fine. Someone who has come back from a war zone? I don't think that'll work out fine, there's going to be a little more that you'll need. Let me do a little pre-frame here, we'll only go through the idea of covert therapy on the following understanding:

1. lf you are not already a hypnotherapist,

in other words, you don't have all the other trainings and skills that plug into this, please do not work with big issues with people. Deal with small things like a study aide, exam stress where they have a test coming up, or they feel a little blue and you want to pick them up and so on. Those things are fine.

95 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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lf we're talking about real therapy, deeper emotional

issues and so on, please do not go there unless you have the skill set that allows you to manage those things that may come out if you start digging around bigger stuff.


For those of you who aren't interested in therapy in that sense, please treat this model more as a contrast to what you did earlier so you can see the range, how you can have the same formula and actually apply it in different ways, so you can start applying it to whatever you want.


lf you're already trained as hypnotherapists then go nuts, have fun with it.

You can do this very overtly as well, right? But this is an advanced covert hypnosis training isn't it, not an advanced overt hypnosis training. We expect we'll be able to do things at the end of this that no one else other than you will actually realize you've done, right?

Most of you will be familiar with this. There are many different versions of this vehicle, but this is the simplest one, so we may as well throw it out there.

The'My Friend John' Technique Essentially, the My Friend John technique is you telling a story about someone else, who had the same problem but went through a particular process, at the end of which he no longer had the problem.

ln describing what happened to him you're actually guiding the other person through the same experiences so they can resolve their problems. Example - I had a friend called John. John had a problem. lt was a real issue. You know those kinds of problems that follow you around? The more you think about that thing, the more annoying it gets. lt was a small thing but it was really blown out of proportion to the point that even considering it used to just wind him up. You know those feelings you get when you think about things and you just can't get past that?

The interesting thing about John was that he's sitting there thinking about that problem, he's really considering that problem, and at some point John said to

96 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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himself 'This is silly, because above all, all those things I haven't thought about whilst lwas thinking about this problem, are all things where I could feel good, but I wasn't." To an extent, he realized that all he had to do was look beyond the problem at the whole of his life, and he suddenly realized this was a tiny thing compared to everything else, isn't it? So there's John looking at those things going "Wow, really? l've been doing all this stuff to myself. Why should I bother?" Of course, then he begins to recall. Once you can look back and realize that it's not you, you can begin to recall and remember all those times that are so much better than that. There's John sitting on his park bench thinking through some pretty deep issues. He's beginning to remember amazing times in his life, inside of those memories. Experiences begin to grow to remind him just how much more he is than that.

Of course, you know what happened to John, don't you? He starts to feel good, doesn't he? He sits there, he's smiling and he's contemplating all those things that he's not - or at least used to be - and he can be again, to the point, that when he looks at all those things that used to bug him he is so far beyond them that looking at the problem he actually realizes hey, I can deal with this. He only has to look at that one problem one step at a time and realize, every single thing he's had in his life, all those experiences have prepared him to look at that and go "Wow, I'm far beyond that now". That's why I like John he's a real thinker.

lgor's Comments My recommendation is you actually use real people because it's easier for you to keep the reality frame. How do you use it in sales? lt's the same process, you talk about clients that did certain things, that wanted certain things and this is how they reacted, how they thought, how their own objections got overcome, and as a result of which how happy they are.

97 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

We're in the problem or the general parameters. We're really in the same position; we're just going to elaborate on the language until you've intensified the problem enough that they're actually plugged into it. Think of it in terms of having the neurology light up. When the problem lights up there's enough charge there that when you steal the electricity, it drains it out of the problem so there's no longer a problem. Once you've plugged them into the problem you need problem enough that they have choices.

to get them out of the

The next one gets very interesting. We're at the'access resources'stage. We're going to have them start searching for solutions. You do not need to know what the solution is, they will. They don't know it yet, but they will. To the extent that you let them find it, not only does your life get easier, so does theirs. How can you help them find a solution? The simplest version of all is to spin them around until they naturally fall into a trance of infinite possibilities. Remember, this is where anything good or bad can happen.Once they're in it, you can steer them towards one thing or another.

