MIGUEL SERRANO - Adolf Hitler, The Ultimate Avatar

December 20, 2016 | Author: ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΑΔΗΣ | Category: N/A
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MIGUEL SERRANO - Adolf Hitler, The Ultimate Avatar...





FOREWORD This is not a Book; it is musical mystery and mysticism, Darkness and Light: Esoteric symbolism, Astral Travel, Master and Pupil and so much more. A Book describing the ongoing, titanic and eternal battle between Gods and Devils – between a Dark Force, a Satanic Spirit and a coming, or returning Hyperborean, Aryan Age. To understand this obscure tome, this esoteric masterpiece, one needs to have read Savitri Devi – at least her The Lightning and the Sun. There is an affinity between the two authors, both intellectual and spiritual. They were friends and met both in India and Externstein, Germany. Both regarded Jews as the physical incarnation of the Dark Force of the Demiurge. Like Serrano, Savitri Devi, “the High Priestess of Hitlerism”, was convinced Hitler was an Avatar, the penultimate Avatar. She quotes Hans Grimm, who recalled his meeting of an hour with AH in 1928 at which the latter admitted “he was not the one”. He was “preparing the way for the one – the bare essential work of preparation”. Devi believed that “the one” Kalki would have Hitler’s spirit, but be “less Sun and more Lightning” – more merciless. It is interesting that neither author, despite their intimate knowledge of the Bhagavad-Gita, mentions 2012 – that year of cosmic significance for Aryan Man: the beginning of transition from Kalyuga to Kritayuga. Small circles around ever bigger ones: cycles spanning millions of years, dictating alternating Ages of High Culture and degeneration. Nothing can stop this Wheel of Time. The Memory of the Blood This is a central theme in the Book: crucial for the understanding of this epic, Spiritual Odyssey. A Voice, harking from a distant, primordial past, still lingers in those Aryans still loyal to their Race. A Voice beckoning the Hyperborean Archetype, urging those attuned to it to a final, finite fight to the finish, against the Eternal Enemy. A Spiritual battle comparable to the Mahabharata – a battle closing a cycle and opening another. 5

The Jewish Collective Unconscious is always exclusive, fanatic, intolerant, divisive producing chaos. It hurls downwards, spiraling into ever deeper Kalyuga... “The truth of the Jew is the organic lie” – Rosenberg. And hence the absence of any afterlife in Judaism: neither Heaven nor Hell. “And when a Jew dies, nothing remains – he is devoured by the Lord of Darkness”. Serrano and Jung respected each other, though Serrano criticizes Jung’s description of The Memory of the Blood in psychoanalytical (Jewish) terms: The Collective Unconscious. Jung describes Hitler as a “Spiritual vessel, a semi deity, a myth: The man with the strongest Will that ever existed. German politics is not made, it is revealed through Hitler.” For Serrano, Hitler has to be described in hermetic language to be understood. He had a mysterious power that caused terror in Goebbels: “At times, I think the Fuhrer is not human”. Since birth, Hitler was predestined, committed to his mission. He sublimated his sexual drive into a love for Germany. He was the Hyperborean Archetype, chosen to reinforce the Memory of the Blood – the Eternal Return of the Archetype. And Ancient Wisdom tells us that the Great Man chooses his birthplace, his destiny. He incarnates the Collective Self of superior mankind. He stands heroically alone and prepares the dawn of the next Time Cycle. And even if He fails, other Great Men, not born out of circumstances, but predestined, chosen, Men above Time, who see the struggle in a cosmic sense, will continue the fight. For eternal things originate in darkness and silence – and they will endure. Serrano believes that Hitler will reincarnate into Kalki at the extreme moment. He will awaken the dream, infuse heroism in those that remain loyal – and He will save the Race. For, as He said: “If I win the war, I will have given a mortal blow to the Jew. If I lose the war, their triumph will only be for a brief time.” Hitler lost a battle, not a war. Master and Pupil


Only when the pupil is ready, does the Master appear. There is a synchronicity, a strange coincidence. Over time, the pupil is guided, coached into contact with the Divine. He joins an Elite Priesthood that blesses, not washes. An interiorized itinerary of magic, rite, ritual and ceremony, performed to perfection. The Master-Pupil relationship is Archetypal, since time immemorial. It never changes and the pupil obeys blindly – he must. And moments of inspiration are fleeting; they pass in an instant and must be grasped. Like when Serrano visited the SS Castle at Wewelsburg and had that powerful, mystical experience. And like Parsifal, one becomes “pure like a madman”. Serrano is anti-Semitic, or more precisely, anti Jewish, but not in a petty, personal way. He is anti Jewish in Spirit and perceives Them as the spiritual antipode to the Aryan. Jews enforced a rigid, racial code for millennia before which, in comparison, the National Socialist Racial Creed seems childish. And Serrano honored his mysterious, enigmatic Master, remaining loyal to him and his Fuhrer till his dying breath. He searched for the Grail, from Externstein to Montsegur, India to Antarctica, the peaks of Chile and the Himalayas – he searched. And he met valid personages: Jung, the Dalai Lama, Nehru, Julius Evola, Savitri Devi, Nita de Pierrefeu, Ezra Pound, Remer, Rudel, Reitsche and others. And if Savitri Devi is “Hitler’s High Priestess”, Serrano will ever be remembered as the High Priest of Esoteric Hitlerism. This is not a Book for everybody. One needs a predisposition, an intuition to begin to understand it. With every pore of one’s body, as an open window to the gusts of timeless, Immemorial Truths. A difficult, arduous journey at the end of which the reader, enriched, feels a deep sense of debt and gratitude to the Translator who offered this Treasure.

Norman Lowell The Sacred Island of Melita 22nd Sept 2011


Don Miguel Serrano with Nita de Pierrefeu, Arthur Guirdham and friends at Montsegur

Translator: Brother Francis, Franciscan Solitary in the Brahmanic Order of Kristos-Lucifer-Wotan

Soli Deo Gloria

Here is my translation from the Spanish of Miguel Serrano's immortal masterpiece, "Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar". Below, the first section consists of the descriptive paragraphs on the back cover of the book. Even though the book is somewhat slow to begin, it offers Europeans an incomparable overview of our Aryan history and mythos. Probably none of us will agree with everything Serrano has to say and might wish he had phrased some passages differently. That does not affect the truth that every word in this Holy Scripture of the Western Aryans is exactly as it should be for the specific purposes for which Serrano wrote them. It 8

speaks to the Ages with an incomparable message no one but Miguel Serrano could ever have sung. And, with that, we here together commence one of the greatest adventures that shall ever be known to our Aryan Folk:

Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar Description from the back cover: The title of this book has its origins in the Hindu conception of a god or deity, especially Vishnu, the Preserver in the Trilogy of Hinduism: Brahma being the Creator and Shiva the Destroyer. Vishnu is an ancient Vedic God, Aryan, white and blond whose residence is in the North Pole. Avatar is a Sanskrit word. So far there have been nine incarnations within the three great divisions of time made by Hinduism. The last three known incarnations are heroic-religious, corresponding to Rama, Krishna and Buddha. The tenth, that of Kalki, riding a white horse, will close the Kali-Yuga, the Iron Age of the Greeks, the Darkest Age, which is to say, the present time. He will appear within the vortex of the final catastrophe and will come to judge. The author of this book argues this incarnation of the divinity Vishnu-Wotan is announced by Adolf Hitler ( "The Man to Come" ) who has already made his glowing appearance and must return with his Ultimate Battalion (the Wildes Heer, Furious Order of Wotan-Odin) on the edge of catastrophe, to save his Folk and judge their enemies. Miguel Serrano is not alone in holding this view. Savitri Devi kept it in India almost as a new religion. The author of this book introduces the essence of what he has already defined as Esoteric Hitlerism, developed in his previous work "The Golden Band." "Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar" is an ópera magna as well as an autobiography, as the author recounts his youth, his first political battles, the transformation of the Popular Front and of Nazism in Chile in the thirties, analyzing these forgotten and still obscure decades for the first time, even though they are the origin and cause of Chilean political events up to 1970. Miguel Serrano also refers to the military coup of 1973. Especially remarkable is his analysis of the Second World War.


This book amounts to a revision and true transmutation of all values, to use Nietzsche's expression. A total transfiguration of History, a lightning bolt of Eternity Against Time. ADOLF HITLER: THE ULTIMATE AVATAR Miguel Serrano Born in 1917 in Santiago de Chile Travelled to Antarctica 1947-1948 Ambassador to India from 1953-1962 Ambassador to Yugoslavia from 1962-1964 At the same time accredited in Romania and Bulgaria Ambassador to Austria from 1964-1970 Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency and to the U.N. Agency for Industrial Development OTHER PUBLICATIONS BY MIGUEL SERRANO: The Golden Band of Esoteric Hitlerism Resurrection of the Hero National Socialism: Only Solution for the Nations of South America Manu: The Man To Come

As the Blessed Feel nothing themselves, You should feel for them In the Name of the Gods. Hölderlin

This work has been provided with two original watercolor paintings, a drawing and a woodcut by Adolf Hitler, and also with original drawings by the wise Runenlauteren and German painter Wolfgang von Schemm, with illustrations from 10

the books of alchemy "Mutu Liber" and "Rosarium Philosophorum" and with an ancient Hindu miniature of Rajastan, along with some photographs. The cover has also been especially designed for this book by the artist Wolfgang von Schemm, who was inspired by the Aztec Eagle carving made by Adolf Hitler in a cabinet of the Chancellery of the Third Reich.

I dedicate this work to the young heroes Of tomorrow, the Initiated Warriors of Esoteric Hitlerism, And to the glory of the Führer, Adolf Hitler. "

Ex libris, carved in wood, a creation of Adolf Hitler from 1929. Already one senses the Aztec Eagle of Quetzalcóatl. AS A PROLOGUE "BLESSED be the faith of those who dare to renew the face of the earth, emulating the Ideal they love. With the pride of mature races, such was the premeditation of your German leaders, and your mighty obedience accepted the pain of this new world's invasion of grandeur, carrying that pain in your blood. Generous ambition of strong nations who exhaust themselves by reaching the ultimate power and give themselves up to the daring dream of spreading their revered Idea under the heavens by themselves and beyond all horizons. When at last fullness is reached, it is better for them to consume all in a bolt of lightening, in splendourous paroxysm, rather than wait to wither away in peace." (From the French poet Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, partisan of Germany and Hitlerism in the last war. He departed this life in 1945.)


"WE MUST, all of us, be prepared for the most terrible. Is not death, in the midst of humiliation, a way to give oneself even more? Sacrifice admits of neither calculation nor reserve. If I had lied like the rest where would I have landed? Yet, I believe even so, more than ever, only the idealists can change the world. The soul that remains is the soul." (From Leon Degrelle, Leader of the Belgian "Rexists," hero of the Battles on the Eastern Front, perfect Hitlerist, poet and Pilgrim of Great Nostalgia. He still lives on this earth.)

"I am not anyone to speak aloud of Adolf Hitler. His life and his actions do not invite sentimental emotions, because he was a warrior fighting for humanity, an apostle of the Gospel of the Rights of all peoples. He was a reformer of the highest rank. His historic destiny was to act in a time of unprecedented brutality, to which he eventually fell victim. So must any West European see Adolf Hitler. We, his followers, however, bow our heads before his disappearance." (Words of the Norwegian writer and Nobel Prize winner, Knut Hamsun, written in the Norwegian newspaper "Aftenposten," on the 7th of May, 1945. Knut Hamsun was imprisoned in an institution after the war. His rights and property were confiscated and his wonderful books were made to disappear from public knowledge.) "Hitler was like Joan of Arc. A saint, a martyr!" (Declaration of American poet Ezra Pound, before reporters who interviewed him while he was a prisoner of his country's military and soon before being incarcerated in an insane asylum for thirteen years. He was never awarded the Nobel Prize he merited, as the greatest poet of this century.)


TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword By: Norman Lowell Introduction

Page 5



Glories of the Night The Hero The Leader


THE GREAT WAR The Lord of Darkness The Maestro Other Hyperborean Archetypes The Mountain The Valkyrie Wheel of Life and Mandala Ultimate Dialogue with the Maestro

25 40 86 146 157 175 180



The Falsification of the Demiurge Art of Fugue The Gods, the Heroes Reincarnation, Eternal Return, Resurrection Hyperborea Paradesha Woewre Wotan and the Runes Land of Castles

183 183 189 191 202 207 210 215 232



Castle Polar Physiology The Three Norns, the Three Reichs Ragna-Rök Another Round Earthly Hyperborea Fire Jehovah and the White Traitors Resurrection of Osiris Arbaris and Allouine Ice Exodus In the Land of Amber Age of Heroes Death of Baldur

237 249 255 260 261 264 266 277 280 286 288 294 312 314 318



Polar Initiation The White Gods Black Shadow of the White Gods Jews in Spain and America Marranos Marrano Diaspora A Macabre History and the Destiny of Certain Writers Crusade Against the Gral The Templars in America Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa Atlantis Furthest Reaches Incas Language and the Writing of the Incas Drama of the Hyperboreans of Tiahuanaco End of the World CHILLI-MAPU. Land of the Star of Morning 14

The Earth Star of the Morning Man Ré-ché, the Pure Aryan "Chilean Race" of Nicolas Palacios Chilean Matricide Chilean Racial Sky Military Coup of 1973 The Jew Milton Friedman and Chile Usura Destiny Aristogenesis Return to the Land of Olympus PART FOUR: SANGREAL INITIATION OF THE SS


Castle of the Order Mystery of the Gral Parzival Schastel Marveile Trevrisent and the History of the Gral Sangreal The Twice Born Family House Combat with the Double Lohengrin Troubadour Doctrine of A-Mor "Only the poets will understand me" Anima, Animus Awakening of the Anahata Chakra The Divya Divinization The "Mutus Liber" and the "Rosarium Philosophum" Dance of Krishna

331 353 368 382 386 389 394 398 401 404 410 413 415 427 429 436 437 451




Magic Reich Laboratory of Racial Mutation Mirror of Papan Thulegesellschaft Mission of Rudolf Hess Hypnotism at a Distance Neutral Angels Kalki: The Ultimate Avatar Return to the Beginnings

455 457 461 464 480 489 491 497 503

EPILOGUE Pilgrim of Great Nostalgia

507 509

APPENDICES Appendix One Chile and the "Black Lists" of the "Allies" in the Second World War Appendix Two The Runic KRISTOS of Atlantis


Appendix Three Venus, Double Star of the Initiation of Esoteric Hitlerism. The Star of Eight-Points




Memories of the Archetype Glories of the Night "Why," they ask me, "have you risked so much, putting in danger the literary work of a lifetime? Is it that you don't know all the publishers in the world are in the hands of Jews? Now, when your books are translated into German, into English and other languages, when they are read in many countries, you set yourself up to write openly in favor of Hitler and discover his esotericism… This is madness, if you were not someone who knows of the omnipresent power and total control of life by Judaism… But you have been a diplomat and have been able to penetrate to the bottom of the historic events of the present and past; like no one else you have had the possibility, the knowledge and the means to know it; you have travelled the world right and left, you know… And you have not only risked your work, you risk your life…" So my friends, my relatives, even my enemies have spoken to me. Because today that is how people talk. That is the voice of our times. But I am not of these times, nor of this world, nor of these days. I am from another planet. I am from the Morning Star. I am not afraid of losing everything, including life. Furthermore, the motto on my coat-of-arms reads: "My honor is loyalty." Yes, loyalty to the ideals, the dreams, the past glory of the night, the ghosts of lost friends, the golden shadows, the echo of their steps, to the old streets and cities, and all that which escapes the light this martyred earth projects, the longing for a Golden Age, when heroes still lingered among us, when the Gods were still talking to us. For I am among those who spoke with the Gods… And, if someone should not know it, or could have forgotten, for here you forget everything, I will try to tell how it happened then and how it all could come. It is even possible that more than one will understand why I am faithful to the glories of the night, to the light of a Golden Age, to the heroes, my friends, to the legend, dream and myth.


I do not intend to write a biography of the external events of my life, rich in deeds (for "I went down to the huts and up to the palaces…") though this is part of the fabric of the "age of the feuillton," but only to show the myth, the archetype, that is, that which is not only mine, but many. In a word: The Mystery, to the extent this can be revealed. I have traced our family history upstream as far as possible, first in Chile, then in the north of Spain, in Asturias, Galicia "where neither Moors nor Jews have fallen," because that is where we come from. I can only see Celts and Visigoths, a lot more Visigoths than Celts, in my family tree. My mother's name was Bertha, a Germanic name, derived from the goddess Pertha. Bertha was also the Merovingian mother of Charlemagne, who betrayed the Iggdrasil tree of his ancestors. He did it, but I will not do it. South America! Almost everything here has been changed by mixing and miscegenation. Not so much in my family… But I knew practically nothing of all this, even less in my childhood. No one here had been educated racially. On the contrary, America is the daughter of Masonic doctrines and of the Christian Church. They push us irresistibly to miscegenation and the mulatto. This is a bastard continent in the midst of a bastard world. Concerning Chile and her ethnic drama I have written: "The Chilean Race Cycle" ("El Ciclo Racial Chileno"), a small basic work, no doubt. As a child this topic was absolutely unknown to me and no one in my house was in a position to teach me or to guide me through the torturous path. Only instinct, only the "memory of the blood," opened a way through this confused and dark thicket of contrasting mixtures. Because finally this "memory" can only come up through the years. Then, mostly, it is too late. Too late to avoid damage to the hereditary genes and inheritance. There was, unfortunately, no one there who could warn us against that danger, for no one knew of it. So it happened that from the sky came invisible leaders who saved us from more damage and, in the most critical moment, took us by the hand and then brought us to where our place was in battle. Perhaps it was this same "memory of the blood" and the Gods who live in it and circulate within who came to save us and to rescue us. We gratefully bow before them and ask them never to leave us, because we are determined to remain faithful until death, to the other side of this life, in order to enter Valhalla. Yes, as a child I knew nothing of this important topic. I suffered from having blond hair and blue eyes. I wanted to look like the other boys, with bristly Mongolian hair and facial features. Up until recently I was not aware of what this 19

means. That is why I say that the "memory of the blood" is slow to appear, very slow. It breaks its way through shadows of pain and penance. A lifetime is not long enough to listen to its messages, to read its wise book. In my family one only spoke to us of class, never of race. And they are such different things! In general there was class that did not always coincide with race. And so it goes in the rest of the world as well, especially in this Darkest Age. I shall return to this theme in my work "The Chilean Race Cycle" which I will include in this book. In my family class coincided with race. A miracle. But we did not know it. It was all so feeble, so delicate, an almost random interaction, like a flower that blooms for one day. Because the matter of race and "racism" is very badly understood, above all with human beings. (Concerning animals everyone is in agreement.) Race, with a capital letter, no longer exists in this darkest time of the earth. It is something that once was, and to which one claims to return as to an ideal. As with Greek statues, whose models were never present. But it is a duty to aim at this perfection and this transmutation. This and nothing else was what Hitler taught us, the privileged generation who lived during his time. The life of a few in this world could be filled with Meaning by means of a work in oneself, collaborating "synchronically" with Gods of other worlds. Because at times "things come to us eager to transform themselves into symbols," as Nietzsche said. And Rilke: "What other thing do you want, world, but to make yourself invisible in us?" The symbol of our life must be created, "invented." Other times it is right here, in plain sight, even in one's own name. Jung said that "freud" in German means pleasure. And Freud centered his theory precisely in sexual pleasure. Adler is bird of prey in German and his psychological doctrine took as its basis the instinct of power. "Jung" is youth, and the great doctor placed rebirth at the center of his teachings, standing on the prow of the ship of eternal youth. In his house a plaque reads: "We were young, we symbolize eternal youth." He knew this. My name is Serrano. This means hills, mountain. I was born near the mountains of my native land and I have loved the highest peaks. I have seen the stone giants, coming to believe the mountains were petrified giants that should be freed. This has been the work of my life: to liberate, give new life to the giants. For this I've wandered through the greatest mountains on earth, the Andes, the Himalayas, the Pyrenees (residence of Pirena, the beloved of Hercules), and the Alps, where the dwarf king Laurin lives, with the elves. In the Himalayas I searched for the enchanted cities of Agartha; in the Andes of my youth, the City of 20

the Caesars (I am searching still), Paititi, Elelin and Trapalanda. Because I am also an Ankahuiinka. (1) [Eagle Initiate, in the initiation of the Incas.] My mother died at the age of 23. Two plus three is five. I was five years old when she died. My father died at 32. Three plus two is also five. 555, the polar Hyperborean number of Destiny. When my father died I was eight years old. The number of infinity. If my mother and father had not died my life would be very different. I am an orphan prisoner of infinity, nourished by infinity, by her milk, her blue fire, her uncreated light. We were educated by a dignified widow, my grandmother. She was named Fresia (Freya, like the goddess of the Aesir of Germanic legend). She could also call herself Woevre Saelde, the widow who guided the Minnesänger, the initiated German troubadours. So I grew up as "a pure fool," among the vernacular wild woods of my country in the south of the world, of the South Pole. And I had to fight with the Grand Dowager, to free my soul from the terrible matriarchy of a devastated involuted land. In Chile, from chil, to denude, in Quiché Mayan, in Quechua Viking; from schillen, to unsheathe (the sword), in Old German. Therefore I have all my life tried to bare the Sword of the mystical fatherland. For those who know, this is the legend and Mystery of the Gral. The life of Parsifal, his defeats and his triumphs, attempting to build again the devastated land of the Gral, the Terre Gaste, to return the Crown to the sick king, decreased, to reconstruct the Crown of Lucifer (from which the Gral fell), as beautiful as it was before his stellar combat.


Odin, Nordic God, is Wotan to the Germans. He was crucified voluntarily on the Iggr Tree of Terror, hanging there for nine nights until he found the salvific Runes, which make possible the recovery of lost Divinity by heroes.


Legend has it that Parsifal left for a land to the West, from which he nevermore returned. He went in a ship with the Templar Cross embroidered in its sails and with him he took the Gral. This Occident land is Our America of the South Pole (which was once the North Pole). The Templars had been here before. But before them there were the Vikings and, long before, the divine Hyperboreans, the Giants, the White Gods. They came from other stars, from Venus, the Star of Morning, the Star of Schillen-Chile. Parsifal believed the end of the Golden Age, the Twilight of the Gods, was irreversible, that the Waste Land would not now return to her solar plenitude, that it would be devastated; he knew King Amfortas and King Arthur had gone to the Happy Isles, to Avalon, where they would be healed by the Valkyries, by Hyperborean magicians of Magic Love, that Frederick Barbarossa slept within a mountain where the horn of Wotan would awaken him at the end of time. And Parsifal then departed for the City of the Caesars, of the White Gods, in the mythic regions of the South Pole that was once the North Pole. In the hope that the Great Cycle be fulfilled, that the Kali Yuga reach its frightful end and the "last age of the Cumean Sybil, of the virgin maid, the reign of Saturn and Rhea return. The centuries turn to the Golden Age. And from a golden lineage, the most valuable, the world is to be populated from pole to pole." Then the Mystery of the Gral will be revealed. And the end will respond to the "Question" we have been asking since we were born in this world, since we fell here. And since Baldur and Jason died. The Golden Legend tells that the first troubadour, who gained knowledge of the secret rules of the trobar clus, received them from a hawk or raven that sat on the highest branch of a golden oak. Donar's oak, destroyed by Bishop Boniface, who was actually named Winfried, or the ashtree Yggdrasil, which Charlemagne destroyed. Wotan was also "crucified" on this tree to discover the liberating magic Runes. For nine nights he hung on that tree. Igg-drasil. (Igg = terror). All this to be able to deliver another cosmos from the one in which we live. The Runes were brought by a golden raven. Therefore Wotan must have been the first troubadour. And the Runes are the secret signs that can only be seen trovar clus. Jason, another name given to the first troubadour, (trovare means to find), discovered the Golden Fleece hanging from the branch of an oak tree, which is really Dodona in Hyperborea, in the North Pole beneath the Black Sun of Midnight. 23

And all this, as we said before, has now moved to the South Pole. Therefore I found Jason here, next to the Black Sun of the night of the past, in the glories of that night, in the streets of a city that no longer exists. In that city called Santiago de la Nueva Extremadura, the New Extreme, from this other end of the world. The events of an individual life do not count, are destined to death, to nothing, to decompose in the light of the Golden Sun. That is why I am not interested in personal biographies. Like the ancients, I only value the archetype, Myth, Legend. Only he lives who has been able to include himself in the fire of a Hyperborean Archetype, in his eternity and his Eternal Return. The history and historicism of our times leave me cold. Only those who repeat here below the archetypical and mythic life of our Gods are included within the eternal, those who happen to be their interpreter or celebrant. The Hyperborean kings, the pharaohs of Egypt, the emperors of China and Japan, the Incas and the Fuhrer embodied Gods, were possessed by a God, becoming the projection of God, here on earth. The same must happen with some peoples and with certain civilizations of other ages. Even with heroes. If someone, understanding this or even not understanding, by the essential combat of his existence, by his resurgence, is found worthy to pass over this occult limit, integrating or expressing this Archetype, he will receive at one stroke an ontological reality and transmute from homo terrenus into homo de coelo. Now he is already immortal for he will always return in the Eternal Return of this Archetype, here or where it may be. In Him (as in Himself) or in Others. Each time in this life that it has been given me to encounter one who incarnates a Hyperborean Archetype, the commotion produced by their drama has carried me to the borders of desperation and made me cringe to the innermost of my being. And this even when he may not have developed the experience to be able to interpret it, filling it with Meaning. That was not necessary because the Mysterious takes place beyond the conscious mind and reason. This will be the subject of the first part of this work. A history of another class, of Myth and Legend. The Memories of the Archetype, of our Archetype. ………………………………………………………………………………………. Where the young died conquering… There you fell, Walking over the waters! 24

Singing the song of Destiny! The misery and madness of men Shakes my immortal soul. Leave me to remember the silence In your depths! HOLDERLIN

THE GREAT WAR Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess repeated many times that, desiring to establish the purity of the Nordic Aryan Race, they could not desire war, because it would be a "selection in reverse." In war the first to die are the best, those who have race, the most valiant. Hitler only wanted to restore all that the Treaty of Versailles snatched from Germany. First Alsace and Lorraine, then the Sudetenland and Danzig Corridor. When Rudolf Hess flew to England he also asked for the devolution of their African colonies. The war, which had been long prepared by Germany's enemies, was declared against her by England and France in 1939, almost coinciding with the fateful events in Chile. Nevertheless, there had been no clashes between the armies for many months. More than once Hitler offered peace to England with no response. When he defeated France, in a Blitzkreig of his invention, he allowed the English troops in Dunkerque to escape, against the advice of his generals who wanted to surround and destroy them. England was unarmed. The flight of Rudolph Hess to Great Britain was also prepared by Hitler, in agreement with King Edward VIII, who visited him at Berchtesgaden and was then living in France. And furthermore, the same English King, a brother, was in agreement and knew of the flight which should have been successful. But the Jewish hand of Roosevelt and the Masonic lodges, acting through Churchill, made everything end in failure. Another reason for the imprisonment of Hess to the present day is the English fear Hess would reveal the duplicity, the trap in which they made him fall, something the Sovereign would not have denied. He will die in prison for this very reason. Otto Skorzeny told me, in Spain, it's English hypocrisy to blame only the Russians for the prolonged imprisonment of this man. "If they wanted to free him," he said, "they could do it this moment." Be that as it 25

may, for whichever reason, events are working for the greatness and resurrection of the Myth. Hess is not the prisoner. It is the jailers who are chained to the fatal fulfillment of the Myth. Rudolph Hess proposed to make peace with the English. Germany would withdraw from all territories she had conquered in the West, from Norway, Denmark, Belgium and France. She also guaranteed the permanence of the English Empire. England would be the maritime power and Germany the power on land. She only asked to be left a free hand in the East in order to destroy Bolshevism and thus save Europe and the white race. She asked, as well, restitution of her African colonies, also taken away by the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler never wanted to destroy the British Empire. He admired the English, believing that without them Germany would not be in a position to be able to organize the world into a New Order. He thought all the outrages of British capitalism in the world were done by Jewish infiltrators in control of England's finances and political direction, not by the English. When these were cleared away things would straighten themselves out. Outside of Germany and the Nordic countries only the English had a more pure race. They were white and Hitler wasn't there to destroy the white race, but to save it. To retrieve Europe, a continent rich in spirit but poor in raw materials. Increasing vital space in the East, destroying Bolshevism and incorporating the Aryan races of the Caucasus and Urals, Europe would have oil, wheat and the raw materials that would permit her to stabilize before the danger of colour and the decadent influence of the United States of America. A Golden Age of the civilization of the white man would resurface. As for the United States and South America, by a natural ebb of the great tides of spirit and a beneficent contagion they would also produce a racial scouring and ordination, in agreement with the polar mystery of their origins and of the White Gods. Hitlerism had made investigations in this respect, of which very little has become known, because they were not revealed. Of which I am, in part, the keeper. More in Chile we could not do. Here the war was already lost even before it had begun in Europe. There only remained to us the hope Hitler would win the war to take revenge for us. We have said Jorge González von Marées seemed to hope for this when he edited his review "Chilean Action." In 1941 I made up my mind to enter fully into the fight and began to publish my magazine "The New Age." This weekly would put itself unreservedly on the 26

side of Germany, Italy and Japan, that is, the "Axis." But above all it was on the side of Hitler, even though at the time I did not know the real dimensions of this man, considering him only as a political genius beyond the mark. My intellectual formation was based on the German philosophers, whose translations in the "Revista de Occidente" I had worked through. Thus I had made my own an entire composition and interpretation of the destiny of the Americas, coming to speak of certain strange and magical things about which I myself could not say from where they came. In an article published in those first issues of "The New Age," which I entitled "Beyond Nazism," an entire conception of man and the world was expressed. I remember that in those years the well-respected doctor Ramon Clarés Pérez phoned me to ask where and how I had acquired such knowledge. In truth I myself could not say. I also believe I have always been talking of the giants of the Andes and of a mythic sacred Chile. Before I decided to start my own magazine I recall having visited Bardina, an independent and very interesting Catalan who lived in Valparaíso, where he edited a weekly paper also in support of the Axis, "La Semana Internacional." There he analyzed the military campaigns of Germany with great understanding. I especially liked this Catalan because he was a bitter enemy of Franco, therefore a supporter of Hitler. He knew the Hitlerists, on winning the war, were going to reorganize the map of Europe to accord with the "carnal fatherlands," in other words into ethnic and linguistic groups. Catalonia would be united with Languedoc and Provence, independent from northern Spain. All these regions had been occupied by the Visigoths before the Fifth century. Bardina confirmed that the term "Caudillo," the name given to Franco, seeking a title equivalent to Duce and Fuhrer, came from cauda, that is to say, the tail. In my book "The Golden Band: Esoteric Hitlerism" I have published the map of New Europe, a project of the SS. There you can see what Catalonia would be. Bardina was right. After a warm friendly meeting I arrived at the conviction my combat must be independent to be able to express my thoughts and advocacy as I understand them. So, on July 3, 1941, the first issue of "The New Age" appeared. No one ever has or ever will edit a review like that one in Chile again. I am sure of that, checking through those issues forty years after its appearance. How 27

could something like that be published in Chile? What was written there could never have been voiced nor written here. I have not reread the journal in all these years since its publication, and I realize almost everything and more that I have been writing in this book, until now, had already been said there. The interpretation of the crime of September 5, 1938 is the same; the analysis of global events and the Great War is astute to the extent that I have to correct some details of this new explanation. And I ask myself: How was it possible, being so young, that we could have been in possession of such knowledge and secrets? And I again have to think of "the memory of the blood," of the Eternal Return and the invisible guides who lead us from somewhere beyond. None of this, absolutely nothing, would have been possible in Chile and elsewhere without the appearance of Adolf Hitler. Because he was the one who informed this enlightenment, this revelation, even about the particular and remote history of a nation such as ours. Without him we would not have been able to write about nor publish these revelations in Chile. They would have prevented us. Only the fear of a possible victory of Hitlerism in the world made it possible for us to escape assassination here and for the magazine "The New Age" to continue publishing. Today, of course, nothing of this still exists and it is much more difficult, almost suicidal, to keep the principles and ideals, restating them. Today it is madness to continue to be loyal. So think the Chileans and others as well. The youth of today know nothing because they have been deprived of the truth. They know nothing of those forgotten fundamental decades in Chile and in the world. Perhaps I alone can teach them. At the National Library there was a complete edition of the anthology "The New Age" from the first issue of July 3, 1941 to January 7, 1943. Someone took that collection, some person who wanted to keep it like an untraceable jewel. Because there are still young people who are interested in knowing the truth. I personally have a few copies, wrapped in burlap. They carry an introduction and a final statement that reads: "The destiny of South America must be that of the white race, of the Aryan spirit, finding here a new landscape and a new and wider field of expression, directing from above this crucible of races. Chile has been destroyed by the Judaism that, through Freemasonry, is preparing to deliver her to Communism (written in 1943). From this (apparently) silent intestine struggle within the heart of Judaism, Chile will be destroyed…" The bracketing is from the present. And nothing has changed, because in "The New Age" it is revealed that in 1939, during the Popular Front, sixty thousand Jews 28

immigrated to Chile. They made history with this unfortunate fact. Since then many more have kept arriving. Already Chile is no longer a land of the Chileans, at least not of those who "knew how to give their lives" for an ideal. In that introduction and final statement, as of necessity the journal ended publication with number 36, because in 1943 Chile broke diplomatic relations with the Axis countries, it also said: "In the following pages future generations will find the constant internal and external struggle of some Chileans who loved their fatherland, strove to make the future not so arid and painful as it was for us. Much as we would like to print here the names of all the editors, for obvious reasons that is not yet appropriate. One day it will be possible. Through Freemasonry and Judaism one can best understand the history of the betrayal and defeat of South America… But we are younger than those who now have the supreme power and our day will come…" Vain illusion, because in proportion as the time and years have passed the combat has become even more difficult. Who today could write things like that without being persecuted and jailed? After forty years the shadows are denser, the revenge and conspiracies more sinister. A whole world has been manipulated by propaganda, intimidated by terror scientifically dosed out, indoctrinated, softened by lies, deception, dissimulation, falsity, crime. The "Operation Six Million," on a planetary scale, this sinister Jewish plan, has made it completely impossible to talk serenely about those years and about the Great War without mobilizing powerful emotional and passionate forces. Hypnotic diabolical repetition has made it so that no one in the world can doubt this non-existent genocide, such that it is impossible to refer to Nazism and to Hitler, to the glorious Germany of those times, to the undeniable justice of an Aryan social system, neither capitalist nor Marxist, nonJewish, without awakening fear, rejection, opposition, because the registers worked in the psychic machine of men immediately starts to move, to remember the "genocide of the Chosen People," of the "people of God," which is as false as is that divine election attributed to a just God of a lying criminal anti-race controlling every means of propaganda and news media in the world, from publishers, the press, television, film, from news satellites to the atomic bomb, last deterrent in a world that can not be free or independent because it never has been. We today live on a planet of "robots" directed and managed by the Jews towards a tragic fatal end, towards the abyss and chaos. Concerning the genocide of the six million, Einar Aberg published the following in Norrniken, Sweden, in 1959: 29

"In 1938 there were 15,688,259 Jews in the world, according to the 'World Almanac' of 1947. This figure was provided to said Almanac by the 'American Jewish Committee' (Jewish-American Commission) and by the 'Jewish Statistical Bureau of the Jewish Synagogues of America' (Statistical Office of the Synagogues of America). "In 1948 there were between 15,600,000 and 18,700,000 Jews in the world, according to an article appearing in the 'New York Times,' of February 22, 1948, written by Mr. Hanson W. Baldwin, a respected expert of proven impartiality in all demographic matters, a personality who even with the greatest imagination can not be considered anti-Semitic. His boss, Arthur Sulzberger, proprietor of the New York Times and himself a Jew, is known as an unconditional friend of Great Britain." "Assuming, then, the highest estimate of Mr. Baldwin, that is, 18,700,000 Jews, the result would be that in the ten years between 1938 and 1948, a period including the war years 1939 to 1945, during which Hitler allegedly killed six million Jews, the Jewish population of the world would have increased by more than 3 million. If, assuming for the sake of argument, Hitler really did kill six million Jews, we would find the increase in demographic numbers is really 9,000,000. That is to say, an increase of 3,000,000 plus another 6,000,000 births to supply the 6,000,000 Jews allegedly gassed under the Hitler regime." " Taking into consideration that there are currently only 18 million Jews in the world, it assumes an increase of 9,000,000 Jews during the ten years from 1938 to 1948, that is, an total increase (in only ten years) of 50%, an impossibility, even for a race so sexually unrestrained as the Jewish race. Even if every Jew, physically capable, were to dedicate himself exclusively, day after day, during every 24 hours in the years from 1939 to 1949 to procreation, with every one of the women of his race, in full puberty, to have been able to engender in ten years 9,000,000 Jews would be absolutely in contradiction with the laws of eugenic science." "It is not surprising, then, when Allen Lesser, also Jewish, was forced to admit, in an article "Anti-defamatory Hysteria," appearing in the spring 1949 edition of the magazine "Menorah Journal," that: 'According to what was distributed during the war years, by the Jewish press agencies, the number of Jews dead in all Europe rises to several millions more than even the Nazis ever knew then existed." I will give the names of my principal collaborators of those years because no one can still harm them, because they are dead, with whom we published "The 30

New Age." There where they are the enemy can no longer reach them. I do not share the names of those who are still alive. But I want them to know I still carry their memory. Above all the young comrade who accompanied me to the end of the journal, as its administrator. Without him nothing would have been possible. Is he still alive? When we had to say goodbye because everything was over, I gave him my writing desk on which I wrote my first books: "Anthology of True Narrative in Chile" and "The Darkest Time." What has become of this comrade? So many years away from Chile, I never saw him again! If he is still alive, I know he also has preserved the memory of those times and our struggle, as the most wonderful of our lives, the most beautiful. We must never renege on those sublime times, comrade…! Rene Arriagada was chief of the department of cables of "El Mercurio," oldest newspaper in Chile. One day he arrived at the address of the literary page of "Trabajo," carrying an article. We became friends. He was cultivated, formed by Spengler and Portales. Like me he came from the ranks of the left and became disillusioned. This was his best card of recommendation for me, who, even while I belong to the aristocracy of Chile and Spain, and for that very reason, have not been able to stand the plutocratic Right-wing of my country, or of the world either. With René we formed "The New Age." We owe him almost all the ideas on implementation and format. From the first to the last issue he tirelessly contributed with his military, strategic, social and political analysis of the war. He signed with RA, which I liked because it is the name of an Egyptian god. They were his initials. We were good friends, although in later life we grew apart as we parted over unattainable internal and external distances. During the war we lived closely together as did our families with our first-born children. Every evening I entered his office at "El Mercurio" to read the latest cables of war news, and we commented on and analysed them until late in the night. After the dramatic end there was something like an inward death for us, so great was the sorrow we preferred not to meet so as not to open those wounds, to be able to keep living, surviving. At least this happened to me. A prominent general in the Chilean Army, Don Francisco Javier Díaz, was another permanent collaborator, dedicated to military analysis. He was a total Hitlerist who had been educated in Germany and had significant ancestors among the Chilean military. He has also already gone, like René Arriagada. They died during my absence from Chile. I will never forget them. And so a few more. 31

At times I return again to publish the magazine in dreams. The editions reappear and are read with the interest and passion of yesteryear. Again I write there, I do not know what. We are comrades together and set out to the same fight. Perhaps this is a "reminder of the future,' in the Eternal Return. Besides the immediate collaborators there was the people with their nobility. The journal obtained a great printing for the time and its fine content. And this was due to the paperboys of Chile. Beyond their commercial interest they wanted to help us. Who would have thought after so many years a paperboy would recognize me in a magazine kiosk on a downtown street? I think I had changed and grown older, but he spoke emotionally and recalled those times. Great times…! Our office was located right on the corner, which still exists between New York Street and Ahumada Street with the Moneda, in a tall building still located there. My office was located on the last floor in the attic of a high tower with views of the high mountain summits of the Cordilleras. The grandiose vision has now been destroyed by other even higher buildings. From there I was always able to see the mountains of Berchtesgaden and be close to them and the Fuhrer. Many a morning I pulled myself back up to my writing desk to dream the glories of an imaginary triumph and the return of a Golden Age to my country and the world. The peaks of the Andes changed colour with the impossible red of our sunsets, with the colour of yearning. And this is the only thing that still remains from those years, the only thing they have not been able to deny us or destroy. The miracle of the dawn in Chile. For this I have come back, for this I am still here. It was very difficult to finance such a journal. The sale proceeds alone were not enough. The ads were few since business people feared the "black lists" the Americans were circulating. As for the Germans of Chile, they have, with a few honourable exceptions, not helped. Even in the times when people still believed the war would be won, they acted with great caution. The "emigrant complex," almost a hundred years after immigration to the country, still had mastery over them. They dared not attack the rulers, motivated by their social climbing and unbridled appetite to accumulate wealth. Moreover, they understood nothing of Nazism, still less of Hitlerism, despite the German schools with their "Hitler Jungen" and the ritual they only superficially imitated. In their majority they were Freemasons and obeyed the Lodges, as in Germany. If they betrayed there, then they would even more so here. Nevertheless they did less. Because there were 32

exceptions and people among them who dedicated themselves fully. At "Colony Puyuhuapi," in the remotest and most inhospitable south of the country, a young German thought to establish there a Hitlerist refuge and brought the most interesting collection of books back from Germany, impossible to find now. I was the inheritor of that library which I intended to guard for the young combatants of the future. This German went to war and fell as a pilot on the Russian front. The most important help we received was from the true National Socialists of the German diplomatic corps. I made contact with them. They were our comrades, ready to do everything so our journal would continue publishing. By their intervention I obtained the documentation on Freemasonry that Rosenberg had discovered in France in the archives of the Lodges. The publication of this sensational documentation appeared in several editions of "The New Age." However, I only got what could be made known; there was still much more that has never been revealed. An SS arrived in Chile who was an aide to the director of Hitler's Chancellery. He told me his boss had entrusted to him what he had seen of a private exhibition of the Masonic documents discovered by Rosenberg. The revelations were of such magnitude they had shaken him. The Pope, the kings of England were Masons and obeyed the orders of Jewish Kabbalists who sent them from the centers of black magic, established in Synagogues and other secret places. The same SS man reported that on two occasions he was present when Hitler prevented victory celebrations over the English. The Fuhrer considered them to be a tragedy for the white race. They were when Turkey gave permission for German troops to pass over its territory and defeat the English in the Balkans and when the "Bismarck" sank the British flagship "Hood." Hitler also felt the expulsion of the English from Hong Kong and Singapore by the Japanese as his own defeats. Hitler respected and admired Japan for its Samurai Code of honour, but I am sure he would have preferred not to have had them as allies. It is a fact that the Japanese betrayed him by not declaring war on Russia, which would have aided his victory. By contrast, Hitler declared war on the United States of America immediately after "Pearl Harbor." He remained faithful to his allies to the end. As for the Japanese, they did not understand the drama and only played their own game. After the last war they were transformed into those pests throughout the world like Jews, mechanizing everything and dirtying the world with "perishable' materials. They have become Judaized to the bone. We did not receive the least help from them. On the contrary, they ignored us even though we supported them until the end out of loyalty to the Fuhrer. I 33

always felt the Japanese had no interest that Hitler should win the war, just like the Spaniards. Therefore they never declared war on Russia, like Franco did not allow the Germans to take Gibraltar. As for the Spaniards, I remember a conversation I had one evening with the Deputy Chief of the Spanish Embassy in those days, Ramon Pastor, who some years later was director of the newspaper "ABC" of Madrid. The Ambassador to Chile was Torcuato Luca de Tena, the owner of this important daily. Pastor said to me: "I do not understand you, you are Spanish on every side, you ought to be with us, who are Catholic and not with the Germans. You are too much for Hitler's ideas." He meant: for the "paganism" of Hitler. And so it was, because I could not be with the Jesuitical Spaniards nor with their traitor Caudillo, who was in the place in which he found himself thanks to the help of the Germans and Italians, yet was still dedicated to harbouring Jews without fulfilling the duties and honour of an ally, refusing to help the Germans and Italians win their war too. Ramon Pastor was a good friend and a gentleman. From him I keep the best memories, but the Spanish, like the Japanese, did not help us with our struggle in any way. This spineless Spain, a nation where the aboriginal Iberian element has come to predominate, this bad race from whom the Visigoth ancestry has disappeared almost completely, with its undesirable miscegenation with Moors and Jews, suffers from the same ills as the continent she created: America. Mixture and bastardisation, with a divided contradictory soul. The ongoing South American revolutions, the outbursts of suicidal violence, assassinations of her own people, are all due to a soul of contradictory blood and the desire for selfdestruction that derives therefrom. In no other country in the world has there been such a macabre spectacle as has been given by the Spanish Revolution with its orgy of Spaniards dead by Spaniards. The other well-known waste product is the envy of anything that exceeds, which we Chileans have inherited for the same reason and express with hatred against the beautiful and superior. In the present case, by occult envy and hatred against Germany, against our own Germanic, Visigoth, Vandal, Swedish ancestry as well as the blond-headed dolichocephalic Basques. The betrayal is an almost logical consequence. In Greece I once asked the guide who was showing me the ruins of the Castle of the Knights of St. John in Rhodes his opinion about the different nationalities of Europe. Of the Germans, he said they were hard and correct, of the Italians they were human, sympathetic, "good people." Of the Spanish that they were traitors. The latter, he said, because 34

the Castle of the Knights of St. John fell into the hands of the Muslims because of betrayal by the Spanish garrison. Reason: Envy of the Grand Master, of Belgian nationality, if I remember right. The Order of the Knights of St. John consisted of many nationalities. The Spanish Falange, with its Leader Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, was of another Folk, with the same heroic Visigoth spirit, I dare say, as the National Socialists of Chile. If their Leader had not died, by decision of Franco, the events and actions of Spain during the Great War would have been quite different. They would certainly have permitted the Germans to take Gibraltar, allowing the closure of the western passageway to the Mediterranean Sea. In contrast, the Italians did help us, becoming just as important to me as the Germans. Businessmen like the Girardi, Rayo, Orlandini and others played their roles without caring about the consequences. They were blue-eyed Lombards of Northern Italy. The Deputy Minister of the Embassy, Migone, was my friend and offered help with editing my journal. Years later I met him again in India, as a member of an important delegation of his country. We recognized one another and he did not hesitate a moment to leave his work session to go with me and talk about the good old days. Such are the Italians. Ready to begin daring individual business. They are also forerunners, ingenious creators. The Cultural Attaché of the Italian Embassy also collaborated with "The New Era." He was a man of classical culture and a brilliant writer. He was a great friend. I shall speak of him again in more detail. But it was in the Embassy of Germany where I encountered my true comrades, as I have said. What has become of my two friends through whom I obtained such valuable information and assistance? I confided in them absolutely. I remember they gave me a Waltar pistol, of the same brand and caliber as that of the Fuhrer, with an engraved Swastika in the handle, with which to protect myself from some paid murderers who were looking for me, losing me only by minutes in a trap they had set for me. Whether they are alive or dead, I will not forget them. I was only familiar with those two, avoiding all contact with the high ranks and with the ambassador, von Schon, married to a North American. My instinct was not to feel any sympathy for the "vons" of the nobility (except for von Pohammer, to whom I shall refer later). They were the great traitors and silent opponents against the Fuhrer, who they could never forgive for 35

his middle class Austrian origins. Hitler came to dominate and control these Prussian war barons, implementing his strategy and tactics with unbeatable military boldness. They could not allow Hitler to win the war. Papen himself committed a grave treason. Stalin sent him a peace proposal in the last moments of the war. Rather than transmit it directly to Hitler (von Papen was the ambassador to Turkey), or even to his superior, Minister von Ribbentrop, he sent it to Roosevelt. Skorzeny, who reported this in his posthumous book, "The Unknown War," affirmed that von Papen had done it thinking the Allies, on learning about the proposal, would make peace first. And thus he could succeed Ribbentrop, who he hated. Perhaps Skorzeny was wrong here and simplified since von Papen was Catholic, a "Mason on the flip-side," as much their agent as Judaism. Proof of this is that von Papen was not incarcerated in Spandau, and was released after the war in spite of having been the one who recommended Hitler to Hindenburg for Reich Chancellor. The service rendered to Judaism was enormous and at the crucial moment. It's also possible Stalin was perfectly aware what von Papen would do and therefore sent the peace offer to him (at first glance a very strange behavior, having access to other more direct channels) knowing he would send it to the Allies. (It must not be forgotten Stalin was educated for a time by the Jesuits in Rome). Stalin immediately received more assistance in the form of war materials and some hints of assurances later made at Yalta of what was going to be delivered to him. Yet everything that relates to Stalin is strange. According to Joaquin Bochaca, the Catalan writer, his maternal name is Jewish, Josif Vissarionovitch Djugaschvili. This latter name, in Georgian, means "son of Jews." His three wives were Jewesses, his successor, Nikita Salomon Khrushchev, was also a Jew, as were Beria and Andropov. Yet the Stalinist Great Purges were against Jews. The public trials of 1937 and 1938 caused the disappearances of Kamenev (Apfelbaum or Appletree), Zinoviev (Radomylsky), Bukharin, Radek, Sokolnikov, Yagoda, Rikov. Later he had Trotsky assassinated (Bronstein) in Mexico. All were Jews. The Memoirs of Stalin's daughter reveal her father's hatred against the Jews. At the end of his days the newspapers announced statements by Stalin about a "conspiracy of Jewish doctors" to assassinate him. The typical Jewish tendency within Marxism was represented by Trotsky, with his "international revolution." Stalin instead sought to revive the Russian nationalism of a Peter the Great. He also liquidated, without mercy, scores of thousands of Jewish intellectuals. What was he doing by all that? A struggle for power between Jews, as Otto Rahn explained the differences between Jesus the Jew and the Great Sanhedrin as a fight 36

among rabbis? Because the Jews continued to have authority under Stalin, in very high posts, like Beria in the headquarters of the secret police and many others. Jews were also the "commissars" who observed a ritual crime in Katyn. All political commissars of the Red Army, including those who searched for the cadaver of the Fuhrer in the Bunker, were Jews too. The immense sadistic crimes of Stalin bore the typical stamp of Judaism. He had whole villages assassinated, more than thirty million Russians, with rabbinic rage and brutality. The way of life he established in Russia was that of the Jewish Kahal. In Russia the Devil has raised up a grandiose vision of Hell. In an interview in which he refers to Hitler that we will reproduce in this book, Professor Jung has also released statements about Stalin and the fundamental differences between them. Hitler could not go alongside such a being without forever damaging his Hyperborean Weltanschauung. His Voice, his Archetype, could not allow this. It would also simplify too much to claim the only reason for the betrayal of Hitler by the Prussian and German aristocracy was an extreme sensibility of class and fear of losing their privileges within the just harmonious social order of National Socialism. There is something much more mysterious. We shall refer to this in the ultimate part of this work.

The Second World War was the Great War of the Worlds. Whoever sees this war as just one more, or compares it with the First, has understood nothing. All the wars that have taken place until now were a preparation for this war. And the wars that can follow on this planet are no more than its continuation. In the Great War the archetypes were a constellation of all Collective Unconsciousnesses, Gods and Demons, who came to participate through the men they controlled and directed. Even the nuclear war that could end the cycle of Kali Yuga would be no more than the natural consequence of the Second World War and of those who only appeared to win there. Therefore atomic warfare would also be but a battle within the Great War. Perhaps the Great War of the Mahabharata alone can be compared with it. That closed another cycle, the Dwapara-Yuga. And it resembles the Second World War in that their relatives also fought among themselves, the Lunar Race and the Solar Race, the Koravas and the Pandavas (perhaps manipulated by "another occult force"). It is a suicidal war, like that of the Vanir and Aesir of the Norse Sagas of 37

the Edda. Their divine brothers also fought, perhaps to punish a legendary "racial sin," a mixing of divinities arrived from other stars with the "daughters of men." They fought, divyas and vîras, gods and heroes. And Twilight came, the Death of the Gods. So brothers and relatives destroyed each other in the last war, the less mixed and the more mixed with the animal-men. Behind it were to be found, as always, the Demon hordes. Hitler knew it. That is why he was not happy with the English defeats. I thank the Hyperborean Gods and Destiny, the "memory of my Visigoth blood," that they have allowed me to take part in the Great War on the side of those who have been mine forever, since eternity. I remember the proud defiant words of the Irishman William Joyce, the "Lord Haw Haw" of the Hitlerist radio transmissions from Berlin, when he faced the English firing squad: "I go in peace for I know why I die and why I have fought. I pity the English who have fallen without knowing for whom they died. And I defy International Jewry who, out of the darkness, have inflicted this immense tragedy." Who today even knows there once was a William Joyce? And how many others like him? I know and I remember them. And their Gods, who have raised them up again in Valhalla as heroes. In this immense war that is not yet ended and will return forever to occur again, some found themselves on the side that corresponded to their essence. The others are the "white traitors," those who betrayed their soul, their destiny. Of them there is already nothing left, condemned to the dissolution of all their physical and spiritual existence. The English have a traditional custom: Those whom they consider to be traitors they dissolve in quicklime, after being shot. Thus they did with John Amery, follower of Hitler and son of a British government minister. But those who are traitors to their own essence, to their physical and spiritual blood, will have their astral bodies dissolved by the powers of the other side. And nothing will remain of them, not even a spark in the light of memory. "O Lord, give us a Great War to finish with all little wars!" (Letter from an unknown in India). Yes, because only in them will it be possible to save our lives and at once gain immortality. This war was only possible thanks to Hitler, ending all minor wars, those that were and those that shall be. Because only this could give the requisite dimensions. With the attack on Russia he scaled the heights to reach the "highest tonalities of the soul," in which only he and a few others could and can hold together. The Jews of myth are also able to do this. 38

If Hitler had materially won the war it would have been just another war. With time what would have remained of the sublime ideals? What would we have done for the Resurrection of the Myth? In truth, by losing the war Hitler won it, since with his sacrifice, with his example, the Ideal has remained intact. Hitler did not need to do more than what he did: To unmask the mythic cosmic Enemy, the incarnation of evil on earth, for the first time in the history of the world: the International Jew. And this cannot be changed by humans because it is not done by humans but by the Hyperborean Gods. Nothing will be achieved by the planetary falsification of a non-existent genocide. Nothing has followed from it until now because the Myth, the Avatar goes his steadfast way. He works from other dimensions. This theme has been developed in my book "The Golden Band: Esoteric Hitlerism." It is not necessary to return to it here. Enough to repeat what I said in "Neither By Sea Nor By Land": "I owe so much to the war that I can not be other than a warrior." Because a war with the pen of a writer in hand was not the one in which I desired to share. In this far away country nothing more could be done in the beginning. It was an actual assistance was also needed by Germany. Nevertheless there were hundreds of young National Socialists here who wanted to leave for the front. The German Embassy did not deem it necessary at that time. When it became impossible to continue publishing "The New Age" I too wanted to take part in the war. I told my comrades in the Embassy and tried to get help from them to be able to travel. It was just before the breaking of diplomatic relations with Germany. Here I will have to tell of the trap into which my friends made me fall. They told me the decision had to be made in Buenos Aires by the Chief Deputy Ambassador in the German Embassy, von Pohammer. I travelled to Buenos Aires where I was received by the Argentine comrades of that time: Oses, director of the newspaper "The Plainsman," Ferrando, from the company Lutz Ferrando, and other distinguished noble people from Entre Rios. I went to the Embassy to see von Pohammer, who was waiting for me. The sign they had told me to give to him was to say that I'd known him in Chile, where he had also been a diplomat. I had not known him, of course, but they assured me the key phrase was "because von Pohammer had a very bad memory." And I did so, with the result that this phrase was really key to closing all doors. Because von Pohammer had an elephant's memory and knew he had never seen me.


I believe my friends did that on purpose to save me because they also knew the war would already be lost and they wanted me to remain alive. I wanted to go to war, even though I was newly married and my wife was expecting our first child. She was never very healthy and would certainly have died in the Berlin of those years of the great catastrophe. But she followed me blindly without caring about safety. Extraordinary woman, great mother! Here I must express my admiration for her because she then also loved our Fuhrer. She lived with the comrades, suffering their defeats and rejoicing in their triumphs. Ten years later I again met von Pohammer in Bombay, as Consul General of Federal Germany. No doubt he had been demoted. We spoke nothing of this but I am sure, with "his bad memory" he still remembered exactly everything.

THE LORD OF DARKNESS I owe my editing "The New Age" to the Great War and I owe to this publication the two most important events of my life on earth: the knowledge of the Jewish problem and my Initiation, with the consequent revelation of Esoteric Hitlerism. For this I am infinitely grateful to the war. In truth I owe everything to Hitler because he was the Revealer of this war. Thanks to him I also knew the Master, coming to be an initiate. After this confession I hope no one should wonder at my loyalty for life to this superior Being, to whom I owe so much. I belong, in the Eternal Return, to his bands of holy warriors, to his Ultimate Battalion, to the Wildes Heer, to the Wild Horde of Wotan. Like almost all of my generation in Chile and the world I knew nothing of the Jewish Problem. I clarify: my generation, because people older than us did know. The brilliant Nicolas Palacios already published his book "Chilean Race" in 1904, drawing attention to the Jewish danger. He said those who know nothing of this problem cannot know anything of the history of humanity. And he said to appreciate the good and danger of a philosophical or scientific theory one must first ask about the racial origin of its author. If he is a Jew, then this theory must be false and harmful to non-Jews. At the end of the last century the Count de Gobineau published his great work, "The Inequality of Human Races." It is more important than all the volumes of Spengler on the decline of the West, for it explains the causes of the decline of civilizations which Spengler left in the mists of some organic entropic cycles. 40

According to Palacios, who went further than Gobineau, for how much truth there is in his affirmation that one must search into the racial origin of the authors of theories and conceptions about the world to decide on their validity! If only the Chileans would have read him they could have been warned in time about the Jew Milton Friedman and his sinister theory of monetarist consumerism, applied here to its last consequences by his disciples in the "Chicago School." Absolute truth does not exist, as we have known since Kant that the "thingin-itself," the "object in itself," is unattainable by pure reason. One says since Kant, to say that. For in truth it was already known much better by the ancient philosophers of Aryan India. So the world is "will and representation." Each represents the world according to their will, which never depends on their reason or with what one wants with his reason. Even though that is what is believed, especially today. It was Jung who gave us the contemporary formula for this. His theory of the Collective Unconscious comes to our aid. From here, and the different forms of expression and comparison of the Archetypes, we begin to understand better what Palacios wanted to tell us. If there is an Aryan Collective Unconscious and a Jewish Collective Unconscious, then the beliefs derived from them, such as "will and representation," will include everything, whether science, art, philosophy, religion and technology, having to be distinct in their point of departure, their direction and the ends to which they tend. The most obvious example which best illustrates this would be precisely the break between the psychological conceptions of the Aryan Jung and the Jew Freud. The separation was not produced in rational form, by the conscious will of either one, but because their powerful Collective Unconsciousnesses pulled them. Their conceptions of the world were opposites, with their indelible marks of production, so to speak. The Aryan Collective Unconscious unites, seeks to complete, to conceive the unus mundus, the totality of the human being, deifying him. It is not exclusivist nor manically monotheist but pluralist and polytheistic. It lives and lets live. It is absolutely truthful and cannot lie. It tends to form an order and a cosmos. The concept of Jewish Collective Unconscious is always exclusive, takes the part of the part against the whole, fanatic, intolerant, proselytizing, dividing men, tending to produce chaos. Rosenberg said "the truth of the Jew is the organic lie." It hurls downwards, does not believe in transmutation. Materialist, atomist, it reduces men to subhuman conditions. In Marxism and its application in Russia this is proven even better. Marxism, typical product of the conception of the Jewish Collective Unconscious, 41

exalts a part, the economy, to put it above the rest. Freudianism detaches sex as the only almighty power, attempting to lower the rest towards the grotesque, as in the interpretation of the works of Leonardo made by Freud. He discounts beauty trying to explain it, or, better said, to destroy it, with water from putrid latrines, with his "Oedipus complex," his latent homosexualism, etc. Of course the term Collective Unconscious is a term coined by Jung as a concession to contemporary scientism. Earlier it was expressed differently, or better said, did not need to be explained. The truth will be better understood if we again refer to the "memory of the blood," to "racial sin" and to miscegenation between undesirable incompatible elements. The mestizo, the bastard, as we have seen, hates the beautiful, is bitter with himself, intends to destroy and destroy himself, divide, lower. Furthermore compensatory mechanisms make him exalt his own condition with lies, attempting to declare himself "the Chosen People of God." For which he must destroy the truly elect and their beauty. Here we have shown two examples to illustrate Palacios: Jung and Freud. There are others, of course. Perhaps if we refer to just one we will be able to understand better the mortal danger of positive science, also called "exact," with which our contemporaries stultify themselves and with which the Jews will achieve a real Holocaust for what remains of Aryan humanity on this earth: the physicist Einstein. They have made of him something like the messiah of our time and of all time. Before his time, nothing, and after him, even less. Science was born with him and ends with him. Typically Jew. Undoubtedly with Einstein everything could end because he is responsible for the atomic bomb, that is to say, for the direction taken towards the atomization of the world. We could also have arrived at the division of the atom in other ways and by other concepts, but the direction and uses would be otherwise. The sense would be different. Because it was not Einstein who realised the experiment that proved the constancy of the propagation of light in the ether, on which he built his theory of relativity. That was Michelson and Morley. Yet Einstein gave it its typical meaning, its archetype as we say, from his Collective Unconscious. Because, as we have seen, beyond every scientific theory, every discovery, there is a will, an intention. The absurd is to believe in the myth today spread by those same self-interested Jews that an objective science exists, on the edge of the subjective, of the "memory of the blood," of the soul, of the race, or of the "anti-race," that actually itself produces science as a symbol. The Aryan is not, for example, interested in dividing (the atom) but in uniting. He aspires to the unus mundus, to totality. 42

The "objective science" of today is all Jew, since 1945, final year of the Second World War. To analyse a phenomenon, as this science does, proves nothing. One same experiment can conclude with diverse results, depending on the system one uses to interpret it, depending on the working hypothesis. Today's medicine, product of this modern "objective science," cures with its drugs, it is true, destroys bacteria, but then includes them in an endless cycle because the bacteria then create their "counter-medicine," and they must invent newer and newer drugs. Finally they are intended to extend physical life, but they do not cause man to find himself, nor to be more wise, nor to reach divinity, nor his totality. For that is not the intended or selected address. On the contrary, they will continue to put people down and materialize them more and more, so that men can arrive at being a living-dead, a living corpse two hundred years old. The hallucinatory suggestion of science draws everyone in the same direction that has been granted by "another." In the case of the theory of relativity the inventors have been Jews and the few who were not have succumbed to that already studied Aryan condition: his weakness of a superior species unable to survive in a hostile environment. Thus Heisenberg and the physicist Max von Laue, among others. Julius Evola saw all this very well, denouncing it almost fifty years ago. We here reproduce some of his ideas, expanding on them. Einstein used the theory of multi-dimensional space of the Jew Minkowsky, revised by the Italian-Jew Levi-Civita, with his infinitesimal calculus. The theory was later developed by the Jew Weyl, with the help of other Jews: Born in Germany and Enriques in Italy. The Jews Jordan and Dirac, together with the Aryan Heisenberg, are mainly responsible for the atomic and quantum theory that, without being totally Jewish, has intermarried in spirit with the relativity of Einstein. Everything passes as a hallucinating phantasmagoria destined to dissolve and exploit the Aryan universe, its Weltanschauung, its cosmos. It is robbery and witchcraft, like the monetarist consumerist economic theory of the Jew Milton Friedman. It is also like the drug LSD, invented in Switzerland, in laboratories that were also Jewish, to poison the new generations of young Aryans. The Jew Archetype is expressed in the theory of relativity, first, its immoveable dogma (as with the economy, as with sex). Einstein found it in the constancy of the velocity of the propagation of light in the ether, from the experiment of Michelson-Morley. We must ask ourselves whether these


discoverers would have established this dogma, if they had been permitted something else and the Jew Einstein had not intervened. However "relativity" does not affect the immoveable dogma because it is only a matter of the spectator and his senses, not of reaching the point of absolute immovability in which the theory places itself: "the constant of the speed of the propagation of light," and which serves with its algebraic-mathematical equation to explain, or explain itself, whichever thing, whichever "relativity," adding new equations, new parameters. That's to say, Judaism has made itself into a new absolutism to impose and apply to any past or future contingency ("Before me, nothing; after me, less"). A new dogma, a "science of Marxism," a "physics of Freudianism." Jew myth and mysticism. For Einstein it's the same whether the earth moves around the Sun or the Sun moves around the earth. It's sufficient to add parameters to the "Jehovahist" formula, because one is as certain as the other. Because there is no truth, truth does not exist when the same equation of the velocity of the propagation of light is a mere application from principle. In this way one introduces doubt into the Aryan world, one begins to undermine his cosmos to return it to chaos. Everything is a question of calculus, more or less complicated, added to the formula. The only thing that never changes is relativity; thus one can admit the relativity of the most improbable, in such a way that everything seems to be the same thing. And Einstein has decided, it seems, to introduce a certainty into the Aryan world, always if he is willing to pay the price. What price? To abstract everything, reduce everything to pure mathematical-algebraic formulas, dissolving form, flesh, blood, the incarnation of God and of the Gods, just like Picasso. Because the velocity of the propagation of light, its constancy, its "multi-dimensional continuity," as ultimate certainty, is completely mathematized, arithmeticized, in pure formulas without leaving a single residue of warm nature (the Jew hates the Golden Age). There is no light, there is not even movement, only a nothing of numbers and formulas. The ultimate sensible foundation of modern physics, the geometric-spatial categories, disappears. Space-time becomes a single thing, a "continuum," expressed in algebraic formulas. Even the notion of force disappears. "Curvature," the "spatial-temporal continuum," means nothing that can be imagined, but is once again only an algebraic value. It acts on things only as empty "phenomena," reduced to mathematic algebraic formulas. The point is to mathematically register things. This necessarily had to encounter the electronic computer. The Einsteinian paradox of "discontinuity" and of "improbability" leads 44

directly to the reduction of atomic radiation and the greatest surrealisms like mathematical and physical "quanta," "trans-infinite numbers," "imaginary numbers," and so on, to "numeric quantities." (See my essay "Nietzsche and the Eternal Return," "New University" edition). Relativity, atomic and quantic physics have made reality more occult, making atoms, electrons, protons, particles, reduced into pure algebraic mathematical formulas, emptying them of all sense and spirit. For Aryans atoms have never been numeric abstract empty formulas. They are gnomes, magic Runes, the atomic Gods. For the Jew only that which can be known "positively" is real, without blood, without flesh, without earthly "incarnation," without form, without spiritual Sun. For the Jew there is no more immortality than "persistence," "constant," or "constance," as in the Einsteinian "parameter." For the difference between this abstract mathematics, purely Kabbalistic, of the Jewish Numeral Kabbalah, adulterated by the Jews, and the Aryan concept of Maya, the Illusion of Hinduism, the Vedanta philosophy, is fundamental. In the "catharsis" of Jewish physics, as Julius Evola called it, "demonic catharsis," a superation of the individual is not reached, nor a Buddhist nirvana, much less the Tantric Kaivalya. There is no attainment of a level of Superior Reality, beyond Maya, spiritual and transcendent, which the vîras reach by initiation in the mysticreligious initiations of the Greek, Egyptian and Persian Mysteries. Only a numerical, Kabbalistic sphere is reached, of pure mathematical rationalist external thought. There is neither superation nor transmutation of the human condition. The scientist is a pedestrian man, even a sub-human. It is certain that the mathematization of physics did not begin with the Jews, because they are never the creators, but only the Jews could arrive at these extremes. In Judaism there has always existed a tendency to abstract mathematical speculation, without life, denying the spiritual cosmos as a living unity, a tendency towards chaos and nothing. Algebra and mathematics arrived in the European West through the Semites. For Pythagoras mathematics and numbers meant something else. They were living symbols of a spiritual mystery. Magic, Alchemy of Transmutation. For the polar Nordics they were the sacred Runes. The numbers that make algebraic operations possible are Arabic, Semite. The Romans did not know them and had other means of calculation even for the construction of their wonderful works of engineering, their bridges and stadiums. Their numbers, the Roman numerals, are not good for even the implementation of simple arithmetic problems. The Jews, the Semites in 45

general, have always had a tendency to speculations of abstract mathematics, applying them to the divine world, even with Spinoza. Thus the Jews took transformation from the Orphic Cabala. Aryan numbers are rather more sounds, notes, like in Orphic music, those of mantras, the Hiranyagarbha-Cabda. "Jewish science" aims at destruction, at the final annihilation of the Aryan world, by an irresistible interior vocation. They will do it with the Einsteinian atomic bomb, unless it were possible to impose a new Aryan direction on science. And this is almost impossible given the domination of the actual world by the Jew. The integration of the sensible natural world, with its Maya as symbol, in another supreme reality, supersensible and super-rational, would be the way. Never before has science prevailed over the understanding of the world, to which it has found itself subordinated. Never have specializations and specialists imposed themselves on the unus mundus, maintaining an essential relationship with the multi-verse of properties. Ideals impregnated philosophia naturalis, as well as Natural Law. Today philosophy is finished and the unitary concept of the world does not resist the specialist, the computer, the mathematical calculator, pure quantitative abstraction. The rationalist current of modern times begins with the Masonic lodges, with Illuminism, yet one more proof that Masonry was dominated by Judaism. The positive sciences began their phantasmic career towards "indefinite irreversible human progress." With Hitler and Hitlerist Germany a fundamental change was realized, even in the domain of science. In a few years the Aryan Subconscious asserted its representations, its Hyperborean archetypal different concepts. He did not accept the Einsteinian theory of relativity. Because of this Hitler, able to achieve, and having achieved, the atomic bomb and atomic fission by his own means, could not use that annihilating disintegrating bomb. It did not correspond to his integrating, non-atomizing, Archetype in his Aryan Collective Unconscious. And so it happened that he did not use it. In "The Golden Band: Esoteric Hitlerism" I have told how Skorzeny wrote in this respect: Hitler had confessed to him he would not use the atomic bomb to win the war. It is very possible the bomb the American used against Japan was the one the Germans did not use against them. By doing so Hitler would not have won the war, he would have lost it, since he would have Judaized his own world, using an extreme Jew method. He would have used the weapon of the enemy. He would have lost by winning. Instead he won by losing. The direction of Aryan science leads to completely different worlds, to integrated universes, able to transfigure nature. Hitler would attempt to return to 46

the Golden Age of Hyperborea, erecting the Axis of the Earth. He could have achieved it. But all this is not destructive, but integrative science. It is the Science of Peace, of Pax Aria. It leads directly to the reencounter with the Gral, that is to say, with Another Science, with another direction, with another Sense. A science able to reencounter the passage between the worlds, sky and earth, the exit, the entrance to the Enchanted Cities, to the Kingdom of the Gnomes of King Laurin, to Agartha, Avallon, Valhalla, to Ultimate Thule, the "astral body," to the spiritual double of the Earth. This the Fuhrer had almost reached by the end of the war. From there the flying saucers, the UFOs. The reencounter with the vimanas, with the "astras" ("stars") of the War of the Mahabarata. The Hindus and Homer have spoken to us of them. The discovery of this legendary anti-gravitational science of the Spirit will never be available for the Jew, because it does not belong to the archetypes of his Collective Unconscious. It can only be attained in "synchronistic" unity, from within and without, of the earth and men, by means of a magical initiation that transforms and transmutes the individual. It can only begin from a vimana who is able "to fly," "to project his body." Only he who knows how to make himself invisible (with the Tarnkappe of Siegfried) will be able to pass through the invisible worlds. And neither Einstein nor physicists using quantum mathematics could achieve it. This science remains beyond their reach. It is the wisdom of the Aryans. It is nevertheless not a matter of denying all achievements of modern science, Evola assures us, but of giving science another direction with an Aryan meaning. To inspire the new generations with the ancient spirit so they can face experimentation and investigation, being able to reflect the other cosmic breath of the luminous spirit of the children of light. This was accomplished at almost the end of the Great War when the Hitlerists rediscovered the Hyberborean Wisdom in the lands of the Cathars and deciphered it. From thence the UFOs. The Aryan Fuhrer, the Twice Born, the Reborn travelled in them. It is unnecessary to repeat because we have already said that in stating the Jewish problem there can be no blind obstinacy. We shudder before this malignant and obscure mystery. With Hitler we must repeat, "the Jew is what is least similar to the animal on this earth." If there is contempt in us it cannot be for the Jew, but for the non-Jews who betray their essence by their abysmal cowardice, by their materialism and pusillanimity. They are really animals, worse than any animals, animal-men. 47

I have Jewish friends and even though we do not see the same way I keep correspondence with more than a few. They have not stopped greeting me despite my views and combats. Perhaps they also admire me as an open enemy who has discovered their plans and the lies their truth reveals. They may admire even though they want to destroy. Hence their fascination for Hitler. They cannot stop being drawn towards him, hypnotized, realizing all that, in the end, favors the resurrection of his Myth. I was still a youth when I had to contribute an article for the literary review at my college. I had already left the boarding school Barros Arana when I wrote a work on Panait Istrati, a Romanian writer then in vogue. I reported that Istrati, very poor, had to play violin in the "gross feasts of the Jews." I don't recall whether I wrote the "gross feasts" or "the gross Jews." A classmate approached me and said: "Why did you write that? What do you know about the feasts of the Jews? They are not gross, I can assure you, because I am a Jew." I had to accept his words, since in truth I didn't know anything about Jewish feasts, or the Jews. This classmate named Jedliky was a very focused redhead. During the war I often encountered him in the streets. We then stopped for friendly talks even though he knew about my struggle and journal. Jaime Dvor (Dvoresky) was another good friend. He was an artist. The last time I met him he was with his wife in Paris. Young Jews often write me about my books from various places around the world. I continue to keep up my letter writing with them. Some ask me about Hitler, the "devourer of Jews." Others, about the "Second Tablets of Moses," and "if I think they are authentic like the first ones with which they are no longer acquainted." I've dealt with this topic in "The Golden Band." These young Jews suffer irretrievably. They could only work for the Eternal Return, seeking there an opportunity, a way out of the Circle, though today with no time for delay, attempting "to create new laws in the movements of forces without creating any new forces," as Nietzsche would say. That is to say, to find an exit, somehow, from the Circle of Shadows that imprisons them and not to return again as Jews before a total dissolution. To break with ferocious orthodoxy, to destroy the automatism of the anti-blood, the genetic code that would condition them to fulfill the archetypical plan. And they would have to do this today right here. The case of Paul Ree, friend of Nietzsche and Lou Salomé, serves to illustrate this terrible drama. It has been described in the Memoirs of Lou Salomé. I admire these lines written in my youth. Therefore I refer to the "memory of the blood," because my conscious mind knew nothing about this subject. One 48

never spoke about that in my home nor even among us students and teachers at school. I did not know I had also been "conditioned" in my chromosomes, in my genes, like the Jews at the other extreme. But they are indoctrinated and worked over in their homes and synagogues to be against the "Goyim" from childhood. I think back to another episode from those years of my youth. I once went to Mount San Cristobal with Guillermo Atias, Anuar Atias was the literary name he used, with some Jewish girls, without knowing what they were. Atias and one of them were on a steep slope of lawn while I was a little away off with another. Suddenly I saw the girl who was with my friend jump up and shoot down the slope in a rage until disappearing. We went over to Atias and asked him what had happened. Between resignation and surprise, he replied: "I don't know. I only told her I’m an Arab." For lack of the necessary knowledge, I could not understand this. That girl, from an early age, had been manipulated through her duties, through the "memory of the anti-blood." The conflicts with the Palestinians, the plans of Zionism, have been set in motion for centuries, even though we, the nonJews, as well as the Semite Arabs, were completely ignorant of them and would not have believed them. The Aryans, in their great majority, think that all this is fantasy, a science-fiction novel, a detective or spy romance, pure invention. Guillermo Atias became a Communist after the death of Barreto. One of his brothers became a high dignitary in the party.

In Chilean National Socialism, with the exception of Carlos Keller, no one had the least idea of the Jewish problem. Not even the Leader had a racial education, limiting everyone to what reached him or her in translation from Germany. There was no possibility, with few exceptions, to read untranslated books like "The Myth of the Twentieth Century" by Alfred Rosenberg, the works of the racial theorist Hans Gunther, the psycho-ethnology of Ludwig Clauss, the monumental works of Hermann Wirth, "Lucifer's Court" and the "Crusade Against the Grail" of Otto Rahn. No one had ever heard the name of Julius Evola and his esoteric doctrines on physical race, the race of the soul and spirit, discussed in the intellectual circles of Italian Fascism and its magazine "Ur." Among us no one even knew about the book "Chilean Race" by Nicolas Palacios, the Chilean Rosenberg, such that even their faults seemed much the same to us. 49

It was not until the tenth issue of "The New Age" that I began to deal with the Jewish problem for the first time. Before then it was completely unknown. Four months after the appearance of the initial issue, on November 4, 1941, I then published an article titled "The Jews Invade Chile." And, as I said, it was thanks to this issue that I came to know of the Jewish problem. It made possible for two Chilean painters who read it to come to me with the express courage to instruct and initiate me in the knowledge of this fundamental matter, without which none of the history of men during the Kali Yuga, the Most Obscure Age, can be understood. One was the painter Del Campo, father of Pedro, the genius of the electronics of National Socialism, who installed sophisticated radios for both the Movement and the communications of the coup of September 5th. During the war he helped the Germans to maintain contact with ships and submarines. The other was Benito Rebolledo Correa, the well-known painter. He spoke to me of a mysterious and unknown subject, giving me to read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," that strange document whose origin and source is of so much controversy. Rosenberg had it translated into every language, updating it and distributing it profusely throughout the world. Basing himself on "The Protocols," Henry Ford wrote his book "The International Jew," much spoken about in the United States in his time, even before the Nazis. In "The New Age" I reproduced extracts from both books. I was especially interested in the following Protocol: PROTOCOL V: "We are much too strong; all the world must obey us. Governments cannot do the least thing without our secret intervention. Per me reges regunt. (Kings rule by me.) We read in the Law of the Prophets that we are chosen by God to rule the world. God has given us the ability to carry out this task. If there existed a genius in the enemy camp he might be able to fight against us. AND THE BATTLE BETWEEN HIM AND US WOULD BE A FIGHT SUCH AS THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE. NOW IT IS ALREADY VERY LATE FOR THE GENIUS OF THE GENTILES." And PROTOCOL IV:


"In all parts of the world the Masonic Lodges work unconsciously as a mask for our goals. But the use we make of this power in our plan of action, as with our general headquarters, is a secret perpetually kept unknown to the world." PROTOCOL VII: "We must be capable of being in a condition to resist any opposition with a declaration of war against any country that has the effrontery to cross us; and if such neighbors in turn decide to unite against us, we must respond by provoking a world war." (This was written well before the war of 1914.) PROTOCOL IX: "It makes us aware that nations could rise against us should they learn our plans ahead of time, but, anticipating this event, we can have the security of putting forth such a formidable force as to make even the most valiant men tremble…" (They moved 120 countries against Germany in the Second World War) … "We would have to blow up all the cities on earth." Many have disputed the authenticity of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," whether in courts of justice, books and magazines. That is all good and well, but no one will deny that these prophecies, published for the first time in 1907 in Russia by Sergey Nilus, have a shocking veracity. Forty years later they were fulfilled even more exactly than those of Nostradamus. And they continue to be fulfilled, one by one, in Chile in 1983, the year in which I am writing these lines, in Argentina, in Brazil, etc. PROTOCOL IV: "To completely ruin the social life of the Gentiles we must put commerce on a speculative basis. The result of this will be that the riches of the earth generated through production will not remain in the hands of Gentiles, but will through speculation flow into our coffers. The struggle for supremacy and speculation in the world of business will produce a demoralized, egotistical and heartless society. This society will be completely indifferent and even the enemy of religion and will also be disgusted with politics and politicians. The struggle for gold will be its


only guide, making a veritable cult out of the material pleasures gold can procure…" PROTOCOL VI: For the purpose of destroying the industry of the Gentiles and to favor speculation, we shall foment the love of unbridled luxury, which we have already put in motion… We will astutely debilitate the bases of production, spreading seeds of anarchy among the workers and encouraging them to seek the rewards of alcohol. At the same time, we shall employ all possible means to send all intelligent Gentiles out of the country…" PROTOCOL VIII: "We shall surround our government with a veritable army of economists. That is the motive for Jews teaching principally the science of economics. We will be encircled with thousands of bankers, industrialists and, even more importantly, with millionaires, because, in rigorous truth, everything will be decided by money…" PROTOCOL XX: "Overseas borrowing will be like a bloodsucker that can not be separated from the body of government until governments can not get rid of them or free themselves from them. But the Gentile governments do not want to get rid of them. On the contrary, they increase their number and that is why their States must bleed to death. Since what is a foreign bond if not a bloodsucker? …Each loan proves the weakness of the government and an inability to understand their own rights. Each bond, like the sword of Damocles, hangs over the head of the governments that, hat in hand, return to our bankers. "…Every economic crisis we have organized with such astuteness in the lands of the Gentiles was occasioned by taking money out of circulation. The State finds itself then forced to borrow more bonds. These bonds weigh heavily on the governments, forcing them to pay interest and thus be bound arm and leg. The consolidation of production into the hands of capitalism exhausts the productive power of the people as well as the wealth of the State. At present 52

money cannot satisfy the needs of the working class, because there is simply not enough for everyone… …It is recommended to consider children as consumers of money from the day of their birth… The reports of our supporters, who we have sent as "experts," were redacted by our agents. The clever little brains of the governments always welcome them, because they are always accompanied with good advice for future economic measures. They could have asked us how to make plans with the application of new rates, but they never ask anything. You know to what conditions of financial chaos they have fallen through their own fault and negligence. They fail despite all the sacrifices of the governed." PROTOCOL XIII: "The Yoke of Bread." "The necessity for their daily bread will force the Gentiles to be quiet and be our humble servants." Think carefully, this was published in 1905, a year after the book by Palacios, who knew the "Protocols," at least by then. If only our rulers had read Palacios and paid attention to his recommendation to investigate beforehand the racial origin of the authors of certain economic theories! But we should no longer have any illusions; nothing would have been achieved when the greatest powers of another time have followed the same route. Since the loss of the war by National Socialism there has been nothing to be done. Just wait for chaos. Wait for its fulfillment as soon as possible and then, following the principle of inertia, rise again. Even if the only certainly were the destruction of the physical planet. Reading this terrible harrowing document one better understands the reason, even the necessity, for its authors of the destruction of Hitler and National Socialist Germany. From there we could have reversed the concept of life, to put economics and money in second place and installed work, the projected and applied energy of man, into first place. Which is to say all the heady liquor of Judaism would no longer exist. The Hitlerist understanding would have excised the tumor and, little by little, ended the cancer. The danger was such they had to unleash the world war, to which Protocols IV and IX refer: because in the enemy camp a Genius had appeared able to combat them. And now the struggle between him and them would acquire such proportions as the world had never seen before… But it was 53

already late for the Genius of the Gentiles, because they were too powerful and the entire world had to serve them. Not even the smallest agreement could be made without their intervention. And "this Genius could not be ready with such old fighters, with such power and experience…" It seems as if all had been said and we could spare ourselves further work and more pages attempting to explain something explained so well by they themselves. But there is more. And it is necessary to try to penetrate this terrible mystery which leads us to the discovery that History is no automatic, blind random mechanism but something planned by the diabolical minds of an "Invisible Government.' In this case, by "The Elders of Zion." There are those who would prefer to believe, and we among them, that those earthly beings, human or not, are only the agent, the vehicle and servants of another extraterrestrial Force (of the Aions of Gnosticism?) who, consciously or unconsciously, aid in the fulfillment of cosmic and planetary cycles. And there is another Protocol. It refers to the use the Jews make of Antisemitism, fomented by themselves, to assist the accomplishment of their ends, to maintain the cohesion of their people and produce feelings of pity in the Gentiles in such a manner as to enable them to realize their crimes without being noticed. (Like the ritual sacrifice of the killings of Palestinians in Lebanon, the Nuremburg Trials and so many others.) Here is the Protocol: "If in these times a government adopts an attitude contrary to us it is simply a mere formality, a trick. These governments work keeping us fully informed of their actions and with our consent." (Note what is happening in the Soviet Union with the apparent persecution of Jews all of whom, one way or another, are allowed to travel out of country or are released, sooner or later, with full liberty, after the scandals created by the Western Jews and "their Gentiles." Chile exchanged a Russian Jew for the Secretary General of the Chilean Communist Party.) "Antisemite democracies are useful to us to keep order among our lesser brethren." In the United States, for example, the head of the "Neo-Nazis" in Chicago is a Jew named Cohen. The biggest business in the sale of badges, medals, daggers and symbols of the Nazi era is in the hands of Jews. As well as this turbid business of the "Memoirs of Hitler," which was raised and managed by Jews. The true head of National Socialism in the United States, George Lincoln Rockwell, was assassinated. 54

With the Global Operation of the exploitation "of the Holocaust of six million Jews in the gas chambers of the Nazi concentration camps," they have prevented, as I have repeated several times, everyone from following the Genius of the Gentiles and realizing the justice of the regime he established in Germany and Europe. If this occurs they then proceed with the "Holocaust of the Chosen People of God." And the matter ends there. But the virtuosos of these Elders are not satisfied with this. The Genius defeated, they claim to use this fantasy (with all the means of information at their disposal) to the benefit of the final fulfillment of their millennial plans. Nevertheless, no matter how many flies they catch in their net, as they say, this virtuosity ends by getting entangled in its own web. Therefore everything seems to work now for the glory of that Genius and his resurrection among us. Thus, no matter what they do, it ends up in our favor. And this is irreversible. Because when the Enemy was discovered once and for all the revelation acquired a universal cosmic value. And so it is that Hitler won the war. Knowing they have lost makes the atomic holocaust ever more possible. "They must respond with a new world war" and "blow up all the cities of the world, along with their institutions and documents." (Protocol VII and IX.) Who are these "Elders of Zion"? A secret impossible to penetrate. They are not, of course, the "Board of Deputies," the Jewish Parliament of England, their Cabinet; they are not the "Jewish Lobby," in the American Senate or House of Representatives, nor are they "The Universal Israelite Alliance," with headquarters in Paris. Walther Rathenau, himself a Jew, throwing some light in the "Wiener Freie Presse," from December 24, 1912, declared: "Thirty men, only known to themselves, govern the destiny of the European continent. They elect their successors…" In 1844, only four years before the Jewish revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose true name was Israeli, a baptised Jew, published his novel "Coningsby." There one can read: "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes…" Benito Rebolledo sent me his copy of the "Protocols," which I still possess with annotations in his hand on the margin of the pages and some drawings with which he illustrated them. He told me, making the words of Wickham Stead his own: "No man, whether writer, politician or diplomat, can consider himself mature until he has dealt in depth with the Jewish Problem." And he also cited Nilus, the first editor of the "Protocols": "It is predicted the serpent must continue his work


and carefully fulfill the pre-established plan, until the path he must run is no longer closed after the return of his head to Zion."

For a century "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" have been a mysterious document that appears and disappears, repeatedly, makes great news and again passes into oblivion, to return updated again, such that it is always necessary to explain what it is and what it means. It seems that in a Zionist Congress in Basel in 1897 a version had been leaked with the draft of some "Protocols" where rules were sent out to follow for the subversion and domination of the world by the Jews. An entire Machiavellian criminal strategy was developed. The document first went to Paris from where it was transported to Russia. There it was first published, in the same year, by Sergey Nilus, an Orthodox Christian. Nevertheless the document published by Nilus, which is a literary pseudonym, had already been in circulation previously. Nilus tried to send it to the Czar, but the latter gave it no importance, with which the claim that the "Protocols" would have been a forgery of the Czarist secret police with the purpose of persecuting Jews and revolutionaries falls by its foundation. If it had been so, the Czar would have used it for that end. There quickly appeared many other editions in Russia and abroad. It was possible to find a copy of an edition of 1895 that had circulated from hand to hand in the Pasukani collection of the Lenin Library in Moscow until 1934. This copy has mysteriously disappeared from the library. The Soviet government condemned possessors of the "Protocols" to death. And with reason, since the list of Jews who promoted the Russian Revolution is long. We have that list in our power, but it is not the purpose of this book to deal with this type of argument. We have already seen something similar with the creation of the Chilean Popular Front, when the Third International made an alliance with the Second International. Nilus only wanted to warn the European governments at the end of the last century, especially those of his own country, against the great danger of worldwide Jewish subversion. Nilus managed to survive the Bolshevik Revolution and died in 1929 in Russia, as is assumed. The specimen given to me by Benito Rebollado is the edition of Sergey Nilus, with his commentaries and introduction. In "The Golden Band" I have reproduced the photograph of the house of Dreyfus Brodsky, in Basel, where the famous Jewish Congress of 1897 was held 56

and from which the "Protocols" emerged. I also provide a picture with photos of all the participants. In the center is Theodore Hertzl, the "father of Zionism," as he is called, and, to his left, Achad Ha-am, alias Asher Ginsberg, to whom the redaction of the text of the "Protocols" has been attributed. Even now it seems that several themes were discussed at the famous First Zionist Congress. That of Hertzl would have been that of an open Zionism and that of Ginsberg a sort of secret Zionism. The Jew Max Nordau would have supported Hertzl. Ginsberg was also the author of an essay entitled "Transformation of All Values," in which he attempted to apply the Nietzschean doctrine of the Superman to the Jews. He called the Jewish nation "Alion." This essay had the same stylistic mark as the "Protocols." The enmity between Ginsberg and Hertzl continued through time so one imagines that the first could have caused Hertzl to disappear. Below several paragraphs of the essay by Ginsberg, cited above, are reproduced: "The Jewish nation is a supernation, the Chosen People of God, and is highly superior to all other peoples, not by their political power, but by their spiritual force. This people, representing the most perfect type of humanity, must remain a minority and must not, in any case, share its plans with any other people. This nation will dominate over all others. Israel will restore to the idea of the good its original meaning. Goodness only applies to the Superman, or to the Supernation that has the power to expand and complete its own life and that has the will to become the master of the world, without vacillating before what this will cost the other mass of inferior beings and peoples nor before the calamities this may bring…" Prince Gewakhoe believed that Ginsberg was the author of the "Protocols" and had written them between 1880 and 1897, in Odessa, Russia, in the language of ancient Hebrew, presenting them as a draft to the First Congress of 1897, in Basel; it was a proposal to discuss among others. This would explain how the "Protocols" were circulated in Russia in manuscript form already in 1895, or two years before the Congress. Ginsberg led a secret life in London and died in 1926 in Jerusalem. If he was the author of the terrible documents, not all were in agreement with him. Not for what he wrote but for having contributed to their having filtering out and become distributed. Ginsberg would not have been one of the "Elders of Zion." Those Elders must be absolutely unknown and live an anonymous life without taking part in congresses where they would limit themselves to sending their emissaries. The 57

Elders of Zion may live underground, safe from today's nuclear weapons. They are the most worthy rivals of Esoteric Hitlerism. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are signed by "The Representatives of Zion, 33rd Degree." Some have tried to use this as an argument to prove that the "Protocols" are not a Jewish product, but from Masonic lodges; we have already seen, in Protocol IV, that the lodges are an instrument of Judaism, "a mask for its objectives." The First Zionist Congress of Basel was a Judeo-Masonic Congress. It could also be a Judeo-Catholic or Judeo-Protestant Congress. It is all the same. As for the fixed idea, an objective, to achieve the installation of a "King of Israel," "Sovereign over the world," a "Messiah of Israel," that has been given as another proof of lack of authenticity because this would go against Orthodox as well as Modern Judaism which do not speak of such a king, we must remember that until the last century (date of the "Protocols"), the legend of the King of the World was circulating underground, in the person of "Prester John" and Melchizedek, even in the heart of the lodges. Jews deny the authenticity of the "Protocols," providing questionable witnesses, much like now with the conspiracy of the "genocide of the gas chambers," of the "Holocaust of the six million," through the press, radio, television and cinema. In 1933 the Swiss Israelite League, together with the Jewish community of Berne, presented a trial before the Cantonal court against Swiss booksellers who had been selling "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." After four years the Appellate Court of Berne, October 27, 1937, rendered judgment that the Jewish plaintiffs had lost the case. In "The Golden Band" I reproduce the book cover of the book by retired Lieutenant Colonel of the German Army, Ulrich Fleischhauer, with the "Court Documents for the Process in Berne," where he proves the authenticity of the Protocols. This book is today no more to be found.

Rene Guenon made the following observation: "No real and truly secret organization, whatever their nature might be, leaves behind any written documents." The Templars did not, nor the SS, since their archives have never been found. Hence the relevant point about "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is not their authenticity, but their veracity, as Giovanni Preziosi declared in the first


Italian edition of the Protocols during the Fascist era, and Julius Evola in his prologue for the Italian edition of 1938. "Only inductive procedures can determine the importance and scope of the text," Evola writes, "even supposing the 'Protocols' were not 'authentic.'" In the most restricted sense we can consider them as if they were. And this for two reasons: 1. - The facts show their veracity. (We have seen this ourselves, with the texts of the "Protocols" that are applicable to our country, as to other places in the world). 2. - They indisputably respond to the fundamental ideas of traditional and modern Judaism. We reproduce some paragraphs taken from the study of Julius Evola, "L'autenticita dei Protocolli provata della tradizione ebraica," ("The Authenticity of the Protocols proven by the Hebrew Tradition") from the edition of the same made by Claudio Mutti and with comments by this valiant contemporary academic in the University of Padua, in "Edizioni di Ar," in 1976. The work of Evola is from the Fascist era: "The most ancient source of Jewish tradition is the 'Torah," the Mosaic Law, the 'Deuteronomy' or Fifth Book, attributed to Moses, although it is certain Moses never wrote it. Here are several paragraphs: "You are a Holy People before the Lord. He has chosen you to be his own people among all the peoples of the earth." "I will make you a great people, I will bless thee and thy name shall grow and thou shall be blessed and I shall bless those who bless thee and I shall curse those who curse thee." "Thou shall take the kings of the other peoples in thy hand and thou shall extirpate their names beneath the sky. None shall oppose thee to thy face, until thou shall have destroyed them." "Thou shall lend to many people, but shall never lend anything. The Lord shall take thee by the head, never by the tail. Thou shall always be above, never below." "Devour all the peoples that the Lord shall give thee… Today I shall begin to sow fear among the nations beneath the sky, so much so that they shall be terrified even to hear thy name." This is the theme of the "Torah." Whether it can really be attributed to Moses or not, we will never know. We know Moses was not a Jew, but an Egyptian priest of Osiris, married to an Ethiopian woman. "Deuteronomy" or the "Fifth Book of Moses" is a falsification written by the Jews, invented (as has been done today with the "Diary of Anne Frank"). In "The Golden Band" we refer to 59

this theme, suspecting that Moses could have been made to disappear by the tribe of Judah, like Hertzl by Achad Ha-am, alias Ginsberg. The style does not change through the ages. To the contrary, the style seems to be sustained. Thanks to the "Torah" the Jews have come to feel they are the Chosen People of the Most High who should "devour" all the nations of the earth. As a proof this tendency does not refer only to the Jewish people of the Exodus from Egypt, Julius Evola reproduces a phrase from Daniel: "The kingdom, the power and the grandeur of the kingdom, under all the heavens (not only Palestine, but all over the world), shall be given to the Holy People of the Most High. This kingdom shall be an eternal kingdom and all kingdoms shall serve and obey it." "Ask and I shall give thee all the people to the ends of the earth for thy possession. Thou shall make it so with a rod of iron…" "The sons of foreigners shall build thy homes and their own kings shall serve thee…" (This degrading spectacle can be seen today in the person of the new King of Spain who, on beginning his reign, in a gesture full of symbolism, rendered homage to the Grand Rabbi of the synagogue. His Masonic treason is also against his ancestors, the Catholic Kings, who expelled the Jews from Spain, even though King Ferdinand was Jewish by his mother. The kings of England came to realize this long ago, having mixed their blood with the Jewish anti-blood. That is to say, introducing the Synagogue and "Torah" into their veins so they would permit them to continue on the throne. Rumor has it that the heirs to "proud Albion" are circumcised. For "reasons of hygiene," one adds). "From Jeremiah one concludes that while Israel can devour everyone, he may not be so much as touched by the others." Thus the present case is that the only ones who have suffered in the Second World War, the only dead who count, are the Jews. The tens of millions of other victims seem not to exist. We see in the "Talmud," in its principal part called "Gemara," which means "fulfillment" and that is considered the perfection of the Old Law of the "Torah," and in the Quabbala, or Cabala, which means "tradition," how Mosaicism in rabbinic opinion constitutes only an embryonic and imperfect part. Let us listen a little to these texts, redacted after the appearance of Christianity: "Thou, Israelites, are called men, while the nations of the world are not to be called men, but rather beasts." (Talmud, Baba mezia, fol. 114, c. 1). "We proclaim it is permissible to make use of lying and perjury if it concerns condemning a non-Jew." (Baba Kama 113b). Thus we see the trials of the surviving SS and National Socialists condemned to prison and death by perjury, 60

lying and falsification of Jews such as the "Nazi hunter" Wiesenthal and others. "The Jew who assassinates a goym offers to God an agreeable sacrifice." ("Sepher Or Israel" 177b). In Nuremberg, Dresden, Lebanon. "Consider the goym as beasts and wild animals and treat them as such. Use your enthusiasm and ingenuity to destroy him." (Volume 3, Book 2, Chapter 4, Article 5). "What does Har Sinai mean, that is, Mount Sinai? It means the mountain from which the Sina was radiated and broadcast, that is to say, the hatred against the peoples of the world." (Shabbath, fol. 89, c. 1). "There where the Jews arrive they must lord it over men." (Sanhedrin, fol. 88, c. 2, fol. 99 c. 1). "The Most High spoke thus to the Israelites: Thou hast recognized me as the only Master of the world and therefore I shall give thee sole rule over the world." ("Chaniga," fol. 3a and 3b). "Kill the best of the Gentiles!" ("Aboda Zar," 26b, "Tosephoth") Assassination of the young Chilean National Socialists. "It is forbidden to lend to non-Jews without usury." (Sanhedrin, fol. 76, c. 2). "What is a prostitute? Any non-Jewish woman." ("Even ha Ezer," 6,8). "There where the Jews are they must make themselves the masters and, for as long as we do not reach absolute domination we must consider ourselves as exiles, as prisoners; until we have not taken possession of everything, we shall not cease to cry: What torment! What indignation!" ("Sanhedrin," fol, 104, c. 1). After reading these lines, can anyone be surprised the Jews, after having been received generously by every nation very quickly came to be considered undesirables, persecuted and expelled? The reason for anti-semitism in Germany before Hitler and in Austria was because all professions and commerce was found in their hands. And they still cry: "What torment! What indignation!" Their instinct for survival forced the nations to defend themselves. Today this instinct has died. "When the Messiah, the son of David, comes, I shall exterminate all thy enemies." ("Majene jeshua," fol. 76, c. 1). Nuclear war. "The prophet (Isaiah) announces the Lord has anointed him to say to the Israelites that they shall subject all the peoples and the foreigners shall have to work so that the sons of Israel need do no heavy work and thus serve God only by praying. So


that they shall have the time to serve the Holy One they shall seize the goods of the people." ("Mashmia jeshue, fol. 89. c. 4). "Israel alone justifies the creation of the world." ("Abramo Seba," "Zeror hammor," fol. 6 c. 4, of the year 1595). "In the future the Jews will possess the world and the peoples shall find themselves ruined, while the Jews shall survive forever." After the nuclear war. Reading these sections, extracts from ancient and more modern Jewish writings, one understands the "Protocols" are an exact reflection of the same and therefore absolutely true. Moreover, the facts of recent past and present history prove them. Julius Evola transcribed a letter from the Jew Baruch Levi to Karl Marx, whose true Jewish name was Mordecai: "The Jewish people as a whole will be their own Messiah." (Very important theme, to which we shall return.) "Their rule over the world will be achieved through the unification of the other human races." (Read mixing, compulsory miscegenation. The time in which we are right now.) "It is to be achieved by the elimination of frontiers and monarchy which are the bastions of particularism, and by the introduction of a World Republic." (United Nations, globalism, etc.) "…that will grant civil rights to the Jews in every place. In this new organization of humanity the sons of Israel shall come to be, everywhere and without encountering any opposition, the leading element, above all if it succeeds over the proletarian masses under the direction of some of them. (Read Soviet Union, where all their leaders carry false names, the authentic names being Jewish). "The World Republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. Private ownership will be in Jewish hands; we will administer every part of State assets. Thus the promise of the Talmud shall be fulfilled, or rather the promise the Jews, with the coming of the messianic times will possess the key to all goods of all the peoples of the earth." ("Revue de Paris," June 1, 1928, n. 11, p. 574). In relation to the matter of the Messiah, according to the "Protocols," the "King of the Jewish World" will be being prepared (in the heart of the synagogues and Masonic lodges). It is also interesting to know what this meant for the French rabbi Isidoro Loeb, secretary of the "Universal Israelite Alliance," in 1869. In his book "The literature of the poor in the Bible," published in Paris in 1892, on page 218, he writes:


"One can not say with certainty whether Isaiah believed in the apparition of a personal Messiah or not… It is certain that, with or without a King-Messiah, the Jews will constitute the center of humanity, around which the non-Jews will flock, after their conversion. The peoples shall unite to pay homage to the People of God. All the wealth of the nations will pass to the Jewish people. The non-Jews will throw themselves at our feet. The kings and princesses, their wives, will be our servants, they shall kneel before us and lick the dust from our feet." (Isaiah 49, 23.) "God will establish an eternal alliance with the Jewish people and, as with David, the Jewish people shall rule over the nations… Furthermore, it is clear the restitution of Jerusalem and the Holy Land to the Jewish people will play a great role." In this quotation, as in the previous one, the suggestion the Messiah may well not be a personal being is very important. This Messiah, or King of the Jews, could constitute itself as a collective entity with a thousand arms and thousand heads, the Hydra or Polyp of International Judaism, distributed worldwide in the institutions they control everywhere: Marxism, the Soviets, capitalism, the multinationals, the Vatican, the other churches, the centers of occultism, Freemasonry, the United Nations, etc. And all directed from a hidden secret center. Nor should the possibility of an individual Messiah be discounted who, as has been said, has been preparing since time immemorial in the synagogues and lodges, a species of monstrous Golem, without blood, an arithmetic entity, imaginary, cybernetic, trans-infinite. Perhaps he could even have an electronic brain, a robot, which they manipulate. Nor can we exclude the installation of a Jewish Pope in Rome. Everything is still possible, at these heights of the fulfillment of the millennial plan. As Claudio Mutti has said, the Judaism of the origins was formed through the inclusion of a series of foreign elements, foreign to this supermixed people. We have seen how Moses, who was not a Jew, nor was Joseph, an Egyptian priest named Touiya. Nor was Joshua, a Philistine general who stopped the sun, successor of Moses. Solomon would have been an Assyrian named Salmanazar, or an Aryan Amorite initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries of Hathor. Even Kings David and Saul. The Jews took the idea of the Messiah from Egypt, about which one can read in the stones of the Egyptian temples, as well as in Iran. Even the term "Hebrews" did not pertain to them. In conversations in Northern Germany with Pastor Jurgen Spanuth, tireless investigator of the history of the Hyperboreans and their penetration into Asia Minor and on to Egypt, he confirmed that the name 63

"hebrew" appears for the first time in the stele of an Egyptian temple and may mean giant. Spanuth also affirmed the idea of "chosen people" is Nordic-Aryan, arriving from Asia Minor with the Hyperboreans from Iran, then with the Philistines, with the Hyskos, with the Amorites. The Jews appropriated it. They also lent themselves several runic characters such as the pentagon, the star of six points of David and the seal of Solomon, which in truth is the Nordic Rune Hagal, of the God Odin. They adulterated it. Jacob is also not a Jewish name and his struggle with the Angel is proof of Hyperborean initiation. Jacob was a nephew of Abraham, who was not Semite. The very name Israel, that was given to Jacob by the Angel, means "he who fights with God" and refers to the mystery of the Hyperborean Gral which centuries later would be revived in the legend of Parzival. All this came from the north, as the King-Priest of the Polar Center, Er, Irmin, Atlas, Poseidon, Apollo, Melchizedek. Like Salem (peace) Solomon. The symbol is completed with the Queen of Sheba, which means South, signifying the union of both poles, of the North and South, in "The Song of Songs." And to think all this marvel of symbols, of mysteries, of legends, of Hyperborean wisdom, has been adulterated, equally with the Orphic Cabala, by a tribe of bastards and slaves, to be placed at the service of a terrible sentiment of "racial sin," in the fulfillment of the sinister designs of a Planetary Archetype, of the Lord of Darkness and Chaos, of the Master of Shadows they have called Jehovah…! In the beginning many very diverse tribes in a badly assimilated mix contributed to the formation of the Jewish people, who were scarcely even a people: Canaanites, Edomites, Midianites, Syrians, Moabites, Hittites, Amorites, Samaritans, Galileans, Phoenicians and Philistines. The tribes of "Israel" disappeared and there remained only one in the end, to be able to comply with the great falsification and destruction of all the traces, the tribe of Judah, the most primitive, with the least intelligence coefficient, fanatic and racially degenerate. From there, little by little, the road began with an intention of genetic cleaning by purification of the genes, attempting to cause the proofs of the racial degeneration of their origins to disappear. (Because of this "their truth is organic lying," as Rosenberg would say). The ancient documents would be adulterated with lying and falsification. In this way, and from there, the cosmic conspiracy was affirmed on earth. They erased all traces of the original bonds of the superior races with another Cosmos, destroying the evidence of their divine extra-universe origin. The


systematic destruction of the superior races also began (who for being the most noble are the most trusted) along with their testimonies. Some of the disappeared tribes of Israel were pagans. They adored the Golden Calf, symbol of Aries. The tribe of Benjamin, formed by three clans, among them that of Ahiram, in some way connected to Hiram, the Persian, the Aryan who built the temple of Solomon, took arms against the other eleven tribes of Israel and took the side of the people who adored the Goddess Belial, Belisena, Astarte (Shakti). According to Moses the Benjaminites were the predilect of the Lord, the "elect." The tribe is almost exterminated in combat and the order went out never to marry a Benjaminite. What remained of this disappeared tribe emigrated north, towards Greek Arcadia and they have liked to affirm that the Merovingians descended from them. We shall return to this theme in the last part of this work, since this also forms a part of the planetary conspiracy. Spanuth has demonstrated that the Nordics, after suffering defeat at the hands of Pharaoh Ramses II, returned to the north. Those who remained prisoners escaped with Moses, carrying the Ark (Ar-cadia, with the radical Ar, from Aryan, from Ar-ArAt) and its associated knowledge with them. In this exodus, that perhaps took place not in Asia Minor but in the Gobi Desert, an imitation of the most ancient Polar Exodus of Hyperborea, there were infiltrated this tribe of slaves, that of Judah, who in the end appropriated everything, falsifying even what remained of an antediluvian document: "Genesis." From these quotations we have taken we can see that, for Isaiah, Messianism did not refer to the reestablishment of an ancient Jerusalem, but to a more distant future, to a world Judaism, as if there had been awakened in the "prophet" a "memory of the future," a "memory of the Eternal Return." The Jew and Mason Cremieux have said: "The Jewish doctrine must some day penetrate the whole world." "In the Messianism of modern times a Jerusalem of the New Order must surge, saintly, situated between East and West, having to replace the double imperial and papal realm. The Universal Israelite Alliance has only now come into action." He wrote this in 1861, 40 years before the "Protocols," and he added: "It will not be confined to our worship only but must penetrate all religions. The nationalities must disappear (the races), the religions must embrace. Only Israel will survive (and its anti-race), this little chosen people of God." In 1875 in Lausanne, under the auspices of the same "Universal Israelite Alliance," an accord between Judaism and Masonry was made. The influence of Judaism in the lodges was made ever more official. In "The Golden Band" we 65

reproduce the declarations of the German Mason Von Knigge: "Judaism has recognized in Masonry one of its essential instruments for its dream of universal domination." The Jew Du Mesnil-Marigni, in his "History of the Political Economy of the Ancient People" (Edition of 1878, vol. II, p. 275), among other things, writes: "Who owns the gold rules the world. And who but the Jew can be this ruler? He possesses the monopoly of banks, railways, commerce. By means of gold he can give his children a higher education, providing them with senior positions in art, literature, science, public administration. Most professors in the Sorbonne, in the universities and in the best French institutes are ours. The most renowned philosophers and playwrights are Jews. The corruption of the press is well known. And this terrible machine of destruction is also controlled by the Jews…" But "the Messiah will not come while any Jew must suffer the dominion of a non-Jew" (Sanhedrin, 98a). Even the Jews declare they have been the authors of the idea of revolution, as they are the drivers of "terrorism," which they secretly control and manage: "The Russian Revolution is a Jewish revolution because it signifies the crucial point of Jewish history. It must be carried out there because Russia is the land of almost half of all the Jews in the world. Therefore the fall of the Czarist regime must have a very great influence on the destiny of thousands of Jews recently emigrated to other countries. In fact, the revolution must be a Jewish revolution because the Jews are the most active revolutionaries in Czarist Russia." (Jacob de Haas, "The Maccabee," November 1905). The importance of these declarations, made 12 years before the Russian Revolution, prove in fact that almost all the organizations of this revolution were Jewish. At the head of the revolutionaries, as of the leaders of the soldiers and peasants, one finds the alumni of the Rabbinic School. (Such as that mysterious Droguett, in Chile, who shot the captured Nazis on September 5, 1938). There does not exist a single political organization in that vast Russian Empire that was not led and controlled by Jews: The Social Democratic Party (as today in Germany), the Socialist Revolutionary Party, etc. In "The Golden Band" we have published the photo of the first Soviet, where every one of those who appear are Jews. The possession of this photograph was punishable by death. Political emancipation and the Jewish Question was the same thing in the Russia of those days. Because of that Nilus wanted to make the Czar see the danger when he tried to give him the transcript of the Protocols. 66

"The world revolution we are living today must remain exclusively in our hands… This revolution will reinforce the hegemony of the Jewish race over all the others" ("La peuple Juif". January 8, 1919). And this other extraordinary quotation, appeared in "The Jewish World" of January 16, 1919, referring to the First World War: "International Judaism in Europe is driving this war not only to seize a great quantity of gold, but also to prepare, by means of it, a new Jewish world war." And there are still some who doubt what Hitler revealed. The Jews, creators of the Treaty of Versailles, knew what would be produced by this, and they awaited longingly, knowing the next war, the Jewish Second World War, would enable them to achieve their universal dominion, able to give the next steps, prefigured for centuries. And to reach by this the final destruction. Chaos, their chaos. "Full of admiration, we see with what speed and in what number the Jews of all countries have passed into action. Socialist Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Orthodox or Independent Marxists, calling themselves as they like, all Jews and able to meet in revolutionary groups with Jews in the leading militant places." (Interview with Rabbi J.L. Magnes, given in New York in 1919 and reproduced in "Judentum und Weltumsturz, II, p. 24). The Jew Moritz Cohn confessed: "Without our consent not a potentate in the world can make a decision. No word we do not want can be published and broadcast because we control the press. No idea with which we disagree can penetrate the intellectual world. For some time we have had dominion over the world." (These words were cited by G. zur Beek in "Die Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion," 3rd edition, 1919, p. 27). For even in 1673 Bar Nachmani, in "Bammidhar rabba," fol. 172, c. 4 and fol. 173, c. 1, said: "In the time of the Messiah the Jews will exterminate all the peoples of the earth." This must be achieved by means of the total nuclear war they are now preparing. They will save themselves, the most select group of their anti-race, because they have made arrangements for it, here and in outer space. Therefore: "The Land of Israel will extend in a grandeur that covers the entire world." (to quote the same source). If they have delayed the "final solution" for so long it is because they still do not feel safe enough, in spite of everything, because the Jew knows Hitler and Esoteric Hitlerism did not die in Berlin, at the end of the Second World War. Knowing the plans of millennial Judaism are known, the Aryans are 67

in readiness to counteract them. The Great War has still not ended; the ultimate word has not been said. The Ultimate Battalion will be that of Hitler: The Furious Horde of Wotan, the Wildes Heer that patiently awaits. To end these quotes taken from the commentaries of "I Protocilli dei Savi di Sion," edited by Claudio Mutti and corresponding to the work of Julius Evola, of H. de Vries de Heekelingen and of the same Mutti, we transcribe the following from the Jew Marcus Eli Ravage, appearing in two articles in numbers 3 and 4 of "Century Magazine," of 1928, and that we reproduced in number 12, from December 4, 1941, of "The New Age": "They accuse us of having made the Communist revolution. Well, we accept the charge. And what of that? Compared with what the Jew Paul of Tarsus did in Rome, the Russian Revolution is no more than a small palace scandal. They cry so about the Jewish influence in our theatre and in our films. Very well! Accepted, your laments are just. But, what can this mean compared with the unlimited influence we exercise in your Church, in your schools, over your governments and way of life, over all your intellectual world?... We assume "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are authentic. What can this mean in the face of the undeniable historical action of conspiracies we have developed? You are not capable of recognizing the beginning of the initiation of our guilt. We are invaders, destroyers, subverters. We have taken possession of your natural world, of your ideals, of your destiny and made a game of all that. We have not only been the instigator of the last war but of almost all your wars. We have not only been the instigators of the Russian Revolution, but of all the other great revolutions. We have caused and continued promoting the unrest in the cities (the current terrorism), in the streets and in your private life. We have changed the course of your entire history. And all this without the use of weapons. We achieved it with only the use of propaganda. Our tiny country of one time has become your Holy Land. Our national literature has become your Bible. A young Jewess, your ideal of maternity and femininity. A Jewish rebel prophet is at the center of your devotion… The modern revolutions, the French, the American and the Russian, what are they if not a triumph of the Jewish idea?... And with relief, we recognize that the goym (the non-Jew) has never discovered the gravity of our guilt…" The contempt felt by the Jew for the non-Jew is so great he takes the luxury of telling all this to his face, knowing his cowardice, or stupidity, are such he will keep going on as if nothing had happened, doing as he pleases or what he orders. Already in 1928, and even earlier, the Jew was so sure of his world domination as 68

to speak like that, without concealment. We do not forget the Jew does not think the goym is a man; he is not a man but an animal on two legs, absolutely despicable. We have seen it in the "Talmud." And he seems to have reason, almost always. According to De Vries de Heekelingen, the "Talmud" contains a series of dispositions to administer justice, making the fundamental difference to be drawn between his Jewish neighbor, his brother, and the goym, the non-Jew, or as it were, the pagan, the "execrable foreigner who does not fear contamination." For example, against the convert to Judaism, but not of Jewish blood, the authentic Jew, by birth, must take certain precautions, according to the "Talmud," keeping at least four paces distance, since he is "as disagreeable to the true Jew as the leper is to the epidermis." For Jews who have been baptized, the Minim, they show no piety: "That the Minim and Nazarenes (Aryans, Amorites) perish in an instant and are wiped from the Book of Life." This prayer was added about the year 80 of our era, and then modified in relation to the "marranos" and Spanish "chuetas." The society of Hindu Aryanism has thus been reversed, with hatred and intolerance. Only in Aryan India does the Jew lack possibilities to penetrate and dominate them, since as in their own law code, in their nomocracy or rule of law, to be Hindu requires Aryan blood, from birth. One does not convert to Hinduism, one is born into one caste or another, by reason of Karma. According to the Hindu view there can be no conversion. Nevertheless India has been Judaized by the modern Anglo-Saxon parliamentary system and the whole influence, through trade and the customs of the Christian West, like Japan today. In China the Jews came together under the name of Tiao-Kiu-Kiau and, according to Joachim Bochaca, played an outstanding role in the so-called "Cultural Revolution."

