Short Description
Soal Mikrotik...
1. A
client uses a RouterBOARD1000 RouterBOARD1000.. The clock is configured in '/system clock'. The clock resets to default after each reboot. elect the best solution for the !roblem. A. Write a script in '/system '/system script' script' to set the the clock B. Configure '/system ntp server' and set a valid and reachable NT client address. C. Configure '/system ntp client' and set a valid and reachable NT server address. !. "pen the router and ensure the C#"$ battery is fine.
%a&ab C en(elasan dengan memasang ntp client) client) maka ia akan mensingkronisasikan mensingkronisasikan &aktu sesuai dengan yang ada di internet) A) salah karna ketika reboot ia akan tetap kembali kembali ke &aktu sebelumnya sebelumnya B salah karena dhcp server digunakan untuk memberikan &aktu *dan bertindak sebagai server+ an ia tidak tersambung ke klien manapun !. rb ,--- tidak memiliki battry cmos 2. "hich
of the !rotocols belo# is used by $etinstall%
A. arp B. bootp C. dhcp !. rarp
%a&ab b en(elasan protocol yang digunakan adalah bootp untuk menginstalasi gn netinstall %a&aban a salah karena dungsi A adalah memetakan layer dan 0 %a&aban c salah karena dhcp berfungsi untuk membagikan ip %a&aban d salah karena adlh kebalikan dari A 3. /i!
/i! /i! /i! /i!
route configuration on router&
route route route route
add add add add
gate#ay1().1* gate# ay1().1*+.0.1 +.0.1 dst,address1 dst,address1().1*+.1.0 ().1*+.1.0/)/)- gate#ay1().1*+.0.) gate#ay1().1*+.0.) dst,address1 dst,address1().1*+.).0 ().1*+.).0/)/)- gate#ay1().1*+.0. gate#ay1().1*+.0. dst,address1 dst,address1().1*+..0 ().1*+..0/)* /)* gate#ay1().1*+.0.gate#ay1().1*+.0.-
Router needs to send !ackets to 1().1*+..)-0. 1().1*+..)-0. "hich gate#ay #ill be used% A. ,1.,23.-. B. ,1.,23.-.4 C. ,1.,23.-.,
!. ,1.,23.-.0
%a&ab c en(elasan (a&aban A dan B salah karena dst addressnya tidak sesuai dengan yang diminta $edangkan yang ! karena rangenya berbeda dengan 4-
-. or a im!le ueue to a!!ly a band#idth restrictions on a bridged interface& follo#ing must be done A. Configure an 5 5 address on the bridge interface B. 6se mangle to mark the connections C. 7nable '6se 5 8ire&all' in bridge settings !. Associate the $imple 9ueue to the bridge interface
5. 2ark
all correct ans#ers
A. Wireless access:list could allo& and deny connect to your your A B. The only &ay to prevent &ireless clients connections : disable &ireless interface C. !efault:8or&arding could be enabled for a specific clients by &ireless access:list !. /ip fire&all filter allo&s to deny authentication to A
%a&ab a sa(a en(elasan &irelesss access:list dapat menentukan mana yang boleh terhubung ke ap) caranya dengan mendisable default authentication $elainnya salah karena tidak sesuai 6. $AT
rule is going to catch 2T3 traffic and send it to a s!ecific mail ser4er. ser4er. "hat is the correct action for a $AT rule% A. passthrough B. dst:nat C. redirect !. tarpit
%a&ab b en(elasan karena untuk membelokan smtp traffic kesuatu kesuatu net&ork ialah tugas dst nat 6ntuk mengkonfigurasikannya ikuti command diba&ah ini
ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat protocol=tcp dst-port=25 action=dst-nat toaddresses= to-ports=25
7. "hen 4ie#ing the routes in "inbo5& some routes #ill sho# 6DA76 in the first column. These f lags mean
A. !irect) Available) Available) Connected B. !ynamic) Active) Connected C. !ynamic) Available) Created !. !ynamic) Active) Console
%a&ab b en(elasan bisa dilihat di ba&ah ini
Flags:: X - disabled, Flags disabled, A - active, active, D - dynamic dynamic,, C - connect, connect, S - static static,, r - rip, rip, b - bgp, bgp, o - ospf , m - mme, mme, B - blackhole, blackhole, - !nreachable, !nreachable , " - prohibit
8. 8t
is !ossible to create an encry!ted 333o9 tunnel in RouterO
Penjelasan : karena semua protocol ppp bisa bisa di enkripsi 9. Actionredirect
is a!!lied in
A. chain;srcnat chain;srcnat B. chain;for&ard C. chain;dstnat
%a&ab c en(elasan karena redirect membutuhkan destination bukan source atau pun for&ard 10. 2ikroTik
RouterO commands can be run once a day by
A. /system /system &atchdog B. /system cron C. /system scheduler