I'd like to introduce you to some other ideas. Regression Thenapy

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How might you do a regression purely linguistically, given the model we just set up? Do you know what the simplest way of regressing someone is? You follow the affect bridge. Basically, a strong emotion comes up and you're already halfway there at that point. Those of you who have done the conversational hypnotherapy training know what l'm talking about.

Example - There's John sitting on the park bench and he's feeling terrible. All those emotions are welling up, really welling up. He feels it intensely inside himself. He's feeling all those things and it's growing stronger, so much more than before. We're taking the idea of the problem and rather than spinning too soon, we're letting the problem itself develop the emotion we'll regress on. So, there he is

98 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing


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with the emotions and suddenly he asks himself "John, where are you in your memories?"

lgor's Comments Do you remember the questions from before? Where are you going inside your memories?

Example Continued - Beyond the present moment, his thoughts were racing back, because he's felt this before. "When did you feel this?" John asked himself. "When did you feel this?" Suddenly, he stepped back from himself and he looked right down there and saw 'Oh my God, I was that young? Look at that little bov" , he told himself, "so young, all the way down there". He felt a real wave of compassion because that kid was suffering.

lgor's Comments Do you see where we're going with this right now in terms of regression therapy? We have the emotion, do we not, the 'affect brid ge'? We've gone back on the

affect bridge. We've done the dissociation to give him some distance to be able to do something, and we've begun the coaching process from adult to child. Are these not classic maneuvers in regression therapy? You work out how the whole story can actually run someone through these maneuvers totally covertly. You're just talking about John and his poor messed up childhood, but really everyone else, as long as you track, are they keeping track with you, are their emotions welling up with you, are they distancing themselves - if they're not distancing enough you might add something. Example Continued - He was looking at that and he was still welling up, so he thought far and beyond this, above all else let's look at the whole of life in perspective and realize it's just one little moment. That poor little kid way over there.

lgor's Comments You're really emphasizing those movements until the person pulls themselves together enough, which tells you they've just dissociated.

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The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

Dynamic Mental lmagery

l'll just give you a quick overview of the symbols induction of dynamic mental imagery so you know what we're doing. Basically, you send someone to a calming, relaxing place, from there they go somewhere else, have a symbol come up, they interact with the symbol to the point they get a resolution. They symbolically change with the symbol chang€S, and you've all seen how powerful that is when it's done well. Example - There's John sitting on the park bench and he's feeding the ducks. lt kind of reminds him of that warm comfortable place he used to go as a kid. The water shimmering, the sun is shining down, not a care in the world. lt was a beautiful day in John's life, a really beautiful day.

One of those days when nothing can go wrong, do you know what I mean? There's John thinking back and really enjoying that beautiful day. Of course, this is how daydreams work, isn't it? ln his daydream his mind begins to wander.

It wanders down a path one way or another, he doesn't quite know all the different directions it could take, but as he wanders this path he has a feeling something is happening, and it's something very important. Something is happening that relates to that problem that he was thinking about, and it's very important. He doesn't realize that as his mind wanders the highways of his daydreams, he's walking towards a place inside his mind where something is going to happen, where that problem will just disappear. He doesn't realize this yet. All he knows is that he's wandering and it's kind of an interesting site. Some past memories, some experiences, some heartfelt thoughts - and there it is, that other place.

The interesting thing is, just when he gets there, he discovers a symbol, a dream symbol. Much like you can have dreams every night, and you can dream of someone that represents someone else -it looks like a friend but it's really a relative, you know that kind of dream I mean.

He has a dream just like that. He sees an actual symbol, something he did not expect to see. He actually sees a symbol. He tells himself "John, look at that. What is that"? The one thing he knows is he did not expect it to be there, he doesn't even know what it means yet. Yet there it is, right in front of him.