The "Integral Traditionalists" ask themselves: How could traditional society fall, being perfect from its origins, with the Golden Age of Hyperborea, that Terrestrial Paradise, lacking internal contradictions? Julius Evola resorts to a metaphysical circumstance that could be decided from without, a sort of entelechy or fate. It is a mystery, Claudio Mutti assures us, and therefore incomprehensible. In all this, from some side, the Christian Jew dialectic is infiltrating with its concept of original sin and temptation. And the traditionalists end by exonerating the Jew from part of his guilt, saying the conspiracy and subversion is much more vast; the 69

Jew comes to constitute only a portion of it, spending his dissociative mission on ending the "Third State" and beginning the "Fourth," or what is now approaching, "when the Bolshevism of the East exceeds even Judaism itself." Illusion, vain hope, sleight of the magician to relieve the Jew of his main role, even though, as we have been able to see, the Marxist system of the Soviets belongs to him from birth and continues firmly controlled by him. The whole problem of the "division of evil" must be seen in the continuous light we have thrown in dealing with the incarnation of the Hyperborean Archetype of the Fuhrer, the Avatar, the Tulku: even when not incarnated in one alone, a center is required by which to radiate their greatest power, whether this be an individual, a people, a race. In the case of the Archetype of the Lord of Darkness he requires an anti-race. I can not fail to consider that, in this attitude of eminent Latin writers, since no German National Socialist is to be found among the Integral Traditionalists, beneath the appearance of wishing to show broad criticism, magnanimity, objectivity and "Olympic" detachment, to use their words, one only finds the desire to somehow ingratiate the all-powerful Jew, to be pleasing to him at the same time that they declare him their enemy. Evola dares to write "in Hitler there was an element of unhealthy fanaticism in his opposition without concessions to the Jew." Despite my admiration for the Italian writer, I must distance myself from this position. Hitler, as always, had reason. In my interview with Julius Evola, in his apartment on the Via Corso Vittorio Emmanuele, he told me Mussolini had asked him to write a new racial theory in order to counter that of Rosenberg. It would be the "Fascist racism," different from "Nazi racism." (As if there could be more than one racialism). And thus that entire brilliant Evolian concept of the "race of the body," the "race of the soul" and the "race of the spirit" was born that he labelled with the antipathetic term of "traditional." Something churned within me when I heard this word, as if before the presence of an intellectual social climbing, a literary vulgarity. This concept has been taken by Evola from Guenon, attributing it to Aryan Hinduism that mentions other bodies distinct from the physical that could be components of man, because if they only exist potentially they are virtual, being developed through the practice of yoga. They are bodies that are astral, mental, spiritual, etc. Being German, Clauss, the creator of psychoanthropology, never called his theory "traditional" or "traditionalist." He was married to a Semite, which explains his attitude towards biological racism that he tried to outflank with his psychic racism, his "race of the soul." The "traditionalist" Rene Guenon also ended his days 70

converting to Semitic Mohammedanism. The brave and clear Claudio Mutti does something similar. Nevertheless he could still return to the Hyperborean Wotanism of his Lombard ancestors. Because he, thank the Gods, is still alive. If the theory of Evola and Clauss on the races of soul and spirit can be accepted as a comfortable element of exposition, in the end they are not necessary, only complicating things, serving only to speak of racism among hybrid and mestizo people without hurting their feelings, since a mulatto or an Indian among us could always think that even though his body is coloured, his soul might not be. There is the suspicion that Evola has just invented everything to speak about race to the Southern Italians and Mussolini. Yet, although their pride remains standing, reality does not change. The truth goes another way, as has been seen primarily by the Jews and Esoteric Hitlerists, too late for the latter, unfortunately. In Vienna it was possible for me to read an internal communication among several SS centers in which they recommended Julius Evola not be given facilities to expound "his esotericism." I understand this was just since Evola would have generated confusion. In Italy herself he was not given better facilities. Those were times of struggle and they had to simplify. Yet the beautiful "race of the body" of the Italy of today is a result of the racial selection that was then done in the last years of Fascism, carried out under the influence of Hitlerism. I wish that something like that had happened in Spain. Evola tells us in his philosophical memoirs "Il Camino del Cinabro," that shortly before the end of the war he was in Vienna investigating (of course in the SS archives and it may be in those of the Convent of Lambach and the Heilingenkreus) global subversion. And it was then that he was caught in a bombing, leaving him an invalid for the rest of his life. I met him in a wheelchair. Evola tried to penetrate the occult cause of his fundamental accident, intending to find it "in a decision taken before this physical incarnation." He tried to remember it and could not. With the accident the possibility for further research was likely to end. Sometimes he would refer to "this World-wide Conspiracy surpassing even Judaism," within which the Jew is only another element, even though important. And he returned to his "traditionalist" concept of the eras of Hinduism and the inevitable fatal road towards the nadir of the Kali Yuga. Accordingly subversion would be directed from outside this world by a Prince of Darkness. The idea, by its fatalism, would become something like a "spiritual Spenglerism." It seems to me the issue takes another path. Claudio Mutti reproduces in his introductory essay to the "Protocols" entitled "Ebraicita ed Ebraismo" some 71

reflections on the Jewish writer Otto Weininger and his book "Sex and Character": "Judaism is neither a nation nor a race. It is a spiritual tendency, a psychic constitution, that represents for each man a possibility which historical Judaism has carried to its most grandiose realization." Weininger would thus come to consider Judaism as a sort of Platonic Idea that, as such, has preceded the historic mission of the Jewish people. These declarations are of utmost importance because they provide us the precise point we have wanted to give to this First Part of our work treating of the Hyperborean Archetypes of the Hero, Fuhrer, Teacher, of the Great War and the non-Hyperborean Archetype of the Lord of Darkness. Evola was very antiJungian, being opposed to psychoanalysis which he considered to be Jewish. (A position with which I agree completely). As a letter of introduction I sent him from Vienna my book translated into German, "Meine Begegnungen mit C.G. Jung und Hermann Hesse," title that the Swiss publisher gave to "The Hermetic Circle." In it I refer, as is known, to my conversations with professor Jung and Hermann Hesse. Evola received me saying: "I read your book. In truth I am ignorant of those aspects of Jung you reveal." And he went on to recommend the magnificent Tantric work "The Metaphysics of Sex." It is Jung who brings us, with his extraordinary theory of the Collective Unconscious of the Aryans and Semites, the tools to permit us to explain to minds overworked by contemporary science, translating for them, so to say, these most ancient ideas to which Weininger makes reference. We have Jung to thank for being able to penetrate into Esoteric Hitlerism. Now we shall do the same for the Jewish problem. The book that introduced me to Jung was "The Self and the Collective Unconscious," edited in Santiago through Editorial Cultura by Francisco Fuentes in 1936. I travelled with this book to Antarctica. Since this was an old edition page 75 had not been bowdlerized and the footnote gave the following affirmations by Jung: "It is idle to say a collective orientation always requires the existence of the same psychic collective (Collective Unconscious) in others and this already signifies a thoughtless disregard for the individual differences as well as other differences of a more general nature, such as, for example, racial differences." (The bracketing and italics are ours). "It is an unforgivable mistake for us to take as generally valid the results of a Jewish psychology. No one would consider Chinese psychology to be valid for us. 72

The charge of Antisemitism that has been made against me for this criticism is as foolish as if I were accused of an anti-Chinese prejudice. Certainly, in another anterior and inferior stage of mental development, when it was still impossible to find a difference between the Aryan, Semite, Hamite and Mongol mentalities, all human races had a common collective psyche; but once a racial differentiation began racial differentiation was noted, including significant difference in the Collective Unconscious. For that reason it is not possible to translate globally the spirit of other races into our (Aryan) mentality without impairing it sensibly, nor to avoid so many types of weak instincts as affected by Hindu philosophy, for example, or others like it." Despite the evolutionary Weltanschauung of professor Jung, who believes in some "other anterior and inferior stage" (this stage may possibly exist, but it was intermediate, an involution produced by the great catastrophe that destroyed Paradesha, Hyperborea) his observations are of paramount importance. If an Archetype exists (Platonic presupposition of Weininger) working from "outside" to express itself in this earthly world, she must form her instruments, her "probes," her "robots" here below, just as today those do who send their artifacts to the Moon, to Mars and other stars. They are at the same time instruments of expression as much as of knowledge. The analogy must necessarily remain imperfect. As we have seen, the Archetype is not just one but various, being more than an "I": WE. Yet, as in the case of Hitler, her radiant most powerful center is only found in one. The people, the race, prepare this personality, this "center" through the centuries. In the case of the Jew it would be the awaited Messiah. Although it could well be, as we have thought, for the Jewish Collective Unconscious a visible individual may not be necessary, it being sufficient to have a "hydra with a thousand heads," without a center, or with an ubiquitous center. When we speak of Archetypes, even though we are Jungians, we are reaching an impenetrable mystery. In truth, it is a war, the Great Cosmic War of the Worlds, the only that can explain that these perfect "traditional" societies, that Hyperborea, the Golden Age, have been able to decay and come to an end. Someone has destroyed them from without, rather, from galactic space: an Archetype that then seeks her most appropriate instruments of expression on earth, building them here as well. And because of that the process is not irreversible; in whatever point one finds oneself, everything can be changed. Because the entropy of involution towards chaos can be defeated, conquered by a superior force, 73

negentropy, produced by the contrary Hyperborean Archetype that still continues the struggle to regain what has apparently been lost. And that was the labour of Hitler, Avatar of the Hyperborean Archetype in the Aryan Collective Unconscious, intending to restore the Golden Age, the perfect world that has been lost. Which was made possible, in some sense, with victory in defeat. It is now a question of time, within time. Because these things that work from eternity can only give their fruits here below in time.

Evola speaks of a global conspiracy that will overcome Judaism and would include non-human elements. He mentions a Prince of Darkness. And in this he is right. After all, what are the Jungian Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious? They are inhuman entities. The ancients called them Gods and Demons. And what is the Collective Unconscious? It is the "Memory of the Blood," or rather, a "memory that goes through the blood," that acts on earth by means of the blood. There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus saw it as a condensation of light. I believe the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is not the light of the Golden Sun, of a galactic sun, but of the light of the Black Sun, of the Green Thunderbolt. It is not the "light of the Akashic Archives," but of another universe. The Akashic Archives belong to the Enemy. If the Hyperborean Memory of the Blood can be penetrated, then the Voice would awake and recover the Vril, thus breaking the Eternal Return. For this Shastriya, Brahman and Esoteric Hitlerist India aims to conserve the purity of the blood, to be able to "remember" more effectively and win the Great War. The Jews do something altogether different, in the opposite extreme with their "anti-blood." So it is understandable there is no way to fight freely against the Dark Lord if we do not conserve the purity of the blood, by means of "pagan biological racism," that Evola and the traditionalists, through ignorance of the real terms of the conflict, even if they want to say the same thing, would refute. The true esoteric race theory of Gunter, Rosenberg and the SS initiates. In a word, GERMANIC race theory. As we have seen, by saying "Aryan race" we say it all. Because this term is esoteric, referring to an initiation that permits men to be born anew, for the second time. The name "Aryan race" was chosen and adopted by Hitler. And by ancient Hinduism.


The SS were conforming to their own racial vehicles so that the Hyperborean Archetype of the Aryan Collective Unconscious would express itself. Giving these vehicles a renewed life, the Archetype could incarnate here below. They were Sonnenmenschen, Sun-Men, Supermen, Man-Gods, Total-Man, Magician-Man. The new aristocracy of the Aryan race and not that traditional degenerate aristocracy that Evola made his own and defended. (He told me he was not a fascist or Hitlerist and his ideal was Metternich). Forming here the vehicle of pure blood, the next step would consist in a pact of white magic with the Hyperborean Archetype, an evocation or invocation that would make possible his "incarnation" in the totality of the Aryan Folk, the truly chosen. Once having reached this stage, the dichotomy of a "race of the body" without a "race of the spirit," or without "race of soul" is not possible. This can only come to pass in the actual state of things, in this racial chaos, where the comparison given by Evola of the Dutch or Danish "race of body," lacking horizon or destiny because it does not possess a "race of soul" or "race of spirit." That example has no relevance in Hitlerist society where the Archetype of the Aryan-Hyperborean "Collective Unconscious" was incarnating itself (and had reached Holland and Denmark). My suspicion is that Esoteric Hitlerism lacked time to realize the Pact of White Magic to renew that Ancient Pact with the Hyperborean Archetype God, the authentic Lord of Hosts. Understanding things in that way one understands furthermore that all that "traditionalist" argumentation is against a non-existent biologist or materialist "pagan" understanding. The matter is profoundly spiritual, metaphysical, relating to the incarnation of a Hyperborean Archetype on earth, among us. Jung psychologized, already forced as we have said by an ancient Mystery: that of Tulku, Boddhisatva, Avatar. But Jung helped us to understand and penetrate the Mystery. And he has been the only one in our time who has referred to Hitler in this way, even though, after the war that he also lost, he wanted to unsay it, to forget what he had said with contradictory unhappy declarations. Silence would have been better. There is no way to understand the Great War without rising towards these positions, reaching these distances by means of analysis. From there one can furthermore know on which side we stand. And whether we choose good or bad, here lies the possibility of a conscious choice. When Hitler said "the race of the spirit ('racial breeding') was more solid and enduring than a purely biological race," taking as example the Jew himself, "the 75

farthest from the animal on earth," perhaps he was referring to this very thing, to this "Pact" he would not himself come to achieve fully: "Because the lack of time did not permit us to realize our dreams fully and, therefore, the results of this war will be in consequence." (See "The Golden Band"). He could not do more than win by losing, for now. We repeat, unfortunately Julius Evola did not understand the enormous favor Jung gave to Aryan man with his idea of the two Collective Unconsciousnesses, the most valuable tool given to Esoteric Hitlerism. He also did not understand Esoteric Hitlerism. Perhaps he was too close to the Avatar in space as well as in time. So great was the energy that emanated from his vortex that only adoration or rejection were possible, never indifference. Humility and voluntary detachment are necessary from the self to be able to be an unconditional partisan of the Fuhrer Prinzip, essential Aryan idea that only emerges from the greatest depths of the "blood memory." Evola ended taking refuge in the distance of "integral traditionalism" and an aristocracy more of class than of race. The Jews, on the other hand, as was logical, instantly understood the danger implied by the Jungian idea. They could not rid themselves of Jung so they had him censured, in accord with their familiars and disciples, making the theory of the two Collective Unconsciousnesses disappear from his works, in such a way that they would henceforth be found no more. Due to the mention made in the book of professor McQuire, "Jung Speaking," where the interviews in which Jung refers to Hitler are reproduced, this work was not published by the publishers in London. In that book they gave much space to my conversations with the Helvetic professor. In the same way as Toynbee found an explication for the birth of historic civilization in the Jungian idea of the archetypes, they can also be used to penetrate the Mystery of the corruption and loss of Paradesha, of Polar Hyperborea, the Golden Age and Twilight of the Aryan Gods. We must indeed rise higher to the Platonic vision, remembering with Weininger to refer to Judaism. The perfect world of the origins corresponded and will correspond to the expression, in a determined point of the Universe, of a simultaneous ubiquitous mode of a God of the Light of the Black Sun. Even more possibly of the Gods of the Green Thunderbolt, because men themselves were Gods. The Hyperborean race, lowered, or fallen from beyond the stars, through a star. The most ancient traditions, legends and myths refer to a combat that happened outside of this world (Nikolai Berdyaev spoke of a "Prologue to Terrestrial History") and they even say the Gral were the Stone fallen from the Crown of Lucifer, broken in his stellar 76

combat (Otto Rahn). Lucifer, thus, would have been one of those Gods of the Light of the Black Sun, signifying his name. Most Beautiful Light, precisely, Luci-Bel, as the Cathars called him. He would enter through the Star of Morning, Venus, Oiyehue, as the Araucano Indians named this star. The subtle falsification made in Genesis and Christianity presents a Lucifer who is not like him. I can also not accept here the Evolian idea of the Titans, making Prometheus and Lucifer appear as giants of ancient times, the protagonists of a malefic rebellion. That is the Jewish idea that the Jews have made triumphant with their interpretation of the battle of David with the giant Goliath who was doubtless an Amorite Aryan, a noble trustworthy being. Thus as there is a Hyperborean Archetype, a God of the Black Sun, there is also Chaos. A Lord of galactic shadows, who tends towards nothingness and who, in parallel universes, wins his Great War against the Sons of Hyperborean Light. Here on earth he has gone through his followers who are primarily worthy to call themselves this by being called defeated and fallen. The defeat of the "angels who fell in love with the daughters of men," of the animal-men, beings exclusively earthly. This is the "original sin." A Racial Sin. The blood loses its purity and, losing it, ceases to be the most appropriate vehicle for the Archetype of the Men-Gods, of the Divine Hyperboreans to express themselves pristinely. Here we have the defeat, the beginning of the loss of Paradesha, of Avalon, of Thule, of Polar Hyperborea. The Divine Ones arrive on earth, already defeated in a stellar combat, or as colonizers, the angels of which "The Book of Enoch" and the most ancient Irish and Norse Sagas speak, the Tuathas de Dannan, the Nephilim of Genesis, the Vanir, Aesir, the Koravas, the Pandevas of Aryan Hinduism "who taught the arts of civilization to the sons of men," only so that their pure blood could remain in contact with the Hyperborean Archetype of their Lord, their King or extracosmic Fuhrer and keep clear the memory among them, eternally alive. Miscegenation contaminates the blood and that obscures memory. The wars of which the Eddas and Mahabaratha speak were perhaps punitive wars against those who had transgressed the divine law of race, wars of the Vanir against the Aesir, the Koravas against the Pandavas. Of the Solar Race against the Lunar Race, of the Suryavansa against the Chandravansa. The Lord of Darkness, the Prince of the Shadows, the Enemy of Light, Representative of Chaos, had found how to disintegrate the Hyperborean Cosmos, drawing the divinities to mixing with the daughters of the earth, with animal-men. 77

Here begins the involution of the Golden Age, the Twilight of the Gods, when the Wolf Fenrir has devoured even Wotan, through the disappearance of delicate Baldur. It is the Age of Lead, the Kali Yuga, the Darkest Age. And the Archetype of the Shadows and Chaos will also have necessity to be able to work for a world ever more materialized, ever further from the Earlier Light, with his followers, with his bodies, with his "robots" and his anti-blood, with his mechanized chromosomes and genes. Here we have the Jew. And the Great War of the Worlds without end. In truth, War of Hyperborean Siddhas and Demons.

The incarnation of the Lord of Darkness is not completed through one race, but with an anti-race and with a contra-initiation, to use an expression of Rene Guenon. This anti-race nevertheless practices a "racist," scientific and wise politics, absolutely strict, so that in comparison the Hitlerist racial dispositions seem like child's play. In any case the latter were of recent application whereas that of the Jews have been put into practice for millennia, as a religious-racist code dictated by their Archetype and confirmed by a Pact of Black Magic including blood sacrifices as the best way to make their Pact effective. Communication is maintained and expedited by the anti-blood thanks to mysterious "eugenic" and "racist" dispositions. Thus the anti-religion of an anti-blood. An obscure theoethnology. The question that finally imposes itself on the observer of the historic drama of Judaism is the following: How is it possible that some bastard tribes, from such contradictory undesirable hybrid strains, that such a people could survive for millennia in inhospitable conditions and constant persecution? All other nations with such a high proportion of miscegenation have disappeared. But not the Jew. The answer to this disturbing question has almost been given through the previously expressed considerations. On one hand for a people of desert nomads the conditions of life in foreign lands always entrenched in strange organizations that in the end repel them are ideal, not inhospitable. The nomad depends on his tents and takes them up at the first warning. It is the same with gypsies, belonging to inferior castes in India, with predatory tribes that seem to have so much in common with the Jew. On the other hand, the persecution to which the Jew has been the victim has been provoked by him, as a means to help them maintain their 78

cohesion. Even today, when he has occupied a country in Israel, this is not taken very seriously since the international arena is his means, because his ambition is the world. Israel and Jerusalem are only the geographic location of the Temple, the central point "where Jehovah desires to be adored." Something like Mecca for the Muslim. Place of pilgrimage and sporadic reunions. An oasis in the desert. To use the expression of Nietzsche, the Jew would have "the desert expand," until it covers the earth. It is difficult to know the true origin of this people. In the visit I made to professor Herman Wirth, founder of the Ahnenerbe, high specialized organism of investigation of the SS, and one of the most extraordinary students of Nordic preantiquity, I asked him about the Jews. He gave me a strange unexpected answer: "Nomadic people, from slaves, who lived on the periphery of the great civilization of the Gobi…" I deeply regret not having asked more about this. Professor Wirth knew many languages, Sanskrit, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew and had finished a work on the origin of the Jews, fruit of investigations through his entire long life. When I knew him he was 94 years old and remained agile and alert. Even then, not long before dying, the manuscripts of his work were stolen from him, it is believed by his own collaborators. Marxist infiltrators, or perhaps even Catholics, caused this most valuable work to disappear. The world will never know of it. It is a tragedy as great as the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. At least for me. The identical hand will have committed the same crime to cover up evidence. It is believed the Jews are Semites, but only in part. Therefore it is unjust to speak of Antisemitism when it concerns them. The pure Semite is an historical unknown, the Bedouin nomad most resembling him. The Bedouin abandoned the deserts in remote times. When we come to have news of him, he was already mixed with other peoples in his vagabond through Asia Minor. One of the Semite tribes is the Beni-Israel. The Bible relates their wanderings, but that document is not credible because it is sent to us fixed by the Jews down into every small detail. The Beni-Israel, or israelu, reached Ur as humble nomad shepherds. Abraham is the king of Ur and his name, like that of Sara, is Sumerian-Akkadian. The Jews appropriated them. Abraham, the legendary king of Ur, is not Semite. They were expelled and went to Canaan, to the area of Gossen (we remember the name of Allende Gossens). The people called Israel were born during the period from the expulsion from Egypt to the conquest of Canaan and they are not the Jews. There they formed a miserable state 79

surrounded by powerful nations at war with each other. The original people of Canaan are the ancestors of the present-day Syrians, a mix of Semites and Syrians. Returning to Canaan, the Israelites mixed with Sirio-Semites. Before then they had already mixed with the Abrahamites, Moabites, Edomites or Idumeans. Bastard is the term used for mixtures of antagonistic elements. During the Babylonian exile they dictated the draconian laws prohibiting mixing even with similar tribes. From this entire undesirable hodgepodge the Jew emerged. This cloaca gentium (human cesspool) was the biological reservoir of all the hybrids of Asia Minor. So the Israelite is thus a mix of Syrian, Semite and Turanian, which is to say Sumerian-Akkadian, as well as Indo-European Amorite. We repeat that the term Israelite is inappropriate for referring to any of these peoples. Israelite, "he who struggles with God," also equates with an esoteric derivation that, like the Aryan term for it, is from the Nordic-Polar world. The Semite may be a result of crosses between Negroes and Yellows as well as whites. As has been said, the most authentic Semite is the Bedouin emigrated from the deserts of Arabia, from which the Semite keeps his nomadic characteristics. That is why he is called Homoarabicus. This is the soul that most perdures in the Jew. Of his many souls it is the most permanent: cruel nomad, treacherous and cowardly. He is lazy so others must do the work for him. The Bedouin family of Beni-Israel, as we have seen, established itself in the vicinity of Ur. (Wirth would say: "On the periphery of the very ancient and mythical civilization of the Gobi." Would he therefore claim that the entire history related in Genesis refers as well to a much more ancient, almost symbolic, time? We shall never know.) Ur is where this primitive ignorant tribe acquired its first rudimentary knowledge, from the lower layers of the Akkadian population, the only ones with whom they were allowed contact. And it was these puny rudiments of wisdom that were passed on to make the fragmentary knowledge expressed in "their" Genesis. The chronicle of Genesis is SumerianAkkadian and refers to other regions of the planet (perhaps the Gobi) and to extraterrestrial antediluvian events. They are memories of other people and another world than that of the ignorant primitive Semite nomads who had exploited it for their own advantage. And that is what has then been passed on to constitute the "Holy Book" of the religious wisdom of Semitized Aryans: Genesis, the "Hebrew" Bible. The Semite is not creative. Nor are the numerals called Arabic the creation of the Arabs, but of the Indo-Aryans. The Jew, as we have said, abstracts 80

mathematics and the Cabala, turning them into private tools of everything corporal. His mosques and other monuments are works of conquered Aryan peoples. The writing is also not Semitic. Another ethnic factor with which Homo-arabicus mixes is the Hittite, the Homo-siriacus. The ancient Syrians are not Semites, in this like the Armenians who are also not Semites. Neither are they Aryans. It is difficult today to distinguish between Syrians, Armenians and Jews. The actual Armenian has no more than a ten percent of Aryan blood. During a thousand years the Beni-Israel, the "Semite," received the influences of the Syrian. The so-called Jews are also bastards of Semites and Syrians. The Syrians adopted the Semitic idioms, Hebrew and Aramaic. The Semites engendered children with Syrian slaves. Homo-siriacus is brachycephalic, Homo-arabicus, dolichocephalic. The Jewish nose is a Hittite inheritance. (Homo-arabicus lost the elongated dolichocephalic cranium when the Jew supplanted the Israelite. The Egyptians, who only knew the Jew in the time of Solomon, have reproduced his type in the pictures in their temples, next to other "anti-races" of the epoch. The ancient Semitic type has already become extinct. And it is important to know the cranium changed more slowly than the other physical characteristics, than the skin color, for example, to have an approximate idea of the time elapsed. And the brain changed even more slowly than the skull. Another reason why Jews have arranged Genesis and the Bible is that the Hittite God, Baal, had an enormous influence in Israel. They have tried to make apparent only their fiction of a pure "Abrahamic" origin. The Hittite or Homo-siriacus, is open, generous, guileless. He was easy prey for the Semites of Homo-arabicus, who is lazy but clever. In Canaan groups of Amorites also lived as good neighbors with the friendly Hittites. He is Homo-europaeus. Tall, white, with blue eyes. The Egyptians nicknamed him Tamehu, "Man of the North." They were the remnants of the vanguard of the Hyperboreans who invaded Egypt in the time of the final catastrophes that made the polar continent disappear, as we told Spanuth. The mysterious Hyskos, the Shepherd Kings, who built the city of Avris (Hyperborean name, see my book NOS), who adored Seth, God of War and Storms, another name for Wotan, are also Hyperboreans, arriving in 1700 B.C. According to Spanuth, the Philistines were equally so, belonging to a Nordic-Hyperborean tribe. Chamberlain seems not to be in agreement about this. But it was the Amorites, not the Philistines, who terrorized the Jews, who called them "children of Enoch." 81

They fought the Jews when the latter entered surreptitiously into Palestine. Goliath is an Amorite, assassinated without risk, stoned when they challenged him to knightly combat. The Amorites were valiant and loyal. David, who was three-quarters or more of Amorite origin, assumed the throne with the help of the Philistines and as a vassal of them. He favored mixing with Amorites; his women were Philistines and Amorites. According to the description of him in the Bible, David was lightskinned, blond and blue-eyed. His mother would have been an Amorite He could only take Jerusalem after eight years of rule with the help of foreign forces. He chose an Amorite fortification for his residence. David is different from any Jew whomsoever; he was a shepherd who served with gusto in the Philistine Armies. The mother of Solomon was also not Jewish. The mentality of both kings was Amorite, not Jewish. The Amorite is generous, adventurous, martial. He is the builder of great fortifications, today disappeared. They have also completely disappeared from the historic and racial scene. Because of the condition of the weakness of the superior already described, neither their physical traits nor their character have survived in the Jew of today. On the other hand, and as we have seen, the Israelite of those times was not a Jew. This comes to constitute something like a biological insult. Mixture is not the word, since that signifies a union of sympathetic similar elements. Bastard is the term. Conjunction, association of opposed bloods, of the Semite with the Hittite and with the Amorite. In Aryan India all this is perfectly codified in the "Laws of Manu." No one gains from a mixing of castes ( called varna, which means colour) or of inferior with superior. Both lose and the karma of all is damaged. This is the current situation of things. The present Jew becomes a continuum (Einsteinian) within an abysmal bastardization. And it is this continuum in which the entire mystery of the Jewish Problem is centered. As we wrote in "The Golden Band: Esoteric Hitlerism," the Jew is neither an Israelite nor a Hebrew. He has made both of them disappear, appropriating and inventing a tradition. Changing history and erasing every dangerous trace. The most intelligent Israelite tribe was the Josephites; they had Egyptian blood. Joseph married a daughter of a priest of Heliopolis. The Josephites hated the tribe of Judah. In the times of the Alexandrian diaspora Jews were inoculated with black blood. Today the Jew can be defined as the following: a 5 percent of his mix comes from Homo-siriacus, with a round skull, brachycephalic, "Jewish" nose, 82

short stocky body; another five percent from Homo-arabicus, dolicocephalic, elongated skull, slim, tall; another ten percent from Homo-europeaus. Eighty percent remains composed of an indefinite hodgepodge with contrasting traits and qualities.

Our contemporaries, particularly Chileans and South Americans, view this as nothing terrible or extraordinary as they themselves are descendants of the welter of hybridism, miscegenation and bastardism with a religion that defends, preaches and exalts them. Since the last war Jewish politics has been directed to destroy the remnants of the Aryan race in the world, especially invading England, France and Germany with armies of Negroes, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Chinese, Turks, etc. The white race will quickly disappear, like the mythical Amorite, the Biblical nephilim arrived from beyond the stars. The Jews took from them the idea of "chosen people." So the bastard Jew, who then imposed on his people the most terrible racial laws historic times have ever known, claims to be the one-eyed king in the land of the blind. And this happened at the moment in the history of the earth when the Lord of Darkness decided to use an instrument apt for fulfilling the work of disintegration, in the eternal war against the divine Sons of Another Light. At the extreme opposite from the pure blood of the Aryans there must be maintained the constant impurity (that continuum) of the Jewish blood. And it is this anti-blood and by it that the Lord of Darkness establishes the Pact with his "chosen people," appropriating the name of Jehovah, a Canaanite God. In order that this pact can never be betrayed, it must establish itself on the horrific sentiment of Racial Sin. The mix with other undesirable human bloods is not sufficient. It must be completed through abysmal mixing with animals. From thence the sheidim of the Bible. In this way a Pact of Black Magic is fulfilled, possibly realized in a "mental cohabitation." Rabbinic cohabitation. The animal features of the Jews show themselves. Any face of a leading Jew, especially of the rabbis, shows traits of an animal totem. The sin committed against the laws of sacred harmonies is something that cannot be erased. So says Jeremiah (Jeremiah II. 22): "Even if you wash yourselves with bleach, your sin is sealed before me, saith the Lord Jehovah." Because of this the Jew also hates the beauty of nature. Because this beauty is a nostalgia for Hyperborea.


To establish the accords of this pact between the Archetype and its people they invented "Deuteronomy," attributing it to Moses. Then the "Talmud." The Renewed Covenant is signed with the Archetype as a notary contract. Whereby the certifying notaries were the rabbis. They were Esdras, the Great Synagogue and Nehemiah, not Moses, who were the true inventors of Judaism with their 13,600 laws, with their nomocracy, their government of Law; the Kahal, that arid community that Henry Ford compared with the Comintern of the Soviets. The Age of the Prophets did not correspond to the Jewish era and is anterior to the pact that was in preparation and yet to come. We could say that, from before, from long ago, the Archetype of the Lord of Darkness, from his extraterrestrial abyss, devoted all his attention to it. It is not necessary to repeat here what I have already written regarding this same drama in "The Golden Band," even when reiteration becomes necessary for the blind men of today. "Racial" politics, the religion of the anti-blood, so to speak, imposed on the Jew by the Jew, is a fanatic "science," which he can never resist. If, that is, it seems necessary to take doses of Aryan genes, but not too much to lose their animal characteristics and traits that they must keep as signs of their "election" (in this way and no other), preferred by their Archetype, by their infrahuman Demiurge. Marriage with non-Jewish women is forbidden to them (the transgression confirms the law). All the Rothschilds must marry Jews. And if this does not happen it is because the Synagogue has allowed it, keeping other goals in mind. In truth, as has been said, the "racism" of this "anti-race" makes those intended by Hitler and the SS seem like an infantile game. The already asked disturbing question, why among all the bastard peoples of the earth, which are so many, only the Jew has escaped the fatal law of annihilation (Goethe predicted this disappearance, yet it has not occurred nor will occur), is answered in the mystery of that pact with a non-human entity who needs it because only through it can he fulfill his ends of dissolution and chaos, plunging towards nothingness and carrying his War against the representatives of the other light to its consummation. He will give them the material world as promised always on condition they obey his laws, especially with the special arrangements that affect the anti-blood. And they render him cult and sacrifices. Hence that Dark Being lives by those sacrifices and feeds from the lives of his servants. The pact must include the clause on non-eternity, on non-immortality, permitting only the triumph of the Kingdom of dense matter, of the power of this matter. A dead Jew is a Jew forever disappeared into the abyss, into the bottomless belly of the 84

Archetype who thus lives and feeds. Somber Golem, Dracula drinking blood, perhaps to save himself, escaping from the Cycle of cycles, so this must be completed here while alive in this cycle, today. Already later nothing will exist. The effort must be made today. For all these reasons Hitler declared the Jew (even being a sheidim) is the most distant from the animal among men. Because he is an anti-race, product of a Mind, a Law, a science of the blood, of the religion of the anti-blood. In a certain manner he is an "anti-race of the spirit," of the "Counter-Spirit." The most worthy and dramatic opponent in the Great War. If the world should not be completely dominated and corrupted by the Jew, only Esoteric Hitlerism will be able to stop him. The Return of the Fuhrer. ……………………………………………………………………………………… As incredible and ancient as these histories told here might seem, they are not the most ancient of all. In the times of Zarathustra this War also existed; the enemies were the Turanians. In the India of Parasu-Rama there were the asuras. In our time the so-called "Jews." It remains the same, because it is a symbolic affair, inherited from other universes. It is a History in truth Sacred and Cursed. Lucifer may know if this War must be redeemed in all the universes, but we do not know. The Creation itself seems to be a war, a conflict. Even so it does not have to be a cosmic absolute dualism. This dualism, visible here, does not have to affect us, since, not being mono-theists (the Aryans have never been) neither are we mono-demonists. If there are many in God, the same must happen with the demons, with the lords of darkness. For the Cathars the conflict, the mixing, the Demiurge of this world whom they called Jehovah only became active from the Fifth Heaven here below. Beyond, higher, the matter becomes indescribable, incomprehensible, with other ineffable worlds, perhaps without pairs of opposites. In the time of Hyperborea this War did not exist. (Hyperborea was beyond the Fifth Heaven of the Cathars.) Even during the great war of the Mahabaratha, and in the war of the Aesir and Vanir as well, the body was not so materialized. It is only today, for this reason, that the conflict will end in the destruction of the visible physical world. Therefore the Avatar of Hitler has not come only to close a Yuga, but a Manvantara. His mission was not to destroy the world, the physical earth. He could not do it. That is the labor of the Jew and his Archetype, the Lord


of Chaos and Darkness. The Jew can no longer do otherwise, he has been "programmed" for this. And the return of Kalki, who will come to judge, mounted on a White Horse, carrying a flaming sword, like a comet… The return of the Fuhrer, at the limit of the disaster (the change of the Age into the New Age), in the confines between one world and another, of the physical earth and the spiritual earth, will be in a vimana, in a Disk of Light (that "will descend from the sky"). And he will also come to judge, rescuing his chosen ones of the Ultimate Battalion, of his Wildes Heer.


At the distance of more than forty years since comrades Del Campo and Benito Rebolledo instructed me in the fundamental Jewish problem, I look back and know the path taken to penetrate and understand it has been a circular movement, approximating a center. Only by means of inspiration, receiving messages from the "memory of the blood" and from Beyond this Center, will the Mystery be revealed. And this would not have been possible for me without my encounter with the Maestro and his Initiation. I open the copy of "The New Age" from November 4, 1941 and reread my essay "The Jews Invade Chile." It is still as relevant as if I had written it for the Chile of today. As it also is in its historical description, as if it were making an arch over time to connect that 24 year old youth with the man of 65 I am now. But what I have shown in the previous pages is the fruit of all that time passing through the study and inner reflection they have made possible. And that would not have been possible without the tools and keys the Maestro has given me, together with the Initiation. In "Neither By Land Nor Sea," my first courageous work, I said I owe so much to the war that I can only be a warrior. I repeat this today. I owe everything to Hitler, since without him nothing would have been known, nothing would have been allowed to us. Of course, the encounter with the Maestro was not a casual event. The old hermetic expression says it well: "When the disciple is ready, the Maestro appears." Jung has called this "synchronicity.' A strange coincidence, almost 86

magical, between an interior situation and an exterior one. Nietzsche referred to "moments of chance filled with meaning." The encounter with the Maestro has been in preparation since forever, without the understanding of my rational consciousness. These things have almost always come to me in the pattern of my life as a surprise. In "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba" I said the meeting with this Queen is unexpected, never recognized at the instant. The same happened with the Maestro. And even though this may have recurred infinite times in the Eternal Return. Likewise with Hitler. In "The Golden Band" I relate the strange impression, almost repellent, I felt the first time I saw a photo of Adolf Hitler in a display window on a street in Santiago. I did not "remember" or "know" in the moment. I anticipate this will not happen again, neither with the Maestro nor with the Fuhrer, nor with the Queen of Sheba, in the Eternal Return, should the Eternal Return continue, if we are not going to find the exit from the Circle of circles in this Round. In the years before the war, and then until 1941, I believed the destiny of mortals would be decided only here on earth. I knew very little of the ancient sciences, magic, alchemy, hermeticism. They aroused suspicion in me. I remember some conversations with Jason about these subjects that fascinated him. "If you are not interested in magic as a discipline, then teach yourself about it as a cultural necessity," he had said to me: I was at that time completely under the influence of German philosophers and poets, in the social sciences, in Spengler, D. H. Lawrence. Yet Keyserling had in some sense opened a road in that direction. He was my favorite writer of those years, especially his books "South American Meditations" and "Travel Diary of a Philosopher." I only speak of those years, of my first writings, of my friendship with Jason and my meeting with Chilean National Socialism; but earlier, much earlier (for a boy of that age five or six years are many), though it may have been thirteen or fourteen years earlier, I bought a book on hypnosis and the power of the mind in a bookstore near the hill of Santa Lucia (the "Cultural Bookshop" of Francisco Fuentes). I do not know why. Perhaps because a great-aunt of mine who almost always lived in Europe, a woman of strong personality, had spoken to me about hypnotism and reincarnation, in which she believed. In 1941, during the war, when I wrote the essay on the Jewish problem, I would have ended up in a blind alley at the end if I had only followed the way of visible Hitlerism, of political Nazism. I would today be the same as the exoteric fighters, the survivors without hope, swaying like nostalgic sleepwalkers when 87

feeling the Iron Ring closing ever more around our heads, not understanding that very many keep talking about Hitler while few mention Churchill, Roosevelt or Stalin. Without knowing it, I would have run into a limit that could not be penetrated with the intellectual tools at my disposition, not even with the help of my painter friends. Even more, to be able to advance through these dangerous and unknown territories other means would have been needed, new formulas I would not have known where to find, if a "synchronistic" event had not intervened, a "chance full of meaning" produced just in that instant, as if someone had been watching and came to the rescue. Thus the alchemist's verdict was fulfilled: "It does not matter how alone you are, if you realize the right work then unknown friends will come to your aid." There is something more I can not explain adequately even today. Better said, I do not find the form to describe it with appropriate words, in spite of having tried in more than one of my works, in "Neither by Sea Nor Land," "The Serpent of Paradise," "The Hermetic Circle" and "NOS: Book of Resurrection." While I slept during the night or at dawn, I awoke suddenly with a bang passing from an intermediate state between dream and wakefulness. Then electrical vibrations began to climb from some vague center up my body, becoming sharper the higher they climbed. I seemed to be awake, more awake than during the day, but I could not move, finding myself paralysed so that not one word could escape from my mouth, even when I tried. There were mornings when the maid entered the room to take me breakfast and left it on the bedside table. I saw her, heard her, more awake than one could be during the day, without being able to get out of my rigidity. The strange phenomena occurred in three phases. First, that waking without really waking up, usually at dawn. It left me on a limit between two worlds. A sensation of being dragged to an abyss, to a void I would be sucked down if I let myself fall into deep sleep, into this abyss which was the death of the self and consciousness. It produced in me an unspeakable horror. It was like waking in a coffin, dead, and trying to breathe. The inertia and weight leading into this void were irresistible. I struggled to return to myself, without being sure whether it would succeed, feeling if not the result would be death and dissolution. I kept on fighting and fell back, desperately fighting again until I finally succeeded. Then the second stage occurred. I was really awake, but "without being awake" in the center of those vibrations that prevented me from moving, leaving me paralysed, in this intermediate world between sleep and waking, completely lucid


but without seeing clearly either the here below or the afterlife. I only reached a third state after I met the Maestro. It was totally impossible to interpret this event. I had read about catalepsy and feared someday they would take me for dead and bury me, returning to life later in the coffin. Who knows if all this was anything but a "memory" of a similar incident that had taken place in another Round! I seriously thought about seeing a doctor. The fear he would take me for mad stopped me, not knowing how to explain in words so strange a fact, a situation that was not physical, so to speak. Many years later I told my experience to Professor Jung and he seemed not to understand it. I even described the phenomena to the Dalai Lama and received no satisfactory reply. Only the Maestro gave me one. That was why I could turn to him without reservations.

The Cultural Attaché of the Italian Embassy was named Hugo Gallo. He was a Roman type, his eyes full of light and the glory of life. Possessor of a classical culture, he applied his knowledge to the events of the present, such that his interpretation of current events was never fragmentary but global, searching for distant roots with projects that exceeded the transitory. We collaborated in "The New Age" and his articles were very valuable to us. I took them to his office in the Embassy, then housed in a building of red bricks like a castle well-framed by Santa Lucia hill ("Sleeve" according to the Mapuches), on Moneda Street at the bottom of a corner of the hill. One morning in 1941 I went back to his office to ask for his articles. I found him sitting at his desk, lost in the views of the towers and peaks of the hill, which could be seen from his window. This time he had nothing for me. Apparently he did not want to keep writing that day. At my insistence he said to me in a strange way: "Why write, why keep fighting outside…? You have an extraordinary country. There are unique people here, difficult to find in any other part of the world… Just now I got to know someone…" and he fell silent. I countered: "The war, Hugo, the combat, our enemies, we can not renounce…" "I know that, Miguel, and I am not thinking of giving up the fight, only continuing it in a more effective way, on other levels…" "On what other levels? I don't understand. We can only fight it here. If I could go fight on the Russian Front." 89

"No. There is another way to destroy the enemy…" "What other way? I don't know any, except those with weapons in hand." I understood nothing, and pressed my arguments. He stayed very quiet, always with the view in the distance, as if he heard an interior voice from high battlements surrounded with the transparent light of old Santiago, from that remote Chile. "There is someone you should know, a very great being, a compatriot of yours… What a strange country, Chile!" I came back without his contribution and I believe I never returned for another from him. But I continued to visit him to talk about the war and hear about his country. From time to time he reiterated the necessity for me to get to know this mysterious being of whom he gave me no further details. So it happened that one day, actually more to please this cultured and valued friend, I agreed to accompany him to visit this personage who was surrounded by an aura of mystery, by fragmentary allusions and the reticence in which he was referred.

It is not only in our country that the term "esoteric" is held in very low esteem. Educated literary people, cultured people, as they like to call themselves, reject all that might have anything to do with the word. In truth, this is due to a general lack of culture, as my friend Jason would have said, an incomplete superficial formation. If one prefers, to rationalism. I was not free of it in those times. Also, my refusal was due to the fact that Jews and Freemasons are those who spread occult and spiritual sects that today, especially, are drowning us. India herself was seen as a focus of this contamination, and the priest Omer Emeth (Emilio Vaisse), literary critic of "El Mercurio," had already attacked Count Keyserling for the admiration he showed for Aryan Hindu thought and the China of Lao-Tse. Such are the extremes of the personalities who represented and represent our American Creole world However, there is a reason, but one of a different kind, to distrust and turn away from all these organizations and occult literature, managed backstage by Freemasonry and Judaism. They serve to divert the attention and path of youth, diverting them into the "business of the world," which thereby remains in their ambitious hands alone. After the war, from the sixties until now, an indiscriminate 90

use has been made of occultism, Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, mixing them with black music, the "Beatles," "pop" music, drugs, the "hippies" and even the artificially provoked "boom" in Hermann Hesse, thereby destroying more than two generations of youth around the world. All this is a plan skillfully managed, as usual, by the "Elders of Zion." This has been made possible by the absence of an authentic esotericism in the religions of the West, by the non-existence of a Christian Esotericism, something that could develop, since there were some supportive Aryan elements including, as we have seen, gnosis and gnosticism. The Church bureaucracy has consciously worked, of this we may be sure, with the great plan of the Elders of Zion, an organization to which it belongs, as the teachings of Rosenberg, also "esoteric," instruct us, as we have already mentioned. Their evident hypocrisy manifests when their representatives tear their clothes ("Opus Dei," Jesuits, etc.) on hearing the word esotericism so much as spoken. They are the culprits for its proliferation, for having given Christianity an eminently judaic, Marxist or proto-marxist direction, bringing about the disappearance of Aryan elements that had gathered around it in the first years after its enthronement in Rome, with the contribution of Nordic blood and ancient Mithraic-Iranian cultic rituals. Previously the first Christian commoners found themselves formed exclusively by Jews from Alexandria, Syria and Sicily. Otto Rahn was right when he referred to the differences between Orthodox Judaism and Judaized Christianity as a quarrel among rabbis. All known great religions have had an exoteric aspect, that is, exterior, profane, for the masses of believers, and another esoteric, for a restricted select minority of initiates. So it was with the Egyptian and Greek cults. Those ignorant people who pompously speak to us about Aristotle, Socrates, Plato and the "rational thought of the Greeks" ignore the fact that behind their ideas one finds the Eleusinian Mysteries of Delphi and elsewhere, in which these same philosophers, above all Plato, Aeschylus, Euripides took part, though they could not speak of it in public. The Orphic cults and mythology are the foundation of the philosophical thought of Ancient Greece. The word esoteric itself comes from the Greek work eisoteo and means "to enter into" and "to open a door" (towards the Gods: Theo, eiso-theo). Jean Marquis Rivière, a great anti-Mason who wrote "The Treason of Masonry," after having known them from the inside and been at Hitler's side during the Great War, in his book "History of the Esoteric Doctrines" quoted from Origen: "If it is necessary to keep to the letter and understand what is written in 91

the Law in the manner of the Jews or the masses, I would blush with shame to say aloud that it were God who had given us such laws… Only a very limited mind could admit God would have subjected himself to agricultural labor, planting trees in the Garden of Eden, situated to the East, and that one of those trees was the Tree of Life while the other could give the Science of Good and Evil. No one, I believe, can take these things as meaning anything other than symbols under which the Mysteries are hidden…" The contemporary Christian Church, precisely, has understood them in this wrong way, to the letter, "like the Jews," exoterically, not esoterically. Nevertheless to say "like the Jews" is an error. One would have to say "as the Jews want." Because they also possess an exotericism, for their masses, represented by the Torah and Talmud, and an esotericism, in the Cabala (which means: "Received Tradition"), in the Zohar ("brightness"), the Merkaba or Chariot being the most secret part of the Cabala which only initiated rabbis know and use as the powerful tool of their magic. We have already said that the Cabala reached them from elsewhere, like everything else, in the Middle Ages, even though they tell us otherwise, using and transforming it in concordance with their Archetype. The Hasidim, from Poland, represent an exclusively esoteric sect of Judaism. Islam also has its esoteric magic, represented by Sufism and the sect of the Assassins, Hassanists, of Iran. They interpret the Koran symbolically. And it was because of contact with this sect of the "Old Man of the Mountain" that the Templars felt compelled to secede more and more from the direction of Rome, centering themselves in their Esoteric Kristianity and Mystery of the Gral. This was also why Rome destroyed them, like the esoteric Cathars (katharos = pure in Greek), the Bogomils, the Manichees and the gnostics. In the Church of Rome, called Catholic, there only remains a soulless ritual of the Mass, as a liturgical shell that no longer reaches the Symbol, which no longer touches it, no longer puts it into action. The Nordic contribution has been lost, destroyed by prejudice and the ethnological persecution of Nordicism, Germanism and the complete surrender to Judaism. Zen Buddhism preserves the esotericism of Buddha. In Japan Shinto and Zen are practiced by a racially superior warrior caste, the Samurai. The most esoteric side of Hinduism is found in Tantrism, especially in the Kaula or Kula Order. So understood, esotericism is what goes beyond the exterior form and the masses, the physical, and puts an elite in contact with invisible superior forces. In 92

my case, the condition that paralysed me in the midst of dreaming and left me without means to influence the phenomena. The visible is symbol of invisible forces (Archetypes, Gods). By means of an esoteric knowledge, of an initiation in this knowledge, a hierarchic minority can make contact with these invisible forces, being able to act on the Symbol, dynamizing and controlling the physical phenomena that incarnate them. In my case: to come to control the involuntary process which, without knowing how, was controlling me, to be able to guide it, to check or avoid it. Jung referred to this when he said "if someone wisely faces the Archetype, in whatever place in the world, he acquires universal validity because the Archetype is one and indivisible." And the means to reach this spiritual world, "on the other side of the mirror," is Magic, Rite, Ritual, Ceremony. All religions have possessed them, even the Christian, as we have said. And the Rite is not something invented by humans but inspired by "those from beyond," Jung would say by "the Collective Unconscious." Therefore Ritual must be fulfilled with exactitude and according to Law, because it must be about the Archetype, reach to him and "oblige" him to respond, to act, by reciprocal agreement and will. From thence the danger of officiating the Rite in equivocal form, without exactly fulfilling the prescription of the sky, even in the least details of time and space. This is the danger of the Catholic Mass, today officiated by ignorant exoteric priests. He who comes by the same is not a God, but the Demon Jehovah. Thus the world slips into chaos, "his" Chaos. As for ritual, while in India I once assisted in a banquet in honour of the English ex-Viceroy Lord Mountbatten, in the great ceremonial hall of RashtrapatiBharan, ancient palace of the Viceroys. This Lord, who betrayed his Germanic blood and his "memory" (his father was obliged to change his name of Battenberg for Mountbatten), gave a lecture in which he gave the Hindus the good advice "never to neglect ritual and ceremony and to continue to engage in the pomp of former times…" Ritual and Magic were exactly what I was going to seek from the Maestro, the means, the formulas, the signs that would permit me to pass to the "other side" and so initiate dialog with the invisible forces whose symbols are only phenomena of the physical visible world to the eyes of our body. A dialog with "those from beyond" who had taken Jason with them into the glories of their ancient night. This and nothing else is what must properly be called Initiation. To gain knowledge the bards required more than twenty years of instruction. The gnosis of the Aryan Rishis. Rishi means to see. Precisely to see "those from beyond." 93

As has been said, my first encounter with the Maestro did not produce a great impression on me, at least not in the first instance. Essential events have always been like that for me. I found myself before a man of medium height, very clear blue eyes who spoke of things I did not understand so well and to which I did not give too much attention. Instead I listened to the questions of my friend wanting to know the reason that had led him there, abandoning the active struggle. Something like a cloud filled the room and it was difficult for me to concentrate. Amidst this cloud, without knowing how or why, I asked the question about my nocturnal experience. I have never been able to fathom what made me ask since I had not come for that purpose. Besides in that moment I had forgotten all about it. It was as if someone within me had put the question. And the answer surprised me: "The astral body… Do you know something about the astral body? It is a name Paracelsus gave to this aggregate energy, united to the physical body. This is also material substance, but with a more subtle matter of more intense vibrations and that receives the influence of the stars, according to him. Because of this he called it "astral body." The Samkya philosophers of India called it Sushmasarira, the Tantrics Lingasarira, the Egyptians Sahu, the Tibetans Ja-lus, the Chinese Chekai, the Siddha, Siddha-rupa, and the Magi selcnam, the Jon of Tierra del Fuego Huaiyuhuen. Agrippa called it Eydelon, and gnostics the Radiant Body. Well, so many names for one and the same thing that you do not know well and whose substance participates in some way with the energy we call consciousness. But "this," the "Astral Body" does not become conscious in the same way as we are here, in this world where we move with the physical vehicle. So we should say that the Astral Body, as we shall continue to call it, the Eydelon, the Hualyuhuen, only exists in potential, virtually, as we create it, "to invent it," to give it the consciousness of our terrestrial self, to make it conscious, which is the same thing, even if with a different integrated consciousness. With a double consciousness, "from beyond" and "from here." This is the work of a lifetime, here on earth: To invent the astral body, to create it. giving it our consciousness. Thus one will survive death. One could also die when one chooses… And on dying, not lose the awareness "from here." He paused, watching me for a moment and continued: "What happens to you is a blessing, because now you can begin your work, the Great Work as alchemists would say. Paracelsus and Agrippa. To begin to weave, to create, to form your astral body. To give a conscious form to this embryo. Also to unite the 94

subtle body with its higher material, with another "body" even more pure, with energy more spiritual than that of the Hualyuhuen, with the body of inherent awareness, with Budhi. And this work of building bridges between three and more bodies that are in you, that are in some sense yourself, can only be made here on earth. When you have achieved it you will be a Pontiff, a bridge between the worlds, your worlds. You will be a King-Priest, like the pharaohs, the Rishi and like the Fuhrer…"


The Vîra has transmuted his blood, his world, his "astral body," into fire.


Unexpectedly, I knew that I understood what was being said to me, standing in the center of the room, speaking as if inspired. The cloud dissolved and vibrations began to run through me like during my nights. Now I listened to him with great attention. "There is no other way to reach immortality, which is not for all, but only for some few able to fight this battle, the true Combat, this war, the true Great War. Therefore we who are here are warriors of an Order without time, without age… You are being led to this combat by your own destiny, by your astral body which calls you, prompts you to take yourself to conscious life which connects with Another Body, with a divine gnosis, superior, with your Monad, your Purusha, your God and that, consciously, delivers your physical body to know on this earth… The astral body is like the negative of the physical body, but a negative that is blurred. We could say that other photographs of him are being developed. "Reincarnation" or what we call such to facilitate the comprehension of something incomprehensible. The astral body has identical form with the physical body, but in black and white, we might say, being found on the other side of a mirror. Not all possess it; it was a patrimony of the Aryans and it has atrophied, like the Vril. Only the vîras can resurrect it. What is here right is there left; what is here the North Pole is there the South Pole. Therefore when we contemplate the astral body we do not recognize it immediately. The physical body is also different as seen from the astral body. The disciples of Kristos did not recognize him when he came to them after death with a living astral body on the road to Emmaus. Because the dead only resemble the living. Kristos had materialized his astral body and said to them: "Noli me tangere!" It is not possible to touch the materialized astral body; the charge of current produced can kill. As may be seen, this legend corresponds to an Esoteric Kristianity no one today wants to reveal…" He again fell silent. Surrounded in light, he could not be seen well. "What has happened to you is a detachment of your astral body while your physical body sleeps. This occurs to vîras; it's an automatic unconscious process. Sometimes, by simple chance, a glimmer of consciousness reaches this fine body and then, on suddenly awakening or the next day, one gets the impression of experiencing something much more real than physical reality. The deja-vu of psychologists has its explanation in this phenomena of detachment." I had to record these words years later, during my first visit to Vienna. Driving with a friend in a car, I asked him to stop since I "remembered" everything coming to me. I started describing the buildings and streets that would follow. He 97

was very surprised since I was pointing out exactly what we had not yet seen. I had previously never been to that city. So I thought. "The astral body has travelled in the night and remembered in some way, rather, brought to your daily consciousness what he saw, what you saw through it. That is, he has passed his consciousness of that other side, has joined, has made a bridge…" He paused to draw a very Chilean comparison: "Have you seen those children who elevate a kite and send messages with little rolls of paper that go slowly up to the kite? So it is, more or less, with that other. The astral body breaks away, still attached to the physical body by a string which has been called a "silver cord" that is only cut at death. Thanks to this cord we can go immeasurable distances without losing the connection with our physical bodies. It always returns. So it reaches consciousness, like those messages of children with their kite. Yes, we must become like children to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven…with our astral bodies. Pay attention to this other analogy: As a child finds itself joined to its mother by the umbilical cord, so the astral body is joined to its father, the physical body, by a silver cord. The child cries and despairs at birth, when the cord connecting him to his mother is cut. He thinks this is death, but it is a new life. The same befalls the vîra when he dies; when the silver cord is cut he enters into another life. Death is a new life. All this is archetypal. Only those events expressing archetypes have ontological reality. The rest are, well, "the dead who bury the dead, to follow Esoteric Kristianity…" The astronaut, as seen today, is also archetypal who, in cosmic space, on leaving the mother-ship, keeps united to her by a cord. Even so, to be truly born in truth to another cosmic life, this cord must be broken. But purely physical means will not suffice the astronaut, with such a rudimentary technology. In any case, he will not enter into the true "heavenly kingdom." The Maestro continued: "The physical body is the son of the mother; more, the astral body is the "son of the father." You must bring it to light. Do you see? They call Kristos the "Son of Man" because Kristos is the astral body who must be born, born anew, within ourselves. He is the Son of Immortality, of Eternity… For now it is nothing more than a nebula, a formless ghost, an atrophied shadow who asks crying to return to life, to be brought back from the dead, be given a form, your form that gives him a Face. But do not forget the astral body, the Son of Man, of the warrior, is not the same as you but only seems so in part because it will have 98

two faces, or better said it will only have half a face like yours; the other half will be the face of another being who has not yet appeared in your life… As you will have already understood, all this is a definitive essential combat and those who go with me are my warriors because our Order is a Warrior Order, the most ancient, the most holy…" I now began to understand my Italian friend and why he had withdrawn himself from the exterior combat. "What befalls you is the following: Your astral body flies off in the night while your physical body sleeps and dreams all those incoherencies to which psychoanalysts give so much importance and are no more than electrical activity in disarray, so to speak, debris, psychic detritus. food for psychiatrists and necromancers. The astral body remains outside and its energy charge finds itself among the stars, exactly. Yet the body's "electric battery" must find the vital force capable of making itself conscious; to return a Face, two Faces… Some of that would be achieved almost automatically in this case, or rather by reason of work done in previous lives, as a Hindu would say…" As if he had foreseen this, years later Swami Krishna Menon spoke in this manner to me, in Kerala, India. On hearing the story of my experience he told me: "That's because you have practiced yoga in your previous life." "Your astral body goes out into the night," the Maestro said to me, "and trying to return to your body meets an obstacle. The astral unites with the physical body like those electric sockets with many appendages that must enter exactly into many ports. Any error and the connection is not produced. Also while it is outside a stranger can occupy the physical body. A sort of Dracula, a vampire or incubus that wants to be charged with the energy of this electric "facility." But this is not common because there are solid defenses. In your case it is probably a process of automatic detachment, for some reason or destiny, perhaps by some special design of the brain, a family inheritance. It may also be because the struggle in which you have engaged has made you worthy of the intervention of invisible guides. You are awakening. Thus the process comes to be interrupted by a lightening flash of the rational consciousness. And the astral body, which until then is only an embryo (in process of Resurrection), is left half-way on the road, without being able to enter its physical body or to leave it completely behind. There you find yourself paralysed. But this is not catalepsy, it will not be again (the Maestro said "not be again") because you have awakened now here and not in a coffin…" I was alive to his every word, startled. All my resistance was over. 99

"If you let yourself go, if you do not rebel on this threshold of death, you will be resurrected… But first you will have to die, to let yourself drop into death, in this loss of physical consciousness to awake with another consciousness in your astral body. It is like passing from the golden sun to the black sun, through this mystical death into another light, perhaps of a green colour, in the Green Thunderbolt. This is the mystical death of the ancient Mysteries and initiations. Because of this the Aryans are the twice born, the Initiates, those who have died here by choice and who already do not die natural physical death because then they live in their astral body, in the Son to whom they gave birth: The Son of Man… To overcome the event of which you are already aware, by surviving, you need a Guide, an ancient science and indications only I can give you… That is why you are here… Many are called, few are chosen…" So I came to "esotericism," to use this expression of Greek origin. It has nothing to do with that diffuse mysticism, with that mental deficiency, that lowering of values that characterizes theosophists, Rosicrucians and other sects that spread through the contemporary world. For me it meant an increase in the struggle in which I had found myself onto a hitherto unknown level. And in a "synchronized" mode, in two or more worlds, because such was the only possibility I was given to harness the events of my interior life, which I had not provoked but had caused themselves, bringing me to the edge of the unknown and inspiring terror. This was the only way out given to me. In truth, it was a matter of life or death. I now understood this so well. I wanted to be initiated quickly by the Maestro. I knew this would not be possible and I would have to wait until "those from above" made their decision and approved. How would this happen? I had not the slightest idea. Since that day I have not ceased to visit the Maestro, whether in meetings with his disciples who he preferred to call "his soldiers," or alone if he allowed me. The group or circle (kula in Tantrism, huilkanota in the esotericism of the Incas) consisted of only a few people, all supporters of Adolf Hitler in the Great War. The Order was exclusive. Seventy two Brahmins led it and the total number of its members could not exceed two hundred one here on earth. It is therefore understandable how difficult it was to belong to this Order, the honour this signified and the reason for the necessity to be accepted by those "from above," by those invisible Brahmins whose headquarters the "soldiers" could only visit in the astral. The "Temple," as the Maestro called it, was within a Holy Mountain in 100

some part of the world, certainly in the East, in the Himalayas. In any case we were assured they met "within the earth," which has come to acquire greater meaning for me with the passage of time. Ten years later when I searched in India, at the doors of Tibet, in Kalimpong, I met a stranger who was also searching in those heights. I asked him if he had heard of the Order. Almost a year later I received a letter from him in Old Delhi. He revealed to me his investigations had led him to understand the Order had made a mysterious intervention in recent political events and in the world's past. He said no more, and added he could only continue to inform me verbally in person. I never saw him again, unfortunately. The mere fact of being led by Brahmins indicates the importance of the Order. Brahmins belong to one of the two foremost castes of Hinduism, the priestly. They are keepers of the ancient science and wisdom of the Vedas. Before the great war of the Mahabaratha the two principal castes, the Shastriya and the Brahmin, formed only one in India, as in Iran. That is to say, the King was also Priest, as in Egypt. The wisest organization that has existed on earth since the disappearance of Hyperborea is that of the Indo-Aryans, divided into castes. Their description can be found in the "Law Code of Manu" that Nietzsche admired. The word caste, invention of some Portuguese sailor, is actually varna, meaning colour in Sanskrit. Which is to say Aryans, who conquered India after the catastrophic destruction of the civilization of the Gobi, in order not to mix with aboriginal coloured peoples of the Indian subcontinent, with "daughters of the earth," created the varna system in which colour was the most important, the preservation of blue-white Hyperborean colour, Aryan, the "twice born." It was about keeping the blood pure, the "memory of the blood," through which contact with the divine Hyperborean polar ancestors was preserved. The Hindu politician and writer Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, in his book "The Arctic Home in the Vedas," made known the available evidence in ancient sacred Vedic texts that the primeval home of the Aryans was the North Pole. That is the replica of what the Greeks called Hyperborea, "beyond the God Boreas, beyond cold and storm." The oriental legends of the secret cities of the Himalayas, Agarthi in Tibet, Agartha in India or Shampullah or Shamballah, tell they had been built in the interior of the Mountain after a great catastrophe that destroyed the civilization of the Gobi after the disappearance of the Polar Continent, Paradesha, Thule. The subpolar replica of these enchanted cities would be in the City of the Caesars in the 101

Andes, in Paititi, in Elellin, in Trapalanda. We already know the legend is an ancient, even archetypal, recollection that in some way will find its realization in the outer world, as it will in the soul. The Troy of Homeros points this out for us. There inside in one of those secret places we shall find our Brahmins. The Maestro assured us the inner cells of the Temple and the large hall of ceremonies are illuminated by a white light that was not electricity. To speak of Brahmins means race in the sense we have been giving here. It is therefore not surprising that my Maestro and all his soldiers were on the side of Esoteric Hitlerism. Because those Brahmins who led the Order would have to be Aryans. A Brahmin can not be anything other than a pure Brahmin from his origins. Already at the beginning of the century Saint-Yves d'Alveydre, in his book "Mission From India," referred to a mysterious Universal Order led by Brahmins. The Order came to Chile brought by a German, also at the beginning of the century. It was he who initiated the Maestro. So Germany was most directly connected with this from the beginning. Another "meaningful coincidence." Of all the esoteric centers of the Second World War and of those still relevant today I know of no other that has been and has continued to be so totally an advocate of the Germany of Hitler. All others are directly or indirectly directed by Judaism and maintain connections with Masonry, in the East as in the West. Only the Order of my Maestro was and will continue to be at the side of the Aryan Fuhrer. In prewar Germany the "Thule Order" also contributed to the creation of National Socialism. And there will be an essential connection between the origins of this Order and our own. The connections that undoubtedly existed between Hitlerism and Tibet are very mysterious and, until now, have not been fathomed. There was a spiritual bridge set between Berchtesgaden and Lhasa. The proof this was so can be found in the tragic destiny of Tibet, which fell as an independent nation after the physical defeat of Germany. In a world controlled by Jews the destruction of Tibet, accepted internationally, could not be a coincidence. Due to certain details and evidence I could then see I can imagine that the German initiator who arrived in Chile and was the Maestro of my Maestro was in secret contact with the "Thule Order." The name Thule is that of the mythical city, capital of Hyperborea. Four hundred years before our era the Greek geographer and navigator Piteas of Marseilles left to search for it. He could not have reached it because the Continent and City no longer existed in the visible world. But Jason 102

did reach it and, on the branch of a sacred Oak Tree, found the Golden Fleece. The Hyperborean sorceress Medea handed it to him. And one day Allouine will present it to me. I was to the point of following the road of my friend and comrade Hugo Gallo. I wanted to end "The New Age" to dedicate myself entirely to the work of the interior world, to the combat on another plane. But the Maestro never asked me to leave the exterior struggle because he was assured the war would end simultaneously in two or more worlds. "As within so without, as above so below," he would say, repeating the Hermetic sentence. I stopped publishing the magazine. This caused confusion among my friends in the German Embassy. They invited me to a reunion in which they asked me the cause of my decision. It was impossible for me to reveal it to them. They insisted I not abandon the Fuhrer in mid journey, something I had never thought of doing. But I could not leave them. I understood this was so because Meine Ehre heisst Treue. ("My honour is loyalty). And I returned to edit "The New Age." The interruption was very brief, yet even so from Number 19 the difference in style and atmosphere was notable, addressing a certain revelation of Esoteric Hitlerism, something that would have surprised our enemies. I never considered the socialist Senator Eugenio Gonzalez as my enemy due to his culture, his agility and his spiritual level. He glimpsed the revelation. I have told how more than twenty years later, as Rector of the University of Chile, he consulted me as to the source of my knowledge of Esoteric Hitlerism that he had discovered for the first time in "The New Age." Eugenio Gonzalez was a Mason. Certainly this was also analyzed in the lodges. The great discovery in my contact with the Maestro was precisely the personality of Hitler and the esotericism of his struggle. Until then the only trace here of the extraordinary personality of the Fuhrer was reading the book of Hermann Rauschning: "What Hitler Told Me." This work, mysterious even today, could only have been written by a Mason, by someone who received instructions and whom other occult forces to write and publish it had used. Rauschning belonged to the rural lesser Prussian nobility, if I am not mistaken, and for that very reason he represented the vanguard of treason, that scarcely visible part of the iceberg that appeared on the surface of the Great War. Later we shall pay more attention to this dark theme.


It was the Maestro who, once and for all, gave me the revelation concerning Hitler. His knowledge was direct without the possibility of mistakes. I had many years to meditate on what he told us, analysing it carefully as was my intention, especially in these topics and themes so difficult to understand. My temperament, my intellectual formation, has made me observe the magic world in an analytical way, without fantasies or inordinate illusions. Because I do not search for magical things; they occur to me. Therefore I find myself immersed in what could be called a "magic realism," that even when being magic does not for this cease to be realist. Those who have read "The Serpent of Paradise" on my experience in India will find that my fantasy has never prevented me from seeing things in their just proportions and that I was not taken by surprise by the falsification of spiritualism that can also be made by the yogis and mystics of that country. I informed my Maestro about my search for the Ashram of the Siddhas and what could be known about the location of our Temple in the Himalayas realistically and even with skepticism. My experience when very young with the politics of my country made me predisposed to doubt and to try to discover the hidden background of the facts. I always maintained the same attitude towards what the Maestro explained to us, without being able to avoid it since the last thing I wanted was to lie to myself. To the end of my days I know I can not lie to myself. In this I am Visigoth to the bone. A German can not lie. Because of this the Germans have always been poor diplomats in this world where the "organic lie" is the coin in circulation. The relation between disciple and Maestro is archetypal, always the same and can not vary. The Maestro who accepts a disciple places a heavy burden on his own shoulders, the bearer of commands and instructions that reach him from a "beyond." For this very reason when the Maestro speaks ex-cathedra, he takes part in infallibility. And the disciple must obey ad cadaverem, never disputing (without analysing, in this case), like the Hassanite warriors of the Old Man of the Mountain. Any command, outlandish as it may seem, must be fulfilled because the disciple is not capable of understanding the profound hidden sense enclosed within it. Thus the Maestro becomes responsible for a hidden esoteric event that is opening the doors to another world, to a new being who goes forth to be born. Each defection, every fall of the disciple affects the Maestro in his own essence, hurts and wounds him, moreover he must account to "those beyond" for his mistake in the election of his disciple. Because of this the Maestro awaits an order and a direct sign from the Brahmins and from the Temple. His responsibility will 104

consist in having recommended the disciple, in having asked for his acceptance, in having endorsed him. Every time the Maestro spoke to us of Hitler he did so ex-cathedra. I will only speak of what he said, and also what he did not say. There exists in the relation between disciple and Maestro a creative exchange, a dialogue from which both gain like the performance of a concerto for two violins by Bach, or for a violin and a cello. In the execution of this book I still enter into this work because it has still not been concluded… I have come to believe it will never end, that it will be for eternity. The Sanskrit name for Maestro is Guru and for disciple, Chela.

The Maestro said to me: "Hitler is an extraordinary being. A man with Hitler's will has never existed in the world. He is the being of absolute will (Shudibudishvabhaba). Hitler is one sent. I have seen him in astral and he has seen me. Hitler has the ability to transcend the astral energy voluntarily." "This is only possible through initiation. And when this is not so, one has come to this world voluntarily to fulfill a mission, one is a highly evolved being, a Boddhisattva, a Tulku. In that case an initiation is not necessary because he is the incarnation of a Deity. Hitler may be." The Maestro always used sacred words to refer to sacred matters. Professor C.G. Jung, having to move in the profane world of contemporary science, that of psychology, treated this very theme from a scientistic point of view. But he made absolutely extraordinary declarations about Hitler to H. R. Knickerbocker, in an interview published by the Hearst International magazine "Cosmopolitan," in New York, in January 1939. Jung said the following: "Hitler is a spiritual vessel, a semi-deity or even better, a Myth. Mussolini is a man and therefore everything in Fascist Italy has a more human character than in Nazi Germany, where things happen by revelation. As a man Hitler scarcely exists. In any event he disappears behind the role… I have seen the Duce and the Fuhrer together when on an official visit. I had the good fortune to find myself only a short distance from them and thus I could study them well. I saw Mussolini looking like a child at the passing of a parade of German soldiers (goose step) and with the passage of the cavalry military band, where the cavalry drummers directed 105

the horses with pressure from their legs alone; Mussolini would use his hands to strike the big drums of his thighs. (We, in Chile, know this well, or knew it, since our cavalry still marches in goose step, luckily). Mussolini did not hide his aesthetic emotion with the spectacle and, on returning to Italy, introduced the goose step into the Italian Army. In truth this marching is the most impressive that can be seen… In comparison with Mussolini, Hitler gave me the impression of a frame ("scaffolding"), a wooden structure covered with clothes, an automaton with a mask, like a "robot," or with the mask of a "robot." During the entire ceremony of the military parade he never smiled and remained aloof. He did not show any mark of the human. His expression was inhuman, that of a being with a continuous purpose, with no sense of humour. (Humour…! Something the beings of the Kali Yuga make so much use of, and the Demons too…) Hitler seemed the double of a real person (I have put this in italics because of its importance) as if Hitler the man were within, like an appendage, deliberately hidden so as not to interfere with the mechanism." "What an extraordinary difference between Hitler and Mussolini! With Mussolini one feels that one meets with a human being. With Hitler one is astonished ("scared"). We know we can never talk with this man, because there is no one there. He is not a man, but a collective. He is not an individual but a whole nation. (A Tulku, in pristine and sacred words). I accept as literally true that he has no personal friends. Hitler can not be explained by means of personal contact, as a work of art can not be explained by the personality of the artist. The great work of art is the result of the entire world in which the artist lives and of the millions of people who surround him and of thousands of currents of thought… Mussolini can find a successor, but I see no one who could replace Hitler…" "Hitler can not marry. If he marries he will cease to be Hitler. I do not wonder if he has sacrificed sex-life for the cause." All these declarations of Jung are so exceptional we shall have to return to them more than once. Jung continues: "The true passion of Hitler is Germany. This also means he finds himself ruled by an Idea. The Idea is always feminine. The mind is a woman because the head, the brain, is the creator; mind is like the mother's womb. The Unconscious of the man is feminine (anima), that of the woman is masculine (animus)." "Hitler has no personal ambitions. His ambitions go much further beyond those of ordinary people… Hitler's power is not political: It is magical. (This 106

time the italics appear in the original.) To understand this term it is necessary to know what the Unconscious is. It is the part of our mental constitution over which we have no control, which contains thoughts and even conclusions over which we have no awareness… The secret of Hitler is not that he has a more powerful unconscious, more filled with thoughts and memories than other men. Rather his secret is that his unconscious has an extraordinary access to his consciousness and that it permits him to dominate and move it. (The Maestro would say: "Voluntarily gives up its energy to the astral body.") It is like a man who is actively listening to a whispering voice from a mysterious springhead. And he acts in accord with her. We have too much rationality to obey her. But Hitler hears her and obeys. The true leader is always guided. Hitler himself has referred to his Voice. Therefore he always knows better than his advisors and than the opinions of foreign observers. This is because the information accumulated by his unconscious reaches his consciousness by means of an extraordinary ability that makes it more correct than that of all those who reach different conclusions from his. Hitler can not cease to obey his Voice. When he announced the invasion of Czechoslovakia in the "Sports Palace" the voice of the human Hitler trembles. What man would not feel fear in that instant, on making the decision that could compromise the destiny of millions? Nevertheless the Voice commands him to go forward. And he must obey her… Hitler is like Mohammed: He is the Messiah of Germany who teaches virtue with the sword. The sword must uphold the spirit of Aryan Germany… The religious character of Hitlerism is put into relief by the fact that the German communities throughout the world have adopted Hitlerism in spite of being so far removed from the power of Berlin. Look at South America, especially the German communities in Chile… When Hitler speaks by shouting it happens because he must do so, because through him the Collective Unconscious of his race speaks itself. His voice is, at a minimum, that of seventy or eighty million Germans. He must shout even in private conversation… The Voice he hears is the Collective Unconscious, especially that of the Collective Unconscious of his race, but also of many Englishmen, Frenchmen and even Czechs who feel admiration for him, as well as fear." In the daily "The Observer" of London in October 1936, Jung said: "German politics is not made, it is revealed through Hitler. He is the Voice of the Gods… Hitler governs by revelations. Hence the hypersensitivity of Germans towards criticism or attacks against their leader. It is a blasphemy for them because Hitler is their Oracle… When Hitler was pressed by other nations not to 107

withdraw from the 'League of Nations' he isolated himself in his retreat for three days and then, with no explanation, said: 'Germany must withdraw.' This is a revelation." "In Germany they now work for the creation of an aristocracy. The SS are being transformed into a caste of knights (like the Teutonic Knights or the Templars) who will govern seventy million Germans… Without the idea of an aristocracy stability is not possible. You, in England, owe the possession of the world to the gentleman." Never, in our time, with the language of our time, has Hitler been written about like that, no one has analysed him with this capacity to penetrate the depths. I think Jung could not go still further because the war was lost. Thus he was unable to develop in just measure his theory of the two Collective Unconsciousnesses, of the "sleepwalking" of Hitler and of the Voice to which he listened. As well as on the feminine unconscious of the man and the masculine unconscious of the woman. I like to think Jung knew because perhaps he knew from it that the Collective Unconscious is nothing more than the "memory of the blood" of the ancient Minnesanger, of the initiated Germanic troubadours who sang it; the Minnetrinken, or the Minnetrinker who drank it; or the Mannerbunde, the Order of comrades who exchanged it. And the Sword is called "Blood Memory" of the Knights of the Gral. Because the "memory of blood" is the river of images that circulate eternally in the light of the Black Sun and breed in the astral body. This, and no other thing, is what Jung has named with words of Jewish psychoanalytic jargon from which he had hoped to liberate himself in his break with Freud. In the same way the "feminine unconscious" and "masculine unconscious," the anima and amimus, are translations into an organic language of what the esotericists have always said, that the "body of desire" of the man is feminine and that of the woman masculine. As for the possession of Hitler by an Archetype, his analysis is of limitless importance. Jung said: "seemed the double of a real person, as if Hitler, the man were within, like an appendage, deliberately hidden, so as not to interfere with the "mechanism." Here we are allowed, thanks to this extraordinary description of a man who saw Hitler very up close, as he told us, to be able to connect his analysis with the reflections we have been making in these pages about the manifestation of the Hyperborean Archetype. We remain clear from the start that we have taken the term "archetype" from Jung in anticipation of reaching this point where we now are. As with all that has proceeded, we also prefer to give the term its ancient 108

meaning of Idea or Entelechy, with the range of meaning it had for Plato. And to go even further, identifying it with the Gods of Germanism, as we really understand this "expression of the Aryan Collective Unconscious," or "of the Memory of the Blood." The Gods of the Aryans would be expressing themselves through Hitler thanks to which he, premeditatedly, disappears as an individual, as a man, as a human being, to incarnate this God, to allow that he speak, to hear his Voice, in "his blood," and allow that He steer him by the intermediary of the "instrument of his genes," so to speak. Hitler, availing of the technic of an Initiation, disappears "like an appendage," hides himself from himself so as not to disturb "the mechanism" of the Revelation. Therefore my Maestro said Hitler was an initiate. Because Initiation is this and nothing else. To discover the key, the science that allows being possessed by "his" God. "To die that He might live." And it is quite possible that this God were we ourselves. The "Astral Body with a Face," the "Son of Man." Not an "I," but many, WE. Therefore Hitler was also a God. And if Jung did not realize it, I have. It is sad that what happened to the shepherd who searched for Krishna through the valleys and hills of the Himalayas could happen to us. One day Krishna passed by him and the shepherd did not recognize him. And because of this he went singing, sobbing: "I have lost my heart on the way and never found it more…" ………………………………………………………………………………………. Jung was not mistaken when he claimed Hitler could impress other peoples besides the Germans in representing the Aryan Collective Unconscious. (Interview with Howard L. Phip, in "The Psychologist" of London in May 1939.) Other men are equally impressed by his presence. Even in his time we have seen it was so; foreigners who did not understand German were literally transported by his speeches. English men and women, North Americans, Frenchmen, Belgians, South Africans. Leon Degrelle was not German, nor Doriot, nor even Mussolini. As for Chile, it would be wrong to assert that only the German minorities of the south were devoted to him. We have already seen what happened with Chilean National Socialism, the Brazilian and so many others. And to go no further, myself. And in Norway, Knut Hamsun, and in North America, Ezra Pound. This, while Hitler was on the face of the earth. Today, forty years after his disappearance, it is yet more so. His figure is gigantic in Myth in spite of 109

everything that has been done to avoid it. Even those who attack him admire him, since this attack is a form of fascination. And we must focus on this because it has no rational explanation. If Jung could believe, at times, that Hitlerism only represented a national religion of Germany, he deluded himself, since his "religion" is of a universal character. It has all the mythic and archetypal ingredients for it, as we shall come to understand. The German people are only its best vehicle. Nothing can be done against this. The example of the origin of Christianity itself shows this. The Romans did everything possible to avoid the contagion. In vain. Jung, in the same interview we have reproduced in part, also makes a comparison between the Jewish and German peoples: "The Jews, after the first captivity in Babylonia and later with the Roman threat to make them disappear from the earth, developed an "inferiority complex," according to Jung and "invented, as compensation, the idea of a Messiah who will come to give them all the fruits of this world. The Germans also, arriving late in the distribution of colonies, of "living space," and humiliated by Versailles, developed a similar feeling of inferiority towards the British and French who had divided the world among themselves. Hitler is the Messiah who promises them what they yearn for, who puts a balm on this sense of postponement." It is strange a person like Jung was not able to renounce the Jewish tendency to explain what is above by what is below, the great by the small, reducing the levels. In this there is not much difference between him and Freud, purporting to find the cause of the sublime beauty of the paintings of Leonardo (the paintermagus) in the Oedipus complex, or in occult homosexual tendencies. Jung could not free himself from the Jewish and Freudian invention of the organic-psychic subconscious, that diabolical construction from the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century, which reduced everything to the same level. How much more appropriate it would be to refer to a Superconscious that elevates everything, to treat with the world of Divinity, of the Gods and the Hyperborean Archetypes. In my book "The Hermetic Circle" I touch on this theme in a conversation with Doctor Jacobi. Denis de Rougemont, the author of that important book "L'Amour et L'Occident," saw the Hitler phenomena justly. He wrote the following extraordinary lines: "Some have thought, having felt in his presence a kind of shudder of holy horror, feeling he is the seat of a Dominion, a Throne, a Power, as Saint Paul called the Spirits of Second Rank who could penetrate the human body and occupy it like an armour. I have heard him pronounce one of his great 110

speeches. Where does he find the superhuman power he expresses? An energy of this nature we know very well does not belong to the individual as, likewise, we know very well it could not manifest if the individual were speaking and were not the support of a Power (the italics added are ours) who escapes our comprehension and defies our psychology. What I say would be a romanticism of the lowest order if the work realised by this man, be it well understood, by this Power through him, were not a reality that provokes the stupour of the Ages." And Goebbels declared, referring to his Fuhrer: "Who can boast of having seen him as he really is? He moves in the world of the Absolutely Lethal. Nothing else makes sense, neither good nor evil, neither time nor space. That which he is, I am ignorant. Is he really a man? I could not ensure it. There are moments in which he causes me terror…" So it is. The Hyperborean Archetype chooses the most appropriate intermediaries so that his intervention in this world should be effective. He prepares and presents his "machinery." Nothing more apt for the expression of an Archetype of the Aryan Collective Unconscious, to use Jungian terminology, than the people of Germanic race with their "sense of postponement as their dynamic motor." Hitler himself said it: "If I had found a better people than the German, I would have gone there. With all its limitations, it is the best." In ancient terms, in sacred words, those which my Maestro used: This is the coming and incarnation of an Avatar, of a God (to no longer say Archetype), of the Avatar of Vishnu, of Shiva, or, what seems more exact, of Wotan, the Nordic Kristos. Of his arrival in order to work among vîras, among heroes. ………………………………………………………………………………………. My own experience with this "mechanism" has conditioned me to follow a closer point of reference, being able to understand him better than several others. The Maestro told us his initiation happened in an unexpected sudden manner. His initiator, F.K., possessed characteristics very different from those of my Maestro and was a thoughtful serene being, sometimes introspective, lost in his thoughts, in his far-away worlds. F.K. was an active willful magus on the unseen levels, "astral," sword in hand. He thereby ordered there the elemental forces, the Elementarwessen, treating them as villains, like Wotan himself could have done. My Maestro also possessed a steeled will like that of F.K., like that of Hitler, as do the solar magicians (of the Black Sun), the Sons of Light. 111

It was past midnight when F.K. arrived at the home of my Maestro, announcing himself with loud knocks on the front door. He had appeared with drawn swords and shining eyes, as in a trance state. "I have received the order to initiate you," he said. My initiation was in another way. The Maestro told me he had received the order and fixed a date for the initiation ceremony. He asked me to acquire a sword. I did because the sword was essential in this Warrior Order, as a symbol (Sword of the Gral Knights, the Sword "Blood Memory") and also because the steel, fine virile steel, has special properties that concentrate favorable forces into the world of purest energy, on the aetheric plane, and destroy the malignant. The astral steel that the warriors of the Black Sun wield. The SS also carry a dagger; some few, a sword. So it happened that I found myself (on the 5th of February, 1942, at the age of 25), in an enclosure surrounded by warriors, with swords drawn and with the Maestro standing in the center of the circle (Kula, Huilkanota). He ordered me into the circle. The warriors had turned their swords at me. The Maestro asked me for mine and consecrated it with various signs and several audible mantras. He returned it to me at the same time as he touched my heart with the tip of his. I pronounced the oath before him and the invisible Brahmins. The Maestro gave me the first sign, the first key, with 7,000 vibrations. He had converted me into a Magus of the Third Order. All this happened on a Thursday in 1942, the day of Jupiter. And the Maestro told me: "When you return to find yourself in that intermediate world, in the great indecision, between life and death, do not hesitate, let yourself fall towards death, like a warrior." ………………………………………………………………………………………. The vibrations increased from the root. There I was, again "awake," but without being able "to wake up." I felt great weakness, fatigue, I was going to be devoured by the obscurity of nothingness if I did not resist, if I did not fight with all my force not to fall in the abyss of this obscure dream. And here I had not to let myself fall, that I will accept this death, in a decision that was not conscious, but from some other center of being. I fell into a "black hole," into a black eternity. How do I know? It was death, the nothing. It may be that in a split second of time, that could be aeons of eternity, passed before I saw myself falling with dizzying 112

speed. I fell and I fell interminably until meeting great flames on which I began to wheel. From there I began an ascension, equally interminable. And one day I found myself in a broad sky, transparent and most beautiful, floating in a celestial light, as if encased in nectar of pure light. A dry but soft heat and, behold, I found myself on my bed, awake, with my body intact, perfectly safe and possessed by an inconsolable sorrow, as if now I am really in a coffin, a prisoner, longing for a divine life. The Pilgrim of Great Yearning. Through the open window a shining beacon appeared over the snowy peaks of the Andes. Enveloping velvety waves, blue-green, humid, like tears of light, reaching me from the Morning Star. Lucifer, Luci-Bel, Oiyehue, the Star of my initiation. The star of HE-SHE (EL-ELLA), Entrance Door of our guides, by which one day they must return. Dead and resurrected, I also was now an Aryan. I had won the right to be. ………………………………………………………………………………………. If I decided to relate these secret matters belonging to a hermetic biography, it is solely because I consider them archetypal and they help us to penetrate the mystery of Hitler and Esoteric Hitlerism, central theme of this work. Although I have lived all this I know it does not belong to me, for being a superhuman event, or which does not owe itself to humans. It is a divine history, of a divine life, mythical, of the Gods, guided by "those from beyond." That this is so is proven by another experience. The sign the Maestro gave me, with its seven thousand vibrations, seemed to increase the intensity of the currents in the magnetic centers of the bodies of those who were living this drama. One night the process took on ominous traits. The vibrations took on such an intensity I felt I could not resist them, that something in me would disintegrate and death would not be mythical only, but real for the body of flesh. I could do nothing but await the fatal incident as powerful vibrations approached my brain. In that instant, before me, in the air, or in the "aether," a metal container filled with water appeared. As if obeying an order I put my hands into it and poured the water over my body, from below upwards. All this happened in that intermediate "astral" world. Immediately the vibrations stopped and a delicious freshness invaded me. I saw no one before me. I must ask myself: "Who put this metal container there that saved my physical life? And that water, what was it? Very simply I wanted to repeat the experiment and placed a bowl of water on the bedside for 113

possible emergencies. When the emergencies came I stretched an "imaginary arm," trying to reach that water. And I found nothing since my arm was an "astral arm," and the previous experience had happened on "that plane." The metal container and the water were also astral. (Kâranâri) What wondrous things! Still trying to understand with the rational mind, the conclusion is that someone monitored the whole process from an invisible world. Someone who came to my assistance. For me all this is as real as any other event in my life, like meeting with a stranger or with a friend. Remembering this and the other I do not know which is more authentic, my interviews with Hermann Hesse, Nehru, Jung, the Dalai Lama, Ezra Pound or the invisible being who put before me a washbasin with water to help me, so many years ago now. And this other figure, who one dawn stood at the foot of my bed, covered with a mantle and whose weight I felt on my feet. Nevertheless he was not a being of this world and the cold that emanated from his presence came over me in waves. Every time I tried to see his face he would turn his head, hiding it. I have never differentiated the way to understand the phenomena of both worlds, using the same mental rigour to try to penetrate them. The Maestro explained to me that this water had been magnetized with a polarity distinct from the vibrations of my body, thereby neutralizing them. Even so this tells me nothing, even today. The mystery remains. Until my marriage I lived in an out-of-the-way world. After my initiation I tried to manage what had begun involuntarily, to achieve this by will (Shudibudishvabhaba, Absolute Will). That is, to appropriate the technology that would allow me to disappear as "an appendage" behind "another person," to "not disturb the mechanism," as Jung described it. Whether I have succeeded or not is difficult for me to know because these territories are unknown and any intensity in desire, any intervention by a rational conscious will, the imposition of the "I," nostalgia, fear, can ruin everything, making "the mechanism" decompose forever, because it concerns the finest "astral clock," a clock of sand. Even when the Maestro was always here, vigilant, there was not much he could do since the ultimate key must be found by oneself, alone. The Maestro does not intervene except in the critical last moment. The disciple must surpass the tests he puts forward. The Maestro confirms, exalts, admonishes. Help of another kind would constitute a danger for the disciple. For example, I was once caught by a powerful dark yellow stream like an octopus with many tentacles that grabbed me by the chest and crawled towards a 114

gray plane, full of craters. It was the lunar current. I traced the sign of my initiation and broke the current. If the sign had not sufficed, then the Maestro would have come to my aid, I am sure. I have rarely been able to leave my body so easily as that first time. I would find myself on the couch anew. Then, with great effort, I would begin "to stick out" first one arm, then the other, followed by my legs, my whole body until I would find myself outside, standing at the foot of the bed. I advanced a few steps and the face turned to look at me. He did not recognize me immediately because the "dead only seem to be like the living." To look at oneself in the astral is to see oneself for the first time, not like looking at oneself in a mirror, but like looking at another person: the right and left are in their place. The body is a dead body, lacking only a coffin. I never opened doors to go from one room to another. I crossed through walls as if they were air. I went to the balcony and let myself fall down on the street. I floated gently. I rarely saw anyone. Empty rooms, corridors, streets. A great calm. Although it seemed…not of this world. It was a double over there, on the other side of the mirror. My detachment in those days took place at night, while my physical body was at rest. Years later I tried it when awake. The Maestro continued to give me new practices, other signs, drawing me into the center of the Circle. The last time, ten years ago, February 17, 1973, 31 years after my initiation, was also a month of February. He made me a magus of the First Degree. In that year so filled with events which the Maestro announced in advance. But the greatest Sign, the last, he gave me from the other side of the mirror, shortly before finishing this book, in January 1984.


Wotan-Lucifer-Quetzalcoatl, Star of the Morning. Oiyehue, the Star of Chile and Esoteric Hitlerism, with Eight points. The Window of entry to and the Window of 116

exit from the Eternal Return may be found there. UFOs pass through these as well. In the first days after my initiation I lived in a solitary world apart, each time more filled with sounds, ghosts, voices. All this took part in my exterior struggle, with the publication of the magazine and with my attention drawn to the Great War as well. We tried to help Hitler mentally. My double life was secret to all not belonging to the Order, unknown by my exoteric comrades and my family. I had my engagements interrupted in order to devote myself entirely to the fight in two worlds. Curious things still happened. A contribution from a member of the T.N.A., Assault Troops of Chilean National Socialism, arrived at "The New Age." Its title: "The Hidden Meaning of the German Flag," revealing the occult symbolism of Hitlerism. It was the first contribution from that kind of young Chilean and had my attention. I got to know this comrade later and knew he had also entered into relation with his "astral." I must not dwell on these matters; I only want, through my experience, to try to understand what Hitler could be, taking as reference point the descriptions of Jung. In this way we could know who he was, who he is, if it is permitted to us to discover it. I only have to believe the Maestro, but you have no need to recognize this, you who are in another world, who have another mentality, worked over too much by reason, by technocracy and contemporary skepticism. That is why I have reproduced the declarations of Jung here, because they will believe him more than the Maestro and me. I can only complete what Jung has necessarily left incomplete by working with my personal experience. You already know that I knew Professor Jung personally, he who told me things he would not tell others, who wrote the forward to one of my books and knew I understood his doctrine well, both what he said and what he did not say. So I found myself authorised to expand his thoughts with my own esoteric experience. The description Jung made of Hitler is that of "an empty body." Empty of what? Empty of Hitler, it seems. "There is no one there," he said. That is my impression. But what Jung says can not be as he says it. It is a literary figure. Because nothing can be completely empty, except a cadaver. That is why a cadaver's inert matter weighs more than the living, lacking the flatus of the soul, the pneuma that "lifts" it. A medium, for example, does not give the impression of being empty, but "occupied by another force," or rather "possessed." But a medium and Hitler are two opposite situations, even though they may seem 117

similar. Is there something in the phenomena of Hitler that can compare with what happened to me? Did someone "go out" from his body? What happened to his astral? My Maestro had said, "Hitler can not only go out into the astral, but he sees the astral of others without going out of his physical body." The Maestro said he once went to the house Hitler was constructing on the top of a mountain in Berchtesgaden, which I have visited many times and whose true name is Gralsburg, Castle of the Gral. Hitler was seated in a room surrounded by windows, watching the mountains and valleys through binoculars. Hitler saw the Maestro arrive and said to him: "Wanderer, continue on your way." Ernst Hanfstaengel, who was Hitler's zealous supporter in the first years of his career and then head of the Foreign Press Department of the Third Reich, says in his book "Hitler, les Années Obscures" ("Hitler, the Hidden Years") that Hitler was not the same after leaving Lansberg Prison and had changed: "Mid way through a conversation he looked at his back, as if someone were there. And he fell silent." Rauschning wrote that Hitler rose some nights trembling, covered with sweat and cried that a being was in a corner of the room, that he saw it, that it had come and was terrible. Aside from any self-interested exaggeration, or the desire on the part of a Prussian who may possibly have had a Slavic soul and desired to imitate Dostoievsky, there is too much resemblance between what Jung has given us and the description of Rauschning that has reached us to be merely random. Who was directing, with or without the consent of the authors, this type of report, destined through the years to be taken seriously because they make Hitler appear like "a vacant form," possessed by a "demon"? Without a doubt Masonry, Judaism behind Masonry, and the Lord of Darkness. When I lived in Switzerland I published there the list of the most important Swiss Masons. And Professor Jung appeared in it. I was never permitted to enter into the sancta sanctorum of his Tower of Bollingen, a small room where he withdrew into solitude. He had it decorated with symbols with which I could not have been familiar. Goethe was also a Mason, which was for Jung a "family tradition." With the best of intentions on his part, his descriptions and interpretations would be "inspired" by enemy forces of that superior Being he analysed.

Hitler's situation, if I want to understand it from my personal experience, could only be linked with a "detachment" in the astral together with its difficulties. (Words do not help express the essence of the phenomena.) In my case it is a 118

"withdrawal"; in Hitler's, an "entrance." Jung said "Hitler did not exist; he was an "appendage hiding itself so as not to disturb the mechanism. The double of a real person." The questions we must ask ourselves are the following: Can the "I," the "Hitler-persona," hide within the same body that is occupied by another Being that "enters"? Is there room for two? Where? This seems impossible since with an "entrance," or a little before this "entry," there would also have to be an "exit." The second question is: Who "enters"? Jung draws on his well-known concept of the Collective Unconscious. But, what is that? In the prologue to my book "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba" Jung defines the unconscious as "the matrix of all differentiated phenomena, religion, music, art, etcetera." Which also tells us nothing. We have been disputing this in this book from the beginning and will not insist. The entire Jungean terminology, similar to or derived from psychoanalysis, will have to be replaced by the legendary and hermetic if we want actually to achieve something. We have done so and I believe Jung himself would thank us for it. To say that in Hitler "the Unconscious of a people enters" is to leave the matter where it has always been. And to so reduce such a dread-filled topic seems to us arrogance and pride, if not superficiality. With humility one must resort to the word Mystery, and even more when making comparisons with Mohammed, with the prophets and recognizing in the phenomena the spiritual ingredients typical of a religion, even though for Jung the word spirit still does not seem to have freed itself from psychic organicism, as Keyserling assures us. To resume. Someone comes out from Hitler. This "someone" is not the astral body but his small personal "I, who must go out wrapped in something. So he rises with his astral body. To achieve this Hitler would have had to go through the same process of detachment as I had, with more or less difficulty, but without doubt using a "technic of detachment," which is to say an Initiation. Where had Hitler acquired this initiation? In the Thule Society of Munich, with Dietrich Eckart? We do not know. The most likely is that Hitler came into this world already initiated, prepared for the Drama. Yet he would have begun to prepare his body, his vehicles, after the First World War. He became vegetarian, lived in chastity, retired into the forests and mountains. Only Rudolf Hess could know the secret because he was also an initiate, perhaps of the same Order (they kept him in prison for this as well) since they used the same magic gestures (mudras) in greeting (vara-mudra) and in their speeches. Hitler prepared a physical vehicle in order to receive this Being that "entered" when he "left." Who lives when he dies. Jung believes he still continues 119

there, as an "appendage," curled up in a corner of the body, "that frame or scaffolding covered with clothes." But he also says "no one is there," outside his unconscious mind. I prefer to think that a little before the "entrance" there would be an "exit," in a voluntary process prepared by the Initiated Hitler. Here we have the difference from the medium, with the Schneider brothers, for example, one of whom I knew in Braunau am Inn, Hitler's birthplace. My Maestro told me the difficulty my astral had returning into my body could also be because "another had entered there, taking its place while the astral was outside." With this one can better understand the phenomena. Hitler voluntarily provoked the encounter. It came, it went out in order that an Other could enter, using his physical body. This would necessarily be temporary because the tremendous energy of a Being from another world can make the vehicle explode. In any case its energy would cause the world to explode, transmuting the world in an irreversible action difficult to apprehend. And this must happen thus, as it did, in the apex of Kali Yuga, the Darkest Age, in order to achieve a New Age. Blessed are they who have seen and recognized! In the "Memoirs" of the Prince Friedrich Christian zu Schaumburg Lippe, who was the secretary of Goebbels, the former said that Goebbels told him that at times Goebbels believed Hitler was not a human being. The phenomena, the drama, in truth correspond to what Indo-Aryans called the descent and incarnation on earth of an Avatar. We have already dealt with this when we referred to the case of the Leader of Chilean National Socialism. This Being from beyond the stars, who Jung would call an Archetype (always in an organicist way, even though with the great final doubt of declaring him "psychoid"), in truth is a God, who speaks with a thousand mouths. He is WE; he is not "I." The ancients knew it because then the Gods were closer; heroes offered them their bodies, their vehicles, so that they would visit them. The earth was a more propitious abode, nature dreamed of turning herself into symbol. With Judaism and its "sin" the earth is hostile to them, a field of horror. There is ever less pure Aryan blood, Eumolpida, Brahmin, from whom the Gods speak with heroes and deify them. Hitler delivered his life, his body, his vehicles to the God Wotan of his ancestors so that He could rise into His Twilight. Thus Hitler was the Fuhrer. He was the Platonic Archetype of this Hyperborean Idea that circulates in the blood of Aryans. He was Wotan. He was "the bearer of a Power."