%a&ab c e(elasan karena scheduler mengatur (ad&al kapan fitur tersebut di(alankan 11. Router
has #ireless and ethernet client interfaces& all client interfaces are bridged. To create a D:73 ser4ice for all clients& D:73 ser4er must be configured on A. 7thernet and and &ireless interfaces interfaces B. !-,,>-B. 12-C. 034-!. ,,>-
%a&aban a en(elasan karena default yang dipasang ke netinstall netinstall adalah ,,>,,>14. D:73
ser4er is configured on a router>s ether1 interface. 8 3 address 1().1*+.0.100/)1().1*+.0.100/)- is assigned to the interface. 3ossible 83 !ools& that can be used by this D:73 ser4er& are
A. ,1.,21.-.,:,1.,21.-.>4 ,1.,21.-.,:,1.,21.-.>4 B. ,1.,23.-.,:,1.,23.-.>> C. ,1.,23.-.,:,1.,23.-.11),1 ,1.,23.-.,:,1.,23.-.11),1.,23.-.,-,:,1.,23.-.>4 .,23.-.,-,:,1.,23.-.>4 !. ,1.,23.-.,:,1.,23.-.,4
%a&ab c an d en(elasan karena untuk (a&aban A dan B akan ter(ai overlap ip *ip gate&ay tidak dipisah+ 15. There
can be more than one 333o9 ser4er in a single broadcast domain
Jawab : true Penjelasa: karena dalam satu broadcast domain bisa menjalankan lebih dari satu point to point dalam satu network 16. "hich
#ireless mode allo#s you to connect to any standard A3 ?not only 2ikroTik@ and to be able to bridge this #ireless interface to an 9thernet% A. station B. station:&ds C. bridge !. station:pseudobridge
%a&ab a en(elasan karena untuk (a&aban B dan ! khusus mikrotik untuk melakukan &ds 17. To
block communications bet#een bet#een #ireless clients connected to the same access !oint interface& you should set A. 'default:for&arding;no' 'default:for&arding;no' B. 'ma?:station:count;,' 'ma?:station:count;,' C. 'default:authentication;no' 'default:authentication;no' !. 'default:authentication;no' and 'default:for&arding;no'
%a&ab a en(elasan karena no default:for&arding akan men disable layer dari client 18. 333o9
ser4er only #orks #ithin one 9thernet broadcast domain that it is connected to. 8f there is a router bet#een ser4er and end,user host& it #ill not be able to create 333o9 tunnel to that 333o9
ser4er. false
Jawaban : false Penjelasan : karena PPPOE bisa berjalan meskipun beda IP network 19. "hich
default route #ill be acti4e%
/i! route add disabledno distance10 dst,address0.0.0.0/0 dst,address0.0.0.0/0 gate#ay1.1.1.1 gate#ay1.1.1.1 add disabledno distance< dst,address0.0.0.0/0 dst,address0.0.0.0/0 gate#ay).).).) gate#ay).).).) A. oute via gate&ay ... B. oute via gate&ay ,.,.,.,
%a&ab a en(elasan semakin kecil distance nya semakin di prioritaskan 20. "hich
are necessary sections in /=ueue sim!le to set band#idth limitation%
A. ma?:limit ma?:limit B. target:address) ma?:limit C. target:address) dst:address !. target:address) dst:address) ma?:limit
%a&ab b en(elasan karena untuk simple =ueue hanya membutuhkan target dan (uga ma? limit nya
21. "hich o!tion in the configuration of a #ireless card must be disabled to cause the router to !ermit O$; kno#n kno#n clients listed in the access list to connect%
A. 7nable Access Access @ist B. $ecurity rofile C. !efault Authenticate Authenticate !. !efault 8or&ard
%a&ab c en(elasan karena dengan default authenticate semua bisa onnect ke ap tersebut 22. or
static routing functionality& additionally additionally to the RouterO RouterO 'system' !ackage& you #ill also need the follo#ing soft#are !ackage
A. advanced:tools advanced:tools B. routing C. dhcp !. no e?tra package re=uired
%a&ab d en(elasan (ika hanya static routing tidak memerlukan paket tambahan/e?tra package 23. "hich
fire#all chain should you use to filter clients :TT3 traffic going through the router%
A. prerouting B. for&ard C. output !. input
%a&ab b en(elasan kata kuncinya adalah through atau mele&ati sehingga yang dibutuhkan untuk mele&ati ialah chain;for&ard 24. "hat
is necessary for 333o9 client configuration%
A. ip fire&all fire&all nat mas=uerade rule B. 5nterface *on &hich o7 client is going to &ork+ C. $tatic 5 address on o7 client interface
%a&aban b en(elasan karena yang dibutuhkan untuk pppoe client interface akan dipakai
25. Actionredirect
A. true B. false
can be used in $AT chain src,nat
#a$ab b en(elasan karena redirect membutuhkan destination bukan source atau pun for&ard
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