{oo Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


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The strangest thing occurs - in the back of his mind John gets the sense that it means something. lt's so important, if only he could put his finger on it, it would totally resolve the problem he was thinking about, but he doesn't know what it is yet.

How could he? He's having a daydream, and yet there it is right in front of his eyes. He can feel it, the pressure is building, and it almost makes sense, but not quite yet.

lgor's Comments Do you see where we're going with this? Can you follow the whole process of the dynamic induction based on that? lt's kind of a dramatic story anyway.

A'Like to Dislike' Pattem You want to switch something that they like and get them dislike it, like chocolate for example. Like chocolate, and they want to not like chocolate as much.

We can talk about John not liking chocolate, no big deal, or we can make it vaguer, talk about one thing and make it something different. I don't care either way. We'll do it the hard wdy, why not?

Let's say you want to change your approach different to make you change chocolate.

to chocolate, and

use something

Example - There's John sitting on that bench. He starts thinking about this. There's his ex-girlfriend, and he loves this girl. That's a problem for him because he knows that this is no good for him anymore, but he loves this. It's like one of those things that you know you shouldn't have, but you just can't help but say yes.There's John sitting on his park bench and he really loves her, but when he looks at her he suddenly realizes it's not the thing that he loves, it's how it makes him feel. It can't be her; it's all about him. As he looks at her, the strangest thing begins to happen. That image of her seems to recede into the distance and all that's left is this strange kind of shimmer in that place.

101 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


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ln his daydream, he's thinking about that girl next door in the office, the one that really does care for him, and the one that's good for him. So, he thinks, this really is good for me, I know it. This is good for me. But he doesn't feel it yet. So, he begins to wonder - what if I saw that person with these qualities right here

in the shimmering, that position right there? I wonder what would happen if could do that now? But you can do anything in a daydream, can't you?


So, inside his mind he just sends that other person in, the one that is good for him, shimmering just in the right wdv, just in the right size, just in the right place. Do you know what happened? lt felt exactly the same way. He looks at this new person, it feels like a new person, she's good for him and he likes it. He thought to himself , "l might just keep this". The Drcam Machine

l'll give you one more thing in terms of expanding your horizons. lt's one I really like; I call this the 'Dream Machine'. The Dream Machine is awesome because you can change anything.

ln dreams crazy things happen don't they? And, of course, have you ever had a dream that when you woke up from the dream - like say something bad happened in the dream, and when you woke up you still felt the aftershock of that so it kind of ruined your day? You've also had the other kind of dream haven't you, where something so good happened that for no apparent reason you wake up and you feel great. ln fact, your whole day goes well, doesn't it? Example - There's Jim, and he's lying in bed at night and he's wondering "What kind of dream will I have?" One thing is for sure, he's got a machine inside his mind that knows when to dream. He doesn't have to plan them.

Who sits there before going to bed and plans out the first thing that'll happen, this person will come up - who does that? Jim certainly didn't. He went to sleep and he realized that anything can happen in your dreams. lt can, can't it? Anything can happen in your dreams and it can be good. You can dream of a problem and realize that you are so much more.

102 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

lgor's Comments By the w?y, do you see this? The Dream Machine now does this. You go through

the whole process because it's a metaphorical resolution, it's an extra step and it's simple and easy. You don't even have to tell them what the resources are. lnside their dream who knows how he's going to solve that problem. He doesn't have to, the Dream Machine knows. Example Continued - All he has to do is kick back and fall asleep, let the dream come and resolve it for you. That's what he said to himself. "Just let that dream come and resolve it for you."

One thing is for sure, you are so much more than you've ever realized. John must've been right. He knows he's had all these experiences in his past that have made him the person that he is. He has succeeded so wildly in ways that he didn't even notice. Something inside him must know much more about how to grow and change as a human being than his conscious mind ever could. John's a smart fellow. He decided to do some sleep therapy. He went to sleep and allowed those dreams to come- healthy dreams, healing dreams, dreams that took him far beyond his wildest imagination, because the Dream Machine is where that is all created.