That Hitler was an initiate, or already came initiated, is proven because he could go out of his physical body, could see beings from other worlds. He only needed to put himself into a special state; to retire into the forest or his mountain, to hear his Voice, as Jung tells us. Then there was his dreamy expression, with his eyes lost in the beyond as we can see even in some photographs and as even Jung described him: "A visionary, a kind of Mohammed. The world has never seem the like…" Myths and legends tell us of a third eye possessed by giants. The eye of Polyphemus, of Buddha. With this eye one can contemplate the other world and its "astral" beings, the aura of those beings. Its counterpart in the physical body is the pineal gland, astrally calcified for lack of use and by the exclusive development of the rational mind. Initiation can reopen the third eye, transforming the hero into a giant, into Vîra, into Divya, to use words of tantric esotericism. Into superman, into Sonnenmensch. To cut the lunar current, to be solar again. (With the Black Sun.) To recapture Vril. My Maestro also heard the Voice. He called it "The Voice of the Lord." Jung comments on the sex life of Hitler. He thereby answered the question of his interviewer. In the "Age of the Feuilleton," as Hermann Hesse called our time in "The Glass Bead Game," there is no possibility of analysis of a man if there are not references to his sex life. But Jung's answer is very important. There is a definite difference between Hitler and any other Chief of State. For him, Hitler had renounced his sexual life and could never marry, much less have sons, "if he were to continue to be Fuhrer." For us as well, those of his time, it was a surprise to notice the existence of Eva Braun. I have never believed in all that history of marriage in the Bunker and I think Professor Jung would not either. I can not stop thinking all this was invented by Goebbels, the marriage certificate, the statements in the will of Hitler. We know absolutely nothing definite about those last days in Berlin. Two years ago, when I was in Vienna talking with an old SS and with an engineer who had worked on secret weapons, they told me this: The Russians had found more than ten carbonised cadavers of Hitler. The thing seems phantasmagorical, like a ghoulish piece of magic. According to them, in no other part of the world had anyone reached such virtuosity with the preparations for a double, a "likeness" (Doppelganger) of Hitler. All the photographs taken in the last days of Hitler were not of him. Because "he was already not there." It is quite possible he was also not present during the attack of July 20th, 1944. The "double" could die, but not 121

Hitler. We know the case of the "likeness" of Churchill, who was assassinated, while the real Churchill was in Turkey. Very recently they announced the death of the "likeness" that read his speech "Sweat and Blood" on the radio. And my interlocutor wondered, "Who was the true Hitler? Where was he, where is he?" Certainly not in the Bunker, in those final days. For sure, it was not his hand that trembled there with Parkinson's Disease, as they have wanted us to believe. Hanna Reitsch has told me of her great surprise when she discovered Eva Braun in the Bunker. She had never heard of her before. Hanna had flown accompanied by the new Commander of the Luftwaffe, Ritter von Greim. That miserable pamphleteer and counterfeit, Hugh Trevor-Roper, author of "The Last Days of Hitler," described this heroic adventure in his own way. Hanna Reitsch told me how many lies are contained in his report. I knew Hanna in India, where she was a guest of Nehru, training gliding aviators there. Hanna was one of the most extraordinary test pilots in Germany, even flying the "V-1." Years later I met her in Frankfurt, where we the two of us ate alone together in her apartment on Zeppelingasse. That time we talked about UFOs and she told me Werner von Braun believed in them. And another thing, being one of the last people who could have seen Hitler in the Bunker, she told me his hand never trembled. "It was cold in the Bunker, but all was quiet there, beautiful, tranquil, the corridors were covered with carpets. I was surprised to meet Eva Braun. She lent me her scarf to protect me from the cold. There was nothing extraordinary about this woman, with her everyday beauty of a German woman like many others," Hanna said, remembering with closed eyes. I believe I can affirm the veracity of the statements of Jung, despite everything that has been said and written after the war. The genius of Goebbels understood the risk of detection of the presence of Eva Braun and the preparation of a marriage in extremis would always be less than that of the Jewish cunning that would surely fabricate proofs of a supposed homosexuality of Hitler. The discovery of a lover and a marriage annulled such an eventuality. With the personal experience of my initiation I can refer to this matter, confirming Professor Jung. An initiate, who desires to yield his life to the adventure we have here described, to the Work of Immortality, will sacrifice everything to it, especially his personal life, that of the senses and sex, sex being the most important. The point is to transform forces and energies. Jung has explained this in his studies of Alchemy. Of all the energies over which man disposes none compare in power and mystery with that of sex. It is so powerful 122

that only it can create new life, reproduce new beings in the flesh. And when it does not reproduce physical matter, then it can give life to the Son of Death, the Son of Man, the Astral Body. Transmuting, sublimating. Because what is today called libido is, in legendary language, Kundalini, the Serpent of Fire, Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Snake, that flies and can fly. The purity of the initiate has nothing to do with the Judeo-Christian sense of sin, the hatred and resentment of slaves. The existing earth must be transmuted, nature transfigured, the Twilight of the Gods make way for the Resurrection of the Gods. And this is another thing. It is an alchemical transmutation, sublimation, a spiritualization of matter. More, it is not for all, only for the initiated, for the Aryan, in the center of a hierarchy of castes. In Aryan India the initiate, the tantric yogi of the "Right Hand," must guard chastity. As well as the Platonic troubadour in the Initiation of A-Mor, which we shall explain in the fourth part of this work. For my Maestro chastity acquires fundamental importance in the path of our Warrior Initiation. I only saw him angry once. It was when I told him I was going to marry. He exclaimed: "You are throwing chains on your feet…!" And added: "Advice counts for nothing, each one must learn by themselves." I said that before I married I lived surrounded by presences ("of ghosts, of ghosts, in order to think," as the Chilean poet Omar Caceres would say), rumours of another world. I was in close contact with the astral. That "body," or expectant embryo, kept developing its own "senses." When I married I had to voluntarily suppress contact with those beings from the afterlife beyond, who constantly surrounded me and who scared my wife, so much she could not control her nerves when their blows broke the furniture to pieces and objects moved through the air. The arrival of sons was another stage in the destruction of an edifice I had myself begun to build. The sons of women and of life are jealous of the sons of man and of death. The ones are born at the expense of the others. The initiated woman, the woman-magus, must also be virgin (like the Sybil, the Norns, the virgins of the sun). The woman who gives birth physically loses her magical virginity. The son of the initiated woman, of the woman-magus, of the yogini, will be born by man because they have impregnated her, inverting the roles (his anima has made her animus weightless, as Jung would say). the man-initiate, impregnated, will give birth to the Astral Body, with the Face of the Beloved, as I reveal in my book "NOS: Book of Resurrection."


With the Avatar, which is to say with the Fuhrer, he is pregnant with an entire world that he is bringing to light: The world of the Fourth Reich, the new Golden Age, the Other Earth. Transcendent chastity, that of the Knights of the Gral, does not mean the presence of woman must be shunned. On the contrary, she is absolutely necessary, magically she is needed. As when Krishna danced with the shepherdesses of Gokul in the gardens of Vrindavan and his lover was Radha, the "wife of another," the Parakiya: thus as the alchemist must always have his soror or mystical Sister at his side who gives him the metals, which the alchemist will mix in the Crucible of his own soul, impregnating them with the feminine energy (as the lustral water that calmed the viril fire of my vibrations would have been a "feminine water"), in the same way Hitler had to have women around him. Which is not to say he was not chaste. The love of an initiate with an initiated woman (not with Eva Braun… moreover, who was Eva Braun truly?) is a love fulfilled in astral, "dreaming together," "flying together," as in my book "NOS." Love is realized in other bodies, in other worlds, rather than in this one. In the unexpurgated Book of Genesis we read of another woman, other than Eve the visible companion of Adam (Eve, newly): She is Lilith. Who was Lilith? Men say the wife of Lucifer. Perhaps if the true name of Adam were Lucifer. Plato named him Evenor. He was also Poseidon, the bridegroom in Hyperborea; perhaps he was Atlas, perhaps Irmin. In Spain there is a small village that has a name derived from Lilith and there exists there the legend she is an evil woman who kills all the children born of woman, as Medea would do with the progeny of Jason. Thus legend would be recording a hermetic event, because Lilith would be this Wife who helped the hero bring his own immortality to life. Immobile Beloved, Eternal Lover, the first companion of Lucifer. For that, in truth, "she kills the sons of the flesh." This theme will be developed more fully by me when I analyse "The Doctrine of A-Mor of the Troubadours"), in the last part of this work. Who was the Lilith of Hitler, of the Fuhrer? That of my initiation must appear "as a thief in the night, stealing everything that I had." The Maestro had prophesized this to me. And I was able to return to the Path of Immortality in an even deeper way, in "a dawn of sonorous roads that cross each other," as Omar Caceres would also say. The Woman-Magus is in truth the Valkyrie, who in some place outside this universe will hand us the Grail Cup, filled to the brim with the liquor of Eternal 124

Life. If we are able to fight the battle of heroes, together with the Maestro and the Fuhrer, with the Resurrected God, with the Ultimate Battalion, with his Wildes Heer.

The Maestro did not say: "We will concentrate now, we will meditate." as is common in yoga and other initiation schools. He would say: "We are going to enter into combat," which is much more appropriate, since to fight is to submerge into the interior world, to fight there with forces and obstacles that oppose us, with our own weaknesses and fears, with the "I" itself, with unknown currents and even with beings from another world. One day the Maestro told us he had seen the Germans invade England, seize London, reach the Royal Palace and take the King prisoner. The clairvoyance was truthful and sharp. In that time the forces of Hitler had defeated France and stood at the English Channel. By precise orders of the Fuhrer the English Expeditionary Force was not destroyed, allowing it to escape from Dunkerque and reach the British Isles. I have had to return many times to the recollection of this vision of my Maestro, because I am sure it corresponds to the crucial point of the great drama, the tragedy of the Second World War. What would have happened if Hitler had invaded England, vanquished her with a Blitzkreig, taken the King prisoner and restored his brother, Edward VIII, back on the throne, as surely had been agreed on? The visible conflict would have ended then like lightning as on the continent, in France, in Holland, in Denmark, in Norway. Also with a Blitzkreig. In the same interview we have reproduced Jung refers to Hitler as the prisoner of Wotan, God of storm and hurricane and the Swastika, like some vortex of irresistible energy. Wotan, God of the wind. Therefore the Assault Troops of Nazism were called Sturmabteilung, storm troops, the hurricane. The military campaigns of Hitler all have the same archetype: a hurricane, a storm. He was the creator of Blitzkreig, the lightning war. It could equally be called "Wotan's War." It has been claimed that the English, familiar with the interviews of Jung published before the war, had asked him his opinion about the conduct of the conflict. Jung had advised them to prolong it as much as possible, since Hitler could only win a short "hurricane" war. A hurricane does not prolong itself indefinitely and the God of War, Wotan, is the God of the Hurricane, of the Wind. 125

As we see, the invasion and triumph over England had been granted by those from above, by the invisible powers who direct Destiny. My Maestro had seen it, not only how it could happen, but also how it would have been and how it will be once again, another time, in the Eternal Return, in Akashic memory, the register of astral light. Hitler, the Fuhrer, on not completing this return, then just this once went out from the Round of remembrance and Destiny, also giving Aryan England one last chance within the Cycle of Return. And, together with this, he sparked another hurricane of events that would envelope him and his universe in an immense drama, on a scale to lead to inevitable successive effects, such that the whirlwind went in an opposite direction, going within and backwards, pulling in everything like a vortex. He could do no other than accept and fulfill. But, in this same instant, a vast alternative opened up, the only one consistent with a rupture with the fatal Cycle of Destiny and Eternal Return. The defeat of the Aeon of Aquarius, emissary of the Demiurge. As we have said in "The Golden Band," Hitler's War was esoteric, initiatic, corresponding to a Weltanschauung, to a hermetic conception of the world and in accord with the direction of movement of the Leftwards-turning Swastika of Hitlerism. In the first edition of "The Golden Band" this Swastika appears as the Rightwards-turning. In fact it is the Leftwards-turning. Much depends on the position in exterior space taken by the observer in relation to the North Pole. Jung, in his interview in "Hearst International Cosmopolitan" repeats the hackneyed drivel that the swastika chosen by Hitler is malignant because "it moves in the direction of the unconscious." We have already seen how this term serves for everything, equally for good as for evil, according to convenience. There is no good or bad swastika. Each points to a different spiritual drama. The Righwards is that of the exodus from Hyperborea; the Leftwards, that of the return. Hitler did not attack England because in his mythical conception those territories were sacred, last remnants of a lost Polar Continent and its divine ancestors. Moreover England was of Nordic Race. To invade and defeat her meant the collapse of her effective Imperium, which Hitler wanted to preserve as the irreplaceable patrimony of the white race. He then only wanted to destroy Judaized imperialism. An invasion and defeat would cause the collapse of an entire organism, even though he would install another king and permit her to rebuild herself. The inner psyche of Jewry would have been destroyed forever. The breath, the soul of their possible Anglo-Jew Imperium would have faded away. Given the artistic sensibility and intuition of Hitler, this could not escape his 126

consideration. And he knew Germany alone (because she would be racially alone), without England, could not maintain the stability of a new world. He therefore sent the initiate Rudolf Hess to England to assure them Germany would guarantee the Anglo-Aryan Imperium; England would be the maritime power and Germany the terrestrial. Hitler was a genius. Contrary to what one may have wanted to believe, a genius of good. He did not come to destroy but to give the white race its ultimate possibility of salvation. But this race, that had become so egotistic, so lazy and stupid, spiritually degenerated by Jewish venom inculcated for more than two thousand years, drop by drop into their blood, did not want to recognize it beyond the borders of his Germany. And so the white man committed suicide. As the great writer Knut Hamsun said when they announced Hitler had died in the Bunker: "Today we have lost a statesman much too great to be understood by our time. We, his followers, bow down before his memory with respect and veneration." As Nietzsche said: "The superior races are defenseless against the cunning and crafty fighting methods used by the inferior." In this case England was too infiltrated, her Nordic wood gnawed away by the worm of Judaism. Her body was Aryan, but her soul Jew; from Disraeli, from Cromwell, both Jews. Even before, from the Judeo-Christian conquest of the islands. Nevertheless Hitler and Rudolf Hess played the last card, trying to make use of some existing connections between the "Thule Order" and the "Golden Dawn," to which the Duke of Hamilton belonged, into whose territorial dominions Rudolf Hess descended by parachute (1). ["Dungavel House"] What was a decisive, genial, visionary operation for Hitler was, for the English, perhaps a trap set by his Intelligence services and their Masonic agents, Jews and semi-Jews, in key posts in Germany; Professor Haushofer and the son of Haushofer, among others. The first, married to a Jewess; the second the son of a Jewess. Both would have to disappear later; the son, judged for having taken part in the plot against Hitler; the father, liquidated by the English Intelligence Service for having known too much, even though they informed us he had committed suicide "in the Japanese style, committing harakiri." Professor Haushofer had accurate knowledge about the Intelligence Operation "Rudolf Hess,' in spite of the assurances the English had given him through his son, who worked in the German Foreign Ministry, as well as through other channels. Haushofer was an important card in this English trap. He was an Anglophile for the same reasons as Hitler and Hess. Certainly in good faith, he 127

was used by Jewish agents who operated through the English leadership. The English had to eliminate him, as with so many others. Haushofer had been Rudolf Hess' professor of geopolitics in Munich.

The definitive, crucial moment in the tragedy of the Second World War was the decision by Hitler not to destroy the English troops at Dunkerque and not to invade the British Isles. An English friend told me: "We were defenseless, inert. Instead of invading us, Hitler turned against Russia." With their practical (Jewish) spirit, totally anti-philosophical, the English could not understand this. They lacked the organs with which to be able to comprehend the greatness and magnanimity of the gesture, the solidarity of race and blood implicit in the decision. Not even today, when Great Britain finds herself occupied by coloured populations from her ex-colonies. Even so, there are some Englishmen who understand and would give their lives to liberate Rudolf Hess from prison, to remove that stain of infamy which will pursue them through the rounds of eternity. For a long time it was believed the decision to attack Russia was accelerated by unfortunate events. So it appears to many. But the one decision was in consequence of the other. Neither of the two can be considered independently. Rudolf Hess was to explain to England that the danger was Russia, Bolshevism, the steppes, Mongol and yellow Asia. He said this to the representatives of the white race. He proposed to make peace in the West, withdraw from all the occupied territories, defend the Empire. He only asked for the return of the African colonies and a free hand in the east. He was not heard. Hitler had to act alone, always in his own way, a hurricane against the steppes. following the movement of the Leftwards Swastika that spins against the clock of Kali Yuga and that, upon triumphing, would again bring back Hyperborea, to the Polar region, closing the circle of the Black Sun with its Swastika. We would have then found ourselves in conditions to impose an earthly transfiguration. I can in good faith confirm that this was so, with direct knowledge, always from within Esoteric Hitlerism. In "The Golden Band" I have revealed that my Maestro warned Hitler that "it was only allowed for him to ask for the return of his colonies, but that he could not go even one step further." Repeating this to him as a warning: "Not one step further!" Clearly he referred to Russia.


For that matter, what was the position of the Thule Order? As we have said, the same Leftwards Swastika appears on the daggers of the SA and SS as on the emblems of the Thulegesellschaft. One of its founders, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, published his book, "Bevor Hitler Kam," and then left Germany. He settled in Turkey, where he drowned at war's end. With this kind of death we can always find the stamp of the English "Intelligence Service," as with that of Lawrence of Arabia and Mussolini, who also possessed documents compromising for Churchill and the English Crown. I have said in "The Golden Band" that if the Maestro had ordered me to abandon Hitler I would have had to obey him. But this never happened. Hitler took me to the Maestro and the Maestro brought me to the true Hitler, to the Führer. We shall stay together for all eternity. The Maestro understood that Hitler had not obeyed. But he knew he had also not disobeyed. Hitler followed his Voice. And the Maestro was at his side until the end. He confirmed this to me again thirty years later, repeating the same to me: "I have never and never shall see a being like him. An incarnation of Absolute Will" (Shudibudishvabhaba). Yes, the will to fulfill his "own mental creations," to use the words of the Maestro, already cited in "The Golden Band," with his Weltanschauung, with his conception of the world, with his Hyperborean polar mythology. In order to be faithful he did not destroy Great Britain; instead he invaded Russia in a final effort to save the white race. Yet he already knew that after the failure of the flight of Hess the possibilities for success on the surface of the planet were very few, not to mention non-existent. That Hitler thought so is implicit in the key name he gave to his Campaign in Russia: "Operation Barbarossa." Here is encrypted the greatest mystery of contemporary and future history, at the meeting point of time, in the subtle passage from one Age to another within the possible leap or escape. Hitler himself chose the names of the military campaigns. If he did not choose the one for Russia, we would have to attribute it to the God who possessed him. By not invading England and from the moment he decided to attack Russia, Hitler was no longer the master of his actions, in the sense that if he had ever seemed to be, now only the Hyperborean Archetype of the Fuhrer alone could be so. The War became the War of Gods and Demons, as we have said, Cosmic War, definitive, the Great War of the Worlds. Hitler had raised all the levels of the Great Drama. It already seemed laughable and petty to be concerned with the 129

"restitution of colonies" and the like. Instead it concerned the ultimate destiny of the Aryan Race. The war had polarized between the Sons of the Light of the Black Sun and the representatives of the Lord of Darkness. It is a War of Magicians and Magic. The extreme tensions, the highest tonalities of the soul can only be resisted by very few, only by the elect. And because of this we see the defection of exoteric and even esoteric militants. Except Goebbels, loyal to the death, and those who persevered by their good manliness, because their loyalty is their honour, as the motto of the SS says, because "blood is honour," as the inscription states on the daggers of the Hitler Youth. Those will reach the end, to the supreme sacrifice. And they will be together with Him, with the Ultimate Battalion, with his Wildes Heer, reintegrated with their bodies by the God Wotan himself. Because the blood of heroes is closest to Him, much nearer than the prayers of the saints. And because the Gods, who know they can not die, envy the heroes, who, not knowing it, gave their lives for loyalty to their Fuhrer, and to the memory of the blood. In the communion of Aryan Blood. The ultimate heroes of this time must be grateful to the Fuhrer, because He upheld so great a war, so enormous a combat, such heroic sacrifice, in the fulfillment of an Eternal Symbol, making possible for new generations to give themselves to Him and in Him to meet a Destiny, a salvation, an Ideal, a Myth of Redemption. So as we have seen and understood, we already know a God was again among men, together with the heroes; the true God of heroes, not the god of slaves; the God of Brahmins, of the Hyperborean Hosts, God of the Aryans, not the god of Jews. And the new religion that will manifest itself, the new Myth that is fulfilled, is the ancient Polar Myth, when Gods inhabited the earth and lived among heroes. We who have understood, the warriors of Esoteric Hitlerism, we are today the advance guard, the priest-warriors of a New Revelation: Esoteric Hitlerism.

Since this is about religions and to avoid confusion, we must explain that the quotations we have at times made and have yet to make about "Esoteric Kristianity" correspond to the Aryan contribution to this Jewish religion. In two thousand years the Nordic-Hyperborean profile has at times loomed up, only to be cleared away by blood and fire. Not to recognize this would be to deny the music of Bach, for having been expressed in the Kristian Myth. This prodigious Germanic beauty, patrimony of Aryanism, enlarges everything with its power, as Nietzsche would say. And Wagner, Meister Eckhart, Dante and Goethe himself as 130

well as so many others. In agony, the Aryan Spirit fought a battle, mostly unconscious most of the time, without clear commitment, until the advent of the Fuhrer. But "it was already late," as we have seen, "to be able to defeat those old fighters who have in their hands all the resources of the earth" (Protocol IV). Hitler knew this better than anyone. He already warned against it in Mein Kamph. The First World War was provoked to destroy the last Central European monarchies, the German, Austrian and Czarist-Germanic. The Bolshevik Revolution is totally the work of Jews. The leaders and founders of socialism, of Marxism, of Anarchism, are Jews. They destroyed Czarism and caused the triumph of the revolution of the Soviets in collaboration with the capitalism of Wall Street and the City with the economic empires of Baruch and the Rothchilds. The First, Second and Third Internationals are the visible organizations of the invisible Jewish government, as was the League of Nations and the United Nations is today. The revolutionary Jew Trotsky (Bronstein) married the daughter of the Jewish banker Givottovsky, partner of the bankers Warburg. All of this is explained very clearly in the important book "The Hidden War" by Malinsky and De Poncins, published in Milan, in 1965. A French writer, Henry Guilbeaux, who was Lenin's friend, says, in his book "Lenin was not a Communist," that the Revolution of 1917 was done in a different way than Lenin had planned it. Lenin had admitted he was used by international Judaism (he was married to a Jewess), as a tool, against his will and against his true thoughts. When he realized this and wanted to respond, the attack against him by the Jew Kaplan was perpetrated. Judaism and Trotsky himself, who in his book on Lenin makes him appear to be a Christian who attacked Trotsky at the outbreak of the Revolution, must have prepared the death of Lenin. The alliance between Lenin and Trotsky is shown to be obviously fake in the book by Claudio Mutti, "Stalin, Trotsky and High Finance," published by "Quaderni del Veltro" in 1971. Stalin was also made to disappear by that strange "conspiracy of Jewish doctors.' The great comedy of the persecution of Jews in Russia, if it means anything, would be a power struggle among Jews. It is a trick to make us believe in a Soviet Anti-Semitism and in a difference between Russia and the United States. That this is so becomes evident in the discovery of the true names of the leaders of the Revolution and Kremlin. We have already seen that Trotsky is Bronstein. Bulgarin was a Jew, as were Zinoviev and Kamenev. Brezhnev was married to a Jewess. Andrei Andreyevich Gromyko is the son of Isaac Katz and is the Foreign 131

Minister of Soviet Russia ad aeternum, because he is in contact with the American Jewish Tribunal and the Jewish directing Soviet group. The Defense Minister is Dimitry Fedorovich Ustinov, whose real name, however, is Ulbricht. Alexander Nicolevich Shelepin's real Jew name is Schoen. The custodian of Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy, the ideologue, decorated by Brezhnev, was Mikhail Suslov Andreyvich whose real Jew name was Suess. He received his orders from the highest ranking hierarchy of "B'nai-B'rith," through their contact man, Gromyko=Katz. Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, former head of the K.G.B. who was the President of the Soviets, had for a real name: Lieberman. And so we could continue until we grow weary. Goebbels, in his early novel "Michael," wrote that the destiny of the West would play out in a conflict between Germany and Bolshevism. For Hitler, after the murder of the Polish officers in Katyn Forest, done as a ritual sacrifice by the Jew Commissars of the Red Army, it was already clear war with Russia was inevitable. At the moment of ordering the attack to the East, the Fuhrer declared, in his proclamation to his armies: "Today we have opened a door, behind which a frightful mystery is hidden…" The peace offer to Britain had failed. Already in 1934 the writer and biographer Emil Ludwig, whose true Jew name was Abraham Cohn, announced the following: "Hitler does not want war; but he will be obligated, not this year, but very soon (only five years later). The last word, as in 1914, lies with England…" Hitler would now have to decide to fight on two fronts, almost alone, to the end. The European Crusade of the Waffen SS would be ineffective against the Jewish world alliance and the subversive activities of the joint intelligence services; the lodges, the decadent nobility, the High Command and his own allies, like Italy and Japan, which contributed to the tragedy in a decisive manner. The two months Hitler lost assisting Italy in the Balkans were fatal for the campaign in Russia. The non-declaration of war by Japan against the U.S.S.R. was a hard blow to the same campaign. The non-authorization by Franco for the seizure of Gibraltar was a Jesuit and "Marrano" treason. Moreover, Canaris, Freemasonry, the Jew Vatican… But Hitler knew. he always knew from the time of Mein Kamph, and even earlier. Because he had read "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." He knew well who the enemy was. The only enemy. On the failure of the mission of Rudolf Hess, his right arm, his comrade-initiate, everything was already lost on the field of


visible events. The exoteric war could not be won. Only the Esoteric War could be won. From that very moment the Fuhrer began to prepare the triumph in another dimension. He would have to unmask the Enemy once and for all, International Jewry, in the service of the Lord of Darkness, in such a way that there would be no doubts. So he did to his last written or pronounced words on the surface of the earth. Hitler knew he had elevated the tensions of the conflict to superhuman spheres; by a hermetic law the material defeat would be momentary, not being able to signify the ultimate end of the conflict. The Jew would dominate the world temporally. Hitler said it: "If I win this war I will have given a mortal blow to Judaism. If I lose it, then the very roots of Jew domination will be cut out." Thinking and knowing this, Hitler could not commit the initiatic error of eliminating himself physically, as if he had truly lost. Then he would have been neither at the altitudes of cosmic events nor of the Enemy. Moreover an Avatar does not commit suicide. He is the Lord of Voluntary Death: Matyamjaya. He detaches himself, goes away, leaving the body or with the body in a disk of fire, of gold, of orichalcum. Hitler was not free to decide about this as a man, being within a Hyperborean Archetype, or the Archetype being within him. Archetype of the Fuhrer. And a God does not commit suicide. Wotan does not commit suicide. Kristos lives. He only vanishes, leaving his body or disappearing with his body, like the sun in its setting. In the Twilight of the Gods. With music of Wagner, as Admiral Doenitz arranged when he announced his departure. Hitler knew all this already when he decided to attack Russia, refusing to hear counsels. The proof is the key name given to the Campaign in the East: Operation Barbarossa. Frederick I of Hohenstaufen, called Redbeard, never died. He only disappeared, in 1190, one hundred years after the First Crusade. He sleeps in the Cave of the Kyffhauserberg, guarded by ravens, Hugin and Munin. They shall awaken him when the ultimate battle is to be fought, from which Germany will emerge victorious. They are the ravens of Wotan. Even now Frederick Barbarossa has already awakened in the Fuhrer. After the Campaign in Russia he again enters into his mountain cavern, any sacred mountain on earth, to sleep and then wake again. In the Bunker, shortly before his disappearance, an SS officer asked Hitler: "Mein Führer, for whom shall we fight now?" Hitler responded: "For the man who will come." 133

Even before the failure of Hess' mission, Hitler had begun to prepare the True Operation Barbarossa, not the one in Russia, but that of his departure and future return. And the departure must be as it always was: in a Disk of Fire, in a Chariot of Fire, like Enoch, like Melchizedek, like Rama. The return shall be that of Kalki, on a White Horse named Vimana. Even when the Fuhrer, directly or through his Doppel Ganger, "doubles" who act on his precise instructions (as in the case of Rudolf Hess), continues the Russian Campaign, concentrating all his forces there to win (which he almost would have succeeded in doing had it not been for treason), he devoted himself to prepare the other Operation Barbarossa at the same time. Doenitz, with his submarines, had already discovered an "impregnable place, a terrestrial paradise for the Fuhrer," for Barbarossa, so he could sleep and "resurrect." But the chief attention of the initiates of the Ahnenerbe, of the sages of Esoteric Hitlerism, had been rather to focus on decrypting the Treasure, the Stone, discovered in Montsegur, in the caves of Sabarth, where Otto Rahn had been the first to find it. In the Gralsburg of Berchtesgaden they deciphered it; the science of Hyperborea has been reclaimed. Making possible the construction of the vimanas anew. The anti-gravitational science of orichalcum, of which Plato speaks, has been rediscovered. After this all else is meaningless. I have spoken with some ex-combatants of the SS who were on the Russian front and through the final offensive in the Ardennes who saw mysterious weapons in action that disintegrated enemy airplanes in full flight, lightning that left only a space where a tank had been before, or that paralysed the enemy without killing. They were used only once and then disappeared. "Why," they ask? "Maybe treason?" Skorzeny explained that the Allies would more than recoup their total war costs with the German plans for new inventions. Why didn't the Nazis use them? Skorzeny went on to say Hitler informed him Hitler could construct the atomic bomb, but would never use them. Until the end Goebbels had said that Hitler "would end this conflict with a shattering bang." But the Fuhrer did not do it, did not want to do it, could not. Because it is not the style of his Archetype, as we have already said. In my first interview with the aviatoress Hanna Reitsch, in New Delhi, she told me an interesting anecdote concerning Hitler. During a test flight she suffered 134

a serious accident and had to spend a long time in hospital. Every day she received a bouquet of flowers from Himmler. After being released she decided to thank him personally. Himmler received her in his office where they discussed religion. Himmler knew the Bible and could recite paragraphs of it from memory. When leaving he said to her: "If you sometime have a problem, do not hesitate to come see me personally." So Hanna did when a friend of the family, prominent in the German Embassy in Sweden, informed her of publications made in that country about tortures and deaths of Jews in Nazi concentration camps. Hanna asked for an audience with Himmler who was then at Berchtesgaden. He received her and Hanna explained to him what she had been told. Himmler said: "How can you believe that!" Hanna answered: "If it is not true, deny it in public." "The next day every newspaper in Germany denied the lie," Hanna Reitsch told me. She also made use of Himmler to get her first personal audience with Hitler. What she told me is revealing. Hanna Reitsch wanted to tell the Fuhrer the hoax of the reports about the manufacture of new weapons and secrets. "There is nothing," the Fuhrer told her; "I can assure you." Hanna felt great discouragement when Hitler did not listen and went on to speak of other things, of his dreams, his projects for the future. More, what else could he do? The Fuhrer knew more than she about secret inventions since they were under the sphere of his direct control. There, precisely in the Gralsburg, where they had deciphered the Stone of Ornolac. And it was not about jet planes, atomic bombs, death rays, V-1 and V-2 missiles, but about another much more effective weapon: a new spiritual science, of the disintegration and reintegration of matter, of levitation, anti-gravity, the vimanas, the dematerialization and materialization of the physical body, To make oneself invisible with the Tarnkappe of Siegfried. Of the disappearance in the Bunker, of the paradise in the "hollow earth," interior, at the bottom of the seas, beneath the ice sheets, up among the Antarctic oases and, from there, to the Morning Star. In a word, this was about the True Operation Barbarossa: Esoteric Hitlerism. Only very few sages and some elect would have been in on the secret and planning of all this, under the orders of the Fuhrer, the Avatar. Perhaps the unknown leadership of the SS were those who never allowed themselves to be seen, who did not wear uniforms or belong to the Party, above even the Sicherheitsdienst. Most probably the invisible leaders of the "Thule Society," of the "Vril Order" and some others even more mysterious and unknown still. His mission was to save the Aryan Race, the Nordic stock of the "Lebensborn" (born and raised in a Hyperborean atmosphere), submerging until the wave that would 135

destroy the New Atlantis would pass, towards the magic impregnable refuge of the North Pole, with the Fuhrer of the white race, with the Man Who Will Come. The visible leadership could know nothing of this, not even Himmler, who learned about it late, at the end, so that it may be the cause of his defection, not resigning himself to be left "outside," as had happened to the Grand Master of the Templars, Jacques Molay, some six hundred years before. Goebbels also knew, but he remained firm in the faith, with the loyalty of the hero, whom the Gods admired and envied because, without knowing whether he would be resurrected in Valhalla, by Wotan, by the Fuhrer, by an "Ultimate Flower." He contributed superbly to the resurrection of the Myth.


Page from the "Taschenlexikon," of the Army of Federal Germany of today, in which there is a drawing of a UFO. It reveals scientists of the Third Reich of Hitler built them.


The word UFO, referring to Unknown Flying Objects (Unberkante Fliegenden Objette), appeared in the "Militarisches Taschenlexikon," Fachauskrucke der Bundeswehr, of K.H. Fuchs and F.W. Kolper, published by "Atheenaum Verlag, Bonn," in Bad Godesberg in 1958, in the section "Flieger," dedicated to the Air Force and pertaining to the lexicon of the Armed Forces of Federal Germany. And this shows the Third Reich, in 1944, had a list of "flying objects," in disk form, reproduced in profile and from above. The "disk" would fly more than 2,000 miles per kilometre and up in a few minutes from the ground to an altitude of more than two thousand miles. The publication in my possession does not say if this vehicle was given to the Russians or North Americans, after the war, since it was not found. That was in 1944. The Hitlerists had built a Vimana, a Star, that flying object the "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata" as well as Homeros tell us about, and "that was driven by a melodious sound (Mantra) and that could read men's thoughts and feelings." Since then, since the end of the Second World War, many men have seen them over the earth and they can confirm they have the impression that someone from those "disks" is reading their thoughts and feeling what they feel. Powerful telepathic forces seem somehow to be using them, the same as made it possible to decipher the Hyperborean Talisman, that engraved Emerald with the formulas of ancient science and that fell from the Crown of Lucifer, or Irmin, during his stellar combat. Those who left in their vimanas, in their UFOs, took the secret unknown weapons with them. The enemies know it since neither the Russians nor the North Americans took possession of them. Hitler went with them. Therefore the secrecy surrounding the apparitions of UFOs and the order given by the Invisible Government to hide what is known. In Chile, for example, an Army corporal who encountered a UFO, while on a night patrol in the Northern desert, was then visited by journalists from all over the world and offered thousands of dollars for an exclusive interview. It was always refused. The Chilean Military Mission in Madrid, often asked by the interested parties, said the case was unconfirmed, even though the first announcement was made officially by the High Command. The former lance corporal had disappeared from the sight of his patrol for more than a quarter of an hour, while advancing in the direction of a UFO. He quite suddenly reappeared sitting on the ground, while his beard had grown and his watch had 138

moved forward by three hours. He remembered nothing that had happened since the moment of his disappearance, even though he had received orders that if anything like that occurred again he must immediately contact the President of the Republic. I obtained the information about this case from a direct and absolutely trustworthy source. In the final offensive in the Ardennes, directed by Hitler to the smallest detail, according to the account of Skorzeny who had played a greatly important role in it, at its beginning the SS used secret new weapons. This was announced in the world press. But they suddenly disappeared, without leaving a trace, as in the case of the Chilean corporal. Did Hitler receive an order not to use them? Was it no longer necessary to win the war this way? Had the Avatar prepared a different history, on other levels, in the magic of his disappearance and future return? Shortly before the Ardennes offensive the Voice had told the Maestro: "The sky has allowed Hitler to carry out an act of the utmost surprise." I remember these words exactly, as if I had heard them today. I always thought they referred to that attack in the Ardennes that almost threw back the Allied Forces of the English and North Americans once again. But today I think it could have referred to the departure of Hitler with his true special forces, in a submarine or a UFO. I incline to the latter, in a vimana. In any case if it were not so, then these Flying Disks will be completed to perfection in the "impregnable refuge of the Fuhrer," in his "Earthly Paradise," which the Hyperborean Guides will have readied for the ultimate fulfillment of Destiny. In Paradesha, in the Sub-Polar Hyperborea. More, he will not be there, because paradise has ceased to be terrestrial. The vimanas, the stars, will have long since have taken him to other stars, rotating with the speed and direction of the Leftward Swastika. And perhaps he is now in the true home of the ancient Hyperboreans, the original homeland of the Aryans and the White Gods, the Green Thunderbolt, crossing over the Door of the Morning Star, Oiyehue, and through the Black Sun. ………………………………………………………………………………………. My Maestro had seen a female white spirit flying off from Central Europe and returning back to the heights. I told of this in "The Golden Band" and said it was perhaps the Spirit of Germany; even more, of the white race that abandoned the earth. I could already understand at that time what this meant. The days had been fulfilled and what we have to spare, in these last past years, is for the number 139

of those who have to proceed to the new world, to the New Earth, the remaining heroes, able to save themselves through the most heroic and desperate struggle against the forces of evil and darkness, the ultimate loyalists of the Fuhrer, combatants for his Myth, within Esoteric Hitlerism, which the Avatar continues to reveal and fulfill from some place outside the Universe. In this concerto for two violins which I practice with the Maestro, I sometimes enlarge our divine dialogue and realize variations "that can alter the laws, but not the forces nor the sense." What did the Voice mean when she said to my Maestro: "I see this woman, having power in every place, unable to assert herself?" Who said that? Was it the same Voice that had demanded "to go to the return of the colonies and not one step further?" Even when he was told: "He was the victim of his own mental creations…?" To know who "this woman" was who "was unable to assert herself" we must ask ourselves who were those who were truly responsible for the loss of the war. Hitler was not. They were the treacherous generals and Masons, the High Command, the enemy agents in key positions of the most sensitive administration. Hanstaengle himself, author of "The Dark Years," already cited, and who in the middle of the war was an advisor to Roosevelt, gives evidence for this. And von Papen, informing the Americans rather than his Fuhrer about the ultimate possibility to end the war on the Russian Front. Von Papen was Judeo-Catholic, as we have said. In "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," all this has been said… Therefore "this woman" is Germany, as the "white spirit" is the Aryan Race who abandons the earth to leave with the Fuhrer and his Wildes Heer, with his "Odin's Horde." "The mental creations" pertain to the Esoteric War that Hitler unleashed, a "mental War" of "fixed ideas," of non-existent "Ultimate Flowers." They made him their victim, so to speak. They are the "mental creations" of one possessed by the Archetype of a Hyperborean God, by his God of the Aryan Race, by Wotan resurrected within his body, within his vehicle, prepared for this purpose. They are not "creations" of Hitler, because Hitler is nothing more than an "appendage." They are creations of the Führer, of the Avatar. And if He has decided this, it will be He himself who will realize everything to its climax, even after the physical disappearance of the vehicle who so heroically served him. We are in the presence of a Mystery, of a Revelation.


The end at the Bunker in Berlin was apocalyptic. In 1951 I visited the place where he had been. The ruins of the Bunker were still visible with its destroyed tower, tilted on its side. There were still some remnants of buildings from the Third Reich and Tempelhof Airport, conveying an "Egyptian impression" of the Hitlerian buildings, "temporarily" transferred to another dimension. I contemplated the walls of Spandau for a long time, within which Rudolf Hess and others found themselves confined. Sinister gray walls! It is unimaginable that in 1984 Hess could still be there! In the times immediately after the end of the war people did not believe in the suicide of Hitler in the Bunker. In a survey conducted in the United States in 1947, seventy percent of those asked said they believed Hitler was still alive. Various books were published making him appear in Tibet or Antarctica. The visible war ended in 1945; even in 1956 they continued to publish articles on the theme. I still keep a newspaper from India in which they claim Hitler was in Tibet. They also questioned the death of Subhash Chandra Bose, the Hindu leader of the Congress Party who was with Hitler until the end, and there are those who continue to believe he did not die, that he is in some part of the world with the Fuhrer. Everything is vague. Of the "incarnations" or representatives of the Archetype in minor key, the only one we positively know is still alive is Leon Degrelle, the leader of the Belgian "Rexists." Mussolini, Codreanu, Primo de Rivera, Doriot, Jorge Gonzalez von Marees, they died. I have met Degrelle more than once. I also knew Otto Skorzeny. Many will already not even know who Skorzeny was. He was on a different level from the others, only an extraordinary official of the "Special Forces" of the Waffen SS, a man of action, a warrior. His most celebrated feat was the rescue of Mussolini from the summit of the Gran Sasso, where he was held prisoner by the military of Count Badoglio, at the end of the war. He also took part in Ardennes offensive as a chief of commandos who passed for North Americans and sowed confusion among the enemy, giving contradictory orders. As this offensive had been planned to its smallest details by the Fuhrer, he was only obeying Hitler's orders. Degrelle also took part in this offensive and Peiper, that brilliant and heroic SS colonel, who was assassinated in France, after completing a long prison term, in order to prevent the publication of his memoirs. Otto Skorzeny was also in the battle for the defence of the Vistula, demonstrating his strategic and tactical ability. Then in Berchtesgaden he awaited the arrival of the Fuhrer, thinking about the final battle to be fought there and dying together with him. When everything had ended, he was taken prisoner by the North 141

Americans. He says in his books that the question his interrogators obsessively asked him, one track minds, was: "Where have they taken Hitler? Where are you hiding him?" Concerning Skorzeny they would have believed anything. Who better to take Hitler from Berlin and send him to some secret place on earth? So the Western Allies thought. But Skorzeny did not know and did not think Hitler was still alive. The Germans were and are the ones who have least believed in the physical survival of their Fuhrer. Germans do not lie, nor can they believe their leaders lie to them, that Doenitz would have lied. As always they are the last to arrive because they are slow, but when they do they remain. Thus they are able to rise to heights no others can reach. Today the Germans, little by little, are arriving at the experience of the non-death of the Fuhrer, of his return and resurrection. Who was in a position to know and discover the truth about what happened in the Bunker? The Russians. They arrived there first. What did they find? More than ten cadavers (some have said fourteen) distributed over the vicinity, halfcharred, with remains of the same uniforms as Hitler. Stalin stated to Cordell Hull, the North American Secretary of State of those days: "Hitler has not died, he is alive somewhere. We have not found the cadaver that could assure us of his death." Years later the Russians have tried to deny this, presenting false unsatisfactory proofs. We have already commented on all this in "The Golden Band." Those strange declarations of Stalin could have been one more point against him in accelerating the action of the Jewish doctors and the "medicine' they applied to him. The medicine "against the cult of personality." And Stalin died and nothing more remained of him in the scope of history, like Roosevelt, like Churchill. That the North Americans believed Stalin is proven by the powerful military and naval expedition they sent to Antarctica, under the command of Admiral Richard Byrd in 1946. I have gone over this in detail in "The Golden Band." The Allies thought they would find Hitler in one of the mysterious temperate water oases, discovered by the German expedition of Captain Alfred Ritscher in Antarctic Queen Maud's Land in 1938. Would this be the "terrestrial paradise" of Admiral Doenitz? Did the submarines discover the secret passage that, beneath the ice, connects the two poles? And the entrance to the "hollow earth," to the impregnable "other world"? Admiral Doenitz has taken the secret with him to the grave, if in truth he knew it. And whether or not he revealed it to his captors no longer matters.


Paradesha is and always was impregnable thanks to the vimanas and the other science of Hyperborea. Forty years after the end in Berlin a disturbing discovery has become known, revealed by the newspaper "Chriemgau Zeitung," in Rosenheim, in the south of Germany, on December 2, 1983. Due to an explosion in a sector of Berlin, a network of underground streets and tunnels starting from Hitler's Reich Chancellery, connected a system of Bunkers, ending in Tempelhof Airport. Its extent is still unknown, since the passageways are blocked by very thick cement walls, which moreover seem to be full of weapons and explosives accumulated there at war's end in Berlin. They were the cause of the explosion. According to the newspaper, some city residents recall the construction and work on the underground passages, beneath the sixty-six foot high hills of Kreuzberg, unique in Berlin. The work was done by the Todt Organization and directed by Albert Speer, who never mentioned it, not in his memoirs and in spite of his treason. The investigation is being undertaken in great secrecy by construction experts of the Technical University of Berlin and by special intelligence services. The subterranean streets allow the transit of small autos. Experts believe the system of tunnels, mazes and Bunkers were built to facilitate the departure of Hitler from Berlin. Now one can understand that neither Hitler, nor Bormann, nor any other high official of Hitlerism would have needed to escape by exterior streets, and how absurd the declarations appear concerning Bormann's death when trying to escape out of the Bunker behind a tank. All those explanations were specially prepared. The connection between the Bunker of the Chancellery with Tempelhof Airport, two kilometres in distance, was direct and secure. ………………………………………………………………………………………. For me the matter has needed no other proof. We knew, from the first moment, that Hitler was alive, that he had not died in the Bunker. My Maestro "saw him in astral." His face had undergone several changes. His moustache was now large, as appear in some photographs from the First World War. The Maestro described the place where they met. A dark underground passage. He called him by his name; but Hitler turned and withdrew without looking, even when the Maestro called again.


Was it in Tibet? In the interior "hollow earth"? One of the secret cities of the Himalayas or the Andes? It could equally be a subterranean refuge, built by the Hitlerists in the Antarctic Continent. The Maestro told us: "Hitler is in Antarctica." In 1947 I left for Antarctica, in the Second Chilean Expedition to that other world. Those were times of heroic difficult expeditions when Chilean mariners gave little credit to radar to circumvent icebergs. They were only sure of their mariner senses. In my book "Invitation to the Icefields " I said something, only a little, about this expedition. I was not going to find Hitler, as has been supposed. How could I have done so? I went on a mythic legendary pilgrimage, to render a cult to the dream, to the Myth, to the Legend, to the Avatar and to my Fuhrer. This is certain. It was a peregrination in homage to my own soul, a search for the center of my own being, of the warm Oasis in the midst of the icefields, of the frozen fire, of the Black Sun of the Poles, the Polar Aurora, the entrance to the Hollow Earth, and all that does not exist, that has never existed, that shall never exist. But that is more real that everything that does exist. My Ultimate Flower, more alive and eternal than all the flowers in the gardens of this world. That was the end of the pilgrimage to my Mystical Homeland, which began years before, as I have related in "Neither By Sea Nor By Land." There, in the polar extremes, in some way, in the nearness of those Hyperborean beings, I was nearer to receive their messages and energies, which allowed me to continue the combat to the end of time. And it was there that I understood all the greatness of the Myth that had been incarnated anew among us: The Resurrection of Myth. The passing of the years has done nothing more than confirm me in this certainty. Nothing and no one will be able to prevent its reincarnation, its consummation. All the components are in constellation, all the requisites have been fulfilled for the return of the heroes. On my return from the polar continent in 1948 I gave a talk that was later published under the title "Antarctica and Other Myths." I had to repeat the talk by public demand. It had the same message. Destiny has led the Legend towards the icefields of the South Pole. Full of symbolism, as if wanting to tell us the Voyage of the Fuhrer, the Return to Hyperborea, would now fulfill itself esoterically, would continue after his disappearance from the surface of the earth, in an exact direction, towards the South Pole, towards Antarctica, which quite probably was the continent of Hyperborea preserved under an enormous shield of ice, fourteen million square 144

kilometres. The catastrophe that destroyed it also caused the polar shift. And the North Pole (Hyperborea) is now the South Pole. Chile, our Mystic Fatherland, is the refuge of the Gral. The surviving Hyperboreans came here in mythic times, the White Gods of American legend, here the Vikings left their bones, the Templars and, now, the Esoteric Hitlerists, with their Fuhrer, with their magic Guide. (For this very reason the Jews have begun to mass here). There, in the icefields of the Antarctic, like Barbarossa, like King Anfortas, like King Arthur, like Baldur, like Wotan, "dead and not dead, alive and not alive," frozen, the Fuhrer sleeps in hibernation while the ravens, Korakenke, the Raven of the Incas. Allkamari, his magic vehicle, Hugin and Munin, the ravens of Wotan, guarding his dream to awaken him in the moment of greatest need and danger to the Aryan peoples. Keyserling said: "Everything that lies beneath myth is in the sphere of the infrahuman." Our times are so definitive in the passage of one astrological age to another, in the close of a Manvantara, that the symbol already makes itself visible for the animal-man. Only the blind do not see it, the soul blind. The exoteric war has ended. It was also won by the mythic Jew, and by his Archetype, the Lord of Darkness. But Hitler, the Fuhrer of the Aryans, the Twice Born, won the Esoteric War. Yet this war has not come to its end. It will never end. The journey of the Leftwards Swastika continues towards Hyperborea, and even beyond, towards the Morning Star, that artificial planet that was a comet, detained here for now, that Warrior-God of the firmament, that window. His Crown fell to earth, to the North Pole, submerging the Hyperborean Continent and leaving its Celestial Prince held in shackles, Lucifer, Apollo, Irmin. With Him fell the Gral, his secret, his knowledge. Returning to the Star of Morning, towards the Bright Star of Dawn, the Double Star, that is also the Star of Evening, Yepun, the Bright Star of HE & SHE (ELELLA), the double face, Baphomet. There, aboard a vimana, the Fuhrer goes as well, to return as Kalki to assist his warriors, his elect heroes who here, alone, have continued the battle in his exoteric and esoteric war, even to the giving of their lives. And the Hyperborean Divyas, who are together with Him, envy those surviving heroes who in the darkest times, full of awful shadows, without knowing He is still with them, believing themselves alone, continuing, nevertheless, to fight to the last breath on the "surface of the earth," completely controlled by the enemy. Oasis of warm waters among the icefields, white fire, frozen fire, cold secret point at the center of the heart! To remain impassible, calm, imperturbable in the 145

midst of combat, without hatred, without anger, without trial or prejudice (as the Maestro said), beyond passion, in the center of passion, far and near, within and without, beyond the God of Cold and Storm. This is to be a Hyperborean, to go towards Hyperborea, to have found this impregnable region, this Earthly Paradise, Paradesha, the Black Sun at Noon, the highest peak of the Mountain of Revelation: Mount Melimoyu, Kailas. The central point of the person, the Oneself, the Selbst. This is the Resurrection of the Fuhrer, of Wotan, of a God among us, in the Antarctic icefields, in the Mystic Fatherland of the South Pole This is Esoteric Hitlerism.


THE MOUNTAIN Well, where to go from here? Towards where? As in the old times during the destruction of the Templars, the surviving Hitlerists on the surface of the planet, the Kameraden, began a pilgrimage towards all the ends of the earth, persecuted like criminals, hunted like wild animals, caged in dark dungeons, tortured and murdered. In France, Robert Brasillach was sentenced to death; Knut Hamsun, forcibly admitted to an asylum for the mentally ill, deprived of all property and rights; Ezra Pound, imprisoned for thirteen years in an insane asylum in the United States. Today there are protests because the Russians do the same with their rebels. Jewish method, used by both sides. We saw already in 1939 how it was used in Chile with Gonzalez von Marees. Not in vain are psychiatry, psychoanalysis and the clinics in the hands of Jews, everywhere in the world. No one in the West raised their voice to protest the tortures of these great men. We were the nostalgic, to use the title of a book by Saint Lup, we who could not forget. "Never forget, never forgive," that extraordinary woman Savitri Devi told us. Where to go from here? To the greatest depth, then, to the center of a mountain, where we shall meet the Fuhrer, where Barbarossa sleeps.


I was on the blacklist of the Americans and English for four years. It was impossible for me to get work, I had to sell my library, my family heirlooms, so that my family could live and eat. My wife came down with a lung ailment and had to go to a sanatorium in the mountains, my two little sons stayed with relatives and I, where I could, with friends. Yet in those times the people of Chile were more courageous, more whole. Even enemies helped me. They respected a loyal opponent then. Today we are surrounded by miserable servants of Jews. Few among the new generations value anything. As for the intellectual climate, there is nothing to say. When Chile broke diplomatic relations with the Axis, she did so with as much dignity as possible. Juan Antonio Rios, a man of integrity married to a lady of German descent, was President of the Republic. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was my uncle, my mother's brother, Joaquin Fernandez y Fernandez. He broke relations with Germany and I broke with him. He was not capable of resisting the pressure of the United States nor of renouncing his post before signing that infamous document. Peron's Argentina also broke relations. Countries like ours could not do anything else. But the Ambassador of Chile in Germany, Tobias Barros Ortiz, resisted the pressure to the last. He was a great ambassador. I was born in a land of high mountains inhabited by giants and raised in the foothills of the divine Cordillera. So I can not live in the plains, in valleys not divided by snowy peaks. Soon after my initiation, one dawn in a waking dream, the dark summit of the mountain that frames our city introduced herself to me. Within her were two gigantic figures, one raising open arms towards the summit, the other bent with pendant arms. The profiles of their bodies were streaked with veins of gold. Since then I believe the mountains are inhabited by giants, that the mountains themselves are petrified giants who stand immobilized, coated in rock from when the Ancient Sun went away. And they await his return to go back to dwell in the world anew. It will be the end of Kali Yuga. There is a religion of the Mountain. Whoever approaches the high peaks feels that everything small disappears, remains in valley shadows, in cities where the animal-men live. Above is the abode of the Gods, Aryan snows. Worldwide the heroes, the semi-divinities, have venerated the Mountain. In the United States there is Mount Cuchama, sacred to red men, who still keep the Swastika as their sacred symbol. While Professor Hermann Wirth was still alive he was visited by a delegation of red skin Indians in Germany. They were in search of the "man in 147

Europe who also adored the same Swastika." But he was already no longer there. He had left precisely in search of a Mountain. Where did those Hyperborean symbols and traditions still kept by the noble Indians of the red race come from? From a vanished people of white giants who lived on Mount Cuchama before them. This was revealed in "The History of (Lower) California," by F.J. Clavigero. In 1947 in Sonora, Mexico, some nine hundred miles to the south of Los Alamos, in a cavern of a mountain some 7,000 feet high, a lost city was discovered with gigantic mummies eight or nine feet tall. In their tunics bordered with blue pyramids. Caves were never a place to live, not even those of the Magdalenians. They were places of worship. Professor Wirth confirms this. The initiation of hunters and warriors took place there. In Matakiterani, on Easter Island, the Cave of Initiation was called Hakrongo-Manu, "the Hearer of the Manutara Bird." The mountain cave represents the feminine, the mother, the obscure. We are going to be born from there anew, vanquishing the tectonic, in sacred initiatic birth. The Aryan is reborn there. The mountain cave is, moreover, the totality, the magic marriage, because the Mountain is the masculine symbol; together with the cavern they form the Androgyne, Total Man, Ardanarisvara. The cave is the yoni, the mountain is the lingam. In the Himalayas the sacred Mount par excellence is Kailas. It is located in the Trans-Himalayas and is the place of pilgrimage of Hindus, Tibetans and Buddhists. There, above, on its summit, Shiva resides with his wife Parvati. They fulfill the Magic Weddings in an eternal and ecstatic Maithuna. Their son is Ganesha, the Elephant-God, symbolizing the path of return of the Kundalini way of Tantric Yoga, since they meet in the first Chakra, Muladhara, as a Black Elephant and in the fifth Chakra, Visuddha, as the White Elephant. Shiva is the Lord of Yoga. Ganesha is the Son of Man, of Immortality. Mount Kailas is the visible counterpart of Mount Meru, the invisible, as the River Ganges is the physical counterpart of the invisible river, Saraswati. The animal figures, of God-animals, point to a non-human origin that transcends the human. The Son of Man, Ganesha, the Elephant-God, the Astral Body, is no longer human. From Mount Meru, the invisible, come the divine and semi-divine peoples and races: Merovingians, or Meru-wingios. Meru-weg is the way of Mount Meru. Weg is way, in German. Also Maori, Mauri and Ma-uru, Land of the Mother, of the White Queen, Atlantis, according to Wirth.


In those years I read and reread the expeditions of Swiss explorer Sven Hedin through the Trans-Himalayas at the end of the Nineteenth Century and beginning of the Twentieth. Supporter and friend of Hitler, they planned together the shortest routes to connect Berchtesgaden with Lhasa, in Tibet. Because, like the Pueblo Indians and the redskins of Mount Cuchama, Tibetans were also lone custodians of the great secret of a race of white giants, the Dropas, who preceded them. They kept the entrance to the interior City of the Himalayas, Agharta, or Agharti. Evans-Wentz, editor of the "Tibetan Book of the Dead," "Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation," "Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines" and "The Great Tibetan Yogi: Milarepa," as well as writings about the Sacred Mountain Cuchama. The latter was his final book. Evans-Wentz was a North American who built a stone house in Almora, with a view of the great Himalayan giants. My friend, the Lama Anagarika Govinda, lived there where I often visited him from a house I also had in this high Himalayan village, gateway to the pilgrimage to Kailas. I frequented his meditation tower. Having before me the indescribable view of the Nanga Parvath, "I entered into combat," as my Maestro would say, in evenings dyed with the rose of sacred peaks and their sunsets of liquid gold, alchemical gold. Lama Govinda painted Kailas. I acquired this painting and have it now in front of me, together with those other marvels of the Himalayan peaks by Russian painter Nicholas Roerich. I contemplate them while listening to Bach's "Art of Fugue," that sublime work, the last he composed, above even the steepest peaks of this world, in Mount Meru, the Invisible, in the highest tonality of its soul immortalized by Hiranyagarbha-Cabda, Orphic Cabala.

Two thousand years of Judeo-Christian domination have made the term pagan pejorative. A writer as anti-Christian as Julius Evola fell into the same error of discrediting the term due to his incomprehension of Rosenberg and National Socialism. I have his essays "L'equivoco del Nuovo Paganesimo" and "Paradosi dei temi: Paganesimo razzista, eguale iluminismo Liberale." The cult and adoration of the Mountain, of daily light, of the Sun, of natural forces, of the rivers and trees, has been profoundly spiritual and symbolic. We do not worship the Sun as something physical, but what is behind the Sun, our 149

Nostalgia for another Sun beyond all suns: the Black Sun, the Green Thunderbolt, something non-existent, that has been lost. We do the same with the Mountain, the Tree, the River. Joy, beauty, love and strength fall away and are achieved, in this religion as ancient as the world, stemming from everything that is behind the symbol, that Nature only reflects and our soul captures. Because "things come to us eager to become symbols," as Nietzsche once said. The contemporary Christian, direct heir to all the hatred against beauty of the Jew, has poisoned Nature for us, first spiritually, deforming the pagan sense of life, and then physically, contaminating her, envenoming her with its products of a Jew technology and science that will eventually destroy her, as the most logical expression of their hidden hatred, preventing her transfiguration. The Nostalgia of nature, in pre-history, is expressed in the cult of the Light of the Year and the Sun, as symbol of this Nostalgia of a different Sun, one beyond the Sun, spiritual seed and Light of another earth. In the Nordic-Atlantean strain this Nostalgia was represented by means of enigmatic magic signs, Runes. The Ancient Sun, the Black Sun, beyond the visible Sun and for which Nostalgia is felt, and who is the Man To Come, who will return. The vîra extends his arms towards him every sunrise, towards this Sun beyond the sun. He is the man with his arms extended upwards. The Hyperborean who has lost this Other Sun is the man plunging into the abyss of night in this land, with his arms open and extended downwards. My giants within the Mountain. The Man Rune: Rune:

and the Yr

. When the Light of the Black Sun has disappeared the vîra takes refuge

in the Mother Cavern, to await return, rebirth, resurrection of the Ancient Sun. Frederick Barbarossa goes to the Cavern of Kyffhauserberg and Hitler to a cavern in Tibet, a Mountain of the Andes or the icefields of Antarctica. They will enter into sleep, dream, hibernation. guarded by the Ravens of Wotan until the return of the Light of the Black Sun, opening of the "Window" of the Cave, which will allow the pronunciation of a magic New Word, a New Rune that will break the Cycle of cycles of Eternal Return, of the Calendar Year of Brahma. And the world will be the Hagal Rune:

, formed by the conjunction of the Man Rune, that of

Life, and the Yr Rune, that of Death. Total-Man, Reborn, Twice-Born, the Aryan. This Rune already has the form of a Star of Six Points (that the Jews would steal). In truth the Star of Morning which is also the Evening Star, Yepun and Oiyehue, 150

Double Star of Lucifer, Irmin, Wotan, Quetzalcoatl. Star of Warrior Initiation; Star of the Watchmen of Aurora, Watchers of the Dawn, those who go in the direction of Hyperborea, towards the return of the Black Sun, to the rediscovery of the continent submerged in waters of their own souls. And when this takes place, when men are reborn, they shall take the Hagal Rune and make it rotate leftwards, in the direction of Hyperborea, of the North Pole (that is now the South Pole) and transform it into the Swastika of Esoteric Hitlerism. The Black Sun revolving backwards towards the origin, towards the Green Thunderbolt. Black Sun of polar midnight. None of this is human imagination. They can not invent these things. That great Chilean poet Omar Caceres said: "Not a thought, oh poets! Poems there await us." Hyperborean poems. If there were someone's imagination in all this, "it is the cosmic imagination," as Otto Rahn would write. The Hyperborean Archetype is an extra-cosmic poem writing itself on this earth through the heroes of both sexes, those who deliver their lives like a blank page so that He may write his redemptive immortal poems on them. I did not invent the claim that Hitler was alive, that he had not died in the Bunker, that he had left by submarine to the oases that exist among the icefields of Antarctica. Others said that, his own enemies. And it was logical that it should be so, because this belongs to eternal truth, to a Minne, a Nostalgia that recurs and comes from beyond the Universe. As we have seen, Frederick Barbarossa, King Arthur, all the Aryan Fuhrers have died and not died but only sleep in a mountain cave, icefield, island, oasis among the icefields, hot spot in the midst of cold, fiery ice, frozen fire. Oasis or cavern has the same meaning. The "Hollow Earth," within, Enchanted Cities of the Himalayas or Andes. My Maestro saw Hitler beneath the earth, in a hidden world, perhaps awaiting the return of the Light of the Black Sun, a New Dawn. The Hyperborean Myth works by itself and through itself. Clearest assurance of a new triumph, the return of Kalki on a white horse. Nor did we invent the symbol of the Flying Saucers, UFOs, Vimanas. They were there, "writing themselves by themselves" in the "Militarisches Taschenlexikon" of the democratic anti-Hitlerist Germany of today. The UFO, Vimana of the Hagal Rune, is the Swastika revolving in the direction of the Morning Star. Double Star of Esoteric Hitlerism, Wotan. Star of Hyperborean Initiation. It is the vehicle in which the Fuhrer shall return when his hour has come.


The Temple of our order was also located inside a mountain. There, in cells illuminated by another light, Brahmins were in permanent concentration. The members of the Order went there from all corners of the world and were summoned to enter into battle, to fulfill missions or resist difficult tests. Reaching that Mountain was arduous, having to cross valleys and dark forests inhabited by enemy tribes and elemental beings against whom battles were fought to the death. Once a year there was a grand reunion. The Brahmins submitted initiates of the Order to severe tests, something like knightly tournaments. They went off together to fight battles on other planes, on distant stars or in the astral atmosphere of this earth, the psychosphere. I think whoever stepped in front of me with that basin of lustral water, to quench the fire of vibrations, must have been a Brahmin who invisible watched my work and progress in esoteric experiences. The Maestro believed the Temple was located in a great cavern which exists in Mount Kailas, in the Trans-Himalayas. So I went to India in search of that headquarters of the Order. Very likely the Fuhrer had already been there, before or after Antarctica. I have spoken about this search in "The Plumed Serpent." As in "Invitation to the Icefields," I said little enough, scarcely anything. It was not possible to reach Kailas, since it was still in a region controlled by Communist China. I nevertheless made the attempt to gain an invitation from the Chinese government. The ambassador of that country, Pan-tzu-li, saw me officially to enquire what I wanted to see on my travels. I told him Tibet and Kailas. I did not receive an answer and therefore never formalized my visit. I was drawn to the frontiers of Tibet, climbing towards Amarnath, in Kashmir where the icy Lingham of Shiva stands erect in a great cave. I also went to the sanctuary of Vishnu in Badrinath. Consulting many yogis, swamis and holy men, I travelled with sadhus and pilgrims and none of them knew of a cave in Kailas, by Lake Manasarovar in the village of Dirapukh. I spoke with Swami Shivananda, in Rishikhesh and with the Dalai Lama as well, in his Indian exile. I also consulted my friend, the Majaraja of Sikkim and Prince Rashkumar. No one had ever seen it. I believe the Temple will be found in Mount Meru, in the spiritual double of the physical Kailas, where the bodies of the Merovingian giants were made (Meruweg) and from where Wotan went forth with his divine Aesir.


I searched the Himalayas for ten years and for another ten in the Alps, attempting to find the secret entrance to the land of the gnomes, of Siegfried and King Laurin. One day I decided to return to the Andes of my youth in search of the City of the Caesars, Paititi and Elellin. Himalayas means Abode of Snow. Andes means Antu, sun and Anda, man, as well. Total-Man. An-Tropos. Thinking about this, I believe I can interpret my vision of the giants within the mountains framing the city of Santiago del Nuevo Extremo. What is the Mountain in an hermetic esoteric sense? In truth, it symbolizes man, as the cavern symbolizes the Temple. As we have said, the first temples were mountain caves. Mountain and cave, Lingam and Yoni, man and woman, in a cosmic sense; the Androgyne, Total-Man. Absolute Man and Woman. Therefore the true Temple is Man and is found within man. This is where one must go to serve, to adore, to find the Mountain and Cavern, the Enchanted City, Oasis of the Icefields. That is where the Fuhrer will resurrect, the Man to Come, the Son of Man. Here and there, in a synchronistic combat. Because no one will find the refuge, Cave, City, entrance to the interior "Hollow Earth," who has not on the outside found it first within himself. This is Esoteric Hitlerism.

The Mountain is the body of man: Astral Man, Hyperborean Man, Siddha, Divya, Urmensch. It is the Egyptian Sahu, the "Body of Resurrection" of Osiris. Thus, its physiology is hermetic, astral, Aryan. For example, my giants would be the two nadi, or (astral) nerves of tantric physiology. Ida, the left side of Merudanda, the etheric Vertebral Column, and so forth, and Pingala, on the right side. Their counterparts in physical physiology are the ganglia of lymph nodes along the dorsal spine. Born in the Muladhara Chakra, or in the pelvic plexus, they cross, the first ending in the right nostril and the second in the left nostril. Sushumand rises through the center of Meru-danda towards the cranium, joining with the Sahasrara Chakra in the brain. From there the Fire Serpent climbs up, Kundalini. She is the Sleeping Beauty of Mount Meru, in the Cavern of Kyffhauserberg, the Immobile Beloved, frozen, hibernating, who must awaken in the base of the Magic Mountain, in the Muladhara Chakra, precisely. My giant of the Leftside, with his 153

raised arms, the Man Rune, is Ida, the other is Pingala, the Yr Rune. The Mountain is the Temple and the Body of the Man-God, Wotan, the Urmensch. Sushumna, which is born in the sacrum, the third nadi, that in the middle, is the most important, the giant who is still invisible, the "time eater" (Saturn), he who delivers immortality. He is the Hagal Rune, which connects with the summit of Mount Meru, where the Magic Wedding of the other two is celebrated, of Ida and Pingala (Shiva and Parvati). In short, all this is ultimately symbolic. In my youth I was introduced to the eyes (the third eye, Vril, the "memory of the blood") suddenly opened, in a "dawn of sonorous crossing paths," like the vision of a mandala and yantra. My entire life has passed attempting to interpret them, to comprehend them. Proof of this are the distinct explanations I have given for this vision in my various books, "The Plumed Serpent," "The Golden Band," "NOS: Book of Resurrection" and now. The difficulty for we who are not modern, but ancient, is the impossibility of communicating with the rationalist minds of this time of the Kali Yuga that has desecrated everything. For distant beings the environment was full of life and divinity. Plato and Aristotle said: "Panta plere Theon." Everything is full of Gods. The Araucana, among us, adored the trees, mountains, rivers, forest, like the ancient Germans, like the redskins, like the Hindus. In India every river, every natural accident is inhabited by a God, by a spirit, with whom men communicate through ritual and cult. The selcnam of Tierra del Fuego were immersed in living warm nature, in spite of their glaciers and icebergs.




The Chief of the Pueblo Indians, Ochia-Biano, Mountain Lake, told Dr. Jung that "the sun would no longer go out into the mornings because the white men would prevent them from helping the sun to rise," imposing Christianity on them, like a wound in their souls. I also remember a "Gaucho" of the cordillera who once told me: "Señor, what will happen to the snow? I think it will not return again because the 'gringos' have stomped it away (he was referring to the skiers); they have gravely offended it." Other ancient people who lived in the vicinity of the mountain "El Plomo," thought the same. Because they had removed the mummy of an Indian child from its summit, left there by the Incas in a sacrificial ritual to the Gods of those heights, for some very specific purpose. The locals believe that now the climate will change and they ask for her to be returned to the sacred Mountain. Children in Germany and the Scandinavian countries, until the last war, still saw elves and fairies. I also spoke with them in the garden of my childhood. I scarcely remember it now because I have lost the vision, together with that distant garden. We have desecrated the world, collaborating with the Demiurge, with the Lord of Darkness, transforming her into a dead heavy sphere, a composite of aggregated atoms, of rock, metals and lime, or at most oil, without knowing what this substance is truthfully. We extract it, exploit it, dirty the earth, destroy everything, with a materialist Judaic criteria, without knowing that the earth is still a living being with body, soul and spirit, with a vîra, eager for transfiguration. In Chile, since the Conquest, the landscape is not ours. We have imposed a strange cult and God on her, with the result that the current inhabitants are out of balance with the world around them. They have nothing to do with the sublime peaks, the beauty of the land, nor with the sea; they are in total disequilibrium with the landscape. We must extract the light of a new Sun from the Gods, from the ancient Giants who sleep within the rock of the Andes, recognize them, show them cultic devotion, establish a dialogue. Only thus can we reach a balance between man and the landscape. Today man is destroyed, annihilated, eroded, like the earth, outside the sublime beauty of the landscape. The transfiguration of the mystic homeland will only become possible through extracting the Giants from the Mountain. We will have unsheathed the Sword of Chile. And then, from deep waters of the Pacific, the ancient Continent of Spirit shall emerge, having been submerged there. It will emerge, as from within the archaic brain of the 156

Anthropos, Urmensch, beyond the cerebral cortex, the current sun. And the earth will again be inhabited by giants, by the White Gods. Disabled peoples will disappear, the slaves of Atlantis and that precarious strip of our fatherland, surviving remnant of a submerged Continent. To be transfigured and redeemed. Since I was very young I felt my mission was to help the imprisoned giants of the Mountain, to free them, like Lucifer chained in ice of the North Pole, or South Pole, to vindicate them, to liberate Prometheus. Today I also feel I must help the Fuhrer to return, from within the body of the Mountain, contributing to the fulfillment of his Myth of Resurrection. So here I am once again, together with those magic Andes of my youth and my initiation. Mountains of the White Gods. The Sacred Mountain of the Himalayas is Kailas. That of the Andes is Melimoyu.


It was no easy task for me to have to recognize that it is not easy to understand my books. I am so immersed in symbols and legends circulating through my blood. So it has been arduous to come to know that others do not live in this way. But I am learning, with the painful consequence that I must accept myself as a distinct being, from another world. At this point, I can only seek my peers. I write for them. How could I explain my simple transparent words, form them the way the Archetype is "printed" in this world, like a "cosmic plasma," in a malleable clay? There is a sacred time and a profane time. The first pertains to archetypal eternal lives, the second is for personal biographies, for historic falsehoods. Nothing personal survives death, only the archetypal, but only when the Archetype is a Hyperborean Archetype and the hero who incorporates it has been able consciously to realize his Sense, surpassing it. That is the difference. Moreover the diabolical Archetypes of the Demiurge exist. And they are the more numerous, the Demiurge being himself a diabolical Archetype, or Lord of Darkness. Against these the hero must fight, destroying them. Now the materialization of the Archetype in this world of slower vibration is effected as an impression of a stamp in the "cosmic plasma." For example, in the 157

case of the Urmensch, the Anthropos, his "Hyperborean physiology" reproduces in the following manner in the body of terrestrial man: the animal emblems of the constellations, which are the chakras of the body of Cosmic Man, repeat as a plexus in man. And thus with everything I have explained previously, with the nadis, Kundalini, and so forth. Swedenborg said, concerning this: "The sky has the form of the body of a man." As above, so below, and vice versa. Thence derives the law of synchronicity so important to our Warrior Order and to Esoteric Hitlerism, because the search for an interior world is not sufficient in our initiation. In like manner the struggle must be fulfilled in the exterior world, because a Secret City exists here as well, an entrance to the Hollow Earth, a Sacred Mountain and magic magnetic chakras of the planet. A Cave of Resurrection exists and a return back by the Fuhrer, who only sleeps, in wait for the supreme moment of homecoming. Outside as inside, there is a Great War, an Enemy and an Eternal Beloved, a Valkyrie. The supreme instant of this viril warrior Initiation is fulfilled in synchronicity, when the interior process (mutation) coincides magically with the external miracle, finding itself in both worlds, the delivery from, the passage to the Hollow Earth, to the Oasis in the icefields, to the refuge of the Fuhrer, to the Paradise of Hyperborea, to Oneself, to the Selbst, together with the Tarnkappe of Siegfried, with the science of levitation of vimanas that take circular form, and of the Astral Body (the Egyptian Sâhu, Body of the Resurrection of Osiris) that has also become round, like a star, or a planet, like Venus-Oiyehue, like the huaihuhuen of the selcnam magicians, the Jon. Of course everything here below is archetypal, only men not being fully aware of it, by the fact of there being a full margin permitted for the "human, alltoo-human" that claims to be the most important in these modern times, for the socalled "humanists." From Illuminism onwards, man has given no attention to the Eternal Return of the Archetype, to its cyclical law, its symbol that surpasses everything, making religious the lives of those who live it. For the ancients current acts such as marriage were no more than repetitions on earth of events first completed in another Cosmos, because the Hyperborean Gods also married. Men repeated what had happened above, thereby filling their actions with sacredness. The physical union of the pair, hierogamy, misterium conjunctionis, Maithuna, Magic coitus. The German term Hochzeit comes from Hogezeit, annual festival, with "ecstatic orgasm." And the Year would be fertile and joyful.


Creation was polarized between Yang and Yin, to speak like the Chinese Daoists, positive and negative, man and woman. Similitude, plagiarism, falsification by the Demiurge of something that happened at inconceivable distances where the positive masculine principle maintains himself unmoving. It is Parama-Shiva. The active, that which moves and dances, beginning the creation of worlds, is Shakti, the Bride, the feminine principle. In archetypal tantric love this is reproduced with the woman becoming the active and man the passive. It is Maithuna, magic coitus, where the woman initiates, the yogini moves and shakes. Initiated man, the sadaka or hero, remains immobile, far away, ecstatic, not ejaculating the semen outwards (Bundi), only within to impregnate himself and be girt with the Son of Death, Son of Eternity, Son of Man, the Astral Body, as has been said. This is also the A-Mor of the German Minnesanger and the initiate troubadours. A-Mor means Without-Death, because (in Spanish) it is composed of "a" (without) and "mor" (death). Love ("Amor") is written in the reverse of Rome ("Roma"), to indicate a secret initiation opposite the teaching of contemporary Roman Catholicism. We shall return to this theme in Part IV of this book, repeating these concepts. Suffice it to say that, until Christianity, the Gods of the Ancients were married, each with a Divine Spouse with whom they lived in permanent pleasure, in an orgasmic state. The Wife of Shiva accompanied him on the summit of Mount Kailas (Meru); her name is Uma. The Wife of Rudha (Shiva) is Runa. The God-Goddess Runa. The Wife of Vishnu is Lakshmi, that of Wotan is Frigg (the Fresia of Ercilla) and Berchta, the brilliant, the luminous. The Wife of Baldur is Induna. And so on. The origin was in Hyperborea, that vanished world, because the Gods lived there and were the kings. Hyperborea, we have said, is the name the Greeks gave to that region of the extreme north where Apollo went every so many years to return rejuvenated. Hyperborea means "beyond the God Boreas, of the Cold and Storm," indicating that even in the time of the first Greeks that world was beyond the ice, surrounded by a "transparent glass," perhaps beyond the material condensation of energy. The name the Vedic Folk of India and Persia gave for it was Aryanabaiji, place of the brotherhood of the Aryans. This is important since this shows Hyperborea was not a country in the historic sense of the word, but an initiatic community, a brotherhood of Gods and semi-Gods, of Aryans. This is important because it indicates Hyperborea was not a country in the historical sense 159

of the term, but an initiatic community, a brotherhood of Gods and semi-Gods, of the Aryans, the twice born, where heroes, semi-divine vîras of all the other vanished worlds, of Atlantis, Mu, Gondwana, went to be initiated to be reborn and to confirm the Law, which Apollo especially guarded (a-Polo, without Pole). Poseidon and Atlas (his name derives from Atlantis) held the "Column" that, entering into the fixed Pole Star, supported the sky, going through the heavens. In fact the column was Vril, Thunderbolt, Power of ER, projecting from the brow of Hyperborean Magi and Magas, thereby able to uphold the heavens, those of another Universe distinct from this one of the Demiurge. Thule, Ultimate Thule, was the capital of Hyperborea. The sacred secret sanctuary of Poseidon was in this city. So this word comes from the Greek posis, meaning married. Because the Magic Wedding between Him and his Wife Clito was performed there, in Thule, Hyperborea, in the Temple of Poseidon. And that is where heroes went to marry, the Gods and semi-Gods of all the today disappeared continents. A-Mor, the Magic Wedding, was taught by the Hyperborean Magas, by the Valkyries, Allouine, Opis and Arge. Avris, who travelled to Greece riding an arrow, performed them: The God Heros. Today only tiny dispersed islets remain among the terrestrial debris of the extracosmic First Hyperborea. Hitler believed the British Isles were one of these remnants of Hyperborea, where the survivors buried their dead. Therefore he did not want to invade them in his Esoteric War. Piteas of Marsiglia (Marseille) searched for Ultimate Thule four hundred years before our Era. His writings were lost or made to disappear; we only have news of his voyage from quotations in other authors of the time who mention him. Helgoland, or Heil-Land, Saved-Land, Holy Land, a little islet in the North Sea which into the Middle Ages was a rock where Magic Weddings were celebrated. Forsite was married there. Those Frisian Gods gave their benedictions and presided over the Tantric Hyperborean Wedding. So English planes kept bombing the sacred rock even after the end of the war, filled with craters and wounded today. The hatred of Judaism against the Hyperborean, the Sagas and Nordic memories does not pardon. It would neutralize the magnetism of this point of the planet, ancient "window," or "door of entry" and "exit" of Lucifer, Apollo, the God Irmin. This senseless bombing had the character of black magic, or exorcism against an esoteric action of Hitler that was almost successful: the flight of Rudolf Hess. As if wanting to destroy the last link to Hyperborea, of Engeland (Angeland, land of the Angeln Germans) with the Tiusken, Teuschland, Deuschland. 160

I have also visited this small rock, this surviving remnant of Hyperborea, and there celebrated the Magic Wedding with my Divine Valkyrie, who accompanied me from Valhalla, from the Morning Star. I wrote about this in my books "The Golden Band" and "NOS: Book of Resurrection," these things so sacred and so forgotten by those here. Groenlandia, Greenland, a great island now covered with ice sheets that were once Green Land, as its name indicates, veiling this mystery with a frozen white mantle. What became of the Hyperboreans who still lived there in historic times? They have vanished without a trace. Did they find the entrances to the interior world, to the Hollow Earth, residing today in the Secret Cities of the Fuhrer? Will they be found beneath the Patagonian ice, perhaps Antarctic, protected by the White Gods, their baiji, their kameraden?

The fundamental difference between the modern and ancient mentalities is the belief by modern "humanists" in evolution. The ancients knew only involution. The Golden Age was already passed, left behind, lost. Judeo-Christian religion perverted this truth even more changing it into its Earthly Paradise. Something survived in Genesis, that antediluvian document that seems to refer to the sinking of Atlantis, more than to that of Hyperborea, Atlantis having been a much later catastrophe before which there existed something like a Paradise on Earth (but on which Earth?), a Golden Age. We have already seen how Genesis has been adulterated when a primitive people of ignoramuses and slaves stole that document. The Indo-Aryans give us a detailed account of the cosmic and planetary phenomena of Involution. They did not teach during the Vedic Period proper. They did between that age and that of the Epics. During the epic period the Monkey-God, Hanuman, describes it. It seems the Kali Yuga begins three thousand years before the Age of Pisces, quite possibly with the war of the Mahabharata that only came to be recorded in written texts much later. We return thus to enter into an archetypal cosmic conception that repeats from above so below. Creation would be an enormous respiration, an idea later adopted by the gnostics. The nearer Creation is to the Being who "exhales," the more radiant and subtle everything will be. The more things become distant in 161

space and time the more the energy diminishes, until almost disappearing shortly before the "inhalation" that returns to reabsorb the created, with a period of intermediate retention, to begin anew with an exhale. The analogy ceases to be trivial when we realize that the same human breath would be nothing but a repetition in miniature of this "Cosmic Diaphram or Lung." Eternal reproduction of the Archetype below as above, all equal to itself, all eternal. An infinite play of mirrors, a Mandala, like in those ancient Chinese boxes of tea, where another box is painted the same within this other and another. For the Hindus Brahma breathes the world. The exhalation and inhalation correspond to a Day of Brahma. One can thus understand how the terrestrial day, the planetary and solar year are also a reproduction in miniature of the greater one. Year, months, weeks, days and even hours, minutes and seconds are archetypical, having their sidereal equivalents that we shall detail. They correspond to the Eternal Return of the identical, to the superhuman echo, to the dance of shadows in the Cave of Creation. The Day of Brahma's Respiration is a Kalpa. It is made up of 2,000 Manvantaras or 4,320,000,000 years. A Manvantara is divided into 4 Yugas. Thus the Manvantara comes to be a Maha-Yuga, a Great Yuga. Manvantara or ManuAntara, length of the life of a Manu, of a Monkey-Man, of an archetypical Anthropos, of an Aeon or Lord of Cosmic Time, astrological, or an entire Era; the Archetype reproduced in that period of Creation. The Initiation of Easter Island had to do with all this, with the Manutara or Manu-Antara, with an entire Great Age and with its Man-Archetype (see "NOS"). A Manvantara is made of 4 Yugas: the Satya-Yuga or Krita-Yuga, the Golden Age of the Greeks: the Treta-Yuga, Age of Silver; the Dwapara-Yuga, Age of Bronze, and the Kali-Yuga, Age of Iron, the most obscure, the actual one. Manu, the Monkey-Man, an Archetype, is not always successful. At times there is a failure, as in our Manvantara. It conforms with the God-Stars, the God-Constellations, with greater or lesser success. In turn each Yuga is made up of a Sandhya that precedes it, a Twilight and is followed by another period of equal duration, Sandhyansa, corresponding to a portion of this Twilight. Each is like an interval that antecedes the Yuga as such. Each one is equal to a tenth of the duration of the entire Yuga. The duration of a Yuga is measured by "Days of the Gods." A year of the Gods corresponds to 360 years of men. The Satya, or Krita-Yuga, lasts 4,000 years of the Gods. (The Golden Age).


The Sandhya (Twilight) lasts The Sandhyansa lasts Total:

400 years of the Gods 400 " " " " 4,800 " " " "

4,800 by 360 = 1.728.000 years of men. The Treta-Yuga Age) The Sandhya The Sandhyansa Total:


3,000 years of the Gods. (The Silver

lasts lasts lasts

300 years of the Gods. 300 years of the Gods. 3,600 years of the Gods.

3,600 by 360 = 1,296,000 years of men.

The Dwapara-Yuga (The Bronze Age) The Sandhya The Sandhyansa Total:

lasts 2,000 years of the Gods.

The Kali-Yuga (The Iron Age) The Sandhya The Sandhyansa Total:

lasts 1,000 years of the Gods.

1,200 by 360 =

lasts 200 years of the Gods. lasts 200 years of the Gods. lasts 2,400 years of the Gods.

lasts 100 years of the Gods. lasts 100 years of the Gods. lasts 1,200 years of the Gods. 432,000 years of men.

The Maja-Yuga, the sum of the four Yugas, the Manvantara, lifespan of a Manu, 12,000 years of the Gods, equal to 4 million 320 thousand years of men. During the first Yuga, the Satya-Yuga, men lived 4,000 years; in the TretaYuga they lived 3,000 years; in the Dwapara-Yuga, they lived 2,000 years; in the Kali-Yuga, men lack a more or less fixed lifespan.


One might think much is still lacking for the end of Kali-Yuga. In general terms, yes. But not for the end of this earth as we know it, for the coming of Kalki and the judgement of the heroes. The earth is not the same during the different Yugas, nor in the Manvantaras and Kalpas. The seed of Cosmic Man, the Anthropos, has travelled through the stars and constellations. Even before the end of Kali-Yuga, this world will disappear. The end of this horrible Age, of Iron, will be in a realm of lead, of protons heavier than lead, in an automated hell whose nearest prefiguration is the Jewish Kaal of communist society, with its Mongol and Yellow races. The surviving warriors, the few Sons of Light and Wotan, will enter into their vimanas and depart, simultaneously with the great catastrophe. The picture presented here is something like the sum of the Involution, descent, weakening of the Respiration of Brahma. Before and after everything returns to begin again, there will be an interruption, a sunset, immobility, a rest. During the first Yuga, in the Golden Age, life was paradisiacal, we are told, without sickness; there were no sacrifices but a single cult with a brotherhood and race. In the Second Yuga, the Silver Age, they began sacrifices with gifts to the Gods. Rectitude began to decline by a quarter. In the Third Yuga, the Bronze Age, only a few men adhered to truth, rectitude declined by half and ceremonies and cults multiplied. Sicknesses and calamities began, caused by Destiny. In the Fourth Yuga, the Iron Age, all sacrifice ceased, the Gods died while hunger, evils and sickness beset men. Decline and confusion is general. This Age began 3,102 years before Christ. For the Manvantara, that is, for the four Yugas of this Age, there have been ten incarnations of the Avatar. Vishnu incarnates to come to help his own. The Satya-Yuga corresponds with four astrological incarnations in the form of zodiac animals, which indicates to us that Age had not been spiritual and that those incarnations were not Hyperborean nor of Vishnu, as some claim: The Lion, Boar, Turtle, Fish. During the Treta-Yuga the incarnation is mythological: the Dwarf. This is the fifth incarnation of a Demiurgic Entity. That Yuga only corresponds to the actual earth in part. The sixth incarnation of the Treta-Yuga is epic and Hyperborean, that of Parasu-Rama, Rama with an Ax (Parasu equals ax). Wotan, God-Hero of the Aesir, carries an ax. We are already entering into the actual earth, beginning with the Exodus from Hyperborea, symbolized by the Rightwards Swastika. Parasu-Rama is the son of Brahma, which indicates the decomposition of the structure of the Golden Age, where Shastriyas and Brahmins unite in the sacred person of the King and Supreme Priest. (Melchisedek. See my "Visits of 164

the Queen of Sheba"). The seventh incarnation is the Avatar Rama-Chandra, Moonlight, the hero of the epic poem Ramayana. The eighth incarnation of the Avatar is Krishna, the blue-coloured. Brahmin priestly domination has already been imposed, coming to rule as the first caste, over the Shastriya caste of the nobles and warriors. The ninth incarnation of the Avatar is Buddha. Here the great decline begins, destroying the caste organization of Aryan society ruled by the "Laws of Manu." The tenth incarnation of the Avatar of Vishnu has still not been born, according to the epic Indian texts. He will be Kalki, who will come riding on a White Horse to judge and to save. My belief is that the Ultimate Avatar of Vishnu, Kalki, if he does not come to close Kali-Yuga, will precede the destruction of this actual physical earth by just a few "days of men." Kalki will carry a flaming sword in his right hand, symbolizing the return of the Myth of Phaeton, that "comet" of the Greeks that caused the destruction of Atlantis. (Halley's Comet). He is the return of the Fuhrer, at the edge of time. White Horse, Ka-ba-lla. Hiranyagarbha-Cabdha. Cabala of the White Aryans. White Magic of the Aryans. The "Bhagavata-Purana" adds several more Avatars, beginning with Purusha, the unnamed Being, Selbst, Monad. The Avatar is a projection of Hyperborea. The difference between a Demiurgic Archetype and a Hyperborean Avatar is that the latter is a projection of the Siddhas to help rescue the vîras, (heroes) from the infernal Wheel of Eternal Return of the Kalpas, Manvantaras and Yugas, from the "respiration" of the Demiurge Brahma-Yahweh and from phagocytosis by his Manu-Archetypes, Hierarchies and Aeons.

The question we inevitably ask is: Where is Hyperborea, Ultima Thule, in this conception? We understand that from the first expiration of Brahma, they have fallen into time and space, even when these were different times and spaces, the days and years of the Gods. This expiration coincides, perhaps, with the partition of the Cosmic Egg of the Primordial Androgyne, of Orphic Myth, that we have expressed as revelation in "NOS: Book of Resurrection." Yet there are conflicting views about who begins the "dance," the "breathing" of Creation. For Hanuman it is Brahma; for Shivaite Tantrists it is Shakti, the feminine principle. Perhaps the partition of the Egg produced the First Hyperborea in an atemporal 165

second before the Great Dance of the Shakti, who the Vedantics call Maya, the Great Illusion and the Tantrists and Nietzsche call the "Will to Power." In the exact moment of the beginning of the Respiration of Creation, which also begins the Involution, and which Nietzsche sees as the beginning of the Midnight at Noon and vice versa. So today the center of Kali-Yuga is where the greatest nostalgia is felt for Hyperborea. Among materialistic men we find young men and women full of nostalgic yearning and highly developed telepathic abilities. It is difficult to describe the splitting of the Cosmic Egg again here. We cannot reveal more than we already have in "NOS." The Drama there described of the separation of He and She occurred in subtly remote distances impossible for our Kali-Yuga minds to comprehend. All this was before the Satya-Yuga of the Golden Age. It was an intermediate time and space; in fact, a Sunset, Sandhya, in the same Dawn, in a Midnight at Noon. A Cosmic Prologue to the Drama, to the "Memoirs of the Archetype." Something that has happened beyond the Archetype. It was before, outside the Satya-Yuga, that we must situate the First Hyperborea, in another "inexistent" Universe, in the Green Thunderbolt. The Golden Age is another thing already included in the occurrence of the Involution of the Respiration of Brahma. Man there lived for four thousand years, and dies. There is a cult and even Nostalgia. Magic A-Mor is taught, in remembrance of Hyperborea. Our contribution to Orphic Mythology, as revelation, has been the following: as there once existed a Cosmic Egg, which we have called HE-SHE, formed by the union of He and She, there also existed another who we have called SHE-HE, formed by the union of She and He. In other words, in addition to an Androgyne, there was an Androgynous. It is impossible to penetrate deeper into this Mystery. Something of it is preserved in Genesis, where in addition to Eve there is mention of a mysterious companion of Lucifer, Lilith, about whom nothing more was said. She is the Great Widow and her sons, solely mental and spiritual, are the "Sons of the Widow." In truth they are the Son of Man. All of this is repeated in the legend of Jason and Medea. The Cosmic Egg that split is also only one among an innumerable number. Many remain inviolate. They are the Purushas in the Samkhya philosophical conception. We have said the Aryans are not mono-theists but poly-theists. The Drama of Kalpas, Manvantaras and Yugas referred to here centers in only one 166

Universe among many others that could exist. Nietzsche already foresaw this when he asked: "Might there not also exist other worlds where no law whatsoever exists, where they do not balance the budgets of mechanics, nor cause nor effect?" And in this infernal world corrupted by the Demiurge, in this Eternal Return of Involution, the defeated or fallen Hyperboreans promptly came to meet with Lucifer. Perhaps they did so voluntarily to regenerate, transmute, liberate the most heroic of combats in the very citadel of the enemy? In any case, the Avatar of the Fuhrer came to help his heroes. When the Egg of HE-SHE divided, the She separated from the He, she left first. And He will be the agonic pilgrim in search of She, through the worlds, galaxies, where both must fight the Enemy. But here another Egg-In-Itself, SHEHE, who had contemplated the explosion of HE-SHE in an uncreated space, also divided her Egg, like the suicide of a New star, by solidarity, by A-Mor (Love without love) because she felt comradeship with HE-SHE, so to speak. And thus we have a She in search of her He through glorious wars and bloody sacrifices. And Someone, an unknown Being, will be left to await the return, like on the edge of a Fountain. Someone who in the adventures of those two (four), played the Destiny of a divine impossible existence, unimagined even by the greatest pilgrims of nostalgia. Who was this Being, who seemed to have dreamed all this, who risked so much in the Mystery of HE-SHE and SHE-HE? Is it someone who is beyond the Archetypes of the Demiurge and even of the Archetypes used by Hyperborean Siddhas as instruments of their combats? Someone who wanted to destroy the universe of the Demiurge, to break the Cycle of Cycles, to break free the prisoners of Eternal Return? Someone who permitted HE-SHE and SHE-HE to part as pairs of opposites in order to enter into the nightmare, into the corrupt world of the Demiurge, to search for each other, to find each other again, fighting to transmute this evil creation? When in the infinite rounds of the return, in some Kalpa, Manvantara or Yuga, He reencounters his She, or She her He, their history does not end there. Magic, miracle, triumph will occur when the Absolute-Man, who has also recovered his She, again meets the Absolute-Woman, who has also recovered her He, like Allouine, like Lilith. And then together, in the Great War of Wotan, Divya and Valkyrie, led by the Fuhrer, break the Cycle of Cycles and defeat the Lord of Darkness, the Demiurge Jehovah. They win by losing. And They are AMen, they write the comedy of A-Mor, of a Love without love, non-existent, beyond everything. Through other spaces, other eternities, those who initiate the 167

adventure together, the War, the Drama, return to join as comrades, like diamonds, beyond the stars and galaxies, behind the most distant stars. To return to separate themselves and join together once again. And tears, like worlds, will be shed by Someone who has been left waiting as if on the edge of a Fountain. This was the A-Mor taught in Second Hyperborea, that impregnable polar fortress, built by Hyperborean Divyas during the Satya-Yuga, the City of Poseidon, of the Bridegroom, in the Golden Age, and who was invisible in the other yugas, by means of a Golden Band that Poseidon lay in a circle around Thule. ("I'll give you the end of a Golden String Only wind it into a ball It will lead you in at heaven's gate Built in Jerusalem's walls." By William Blake) The split of He and She, the breaking of the Orphic Egg, Hyperborean, had War for its reason, separating itself to be able to enter into combat in a Universe divided in pairs of opposites, corrupted by the Demiurge Jehovah. They are heroes, men and women warriors, Avris, Allouine, Lucifer, Lilith and some others who still try to recover and transfigure the earth, defeating the Lord of Darkness, destroying his Archetypes, freeing his prisoners and finding the Exit from the infernal Wheel of Eternal Return.

All the Gods had their wives, their lovers, except the judeo-christian God. Jehovah does not have one, nor his ignoble son Jesuschrist the Jew. Krishna already announces the end of the Dwapara-Yuga and the beginning of Kali-Yuga. He dances with many women, with the cowherds of Gokul, in the gardens of Vrindavan; but in truth he only loves one, Radha. Here the descent of the Hyperborean Archetype of the Valkyrie begins to be felt, or better, to be incarnate. Because even when the women through whom He searches for Her are many, the Absolute-Woman, the Divine-Woman is only one and, and from some register outside the Universe, designates her as unsubstitutable, irreplaceable. For Krishna she was Radha, the Parakiya, the wife of another. She only abandoned her 168

husband in special moments and went to dance with her God, who awaited her eternally. In the Kristic legend, penetrated by Aryanism and Nordicism, this goes even further. The Jewess Mary appears as spouse of an ordinary man, a human being. But she becomes pregnant by a God, without losing her virginity. That is the matriarchal Myth of very involuted times, when the Valkyrie has decayed into an Amazon. Hermann Wirth, by ignorance of Esoteric Hitlerism, exalts matriarchy as the ideal of the origins and speaks of the White Queen of Mo-Uru, of Atlantis; Gaia, the woman who gives birth without involvement with a man, like the queen of the termites, by telepathic action as we would say, like in the painting of Leonardo "The Annunciation," where the Angel is "impregnating" the Aryan virgin-girl with a "look," transferring God, impregnating her in her flesh. And she receives his gaze in her open hand, in a ritual gesture, full of acceptance. Hermann Wirth entered into conflict with Alfred Rosenberg, as Bachhofer would have, because he defended a matriarchy against the Weltanschauung of the SS that, it seems to me, must be above matriarchy and patriarchy, themes relative to the lowest yugas of involution. Professor Hermann Wirth quit the leadership of the Ahnenerbe. This was the specialized organization of the SS for the investigation of pre-Antiquity and remnants of the remotest past, the heritage of Hyperborean ancestors. A matriarchy also existed in Chile, during pre-Antiquity, and according to Lopez de Gomara under Queen Gaibomilla. That name is curious, certainly invented, including the radical gai, from Gaia, which gives birth without intervention by men. This matriarchy is after the Kingdom of the Giants and White Gods and shows a decomposition from the superior Hyperborean Archetype of the Valkyrie.


Mount Meru (also Melimoyu) is located in both Poles of the Way of Esoteric Hitlerism and the Initiation of the Gral of A-Mor. In both extremes there is an exit towards HE-SHE and SHE-HE. Through the Double Star, Venus. By the Star of Morning (Oiyehue) and by the Star of Evening (Yepun).


Yet we should pause a moment here in this matter of autonomous feminine procreation. In these pages we have tried to reveal the existing possibility for the initiate to give birth to his own immortality, his Astral Body, his Son of Man, when, by the initiation of A-Mor, he becomes pregnant with the Beloved, in a kind of initiatic parthenogenesis. Something similar would happen with the superior Woman (not Eve), to Lilith or Allouine, made pregnant by an "Angel," also by Magic Love, by the Initiation of A-Mor, in telepathic astral contact with the Beloved. And thus she gives birth to the true Son of Woman, something that was inside, potential, virtually, and that Jung has called the Animus, which will now have the Face of the Beloved, of Avris. She will be the Absolute-Woman, prepared to rediscover the Absolute-Man. And to remake the Two Cosmic Eggs that, nevertheless, will never be the same as they once were. Because now they have a Face. The Double Face of Baphomet, Double Star of the Morning. And Two Eggs reborn, two recuperated Purushas, united and separated forever, who will invent the Great Comedy of Love. This Ultimate Flower. And they will have gone out from the prison of the "breathed world" of the Demiurge, of Eternal Return, beyond the Archetypes and their tyrannical Gods. We have referred several times to the Gospel of Thomas, found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, where a dialogue is given between Jesus and Mary Salome, of the purest Tantrism. The Hyperborean Kristos, the Kristos of Atlantis, also had a wife, a Beloved, in the sense here indicated. Simon Magus, who presented himself as a reproduction of Christ, travelled with his Enoia and performed miracles with her. Perhaps Mary Magdalen was the spouse of Jesuschrist, in the copy and adulteration of the Kristos of Atlantis that has been made by Judaism; or the same Mary Magdalen who was then transformed into his Jewish Mother, under the influence of the lunar matriarchy of Jewish Christianity. A tyrannical devouring mother, like that of Parsifal, but from whom Jesus the Jew would not free himself. In the Kristic legend of the first centuries there is the influence of Hinduism, above all of Krishna. Mary, in truth Maya, Illusion, Shakti, who in the cycle of initiation of the troubadours of Occitania transformed into the "Feasts of May," the Month of May, where everything is what it is not. An Illusion. (See my work "ELELLA: Book of Magic Love.")


From Hyperborea, from the North Pole comes this remembrance, this nostalgia of Magic Love, transmitted in the memory of the Aryan blood. This is set out with renewed force and enthusiasm in the mystery of the Gral and in the Initiation of AMor of the German Minnesanger and the Occitanian troubadours. As in the Fedele d'Amore of the north of Italy, in Alchemy and, finally, in Esoteric Hitlerism, in the form of the Myth and symbol of the terrestrial life of the Avatar, of the Hyperborean Archetype of the Fuhrer. In all these disciplines, to be able to reach the goal of the immortalization of the initiate, a feminine presence is essential. At the side of the warrior, of the knight of the Gral, of the Minnesanger, of the Troubadour of the Fuhrer, a woman must exist, whether of flesh and bone, or in imagination, on the other side, in a beyond, in the world of the dead, of heroes, in Valhalla. Only her presence, or her remembrance can constellate within the hero, the warrior, the initiate, the Hyperborean Archetype of the Anima, permitting him to retrieve the lost She, giving her to the Anima, to the Astral Body (which in the man is feminine and in the woman is masculine, according to Jung), the face of the Beloved. He will succeed only when enamored with his Valkyrie. The esoteric doctrine of the troubadours uses an elaborate technique of idealization of the Beloved, of the Domna, to reach objective transcendence. It is Platonic love, a Tantrism of the Right Hand, like that of Dante. The Tantrism of the Left Hand reaches similar ends, realizing Maithuna, or magic coitus with the woman, without ejaculating semen outside, but inside the man. Tantrism of the Right Hand fulfills union with the Beloved only in the astral body and in others even subtler. Both belong to the "Wet Path" of Alchemy, which travels with a woman. Parzival advises Gawain to conquer the Gral without God, only with his fury and the memory of his Beloved in his mind. The "Dry Path" is that of the Magus who, without need of an external woman, has married within because he already has her within himself forever, or because she has not met him in this Round and only guides him from Agartha. The Demon, Lord of Darkness, has tried to confuse the Beloved with the "Jewish Mother of God," procuring her mystical adoration. This is the origin of the false Marian Cult, a sort of spiritual matriarchy and celestial transpolation of the White Queen of Mo-Uru. The ideal woman of the Minnesanger is named Woewre-Saelde, a Grand Dowager who inspires them. With the Mystery of Gral, this comes to embody the PreHistory in History. The Sangreal, or as it were, the Royal Blood of Hyperborea, its 172

Aryan Memory, Super-Polar. This marvellous road of A-Mor is essentially virile. Only heroes can face the trials the Beloved poses to her elect to fetch them the Grail Cup, full to the brim with the Liquor of Immortality: Soma, Ambrosia, Amrita, Ahoma. Full, in truth, with the blue blood of the Hyperboreans, the Aryans, the Twice Born and of the Minnesanger who drink in the rites of Minnetrinken, within the Circle of the Mannerbunde. At the center of this Circle, of this Table of Round Rock, of Polar Ice, is the Fuhrer, also with his Initiate Beloved, Parastri, the Amasiae Uxor of the Cathar troubadours, Woevre-Saelde. He is the Ultimate Avatar of the God of the Ax, Wotan-Vishnu. Vishnu is a Hyperborean God whose emblem is the Swastika, blond and with blue eyes, living in Agartha. Therefore the Fuhrer will not come to destroy, but to restore Hyperborea, giving us the exit from the Cycle of Cycles, of Kalpas, Manvantaras and Yugas. He is the Man To Come. The King of Hyperborea is ER; Saturn-Kronos, for the Greeks, the God of Satya-Yuga, he who devours Time. So Hyperborea is not entirely within historical time; it is situated beyond the Respiration of Brahma, beyond the demonic Creation of the Demiurge Jehovah.

She and He do not always meet within the Rounds. It is almost a miracle for them to be able to meet, free and with memory. It often happens that they come to this world at different times. Or She must depart, almost when He meets her. Or they have married another, as happened to Nietzsche. It is the Parakiya. The pain can lead to suicide or insanity, as with Hölderlin and the same Nietzsche… Ariadna Ich liebe dich! This kind of Love is almost always linked to death, as with Tristan and Isolde, with Romeo and Juliet, in the ancient legends and sagas. Because it is not a love of this world. It is a Love to the Mystic Death, initiatic, that fails with Juliet. It is the Love of Eternity, Immortality. Because there only exists one Hyperborean She for a Hyperborean He in all the universes and beyond them. And it is spiritual crime and suicide to betray the Eternal Beloved. The Archetypal Myth is fulfilled most exactly with the death of the Beloved, as in the "Divine Comedy," Hermetic, symbolic poem composed with the keys of the initiatic School of the Fedele d'Amore, to which Dante belonged. It seems she must go away, withdraw into incommensurable distances to better be able to guide 173

the lover ("if God desires I shall love you even more dead," Elizabeth Barrett Browning) presenting him with hard tests. On leaving, she has left him pregnant with Eternity. Because "she has opened his heart as with a dagger and been installed there. And he already will not have another companion other than her, to the dark depths of the grave." And "in all the battles he fights, she will fight in him." And "if he is loyal to her to the death, only good fortune will accompany him." The way of Esoteric Widowhood is hard and glorious. It is marked by the chastity of Knights of the Gral. In all this an essential difference is insinuated between the ways of Viril Initiation and Feminine Initiation, both of A-Mor. At death, she risks her eternity, since she has given it to her Lover. Only if he wins, gives birth to the Son of Death, if he becomes eternal, clothing his Astral Body with immortal matter, imperishable, Vajra, as if the weapon in hand forces the departure, will he be in a position to resurrect it, to return it to life, to make it immortal as well. She leaves married and with his face on her soul. The face of the Beloved, having to continue the way of his initiation, of his immortalization, alone on the other side, but telepathically united with him, as his Valkyrie. He now awaits her in Valhalla, to cure his wounds and rebuild their destroyed bodies, if he dies in combat. Also to bring him the Grail Cup, of Eternal Life, full to the brim with the liquor of Immortality. We have written on this in "NOS: Book of Resurrection." It is a delicate matter, feeble, on which one must not insist nor rationalize. It is only to be lived. It is the gift of eternity. The Myth of the Fuhrer also carries love and death together in its fulfillment. So Extraterrestrial Destiny has wished. The Hyperborean Archetype, the multiple incarnation of the Avatar, also in turn projected in Mussolini the glories and fire of its legend. His She accompanied Il Duce in death. I believe the true She of Hitler departed ages before, or did not incarnate. And he officiated the Rite every time the Light of the Black Sun penetrated him and the Mystery reproduced itself in the vibrations of the Memory of his Blood. And when the Fuhrer returns, he will certainly have at his side, on the back of his White Stallion, his Hyperborean Valkyrie. The Fuhrer must awake in Mitgard, or Asgard. It may also be he will resurrect in the City of the Caesars. 174

Shortly before leaving for India I met her again. She came without my knowing it, almost without my having noticed it, "like a thief in the night who carried away everything I had." She looked at me to the depths of my soul, with her eyes the color of the sky, and I saw through mine as if I were a window, as if further away the Light of the Black Sun were being recreated, premonition of the Green Thunderbolt. Reclining at her side, holding her hands, until she suddenly disappeared, as she had come, leaving me in the greatest bereavement, without knowing even who she was, nor what in truth had happened. Little by little, in the swirling of the light of the Leftwards Swastika, the Mystery of A-Mor had been revealed, as if She, from some distant point, had put her hands on mine, weaving a tunic of Vajra for my soul, a barque of green light to navigate together through the marvellous waters of eternity. She continued burning one by one my other inheritance, my chains of Kali-Yuga, my doubts, forming me to the Absolute Will, handing me the mantra of voluntary death. She is who fights in me and for me. She is my A-Mada. Next to her grave I had to intone the Song of the Comrade: "If you sleep, I watch for you…" To be able to meet her again I shall have to go so far and, at the same time, so near, "like to a land I have never seen, but is as near to me as the other half of my senses." Because she is here, since "the world is no where else, but within, a-mada." And I must persevere, in the greatest solitude, "until hope believes, with its own shipwreck, the thing contemplated." The imagined AMor. The Ultimate Flower. And when I die in combat, or when I leave, carried by a Disk of Light of the Black Sun, by a Vimana, I know in some place, or center, beyond the Cycle of Cycles, she will be waiting to offer me the Grail Cup, full of the Liquor of Eternal Life. Here, in this second earth, she will hand me a leaf of silver laurel and the Leftwards Swastika, that of our Fuhrer, symbol of combat and the difficult way of return to Hyperborea, our Nuptial Fatherland. She was of Nordic-Hyperborean race. She was Allouine.

WHEEL OF LIFE AND MANDALA In the Wheel of Life, didactic painting of Lamaist Tibetan Buddhism, the Eternal Return of the cosmic great nights and great days is of reincarnations 175

represented as succeeding within a great cycle filled with horrible figures. And all this, in turn, in the belly of a most terrible demon. And so it is, because at the end of one of those macro-kalpas, the Archetype of the Demiurge, Jehovah, will devour his own illusory creation, his Maya. The Mater-ia eats her own children. And nothing remains. This is the world, the cosmos into which the Hyperborean spirits have come to fall. What has happened, how have they been chained to that infernal Mater, to that Mother? The Cathars affirm the Universe has been created pure, but from the fifth heaven downwards the ghost of evil and chaos has been introduced, the Demiurge Jehovah, mixing and adulterating everything. So the earth is the world of Demons, and their Lord of Darkness. The Jews would be his representatives. Unfortunately, the Cathars did not know this, nor the Templars, although some gnostics did.


The key points in the body of a Vîra, or keys to the Door of Exit. A Runic Mandala.


Whether the Cathars are right, or if this universe were only an infernal sacrilegious copy, counterfeit, from another spiritual Universe, which adjusts better to the nature of the Demiurge Jehovah and the Jew, his acolyte, since they are not creatures, but mere copies, thieves inclined to falsification, the drama of the Hyperborean vîras here introduced, fallen, imprisoned, will always be the same and obey one movement: risking everything to give combat to the Enemy in his own territory, to be able to win the war from inside. These heroes have brought into jeopardy the loss of their Hyperborean souls to destroy the nightmare of the Demiurge, his falsification, his welter. They have attempted to return the world to its original purity, to transmute the earth, transfigure corrupted nature, adulterated by the Demiurge Jehovah, by the Lord of Darkness, who, in turn, intends to extend his gangrene, his infernal copy, his machinery of returns, his breathing, his "evolutionary" dream. Here is the Great War, in any case, because if the Cathars are not right and there is no such corrupted, adulterated world, but an independent creation, of nightmare, made by the Demiurge, with his galaxies, stars, planets, minerals, vegetables, animals and animal-men, with his great circular respiration, from Another Corner, from Another Universe, "where other laws reign, or no law," as Nietzsche would say, the Siddha heroes, the Hyperborean divyas, have gone forth to enter into this terrible Cycle, through the Window of Venus, from the Black Sun, from the Green Thunderbolt, to unleash an essential combat to destroy it. Or they are challenging combatants who heroically risk their identity, or are defeated, prisoners of the legions of the Lord of Darkness, captured on the borders of Another Universe, on the confines of Hyperborea. I incline to believe the lived experience of the Cathars, because I discover in the Nature corrupted by the Demiurge a nostalgia, a Minne, that is like the remembrance of an ancient A-Mor, of a lost purity and that in the feeling of beauty there is transferred to me, like a cry of men and things, a call for help, " as if things came to us anxious to transform themselves into symbols," as Nietzsche would say; or "wanting to make themselves invisible within us," as Rilke would say. And this already falls out of the entire great demiurgic plan, of his respiration, his days and nights, his wheel of Eternal Return and his Archetypes. It is not a matter here of a Golden Age, of a Satya-Yuga, involuted in an Age of Silver or Treta-Yuga, due to the natural diminution of the energy of the expiration of Brahma, or of his Shakti. The explication is not that of Hanuman, but of the German Nordics of the Eddas: There must be a War that is lost against the Fenrir 178

Wolf. And I divine the Twilight of the Gods of Hyperborea. It is revealing that the detailed exposition about kalpas, manvantaras and yugas does not appear in the Rig-Veda and that it is the grammarian Monkey, Hanuman, who gives it such an elaborate form. The Vedas correspond to an Aryan Age; on the other hand, the monkey already shows an animal Dravidian influence, mixed with animal-men, with the animal-God. It corresponds to the age of the Ramayama and Mahabharata. It is also of vital importance to know that the Greeks introduced a Yuga of Heroes to correspond with that period of the Sanhya and Sandhyansa which precede and continue the yugas, like a twilight and that takes a tenth part of the entire length of yuga. It may well be that these intermediate twilight periods rest on a creation introduced by the Hyperborea Siddhas into the gears of the great infernal machine of Demiurge respiration, like an opportunity given to heroes, to Hyperborean vîras, to warriors, in order to reinvest entropy and transmute the Jehovist creation, finding a way out between the blades of Destiny, the Eternal Return, towards "a dream undreamed even by the greatest utopians," as Nietzsche would also say. And it is in these yugas of heroes, in these interludes, when a wind from another Universe blows through the galaxy, that the Avatar awakens the sleeping vîras, to light them with his fire, to force them again into great combat, attempting to break the walls of their prison, rescuing the Kameraden, and, in the cyclone of his Blitzkrieg, teaching them to win by losing. To lose here, to win there, through the departure through the Door of Venus, in a Vimana, through the Black Sun, a Black Hole, towards the Original Fatherland of the Green Thunderbolt, towards First Hyperborea. I once had a Tibetan Mandala many centuries old. There, in a difficult maze, was the exit. But this did not go outwards, but towards the center of the Circle, as if into the swirling Leftwards Swastika. By difficult twists and turns, through hallways and narrow canals, where at times there would be a seated Buddha in meditation, or a Master Padma Sambhava, at the end one reached the Center. And there was a standing Man. He was Absolute-Man, recovered. Hyperborean giant. He was the exit. In contrast, the Wheel of Life which was also in its center was curiously painted with a pig. As this animal corresponds with one of the four avatars of the Satya-Yuga, Golden Age, or first Age of the world, and as the entire Wheel of Life had been painted within the belly of an enormous Demon, this thereby affirms the 179

Golden Age also corresponds with Demiurgic corruption. It is within his cyclic respiration. Therefore Poseidon, during the Golden Age, extended a Golden String around the Second Polar Hyperborea, the fortress of Aryan Siddhas, and made it invisible, impregnable. ("Neither by sea, nor by land, will you find the way that leads to the Hyperboreans." Pindar). The pig was an emblematic animal of the Druids. Could this indicate they aspired to the return of the Golden Age? Or rather, to the contrary, were they using an emblem of the Demiurge Jehovah, exalting one of his symbols? What the awakened vîras, Aryans, Hyperboreans, aspire to is to get out of the demiurgic creation, out of all his yugas, including the Satya-Yuga, the Golden Age, to pass beyond his Archetypes, to redeem Creation, capturing the Lord of Darkness, transmuting him. This was also the goal of the Minnesanger and the German Romantics, with Novalis in the lead, and with their magic idealism. They were also Hyperboreans. Otto Rahn thought the Cathars were Druids converted to Manicheanism. After having published "The Golden Band: Esoteric Hitlerism," certain mysterious discoveries realized by the Esoteric Hitlerists were transmitted to me, precisely. They revealed a strange infiltration by Judaism among the Druids. "The Priory of Sion" would have been driven by them, allied with the White Traitors. In spite of which Irish President Eamon de Valera, a Celt, helped Hitler to the end. The Tibetan archives were tardily providing this information to the Ahnenerbe, that Institute of specialized SS investigation. Some judaized Druids would have infiltrated the English "Golden Dawn," with contacts to the Thulegesellfschaft of Germany. The mission of Rudolf Hess was condemned not to succeed.


And now, what will the Maestro do? I have returned to our country, because you asked me to return. You said to me: "You are Chilean, this is your land, the fatherland is your soul. Here are your mountains, your giants, your old dreams. Here you must return…" "What are you doing Maestro? Why are you so absent?" "I have entered my ultimate combat. I am living the experience of death… No one can help me… I feel God in my body, in my knees, but it escapes me, goes, comes and goes… I am growing wings. I feel I could already fly…" 180

"Are you departing, Maestro?" "Yes, far away to regions beyond the last distances, behind the stars. I will follow the Path of the Gods, Deva-yana… When your hour comes try to follow it too, do not take the Path of the Fathers, Pitri-yana, that of the Eternal Return. I shall never return, I have gone out from the Cycle of Cycles, in a dream never dreamed not by the greatest Pilgrims of Nostalgia… Beyond even the Deva-yana. "I will be still more alone, Maestro. How can I reach you?..." "Difficultly; but I will never abandon you. Try to deserve me, to be worthy of my warrior hand, be a Son of the Light of the Black Sun." "What must I do, Maestro?" "Never let go of the Sword, remain to the end with the Fuhrer. Have I ever told you he would abandon you? Imitate his will, invincible, give yourself to his ideal, to the Hyperborean Race, to his combat. He is the greatest Man who has come and He is the greatest who will come. Hitler is alive, he must return. Chile, our sacred land, where He is also found, will go to the ends of misery and from there will rise to higher heights. While the Fuhrer and his are with us, because you and others in this country are with Him, we will survive all disasters… You know, this is a magic event, not political…" "What can I do for you, Maestro?" "Nothing. I am alone in this trance… Be true to the Brahmins to the death." "I will be faithful until death. Bless me, Maestro." I bowed. And he extended his hand on my head.

The Reich that will come is no longer of this world, nor of this sun.



BEYOND THE ARCHETYPE THE FALSIFICATION OF THE DEMIURGE An explosion? An exhalation? A breath that is an explosion? Grief, in any case. That first breath causes pain in some newly created or recently destroyed, split body. Being, Sat, is no longer the same. Shakti begins to dance, to create outside, to dream, to excite. Potential, Power, Will to Power, Wille zur macht. Also Maya, Illusion. Magic comes from Maya. Conjuring. Even though Being, Sat, has remained motionless, oblivious, his Shak-ti (Shak means action) has begun to take action. "Im Anfang war die Tat." In the beginning was the deed. And her Dance of enchantment, of dreams, must at some point (from the Fifth Heaven downwards?) meet with a contrary malign force that imprisons her in its nets, in its dark mantles and seizes her Dance, changes and corrupts it. And Shakti is taken captive. It may all have been no more than a game at first, or an adventure of divine gnosis, of expansion of the Selbst, of Purusha, of the search for a Face, of an as yet unreached identity. Because from whence came the "Idée fixe" or mental quirk that acted on the virgin plasma to produce the explosion, the respiration of the Extra-cosmic Egg that gave rise to the Dance of Shakti? And the sea, river, erect mountain of Wille zur Macht, of the Will to Power, of the dream…? No one knows, not even the Gods in the highest heaven… Perhaps only the poets who sometime also lost their Beloved, having themselves been Para-Shiva, the Unnamed, the Paralytic, the Immobile who was losing Uma Shakti, so far away, in "a dawn of crossing paths," dancing "over the highwires making fast the colours of Mount Meru drop by drop …" ART OF FUGUE Impenetrable Mystery. All that is visible in the eyes of the flesh, earth, galaxy, corresponds to the mixed creation of the Demiurge. And within the confines of this universe the partition of the Orphic Egg, of Phanes, of Erikapayos, of the Extra-Cosmological Eros, is still achieved. A second division follows after the first, and then many more. Wotan and Frigg were together, Shiva and his Shakti: HE-SHE. Now they escape through vast beyonds, ever more distant, more lost, more non-existent. Because they have entered the creation of the Demiurge183

Jehovah, the One without Spouse, and are then caught in his nets, become prisoners. In "NOS: Book of Resurrection" I was authorized to reveal the true Orphic Hyperborean Mystery. An Art of the Fugue, Orphic music. An Aryan Kabala, phonetic, combination of divine notes. When HE-SHE divides and his She goes out, he then very soon falls into the nets of the demiurgic universe, "below the fifth heaven." And he remains imprisoned there. Almost simultaneously division of another Hyperborean Egg is produced: The Egg of SHE-HE. And now it is He who has gone out, Division by solidarity, solidarity of A-Mor; because HE-SHE and SHE-HE were comrades. The first comrades from eternity, in another cosmos, "beyond the stars." Stars themselves. And when this happens, Someone has remained out there, so far away, so "beyond the stars," singing the Song of the Comrade like on the edge of a Fountain of water: Eins wird es wieder Helle-In aller Brüder Sinn - Sie kehren zu der Quelle - Im Lieb und Treue in. (Someday the light shall return - in the minds of brothers -. They shall return to the Fountains, the Sources - with Love and loyalty). SHE-HE goes in search of HE-SHE. We can thereby see that, in both partitions, Someone is out waiting for the return. (Which is Resurrection and that will aleady not be He or She, nor the reconstitution of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, but WE). The first partition that took place in that Universe "beyond the stars," where "there are other laws, or no laws," has had by essence and by compulsion a Gnosis, an aspiration to a Face. After the intervention of the Demiurge and his plagiary in this Kingdom of Shadows, in addition to this compulsion, a call to war has been received and the heroes (Eros), the Hyperborean Siddhas have come splintered into the Demiurge Jehovah's Universe of pairs of opposites to combat and rescue the imprisoned comrades, while at the same time destroying the diabolical creation of the Lord of Darkness, transmuting it together with the resurrection of the vîra. This event can only be penetrated with the vision of the ancient rishi, and of the Minnesänger as well. It is Aryan Pythagorean mathematics, HiranyagarbhaCabda, Sthula-Cabda, which must be expressed in Runes, written from above below, or vice versa, and also from right to left and from left to right. Like so: Then the Rune would gyrate within a Circle of Frozen Fire:


to bring about



. Whoever has heard "The Art of Fugue" of Johannes Sebastian

Bach can spare themselves from reading this exposition. In the Hyperborean Drama of the partition of HE-SHE and SHE-HE we do not go in search of the reconstitution of an androgyne, something that has never existed in Hyperborea since those Monads, or Purushas, correspond to an absolute masculine and feminine. Only they had no Face. The Person lacked Personality. Here we have the goal of A-Mor, with the passage through the demiurgic kingdom of life and death: Absolute Man and Woman. They are the prize of the combat in the corrupt world of the Demiurge, where they split the hermaphrodite One and surrender to an androgynous end. In an old engraving I reproduced in the first edition of "The Golden Band," a pilgrim is crossing from a circular world, green with vegetation, by a gap opened up there, towards another universe with geometric figures, gearwheels, diamonds. He is entering, or spiralling out. Thus, when the divyas left the First Hyperborea, when He and She penetrated into the demiurgic creation by some crevice, by the door-window of Venus, they each gained a body of terrestrial matter while their bodies of spiritual matter atrophied. Even so, this forced a mutation in the animal body, in the robotic instrument of earth to be able to make use of it. These are the vîras, the legendary heroes. Yet the first divyas who arrived in this world, in the Satya-Yuga, the Golden Age, built their Second Hyperborea in memory of the First. They raised that fortress of combat in the North Pole and in successive demiurgic ages surrounded it with a Cord they had made invisible, since some divyas had already been defeated and mixed with the daughters of men, with animal-man. Other siddhas had betrayed them, even collaborating with the Plan of the Demiurge-Jehovah. They are the white traitors. And Pindar could confirm that Hyperborea is unreachable. Only its ruins can be seen in the North Sea. That world has been submerged after the mixing of the divyas. The synchronic catastrophe was precipitated. And the vîra, that hero mixed with the daughters of men, increasingly lost the Minne, nostalgia, the memory of A-Mor, together with the purity of his blood. The Hyperborean vîra fell prisoner to the plan of the Demiurge, to the infernal plagiary of the Lord of Darkness, to his involution and his evolution, where everything happens within an archetypical ideo-plasma, in repetition ad infinitum of a one-world scheme. Divisions within divisions, explosions, expirations and inspirations, like those boxes of Chinese tea where they always paint an identical 185

box each within another, each time smaller, until they are lost to sight. Everything is already prefigured in the seed. What is within is without, what is above is below. The imagination of the Demiurge is not unlimited. His energy is not infinite, as Nietzsche would say. Therefore everything turns, returns, repeats. But, on the edge of this Universe, the Hyperborean Drama has been performed. And when HE-SHE divides (above the fifth heaven?) and She dances the steps of a Dance of eternities, crossing those boundaries, within She something remains of HE-SHE, like a soul-memory that sometimes constellates. And the same happens to He, keeping a soul-memory of SHE-HE. Is this the anima and animus of Jung? If through eons of time it is given to He to meet She, He will know it because within him something burns: this embryo of soul-memory to which he will give a Face, that of the earth body of She, if she is capable of A-Maria with the Magic A-Mor she would teach in Polar Hyperborea, in the Satya-Yuga, thereby giving light to the Son of Minne, of nostalgia and the memory of HE-SHE, of yearning. The Son of Man. Many times you will have found her on the pilgrimage of the rounds of Eternal Return, with the same face, without knowing immediately that it was She, until the Note vibrates in its most pristine purity and the Face is fixed forever by Nostalgia, by the perseverance with which He has dreamed her, has invented her: his Nonexistent Flower, the thing contemplated, on the edge of shipwreck and total desperation. Then, there will be no more than one She for He, and one He for She, in the combat of all the worlds, suns and lands. O Gods! Perhaps we find here the most intimate reason for all the Mystery of this Hyperborean Drama of separation. These souls im Nebel; one absolute masculine, the other absolute feminine. They have no faces. Only by entering in this mixed corrupted world of the Lord of Darkness, only by finding themselves and exchanging A-Mor will they transfigure this world, receiving as prize a Face. Absolute Individuality, Resurrection: WE. As heroes they have penetrated a world where the "dead bury their dead," risking to lose their immortality in the dream and forgetting of samsara, of avidya, or ignorance, scarcely existing among those scattered sparks, invented by the Demiurge, trials of ideo-plasma, animal-men, robots, stellar machines. And they fell even lower by committing the racial sin of mixing their Hyperborean blood with that of the sudra daughters of the earth, of animal-man. And their combat has become ever more dramatic, more difficult, more desperate, when the White 186

Treason occurred and some Hyperborean siddhas passed over to the Enemy, mixing their blood with the Jewish robots, with Golem. They came to believe in their delusion of evolution. It is they who revitalized the galactic plan, going to collaborate with Jehovah and his hierarchies of Manus and satanic Aeons, with his archetypes, his churches and organizations, his democracies, his Cominterns. They push the illusion, the nightmare, with renewed vigour, leading to an abyss of lead. But if the Hyperborean vîra triumphs, because he has made "Honour Whose Name is Loyalty," he will not only have given a Face to his soul, but also to this Someone who remains waiting as if on the edge of a Fountain, reintegrating himself, without being absorbed, able to leave forever this world of the Archetypes and the Idea-Plasmas, going beyond, towards a dream undreamed even by the greatest Pilgrims of Nostalgia. He will have defeated the Demiurge Jehovah and his court of "white traitors," transmuting his creation, his plagiary. And tears will roll down from the Fountain of Castalia, near which the Warrior, the Great Ancestor, remains awaiting the return and resurrection of the heroes. Now, He also has eyes and a face. Eyes and Face of a transfigured Earth. We have said it: In "Art of Fugue," of Bach, one can hear all this much better.


The Hero, Vîra, transmuted into Total-Man: More than a Divya. He is HE-SHE. And he has made possible his Valkyrie, his Beloved, to be reborn. Also as SHEHE, the Absolute Woman. In Venus. They are the King and Queen of the Gral. 188

THE GODS, THE HEROES We repeat: After the partition of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, as He and She move away through stars and constellations where the illusory manifestation of the Demiurge reproduces and repeats in the ideo-plasma, in the infinite pairs of opposites, because at greater distances from the first breath the number increases, until it becomes countless in the Kali Yuga and the Hyperborean Minne is clouded. Every time thicker, more somber, the Demiurge prints the cropped forms of his minerals, vegetables, animals and monkey-men. He would have been left unable to give energy and consciousness to his robot-golem without the help of the traitor divyas, of the fall and mix of many others. The Demiurge moved his legions of archetypes, angels, against the Hyperborean heroes to prevent them from fulfilling that "dream undreamed not even by the greatest utopians." As we descend in expiration, there is decreasing energy, and increasing quantity together with density. It is the gregarious world of the DemiurgeJehovah. There are Gods and Hyperborean Gods, divyas who venture to descend so low, to print their stamp with pain into this demiurgic plasma, into this expiration not produced by them, in this Maya, to attempt to reverse and transfigure her, at the same time as they search for what they have lost. Hyperborean Gods incarnated so below, in such darkness and who have at times lost their memory of origin, the reason for the heroic adventure of combat after mixing with the children of men, in the contact with animals, minerals and plants corrupted by the satanic Demiurge. The robots He shaped. And here, in these obscure planes of manifestation, in these years when time flows like a river, where the Hyperborean hero, the divine man, can defeat the Lord of Darkness, immortalizing himself by retrieving his She. Resurrected, born again, making himself an Aryan. Because here it is only possible to marry twice, inside and outside his soul, giving to her the Face of flesh, immortalized in Vajra, with the Vril, on giving birth to the Son of Man. The vîra becomes personal, making himself conscious of Himself, reaching Absolute Individuality. The sadaka and his yogini, united and separated forever, HE-SHE and SHE-HE again, but with the Face of the Absolute Man and Woman, comrades, lovers, gone away, already escaped from the Cycle of Cycles. Together with Another who remained waiting


at the edge of time. One, two, three, four, five, six: the Hagal Rune:

. The

Double Star of Morning, the Black Sun, the Green Thunderbolt. Only here on earth is the opportunity given to fulfill this initiatic rite that came from the Second Polar Hyperborea, of the Satya Yuga, the Golden Age: Initiation of A-Mor, taught by the Hyperborean Magas who gave the immortality of Absolute Personality, recuperation of the God and Goddess with a Face for the hero and his Valkyrie. This Initiation of A-Mor, ritual of Panshatattva, Sadhana, synchronic action to marry inside and outside is only possible for the divine elect, for the divyas and semi-divine vîras There, in the most distant North, today the most distant South, in the oases of ice on the Mount of Revelation, together with the Black Sun of the polar midnight. The second birth of the Initiation of A-Mor is only possible for the two primary castes (in polar Hyperborea they were one: ativarna). Uniquely for the divine and semi-divine exiles on this earth. Never for the sudra, the chandala, animal-man, number, quantity. From where do the Hyperborean divyas enter this adulterated world? We have said it: by the Window of Venus. By the Morning Star, Oiyehue, Phosphoro, Lucifer. Arbaris (Avris) and Allouine enter there seeking to conquer their Faces. From where do the triumphant heroes leave and escape from the Cycle of Cycles opening the way with weapons in their hands? By the Evening Star, Yepun, Esper or Esperus, the brother of Atlas, the Vesper Star. By Wotan, with Wotan. Through vast spaces of time, kalpas, manvantaras and yugas the memory of the Hyperborean heroes has become a faint echo that sometimes echoes like the Horn of Siegfried, wounded to death in the patriarchal oak forest. The memory of the blood, the Hyperborean Minne has almost been erased from the abysses of Kali Yuga. This makes necessary the arrival of various Liberators who come down here below, as Avatar, in the most crucial moments, in the interlude of the Sandhya or Sandhyansa, which they transmute in the Hyperborean Yuga of the Heroes. They release their fire for a few intense brief periods to shake the Universe of the Demiurge and frighten it. The Avatar awakens the Memory of Hyperborean Blood, destroys the shadows of the dream of Maya and samsara, stirs the souls of heroes and carries them back to the Combat of the Great War. Dancing like Shiva Nataraja they remember their divine Fatherland, First Hyperborea. This is the sacrifice of the Avatar, his descent, coming here to help his own, printing his archetypical Hyperborean seal, of mythic fire, in the demiurgic plasma, acquiring 190

for the shortest time his human form and thereby regenerating it. Because with his incarnation an alchemy of transmutation and return, the flight to Hyperborea with his most loyal warriors, becomes possible. The true Aryans, the elect. The vindication of Wotan will be fulfilled with the return of the Fuhrer, whose reentry will also be through the Window of Venus.

REINCARNATION, ETERNAL RETURN, RESURRECTION Whoever has meditated like a rishi, searching through old texts, in infused sciences, must necessarily be interested to know what truth there is in reincarnation. Buddhism refers to it in the Kalama Sûtra and Anguttara Nikâya. The yogis speak of reincarnation, Cathars, Celts, gnostics, and primitive Christianity, Egyptians and Greeks, with Herodotus, Plato and Pythagoras in the Mysteries of Eleusis and Demeter, whose Greek name was Thesmophoria Herodotus had been initiated into them and those of Osiris, in Heliopolis. He was forbidden to talk about this, but Lucretius makes reference to their beliefs. For the Buddhists the perfect saint is he who remembers all his reincarnations, Arhants. But the Buddhists do not believe in the soul. What then reincarnates? Buddha is one thing and Buddhism is another. Buddha was an ascetic warrior, an Aryan of heroic caste, a Shastriya who tackled immortality by direct attack and with the arms of a warrior, with sword drawn, as Parzival would do many centuries later, without God, without soul, but with his Hyperborean fury and the thought of his beloved, solely and alone. And Buddha became an Arhants, "remembering all his reincarnations" (what reincarnations?), a Liberated, a Buddha, an "awakened one" (Arhants) and the ninth Avatar of Vishnu as well. The Boddhisattva, then, who incarnates at will to help and shake the sleeping, the "Divine Missionary," Nirmâna-Kâya. Like all things that happen in the "fifth plane of manifestation downwards," when expiration has become weak, encountering, furthermore, that strange enemy force who adulterates everything, reincarnation has also become just another fantasy, diabolically falsified by inferior minds, become superstition and ignorance. What must be understood symbolically has come to be taken by the letter so that, together with Christian exotericism and its immortality for all, to be refit as the religion and faith of the masses. It becomes made for them. A gregarious exotericism, an "opium of the people." 191

In any case and with the need to confront the issue now, to be able to continue with the understanding of Esoteric Hitlerism, we must proceed the only way possible, based on an experience, with a "confirmed truth." Such is the ancient method of the rishis, of the "seers," of "those who see." My experience is that of the "I," that of feeling oneself "I." I have dealt with this theme in "NOS: Book of Resurrection" and in "Nietzsche and the Dance of Shiva," in relation to the Eternal Return. Now we do so with reincarnation. Each one, in this world, must start from an experience if they want to be loyal to themselves and to their surroundings as well. If they want to know. And it is wrong and dangerous to pretend our experiences are shared by others. One example that could be taken as simple, the experience of I, feeling oneself to be I, might seem natural and widespread to us. Yet every time I have consulted others if they feel themselves to be I, exclusively I, in the midst of the Universe, I have not had success with transferring the acute experience, finding myself as if in front of an impenetrable wall. And I almost always find in the faces of those consulted an expression of surprise and bewilderment. Strangely, they have not had this experience. That was not their tuning fork. (The sensation of the "I" is a sign signalling an awakened vîra). In the end I have come to think in the world only I feel myself to be I. Which impacts more on the theme of Eternal Return, as we shall see further on. From here, feeling myself I, I have to conclude when I die, if I should die, even when my I, the feeling of I, disappears, this must be something momentary, because sometime someone will feel himself I. And this I, he will be I myself… Also an untransferable experience. Even now what I presume in future within a space-time equally past, understanding time as a circle such that, before I feel myself I in this Round (repeatedly by two or three years old), before birth someone sometime in this Universe also felt himself I. And this "I" was I myself. If I could remember I would be an Arhants. The yogis claim to have a technic to obtain it, even being able to see the body of this I in the past and in future as well. Because a Circle is made of points and time may be an Immobile Eternal Point. From a central height encompassing the entire Circle. This might be the vision of reincarnations and also of Eternal Return. And a soul would not be necessary for both to be fulfilled. Nor even outside of time. It would be an eternity within time, as Nietzsche certainly conceived it, experienced it. Until he went mad (see my book "Nietzsche and the Dance of Shiva").


The understanding of reincarnation popularized by theosophists, occult sects and Rosicrucians have been in large part taken from the belief in cycles in India and Tibetan texts like the "Bardo Thödol" or "Book of the Dead" and Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism, taking them at face value without considering their symbolic interpretation, the only worthwhile one, and from the Egyptian "Book of the Dead." In India I became very friendly with Raihana, a Sufi mystic who adored Krishna, the eighth Avatar of Hinduism. He was a seer. Concentrating on the hands of visitors, not on palms but on backs of hands, he could reveal their "past incarnations" to them. I remember one night they brought Arthur Koestler to him, who was received in my house by special request of the deputy Masani. Raihana looked at Koestler's hands and, after an instant of concentration, said to him that "in your previous life you have been a military chaplain." This disconcerted Koestler but not me. That agnostic, of Jewish origin, had lost his Marxist faith and now went through the world desperately seeking any anchor. He ended in suicide not much later. In his previous life he had no doubt been a "chaplain" of the militant Marxist church. That is to say, in Hungary before he escaped from that country, before his new "reincarnation as an anti-Marxist atheist," in London. All this, of course, in a period of the same one life. Reincarnation can sometimes be understood like that and sometimes in other ways. Transmigration in animals, a belief held by the Cathars, heirs in this of the Druids and Celts, cannot be taken literally by those of high rank, by Aryan rishis. The Bardo Thodol already tells us of the dispersion of the vital elements, or of the "vital spirit," through the disintegration of the physical body with death. Each of them seek their corresponding realms, returning to dust, to the earth, "transmigrating" by law of affinities unknown today, but which have to do with the totemic element of the beliefs of aboriginal peoples (ab-origin, to the origin). For the Pueblo Indians of North America a man is not a man until he possesses a totem animal. Jung tells us these Indians would not give him their confidence as long as they did not know "his animal." One day he was invited to climb a ladder hanging in the attic of an Indian Chief, who gave a jubilant cry on beholding him: he had discovered "his animal." Jung climbed up like a bear. And confidence was given, for he then revealed to Jung his concern for the destruction of the indigenous Weltanschauung by the white men, to which I have referred in my book "The Hermetic Circle." Today, perhaps, the organic components of the physical body of Jung have become an integral part of some polar bear, Arctic Hyperborean 193

(Arktikos, Land of Bears). Which does not mean, of course, that Jung has reincarnated as a bear. I also remember an intimate revealing event. Shortly before leaving India, the Dalai Lama gave me as a present an enchanting little Tibetan dog, of the colour of honey. The lamas call these little dogs the "Lions at the back door of the Temple." They are tiny, with a strand of hair falling over their eyes. Mine was called Dolma, with the name of a Tibetan Goddess, in truth, Shakti. The whole world loved her, to the extent that my servants in Yugoslavia accompanied me to Austria just for her sake when I was transferred there as Ambassador. One day my wife told me the following: "You love that dog so much because you think she's the incarnation of…" And she gave the name of that young woman who died, taking the Face of my soul… When Dolma died in my arms, in Vienna, I had flown from Spain to be with her, I suffered one of the greatest storm of tears of my life. Together with the deaths of Jason and Papán, the disappearance of Dolma has been my third archetypal shock in this Round. Even now, remembering, it makes me emotional. Why? What in truth is this? I am not able to penetrate this consciously. Who knows but if, by mandate of Destiny, some organic components from the dead body of Papán, of her energy, were not to integrate with the sweet honey of Dolma! And she came to me as the message from the Goddess, from the light of the Morning Star, by the most mysterious elective affinity, like those parrots who, flying over the ocean, from opposite points, meet over a solitary island. It is no casual business that the Land of the Demiurge is using emblematic animals as national and family shields. As well as for signs of the Zodiac. We have seen how the five first Avatars of Vishnu correspond with mythic animals. Each animal represents a quality, a force, as well as a failed attempt of the Demiurge.

The Tibetan Bardo Thödol tells us of two ways beyond the tomb by which the subtle body, Linga-Sârira, astral body, can travel. One is the Way of the North, of the Gods: Deva-Yana. By it one goes to far distant regions where none reincarnate but only turn on the Eternal Return. It is the Way followed by the vîras, the heroes, to remain for a time with the Hyperborean divyas (Gods), before returning to combat within the Circle of the Creation of the Demiurge. No doubt this is not the way followed by the Aryan Buddha to reach his Nirvana, Sunya, the 194

Void, beyond even the Gods, the First Hyperborea, the Green Thunderbolt, HESHE, SHE-HE. Outside the Circle of Circles, able to return to the world of the Demiurge and his Eternal Return by choice to aid the heroes as Boddhisatva, as Tulku. Buddhism has been totally altered and is today no more than the shadow of what it was for the Hyperborean Shastriya, Gauthama, the Aryan Prince. The Deva-Yana leads the dead vîras to the invisible impregnable City of the divyas, to Thule, in the Second Hyperborea, to the Asgard of the Siddhas in the polar region, of both poles. The other Way is that of the South: Pitri-Yana, that of the fathers and reincarnation. After remaining "three thousand years" in illusory domains, in a process of increasing disintegration, or in the halls of Yama, the Hades of the Greeks, the first seed to penetrate the vagina of an earthly mother and, by elective affinity, retrieve and agglutinate the dispersed vital energies that have been transmigrating for three thousand years through the mineral, vegetal and animal kingdoms. They can also be accumulated as vibration, in bundi, or the father's semen, to form the new body of earthly man or woman. The number three thousand years must also be understood symbolically, within the Pythagorean symbolism of archetypical numbers, so to speak. We are so far psychically from these ancient visions that we are scarcely aware of certain events and rituals we sometimes fulfill without even knowing. When Papán died I was obliged by some strange force to remain alone in the cemetery, beside her tomb, in a full midday sun. And I felt as if a remnant energy were passing from her body to mine. Such that she was also buried in my body, besides in my soul. Just as the earth, this terrible mother, regains her substances and, mixing them in her crucible, preserves them, eternally reusing her own materials, forwarding each to its own kingdom, perhaps governed by a Deva-Demon, by an Aeon such as happens in more subtle worlds of vibration, on other demiurgic planes. Therefore there is no personal immortality, of individuals, until they have been individualized in the Absolute Personality. And this is not possible for everyone. The Way of Deva-Yama, of the Gods, of the North, is for the hero, for the Hyperborean warrior, for the Aryan, who has played eternity and immortality in a very tough combat, in a Great War, during all the hours and instants of his earthly life. The others when they cross the threshold of physical death can continue a larval existence for a time, phantasmal, until they meet the second death where the astral body is dissolved in the ether, as the body of earth has been 195

dissolved in the earth. And successively with other larval bodies if they had them. These elemental larvae, roaming phantasms, psychic cadavers, are what mediums and spiritualists evoke. They have nothing to do with a superior reality. There is no immortality for everyone, only for some few. The majority are "dead who bury their dead." And reincarnation, thus understood, is the same as if it did not exist. Because he who reincarnates does not remember for the reason that there is nothing individualized to reincarnate, that can be remembered, that takes memory. And if it had it would not reincarnate, but only return a limited number of times because it would have taken the Way of Deva-Yana. It would not be a Boddhisatva, a Tulku, an Avatar who returns at will and who does not use a single body but many. He is not "I" but WE. The idea of reincarnation is not Aryan-Hyperborean. It is not found in the Vedas, it is later, owing its origin to mixing with inferior peoples. Contemplating nature, the death and resurrection of the sun, the man of colour has projected it to his own life. The sun returns, the wheel of the year, the light of the polar year, through the horrible death of the frozen icefields. The earthly must hope for its return. Everything comes to repeat itself. Equally man. But will it be with the same body or in a human form? The slaves of Atlantis, the non-Aryan peoples, have also been impressed when contemplating the shedding of the snake's skin in their tropical forests. So succeeds the corporeal envelope of man in reincarnation.

Reincarnation is only for the man-animal, the sudra, the chandala, the robot created by the Demiurge, by the Lord of Darkness. In form mechanical, automatic, reproducing itself, reincarnating with distinct bodies, changing sex, from man to woman and even as animals. The illusion of a karmic law serves the tyrannical Demiurge to maintain his slaves of Atlantis as his subjects. We can say reincarnation of the "vital spirits" and of the phantasmagoria of an I, created (copied) in forms made archetypical by the Demiurge, applying only to animalman, to the chandala. For the Hyperboreans, cast into this Universe, reincarnation does not count, only the Eternal Return as cyclic law voluntarily accepted in the moments of entering here, as the norm that governs in the prison where they have been left. But, even then, the number of returns must be limited, serving them only as an opportunity to free their Combat against the Lord of Darkness and to immortalize themselves, resurrecting as absolute divyas, as Total Personality, able to thereby 196

reach the redeemed demiurgic Universe, transfigured. Each Aryan vîra who enters combat in the prison of Eternal Return is like a Note that goes out for a determined musical time to sound in his most pristine purity. If the Aryan vîra loses his returns because he has slept, because he has mixed with "the daughters of men," committing the racial sin, or betraying his divine race, he will involute into the sudra, enter the scope of reincarnation, in karmic rounds even to transmigration. This is why it is said the monkey is the involution of man. He can come to be so. We can understand the immense adventure undertaken by the Hyperboreans, on dividing their Monads and entering as He and She to do battle in the mechanical Universe of the Lord of Darkness. They have put in play their eternity, their immortality and at the same time their Resurrection above even the Gods themselves and their own Monad, with their intention to redeem and transfigure a poisoned creation. The Hyperboreans, originated in Another Universe, are masculine or feminine in a definitive way. He can never transform himself into She, nor She into He. That only happens with products of the demiurgic Universe in reincarnation. When the vîra, who is only in part a hero descended and mixed here, still preserving his Minne, his Nostalgia and his Memory of the Blood, believes he has had experiences of reincarnation this is due to his Vril having taken in images of the Akhasic Memory, or demiurgic astral light, being affected emotionally and confusing them with "past lives.' Or rather they are vîras who have lost their Rounds, have become human, too human and have fallen into the blades of reincarnation. They can still escape, going against the current, going backwards, redeeming themselves. The effort is superhuman. Man and woman would have to transmute themselves into heroes, into vîras, to be again accepted by Wotan as his warriors. The Hyperborean vîra who has lost his Rounds, distinct from the sudra by birth, from the animal-man created by the Demiurge, cannot reincarnate as an animal because his involution has not been made definitive. Therefore he can go even lower than the animal, the vegetal and mineral. The Copy-Creation of the Demiurge Jehovah, his evolutive Universe, was incapable of creating conscious man. He got to monkeys and ended up mired in the mud. All the way to hominids. It was the traitor Hyperborean divyas who enabled Jehovah to give a modicum of soul and rational consciousness to his evolved monkey, to his slaves of Atlantis. The Demiurge and Lord of Darkness falsified an Archetypal "I" from the Hyperborean "I" who is a divine spark, putting 197

him into human form reproduced from Manu, the Aeon. He will soon do the same with electronic robots. The distinct sign of the Hyperborean Aryan is the experience of "I." To feel himself "I." The Aryan hosts have penetrated from beyond the borders of this Universe, warriors and warrioresses. To "crucify themselves" on the four realms of the demiurgic creation they have overturned the entire demonic plan, much like the Demiurge did when he altered the divine purity from the "fifth heaven and below." The vîras, on mixing "with the daughters of men," also rescued a sudra element, making possible even the transmutation of some humans into vîras, into Supermen, together with the transfiguration of nature, with her animal and vegetal kingdoms. One can see why the Great War is life or death. Eternal Life or definitive death and dissolution. And why the "earth yearns to become invisible within us." The "I" of the Aryan Hyperborean vîra becomes that "link in a Golden Band" of Blake that Someone has made so that "unfurling themselves they can again enter into the City.' At the other extreme, outside this Universe, He Who holds firm and remains waiting as on the edge of a Fountain. We must never lose the Golden Band. "Only those believe in the Divine who are divine," says Hölderlin. Those who before they felt themselves to be "I" were Persona and who came to be, by means of the heroic combat of the Initiation of A-Mor, given by the Warrior Order of Wotan, Total-Personality, Absolute Individual, giving a Face to the Persona, retrieving his She, within and without. This Aryan Initiation, Upanayana, can only be won here on earth, so below, with such difficulty yet in touch with the Golden Band and the Second Polar Hyperborea. And so, the Absolute Man and Woman, HE-SHE and SHE-HE, united and separated forever, beyond the Gods, beyond the Archetypes, beyond Manu, will have given a Face to the Persona who awaits, to the Purusha, escaping from the Circle of Circles. This is Esoteric Hitlerism.

I have an old Hindu engraving that expresses this perfectly. A man is lying on his back on the ground. On his chest stands a woman with flowing hair and holding a dagger. She is Kali, Durga. Her colour is red. She is attached by a Cord or Band that comes out from her womb and penetrates into a tiny opening in the sky, above her head, something like an eye that contemplates her. This is the escape and also the entrance. It is at the same time both Monad and Purusha, that Someone who remains waiting. 198

It is of utmost importance to make understood that the escape can be found neither above nor below, in any absolute sense, but only in the Center of the Circle, as a Mandala teaches us, in the Selbst. Therefore the swirling of the Leftward Swastika, that of Return, is what brings us to encounter this escape. The man is lying as if dead. He might think Kali has in fact sacrificed him. It is not so since the death is only apparent, corresponding to the mystic death of Initiation, as already explained. And this Woman-Goddess represents the astral body of the vîra, his retrieved She, the Linga-sârira. She is the Daugher-Son of Man, retrieved and with a Face, who has died to the natural man to give life to the homo de coelo, eternal, resurrected, with immortal matter, of red vajra. She is also the rubedo of Alchemy, the opera rosa. And all re-united by this Golden Band or Cord that is not cut, the third which is the sixth, as we have seen, for the person who has acquired a face: WE, the Total-Man, Total-Woman, Absolute Man and Woman. For the vîra, the escape is found in the Polar Center here on earth, having to force the passage to the Other Earth, Interior, to the Hollow Earth, or Astral Body of the physical earth. The escape appears in Invisible Cities, Asgard, Agartha, Paititi, Elellin, the City of the Caesars, in Mount Kailas, Mount Melimoyu, in Mount Meru. She is found in the Second Hyperborea, made invisible by Poseidon when he encircled it with the Golden Band, in Ultimate Thule, in the North Pole (which is the South Pole). There is found the Meeting Hall of the Heroes of Wotan, Valhalla. And the dead and living vîras go there. Those who died in combat will be rebuilt in their bodies by the Valkyries and by Wotan himself. This is the island of the Magas and wise women who cured King Arthur. It is also Avalon. The Deva-Yana, the North Road, beyond the grave, of the Gods, goes precisely to the Second Polar Hyperborea, to the impregnable invisible Fortress. There, in Valhalla, the vîras wait the symbolic "three thousand years" until they again return without memory, but with the same body, in another Round of the Eternal Return, into the immense War they carry on with the Lord of Darkness. They will return to be his prisoners. They will return to dream of victory, another chance, a new Sandhyansa, which is the same Sandhyansa, in the Eternal Return, the same Yuga of Heroes. In this repose of the warrior in Valhalla, He is reunited with his Valkyrie and has now lost her again. Only in the combat here on this earth of the Demiurge, if She has also descended and they both triumph, will the marriage for eternity be 199

celebrated. And will they be able to escape forever from the Circle of Circles, going to the First Hyperborea, beyond everything, even the Valhalla of Asgard, in a dream undreamed by even the greatest Pilgrims of Nostalgia, not by the very fiercest fighters of Minne. Avris marries Allouine in Helgoland, in Heil-Land, in the Maithuna of AMor, and reaching WE, the Double Faced, Absolute Individuation. HE-SHE AND SHE-HE, distinctly rebuilt, have synchronistically transfigured the earth of the Demiurge, opening an escape from the Circle of Circles, inventing it. They will have returned to the Non-existent Green Thunderbolt… "And everything being equal…it would seem as if it were not…"

The experience of "I," to feel a unique I here on earth makes the vîra desperately attempt the transmutation into divya. It is the Hyperborean sign of the elect which makes possible his rising up with his experience, in the Memory of the Blood, to join the House of the Hyperborean Family, attempting to go beyond the "I," without destroying it, to this Persona who I was before feeling myself "I," at two or three years old. A being older than my grandfather. A Great Ancestor. Because the "I," who incarnates here, in this corrupt body of earth, corrupted by demiurgic Mater-ial, represents an infinitesimal part of the Ancient Persona, without time, outside of time, a point in the Golden Thread, almost nothing of He Who remains waiting over there, so far away, like on the edge of a Fountain of water. And even though only the I as "I" were felt by me on earth, in truth it is a WE because on becoming known as He and She in the Demiurgic Universe, it simultaneously becomes so in its various planes of manifestation, in more than one star. The Monad reproduces into a fan, even when with the same form and figure. God is complete in each part of the Circle, equally. Only that "I" am not able to remain conscious everywhere at once, simultaneously, in each of those "parallel worlds or diagonals" of the Demiurge. I am not, even when having been born simultaneously in more than one and when able to be repeated in another in this same history lived here, with variations in results that, even so, "do not change the power or meaning." I am not aware, yet am able to be so if I become complete, marrying in the Maithuna of A-Mor, reaching Absolute Individuality. And I would no longer feel myself "I," but WE. Once, finding myself in the Black Forest of Germany, in the company of a lady friend, through a window I watched the forests and hills descending gently, 200

undulating in the light of the setting sun. Suddenly, in a fraction of a second, I was in another place, a strange region, seeing a history full of events, where there were hundreds of people and I was living multiple adventures. Each one a full history. It was in less than a second, extraordinarily vivid, passing before me like a ribbon moving through space. Immediately everything vanished, was erased, leaving absolutely nothing. I desperately tried to remember, to fix this other world within me, but my brain was unable to retain it, even less to penetrate into it. My awareness could not go there any further. Yet I had been in this other universe, right here, so far and so close, "like the other side of my senses," as Rilke said. It was simply a "clic." A Tulku would move through both worlds with ease, and more than two, with ubiquitous awareness. He would be WE. I can also reach it, if I can retrieve the musical clef allowing me to get hold of the memory of my blood and overcome it to renew the Vril, that lost Power, hearing the Voice. I will have in my hands the Key to open the Window of entry and the Door of escape. The Science of Hyperborea. Esoteric Hitlerism rediscovered that Science, being able to reconstruct the Vimanas, to disintegrate that material (that terrible Mater) to reintegrate her into another of spiritual Vajra (transmuting Kali into Allouine), able to penetrate to those other simultaneous analogous planes, within and without, in more than one world, and what is lost here is gained there. The Esoteric Hitlerists battle the Enemy in all his territories and worlds.

Suddenly, in the memory of the blood, between two and three years of age, the experience of "I" comes about. It is to feel myself "I,' only "I" in this world as if the "I" rises from the memory circulating through my blood, like a Voice there which, from time to time, will be heard again. It is my pitch, my note, my theme, on which I have to turn, growing to an always-possible limit, but that I do not know and which will find its completion in the Initiation of A-Mor. I know it when I see myself in a mirror with her eyes, discovering that only one side of my face belongs to me since the other belongs to She. Furthermore, when on entering the Family House, I come to realize this note is only part of other equal or similar notes forming a total melody, with my ancestors waiting for the impact of a single note to reach, someday sometime, its completion and Meaning. Because it is enough when one note happens for all of them to be complete, and they are saved, get away, win the Great War. That is why, in each of us, we have been given a 201

determined number of Rounds, within the Eternal Return, in which we have freely entered, the first time, to develop the theme of our note in its most pristine purity, in "the highest tone of the soul." And between implementation and execution of my melody, of the Melody of this Hyperborean Family, there will be the rests and balances of Valhalla, after which everything will be repeated. And while I am here, like today for example, among those around me, with whom I live this adventure, this combat, I can never know if they truly are them, if they also feel themselves "I," if they really are an "I," a "Thou," or if they are nothing more than an illusory projection, a mirage, dream. And if I die, this "I," if I should die, (something inconceivable to the "I") they will continue to exist. The only solution is reached in WE, in the expansion of the I, in the Absolute I. HE-SHE and SHE-HE, with Faces. Because when one has arrived, won the battle, sounded the Note of the Family in its most pristine purity, in the highest tone of the soul, then the Drama of that House of the Hyperborean Family is plentiful. It is very difficult to express this experience, to grasp it. It vanishes, is immediately erased from the mind, like my vision of the Black Forest. It can only be experience as Minne, as Nostalgia, in the memory of the blood of a Hyperborean Warrior, an Aryan. On this battlefield on which we find ourselves we must search for our fellows, those who have thrown themselves into the same combat, who have or can become Esoteric Hitlerists, Warrior-Priests in the service of the Fuhrer and his great cause. Only among those comrades can we be understood. The rest is to lose the precious time of our Round. For the warriors of Wotan, for the fighters of Esoteric Hitlerism, there is no reincarnation, but only a limited number of Eternal Returns, freely accepted, hoping to reach Resurrection.


The Rig Veda says not even the Gods, in the highest heaven, know how this tragedy has happened, this nightmare of madness of the Creation of the Demiurge. The Gods themselves die at the end of the Dance of Shakti, when energy is depleted and they must enter the great night of Brahma. "Everyone dies, Hari, 202

Yama, Kubera, and even the awakened eye of Indra closes in the time of the Great Dissolution," say the Tantras. Even if then perhaps to awaken again… The Gods in the service of the Lord of Darkness are the ones who shaped a Manu for an entire Manvantara of demiurgic manifestation. In other words, a simian form, an archetypal Manu-Tara. Tara is the Mother Goddess and Manu is the Original Man of this entire Great Era or Day of Manifestation. The archetypal figure must project as myriads, simultaneously through worlds and planes, printing itself as ideo-plasma through the sensible cosmos, of permeable substance. The same happens with the animals who must manifest as qualities-forces, failed attempts of the Demiurge, or his psychoid archetypes. As if the Servant-Gods of the Demiurge were intent on giving life, first to a Manu, to his "image and likeness' who projects above as below to produce machines, robots, who they are permitted to "probe" in a world of heaviest matter in which they can not exist because they lack the conditions or their descent would be too obnoxious. They acquire greater power through these instruments, feeding and sucking energy. Then the automatons disappear, die, wearing out their time, and then dissolving into their plane of manifestation, at times not before expiring in absurd accidents. And those of their components which belong to the matter with which they work and form the Deva Hierarchies they invent while asserting themselves, are then absorbed by these material components as feelings, passions, mystic love, obedience, ritual energy, used as necessary fuels for the substance that turns the Rounds of Eternal Return by which the Gods who obey the Demiurge recreate their repetitive hallucinatory worlds. Despite the proliferation of number, almost infinite, demiurgic history can be reduced to the simplicity of an archetype recurring through all the universes, skies and planes of its projection, being forever polarized into yin and yang as a grotesque attempt to copy from the existence of the Hyperboreans of the Black Sun and Green Thunderbolt, from which the Demiurge Jehovah would come only to learn from the traitor divyas things he could never have understood or imagined on his own. It was only from the "fifth heaven and below," as the Cathars assure us, that the Demon Jehovah could enter to alter and mix everything, introducing his plagiarism as a strange event of which the how and why they occurred not the Gods themselves in their highest heavens know… But the poets may perhaps sense the reason… It has become clear the combat does not start here on earth, but much earlier in a prologue to the descent into this dismal Circle. The impressions themselves 203

made in the plasma of earthly matter, in the vagina of Mother/Mater Matter, by the Archetype-Manu have their pre-history in extraterrestrial combats and defeats. The arrival here of the Hyperborean divyas is like an exile of the vanquished opening up incredible possibilities however immensely painful for the vîras, the heroes. The cause and onset of the vast earthly conspiracy to palm the truth about extraterrestrial origins is also from beyond this planet. It is directed by the Demiurge and the traitor divyas, by treason both white and black. With the burning of the Library of Alexandria the last documents concerning the extragalactic truth were made to disappear. Everything left is indecipherable as the keys to them, whether within or without, have been destroyed. Yet in Genesis they speak of the Nephilim come to the earth from other worlds and, in the Book of Enoch, they tell us the "angels mixed with humans." Almost all the legends of traditional peoples refer to an origin with an extraterrestrial basis. For example, "the Sons of the Sun" would not be literary or poetic but factual. Irish Sagas refer to the Tuathas de Dannan, the divine ancestors. Among the Mexicans Quetzalcoatl comes from Venus, having entered through Venus, and another Indian legend speaks of Mama Occl and Huiracocha among the Atumarunas of Tiahuanacu and the Incas. While Genesis tells of a stellar combat during which Lucifer was defeated. He would have fallen on the ice of the North Pole where he was chained. And so we come to the knowledge of the legend of Hyperborea that the Greeks of more recent times placed on the most Northern fringes. But the real Hyperborea, the First, cannot be circumscribed within earthly geographic areas. The Pre-Classic Greeks would have known this when they gave it that name. Hyperborea means "beyond Boreas." Boreas is a God, son of the Titan Astreo and the Goddess Aurora. Which is to say he is hyper-Boreas, something beyond that God. Boreas is also a wind, the Boreal or north wind. The Demiurge is in fact a respiration, a pneuma, a pleroma. Hyperborea means beyond the Demiurge, beyond his Breathing. Therefore there would exist a Second Hyperborea built in the image of the First by the divyas who came to battle in the Universe of the Demiurge. This is the Polar Hyperborea that was visible in the Satya Yuga. As we have seen, the Avatars correspond with emblematic and zodiac bestiaries, with demiurgic regions. At almost the end of that Yuga Poseidon made Polar Hyperborea, the Ultimate Thule, invisible.


The Siddha Saturn and his wife Rhea would have governed the Second Hyperborea. Virgil speaks of this in his Fourth Eclogue on the Golden Age: "The Kingdom of Saturn and Rhea shall return." The Sat-ya-Yuga. Sat = Being. SatUr-No. The middle Rune UR:

, means the origin. Sat-Ur = the Original Being.

The King of Hyperborea. Wotan, the God of the Germans, of the Nordics, is the son of Borro and nephew of Bori. The most ancient Greeks knew this because they were also Nordics. Apollo is Wotan (A-Polo, without Pole, beyond the Pole), a Hyperborean God of the First Hyperborea who travelled to the Far North each nineteen years to rejuvenate his body and wisdom. In truth he went beyond the North to the Invisible Hyperborea and, from there, to the First from which he voluntarily returned. Apollo-Wotan. When Jung said Wotan is the God of the Wind he did not understand this in the esoteric sense. Wotan is the Hyperborean God who sacrifices himself, crucifying himself on the Tree of Terror to rediscover the Runes, the Magic Science of Hyperborean Kabalah, bringing them to earth. Furthermore, this is Nordic-Polar Kristianity. Under the influence of the symbolism of Genesis, of its Semiticized characters and Jewish God, we today know little about the German Nordic Gods. The great conspiracy has covered them over with the etiquette of "paganism," "pantheism" and many other cliches imposed by Jewish Christianity. And when reference is made to the Greek Pantheon, it is done in a Masonic manner, in a rationalist mode, at best literary, unaware why the Greek Gods existed and were so real, much more real than the heroes and men. The South American world is absolutely ignorant of that mythology. We are the product of the most uncouth and ignorant Christianity and of rationalist Freemasonry, besides being bastard peoples in blood and soul, counting few exceptions. Nevertheless if we are to give a picture of what Esoteric Hitlerism was and is we must advance through these territories. Saturn is the Greek Kronos who devours time. Therefore the Second Hyperborea is placed, if not outside time, in another time. This gives us the key to its true location. As we have said, Sat-urn, Sat-ya-Yuga, also Sat-va, the purest of the gunas of the dualist Samkhya philosophy and Tantric philosophy of Aryan India. According to its cosmology, the matter of creation is composed of three gunas (basic elements): Satva, Raja and Tamas. The first two are pure and are used to shape the Aryan castes in the "Code of the Laws of Manu": the Brahmins 205

and Shastriyas. Tamas is an impure guna, mixed, diabolical and gives life to the caste of sudras and Chandalas. All of them are demonic, mixed races of colour, animal men. He is the Sudra-Vansa, the non-race of the sudras. For the Aryan Persians they are the Asuras, demons who only have an earthly birth, the Dasa. For the Tibetans they are the Lha-ma-yin, dark forces who fight against the Gods of Light. According to Esoteric Hitlerism, the Demiurge Jehovah would use only the Third guna in his Creation. Kronos-Saturn is the King of Thule who has been dethroned and only sleeps awaiting the time of return. According to Plutarch some birds care for him and serve him with ambrosia. He will return with the Sat-ya-Yuga, with his own time that he himself has devoured. Hence we can see for us the Myth of Dreams and of the Return of the Sleeping Gral King, Frederick Barbarossa who is served by ravens comes from Thule, from Hyperborea. From whence the Jews have stolen the two columns of Urim and Thummim. As the Fuhrer sleeps among the glaciers of Antarctica, in the impregnable invisible Second Hyperborea, never growing old because Saturn-Kronos has devoured time, has made it disappear. The Indo-Aryan Vishnu is a blond God whose residence, Agartha, is found among the snows of the North Pole. His emblem is the Swastika and his vehicle is also a Bird: Garuda. His city is Sveta-Duipa, the Island of Splendour, signified by the Two Swastikas. We can note the similarity between the Sanskrit terms Swastika and Sveta-Dulpa. Vishnu-Hari, Polar God, is also Apollo-Wotan, seated on a throne upheld by lions, emblematic animals, who are Zodiac signs of Leo as well. All the Avatâra, or incarnations of Divinity, in the four Yugas of the Manvantara that correspond with us, are representations of Vishnu according to the Indo-Aryans. Of Wotan. The Ultimate Avatar, he who is to come, is Kalki, that of the Fuhrer, linked with the return of the Second Hyperborea to the visible surface of the earth, with the Satya-Yuga, with Saturn and Rhea, as announced by Virgil. Plutarch also speaks to us about these things in his exceedingly strange book "The Face in the Moon." Sat-Ur-no is also the Sanskrit Sat-madhi, rapture of the saint, fusion with Sat, the Primordial Being, return to the Sat-ya-Yuga, to the God Saturn, to merge in Him, with the Archetype, to disappear. Let us not forget all the Aryan languages derive from Sanskrit and are closely related, having a common center of origin, the Hyperborean North. Thus Greek, Latin and the Indo-Germanic languages derive from Sanskrit. Vedanta Samadhi, a trap introduced into India by the White Treason and by suggestion of the Demiurge, should be contrasted with Aryan 206

Tantric Kaivalya, the absolute separation of the Magician, Absolute Personality, immortality with a Face, in opposition to fusion and dissolution. The Deva-Yana against the Pitri-Yana. Kaivalya has to do with Kabala, Kal, of the Hyperborean Germans and also with Kalki, the Ultimate Avatar of the Fuhrer, with his Return, different from the first Satya-Yuga, with an escape into the First Hyperborea, the Green Thunderbolt. We can discover moreover Judeo-Christian adulteration of Hyperborean wisdom has transformed Saturn, converting him into "Sathan," from Sadorn-Tan, "Fire of Saturn," in Old German, Satan, the Prince of Hell. In the same way as Lucifer, the Morning Star, Wunyelfe, in Mapuche, Oiyehue, Morgenstern, the Double Star of Evening, Yepu. Abemdstern. have produced the Angel of Evil and Rebellion, chaining him in the ice of the North Pole. The mythic history of all this is the following: In a stellar combat, prologue to the History of the Earth, the Star Venus, or Lucifer, who entered into the Demiurgic Creation and travelled like a comet from the "Fifth Heaven," accompanied by his hosts of divine warriors, searched for the lowest point in quest of his She, to complete the Opus Alchimicum of his Individualization and transmutation. Caught between opposing forces, immobilized and, in the combat, losing his Crown (the Crown of the Comet Venus) which fell shattering over the North Pole and produced "Pole Reversal." There he is submerged, together with his stellar Cosmic Wisdom. But only his Crown has fallen. His Body still watches from the sky. He is the Venus Star. All this must not be understood only in the sense of material facts, stars and planets, as we know them through the eyes of flesh, but as forces, energies, consciousness and Spirit. We refer to them when we say the Hyperborean divyas come to earth through the Gate of Venus, from the Green Thunderbolt.

PARADESHA We can also think even the Second Hyperborea, Polar, is not located within the physical earth, as known today. In Tibetan cosmology our universe is one among many. The whole "is like an onion," as they say, and universes are separated from each other like layers, going from surface to surface. At the center is Mount Meru. The cosmology is 207

inspired by the Hindu. The present earth is Jambuling, in Tibetan, and Jambudvipa in Sanskrit, the "Fourth Continent." the Southern. Meaning: "Place or region where the fruit of the Jambu falls into the water." It is of blue colour and has the shape of a pear. The faces of its inhabitants imitate this form. The "Northern Continent" is Uttaru-Kuru. From there we come to the Gods, after death, by Uttara-Yana, the Way of the North, Deva-Yana. The Divine Race, Kuru, comes from the North. As well as Uttara-Kuru, the highest wisdom, which came to Tibet with the divine Dropas, whose remains, already decayed, became the magic of the Bö, or Bon, before Lamaist Buddhism and whose emblem was the Hyperborean Reverse Swastika. It is possible the Second Hyperborea was located in this "Northern Continent," which is Arianabaiji and Arianem-Vaéjo for the IndoAryans and Persian Iranians, land lost among the North Polar ice, primeval land. Land of Zarathustra, of the Solar King Yima and of Ahura Mazda. As well as Asgard, the primordial home of the Aesir, in Midgard, Middle Earth, of the Pole, in Gardarike. (Pole) Agartha, the mythic city of the North, home of Vishnu. Agarthi among the Tibetans. It is also the White Land of the Toltecs, Aztland (Alt-land = ancient land, old earth, in German, Atlantis). Thule, Tula, Tola, city of those who preceded the Olmecs in Central America. Sveta-Dvipa, White Land of the Pole. Hvetramanaland, or Hultramana-land, the America of the White Gods. The Northern Continent, Uttara-Kuru in Sanskrit, the "Race of the North," Kuru, in Tibetan Sgrami-Snyam which is square and green. In Tibetan cosmology each continent is connected with the others by an ocean of ether. And, as we have seen, at the center of all appears Mount Meru with walls of jasper, ruby, silver and gold. In truth a continent equivalent to a separate distinct land. Thus the Land of the North, where the Second Hyperborea is located, coming to be submerged, surrounded, being hidden within the different "layers and surfaces of an onion," as the other continents, as numerous as those layers, have hardened and covered it. It is the Inner Earth, the Hollow Earth. A great catastrophe has made it disappear. No trace of this Hyperborea can be found on the surface of the earth of the Kali Yuga, except only among the Tankas and Mandalas of Tibet where the continents are connected by ether. By the ether of the Soul. It is no longer possible to know where the inhabitants of the Polar Hyperborea came from. Yet the Paradesha is found there, the Highest Region.


Legends about the Earthly Paradise are from this lost polar world, this Central Continent, Midgard, Paradesha, the Highest Land, Meru, the Mountain of Revelation, of the vanished Hyperborea. We have seen in the First Part of this book how Genesis is a book preserved by the Chaldeans in Ur, then fallen into the hands of Jews, how they adulterated it for their own benefit and for their faked national history. There would have been references there to this distant disappeared Continent, Paradesha. But everything has been changed and falsely interpreted by Judaism and Christianism. It is still possible to know something about Hyperborea from the Greeks and their mythology. With even greater purity in the memory of the Norse Sagas, in HinduAryan esotericism and in the Germanism of the origins. The work of Esoteric Hitlerism has been to interpret these documents, work done by the SS Initiations and the Ahnenerbe. The great conspiracy has been mainly aimed at changing the point of origin, the primordial center, Paradesha, locating it anywhere rather than the Polar North. Thus there has been talk of an Earthly Paradise in some of the African deserts and, later, they have assured us "the Light comes from the East." Although the Light comes from the Pole, from the Black Sun of Polar Midnight. The same garden of the Hesperides was never anywhere but in the Far North (Hesperus, Hesper, the brother of Atlas, Hesperides, Vesper, Vesperal, the Polar Star, the Star of Evening). The insula pomorum, the Golden Apples and also Avalon only existed in Hyperborea. Heracles-Hercules went there to search for them. As did Jason, accompanied by Castor and Pollux (Pole), to find the Golden Fleece. The Valkyrie Medea waited for him in Hyperborea, Schild-frau, the Virgin with the "Sun Shield," Virgin of the Black Sun. And on the branch of an oak named Dodonna (because the oak is called Donar) they rediscovered the Golden Fleece, in the Golden Age. And also the secret of trobar clus, in code, in the Runes of Wotan, on the Iggdrisil Tree of Terror. The Raven Hugin, or Munin gave them to him. Trovar comes from Provencal Trobere and from Trovare, to find. Genesis referred to this, at its source, before being expurgated and falsified in its deepest sense. There, in Paradise, in Paradesha, on the Mountain of Revelation, on Meru, there was a Tree with Golden Apples, holder of the Science of Good and Evil. Tree of Immortality capable of making heroes like Gods and more than Gods. Heroes like Jason, Heracles-Hercules who went in search of their lost wholeness, their She, Medea, Leucipe, Allouine, Lilith. In a word, of the 209

Valkyrie who would make it possible for them to recover the Gral, lost Crown of Lucifer, in the Valhalla of the Heroes of Wotan. Wisdom of Venus, Morning Star, Double Star that is also the Evening Star, Abendstern.

WOEWRE We can imagine the partition of the Orphic Egg, of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, would come about in the First Hyperborea. It is also an interior event. Sat-Ur-no, Wotan, divided, crucified on the Tree of Terror, on Igg-drasil, on Ir-minsul. All this is always best expressed in the language of Runes. The Egg dividing into Two and Three. Greek legend tells us Poseidon (=Atlas) held the Column in Hyperborea (Atland), connecting with the fixed pole star, with another Heaven. Apollo preserved the Law written on tablets of Oricalco. Later Hercules replaces him in the effort. The Pillars of Hercules are already two (Urim and Thummim, or Hugin and Munin) and they are nowhere other than the already involuted Hyperborea in the Polar region. What this Pillar really was can only be glimpsed with the true name of the Hyperborean God-Siddha who appears in the Nordic Sagas: ER, IR. Which is to say Power. The Pillar was a power held by the Hyperboreans, the divyas, the siddhas, who lost when they mixed with "the daughters of men." With that power they could keep open the Window of Entry, the Door of Exit, in the Star, their connection with the First Hyperborea. This was Vril, a sort of Thunder Ray projected from between the eyes and which has been reduced to a pure virtuality in the pituitary and pineal glands, calcified during the Kali Yuga. The Tree of Paradise, with the Science of Good and Evil, is a poor reproduction of what the Greeks and Eddas tell us. What is the Tree but a transpolation to the German forest, in already very involuted times, of the memory of a Power-Wisdom lost in the Pole, in the Middle Earth, in Midgard, in ArianemVaejo? The Pillar itself is already a sign of decadence, materialized symbol of a vanished Spiritual Power, of the Green Thunderbolt, Vril, submerged in the waters of the North Sea, like orialco and amber. The Tree, the Donar Oak, also called IR-minsul. Sometimes it is an ash. It has the radical IR, God-Power, the force connecting with another sky. So it symbolizes the Energy of Vril. The trunk is the Polar Column, which is also the 210

Vertebral Column of the Siddha. Its canopy is his head and the fruits, the Golden Apples of the Garden of the Hesperides, are the chakras, centers of Wisdom-Power and another consciousness, which when awakened, assimilated, returns to make us Gods. This is the Science of the Tree of Paradise, of the IR-minsul, of the NordicGermanic Saga. The Science of Good and Evil because it serves as well for good as for evil, to immortalize or to be lost forever. It is the Science of Heroes. Ulysses-Heracles and Jason go to the Hyperborean North in search of Golden Apples, or Golden Fleece, to rob the immortality of the Gods, as heroes, with sword in hand. Through the centuries Parzival will try once again. The Science of Hyperborea is drunk in the Memory of the Blood, like alchemical gold, potable, like ambrosia brought to Saturn by a raven. The liquor of eternal life, soma, offered to us by the Valkyrie Allouine in the green stone cup of the Grail. Eve took her apple for Adam from this Tree of Paradise. And what does the Jewish, Christian-Jewish plundering tell us about this? The same as Freud in his interpretation of the painting of Leonardo. Sexual obsession, degradation of the Myth and Esoteric Tradition, "Biblical Freudianism," prefiguration of the Jewish Archetype, with "original sin." The temptation of Eve represented in an apple from the tree of good and evil… "And they were naked," "they covered their bodies…" Already Ireneus has told us the absurdity of taking the letter for the symbol, because "God is not a farmer dedicated to planting trees in the Garden of Eden." All this must be understood symbolically. Especially the Tree. Tree, Pillar… Where? Within, in the Body of Antropos, the Total-Man. But this Man has already been split, has divided in He and She, into Adam and Eve, into Leucipe and Evenor. He has ceased to be the Man-Sphere of Platonic myth who rose climbing to the conquest of Mount Olympus of the Gods. He has materialized, hardened, involuted, become able "to see his body naked," his "own nakedness" and that of his woman. To reconstitute as divya Lilith, not Eve, gives him to eat of the Golden Apple of Wisdom, the Gral of orialco, a Green Stone. The science of Immortalization, the Liquor of Eternal Life. The Wisdom of Anthropos found "engraved beyond the stars," as von Eschenbach would say centuries later in his Mystery of Parzifal. Christian Judaism tells us about "Luciferian pride," "to desire to be as Gods," of the "original sin," of "temptation." But this feeling is foreign to the Shastriya, hero, warrior, vîra who attempts to take by assault what belongs to him by his own right, what he had once lost: Immortality. Original sin is the feeling of racial sin 211

by the sudra who "can not be clean even though he wash himself with bleach," as Jehovah himself puts it. The Serpent is coiled around the Tree of Paradise. Lucifer had taken this form. But Lucifer is the Most Beautiful Light, Lucibel, a Carbuncle fallen from Venus, her Crown. And he is the Pole in the Second Hyperborea. As the Green Light of Venus this Serpent is also the Uncreated Fire. A Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl. Therefore Kundalini, a coiled Fire in the roots of the Tree of Paradise, of the Science of Hyperborean Gods which makes them as Gods and more. Because he is Lucifer, who through his Woman Lilith, his Valkyrie, the Hyperborean Maga Allouine, Opis, Arge, shares this knowledge in Magic A-Mor and makes the Immortalization of Heroes and her own possible. With Two Faces. The recuperation of HE-SHE and SHE-HE. In a dream undreamed not even by the greatest Pilgrims of Nostalgia.



Chakras, their mantras and corresponding elements. See "NOS: Book of Resurrection."

This is the Science of the Serpent and Vertebral Column, with its fruits, its chakras. Hyperborean Polar Tantrism. Magic A-Mor, taught among the icefields of the legendary North by the Schild-frauen, Virgins of the Black Sun and Green Thunderbolt, Priestesses of Odin, the Valkyries. For the Germans the Serpent is called Woewre. She is the FireConsciousness-Kundalini of Aryan India where the wisdom of the Hyperborean ancestors was best preserved in mythic times due to the impregnable sacred barrier of the Himalayas. But it is in the Eddas, in the most ancient Scandinavian and German mythology, revitalized by Esoteric Hitlerism, where it appears in truth in its all its immense splendour. There the keys have been guarded, with purity not found in Yoga nor in the knowledge that in historic times has been divulged from India. Because the Light does not come from the East. It comes from the Pole, both Poles. The Serpent Woewre is not Shakti nor Isvara-Shiva, the active feminine principle of Shiva the Creator. It is She, Ballerina of the Green Veils, the Green Thunderbolt. Hyperborean Kundalini, the remembrance of She in the Memory of the Blood that, corresponding to a lost totality, is Vril. Hyperborean Kundalini is the Vril. The German Minnesanger made her their Lady, their Beloved as Woewre-Saelde, the Valkyrie Isolde perhaps. They gathered round Her in the rite of Minnetrinken, drinking Aryan blood, the Memory of the Blood of Origin, of He Who they awaited on the edge of a Fountain, Minne, Eternal A-Mor. The Minnesanger were Hyperborean Troubadours. As we have said, trovar derives from trobere. To rediscover the lost in the Tree of the invisible Vertebral Column, crucifying themselves like Wotan on Iggdrasil, Tree of Terror, to give light to the Son of Immortality, Son of Man. But this Tree is greatly reduced and battered within the vîra who has lost Paradesha, Hyperborea. Only in the interior of Mount Meru is it preserved intact. There is Iggdrasil, Irminsul: because Meru is the Body of the Giant, Anthropos, Wotan himself. It is also Mount Alborg, Elbruz, Ararat, Gralsburg in Berchtesgaden, Montsegur and Melimoyu in the Andes of the Far South. Andes comes from Anda and means Total-Man. In the Andes I saw the Giants. 214


And Wotan said: "I know I have been hanging Nine long nights From the Tree, frozen by the North Wind. Wounded by the lance, in the sacrifice of Wotan. In myself, in Oneself. On the proud Tree of which men know nothing, Nor from what the root sprouts. I was not offered food, Nor the mead horn, to console me. Vigilant my eye looked down Ranting I projected the Runes. Then I fell to earth. Nine songs I learned from the Warrior-Avatar, The Warrior of the Beast, The Son of Bolthorn. From the noblest drink I took a sip. And I began to blossom, And to mature. I became wise, The Word guided me, From word to word. The Rune Work, From working to working.


This song of the Eddas describes the crucifixion of Wotan on the Iggdrasil Tree of Terror, his sacrifice for nine nights, hanging without drink to comfort him, wounded by a lance in the side. Not even his raven brought mead. Until Wotan discovered the Runes and, with them, broke free. So the hero taking hold of the secret, recovering the Great Power, made himself more than a God and goes to send his warriors through History, the Science of Great Liberation and Return, the Rune of the Leftward Swastika and Return to Hyperborea. It is surprising to discover Esoteric Polar Kristianity already revealed in the crucifixion of Wotan on the Iggdrasil Tree of Terror. There is no cause for confusion since even the lance wound is there. This would be esoterically taken into the Mystery of the Gral in the Middle Ages and secretly adopted by the SS. According to Professor Wirth they are as ancient as 10,000 to 16,000 B.C. But the events to which we refer here have no age and are placed in the pre-materialization of the earth, before the First Ice Age in that Second Hyperborea of the Pole, beyond the Wind of Boreas, when man had only recently begun to be shaped into matter, when Paradesha had been lost and the Satya-Yuga decayed. There Wotan is sacrificed, crucified on the four material kingdoms to discover rune signs as the only Light of revelation to heroes, his warriors in the descent and involution, helping them on the Road of Return, also known as Iring's Way. The way out through Venus. Runes are symbols, extremely ancient mudras and mantras. Their origin is unknown. From them descend the Philistine script, Nordic Hyperborean tribe from which, in turn, the Phoenician alphabet comes. So Runes are older than the written word, corresponding to an inaudible Orphic Cabala of magic cosmic signs. According to Spanuth, the Phoenicians also descended from the Hyperboreans, already mixed when they appeared in historic times. However, as with everything concerning Nordic themes, the historic conspiracy makes them appear to be a North Italic alphabet, of no great importance, invented in the Second Century or in the Third of the Christian Era. The book of the French academicians Lucien Musset and Fernand Mossé, "Introduction a la Runologie" (Paris, AubierMontaigne, 1965), would have us believe the Runes to be a failed attempt of primitive people to make a rudimentary alphabet. Without leaving the rationalist arguments of those investigators, the fact that already before the Third Century of our era Orphic Gnostics of Alexandria carved magic gems, "abraxas," reproducing the Runes precisely, is the best refutation of those professionals of the Anti-Nordic historic world conspiracy. Because if Third Century Gnosticism already 216

recognized the magic value of Rune symbols, an anterior development of that alphabet is indicated. Nordic mythology says Wotan, crucifying himself on the Tree of Terror for nine consecutive nights, reached liberation only when he discovered the Runes. The esoteric interpretation is the following: only RuneChakras enable the "Tree" of the Vertebrate Psychic Column to allow the Resurrection of Inner Man, primus homo coelestis of the "Astral Body" and thereby Wotan delivers his elect of the Nordic-Polar Order, the Aryan Runic Yoga, which will make it possible for them to become Gods. Because of their shape the Runes are also a unique alphabet among all those known, including the Greek, Hebrew and Sanskrit, in the days before the Christian Era. Subsequently, neither Arab magical alphabets nor the "Enochian" language of the English astrologer, mathematician and alchemist of the Sixteenth Century, Dr. John Dee, who would later be adopted by the powerful English Secret Order, Golden Dawn, a subsidiary of the German Order of Thule, would resemble them even remotely. Curved lines, undulating, form all those alphabets circular or spiral. Only the Runes alone are formed in straight lines, parallel, perpendicular, angular. The argument, always interesting, made by some rationalist anthropologists, philologists or archeologists that the carving of Runes was made with a sharp instrument (never of iron, since that was forbidden) on wood or stone facilitating their angular profile is, without doubt, simplistic. Why not circles? The esoteric explanation is the following: Runes correspond to the High Breeding of the Body of the Siddha, in a Golden Age of the Race, just as the Hyperborean Man takes visible shape on the Polar Continent, covering himself with a luminous primary matter. Only the body of the vîra has that angular turn of the Runes, which come to be magic symbols bringing him into existence, reproducing and revealing him. There is also a Runic Yoga for this with body forms and movements, a Runic Hatha Yoga and Raja Yoga that, as in a dance, imitate his shapes in similar positions of arms and legs. The Hyperborean race and body were involuted and decaying when they became prisoners within the Circle of expiration and inspiration of the Demiurge, within the turnings of Rounds and Ages. Runes referred to a Noontide of Beauty of an already lost Race and a Divine Body, the Body of Wotan, the Total-Man. A more spiritualized body only the Runes were able to recreate. Because they were the Hyperborean signs conforming to them in this other world.


The Runes of Odin-Wotan. "Odinsfuthark."


As signs of formal Beauty, of the purity of a Nordic Hyperborean Race, Runes are also mortally hated by the representatives of Kali Yuga, by animal men, by the slaves of Atlantis and the acolytes of the Prince of Darkness, slavery, lies and ugliness. All other "magic alphabets" we hear about at this time are the product of involution and mixed races of Kali Yuga, the Darkest Age, with their undulating reptilian semitic forms. With one sole exception, that of the Sacred Signs, pre-archetypal, pre-formal which activate beyond the Circle of Circles from the Green Thunderbolt and have also been revealed to us. The Enemy can utilize all other magic alphabets. The Runes are not an alphabet. Their name, Futhark, derives from the six primary signs of the Odinic Series. They can be carved or written from right to left, from left to right, from above below or vice versa. In fact Runes were never used as current writing, nor have they been made into books (except for the ultrastrange Tarot). They are independent magic signs, dangerous to use without knowledge, since their ill use can cause madness and even death. The "Tree Writing" and "Ogham," of the Celts and Druids, derive from the Runes because the Tuathas de Dannan, divine ancestors of the Celts of Ireland, are in truth the Aesir and Vanir, of a single Venusian origin, Hyperborean. But those alphabets have falsified the Runes. It is very interesting to know the true origin of the I Ching is Hyperborean. Runes were also poorly used for divination and horoscopes, using sacred oak branches on which their symbols have been engraved. The Hexagrams of the I Ching are today a bad imitation of the Runes, no different from "Tree Writing." The Dropas and white Ainu, descendants of the Nordic Hyperboreans, are the creators of the most ancient civilizations of Tibet and China. The Hyperboreans carried the I Ching to China. Actually they carried the Runes. The I Ching as we know it is totally corrupted by moralist interpretations, first of Confucius and then the Lutheran Wilhelm, its first translator into German. Manipulated for millennia, the authentic grandeur and magic of this sacred book is revealed when it remains effective before the vîra who approaches it with reverence and sincerity, despite every adulteration. Though it would be arduous essential work to reconnect the I Ching with its legendary Runic ancestor, such as to be able to release the layers of superstition that cover it. Each Rune also represents a number due to its position in the "Futhark."


Esoteric Hitlerism, within recent times, has made a magic hermetic use of Rune Yoga, in salutes and mantras accompanying mudras, that is, signs and sounds (Hiranyagarbha-Cabda). For example, the

(double Rune Sieg, Victory) and "Heil!" or Salve, from

Salvation. And the salute of the Minnesanger Poets of the High Middle Ages was also Heil!



SIEG Rune, the Spiritual victory:

. The doubled left arm gathers in energy into

the Manipura Chakra and projects it, like a ray of the Black Sun, with the right arm extended. Its mantra is Heil! Magic salute of the Warriors of Wotan and Esoteric Hitlerism. Distinct flames of the key centers of bodily energyconsciousness are also indicated. Rune Chakras.

German writers and investigators who have dealt with the theme of rune esotericism are: Guido von List, in his books "The Secret of the Runes," "Die Bilderschrift der Urio-Germanen," and others; Rudolf J. Gorsleben, with his extraordinary book, unfortunately not translated from German into any other language, "Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit." And Dr. Bernard Koener, founder in 1912 of the Germanen Order, of which the Thule Order was a Bavarian branch, with Baron von Sebottendorff as its director and publisher of their magazine "Runes." Both Orders made use of Nordic magic signs. The English Order "Golden Dawn" is a branch of those German Orders, as we have said. Another investigator is Siegfried Kummer, who refers to a Runic Aryan Yoga and Astrology in relation to esoteric anatomy. Old medieval German houses reproduced runic symbols in their timbers. Even today they can be seen in the village of Wewelsburg in Westphalia, where the SS built their Magic Tower of the Gral, in the ruins of an old medieval castle constructed in the form of a triangle based on the mystic number three, like the Church Stadt Paura, in the vicinity of the Benedictine convent of Lambach, in Austria, where Hitler lived as a child and in which today the carved Leftwards Swastika can still be seen. (Carved by a mysterious Abbot.)



Breed your own luck and you will have it.

Runes appeared to Wotan as sound-signs, number-letters. They are the exterior form that now carries the Vril and are sent to vîras as weapons in the Great War they undertake against the Demiurge Jehovah, within his corrupted Universe. They deliver us the necessary schematic knowledge of the Science of Return, keys with which to open doors. Only they can give us the possibility of escape, of the leap into Sunya, the Void of the Black Sun, beyond this diabolical Creation. So the Jew will never use them. They do not serve him. Only Aryans. Yet the Jew has falsified the Hagal Rune, using it as the "Star of David." The Rune symbols are the only ones among magic alphabets with sharp symmetric shapes that resemble the bodies of divyas alone and no others. Rune exercises, Runic Yoga of the body, impregnate their matter with magic vibrations. Who knows his Runes acquires the power of material dissolution and reintegration, of voluntary death and resurrection. He will be able to make his Note vibrate in the highest pitch. To escape, thereby, from the Circle of Returns. The sounds of the Runes, Runenlaute, act on the interior body, even in its larval stage, Astralkörper, creating there centers of forces which give them consistency, causing them to be born. The ancient Nordic sages of the Runes were the Lauteren, name which shows us that originally the Runes were only vocalized. The most ancient musical instrument of the Germans is called Luren. (From whence come lyre and lute). Through magic use of the Runes of Wotan the ancient Germans were able to recover a nerve bundle now lost, an inheritance of the white Aryan race alone. This nerve center is not possessed by the black or 223

yellow races, nor by any mixed race of colour. (Contemporary physiology has discovered anatomical differences between the races, with variations in their organs, but it is forbidden from disclosing these facts). We give the table of the most ancient Runes of Wotan, called the Futhark, name that, as noted, comes from the combination of the six initial Runes in the series. Beside each sign we have put the letter of the Latin alphabet, which corresponds to it, approximately. Other runic series were developed over the centuries. These magic Signs were not written at first, only traced in the air or on the body. When men became more materialized and began to carve them into the exterior earth, they did so with recollection and only in the Tree, where they had appeared for the first time to Wotan. Later, in Stone (Baum and Stein). They were engraved in different directions, according to a special symbolism and sense, from above down, from left to right, or vice versa. They were never carved with iron or bronze. Only the sages, Lauteren, could do so, singers of Orphic Kabala, Rune Bards. Orpheus. As expected, the first engraved Runes appeared on the sacred Tree of the Germans, the same on which Wotan had found them. So the name for book in German, Buch, is feminine gender: "die Buche," the "Hague," feminine tree, and not from Oak, since this latter is a masculine gender tree in German, "der Eiche." The "Rune Books" are branches of beech, Buchenstäbe. Because the Tree represents the Column of Man allowing him to climb beyond the sky. Weltenbaum, World Tree (Iggdrasil), the Tree of Terror (terror through what has happened with the partition and involution in the four material kingdoms) transformed into Menschenbaum, the Man-Tree. The first Twelve Aryan Tribes are the trunks, Stämme, here below, from which the Demiurge Jehovah has invented, copied his twelve tribes of Israel, falsifying. The Tree of the Column of Aryan Man is thereby formed by energies of another Universe that enter through the Window of Artemis-Venus: It is Yrmansul. The Rune Series of Odin synthesizes for us the event with the layout of the YR Rune, whose radical appears in the word YR-minsul: YR =

. It is the Rune of death, the fall into the abyss,

crucifixion on the demiurgic kingdoms of matter, with head downwards. The entrance of Lucifer-Wotan. Because YR, we have seen, is also the name of the Hyperborean Siddha, Polar, of Power, Yr, Er. YR-MAN-Sul. It is followed by the MAN Rune, Man:

, now with arms upwards, open to the heights, aspiring 224

towards return, resurrection, after having been crucified in the mystic death of matter, on the four wooden beams of the four material kingdoms. In this way the Aryan, the twice born, homo terrenus who gives life to homo de coelo, the Son of Man. SUL is the SOL Rune and also SIEG, Victory: HAGAL Rune:

. This is expressed in the

, which is already a Star, the return to the Star Venus, the

reintegration of Wotan-Lucifer, the recovery of She, SHE-HE. The YR Rune, Mystic Death, and the MAN Rune, are now together: Arisen Man, the Resurrected God Osiris, with his immortal body of red vajra, with his sâhu.



The Futhark of Wotan, with the name of each Rune, with its corresponding letter and number.



HAGAL Rune. Totality of Life and Death. Incarnation. Man in the Rune MAN: Death, entrance into the world of demiurgic matter, is the Divya falling head downwards, the YR Rune: Resurrection, the Vîra revived, his totality recovered, his individuation, is the HAGAL Rune, the Six-Pointed Star: . In the engraving, the Rune (Yoga-Rune) is realized by movement of the arms. One will now understand the deep Aryan Hyperborean sense of the representation of Gods with many arms, Vishnu and Shiva, in the iconography of Aryan India. It is also Rune-Yoga. Runes guard the greatest secrets. They send us the revelation of the Mystery of the partition and resurrection of Osiris, which is that of the Orphic Egg. Immortalization, what we have been here describing and that is the very heart of Esoteric Hitlerism. From Polar Hyperborea the Aryans extended all over the terrestrial world even to the furthest shores. It was they who created the first civilization of China, that of India, Egypt, Tiahuanacu. We should not be surprised then to discover the Mystery of Osiris is a Rune Mystery, expressed in Runes, in the name of God, just the same as in the Yrminsul Tree. In that way it belongs to Hyperborean Kristianity, the one of the origins. OS-IR-IS, three Runes in succession for the name: OS = =

. YR =

. IS

. The OS Rune is the number 4 in the Futhark of Wotan. It corresponds to

Wotan exactly, the Polar Rune whose animal is the Bear, the Constellation of the Bear. AR-TIK-OS = Land of Bears, Artikos Pole, Hyperborean. The YR Rune is that of death, the partition of the divya, of the Aesir Wotan, Osiris, the loss of First Hyperborea. The IS Rune represents She, she who escapes and who when once affirmed in her existence confirms herself as IS-IS. Isis. And she is Magic A-Mor, in fidelity, loyalty and honour to gather the dispersed pieces of the Bridegroom, to one day rebuild his totality, Absolute Personality of Osiris reborn, by means of the Son of Death, Son of Man, Horus. The Rune of Magic A-Mor is EHE = means of this A-Mor reaches Heil, Salvation and also the SIEG Rune:

. By , Victory.

Heil was the salute of the German troubadours, the Minnesanger, Sons of Woewre-


Saelde. Esoteric Hitlerism, together with the double Rune SIEG, confirmed this: . Sieg Heil! Heil Hitler!. WE, triumph, amplification of the I, thus comes from Rune Initiation, from Yoga and Rune Kabala. WE is the OS Rune, of Osiris-Wotan, furthermore the NAUTH Rune (N), number 8 in the Futhark of Odin:

, the EHE Rune seen

from the "other side," the side of A-Mor without love, Resurrection. The number 8 of the Infinite which is in turn a Rune. Victory, the GIBUR Rune: by IS-IS (SHE-HE recovered) becoming

, reinforced

. The Swastika of Esoteric Hitlerism,

as well as the Bon of ancient Tibet. That is UR-Nordische Himmelssymbologie, Nordic Celestial Symbolism of Origins. Here the Tarot were generated (also a Rune name), which was a Buchenstab, a book on branches of birch, falsified by Gypsies, the same as the "Tree Writing," Ogham, of the Celts and Druids and "I Ching." The true Cabala is also Nordic-Hyperborean. It is the Orphic Kabala, phonetic as well as numeric, of mantras and mudras, Stula-Cabda, HiranyabarbhaCabda. The Nordic Buchenstâbe, where we meet the concept of the Cabalist Trilogy of the Three Mothers (Nornen), who were stolen in the Eleventh Century by the Jewish family of the Kassidis, arrived on the Rhine from the Orient. Christianism had already played havoc, with great destructions in the souls of the Teutonic peoples. Only the Jews had been able to preserve an adulterated German Kala. They had also stolen the "Star of David," the HAGAL Rune, with six arms and points, which Hyperboreans had taken to Egypt and is then the Seal of Solomon. The name Cabala or Kabbala only appeared in the Twelfth Century. But the Nordic Kala, Germanic, had its origin in Hyperborean Atlantis. The German KAL says: "From the North Gate comes the good (Gute) and the bad (Böse)." The Great Wind blows from Hyperborea. It is Wotan, the Gute. He is Good. God, Got-Gute, is a German word. From there, from the North, extends an original Rune sound heard by the Luren of nostalgia, in the woods of patriarchal oaks thereby converting the Aryan hero into the Pilgrim of Great Yearning, Vigilante of the Dawn, of the Morning Star. Because what was in truth Hyperborea can no longer be known. It was not a 230

continent, terra firma, fixed as a point in planetary space. Hyperborea was "beyond the God of Cold and Torment." Hyperborea is the hero himself who was torn apart and crucified on the Tree of Creation, submerged by the Wave of Terror. Hyperborea was within Him. Now it is outside. Only the Runes will permit her to come within, to enter into the Inner Earth, the Hollow Earth. Stone brought from Heaven, said Wolfram von Eschenbach. This is the Gral, the Broken Crown of Lucifer, Venus. Edel Stein. Precious Stone, Himmel Stein, Sky Stone. Stein, rock and Stern are almost the same. A Star fallen from the Sky and submerging Hyperborea, causing reversal of the Poles. But the Star had already divided by then on the other side of the sky. Venus had already lost his Crown; the Comet Venus, transformed into a Star, without Crown. Perhaps an artificial planet. Hyperborea, the First, was lost on the edge of the Fifth Heaven where Wotan-Lucifer was crucified, to discover the Runes which would restore immortality for the heroes, his warriors. Absolute Personality and the possibility to make a leap beyond everything created, every illusion, through Sunya, the Black Sun of 2012.

Find yourself and know everything.


Rune Zodiac Drawing, called "Secret Platform," or strategic plane of combat against the extraterrestrial Enemy, the Demiurge. Each Rune indicates a point of entry and exit of the Eternal Return, of the diabolical concentrating Cosmos of the Demiurge, the Lord of Darkness. LAND OF CASTLES When Jung says Wotan is wind, hurricane, in the sense of earthly wind, this is because he did not know or interest himself in the Runes. Each element has its 232

origin in another more subtle, even the wind itself is only symbol of something else. An air, a wind from another Universe, which is Spirit and beyond the Boreal Wind, coming into the Creation of the Demiurge with the Runes. Der Geist. This Spirit is the only basis for the legendary Right of Hyperborean Aryans, the Law they engraved on tablets of orialco and which Apollo-Wotan guarded. It is the Thing of the Germans, magic sacred Reich, the Right. It unites them and joins them into a common mission of eternity, immortality. This was the First Hyperborean Reich and will also be the last. RE-ICH. Re = to turn, to return; Ich = I, in German. To return to the Absolute I, to return to be born: To be reborn. Esoterically this is the Reich, the REITH Rune, that of the Fuhrer. (Rat = Council. Recht = Right). This Reich will be this Mystery capable to unite in separation: Absolute Personality, the A-Mor of HE-SHE and SHE-HE. The Runes are the Feuerfuss of the Siddhas, their "Fire walking," as Shiva Nataraja, dancing within the Circle of Fire. The Runes of Wotan are Feuer-LichRunen. Runes of Light and Fire. Wotan, after having found them on the Tree of Terror, kept them in Himmelsburg, in the Sky Castle, Second Hyperborea. When Christianism destroyed the Sacred Oakforest through Charlemagne and Bishop Boniface, the ash and beech, Friggawald, where the Goddess Frigg and her Priestesses of the Black Sun kept the Rune Tree, Iggdrasil, Irminsul, then the Germans, descendants of Hyperboreans, took refuge in Castles, which came to replace the sacredness of the forest. There where they built castles, taking as their model the Fortress of Hyperborea, made invisible with a Golden Cord by Poseidon. That is why they surrounded their castles with a moat of water. Stone as the inheritor of wood, as the chest where Treasure was guarded, the Rune, fallen from beyond the sky. For Germans the tree was always sacred, until after 1945, after the Second World War. Only then did it come to be regarded as useful material, measured, destroyed, traded. The Araucano Indians also adored trees. Cinnamon was sacred to them, as the Peruvian pepper tree was to the Inca. The Araucano knew the Runes as well as the Venusian Calendar. These were discovered among the decorations of their chamantos and choapinos. Inheritance from the White Gods. The ancient Teutons (Teutschen, from the God Thor, Son of Wotan: Tuisko. Tiusto = Androgyne, Double Star) who knew the secrets of the Runes were called Armanen and Salmanen, united in brotherhoods, Kalendaren, from which comes the word kalendario, which has to do with the Zodiac Rune Chart, called the "Secret Platform." And that was a kind of strategic plan to use in war within the 233

Cosmos of the Demiurge. Their knowledge was Kala, Nordic-Hyperborean, Polar revelation. Two thousand years before our Era Nordic peoples settled around the Mediterranean, reaching Egypt, as we have said. This was a new wave, since another had previously founded the First Pharaonic Dynasty. As proof Nordics also took the Runes to Asia Minor; I possess a Gnostic gemstone, "abraxita," of the God Abraxas, an agate carved 1,900 years ago in Alexandria, with runic inscriptions no one can yet decipher and the image of the Hyperborean WarriorChief who had come to command the vîras in that Manvantara. It symbolizes Resurrection. I found this gem in Germany, by that "synchronistic" law of solidarity causing sacred objects "to come to us eager to be recognized." And used. The term vîra, often employed in this book and in "The Golden Band," pertains to Tantrism and refers to a viril heroic force acting as a countercurrent and possessed by the saddhakâ, or Tantric initiate. So it becomes synonymous with the hero who fights to reinvert the process of entropy of the involution on the plane where the Demiurge Jehovah acts, escaping from the Circle of Circles, Eternal Return, towards "something not dreamed even by the greatest of utopians." The greatest danger to the force of the vîra is found in fear and desire. The vâra-mudra destroys fear and desire, and gains Hyperborean favour. Hitler, bending his arm in salute with hand upward, with all fingers joined, used this mudra. The mantra is: Heil! Sieg Heil! In truth, the Power of vîras is the Vril. The Leftwards Swastika symbolizes that Power and its Kamph going upstream against the current in Esoteric Hitlerism.


Keep your self.

Some Germanic tribes, branches from the trunk of the Tree, Swabians, Vandals, Goths, come from the east, Ostrogoths and Visigoths, after crossing through Europe, arrived in Spain during the first centuries of this era. The Goths founded kingdoms in Spain and Portugal; the Vandals did so in Africa, in Sardinia and Sicily. When nomadic tribes of Semites destroyed the kingdoms of the Goths, Suevi and Vandals, since the Jews had also arrived in Spain and Portugal, they established their well-known ghettos. Toledo had been a Visigoth cultic capital. There Jews would have found the Runes and Nordic German Kala. During the XI and XII centuries the Kassidis Jews immigrated into the region of the Rhine. And in that era, 1200 years after Christ, almost all the known texts with the name of Kabbalah or Jewish Cabala made their appearance. The similarity of the name with the German Kala and Kalendaren is manifest. The Jews have never been creators. They steal and administer the creations of others. Certainly the Jewish Cabala takes its origin from the ancient Rune texts of the Armanen, Salmanen and Kalendaren. The Jewish Cabala consists of three books: the Sepher Jezirah, Book of Numbers and Letters or "Book of Creation"; second is the Bahir, referring to Abundance and the "World Tree." The third and last is the Zohar, "Book of Splendour," of Light. The Sepher Jezirah corresponds to an extract from the sacred Book of Runes of the Germans of the Rhine. The first news we have about the Bahir. or "Book of Creation," is in the XI and XII centuries, known to have been in the possession of Jews of the Rhine valley. The Zohar appeared among 235

Sephardic Spanish Jews after they had already destroyed the kingdom of the Visigoths. In the Sepher Jezirah, "Book of Creation" (Das Buch der Schöpfung), there is a second revealing title: "Book of the Three Mothers." For thousands of years this concept is found among the Germanic peoples. They are the Three Norns (Nornen) of Creation. In the legends and myths of the people of the Rhine all this was known. Nordic Polar peoples have always known the importance of women. The Priestess fulfills an essential function in the immortalization of the hero. The Valkyrie has a preponderant place in Walhalla, the precinct of the Heroes of God Wotan. Only Semitic and coloured races have depreciated women, treating them like slaves. Purda, harems, and facial veils entered into Aryan India with Mohammedanism. The Semite peoples and inferior coloured races are the ones who today fight for the "rights of women" in the Western World. Aryans do not need to do so, since women have always been free and kept a place of honour in their Reich. Even in the years 1455, towards 1522, the fight in Germany against the Church of Rome was continuing. Kaiser Maximilian I instructed his councilor Johann Reuchlin to undertake the mission of saving all the sacred runic documents still remaining from ancient tradition. The latter, who knew Hebrew, found many of the documents in a Synagogue on the banks of the Rhine. Perhaps he thought, naively, they had taken them there to preserve them. More likely it had to do with "White Treason." The rabbis, adulterating the texts, made several translations. That is when the Golden Horns were stolen, which were recovered in 1840 in the north of Germany and which had extremely ancient inscriptions engraved in sacred rune writing from the Bronze Age. The conspiracy destroyed them all. We have spoken before about the theft of the manuscripts of the fundamental works of Professor Wirth about the origins of the Jewish people. Nordic culture possessed fabulous documents, destroyed by more than two thousand years of thefts and sackings, as would also be done with the traces of the White Gods in America. They have propagated the fable of Nordic primitivism and barbarity, travelling the globe in every direction with this destruction, to erase whatever indication survives of the divine Hyperborean race and their extrastellar provenance. The plan is very ancient and also of an origin outside this earth. Since 1945, on finishing this stage of the Great War, the furor to destroy everything Nordic, everything Aryan, has become delirious, compromising the Germans themselves.


The name of Hyperborea which makes known the northern origins from whence everything superior has come, is the Greek name, as we have seen. The Nordic name is Polsata-Land, land of Baldur. Pol is Baldur, Pole and Apollo. It could also be Asgard, the name for that Second Hyperborea, as the home of the divine Aesir who Indo-Aryans called Arianavaiji and Persian Iranians, Arianem Vaejo. There they kept the Runes, in that impregnable Paradise, from where they were revealed in the earthly Midgard, on the North Pole, where Second Hyperborea would be located for a time, Paradesha. From Asgard sounds, vibrations extended like Barques of Light, Winged Serpents. From the luminous specter of the already invisible Asgard they descended to matter, to Folkwang's. Asgard is therefore Himmelsburg, the Castle of the Sky, where Wotan and his Valkyries still preserve the sacred Runes, to deliver them, together with their secret, to the heroes who fight for immortality, to vîras who transmute into divyas.

The power of your spirit makes you free.

CASTLE Tree and stone, stone and tree. Wotan hung for nine nights on the Tree of Terror; then, once the "plasmation" of the demiurgic Archetype, in his Manu, had deepened towards the kingdoms of densest matter, in the lowest vibration of 237

energy, of expiration, then the divine, semi-divine and heroes used rock to engrave the salvific Stone Rune HAGAL ( ). So they intended to continue controlling the unleashed forces of nature, fire and water, then submerging Atland. And we see the menhirs appear, the dolmens and cromlech. The IS Rune ( ), the UR Rune ( ) and the HAGAL Rune (

). They go forth staking out the most sensitive

points on Earth, Gerda, for the Nordics. These strange megalithic monuments, work of giant beings, are the acupuncture for a sick geography, avoiding new catastrophes, tying together sensitive currents. Nestled in the chakras and nerve centers of the physical subtle body of Gerda, where both planes intersect and there is a meeting between visible and invisible rivers. They are also the first temples of initiation and sky observatories, guarded and maintained by the Aryan Siddhas. From there to the Castle is no more than a step. The Castle comes to replace the Tree once the latter was massacred in the forest commons, in the Waldheim of the Goddess Frigg, the spouse of Wotan. The Castle is Erburg or Irburg, home in the new time for ER or IR, from the legendary Pole. Eh-renburg, Castle of the Magic Wedding, with the Rune , Ehe, from the Magic Wedding. So the Castle came to be a Temple, as well as refuge for Runes and initiation center like Montsegur, the Castle of the Cathars in the Pyrenees, rebuilt on the ruins of another much more ancient; also an observatory of the extragalactic garden of the Hesperides, of the Paradise of the Apples of Avalon, like the Cromlech of Stonehenge. The Garden of the Hesperides of the Greeks took its Hyperborean inspiration from the Garden of Asgard of the Goddess Iduna, or Nanna, Wife of Baldur, also guardian of the Apples. The huge megalithic monuments are Sky Stones like the Kaaba in Mecca, Himmelstein, which have been found from Scotland to Austria, German kingdom of the Goddess Ostara (Oesterreich). Hyperboreans raised these rune signs of stone, their menhires, dolmenes and cromlech, in the furthest corners of that second earth, emerging from the waters, in Africa, the Southern Seas and Americas. They are the Hünenbetten, Steinhänge (Stonehenge), Bautasteine and Walburgen, later called the Pyramids. At one time those strange megalithic signs, precursors of Castles, marked the entire earth of Germany. The Walburgen were Castles of Initiation. We still have time to deal with the SS Castle of Wewelsburg, in particular. 238

To better understand the symbolism of the German Castle we must understand it is an attempt to reproduce the Thule of Hyperborea, made invisible and impregnable with a Golden Band. It is an ancestral memory. Poseidon had already transformed Paradesha into a Castle, surrounding it with a protector "moat" (a string). The Stone House of Hitler, on the summit of a Mountain of Berchtesgaden, also corresponds to this "high ground."


Image of the world. Asgard, Fatherland of the Aesir, Polar Continent of Hyperborea, capital of Midgard, World of the Middle, is in the center. The World Ocean surrounds it and the Jfing Current. The cardinal points of the Hyperboreans are the same as those of the Ruka, or Katan of the Araucanan Reche: Nordri (North), Sudri (South), Austri (East), Westri (West) and Asgard, the Polar Axis, Pillar, Center Column.

Valhalla is the "Hall of Heroes," inhabited by the Valkyries and their warriors, in the Castle of Wotan, Asenburg, Himmelsburg, Castle of the Aesir, Castle of the Sky. The Castle of Thor, son of Wotan, God of the Lightning Hammer, Blitzhammer, called Trudheim (Blitzkrieg is the war of Hitler, in truth, "Thor's War"). Unless we try to penetrate this Hyperborean symbolism, totally unknown by the Judaized world of this Dark Age, nothing can be understood about what Esoteric Hitlerism was and still is, this miracle that suddenly burst before our eyes, like a lightning bolt of the God Thor, and that could die down without our noticing anything, not even a suspicion. We know, nevertheless, its understanding may not be for everyone. It is for the heroes who still aspire to divinity, to immortality. For them we are making the sacrifice of writing this book, trying to remake the outlines of a vanished world through the mists of centuries, im Nebel, over which still fall the demented hatred of the Lord of Darkness and his acolytes. The Rune accompanying the dead Hero to Valhalla in his exterior and interior combat is GIBUR:

. In the "Hall of Heroes" of Wotan completed by

the IS Rune: , doubly traced: IS-IS (Isis), but recumbent, such as to transform the GIBUR Rune into the Reverse Swastika of Return, that of Esoteric Hitlerism: . In other words, in Valhalla the hero has again met his Valkyrie, ISIS, who rebuilds the body of the torn Hero and redresses it with immortal matter, of red Vajra. This marvellous Mystery is the culmination of Esoteric Hitlerism, of the Order of Wotan. The hero has given his earthly life in combat against the Enemy and for his Fuhrer. He is Einherier, who is immortalized in Valhalla, confiding in 240

the Leftwards Swastika, that of Return, amplifying the GIBUR Rune. Loving it, venerating it, following it to the end, giving his life if necessary. ("When the time comes"). So he will have been saved, retrieved his Valkyrie, reaching immortality. Because the "blood of heroes comes closer to Wotan than the prayers of the saints." The warrior hero especially needs honour and loyalty, the power of faith, Glaubenskraft, persevering in faith, until Vril "creates the thing contemplated." Loyalty to his Fuhrer, in this combat of internal and external transmutation, in this authentic Resurrection of the Flesh.

I am my law. In the Castle of the Sky are kept the sacred Fire, the Column of Fire of the Vril, whose reflection on this Second Earth I would one day find in Kedarnath and Badrinath, India, in the Temple-Castles of Shiva and Vishnu, in the High Himalaya. Montsegur was also a Temple-Castle, where they kept the Fire of the Gral. The Cathars inherited it. They found it in the ruins of a most ancient Visigoth castle and hid it away in safety during their final battle, loyal to the mystery and ancestors, to the Gotteslehn, to the inheritance of the Gods, to some of those Pure Ones (Amiel, Aicart, Hugo and Poitevin) they carried in the blood, in the "memory of the blood," as if exhausted or cagots. This name of a lost race in the Pyrenees had to do with Got, God. Indeed, the exhausted are the remains of the Weissegoten, Visigoths, wise Goths, acolytes of Luz-Bel, they who knew the


Runes and dominated all Languedoc and Provence, today the south of France, in the III and IV centuries. From Polar Hyperborea, Asgard, the Himmelsburg, from Valhalla, came the divine Vanir and Aesir. And it is absolutely true the Teutschen, Teutons, Aryans, are the descendants of divine and semi-divine Gods. They lost their divinity when they mixed with animal-men, automaton-robots, with the children of terrestrial men. One will understand as well why some men and peoples have named themselves Sons of the Sun, Sons of Venus and why the vîras of Tihuanacu and the Inca claimed their ancestors, Huiracocha, Mamma Occi, Mama-kocha, Kontiki and also Quetzalcoatl were White Gods, saying they had come from the stars, in Vimanas and Disks of Light. The "Book of Enoch" gives us a list of names of the angels who descended to earth to teach men the distinct arts, agriculture, commerce and war. To women they taught the art of cosmetics and making themselves beautiful. Those "angels" then turn on and mingle with "the sons of men." In the "Book of Enoch" they give semiticized names for those who came to earth. The book has also fallen into the hands of Jews. But the Nordic-Hyperborean tradition keeps the names of the Aesir Gods. They are the same Tuathas de Dannan of the Irish Sagas, the Koravas and Pandavas of the Aryan-Hindu epic of the Mahabharata. They are also the Gods of the Greeks and Romans. Only the names are changed. Here are Gods, there are the Lords of Hyperborea and Asgard. The Aesir or Asa are the following: Bur, the builder and Bestla, daughter of giants. Buri, the son. They follow Wotan, Lord of the Sky and Frigg, Queen of the Aesir. Together with them govern Thor, Donar, the Lord of Weather, with Thrud, of enormous force. Sons of Wotan and Frigg are Baldur, the reconciliator and redeemer of the World; Hodur, who brings misfortunes; Vidar, the avenger; Heimdall, the keeper of heaven; Freyr, who blesses, and Freya, the always cheerful. Tyr is the Aesir of the Sword. Mimir, the Ice Giant. Loki, the blood brother of the Aesir. In Asgard, in the Court of Wotan and Frigg, in the community of the Aesir, the Valkyries follow them, Schildjungfrauen, or the young Virgins of the Black Sun, protected with shining shields and the Einherier of the resurrected Heroes in Valhalla, in the Great Hall of Reunion of Asen-Burg, or Castle of the Aesir, in Hyperborea. We notice the God-Siddhas are always defined by one single quality. So that Freya is the happy. Hodur is the carrier of misfortune. Tyr is the wielder of 242

the sword. Thor that of the hammer, and, so forth. They owe this precisely to their being Gods, finding themselves beyond time, or in another time, where eternity rules, which is to say, immobility. Each remains in the gesture that best corresponds to them and represents them. And so it must be with death for those who have left time, who have done away with time. Or rather, who have escaped through the breech in all the Universes. And this can only be on the eight-legged Horse of Wotan, or the eight paths of Buddha, or the eight towers of the Castle of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen (Castel del Monte). Also by the eight sides of the Templar constructions, or the Tower of the Castle of Initiation of the SS, in Wewelsburg. The Eddas tell something strange about a King Mannus, true father of the Teutschen, or Teutons, who in turn are the ancestors of the white Aryan peoples. This king came from the interior of the earth, the Hollow Earth. It should not surprise us since Asgard itself, on becoming invisible, Polar Hyperborea, could have transferred and still be within, for there everything is more weightless, subtle, with less heaviness, able to offer a dwelling to the giants and non-time, to another time closer to Eternity. It is Agartha. We are going to limit ourselves here to a very limited description of the Castles of the Aesir, since this Science of Castles is complex, infused and corresponds to an alchemical Aryan Polar yoga. The Burg (Burgos, in Spain), or Castle, is a complex representation of the Aryan Germanic soul, of the divya and vîra, equally. We see this in the use made of the Castle by the troubadours and certain Spanish mystics, as a symbol of the soul. In Nordic Mythology so it has been forever. The castle comes to be the exteriorized memory in stone of the image of the City of Hyperborea, made invisible by Poseidon, God of the Sea, Spouse of Clito. The memory of the Hyperborean Temple circulating in the memory of the blood, of the Templum, from Tempeleisen, Kerka and Kirka (Pirka, in Quechua), of the Castles of the Aesir Gods. So Germany was land of castles and therefore where the Germans went they built them. Castles are, moreover, inheritors of the menhirs, dolmens and cromlech. A Book of Rune Stone, a Buchstein, as before it was a Buchenstab. Because of this the Visigoths in Spain founded Castille, the Land of Castles. Ancient German Nordic houses, the Königgs-Allen and Giebelhäuser, which carried the Drachenauge on their roofs, the Eye of the Dragon, also engraved Runes. They could pass for being models for the temples of the Hellenes, the Parthenon. 243

Here are the "Castles of the Aesir Gods": Each castle hangs like a fruit of the Igg-Drasil ashtree, the World Tree, like a golden apple during the Golden Age. Their total number is a dozen plus one, equalling thirteen. Only twelve are visible, three are invisible. The number twelve and thirteen form part of the Court of King Arthur and the Mystery of the Gral. The first Castle is the crown of the divine dignity of Wotan. It corresponds to the planet Poseidon-Njoerd. The second Castle corresponds to the wisdom of the Father and his generative power. It is the planet Uranus-Varuna, also the Milky Way, the Road of Iring, that of Wotan. (A departure from the Galaxy). The third Castle corresponds to the receptive understanding of the Mother. Stars close to the earth. Saturn. The fourth Castle represents (Odinic) clarity. Jupiter. The fifth Castle represents judgement, the sentence. Mars. The sixth Castle represents beauty, the center or nucleus of being. Day and night, light and obscurity, the entire earth. The Sun. The seventh Castle represents eternity, youth, respiration, nature, pyramids, the Eye of the Dragon. Venus. The eighth Castle represents involuntary movement, hierarchy and the divine number eight. Aryan Law. The ninth Castle represents the vegetative I, the people, time. Moon The tenth Castle represents the Reich, the physical body and elemental body, earth, nation, matter, world, the four elements, Midgard, firm land of the German Poles. The eleventh Castle represents Knowledge (of the Aesir), Spirit. It is the Reichskansler, the Chancellor of the Reich. The Solar System. Castles twelve and thirteen correspond to the invisible places of the Aesir and the Asa, where no one can yet dwell or see. Perhaps from where men and women can or could leap into the Void. In the Mystery of the Gral and of the Court of King Arthur, the seat with number 13 was the "Siege Perilous," that of the leap into the Void. Towards the Gral. Castles 4 and 5 of the Aesir form the human soul, Castles 7 and 8 form the animal soul. Castle 9 conforms with the vegetative I. Castles 2 and 3 carry equilibrium, Spirit, Geist, consciousness. As can be seen, the Hyperborean Siddha, the warrior-hero of Hyperborea, in his entrance into the demiurgic Universe clothes himself with the substances of the Zodiac and stellar planes against which 244

he does battle in order to transfigure them. They are the distinct Castles and stars of this enumeration. It will be the Goddess Frigg, wife of Wotan, who will achieve the realization of the Fourth Reich, where the Lord of Valhalla, Wotan, materializes fully, able to reach what his Avatar, in the Darkest Age of the earth, was prevented from fulfilling. It will be the triumphant return of the Fuhrer, as Kalki, on the White Horse of Eight Legs. The fullness of this symbolism, or Nordic-Polar science, manifests in the number of Castles, or Chakras. One must connect it to the symbolism of the Tree, and even then it is impenetrable to us, since the keys have been erased, adulterated. Only the Fuhrer and his closest collaborators keep them today in the impregnable Paradise of Asgard, in the Oasis of the Other Pole. We are told all these Castles hang from the World Tree, from the Igg-drasil, Ir-Man-Sul. Wotan has also hung for nine nights from this Tree, to find, or merit, the Runes. Actually Wotan himself is the Tree. Aryan symbolism is totalizing, aspires to unus mundus. In its "polytheism," in its infinite variety, "live and let live." Its law is "synchronicity," or law of simultaneity, of solidarity: the Divine Sense. The living center. palpitating with this cosmogony or Weltanschauung, is the preservation of Primary Images, the Ur-Bild, Ur-Mench, HE-SHE and SHEHE, in the Memory of the Blood as Nostalgia or Yearning. The UR Rune. The Nordic-Aryan influence of Gnosticism also exists. For the Gnostics there are masculine and feminine Aeons (HE-SHE, SHE-HE). Pisti Sophia was a feminine Aeon, in much disgrace for having descended too low on the planes of demiurgic manifestation, in search of knowing even more, lamenting the infidelity of her masculine counterpart who had not accompanied her on this tremendous adventure, coming to rescue her. Kristos, the Number Thirteen, saved her, to be precise. Here the Aeon is not the servant-golem of the Demiurge Jehovah, it is her in disgrace, in exile, Lilith, Allouine. She is the Hyperborean Aeon who has lost her He. All this comes from Hyperborea.