Of course, that's where it can be solved, can't it? He had an amazing dream. When he woke up in the morning guess what? He felt far and beyond better than he's ever done before, only this time it stayed with him for the rest of the day. That became a pattern for the rest of the week and that set a trend for the rest of his life. Sleep Therapy

Now we're going to do the same, but we're now using a language to spin them through a different situation and different complexes. Do you understand how in this stage,

the'A'stage, the search for solution stage,

you have so many resources available to you its' unreal? Finally, we come onto the "T" transforming stage, where you just attach the solution to the problem. Essentially you're saying, "As you think about the problem, take the resources with you and change".

103 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

Example - John thought about the problem, and it was changing. This is not rocket science, although it may seem like it at first. The Test

Now, because we are doing covert therapy, w€ need to have a test in there somewhere, and we need to know that it's worked. There's a very simple device that allows you to test things covertly. That's called is a rhetorical question. lt's a question that you don't really need an answer to. What you're really doing is asking the other person's unconscious mind to give you a demonstration of where they're at. Example - At the end of this dream, John wakes up. How do you think he felt?

lgor's Comments You watch them. lf they go "ugh", then they're not there yet. lf they say "tell me" they've already told you, haven't they?

You have to watch your audience to see their reaction to the rhetorical question because that's what the unconscious mind is doing. By the way, does this seem ingenious to you? lt's no! this has been around for thousands of years. Do you know where this exists? Fairy Tales. There's been an interesting trend of late where people have cleaned up fairy tales, all the bad stuff. Think about what they're doing. You had a context in which children have the opportunity to face difficult moments and come out resolving them.

You now take away the difficult moment, how are they ever going to know how to react when the actual event happens? There's no safety mechanism left for them to deal with it. Depending on how you tell that story, can you not see how a simple fairy tale, while emphasizing the PCAT formula, (because all fairy tales have a PCAT process in them), could allow children to resolve their issues without having to think about them?

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Versus, if you clean it all up, there's no problem. All it is, is Billy was happy. Yay! Billy is still happy. Yay! Billy will carry on being happy. Yay! There's no transformation going on. Personally, lthink it's a little bit ridiculous to clean up fairy tales. You guys get to have your opinions on this sort of thing, but I look at it like a covert hypnotist. Based on that, do you understand the process and how simple how sophisticated you can get in all these stages?


is, but really

The point of this is you don't run through it like a script, you stay on each stage until you watch the response occurring inside the other person. EGRCFiE





Spend 10 minutes each with your partner. Choose a problem, or let your unconscious choose one for you" Your unconscious gets to select one for you, and surprise you with how much better you feel when you don't have those things anymore.



lt really doesn't matter what you think you know, you just let the other person tell you a fine story about his friend called Jim, John, James, Billy Goat, whatever; and just observe how your own body naturally responds to the transition of the story. That means you get to do covert therapy. You get to change things that are so secret you don't even know you have them. Pretty good, isn't it?

lgor's Comments It's easier by the way if you've learned hypnotherapy, because that's what you were doing. The purpose of the exercise is not for you to be good at it, yet. The only purpose of the exercise is for you to learn more about the process. Do you notice how these stories become easier to tell when your mind can go to where it went yesterday, which is inside theirs?

That's the point folks. lf you have to sit there and script it out you've missed the point.

{05 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

lgods Glosing Gomments There's nothing wrong with you going right back to the very basic exercises; who are you, what are you, what will you have been? Anything but only this; those are your training wheels and if you're not comfortable yet with being spontaneous with allthis stuff, then go back to just some of it, the bits that are easy.