Rune-Man. The Rune MAN.


The Tree is the Man, Ur-Mensch. He is Wotan. In esoteric Aryan symbolism things go backwards from what has been given to us in the Kali Yuga. The root of the Tree is equivalent to the head. The trunk begins with the coccyx, continuing through the spinal column to end with the final vertebra beneath the cranium. So Man is standing on his head, like in the asana of Hindu yoga. The interior organs are the radiant fruits, the golden apples, stars reflected there, "repeated." Within as without. Around the trunk of the Tree coils a Triple Serpent. They are the nerve conductors. The nadis, in Sanskrit. The Nenschlicher Mikrokosmos can come to be the image and likeness of the Göttlicher Makrokosmos. Thus the Tree is symbolizing the descent of the UR-Mensch (Hyperborean Siddha) in earthly matter, in the most dense realms and spaces. From head down, like the YR Rune: : Death of the Spirit in matter. Momentary disappearance of the Siddha-divya. But the divya who descends, who involutes, has within himself the power to return, to resurrect as well as to die. This power is hidden within his own hermetic embryonic physiology. Only he has forgotten the memory, the knowledge. He must awaken it. We have seen the exiled vîra has more than one body. The worlds (heavens in Gnostic-Cathar terminology), by transiting, combatting, find themselves within the body of the Archetype Manu, servant of the Demiurge, also a Göttlicher Makrokosmos. Within the Circle of Circles everything repeats, like echoes of an archetypical note. Thus the body of the divya will be made up of many different bodies like planes of matter-spirit and matter-material for those who dare to enter into the world of the Demiurge. For him the body of earthly matter must possess within it an appropriate "organ" with which to connect with the "astral body," embryonic through atrophy and forgetting, being able to recreate it, resurrect it, "invent it," as well as immortalize it, unite it with an even subtler mental body. Another "organ" (key) is found within the astral body making it possible to unite with his Monad, with "Someone who remains waiting on the edge of a Fountain." This "organ" is the Thor Rune, to which corresponds the letter Th of the name Thule, the Rune of Return (with a Face) to Celestial Hyperborea, keeping the "I" (so indicates this Rune,

, in the Futhark of Wotan), so as not to be absorbed by

the "inspiration" and eaten by the Demiurge, Lord of Darkness. Thereby man is reborn in various worlds at the same time. Each world will be represented by one 247

of his bodies (Castles), found present in them all, even without knowing it, since he is aware of one only, an earthly one, of Gerdasburg. Only when finding the key to developing his Linga-Sarira, or astral body, will the warrior of Wotan be able to open the gate to communicate with the mental plane, able to live in more than two worlds. One becomes ubiquitous. He will be WE. This has been called "astral travel." It is the Way of the Reverse Swastika of Esoteric Hitlerism, the Road of Iring, retracing the Involution. It is the return to Hyperborea and the Way of Resurrection of the vîras. The Hero will go from world to world, from sky to sky, from body to body, passing through all the planes of manifestation of the demiurgic plasmation. And in each one must retrieve an "organ," a key, to discover the "passage," the little breech, able to make the leap into the Void of Resurrection. Pure mental creation, invention of a Non-Existent Flower… even though more real than all the flowers of the gardens of this world… In the language of the science of Nordic Hyperborea: One has built the Bridge of the Aesir, the Asen-Brücke, the Hanging Bridge uniting all the Castles, allowing entry into them. This is the Rainbow of Wotan. And so the Hero has been converted into a Pontifex, being a Bridge himself. The vîra has transmuted into divya. He is Chakravarti, Lord of all the Chakras, all the Castles. He is Tulku. He is Melchizedek.

Your blood is your most costly treasure.


POLAR PHYSIOLOGY The Swastika of fire is: Earth and Air is:

. The Swastika of water is:

. The Swastika of


The lungs, Lungen, throat and breath give form to the runic sounds, RunenLaute. They go forth from the mouth in five ways, first vibrating in the soul. They create centers of force in the Astralkörper (astral body). Projected by the will they go through the Ether. Having found acceptance in the physical brain, they gain sonorous materiality through expression. The mouth is the organ expressing what the spirit has touched, as Fire. Orphic Kabalah, Hiranyagarbha-Cabda is a sonorous Cabala, with mantras and signs. It is the Kabala of my Initiation, that of my Maestro. Rune force produces vibrations in the astral body, coming to mediate between the planes of the spirit, soul and body. The chakras, vortices of luminous energy, are projecting centers of these forces. The magic of the Runes activates the vibrations of these centers. Their wheels are made to whirl like swastikas, with a dizzying vertigo. Each wheel, or chakra, corresponds with certain Runes. Similarly, an organ of the nerves in the physical body corresponds with each astral chakra, a plexus, gland, with internal secretions directed by the astral vortices. Consciousness among these centers of light, connecting them together, is made possible when the Runes activate the astral vibrations of the chakras. This can be done because these "wheels" are also virtual centers of a different consciousness. In the first part of this work I referred to this in relation to Initiation and my own experiences.



The Body of Total-Man, Divya, Siddha. The Chakras, or centers of consciousness and the planes corresponding to the Golden Sun, Black Sun, Black Hole (Sunya, the Void) and Green Thunderbolt. The Universe of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, of Absolute Man and Woman to which the warriors of Esoteric Hitlerism reach passing through the Gate of Venus.

These processes are completed in the physical body through two nervous systems: the vagus nerve and the sympathetic nerve, which act together in the production of hormones through glands. Always the tone of each Rune is what produces the State of the form and the substance of the form, something to be seen directly through work on the physical body of the two systems, until the metabolism is modified, influenced from that "other world." The vagus is the tenth nerve of the brain, acting in opposition to the sympathetic, steadying the activity of the heart. The sympathetic is autonomous, not dependent on will, regulating the vegetative processes. That is where the "God-Runes" work, from their "Castles," hanging like fruits from the Tree YrMan-Sul. The sympathetic nerve includes the nervous system which goes through both sides of the vertebral column and whose ganglia have ramifications reaching to the Solar Plexus. The astral counterparts to these nerve bundles are the subtle canals, rivers of energy, in the vertebral column of the Altralkörper, Linga-Sarira, Sâhu, the Tarnkappe of Siegfried. They are the Nadis: Ida, Pingala and Sushmna, the most important of the three. In the symbolic sacred geography of India they are the rivers Ganges, Jumna and Swaraswati, the latter the invisible river beneath the head of Shiva, married to the Goddess Parvati, on the peak of Mount Kailas, visible counterpart of the spiritual Meru. They come together in the Sangham, point of confluence, in the city of Allahabad, near Benares. The confluence of the three Nadis happens in the invisible counterpart of the Solar Plexus within the Astral Body of man, in the Manipura Chakra. In Nordic-Hyperborean symbolism the three Nadis are the Three Norns (Nornen), the Three Mothers of Destiny. There is a Rune for each of them. The Norns weave the different bodies of the Rune Hero, Warrior of Wotan, who must resurrect in Valhalla. The tunic of Nessus, ardent fire, of red Vajra. For the woman initiate, Virgin of the Black Sun, Priestess of Odin, there is the Bridal Veil. 251

Some students of Raja Yoga want to see the Kundalini, the Woewre Serpent coiled around the roots of the World Tree, as the Vagus Nerve. Through lack of knowledge of Nordic Polar symbolism, they fall into error. Because the Vagus Nerve is the Concretion from organic matter of another Hyperborean "organ," which the Siddhas keep repeating on the various planes and worlds of energy vibration, or demiurgic out-breathing, as they jump through their entrance or war. It may be "the Eye of the Dragon" (Drachenauge). Between 1914 and 1918, during the First World War, in the great crisis of the Kali Yuga, or Age of the Wolf, there was an overturning of the sympathetic system of Aryan peoples. This made possible the coming of the Avatar, Hitler, a premonition of the future Kalki. Some students of this era, Professor von Senger among them, believed there is in Nordic man an additional nerve bundle enabling them to re-identify with the world of Divinity. I would say, to escape and go beyond the archetypal world of the One, the Demiurge Jehovah. This branch, or organ, is not found in coloured races and allows the Aryan to see reality in a divine projection and perspective. Hitler had total use of this capacity, only latent in the rest. This marks a fundamental difference between the races, helping us to understand the meaning of the intention to hybridize the white peoples, carried out today with growing intensity since 1945. The diabolical plan is to produce anew the monster of Neanderthal man.


Guard the center of the world within yourself and you will be Lord of the Universe.

There are four Homelands that reach the domains of the Iggdrasil Tree. Wotan organizes and connects them. He lives in them. First Homeland: Asgard, Home of the Aesir. Second Homeland: Valhalla, Reunion Hall of the Heroes and Valkyries of Wotan. Third Homeland: Waldheim, Sacred Forest of the Goddess Frigg. Fourth Homeland: Trudwang, mansion of the God Donar-Thor. The worlds of Holm Oak Iggdrasil are five: First: Asgard, Kingdom of the Gods. Second: Thursenheim, Home of the Giants. Third: Nebelheim, Realm of the Dead. Fourth: Muspelheim, Domain of Fire. 253

Fifth: Mitgard, Reich of the Nordic Peoples, Their Imperium. Wotan leads the poets and heroes. I feel this as I write. He has guided my steps from a young age, since in the Andes of my country when I saw the giants. His Throne of Gold, in Valhalla, is Hlidskiaf. His head carries the helmet that projects golden rays with two wings of an eagle. His blue cloak is the Hyperborean firmament, colour of the God Krishna. His left hand holds the Lance; his right, the Sword. As Chief in battle he wins the Victory. He is the God of the Runes, of divination of the future. Who asks the Runes receives the answer from Wotan. His Horse has eight legs and is named Sleipsner. Above his head two ravens fly. At his feet run two wolves. Like Apollo, Wotan is a God-Wolf. The SS Initiates, the heroes of Wotan, are today also wolves. Siegfried was a Wölfling, a wolf cub and descended from Wotan, like the Frankish kings, like Hengist and Horsa, who conquered England and like Frederick Barbarossa, served by two ravens, Hugin and Munin, while he sleeps in the Kyffhauserberg. Hitler is an Avatar of Wotan. An Antarctic Wolf. Wotan lives forever in the memory of his warriors and his Hyperborean people, as the tireless hunter among the forests of oak and ash trees. His Spouse, Frigg, also called Berchta, the luminous, with golden hair, is keeper of the Well of the Virgins and immortality. She grants eternal youth. She granted it to the Fuhrer. On her belt she carries keys to open the doors of the "simultaneous worlds." She keeps the spinning wheel within reach. With it she weaves the Astralkörper of heroes of the Order of Wotan, the Tunic of Nessus, Tarnkappe of Siegfried, which makes invisible and allows passage from one world to another, to live in all of them at once. Wotan, Frigg and Thor are also Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. They are therefore the Column upholding the Universe, the Yr-Man-Sul Tree, Nordic-Hyperborean. Energies reach them from the Runes of Wotan: YR and MAN. Yr-min, Yrman, Armin, are also Hermann and Arminius, the King of the Querruscos who defeated the Romans in the Teutoburger Wald of Westphalia. Wotan gave the force and victory to them. From Wotan the indications to carry through the Great War in a mythic way were sent to reach Hitler, elevating the tensions of the soul to supreme levels, revealing forever the Enemy and the skill of winning by losing which alone defeats him. From Wotan, his Father. Consolation he received from Frigg, his Mother. She comforted him and gave him eternal youth. Because She had waited for him 254

at the Well of the Virgins, in Waldheim, in the forests of Asgard, in an Antarctic Oasis.

THE THREE NORNS, THE THREE REICHS The number three is powerful. The trilogy, the triad of Gods and things. So the Runes must also act here simultaneously on three planes: spirit, substance and form. Their vibration and action are exercised in those three states. Each element has its origin from a superior level. The Runes of Wotan were at first only 16. The first of the Series, in the old Futhark, is FEOR:

. giving birth to the world of the Aesir Gods, to Asgard, to

Polar Hyperborea. The Futhark ends with the IR Rune:

. of Death. The

Twilight of the Gods. The FEOR Rune says: "Breed your own luck and have it." And the IR Rune: "Think of the end." To this series of 16 Runes, Wotan added two more. Rune 17, EHE:


which unites the first Rune of Birth (Fire) with the last Rune, of Death, of the Mother (Ice). And Rune 18, GIBUR:


The EHE Rune says: "Magic Marriage is the deepest root of the Hyperborean Aryans." The GIBUR Rune: "Know thyself and be a God." In the expanded Futhark the entire magic process of Esoteric Hitlerism and the Initiation of Wotan has been summarized. An exit is given within the closed Circle of Life and Death through Aryan Initiation, in the Magic Marriage of AMor: EHE. The Hero is taken to Valhalla by means of the ultimate Rune, GIBUR, mutated into the Leftwards Swastika, that of Hitler. There his Valkyrie will resurrect him as an immortal divya. He will be Wotan and more than Wotan.

The "Book of the Three Mothers" (Die Drei Mutter) of the Germans dealt with this Science. The Tyrkreis, the Circular Triad, appears in all manifestations of the life of this people, even in its Kuchen and cakes for the festivities of the "Black 255

Light" of the Year. This trilogy, or triad, has been spread from Hyperborea. The Three Mothers are the Three Nornen, or Norns. Another mythic expression of rune wisdom. The wise white women are also called Hexen, Hagediesen, helpers. They are the three Virgins: Warbede, Wilibede and Firpet. In the XV century they became Perpetua, Eimbete and Felicitas. The three White Odinic Mothers are: Odil, Odal and Adel. The Norns are equivalent to the Greek Fates and the Yewulfes of Mapuche myth. They are also three Runes. Urd, Werlandi and Skuld are the Norns. They rule the complete cycle of the life of man, the Tyrkreis. They inhabit the roots of Yr-man-sul, the World Ash, where the Fountain of Youth began. They sprinkle the Tree with those waters, made thus stronger to be able to resist the attacks of the Enemy. The Fountain has the name of the first Norn, that of the origin, the past, Urd, or UR:

. The Norn Werlandi is in charge of the present, helping life to grow

and develop. She protects, gives power and victory. Her Rune is SIEG:

. Her

expression is Heil! The Norn Skuld takes charge of the future and death. Her Rune is YR:

. Her words: "Think on the end."



The Way of the Chakras. Chakravarti. Lord of the Chakras. A Tulku, an Avatar.

These are the Three Mothers. The Ladies charged by Wotan with Karma, the Destiny of Hyperboreans within the Circle of Returns, Drama of imprisonment and combat in the karmic illusory Universe of the Demiurge, in his samsara. There is a Fourth Mother, the Goddess Frigg, the Wife of Wotan, keeper of the Gardin of the Golden Apples of Asgard. She is also Medea and Lilith. In the Hero Hall of Asgard, in Valhalla, she resurrects the Initiated Warriors, granting them immortality, in company with the Valkyries, or mystic spouses of the heroes. In the Garden of the Heperides, in the Gral Castle with the Golden Fleece. In Paradesha. And after the four, the fifth, the Hyperborean Number, Venusian, Polar. The jump, the escape, the dream undreamt even by the greatest Pilgrims of Nostalgia. Furthermore, first they must be resurrected by the hands of the Valkyrie, the Goddess Frigg, in the Fourth Reich, to be able to reach the Fifth (Re-Ich) which is a multiple of the Tenth Avatar, Kalki, who will come mounted on the EightLegged White Horse of Wotan, multiple of four. The Norns also rule the Reich of the Divine Folk of the Nordic-Hyperborean Gods. The Norn Urd and her UR Rune govern the earthly First Reich. This is the Polar Reich, of the divyas of the Golden Age, the divine Aesir. The Norn Werlandi rules the Second Reich. Her Rune is MAN. The Norn Skuld, with the YR Rune, of Death, rules the Third Reich. In the case of the Third Reich of Hitler meaning Mystic Death, prelude to the Resurrection of the Fourth Reich, with the coming of Kalki-Wotan and his Eight-Legged White Horse, carrying the Science of Individuation, of Absolute Personality, or the Eight Paths of Buddhist Liberation. His Rune is SIEG, Victory. The passage to the Fifth Reich will only be reached simultaneously within and without, on board a Vimana. The HAGAL Rune corresponds to it, within a circle:

. This is the retrieval of the Fourth

Sphere of the Light of the Black Sun, to leap into the Green Thunderbolt. What Buddha, Aryan Prince, the Ninth Avatar, called Nirvana. The Third Reich received irradiations of the second, third, fourth, fifth and eleventh Castles of the Iggdrasil-Yrminsul Tree. These Castles of the Aesir are built symbolically. In the Chancellory, in Berlin, Adolf Hitler had ordered the 258

Aztec Eagle to be carved onto a cabinet, the Plumed Serpent of Quetzalcoatl, the same as appeared on the front of this book, as the emblem of the Reich To Come. The Fuhrer Kanzler guided the Teutschen from there and from the Berghof of Obersalzberg, in Berchtesgaden, and in the Gralsburg. Everything done by the first two Norns for their Folk in the First and Second Reich of this dark earthly Yuga, the Norn Skuld sent to the Third Reich, permitting them to remove their enemies, to make the Aryans even more aware of their defeat and to make their desire for return even stronger. The Norn Skuld was the one my Maestro saw leaving, as a beautiful white spirit, away from Germany at the end of the war. And this great land has been left soulless, without her Norns. Everything was destroyed, disappeared because of Judaism, since 1945 and after, and must be recovered by those who "stayed firm in the old dreams, so the world would not lose hope," as Ezra Pound would say, "persevering until hope creates, with its own shipwreck, the thing contemplated." And until the return of the Fuhrer.

Do not oppose your destiny, give it a meaning.



The Ragna-Rok was the Twilight of the Aesir Gods. Norn Skuld sounded the Horn of Destiny in the Waldheim of Frigg, in the Garden of Induna. Its melancholy echo went resounding among the trunks of the patriarchal oaks, from the ash trees to reach the ancient sky, shortly before their collapse. O Gods, this is the end of Asgard, so filled with brilliant Castles, golden apples, friendly animals who spoke with heroes! And those fruits of yesteryear! The sound of the Terrible Horn led to consternation in Asgard, because the divyas remember the Eternal Return and know everything will repeat, as a Destiny impossible to escape, to Rök. A Circle closes. A melancholy dimming of the light signals the entrance of a Sandhya, followed by a Sandhyansa. The divine know they are going to die without dying. They will fall into dream, among the Polar glaciers. Ravens will tend them, devour them like on the Parsi Towers of Silence, like in the Castle of Silence. Only the heroes, converted into wolves, will remain watching and waiting. The Hyperborean divyas have died, disappeared, to be renewed among subterranean crevasses of fire. From there they shall return rejuvenated, like the Phoenix. But the Gods have died, have entered a vast dream. The Fuhrer has gone away, the Fuhrer sleeps. Only the heroes continue fighting among shadows of the night, until they too must depart. Will they be able to support the horrible shadows of Sandhya and Sandhyansa? It is the time of Great Dissolution. Only the Spouse, All others are dead: Hari, Yama, Kubera. And even the awakened Eye Of Indra closes! So say the Tantras. All, except She, who has only changed the rhythm of her Dance. Frigg, Berchta, the Luminous, has been transformed by the Demiurge into Black Kali, the Destroyer. Even the divine, the Hyperborean Gods, who have entered into combat within the recurring Universe of the One, Jehovah, the Lord of Darkness, have 260

fallen prisoners in the Eternal Return, having to accept the karmic cyclic law. The first to die will be sweet Baldur. Beside his funeral pyre, Wotan draws near to say farewell. He whispers a few words in his ear, which no one will ever know. It is the Great Mystery. Perhaps a Rune. That of Death and the promise of Resurrection. Then, the Fenrir Wolf devours everything, even Wotan. And the Age of the Wolf enters, that of Iron, the Kali Yuga, the darkest. The Dance of Kali where a lone sun scarcely seems to cross through the dense layers of obscurity. Until everything is destroyed. The music heard amid the Twilight of the Gods is without doubt that of Wagner. He sensed it in the memory of the blood.

Master yourself and thereby control the powers of your enemy. ANOTHER ROUND First Hyperborea was located beyond the demiurgic Cosmos and the Cycle of Cycles. Second Hyperborea, the Satya-Yuga and Dwapara-Yuga, has no place on the physical Earth as we know it today. Nor the Golden Age, nor the Silver. Only the Treta-Yuga, the Bronze Age, happened here, with the Avatars of Rama and Krishna and with the race mixing of the divine Aesir, Vanir and semi-divine vîras.


When we speak of "extra-terrestrials," we do not mean, of course, what is believed today under Jewish tutelage. The Aesir, Tuathas de Dannan, Nephilim, those who "come from other stars," did not arrive in space ships or similar vehicles. No doubt they came from afar, or it may be from within, but they did not avail themselves of such crude strange means. They did not need "flying saucers." The simultaneity of consciousness was enough, absorbing the substance of each plane and clothing themselves with them. In truth, they came from a Universe that, even though very far away, is found on the "other side of our senses." And, if we sometimes see them as if they were round, like Disks of Light, this is because we do not possess the organ which would permit us to penetrate and see deeply into that "other side of our senses." If we could do so we would also discover within that "Disk" a man and a woman. He and She, with forms like those of the vîras. In fact, Wotan and Frigg, Baldur and Induna, Avris and Allouine are the extraterrestrial "Disks of Light." Quetzalcoatl, Bochica and Virakocha are as well. We repeat, the Demiurge Jehovah continues descending through planes of lesser intensity of energy, in expiration and "breathing," where not even his Hierarchies of Slaves have yet come, but where they create the means for Jehovah's work, investigations, his "machines" and "robots," even though he always shapes them into his own image. When they arrived here the Hyperborean divyas must have thought it would only be for a very short time, they would be able to resist, even if after the Golden Age. But some of them mixed with the "daughters of men," with the "animal-men," falling prisoners. The sons of this first "racial sin" were the heroes of those vanished times, the semi-divine, Aryans, vîras, who were still able to return to the divine world, transmuting themselves in reverse, by means of the Initiation of A-Mor. By having lived directly the experience on this plane of demiurgic impregnation, they could go beyond the Gods themselves, to be more than they, to escape and go out, into a dream undreamed even by the greatest Pilgrims of Nostalgia. We have here the difference between two earthly humanities, the semidivine and the merely animal, that of the "robots," "slaves of Atlantis." It may very well be the choice of living with men, on this hard earth, is an act of heroism, more than a defeat. The great wars of the Koravas and Pandavas in the Mahabharata, that of the Vanir and Aesir, would be punitive wars against those who had mixed, polluted their divine blood. And in those wars when the Vimanas, the Disks of Light, appeared with greater frequency, just like today, in the great crises of time, at the end of an Age. 262

None of this excludes the man-animal here on Earth from also being able to achieve an imitation of these Disks of Light, these Vimanas, with their mechanical science, and going with them to explore the cosmos, the outer side of the stars. They will go to them and find them empty. Because it will be like visiting the various organs of the body of a giant, the vast body of Methusela, the demiurgic Manu. Lacking Vril, the "Eye of the Dragon," the Third Eye, they will see nothing. They will not perceive those who are found within, in Castles, in the World Tree, in the Apples of the Tree, in Asgard, Avallon. Because with those little men, with their bodies made of that matter, uniquely Gerda, earth, on which they live. They are alone in the Universe. To be able to go where the Fuhrer went, with his Vimana, with his Star, we must recover the Vril, and thereby go to where He is found, within, in the "Interior Earth." First we must be able to go beyond, so that He return. The Third Reich was where the Sonnenmenschen, the men of the Black Sun, were able to recover the lost organ of Vril, the direct knowledge of the memory of the blood. The vîras, converted anew into divyas, built an astral body, their Sâhu, their own Vimana, and with them they departed to the regained impregnable Paradise of Asgard. When the Aesir Gods mixed with men, with those creations of Samsara, of the Will to Power of the Demiurge, that Maya which here below moves as a river like myriads of tiny fatuous flames, images ever more opaque, without duration, destined for death, the nothing, animals, plants, minerals, this made essential the recovery of the purity of the blood of the hero, because that is where the memory of divine origin is preserved, the memory of Asgard, the Valhalla of the Gods, Garden of the Golden Apples, of sweet Baldur, Father Wotan, Mother Frigg. Above all, of the Eternal Beloved, the Valkyrie. And of Someone who remains waiting like on the edge of surging waters around a Great Fountain. So the Watcher of the Dawn will also be a Pilgrim of Nostalgia, Great Longing. Because in his blood, as in the light of the Morning Star, he hears this distant music which surrounds him and makes him dream the world of Hyperborea, lost he knows not when. There does not exist an Aryan, a vîra, who is not nostalgic, a tireless Pilgrim. When the Hitlerian SS, in the final offensive of the Ardennes, were wounded to death in enemy hospitals, they refused to accept blood transfusions, preferring


death, because they were convinced that, if they diluted the memory of the blood, they would have lost eternal life. Aryan blood, here on earth, is the substance of the light of the Black Sun. circulating through the veins of Hyperborean Gods. It is the premonition of the Green Thunderbolt, Fire Dragon, Way of Iring. Wotan alone can speak with his warriors who keep guard in far-flung regions, by means of the Minne, preserving the purity of Aryan Blood. They are the prisoners of a Myth, like Rudolf Hess. And even here they fight a glorious desperate war.

Safeguard the eternal fire. EARTHLY HYPERBOREA Otto Rahn says: " Through Myth alone can we rediscover a distant epoch when men were directly subject to the power of a divine world." The ancient hero was thereby surrounded with the souls of his ancestors, spirits, Gods. He saw them and, when he entered in combat, all lived and died together. In those times his Valkyrie in truth fought in him, alongside him. In the Divinity the hero saw himself, what he was. Nothing can be known of Hitler if one does not understand he also lived in that way and gave that ancient legendary sense to his time. Birds and rivers spoke to him as of old. They came down from the celestial Mountain. 264

The Eddas said to him: "In the ancient times, when eagles sang, the holy waters descended from the Mountain of the Sky."


The Eddas also referred to a very ancient time, already gone. The Eddic songs that have reached us are the "New Edda," recompiled by an Icelandic legislator, in the same XIII century as Wolfram von Eschenbach, Walther von der Vogelweide and the warrior troubadour Bertrand de Born. He was the Skald Snorri Strurluson who lived in Iceland, in the shadow of volcanoes, in Reykjavik. But his Edda was not the ancient Saga, even though he conserved the Minni, Icelandic word meaning nostalgia, memory. Just like the Minne of the German Minnesanger, of the same time as Snorri, who captured the memory of a lost Love from the beginning of time, in remotest Thule… (Where?) The first colonizers of Iceland came from Norway, by the year 1000, escaping from the famous Christian saint, King Olaf, who, to convert them, cut off legs, hands and even heads. Skald Strurluson in his "Heimskringla" recalls this. But Iceland was inhabited much earlier, although these people disappeared without leaving a trace, the same as in Greenland. Where was Thule? Strabo, the Greek geographer, who died in Rome in the year twenty four Before Christ, said Thule was to be found six days voyage by boat towards the North from Great Britain. This coincides with Iceland, Rahn tells us. Strabo also said "Thulunes," which in German means "island of Thule." But Thule, in fact, means White. And this name appears in the Olmec, Mayan, Toltec, Aztec and even Inca and Mapuche chronicles. It has to do with the White Gods of America, where perhaps the vanished Hyperboreans of Greenland and Iceland travelled. Ekato of Abdera, the teacher of Pythagoreas, said Hyperboreans inhabited the British Isles and they had built Stonehenge. Hitler, because of this Minne, did not want to invade England. Piteas of Massilis (Marseille), also called Portus Veneris (Gate of Venus), four hundred years before our era, went in search of the Hyperboreans. His Memoirs have been lost, as the study of Professor Wirth already noted. Perhaps his records were kept in the Library of Alexandria. Plutarch, in that mysterious book, "The Face in the Moon," tells us of the Ogygia islands, in the far North, beyond Great Britain, "where the sun sets for only an hour a month." He also tells us the God Kronos-Saturn sleeps there, beneath that sky, tended by a Bird carrying honey mead, having already devoured Time, forever young, in the Sandhyansa where time and light have been erased, in wait of the Resurrection and Return of New Time. Who is the "Face" in the Moon? The Greeks speak of Hyperborea. Persians and Indo-Aryans refer to them as the natal fatherland as well, Aryanabaigi, even before the Greeks. The "Chronicle 266

of Oera Linda," probably a falsification, in based, nevertheless, on authentic chronicles and sagas of the Frisian Folk, remembering the destruction of Hyperborea, with the name of Atland or Alt-Land, Ancient Land, Old Land. But without doubt the Ragna-Rok Song, the Gotterdämerung, Twilight of the Gods, the Völa Maga (Skuld Norn) of the Eddas is what best tells us the end of Hyperborea, of Polsite-Land, the Region of Baldur-Apollo, in the Satya-Yuga, the Golden Age, best and most dramatically.

Do not fear death.

FIRE There, in the region of the North Pole, in a now vanished continent, with an even climate and a benign sun, the earthly Hyperborea arose. According to Jurgen Spanuth the Atlantis of Plato was located there, governed by twin kings, disappearing when the comet, in Greek myth called Paethon, came dangerously close to earth. Today called Halley. Basileia is the capital of Atlantis. I believe in ages much more remote in time and in more than one Atlantis, repeatedly flooded in the Eternal Return, within a circular spiral time.


Even before the arrival of the first glaciers, on the material plane of the Demiurge, men and women lived in the Polar region. Perhaps they were no more than a pair, or one man alone. The penetration into matter of an Aesir or Vanir. We have already seen how number is later and goes in direct relation to involution and decadence. His stature would be gigantic. Then number came and the blood, like a fluid not completely material, where Memory was kept and the Fire of Vril circulated, allowing communication with those who remained on the "other side." The physical attributes of the Aryan-Hyperborean race are unknown to us today. Perhaps those set for the Buddha might give us some remote idea today. In the Majhima-nikayo thirty-two attributes of the Aryan race are enumerated: Two meters tall; chin and chest of a lion; shoulders straight and well formed. The height of the body corresponds to the open arms. Large fingers, fine legs, hands with fine veins, firmly arched feet. The colour of skin is golden, smooth and dry, such that neither dust nor sweat stay there. Front broad, convex, with harmonious voice, even teeth, very white, without gaps. Walking, he goes erect, straight ahead, neither too slowly nor too quickly. The lower part of the noble Aryan does not oscillate when he walks. When gazing he does so straight on. He sits with composure, without relinquishing balance. He makes no useless movements with his hands or feet, does not cross his legs, does not put his chin on his hand. (We can see the "lotus" position is not used, the position used by the mixed Hindus of today, so similar to that of the monkey. His postures are the runic ones). His voice is clear and intelligible, concise and determined, deep and sonorous. He is always calm. This description, however, does not correspond in full with the Hyperborean Race, but is later, having to do with Aryans already established in India and certainly mixed with native coloured races. Hyperboreans are blond with blue eyes. The description paints for us an Aryan with very black eyes. Moreover, it was said of Buddha his extended arms reached below his knees and they sculpted him with a bump on his head (the lost "organ"?). Strange signs giving an indication of divinity. The Merovingians were also marked by a striking sign, a mane of wild boar on the shoulder and a red cross below the heart. They were so described to indicate the divine attribute of royalty, something not human.



Tree of the Chakras. Tree of Terror. Iggdrasil. The apparent correspondence between the Chakras of Hyperborean wisdom and the plexus of the science of Kali Yuga. From the lowest chakra upwards: 1) Muladhara. Pelvic Plexus. (Sacral plexus). Controls the external genital organs, represented by the Lingham for the masculine sex and the Yoni for the feminine sex. Here the Kundalini reposes, sleeps, "is coiled." (The libido of current psychology). 2) Svadisthana. Hypogastric plexus. Internal organ of secretion and reproduction. 3) Manipura. Epigastric plexus. (Solar plexus) Nutritional system. 4) Anahata. Heart plexus. Circulatory system. (Blood vessels) 5) Vishuda. Cervix plexus. Respiratory system. 6) Ajna. Medula oblongata. Reflexive nervous system. (Pineal gland) 7) Sahasrara. Brain. Pituitary gland. Voluntary nervous system.

In Polar Hyperborea to which we refer, the inhabitants are still divine. The fifth born woman in a Hyperborean family preserves the quality of Vril, which is also ER. She has the organ of communication with simultaneous worlds, with the Siddhas, of whom the Hyperboreans are the representatives, their Advanced Ones on earth, on Gerda. The woman teaches and practices the cult of Magic A-Mor which makes individualization possible, the resurrection of Absolute Personality. Moreover, custodian of the Gral, this carbuncle incarnated on earth together with those same Hyperboreans and on which the rune wisdom of immortality is inscribed, the history of the past of the race, of the origin and primaeval world, the Nuptial Fatherland. The Hyperboreans came from there, entering this Circle of Circles by a "topological fold," by the "Window of Venus," or by a "clic" of the Mind. Without this remembrance, this memory, everything would be lost forever. There, in front of the Gral, listening to their own blood, their music, next to the 270

Fire, Hyperboreans carried out the rite of Minnetrinken, drank each others blood, preserving the memory of origin, to thus enliven the incredible adventure here undertaken, in this exile in matter, in this war without quarter against the Enemy who, one knows, closes in around them. And because time accelerates in these regions, which will be dark and cold. The Hagedissen, Virgins of the Black Sun, exhort the heroes to hie to their Wedding, the Magic Marriage, next to a Fire. They are the Wives of Fire. Before joining their Warrior, they have done so with the Fire of Saturn. And this, perhaps, remembering those far away divine times in Aryan India when they entered the bonfire where the body of their dead husband was consumed. This rite is called Sati, from Sat-Ur-No. The Fire of Origin: UrAgni. The Hyperborean Virgins are the Wives of Agni. In Vedic India the wedding is held next to the Fire of the Aryans. The maintenance of the sacred Fire empowers the uninterrupted relation with the original Body of Light, before their imprisonment in matter, with that Spiritual Energy, ER, with that Column or Bolt, the SIEG Rune:

, Vril.

Hvareno, the true Ancestor. So the Fire must never burn out in a Hyperborean community, must always be kept by the King-Priest and the Woman-Maga, the Valkyrie. The Fire must abide within and without. In the exterior it is uniquely a symbol of what was first within and was the Hyperborean Blood, a vapor igneo, pure, from Pur, fire in Sanskrit. Therefore the Fuhrer said his world was Fire and thought he could win, even when lacking appropriate clothing to withstand the icy winter of the steppes. Leon Degrelle told me during the combat on the Russian front, the German SS would rise in the middle of night to light great bonfires, gathering around them in silence, transfigured. The Reich Chancellery was consumed in flames. And they also tell us, although it is not so, the bodies of the Fuhrer and his wife were cremated. This is included as well in the great Hyperborean Myth. Form dissolves into earth, to recover again beyond, in the full Light of SIEG:

, of the original Green Thunderbolt. And it is Heil!, Triumph,



The creative spirit will win.

We have said Andes is anti, antu, sun and also anda, man. The Ancient Sun and Man, the Black Sun and divya, the Siddha. Giants are immersed in the mountains, in matter, rock, along with the coming of the new sun and the disappearance of ER, the Ancient Sun, the Light of Vril, Spiritual Bolt. With their darkening and the materialization of that star, Gerda. And what is imprisoned in the mountain, is engraved, is the MAN Rune and the YR Rune:

. Thus I saw

the giants; one to the right, extending his arms upwards, the other, to the left, inclining with arms downwards. Life and death within the earth of the Demiurge. The form of divya, Urmensch, Original Man, given by the Rune, imprinted here. Now in the mineral as a perhaps unattainable aspiration. And playing out in scores, tests or copies of the Demiurge, completely failed, like the monkey and Neanderthal man. And the body with two arms, two legs, one head, five fingers, is only a machine, the reproduction of an Archetype copied by the Demiurge Jehovah and projected by his "breathing" in this recurrent Universe. To work with this machine, in this dense world, this evil plagiarist does not need "to lower." This golem suffices, with Neanderthal man and his slow impossible evolution and 272

involution, through aeons of time and tremendous disasters. He who uses it is in no hurry. In truth he is playing, dancing within his Maya-Illusion. But here something huge happens, outside the dream of this devilish Player. Someone has entered into this Circle of Circles, by some "door" or "fold," perhaps by a narrow "window." The Gate or Window of Venus, or rather by a "clic" of the Mind. A Defeat, or a Hero, come from a completely distinct Universe, carrying with him the original Hyperborean divine form which the Demiurge would corrupt and carrying the power of the Runes, come down from another world, giving another appearance and direction to the entire process of mechanical repetition, even to the redemption of matter, transfiguring it, making a mutation reaching to the central nucleus of the Tectonic Fire. He thereby enters into total war with Jehovah, his Eternal Return and his Archetypes. It has been said, therefore, the Hero, Lucifer, or Luci-Bel, has "entered" this world, falling head down (Head or Crown of the "comet" Venus) onto the North Pole. And there he remained in chains. He is Wotan, crucifying himself on the Iggdrasil Tree, of Terror. On the YR-MAN-SUL. Liberating himself after nine nights, recovering the Runes, the power of the Runes. His action has a positive effect through all Universes. A Power originally belonging to Another World, and stolen from there. Those who enter by the "Window of Venus," perhaps do so to retrieve a Power that was stolen and corrupted, a Gral. A war between several worlds simultaneously, between beings of opposite backgrounds. Between that matter and another matter. Cathars saw this in a more simple way, as Manes: from the Fifth Heaven downwards, they said, a strange malignant Force was introduced to alter Creation, mixing and making it diabolical: the Satanic Demiurge, Jehovah. Cathars believed that it was not possible for a Divine Spirit descended from a very high hierarchy to incarnate in this world of dark matter. So they denied the earthly life of Kristos. Yet they affirmed "every 700 years the Laurel blooms again." Which implies the possibility of the apparition here of a Ray of Spirit, what the Hindus have called Avatãra. Indeed, this presence cannot be continuous or permanent. We have seen in the first part of this book: The Fuhrer was not in Hitler all the time. His body could not have stood it. The great mystery centers around the impulse of partition of the Orphic Egg, in the separation of He and She, the division of HE-SHE and SHE-HE. Did this happen precisely to be able to enter into combat with the Enemy in his own 273

Universe split into pairs of opposites, Yin and Yang, obtaining for the Hero the possibility of individuation, Resurrection, with a Face, as the prize for the enormous risk and sacrifice? In any case, the evil, the true defeat would occur in the forgetting of the divine origin and ultimate goal of the combat, in the assimilation into animal-man, with the sudra, in the fall into dream and conformity, caught forever in the gears of Eternal Return and final destruction in Nothing. Absorption in the Archetype, in the Demiurge, in One. To come to be, after everything and so much, nothing more than the breath of the Archetype, of Jehovah. The heroes who fell so far into the abyss of manifestation did so at first for only a short time. They were the Aesir, the Vanir, the Tuathas de Dannan, even the Nephilim. Making use of human form, the Aesir Wotan was crucified on the Iggdrasil Tree. Feeling terror at what he must do: to incarnate, for even more than a short time, to help fight to free his own in the combat against the mists of oblivion. The process of Demiurgic Expiration had already taken prisoner some of his spirit-warriors, hero-divyas, come voluntarily to fight, or be defeated, on this plane of demiurgic ideo-plasmation, crossing through this Window, topological fold, or "clic" of the mind, separating opposite simultaneous worlds. We remember the Pisti Sophia was a feminine Hyperborean Aeon, a SHE who, by defeat or by "knowing," found herself taken prisoner on a very low plane of manifestation, without being able to return and at risk of losing the Minne, Memory. Until Kristos-Wotan came to rescue her (with the UR Rune, of Remembering), taking her back through the Window of Venus. With Magic AMor. What then happens here on earth (defeat or voluntary action, whether again we do not know) is the decisive Drama, of the "enamoration of a Divine Hero by a daughter of men," of animal-man, and the mixing which transforms him into semidivine hero, hero-vîra and making him live permanently in the body of a man of the earth. Here begins the tragedy and the earthly Great War. The necessity of the Way of Return: Urdhavareta, in Sanskrit. The Deva-Yana from beyond the tomb. The importance of preserving Memory, Minne, the remembrance of the Divine Ones, the Other Universe lost in defeat or voluntary adventure. And what is retrieved some day, if it is retrieved, will never be the same, must be more because now he reaches the totality of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, with a Face (that of the earth, which Gerda gives to the beloved and lover, with her Rune of Flesh). 274

Muladhara Chakra or root chakra: Its position coincides with the sacral plexus. It has four petals. In each one is inscribed a Sanskrit letter, representing a magic sound of Hiranyagarbha-Cabda or Phonetic Orphic Cabala. Its element is Earth and its symbolic animal is the Black Elephant Ganesha. In this chakra or near it, at the base of the psychic vertebral column, the Kundalini Serpent is coiled, the Astral Fire. This Serpent or Fire awakens by means of Hyperborean Luciferian Science, Tantric Yoga or Rune Yoga. On being "resurrected" it uncoils and ascends like a "serpent fire" through the psychic vertebral column (by the Sushumna canal) activating all the chakras or centers of consciousness until the "Third Eye" is opened and together with this the power of Vril (pineal gland, Ajna chakra, God Baldur). Its mantra is LAM.

There are for this on earth three humanities: The Divine of the Hyperborean Siddhas, before the mixing, or already individualized in Absolute Personality, the Tulku (also called Avatars here), the Boddhisatvas who freely return to help the semi-divine to prevent Oblivion, Avidya, to preserve Minne, Nostalgia: the Fuhrer. They live in the celestial Asgard, in the Inner Earth or that world which belongs to the "other half of our senses." They are the divyas. Then come the vîras, the semi-divine, the heroes, half God, half man, those who can 275

transmute into divyas, into Total-Being, into Absolute Man, the Sonnenmensch. And the third humanity of animal-men, descendants of Neanderthal, the most numerous, increasing and increasing, populating the earth to its very ends. Serving as the army of the Demiurge, being also his food at the end of the Manvantara. The earthly Polar Hyperborea, Midgard of the Aryans, Middle Earth, is inhabited by semi-divine heroes, being the reflection, the golden shadow, made in its image and likeness. Here, Wotan has incarnated as Rama, has taken his heroic luminous form. And as the one way to reach the escape from the Return, the Priestesses of the Black Sun, of Polar Midnight, teach the Cult of Magic A-Mor and marry the Beloved so that he can give birth to his own Son of Man, his indestructible vehicle of eternity, who can not be devoured by the Archetype, by the Demiurge, because it has been built in the Fire of red Vajra, with the rune alchemy of Wotan and the Iggdrasil Tree. With He who will return to escape from all this, from the Circle of Circles, through the Gate of Venus. And will redeem the earth, transfiguring nature, overcoming Kali Yuga… and all the Yugas.

Your life is in the hands of God. Confide in the God who is within you.


JEHOVAH AND THE WHITE TRAITORS The arrival of the Warriors of Wotan on earth causes an essential mutation, a momentary detention in the involutive process, in the recurrence of the degraded Archetype. They will use the MAN Rune to take their image and reclothe ER, Fire of the Black Sun with the form of a man, MAN. But he will be the image of a perfect body, golden, luminous, who will live only at intervals and who will not have absolute materiality, descending and ascending from the surface of the earth towards the First Asgard, through the Gate of Venus. They will instruct the earthdwellers, helping the semi-animals and peoples of colour, the Negroes, Yellow and Red Races. The Hyperborean Warriors were whites, almost blue ("blue bloods"). Their golden hair floating in the wind of that Golden Age. But catastrophe came when the divine took hold of the daughters of men, who they were themselves helping to perfect. They mixed with them and sired sons of flesh and death. They had involuted into mortals. Like a dark river descending from the YR Rune, the Norn Skuld, over the divine warriors. The hour of Destiny, Karma and fatality was fulfilled. They were left imprisoned on earth, in flesh, in mortal earthly form. And nostalgia for the lost world accompanied each one of their actions. They are the semi-divine heroes of legendary ages. How did this defeat happen, this mythic "racial sin"? Was it the work of the Enemy Demiurge? Or rather did the divine Siddhas freely enter onto the dangerous plane of entropy and expiration so as to leap, from here, even more immortalized, resurrected with a Face, with Absolute Personality, something not achieved even by the divine, or else lose divinity? The hero now played with his own immortal life, in a Holy War, "synchronically," since their liberation, their resurrection, will also transfigure the earth, thereby inflicting the most definitive defeat on the Demiurge. But the hero has a set period in which to sound his Note in the greatest purity. The process is directed and guarded by the chiefs, or guides of Asgard, Agartha, by the same Wotan-Lucifer, in the non-existence of the Green Thunderbolt, beyond the Gold Sun, where the light of the Black Sun reaches across, in the swirling of the Leftwards Swastika, that of Return, that of Esoteric Hitlerism.


Of six petals, with six Sanskrit letter-sounds. Psychic center at the root of the genitals. Only awakened in Tantric practice. Represented by water. Its animal is the whale. Its mantra is VAM.

We shall try to summarize. There is a mechanical world, so to speak, where a diabolical illusion is being played, a kind of sinister comedy and imitation, for the benefit of the demonic One, who aims to extend his falsification "above the fifth heaven," more each time. Here divine spirits are imprisoned who have entered into combat, by defeat or simple chance-destiny, going through a fold, or window, a communication between opposite universes, of "anti-matter." It is possible as well that the shadow-beings of this mechanical world have come to introduce themselves into the other to take prisoners, or to rob a Power, causing the split in the Orphic Egg, the partition of HE-SHE and SHE-HE. In any event, the struggle is definitive, to the death, to immortality. The Lord of this world is a Demiurge who breathes, creates and recreates, in Kalpas, Manvantaras and Yugas, at the end of which he devours everything, eating his own dream, his illusory Universe, to begin again. So divine spirits, warriors from another Universe, have now infiltrated here, able to change everything, by means of a gralic 278

transcendental mutation. They came here fighting, in search of their She, lost at the limits of the sky. There, Warriors and Valkyries, divine and semi-divine, find themselves here on earth fighting for immortality and the redemption of this world, to snatch it from the jaws of the Demiurge and retrieve the Gral. From time to time Avatars, Divine Guides, appear, come from beyond the stars to help the herocomrades. Then Wotan-Vishnu incarnates in the Ultimate Avatar, Adolf Hitler. For more than two thousand years, the Demiurge, Lord of Darkness, has been called Jehovah. Before he had other names for his acolytes, the golems, his servants, his "slaves of Atlantis," but he is always the same. He is One. The name Jehovah corresponds to a cabalistic number, in the Jewish Cabala. The agent through whom Jehovah works on earth, his archetypical projection, in the Eternal Return, is the Jewish people, ideo-plasma of his own dark dream, without ontological reality, nightmare of bastardization. The Combat or Kamph between the Warriors of Wotan and the Lord of Darkness has acquired cosmic proportions with the appearance on earth of the Avatar, Adolf Hitler. Jehovah moved all his reserves and made use of a completely unexpected weapon: the treason of the divine ones, something the Demiurge kept in secret and that, even now, has never been made visible. The power of the Fuhrer has been such that the Demiurge saw the necessity to use that decisive weapon. He had to make it known. Through immense distances of time, when for the first time the exiles entered here, the mystery was fulfilled of the passage of an army of divine warriors to the ranks of the Demiurge, tempted by his Will to Power and the promise of an illusory participation in the Great Game of shadows, seduced by the shadowy grandeur of this Drama of Eternal Return, an illusory eternity within time, of deaths and apparent regressions, of the Eternal Return of the Same. He tempted them with the power and glory of the Demiurge and the secret desire to come to replace him. Vain illusion! And so we already have two enemies, agents of the Demiurge, his slaves and servants: the Jewish anti-race and the divine traitors. The Jews work here on earth, commanded directly by their Demiurge Jehovah. The divine ones, who have become traitors, have been set up at a point beyond the planet, and from there they direct the forces of the Great Conspiracy, represented by the ecclesiastical, political, hermetic, exoteric and esoteric institutions, which they control and inspire in collaboration with the Jews. Perhaps it was to this that Julius Evola referred when he wrote about a subversive world Conspiracy more vast than Judaism and 279

which reached even beyond the earth. We are not sure he understood what exactly was involved, but he intuited it, and without wanting it, was used by it, when he took the part of the nobility of class and criticized the Hitlerian Weltanschauung. In the first part of this book we said we are here going to refer to that terrifying topic, in relation to the incredible treason of which the Fuhrer was the victim. It was directed and inspired by the Junta of divine traitors, by white defectors, by traitor angels, I do not know what else to call them, in agreement with and in combination with the Jews, in the service of the Demon-Jehovah, led from outside by his terrestrial doubles, the barons, the "von," the Christian and Masonic generals who betrayed their Fuhrer, disobeyed his orders, sent their soldiers with inadequate supplies and weapons to fight on the frozen steppes, gave secrets to the adversary and came to lose the most just war of this Dark Age, the only war to redeem the planet, breaking the Circle of Circles. Such was the scale of Hitler, messenger of the Siddhas of Hyperborea, Tulku, Boddhisatva, Chakravarti, the Fuhrer of the Aryans, against whom the Demiurge Jehovah had to send all his terrestrial and extraterrestrial legions.

First learn to lead, then start marching.


Second Hyperborea is below the fixed Pole Star, immobile within movement. The Column symbolizes this fact. As well as the orialco scepter and throne of the Twin Kings (Castor and Pollux). The scepter is represented by the ideogram:

, the SIEG Rune. Midgard is built on Mount Paradesha, which

means "high country." There, the Lord of Law, Dharma, Dharmaraja, A-PoloWotan-Baldur builds his Palace, which then becomes a Temple. "Highness" is the title of those who live on the summit of the Polar Mountain of Revelation, in high regions. And he is the Architect, builder of sacred buildings, like the central building of Hyperborea, also Egypt, Iran, Greece. The ziggurat, menhirs, dolmens, cromlech and pyramids. Every monument of each class is consecrated and magic, as were the Castle of the Mountain (Castel del Monte), the Castle of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Montsegur and the Templar castles. And as were the constructions of Hitler. The scepter symbolizes the Polar Axis of the earth and the dazzling Power of the King, the terrible Power the Pharaohs concentrated between the eyes, in the figure of a snake and the Polar Aryans in the Eye of the Dragon, Vril, Hvareno, Urna, Central Fire. The sovereign governs and commands impassible, immobile, like the Pole. He is the immobile motor of Creation. The City depends on him and on the daily Cult of Fire, ritual preserving the health of Poseidon, Avallon, Midgard, Polsiteland, Basileia, the sacred City of Hyperborea, with the Community of initiated heroes and warriors, of Wotan-ER. The characteristic signs of the Hyperboreans are the following: Immobility, impassibility, interior calm, serenity, glory, victory, terribilita. When the King acts he does so like a bolt, extending the scepter and projecting the SIEG Rune:


Blitzkrieg. These are the signs of the immortals. But, to be truly Aryan-Hyperborean the first birth is not enough. Initiation is necessary, having to go through mystic death, to be born a second time. Only then will he have resurrected and be immortal. He will have gone out (escaped) by the black hole, through the Black Polar Sun, by Sunya, the Void, by the Window of Venus and already be able to enter and go out at will, to be Chakravartin, Lord of the Chakras, Rajadharma, the Lord of Dharma. He will be WE.


Its position coincides with the solar plexus. Ten petals with their letter-sounds. It represents Fire. Its animal is the ram. It is the decisive chakra since the "two ways" meet here. It is the "Threshold" of Nietzsche, the "High Noon of Illumination" and Eternal Return. The Hindus call it Sangham, point of confluence of two visible rivers and one invisible descending from the head of Shiva on Mount Kailas. Its mantra is RAM.

Only in the Aryan initiate do caste and race coincide with colour, with Varna. And thus, the Pontifex, the Bridge between simultaneous worlds, will be able to be consecrated and merit the formula, still preserved in the Rig-Veda: "Be strong and unwavering. Never relent. Unyielding as Mount Meru, as the sky itself (like the Pole Star). Firmly hold power in your fist. The Mountain is firm; the Sky is as well. And the King is firm." The Fuhrer of the Aryans was firm, to the end. There, at the dawn of centuries, in the Garden of Induna, the Aryan hero, exile, pilgrim, the nostalgic of lost worlds and Eternal Love, Warrior of Wotan, receives the Polar Initiation of A-Mor. The Hyperborean Maga, his Valkyrie, makes this possible, next to a night bonfire and the Iggdrasil Tree. The virgin priestess is transformed into the fire of Agni, to thereby impregnate him, resurrect him, make him pregnant with the Son of Man, the Son of Death, the only one who can grant him Immortality. This Son is in truth a Son-Daughter. He is HE-SHE. 282

We have already spoken of the initiation of A-Mor and will return to do so again when we refer to the Gral and the Minnesanger, in relation to the esotericism of the SS. It is born beyond, in distant lost Polar Hyperborea, like the secret guarded in the memory of the blood and carried with the Gral by the divine ones arrived through Venus. Thule is the magic point of the Wedding, where He and She wed. Poseidon, King of the Sea, surrounds the sacred continent with a Band or String. He is Bridegroom. He is Wotan. The Wedding and Death go indissolubly united. The Magic Wedding and Mystic Death, which make possible the Second Birth of the Aryan, of the initiate warrior. This Mystery is expressed in runes, in the number of Osiris who is Wotan. When the last remnants of Polar Hyperborea disappeared, the Polar Nordics went down to Egypt, built the Sphinx, the pyramids and founded the First Dynasty. Osiris is Wotan, the Mystery of Wotan crucified on the Iggdrasil Tree. As we stated: OS-YR-IS. Everything is there. The partition of HE-SHE and SHE-HE and also their recuperation, Resurrection. The OS Rune:

, is the Rune of Wotan, fourth in the Futhark. It says:

"The Power of your Spirit gives you Freedom." YR:

, is Death. IS:

, is the

Rune of the Bride. In Osiric Myth, the God (HE-SHE) divides mystically, torn. The rune unity has been lost. The Number Three, Tyrkreis, has been broken. She has gone away to dance outside, affirming herself with the double Rune IS-IS: Isis, the Mother Goddess. But, mother of whom? Of no one, because the Son, Horus, is son of OS, of Osiris after partition, the Son of Man. In this way Horus is the same Osiris risen. The formula inscribed in the Temple of Ramses II says: "I am the Son who sculpts the head of his Father (the Face), who gives birth to one who has begotten." Horus is the Son of Mystic Death, YR in reverse, between OS and IS, so he is a product of both, uniquely in reverse: engendered by Osiris. On dividing She, He has been "impregnated," pregnant with the Son of Death (YR), the Son of Man, the Son of Resurrection and Immortality. Osiris resurrected is in truth Horus, the Astralkörper, with a modelled Head, that of Isis, in the process of that rune initiation and thanks to the YR Rune, of the Initiation of Love and Death. All this is the same as the crucifixion of Wotan on the Iggdrasil Tree, on the YR-MAN-SOL Tree.

: Death.

: Man. 283

: Resurrection. The mystic death of

the Hero is produced by an incarnation of the terrestrial man (homo terrenus de terra) making possible Resurrection in Total-Man, Absolute (homo coelestis de coelo). Death and Resurrection. Horus is the Son of Gold, the body of the Immortals, Sâhu, Vajra, the Tunic, incorruptible Substance.

Coincides with the heart plexus. It is the "Heart of Kristos," in Nordic Kristianity, the wound of Wotan crucified on the Iggdrasil Tree. It represents air. Its animal is the stag. The Age of Pisces has been nourished esoterically by this chakra for two thousand years. Its mantra is YAM.

As we have already explained, the culmination of the Hyperborean initiation process corresponds with the meeting with the Runes, or the awakening of the chakras, thanks to the Fire of Vril, Woewre, coiled around the Tree of Man, the YR-MAN-SOL, Iggdrasil. After Nine Nights, in mystic death, Wotan is given to awaken his chakras, or to retrieve the 16 Runes, plus 2, making 18, multiple of 9. Y, 1 + 8 = 9. Nine centers of lost Power, the Gral, stolen by the Enemy. The hero has dared to come into this world to rescue it, together with his She, with the Pisti Sophia, also captured and imprisoned, chained to the root of the Tree of Terror, sleeping and tormented there. After awakening the heart center (Chakra Anahatha) pierced by a lance, the hero is given to die, risking his "I," on crossing the black hole, through the Black Sun, the Void. In the Sahasrara chakra, the Crown of the King of Hyperborea, 284

Lucifer, which in Esoteric Kristianity would be the Crown of Thorns, He and She are one: SA-HAM (I am thou). There they have been wed, on the summit of Mount Meru, on the heights of Paradesha, in the palace of Midgard, in the Hall of Arms of Heroes and Valkyries, in Valhalla. On jumping into Sunya, the Void, into the Black Sun, they have become separate, in order to be able to meet again, as Absolute Man and Woman, in the non-existent Green Thunderbolt (my NonExistent Flower), separated and united forever. United in separation. The mantra is HAM-SA (Thou art I), inversion of SA-HAM. The other side of the mirror. This Hyperborean Drama has been known by Jewish Christianity in NordicIranian Mithraism, reducing it to only three days. At the end of the third, resurrection occurs. To deepen the experience of the Mystery, the question comes to mind: "Would not the partition of Eros, in the Orphic Myth, also have been a symbolic description of a first mystic death, in an initiatic process, to come to reach a New Life, a renaissance, a resurrection, such as in OS-YR-IS and in IR-MAN-SOL? Would this not be the means to reach a consciousness and individuation of the Monad, Purusha, the latter being the true goal of this sublime adventure of life and death, loss, search, total war? And the ultimate sense of entering the demiurgic projection and Breathing, with the voluntary acceptance of an exact number of repetitions, of Eternal Returns for each note? And the abysmal risk of losing everything, gambling everything, never again being able to find either She or He, in the exodus through simultaneous innumerable worlds? What concern, what wave on the immobile water of a Fountain, what image of a dream undreamed, will have provoked this drama, this Great War? In some of these simultaneous worlds, where we now find ourselves, so below, with the I caught by the rational consciousness, always searching, always yearning for what is lost, there was the imprisonment within the Jail of the Enemy. And the Warrior Initiation of A-Mor, Esoteric Hitlerism, the only that can break the spell, the fascination of the prisoner.


Be a man.

ARBARIS AND ALLOUINE At the top of the Polar Mountain of Revelation was the Garden of the Golden Apples. The Fleece hang on a branch of the Sacred Oak. The Column of Fire was kept alive through the care of Allouine, the Virgin Priestess of Magic Love, fifth born. There she met Arbaris, or Avris, he who travelled to Greece mounted on an arrow. So they called him the Hyperborean Eros. Medea was also there on the Pole. Jason, the comrade of Arbaris, came to meet her. She handed him the Golden Fleece. But Allouine gave Arbaris an Apple, or what came to be the same thing. And then Arbaris knew he was naked, for the first time. And an entire eternity was not enough for him to do so, in trembling and rapt contemplation. This is surely the story told in Genesis, before being mutilated and transformed by the Great Conspiracy of the Lord of Darkness. Next to the Tree, Allouine teaches Arbaris Immobile Love, in the contemplation of his naked body, but without touching it, without contact or putting it in contact with material bodies, which would create a son of the flesh and dissolution. She awakened his chakras, his golden apples, on the Tree of Paradise, on whose trunk he was leaning. And he transmuted into divya, cutting his chains, awakening to Allouine from his 286

dream. He was more than a God, with the wisdom of Magic A-Mor, written on the other side of the stars, like the name of the Gral. So Avris was AR-BA-RIS. AR, the AR-yans; BAR,

, means: "Keep the Eternal Fire," that of

: "Trust in the God within you." IS,

: "Dominate

yourself to control the powers of the Enemy." The Hyperborean Siddhas do not procreate children of the flesh. They mold, shape their own bodies. Only with the "racial sin," with earthly Eve, are there the successive generations of the earth and the submerging of Paradesha, the disappearance of the Garden of the Golden Apples, the blowing out of the Column of Fire, darkening of the Vril, atrophying of the Eye of the Dragon, death of Allouine, flooding of Atlantis-Hyperborea. Plato tells us Zeus meets with the other Hyperborean Gods on the summit of the Polar Mountain, to decide the fate of Atlantis. And he adds the latter is submerged, swallowed by the great wave, in a single night, because her inhabitants had mixed the races indiscriminately. The Racial Sin, the mixing of the divine with the daughters of men. Because they had loved them with their bodies, giving life to sons of the flesh, to the semi-divine, the ancient heroes, the vîras, the giants.

By the law of "solidarity,' the same that brought SHE-HE to repeat the partition of HE-SHE, the earth produced a cataclysm simultaneous with the fall of the divine Hyperborean Aesir. The axis shifted, the poles reversed, continents changed, climates changed, covered with a mantle of ice. Hyperborea, the Golden Age, were destroyed. The involution of the matter of the Demiurge began to quicken.


Coincides with the laryngeal plexus. Its element is Air. Without representative animal. The Logos Spermatikos resides here. It has 16 petals with their lettersounds. Its mantra is HAM.

ICE The Hyperborean Siddhas tried to organize the world of the first Yugas, battling against the Demiurge. They helped the heroes to recover their total divinity, by means of initiation. To the coloured peoples, the humans, they gave human happiness, organizing them into castes, into varna. (The Hyperboreans were ativarna, beyond caste and colour). Using their mechanical powers in useful labours, they thought, perhaps, to produce a magic mutation in the semi-animal peoples by means of an alchemy of colour, able to take them, in some way, to a transfiguration. They passed on to them a particle of immortality, at the same time as they spiritualized the earth, ripping it from the clutches of the Dark Lord. The "cataclysmic solidarity," the fall of Phaeton, the Great Wave, brought every effort to an end, submerging Alt-Land, the earthly Hyperborea. And the Ice, enemy of Fire, extended through the world. The Ice Ages. There is a memory of this in the ancient Nordic Sagas. Hyperborea was a separate initiatic community, an unreachable world, superior to any then existing on the planet. Eminent guides from the other continents went there to carry out instructions, to know the Law and to receive initiations reserved for the other land areas, the South Atlantic and remnants of 288

Lemuria and Gondwana. Divine teachers commissioned from Hyperborea went to all those lands. To get an idea of what this meant, think of what Nietzsche dreamed for the Supermen: A community apart from the rest of humanity, not interfering in their affairs and not reachable by them. To live and let live. Acting magically, by supernatural means, from a distance. As with the Brahmin Guides of our Order, invisible in some "topological fold," cavern or mountain, and which the Maestro called Temple. Hyperborea was made to disappear, becoming invisible (going into the interior of the earth) before the cataclysm. The remnants did not disappear all at once. Only the central mass of the Polar continent, with the Garden of Induna, the Tree of Paradise and Column that upheld the Sky were made invisible. The Hyperboreans saved the Gral, the Golden Fleece and Wisdom, in the memory of their blood. Some of them took refuge at the other Pole, in the "Hollow Earth," in secret cities they themselves had built there, in the emerging Andes. When their clairvoyants foretold to them what was coming, when the Maga Allouine prophesied it, they sent messengers to the other Pole and asked: "Are we allowed among you…?" And the White Gods who were already there opened their arms to the comrades of blood and war. So began the exodus of the Hyperboreans who remained on the surface, the mixed vîras. In Polar Nordic islands, on islets, in Greenland, England, Helgoland, or Heil-Land. A great majority descended towards the Gobi, fertile land in those days, and developed a great life there, whose remnants could be found much later in Siberia. It was a civilization of giants, who must also disappear for unknown causes. They have discovered traces of atomic radiation in disinterred fossilized objects there. But the ice continued its march, on the heels of the Hyperboreans. It dropped violently on Siberia, freezing the mammoths in just a few seconds. Professor Wirth believed the Jews could also trace their existence back to the civilization of the Gobi. If this was so, then the hypothesis must be seriously considered of an explosion, or atomic war, provoked by them then too, in the Eternal Return. The symbolic legend of the wife of Lot and the statue of salt would refer to this. The Giant Hyperborean Dropas are the founders of the "Roof of the World," a Paradesha in the original Tibet, as well as in the most ancient Chinese civilization There they brought the Rune Book of the I Ching, the Buchenstab. And also to Ireland, where a degenerate trace of the same would be the magic language of the 289

Tree, Ogham. The Bö of Tibet, before Lamaist Buddhism, would also be a decadent degenerate trace of the wisdom of the Dropas, preserving the Leftwards Swastika with which the Dropas sought to return to the First Hyperborea. And perhaps they did, because it is there, returning through the Gate of Venus, by the Black Sun, where the highest Siddhas have gone.

Coincides with the pineal gland. This gland has atrophied in terrestrial man in the most recent eras. Existing man, one of the few mammals who keeps drinking milk after lactation, has calcified this gland. The lost power of Vril is there, the Third Eye of the giants, enabling us to see the worlds and beings of the fourth dimension, and to open the Gate of Departure from the demiurgic Universe, the Great Liberation. On activation of this chakra, "the Astral Body awakens" and we consciously enter into opposite worlds. Its element is Ether or Aether and its animal, the White Elephant. Resurrection, the metamorphosis of the Elephant at the root of Muladhara, the earthly Elephant (Nigredo), which grows two dove wings. In other words, Parakletos. Its mantra is OM (AUM), the Hyperborean Trilogy, Nordic-Polar: Wotan, Frigg, Baldur: Husband, Wife, Son.


Esoteric Hitlerism adopted the Leftwards Swastika as the clearest sign of its ultimate intentions: To return to Asgard, first, to Valhalla, Polar Hyperborea, to return to the Golden Age, to straighten the axis of earth and then go to the Hyperborea of the Green Thunderbolt. To take the Astral Earth there, defeat the Demiurge, Lord of Darkness. To be WE. The war is against the Ice of the Enemy, to be dissolved by Fire. This column is Pure Vril: ER. The Völa Maga has also prophesized, or perhaps it was Allouine: "One day the Fuhrer of the White Race will guide his Furious Horde, his Wildes Heer, out of Asgard, beyond cold and torment, to return to the Garden of the Golden Apples of Induna. And he will resurrect Baldur. The Fuhrer of the Aryans will come mounted on a White Horse with eight legs, by the name of Sleipsner." He will also be called Kalki and he will also be Wotan. He will now come to conquer, rescuing the last of his warriors, the imprisoned heroes of the Darkest Age. With the Eight Legs of his Horse he will crush the head of the Fenris Wolf. And he will defeat the Ice of the Enemy. He will put an end to the Age of the Wolf, for He himself must live like a wolf cub.

Nor does the Ice take possession of the world just once. It comes, goes and breaks forth again. These are the distinct Ice Ages. "The roar of the storms and falling waters, sounds, voices, flew into the realm of the giants. The race of Imyr, or Thursen, already lived far from the Former Sun. In the High North they bit at the Giants with frost and storm. The wolves and bear were their friends. In Muspelheim was Gurtur, with his flaming sword. He saw how the cow Audhumbla licked a block of ice, one day, two days, three days. Thus the work was ended and a man came up out of the ice, beautifully formed, like a creation of the Gods. "Finally, there is the Father of the Gods!" cried Gurtur.


Of a thousand petals: Its element or substance is purely spiritual. Here the Magic Wedding of Shiva and Parvati, Wotan and Frigg, is held: in truth, of Kundalini, the Dead Beloved ("who is not alive, who is not dead"), the Sleeping Beauty and the I, Ida and Pingala, She and He, HE-SHE and SHE-HE. They become WE. This chakra is at the peak of the invisible cranium, perhaps coinciding with the pituitary gland. In sacred geography, Hyperborean, Nordic-Polar, this is the island of Helgoland, remnant of the submerged Continent of the North Pole. The island of Magic Weddings, eternal, inhabited by Poseidon, the "Bridegroom." From this chakra we ascend towards the Pole Star, in the deep firmament, the column going beyond the sky, ER or IR. Irmin (Wotan) of the Yggr Tree, Irminsul. Its mantra is SAHAM: I am She. Beyond the Sahasrara chakra, we encounter Sunya, the Void, which is not void, the indescribable, the Black Holes, Black Sun, opening the way to the Green Thunderbolt, to the Non-existent Flower, more real nevertheless than all the flowers in the gardens of the earth. The Rosengarten of Midgard. The mantra is HAMSA (SAHAM in reverse), without caste, without varna, without colour, beyond SAHAM. Beyond Spirit. In what does not exist, in the Green Thunderbolt. WE, the Resurrection with square pupils. The Resurrection of Baldur.

After the destruction of Midgard, the earthly Hyperborea, everything began again from the ice, and so the ancient Nordic Sagas seem to describe it. Because Midgard would have been destroyed by water: "The waves rose like mountains, crashing against the solid walls the Gods built on the edges of Midgard. At times the walls gave way and the waters burst within, inundating the green valleys…" 292

When did all this happen? The Hyperborean Chronicle is confused, mixing times at a distance where time almost ceases to exist. The battle against the Ice is not limited to earth. The terrible combat had already begun in the constellations. Because everything we can contemplate with eyes of the flesh in the visible cosmos, beneath the new light, pertains to the dominion of the Lord of Darkness. And there must fight the Sons of the Fire and Light of the Black Sun, Hosts of Luci-Bel, Warriors of Wotan. "In the end, when everything was almost done in the world of the Demiurge and winds swayed the virgin forests, Hyperborean man was created. (In fact, earthly materials were only used to incarnate the already divine Aesir). Wotan, Honir and Loki, the three brothers, came together by the seashore. Two trees grew from the side of a gentle hillock, Ask, the ash, and Embla, the elm. The divine ones drew near their shadow, and from there they wandered to view the scenery of wide and green Midgard. And Wotan said: "Midgard, the Garden of Arctic Roses, awaits its gardener. Let us create beings from those trees, which resemble us in form, spirit and soul." And the three created a man from the ash and a woman from the elm. Wotan gave them life and breath, Honir gave them intelligence and movement, Loki gave them the senses, emotions, blood, the colour of white-blue and the ability to speak. Before his eyes the pair appeared in divine beauty. Ask and Embla took each other by the hand and, before the Eye of Wotan, they walked with jubilant hearts towards mysterious green Midgard." So the divine Aesir "split them" to reproduce radiant Asgard on the terrestrial Midgard. From the First Hyperborea they projected the Second. From the Spiritual Column of the Tree itself they formed the divine pair, in their own image and likeness. In other words, in the likeness of the Runes, rediscovered in the YR-MAN-SOL Tree. So began the new combat in the Land of Exile. And onwards descending even further, on falling lower, mixing with the "daughters of men," the Hyperboreans contributed to their own defeat. With the coming of the destruction of Paradesha, of Ask and Embla, Truth and Life, Baldur-Apollo, the Northern Continent, Alt-Land, sweet and green Midgard. The Field of Battle, besides the earth, now became the interior of the hero, the vîra, but half divine.


Think of the end.

EXODUS Do not think this land was like ours. Second Hyperborea could be found in a continent formed like a ring around the North Pole. Towards the South Pole arose Lemuria, perhaps Gondwana, which would have occupied the place of Antarctica (where fossils of tropical vegetation are found), South America, part of Africa, Australia and part of India, being itself only a remnant of Mu, which would include what is today the Gobi Desert, a portion of India, Mongolia, Malaysia, the surviving islands of Easter and Tahiti. In the Charter of Piri Reis, authentic or not, a faint idea is given of what this world could have been, seen from above, as a bird flies. So, Lemuria would come to include everything submerged in the Pacific. When we speak of a legendary civilization of the Gobi it is to this remote world we refer. The cosmic planetary catastrophe that changed everything in one blow and successively, by the fall of a moon or comet, in solidarity or synchronism with the spiritual disaster of the divine ones. This is a dramatic chain of involution and expiration. And everything changed in its course. The axis of the earth shifted, the seasons began, climates, the stars "circled in the sky." In fact, the earth skipped and jumped. And old continents "went away to the Sky of Indra," where they now sleep awaiting his return, or "reincarnation," after a new and extremely ancient planetary catastrophe.


The black men and red men come from Gondwana and Lemuria. (Curiously, Adam means "the ruddy," in Hebrew). Yet the white Hyperboreans also ruled there, like a royal sacerdotal caste. They were a minority come from the region of the North Pole. There was a beautiful island-continent, Atlantis, in the Western Atlantic area. This is what Plato referred to. He tells us Poseidon ruled there (the Bridegroom), in love with a daughter of the earth, Klito or Kleito, the bride and they had a son Atlas, who was charged to uphold the Column that maintains the sky, held firm by the fixed Pole Star. Plato probably transferred the Hyperborean Myth to the South Atlantic, only changing the names of the Gods and heroes who are described better in Nordic Sagas. So Jurgen Spanuth believed. Or rather, Plato transferred the same Gods to another geography. After all, it's all the same. Atlantis existed and the survivors of Lemuria and the Continent of the South Pole went there for refuge, after the catastrophes submerging and covering Antarctica with ice. Atlantis was a true Noah's Ark. Lemuria corresponds to all the lands submerged into the Pacific Ocean. The Golden Age, Satya or Krita-Yuga, is related to Polar Hyperborea. The Silver Age, Treta-Yuga, with Atlantis. A great involution had already occurred. When Atlantis existed, Hyperborea had not yet been destroyed. The white guides, initiated in Hyperborea, are also the ones who guided and taught Atlantis. The Twin Kings travelled to Hyperborea to receive Aryan Initiation. In divine times the divyas did not need this Initiation. Only vîras would need to pass through it, to recover the divinity lost in the mixing with the daughters of men. The Initiation of divyas, or siddhas, corresponds with a different mutation, which occurred at the edge of the Morning Star, with its Green Fire, to unite what is separated on the borders. Hermann Wirth wrote that Atlantis, Mo-Uru, was ruled by a White Queen. The Myth of Gaia refers to this Virgin Goddess who without need of a man gave birth to a son who was later her husband. The symbol also gives us the revelation of the Rune Initiation of A-Mor, already described in relation to OS-YR-IS. The Mystery of SHE-HE. Let's hazard an extension of the Hyperborean Myth of HE-SHE and SHEHE to an earthly Cosmo-geography. This may serve us, let us suppose, to understand the planetary phenomena of patriarchy and matriarchy, about which so much has been written and which marked the rupture of Professor Wirth with the Ahnenerbe, the SS Institute of Superior Studies concerning Ancestral Inheritance. 295

Rosenberg criticized him, in "The Myth of the Twentieth Century," stating Wirth, like Bachofen, maintained positions opposed to the SS Weltanschauung. I could personally see this in my conversation with Professor Wirth. He believed the Ideal State, in form, was ruled by the Magna Mater. He claimed in ancient Greece the perfect society was ruled by white women and had been destroyed by barbarian men come from the East. His wife had a decisive influence over Professor Wirth, deceased at the time of our meeting. In our conversation he mentioned her often. He told me his wife had always been in favour of Hitler, but not the other National Socialist leaders. He told me Walter Darré had saved her from a concentration camp. In any case, Professor Wirth was mistaken in his conclusions. He gave his enormous investigation and documentation the stamp of an aprioristic direction: the ideal matriarchy, first earthly paradise. The continent of the White Queen, Mo-Uru, Atlantis. He said from there would come the Maori, Moors, Amoricans and, perhaps, the Amorites, those enemies of the Jews in Canaan. As well as the red men of America and in Crete, the Pelasgians, as well as Phoenicians and some Egyptians, with a more distant origin in Mu and Lemuria. The Adam of Genesis would have come somewhere from there. The Mystery of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, supplementing the Orphic Myth of the partition of the Cosmic Egg of Eros, Erikapaios, Phanes, is a lived experience within my personal Initiation of A-Mor. I explained it for the first time in "NOS, Book of Resurrection," but it had already insinuated itself in my previous work, especially in "ELELLA, Book of Magic Love." Here we shall take another step in its revelation. If Gaia, in the lost Atlantis, gave birth to her own husband, without the intervention of a man to make her physically fruitful, the Myth reveals an Initiation of A-Mor reserved for SHE-HE, or the feminine Purusha, the feminine Aeon, PistiSophia. In Jungean terms we could say She has individuated, marrying her Animus. In terms of Kristian Esotericism we would say she has married Kristos. In our own terms: she has given birth to her own Astralkörper, with the Face of the Beloved. She has given birth to the true Son of Woman both Divine and Hyperborean. (Of Lilith, Allouine. Not of earthly Eve, lacking ontological reality). She has re-encountered her He lost after the partition of SHE-HE. The symbolism of the star Gerda, Earth, shows this occurred in Atlantis, where the Hyperborean polarity had been badly plagiarized by the Demiurge and his Atlantic psychoids. 296

In the North Pole, in Hyperborea, they plagiarized the Drama of HE-SHE, the Masculine Purusha, yang. In the South Pole, Lemuria and Atlantis developed the Drama of SHE-HE, the Feminine Purusha, yin. Hyperborea corresponds to Satya-Yuga, the Golden Age. Lemuria and Atlantis, to Treta-Yuga, the Silver Age. Each world is ruled by divine beings of white race who have entered into combat within the Great Demiurgic Plagiary. So it is possible Lemuria and also Atlantis were originally ruled by a White Queen whose memory is preserved in the legend of Mo-Uru, Gaia, the Virgin SHE-HE. Through the centuries, to our own times, the Myth comes to represent Christianized virgins, especially the Black Virgin, with the Child in her arms, or on her knee. The North Pole has been reserved for HE-SHE, in the Satya-Yuga, when Nature had greater energy in Expiration. The South Pole is the dominion of the drama of SHE-HE. In the North Pole the siddhas of the Green Thunderbolt come down and establish the Earthly Hyperborea, illuminated by the Black Sun, with fixed transcendent light. This is the Odinic Sun of the Aesir and Vanir, the divyas. A stationary ancient sun. Evidence of this is found in Nordic tree fossils that indicate a continuous growth, uninterrupted by the seasons. Light did not change nor succumb. With the advent of the catastrophe the axis of the earth shifted and the changing light of the seasons appeared. Nature was corrupted. Through the ages cults have expressed this polarization. Where the patriarchy of heroes organized life, the light of a transcendent sun, beyond the material sun, permeates the kingdom, the Imperium. Nostalgia of Hyperborea. When matriarchy imposes itself, the cults center in the Light of the Year, symbolism of post-Hyperborean nature, in a purely material fire, in ceremonies of the winter solstice, inspiring the matriarchal belief in reincarnation. Devotional religiosity, Bhakti yoga, Vedantic Samadhi of fusion in primordial Being, in the One, with accent on the Anahata heart chakra. The most that can be reached is the Sahasrara chakra, with the mantra SAHAM: "I am thou." (The Androgyne). Patriarchal initiation makes use of Raja Yoga, Tantric Yoga, with Kayvalia instead of Samadhi, absolute separation, absolute personality, individuation, going beyond the Sahasrara chakra, towards Sunya, the Void, Nirvana, going out towards something never dreamed, not even by the greatest Pilgrims of Yearning. With the mantra opposite SAHAM: HAMSA. HAM is Shiva. SA is Parvati. He and She separated and united forever, united in separation. This is the Way of the Warriors and Valkyries of Wotan. Reincarnation does not exist, but immortality, going out. Leap into a Non-Existent Flower. 297

The sun shining on the earth today is a new sun, rising with the disappearance of Asgard and the fall of the world into dense matter, with decline of the energy of Expiration. Nature is also another. The German Romantics had reason to believe, with Novalis, that nature could be modified, spiritualized, by means of their Magic Idealism. Regenerated, transmuted, transfigured, taken from the cyclic Breathing of the Demiurge through synchronic combat and the sacrifices of Hyperborean heroes. As we descend the spiral of involution, the fundamental motive of the Drama is repeated in other closed circles, lower, smaller. Patriarchy and matriarchy alternate, degenerate in the Amazon tribes, or in masculine tyrannies. But the Silver Age, corresponding mostly to the predominance of Atlantis, cannot have been only matriarchal. It probably corresponded to a mix of both principles, yang and yin, as Plato's story and the indications of Diodorus both hint. The Magic Wedding would also be held there, as a purifying initiation, an alchemical transmutation. The Aryan Siddhas would be at the peak of a racial pyramid. The other races, of colour, would not have had access to this Initiation, since they corresponded to the "slaves of Atlantis." When the continent began to disappear, giving way to the Bronze Age, Dwapara-Yuga, the "slaves" dispersed through new lands, carrying the memory of a wisdom unattainable by them in Atlantis, but which they now claimed to possess, distorting it. In the great chaos at the end of a Yuga, they may possibly have taken hold of some of the secrets, which they could never be able to use. Most likely the Polar Continent went by fire from heaven. The fall of a comet or moon. In the Voluspa we are told the Fenris Wolf devours the moon, as well as Wotan and the Mjotvidr Tree. Atlantis disappears by water, by a great wave "in a single night," Plato tells us. The material symbol always corresponds with the spiritual substance. Mo-Uru is the Land of Water, Poseidon is the King of the Sea. Calypso, his daughter, is the Queen of the mysterious island of Ogygia. His three other daughters are the Hesperides, who most likely played in Atlantis in the Garden of the Golden Apples of Induna, or Idhuna, wife of Baldur in Polar Hyperborea. All the surviving legends the Great Conspiracy has not been able to erase tell us of a Flood destroying the world. In America, "The Popul Vuh" tells us about this. The Guide has many surviving names: Tamanduare, Noah, Njord, the Hindu Yama, the Iranian Yima, Celtic Beogran. Deucalion, Gilgamesh, Shameshnapitshin, Romulus, Karna… All found new peoples from out of nothing. 298

The Nordic legends tell us the survivors save themselves by going down beneath the earth, through the crater of a volcano, until reaching the Hollow Earth, under the sea. There they preserve the seed. The Tuathas de Dannan go to Avalon. In ancient Mexico, the King Huemac disappears through an entrance into a subterranean world, through the grotto of Chapultepec, having to return one day to rebuild the kingdom. Trapallan, Tollan, Avalon, Asgard. All the dead who do not die are there. The Emperors of Huemac, from the Chimalpopoca Codex, the Chronicle of Cakehiquel. Enoch also disappears in the direction of the far West, when a disaster must follow because of the mixing of angels, the Nephilim, with the daughters of men. All will return when the last Yuga ends, after the interludes of Sandhya and Sandhyansa. Thus Pindar said: "Neither by sea nor land will you today find the road to take you to the Hyperboreans." Impossible because they went to a parallel simultaneous world, going through a "window," through a "fold." Not to an analogous universe, but to one of another essence. For those who can still read here below what was written in ages which were still lit by a little of the ancient light miraculously not destroyed by the Great Conspiracy, enough will be revealed in some lines of Pindar, Hesiod, Plutarch and, above all, Plato. Plutarch writes that only in a state of trance can the people of the North connect with Kronos, the God who devoured Time. To go out from time. And Kronos-Saturn is King of the Satya-Yuga, Hyperborea. He is Wotan. One can go to Him only in Astralkörper. Plutarch says this in "The Face in the Moon." Montezuma, last Aztec King, using initiation practices, is able to transport himself with "another matter" to Aztlan, the vanished earth of divine ancestors, shifted to a more subtle world, on "the other side of the senses." The White Goddess lives there, mother of Huitzlipochlt.


Magic marriage is the deepest root of the Hyperborean Aryans. Hesiod's Four Ages of humanity, Ages of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron, have nothing to do with the epochs of the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze or Iron of contemporary anthropology and ethnology. The Ages of Hesiod connect with the Yugas of Aryan India. Neanderthal Man, from some 100,000 years ago, has been called "glacial man." He inhabited the region today known as France and Spain. He disappeared at the beginning of the Stone Age. Aurignac Man followed him, a little closer to man as such. He was spread through Bohemia and Siberia. According to Wirth, Mediterranean Man could have come from him. Neanderthal and Aurignac Man are both as much failed robotic creations of the Demiurge, confined inside the cyclic law of evolution and involution within the Eternal Return, with his expiration and inspiration. Cromagnon Man, whose sudden appearance is a mystery, corresponds to the entrance of the Hyperboreans. They settled in the Franco-Cantabrian peninsula, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden. He develops the civilization of Altamira, better known as Magdalenian, because their paintings and drawings were first found on Magdalena Island. There is also the "Civilization of Reno." This man would have measured 6 feet tall and was dolichocephalic. He dominated Europe at the end of the last glacial period. While Cromagnon Man is an involuted Hyperborean, there is an immense difference between him and his ancestors. His cave paintings are marvellous. I have seen them in Spain, in the caves of Altamira. Wilser, proponent of the Polar Nordic origin of man, believes the Cromagnon is Nordic Man. They vanished as mysteriously as they came, some twelve thousand years ago, and no one knows 300

from whence they came nor where they went. Dimitry Mereskowsky, in a beautiful book entitled "Europe-Atlantis, America-Atlantis," states Cromagnon Man was a colonizer and civilizer from Atlantis, who disappeared just when that continent sank into the ocean. His dates for the catastrophe coincide with those given by Plato. Wirth's conception of this is the following: A most ancient race, Negro, appeared in Gondwana, South America, Africa, Australia; another, yellowbrunette, Finno-Asiatic, occupied Asia, a great part of Europe and the two Americas. They are preserved in the Mongolian Race. A third race is the PreNordic, or Primordial Nordic, Arctic. For Wirth, Aurignac Man and Cromagnon are already the product of the mixing of Pre-Nordic man with Negro and FinnoAsiatic races. Involution, Racial Sin. In the North Wirth finds remains of the old racial groups that did not migrate, blond blue-eyed Eskimos in Greenland. Strangely, they sing: "The men who come from under the earth are great and terrible." For the Hyperboreans came from there. And a legend tells the Eskimos have gone out from there expelled from the interior; or rather, by a chance-destiny they fell into a topological crease, "window" or "gate" that took them outside. Blood groups have all served ethno-anthropological investigations. Group I, A-B corresponds to a European-Asiatic blend; Group II, A, is that of white Caucasians and, curiously, is found among the Vikings, the Guanches of the Canary Islands and among the natives of Easter Island. This is confirmed by Professor De Mahieu, who states the Viking leaders of the Civilization of Tiahuanacu, after the defeat and destruction of their Empire, left by sea for Easter Island. Group III, B, is found among the Mongols and Asiatics. The First Group, A-B, is produced by a mix between Group II, A, and Group III, B. There is a Group IV, O; this is that of the Indo-Americans. The Negroes have mixed groups, with the greater percentage in Group IV, O. There also exist Group Factor RH, which divides into RH positive and RH negative. Seventy percent of the Basques belong to this group, even when they declare only thirty percent. The blood groups today serve mostly to make us see how mixed the races have become. We again recall the mystery of blood. What was the blood of the Hyperboreans like? Contemporary hematology only analyses physical factors. We should take into account, however, that blood, even today, is less materialized than water. In Hyperborea it was a blue fluid. It still is for divyas. The visions of the


Rishis and of the Minnesanger, astral images and extra-cosmic poetry, are "their memory," circulating shadows, golden or frightful. The Alchemy of Transmutation of the vîra into divya, in the Warrior and Tantric Initiation of A-Mor, acts directly on the genes, blood and its groups, altering the most subtle area of the metabolism, resurrecting to the Ativarna, beyond varna. But this is only possible among the Aryan vîras, among the "twice born."

Know thyself and be a God. Greenland is a remnant of the disappeared Polar continent. It united Europe with America. This is proven by vast brown coal deposits under the ice. It had vegetation identical with that of Europe, a moderate continuous climate. The study of its carbon substantiates the even growth of the trees, without winter interruptions, like in the tropics. The Pole would still not have moved, nor the terrestrial axis yet shifted. Enormous deposits of coal are also found in Antarctica. There the Pole seems to be edging into the present, with perceptible changes of climate throughout southern Chile. The anthropologists and Wirth himself work with hypotheses to explain the arrivals of Aurignac and Cromagnon men. Nothing they hold can be considered valid for us. They correspond with an exoteric Weltanschauung. Our position is that of Esoteric Hitlerism explained in the preceding pages. However the hypothesis of Wirth helps us to complete our ideas where they coincide. According to Wirth, Paleolithic civilization extended from 17,000 to 12,000 B.C. The "Reno Civilization," from 12,000 to 7,000 B.C. Here arises the great hiatus between the civilization of the Magdalenian hunters and what appeared thousands 302

of years later, an agricultural civilization. What became of the Nordic-Atlantic Cromagnons? Wirth seeks the answer in symbols. He claims there was a primary lineal writing common among Nordic Man and a Serie Sacra, based on signs, used to calculate the eras of the Zodiac. Every two thousand years the Zodiac position of the earth changes. This Sacred Writing therefore has a calendar value. Including Mayan writing and, certainly, that of the Mapuches (Reches), who (we come to discover) in turn calculated by taking into account Venus, the sun and the moon. It is also believed they possessed a sort of Tarot, with cards, or pages engraved on leather. Wirth finds the Serie Sacra in the most distant points of the earth, locations of engraved rocks in America and the Arctic coinciding with the classification in blood groups. In the Arctic he discovered traces of the First Blood Group. The Zodiac sign corresponding with it was Leo, between 16,000 and 14,000 B.C. Then Cancer, between 14,000 and 12,000: Atlantis. In 9,000 B.C. everything was interrupted. Then comes the Twilight, Sandhya. And the symbols are lost, disappear. This is when Plato indicates the sinking of Atlantis. In the Gobi Wirth found traces of a great civilization of Pre-History, that emigrated for unknown reasons towards the southeast, reaching the Rhine, Danube and Black Sea. Later they went through Spain to Africa, the Atlas Mountains and Libya. The "blond Libyans" appeared then. According to De Mahieu, they would be the authors of the Sun Stone (Intihuatana) on the beach of San Domingo, in Chile, corresponding with the so-called Maipo-Rapel Culture and the "Painted House" of Tinguiririca as well, a grotto with rock paintings. The "blond Libyans," Cromagnon Man, would have reached America. The Megalithic civilization fell within the Serie Sacra of Wirth, with a central theme of the winter solstice. The pyramids, Sphinx and great epoch of the first Nordic-Atlantic pharaohs are attributed to them. With the disappearance of Atlantis, those Nordic-Atlanteans saved from the Flood went along the coasts of Africa and reached the Persian Gulf, founding the Sumerian-Akkadian civilization there. Their lineal writing repeats the Atlantic solar ideograms. There the Jews stole Genesis. Their emigrations reached to China, where they would have met the remnants of a language of Indo-Germanic type, of the kentum, not centum, group. Wirth states their legendary expansion reached Australia, because they founded the Ma-uri (Mo-Uru = Atlantis), even today different from the Mongolian and Negro types.


The boats of the Flood ran aground on the tops of the highest mountains of the earth. One was in the Caucasus, on Mount Ar-Ar-At, with a runic name. The Summit of the Aryans. This first cycle of North Atlantic civilization included the Stone Age. The second cycle, the Bronze Age. A Nordic-Atlantic wave reached Ireland, Frisia and Saxony. The islands of Ireland and Britain were then connected to the European continent. So the Germans were not different from the Tuathas de Dannan, or those Nordic-Atlanteans settled along the North Sea who mixed there with aborigines coming from Asia, with Finno-Asiatics, according to Wirth. Let us sum up: When Hyperborea was destroyed, some of its inhabitants went down to Atlantis, constituting what Wirth calls the Nordic-Atlanteans. When Atlantis sank they turned to go north. These are the Tuathas de Dannan, according to Wirth, from whom the Germans descend. For Wirth the Eddas and Runes are revealed during the Bronze Age, some 16,000 B.C. They are an ultimate form of magic writing derived from the Series of Sacred Solar Ideograms. So Wirth sees a direct relation between the Runes and the Lineal Writing of Pre-history. In our conversation in his house, next to the border of Holland, he told me "the Runes are only part of a very ancient Sacred Writing." Wirth's main effort was to try to trace a line joining the primordial white race, Pre-Nordic, with the Germanic peoples. All this by means of an investigation carried out within the "scientific" myth of the Kali Yuga, also applied in his search to discover the religion of the white Nordic peoples of Ante-History.

Another fable, a matter of superstition, imposed in the Age of Pisces by the Semites, is monotheism. It appears as the supreme religious concept of humanity and the first monotheists in the world are said to be the Jews and their inheritors the Judeo-Christians. Which is to say the dictatorship of one God, one for the entire Universe. Why this should be superior is not clear to me. No doubt for this closed Universe, for the Circle of Circles, for this Manvantara, perhaps for this Kalpa, there might exist one Manu, a recurring Root Archetype, shaping "in his image and likeness" simultaneously all the planes of manifestation, of expiration. But if the simultaneous worlds are infinite, then the Manu and Aeons are infinite. Circles and circles. The Gods, therefore, are infinite. Here, in Gerda, there is only the One. The terrible Demiurge.


Wirth has also succumbed to this fiction and tried to prove the first monotheists were white men of North Atlantic type. The God was This or That. An indefinite being, without qualities, extra-numerical, the One-Being. The "Chronicle of Oera Linda," first released and translated by Hermann Wirth, not suspecting it could be a falsified document, called the unique God, Wralda. The religion of the white man was different from Negro and Finno-Asiatic animism, without dogmas, a direct revelation, where women played a preponderant role, still seen in the Pythia and Sybil of the Greeks, with a curious legacy in the Mapuche Aurancanos. Revelation was produced by observation and intuitive penetration of the laws of nature, according to Wirth. When ice took possession of the world and winters lasted more than six months, the return of the sun was a benediction, a liberation. It meant the resurrection of life. Thus the Eternal Return was born in the human mind, and the symbols expressing it in a revelatory synthesis: The cross within a circle. Return, resurrection, re-incarnation, occurring at the winter solstice when light reaches its lowest point, its decadence, another sign of its return. Midnight is high noon, and vice versa. Here the Redeemer is crucified, the Sun who dies and is reborn. The Cross of the Year within the Circle. This is the Solar Kristianity of Wirth. Even today we celebrate the birth of Kristos at the winter solstice. This religion of some 16,000 years is expressed in the Serie Sacra, corresponding to a spiritualization of Nature, so as to discover, to feel, beyond each natural phenomena and within the Drama of Annual Light, that "another thing" is expressing itself, a Nostalgia left behind and beyond a recurring Archetype, a truth coming from beyond the stars. Because beyond the Sun is another Sun. And the religious man of Proto-History adapted the events of his life to a Ritual with which he interpreted and served them. His own death must be life. Midnight must be his high noon. Along with Chamberlain and Gorsleben, Wirth argues that true Kristianity is Nordic, Aryan, Polar. Rosenberg also believed this. Jesus would have been born in Galilee, in the Nordic-Atlantean group that arrived there after the disappearance of Atlantis. In Galilee we find ruins of Megalithic solar monuments. For them Kristos represents the Other Sun behind the sun of this earth (the Black Sun, that of Lucifer-Wotan) incorporated into the Drama of the Light of the Year, as Son of the God-Year, Father Sun, coming to be his Light, the truth and the light of earth and man, which must be regenerated. This is the solar understanding of the red skins of America. It is the Mystery represented by the Aryan religion of Mithras, corresponding to the Kristos of Atlantis, the one of my book "The Plumed 305

Serpent," the Jew Jesuschrist being a diabolical Jewish creation and similitude of the Demiurge Jehovah. This Aryan Kristianity is much older than the Jewish Christianism of Paul and Rome. They stole and adulterated its solar symbols to destroy and dissolve them in their lunar concept. Wirth believed Lutheranism had "renordicized" Cristianism. Nietzsche and Rosenberg did not think so. Now the Drama of the Light of the Year, the changing Light, corresponds with the coming of a New Sun, through the "solidarity" of synchronistic catastrophe destroying Hyperborea and the Midgard of the Aesir, together with the disappearance of the Ancient Sun. So in this way we can say not only does man involute, losing his divinity, but Nature and the Earth do so also. And Novalis and Blake would be right when they say "Nature is only the lie of the Devil." Of the Demiurge, the One, the Archetype. We may also think Nature, the Earth have lost their Paradesha and this is a similar situation, in "solidarity," with the hero or mixed semi-divine vîra: a state of transit, indecision. Contemplating, feeling these cyclic manifestations, loving them, the hero, the Watcher of the Dawn, Pilgrim of the Morning Star, discovers within this earth the same hidden nostalgia for a lost world, the same desperate spiritual passion for resurrection and immortality, even in the smallest blade of grass, in the tiniest being trailing in the dust, as in the most brilliant stars of the firmament, all equally belonging to this earth, to this situation. As if Nature, including the entire visible cosmos, were also a prisoner. We should not be surprised Professor Wirth attributed the direction of the primordial religion of the white race, including "his" Nordic-Atlantean Kristianity, to the priestess White Mothers. That is the religion of the Changing Light, reincarnation. The revelation of the Yuga of descent and the loss of Hyperborea with the shifting of the earth's axis. The religion of the New Sun, when the giants and ancient Gods had been submerged within mountains, in the Inner Hollow Earth, or had gone on to the "world on the other side of the mirror," the "other side of the senses," when the River of Death had overflowed the earth. Because there once existed another Light, an unchanging Light, the Ancient Black Sun. Polar, through which it is possible to leap out, to jump into the NonExistent Flower of the Green Thunderbolt. And this Black Sun is none other than the Gate of Venus. It is Lucifer, the true Guide of the Return to Hyperborea, at the other extreme, opposite the Christ of the changing Light of the New Sun, of death and dissolution. That is the conviction of the Hyperborean Aryans, the faith of Esoteric Hitlerism, the Way of the Warriors of Wotan and the Fuhrer, a path 306

backwards, retrograde, transmutation of vîra into divya and the simultaneous transfiguration of the Earth. So there is no re-incarnation, but resurrection, holy war, leap, escape. The Swastika, symbolizing the loss of Hyperborea, together with the Cross, within a Circle, is the Rightwards, that of Rama, the Guide of the Great Exodus. It is the Swastika of Tibet after Bö. The emblem of Return to Hyperborea, to the Ancient Immobile Light of spirit is the Leftwards Swastika, swirling against the time rotation of the actual earth, devourer of time, like Sat-UrNo. It is the Swastika of the Sat-ya-Yuga, that of Esoteric Hitlerism which at the end of its cycle will firm the earth's axis. Will immortalize the Earth, immortalizing us.

We thus come to the times analysed by Spanuth in his work "The Atlanteans." He argues there was no Atlantis in the South Atlantic, Atlantis was Hyperborea and the calculations of Plato, the dates he recorded, must be considered according to a lunar calendar, giving the XIII century B.C. for the final destruction, a little after the death of Pharaoh Ramses II. The catastrophe would have happened with the passing of Halley's Comet, described by the Greeks in the legend of Phaeton, son of the Sun God, Helios. Phaeton asked permission from his father to drive the Chariot of the Sun for a day. When the horses felt the reins were in the hands of a novice, they bolted and fell to earth. So that a Column of Fire devastated the world. The Nile dried up, fertile Libya became a desert, the remaining islands of Hyperborea were drowned. After fire came ice. Thanks to Zeus, who felt pity for the land and managed to divert the runaway chariot, which had destroyed Phaeton with its rays, the planet is saved. Phaeton falls into the North Sea where he is changed into Amber. His sisters, the Heliades, cry for him. This legend has been told, among others, by Ovid. Spanuth says the Fire Column of Phaeton and his legend express a real fact, the passing of Halley's Comet, named after the astronomer Edmond Halley, friend of Newton (1656-1742). This comet returns every 76 years (again in 1986) and is the largest in the solar system. Its tail measures 30 million kilometers wide, more or less. On its voyage it traces an ellipse around the Sun and heads towards Neptune. The astronomer Max Wolf, of Heidelberg, calculated in 1910 the Earth, in its course around the Sun, would pass through the tail of the comet, or knot of its Crown. The consequences would be dire. The world would await its end. 307

However, Jupiter and Saturn shifted the course of Halley-Phaeton, his runaway chariot, and the Earth was saved. The Gods intervened. Earth passed near the tail of the comet. Wolf described what would be the destruction of the world: "At 4:00 A.M. Earth would be enveloped in a cloud of poisonous gas and cosmic ash from the tail of the comet: hydrogen, carbonic acid, mercury, hydro-cyanide acid, potassium cyanide, would transform the planet into a gigantic gas chamber. No one is saved, only a few who are in regions near the poles. Earth would succumb to a cataclysm from the ends of the Universe." By the runaway Chariot of Fire. The description of Ovid, in his "Metamorphosis," of the destruction of Phaeton is also terrible. The only difference is that it did happen. The still visible remnants of Hyperborea were annihilated by the Fire sent from the sky to wash (not with bleach, but with fire) the Racial Sin of the Gods. Hörbiger speaks of moons that fell to Earth. Curiously, the Eddas tell us of a World without moon. This occurred some 16,000 B.C. We see how scientists contradict one another when Spanuth denies the Atlantis of Wirth was in the Atlantic, his Ma-Uru, and Wirth denies the Atland of Spanuth in the North Sea. Wirth said to me personally: "Nothing was flooded in the Arctic but a few little islands." Yet he translated and published the "Chronicle of Oera Linda," where he described the disappearance of the Polar continent. In this supposed Chronicle, the Frisians speak of a Land in the North Sea and not the Atlantic. Moreover, as we have seen, Poseidon had made Thule invisible, in prevision of the disaster. My interview with Jurgen Spanuth took place on September 2, 1979, in his house by the North Sea. A day later I was with Hermann Wirth. The Eddas call Muspel "that which devours," the "Jet of Fire" come from Muspelheim. But what devours everything is the "Wolf of the Firmament," Fenrir, who returns every 76 years, according to Spanuth. A comet, he says. The Eddas also call the Ghost Ship of the Dead Naglfar, sailing the Arctic seas. They say after Ragna-Rok, Twilight of the Gods, this ship was released from its moorings. So it is, because death appears on earth. At the South Pole the Ship of the Dead is called Caleuche. The similarity among so many myths and legends from both Polar extremes is strange. The "Chronicle of Oera Linda" tells us of a Frisian Sea King, named Inka, who disappeared in the West never to return. He would have done so in the ship Naglfar, or the Caleuche.


Spanuth may have been mistaken claiming to merge the legend of Phaeton with Halley's Comet. The tragedy of some investigators in this time of Kali Yuga is they must always appear rational, seeking pedestrian arguments that are "credible" for the vulgar many and accepted in the "academic world." If not, they are lost, put aside by editors and readers, when they must claim to be "best sellers," forgetting the works destined to defeat time, accepted by Saturn-Kronos, can have only a very limited number of copies. They must not nor can fall into the hands of the "slaves of Atlantis," in other words, the sudras. In my opinion, the legend of Phaeton must be seen together with Polar Hyperborea, Midgard and Lucifer, with Venus and the fall of his Crown. Venus was a comet before being a star. Set there (for how long?), taken prisoner, in stellar combat. What is a comet really? What is a star? Who knows? The true names of the Gods, the Polar Siddhas, are other than those given by the Greeks, already very far from the times of the Hyperboreans. ER, the Aesir, was perhaps HE-SHE, and ERKE, the Aesir, was perhaps SHE-HE. Aesir and Asas. Asas, Axes, Polar Axis. (All terms used by Hitlerism, in the esoteric struggle). Then Ask and Embla are man and woman, created by the Gods. AskEmbla, He and She, Truth and Life, the Vine, from which derives the Liquor of Soma, Ahoma, Ambrosia, the blood of the Hyperboreans, to be drunk in the Minnetrinken, in remembrance of A-Mor (immortality) lost at the beginning of time, after the Sat-ya-Yuga, the fall of the broken Crown of Lucifer-Wotan. After Kronos. The Hyperborean name of Poseidon, God of the Sea, Saving from the Waters, is Njord. He is the King of earthly Midgard, what the Greeks called Thule and which the Nordics also called Abalus and Basileia. Piteas of Marseille searched for it towards the North, 400 years B.C. When the Ancient Fire of Sacrifice went out in Hyperborea, then the New Fire appeared, the New Sun, called Knotfiur. A pair of Twins lights it. The name given by the Hyperboreans to themselves was Haunebu, or Haunebut. So it appears in Egyptian papyrus. Spanuth also told me the name "Hebrew" was written for the first time on the stella of Egyptian temples and referred to giants. Germans are the result of a mixture between the Aesir and Vanir, according to Spanuth, some 3,000 B.C. The name "German" was first known only in 222 B.C. The Aesir came from the Caucasus (from Mount Elbruz, perhaps Ar-Ar-At). The Vanir were found at the North Pole. 309

In addition to the fire emerging from Muspelheim, the Platonic Atlantis, situated at the North Pole by Spanuth, would have been destroyed by the immense wave called Tsunami, by water. After Fire comes water. That was also the experience of my initiation. The Lutheran pastor Spanuth showed me great sheets with Rune, Philistine and Phoenician alphabets on them. He stated the first of all was the runic, then the Philistine and, lastly, the Phoenician. He assured me the Phoenicians were Nordic Aryans, about which he was no doubt mistaken. We have already spoken about this. He even took the name of the Eddas, codification of old songs to the Gods, made between 1179 and 1241, in Iceland, from Ida, Ida's plains, where, he said, the Aesir built Asgard. He quickly went on with materialist explanations about the name given for the Golden Age, for the gold accumulated by the Nordic peoples through the amber trade, over the Amber Route, crossing Europe until it reached Egypt. "There has never been more gold than in those times." Pastor Spanuth destroyed his own ideas and the possibility of a great Weltanschauung because of a blend of intuitive facts and absurd materialism. With a similar method I could say the name Edda comes from the astral conductor Ida, on the right of the Psychic vertebrae column and twin of Pingala. To claim this would be much more appropriate, when dealing with the Eddas. The most important part of the Eddas is the Volupsa, "the Song of the Seeress" Vola. It describes Ragna-Rok, Twilight and Death of the Gods. It is interesting to know every 19 years the stars come back to the same position, according to Meton, the Greek astronomer. And every 19 years Apollo travelled to Hyperborea. This was the Metonian Year, made of 19 consecutive years. Actually the Year of Apollo, the Hyperborean Year.