Bit by bit you start integrating it, because we've pushed you through a pretty intense journey the last four days, haven't we? lt's been an intense journey, hasn't it? You should feel like you've really been working hard at this, because you have been. So to the extent that you take that journey slower, at your own pace you'll get a

destination without any effort. lf you try to run to the end before you've actually got to the beginning, how could you possibly finish that race? Congratulations, vou have pushed yourselves right to the outer limits of inner space and beyond. Those limits are different for each of us, and your skill set will be different accordingly. lt doesn't matter where you are, what matters is that you're here now. From here is where you'll get there.

- Breathe in, breathe out, and relax. That's right, because you came here with a dream, dr ambition, something that you wanted to achieve. lnside each of our dream's lies ambitions and those ambitions get fulfilled by GUIDED EGRGSiE

what's even deeper than they are.

You can find that inside yourself as simply as recalling the memory of a dream. Dreams are the most interesting of human experiences because we do not know what dream will come. Every single experience you've ever had can be formulated into a dream, grown,

strengthened, and become more positive with time. You've had a collection of very intense learning experiences here, which means when you dream at nights comfortably and peacefully your mind can begin to assimilate all the pieces. I had a dream once, of an amazingly complex machine - cogs, whirls, things that turned and spun. Every item meticulously crafted, like the most elaborate

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Only go as deeply inside your ambitions that a dream can come out in which you can be fulfilled. You thought you came here to learn a certain skill and beyond that skill is everything you are yet to become.

Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

c c d,

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clockwork mechanism, precious jewels embedded in each item, and the machine worked perfectly.

When I dreamt that dream, I did not know what this machine was capable of. just observed it moving meticulously, carefully, smoothly and elegantly.


I did not realize at the time, that I was observing my own dream machine. The dream machine merely processes experiences. Experiences go in one end, dreams and changes come out the other.

to myself "What if you took all the experiences you've just had and placed them into the machine? Let it sort everything out, let it clean, polish, refine and I said

use. I wonder what will come out."

Such an elegant machine could only possibly produce amazing artifacts, real works of art. lrealized that every experience going through this can cause someone to awaken with great changes, the capacity to experience a richer life and produce greater successes. Now, I don't know how long that dream lasted, it seems to me it may have been weeks, even months. Each night the mechanism ticking, whirring, moving, changing, every night and perhaps it's continuing. What ldo know is that amazing changes take place when the dream machine works through your experiences.

I'd like to thank you and the experiences you've had for being here and going beyond what you are used to, into a territory that's so alien that it became familiar now.

To the extent you take that journey each and every night, polishing, refining, creating greater elegance in what you do and how you think and behave. Your skills as a master of hypnosis will so far exceed those that have gone before you that you won't even realize just how good you really are. You only get to enjoy the benefits of being more influential, more charismatic, and a greater force for good in everyone's life. That makes you a very decent person, a good person.

you might as well consider that tonight, when it's time for you to really dream. I wonder when you'll discover the dream machine for yourself. Will it be before you have all these marvelous changes, or will it have been working for you So

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silently in the background long before know, do you? You get to find out.


reveals itself to you? You really don't

With that happy thought I'll welcome you all back to this place, in which case, you get to take everything that's happening inside this room, outside and make it work. lsn't that something worth thinking about?



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Advanced Govert



The Simple SySTEM +Not

Who are you? \Mhere are you? When are you? How are you? What are you?

The SIISTEM Resource Add a suggestion to the sySTEM Q - example - happy

+Not Who are you... that's happy? Where are you... that's happy? When are you... that's happy? How are you... that's happy? What are you... that's happy?

Time Shifts +Not Who are you? Who were you? Who have you been? Who had you been? Who will you be? Who will you have been?

{09 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

FULL Goniugations +Not Present

Who are you? Who are you being? Who have you been being? Past

Who have you been? Who were you? Who were you being? Who had you been? Who had you been being? Future Who Who Who Who

will you will you will you will you


be being? have been? have been being?

Conditional Who Who Who Who

would would would would

you you you you

be? be being? have been? have been being?

Modals Who might you be? Who could you be? Who should you be? Who ought you to be?

{{o Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

Subiunctive & lmperative lf you were to be... Be!

The SIISTEM SPIN who, what, when, where, how are you...

+Not ...anywhere but here/there ...anytime but nodthen ...anyway but like this/that ...that's anything but this

Pure Awareness +Not See, hear, feel, sense, consider, notice, listen to, think about, remember, look at, find, experience, recall, check, discover, appreciate, focus on, concentrate on, pay attention to

Apposition of Opposites Notice foot... notice not foot

Awareness Pacing +Not the wall, Feel the floor


Go inside

111 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Sfieet Hypnosis Publishing

Awareness Pacing Spin lnduction +Not the wall, feel the floor, Notice the feelings of going inside anytime but now Close your eyes in hypnosis As you resolve problem X See

... (after 3-4 loops) Continue doing this

till Problem X is gone

Awareness Spin See, hear, feel, sense, consider, notice, listen to, think about, remember, look at, find, experience, recall, check, discover, appreciate, focus on, concentrate otr, pay attention to

+Not Notice everything... Watch everything... Hear everything... ... that is X... ... that is Not X...

...anywhere but here/there ...anytime but now/then ...anyway but like this/that ...that's anything but this

112 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

Awareness Gross Spins VAK +Not

Awareness X

See, hear, feel,


Spin only here/there... everywhere he re/there...

Spin only here/there... but

consider, notice, listen to, think about, remember, look ?t, find, experience, only now/then... recall, check, discover, anytime but now/then...

appreciate, focus oh, concentrate o[, pay like

attention to...


everywhere here/there... only now/then... anytime but now/then...

this/that (in every like this/that (in

way)... anyway but like this/that...

and only this/that... and anything but this/that...

and only this/that... and anything but this/that...

s!6TEMs Gross Spins Problem

(When you VAK... X...)

Who are you Where are you When are you How are you What are you

Spin only here... everywhere but here...

Spin only here... everywhere but here..

only now... anytime but now...

only now... anytime but now...

like this (in every way).. anyway but like this...

like this (in every way) anyway but like this...

and only that... and anything but that...

and only that... and anything but that.

Keep adding as many layers of the sySTEM spins as you like.

{{3 Advanced Covert Hypnosis



way)... anyway but like this/that...

Keep adding as many layers of the sySTEM spins as you like

Not Problem X


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

s!6TEMs Gross Spins Resource +Not Resource Y

Who are you Where are you When are you How are you What are you

Spin only here... everywhere but here...

Spin only here... everywhere but here...

only now... anytime but now...

only now... anytime but now...

like this (in every way). anyway but like this...

like this (in every way).. anyway but like this...

and only that... and anything but that...

and only that... and anything but that...

(that is... Y...)

Keep adding as many layers of the sySTEM spins as you like.

s!6TEM Awareness Gross Spins +Not As you VAK X... SP|N... SySTEM are

you...that isY...


As you remember the problem... onyway but like this... who are you being... that's more than you know... anywoy but like thatT As you remember the problem... onyway but like this... where ore you not... thot's more than you know... onyway but like that... not now... only anything butthat?!

114 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


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e e e e e e e e e e e e e C e e e

e C e C

C C e C e C C C e C

e e e e C C e C C e e d

a a a a a ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

2 2 2 ? 2


? ? 2 ?) ?)