The black legend, the great conspiracy, intended to make the Nordics appear like invader and destroying peoples. We know nothing for certain about Greece before 1300 B.C. The "men of Amber" went there, returning through the final destructions of the Hyperborean region, as it had been there for so long before then. They founded new cities and the principal Greek sanctuaries of Delfi and Delos. Herodotus tells us about this. Divinities like Apollo and Artemis arrived from Hyperborea. And that mysterious traveler, Abaris, or Ar-bar-is, who renews friendship and the blood relationship with the people of Delos. Opis and Arge also came, the priestess-magas. (And Allouine?) 310

Meanwhile, in the far North, the land that joined Helgoland to the mainland had been submerged and reappeared. The Runes had been rediscovered, with their tablets of gold. If the dates given us by archaeologists and anthropologists were correct, the Bronze Age would have existed in Northern and Central Europe between the years 2000 and 700 B.C. Around 1800 to 1500 B.C. the Germans were in the south of Sweden and Norway, Denmark and Germany. Some tribes, between the years 800 and 300 B.C., settled in the East, along the Donau or Danube. The first expansion of the Vandals, Lombards and Goths began at the mouth of the Weichsel, in the direction of Europe. Before the Slavs appeared, the East was already German land. The word Slav comes from slave. They were the slaves in the German Empires, born sudras, inferior caste, without access to the Runes or sacred knowledge, without right to Cult or Sacrifice. The Christian Church of Rome came to call them "slaves," taking, as always, the side of the slaves against the peoples of Hyperborean origin and whipping up their rebellion against the divine Aryans, against race and blood. Like today, with the Polish Pope, a "slave." Or more likely a Jew. In the years 1400 to 1200 B.C. the Nordic peoples reached Egypt. Their warriors wore helmets with horns of bull and feathers. Their boats came from Helgoland and Jutland. We find their images on the stone tablets of Egyptian temples. Ramses II, also a Nordic, defeated them. Because the Hyperboreans reached Egypt in the remotest times and founded the country, as I have said. Gobineau stated they came via India. Spanuth told me: "The war between Nordics and the Egyptian Pharaoh, in fact, was a fight among relatives, like between the Germans and English." Germans also founded Rome, in 753 B.C. The twins Romulus and Remus, sons of Rhea Silvia, did this. They were suckled by the Wolf of Wotan and belonged to the people of the Italiker and Umbrier, from the isle of Jutland. All the Nordic founders of peoples were twins, Twin Kings (Atlanteans). We again find Twin Kings among the Alken, Goths, Vandals, Suevi, Umbrier (from whom came the Italic Umbrians) and the Cherusker, tribe of Hermann the Queruscos, Arminius for the Latins, who in the Teutoburger Forest destroyed the legions of the Roman Varo. This is the truth of times already historical, erased by Judaism and its Catholic Church of Rome which have together destroyed the Aryan race and blood. There has been no Universal History, nor any civilization not created and 311

developed by the Nordic-Hyperborean race, by the semi-divine race of white heroes, Aryans, coming from the Pole, in their Exodus and fall from a glorious past, through the destruction of Paradesha, Midgard, earthly Hyperborea, the Golden Age.

IN THE LAND OF AMBER Euripides said: "In the Land of Amber, the King of the Gods celebrated his espousals." And who is the bridegroom? Poseidon, from posis, husband. Son of Gaia and Uranus. We have seen his Nordic name is Njord. One saved from the waters. Who was son of Gaia which is very significant, since she gave birth to her new spouse. So she would have been able to teach her son how to give birth without physical intervention, within. In this way the wedding celebrated in the Land of Amber will be the Magic of A-Mor, the ancient Wedding of Hyperborea, what Tantric Hindus called Gandharva. Hero-Twins. Where are these weddings celebrated, after the ancient Altar (from above, on high, Paradesha) succumbed in the disaster of worlds? On the surviving rock, which I have visited, the little island of Helgoland, which the English planes, obeying orders by the Jews, had bombed for years, even after the end of the war. They wanted to destroy the God of the Frisians, the Hyperborean Bridegroom, with bombs. Frisia means free: frie-son, free son; in fact, son of Gaia and Poseidon, who has freed himself to marry within, with the Selbst. The God of the Frisians, or Frisias, was Forsete, son of Baldur, Aesir God of the Eddas. The oldest name of Helgoland was Fostlandia, Fositelandia. It was always consecrated by the cult of Forsete. Homer referred to her as the island of the Phaeacians, Scheria in the "Iliad." In the VII century Boniface, the same who destroyed the sacred oak grove of the Germans, tried to convert the Frisians by force. Yet it took a century to Christianize the island. The name Helgoland appears in the Middle Ages, derived from Heilgesland, sacred land, of the Sons of Woewre, Ich-Salde (Isolde), or Ich-Saelde, mysterious expression (Ich, in German, is "I") which must be seen as the assertion of the "I," its transfer to Selbst, to the individualized Monad, with the Face of Woewre, the Valkyrie, achieved through 312

the Wedding of the Initiation of A-Mor. The Absolute Personality or I. Hyperborean Resurrection and Immortality We have seen how Esoteric Hitlerism has adopted for its own the expression "Heil." "Sieg Heil!" together with the Leftwards Swastika. In already ancient times, the cult of the God Forsete was accompanied by his feminine counterpart, the Goddess Foseta. Tacitus tells us there were temples dedicated to Magic Weddings on the island of Helgoland. Together with the conversion of the Frisians of the island, by Bishop Liudger, sent from Rome, there appeared a mysterious Saint Ursula, no one knows from where, as patroness of Helgioland. She is among the mythical saints who came to replace Forseta and who reveals a great secret to us, because Ursula comes from Ursus, the bear, animal of the Arctikos Pole, the Pole with Bear. Arcthos, Arctus, Arthur, names referring to the Bear, and therefore to the North Pole, Hyperborea, origin of Magic Weddings, the reunion of HE and SHE, of HE-SHE and SHE-HE. The priestesses of A-Mor preserved this cult. The Irish Sagas and the legend of King Arthur and the Gral will follow this Mystery of Aryan Initiation, Polar, of the Hyperborean Warriors of Wotan. The name Ar-Ur-Os (Arturo) is runic and, again, repeats the already explained Mystery of Os-Ir-Is. As well as the traveller, Hyperborean pilgrim: Ar-BarIs. (Avris, in my book NOS). "Polar Bear." We recall here in this Pole, in the North, that Hyperborea, is where the Column of the Vanir and Aesir Gods was raised to support the Other Sky, entering through the Constellation the Little Bear, Ursa Minor, including the fixed Pole Star. The Column IR went through there, the Fire of ER, Vril, which prevented that sky from disappearing. Until the Vril was lost and the Fire went out. The warriors of the Sacred Order of Wotan went to Helgoland to undertake their Magic Weddings, in the temple of Forseti. They married their Valkyries, in the Gandharba Marriage. I also went there, to find a devastated island, a "terre gaste," soulless, the same as what Otto Rahn saw in Iceland, the adopted country of the Eddas. The soul dried up, the landscape died, together with the departure of the Fuhrer and the new Ragna-Rok, or Twilight of the Sonnenmenschen. It was useless for the AngloJews to bomb the islet. They were bombing a corpse. The sacred place of Magic Weddings, seat of the Gral, has been transferred to the Other Pole, to a Mountain of the Andes, secret refuge and City of the Caesars. 313

There now emerges Esoteric Hitlerism. Where the Gral is preserved.

AGE OF HEROES At the end of the Bronze Age, the Dwapara-Yuga, before the Iron Age, there is the interlude, the Sandhya and Sandhyansa, with their predetermined times. Historical times correspond with the Darkest Age, Iron, the Kali Yuga. Before there was no History, only Legend and Myth, its incarnation and projection. What is the intermediate Twilight between Yugas? What happens there? Nothing, absolute repose? No. Perhaps a retelling of stories, a Rechnung, a balance, a recapitulation of forces, when the Will to Power contemplates itself, sits on the Rock of Eternal Return, for an instant, before continuing ad aeternum, in the travel through circular time. Moreover, the circle must be included within other circles. The Chinese tea box, game of mirrors. We suppose what happens in the largest, Kalpas, Manvantaras, Yugas, Sandhya and Sandhyansa, must be repeated within, even in the smallest cycles of time. Or rather, within each Yuga there occurs, in some way, the events of the entire Manvantara, as the entire Kalpa within the Manvantara. In Kali Yuga, in spite of its horrible involuted state, in some moment must be reproduced, miniaturized, intensifying through time as it speeds up, the Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, before falling fully back into disaster to mark the end of the cycle. Hesiod tells us of an Age of Heroes, between the end of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. One could well understand this permitted interlude of Sandhyansa spoken of by the Indo-Aryans. In our time the Age of Heroes was signalled by the arrival of Adolf Hitler. With the incarnation of its Avatar, the vast grand possibility of the ultimate Age of Heroes opened up "from within," before the end came near, with the completion of Kali Yuga and the closing of Manvantara. Then the Great Night. The descent into a planet of lead. By a strange decision of Destiny, perhaps by some luck of accumulation of images, the Sense gained an opportunity of action, intervention, which may be met with success as well as go unheeded. So the Age of Heroes came to be the most important moment within the Cycle of the Yuga and perhaps even the Manvantara.


The most dramatic and last opportunity given to the vîra to go out of the Circle of Circles and spiritualize the earth, able to defeat the entropy of involution. In the Golden Age there was no Initiation, because there was no need. It is quite possible our Initiation and everything we write about in this book corresponds with the Yuga of Heroes alone. In other words, Esoteric Hitlerism and the Warrior Order of Wotan are the Initiation and initiatic Organization of this Dark Age, this last time between aeons, in the between time , the final Sandhyansa, before the definitive Ragna-Rok in the Age of Iron. The Hero is the semi-divine who is able to recover total divinity, immortality, the vîra who transmutes himself into divya, by means of Hyperborean Polar initiation (of both poles) of A-Mor, in company with his Valkyrie, with weapons in hand. The image is found given in Heracles-Hercules, taking by force the Golden Apples from the Garden of the Hesperides; in Jason, finding the Golden Fleece, in the Polar Tree of the Garden of Induna, or Idhuna, thanks to the aid of his Valkyrie, Medea. He is Prometheus, teaching Heracles the alchemical Way of Gold and the Incesto Philosophal, once he was freed from his torments in the Caucasus. And he is Parzival, conquering the Gral with his "ancient furor" alone, that of the Furious Horde, that of the Wildes Heer, without God, but with the thought of the beloved, and with the beloved in mind, just like Athena came from the Head of Zeus. Thus, the Tantric vîra has possibilities perhaps given to none other in the flux of Yugas. He can reach total awareness of the Mystery and, thereby, open the way to his "I" by a path untravelled even by the Gods, in all the Ages of this closed Universe. And because the Way does not exist, the hero "makes it on the run," invents it, opens it with the blows of his Sword. This is a Non-Existing Path, a Non-Existing Flower. It does not exist because it leads to someone who also does not exist: a Dream never dreamed not even by the greatest of Pilgrims of Nostalgia. Beyond the Circle of Circles, the Gods, Archetypes and stars. In the pure nonexistence of the Green Thunderbolt. Only the heroes have that possibility, the semi-divine, those born in this way, but not all realize it. It is very difficult. The hero must risk everything, his physical and spiritual death, his dismemberment, torture, treason, ultimate solitude. And without leaping his Sword will never be held firm, unbreakable, resisting anguish and sorrow to the end, to the last test, the final doubt, when he will believe everything was done in vain, nothing has been certain, only his mind, his mental


creations which have led him to this fatal trance and the collapse of the Universe down into his entire ripped-to-pieces self. If the Hero passes through this test, if he manages to survive it, on the other side, in the Valhalla of Wotan, his Valkyrie, together with the Father of Heroes will reunite his scattered pieces, revive his glorious flesh, now of Red Vajra, immortal, allowing him to go to a region to which only his Valkyrie can follow him, for "she is his only companion and there shall be none other, not even within this dream never before dreamed…" His Way has no name, it is now the Nonexistent Way of the Green Thunderbolt. The momentum given to Heroes in this Age comes from the Avatar of the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler. His life is the luminous present given to us, his superhuman courage, his will steeled like the Sword of Siegfried, his faith in the Fire that consumes him, his firmness even amid the material and spiritual ruins accumulated through treason. And his conception of A-Mor, his vision of the Eternal Beloved, who only exists in his head, more than on the hard earth, like Athena from the head of Zeus. And she goes with Him where He goes. His sublime loyalty to his comrade. Whoever wants to know more about this example of heroes must read and reread that extraordinary work by August Kubizek, "Hitler, My Childhood Friend." As in no other description, there surges forth the evidence of predestination, of the incarnation of divinity, who came to battle and suffer for a moment among heroes, to help them. He made the Ultimate Age of Heroes possible. They save and are saved, reaching Immortality, next to Him, only those who follow him to the end and are loyal unto death, imitating his luminous example, returning to his consuming Fire, adoring his Emblem, the Swastika of Return to the World where they meet Him. And where he awaits us. "For there is nothing more beautiful in the world than to be resurrected after having been torn to pieces," says the "Popol Vuh." But not all who die heroically enter Valhalla and will be reconstituted, immortalized. Only those who die fighting the Enemy, the Fenrir Wolf, with full awareness of the combat, confronting death like an Initiation. The Initiation of Esoteric Hitlerism. For this there are fixed numbers. Today, the doors of Valhalla are almost closed. Only 108 more heroes will be able to enter. They are the Einherier.


The key has been given in the Eddas, in the "Song of Grimmir," or Grimmirlied. In the end we would say the Hindu texts have been taken from the Eddas (Edda = Veda)"

"500 Doors and 40 I know in Valhalla, 800 Einherier Will leave by each door When the Kamph is against Fenrir." Einherier, warrior wizards, warrior-mystics. The Fenrir Wolf, Monster, Enemy, who destroys the Aesir, the same Wotan-Hitler, in the Twilight of the Gods, in the Ragna-Rok. Those warriors, Einherier, the Wildes Heer of Wotan, his "Furious Horde," will go out from the 540 doors of Valhalla to take on the Ultimate Battle, commanded by Odin-Kalki, by the Fuhrer, the Ultimate Avatar of the Golden Hyperborean Gods. In that same Song of the Eddas we are given the exact duration of the Kali Yuga, the Twilight of the Gods: 432,000 years. This number is obtained by multiplying the 540 Doors of Valhalla by the 800 Einherier who will go out through them. The number 108 of the heroes who can still enter (or go out from the Circle of Circles by means of Esoteric Hitlerism) is obtained in the following manner: 800 Einherier (Ein, in German is 1) plus 1 = 801. This number read backwards is 108. The Hyperborean number is 5, the Pole Star. This Star of Five Points has also been stolen by the Enemy. Attributed to Moses, today the Jews of North America and the Kremlin use it as their emblem, to fight against the Nordic Aryans: The Pentagon. Esoteric Hitlerists have already changed the number 801 of Einherier who will go out, for the 108 who will enter the Castle of the Morning Star, Morgensburg-Morgenstern-Oiyehue-Lucifer, to unleash the Ultimate Battle against the Fenrir Wolf and win. It is the same, only seen from the South Pole, in reverse, with the Leftwards Swastika, that of Return to Hyperborea, to the StarMan.


540 is broken down into 5 and 4. Added they make 9. 108 breaks down into 1 and 8. Added they also make Nine. The sacred number in excellence, where all multiples make Nine. In the works of Rudolf John Gorsleben, on the Eddas and Runes, "Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit," he deals with this theme. The secret of Destiny is clus, encrypted, in the Sacred Songs of the Eddas. The time of the Heroes (Einherier) still allowed and the next and final. For those who aspire to die heroically, magically, for the Fuhrer, it is necessary to explain this number 108 admits more zeros, because that does not change the symbolism of the ciphers. The zeros enter 801 and 108 respectively, but they cannot be aggregated by men, nor by vîras. Only the Avatar may do so, Wotan, Thor, Hitler. Only He, who has already gone out from the Circle, a Tulku, can make use of the Circle, gifting a new possibility to other Einherier.

DEATH OF BALDUR Wotan, the tireless Hunter, stopped his horse Sleipsner in the middle of the forests of beautiful Asgard. Tilting his ear, he thought he heard a faint whisper, a melancholy echo among the golden oaks, like the call of a far distant horn. He already knew this music, foreboding premonition, as if repeating a fateful event in the Eternal Return of the Same. He directed his one eye, first to a raven flying above his head, then to the wolves walking in his shadow. They said nothing. Then Wotan made Sleipsner trot again and began to calculate the elapsed time and what was still missing for the Ragna-Rok, by the combination of movements of the eight hooves of his charger. So Wotan was touched, along with Frigg. They knew everything would begin again with the death of the Son, with the assassination of Baldur. Then Frigg took the lead and left for the ends of Asgard, visiting all living beings, the giants and Alben, visible beings, animals, plants and stones, making them swear they would never do Baldur harm. And they all swore, because all loved the young shining God. So Frigg could happily return among the Aesir to tell them the good news. The Aesir were content and surrounded Baldur. One said: "Allow us to see if the pledge is effective, if none would do you harm." They threw spears, arrows and boulders. All fell to the ground before touching him. Wood and stone thus fulfilled their pledge. Baldur smiled. The Gods danced joyfully around him, 318

singing: "Baldur is saved and the Kingdom of Asgard along with him!" Baldur was the Black Sun and the Aesir the stars of that firmament of Asgard. Much later that dance would again be performed by Krishna, the Blue God, the eighth Avatar of Vishnu, with his beloved Radha, in the Gardens of Vrindavan. That Dance would be called Raslila. The Aesir believed they had thereby saved the Ancient Sky, the Ancient Sun and its fixed Light, eternal, immobile. Because Baldur would not die this time. But then Loki , sitting in a corner of the forests of Asgard, felt envy consume him. Loki was always a cause of misfortune. He could shift shape at will. Transforming himself into an old woman, he went to meet Frigg and said to her: "You truly believe Baldur can not be wounded? It is not so." The Goddess Frigg answered: "I have the pledge of every visible and invisible being. Their honour is their loyalty." The old woman tried to get away, limping, but Frigg detained her: "Stay! Who can injure Baldur? Maybe the mistletoe?" That name escaped from the Goddess without thinking. "Yes," said the old woman, as if to herself. "the mistletoe." And she left, crying: "Take care, much care!" But the Goddess Frigg exclaimed: "The mistletoe has not sworn, because it can not make a pledge, it does not exist by itself. It only exists from the tree." Thus she was at peace, asking the Aesir to continue with their feast. Retiring, apart, next to an oak, was blind Hoder. He could not join in the games of the Aesir. He heard a voice whisper next to his ear: "Poor Hoder! Perhaps you want to take part in the feast in tribute to Baldur?" "I am blind," said Hoder. But the voice added: "You can. I am Frigg's friend and she has sent this arrow to you for you to shoot. I will tell you the direction and you can go ahead." Loki had made the arrow with mistletoe. He gave it to Hoder, helped him to set the bow and aim it towards Baldur. The blind one shot the arrow and it speared the heart of Baldur. The Gods hurried to the side of the Son. Baldur was dead. A dark bird flew cawing over their heads. It was Loki who had changed his shape again. But they already did not hear his caws. Darkness fell over Valhalla. The Gods said: "It was not our arrows. We did not kill Baldur." Hoder exclaimed: "Not my arrow either." Who, in truth, had killed Baldur? Through the endless ages everything repeats. Envy killed him, hatred came to light in its greatness, even among the Immortals. Blindness had assassinated him, driven by a dark power, shifting, 319

disguised, coming from a point where the blind could not find it. Not even the Hyperborean Gods could know, because they lack guile, malice, to see through Loki's many costumes. What happened to Loki? How could he, being himself an Aesir, have betrayed his own and assassinated Baldur, even knowing this would cause the destruction of his world and himself? It is the unfathomable mystery of the White Treason. Loki had been manipulated by another darker power, from beyond himself. Even when we call this power "ideological deviation," to indicate a change produced by something not visible, the ideas are not caused by vîras, much less by humans. They come from some unknown point, beyond Asgard, beyond the Egg of HE-SHE and SHE-HE. Even knowing this betrayal would bring catastrophe on the "Asgard of the Third Reich," the destruction and partition of Germany and the contamination of the surviving Aryan race, the Prussian generals and even a few SS betrayed their Fuhrer, to whom they had pledged loyalty, because their honour is called loyalty…" "And thou, Loki? O Loki!" Wotan, at last breaking the silence that had engulfed him, called to Hermod, the Messenger of the Gods, and said to him: "Hermod, climb on my horse, jump on the back of Sleipsner and gallop to the Kingdom of Muspelheim. There you will find Baldur. Ask he be returned to us, for he does not belong to that Kingdom." And Hermod took Wotan's horse and galloped for nine nights, the same as Wotan had hung from the wood of Iggdrasil, to discover the Runes. Always descending went Hermod, the Messenger of the Gods, by dark paths to the Kingdom of the Dead, Muspelheim.


Wotan-Baldur. Hyperborean Rune Yoga. Orphic Kabalah, of vibrations and sounds, putting the chakras-swastikas in motion, giving an existence (non-existent) to the Fourth Reich of Wotan-Hitler-Kalki, with the "Potency" (Kraft) of OrpheusWotan, with the "Portent" (Herrlichkeit) of the Vîra, Hero-Warrior of Esoteric Hitlerism, the Return of Baldur-Hitler, who now says: I AM RUNE! And a 321

Vimana too. The Swastika is then again Rightwards, because the Vîra has transmuted into Divya, hero into Superman, Sonnenmensch. He has returned to Hyperborea, at the North Pole (which is the South Pole). He is the Pole. Because in Hyperborean Yoga the way also goes from above down. In this instance of 4 to 1, inspired, assisted, possessed by the Avatar. And below, at the South Pole (which is the North Pole) where he re-creates the Reich of Wotan-Orpheus, Hitler-Kalki. Meanwhile the Aesir Gods in Asgard prepare the funeral ceremony for his body. They place it in the Wafeln Boat. His last bed is made there. They lean his body over fine woods already burning. His weapons and loyal horse accompany him. Those flames destroy every speck of matter that could slow his march to the Deva-Yana. Then Nanna, earthly Wife of Baldur, also leaps into the Fire at the precise moment, to go with him in the Ship of the Dead. She thereby fulfills Sati. The Fire of Sat-Ur-No. She kisses Baldur on the lips and is consumed in the fire with him. Then Wotan takes the King of Gold, Draupner, from his finger and with it he marries the two dead ones, in a New Wedding. Nanna, the earthly wife, had until then never come to Baldur. Before the flames could devour the newly-weds, Wotan had leaned against the ear of Baldur and spoken something to him never to be known by anyone. This Legend, this Myth of the end of the Golden Age, the Twilight of the Gods, had been fulfilled in full in every symbolic detail, great and tremendous, at the end of the Kamph of Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer of the Aryans, in this world already nearing its consummation. At the beginning of this book I recalled the words of my Maestro when hearing his Voice at the war's end and which disturbed him so much: "He was the victim of his own mental creations." To whom could this apply? To Hitler? To that "Other Mental Creation," that incredible similarity with the Myth and symbolism of the Death of Baldur, to whom could we attribute this? Law of "solidarity," amazing "synchronicity," chance full of meaning, "mental creation" of an External Brain, beyond the Circle of Circles? Otto Rahn said: "Myth, Legend, pertain to imagination, but not of men. They are Imagination, Poetry of Another Universe." That Poetry can only be written with the blood of heroes… "because it is so red, so intensely red…" Of immortal Vajra. The Wafeln Boat, from the North Pole, navigates beneath the waters, with all lights ablaze, carrying the seed of a New Age of Hyperborea, promise of


Resurrection. In the South of the world it will be replaced by Caleuche, which will carry the heroes to the Oasis of temperate waters in Antarctica, the South Pole. The baptism has been with Fire. Then, the Magic Wedding. Meanwhile, Hermod arrived at the gates of the subterranean world. A shadow blocked his way, Modgund, the Keeper of the Threshold. "I am an Aesir," said Hermod, "brother of Baldur and I come to return him again to life, to return to the surface of the earth, so that we can rebuild Asgard. He does not belong to this subterranean world, you know that very well." Motgurd let him pass and took him in the direction of the North, crossing through the interior of the South. Sleipsner advanced without difficulty. Thus they came to where Baldur was, in a great hall, sitting on a high seat of honour. Nanna was at his side. Hermod said to him: "Listen to me, Baldur, the Aesir ask you to return, come back to life. You cannot remain dead. We go to Valhalla." But Baldur did not respond. He heard a great voice coming from somewhere invisible: "No. Baldur shall not return. He will remain here, as long as all beings do not cry for his return to life, while any do not lament what they have lost." Baldur made a sign of farewell to Hermod and took the Draupner Ring, Sign of the Eternal Gods. When Hermod returned to the surface of the world, the messengers of the Gods went out in all directions saying: "Weep, weep everyone for the death of Baldur! Ask for his return among us!" The giants cried in the heights of the valleys, within the Mountain of my fatherland. As did the invisible beings and the Siddhas in the highest heaven. Many of us are still weeping. But, within a cave, in a fold in the earth, a dark shadow does not weep. It is a toothless old woman with dry eyes. "I am Tock, the Obscure," she says. "Why should I weep? What good did Baldur do for me while he lived? He was the enemy of everything I represent." The old woman changed into a fish and hid beneath the water within a waterfall. She was Loki, the traitor, who changed, the assassin who disguises, who hides within the thousand forms of Samsara. My Maestro also went in search of Hitler, like Hermod, the Messenger of the Gods. And he found him beneath the earth. He called to him, but He did not come. His hour had not yet come. He will return at the end of this hard time, riding Sleipsner, the Eight-legged, or Eight Pathed, the White Horse of Kalki. In his right hand he will grasp the Flaming Sword of a Comet. And he will come to rescue his heroes, his Wildes Heer. To defeat the Enemy forever. His Draupner Ring, the Remembrance of Eternal Days, I have kept. 323










The Runic Kristos, Kristos of Atlantis (See Annex II)


For some forty years now I have been repeating that the Fuhrer did not die in the Bunker in Berlin. The secret leaders of Esoteric Hitlerism went with him in the direction of the polar refugees of the White Gods, like the unknown leaders of the Templars before them, the invisible guides of the authentic Rosicrucians, Vikings, Visigoths, Trojans and Hyperborean Siddhas. All of which concerns us in a special way, we few South Americans who, from birth, and even before, are the ones nostalgic for the White Gods, unrepentant searchers for Paititi, the City of the Caesars. We are changed into the advance guards-warriors-priests of Esoteric Hitlerism, who still remain on the surface of the earth to complete the heroic sacrifice and attain immortality, before or even after the Earth's destruction. Before the dramatic and inevitable close of this Darkest Age. On crossing the threshold of the divine world, the doors of the City of the Caesars, we shall meet all those immortals there resurrected, able to enter into a new velocity of time. The supertemporal velocity of the Vimanas, or UFOs as they are called today. And we shall be face to face with the Fuhrer. Yet for all this to be successful, we must first achieve the Initiation of Esoteric Hitlerism. It is not, therefore, a matter of searching for peaks, lakes, valleys, glaciers, Antarctic oases, the entrances to the underground world, the Alchemical City of mutations from lead, Paititi, without being first worthy to cross its threshold thanks to a previous synchronistic transformation achieved through the Initiation that also empowers the Esoteric Hitlerists to be admitted by "those who have gone before," into those Refuges of Eternal Life of the immortal Aryan Race. None who are not Aryan, twice born, will ever enter therein. Almost forty years ago when I went in search of the Antarctic Oases I was already an initiate. But I missed a few things. I had to write the book, "The Golden Band," "NOS," and all my works, to contribute to the combat of Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatãra. It is easy to understand the importance of knowing what the initiation of Esoteric Hitlerism once was, so we can better understand the meaning it now has for us. In my book "The Golden Band" I attempt an explanation. I believe I can


now go further into this fundamental theme, without claiming, by it, to make exoteric what must forever remain esoteric, that is, not fully revealed. In my previous book I referred to the Castle of the Black Order of the SS, where a select few would have received initiation, attempting a mutation to make possible the appearance of the Sonnenmensch, Sun-Man, the Superman, gradually and by stages. First, the transformation of the German into Nordic Man, then of the latter into the Aryan. Even being able to reach the Hyperborean of the origins, with the consequent restoration of the "lost organ," that atrophied "gland," the third eye, Vril, ER ("the column that crosses the Sky"), and condition of the original White Race. On recovering them, the rediscovery of the Vimana would come to be a logical synchronistic consequence. The fact the Hitlerists were able to build the UFOs in the final years of the war, as affirmed for us by the "Militärisches Taschenlexikon" of the Bundeswehr, in the Federal Germany of today, indicates to us the Alchemical Esoteric Laboratory of the Ordensburg, of the Castle of the Black Order, within the Ahnenerbe or in some other location, must have successfully achieved the mutation, produced by the Leftwards Swastika, on the Road of Return. By means of this Initiatic Alchemy, the re-creation of Hyperborea. We do not claim to have penetrated a secret so well guarded, much less to have revealed it. Here we forever move in the way of suppositions and symbolisms, more than of tangible realities. The secret directors of the SS were unknown by the uniformed hosts, only maintaining contact with the visible tip, often anonymous as well, so that doubt remains whether Himmler himself would have discovered them, obeying commands coming to him most of the time from the Fuhrer or some other unknown authority. I suspect the mechanism could have been even more complex. Himmler may have been certain he gave the directives and planned the system, while in a very subtle way he was being directed, telepathically, by currents that reached him from a truly invisible center. The fact of choosing a particular country and a magnetic center full of ghosts, like the Castle of Wewelsburg, in Westphalia, has facilitated the transmission of powerful Nordic-Germanic energies. By having followed the work of this Laboratory of Leftwards Magic for more years, the Divyas alone knew how far their labours had taken the SS. Therefore the Lord of Darkness trembled in his underworld, gathering all his forces before it would become too late even for Him, and the Yuga of Heroes would be


successful in reversing the deadly currents of entropy and reinstate the Golden Age. To defeat time, creating a new velocity that would overtake it. The gift of years necessary to reach the mutation of the exact number of the chosen was given neither to Hitler nor to his SS. It may be things have happened in the way we have here been presenting them, as an absolute necessity to win by losing, because it was no longer possible for Adolf Hitler to win in any other way in an exterior overpopulated world, where the numbers of bastards and those of mixed blood predominate. And so the required number of transmutations would be reached, despite everything, and these chosen ones immediately pass over to the "inner world," to the Cities of the White Gods, to another plane of manifestation, or to those terrestrial refuges, impregnable, surrounded by powerful telepathic powers where the Fuhrer would also be awaiting the final catastrophe, at the end of which he will return with Kalki, the Ultimate Avatãra. When I wrote "The Golden Band," I had not yet visited the Ordensburg of Wewelsburg. I did know the description Julius Evola had made of it, as a place where they had tried to reconstruct the Templar Order, within the symbolism of the Gral. It did not seem to me that Evola took this effort seriously, considering it more as something romantic without essential importance. Here, as in many other matters relating to Esoteric Hitlerism, Evola was mistaken. Nothing attempted by the Hitlerists was superficial, because they were dramatically serious, unto life and death… And so it was with Wewelsburg. This is the difference between the Nordic and southern soul (not with that of Evola, despite everything) and with the greater part of the world, excepting the Jews, of course.

We have taken time and care to treat the symbolism of the Castle in the Nordic-Germanic soul, in relation with the Pole, Temple, Mountain and the Body of Total-Man. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Initiatic Order of the Hitlerian SS would choose a Castle as its center for the formation of their esoteric phalanxes.


Castle in the Heights. Watercolour by Adolf Hitler. 1929

In 1934, Himmler leased the castle of Wewelsburg, in Westphalia, for one hundred years, and immediately began repair work on this relic and its transformation, including construction of a Tower of Initiation. The entire small village was evacuated and most of its ancient houses, with Runes carved in wood, were included within the enclave. The residents were compensated and moved to Büren, even the Pastor. Thus, this Castle would come to be the Reichsführerschule der SS Auf der Wewelsburg, the "School for the preparation of SS Leaders in Wewelsburg." The Castle was declared a national monument and maintained as such. A Burgwart, an Acting Chief of the SS, would permanently live in the Castle and direct the Reichsführerschule. Why did they select Westphalia? That is where Hermann the Cherusker, or Queruscos, Arminius to the Romans, defeated the legions of Quintillus Varus, in the battle of the Teutoberg Forest. And, above all, there the ancient megalithic constructs of the Externsteine are found. The Irminsul, which Charlemagne destroyed, and the grove of sacred oaks were located there. 334

Between the North Sea, the Elbe and the Harz mountains is the territory of the Saxons. They were pagans, worshipped Wotan, the same as in the British Isles they had conquered. In 772 Charlemagne left for the headwaters of the Lippe and took the castle of Eheresburg by assault, the Castle of the EHE Rune (of Magic Love, Magic Marriage) and also of ER, the Supreme Power, Hyperborean Vril. He also destroyed the Sanctuary of the Irminsul, the Great Power of the ER Column, its symbol. Charlemagne, a renegade, a Capetan claimant, descendant of that minister who had broken the covenant of loyalty to the divine Merovingian Royalty, thus destroying remnants of the sacred Hyperborean past. But this was not easy to achieve. The Saxons fought bravely. Led by Widukind they swore vengeance, drove out the colonies of Frankish soldiers, reconquered the Ehresburg and sacked the monastery of Fritzlar. Combat continued from 774 to 777, when everything seemed to have ended with the forced baptism of many Saxons. But in 778 Widukind rose again and struck through to Koblenz and Thuringia, expelling the monks of Fulda. Then Charlemagne began to exchange populations and disperse the Saxons. In one day in the Externsteine he executed 4,500 of the firstborn of the most noble Saxon families. He promulgated an edict in which he prohibited the pagan cult on pain of death. This is the Edict of Lippe, in 783, in which he ordered "to make those suspected of the practice of cremation before burial pay with their heads." We thereby know the ancient Germans incinerated their dead, like the Aryans of India. Charlemagne marched along the banks of the Saale and Elbe, taking masses of Saxons hostage, who were then deported far from their fatherland. The war lasted until 804 and a third of the inhabitants of those cantons were transplanted to other regions. I cannot understand why Germans revere Charlemagne, monarch imposed by the Semitic power installed in Rome to massacre the Hyperborean people and cult, after which both he and Rome would betray the Merovingian Monarchy (or Merowingia, from Meru-Weg = Way of Mount Meru) to whom they had sworn their respect and eternal loyalty. The mother of Charlemagne was Merovingian and named Bertha. Exactly like his Imperial father, who had tried to ease his own disloyal conscience and soothe the contrary feelings of his subordinates who saw no divine origin in his deeds, Charlemagne had also married a Merovingian. But his crimes against his own race are as great as those of Bishop Boniface, whose true name was Winfried. The latter destroyed the grove of Sacred Oaks in Fritzlar, and also converted the island of Helgoland by force.


The Saxons were already very involuted descendants of the divine Hyperboreans. Their sagas and legends record those golden times. In their descent from the polar regions, their ancestors had met with the tremendous sign of the Externsteine. Only a race of giants could have erected it on that plain in the midst of a sacred wood. The Hyperboreans themselves raised it there, as the imperishable monument of an extra-human religiosity, against the peoples belonging to animal-man, the merely earthly, who buried their dead so the earth of the Kali Yuga could use their bodies as manure in an alchemy of maternal agricultural transformations and metamorphoses. Those devoured by the moon, the lunar, the robots. The Indo-Europeans, Aryans descended from the Hyperboreans, recounted their origin from a "beyond the stars." They claimed their ancestors had held up the Sky with Five Pillars, the Column to which we have been referring, a Force, an Invisible Power, Vril, as well as another four: Nordri, North, Sudri, South, Westri, West and Austri. East (from which comes the name of Austria, the "East Mark," Oesterreich and also the derived terminology of the four cardinal points. The Fifth will be ER). We see how the Araucano Re-ché of Chile conserve the same Hyperborean Five Cardinal Points in the construction of their huts, or tents. The pagan ceremonies of the Saxons took their inspiration from their wise forefathers. Their principal cult was solar in remembrance of the Ancient Sun, Black Sun of Polar Midnight, celebrating their festivals of Light in spring and autumn, with great solemnity at the equinoxes, when the World Egg is opened. The Germanic Easters still recall this with their gifts of eggs painted in beautiful colours, in hommage to the Goddess Ostara, who in German is Ostern and in English Easter, from which comes the name of their English Easter feast. As well as Easter Island, the Island of Easter. Which does not cease to be a strange synchronism, since the extremely ancient initiation of that Island, that of the Manutara, refers precisely to the Egg of that mythic Bird. The same initiation of Orphic Myth described in "NOS," corresponding to the Swadistana Chakra. We have already seen how the Vikings of Tiahuanacu took refuge in Matakiterani (the Island of Easter) leaving behind not only their blood group A as a memory, but also the Manu-Tara. The ancient Germans, in their sacred forests, would signal the beginning of their agricultural harvest labours and their warrior adventures on mountains and seas with dances and religious festivals, with invocations to the Black Sun. They were warriors, hunters, priests. 336

In autumn they led the Sun Chariot with great white foals, the same as those which led Phaeton to his crash and the same as those I saw sculpted in Puri, in India, the Chariot of Surya. Inside was a Disk of Gold, which would then descend into the night, Nott. In the maritime regions of the Normans and Vikings, the Sun Disk would be transported by a Ship, by a Drakkar. Two festivals celebrated at the solstices accompanied the daily festivals of solar light. The first, of great importance, was celebrated on June 21st, the longest day. The people gathered in the mountains to await the appearance of the solar rays. Two priest-magicians went up to the summit to greet the Other Sun, beyond this sun, with the sound of their Lures, those large trumpets with a Rune of gold scratched on their ends, similar to the Araucanan Trutruca. In the night preceding these sacred pageants they would burn oak leaves on the crown of the Irminsul, the Tree symbolizing the divine origin of Aryan Life. Twilight, the death of the Sun, was solemnized by rolling great wheels down from a sacred hill with oak branches, that had been set afire, braided in its beams. In Himmelsbreite I saw one of these hills, still with two large deep grooves through which those Wheels of the Sun once launched, centuries ago, their dizzying race to be submerged in the waters of the Eder, or Ader, signifying vein, artery of the German earth, and îda, its psychic spiritual artery, like the Swaraswati River in India. The winter solstice was seen as the equidistant point between the twelve nights consecrated to the Father of the Aesir. They built pyramids at the apex of which they had nailed wheels of Swastikas. Within the apex of these pyramids a Sacred Lamp always burned to signify the permanence of Aryan life even in the obscurity of the night of Kali Yuga, when Mani reigns, the Moon. At midnight they put out the Lamp inside the Pyramid, symbolizing the fall of Hyperborean Man, and lit another in its cusp. This was Aryan Rebirth. Women adorned the Irminsul with stars made of woven reeds and ash leaves. Even today they deck the Nordic Christmas in that way. The sign of the Rune propitious for the year, family, tribe, for the Aryan people, was incised into the stone façades of the dwellings, the Buchenstäbe and weapons, as on the Luren. On the summit of the Externsteine there is a round opening, perfectly cut into the rock, through which each day the first rays of the sun enter, transmuting its circumference into the Other Sun. There the Norns of the Externsteine awaited the resurrection of the original dawn. Aryan priests and priestesses are the wise artists of a rite, a cult. There is no difference between the warrior and the priest. Each warrior, each head of a 337

household with his wife, fulfill the sacred solemn ritual, dividing the representations according to sex and the corresponding initiations. They took deep parts in the Mysteries that touched their lives, fighting against the Destiny of their Yuga by means of Aryan cult and rite, thus to drive its possible mutation. The Warrior-Priest, with weapons in hand, addressed the Divyas or lares, not as to strange external beings, but as to a power existing in itself, within him, Hyperborean ancestors who on being realized exerted power over external nature as such. He is sacred to the degree it is permitted for him to connect with the sleeping Divya within him, by means of the ritual called "pagan" by Christic Judaism. Thus the Brahmin says: "Namasté," joining together all the fingers of his two hands (aether, air, fire, earth, water) with the Aryan salute, which means: "I salute the Divya (God) who is in you." Prayer directed to the extracosmic Self is made while standing, with arms raised towards the Morning Star, towards the Black Sun. It is the MAN Rune:


the Cathar Cross. The Aryan understands, knows, in this world of the loss of Hyperborea, the Divinity that prevails, inside and outside himself, is an unleashed terrible power not always beneficent. Depending on his own strength and the purity of his blood, he can contact this Other "found beyond the Stars," and who has been left waiting as on the edge of a Fountain. The ancient Essence of Hyperborea: ER. Only a hard character, the Aryan firm as the rocks of the Externsteine, will be able to change the Destiny of the Darkest Age. Those representatives of Shadow, Charlemagne and the monk Boniface, have everything to win. Yet the traditions long preserved themselves among the skalds and troubadour poets who travelled among the courts of Europe, singing the ancient sagas, histories and legends of those vanished giants who built the Externsteine. The Eddas speak of the Twilight of those Gods and how Wotan has risen with the Runes. The Minnesanger kept the nostalgia of that A-Mor lost in the ice of the extreme poles, together with the Midnight Sun, that was once a High Noon. It is incredible that researchers like Professor CG Jung and others, who could not have overlooked these things, have also been influenced by the JudeoChristian tradition, by the pietism of their families and communities, to the extent of having to travel to Black Africa and the America of the Indian Peoples to study lunar and solar cults, when everything was there at hand in their own ethnographic territories. But they also went to take their places in the ranks of the Great 338

Conspiracy against their Nordic ancestors, to make them appear like savages and barbarians. That is why they turned against Hitler at the end, committing themselves to the White Treason. Undoubtedly one of the most sacred sites in Germany is the Teutoburg Forest, Teutoburgerwald, where the Saxons fought to the death in defense of their sanctuaries, commanded by Hermann the Cherusker (Hermann of the Cherusci, in English). This was the sacred region of Asgard or Asgart. We attach a plan of the area, indicating the place where they think this magical City of the Aesir could have been located, following the change of the poles and the displacement of the earth's magnetism. Aesir, or Asen, signifies Column of the Sky, that passes across the sky. This Column is also the Irminsul, Iggdrasil, the Milky Way, Road of Iring. And it is the ancient Easter Tree of the Teutschen, or Teutons. Cherrusker comes from "Cheru," which at the same time means hart. Originally Germany was Rosenland, the Land of Roses, Rosengarten, Rose Garden, today vanished. The Garden of the Heckenrose, that Non-Existent Flower, beneath which Merlin slept… And I also. The Hyperborean Exodus went following the direction of the Rightwards Swastika: North Pole, Gobi, India, the Caucasus (where there is also an Asgard on Mount Elbruz), Europe. The Return would find Hitler following the opposite direction of the Leftwards Swastika, as we have seen. It was stalled in the Caucasus. Why? Because the circuit of the Hooked Cross had to be much wider to be exact, having to pass through the Other Pole first and then return to the mythic Luciferian North only from there. It is the land of Pader, in Paderborn, in Westphalia, where the most sacred sanctuary of the ancient magic of Hyperborea is found, the (third person plural) Externsteine. Professor Hermann Wirth took the photo we publish. According to some investigators this was the sacred place of the most ancient cult of Mithras. Elster was the sacred Bird of the Goddess Hel, half white and half black. Alchemic Goddess. Those outer stones, "external," are found in the land of the Cherrusker, of the harts. According to the Nibelungenlied the hero Siegfried was fed by a doe. This is why the Schwertgott, Sword God of the Cherrusker, was called "Cheru." In the Teutoburgerwald Siegfried slew the dragon and discovered the Treasure of the Nibelungs. Certainly located in the City of Asgard, already made invisible by the Aesir, by the Hyperborean Siddhas. On the back of one of the rock columns of the Externsteine there is the depiction of a female deer.


Map of Asgard, after the catastrophe that reversed the Poles and the earth's axis. Perhaps an attempt to reproduce Hyperborean Asgard, with Thule and Poseidon. Now in the heart of Germany, in Teutoburger Forest and the Externsteine near the actual Paderborn. In this area Hermann, or Arminius, fought so heroically to defend the sacred soil of the Saxons. But Asgard had already become invisible. The entrance is among the "Interior Rocks," in the Externsteine.


Vision of the "exterior rocks." Externsteine. Faces can be seen among them, and in the fourth rock, from right to left, the Crucified Wotan. Above, the mobile "menhir." The bridge built to enter the enclosure with the orifice struck through by the Sun can also be seen. But the most extraordinary is the crucified God, who appears there on the fourth rock. The photo we publish shows us the front of the rock, with Hanga-Tyr, that God. He is Wotan, hanging on the Iggdrasil Tree of Terror. The wound appears in his side, the "Rose Shield," from the Land of Roses: Lippisch. The German tribes would never have converted to Christianity if they had not in their most intimate depths held the conviction that it belonged to them and that their enemies had stolen it from them and falsified it. The Judaized Christians of Rome had to take all the baggage of the "Mithraic" Mystery, so to speak, with the object of being able to penetrate among the peoples who called themselves pagans, including the Romans themselves.


The Kreusgott, crucified God Wotan in the Externsteine and the Nordic Hyperborean Kristos. Kristos of Atlantis. Of fundamental importance is to note the following: In 772, Charlemagne destroyed the Irminsul in The Externsteine; in 785, on pain of death, Christianity was made mandatory for Germans. In the Ninth Century the first representations of Jesus Crucified appeared, with inclined head. Clearly, the Irminsul and Externsteine inspired them. There is a Hyperborean Nordic Kristos, a Kristos of Atlantis. He is WotanLucifer. His Kristianity has been esoterically presented, runewise, in these pages. He is the Warrior Kristos, of combat against the Demiurge Jehovah, of Resurrection and the Runes, the true Lord of the Armies of the Warrior Order of Wotan and the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. In the year 772 Charlemagne destroyed the Irminsul of the Externsteine; in the year 785, on pain of death, Christianity was made obligatory among the Germans. And only in the Ninth Century did there appear the first representations of Jesuschrist hanging in reclined form from the cross. Clearly this had been taken from the Irminsul and the Kreuzgott of the Exernsteine. But he had been given that typically judaic aspect, bloody, depressing, sado-masochistic, a rebellious slave, sudra-class, from whence came the Jewish Christianism in its origins. In Rome the


Anti-Nordic conspiracy was enthroned, Anti-Aryan, from the anti-race of the Demon Jehovah. We can see today how the Vatican, with ever greater speed, seems to want to unmake the Kreuzgott, the crucified God, even to the last remnants, to replace him with Marx and the Messiah of Zion. The sanctuary of Externsteine is the most impressive vision we can give of the Warrior of Esoteric Hitlerism. There up above appears a hanging rock, swaying in balance, yet never falling. It is the Menhir, because it is allowed to move. In among these rocks is the Temple of Initiation. The Tomb called UR also appears, with the name of the Rune of Hyperborean Origin. Nevertheless, it is not a tomb. It is a stone bed for the Second Death, the Resurrection of the Aryan, in Initiatic Death. German priests, bearers of the ancient knowledge of Hyperborea, fled to Iceland when Charlemagne destroyed the Irminsul and Boniface the Oaks of Donar, taking with them the Hyperborean Five-Petalled Rose, called the "Heckenrose," the Silver Rose of Germany, from the Rose Garden of Siegfried, from Asgard and the King of the Gnomes, Laurin. This rose has never had anything to do with the Rose of the Orient. It is earlier. It is the Rose that comes from the Morning Star. It is the Gral, the Holy Grail. And there it was, looking in the direction of Paderborn, the land of the Pader, those who travelled to India, of Hermann, of Armin, or Arminius, of the Externsteine and Wotan, Mithras, Kristos of Atlantis, where the SS rebuilt their Castle of Initiation, their Himmelsburg, their Castle of the Sky: Wewelsburg. Pointing like a Lance towards the Sacred Sanctuary of Pre-history, towards Externsteine, towards Asgard.

In autumn 1982 I visited the Externsteine in Westphalia. I crossed the ancient sacred wood of the victorious battle of Hermann, the Cherrusker (ERMAN, the Power of Man). What an impression! To be able to contemplate for the first time this mass of rock and the great warrior heads sculpted on their peaks, not by human hands, but by the projection of mind over cosmic and terrestrial plasma. Up above a warrior with helmet and visor guarded the entrance. As if imprisoned in the rock, between two enormous blocks, the outline and profile of the Crucified on the Irminsul. A giant, with head inclined on a shoulder and arms spread in the form of a cross. Lance wound clearly distinguished in one side. This cannot have 343

been made by any human hands, because it is the work of Titans. It is not a sculpture, but the work of design in the stone, in the rock, at one blow. Again the plasmation of an Idea, projected on the cosmic-earthly plasma. He is Wotan, hanging on the Irminsul, for Nine Nights, until the rediscovery of the Runes, beneath the Black Sun of Polar Midnight. It is Nordic Kristianity, long before semitic lunar Christianism. Here he is with all his attributes, even presented with the Lance, later recovered by Parzifal in the Mystery of the Gral and adulterated and distorted by judaizing Rome. Charlemagne accomplished nothing by destroying the Irminsul, when we enter the Externsteine, because the image of Wotan hanging in the rock keeps being re-produced. I have wandered through the sanctuary with various comrades, reaching at its peak the Observatory of the Sun, with its circular orifice. Below, there is a Cave of Initiation and the great stone tomb, not for burying cadavers, but for the Second Death of Aryan Initiation. There, years ago, I passed a night with Savitri Devi, that extraordinary woman, Odinic priestess of Esoteric Hitlerism. And, in the middle of the night, I saw the Original Light. Tireless fighter, she guarded that Light all her life, kept until death fighting for her Fuhrer. When the men have been defeated, the women alone preserve the Sacred Fire in the darkest night, making possible with their sacrifice the return of the New Day and the Old Sun. I arrived in Europe one week after the death of Savitri Devi and did not reach my meeting with her. Semi-paralysed, having travelled from India to return to her beloved Germany and continue there her struggle for Hitler. She was compelled to go away from there. She left for England to give conferences, thinking she would continue on to the United States with the same purpose. We were going to meet when she died. But I know we are going to meet again in Valhalla. There we shall make our appointment, together with the Fuhrer and Wotan.


At the summit of the second rock of the Externsteine is this solar chapel. The rays and Nostalgia of the Golden Sun pass through the orifice. Nostalgia for the Black Sun and the Green Thunderbolt.


Tomb of UR (

), the initiatic Second Death, in the Externsteine. Here the Aryan

returned to be a Hyperborean, re-born. Savitri Devi spent a night within it. The UR Rune is the Origin.

Shortly before leaving this world, she sent me the manuscript of a poem: "Never forget, Never Forgive…" "Never forget, never forgive…" Yes, Savitri, dear comrade. Never!... And we shall never forget you either. Nor ever forgive the harm they caused you. From the sacred Externsteine we continue to Wewelsburg. At last I would be among the ruins of that Temple of SS Initiation! From a distance one glimpses its triangular structure. Theodor von Fürstenberg made this in the Seventeenth Century, when he rebuilt the castle. It was constructed around the magic number three, like Stadt Paura in Lambach. In the "Annalista Saxo," chronicle of the Twelfth Century, it is said Graf Friedrich von Arnsberg lay the first stone of Castle Wewelsburg in 1123, over the ruins of an 346

ancient Saxon fortress of 930, perhaps built for King Henry I. In truth, Theodor von Fürstenberg only added one tower to the other two already there in the Castle. In the Thirty Years' War, Wewelsburg burned, but the towers were preserved. In 1815 lightning caused a fire and destroyed the North Tower. Himmler began reconstruction of that tower in 1938 and the construction, partially interrupted by the war, continued until 1942. We wish to speak about this North Tower, because "clus" have been symbolized and expressed there, keys to the Initiation and secret of the SS. The rest of the Castle was for the daily lives of the students of that Sacred School, with its Library of 40,000 volumes, selected from among the Hitlerist Weltanschauung, with dining halls and dormitories with objects of traditional ceramics and engraved with Runes, especially the SIEG Rune: HAGAL Rune:

, and the Leftwards Swastika:

, the

. Since the looting and

destruction of the war, this invaluable library has disappeared. Where did its volumes and documents end up? We know the SS destroyed the most important archives and set fire to the Tower under construction. Many treasures must have been lost forever.


Castle Wewelsburg, where the SS initiations took place. The North Tower was being rebuilt by the SS, then the project was left unfinished. The Tower appearing here does not correspond with that project. With my German and Swiss comrades we entered the North Tower of Initiation. First we went down to the underground enclosure, where we waited for another comrade coming from Hamburg. Their wives accompanied them. This is a round vaulted space with almost musical acoustics, because it transformed any sound coming from the exterior into music. Twelve low stone pillars, like diamonds, followed the circle of the wall. Among them there must be unknown emblems and symbols. On them a dozen SS initiates would lean back and recline. On the roof of the vault the Leftwards Swastika appears carved in stone, combined with the SIEG Rune, the SS emblem. In the center of the floor of this underground vault is another circle, an empty space where something should be, or rather where they lit the Fire. Or perhaps the Supreme Warrior-Priest of the Black Order stood there to recite the Rune Mantras, which in this enclosed place of magic reverberations would make the Runenlauteren. his music, pass over to the Black Sun and, through the latter, to the Green Thunderbolt, ultimate home of the most exalted Guides of Esoteric Hitlerism. There, in that center (Huilka), we entered one at a time. First a German comrade with his wife. Each facing the other, their bodies almost touching, they raised their arms upwards and began to emit soft tones, each time more sharply, more deeply and which began filling the room, ascending towards the Leftwards Sign of the Swastika, where they rotated and swirled in such a way we felt we would disintegrate on this plane of existence, perhaps to reach an Other Universe, going out through the hallucinatory vortex, by the maelstrom of the Swastika of Return of that Black Sun, to reassemble ourselves in the non-existence of the Green Thunderbolt. Here we have the anti-gravitational Other Science, that of the Hiranyagarbha-Cabda, the Orphic Kabala of Rune-Mantras. In this magical space built according to a numeric science and Hyperborean Aryan mathematics, the SS broke apart their physical bodies and materialized their Astral Body, the Eidelon, Lingasarira. But only very few and in the greatest Hermeticism.


The underground vault of the North Tower used for SS Initiations, in the Castle of Wewelsburg, In the center, within the floor, the Circle appears where we celebrated our ceremony. The 12 pillars can be seen. Above, the other circle with the Leftwards Reverse Swastika. There was a Swiss comrade, descended from an ancient lineage of Germanic origin and carrying a familial initiation. He was a combatant against the Bolsheviks with the Cossack Divisions of the German General Panwitz, who fought together with the Germans on the Eastern Front. He raised his arms evenly in the gesture of Aryan invocation and recited a chant projected from the depths of the Manipura Chakra, the Solar Plexus. Something moved through that air, like sleepy, dull, suffering spirits being resurrected. And a sign of happiness and hope was shared with us. Like him, I entered the circle without companion and also raised my arms in the sign of the MAN Rune, but I extended only four of my fingers. Two of each hand, in the salute of the Order, invoking my Maestros, the Brahmins, reciting 349

mantras of salute, in such a way they also came to gather here, like in the times of the Great War, with the most exalted Guides of Esoteric Hitlerism, to continue aiding our Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, in his external combat against the Forces of Darkness, the Lord of Shadows and his acolytes across the planet. And they came, and thus were able to recreate a vortex of forces to make possible the return of the ancient Glory and the triumph of the Ultimate Battalion, with Wotan-Kalki and his Wildes Heer. After carrying out this ritual, we went to the second floor of the tower, finding ourselves in another circular hall with twelve pillars connected by arches and with twelve windows beyond each column. The floor was marble, with the design of a Leftwards Swastika in the center, combined with a SIEG Rune. Quite possibly here had been a table of marble or round stone, to receive a dozen SS knights. At one end, above the lintel of a doorway, held by heavy chains, there hung an enormous stone of semi-rectangular shape. Nothing had been engraved on it, at least not today. What did that mean? Was it a replica of the Gral Stone? Or was it a block taken from the Externsteine? I can well imagine that the walls of this room would be hung with emblems, mandalas, rune signs, magic pictures, full of significance. The blueprints of this unfinished tower show us they planned to build five floors in all, the Hyperborean number. Above, far above, in the dome, reached by some narrow staircases, one will find a small room with a seat of honour. It was the Seat Number 13, the "Siege Perilous" of the legend of King Arthur and the Gral. There should sit the Fuhrer-Parzifal. He would appear in astral, with no need to physically leave his Eagle's Nest of the Gralsburg, in BerchtesgadenMontsegur. The SS leaders also planned the construction of an entire secret Mythic City in Wewelsburg, around the triangular Castle. They had considered the occult magic of the land, its magnetism and internal tectonic electricity. The sketches showed the form of a Lance, starting from the North Tower, always aimed in the direction of the Externsteine. It is the Lance of the Legend of the Gral. The SS had studied the Templar organization in depth and rediscovered its science of castle construction, applying this same knowledge of the telluric currents of warrior monks. They were expanding their alchemy of transformations. Even further, they went to the secret sources of the constructions of megaliths, dolmens, menhires and cromlech. Their plan for Wewelsburg was that of a Hyperborean Cromlech, in magic subterranean connection with the miracle and mystery of the Externsteine. 350

Blueprint of the project for the North Tower of SS Initiations, in Wewelsburg Castle. At the top of the tower the seat number 13 can be seen, destined for the Fuhrer, Lord of the Gral. The project was not fully realized. All this could not be realized, at least not in this aspect visible to the mortal eyes of Kali Yuga. Because I am certain that in their revelation of Esoteric Hitlerism, the unknown leaders of the SS achieved the Great Transmutation, bringing to an end, for a few of them, the opus magnum. There is a photograph taken in Wewelsburg which gives us visible proof of what I have always said: above the highest known leaders, above Himmler himself, there existed other unknown guides who did not wear uniforms, who never let themselves be seen and who did not appear in public with their names. Not in the official ceremonies of the Black Order. They were above all the others and only took part in the most secret ceremonies taking place in the underground vault, and surrounding the Round Table, where they appeared, cloaked, without showing their faces. Not even Himmler knew them. In the said photo , together among the uniforms, in the center of everyone, is a civilian in black who tilts his head trying to hide his face. One can see clearly he is the chief, but does not want to be recognized. The photograph was confidential and we believe it had not reached them in time to be destroyed. 351

Just as was seen before with the Templars, those Unknown Directors were not taken prisoner and did not die in the war. They disappeared in a mysterious way and no one knows who they were nor where they went. Himmler and the other visible leaders of the SS could only submit to their orders, submitting to their directives, like the Templars did and the bearers of the written legends of the Gral. When they disappeared, shortly before the end, the visible leaders were left orphaned and the entire gigantic external structure collapsed in an hour, as if hit by a gust of wind coming from another Universe. Himmler began to waver, seeming to have moreover lost contact with his Fuhrer. Instead of fighting to the death in his Castle-Temple of Wewelsburg (we see it was not his Temple), together with his most loyal SS warriors, he entered into conversations with the President of the World Jewish Organization. He was then nothing more than a phantom that had bled his soul. Better, the "telepathic illumination" that had inspired him one day to be able to revive an immense dream in the most holy lands of the Hyperborean giants of the Externsteine had departed.

This photo was taken in the Castle of SS Initiation, in Wewelsburg. A key sighting (marked by an arrow) of a single civilian who lowers his face as though he does not want to be seen. His name is also not mentioned among those listed in the photograph. This civilian may have been one of the "Unknown Directors" of SS Initiation. 352

MYSTERY OF THE GRAL In "The Golden Band" I described the SS initiation as Tantric. That their esotericism goes back to the Templars and the Mystery of the Gral does not contradict this. On the contrary, this confirms it. We dedicated a long chapter to the Knights Templar in that work. Little is known about the Mystery of the Gral, especially in South America. Its literature has almost entirely disappeared, together with its terribly strange Object. And this even though legend says it was hidden among us. Among all the works included in what has been called The Gral Cycle, that of Wolfram von Eschenbach is the most fundamental. For having been written by a German Minnesanger, it has a depth, drama and mystery lacking in all the others. Tracing back, the first work was written by Chretien de Troyes: "Perceval," a French Roman in the Breton Cycle of the Twelfth Century, left unfinished by Chretien, who died too soon. It was completed by an anonymous author, by Vauchier de Denain and others, in the Thirteenth Century. The name Wolfram von Eschenbach gave to his transcendental drama is "Parzival." Wagner changed the spelling in his symphonic poem, keeping in mind a Persian etymology. He wrote "Parsifal." Parsi means pure, and fal, mad. Parsifal would be the pure madman, or pure like a madman. The etymology we have always respected for the word Gral is the German of Wolfram von Eschenbach, because we accept completely the idea he uses to describe the mysterious object: a Stone. For Chretien it is a Cup and he calls it Graal. For the English it is Grail and for the Spanish, Grial. Therefore when the Gral represents a Cup, a goblet, or something similar, we always use the term Grial. But most of the time it will be Gral for us, as it was for Otto Rahn and the SS. A Stone fallen from the Sky. Perhaps a Stone from the Externsteine. In any case, come from Hyperborea, like those Tables of Orialco on which the Atlanteans wrote their Law, their Knowledge, according to Plato, and which they saved from the flood. Wolfram says the name Gral "was read in the stars." Then how could we change his spelling? It shows us the secret of his trobar clus. The key to the mystery. Gral is a password and in the spelling of its name, the combination of its letters which are also numbers, tones and music, the significance of a premonition is hidden, something that was and will be again. An extraterrestrial origin, a point 353

of departure in a Constellation, in a sign of the Zodiac. I leave to others to decipher the message and secret. In any case, and as always, when dealing with Germans, it must concern a departure for the Polar North, towards Hyperborea, and also to a divine celestial origin of the Aryan Race, the Twice Born. To a lineage of divine origin: The Dynasty of the Gral.

Wolfram von Eschenbach refers to himself as Minnesanger. "Minne, he says, "is neither pretty nor good. True Minne is genuine loyalty." The origin of German Minne is unknown. It means Love, something like Caritas. The most ancient Minnesanger were not influenced by Occitan troubadours from Provence. In truth, it was instead mostly carried south with the Visigoth folk and with the bards. The Vates were astrologers, seers and physicians, like the Druids. Then those bards were called Trobère in Provence. Troubadour, inventor, "finder." The Druid was similar to the Hindu Rishi, a seer, who sees directly. Druid comes from tro-hid, thinker, seer, and also from the Greek drys and Gallic drou, which means holm oak. The sacred tree of the Aryans. One must admit esoterically that Deuschland, with D, comes from Druidland. Even today we wonder: Who were the Druids? They revered the holm oak. It is therefore hard to believe they went over to the White Treason. If in the time of their decadence they practiced obscure bloody sacrifices, it must have been due to infiltration by Jewish elements coming from the Middle East even before the arrival of the Romans. They passed themselves off as Druids. The folk origin of the Druids was Aryan and their spiritual ascendancy, Hyperborean. Some of the twelve Aryan tribes, "Hebrews," refused to sign the Pact of Treason with Jehovah, went to Asia and then to England, where they were able to join the Druids. Then there were the Jews who tried to infiltrate the Druid Celtic elements. One can say Minne descends from Hyperborea and its exact meaning is unknown. In Languedoc it was transformed into the Mani of the Cathars, into their mysterious festival of Manisola. In India there is Mani, Mind, Mens. Mani -Mine: Love -- Mental, as I explain in my book "ELELLA." Mani, Mine may possibly have to do with the MAN Rune. Be that as it may, the Love of Minne is other than the love of passion. It is a spiritual love. The Love of Cathars. Minne is Amor, deathless, immortalized by this class of "Love without love." It is Orphism, Initiation into Love. Liebe, 354

instead, is amore, common love, physical, carnal. Passion, the contrary of Minne, Neider Minne, base love. Hohe Minne is elevated, pure love. The Service of Love, that Love, is Minnedienst. High Love can fall into something low. To rise again can be the greatest difficulty. This A-Mor entered into the Hero through his Valkyrie as the Magic Love of Hyperborea. The Frouwe (Lady) inspired it. From here, Woewre-Saelde. Isolde = Island. The Valkyrie of the Island surrounded by flames, Brunhild-Kundalini. The Minnesanger, Cathars initiated into this A-Mor were, thereby, the Sons of Woewre Saelde. In Languedoc they were Sons of Belisena. For Wolfram von Eschenbach Hyperborea was known as Hiberbortikon. The Lady Friend-Initiatoress of each Minnesanger, individually, was his Friundin, incarnation of his Valkyrie. In contrast to Provençal Love, she initiated the amorous rapprochement. She also sang the Love Lied, Lai or Leich, the Canso of A-Mor, sometimes with another song. Minne has its medieval time of flowering, maturity and decadence. The Spring of Minnesang, its flourishing or Post-Hyperborean reflourishing, began in castles, as one would expect. The feudal lords, nobles and warriors were the ones who practiced it. We find the oldest of the Minnesanger, the Lord of Kürenburg, in the mid Twelfth Century in Linz, beside the Danube, with no Provencal influences whatsoever. His poetry is similar in style and composition to the verses of "The Nibelungenlied." The Dame is like the magic Valkyrie who searches for her man and choses him spiritually. He has been destined for her from on high. So we can deduce there was an autochthonous Germanic tradition of which we have lost all trace, because the texts have been made to disappear. It is in the interests of the Great Conspiracy to make us believe Provencal poetry produced Minnesang, when the reverse is true. The message, remembrance, nostalgia were brought south from the North, from Hyperborea, carried in the Visigoth blood memory. And there, with time, it is transformed and detours into Catharism and the courtly poetry of troubadours. Epic poetry and the Chanson de Geste, the Iliad, Odyssey, Nibelungenlied, the Gral Cycle, the Araucana of Chile, correspond to the expression of the Aryan collective soul, as the Lied, Minnesang, Canso, are the individual poetic expression of the white race. Novels, later poetry, "literature," correspond to the expressions of the mixed soul of the coloured races, blood mixed with Negroes, as Gobineau would say. There is no longer cosmic mythology, cosmogenic poems, initiation,


clus esotericism, trobar clus, but only trobar leus, profane. We have lyrics and the art for art's sake of our day. Among the great masters of Minne are Heinrich von Veldeke, noble author of "Eneit," a rewriting of the Aeneid that impressed Wolfram von Eschenbach. As was Richard the Lion Heart, who was taken prisoner by another noble Minnesanger, Henry VI, son of Barbarrossa and father of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, King of Sicily and builder of the initiatic Castle of the Lord of the World, the Castel del Monte, already described in "The Golden Band." It is said Richard Lion Heart, held prisoner in Durstein, next to the Danube (I have visited the ruin of this castle in Austria), sang a song of Minne and was thus discovered by a troubadour friend who was searching for him and had reached the tower of the prisoner. It was a Lied clus, a ballad. The magnificent Minnesanger Walter von der Vogelweide would represent the Summer of Minnesang. Poets already lived in courts, under the protection of Maecenasian princes and kings. Between 1170 and 1230 Walter lived in Vienna as poet in the court of the Babenbergs. His teacher there was the Minnesanger Reimar von Hagenau, with whom he entered into conflict in the end, having to leave Vienna. Walter von der Vogelweide was at the same time both protector and friend of Wolfram von Eschenbach. I feel very close to him because that Minnesanger also combined reality with the highest idealism, recreating a kind of magic realism and an idealism tending to act alchemically on nature, leading to transmutation of the matter of Kali Yuga. Novalis, Hölderlin, Nietzsche and Hermann Hesse are his distant disciples in the belated currents of German Romanticism. Walter von der Vogelweide signals, nevertheless, the decline of Minne towards Liebe, fixation on the body and physical figure of women, coming to serve as model for the post-Cathar troubadouresque poetry of southern France and Germany herself. The Autumn of Minnesang is represented by Wolfram von Eschenbach, born about 1170 and dead at the age of fifty, in 1220, Bavarian knight, sophisticated and virtuosic. He is like the Baroque in music and can only be compared with Bach. He is unmistakable, like Bach. Neither the disciples nor the sons of Bach, not the Italians of his time, not Vivaldi, not anyone, has the "something" that makes Bach incomparable, unique. The longing and nostalgia for Hyperborea, Hiberbortikon. He is the Pilgrim of Great Longing.


Thus Wolfram von Eschenbach also rises above all other poets of his age, transcending the times and overshadowing the Spring, Autumn and Winter of the Minnesanger. That thanks to his Mystery-Poem of the Gral. The town of Eschenbach is situated in Franconia, but Wolfram lived most of the time in Bavaria, where Landgrave Hermann of Thuringia was his Maecenas. They were courts of the Age of the Hohenstaufen. Wolfram is also a noble knight, given to warfare and with the soul of an alchemist poet, as we shall see. He owned a Castle, given by his Lord and kept from the influences of the Church. As Otto Rahn has rightly noted, this hermit Trevrisent had all the characteristics of a Pure Cathar. Wolfram von Eschenbach wrote, in addition, an epic poem, based on a Chanson de Geste, "Willehalm," and he was not able to finish his "Titurel." Between 1210 and 1220, years when Gottfried von Strassburg wrote "Tristan and Isolde," Wolfram wrote "Parzival." These were the glory years of German Minnesang, even when it is Autumn. Because Midnight begins at High Noon. At summer solstice, on June 21st, the longest day, the next night is announced. And from the high peaks of Westphalia and through the forests of Himmelsbreite great wheels of burning oak are let loose to fall into the darkness of wintry waters far below.

The term Graal, from Chretien de Troyes, derives from the Latin gradal, gradalis, and means glass, plate, tray. In any case, it is highly significant and will always have an esoteric initiatic symbolism. It is enough for me to recall that washbasin with water appearing in front of me, on the astral plane, during my long ago experiences that saved me from the fires of Kundalini vibrations. Otto Rahn connects the name with a gradual progress, by steps. We shall return to this most important theme. For Wolfram, significantly, the Graal was Gral and not a glass or cup, but a Stone. Chretien would have read the story of the Graal in some very ancient book, lent to him by his Maecenas, Philip of Alsace, Count of Flanders. The entire first part of the "Parzival" of Wolfram von Eschenbach could be said to be taken from the "Perceval" of Chretien. But he stated he owed Chretien nothing because his teacher had been the Provençal Kyot, who in turn read about the Gral in "pagan" texts, which in turn reproduced a history preserved in Toledo and transmitted by a certain Flegetanis. For Rahn, Kyot would be Guiot, a troubadour who Wolfram had met during the knightly revels of Frederick Barbarossa in Mainz, or in Wartburg, at the court of Landgrave Hermann of 357

Thuringia, his Maecenas, where the Minnesanger gathered and where Wolfram lived in 1203, as we have said. Thus Guiot would have been a Cathar, according to Rahn, and his works disappeared together with theirs. The Gral would be the Cathar Minne, according to Rahn, their Gleisa of Love. For that reason, even when Chretien de Troyes is a Christian of the Church of Rome, Wolfram von Eschenbach is not. According to Otto Rahn, he would be a secret Cathar. And the Gral was at Montsegur, which is Montsalvage. Concerning this claim of Rahn, I can contribute a personal experience to which I refer in "The Golden Band," without there going on to describe it. It has been many years since I visited Montsegur for the first time. It was at the end of winter and the icy slopes of the mountain were still covered with snow and ice. It was impossible for me to climb them. So I came back despondent and sad at heart. It was a clear day, cold and bright. I went back to contemplate the ruins in the distance for the last time, still a permanent sign of a great torment from the past. And then, in the fine blue air, where particles of light in movement vibrated, seemingly two arms of stone opened up above and a transparent love like that light enfolded me, permeating me in the depths of my being. It was the Song of Minne, nostalgia from Paradise, from Hiberbortikon. Yes, Otto Rahn was right, the Gral was there! This was also the Gral. And if it was not in the sense of the "Parzival" of von Eschenbach, it was in that of the Minne of the Cathars. I have been touched by this emotion only once, this nostalgic music. I returned to Europe and left some bonsai in the house of a woman friend to care for them in my absence, among them a native tree of the Araucana forest. It had been drying out. I took it with me when I returned home. On the road I clearly felt it communicate its happiness to be with me again. I left the tree on a drawing table, while I concentrated for a moment. When I returned I knew the tree was dying. And there, in that instant, it sent me all its love, its delicate music, with a nostalgia impossible to describe. Nostalgia of Paradise. It was the same as those arms of stone had transferred to me on the peaks of the Cathar ruins of Montsegur. I sat down with the dying tree, to collect its ultimate message, its divine Love. In the second part of "ELELLA, Book of Magic Love," I have described this indelible impression of Montsegur. All this region was the scene of the Cathar drama and the Albigensian Crusade which Otto Rahn called "Crusade Against the Gral," is still impregnated with a subtle spirit, magic and immortal, despite the tourism and its profanation. 358

My dear and great friend, René Nelli, also knew it together with that extraordinary woman, Nita de Pierrefeu, who was, like Repanse de Schoye and like Esclermonde de Foix, a guardian of the Gral, and settled to live at the foot of Montsegur. I went to visit her on my second trip there, and was invited to stay overnight at her apartment. I drove my car and meditated on Otto Rahn and his affirmation that Montsegur was the Gral Castle. Then I turned on the radio and the speaker announced "Parsifal," by Wagner… The dirt road I was driving was narrow and lined with leafy trees almost covering it with their low branches. Arriving at "Villa Hestia," Nita's house, I saw a leaf had been pierced on the antenna of the auto, perforated as if by a lance. I carefully took it off and saw it was the leaf of a Holm Oak, the Sacred Tree of the Aryans and Wotan. I still keep it in a small box Nita de Pierrefeu gave me, Repanse de Schoye, the Lady Guardian of the Gral. Yet if Otto Rahn was right in regard to the spirit of the Cathar Minne and their Gleisa of Love, understanding the Gral as that Love and that Minne of the Paraklitos, I do not believe it was in relation to the "Parzival" of Wolfram von Eschenbach, because nowhere in this surprising and mysterious work does there transpire the spirit of a similar Love. His Gral is Another Thing. Otto Rahn, in the time of his "Crusade Against the Gral," lacked a Hitlerist Weltanschauung. And he was then an enemy of Lucifer, whom he represented in the usual negative aspect. Only in his "Lucifer's Court did he gain a new vision, I think in the Temple of Wewelsburg. And in this book he discovers Lucifer has been victim of a great conspiracy. But even then I feel he was forced to enter the exterior combat, because his soul belonged to the Gleisa of Cathar Love. But not Wolfram. His "Parzival" reveals an intellectual control, a cognitive alchemical and magic tendency. To use a similitude, already expressed in my book "The Hermetic Circle," the difference is that which exists between the saint or mystic and the magus. Between a Hermann Hesse and a C.G. Jung. Wolfram is in the second category, a born warrior. A Minnesanger warrior, like Bertrand de Born. In an Esoteric War. We are inclined to accept the position of the English translator of "Parzival," A.T. Hatto, who affirms that Kyot never existed and was an invention of Wolfram. If in fact there was a Provançal poet named Guiot, this latter never mentioned or wrote anything about the Gral. Therefore Otto Rahn refers to the loss of his "Cathar" writings.


To our understanding this whole strange affair is inserted within the forms of Trobar Clus of those Minnesanger who wanted to disguise their persona, along with the message of their writings. Included here are curious assertions of Wolfram that he is illiterate, does not know how to write, having taken everything from that ghostly Kyot, the Provencal. In this way he hides even more and reduces his responsibility for what he is going to reveal. This was a tactic in use in those times, when anonymity was more important than egocentric exposition. The author of "The Nibelungenlied" is unknown to us. And Wolfram wants to make us believe he was no one, a total ignoramus, in spite of his impressive knowledge of languages, customs, stones, herbs, astrology and even alchemy. If he could not write that would not speak in favor of his ignorance. Most kings, princes and nobles did not know it. Writing was a matter for "technocrats," so to speak. For each his office. That of thinking for thinkers, that of writing for calligraphers. Most love messages and Cansos, and even the music of Lieder, were composed by others and not composed by the troubadour or Minnesanger. They dictated them. Perhaps King Alphonso the Wise only dictated "The Seven Divisions of the Law." Nobles, until very recently still in our own Chilean world, did not know how to write. They only warred, gave justice, said Mass and, at times, thought. We have already said the liberal professions were something for plebeians. Only the army and religion were accepted and well regarded. The nobility contributed wisdom, something the University or the teaching profession can never do. They were the flowering of the life of Noble Lineage, the "Memory of the Blood." I remember here in Chile, when I was very young, a President maintained the writer Luis Durand with an office in the Presidential Palace and a salary, simply so he should write his gallant letters for him. Hitler never learned to drive a car and looked on Mussolini with suspicion for being able to fly an airplane. He thoroughly understood the essence of mechanics and the invention of a submarine motor or any machine, but to operate all this was the concern of chauffeurs. Each to the place corresponding to him in the biological and spiritual structure. My opinion is that Wolfram von Eschenbach, when inventing the names of Kyot and Flegetanis, is providing us with an astrological key, in the letters of those names, perhaps numeric, in any case runic. He has signalled the secret way of the exit towards the Gral, the way of escape for the prisoner, making use of the Nordic Germanic Minne. Kyot found a book in the land of the "pagans" and read there


about the Gral discovered and revealed by that other "pagan," Flegetanis of Toledo, who in turn "read the name in the stars," or beyond the stars. Here we must also follow the direction of the Leftwards Swastika, going backwards. From Provence to Toledo and anew from there to Provence, then to Rome, to Egypt, from there to Hyperborea and again to the stars. This is the Road of Orialco, or of levitation, the anti-gravitational science. And also the Alchemical Road of Santiago de Compostela that, at its end and long before it was Christianized, went to the Star Observatory of Stonehenge. And, from there, to the Constellation of Ursa Minor, the Pole Star. (The Swastika also represents the revolving of this constellation around the Pole Star). Again the Column crossing the sky. Vril, the ER Rune. Irminsul. Shortly before Hyperborea was submerged, some Siddhas rescued the Orialco Tablets where the Law had been engraved to be kept by Wotan-Apollo, the Wisdom of a Beyond the Stars. This was the Stone taken to Earth, to the Pole, by Lucifer, a Carbuncle, an Emerald from his Broken Crown shattered in stellar combat. And also taken and guarded by the "angels" of Wolfram, the Vanir, Aesir, tuathas de Dannan. Which is to say: the Hyperboreans. This Wisdom or Knowledge has been written in the Runes, rediscovered in the new Cycle, or Yuga, by Wotan, when "crucifying himself" for Nine Nights on the Iggdrasil Tree, Irminsul, his own Spinal Column. He kept them preserved on a Stone, a Jewel he gave to his own, those of pure blood, so they would keep it in the Memory of his Blood. From catastrophe to catastrophe the Treasure will be preserved. With the disappearance of the remnants of the last Polar Hyperborea, reproductions of this Gral went to the south. Long before they had gone to the distant West of Huitramanaland, to Mu and Atlantis. Then they reached Egypt. When Ramses II expelled the Nordic warriors, some remained prisoners of Pharaoh. Moses, priest of Heliopolis, took possession of that Gral and escaped with the enslaved Aryans. They said Solomon guarded it in his Temple, without being able to decipher it. (Because he did not know how to build a Temple and had to make use of Persian Iran). The Romans took possession of part of the Treasure and the Visigoth King Alaric retrieved them in Rome, carrying them first to Provence and then to Toledo. The Cathars, according to Otto Rahn, would keep the part of the Gral remaining in Provence. When Montsegur fell the Crusaders of Simon de Montfort could not find the Treasure, because four Cathars had been able to save them in the caverns of Sabarthé, where Rahn and the SS looked for them during the war. To be sure, the Cathars could not decipher them, but the Hitlerists, yes. From thence their 361

UFOs, their Vimanas. The Gral, carried to Toledo by the Visigoths, came to fall into the hands of some Jewish milieu, Flegetanis, according to Wolfram. Even when he simply said: "of the lineage of Solomon." And we also know Solomon was not a Jew, but an Amorite. In the Temple of Solomon, the Templars searched for another fragment, a reproduction of the Gral. And they seem to have found it, because they modified the original structure of the Templar Order, driving it to "win by losing" as well. The Polar Nordics always go forth travelling with their Treasure subespecie aeternitatis, kept in safekeeping, saving it through their combats and defeats. We also saw that it was in Toledo where the Jews once again made off with the Nordic-Germanic Kabala, which they had in some manner already known along the Rhine, to which they had come from the East. In Toledo, city founded and lost by the Visigoths, the Jews for the first time began to obtain the Numeral Cabala, in the High Middle Ages. Wolfram von Eschenbach tells us of Flegentanis who was a pagan by his father, a physician or doctor, with great astrological knowledge, "Israelite, or relative of Israelites who descended from Solomon" and who "adored a calf." No Jew (an Israelite, yes) would adore a calf in the Twelfth Century, or the Eleventh or Tenth. A pagan, of course. In all that matter of Flegetanis something else is hiding, having nothing to do with Jews and much to do with the true pagans. Above all with astrology, with the astrological epochs. With the Age of Aries the Ram. Because, moreover, Flegetanis had read the name Gral in the stars. Without the need to go further into this matter, we can think the descent, entrance, or fall of the Hyperborean Siddhas on earth took place in Aries, the Ram, who is in turn Rama and Wotan. And Rama is the Seventh Avatar, he of the departure and loss of Hyperborea, of Paradesha, with the Reverse Swastika of Exodus, with the Gral, saved from the collapse, recovered by Rama-Wotan. As we shall see, not Wolfram nor anyone will tell us what is the Gral. Without claiming to have discovered it definitively, we think we have come close to the well-guarded secret and, even so, made it sufficiently explicit to be able to be penetrated esoterically by the practice of reading in the Blood Memory. GRAL can also be HAGAL. Because this Rune is a Star, having the form of a star. The Star-Man, he of the Seventh Sun of the Mayas. The Return through the Double Star of Morning. A Name (Man) who was read in the Stars. And who descended from beyond the Stars in Aries, the Calf, Ram or Rama. Fle-ge-ta-nis! (One must decipher it). 362

From Toledo comes Kyot (Ky-Ot), who has read history in "a book written in pagan language" (Runes), to go from there to Wolfram von Eschenbach who is a Minnesanger, a singer and worshipper of Minne-Mana-Mani-Mens-Man. The MAN Rune, only half the HAGAL Rune. The partition of the Star, which must be reclaimed, resurrected, by transmuting Alchemy, by Gral-Hagal.

"Onto an emerald-green peak Did the desire of Paradise Carry an object named Gral."

Hermann von Aue, the great Minnesanger poet, propagated the Arthurian romance in German poetry, a little before Wolfram von Eschenbach. King Arthur is in truth Thor, the Aesir God of the Hammer. The legend would have incarnated in a Roman military leader of the Cymry of the north, or the Welsh, who in the Fifth Century and early Sixth Century fought against the Anglo-Saxons. In the age of wandering knights and Celtic poets, they converted him into the prototype of the just and heroic King. Then the Legend of the Gral was added, in the Celtic Breton Cycle. Wolfram made him a central character in his Mystery. Because, we have seen, Arcthus is Arctikos. And Arthos is bear. Arctikos Pole, with bear. With the Constellation of the Polar Bear. The Column, Vril, Star of Origin, Apollo-Lucifer. And Arthur-Arthos (a Roi fainéant, who does nothing and only directs, like the Merovingians), takes his hero-warriors to conquer the Gral. To reconquer the other half of the HAGAL Rune, the IR Rune: which, together with the MAN Rune:

, of the Second Death and with

, they will recover Star of Origin:


The Aryan, Twice Born, Total-Man. Referring to "Tristan and Isolde," by Gottfried von Strassburg, Wolfram says something strange: Isolde is "Ich-solde" = Yo-Solde. Isolde = island, isle, isole. Ich is I in German. I on the island. On the "Island of the Jewel," among the Tibetans the Swadisthana Chakra, or Muladhara, where the coiled serpent sleeps within a circle of fire, the Kundalini Serpent, Sleeping Beauty, the Valkyrie Brunhild.


They awaken her, those who serve her and love with Minne, the Minnedienst, the Knights of the Round Table (Pole) of King Arcthus-Thor. They are the Heroes-Ascetics-Warriors of the Dynasty of the Gral (one single Hyperborean Family, as we shall see in Wolfram), the Warriors of the Order of Wotan and Esoteric Hitlerism. They are the sons of Woewre Saelde, of the Island, the Sons of the Widow, Lilith, the comrade of Lucifer and first mate of Adam, SHE-HE. And Parzival… Who was Parzival, from where did this name come, also clus? In the poem of von Eschenbach, Sigune tells us: "It means Perce à val, to traverse (in French), to cross the valley," the heart… With a lance certainly. The Anahata Chakra of the Heart, pierced with the Lance of the Polar Axis. Because Minne only becomes experience in this Chakra, becomes A-Mor. And only thus is the knowledge of the Gral complete. This is Parzival, this heroic possibility, in an Heroic Cycle, in the Yuga of Heroes. Sigune says: "Your name is Cut in Half." The man divided, the divided Star, with only the MAN Rune. And Parzival must find the Gral, the totality of the HAGAL Rune: the Death Initiation, the IR Rune.


Book of the Three Mothers and the Runes. Aryan Hyperborean Kabala, Hiranygarbha-Cabda, the Sthula-Cabda. Futhark of Wotan. Body of the Mother and the Runes. Rune Tree. Rune One and Rune Eighteen.




PARZIVAL When declaring himself a Minnesanger, Wolfram asserts he is not writing a book. He says this more than once. The connections and plot are subterranean, they "find themselves," with a fascinating technique and style, highly sophisticated. Yet "Parzival" is not a book, it is a poem. More than this, it is a drama, a secret teaching, an encrypted initiation. And that is what our author means to say. None of his commentators and translators have focused on this, or been capable of seeing the book in this way. Wolfram has never tried to write a novel. That did not interest him, because it is not the occupation of a Minnesanger. So it is with me as well. "Parzival," of Wolfram von Eschenbach, like that of Richard Wagner, is a liturgical and sacred Drama. That of an old Minnesanger. And they are more than that: they are an opus alchimicum. For those who do not know the "Legend of the Gral," because they have not been able to real "Parzival," by von Eschenbach, a book that does not exist in our 368

language or in many others, we are going to relate it with broad strokes. The other books of the Cycle correspond to a different spirit, more like the legends of King Arthur, although "Le Morte D'Arthur," by Sir Thomas Malory, sometimes has the accents and tones of the Twilight of the Gods in the Eddas. The structure of "Parzival" is based on the plan of a Gothic cathedral, divided into a Cross with 16 chapters, the number of the Rune Series also used by the Templars to build their temples and castles, as a multiple of 8. This is already a grail secret and the cross is not the common Christian one, since a Rose in the center is included, a sort of rectangle, just like those shown in the commentaries of the English translator Hatto. The chapters, or divisions of the book, rise up from the roots of that tree, going from below upwards, as in the "Tristan" of Thomas. The poem begins with the life story of the father of Parzival, Gahmuret, a valiant warrior and generous hero of the House of Anjou, son of King Gandin. Always looking for jousting tournaments, he is going to fight for a queen beseiged in her castle: Belecane, Queen of Zazamanc, with whom he enters into marriage, even though she is a black-skinned Moor, who worships him almost with the feelings of a slave. Gahmuret abandons her, leaving her pregnant. At the very beginning we are within a strange theme. The union of white colour with the black, to which Wolfram makes exact references. And the abandonment of Belecane, as if there were an impossibility of permanence, as if there were something forbidden in this union. Gahmuret then catches Herzeloyde, also of the House of Anjou, niece of Titurel, daughter of Frimutel and sister of Anfortas, Trevrizent and Repanse de Schoye, kings and princesses, the latter bearer of the Gral. Which is to say, the Family of the Gral. Gahmuret marries Herzeloyde and again leaves to fight, dying defending against the infidels. Yet the infidels keep the memory of his name as that of a hero. And here the story of Parzival begins, only son of Herzeloyde. The Son of the Widow. Herzeloyde retires to live with her servants in the forest and raises her son ignorant in the ways of the world and war, educated only by animals of the wilderness and by his mother, "like a pure madman," or "pure like a madman." At any cost Herzeloyde wants Parzival to know nothing of war, tournaments and military games, because she does not want to lose her son as she lost her husband. But the cares of Herzeloyde and her faithful servants are all for nothing. 369

Parzival hunts in the forest with a homemade bow. One day he meets three knights who have lost their way, mounted on fiery steeds, with resplendent bejeweled armour. The boy believes he is before Gods. They stop their horses and ask him where they are. His answers are those of "a pure fool." But these warriors are taken with the dazzling beauty of the boy and are gentle with him, answering all his childish questions. So Parzival learns of Knight Errantry. We might highlight here something of interest. What a difference between the glory, wealth and splendour of the Norse Sagas and the men of today around us, to show us lords, Gods, Divinity! Nothing of that false Judeo-Christian humility and its exaltation of poverty, deformity, "the poor in spirit." Superior beings are good looking and they enjoy the greatness of high rank and earned wealth (like Goering). In the entire poem of Parzival plebeans never appear, the people, villains, not even the servants take part in the story. At most there is mention of handsome pages enveloped in velvet and silk. Hermits are kings who have renounced the splendours of war and the court for the even more brilliant gifts of the life of the Spirit, to treat more directly with Divinity. It costs us little to discover the esotericism of this first part of the story, above all after having advanced sufficiently through the pages of our own work referring to things already mentioned, relating to the youth of Parzival. A Son of the Widow who lives in the "maternal forest," "pure like a madman," but who is "cut in half," incomplete, divided, as all will be who are chosen after the first birth on this world of Kali Yuga, after the fall of Hyperborea. The terrestrial Mother tries to delay him. Her widowhood, in this case, does not represent something positive, even when she is a descendant of the divine lineage of the Kings of the Gral, viril warrior Initiation. Parzival must fight with his Mother, against her lunar terrestrial power, holder of a matriarchal initiation. He must leave the bosom of the Maternal Forest, break her embrace, her dominion. The three Knights are like the three heralds of Hyperborean Grace, the Three Magi Kings, the sent, who come to rescue the Hero to restore him to his glorious destiny. Their appearance causes such commotion within the young Parzival, who leaves his Mother and goes through the world in search of adventures, his integration, his time to flourish. Herzeloyde cannot resist it and must die of grief, shortly thereafter, without her son learning about it until much later in the story. Here it is appropriate to say that, before marrying Gahmuret, Herzeloyde had another unconsummated marriage with the King of Wales and Norgal, named Castis, The Chaste. Wolfram invents allusive names within a symbolism of names 370

sometimes clear, at other times obscure. This king does not touch his woman, seeking death in combat, so as to keep his chastity. From this episode Otto Rahn draws conclusions about the Catharism of the poem "Parzival." Chastity was a fundamental requirement of the Cathar Pure Ones, lords of the Gral, "pure madmen." They were only allowed to abandon their chastity when they went to distant lands, free of rightful owners, to thus populate them with their lineage. (With their race, as we would say). Otto Rahn himself, shortly before he was to marry in Germany, went to Kufstein, left his luggage in an inn and climbed an alpine peak, where he sought death by freezing, fulfilling the Endura of the Cathars. Like King Castis. Now we have Parzival emerged from a cave, the maternal forest, alone in the world, without experience of any kind, asking childish questions, a pure madman. Taking false steps. As if guided, he reaches the vicinity of the Court of King Arthur, whose Nordic-Polar symbolism we have explained. It is interesting that all these legends of the Gral and King Arthur's Court, told in the Thirteenth Century, refer to much earlier events, from the Fourth and Fifth Centuries. As was common in those days, they mixed years, present and past, making Alexander seem to marry a queen of their own time, as Virgil did with the Trojans, as relatives of the Gral Dynasty, thus proving it dealt principally with a divine ascendancy, of initiatic Polar type. Although almost everything has importance in the story, we leave that aside lest we digress too much, focusing on key events which are crucial to the sacred story of this "Aryan Bible." Outside the gates of the Court of Arthur, in Normandy, Parzival meets a Knight dressed all in Red. And he kills him, with a spear made with wood from the forest of his infancy. He does not know he has killed a relative, a Knight of the Gral, much beloved in the Court of King Arthur. But he did it in a joust. Parzival takes possession of the Red Armour that had dazzled him and the Sword of the dead Red Knight. From now on he will be the Red Knight. Shortly before Parzival had received good advice from a noble lord about how to behave, never to ask indiscrete questions and to always be noble and loyal. He also taught Parzival how to fight and maintain arms and a horse. Yet he had killed the Red Knight with a javelin, without knowing it was a weapon forbidden in knightly jousting, used only in extremis, in defense of beseiged castles. Here we have the lament of Gwinevere, the White, wife of King Arthur, for the death of illustrious Ither, the Red Knight. The bad luck of Ither was because 371

the young Parzival was dazed by this colour and wanted to take possession of his armour, his Tarnkappe. Gwinevere exclaims: "Oh, sorrow! He who by right must wear his palms before any other of the Round Table, lies dead in sight of Nantes. He has done honour to his ancestors. When all has been said, he, who was member of our House and of such comportment he was never heard to have committed an ignoble act by anyone, now lies dead! Oh, so soon has the register of Fame closed for him! His noble heart took him to pursue the best of the love of women, with proofs of viril faith and manly will. A new and fertile seed of sorrow will grow in women. From his wounds our laments rise into the air! So red were his floodgates, his blood cannot make the white flowers any redder! The laughter of women has disappeared forever…" Yes! Because "the colour of blood is not forgotten, is so red, so intensely red…" Through the distance of the years, like an echo, our friend Jason repeats it. The Red Blood of the Red Knight. The Blood of the Lineage. In this episode the alchemical stage called Rubedo is fulfilled almost from the start. The father of Parzival, by first marrying Belecane, the Negress, and then Herzeloyde, the White, has realized the Nigredo and Albedo. We see thereby that the opus alchimicum, more than the work of an individual, is the work of a lineage, of an entire Family House, enabling the efforts of an ancestor to come to bear fruits in a distant descendant, in a scion of this Initiatic Family. The Family of the Eumolpidas, the Pandavas and Koravas, the Aesir and Vanir. The caste of Brahmins, Lineage of the Gral. In the chapter "The Andes," in "The Family House," in my book "ELELLA," I refer to this. Now Parzival is already dressed in red, with armour and a red sword. This is the material of Vajra. to which we have been referring in this book. An immortal matter. In fact, equivalent to the materialization of the astral body, to using the Tarnkappe of Siegfried, making him invisible. It is also the Tunic of Neso and the Mantle of Repanse de Schoye. The Red Armour of Ither, the Round Polar Table of King Arthur. We should be clear, in attributing this profound Hermetic esoteric sense to the "Parzival" of Wolfram von Eschenbach, we are not in good conscience attributing something to the author he would perhaps never claim to have had with such clear knowledge. It is possible that it was so and he never knew these things. 372

But, since he was German, we believe not. And if the story could be told that way, it would not invalidate our interpretation. In the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries a special spirit was "telepathically' transmitted to these authors of the Gral legends, as they were to the builders of the cathedrals, to the knightly orders of the Knights Templar and Teutonic Knights. As well as in the writings of "The Nibelungenlied" and "Tristan and Isolde," among others. If their authors were not totally aware of what they achieved, that does not mean no teaching and Mystery come from Eternity were not initiated. And if in fact it were so, then the work of gathering the message there imprinted would be even more profound and urgent, so that some among us can still find salvation and escape. So that the Golden Band does not break. In the Twelfth Century the sacred language of the Runes had apparently ceased to be effective, even in Hermetic circles. It was unknown, except among the Jews, who did everything possible to make the Aryans to forget them, feeling themselves debarred from them for reasons of blood. So no knowledge or use of Runes was visible among the troubadours, Minnesanger, Templars nor in the courts of the Hohenstaufen. I say "visible" because on the surface symbolism had deviated towards Middle Eastern religions under the influence of militant Jewish Christianism. It is also noteworthy Otto Rahn, in his "Crusade Against the Gral," and Julius Evola, in his "Il Mistero del Graal," did not mention the Runes, despite claiming to go back to Nordic-Polar sources. Cathars, for example, in their image of the cross as a man with arms upraised, skyward, made use of the MAN Rune. And this due to their Visigoth ancestry and original Nordic influence, as Rahn discovered. But, vocatus atque non vocatus runa aderit. Called or not called, the Rune appears. And there it is, the keys enabling us to open the closed door onto the Gral Mystery. The episode of the death of the Red Knight shows us, moreover, the absence of Cathar influence in the general spirit of the book. Parzival is a warrior hero who with weapons in hand goes to conquer immortality. With the honour and loyalty of a warrior. We shall have to return to this theme later. The Initiation of Parzival is Knight Errantry, of the Warrior of "The Order of the Shield," as he says here. Therefore it is seen before and goes beyond the Initiation of the Occitan troubadours and Courts of Love, surpassing the merely poetic and mystic of the Fedele d'Amore of Dante. It is the initiation of the first Minnesanger, noble lords


of the Order of Warriors of Wotan. Initiation of the Round Table of the Polar King Arkthos, Initiation of the Gral. We will deal with this theme in depth later. Already in "ELELLA, Book of Magic Love," the troubadour says: "Sir, your story of love is not ours. That is more secret and ancient. It is the legend of Love without love, lost in the Flood. To awaken it is given to me alone. In our histories there is no knight, but a pleb and a queen. But your sleeping dame is a queen who travels through the ages and loves her equal, a king." Just as happens in "Parzival" and the legends of the Gral Cycle, an aristocratic Initiation. The death of the Red Knight corresponds to Mystical Assassination, taking immortality by storm. It is the Initiation of Heroes, Heracles-Ulysses. Prometheus, Jason. Parzival buries his First Sword, which he has never used, and takes hold of the Red, his Second Sword. On killing Ither, Parzival has died to himself, because he killed a knight of his own lineage. In this way the relationship existing within the "Warrior Order of the Sword," the Round Table, the Order of Wotan, between Initiation and Sword, has become clear to us. The First Sword is what Parzival receives "naturally," on escaping from maternal dominion, at birth, "leaving the womb." The Second Sword is what conquers with the Mystical Death, the Second Birth (a conscious repetition of the first). The Third Sword is given to him by the Gral King. This is the Third Birth of the Aryan, now transmuted into immortal Siddha. To make the symbolism more obvious, Parzival buries the First Sword at the moment of seizing the Red Knight's sword. With the Third Sword, called "Memory of the Blood," only a blow is given which cuts through and through. With a second blow the Sword breaks, only to be repaired in the water of a fountain with the name "Lac," flowing from beneath a rock, next to Karnant and only if the Sword has not been broken into fragments. It will remain like new and even better, as long as the word magic, Mantra of the Sword, is known. (Phat, the Tantric mantra). Sigune, a lady about whom we have already spoken, reveals this to Parzival. She believes he does not know the Mantra because he has lost his first opportunity before the Gral, "because he is a living dead." "You seem to be alive," she said to him, "as long as the favour of heaven exempts you. You are as dead." The Sword Excalibur, in the Legend of King Arthur, is also pulled from a Stone (Gral) and returned to the water of a Lake (Lac) to fulfill a Cycle of 374

manifestation, in the "maternal womb," from which all must rise again, "through 700 years," as the Cathars would say and Hitler as well. A new opportunity. An Eternal Return. From here on this history, seeming to be a story of combats of knights errant, takes on an atmosphere of enchantment, reveries, marvels. Wolfram says it: "This story has overtaken itself," "risen up over itself." Showing us his own surprise, as if he discovered he himself were being led to write it. Parzival is admitted into the Court of King Arthur. Here is what he says: "We find in the Court of Arther our true race, folk from whose blood we were born." And, when far away he wanders through valleys and mountains in search of the Gral Castle: "Help me to return to the Round Table, which I had to leave by a strange mystery… I miss it very much, I have suffered much away from it…" These moving words summarize all the nostalgia of the Pilgrims of Great Longing, those who lose Polar Hyperborea by a strange mystery. Inconsolable melancholy of Exodus, seizing the Watchers of the Dawn, the Aryans, Nordics, especially the Germans ("who always have a foot in Atlantis"), heroes of the Order of Wotan. The Round Table of King Arkthos, Bear King, from Orsa Minor, is ecstatic, like the Pole. He is Hyperborea, vanished Polar Continent and the Knights of the Round Table are the Divine Hyperboreans in exile, who go anew in search of the Gral, Vril, Er, the lost Pole. Within this inevitable symbolism, the Lance that wounds Anfortas is the World Axis, deflected and made malignant with the catastrophe, with that "strange mystery" of loss of the Golden Age. In the work there is a description why the Round Table was built, where the Knights are seated with their Ladies, (their amasiae uxor) in ritual festivity. They built it at night and had a particular astrological confluence in mind. It is vast, like the Polar Circle surrounding the entrance to Inner Earth. Parzival is a handsome youth, radiant like a God, beardless, "like a brilliant sun in the night." Still very young, he marries Condwiramurs and leaves her to visit his mother, they say (he still does not know she has died), and continues his heroic adventures. Condwiramurs must accept his departure. Parzival will be faithful to her in each moment and suffers hardships of love for her. With the "thought of his beloved in his heart," he wages battles and in the end chastely wins the Gral. So it happens one day he finds himself next to an impregnable castle, at the foot of Munsalvaesche (Mount of Salvation, Montsegur, Mountain of Safety and 375

wildness: Wildenberg, according to Otto Rahn). Night comes and he asks for shelter. He is attended by elegant pages who conduct him to a beautiful chamber, take his weapons and cover him with a splendid mantle belonging to the Princess Repanse de Schoye, Keeper of the Gral. In this way Perzival has arrived, without knowing it, in the impregnable Castle of the Gral. He is an elect of heaven. As almost always happens in these cases, he must lose the opportunity offered to him, losing at a stroke, perhaps too unexpected, perhaps too early. On the way to Munsalvaesche, each time more phantasmagoric, steep and narrow, Parzival has encountered a virgin who has over her lap the body of her dead warrior beloved. She tells him: "The Gral Castle is not found easily, who searches for it with anxiety and excess can pass by and not see it. The land of the Castle is called terre de Salvaeche." Something similar also happens in my "The Ultimate Flower" with the search for the City of the Caesars. That night a chimeric meal is celebrated in the Castle, to which the guest of honour is invited. We shall attempt to describe it. In the middle of the great hall of the Castle of Munsalvaesche, in the imposing fireplace, blazes the Fire of Saturn. One hundred round tables, each with four knights, four templeis (this word is in the translation meant as Templars, whether correctly I do not know) attended by a page, one hundred pages, and by a chamberlain. The cups, cutlery and dishes are of gold. At the center is the table of the Gral King, Anfortas. Parzival is invited there. Anfortas gives him the Sword "Blood Memory." Afterwards the Procession of the Gral appears. Eight beautiful young girls carry candelabras of precious metal. Eighteen appear. Then six more enter. And Repanse de Schoye bears the Gral. There are twenty eight in all. The description of her jewels, her mantles, her lights, her virginal beauties, are dazzling. Repanse de Schoye resembles a Goddess from time immemorial. In truth she is a priestess taken from the Nordic tradition, from an ancient page of the Eddas. "She carried the consummation of the heart's desire, its root and flower, a thing called The Gral, paradisiacal, transcending every earthly perfection," Wolfram von Eschenbach tells us. In this banquet and parade in this Valhalla, where the Fire of SAT-UR-NO illuminates the scene, there is something like the representation of a Drama fulfilled on another star. The hundred tables, with four hundred ascetic warriors, 376

with one hundred pages and chamberlains, the twenty five virgins, the central table, the sick King, and beyond (although not appearing), the Great Ancestor, Titurel, makes us think about a completely unknown constellation, perhaps ruled by Saturn and his many rings, with stars and planets as yet undiscovered by the science of Kali Yuga. One hundred rings, invisible black suns, black holes, the escapes. And the parade of chaste star Novas with their sovereign Virgin, with the Central Power of that Other Universe, the Gral. She placed the Gral on the table in front of King Anfortas. The beautiful virgins distributed a dozen on each side of Princess Repanse de Schoye. Her crown sends out flashes of light that are only cast in the shade before the supernatural brilliance of the Gral. Now the banquet begins. Each knight, to fill his cup or his plate, has only to think of the liquor or food he wants and they will be filled, never to run low. Soma, ambrosia, amrita, liquors of eternal life. Such is the hospitality of the Gral. So it was already in Wotan's Valhalla. Thus we see the Court of Arthur is its transfer into the Thirteenth Century. But the unbearable pain of the wound of the King darkens this festival of chimeras. Everyone suffers for him. Not the Gral itself can cure him, only keep him alive without interrupting his suffering, become interminable. Moreover, with the flare ups of Saturn's Fire in the great hearth, the pain increases for Anfortas. They bring a lance and move it passed around the four walls. The lance begins to bleed. It is the same Lance with which a "pagan" wounded Anfortas in his sexual organs and which continue secreting a venom that has produced the incurable gangrene of his wound. All this is seen with great confusion, emotion and surprise by Parzival. Yet Gurnemanz, his first teacher, has advised him not to ask questions, to control his words and emotions. Oh, bad luck! Because it would have been enough if he had asked a question when the Gral went before him, for everything to be changed. The sick King would have recovered his health, the sad earth of Munsalvaesche, the Terre gaste, devastated, would have flowered again… And the Reign of Saturn and Rhea would return, the First Age, the Centuries of the Golden Age… ApolloWotan would be regenerated… And so Parzival lost the opportunity. Because he did not ask the Question. He did not give the first and only blow with his Sword Blood Memory. What question? We will never know. Something like the mysterious words Wotan said into dying Baldur's ear. Only at the end of this strange history does 377

something seem to be said, or want to be said. We must force ourselves to try to understand what Wolfram was going to say, but he says nothing. Because what he says is as if he said nothing. So we shall see. The moment the procession of the Gral withdraws, carrying with it the precious Object, a door opens in the background and Parzival comes to see a wondrously handsome old man, carried on a litter. He is Titurel, first Gral King, grandfather of Anfortas and great grandfather of Parzival, though the latter does not know it. He is the Great Ancestor, still kept alive thanks to the constant presence of the Gral. From that moment everything changes, in an instant the atmosphere of marvels dissolves, like castles in the clouds, like a flower that never was, a pure product of imagination. So the things of the Spirit always pass. They are and then they are not, they can be and, in a flash, with only a gesture, or an omission, they disappear forever, leaving us in doubt if they had ever been, or if they could ever be. This noble Book, this Breviary of the Hero of the Occident, of the Aryan Race, the book "Parzival," also teaches us the way of the warrior in disgrace, overcoming with his fury and his faith, with his valour and honour, with his loyalty, rising above misfortunes and defeats, also results of his own nobility, of his well-born class, who had not wanted to ask the Question for fidelity to a code of knightly honour he had received from his teacher. Overcoming himself, Parzival will return and will keep searching, conscious now of what has been lost and the incurable nostalgia of the Knight of the Gral. That night Parzival had bad dreams and a restless sleep. When he awoke in the morning the Castle seemed empty. He found his armour with his two swords, the red and the one Anfortas had given him. As can be seen, the Second Death, or Second Birth, had not been enough to win the Gral. He must leave again to fight with the Second Sword, which is in truth the Third. In the lonely courtyard he finds his steed saddled. Parzival mounts and leaves the area. In a land of uneven narrow roads, through the Terre gaste, desolated, he discovers the traces of those who have gone before him, of the war steeds of the templei, of the guard and defender knights of the Gral Castle, whose location and entrance have been forgotten and become dim for him. The story is masterfully narrated, sometimes almost blindingly dazzling. The virtuosity of the author is shown when he now abandons Parzival, who returns to the Court of Arthur and meets Gawain there (or Gawan, Gauvain, or Galván), 378

his comrade in this adventure and quest for the Gral. Even when his visage is blurred in Wolfram's descriptions, who never lets us see his face, he is the Baldur of the story, a knight of great nobility and valour, whose prowess in the Enchanted Castle of the Mage Clinschor we will have to mention later on. But we are not going to leave Parzival, focusing on his adventure, as the only way to penetrate the secret message of this fundamental work. Let us continue with him, but without limiting ourselves to the sequence of the tale.