9 D

D D D 9 D

9 9 P n 9 P

The SySTEM Predicates Space








Above Beyond Aside (from) Here There lnside On top of Underneath Next to Beneath Deep Down At


Totally Completely Only Absolutely To the extent

Any All


A part of Other What else Once Only Except


ln Between

from...to... within Across Against Alongside Amid Among Behind Below Far from ln place of Near Next to Opposite Over Past Through

After Earlier Later Yet Already Now Soon During

While U ntil for (3 Days) Since (thursday) by (sunday)

than More than Less

Exclusively Pa rtia lly Against ln addition to


Every Each



ago Between

from...to... up to


Was Has been Had been Would have been Could have been Will be Will have been

**Go Nuts!**

{{5 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing



1; 1; 1;

Awareness Negation +Not sySTEM Qs (who, where, when, how, what)

]s 1;



Time Shifts Pauses (run on sentence)

]F 1;

Additional Maneuvens

C 1; C

Reverse Syntax & Puns

Metaphors of Movement Trance Phrases

1; 1;

sySTEM Predicates Rapid Reframes

e C C



What effect does each "spin pattern" have?


Rapport Open/Close (Expand/Contract) Focus I nd uct/Ded uct (Abstract/Concrete) Change Start Point (Subject) Change End Point (Object) Cement/U nstick ( Nomi nalise) Associate/Dissociate (th is/th at, he re/th e re, n ow/th e n, Separate/lntegrate I ncrease/Decrease (Zeno Effect) How much spin


ou / (s) h e)

a a a J a a a a a d J j

J JIi {{6 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing


d d J


tt tI

2 P P

9 9

| .r.

D D ? La.

2 ? 2 ? 2 ? ? ? ? ? 7 ? ? ? ? ? a b b b b b b ? u b u 2 2


HowTo Keep Them Engaged You need their minds engaged or it's just silly words! Hot Topics Flattery Challenge Surprise Meaningfulness "Conversation" markers

Wlrat You Gan lnfluence Thoughts - Beliefs Feelings - States Acts - Behaviour & Physiology lnvoluntary Acts - Autonomic Nervous System

How Greate The Hypnotic Gontext (H+)

ntense Attention Focus Sou nd I mportant/Mea ningful Repetition/Echo Absorb Attention I

Attitude Surprise

Agreement Reversal Hot Topics The Gadfly Maneuver (annoy them into correcting you)

Principles (X lnfluence There are many tools & principles - these are some of my favorites!

Agreement Compliance & Responsiveness (always test for acceptance) Consistency Reciprocity lnfluence v Force (Don't TRY to Persuade) Respect v Attack (Blame & Ego Shields, Keep Best lnterests)

117 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

Status & lmportance (Source (you) & Message (idea)) Mood v Mind (Hearts & Minds) You cannot experience what your mind doesn't grasp!!

Force -v- lhfluence Force your opinion v collapse their opinion. Force = You're wrong buddy!! Surrend€r = You're so right! I'll agree to whatever you want! Agreement Reversal = You're so right... that... there's even more things than that ! The Explorer's Gambit = What makes you say that (NB: Avoid Negative Tonality!) The Exaggerated Opening = All food should be green... in fact everything should be green

The Echo Explorer = You think X... how do you figure that?

Tylpes Of Hypnosis Overt & Covert - Direct & lndirect Overt Direct - e.g. Stage: quick, but can build resistance Overt lndirect - e.g. Ericksonian: balanced between speed and smoothness Covert lndirect - e.g. POCH: Very smooth, smallest chance of resistance, but slow Covert Direct - e.g. NLP & MBL: quick & powerful fixes for melting resistance in the moment - but less strategic than POCH MBL = the master key to turn any situation around. lt's not in the language; it's in the ideas expressed BY the language!!

C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C el C C



C C el C C er



C cC el cel

C 118 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing


al G G

PGAT Sales Process P-Every sale is about solving a problem. lf there is no problem, there is no sale. lf they don't want it, there is no sale. Either you find a problem worth solving, or you walk away. lf you can't resolve their problem, it's unethical to sell them anything. A problem is painful or it isn't a problem; even if it's positive, otherwise there is no motivation for change. Use H+

to intensify the problem, using predicates such as: think, feel, consider, become aware of, contemplate, recall, remember, experience, Use awareness language

look at, see, hear or notice. You also have spatial words like deeper and inside. You have time words like now, through and during. Build the problem up as if it is a current experience. lntensify the problem to the extent that you can help them resolve it. Then you can do some of the systems questions. Parameters


- Using language to open people up to what you're offering.