Castle Utopia. Berg Utopia. Watercolour by Adolf Hitler, from 1909. The Castle of Clinschor, "Castle of the Holm Oak," or Schastel Marveile? A strange person arrives at the Court of King Arthur, the witch Cundry, misshapen and impossibly dressed. She is the sister of another monstrous being, the hunchback Malcreature. She approaches Parzival and hurls harsh wounding words at him for not having asked the Question and thus allowing misfortune to hang over the entire Family of the Gral. She accuses him of dishonour. Then the Knights of the Round Table disperse and go towards different horizons in quest of the Gral. 379

Here are the words of Parzival to his intimate friend Gawain: "Pain! Where is God? Where is the Almighty? Where does he use his Power? He did not have to cast me into this disgrace. Since I have known Grace I have been his humble servant. But, I now leave his service. If that enrages him, I will resist his fury. Comrade, when the hour of combat arrives for you, only allow a woman to be at your side, let she along guide your hand. Let the love of she you know accompany you and let her feminine virtues protect you… I do not know when we shall meet again. May your best wishes be fulfilled!" Thus we find ourselves in the most important moment of "Parzival." Only his "Teutonic fury" (of the Wildes Heer) now guides the hero in the Gral quest. He goes forth on his warrior path without God, but with the thought of his Beloved Wife, Condwiramurs, in his mind and heart. With his Two Swords. By lost roads, narrow paths, passing icy torrents and mountains covered with strange mists, through forests and thickets, Parzival advanced alone. He slept under branches of thick foliage, or in caves protecting him from cold and snow. He knew not where he was or if he were going forward or only in circles. Meantime, King Arthur and his entourage had gone hunting. One of his most beautiful falcons has become lost and comes to land on the branch of a tree in the same forest as Parzival. The night is cold and both fight against "the embrace of the Ice Maiden" who creeps near to their hearts until dawn. Parzival comes out of his refuge and sees the rays of a cold and clear sun fall through the green leafy branches. He continues on his way and the falcon follows him. They arrive in a great clearing where the branches of great trees form a cupola like a Romanesque cathedral. Many geese have come there to bask in the rays of the morning sun. The falcon falls on them, shot like an arrow. One of the geese has been gravely injured and three red drops of her blood fall on the snow. Parzival falls into ecstasy, as in a trance. He looks at the three red drops on the sheer white mantle of snow. He gets down from his horse, sits down and remains there contemplating them. "Ah," he says. "Who has done this? Condwiramurs, the tint of this colour is like that of your skin! White like the snow, red like the red of your lips! Blessed are the creatures of God for reflecting your brilliant image! The snow yielding its whiteness to the blood and the blood reddening the white… Condwiramurs, thy pure image is reflected here in the wilderness…!" 380

And the hero takes on his finger two of the drops and puts them on his cheeks. Then he deposits a third on his chin. And so with the immense love he feels for his queen of Belrepeire (we remember that name) and the nostalgia and desire, revived before the image in the white snow and red blood, makes Parzival reach a state of supreme selfconsciousness and fall into profound trance. He remains there motionless as a statue. And thus, in that ecstatic state, Parzival duels with two knights who challenge him and he defeats them, using the Lance of Troy (we also recall that name), which he had found in a hermit's cell. After the jousts he immediately falls back into this sleep with open eyes, with only admiration for the blood on the snow. And so he appears and remains until Gawain comes and conceals these red drops with his cloak. He has also had experiences with the Love God and knows his power over souls. The knights with whom Parzival has fought in a trance of Love are Segramors and Keie.

One day Parzival again meets Sigune. She lives in penitence for love, in a forest hermitage which is a cave alongside a hillside. There she has buried the corpse of her beloved, dead in knightly jousting. Once a week, each Saturday, Cundry, the witch, comes to see her, riding mounted on a mule and bringing her nourishment from the Gral. Sigune carries only a ring, the ring of her dead beloved. The conversation between Sigune and Parzival is most beautiful. She discovers she is his cousin, because Herzeloyde, Parzival's mother, is her aunt and the sister of Anfortas, King of the Gral. She says to him: "A torrent surges from my heart and I protect with my eyes the fortress of my love." (Like the moats around a castle). Parzival tries to learn the nature of the Gral. For this he has gone away from his wife, has left everything, has taken his Two Swords and the Lance of Troy, has marked himself with the red blood on the snow (like a red copihue flower on a drifting Antarctic glacier) and has gone on pilgrimage and to war, to find and conquer it. Now he wants to know more of the love able to defeat death. About AMor. "Keep this engagement ring," says Sigune, "in memory of a loved man, a man I never took possession of by human deed. And despite everything, my chaste 381

woman's heart propels me to love him. Here within I have the man whose ring I have worn since he died in a tournament and I shall love him for all the unhappy days remaining to me. I reserve true love for him, because he fought to win, respecting the Laws of Chivalry, with lance and shield, to fight to the death in my service for Love. I am an unmarried virgin. Yet in front of God he is my husband. If thoughts can bear true facts, then I have no secret opposition to impede our wedding. His death wounds my life mortally. Thus, this Ring, sign of a true Marriage, will assure my passage to God. The torrent of tears welling up from my heart and eyes guard my Eternal Love. The two are here within this enclosed place. He, Schionatulander, is one, I am the other…" Parzival and Sigune recognize each other, and she asks him if he has posed the question to the Gral. He tells her his disgrace and asks her the way to Munsalvaesche. Sigune advises him to follow the tracks of the mule of Cundry, the witch.


Meanwhile, Gawain advances through a similar adventure. One day he arrives at a river, within sight of an extraordinary castle. The boatman who helps him cross the current is a Knight named Plippalinot. He has the power to judge, take prisoners and to liberate. He becomes friends with Gawain and they pass to the other side. Thus begin the incredible adventures of the comrade of Parzival. They are also related through the great-great-great-great-grandfather of Parzival, who through the paternal line, was the greatgrandfather of the mother of Gawain, who was the son of King Lot of Norway and of Sangive, by whom Gawain comes to be nephew of King Arthur, with whom he has been raised and educated. Gawain finds himself before the Enchanted Castle, where Clinschor, or Klingsor, has taken four hundred young women prisoner, by means of a magic enchantment. This castle represents something spiritual, but it is also a lure. At its center is a great Pillar, by means of which one sees great distances and where everything happening around the Castle, for many miles, is reflected. We have said the Pillar, the Column, was originally Vril, the lost Power of the Aryan Race, that atrophied "gland" that allowed to be seen what today no one sees. The 382

symbolism of the Castle has already been covered previously. We are, therefore, again in the land of Castile. In Schasttel Marveile we find the treasures of Thabronit, or Thule. Clinschor, Duke of Terre de Labur (Laburu is Swastika in Basque and means "the four breaths of Ra"), maternal cousin of Virgilio of Naples, who was the lover of Iblis, wife of King Ibert of Sicily, who surprised him in bed with his wife and castrated him. Since then, Clinschor shuts himself up in his Castle of the Holm Oak, Karlot Enbolot, in Sicily, perhaps in Apulia, center of the Hohenstaufen Empire of Frederick II. His magic is used for the first time in a place called Persida, a name as strange as many others in this story and that has nothing to do with Persia, though it may possibly have to do with perfidy. Clinschor thus appears as a Druid, in a negative aspect already attributed to those magicians. A castrated Druid, involuted. (Here the mixing and fall of a Druid is symbolized). Castration, in relation to his magic, is something in which we must try to find hidden meanings. A magician, Scot, to whom we have referred in "The Golden Band", also accompanied Emperor Frederick II. Later Clinschor also lives in a castle on an impregnable rock. From there he exercises his power over Schastel Marveile, which can also be Enchanted Castle or Marvellous Castle. After the triumphs of Gawain in the tests presented to him in the Castle and in his love for the Proud Duchess, Clinschor loses his power over the Castle. Instead Gawain will be allowed to return to the "ancestral home" of the "exiles," of those who there find themselves taken prisoner by the invisible powerful force of an enchantment, a "hypnosis at a distance." So we see this test of Gawain, who does not find the Gral, is complementary to that of Parzival and as important as his. Each are equivalent to a triumph of AMor and are achieved with a Lady in their hearts and thoughts. And with sword in hand in combats beyond number. Gawain is responsible for the destruction of an enchantment, a "hypnosis at a distance," that has taken prisoner Hyperborean Aryans, not allowing them to return to their Ancestral Home, to the Hyperborea of the Golden Age. Within the Castle, first a combat with a lion and he defeats it, then he confronts the test of the bed that spins (like a dislocated Pole) and where hundreds of darts shot from the walls by automatic invisible forces leave him badly wounded. Wise women must tend him with herb salves, the Norns, led by Queen Arnive, mother of Arthur and also a prisoner in the Castle. 383

Because Clinschor has his word and honour, once defeated by the Hero of AMor, he must obey the Law imposed by his own magic. His enchantment disappears. Many will be the penances of Love that Gawain must suffer. Before arriving at this castle, he fought in defense of another, as sworn knight of a young woman who hands over her courteous and pure A-Mor, asking him to fight in her name. Gawain accepts. What this girl tells him merits being repeated here. Gawain recalls the words of Parzival placing more confidence in this woman than in God. Parzival said: "I belong to a Lineage of Love." And King Arthur confessed: "I have never seen a more wonderful invention than the theme of Love." He says this at the end of the story. And Wolfram von Eschenbach himself, on ending chapter six and his book as well, admits to have written it for Lady Love, hoping from She alone to win the prize of "a good thought." Kneeling at the feet of a young princess, Gawain tells her, before he enters combat: "Let me place my sword in your hand, so that you touch it. If someone enters in joust with me, you must fight and you will win for me, since even when everyone sees me fighting, you will be who fights in me." And she answered him: "Yes, I shall be your shield and your defense, your heart and your firm faith. When disgrace threatens, I shall be your guide and your friend, the roof that protects you from torment and offers you sweet repose. My love shall surround you with peace and bring you luck when you confront danger, so that your valour never fails. I am your Castle and your Castillian and I will always be at your side in combat. If only you put your faith in me, fortune and valour shall never abandon you." Here we see that love has nothing to do with age. This little maiden expresses herself like a woman. She fulfills her years on a different level: That of A-Mor. Now, she must give her lover a token of protection, a sign. As a girl with little experience in these courtly rituals, she does not know what to do. She asks her sister if she can give him her doll. Then she asks her father. And he decides the mother should give her opinion. She favors making a beautiful gown for the girl and cutting off a sleeve to give to the warrior. Gawain goes into combat carrying this pledge of favour.

We return to Schastel Marveile. Gawain goes forth from there wounded, not completely cured, to devote himself totally to the Proud Duchess of Logroys, who 384

will make him suffer every sort of humiliation and torment before granting him her love. She has lost her beloved in combat and only desires to avenge him. She has offered herself to Anfortas, but he is incapable of loving given his fatal wound. She speaks of Saturn, of his lofty course and also of the Unicorn, animal that rests his horn on the skirts of a virgin, thus rendering tribute to chastity. And she says of her love: "I was his heart and he was my life." Poor Gawain, so many heart pains he must endure, as well as his other wounds! And so he enters every combat for his beloved, until the Proud Duchess will surrender her pride before so many faithful proofs of Love. Gawain then weaves her a Crown of oak leaves and flowers. She will thus remain forever crowned by him, in his service of Love. He takes her horse by the bridle and helps her dismount. Now he is her Lord. She will bring him to her couch, take off his armour and cure his wounds, like the priestess of Isis does with Kristos in the story of D.H. Lawrence, "The Man Who Died." In that case, Induna cures Baldur and makes him be reborn. "May silence be the casket that guards the silence of the rites of Love!" Because the Gods love a secret… So Gawain again enters the Enchanted Castle, now with his She. And the hex dissolves. Hyperborea is vindicated, the Prisoner is freed from the Eternal Ice, and the exiles return to Hiberbortikon. Only the Column remains, because it has been recovered. It was built of a Stone from the same material as that of the Gral, that shines and casts its Light over the landscape, day and night, reflecting like a magic mirror everything that happens within a radius of six miles around, whether on earth, under water or in the air. So the Column is a sort of history or tale, a legend narrated by birds, animals and people, be they familiar or from other foreign lands, such that they can always see who comes near the Castle. Something like that has happened in Wewelsburg and occurs today within those secret precincts with their closed television circuits, even though that can never be compared with the Column, which was the Power of Vril, the Total-Man, resurrected Hyperborean Siddha. Because "the Column is so solid no hammer (not even the hammer of the Aesir God Thor) could harm it. It was made of a rock from the dominions of Queen Secundille, in Thabronit (Thule), without her permission." It is the Polar Column that crosses the sky.


TRAVRISENT AND THE HISTORY OF THE GRAL This is the story of a scattered, fragmented Lineage, split down the middle. By ignorance or by telepathic compulsion of the Lord of Darkness and his acolytes ("hypnotism at a distance"), they have fought and assassinated each other, so that it seems everyone and not just the inhabitants of Schastel Marveile were under the influence of the malevolent Clinschor, or Klingsor, and the entire world were Schastel Marveile. Yet even in the midst of this Castle of Kali Yuga, the indestructible Column remains, to be recovered and revindicated. And the dispersed Lineage is restored and recognized. In the end they are united in triumph. Parzival proceeds through strange lands of dreams. He meets a templei warrior, who says the Gral Castle is not far. The insignia of this warrior-monk is a Dove. They enter into combat, since "Templars" must guard all entrances to the territory of the Gral. Both fall down a slope. Parzival loses his horse and lance, but takes hold of the war-horse of the templei. He continues his march and reaches a cavern, close to a stream. Everything is covered with snow. There lives the hermit Trevrizent, next to the Spring called "The Salvaesche." The hermit receives his guest, helps him dismount, taking his Templar warhorse to drink in the stream and leads Parzival towards a cave where he keeps his books. And he thus begins to tell the History of the Gral, the history of his own lineage, since Trevrizent is of the Gral family, brother of Anfortas and Herzeloyde, hence Parzival's uncle. They recognize each other. And here, in this cave and next to this hillside, Parzival learns of the death of his mother and the true origin of his divine blood. It is as if things had returned to the beginning, there where Someone remains waiting on the edge of a Fountain. The Fountain Salvaesche, Fountain of Salvation. Trevrizent was a Warrior of Love, but became a hermit, forever leaving behind the external war. With penance, he thinks he can cure his brother Anfortas, King of the Gral. Vain intent, as he himself declares, since the sickness of the King is incurable, having been wounded by a pagan, "born in Ethnise, where the Tigris comes down from Paradise" and who also went in quest of the Gral. "My lord," said Trevrizent, "there was once a king by the name Anfortas, who was punished and whose pain must move you deeply, since he is of your own race. He pursued love without control, loving all the women. Though that is not compatible with the Gral, in whose service knights and lords must remain 386

continent. That pagan was killed by Anfortas, but only after injuring him with a poisoned lance in the organs of procreation. Anfortas, very young, had to return very badly injured. A doctor was able to extract the point of the lance from the wound… And now… Who will protect the secret of the Gral?" Trevrizent let fall tears from his bright eyes. "Everything has been tried. Herbs, metals, venoms, counter-venoms, waters from the Tigris and Euphrates, from Gehon, the Pison, near to Paradise, even the herb Trachonte that grows from an assassinated dragon and has the same nature as air, since the constellation of the Dragon turns against the return of Saturn and the phases of the moon are what cause the most sorrow to the sick, the heart of unicorn and the carbuncle that grows on his body, the blood of pelican that, like Anfortas, loves in excess and in the paroxysm of whose unbridled love picks at his own chest and dies drowning in his own blood. Nothing could cure him! Only the Gral kept him alive, dying in life. Neither dead nor alive. At times they brought him to the shores of a lake that in part lessened his pain. At least the pure air there diluted the bad odor of the gangrene of his wound. Because of that some have thought Anfortas is a Fisher King. But he is not…" No noble lord of Antiquity was a fisherman. Hunter, yes. So we must believe this is a reference to the Age of Pisces more than to the act of fishing. To the Drama of Piscis, which is that of Kali Yuga. Incense and sandalwood are also burned in Anfortas' room and Castle, and great fans move the air. His servants are loyal to him and suffer with him in his disgrace. The entire Dynasty of the Gral has been beaten by Destiny. Frimutel, father of Anfortas, also Gral King, grandfather of Parzival by the maternal line, has died. Titurel, father of Frimutel, grandfather of Anfortas and great-grandfather of Parzival, still lives, but is paralysed. (With the magic paralysis of Santiago the Less and Goebbels). The Gral maintains his life. He lives and does not live. Is he the Great Ancestor? No. Because the Great Ancestor is Lucifer. Here we have a history Maestro Kyot found in a pagan writing lost in a corner of Toledo and which Wolfram will never tell us was written in Runes, because its key is only found in Runes, and then easy to decipher. It was Flegetanis who wrote about these things and he who read the name of the Gral in the stars, beyond the stars. Because he knew the cycle of the stars and Eternal Return. With his own eyes he read the terrible secret kept in the stars.


In truth, neither Kyot nor Flegetanis existed. Only Wolfram von Eschenbach and his warrior Memory of Minnesanger existed. His Blood Memory, his Second Sword, or his Second Death. And his Renaissance. "When the Trinity and Lucifer began the War, those who did not take a side, noble and loyal angels, fell to earth with the Stone, forever incorruptible. But those angels, because of their own pure nature, decided to return to the skies… Yet some of them remained here to guard it…" Only the neutral angels returned. The true partisans of Lucifer, his most loyal lieutenants, they, remained here with Him, keeping the Gral, a Stone from his Crown broken in stellar combat and accompanied the Prisoner in the Ice of the North Pole. Wolfram says perhaps God pardoned those angels who returned, by the One (or Three-As-One, which is the same), and that his curse was final. We think, better said, they were the White Traitors who accepted a pact with the Demiurge, to be able to return, with the illusion of being able to return, and with the illusion of participating in the Plan of the One, Jehovah, perhaps believing to someday change or improve the creation of the Demiurge. Vain pretension. They are responsible for the evolution of Neanderthal Man into the black and yellow races. Into animal-man. Those sons of men with whom the divine Hyperboreans were led to mix. On the Gral Stone is written the name of each destined to be part of its Initiation Order here on earth and in the skies above. Who finds his name and can read it there will be admitted. Then the name disappears. Each man and woman destined to form part of this Eternal Order, without time, will not be able to love with the love of the body. Only the King can take a Wife and only those who go to far away lands to populate them with the sacred lineage. Every Lord of the Gral who looks for love not allowed by the Order and Law, will inevitably have to pay for it with suffering, like Anfortas. Because no man can win the Gral except those who have been destined for it in the sky. The Gral is called Lapsit Exillis. Otto Rahn and Evola translate the meaning of this mysterious term, pseudo-Latin, used by Wolfram, in distinct ways. To me it seems to mean "Stone of Exile." Because those who are exiles on earth, exiles in Kali Yuga, are the divine who have remained loyal, Divyas and Vîras, who are left to guard it here below, staying with the Great Guide in his prison. The key to the name Lapsit exillis is found in the name Externsteine: "Stone from the exterior" (fallen from the sky). Thereby indicating to us the Gral is also


the Nordic-Hyperborean Mystery of the Rune Kristianity of Wotan, of the Lineage and Warrior Order of Wotan. The wound of Anfortas opens and bleeds profusely when Saturn is in its ascendant phase. And snow falls on the Second Night and the wound freezes in the heat of summer. Then Anfortas and his court fall into the greatest misery. The King's cries of grief break hearts and rebound off the stone walls of the Castle, reaching Schastel Marveile and the scene is reflected in the magic Pillar. Servants carry the bloody Lance and pass around the four walls, the four horizons. Then they again place it on Anfortas' wound (the polar opening). On Good Friday (Death and Resurrection) when all this occurs and when a Dove descends from the sky (the Cathar Dove) and places a host on the Gral. The Gral that gives eternal life can also give eternal pain. "The influences of certain planets, which are very far and very high, each on the others returning at different velocities, cause a great suffering among the naturalized foreigners." The great mystery and its secret hides within this most strange phrase of Wolfram. SANGREAL Many pages later on we shall speak of Saturn, Hyperborea and the SatyaYuga. The King of First Hyperborea, who has devoured Time, SAT-UR-NO, the Rune Trilogy, Polar. God-Heroes, Hyperborean Siddhas, Nordic. The fall of Satya-Yuga, the Golden Age, is at the same time an exterior, geographic and cosmic situation as well as an internal event, a change in the level of consciousness, a loss of a spiritual "organ, a fall from beyond the stars, from other worlds and an internal precipitation towards matter and the obscure. So each time SAT-UR-NO comes to shine most brilliantly and highly, the memory of what has been lost makes the exiles suffer and bleed, makes them feel like never before the divine origin and nostalgia for the Nuptial Fatherland, the longing for return to the Source, a rendezvous with He or She, who remains waiting at the edge of those green waters. And then again the matter of straightening the Axis-Lance of the World, making it coincide with the Magnetic Spiritual Pole, to thereby return to the Golden Age, to SAT-YA-YUGA. Because in a single High Noon the Midnight


descends, freezing Hyperborea in full daytime. Why? What happened? What caused the partition of Saturn-Kronos, Osiris, the flooding of Polar Hyperborea? Wolfram also tells us the Gral burns, by simple contact, the plumage of the Phoenix Bird and makes it rise from its ashes. Phoinix is a Greek word and means red (Vajra). But the Myth is Egyptian and has to do with the resurrection of Osiris, precisely. And with the Queen of Sheba. The Phoenix Bird is without a companion not appearing until its father dies, appearing in a cycle of 500 years. Hitler and the Cathars thought every 700 years, others say ever 1,400 years. This bird flies from Arabia, from Saba to Egypt, to Heliopolis, to go to die at the feet of Amon, burned by its own potent rays. There it is also reborn. In that legend the history of the Queen of Sheba is prefigured, her pilgrimage in search of the second death and immortality, at the feet of the God A-Mor (Amon). The Phoenix is a non-existent bird (the Ultimate Flower), with red yellow-gold wings. Herodotus says it has only been seen in pictures and states it returns from Arabia (Saba) carrying the dead body of its father, wrapped in myrrh, to lay it down before the statue of Amon. He buried it in Amon's temple. Herodotus explains: "He lays an egg with myrrh, of a weight he can carry, Then he empties the egg and places his father's cadaver within, then closes the opening with myrrh. He carries it to Egypt, to the Temple of the Sun." Here the secret of Egyptian mummies is foreseen with their attempt at resurrection and immortality. In the Reich Chancellery, Hitler had an Aztec Eagle carved that shows much similarity to the Phoenix. That Eagle is not Egyptian, of course, and comes from much farther away, from Teotihuacan, from Tolla (Thule), destroyed like Troy and then rebuilt. According to Friar Bernardino de Sahagun, it was more than two thousand years old. The people of Teotihuacan were from before the Toltecs, among whom Quetzalcoatl was a supreme leader and priest. He is also the builder of Teotihuacan, 600 B.C. This civilization, as much as the Maya, could go back to 3,300 B.C., despite those who support the official investigations of the Great Conspiracy, with a common origin in Tolla or Thule. They share an unknown ancestor in common. The architectural and artistic styles are distinct but they share a common astronomy. The reason cities like Chichen-Itza and others were abandoned is unknown. In Teotihuacan a tenth planet, beyond Pluto, Planet X (SC), was known, though undiscovered by the astronomers of today. That city was the center of a superior science of the stars. Perhaps the same as the science of


"Parzival," because they also knew the mystery of Saturn there, about his death and resurrection: the Phoenix Bird. Phoinix, red, Vajra, Rubedo. We believe that Arthos, Arctus, Arctikos, Anfortas, Parzival, Osiris and Saturn are only one. The sickness of them all, equivalent to a partition or loss of totality, to a division of the Anthropos, to the loss of Hyperborea. A Mystery we have expressed correctly, almost mathematically, in Runes. The division of the HAGAL Rune in the IR and MAN Runes. So we said the Gral is the HAGAL Rune and the Mysterious book about the Gral, to which Wolfram von Eschenbach refers, would have been written in the "pagan" language of the Runes. It would be a very short book, composed of only three Runes, perhaps of only one: THE GRAL! Or the single name of OSIRIS and then ISIS. OS-IR-IS, IS-IS. Since it was impossible, in the Thirteenth Century, to refer to this in the Thirteenth Century, Wolfram spoke of paganism and treated the theme alchemically, which comes to be the same. The Gral was perforce Christianized, in Christian de Troyes as in all those who wrote about it after him, under the influence of the Cistercian and Benedictine monks, even though the Church of Rome did not welcome them. Only Alchemy, by wearing the garb of metals and chemical compounds, had no need to fall back on bureaucratic Christian verbiage. So she still remained "pagan." Alchemy is a compound name, with an Arab prefix. But its true name is Art-Regal, Royal Art, of Kings, of the Royal warrior caste of Heroes. That is why Cesare Della Riviera entitled his book on alchemy, published in 1605, "Il Mondo Magico De Gli Heroi." Because it is an Art and an Heroic World. The same world as "Parzival." Rahn is mistaken when he claims the Gral is Cathar, or is mastered by the ascetic discipline of Catharism. Trevrizent illustrates this for us. He has not succeeded in curing King Anfortas with his hermit's asceticism. Only Parzival achieves this, without God (without the One and its Trilogy), with sword in hand and the thought of his Beloved in mind and heart. Saturn-Kronos is also lead (Paititi), the dead who must be awakened. Because Arthos-Arthur is not dead, "he has only transformed his life somewhere in the world." (In this or another world). And so our Fuhrer, who entered Paititi and will return from there, transfigured, rejuvenated, to bring us the Golden Age. We are not going to get into an analysis of alchemical magic symbolism of the "heroic world" of "Parzival." That would be to repeat the same error as those Jungeans who claim "to disassemble" the miracle, seeking profane explications of the living spiritual symbol. It would be to make Anfortas sick again, to devastate 391

the land of the Gral. Enough has been explained here already, going through these pages, for each to revive for themselves the great Mystery of the Initiation of Esoteric Hitlerism, which is also the Gral. Starting from lead, the Philosopher's Stone permits us to soar to the aurum potabile, the Golden Age of Saturn and Rhea, the Satya-Yuga, straightening the Polar Lance-Axis. The way passes through the Nigredo, mystic death, to Albedo the resurrection of the Twice Born, the Aryans of the White Hyperborean Race, to reach in the end the Rubedo, Red of the Immortal Matter of Vajra, the Red Knight with Plumes of the Phoenix, the Ultimate Bird. This is the Dance of the Bird of Paradise, of my "Visits of the Queen of Sheba," Ultimate Flower, Immortality, which must be created, invented, the materialization with Vajra of the Astral Body. Resurrection of the Son of Man and Eternity.

Well, that has all been said already in one way or another. But what we have not said is that the Royal Art, Regal, is also Sangre Regal. SANGREAL. The Gral is the Royal Blood of the Aryans, Hyperboreans, made impure by mixing with inferior beings, with animal-men. Because the same hero, Vîra, is already a product of the mixing of giants (angels) of the ancient time, with daughters of men, men of the earth. We explained this already. Now, we shall see the alchemy of heroes, their Royal Art, is to heal the fallen race, mixed through the Racial Sin, purifying their royal blood, thereby transmuting lead into gold, by means of the Science of Return, with the Reverse Swastika, homecoming back to the origins of primordial purity. But now with consciousness, not with the naivety of a "pure madman." So Parzival loses his first opportunity and breaks his Sword of the Blood with a second blow (the Second Death), having to give a Third, after repairing it in the clear Fountain of his Viril Polar Initiation. All the names, or almost all, in "Parzival" are keys and filled with symbolic meaning. Furthermore, the theme of blood purity is indicated from the start. Gamuret, father of Parzival, marries a black queen (Nigredo) and abandons her, showing that something bad had been done. Later Parzival focuses on the drops of blood on snow and there falls into an ecstatic state ("ecstatic orgasm") which is Memory awakening in his own Hyperborean blood. And that is a Memory of AMor, Minne, something lost and abandoned, from the Nuptial Fatherland. With a pure love, a union beyond the physical and the physical sex of the Dark Age. 392

Anfortas had acted against the purity of this A-Mor. And all of them had mixed, one way or another, their divine blood of Hyperborean Divyas and Siddhas. Come from the heights, through a stellar combat against the powers of the Lord of Darkness, they entered, or fell, from Another Universe completely opposite, different, by strategic error, by chance-destiny, or simply by fulfilling a mission, as bearers of the Gral. Emerald Stone, Stone of Venus-Wotan-Lucifer, to repair Kali Yuga with it and transmute the Earth, transfiguring it. They have also mixed their blood with the daughters of animal-men, creatures and creations of an evolution of species (made possible by white treason, as I have seen it) of blacks and yellows, ghostly appearances from the mind of the Demiurge, the Demon Jehovah, as Cathars would say. And the Alchemy able to repair their involution (not evolution) is that of "Parzival" and Esoteric Hitlerism, the new transmutation of the Vîra and hero into Divya, into Sonnenmensch, Superman, Total-Man. Return to the origin of pure Aryan blood, to Hyperborea, Hiberbortikon. The Road of this Yoga (Union, Re-Union) is the "Order of the Shield" of King Arthur and the Gral, the Order of Warriors of Wotan and the Hitlerian SS. The science revealed by Wolfram von Eschenbach in "Parzival" is the "Memory of the Blood," the Sword Blood Memory. In other words, what was also sought by the SS through the initiations in their Castle of Wewelsburg. The purification of Aryan blood, to be able to concentrate it and rescue their Memory and Recall, thus to recover this lost Power, this Organ once possessed by the White Race of the Gods, come down from the stars through the Window of Venus, Morning Star, through some Black Hole in the Universe, by the Black Sun, fallen from the absent Green Thunderbolt, something more real than everything that does exist. This Power is the Gral, and Vril and ER, the Column that crosses the Sky, Pillar of Schastel Marveile, Ajna Chakra, Carbuncle between the eyes, with which Shiva destroys the demon Smara, hybrid and bastard from carnal love produced by race-mixing and the children of life who are the children of death. The Aryan alone, as we have seen, is given to procreate other Aryans, with his Aryan women, by other means than those used by the pasu. In magic A-Mor, mystic death, he is born a second time. Aryans, the re-born, depart to populate virgin "waste" lands. And the women-mages and virgins of the Gral give birth having remained virgins, untouched in their physical bodies. They gave birth to a Swan or Prester John, who was not a man, but a warrior-priest lineage. That of the Shastriyas and Brahmins of India. He is a genus. Because what gives birth to the light is not the woman, but the man. 393

So the Yoga of the West, the unknown Yoga of the Hitlerian SS, does not consist of practices of self-hypnosis to reach Samadhi, ectasy and the losses of the saints, fusion with a devouring God. On the contrary, they fight against absorption and cannibalization by the Demiurge, by the One. The way is shown in the purification of blood by means of an alchemy of transmutation, able to make it Aryan in its essences, hearing it, until she awakens the Voice. Hitler and my Maestro heard that same Voice. And once heard, one is no longer alone, being accompanied by the Siddhas and by the Fuhrer from the Green Thunderbolt. The next steps will be mapped out. One has reached Kaivalya, definitive separation, Total-Personality, Absolute Man and Absolute Woman. Hyperborea has been recovered and a Face has been given to the soul and to the Someone who remains waiting as if on the edge of a Fountain.

THE TWICE BORN Once here, in this revelation of the esotericism of the Gral and SS, we must insist as indispensable that all esoteric symbolism and phraseology, in use today, has been falsified by Judaism, such as with the chakras, for example, which we are obligated to use. It must be revised and understood in a different way than commonly proposed. Chakra comes to be, in the Blood Memory, the road of the Leftwards Swastika, the Way of Iring and the Runes, a vortex, a powerful whirlpool in the current of that Memory, a center of Aryan consciousness on the path of return which must be reawakened with the practice of remembering and "hearing" the blood stream, a river that descends from the Head of ShivaSwarasathi or Saturn, from Satya-Yuga and the Great Ancestor, Titurel, Wotan, Baldur, Induna, Lucifer. A river that falls from Mount Meru, the Polar Mount of Revelation. In the Initiation given by my Maestro, one of the most important practices is Remembrance. We must proceed from chakra to chakra, remembering. In my book "NOS: Book of Resurrection," I have treated all this in relation to the memory of the chakras and the Orphic Initiation of A-Mor. Which means the Initiation of Esoteric Hitlerism and the Golden Band. There, symbolically, we realize an astral journey, a pilgrimage through the "Way of Iring." And the Blood Memory is transferred back, becoming active, synchronistically active, towards the same origins, in the 394

Muladhara chakra, the earth chakra. The centers thus visited correspond to regions of the personal soul and planet, the Mystical Fatherland, so to speak. The Muladhara, in my book "NOS," enables us to recall the Battle of Mahabaratha, the first defeat, fall and partition of the Gods. There we find a Wedding, Death and a Resurrection. Then we go to the Swadisthana Chakra, the water chakra. In my history, or Orphic poem, this has been synchronistically assimilated to Easter Island and the immensely ancient Initiation of the Manutara Bird, given there. On that Island where the White Gods once landed. We halt here, among the terrible projections and consequences of this Initiation, or remembering, given to the hero, Vîra, Knight Errant, Exiled Pilgrim, to the Initiated in the Memory of Blood. This corresponds to the Second, from below upwards, going from the base of the psychic Spinal Column. And the Second Death occurs here, and the Second Birth which is the Second Wedding, in the Initiation of A-Mor. In the Muladhara chakra the son of flesh is born to the life of earth. In my initiatic experience with the Blood Memory, the dramatic situation of paralyzing vibrations leaving me immobile, between two worlds at the point of destroying me, if a washbasin filled with lustral water had not appeared in front of me, with the Causal Water, Kâranâri, is a symbolic repetition, in the Blood Memory, of the real event of birth. The Jewish psychology of our day calls this Memory, "the Unconscious." Jung had to adopt the term. The vibrations began in the feet in my experience, because within the maternal vagina the act of birth begins with powerful vibrations and the feet even unborn are what is closest to the uterus, where these vibrations are produced (as contractions). Now as well, I come "to remember" that, being very small, my father, I believe he was my father, showed me a large crystal pitcher and told me: "You were born suffocating, you could not breathe and that pitcher saved you. The pitcher was full of cold water and we poured it over you. That's how you began to breathe and were able to live." The Gral is also a pitcher, a Cup of Life, as well as a Lapsit exillis and Philosopher's Stone.


This is the "synchronistic" way of "solidarity with the Mystic Fatherland," required by the Chilean warrior initiate, or in Chile, of Esoteric Hitlerism, the Warrior Order of the Fuhrer and Wotan. Corresponds with the symbolic "Polar Physiology" described in this book, in "NOS, Book of Resurrection" and in "The Golden Band, Esoteric Hitlerism." 396

Perhaps I have loved my father so much because he saved me, gave me life. Then my father died when I was very young. And so the Phoenix Bird is born. But I carried his dead body with me to one day lay it down and let it be reborn next to the statue of Amon-Ra. My mother also died. And I grew up like "a pure madman" in the forests of the South Pole. My history is thus that of Parzival, as will be those of all Pilgrims of the Dawn, Knights Errant of Great Longing, Warriors of Wotan and the Order of the Shield, the esoteric SS. I have always understood the Initiation would consist in its first tests, or stages, in a reliving of birth, being thus able to be born again. Reactivating by it the consciousness or Memory of Swadisthana. Whoever has read "NOS" will remember the Initiation of the Manutara and "Dreams of Water." The Initiation is given in a Cave, called Hakrongo-Manu, "Hearer of the Bird." There was the Cave of the God Make-Make and, in other times, the new-born were brought there so that, in the dim light, their skin would turn whiter. To recover the Aryanism of the polar race. Everything repeats itself in the Cave. The neophyte is swallowed by a mother whale and must fight against impotence and the desire to remain safe there, protected. Fight and manage to escape. Birth is death. Screams, cries. Then the "dreams of water" come, of placenta and vagina, and inundation signifying for the new-born that "pitcher entirely poured out over his body" like the wave of an immense overflowing sea, like the great wave of an intrauterine liquid submerging Atlantis, the Hyperborea of the Golden Age, forever. Now the "reborn" comes out of the Cave of Initiation, from the repetition of birth and he is Born for a Second Time, an Aryan. There he meets a Moon Stone (the Vril, Ajna chakra between the eyes), he dives into the sea and swims to the Island of Hapu-Manu, meaning "The Cry of the Bird." And he waits there until the Manu-Tara Bird brings his Egg and puts it in his hand. He has recovered the Primordial Egg, the Unity of Himself, HE-SHE. He is the Absolute Man, the Manu-Tara. The Manu with his Tara. He is Round like an Egg and like a Star, the Seventh Sun. He is born for the Third Time on an Island surrounded by fire, where the Valkyrie Brunhild lives. Ich-Solda. Parzival must also abandon the Mother, to be re-born. His preparation is given to him by Trevrizent in a Cave (Yoni). But this is only a maternal 397

preparation and he must also reach the Gral Castle, Munsalvaesche, Wewelsburg. The Viril Tower of a Castle (Linga). Solar Initiation, superation of the maternal, of the first birth of this earth, of the fall. Almost all the great Mysteries of Antiquity repeated this basic event of the first birth and were given in crypts, bases of pyramids or caves. The trauma of birth can produce phenomena as strange and disturbing as mine. If I had stayed with a mere psychological or psychoanalytic interpretation, such as the science of the Enemy gives us today, I would have been lost for the Great Battle of true synchronistic transmutation and solidarity of soul and landscape, of without and within, of above and below. Because I would have come to believe everything was nothing more than that trauma and its "fetal memory," a post-natal state realizing itself subconsciously in the practices of Initiation, in the Mysteries and so-called phenomena of astral doubling. But for an initiate of my Order, of Esoteric Hitlerism and a follower of Wotan-Lucifer things are illumined by another light. The Light of the Sun of the Aryans, the Black Sun of Polar Midnight. And here there is no confusion. Because if it is certain my phenomena were repetitions in the Blood Memory of the First Birth, it is also certain this same birth is no more than the repetition of another previous birth, completed in the Muladhara chakra. As that was of another and yet another. Births that are deaths and vice versa. Birth in the Muladhara chakra will be the partition of the ovum of the earthly mother, and that event is the mere repetition of the partition of the Orphic Egg of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, of Erika Payos, the extracosmological Eros. Image reproduced in a game of infinite mirrors, in the plagiarism of the Demiurge, downwards and upwards. For the Aryan, the Vîra, death is rebirth to a new life, with the Body of Immortal Vajra. It is to move beyond the Archetype, to escape through the Gate of Venus from the clutches of the Demiurge, who has imprisoned the Aryan warriors, the exiles, within the Eternal Return of the Same, within the nightmare of his Maya-Illusion. To do this only the Sword called Blood Memory remains to us, with which we must strike no more than twice, careful that it never fall apart.



Archetypal repetition, possession by a Myth, synchronistic phenomena in our lives, the fact Parzival can come to be we ourselves, obliges us to fight within a Symbol to achieve transmutation. When we exert ourselves to remember, claiming to enter the Memory of the Blood, we can go much further along the retrograde path of the Leftwards Swastika, even further back than earthly birth, to the Muladhara chakra. "Parzival" teaches us there is an entire Family of the Gral, a Family House of the Exiles, the Rebel Angels, Loyal Angels, who are the family left with the guardianship of the Gral, next to their Great Chief. They are all kinfolk. Perhaps when all is said they are no more than only one who had been divided, split apart, on entering from another Universe by an "analogous door." In any case, he is our Great Ancestor and a Being of Light, from Another Light, Another Sun, who has nothing to do with the Demiurge Jehovah, the Lord of Darkness. As Aryans have nothing to do with the psychic unfolding of Jehovah that are the Jews. But our Great Ancestor has with him a Great Ancestress. Because Lucifer has his Lilith, Wotan has Frigg, Shiva has Parvati and HE-SHE has SHE-HE. In the Struggle which is our advance through the Way of Iring, that of the Blood Memory, we must resist the astute artful attacks of the Enemy which sometimes seem "synchronic." For example, while I have written this book I have had to undergo tests offered to me as help, such that "synchronism" must turn into "bribes of solidarity." Because of this I discover that "what does not kill me makes me stronger," as Nietzsche would say. Or rather, help will truly come only when we are able to integrate it into this Blood Memory which comes from the wayfaring warriors of our own Family House, the Family of the Gral, Esoteric Hitlerism. For the Voice of the Blood will never be mistaken here. In "ELELLA, Book of Magic Love" I took up the theme of the Family House and the Great Ancestor. When I began practicing the Sign of Remembrance in my Order, I went back beyond my own birth, attempting to contact a distant great-great-grandfather. And this caused a mysterious phenomena, a synchronistic-solidarity. Because that ancestor, from the late Eighteenth Century, was named Parama, with the same word we use in the Order to contact the moons of Jupiter. Don Jose Parama was a native of Salamanca, in whose University it is claimed he taught the Devil (which should be read, with greater propriety, Lucifer) and came to Valparaiso in that century, to marry Elena Viñas Cortés, but then immediately again departed on his sailing ship, never to return. He left his wife much gold and a great roll of 399

parchment. Like Herzeloyde, Elena was a widow soon to give birth to a daughter. What became of Parama? Where did he go? Did he return back to Jupiter? Is he in the City of the Caesars and White Gods? Did the sea swallow him up like Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa? Or was he, by chance, a templei, a Lord of the Gral, who only went to distant lands to deposit his seed from other worlds? His Gral seed? Because those rolls of parchment said he was Lord of an Order of the Black, White and Red Capes. All the alchemical process of a Royal Art of Transmutation is thus summarized. The cape is the Mantle of Repanse de Schoye, the Tarnkappe of Siegfried and the Tunic of Neso. It is the Astral Body, the immortalization and materialization of the Astral Body. The daughter of Jose Parama and Elena Viñas Cortés was named Josefa Parama, in memory of her disappeared father, thus showing in this way how much he was loved and adored by his wife. And this daughter, one day, perhaps one afternoon, in that distant port of Valparaiso, more than one hundred years ago, embroidered a swaddling band with the umbilical cord (Manipura chakra) for her great-great grandson. She did not make it for her son, nor for her grandson or great grandson, my father, but for me, her great-great grandson. I have told this tender and inspiring story in "Neither By Land Nor By Sea." When my first son was born, my paternal grandmother sent me this garment, found by chance at the bottom of an old trunk, perfumed with apples. It was wrapped in silk paper many years ago, on which the following legend was written in the hand of a great-aunt: "This venerable garment was embroidered by our paternal grandmother and is for the little great grandson descended from this umbilical cord." I keep it still in its original packaging as something sacred, like a message and sign of the Family of the Gral. If this knitted swaddling band had been found when I was born, it certainly would have been used, then worn out and lost. Just as I was given over, at the height of the world war, to reach the consciousness, and even further, in the Blood Memory, my Blood, the Family of the Gral. Because it is possible Parama, initiated into that Alchemist Order, knew about it in Salamanca, in Huitramannaland, land of the White Gods, where the Gral is now kept. He decided to leave his seed here so the Note would keep resonating through his daughter (because it is the women, the Priestesses of the Gral, who keep and relay the Great Secret when everyone else has succumbed and the earth has been laid gaste) and the message and appointment were passed on to me. The Note continues vibrating, letting me hear the Melody of A-Mor. Because all a power unfolded through centuries has come to bear its fruit in me, 400

patiently sent through chromosomes, seemingly lost for ages and now recovered. What a responsibility! What a hard combat! To resurrect all the dead who have not died, to reach the end of the Great Work, to vindicate Lucifer, to give birth and Light to the Son of Man, the Son of Death. If only the Blood Memory were with us from the beginning, if only the work of transmutation were not so arduous! But such is Destiny, woven by the Norns…

COMBAT WITH THE DOUBLE The same hermit Trevrizent expresses the difference between the Weltanschauung of the Cathars and the Warrior Order of the Gral when he says goodbye to his nephew Parzival. He tells him: "The great miracle never happened until you, Parzival, with your enthusiasm and furor, won the gift of God, obliging him and the all-powerful Trinity to concede your desire, bowing to your will… I myself was an obstacle, distracting you from the struggle for the Gral. (When I spoke to you about humility and repentance). Now I bow to you and obey, my nephew and Lord…" And he continues: "Our Divinity has never stopped fighting against the Enemy." Parzival can now leave to meet with the Familiar Stranger. He meets him in a clearing between two great trees, ready to begin the combat. The other is almost a giant of two colours, black on one side and white on the other. His uncovered face looks like parchment written in strange lettering. His armour defies every possible description, made from precious gems never seen in this part of the world. His beloved queen Secundille de Thabronit made it for him. At the top of his helmet is embedded a stone known in the East as anthrax, known in the West as a carbuncle. His shield was made of asbestos, a material that resists fire. And emeralds and rubies were worked in all through it. Queen Secundille had given him as emblem, something called Ecidemon. The Carbuncle came from Venus, the Double Star, in the morning Wotan-Lucifer and in evening Freya-Lilith. Parzival remains there motionless, as if paralyzed before this imposing figure, in whom he seems to recognize an "intimate stranger." As if "each of these men carried the heart of another within themselves." He bore a strange familiarity… 401

That stranger came from the East, was a pagan, with a heart forever open to A-Mor and, therefore, ready to fight. He also searched for the Gral. And his Queen Secundille was his Shield of Love since she fought within him. And he would defeat Parzival in jousting, unless the latter also fought with his beloved wife, Condwiramurs, within him. And Wolfram von Eschenbach, narrator of this history, exclaims: "Oh, mighty Gral and radiant Condwiramurs, the hero who serves you both is here facing the greatest danger he ever knew! Unless you turn your thoughts of Love in his direction, he will inevitably die at the hands of his opponent." The battle between titans is superb. The blows fall in quick succession and their armour remains intact, swords clashing, falling on helmets and shields. The battle cry of the pagan is "Thabronit!," city at the foot of Mount Elbruz, in the Caucasus, city of the Aesir. Parzival is for the first time on the brink of losing. The impacts have bent him over. And Wolfram von Eschenbach cries out: "Why are you slow, Parzival, to focus your thoughts on your chaste and adorable woman, your Wife? Do you not want to go on living?..." In that supreme instant, Parzival thinks of his Beloved and the two sons she has chastely born him, Kardeiz and Lohengrin. "Chastely conceived," says Wolfram. Without losing her virginity. Parzival gave his battle cry: "Belrepaire!" or Beautiful Satisfaction!, which was the land and castle of his Wife. He gives a great blow with his sword, breaking it in half… That battle of giants was seen in the Column of Schastel Marveile, in other words, in Hyperborea, by the Siddhas and priestesses of A-Mor, forwarding it to the Court of King Arthur. Now the pagan warrior paused, seeing that Parzival had broken his Sword. He raised his visor and approached his adversary. He told Parzival his name. He is an Angevin! Both of them are Angevins! And they discover they are the sons of Gamuret, who dedicated his life to the service of the sacred Chivalry of A-Mor. The Eastern brother did not know his father had died and went through the lands of the Occident searching for him. He cried: "My Brother, you and I are one single person, like a righteous man and his wife!..." And on learning of his father's death: "Oh pain, the sorrow for one who shall not return! My father Gamuret, you and I are one, even though we can be seen as three different bodies… In this way, you were fighting against yourself. And I rode to fight against my own self and, gladly, would have killed myself. Fighting so fiercely with myself, you defended my own 402

life… Jupiter made this miracle, his power aided us, coming between ourselves and death…" After reading these lines, let no one imagine Wolfram von Eschenbach did not know what he was writing. He revealed the secret of the Tantric Alchemy of A-Mor and the Alchemical Three-ness, Gamuret, Parzival and Feirefiz, name of the Eastern Brother, Aesir of the Caucasus. The blow of Parzival's Sword, when it broke, caused the Ecidemon to fall from the Warrior's Helmet. And the mysterious jewel will remain on earth. Like the Gral when it fell from Lucifer's Crown. There is a very extensive symbolism here, corresponding to the Kristianity of the Externsteine and Wotan. The rediscovery of the two brothers, the Cosmic Combat, the Gral Stone, Broken Sword, the words of Feirefiz about the Three-ness of Tantric A-Mor. The Caucasus, Thabronit (Thule) and the return of the Two Brothers to the Table of King Arthur which is the Polar Circle of Hyperborea. In truth, the Cycle of the Leftwards Swastika, travelled by the Warrior Heroes of the Order of the Shield, the Gral, the Warrior Order of Wotan-Lucifer. And Feirefiz is clothed with the mantle of luminous stars and wears the Crown of Lucifer. Parzival laughs and cries in secret, and says to his brother: "In the Court of Arthur (Arkthos, Artiko Pole) we shall find our true race, folk from whose blood we were born…" (We look ourselves in the face, we are Hyperboreans!) The Three-ness mentioned by Feirefiz, of Father Gamuret, Parzival-Kristos from Atlantis and Nordic Hyperborea, and Feirefiz-Lucifer, is also what Wagner discovered, concentrating mostly on Parzifal, the Nordic Kristos. And the battle comes to be the suicidal war between Aesir and Vanir, between Koravas and Pandavas, between Aryan brothers who have lost the Blood Memory, but who in the end recover it. It is also the esoteric struggle of the initiate with his Astral Double, with his "angel," to give death or give life in that battle for life and to the death through transmutation. And since both men are victorious, recognizing each other, they are already not only Lords of the Two Swords, but also of the Two Bodies, and more than two, because there are then with them their Two Wives, their Two A-Madas, who have fought within them, through them. So, the Three-ness is Pentalogy. They are all one in Five, the Hyperborean number that soon, with the Gral, will be HAGAL, Six, the Morning and Evening Star, also recovered.


That parchment book which is the Face of Feirefiz, may well be the Book in which Wolfram himself, Kyot, read the magic history of the Gral. In the Face of ApolloWotan-Lucifer.

LOHENGRIN Kristos and Lucifer are one and the same. The Most Beautiful Light. Wotan-Baldur-Apollo. Double Star of Oiyehue. Two Brothers. HE-SHE and SHE-HE. The Battle with the Double is the ultimate realization of the opus. Feirefiz was coloured black and white. Parzival was covered by red armour. He is the Red Knight, Nigredo, Albedo, Rubedo. He will be born Rebis, the Homunculus: Lohengrin, Son of Man, HE-SHE. Now the Brothers return to the Court of King Arthur, to the Polar Round Table where Feirefiz is accepted. There both give an account before that Roi fainéant, who never fights for himself, immovable in the midst of movement, like the Pole. They tell him their wars, their pilgrimages. They speak of stars and planets, as if the wandering took place in the stars. Feirefiz says: "The sound of the voice of the beloved is the greatest help that can come to rescue the friend." "Each time he was in danger, as soon as my thoughts focused on She, her Love came to my aid, giving me more protection and power than my God Jupiter." Parzival recalls his wanderings through valleys and mountains in search of the Gral, since he lost it. Feirefiz says: "If your name is Arthur, you are celebrated far and wide." And Arthur replies: "I admit, I have never seen a more wondrous invention than the theme of Love…" This is a nostalgic Song, intoned in three voices, by this Polar Three-ness, at the Round Table of King Arthur. AR =

. THOR =


Cundry, the sorceress, the Norn, also comes and now declares Parzival can at last find the Gral. Parzival, handsome like a star, rests his face on his arm and weeps. After much wandering, the exiles, the Vîra, the Watcher of the Dawn ("the sweet and bright dawn appeared," says Parzival), Pilgrim of Great Longing, will be able to return to his Nuptial Fatherland, the Morning Star.


Parzival is allowed to take a comrade to the Gral Castle, Munsalvaesche. He chooses his brother Feirefiz. Thus he enters the Castle with his Double, with his recovered Two Bodies, covered in immortal Vajra. All this happened during the Yuga of Heroes.

Parzival and Feirefiz set off at the best astrological moment for them. In contrast, at Munsalvaesche, Anfortas suffers the indescribable, because Saturn is rising and the cries of the king chagrin the ladies and knights serving him. Anfortas would have died if not for his loyal servants not abandoning him and, from time to time, taking him to the Gral. Anfortas keeps his eyes closed for four days and only opens them on the fifth, when he is in the presence of the Gral. Everyone receives Parzival with tears in their eyes, but happy, nevertheless, because they now know the torments must end. Anfortas asks Parzival to keep him away from the Gral for seven nights and eight days to let him die, ending his sufferings. Parzival also sheds tears and says: "Tell me, where is the Gral?" Then he bows three times in honour of his own Ancestral Trinity. And raising himself to his full height, he asks the Question: "Dear uncle, what is your illness?" And Wolfram von Eschenbach said: "The luster the French call Flower or rush of blood entered the skin of Anfortas, in such a way that the beauty of Parzival and his father Gamuret was nothing compared with the beauty of Anfortas, on recovering his health. The divine power applied to the art of beauty was thus again indestructible and had been repaired." Belrepaire! Now everything is almost over. Anfortas recovers his health and departs (goes away) forever. Certainly to Celestial Hyperborea, to Hiberbortikon, he returns to Venus, going through the Gate of Venus, to the Green Thunderbolt. The Terre gaste again becomes fertile, ending the Kali Yuga. And Parzival will be Lord of the Gral, because that is what was written on that same miraculous Stone. Yet a strange sensation of much dissatisfaction remains with us. After so much pain and suffering, and not only by Anfortas, the Question Parzival has asked seems a little puerile and insignificant to us, as if Wolfram von Eschenbach would want to hide something very important from us at the end of his work. Yet


it is within this very appearance of the insignificance of the Question that we will find its depth: "Uncle, what is your illness?" It is a family sickness, an evil afflicting the entire Family of the Gral, beginning with Titurel, the Ancestor. And, even further back, Lucifer himself, the Defeated, and both the Vanir and Aesir. It is the evil of "slipping" through the Window, with a "spatial-temporal bilocation," towards this plane of manifestation, ruled by the Archetypes and the Demiurge Jehovah, manufacturer of golems. The evil consists in a mental "click" that has made for the imprisonment and mixing of the divine Hyperboreans. The defeat in a cosmic combat, loss of a great battle, in a War not yet ended. The wound of Anfortas is found in the sexual organs, because his "disordered love" made him unworthy of the glory of the Minne of the Gral, involuting it into Liebe. Anfortas had made his emblem and war cry the word for love that is Liebe. Only A-Mor is Minne. We have seen the kings and lords of the Gral are only allowed to procreate chastely and in "foreign lands." Better said: in the Foreign Land. The same with the Hyperborean women of the Gral. We shall see better what this means in the following chapters, though we have already said enough about the Son of Man, the Son of Alchemical Death. The Cathars exaggerated, or deviated from the warrior mission and synchronistic combat to which the heroes of the Gral were committed. But I have felt Cathar Minne and their "ecstatic orgasm," so to speak. We have already described it. In physical love there always exists the danger of race and blood mixing, the "racial sin," Liebe with a daughter of earth and animal-men. Miscegenation, mulattoism, illegitimacy. It is curious, but if we consider it correctly, we shall see in the physical body of humans there are no proper separate organs for love. An economy of nature corrupted by the Demiurge has made them, for example the mouth, serve other important functions in this corporeal machine as much as sex. Their use in love is more than a little circumstantial. Above all the sex organs, instruments for drainage of bodily wastes. Therefore Minne is actually fulfilled at a distance more than by contact, with the astral body. Noli me tangere! So the question is not superficial. On the contrary, it goes right to the essence, into the depths. The evil of the Hyperborean Family is a racial evil, a racial sin. Only through the Gralic Alchemy of A-Mor can the divine Vîras clean


out their blood from miscegenation and again be Hyperborean Aryans. To be the Twice Born with Two Bodies, Parzival and Feirefiz. In a second, in an instant, everything has changed. With a new mental "click," so to speak. The devastated land is again fertile and spiritual. Anfortas has recovered freshness, Polar beauty and health to go away in the direction of his Nuptial Fatherland. Parzival is now the Gral King. The Gral Procession repeats, with still greater brilliance and with the joy of Minne in every heart. Repanse de Schoye appears, the Princess keeper and bearer of the Gral. And Feirefiz falls in love with her. He is baptized by Parzival (with the rebirth of the Swadisthana chakra, the water chakra), so he is able to perceive the Gral. In truth, he will be anointed into the Order of the Double Star, so he can see the Gral where ever it may be. He is now an Aryan, a re-born. At that time Queen Secundille dies in the East (because she is "second" in comparison with Repanse). Feirefiz marries the Gral Princess and leaves with her for India, where they will be King and Queen (Shiva and Parvati) and their son is Presbyter John, who represents a Priestly Order like Melchizedek and the Brahmin caste. King and Priest. All the kings of this mythic India are named John after him. "Because what we call India is really Thribalicot," said Wolfram. Which is to say Thule. Parzival calls his wife, now Queen of the Gral. She brings with her two twin sons. The twins of Atlantis: Kardeiz and Lohengrin. Parzival and Condwiramurs have been apart for five years.



The end of this story happens on a purely spiritual plane. If Feirefiz is an astral being, he has married a Valkyrie in Valhalla and their son, King of mythic India, is also the Son of Man. An inscription appears on the Gral Stone that commands any Templar (here Templar only concerns the Gral's Temple) destined by God to be Lords of their peoples in distant lands to prohibit their subjects from asking them their name or lineage. And if such questions are asked of them they must, in spite of everything, leave, because no one can have them there any more after such a thing. Anfortas remained in agony for so many years, and the Question was so delayed, that the members of the Order and Lineage are now forever forbidden from taking questions and do not want anyone to ask about themselves. Lohengrin is sent on a barge pulled by a Swan to marry a Duchess of Brabant, virgin dedicated to God. Lohengrin tells her: "If I am to be Lord of this land and marry you, never ask who I am!" If you do, you will lose my love. I have left much behind me!" She made her promise, but did not keep it. And Lohengrin left on his little barque pulled by a Swan, leaving behind a Sword, a Horn and a Ring. Lohengrin and his Swan go away through distant places and narrow straights, in search of the inaccessible inviolate place where the keepers of the Gral could be found. That impregnable Earthly Paradise! He sailed in the Waffeln, or Caleuche, towards the City of the Caesars, towards Paititi and its White Gods. Lohengrin, the Swan, is already an Avatãra like Kalki, the White Horse, sign of an end of time and a return to the Gral Fatherland, beyond the stars, to First Hyperborea. And his voyage is like Hitler's in the direction of the snows of the South Pole, in submarines or vimanas, through narrow ocean straights beneath the Antarctic glaciers, through channels of the most distant south. Wolfram von Eschenbach made mention of Antarctica in his "Parzival." One of his heroes says: "My love is constant and does not change place. Like the Antarctic Pole (he writes polus artanticus) guided by the North Star (the south that was once north) and never changes position, so too must our love remain loyal and unchanging." And what happened to Parzival? Some say he left to take his place with Lohengrin, as Gral King, even in other Universes, in extra-stellar Hiberbortikon. Like Trevrizent, he ends his life in asceticism. Nothing is sure in this respect. Silence is the sign of eternity, gralic immortality. More, in "Perceval Li Gallois" they say Parzival went away in a boat with white sails and the red Templar cross, in the direction of an unknown country, from which he will not return. With him 409

he carries the Gral. That country would be Huitramannaland, the secret places of refuge for the White Gods. Can the Gral be worn? What is the Gral? Wolfram has never described it with precision. If it is the Hagal Rune, then Parzival is already the Gral. TotalMan.

TROUBADOUR DOCTRINE OF A-MOR Wolfram von Eschenbach claimed to be a Minnesanger, calling himself such, a singer of Minne, that is, A-Mor. To understand what this means we must try to enter the secret of the Doctrine of Love of the Troubadours and thereby better discover the Tantric alchemy of this sublime book, "Parzival." This is no easy task. Once started, light is thrown on several forgotten mysteries and my own work will also be better understood, the task of a Minnesanger, during this nadir of the Kali Yuga. To enter into these territories untrodden for centuries I must, whether I want or not, use my own work as the most expeditious way to explain some difficult obscure themes. This is a universe of luminous throbbing spiritual subject-matter, but also of dark abysses. It goes on a knife's edge, on a two-edged sword. The Sword of Parzival. As on other occasions, Professor C.G. Jung, with his Depth Psychology, here again helps us. He is the only one to deal with the theme, even when he "psychologizes" and deforms it, more in appearance than form. He was the one who declared that "a personal noble religion would have been destroyed in the Thirteenth Century," democratized, become gregarious with the appropriation of their symbols by militant Guelph Catholicism. My story begins in India, with "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba." Even though the first visit I actually received from this Queen was in Chile, years before. In any case, when the Queen comes she always brings us gifts worthy of her ancestry. It is a custom millennia old. The worthy gift she bore me was the friendship of Professor Jung, to whom I owe so much. I wrote "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba" years ago in Old Delhi, under an irresistible compulsion. And this Queen took me from India and carried me back to Hyperborean origins.


Who was the Queen of Sheba and why did I think of her as the numinous incarnation of that feminine energy then sending thrills through me? She has been called the Queen of High Noon, and Makeda, Bilqis or Balkis in Ethiopia and Arabia 950 years B.C. During the Quaternary, Asia and Africa separated and formed the Red Sea. The region called Saba went over to Arabia. That land of Negroes is conquered by white people, come from the north-east, from which came the Queen of Sheba, wondrously beautiful daughter of Abu Fatuh, governor of an African colony of Saba. He used his daughter to conquer Ethiopia, the Land of Arue. They called her Queen of Sheba, meaning "The Queen who comes from the South." Thirty or forty million years ago, in the Tertiary, the great Pongidae monkey, or ape, separated from the hominids in Ethiopia and in what was later Saba. That epoch was during the Oligiocene. That was the age of the civilization of the "painted stones" of Ica, in South America, if we can believe the interpretations given us. In India we have Sivapithicus, Brahmapithicus and Ramapithicus, species that date from fourteen to twenty million years ago. The Kenyapithicus are from fifteen million years ago, the Australopithicus from five million years ago. How strange they draw on the names of gods and heroes of India (Shiva, Brahma, Rama) to classify those hominid apes, creations of the Demiurge! As if they want to record the fall of the gods through an aberrant mixing with robotic products, on an involuted star and beneath the tyranny of a Demon. The writings of the time prove the Queen was a Hyperborean Aryan, on the monoliths and pyramids of Aksum, a city which for a time was the capital of Saba. This writing is runic, Aryan, from left to right, whereas the Semite is from right to left. Just the same as in Germany, the moon in Saba is masculine and the sun feminine. They worship Athar, the Morning Star. They paint him in the middle of the moon. He is also the stone Hagar. More proofs from Antiquity of the Runes are found among inscriptions in Saba, 1,000 years B.C., and even earlier. An alabaster head of Aryan type was found, with runic inscriptions. Once conquered, Ethiopia came to be part of the Kingdom of Saba. Ophir and its gold were there, incense (encensum, from to burn) and the perfumes that most beautiful Kingdom invented and sent to Solomon. As well as the Unicorn and Phoenix Bird. An inscription says: "Save me from the maw of the lion! Save me from the Unicorn!" In 950 B.C. the Queen of Sheba decided to visit King Solomon, son of David and Bethsheba, an Amorite whose name is the same as Bertha. Solomon 411

married the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh, but he had seven hundred wives of princely rank and three hundred concubines. The Queen of Sheba was a virgin and spent an entire year in Jerusalem. Solomon subjected her to the test of walking over a floor of mirrors to see if she had goat's feet, like a being from another world. She did not, but her sex was hairless and covered with a skirt, made of her own rosy skin, typical distinctive sign of the virgin Hyperborean priestesses, the "fifth born." Only in the last night before her departure did the Queen give herself up to Solomon, who already loved her madly, having idealized her like in a Tantric cult or in the proofs of the A-Mor of Minne. She made her decision under the influence of a promise she had made to the King and after having drank a delicious glass of a crystalline water, transparent like the desert night. Solomon gave the Queen a ring she should keep as a pledge, if she had a son. With that jewel he would recognize his son if he came to visit him sometime. The Queen of Sheba had this son. She named him Menelik, from Melik, meaning sage in the language of Saba. In Arabic, Ibn Hakim, "son of the wise man." The Bird of the Queen of Sheba flew to Solomon to announce to him that Menelik had been born. In that time they knew the "language of the birds," which is the language of Hyperborea, the beings come through the air, originating from the air. This language was also understood by the Persian sufis and Farid Uddin Attar wrote the "Mantic Uttait," "The Language of the Birds." This is the Orphic Kabala, Sthula-Cabda, the sound the Runes make in the aether when pronounced by Divyas. Menelik is the first king of Ethiopia, after the Queen of Sheba. It is said during a visit from his father Solomon brought the Ark, which would be the Gral of the Aryans who escaped from Egypt with the Egyptian Moses. No doubt Menelik embellished the "Book of Enoch" now in the British Museum. The Negus of Ethiopia told me all this in India, one day when Nehru left me alone with him in Nehru's garden. The Negus confirmed he descended from the Queen of Sheba. History is thick with the dense fog of the Great Conspiracy. Who was Solomon? Who was Moses? We have been accustomed to believe they are Jews. But Aaron himself reproaches Moses for having married a woman from Cush, as Ethiopia is called in the Bible. The sons of Cush are those of Ham, who came to Arabia from Chaldea, going as far afield as Ethiopia. They originally came from the Gobi and the Caucasus, as Professor Wirth explained to me. They came to 412

Chaldea with the Aryan Kassites. Our Bibles tell us about this, already adulterated by the Jews, who have transformed that book into a national history. The Christianization of Ethiopia and Mohammedanization of Arabia are much later things. The religion imposed by the Sabeans was then stellar, with a Three-ness of Sun (Sam), Moon (Wad) and Venus (Athar). Christianity was established in Ethiopia under the reign of Ezanas. The Hebrews would come from Heber, a giant, and a name also stolen by the Jews, as we have seen. It is certain in very remote times, long before those fixed by Jurgen Spanuth, the Hyperboreans had come down from the Gobi and Caucasus, as well as from India, to those lower regions in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. A legend tells us the Golden Fleece were in the Caucasus, in legendary Colchis. And Hitler sent his legions to Elbruz in hope of reconquering Asgard, fatherland of the Aesir. Perhaps he thought there, in that mountain, would be one of the entrances or escapes, towards transpolar Hyperborea, in the cycle of the Leftwards Swastika. The Queen of Sheba is also shown on the Golden Door of the Baptistery of Florence, inspiring the Lombard artists of Renaissance Italy. Because the legend of the Queen of Sheba corresponds more to the hermetic initiation of the troubadours of Nordic Minne than to the Courts of Love of southern Languedoc. It is the Nordic-Polar Hyperborean esotericism, then lost and to which we have made reference at the beginning of our retelling of the story of "Parzival" of Wolfram von Eschenbach. It is A-Mor between a King and a Queen, the same History of Parzival. A hermeticism of the Tantric Alchemy of A-Mor. As we have said, Saba means south, "that which comes from the south." The Queen of High Noon which is Midnight. The Queen of the South Pole, of Athar, the Star Venus, travelling towards Salem, Peace and Solomon, who gave birth to a son named "king." And who is also a bird, or who knows the language of birds, as did his father and mother. The language of the Phoenix Bird, from Hiberbortikon. In the Middle Ages they thought the Kingdom of Prester John was in Ethiopia, and in India.

"ONLY THE POETS WILL UNDERSTAND ME" After reading my story about "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba," during our interview in Küsnacht, his house next to Lake Zurich, Professor Jung told me: "If 413

you ever have the luck to meet this queen, do not commit the mistake of marrying her. That Queen is for love, not for marriage…" And he added as if to himself: "Only the poets will understand me." I have related this interview with Jung in my book "The Hermetic Circle" and I continued to converse with him about this same theme, in "NOS, Book of Resurrection." That time, he rose from his chair, behind which was hung on the wall a large tapestry representing Shiva on Mount Kailas, and he went to take a book from his library. He opened it and began to show me its illustrations, drawings, mandalas, symbols. They had been made by a woman already dead, with whom Jung had attempted a process of "individualization," to use his terminology. On going out that afternoon to walk along the shore of Lake Zurich, I had the impression Jung had wanted to show me an important secret of his life and the esotericism of his doctrine, because he had captured the mystery of my own revelation in my story "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba." This is why he wrote a prologue to my book, something he had never done before with a literary book, through all his long life. He knew perfectly who this Queen was because she had also visited him. One time he told me the author of the beautiful mandalas and symbols was a woman of Scandinavian-American origin. Years later, when my book "The Hermetic Circle" had been translated and published into many languages, I received from Italian Switzerland, where she then lived, a card from a young Dane who had read the book in which this conversation with Professor Jung was mentioned. He told me his wife's grandmother had worked with Jung. The family inherited paintings and writings from her. He remitted a work by this lady to me: "The Friend in the Unconscious." He then authorized me to see her pictures and read her papers in the United States, where they were kept. I have never been able to make this trip to be with that precious and intimate collection, with its delicate secrets. We must go further with Professor Jung, using his terminology and Depth Psychology, but in reverse, so to speak, returning to the origins from which he took his meaning: Hyperborean esotericism, Minnesanger hermeticism. The fact he has told us "only the poets will understand me" authorizes us to attempt to do this. And because then we will free ourselves from a great weight: to have psychologized, risking the destruction of the spiritual magic fabric of the tradition of the Golden Band, by necessity of having to make concessions to the spirit of 414

Kali Yuga and the psychoanalytic Judaism of this Darkest Age. Thus Jung helps us to enter into prejudiced minds asleep with scientism, to reach the Blood Memory of the Vîras, who are not yet dead, but not alive either. ANIMA, ANIMUS

The Queen of Sheba is not for marriage because she is only for Magic Love. One marries the Queen of Sheba from within, not from without. Her figure corresponds to the Jungean Archetype of the anima. And if some day she should appear from without, if she comes into exterior reality, the realization of her love must be a magic sacramental process, able to re-interiorize her, to be married with the soul itself, with the anima, making her to recede outside, or die outside, in the illusory reality of Maya, in the world of Samsara. This is the nest of a mystery, already almost forgotten by the centuries of Kali Yuga and that we have been discovering in the story of Parzival and the Gral. That was the esotericism of the Minnesanger, the troubadours of Cathar Languedoc, Dante and the Fedele d'Amore of Lombard Italy. A Mystery Jung attempted to re-actualize in the process of Individualization, integration or totalization, achieved by means of the technique he applied in his Depth Psychology, as he had shown me with the mandalas and symbols he realized together with his Scandinavian-American Domna. This process is Tantrically performed between the "doctor" and his "patient," or rather between the "initiate" and the "initiated," between sadhaka and yogini. All my written work is centered in this same Mystery of Magic Love with the anima itself, in this Initiation of A-Mor and the Minnesanger. And Jung knew it, intuited it and therefore wrote his prologue for my book. The Queen of Sheba is the Archetype of the anima. As such she can visit us more than once in life, "becoming a constellation," to use the Jungean expression, with the apparition of a royal woman. At the end of his days Professor Jung coined the term "psychoid" to refer to his Archetypes, wanting to highlight his profound concern before these apparitions, not human nor a mere product of the Unconscious, apparently. Where he showed this doubt most clearly was in the prologue to my book "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba."" He said: "Known archetypal figures are clearly discernible, but the least


similar to the spontaneous products of the unconscious with which I am familiar…" So the archetype of the anima is feminine and, within men, is equivalent to his soul. The archetype of the animus is masculine and is the soul of women. This is strangely coincidental with what esotericism has always said, that the "Body of Desire," or subtle body, aetheric, is in man feminine and in woman masculine. For Jung, a kind of accumulated background psychic mood, both mental and genetic, memory of the "Collective Unconscious" of Lineage or Ancestry, the experience accumulated there in both pairs of opposites, in their historic and non-historic dealings of each with the other. Man desires woman and woman desires man. Here we must depart from Professor Jung, to continue with the path already laid down in this book, within the esotericism of the Golden Band, even though we will easily see more coincidences. Our conception of the Archetype is perhaps the same, although not openly stated by Jung, for obvious reasons. The Queen of Sheba is more than an Archetype, she is the She of HE-SHE. And the King Solomon-Salem is the He of SHE-HE, within the grandiose picture of Hyperborean Orphic Poetry. Hyperborea, outlined in this book and in "NOS, Book of Resurrection," where we have given the Hyperborean names Arbaris, or Avris, and Allouine, to He and She. Thus, even when the Queen of Sheba visits us more than once, there is only one Queen for one King.



The chakras and their animal symbols. The Road of "Individuation," whose journey is outlined in this work and in "NOS, Book of Resurrection." Like any real initiation, the Minnesanger initiation has its Mysteries and its keys. In the case of the troubadours of Languedoc, on the destruction of their particular civilization, along with the Cathar peak of their pyramid or, if one prefers, the Center of their Circle, by means of the Albigensian and Papal Crusade of the Thirteenth Century, the keys were lost and the spirit of their particular initiation was adulterated, producing the fraudulent flower of love, such as exoterically transmitted to us by romances, novels and post-Cathar Western art. It is very difficult to decipher the keys anymore. The great poetry of the medieval troubadours of Languedoc and the north of Italy, especially the German Minnesanger, corresponds with an aristocratic initiation perfectly able to link with the process of "Individuation" of Jungean psychoanalysis and the drama of the confrontation of the archetypes of anima and animus. We have said various times: we know nothing about what the Cathars were in reality, a sect that appeared in Occitania, along the Catalan Pyrenees, in Carcasonne and other cities of the south. Montsegur was their fortress-temple. Otto Rahn thinks Montsegur was Munsalvaesche, the Castle and Mountain of the Gral. He also claims the Cathars were Druids converted to Manicheanism. They are said to have practiced magic, believe in reincarnation, were vegetarians and had a dualist concept of the world. Among the Gospels they only accepted Saint John. For them the demon was Jehovah, creator Demiurge of this world. None of this is certain, because nothing is known for certain about the Cathars. Otto Rahn believes some troubadours were commissioned by them to spread a certain type of Love initiation in code, that "personal aristocratic religion." Papal Rome declared the Cathars heretics and ended by annihilating them. Their writings were burned. The first key that must be deciphered in the initiatic Mystery of the troubadours is the word amor. That signals their opposition to Roman Christianity, because amor is Rome or Roma written in reverse. In this way they start to indicate the Amor or Love they expound and all the doctrine they explain is the opposite from that which Papal Rome tries to impose in Kali Yuga. We briefly want to describe the different stages of the Mystery of Love of the medieval troubadours developed from the remembering of their Visigothic blood, come from the High North of the Polar icecaps, from Hyperborea and the Morning Star. The Visigoths occupied that entire region of Languedoc for 418

centuries. And what is expressed here in such a subtle and delicate way was in India the Tantrism of the Right Hand and Tantrism of the Left Hand. The theme has been dealt with in "The Golden Band" and in "Nietzsche and the Dance of Shiva." Anecdotal evidence shows the Shakti, or feminine principle inspired Catharism, like Indian Tantrism. For the Cathars the Holy Spirit is feminine, the Paraklitos, among gnostics she is Sophia, and her symbol is the dove. Just as in Hindu Tantra, the troubadour initiation is fulfilled by stages and very difficult precise tests, in essential contact with the woman, with the Domna of the Castle (always the Germanic symbol for the castle), represented by the Paraklitos, the Dove, Gnosis, Esclarmonde de Foix, Repanse de Schoye, Beatrice, Wisdom, the Shakti. Anima for Jung, the Queen of Saba. Again we must start here with the term amor, in this initiation concerning Amor or Love , precisely. The word Amor is decomposed into a and mor. A is "without" and mor is "death." Amor is therefore without-death. So I can write AMor. Which means when we are initiated into this esotericism and reach its maximum stages we have triumphed over death, immortalized and been made eternal. Through all the pages of this extensive book we have tried to explain the experience of this initiation and the path we take to Hyperborean immortality. With the explanation of the Mystery of A-Mor of the troubadours and Minnesanger we take another step in the statement of Esoteric Hitlerism, or Minnesang: a Song of A-Mor, with nostalgia for Hyperborea, Hiberbortikon, in the purest Blood Memory. A-Mor is Minne, which has nothing to do with the habit of love, with Liebe. As we have said. This initiation was discovered by the first troubadour (trovare, "to find") and given by him to a golden hawk, sitting on the Donar Oak. Wotan was the first Minnesanger, who found the Runes, the Laws of trobar clus of the Minne, crucified hanging on the Tree of Terror. They were given to him by his Gold Bird, his Phoenix Bird. And the Hagal Rune, the Gral. A-Mor immortalized him. But Wotan, to fulfill the Mystery of Immortalization, of Resurrection, return to Immortality, needs Freya or Frigg, SHE-HE. The first step taken on the Road, on the Narrow-Path, is completed with the "look." The Lady of the Castle, the Domna, "looks" in depth at the "elect." And 419

this catches fire, "fires" itself, ignites, "becoming a constellation" within the archetype of the anima. One falls in love. The numinous process begins. The Queen of Sheba has visited him. In the "Divine Comedy" Beatrice "looks" at Dante and he falls in love for life or death. As noted, Dante belonged to a poetic-initiatic school of the Fedeli d'Amore from the North of Italy, associated with Catharism and the Templars, with Ghibelline tendencies against the Papal Guelphs. As a curious side note, we can say the typical Chilean word "pololeo," which once long ago referred to the beginning of a love, has to do with the attraction caused by the glance. For a long time, only glancing was allowed the young lovers. With the "glance," the Domna has selected her elect. She will give him a basket, a glove, a ring. He already belongs to his Domna for eternity. In the Second Stage of initiation of the Fedele d'Amore, called Industry, the adept makes a small bag in which he keeps mysterious objects, pertaining to his Beloved. The knights of King Arthur and the Gral were great Fedele d'Amore, in the sense they were faithful to their A-Mor. What we here call Domna and Queen of Sheba was for the Minnesanger their Woewre Saelde (the Widow, Lilith). The Guru-Woman, who circulates in the blood. In truth, in the Blood Memory. And what Jung calls anima. The greeting of the Minnesanger to Woewre Saelde and among themselves was Heil! Health!, Salvation, a mention they made of the Mount of Salvation and Gral, Munsalvaesche. The Hitlerists esoterically made this legendary salute their own: Heil! for the Fuhrer, in the Gralsburg of Berchtesgaden and Wewelsburg, Castle of Sangreal, the Royal Blood, and in our time. The initiation of the Fedele consisted of twelve stages, among which the ultimate was Eternity. They entered the Palatium Amoris, in medio mundi constructum, surrounded with flames of love, in the Polar Center, in Hyperborea, on "the White Island in the Sky." There is a Stone and a mysterious death and hope of resurrection. On the Stone, on a Magic Mountain, they mourned the death of the Beloved. And they cried: "Open stone and give me my resurrected Beloved!" We recall Sugune next to the tomb of her beloved, guarding it with "the torrent of her tears." The Stone is the alchemical Lapis. The dead man, or woman, is still alive beneath the Stone. They are not dead, nor alive. This is the Mystery of the Gral.


Having been "seen," the adept transforms into the Fenhedor, or sighing suitor. So he sets off with the sounds of his lyre, with his luter, with the harp of Orpheus, the flute of the God Pan (resonating through his blood, in the memory of his blood) and goes to the forest, to the mountain, the cave. (This is in my book "EL-ELLA," in the chapter "The Pyrenees"). The Minnesanger, warrior hero, walks humming of A-Mor for his Beloved, in fasts and penances. Until she listens to him, takes pity on his suffering and "glances" at him. On seeing her approach, he declares his feelings of A-Mor to her. The Song of Songs, Minne, the Remembrance that rises up, flourishes. These declarations of A-Mor appear in "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba" and in "NOS, Book of Resurrection," as Minnesang drawn from the deep memory of the blood. Since the initiation of Minne, more than the troubadouresque of the Courts of Love, is a Nordic-Polar initiation, from Germanic Minne, therefore she, the Valkyrie, returns this declaration of A-Mor. Now, the adept is the Crier, who trumpets his A-Mor to his Valkyrie, his Domna. We concur in saying the trumpeting is ultra-secret, only for two, because A-Mor rarely endures when divulged. Gods and Heroes love the secret. The adept comes to be a Hearer, an unrequited lover, since she has kissed him softly, barely touching her lips on his, like the touch of a feather of snow fallen from the Polar Irminsul Tree. Even so, much time must pass before she decides he is ready to meet the great test of contemplating her naked. And the vision of her woman's body is for the Hearer the supreme revelation of a Mystery, illustrated by this essential feminine form. He has been placed before a mirror where, with amazement, he contemplates the form of his own soul, his anima. She is the Revelation of the Paraklitos, the Cathar Dove. In the pure Aryan Blood Memory there is Remembrance and Nostalgia of first union, before the partition of the Orphic Egg. From then on follows the hard test of Asag, in which if the Hearer fails, then all is lost, returning below the beginning. Dante says: "Who has placed his foot there, will never be able to go back." If he tries to do this, it is as if he kills himself. The Asag consists of laying down naked, in the same bed, with the beloved, passing a night there without touching. At times, they place a drawn sword between them, like in the Asag of Tristan and Isolde. This test of initiation of troubadours is different from the Tantric magic-ceremonial coitus, Maithuna, because here the Asag is chaste, forming part of the Tantrism of the Right Hand, 421

whereas Maithuna belongs to the Tantrism of the Left Hand, where the woman is possessed physically, but without ejaculation of semen (Bundi), without reaching orgasm by the man initiate, the Sakhaka, at least not physical orgasm. This is to avoid the creation of an external son, in the flesh, inverting the process. Instead of the woman being the impregnated one, the man is the one who becomes pregnant with an "interior son," giving life to the Astral Body, which is not a living son in this life, but Son of Death, the Magic Death, in this life, to be able to live beyond death. The Son of Man, which is to say A-Mor, without death, immortality. In this way the Tantric Cathar cosmogony is fulfilled, in which everything has been inverted and the active creator, the fecundator, is not he, but she, the Shakti, the feminine counterpart of Shiva. He is immobile, like the Pole, le roi fai neant, King Arthur, Arthos, Thor. The Pole with the Bear. Which is how, through the destruction of the Cathars and Templars, together with the disappearance of the Gral legends, the Mystery of A-Mor of the medieval troubadours became profane and exoterically involuted, as can be seen in the literature of the following centuries, until our days. The belief has existed that the poet could be "inspired" by his muse, being thereby impregnated with poetic creation (always profane and insular, sentimental, romantic). In other words, the event of esoteric pregnancy of the initiated, the Fedele d'Amore, thanks to a Priestess of A-Mor, to a spiritual Valkyrie, or to a Tantric yogini, able to give birth to the Astral Body, his vehicle of Eternity, his Caleuche (manned by the dead), his Son of Death and Immortality, now only producing "literature," a novel, at most a desacralized poem, singing of physical love in the body of the mortal beloved. Julius Evola believed, in the actual moment of Kali Yuga, the body is sufficiently materialized to no longer be able to find an escape other than by making use of its own materiality, or rather, the Tantrism of the Left Hand and Maithuna. His technique was described as "to ride the tiger," which could also be called "to walk on the edge of his sword." If he falls, the tiger eats him. Maithuna needs no repetition. Enough only once, as with Asag. There is a very beautiful book by D.H. Lawrence, the ultimate he wrote: "The Man Who Died." We have already referred to it. It is a Tantric book. Kristo, after having been initiated in A-Mor by the priestess of Isis, gone away forever. They will be eternally together in separation. Kristo has already gone through mystic death and been resurrected. Now he is twice born. The true resurrection. This moreover has to do with the repetition of the natal "trauma," already mentioned, birth and rebirth.


The Fedele d'Amore wore a band on their chests like those worn by the Brahmins of India. They were also Twice Born. A Tantrism of the Left Hand was not practiced by the troubadours of Languedoc, nor by the Minnesanger, nor in "Parzival," nor in the Arthurian legend. They have no Maithuna, nor does it appear in Alchemy, in spite of the Kali Yuga being very far along. Nor among the Fedele d'Amore. We believe we have gone very deeply into the Mystery of the Gral and into the Hyperborean initiatic adventure of "Parzival." We can therefore state they correspond to a Right Hand Tantrism, purely symbolic and spiritual, where love is fulfilled at a physical distance, in subtle astral bodies, with a noli me tangere. As noted, the physical body, such as it appears today in the involution of Kali Yuga, lacks organs appropriate for Love and only has them in palimpsest, so to speak, for the reproduction and creation of sons in this life, in the flesh, in reality the son of earthly death. The Queen of Sheba, Nefertiti, Allouine, having over their sex a skirt of skin, like a rose petal, of pure uncreated light. This concession of Maithuna, that Par-Sifal, that Pure Madman, would never have used, is a dangerous deception for oneself. Once upon a time Anfortas, for having practiced it, suffered greatly and lost the favour of the Gral. And all his Lineage was contaminated. Since this concession leads inevitably, sooner or later, to mixing and impurity of the blood. to miscegenation, the Racial Sin. Enough with a small lapse, voluntary or not, "to fall from the tiger." And the trade between the divine race, come from other worlds, and the daughters of the animal-men. Here, as in so many other respects, the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, shows us the way. In the book "Adolf Hitler, My Childhood Friend," by August Kubizek, the most faithful document about those years, the relation existing between Hitler and women is revealed. He is the Minnesanger who follows the path of the Initiation of A-Mor. He idealized Stephanie, a girl who only "glanced" at him, without ever saying a word. Certainly, he would carry this with him in his mind and heart forever, even when she no longer knew he existed. She is his own anima, the only perhaps, even when other "visits" occurred. The Fuhrer forever kept a secret private room, with all the memories of a dead young girl, his niece, to which he retired to meditate every year on the anniversary of her death. This is the Road of A-Mor, Minne, the Morning Star. Alchemy, the Royal Art, is also a Tantrism inherited from the "Platonism" of the initiation of the Cathar troubadours and German Minnesanger. The alchemist always kept his soror mistica at his side. She passed him the metals so they could 423

be mixed in the Crucible of his own soul, until obtaining the alchemical gold, the aurum potabile, which he would drink to bring him eternal life. Without this contact of the hand of the "mystical sister," without this entering of feminine energy and vibration, the conjoined transmutation is not possible, nor would the Jungean process of individualization be either. We have seen the role the woman plays in the preservation and keeping of the Gral Stone (lapis in alchemy). The ancient Hyperborean priestess, the fifth born, she who keeps the Sacred Fire through the intermediate periods of shadows and makes possible that the Golden Band should not be cut, awaiting the new Resurrection Cycle of the King. Therefore she is a solitary Widow: Wisdom no longer having a man, the Woman Guru, Solitary Queen, freed and chastely married by the Knight Errant, the Hero. She, at times, sleeps in the center of a forest, at the base of a Mountain (Montsegur, Munsalvaesche, Berchtesgaden, Melimoya) in the Tower of a Castle (Wewelsburg), and who must awake from her catalepsy (as with Princess Papán). Because she is Shakti-Kundalini. She is alive and not alive, dead and not dead, a widow and not a widow. She is Woewre Saelde, Isolde, the Valkyrie Brunhild. Alchemy is a science of Second Hyperborea, science of Atlantis, striving to restore the lost. It is already a science and path of regression. According to an ancient tradition, the angels were glorious beings who inhabited this world coming from elsewhere. Then they mixed and decayed. Osiris ripped to pieces would therefore be a fallen angel, involuted. Isis, uniting with an angel, obtained from him the alchemical wisdom of the Gral and kept it to pass it on to her son, virginally born (her animus), Horus, who will be the avenging Hero who will reconstruct Osiris-Anfortas and restore the Golden Kingdom (with aurum potabile made from Orialco), regenerating the Terre gaste, making it fertile again, rebuilding the Imperium of the Divine Dynasty, putting an end to the Twilight of the Gods. This is Esoteric Hitlerism, gralic, from Wewelsburg and Berchtesgaden. Thanks to its screen of metals, alchemy does not need to mix in Christian elements, as the legends of the Gral and King Arthur were sometimes forced to do to elude certain judaized rationalist Dominicans of the Inquisition. Only later, under Rosicrucian influence, were certain Semitic Judaic symbols added. For Cesare de la Riviera, in his "Il Mondo Magico de gli Heroi," the alchemic hero goes to conquer the Second Tree of Life (the second death), the Second Earthly Paradise. He searched for the Central Tree in the middle of the 424

Earthly Paradise. That implied an "atrocious combat." As in the Gral Mystery, the opus hermeticum is shown as the work for gaining the betterment of a sick King, dead and not dead, who must be revived. The King of the Golden Age is SaturnOsiris. The metal of Saturn is lead, to be transmuted into gold. The reconquest of the Golden Age. The Road of the Leftwards Swastika, the return to this Age of Gold. Everything is expressed best in Runes, as we have seen: OS-IR-IS, and the HAGAL Rune is the Philosopher's Stone, the Quintessence, the Gral, Total-Man, Superman, Sohnenmennsch. Osiris resurrected, Anfortas re-established. Gold is implicitly present within lead. Within the blood of the vîra the Hyperborean, Aryan divinity is still kept. It only has to be transmuted. To achieve this we must add sulphur to Saturn, to lead, to add fire and divinity. (Luciferian element, so disparaged by Judeo-Christianity, precisely to prevent regeneration and the transmutation process of the vîra, interrupting the opus at the start, making sulphur appear to be an infernal element). Sulphur is also the will now lacking in Saturn-Osiris, lost through mixing and miscegenation. The fire of divine will with Luciferian, Venusian sulphur regenerates the lead of Saturn. (Blood is converted into fire). Its center is in Kundalini and its awakening in the Manipura chakra. Thus, by means of the Will, the Lord of Absolute Will (the Fuhrer), Cuddhabuddhisvabhava, arrives at the happy ending of the opus, able to achieve what nature by herself could never do: to escape from involution, her Demiurgic corruption, her mechanization and Eternal Return, to regenerate the miscegenation of King Saturn-Anfortas, to cause the Aryan to be born anew. The Tantric practice to develop this will, sleeping in the Manipura chakra, is called Icchacuddi and, in Alchemy, corresponds with arsenic, virility. However none of this can be done without the intervention of Mercury, the Wife of arsenic, the woman, soror mistica, essential feminine element. The final product from the Crucible of the opus alchimicum is Rebis, Umunculo, the Androgyne, Shiva Ardhanarisvara, the Astral Body, given birth by the alchemist with the help of his soror. He is HE-SHE, He and She reunited. The Astral Body of the alchemist, but with the face of the soror, as well as his face. He is Baphomet, the Templar with two faces. The face of the Domna in the anima of the Minnesanger. Simultaneously, the soror has married her own animus, giving her the face of He. She is SHE-HE, She and He reunited. Books on alchemy written by women do not exist, because her role in the Tantric opus is too fundamental to leave her time for book writing. Moreover, she has regained the essential character of transcendental femininity, not realized in 425

writing. The woman writer, woman painter, etc,, is a degenerate product of the decadence of her Hyperborean function. Not even in the Renaissance were there women painters, sculptors or writers, at least not like today. The Son, Horus-Rebis, is thus an androgyne. He is the Astral Body created and recreated. He is he and she: HE-SHE, in the case of he and SHE-He in the case of she. Because the Astral Body only exists virtually, in potential. We must recreate it, invent it, in this mysterious process of alchemical A-Mor. The Astral Body is the Androgyne, who lives beyond the death of the physical body, recreated in the fire of the opus, with the transmutation of the materials of the physical body thus transformed, after having passed through the Nigredo, the dark black night of mystic death, immediately followed by the Albedo, or resurrection from this death, able to reach the Rubedo, immortalization by means of red spiritual matter, produced in the Green Thunderbolt. The first mystery is accomplished with the resurrection of the physical body, pulled to its resurrection by the Astral Body, like in a Chariot of Fire, like in a Vimana (since its form has been made round) and is carried beyond this world (through the door of Venus) towards a situation never dreamed not even by the greatest pilgrims of Longing. The second Mystery, fulfilled in the opus of this Initiation of A-Mor, is the Resurrection and Immortalization of the soror, the Beloved, as a consequence of the Immortalization of the alchemist, the sadhaka, the warrior-hero, the vîra. He carries her to resurrection and immortality. In "NOS, Book of Resurrection," this has been revealed, intuited. And now there are two androgynes, an Absolute Man and an Absolute Woman, two spheres. HE-SHE and SHE-HE, who love one another united and separated forever. Reunited in separation. The third Mystery of this Hyperborean Initiation is the mutation of the blood, produced first in the veins of the Astral Body, then achieving the regeneration of the blood of the physical body of the vîra, by means of an igneous vibration of sulphur, able to transmute the lead of Saturn into aurum potabile, so that the Hyperborean ceremony of Minnetrinken, the communion of blood, is for Aryans to drink in the orialco Gral Cup. SS initiates celebrated this ceremony in the Tower of Wewelsburg Castle. The Initiation of Sangreal, (Blood of Kings). An opus alchimicum, a warrior Minne, a Song of A-Mor. The difference we could highlight between the alchemical initiations of the Fedele d'Amore, the troubadours of the Courts of Love and the Initiation of the Knights of the Gral of King Arthur, and those of Esoteric Hitlerism, is that in the first the initiates do not intervene directly in the events of this world while, in the 426

latter, the initiates are warriors in two or more worlds, fighting a Magic War with sword in hand, without quarter and synchronic, within and at the same time without. A Holy War. Esoteric Hitlerism believes in the possibility of reversing the Kali Yuga, overcoming entropy, defeating the Demiurge, the Lord of Darkness, against whom a total war has been declared. And so, coming to transfigure the earth, and at the same time transmuting the Vîra into Divya, into Hyperborean Siddha, rebuilding Hyperborea on earth. Erecting the Axis-Lance-Pillar of the earth. From one Pole to the other Pole. The loss of one war does not mean the loss of the Great War, which continues until the end of time, when resurrected Kronos devours time. Because, what is more, a war unleashed without conditions will always be a war won. Even when lost. The Royal Art of the hermeticists, Alchemy, centers on a mysterious Stone identified with Saturn. With this we give the key to "Parzival." This stone contains the Elixir, the Gold, etc. The Sword Excalibur is found lodged in a Stone. The hero, vîra, must take it from there and open the way to the Regenerated Land through a fierce battle, until reaching the Mysterium coniunctionis, in the Secret Wedding, Asag with the Beloved. She is the Water of Life, Mercury, "Our Lilith." He is sulphur, arsenic, fire, "Our King." Only with the help of the Dove, Paraklitos, can the adept overcome this hard test of Asag. Only with the thought of the Beloved in mind and heart, with the memory of her face. Only thus can this igneous venom be dissolved, to pull oneself together for the "great crisis of contact," with the Water of Life (my washbasin with water), Kâranâri, CausalWater, able to go beyond common virility, able to surpass Nigredo and Albedo, the white colour of the mystic, ecstatic, lunar, dominion of the feminine, reaching Rubedo, clothing oneself with the vermillion mantle of divine royalty, the flaming Tunic of Neso, forcing entry into the Closed Palace of the King. The Sacred Imperium of the King-Priest-Mage. Our Fuhrer.

AWAKENING OF THE ANAHATA CHAKRA The next stage in the Initiation of A-Mor of troubadours and Minnesanger, is the exchange of hearts: a kiss, in which she expires within her lover and he expires next to his lover. They exchange hearts. Thus their souls already have a face. He has hers (half is his, the other half hers), and the soul of she has the face of he (half 427

is hers, the other half his). This Mystery is the awakening of the Anahata chakra, the heart chakra. The elect is already a Drug, a man linked for eternity to his Domna, his Valkyrie, who he will never be able to change for another, nor betray, without running the risk of losing his soul, his immortality. Because only one She exists for a He, in all the universes. The poem of the troubadour says it: "My heart has been opened as if by a dagger and you have entered with it. So I shall meet you without another companion, sharing my life and all my death, because when I die, you will live at the bottom of my heart." What follows concerning this Initiation has been revealed in the only way allowed today, in "NOS, Book of Resurrection." Androgeny is not the ultimate end of the Initiation of A-Mor, derived from Orphic Mythology, preserved by the Polar Golden Band. Not the fusion of opposites, but the final definitive separation of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, Absolute Man and Woman, bicephalous, united in separation, or in the Inexpressible Mystery of A-Mor, fulfilling and completing the Orphic Myth, such as has been permitted to be revealed. Or, HE-SHE, Absolute Man, and SHE-HE, Absolute Woman, with faces, personalized, "individualized," who a-man, unite eternally in separation, in a Love without love, which is more than love, because it is a comedy, a parody of love known until now by mortals, something impossible to capture and express in words, a dream of another Universe, the highest possible product of combat on this earth, a Flower that does not exist and is more real, even so, than all the flowers in the gardens of nature. The Ultimate Flower. Jung captured something of this in the process of his "joint individuation," of a "doctor" with his "patient," an alchemist with his soror. For that reason he said a particular religious Mystery had been made to disappear in the Thirteenth Century. A road very difficult to recover, only by a smallest group of elect. Elected by a God of A-Mor. With the destruction of the Catharism of the troubadours, the courts of love and with the disappearance of the Fedele d'Amore, the Minnesanger and the Gral, everything adulterated and corrupted. The Church of Roma (Amor in reverse) took possession of the Cathar banners, changing their colours. From Domna, Shakti, Sophia, the Guelph Church invented the Marian Cult, after which the awakening of the Anahata chakra, instead of an exchange of hearts, became the adoration of the Heart of Jesuschrist the Jew. The exoteric Rosary and the Crown of Thorns (Sahasrara chakra) always refer to the chakras, but when droned in mechanical prayer and the corruption of all its mystery, instead of awakening them, recreating 428

them, only cause the effacement of their virtual power. With the disappearance of the Initiation of A-Mor and the destruction of the Cathar Circle, the Gral and the Templars, everything corrupted and decayed, became human, all too human. History was concentrated in the sentimentalism of the heart, an exteriorization of the Anahata chakra. Profane love and the cult of the physical body of man and woman made their appearance, that aberrant history of our days. They invented a Western Christian love, made by animal-men, for the pasu, removed from all superior symbolism. They lost the hard cold way, the Polar fire of a magic cult, a secret initiation that, when practiced by a vîra and his yogini, by a warrior and his Valkyrie, would transmute them into immortal Gods. And more than Gods. Instead of the sacred flower festivals of May, Lady Month of the Valkyrie Empress of Lucifer's greenery, through lengthening days of the rebirth of spring in the Occident, with the Countess of May, the Bride of May, who defeated Maya, Illusion, with Shakti transfigured into Lilith, her Power regenerated, spiritualized into Er-Ir, instead there was a degenerate Semite Christianity that extracted its gregarious cult of a false Jewess Virgin Mary, monist parody of the Hyperborean Magas, the Norns, the spiritual Virgins of the Black Sun, Isis, the Goddess of Nigredo. May Festivals also then appeared only in disguise, disconnected completely from an essence already lost in the smoke of bonfires, where they burned the initiates, the "sorcerers."

THE DIVYA In a long letter to Professor Jung, reproduced together with his response in "The Hermetic Circle," I asked him: "Have you met someone who has been transmuted, changing the center of their consciousness, reaching the Self (Selbst), thanks to a special technique, his for example? Personally I have my doubts, I do not believe it is possible. It seems to me those distinct beings are born that way. Perhaps the effort made today (in a lineage) bears fruit in future, in someone to come, but who has not yet arrived…" The Man To Come. Even in those years I was posing the differences existing among the inhabitants of the earth, those of divine origin and the others. The difference in the blood, in Blood Memory, that Jung defined as distinct "Collective Unconsciouses": Aryan and Jew.


Transmutation occurs in the blood of the alchemist, because the lead is there, with sulphur, arsenic and cinnabar. And by means of the compulsion of Mercury, circulating in the blood of the soror. Understand she must be of the same race as the alchemist, with the same images circulating through the blood stream, to be able to face the Archetypes in the same way, or be voluntarily and momentarily possessed by the same and no others. Identical Collective Unconsciouses, to use Jung's expression. In his prologue to "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba," Jung finally states his belief that Archetypes are not a mere product of an Unconscious individual, or collective, because "they are the least like the products of the Unconscious." They are autonomous. They are autonomous Gods. Which is not to say they are not in the blood, that they do not have their Olympus, their Valhalla, in the blood. Because we know nothing about blood, since blood, more than circulating through veins of the physical body, also circulates through the veins of the Astral Body. And as we create the Astral Body, we resurrect it (like "Our King"), we "invent it alchemically," we are also recreating our blood. The aurum potabile, which we drink in Minnetrinken. While this Blood has not been created, invented, we must go through the entire process of Nigredo and Albedo, where we are possessed by those "autonomous Gods," even if illusions, products of the Maya of creation, Aeons and Manus of a Manvantara, a Round of the Eternal Return. And there is no other road. Even more, we must open ourselves to this possession, momentarily fostering them. Without possible escape, they are the pagan Gods: Eros, Aphrodite, the Greeks; Krishna, Radha, the Hindu, and many others. Like the Etruscan "shining ones," we must prepare to be pierced by a thunderbolt, without being carbonized, to be crossed from one side to the other, leaving permanently in us only its tremendous formless primordial power. The "numinous" ecstasy, love passion, "constellation" of the Queen of Sheba in the soul, equivalent to effective possession by a God of Love, by a being outside the Hero, the Vîra. What is the Archetype? Does it have to do with the creative primordial power, Will to Power, Wille zur Macht, to use the expression of Nietzsche, dark energy, perhaps without conscience, faceless, passing by, or entering, into created universes (by itself?) putting on the clothing and colour of mythic legend? The power in itself escapes us, is inapprehensible, only its expression reaches us, 430

changing form and substance, on passing through the mind of a possessor of consciousness, in some corner of the demiurgic universe. And that manifestation alone would be (like Myth) what is given to us to experience, at times (from the "Fifth heaven downwards) and not showing what is behind it.

Let us try to resume what has been expressed in these pages, since the exposition of the Mystery of the Gral. There is an ancient science, a Hyperborean technology making possible the return of the Vîra to his divine origin, lost in a combat, or unknown situation, we have been coming to describe. This other science is preserved thanks to the Golden Band of an Aryan Blood Memory, still unbroken. The way of this science is retrograde, backwards, towards the Polar origin. That of the Leftwards Swastika, Esoteric Hitlerism. The claimed mutation is of Vîra into Divya, into the divine being that was. And this is reached through the resurrection of the Astral Body, the Son of Man. Something only Vîras can achieve, since only they have potential Astral Bodies, virtual, because only they were Astral Bodies in their origin, in Hyperborea. The others not. They are only Pasu, animal-men, slaves of Atlantis, "odd" products of an evolution, planetary copies, golems, robots of a Demiurge. We again explain what for ease of exposition we have called Astral Body, using the expression of Paracelsus. A Power lost with the fall, the mixing, the racial sin. What in "The Golden Band: Esoteric Hitlerism" we call Vril, Hvareno, Urna, Vajra. What is called in "Parzival" the "Pillar of Schastel Marveile" and the ancient Greeks described as the Column with which Heracles-Hercules-Poseidon upheld the Sky in Hyperborea, Atlantis, and that later Ulysses maintained. The Iggdrasil Tree of the Germans and the Eddas. And it is ER or IR, a tremendous Power, a "gland," a Third Eye, lost in the night of the birth of Time, when SaturnKronos went out and ate it. And that Power, that unique capacity made them the white race, Polar, Nordic-Hyperborean. Neither the black nor the yellow, nor the red, nor the copper which are not races, have ever had them, nor ever will, because they all belong to animal-man, the slaves of Atlantis, the involution of the Hyperboreans, making possible the evolution of the Neanderthal into Pasu. The mestizos and mulattoes have lost this capacity, some forever. Only the Vîras, mixed in small percentages, can still take part in the alchemical transmutation, with enormous difficulty, greater 431

each time due to the materialization and sclerosis of Kali Yuga. And only the elect among them can be Aryans. Because only they have potential Astral Bodies, Vril. Only they can reconquer ER. For all of these reasons we must be very clear that the Aryan blood, physiological, biological, is fundamental. They must first clean themselves from all mixture, in a retrograde process. This is what was aimed at in Hitlerist Germany and the SS initiation of Wewelsburg. The Royal Blood, divine, Sangreal. The aspiration to the white type, blond, blue eyes, Nordic Hyperborean of Polar Venusian origin. We have said that the Astral Body, giving birth to the Son of Man, also gives its blood to his body, blue blood, and we then reviewed things like red Vajra, a Cape, a Mantle of Neso, the Tarnkappe of Siegfried (Sieg = triumph; Fried = free). The materialization of the astral body, one of the most important practices of the Order. The Rubedo of Tantric Alchemy. Once created and "materialized" the Astral Body, Vril or ER, will regenerate and resurrect the physical body, changing form as well, or rather disappearing, transforming into a Sword, the Sword of Parzival and Anfortas, the Red Knight, into Two Swords (the physical body and astral body), like in the Aryan Daoist yoga of the most ancient China. All the battles unleashed against the Enemy are carried out simultaneously in two worlds, with Two Swords, in the physical and astral, or mental. And the latter best destroys the Enemy. Therefore when the battle happens that way, then we see the earth, the Terre gaste, regenerates as well, putting an end to Kali Yuga, recovering the Golden Age, Satya-Yuga, SAT-UR-NO and Rhea. HE-SHE and SHE-HE. The A-Mor initiation of the Minnesanger and Gral, Tantric Alchemy, are only translations a posteriori of a Hyperborean science rediscovered by Wotan on the Iggdrasil Tree, during his Nine Nights of Terror. This was the redeeming resurrecting Science of the Runes. Because it is enough to apply the exact Rune to produce the mutation of the Vîra into Divya, into immortal Siddha. The Rune and its mantra, from Sthula-Cabda, the Aryan Orphic Kabala. The Sign is enough, the original language of the Divya, a sign that opens simultaneously, by synchronic solidarity, the Door-Window of Venus, allowing passage back towards the nonexistence of the Green Thunderbolt, original home of the Aryans, Hyperboreans. Thereby fulfilling a dream not dreamed even by the most ancient Pilgrims of Dawn. 432

………………………………………………………………………………... Esoteric Hitlerism is a struggle in all the Universes of the DemiurgeJehovah. Its initiates are absolutely compromised here and beyond. The heroes know they could lose their lives at any moment, but the Valkyries, Wotan and the Fuhrer will reconstitute them in Valhalla. Like the assassin, death does not matter to them, rather they desire it. Because life is good for nothing if it is not sacrificed for an Ideal, in this great fight, this Great War. The initiated Hitlerist is a Knight Errant in search of jousts, like Parzival, like Gawain, to conquer the Gral. Yes! We are in mortal combat with the Demiurge, the Lord of Darkness and his acolytes. We know we are going to win, because as Adolf Hitler said: "If I win the war, I will have given a mortal blow to the Jew. If I lose the war, their triumph will only be for a brief time. And so it happened, because his victory had already begun to decline, because it is on the longest day, at noon, when midnight is announced. Hence that terror making the Jew tremble, even in the apotheosis of his triumph and world domination. In the synchronism of Hitlerian Initiation, when the Vîra has mutated into Divya, the Window of Venus opens, the maelstrom Door of the Black Sun, the "Black Hole," in the center of the Leftwards Swastika, and the Divya, or Siddha, then disappears forever from the sight of mortals. They have entered into a completely opposed Universe, where the Light of the Gold Sun disappears. They have reached the non-being of the Green Thunderbolt. They have defeated the Enemy, the Demiurge-Asura-Jehovah (we still remain with those names). For those who fall here, for the Pasu, the event will seem like a defeat. But there has been a victory. They go over to the region of the Tulku, who is beyond and yet can return here. Who will return with a White Horse, with a Swan, a Vimana, to play with the enemies and rescue their own, in their Legion of Heroes-Vîras, continuing to battle for Him and for the Self, for the Selbst. And when those who are still here in this Holy War, continuing and perhaps never to end completely, we will then go to pass again through that narrow Door, we shall meet Him face to face. We will be he! This is Esoteric Hitlerism.