Use sySTEM predicates to assist in spinning people out of the problem and opening them up to the possibilities you're offering. Use directional predicates that distance them from the problem i.e. past, aside from, far, yet, now. Distancing them from the problem creates space for something else to happen. Critical Factor Bypass, clearing the slate, some language for that:

119 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. O 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

Later perhaps To the extent

You can also go before time, 'it's before this', as if the problem hasn't even happened. 'To the extent'is a useful one. "Can you think about the problem only to the extent that you can go beyond that now?"


- Presenting your Solution

The solution is to help them go inside and find a resource. Present the benefits or value of your solution. Take them to the state they want to be in. Tell them what it will mean to have your product or service. Access Resources

./ / ./ / { T

You'll be more successful in life. You will be happier. You will feel better. You'll get more done. You will no longer feel bad.

- Take them into the middle so they can make a choice.

You now have two positions: L. What is happening now? 2. Where do you want to be? You want to put them smack in the middle so they can make a choice.

Transform Do you want Do you want

to be here? to be there? lt's up to you. To the extent that they forget the problem, you may want to plug them into the problem enough while you're doing this to remind them that they're not there anymore, or that they don't have to be there. Let them give you their decision.

120 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Sfieet Hypnosis Publishing

PGAT Formula for Therapy P

- Parameters -Access the Problem.

Use H+ Use awareness language to intensify the problem, using predicates such as: think, feel, consider, become aware of, contemplate, recall, remember, experience, look at, see, hear or notice. You also have spatial words like deeper and inside. You have time words like now, through and during. Build the problem up as if it is a current experience. lntensify the problem to the extent that you can help them resolve it. Then you can do some of the systems questions:

./ / ./

What's the problem? Where are you now? Where do you want to be?

C - Critical Factor Bvpass - Spin the mind out of the problem. Use sySTEM predicates to assist in spinning people out of the problem. Use directional predicates that distance them from the problem i.e. past, aside

from, far, yet, now. Distancing them from the problem creates space for something else to happen. Clearing the slate, some language for that: Aside from...you're moving yourself away from 'that' Beyond Above all...you're getting physical distance

After Until...until creates a dividing line But...is a dividing line Ago...puts it behind you Later perhaps To the extent You can also go before time, 'it's before this', ?s if the problem hasn't even happened. 'To the extent' is a useful one. "Can you think about the problem only to the extent that you can go beyond that now?"

121 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing


- Access Resources - Find a resource and spin them around

until the resource ends up mixing up with the problem. The solution is to help them go inside and find a resource. How can you help them find a solution? The simplest version of all is to:

'/ '/ '/

Spin them around until they naturally fall into a trance of infinite possibilities. Remember, this is where anything good or bad can happen. Once they're init, you can steer them towards one thing or another.

We're going to have them start searching for solutions. You do not need to know what the solution is, they will. To the extent that you let them find it, not only does your life get easier, so does theirs. Take them to the state they want to be in.

./ / / ,/

You'll be more successful in life. You will be happier. You will feel better. You'll get more done.

7- Transform -Make sure the outcome is where they want to go. Test whether they have attached properly to the outcome. Just attach the solution to the problem. Essentially you're saying, "As you think about the problem, take the resources with you and change". Now we need to have a test to make sure they've attached to that outcome. We need to know that it's worked. There's a very simple device that allows you to test things covertly. lt's called is a

rhetorical question. It's a question that you don't really need an answer to. What you're really doing is asking the other person's unconscious mind to give you a demonstration of where they're at.

122 Advanced Covert Hlpnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hypnosis Publishing

a a a a a a a t t t t t t t tt

123 Advanced Covert Hypnosis


The Mind Bending Language System. @ 2010 Street Hlpnosis Publishing

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