In the Tantric Initiation of the Minnesanger, that we have been describing, with occasional help from the experiences of Professor Jung, we find the Window, the Door of escape and entrance to be guarded by a tremendous Presence, a faceless power. An Archetype. We are in a struggle to the death with him, with this Guardian of the Threshold, with this Abominable Snowman, so that we can cross through this Door. First we must let ourselves be struck by a lightning bolt, that crosses us from side to side, so that like the ancient Roman "Shining Ones," we are inflamed, "constellated" by this numinous power. This is the most dangerous test, like in the SS when they threw a grenade over their helmets. Only immobility could save them, through presence of mind and emotional control. Absolute Will: Cuddhabuddhisvabhava. The alchemist will fight against these same Archetypes constellated in the metals of his Crucible. the initiate of A-Mor, with the presence of the anima each time more cutting. Also against other Gods and Demons. As we have said before, these are illusory forms, products of the Great Maya created by Wille zur Macht, Will to Power, beyond those Archetypes only acquiring form and history when they enter our paths, crossing over us like lightning bolts. They are our myths, our legends. And although illusory, merely our own creations, they seem in some way to correspond to an imagination of the Universe itself, something outside of us, "a Cosmic Poetry," as Otto Rahn would say. Count Keyserling stated "all that remains below Myth and Symbol is infrahuman." "Because these things come to us wanting to transform themselves into symbols," Nietzsche would add. Everything depends from where and how we look, Jung states with Ortegan perspectivism. Either the viewpoint of he who suffers the Archetype, or of he who overcomes it, conquering the Archetype. There is certainly something that escapes us. That Power, that Energy in Itself, the Archetype in Itself, the Being without Face. The Demiurge, perhaps? Or that Being who remains waiting for us as if at the edge of a Fountain? To go down this slippery road, so steep and full of dangers, we must declare anew, as we did in "The Golden Band," that Esoteric Hitlerism is not dualist. If it were, there would be no possibility of heroic combat. There would only be an attempt at flight, of escape from the world of the Demiurge. Nor would the Yuga of Heroes exist. Esoteric Hitlerism has bettered dualism, because it believes in the possibility of transmutation of the Terre gaste, wresting it from the Demiurge, from Klingsor, recovering Hyperborea, by means of the magic maelstrom of the 434

Leftwards Reverse Swastika and the Esoteric War of the Fuhrer, who will return to liberate the earth forever, because his war has not been lost. Only a battle has been lost. Dualist Gnosticism is something profoundly anti-Germanic and anti-Aryan. Esoteric Hitlerism claims to let loose combat in every world and plane of manifestation, on every front at the same time, as he already has, to alter and destroy illusions, the Maya of the Lord of Darkness. And in that sense, the trials and combats the Enemy sets before us are only tests the hero of the Gral, the Polar Round Table of King Arthur, the God Thor, must vanquish, overcome. And he will be the same Enemy who, disintegrating (to return later to reintegrate) gets out of our way, as necessary proof of our triumph. He is there for that, to give us faith. The Gral hero goes to regenerate the same wasteland, with his Magic Idealism, typically Aryan, Germanic. Magic Idealism of Novalis and the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler. Therefore, on stepping over the Archetype, dissolving him, the warriorinitiate, Vîra, can seize this tremendous faceless Energy, found behind the illusory archetypal forms. He takes that energy at the same time as he gives a face to himself and his A-Mada. What is achieved is for us today still indescribable. Something like this most ancient Being beyond the "I," or of the "I." The one who knows himself before and after being "I." Now returned, recovered, deeply personalized, individualized, thanks to this combat of A-Mor and Hate (Phobo) with the Shadow: He is WE. The Selbst of Nietzsche and Jung. Thus it is still possible the descent and what we call the fall have been no more than an heroic action, a tremendous risk accepted by some Divyas to achieve individualization, Absolute Personality, coming to be more than Gods. Able to "illuminate the obsurity of the Creator." As Jung wrote to me in his extraordinary letter: "We have given consciousness to the Creator," to the Wille zur Macht. To That, who remains waiting as on the edge of a Fountain. We have given him a Face, two Faces, HESHE and SHE-HE, recovered, resurrected. Thus we have gone beyond the Archetype. Towards a world not dreamed of by the greatest Pilgrims of Longing. And even though everything will seem to be absolutely the same… "it will be as if it were not, it will be as if it were not…" So ended my book "The Visits of the Queen of Sheba," written so many years ago, but with validity for eternity. 435

Jung said it: "If someone, somewhere in this world (and in the others) confronted the Archetype in a confident definitive way, he would have universal validity. Because the Archetype is one and indivisible." In any moment of this life, there is the possibility and even the time (in a Yuga, Manvantara or Kalpa), to be able to go out, to be individualized. Everything depends on the path the Elect, the Vîra, takes to achieve this. Yes, he must do it with weapons in hand. And, above all, with the thought of his Beloved, his Valkyrie in mind and heart, like Parzival advising his comrade Gawain. The volcanoes are extinct and the catastrophe is avoided, because the earth itself will spiritualize, change its matter, the astral earth will rise anew, synchronistically with the triumph of the Vîra. Most likely this will occur at the limit itself of visible catastrophe, when the Jewish microbe of destruction disintegrates the material earth. The physical death of the earth will correspond with a new life, to a different level of matter, another plane of spiritual consciousness. The end of involution of Kali Yuga, together with the explosion of a New Star. The earth will have mutated, become gone away. Each, Earth and Divya, will be one and round. The Seventh Sun.

DIVINIZATION It is hard to believe that man and woman can attain such a great victory without help, in this tremendous event. At some point in the drama, another Power, coming from another Universe, from a "beyond the stars," as Goebbels would say, citing Beethoven, must come to their aid. Only this Third Fire will enable imprisoned Aryan man and woman, unconscious Vîras until now, destined to be devoured by the moon, or by an Archetype-Golem, can resist such great tensions and overcome them. The Fire will be awakened, concentrating in the Manipura chakra. But this Fire, this Potency, this Will or Longing, this Love without love, cold and ardent, carrying them to overcome all tests, can only be received in the blood. Only in blood purified by a magic process, rediscovered in Wewelsburg. In the Memory there awakened by the Hyperborean science of remembering without remembering. First, his own birth, in a mythic symbolic manner, like in the Initiation of Manutara, described in my book "NOS." Then 436

awakening the remembering of the ancestors of Lineage, the Family House, repeated in the Eternal Return, as in "ELELLA, Book of Magic Love," so that the Note of the Lineage returns to resonate, regaining the lost octave of all the notes. Recalling all this has happened before, already was and will now occur again, but with awareness, in a combat body to body alongside the Archetype of the Great Ancestor, breaking the chains with a single blow of the sword Excalibur. Help is found in the Blood Memory purified by the Alchemy of A-Mor. In the supreme moment the recollection of the eternal Beloved is found there just as Condwiramurs for Parzival and Allouine for Arbaris, She will fight in He and save him, making him win in this joust and go beyond the Archetype, as through an immense shadow that bursts and disintegrates as in the "Three Nights of Ice" in my books "The Serpent of Paradise" and "Neither By Land Nor Sea." Only he must believe in her, never lose his faith and be faithful to her until the end, because if he does so, "only fortune will go with them." Because the motto of purified Aryan blood is Blut und Ehre! "Blood and Honour." And Meine Ehre Heisst Treue! "My Honour is Loyalty." This law rules the initiate of Esoteric Hitlerism: Loyalty and Honour to his Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, in this life and beyond this life. To accept and follow his example and believe only in what He said. And to never believe in what He did not say. In connection with the Beloved, in front of her apparition, as for a Chance filled with Meaning, the hero of the Regal Art of A-Mor voluntarily provokes possession by the Archetype of the anima. by means of the ancient science of Hyperborea and manages, in some way, to free himself from this possession, with the aid of his Odinic Valkyrie, with the thought of her in his mind and heart. With the Rune she gives him. With that crossing through so terrible an Energy throughout his being, inflaming and transmuting his existence, the Vîra will become pregnant and will give birth to the Son of Man, of Resurrection and Immortality. He and his A-Mada will be divinized, like Parzival and Condwiramurs. Heil! Sieg Heil!



Two books on alchemy serve to illustrate this wider process of A-Mor. The "Mutus Liber" or "Mute Book," composed only of prints, edited in 1677, in La Rochelle. It is signed by Altus, an encrypted name made with five letters of the father's name Sulat that, read in reverse, gives the noun Talus in Latin. The Latin dedication of the book will also be deciphered as follows: "Dedicated to the sons of the Art and the Sun." Also: "Solisque filiis artis dedicatus." "Dedicated only to the sons of the Art." (Of Alchemy). The other book is the "Rosarium Philosophorum," published in Frankfurt in 1550 and attributed to a certain Petrus Toletanus, of Toledo. Professor Jung has given an interpretation of the images of the latter book and of some of the first, in "Psychology of Transference," published by Editorial Paidos of Buenos Aires, in 1950, deforming its profound magic and spiritual meaning, as he previously did with alchemy in general, in his book "Psychology and Alchemy." Therefore Julius Evola justly accused him of applying the destructive Jewish method of psychoanalysis to lower the standards, trying to mutilate the transcendent. Fortunately, as we have said, Professor Jung has not concerned himself with the Mystery of the Gral. But his disciples have, including his wife. We are going to attempt to repair the damage and make use of these marvellous images of alchemy, recovering them for the A-Mor Mystery of the Minnesanger. Professor Jung said "only the poets will understand me." Therefore, in spite of his errors, his work is saved, because his work connects precisely with that mute symphony, with its Poetry and is open to being liberated from the prosaic clutter that he sometimes sees himself as obligated to give it, to protect himself from the "Inquisition," ever active in our days. And because Professor Jung also lost the war. He has had, therefore, to make use of the trobar clus.


The alchemist and his soror begin the opus. All the instruments are on the table. They light the fire in the Crucible. A Star with Eight Points shows it is the Way of Venus. (See Annex III) There are here five images within a single engraving. The last image shows us HE-SHE and SHE-HE, each with faces, and also the Sun and Moon. They represent the total process of the opus of A-Mor, at the end of which each one is then a star.


In the lower part of the drawing, the alchemist and his soror practice the opus, before the Crucible, in reverent attitude. Their gestures are rituals, magic, mudras filled with unction. In the upper part of the drawing, the Third Power descends from the sky, to lend assistance in the precise moment to the couple, as celebrants of A-Mor and its Shandali, or Candali (of Kundalini), its Samatha, the warrior and his Valkyrie. A great Sun with face watches from above, while two angels hold a flask, an Orphic Egg, within which a old man appears. He is Poseidon, who extends his hands over a standing man and woman, one beside the other, with Sun and Moon over their heads. This is the Orphic Egg before its partition, HE-SHE. He and She, and also the Third Power, who stays waiting like on the edge of a Fountain, while the process of partition is completed. Then the Egg will re-live as Aryan Vîras who seek to die and live once again. By the alchemists. This watching Sun is not our own, not the sun of the Demiurge. It is another, with a Face.


The King of the Sea and Hyperborea, Poseidon, is reminding us of the flooding of Atlantis, simultaneously with the partition and loss of the Golden Age.

The alchemist and his "soror" begin the opus. On the table are all the instruments. They put fire in the Crucible. The Eight-Pointed Star. (See Annex Three)

The following plates belong to the "Rosarium Philosophorum" and were commented on and interpreted in different ways by Professor Jung. The Great Work begins, the opus, He and She, Sun and Moon, King and Queen, the elect, meeting again in the Eternal Return, to initiate the Mystery of AMor. They are dressed in the ceremonial costumes of crowned King and Queen. He stands on the Sun, she on the Moon. They hold their staffs, or scepters, in their right hands and the scepters are two flower stalks which cross each other. From above a bird descends, perhaps a dove, carries another rod in its mouth similar to the two staves and crossing them through the middle. In this way they form the HAGAL Rune, the rune of totality. At the same time, King and Queen give each 441

other their left hands. In this way they show they are going to fulfill the Tantrism of the Two Hands, the Right and the Left, although in the opus the Maithuna will be purely symbolic. The HAGAL Rune, upheld with the right hands of the celebrants, signals the Polar tradition, Nordic-Hyperborean, equivalent to Right Hand Tantrism, with Minnesanger and troubadours, a spiritual Maithuna with the Beloved within. The bird, a Cathar dove, Paraklitos, represents the Star Oiyehue, of Quetzalcoatl, Phosphoros, Double Star of Morning.

The celebrants are naked in the test of Asag, always beneath the protection of the HAGAL Rune and standing on the sun and moon, signaling this is an extraterrestrial ritual.


The a-mantes enter the bath, in the water of remembrance, dissolving, causal. The HAGAL Rune forever protects them, so they can continue reproducing with their flowering rods.


Coniuctio, Maithuna, apparently with physical bodies, but in control of their essences: semen, bundi and rajas. It is intended to reactivate the chakras and give life to the astral body, which will be the son of this magic alchemical coitus, transmuting the metals of the Vîra. The a-mantes are always crowned, monarchs even in the act of copulation. Sun and Moon contemplate them. Maithuna is effected within the Sarcophagus, filled with dark water, into which this bath has been transformed. The Tomb UR, in the Externsteine.


The naked bodies of the a-mantes have grown wings. This indicates the coitus is now astral, in astral bodies, a conjoined astral flight, as described in my book "NOS," reaching the stage of "continuous orgasm," Aropa, with their whole being. Chaste and symbolic Asag. They are passing through the first stages "to recreate" what we have called the Astral Body, as to release in an active way the awareness of their bodily conditioning, a release the Tibetans call Phowa. These are the first steps to obtain individualization and recreation of the various bodies, able to give a Face to the astral body, the son of magic death, Son of Man. This "conjoined flight" belongs to Right Hand Tantrism, the symbolic AMor of the Minnesanger. The astral bodies, in the engraving, already fly over the dark shadowy surface of the waters, "constellated," but they do not yet have the Bicephalous Face of Baphomet, HE-SHE and SHE-HE, not yet WE, Absolute Man and Woman. The "Rosarium Philosophorum," appears in these last two engravings to be signalling the possibility of a beginning of the opus by means of Left Hand 445

Tantrism, with a real Maithuna, in physical body, by which they reach the symbolic spiritual regions of Right Hand Tantrism, where Maithuna continues in the astral bodies of the a-mantes, with wings, in a parallel mental world, where the material organs of the physical body are transmuted into distinctly other bodies. There is no contradiction between these two currents. The Tantric hero, initiate of A-Mor, can continue following either of the two roads, "wet" or "dry," travelling separately, or together at the same time, according to which better suits the "memory of the blood."

They begin to dissolve their earthly personalities, now secondary, through the test of Asag, the Mysterium conjunctionis, Hierosgamia, Chemical Wedding. In the engraving the a-mantes appear with only one body, in a shadowy tomb, filled with water, but with two crowned faces. They have been alone together, 446

everyone has abandoned them. This is Nigredo. Phantom Opera, Dark Night of the Soul.

Slowly, among the clouds, beginning to form, "to invent," to dream, the astral body, first as a small embryonic being, a diminutive homunculus. Son of both a-mantes, merged into a single body with two faces. Son of this magic death, with ability to survive beyond physical death.


The individualized astral body descends as a newborn, immortal, returning from its "voyage" to take possession of the single body, still perishable, of the two bodies in their tombs, "where they will never have another companion other than themselves." Below, at the foot of the sarcophagus, the Bird of Paradise, Bird of the Queen of Sheba, Phoenix Bird, has doubled into its pair, another bird beginning to emerge from the earth, or below-earth. The symbolism of this image is very important, since the fulfillment of the opus transmutationis, the principum individuationis, once achieved, not only allows to go out above, to another plane of existence, but, moreover, transfigures the earth of Kali Yuga, causing those beings held prisoner there to sprout wings as well. Victory is won both upwards and downwards. Vîra becomes Divya. Earth recovers the Golden Age, destroying its samsaric surface.


The Dark Night has been left behind. For Albedo, the White opera.

The image now shows a single triumphant body: the Androgyne, Ardhanarisvara, Baphomet, man on one side and woman on the other. The Wedding of Ida and Pingala. Over the sex of this body there is something like a skirt of skin, like the one said to cover the sex of the Queen of Sheba. Two heads and two faces, crowned King and Queen. Moreover there are wings. One arm upholds a Gral from which three serpents go out and, in the other, only one serpent. This is already the Lord-Lady of Power, Kundalini: Woewre Saelde. Maya has been seized and overcome with the Astral Body fully developed. Double, like the Star Venus that has directed the entire process of its re-creation and birth. WE, such as I describe in my "Book of Resurrection." HE-SHE. In the engraving the figure stands on the Moon, thus emphasizing that without the presence and foundation of the feminine, without her participation in the opus, transmutation is not possible. Whether accompanied directly in this world, or from other worlds as an immaterial Valkyrie, as dead Beloved or Woman of Imagination, Woman-Guru of the blood. She is indispensable. 449

On the right side of the figure of the Resurrected stands a tree, clearly representing the spinal column of the initiate, with twelve branches, six on each side. At the end of each branch appears a round face. Above, in the center at the end of the Tree, another face opens and presides over all, with the number of seats of the Mystery of the Arthurian Round Table and Gral, with its Siege Perilous, Number 13. As with the Mystery of the North Tower, in the SS Castle of Wewelsburg. Thus the number of chakras that must awaken in the Mystery of Hyperborean A-Mor is Thirteen, as with the "Futhark" of Wotan, in this NordicPolar Yoga by means of the A-Mor Fire of the Kundalini Serpent, Woewre Saelde or Valkyrie Ich-Sol-Da. One way of overcoming the I and reaching WE, individuation, Absolute Man, HE-SHE. Giving a face to each of these chakras, the Face of the Beloved, because there is a wedding in each of them, as described in "NOS." The form of Absolute Man is rounded. Each complete in every one of its parts, with total awareness in each of the chakras (because the chakras are centers of awareness, as Jung claims), in the circumference as in the center. A star. Seventh Sun. With this image in the engraving of the "Rosarium Philosophorum" we reach the end of the opus alchimicum. Rebis has been created, from res bina, the double nature, Humunculus. Rubedo, red opera, after Nigredo and Albedo. The body has been dressed with Vajra, the imperishable material and transcendent virility. But this is not the ultimate conclusion of the Mystery of A-Mor of the Minnesanger, not as described in "NOS," although this does conclude the revelation given in "ELELLA, Book of Magic Love." Now, together with HESHE we also have SHE-HE, an Absolute Woman who can achieve identical plenitude with the Vîra. Until now the process followed by the soror (yogini, Shandâli, Samatha) has never been explained. Jung lamented a soror never writes a book narrating her own experiences in the opus. Yet I believe I have had a presentiment of the path of the yogini priestess of A-Mor. It is the Path of Sacrifice. She gives everything, up to her "own eternity," she gives herself wholly to cooperate and help the Beloved, so that he achieves immortality in the opus and struggle of A-Mor. Because "even though it seems to be he who fights, she will be the one who fights within him." "So he will not have another companion either in this world or in the dark depths of the tomb, because she has opened his heart as if with a dagger and put herself there for eternity." "Lovers do not die, they live another century of happiness and 450

glory," said the troubadour Jacques Baiseaux. "Marriage (of mortals) is a desecrated Mystery," stated Novalis. The Beloved has given everything for him, has put her faith in him. At his side, she has given him the metals with which to transmute them, impregnating him with her fluid of Shakti, priestess, recovered Hyperborean Goddess. Whether here on earth, or from another world, from the Morning Star. With the immortalization of the elect, the alchemic hero and Vîra, simultaneously the immortalization of his soror, his Beloved, is achieved. He must now resurrect her, by means of concentration on her image, impregnating it with prana and bundi. Like projecting her outside of himself, to take her anew from within and dress her as well with immortal Vajra. A double birth, a new giving to the light. Urgent labour of loyalty from beyond the grave, postmortem. Because her eternal life depends on His. Because she gave her eternity to him. And if He triumphs, there will be a HE-SHE and a SHE-HE, an Absolute Man and Woman, united and separated forever, in the Divine Comedy of a Love without love. AMor. Without death. In the illustrations of the "Rosarium," at the foot of the Crowned King, HESHE, there always appears a bird, the Bird of Paradise, Phoenix Bird. It is there to remind us the Great Work has not ended. All the other kingdoms of the Earth must be transfigured simultaneously and their energies incorporated in the Total-Man. He must also resurrect She, who has given him everything and remained with nothing. Because she gave him his life, his death and his eternity, so that he can immortalize. She gives him her trust that his "honour is called loyalty."



The Raslila, or Polar Dance of Krishna, eighth Avatar of Vishnu, emanation of his divinity. Radha accompanies him, his A-Mada, Valkyrie, emanation of Lakshmi, the wife (SHE-HE) of the God Vishnu. The Dance Circle symbolizes the Pole, as the Round Table of King Arthur and Swastika. The Dance is performed in the Gardens of Vrindavan, Garden of the Nordic Roses of Asgard, in the Andean City of the Caesars, the warm water Oasis of the South Pole.

I have with me this beautiful ancient polychrome miniature from Rajasthan. The dance of Krishna with the cowherds of Gokul are pictured, in the Garden of Vrindavan. The Dance of Krishna is called Raslila and is, once again, in a circle. The Hyperborean Blue God is in the center, Avatar of Vishnu, blond Divinity, golden, Polar. Krishna dances with his beloved Radha, the favorite, with his Shandali ("sandal woman"), his Samatha, soror. He is thus Chakrecvara, the Tantric Fuhrer, center of the Circle of the Swastika. Curiously, we also find Krishna in the circumference, with the same Radha, multiplied into nine Krishnas, including the central one, flanked by two Radhas. In total 18 Radhas, multiple of 9, the sacred number par excellence. Outside the Dance Circle are four women musicians. Above, in the starry sky, travel four fiery chariots, Vimanas, or Astras, each one carrying a divine pair, with their emblematic animal reintegrating, Shiva's bull, Vishnu's Garuda Bird and Brahma's Royal Peacock (which could also be a Swan), repeated at the two 452

extremes of the miniature. In the center, a round opaque face is included. We do not know what star it might be, since it is not the earthly sun, with its light of Kali Yuga. Raslila, the Circle of this Tantric Dance, is the same as the Round Table of King Arthur with his knights and ladies, with his warriors and amasia uxor. As well as the Polar Circle that revolves, with its immobile center, Axis Pillar, Column crossing the sky studded with stars. Above all, the Leftwards Swastika of Return to Hyperborea, Esoteric Hitlerism. Representing, furthermore, the opening of all the chakras. To the extent the Dance gains greater speed, reaching frenzy, the pair of Tantric heroes, Vîras, proliferate appearing on the circumference at the same time as in the Center of the magic Polar Circle. They are already the Selbst, that "Circle whose circumference is everywhere and its Center nowhere." Allowing the hero celebrants of this opus to go out through the non-existent Ultimate Center, through this Ultimate Flower. Transmuting into a Vimana, an "Unknown Object" overcoming the gravity of this illusory world of Kali Yuga, created by the hypnosis of the Demiurge, Klingsor-Jehovah. Leaving for a Universe not yet dreamed even by the greatest Pilgrims of Longing. And arriving at that Other Sun. Sun of HESHE and SHE-HE: WE. Mystery of Tantric Kaula, Vrajoli Tantra. an Opus Alchimicum, Road of Gral and the Round Table of King Arthur, Hyperborean Initiation of A-Mor, Minnesanger and Esotericism of the Reverse Leftwards Swastika of Wewelsburg.



MAGIC REICH With the coming of Hitler to power in Germany, as if by some "click" signaling the passage from one dimension to another, the Esoteric Reich of the Vîras, the Aryans, was unexpectedly enveloped in a halo of magic. As if a white feminine spirit (Woewre-Saelde) had come to dwell in the land of the Germans, the same one my Maestro saw leave at the end of the War. The criticisms Evola made of the gregarious State, common masses, Nazi, claiming to find a difference between Totalitarian State and Organic State, are unjust and a result of ignorance about what was happening there. Evola moved on the surface of Hitlerist events and was theorizing. He spoke, for example, of a pyramid hierarchic State as the ideal State, not gregarious, not proletarian. He thereby applied inappropriate terms to those magic events, results of a "click," a going out to another reality. To begin with, the Third Reich or Hitlerist State, was never pyramidal, nor hierarchic in that way. It was a Circle. And that changed the image of that other reality substantially. We can not speak of gregarianism, nor of pyramid structure, nor of anything similar. The Fuhrer is not at the top of the hierarchic pyramid, but in a Center. The Center of the Circle. A Circle that gyrates each time more dizzily, with the direction of the Reverse Leftwards Swastika, attempting the Return. Within each German, Aryan, each time more German, each time more Aryan. Some closer to the Center, but all Germans, all Aryans, so there is neither gregarianism nor masses any longer. There is only a People, a Reich (in a profoundly magic, mystic sense, Circle drawn around the Swastika) and a Fuhrer, Pole or hypnotic, irresistible center of attraction. So that this hallucinatory Circle, swirling, swirling, every time faster, must cause everything to dissolve, disappearing from the eyes of that illusory reality of disconnected men, animal-men, robots, Jews, servants of money and the Great Illusionist, the Lord of Darkness. After having won the War, the Swastika-Circle of the Aryans, with their Fuhrer-Center, disappeared (in the Vimana of their gyrating Circle), leaving the hallucinatory impression of exhaustion for the earthbound, unable to explain the great events, always having to turn away from the tremendous facts, to try to convince themselves Hitler lost, because they can only understand the hallucinatory phenomena of the apparition of an Avatar among the


robots and animal-men of Kali Yuga as a defeat. Yet in their innermost emptiness, they know Hitler won (and will win) the Great War.


An Awakened Vîra. Hearing the Voice of Blood Memory. He has recovered the Vril.

This phantasmagoric happening, fallen among us, at the nadir of Kali Yuga, can not be understood, nor even followed by all the Vîras. The "white treason" in Germany was huge. To read the list of traitors published by SS Colonel Otto Ernst Remer, in his book "Verschworung und Verrat um Hitler," terrifies us. Almost all the generals betrayed their Fuhrer. Even Himmler backslid in the end. How was this possible? The rotating Circle had reached a velocity of vertigo, and, shortly before breaking away from this material world, terror took hold of some of the faithful, that instinctive fear of "losing corporeality." Moments before the gravity of the body of earth was defeated and they could have crossed the threshold separating them from Hyperborea. But the heroes, who carried in their hearts and minds the memory of the A-Mada and held their Sword firmly in hand, did not betray their Fuhrer and went with Him towards Paititi, the impregnable Refuge at the South Pole, the Alchemical City of the Great Transmutation. The Mountain of Lead next to Mount Parzival.

LABORATORY OF RACIAL MUTATION None of those who had awakened the memory of the Aryan blood, and had truly purified it, could commit treason. Germany became the principal Laboratory of Racial Transmutation, but not everyone was truly pleased with this. Nor believed in the gigantic work undertaken. Nobles and ambitious men joined only to preserve their privileges, or obtain more. They did not take their own claims seriously, and only pretended to jump beyond, or to make the leap into the Circle when such a hypnotic velocity had been gained by it, such that they were merely frightened into conformity. So they only ended up breaking themselves into a thousand pieces and forever. Evola was mistaken when he thought Germany aimed at a type of crushing economic and social equality of everyone, a proletarianization. This arose later, after the war, when the accent was exclusively on the economic-judaic, like in Switzerland and the Scandinavian countries, in a superlative way. Like in the entire world, including Japan, India, China, Chile, Argentina, etc. In Hitler's 457

Germany everything was about race, not economics, least of all usury. If everyone achieved blood purity, they would be equal, in a brotherhood of Aryans, like in pre-history, in Polar Hyperborean, like in the organization of the Mannerbunde and the Court of King Arthur. Equal and free, equality among nobles. An aristocratic nation, with a racial aristocracy. Aristogenesis. With a charismatic Center, agglutinating, the Fuhrer, who is a Voice. The Voice of Blood. And that Voice, moreover, hears Another Voice, coming to him from the Blood of his Astral Body, the Second Sword named "Blood Memory." The Fuhrer transmits this and leads the Circle through this Other Voice. This is the advent of the Seventh Sun. A Circle and Circular Folk.


The Vara Mudra, granting favour and destroying fear. The Double Rune SIEG, Victory:

. SS Initiation. This salute was used mainly by the Leaders and by

the Fuhrer, in answer to the HEIL! of the simple SIEG Rune. Its Mantra is SIEG HEIL! Victory! Heilsa! About Salvation, Individuation and triumph over the 459

world of the Demiurge Jehovah. Also indicated are the positions of the poles in the body of the Initiate Vîra, with sky and Southern Cross.

By the necessity of unleashing the definitive combat, to the death, against Judaism, the acolyte of a supernatural Enemy, in the plan of Return, Germany had to establish a racial politics of blood and racial purification, taking as ideal the blond Nordic type, with blue eyes. A eugenesis or eugenics. There was strict legislation for marriage and the procreation of Nordic children. They set up the institution of the Lebenborn. As many Aryans as possible must incarnate the Hyperborean spirit, increasing the radius of the Circle (Lebenraum, Vital Space), such as not to leave in the regenerated earth, new Earth spiritualized by the Gral, any livingspace for the Jew anti-race, nor for the animal-men, robots, slaves of Atlantis. These will remain, or decay, with the material world of the Demiurge. The Hitlerist youth were received in the organization of the Hitler Jungen, under the motto Blut und Ehre, "Blood and Honour." There they were given a dagger and were linked together with the ancient German Gods, with the legends and myths of the Polar Nordic Race. The best went to study in the Napola schools, where they began certain specializations in conformity with their most outstanding qualities, or musical note of their ancestral lineage. In truth, more than a race, Hitler was creating an initiatic Lineage, as He called it, by means of a Racial Initiation of the Blood. Passing the members of the community through different institutions targeted this. Those institutions were equivalent to moments of Racial Initiation, going approximately to a Center, like the Initiation described in my book "The Ultimate Flower." The Incas called the Circle Huilka and my Maestro-Fuhrer Huilkanota, which means the Center. From Napola, the most distinguished, carefully selected, went on to the SS Castles, in Vogelsan, Renania, Krossinse, Pomerania, Sonthofen, Bavaria, constructions by no means yet completed. (Castille, city of Castles). From there, some few would go to the initiatic Castle of the Black Order of the Skull, in Westphalia: Wewelsburg. The building of all those Castles, as with Hitlerian architecture, was done according to magical calculations and principles, tending to facilitate the transmutation of the Vîra. Even the Konzentrationslager, the Concentration Camps, true cities, were magical, with nothing sinister within them, also destined to cause a mutation. Various authors have written about this. 460

In Wewelsburg only the elect would have the possibility of entering into and forming part of the Circle of the Round Table of the Fuhrer-Arthur-Thor, enabled to be initiates in the underground beneath the North Tower, as I have previously described. Only very few would reach the re-living of their astral blood, together with their Linga-Sârira, in short, the conquest of Vril, coming to be SS of the Two Swords, thus able to unleash the struggle against the Enemy in more than one world and with more than one body. The Aryans in truth, Twice Born. Besides the SS dagger, with the inscription "Meine Ehre Heisst Treue," there was also a sacramental Sword, given to very few to possess, The Sword "Blood Memory," handed to them by Anfortas, King of the Gral.

MIRROR OF PAPAN The alchemical description and decryption we have made of the Gral Mystery and "Parzival" legend, and of the Mystery of A-Mor and Doctrine of the Minnesanger and Troubadours, dispenses us from giving more details on the SS Initiation, given in Wewelsburg Castle. They were inspired by the Templar Organization, in the Mystery of the Gral and the Court of King Arthur. Since it is well understood that all those Mysteries come from a lost polar wisdom, Hyperborean, from a vast mythology reinterpreted in historical times, so we can also understand the SS Initiation was nearer to the Aryan origins of the Rune Warrior Order of Wotan, to be completed on German soil and among Germans exclusively. We can take as given that in Wewelsburg there also existed the Pillar of Schastel Marveile, that Stone of Thabronit, that telepathic "closed circuit," a sort of menhir, Moon Stone from Venus, Vril, Orialco, a Treasure of the Visigoth Kings and Cathars, treacherously used by Klingsor against his own race. In Wewelsburg there must have been a fragment of that Pillar, the gigantic Stone in "critical" condition we would later see in chains, so that today no one knows how to use it, since the pure blood that "synchronized" it with the vibration of the Sonnenmenschen is lost. With their psychological astral magnetism. In my book "The Golden Band" I have a chapter called "The Mirror of Papan,' from which the Aztec Princess, "sister" (soror) of Montezuma, in truth a Hyperborean priestess, received her visions. In which she contemplated the return of Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent in a mirror of onyx, or some other unknown 461

material. It fell into the hands of Hernán Cortes, who took it to Europe. By a strange destiny, it came to England where Queen Elizabeth the First coveted it. At last it came into the hands of John Dee, the sage and mathematician of the Sixteenth Century, descendant of Roderick the Great and Hoel Dhats, according to Meyrink. These stones, previously known and used by the Frisians, and which were perhaps what the priestesses called "Lamps," could only be used effectively when they were synchronized with the vibrations of the viewer, always of pure Aryan blood. Better said, to be able to connect with these "Lamps" there had to be a previous purification of the Blood Memory. The stone comes to be like an inductor or those crystal balls, or pendulums, opening "the third eye," working synchronistically in solidarity with an electromagnetic vital pulse in the viewer. According to the technique of dowsers and the use of staves, or stone scepters, like the Incas and pharaohs. The Mirror of Papan will go with John Dee to Prague, where the Holy Roman Emperor of the Germans Rudolf II, the alchemist, wants to have it at any price. As related in my "The Golden Band," I have seen it in the British Museum, the Mirror of John Dee and Princess Papan. But I doubt very much whether it is authentic, since it would not be there but in some Synagogue, a Masonic Lodge of the Scottish Rite, or in the power of the Golden Dawn. Better yet, with an Intelligence Service in the section for para-psychology and hypnotism at a distance. The Mirror of Papan may well be held by members of some secret organization of the German nobility, in Prague. Does the "Angel" of John Dee (the same as Rilke's Angel?) still appear there, speaking in the language known as "Enochian"? Prague is a mysterious city, filled with magic vibrations. Goebbels said: "If Prague and Vienna fell, Europe would have fallen." Heydrich was able to conquer Prague psychologically and Himmler searched there for something, perhaps a Stone, perhaps the Mirror of the Princess Papan. The British Secret Services mounted a major operation to kill Heydrich, and they got him. Everyone searches there for something, even the traitor Canaris. John Dee had received orders through the Mirror to undertake the fantastic enterprise he called "Thule," trying to convince Queen Elizabeth, as Meyrink tells us, to conquer Groenlandia, Greenland, the green land, that was green and became white in one night. Thousands of Vikings lived there until the Thirteenth Century. In the Fourteenth Century they were no longer there, as if after having converted from the religion of their Nordic ancestors they were then swallowed up by the 462

green land, or white. De Mahieu says they went to America, following their relatives of the Ninth Century. John Dee thought they found the entrance into the Hollow Earth, or the door permitting them to leave for a parallel world, another pluri-dimensional reality mathematically proven by that sage who did not believe in Euclidian math. We have said all this in our previous work. John Dee tried to convince Elizabeth the First to become the mistress of this "North Door," allowing him to establish an Empire of Two Worlds," (Imperium in imperio) with exits and entrances to another dimension, mathematically verifiable, the authentic Imperium of a Pontifex Maximus, a Sovereign-Priest, Bridge between two worlds: Chakravartin. Thus England, Land of Angels (the Tuathas de Dannan), true name of England, also Albion, land of Albedo, would be the Imperium of the Angels, those who spoke to John Dee in the Mirror of Princess Papan, and who were none other than the Gods of Hyperborea, showing the way to the return of the primordial Polar Fatherland, the Golden Age. Because the language he translated as Enochian (Enoch's language) was the language of the Runes, the Tree, carved into the Iggdrasil Tree of Terror and the Buchenstabe, the Language of Aryan Cabala, Aryadnagarbha-Cabda, phonetic Orphic Cabala heard in the Blood Memory, its Voice. But John Dee belonged to a Christianized, Judaized century when the Nordic-Polar tradition had disappeared, the Runes forgotten. Enoch, that antediluvian prophet of Genesis, had been equally adulterated, his text found in the Ethiopia of the Queen of Saba. In any case, it seems John Dee had translated that "angelic" language. In "The Angel in the Window," ultimate novel of Gustav Meyrink, the hermetic story of John Dee is told. This is the work complementary to "The Golem" and "The Green Face," which I translated and published in Chile, almost forty years ago. Julius Evola translated "The Angel in the Western Window" into Italian and wrote a prologue for it. We have thought this book may have the same intent as "The Golem," a story that happened in Prague, since John Dee was discovered, persecuted and, in the end, annihilated there by the Jews, as perhaps the Emperor Rudolf II, who lost his mind there, may have been as well. The legend tells us that, in those same times, Rabbi Loew (ancestor of Karl Marx) created his Golem in Prague, robot possibly meant to combat John Dee, and the plans of the Hyperboreans and their German Emperor. John Dee could not realize his dreams of an Imperium of two worlds, that genial plan of magic realism, because they had been infiltrated by the spy Kelley,


who brought them to ruin. Finally they burned his invaluable library and stole his documents, like in the case, mentioned previously, of Professor Hermann Wirth. England was not the land of angels as John Dee had dreamed, but a penal colony for the Frisians and a burial ground for the "Hyperborean dead." In the Sixteenth Century the Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal had already arrived there. And England was a land of demons, and would continue to be controlled by demons, with Aryan bodies and Jew souls.

Since the days of Piteas of Marseilles there has been the suspicion that something has been lost in the North, something to go in search for. Columbus also went to investigate, forming part of a Danish expedition, and of course using a different name. What was the true Jewish name of that important agent of Jehovah? First he went in search of the Door of the North, then he went to find the Door of the Polus Antarcticus, door of Wolfram von Eschenbach and Virgil too: "From one Pole to the other Pole, the Golden Age shall return…" Columbus went to close those Doors of Escape, with rabbinic exorcisms at hand, because he was on a business of black magic, very different from what he had presented to the Catholic Monarchs of Spain. He went persecuting the White Gods, as his counterparts do today in the south of Chile and Argentina. What became of the Stone Mirror of Princess Papan? Curiously, in the Chancellery of the Third Reich the Fuhrer had an Aztec Eagle carved, Quetzalcoatl, whose priestess was Papan. I do not know why I connect Papan and Nefertiti, that Egyptian Queen whose sculpted head is found in the Berlin Museum and that Hitler loved so greatly. Nefertiti, Isis, Papan. Like Osiris, she returned to life after dying in the initiation of Isis, the Second Life of the Twice Born. "Because there is nothing more beautiful in the world than to be resurrected after having been torn to pieces…" So says the Popol-Vuh.

THULEGESELLSCHAFT How did John Dee come upon the idea of Thule? From some classic texts in his important library, certainly. But also through the Mirror of Princess Papan, as a command. That dark rock was pregnant with the vibrations of the dreams and 464

visions of Papan. She, daughter of Thule, Tola, or Tolán. Papan, Hyperborean, descendant of a race from the extreme north, then long since covered with ice. As for ideas of entrances to and exits from another dimension and the Hollow Earth, John Dee received them directly from that "Angel" who spoke to him in the Rune Language of the Tree, which he called Enochian. They also belonged to his own personal discovery, received through his mathematical calculations, centuries ahead of his time. A non-Euclidian, non-Jewish, but archetypal, Pythagorean, Orphic mathematics. A synchronistic acausal mathematics. John Dee sought the entrance in the North, at almost the same time another alchemist sought the entrance in the South: the genial cosmographer Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. From one Pole to the other Pole, as Virgil would say. And both, discovered by the Enemy, ended in disaster, victims of an incarnated persecution.


"In the helmet of the warrior (of the Vîra) is encrusted a thing called Ecidemon." Parzival 466

It should not surprise us that the endeavor of John Dee could not be completed, nor even begun, but only continued over the centuries by other men and organizations. The idea of return to Thule is very ancient and belongs to the mythic Nordic-Polar inheritance, the Aryan blood. In the souls of exiles, taking up the great exodus, stamped with the longing of return. Apollo returns to Hyperborea every nineteen years, to rejuvenate. Four hundred years before our era, Piteas searched for Ultima Thule. We know nothing about his success, because his writings have disappeared, as always. Whether or not the Mirror of Papan is kept in Germany, or Prague, is a wellguarded secret. What we know is that the Thule Order, the Thulegesellschaft, again took up the theme of the return to Hyperborea, in a mythic-symbolic sense, interior and also with extreme synchronism, in search of the entrances and exits of the Galaxy. In "The Golden Band" we have referred in passing to this important German esoteric organization, with headquarters in Munich and established as a branch of the Germannenorden. Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg and Dietrich Eckart belong to it. The fact the Thule Order is responsible for the creation of Esoteric National Socialism, especially in the SS, is proven by their using the same emblem: The Leftwards Reverse Swastika of the Return to Hyperborea whirling against the rotational movement of the earth of Kali Yuga. Before the catastrophe that submerged Polar Hyperborea, the earth gyrated in the way of this Swastika. The dagger in the Thulegesellschaft emblem is identical first with those of the SA and then, after them, with the SS as well. Almost all decisions taken during the beginnings of the National Socialist formations and the rise of Hitler to power were ordered by the Thulegesellschaft. Among them, the destruction of the SA, which had totally escaped from the esoteric plane, to become an "army of the people," in the revolutionary Maoist style, as we would say today. The motto on the S.A. dagger was: "Alles für Deutschland," close enough to the goal of the Germannenorden. With the destruction of the S.A. an impulse was given to the SS, the latter passing over to become an esoteric organization, of "initiate warrior monks." I think those civilians, who did not want their faces to be seen in the Wewelsburg photograph, could well be initiator delegates of the Thulegesellschaft, on special mission to the Castle of the Black Order.


A rather important evidence concerning what the esoteric instruction of Wewelsburg would be is provided by the case of Otto Rahn. Let us compare his two books, "The Crusade Against the Grail," written before his membership in the SS, and "Lucifer's Court," written after his inclusion therein. In the first there is absolutely nothing referring to the Hyperborean Hitlerist Weltanschauung, nor any reference to the Jews. We have already seen Lucifer is dealt with there in his traditional Christian malignant aspect, as the Rebel Angel. Whereas in the second book everything has changed, to the extent the same title is already a Luciferian exaltation and vindication. Through those years Otto Rahn gave a conference to the SS, in Dortmund, in the "Dietrich Eckart" Club, about his new idea of Lucifer, reading several paragraphs from his work in preparation, "Luzifers Hofgesind." He relates his quest for the Gral in the land of the Albigensians and presents Lucifer as the Light Bearer, Luci-Bel, as the Cathar Pure called him. Therefore Rahn declared himself a follower of Lucifer and against the Vatican Rome bureaucrats and their Judaism of Jehovah. His new book would be a voyage through the centuries and Europe in search of the followers of Lucifer, always towards the Leftwards Swastika, even going to Iceland, land of the Eddas, approaching, like Piteas, Ultima Thule. As such, he embarks on the physical and spiritual Voyage of Return, symbolic and synchronistic. All this in Otto Rahn seems to be only recently learned, as if not yet become his flesh and blood. He had not yet been initiated in Wewelsburg, but had only received the theoretical and mythic framework. Yet enough to give us important signals about how the issues within Esoteric Hitlerism were addressed. Lucifer, in himself, was named with his Jewish or Judaized name to produce the necessary shock in the SS disciple, labouring for years beneath Judeo-Christian mythology. They had to reverse everything. But Lucifer was Phosforo and Venus, Morning Star, Oiyehue. And he was Wotan, Baldur and Quetzalcoatl, Guide of the priestess Papan. What is the ultimate origin of the Thulegesellschaft, its esoteric affiliation? No doubt the great German mythology, science of the Runes, a lost knowledge since the days of Hyperborea. So the initiation would consist in a voyage of return, with the Reverse Swastika, to Ultima Thule, internally and externally synchronistic. The Thule Order awaited, for a very long time, the Great Guide of all the Aryans, who must appear. Using the traditional mystic term Fuhrer for the Avatar. When he would arrive, the Thulegesellschaft would recognize him, firmly 468

helping him to gain power in Germany and then dissolve itself, considering their mission as now finished. We see when Hitler arrived at the Chancellery, the Director of the Thule Order, von Sebottendorff, left Germany in the direction of Turkey, where at war's end he died in mysterious circumstances. In this way the successor of the Thulegesellschaft was the SS Black Order of the Death's Head, destined to inherit and complete, with their own investigations in the Ahnenerbe, the racial initiation of blood. In my book, "The Ultimate Flower," I give a sign of what this type of initiation could be, attempting to awaken the Voice of sleeping blood, to reawaken Memory and Minne within the Circle. From there the elect, Vîras, would go out to seek the entrance to the City of the Caesars, Paititi, Elellin. Passing to that other dimension, able to enter into the synchronistic combat in Two Worlds, with Two Swords, against the Enemy. Naturally the Thulegesellschaft established a branch in the England of John Dee. They thought to establish the Minne there as well, to reawaken the Blood Memory. Thus the Golden Dawn was born. Immediately to be infiltrated by undesirable and even degenerate elements, like Aleister Crowley, some Jews from the family of Henri Bergson, and others. Still the Esoteric Hitlerists believed they could work together with them to begin the great task of establishing the Imperium of Two Worlds.

MEMBERSHIP LIST OF THE THULEGESELLSCHAFT (THE THULE ORDER) This directory was published in 1933 by the founder, in Munich, of the Thulegesellschaft, Rudolf von Sebottendorff, in his book "Bevor Hitler kam," "Before Hitler Came." By order of National Socialism, the work was confiscated. It was too dangerous to make public the participation of the highest ranks of the Party in an esoteric organization. As we have said, this same Sebottendorff left Germany for Turkey, where he died (drowned) at war's end. In the following list, the members are named as Mitglied and Gast. Which, in a free translation, would be: "Permanent Member" (P.M.) and "Visiting Member" (V.M.). Hitler, Rosenberg and Dietrich Eckart appear as Visiting Members (V.M.). Rudolf Hess as Permanent Member.


The book "Bevor Hitler kam" is very difficult to find in the original edition, but in Germany several editions were made in facsimile, also very rare today.

Amann, Max Anders, Alfred. P.M. Annacker, Hohann. P.M. Arndt, Julius, Dr. P.M. Born January 7, 1898. Son of the music historian. P.M. and member of the Freikorps Oberland. Assman, Ludwig. P.M. Aumiller, Max. Owner of the Hotel Marianbad. Baldauf, Georg. P.M. Baller, Alfred. P.M. Bartels, Fritz. P.M. Bauer, Hermann. P.M. Bauer, Josephine. P.M. Bauer, Ludwig. P.M. Baumer, Anna. P.M. Bayrhammer, Max. P.M. Becker, Berta. P.M. Bekh, Baron von. Mayor. Fuhrer of the Freikorps Oberland. Besnard. Lawyer in Munich. P.M. Bierbaumer, Kathe. P.M. Birner, Hedwige. P.M. Block, Nora. P.M. Bodmann, Hans Hermann, Baron von. P.M. Employee of the Völkischer Beobachter. Born, Kurt. P.M. Brehm, Georg. P.M. Bruno, Alfred. P.M. Buchold, Valentin. P.M. Employee of the Völkischer Beobachter. Born August 8, 1898, in Munich. Bunge, Hans. P.M. Fuhrer of the SS Leibstandarte. 470

Closmann, Hans. P.M. Coblitz, Franz. P.M. Dahn, Hans. P.M. Grandson of Felix Dahn One of the Fuhrers of the Thule Order Dannehl, Franz. Entomologist and composer. Second Fuhrer of the Thule Order, after von Sebottendorff. Daumenland, Anton. Born September 16, 1870. One of the 7 members of the Thule Order taken as hostage and executed on April 30, 1919 in the Luitpold Gymnasium, in Munich. Deby, Theo. P.M. Dechaud, Georg. P.M. Deiglmeier, Elisabeth. P.M. Deike, Walter. P.M. Born in 1892, specialist in graphic arts. One of the 7 members of the Thule Order taken as hostage and executed on April 30, 1919 in the Luitpold Gymnasium, in Munich. Demmel, Augusta. P.M. Demockl, Ida. P.M. Dingfelder, Johannes, Medical Doctor. P.M. Dresel, Maximilien. P.M. Drexler, Anton. V.M. Among the first members of the Deutschen Arbeiterverein, being its Vice President with Karl Harrar. Deputy in the Bavarian Assembly. Duntzel, Hans. P.M. Eckart. Dietrich. V.M. Writer, born March 23, 1868 in Neumarkt (Oberpfalz), died December 26, 1923. Known for his adaptation of Peer Gynt. Publisher and then editor-in-chief of Völkischer Beobachter. Participated in the Kapp "Putsch" and the "Hitler march," November 9, 1923. Eckart, Paul. P.M. Ehrengut, Leopold. P.M. Engelbrecht, Otto. P.M. Feder, Gottfried. P.M. Born January 27, 1883, in Wurzburg. Higher technical studies in Munich, Charlottenburg and Zurich. Public building engineer 1905. Building contractor in Germany and abroad since 1908. Specialist in finance and commercial studies, since 1917. In 1919 his main work appeared: "Manifesto for Breaking the Slavery of Interest." 471

Associated with the publisher Franz Eher, in 1920. Co-founder of the N.S.D.A.P. Reichstag deputy in 1924. Secretary of State in the Ministry of Commerce, June 29, 1933, and editor of an integral program of National Socialism. In 1931, President of the Economic Council of the N.S.D.A.P. Adolf Hitler himself in "Mein Kamph," First volume, p. 229, emphasizes the fundamental importance of his Manifesto. While affiliated with Franz Eher, since 1920, Feder was in contact with Baron Franz von Feilitzch, member of the Thulegesellschaft, with Max Amann, principally, who went from being Director of the publisher F. Eher, to very quickly becoming the Director General of publishing for the National Socialist Party, with Dr. Gutberlet and Heuss, also members of the Thulegesellschaft. Feilitzch, Franz, Baron von. P.M. Shareholder in the publisher F. Eher since 1920. Feldbauer, Hermann. P.M. Fiehler, Karl. Born August 31, 1895. Honorary member of the Thulegesellschaft. President of the City Council of Munich (Oberburgermeister). Combattant of the Hitler shock troops, November 9, 1923. Shared imprisonment with Hitler in Landsberg Fortress. Number 91724 - SS - Obergruppenfuhrer Reichsleiter of the Nazi Party (Number 37). He was still living in Munich in 1965. Frank, Michel, Hans, Dr. P.M. Born May 23, 1900 in Karlsruhe. Financial and economic studies in Munich, , then in Kiel and Vienna. Legal advisor in Munich in 1926. Member of the teaching corps, instructor in Munich, in 1927. Agent of the national leadership of the N.S.D.A.P. for legal matters and President of the Society of National Socialist Jurists. Reichstag deputy in 1930. In April 1933 "Reich Commissioner for Renewal and Unification of the Judicial Order." Judged in Nuremberg and hanged the night of October 15-16, 1946. Freudenberger, Lucie. P.M. Freyholt, Ella von. P.M. Fries, Valentin. P.M. Fruhhauf, Ludwig. P.M. Fuhrer, Thesi. P.M. Fulle, Anton. P.M. Funk, Leonhard. P.M. Gaiser, Karl. P.M. Gathmann, Erna. P.M. 472

Gathmann, Otto. P.M. Gaubatz, Georg, Dr. P.M. Legal advisor. Gaubatz, Kathe. P.M. Gessel, Tilde. P.M. Geyer, Johann. P.M. Glauer, Adam, Alfred, Rudolf. Later known as Sebottendorff (Rudolf, Baron von). Glauer, Dora. Sister of the previous; born September 10, 1886 in Hoyerswerda and died in 1921. Goppeler, Hans. P.M. Graber, Georg. P.M. Grassinger, Hans, Georg. P.M. Born March 23. 1887 in Eitting-Mallensdorf (Bavaria). First President of the Social-German Party Griehl, Arthur. P.M. Gronbach, Adolf. P.M. Gutberlet, Wilhelm, Dr. Medical Doctor. P.M. Born April 24, 1870 and died August 1933. Partner in 1920 of publisher F. Eher. Hackel. Ernst. P.M. Halbritter, Ernst. P.M. Works with the Völktcher Beobachter. Hammer, Johann. P.M. Hammermayer, Ernst. P.M. Hampel, Paul. P.M. Harrer, Karl. P.M. Born October 8, 1890, died September 5, 1926. First President of the National Socialist Association of German Workers (Better known as Drexler) Hartmann, Fritz. P.M. Heiden, Adolf von. P.M. Heim, Gustav. P.M. Heimburg, Werner von. P.M. Herbst, Fritz. P.M. Herdegen, Johann. P.M. Hering, Elsa. P.M. Hering, Johannes. P.M. Hering, Therese. P.M. Hertel, Otto. P.M.


Hess, Rudolf. P.M. Born April 26, 1894 in Alexandria; son of a businessman of Bavarian origin. In 1908 he graduated from the "Padagogium" in Godesberg-am-Rhein. From 1910 to 1914 he studied foreign languages in French Switzerland and then followed commercial courses in Hamburg. He enrolled as volunteer in the First Bavarian Infantry Regiment when was declared. Wounded in 1916. After his recovery he took part in combats in Romania. Wounded again in 1918. In 1919 he devoted himself to commercial activities, studying history and economics. Wounded again in 1921 during the "liberation" of Munich. Participated in the "putsch" of November 9, 1923, sharing imprisonment with Adolf Hitler in Landsberg, in 1924. After his release from Landsberg, he was assistant to Professor of Geopolitics Karl Haushofer. In 1925 he was private secretary and first aide-de-camp of the Fuhrer. In 1932 President of the Central Commission of the National Socialist Party. In April 1933 alternate delegate of the Reich Chancellor to the Party leadership, with executive power and qualified as member of the Council of Ministers and Cabinet. The German press then said of Hess: "Since 1925 he has been so tightly bound to the Fuhrer that he accompanies him on his travels, reunions and conferences. He is profoundly attuned to the thinking of the Fuhrer he shares has for long shared in the daily work of the Fuhrer. Therefore it is natural the Chancellor, whose time is absorbed by his work and the burdens of government, has designated R. Hess as his personal adjutant in the direction of the Party. Judged in Nuremberg and condemned October 1, 1946 to life imprisonment. Heuss, Theodor. P.M. Shareholder in the publisher Eher of Munich. Hitler, Adolf. V.M. Hollerith, Franz. P.M. Hollweg, Fritz. P.M. Holzl, Hermann. P.M. Holzwarth, Willi. P.M. Holnstein, Count of. P.M. Holnstein, Countess of. P.M. Horn, Adolf, Huhmann, Alwine. P.M. Iffland, Anna, Bertha. She is the wife of von Sebottendorff. Divorced in 1928. Imhof, Rudolf von. P.M. Jakobi, Karl. P.M. 474

Jost, Heinrich. P.M. He was condemned to life imprisonment in 1948 by an American tribunal to life imprisonment. In 1951 the sentence was reduced to ten years. He was freed shortly thereafter. In 1964 he became legal counsel for West German industrial monopolies. On of the first members of the Nazi Party (February 1, 1928). Director of Amt VI des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes. from 1938 to 1942, or, of the foreign information service of the Party, parallel the Abwehr military organization. Predecessor to Walther Schellenberg, and called by Himmler his "benjamin" or best friend. In 1941, Jost was sent to the Eastern Front. Commander of the Einsatzgruppe A and the security service Ostland in Riga. Kahl, Wilhelm. P.M. Kaindl, Georg. P.M. Kaiser, Johann. P.M. Karl, Laura. P.M. Karl, Maria. P.M. Kautzer, Eugen. P.M. Kerlen, Kurt. P.M. Kessler, Georg. P.M. \Klein, Ernst. P.M. Kleinmann, Hugo. P.M. Klock, Anton. P.M. Knauf, Grete. P.M. Knauf, Friedrich. P.M. Kneil, Elisabeth. P.M. Kneil, Julius. P.M. Kraus, Edgar. P.M. Kurz, Heinz. Dr. P.M. Lack, Josef. P.M. Laforce, Wilhelm, P.M. Born August 4, 1886, works with the Beobachter. Took part in the "putsch" of November 9, 1923. Imprisoned with Adolf Hitler in Landsberg Fortress. Lang, Karl. P.M. Lang, Michael. P.M. Langenegger, Lia. P.M. Legl, Georg. P.M. Leoprechting, Karl, Baron von. P.M. 475

Leoprechting, Mathilde, Baroness von. Lindau, Otto. P.M. Lippe, Kurt von der. P.M. Lob, Franz. P.M. Loffelholz, Baron von. P.M. Lutzelburg, Ernst, Baron von. P.M. Mars, Hans. P.M. Marz, Karl. P.M. Matthes, Karl. P.M. Matthiessen, Wilhelm. P.M. Mayer, Hugo, Heinrich. P.M. Mayer, Otto. P.M. Merz, Georg. P.M. Metz, Georg. P.M. Meusel, Arthur. P.M. Michaelis, Friedrich. P.M. Mikusch, Adelheid, Baroness von. P.M. Miller, Therese. P.M. Molz, Anni. P.M. Moschick, Paul. P.M. Moseldick, Paul. P.M. Muller, Franz. P.M. Muller, Hans, Georg. P.M. Works on the editorial staff of the Beobachter. Muller, Karolina. P.M. Nagel, Paul. P.M. Nauhaus, Walter. P.M. Neumaier, Rosa. P.M. Ott, Johann. P.M. Aviator during the First World War. Member of the Thulegesellschaft in December 1918. Director of the Commercial Services of the Beobachter, in July 1919, and member Number 29 of the Party of German Workers. Parcus, Leo. P.M. Member of the Freikorps Oberland. Pfeiffer, Karl. P.M. Pfister, Georg. P.M. Polscher, Walter. P.M.


Pongratz, Wolfgang. P.M. Born January 2, 1891, in Furth-in-Wald. Member of the intelligence service of the Centrale Oberland. Purpus, Friedrich. P.M. Rauch, Max. P.M. Reichenbach, Leonhard. P.M. Reitzenstein, Baron von. P.M. Repp, Karl. P.M. Member of the Freikorps Oberland. Rexhauser, Valentin. P.M. Riedl, Georg. P.M. Riedmayer, Johann. P.M. Riemann, Hans. P.M. In October 1919. Engineer. He exercised ideological influence over the N.S.D.A.P. Ritzler, Konrad. P.M. Born July 5, 1883. In 1919 he fought with the armed groups for the defense of the Republic and provided important services as an agent of the Thulegesellschaft. Rohmeder, Wilhelm. P.M. Member of the Germanenorden, in January 1918. President of the Association of German Schools and numerous similar popular groups. Rohrer, Josef. P.M. Rosenberg, Alfred. V.M. Born February 12, 1893. Visiting member in the spring of 1919. Worked with D. Eckart. From 1921 editor-in-chief of the Völkischer Beobachter. In 1933, head of the Association in Defense of German Culture. Reichsleiter of the Nazi Party. Chief of Foreign Political Services of the N.S.D.A.P. Author of "The Myth of the Twentieth Century". Ruppert, Albin. P.M. Sailer, Georg. P.M. Sassiger, Georg. P.M. Schanze, Max. P.M. Scheppeler, Ernst. P.M. Scheuermann, Marie. P.M. Schlitt, Wilhelm. P.M. Schmidt, Hermann. P.M. Schmide, Therese. P.M. Schneeberger, Ludwig. P.M. Schroder, Franz, Josef. P.M. Schroder, Karl. P.M. 477

Schulthes, Hans. P.M. Schwabe, Karl. P.M. In December 1918. Member of the Centrale Oberland. Schwaiger, Paula. P.M. Sebottendorff, Rudolf, Baron von. (With the surname "of the Rose"). Knight of the Imperial Order of Constantine Born November 9, 1875 in Hoyerswerda. Son of train conductor Rudolf Glauer. Worked in a factory in the environs of Gorlitz, then went to Australia, in 1898. He searched for gold and then stayed in Turkey, in the region of Bursa, about 1900. In 1911, he adopted Turkish nationality, being adopted by Baron von Sebottendorff. Gravely wounded during the Balkan Wars, he returned to Breslau, in 1913, and financed the first essays of Friedrich Gobel, died in 1929, engineer who invented the assault vehicle. Married in 1915 with Bertha Iffland, remaining in Munich and then Fribourg-in-Brisgau. By command of the Germanenorden, he bought the publishing house Franz Eber Verlag and the newspaper Münchener Beobachter, that, from August 9, 1919, was renamed Völkischer Beobachter. (The daily of the Nazi Party). On returning from Turkey in 1923, he was honourary consul of Mexico. Between 1929 and 1931 he visited Mexico and America, where he negotiated various concessions for Turkey. Sebottendorff died by drowning in 1945 in Turkey. He was an renowned astrologer. This information on Sebottendorff does not appear in his book, of course, and has been taken from Ellic Howe, author of "Urania's Children." In the original list he appears under his previous name, Rudolf, Alfred, Adam, Glauer. Sedlmeir, Hermann. P.M. Born May 4, 1896. He enrolled as a volunteer in the same regiment as Adolf Hitler. In 1919 he founded the Freikorps Schafer. Owner in 1933 of the Ring-Restaurant-Café in Munich. Seeger, Georg. P.M. Seidlitz, Friedrich. P.M. Seilnacht, Genofeva. P.M. Sesselmann, Max. P.M. In March 1919. Founded and editor of the Beobachter. Took part in the "putsch" of 1923. Deputy of the popular block in the Bavarian Landtag. Singer, Karl. P.M. Sommer, Luise. P.M. Sottl, Franz. P.M. Spiesshofer, Albert. P.M. 478

Steinle, Franz. P.M. Stoiber, Michael. P.M. Straub, Marie. P.M. Teuchert, Baron von. P.M. Thurn und Taxis, Prince von. Born in 1888. Executed April 20, 1919 in the Luitpold Gymnasium. P.M. of the Thulegesellschaft. A Thurn und Taxis was member of the "Bavarian Illuminatti," sect founded by Adam Weishaupt at the end of the Eighteenth Century. Ulsamer, Hubert. P.M. Utsch, Friedrich. P.M. Vopelius, Alwine. P.M. Vopelius, Ludwig. P.M. Walter, Ludwig. P.M. Walterspiel, brothers. Proprietors of the celebrated hotel of the Four Seasons (Vierjabreszeiten) of Munich where the Thulegesellschaft held its historic sessions. Protector of the Thulegesellschaft. During each of his stays in Munich Hitler went to the Vierjabreszeiten. Wagdelin, Paul. P.M. Weber, Ludwig, P.M. Weinberg, Karl. P.M. Weinrich, Heinrich. P.M. Weinrich, Kate. P.M. Welz, Eduard von. P.M. Welz, Laura von. P.M. Westarp, Heila, Countess von. P.M. Born in 1886. She was the secretary of the Thulegesellschaft. Executed April 30, 1919 in the Luitpold Gymnasium. Westermann, Hermann. P.M. Westerdorf, Anna. P.M. Westphal, Hans. P.M. Wiedemann. Lt. P.M. Wiedmann. P.M. Wieser, Fritz. P.M. Editor of the Völkischer Beobachter. Wittgenberg, Else, Baroness von. P.M. Wittgenberg, Wilhelm, Baron von. P.M.


This list shows that Rudolf Hess was a permanent member (P.M.) of the Esoteric Society of Thule, the Thulegesellschaft. By contrast, his professor of geopolitics, Haushofer, did not figure as a member of the Order.

MISSION OF RUDOLF HESS Rudolf Hess was initiated into the Thulegesellschaft. Therefore he also has awakened the Voice, the Hyperborean Minne and holds the Vril. His blood is pure, his double blood, physical and astral. This is not achieved by a temporal process, prepared by stages within earthly time, but by a thunderbolt, as among the "Shining Ones" of Ancient Rome. In a timeless event that occurs when the blood has been purified by especial practices, by this Gralic Alchemy, changing the biological and psychic metabolism. Lead has been transmuted. The "organ" of Vril, lost by the white Hyperborean race, has been recovered. ER, the Column of Thabronit, athwart the sky and enabling Aryans to see over great distances. The Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, did not need initiation into the Thulegesellschaft. He was an Avatar and came with all the powers. We remember the book of Kubizek, where he describes the young Hitler, who went up into the mountains at night, because he had heard the Voice. And also what Jung tells us about him. Rauschning, describing him covered in sweat, trembling and crying: "I have seen him, he was here, in the corner of the room and he is terrible!" He had seen the Being to Come, a vision similar, perhaps, to those seen by John Dee in the Mirror of the Princess Papan and that drove Emperor Rudolf the Second mad. Hyperborean Angel, Siddha. Everything Hitler did was in accord with the Weltanschauung of the Thulegesellschaft. His Blitzkreig was the hurricane of Wotan. His total war campaign was carried out within an esoteric plan, interior and exterior, following the direction and hallucinatory gyration of the Reverse Swastika. Towards the glaciers of the Hyperborea of the North Pole, thus to straighten the Axis of the Earth. But Hitler was detained in Stalingrad, in the Caucasus, after his soldiers had climbed the sacred peak of Mount Elbruz. What happened? Did something go wrong? The solitary flight of Rudolf Hess to England had not achieved the hoped for success, in the esoteric contact between an Aryan Vîra of the Thulegesellschaft and one of the Golden Dawn. Engeland would not be included in the gigantic 480

enterprise of magic realism: the reconquest of Thule and the entrances to an analogous world. There would not yet be an Imperium of the white race, built in two worlds. Had everything failed? What would Hitler do? Would he back down? No! The esoteric solution is now found by imposing a faster speed on the gyrations of the Circle of the Reverse Swastika, come what may, even though he might seem to lose on the surface of things, even though here we see catastrophic explosions. The Fuhrer knew he would not triumph materially, the victory of the SIEG Rune ending in apparent defeat. So Hitler initiated his "Operation Barbarossa," one of loss and mystic death, to resurrect and return later, on the edge of time.


The body of a Divya, Divine Man, must resurrect the Vîra, a Hero, in his combat of Esoteric Hitlerism. The two Poles are shown at the extremes, by two Swastikas, Rightwards in the North Pole, sign of Exodus, the loss of Hyperborea and Totality of Divine Man, the Divya. And to the south by the Leftwards Swastika, Return to Hyperborea and Resurrection of Absolute Man. Currents surrounding the body of 482

the Divya, on being reactivated, re-created, give the rounded form of Star-Man, Sun-Man, the Seventh Sun of Maya. The incomparable heroism of Rudolf Hess will not have been in vain. His voyage also corresponds to an esoteric plan: Though seemingly asking for nothing more than the devolution of colonies and offering the withdrawal of Germany from all her conquered territories in the West, his most essential proposal concerned the North Sea, with Thule, Hyperborea, and the entrances and exits through another dimension, the Hollow Earth. He could provide all kinds of information about this, with dates taken from the archives of the Thulegesellschaft and the Ahnenerbe. But this knowledge would serve for nothing if Engeland would not follow a racial politics of purification of Aryan blood, something Germany and England could achieve forever if they would take on the Jews. The Mirror of Princess Papan, the Pillar of Thabronit, the carved rocks of the Externsteine and the Cromlech of Stonehenge, would serve for little unless the "pulse of the river of Aryan blood (the "pulse of the dragon") were synchronized. Nor would the information Rudolf Hess could have had been taken by his Jewish and Masonic captors, if these latter could have successfully coaxed such information from him.

The SS Initiation was a Hyperborean yoga, Nordic-Occidental, unknown. It was intended to awake Minne, the Nostalgia for Hyperborea in the blood of the Vîra, that would be transmuted into Divya, Sonnenmensch, into Total-Man, beyond every moralizing limitation and prejudice, overcoming the pair of opposites and Gnostic dualism. In the Orphic Rune Kabala of mantras and sounds, Hiranyagarbha-Cabda, Buchenstabe, the German Book of the Three Mothers, or Three Norns, we find the formulas for awakening the Memory, Nostalgia and Voice, until recovery of ER, the Vril-Vajra. In that "musical" subterranean vault below the North Tower of Wewelsburg, where my comrades and I pronounced evocative mantras and consecrated sentences, the subtle acoustic resonance came in through the skin, reaching the blood so that the cutting vibration, music from beyond the spheres, awoke the Song, known as Minnesang. Because above, from within the center of the vaulted ceiling, the ancient Nordic mantras, in the Rune language of Wotan, pronounced by SS warriors, had made the Swastika begin to swirl at such a speed that a space was opened up there, which was like petals falling from an autumn of the Gold Sun, and there descended a bolt from the 483

Morning Star, crossing the Black Sun of the Swastika, newly reborn. Coming from very far away, from the Nuptial Fatherland, with a nostalgia of the Green Thunderbolt. At a blow the Third Eye opens, transforming into a Voice, at first very distant, almost lost in a Universe only glimpsed at or dreamed, to erupt like a command, with the snap of very brief sentences. The Voice the Fuhrer heard from his childhood and that Rudolf Hess awoke in the Thulegesellschaft. Tree Language, from the wind in the copses of trees, which Hitler heard among the forests of Linz and Berchtesgaden. Then, a floor above, in the great circular hall with twelve marble columns, with twelve windows, in which the huge stone hangs over the lintel of a door, like a fragment from the Column of Schastel Marveile, taken from the sacred mountains of Berchtesgaden or a block of the Externsteine, twelve SS warriors, the Einherier, seated around the Round Table and dressed in tunics of the most ancient Nordic heroes, like the initiated warriors of Frederick the Second of Hohenstaufen once did in Castel del Monte, drink from stone cups, with the Double Rune SIEG,


the Victory Rune, for the Twice Born, for the Knights of Two Swords, combattants in Two Worlds, drink the Liquor of Eternal Life, the Blue Blood of Hyperborea: Soma, mead, ambrosia, ahoma, amrita, Kâranavari, Water of Becoming, Jnânâmrita, Water of Wisdom, in the ceremony of Minnetrinken, with the Liquor of Immortality filling the Green Stone Cup of Gral to the brim. They drink Royal Blood, the Sangreal. The existence there of this great Stone was another reason Hitler avoided all military resistance in Berchtesgaden and Himmler avoided it in Wewelsburg. They could not run the risk of physically damaging those sites so as not to damage the equilibrium in the "critical state" reached by several of their rocks, and in this Stone. Above, in the top floor of the North Tower of Wewelsburg, still not finished, would one day preside the Gral King, Monarch-Warrior-Priest, in the Siege Perilous, the number 13, from which he gave the order to begin the definitive attack against the extraterrestrial Demiurge, the Lord of Darkness, Jehovah with his galactic and planetary legions. Yet more, to make this possible, from there above, from the Seat number 13, the Runes SIEG, HAGAL and the EIGHTPOINTED STAR must descend over the warriors of the Round Table.


Because only Total-Man, the Sonnenmensch, can unleash such ultimate combat.

In "NOS, Book of Resurrection," we have written on the real possibility of bodily resurrection and immortalization of the same by especial practices of Hiranyagarbha-Cabda and Vrajoli-Tantra. In truth both correspond to the magic application of Rune Signs. Whereby the creation of the Sonnenmensch becomes possible, a real God. In the "Epilogue" to "The Golden Band, Esoteric Hitlerism," we have made reference to the creation of immortal men, by means of this Orphic Aryan Kabala, beings who do not die, who are susceptible to continuous cell regeneration, from seed atoms and an essential name, Homogeneration, endogenous process of autogeneration of the Son of Man, against hetogeneration, the drifting of mortals. This is principium individuationis, the individuation of the doctrine of A-Mor, the Hyeros gamo. A red opera, Rubedo, able to reclothe the body with diamond Vajra, hard like diamonds, incorruptible red immortal matter. As the Maestro explained in "NOS," this is achieved by means of mantras of Orphic Kabala and the mudras (Runes) corresponding to them. Projecting Rune Signs with the concentration of prana, to resurrect another. The Diamond Body, Vajra, makes this possible, with the invasion of the Green Thunderbolt into this space-time Demiurgic system, where that Bolt appears as red, like a red body or armour, made from sattva-guna. In Lamaist Tantra this corresponds to Vajrayana, the Vajra (or Vril) Path, Vrajolitantra, the awakening of all chakras, KundaliniWoewre-Saelde. By "pranization" life is given to an image, and by continuous concentration on the "mental fire" within it. We have spoken about the practices of "materialization of the astral body" and how this can achieve immortalization within the physical body, upon incorporating its energy and transfigured materials. Everything depends on the hallowed consecrated dignity of the celebrant, the warrior-priest, together with the repetition of root-names, the "little mothers," as they are called in direct allusion to them in the Aryan Book of "The Three Mothers," Hiranyagarbha-Cabda. A finger must be placed, with a sign, on each key part of the body, awakening there a Hyperborean male Divya (Deva) and a Hyperborean female Divya as well, and blowing spirit and breath into them with prana concentration. Orphic Kabala mantra is the Song (Canso) of the troubadour, Minnesanger, making possible the liberation of the Prisoner King, Richard Coeurde-Leon, from Durnstein Fortress (or from Schastel Marveile), from Maya. Then there is the covering with hands over the entire body, covering it with liquid fluid 485

(as in my experience with the washbasin filled with water). Kâranavâri, Water of Becoming, Jnânâmrita. Water of Wisdom. Intensely visualize and imagine transmutation of earthly form into the immortal, into the divine. Thereby "shadowman," made of pure illusion, is destroyed by spiritual fire and replaced by a new Man of Light. Sonnenmensch. The energy able to do this is found in the spiritual root of Bundi, çukra, that luminous fluid which is, materially, semen. Something so terribly powerful as to be able to give birth to the son of flesh. "Plasmacizing" in the fertilized ovum of the woman as rajas. But Indo-Europeans can raise this energy up into their spiritual channels, men by the practice of Vrajolí-mudra and woman by that of Amarolí-mudra. On uniting these two "sperms" spiritually, instead of the fleeting physical pleasure, sukha, the "ecstatic orgasm" occurs, which has no end: Aropa. Rajas has transmuted the blood of the Vîra into fire and the blood of the yogini into çukra. "Astral congestion" transmutes their bodies and causes the transubstantiation of the blood. This is the way beyond and above, towards the top floor of the North Tower, towards the Fuhrer, towards the peak of Mount Meru, towards Shiva and Parvati, towards Wotan and Frigg, travelling up the channels of an ultimate river that does not exist, named Swarasvati. The Path of Return, in Esoteric Hitlerism the Reverse Swastika, and in Tantric Buddhism, Urdavareta, the manufacture of aurum potabile in the opus alchimicum, drinkable gold, which one drinks (Bundi), making possible the creation of the Son of Man, the resurrected body, astral, sidereal, Vajra, Vril. Rebis, from res bina, the double nature, allowing us to live within the Green Thunderbolt, at the same time immortalizing the physical body, making it one with the astral body. Warrior of Two Swords, Two Bodies. Esoteric Kristianity. In the most ancient Daoism, never written, only transmitted orally, there was a practice called Shi-Kiai, dissolving the cadaver by means of concentrated mental fire, subtracting from the body its earthly corruption, dematerializing it, in this way fulfilling the role of worms, but without residues. In place of the cadaver there appears a Sword. The loss of these Hyperborean powers has led the involuted Nordic peoples and Indo-Aryans to burn the cadaver and the Egyptians to embalm it, thereby claiming to avoid its corruption.


Giving life to the astral body, then reclothed in Vajra, dematerializing the physical body, in turn reclothed in Vajra, and reabsorbed into the astral body, achieving one single body, but also with two (the twins) immortal bodies, able to self-generate, to live in time and outside of time. A vehicle appropriated for the Tulku and his combat of two and more worlds. In this way the Fuhrer is immortal. Once there was a book by Agrippa, with a chapter on "the divine members and their influence over humans members," because every Hyperborean divinity is asleep within the body of the unawakened Vîra. For Tantrists the body is not an enemy, nor for the Aryan, or the Nordic Hyperborean, as we have seen. A marvellous unique instrument for liberation and struggle. This is why the Siddha has entered with him through the Window of Venus and the Vîra has become imprisoned in the materialized body to fight and win within this fallen world, transfiguring it, taking it with him to eternity. John Dee may also have found some secret documents in Agrippa's possession, referring to "natural men" and "divine men" and all this in the end, together with the onyx Mirror of Papan, the Thulegesellschaft and, from there, with the SS, coming to form part of the consciousness of Wewelsburg and its Tantric Gralic Initiation. The Death's Head, Skull of the SS, same as the collar of Kali of the Tantrism of the Left Hand, the Kaula initiates, Family of the initiates of Kula, the most secret and hermetic. Agrippa was also discovered and, like John Dee and Paracelsus, persecuted and destroyed by the Enemy.

The SS initiation was preceded by a theoretical formation, already well known by Otto Rahn, Alfred Rosenberg and the esoteric experts of National Socialist race theory or racialism, already exhibited in preceding pages and in "The Golden Band." Hörwiger also took part, with his Glacial Cosmology, in the preparation of adepts. The zodiac's light, ice of the Milky Way, moons crashing into the earth. Five moons have already fallen, causing terrible cataclysms. One day our planet may also draw in the present moon, if earth is not destroyed before then by nuclear weapons. Ice, enemy of solar fire, falls down into the star in a ceaseless bombardment, serving in the end as a renovator of its energy, being the source of it. Hitler thought his own fire would suffice to thaw the ice of the 487

steppes and the North Polar ice covering Hyperborea. The shock of opposites would make him immortal. The fire of the breakneck gyrations of the Reverse Swastika and his Blitzkrieg would defeat the enemy ice. An age of giants would return as the moon grew closer to the earth, neutralizing its gravity. The English Order of the Golden Dawn had some knowledge of all this. Under its influence, Bulwer Lytton wrote his ultimate book: "The Coming Race," referring to a civilization of Amazons inhabiting the Hollow Earth, within, with vast powers. Jules Verne and a grandfather of Charles Darwin also wrote about the Hollow Earth. Rudolf Hess took his mythic flight in the direction of Scotland, towards the territories of the Duke of Hamilton, member of the Golden Dawn, as is said. This entire enterprise had been carefully prepared, in previous contact with ex-King Edward VII, who at that time lived in France without being molested by anyone. Hitler's sympathy for England is well known. He prevented the destruction of the British expeditionary corps in Dunkerque. We repeat: his bellicose campaign was esoteric. There would have been messages exchanged between ex-King Edward VII and his brother King George. And the latter must have accepted and approved of the mission of Hess. Haushofer and his son, an official in the German Foreign Ministry, must also have intervened. But the son of Haushofer was a half-Jew, by his mother. So the Jews were also aware of it. The British Airforce did not hinder the solitary flight of that Messerschmitt airplane going in the direction of Scotland. They had been notified. The plan and agreement had become another trap set by Anglo-Jews. They made the mission fail in its visible results. Churchill, a sinister little man, ordered the immediate imprisonment of Rudolf Hess in the Tower of London. Hess could never gain access to the King and his advisors, where he hoped to find Hyperboreans able to understand "Operation Thule" and the Duobus Imperium. What became of the Duke of Hamilton, that member of the Golden Dawn?... Just like John Dee and many others, whose names remain unknown, Rudolf Hess would become the sacrificial scapegoat, on whom bore down the infernal rays of Jehovah and his minions on earth. As with the genial Englishman of the Sixteenth Century and Emperor Rudolf the Second, they treated him with drugs and poisons to disintegrate his personality. The Jews thought they had achieved a formidable triumph of black magic: An "antenna" permitting them to follow the esoteric movements of the Fuhrer, the Thulegesellschaft and Black Order of Esoteric Hitlerism, the SS of the Skull in Wewelsburg. They thought their prisoner would 488

be in telepathic contact with all of them, especially with Hitler, and they would attempt to interfere with those messages, changing them for others prepared by them.

HYPNOTISM AT A DISTANCE All this of course had no success. On the contrary. The existence of Rudolf Hess in prison was also necessary for Esoteric Hitlerism. It is important that he remains alive. Since he is a revealing symbol of the abysmal wickedness of the Enemy. When he disappears something very serious is going to happen. Hess is an Hermetic protective center for what is left of the Aryan Race in Germany. If we think, trying to escape for the moment from this siege now imprisoning us within collective hypnotism, about the absurd incredible fact of the imprisonment of Rudolf Hess, something entirely beyond all reason and against which nobody protests, none of those humanitarian organizations fighting for human rights and world peace, not even a Pope: A lonely old man, alone in an enormous prison, guarded by hundreds of soldiers from four powerful nations, caged there for more than forty years, without having taken any part in the war, without having anything to do with that holocaust hoax of the six million Jews, having left Germany at the beginning of hostilities, if we reflect on this seriously, we can not but feel something very sinister and secret behind these events. Neither fear by the English that Hess might reveal the agreement with the King to attempt his flight, nor his insistence when he declares they have hypnotized him at a distance and used drugs on him to facilitate those efforts. There is something more, something mysterious and that belongs in the realm of magic and esotericism. After Hitler, Rudolf Hess was the only visible initiate in the Third Reich. (Permanent Member of the Thulegesellschaft). For some especial reason they have had to keep him imprisoned and alive. The imprisonment of Hess shows us, in a very sharp light, the English, North Americans, Russians, French, Vatican, Masonry, Protestant Churches, esotericisms of every kind today invading the world, India, China, Japan, the Americas, find themselves controlled by the same secret shadowy power: the International Jew. We can imagine the experiments they have done on this prisoner, trying to control his mind, drive him mad, or discover his secrets. But all this was foreseen 489

by the highest leadership of Esoteric Hitlerism, by the Siddhas who watch from the Green Thunderbolt. The possible failure of the mission and its consequences were foreseen on the esoteric plane. Rudolf Hess had invisible helpers. To begin with, he is not the true Rudolf Hess. He is not there in that body, except in very precise moments and as a symbol. He was there when he revealed before the world the fact he had been treated with drugs, allowing for hypnotism at a distance. He made that declaration in Nuremberg, verbally and in writing. The North American Colonel Eugene Bird, who was the North American director of Spandau Prison, confirms this in the book "The Loneliest Man in the World". This soldier, as we have said, had won the confidence of the prisoner. According to Hess, most world leaders are mesmerized in this way. Such was the King of England and those of his advisors who should have received him but did not. As well as almost all of the German traitors who sold out their Fatherland and their Fuhrer, even knowing the Allies were going to divide the nation and annihilate their race. Such are the actual leaders, who go to Israel to beg for pardon, pay immense amounts of money in reparations to that "nation" that legally did not exist at the time of the war. And so are, I think, those Chilean leaders, of German origin, who go to pay hommage in Synagogue for the massacre of their race and of Chile, going there wearing their military uniforms. The revelation of Rudolf Hess has been of such a magnitude that only collective hypnotism of which the world is victim and the Jewish control of the information media could explain how nobody has given it more attention. This drug can be given through the mass-produced drinks everyone, especially the young, consume today in massive amounts and through the pharmaceutical industry, whether Swiss, German or from other countries, controlled by Jewish capital and power. The press and propaganda media, also under their direction, television, movies, books, do the rest, working together with drugs and working like just one drug more. These dark hypnotic waves are projected from the World Center of Black Magic, in Jerusalem. Every moment we see examples of world events plunging down in unexpected irreversible ways, government leaders who commit political and strategic suicide, leading their nations into the abyss, as if they really "were hypnotized." The example of Chile during the past ten years is instructive. We have tamely allowed the International Jew to destroy everything, to invade and dominate everything. Following his most intimate inner compulsion, the invading


Jew will not stop until he has ripped us to shreds, then to abandon us, never assimilating with us. Because he is a microbe disintegrating a cadaver, as noted. But they have not been able and will not be able to do anything with Rudolf Hess, because he is the Prisoner of the Myth. Terror forces the Jewish Enemy to work for his own destruction, doing everything to benefit the Great Myth, the Religion of Esoteric Hitlerism. Because Rudolf Hess is not there, where they believe, or seem to believe he is. Just like in the fantastic biography of Hermann Hesse, when the prisoner paints a train on the wall of his prison cell and then jumps into it and disappears, so Rudolf Hess has gone away into a train of the imagination. Into an Ultimate Flower. Into the one into which Schiller jumped at the moment of his death… And he did it before he got there.

NEUTRAL ANGELS When one discovers the magnitude of the treason to which the Fuhrer was subjected, one must pay attention to the declarations made by Julius Evola at the end of his life. He believed in the existence of a world center of subversion, working in the shadows for thousands of years. He referred to a metaphysical leadership of this Center. Evola seems to have investigated this in Vienna when he was "synchronistically" gravely wounded, having to physically interrupt the investigation forever. Evola believed this subversion outranked that of the Jews, overcoming it. We have already analysed in depth the problem of Jewish servitude to the Archetype of the Demiurge and the Pact they have established with Him. A Pact of anti-blood, anti-race. Whoever has at some time in their lives been victim to a betrayal cannot fail to intuit there is always within it some shadowy element, something like a diabolical compulsion. This can be best seen in what we are here calling the "white treason" committed by Aryans, by Vîras. Or, as Wolfram von Eschenbach has described it, the treason of the "neutral angels," who having descended to earth with the Gral, then decide to return to the sky, abandoning their comrades still in earthly exile. They do so tempted by the promise of Jehovah to let them join with him in the creative evolution of his galaxy. (We underline the word evolution, in order to contrast it to involution, which refers to the defeat of divinity and their imprisonment on the plane of material existence.) Evolution has to do with natural 491

being, with the homo terrenus, of this earth, with the robot, the animal-man, created and then eaten by the Demiurge, by the Golem, who, like a Dracula, can thereby prolong his illusory existence. The fall of the Divyas is a momentary defeat in a Cosmic War, accepted and planned by them against the creation of the Demiurge, to transmute it. Just as what does not kill makes stronger, according to Nietzsche, so the Divya can go away more powerful and more conscious than the highest Gods, at the end of his combat, personalizing his Monad, giving it Two Faces, spiritualizing the earth herself and even the galaxy, disintegrating the Demiurgic illusion and his earthly and extraterrestrial minions.

THE STRANGE SIGNATURE OF ADOLF HITLER Signature of Adolf Hitler in his first Testament Berlin, May 2, 1938. Ultimate signature of Adolf Hitler The symbol for the name Adolf has been modified since 1938, when he drew the SIEG Rune:

, crossed by a line

. coming to represent the GIBOR Rune:

that prefigures the Swastika of Earth and Air: 492

. In the ultimate signature,

the symbol has been modified, amplified, developed. The sharp profiles of the Runes of Earth and Air tend to disappear, to burn up: Swastika is now that of Water and Aether:

. The schematic

. Overall and with the passage of

time, the symbol represents the propulsion Energy of the UFOs, or extraterrestrial Vimanas. It is the sign of entrance and exit of this Universe, through the earth, air, water and aether. Sign of the submarine and Flying Saucer: Vimana. The UFOs emerging from the depths of the sea. This is a Pre-Runic sign, from which the Runes are derived, an Initiation of Venus. A key for the Window of entrance and the Door of exit existing there. The Sign that must continue, corresponding with the Swastika of Fire and of Blood transmuted into Fire:

, already prefigured in the first signature, with the

inclination of the line crossing the axis:

. With this Swastika we go beyond the

threshold of Venus, towards the Black Sun and pulled into the non-existent ultimate Green Thunderbolt. Cryptically, the mysterious signature of Hitler holds the clue to his history or Hermetic biography, his Venusian Warrior Initiation and the transition of a Tulku, an Avatar in this world. He could have traced it consciously, or superconsciously.

As long as the divine exiles possess the Gral and can recover Vril they are hopeful. In the mystery of "Plasmation," expressed in this work as experience, not all Archetypes belong to the creation or "expiration" of the Demiurge, as they only exist as imitation and falsification, from the Fifth Heaven downwards, as claimed by the Cathars. Falsification and imitation of Another Creation, which they have entered, being taken prisoner, covered with a heavy cape of sinister matter, mechanistic and illusory. As always: parody, deceit. There are also some Archetypes with which the Hyperborean Siddhas, the Divyas, are working. Moreover, in the mystery of voluntary defeat of those divine warriors (to win losing), the Prisoner is not entirely in the prison of "Schastel Marveile," in that illusory world of Maya, because the most important part of him has remained outside, waiting, like on the edge of a Fountain. He could never be complete within the "plasmic" image in the matter of the Demiurge, because such 493

an image could never endure him. The Prisoner will always be preparing a secret escape route, a way to escape from the prison. Enough to extend a hand to the Selbst, towards that so ancient Person, in front of the I. In the middle of the road, they join hands and then that powerful Being, an entire Symphony of a Family of Hyperborean Notes, crosses over him like a Green Thunderbolt, splitting him in two, transmuting his astral blood into flames of blue-green fire, reclothing him with the immortal matter of Vajra, giving him square pupils. And he will be WE, giving him a face, two faces, four faces, of HE-SHE and SHE-HE, which had been waiting for him through all Eternity. Though this is the occult meaning of the voluntary defeat, the "winning by losing," of that war to the death without quarter against the Enemy KlingsorJehovah and his Maya, the Prisoner has forgotten him, because in Schastel Marveile he is subjected to hypnotism and the effects of lethal drugs that cause passivity and surrender. This calls for the advent of Avatâras and Tulkus, to rescue, to shake and awaken the Divyas who fell into the racial sin of miscegenation with the animal-men, today the Vîras, exiled heroes, Pilgrims of Great Longing. And deliverance will only be possible if the miscegenation has not gone so far as to turn the Vîra into Pasu. Such an ultimate attempt at deliverance was the grandiose effort of Esoteric Hitlerism, as it continues to be. They will simultaneously bring about the Golden Age and the return of Hyperborea. The Neutral Angels are those Hyperborean Divyas who, tempted by a chimerical possibility of participation in the creation of the Demiurge, have come to be transformed into his slaves and servants, the Aeons and Manu of the kalpas, manvantaras and yugas. The Avatar or Tulku has nothing to do with them or the Demiurge. He is Liberated, a Boddhisatva coming from Another Universe far away, "beyond the stars," from a trans-celestial Hyperborea and who came voluntarily (and only for moments, as we saw in Hitler) to help rescue his Vîra comrades, "voluntary prisoners," exiled heroes. Together everyone must fight against the legions of the Demiurge, who defends the existence of his illusory Universe, his frustrated imitation. A reflection on the other side of the mirror, a nothing. The Demon Jehovah has covered Nature with a heavy cloak of deceit, death, Maya. A golden nature, reclothed with Kali Yuga, in pain beneath this Maya, suffers and also hopes for transfiguration, redemption… "Because, what do you desire, oh, world, but to transform yourself invisibly within us?" said Rilke. The Neutral Angels are Hyperborean Siddhas who betrayed Lucifer-Apollo. They are the legions of Jehovah, his advance guard. On earth they are represented 494

by the "white traitors" and fight against their blood brothers, by race and divine origin, at the orders of the Jew, that golem of Jehovah. The Neutral Angels and white traitors have also been hypnotized, dominated. They work so that the Vîras on earth, the divine exiles, cannot win or free themselves and they collaborate in the Demiurge Jehovah's plan to place the Jew in dominion over the planet. Directly, or through his institutions and the sinister apparition of the similitude Jesuschrist the Jew (also an imitation of Nordic-Hyperborean Kristos-Wotan, as we have seen, the Kristos of Atlantis, Quetzalcoatl), they are the ones who have promoted the indiscriminate mixing of Aryans with the inferior races of Atlantean slaves. In Europe, in North America, in Central America and in South America. Here we find the explanation of the treason of the German generals and the European noble families, the Houses of Savoy, Habsburg and Mountbatten and the royal family of England. All of them have mixed with Jews and moreover belong to Masonic organizations or Christian Churches. When through the Universe the order was given to act in unison against Hitler, they could not do otherwise than obey, by hypnosis, compulsion of their blood, fear and even stupidity. But that should not lead us to lose sight of the principal culprits: the International Jew, mythic and planetary. And his Demiurge, Jehovah. Great efforts are being made at present, as in the past, to cover it up, trying to draw attention towards "this subversion that has been taken care of" or the same "white traitors." But let us not deceive ourselves, because all of them are no more than submissive and obedient collaborators of the Jew here on earth and their Demiurge beyond the earth. They are under his command, working for him and to extend his planetary domination. They are also his victim and food at the end of the Manvantara. Because the mythical unswerving Jew despises them as traitors, and their Demiurge will eat them. Even the "neutral angels" have become mere servants of the Jew and their extraterrestrial Demiurge-Archetype. If the Demiurge discovered in time that he was going to lose the war, he would order his Jew golem to destroy the earth, before allowing its transmutation. And he would do the same with his illusory Universe. But that is already of no importance, since he lost that opportunity. The Avatar of the Fuhrer has already won the war. Only the Demiurge and the Jew do not know it. Nor do the sleeping prisoners, the hypnotized Vîras, not even when little time remains and we must only continue fighting for some of them.


In "The Golden Band" we refer to the publications of a French journalist, Gerard de Sede, who writes about the "fabulous race" of the Merovingians ("La Race Faboulouse") trying to prove their Jewish origin (the Merovingians!!). Taking the writings of De Sede as their point of departure, some investigators of the BBC of London have arrived at the same conclusions. They discover a conspiracy of centuries, effected by a mysterious secret society, called "Priory of Sion," with the object of winning power for a "King of the World" of Merovingian blood, who would also be of Sion and doubly mixed with the descendants of Jesus, coming to Occitania with his wife, Mary Magdalene, in Visigoth times, with whom they also mix. This happens shortly after the Crucifixion. Jesus did not die on the cross, since Joseph of Arimathea had bribed Pontius Pilate. De Arimathea also came to Occitania, carrying the Holy Grial, the Cup of the Last Supper that later received the blood of the crucified Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea then went to England with the Sangreal, or rather, with the alleged royal Jewish blood of the descendants of Jesus and David. So we are supposed to see the Gral legend itself only as some extension of the "royal divine blood of Jews, Jesus the Jew and the Jewish Merovingians," with the Priory of Sion attempting even in our days to restore them on the throne of the world. The Priory is said to have been founded by Godfrey of Bouillon in Jerusalem and inspired by some mysterious hermits from Calabria and the Ardennes, Godfrey's native land. The Priory of Sion created the Templar Order, availing itself of Saint Bernard of Clairveaux, as a powerful armed militia, aiming at the restoration of the alleged divine race of the Jewish Merovingians and Jesus-David Jews on the world throne. But the Templars quickly made themselves independent from the Priory. Thus the Order of the Temple signed its death warrant. The authors of this "best seller," "Holy Blood and Holy Grail," using a hoard of exhaustive investigations, claim to make us believe, moreover, that Monsignor Lefebvre, the traditionalist prelate (traditionalists and non-traditionalists are all the same to Jewish Christianity) is also a member of the Priory of Sion, among whose directors have been Leonardo de Vinci, Jean Cocteau and we know not what others. Clearly this work is aimed, like the books of De Sede, at distraction and relieving the Jews of their guilt, presenting the principal German tribes and the Aryans as originally of Jew blood. Then there would be no reason to go on fighting! They do not deny the existence of the Great Conspiracy, but show it as if directed by other forces, with the Jews themselves only being innocent victims.


To repeat: To orient ourselves, we have only one leader who serves us as our guide: What Hitler said and what Hitler did not say. And He only mentioned the diabolical Jew, as the Great Enemy. The Avatar came among us to discover who is the Enemy, for once and forever. The white traitors are today the most faithful collaborators of the Jewish plan, promoting the destruction of the Aryans, the white race, and its indiscriminate mixing with the slaves of Atlantis.

KALKI, THE ULTIMATE AVATAR How would the Fuhrer respond to the apparent failure of the mission of Rudolf Hess in England? Without departing from his esoteric strategy, within the magic law: accelerating to the maximum the gyrations of the Circle of the Reverse Swastika, so that "it overcomes the inertia of the abyss," declaring war on all fronts against the Jewish International, definitively changing the terms of cosmic combat, making the breath of a spirit from other spheres spread throughout the planet: to win by losing. A principle from another world, from another plane, another matter, an anti-matter, profoundly spiritual. Hitler already went out from this world and planted his struggle directly before the Demiurge, right in the face of the Lord of Shadows and Chaos. He began his Metaphysical War. Material victory is not the most important factor, which is uniquely the upholding of the purity of the ideal alone, the Weltanschauung without qualifications, to the ultimate end. So he raised the grandiose drama to such a height that he could never lose. Therefore, with the end of the Second World War, the diabolical Jews invented the holocaust of six million victims of the "chosen people," as a means to prevent the final victory of Hitlerism. Lame effort, because a lie can never impose itself against the irresistible hurricane of Myth and Symbol, erupting time and again from the depths of the still pure blood memory of the heroes, the warriors of Esoteric Hitlerism, whose numbers continue to grow, despite everything done to stop them. To erase this Blood Memory they encourage miscegenation and mulattoism on a planetary scale. Thus did the Fuhrer begin "Operation Barbarossa," with apparent loss and ultimate return. Rudolf Hess was in on the secret of this action, taking an essential part in it from the beginning. Hitler concentrated particularly on actions of magic realism, the manufacture of the Vimanas (UFOs), submarine exploration of the Hyperborean North, ever497

closer contacts with Tibet. At the same time, he carried forward this war waged without quarter on the Russian Front, without retreats, "dying in place." The standing order is Perinde ac cadaver. Polar expeditions looking for secrets held within the polar fastness is an old topic in Germany. Georg von Neumayer was a wise German who died in 1909, making important discoveries in hydrology, meteorology and geophysics. He organized several expeditions to the South Pole. His book "Auf zum Sudpol," "Towards the South Pole," was used by Captain Ritscher in his polar expedition of 1938-1939. That expedition explored a region of 600,000 square kilometers in Antarctic Queen Maud's Land, beside the Weddell Sea, baptizing it "Neuschwabenland," "New Swabia." Within they discovered those mysterious oases with warm water lakes. A high mountain range was named "Neumayer," in memory of the wise scientist. In the north of this mountain range they discovered lakes free of ice the entire year, surrounded by the mainland continent, with some oasis plant growth and forests. The Third Reich continued these explorations throughout the war in uninterrupted calm and worked to take possession of those immense polar territories. Already in 1911, another polar explorer, Wilhelm Fichner, had gone to Antarctica, asking the question: "Would it be possible to go from the Weddell Sea to the Ross Sea? Is that sea only a bay, or one end of an enormous subterranean channel that divides Antarctica in two?" A deep channel would go beneath the ocean and ice from the Atlantic to the Pacific. And the Hitlerists discovered that route, ideal for submarines. There is something very mysterious here. The years 1964 and 1965 were declared the "Year of the Peaceful Sun" ("Jahr der ruhigen Sonne") and intense work was carried out in Antarctica, internationally and by various countries, with studies of the ionosphere, geomagnetism, meteorology and polar light phenomena. What a strange name! "Peaceful Light." What are we to understand by this? There have been confirmations that around both the South and North Poles light intensities increase at the same times of year and that their polar days do not then coincide with the angle of the sun. In Antarctica a great secret is hidden, entirely coinciding with the theory of the "Hollow Earth," already referred to in our work "The Golden Band," with its two polar openings and its immobile central sun. The theory of the "full earth" with its center of semi-liquid magma, stubbornly defended by traditional science, is as little proven as the theory of the "hollow earth" itself. 498

If in 1964 and 1965 new discoveries were made about the Hollow Earth, they have not been made public, but the name "Year of the Peaceful Sun" tells us something. On November 23, 1978, NASA took a satellite photo over the North Pole, with infrared rays, showing a circular aperture. Taken by the satellite "ESSA 7," and a first sighting, so therefore not easy to repeat, since dense clouds cover the poles. An enormous circular aperture has appeared beneath them. According to Eugenio Siragusa the earth must be thought of as a cosmic cell that "each six months opens the poles to breath and then closes them a few days later." The question spontaneously arising today is: "Why no great power, since the disastrous failed attempt by Admiral Byrd, in 1946, has claimed possession, embarked, investigated or explored the region of Neuschwabenland?" Neither the Federal Germany of today, nor East Germany have reclaimed those territories. The answer was given by the magazine "Das Neue Zeitalter" ("The New Age"!) in its issue 22, in 1980. "Since 1946," it states, "the first flying saucers have come from Antarctica. Those navies not only visited distinct areas of the earth, but also other planets in the solar system. It is quite possible flying saucers with life-forms from other planets have already made contact with the people of 'New Swabia.' With their aid and assistance they may have already developed on our planet a completely different and very advanced science, in German bases of the Third Reich, with extensive cosmic implications. Seen from that angle, neither the United States of America, nor Soviet Russia are the foremost world powers, but Neuschwabenland in the Antarctic, with a vast technological superiority." That would explain why no one has dared to touch those territories and why even the moon expeditions have been suspended. The Hitlerists are already there, as on many other planets. The resurrected Vîras, transmuted into Divyas. There is indeed "a Face in the Lunar Disk"… In this way the explanation of Admiral Doenitz gains ever-greater sense. Have German submarines around the North Pole or the Greenland of John Dee found the exact point at which, as if by a black funnel, their ship has gone through, going in to connect with the Other Pole, going out to that paradisiacal earth and sea that, having once been here, no longer are? An impregnable paradise, from where the war is continued, to be won. Because everything lost here is won there. The Golden Age, Ultimate Thule, Hyperborea, the other side of things, so easy and so difficult to reach. The inner earth, Another Earth, anti-earth, astral earth, reached as if by a "click," a bi-location, or tri-location in space. 499

The esoteric explanation of what fell with the First Hyperborea, Ultimate Thule and Polar Paradise of the North, is different from the exoteric explanation of a flood caused by geologic and cosmic catastrophe. Hyperborea was not destroyed, but instead disappeared, became invisible. When Poseidon drew a circle around his extensive walls, in order to remain safe there with his Beloved Clito and his Divyas, that Golden Band with which he encircled his city made it impossible for the cataclysms to affect it, although humans and even Vîras could no longer see Hyperborea. Yet Hyperborea is still there, even when invisible, in another dimension and reality. Therefore Professor Wirth was right when he claimed Hyperborea did not sink beneath the North Sea. And even more reason when Pindar wrote: "Neither by sea nor by land can Hyperborea be found…" Only by discovering the secret passage, the "click," the "funnel," beyond and within. And by a chance-destiny as well. But only by Aryan Vîras. Thus we come to the Twilight of the Gods on this earth, the nadir of Kali Yuga. Malory tells the story, in his "Morte D'Arthur," that the end comes by a fatal Destiny, that no one can escape. Arthur, surrounded by his noble warriors, approaches his son, who leads the enemy hosts, and offers him peace. (As Stalin also offered it to Hitler at the last moment, yet this offer never came into his hands.) Mordred, dressed in black, thin, with his generals around him, has accepted the offer. Then, a snake slithers between the feet of a warrior who unsheathes his sword to protect himself. The gesture is taken as an attack and the fratricidal war is unleashed. Everyone dies, except Arthur, who is carried to the Isle of Avallon (to the impregnable earthly Paradise, to Hyperborea) where the women-magas and wise women look after him until his recovery. Around the Bunker in Berlin even the young children fought. They were immolated heroes who today return to another Round, to continue the heroic combat against the Enemy of their lineage and ancestors. In no other way can we explain the fact that everywhere in the world, more and more, the young are "born Hitlerists." Resisting the gigantic propaganda, their controlled education and even family pressures, they are Hitlerists, born as such. I believe they are heroes who, there, next to the Bunker in Berlin, gave their lives and now return to continue fighting and await the return of the Ultimate Battalion, with their Fuhrer Adolf 500

Hitler, to unleash, together, the combat that will end the Darkest Age, the Kali Yuga. Among them must also be found the Chilean National Socialist heroes, who gave their lives to their ideal, in a spring so many years ago. "Oh, Gods, give us a Great War, capable of ending all the little wars!," one reads in an ancient invocation. And also: "Every great terror is conquered by achieving an energy able to overpower it." The bombing stars receive with the immense blocks of ice from the Milky Way is the fuel enabling them to constantly renew their energy, which in any other way would be exhausted. "What does not destroy me makes me stronger!" Adolf Hitler, when the end approached, remained immovable with evergreater fanaticism. The greatest fires forge his iron will, his Teutonic fury, transforming his blood into fire. The Reverse Swastika must turn faster and faster, so that almost no one can resist its hallucinating speed. Some leap elsewhere, escape, some are torn to shreds. Those who accompany him to the end are very few, only those of the divine race of the initiated Vîras, the Einherier and the Aesir of Valhalla, with their Valkyries. Also Joseph Goebbels and his wife who, without being initiates, were loyal unto death, because their honour is called loyalty. Eternal glory to Joseph Goebbels! Heil! Sieg Heil! Coming now to the end of these pages, we must reveal something more about the Swastikas, Leftwards and Rightwards. The ultimate truth of the Leftwards Swastika is not fulfilled in this space-time world. Not, therefore, a road, but a turning going out from Maya and Samsara, from Demiurgic space-time and pulled in by a Center, or Black Sun, towards Another Reality, towards an Eternity we have called Green Thunderbolt and which is an Ultimate Flower. At the same time, the Rightwards Swastika makes possible the voluntary return of the TulkuWarrior-Avatar, the Siddha-Divya, to the space-time plane of Samsara. When the Circle of the Swastika gyrates with a phantasmagorical speed, there is transformation into a Vimana, breaking the laws of gravity, empowering the leap into another dimension. And so it was that the Fuhrer went out from this world.


And when Himmler went to see him, he found He was no longer there, that this was not his Fuhrer, because he had gone elsewhere. And in the shock this caused him, understanding he, Himmler, had been left here, he did not know what to do. And so he did anything! From the start of this book we have been explaining how an Avatar, a Tulku, is not always within his terrestrial vehicle. Because the vehicle could not resist such power. The Avatar of the Fuhrer came and went away. When Himmler came, he was no longer there. And the Russians found fourteen burned cadavers of Hitler, each the same as He himself. Stalin was also terrified. So he told Cordell Hull that Adolf Hitler did not die in Berlin. And that is another reason why Kalki, the Ultimate Avatar, mounted on a White Horse with the flaming sword of a comet in his right hand (the Comet Phaeton), waiting for the return of Loherangrin, the Black-Necked Swan from the glaciers of the South Pole, keeps fighting alongside us until victory, until we go away, because we are also speeding up.




We have here revived old glories, old pains and combats, to help the young who died defending the Bunker of the Fuhrer in Berlin and have returned, young men and women. Because they are with us anew and are followers of Esoteric Hitlerism, defenders of the Golden Band, continuing the Great War until again rejoining with their Fuhrer, in the return of his Furious Horde, Wildes Heer. They will unleash the ultimate combat and they shall win. Centuries seem to have passed since those far away times when we saw the imprisoned giants within the rock, among the high mountains surrounding my city of Santiago del Nuevo Extremo and in the peak of El Plomo, the Mount of Transmutation, Paititi, the secret City of Eternal Life, together with Parzival, the Mountain of the Gral. Those peaks belonged to the House of my esoteric Family, my Lineage, my South Polar-Hyperborean Race. There they are still, in expectation someone will discover their secret, hearing the Voice of the Blood of Spirit. Centuries seem to have passed since we began in Chile, in this sacred magic fatherland, the War together with the Hitlerian hosts and the comrades who fought here and are still fighting for the Avatar. Centuries, and perhaps they have been, since my Maestro initiated me in this land the farthest South. So many things have happened since then! I have searched the world for the dispersed comrades, for heroes who staunched their wounds, like Savitri Devi, "never forgive, never forget," like Ezra Pound, Knut Hamsun, Hanna Reitsch, Leon Degrelle, Skorzeny, Rudel. Like King Anfortas, like myself. Everywhere I have gone investigating, attempting to know more, trying to reach the impregnable fortresses where Hitler sleeps, with Barbarossa, with King Arthur, with Baldur, with Wotan. I too wish to fight together with Him and his Wildes Heer the ultimate battle against the Enemy, in this and other worlds. One day I arrived on the Antarctic ice, in search of the warm water oasis, in the heart of the glaciers. From there I went to climb Himalayan peaks, attempting to force the doors of Mount Kailas, where we believed there was an entrance into the Temple of my Maestro, to Mount Meru, the dwelling of Buddha, Shiva and Parvati. I went to the Pyrenees, climbed Montsegur, arrived at San Juan de la Peña. In Berchtesgaden, in the alpine Grison, I followed the troi de reses, the Road of the Flowers of Ambar, the Path of Roses, which went to the Kingdom of the Gnomes of Laurin. In the Valley of the Flowers, in the Himalayas, I turned to find myself with the Beloved Dead and Not Dead, still awaiting resurrection…


And now, after much wandering, I am back again among the beloved Andes of my youth, always searching for the doors of the City of the Caesars, Paititi, City of the Great Transmutation. My hair has turned gray from contact with the snows of the peaks and the years, it's true, but in one night, not in nine, turning totally white on facing the Tree of Terror, facing Iggdrasil… You young people, believe me, nothing is lost and all is won, thanks to our Fuhrer and his glorious combat! His example shows us the way of immortality in the internal transmutation of Esoteric Hitlerism, here revealed, and the wisdom of solidarity in combat, synchronistic, in the exterior world. He will return! Until then, you, with weapons in hand and the thought of the Beloved in mind and heart, like the hero of Gral, must break the Jewish spell, hypnotism at a distance, which in the Schastel Marveile of this world takes many prisoners among the comrades and Hyperborean Vîras. Because… "Looking at ourselves, we are Hyperboreans!" You must fight to destroy the hypnosis paralysing men and women of our own physical and spiritual race, by the treachery of the white treason of neutral angels. Like Parzival, you must continue resolutely, without God, without the Jew Jehovah, only with your ancient fury, awakened in blood memory, going backwards, always towards the origin, with the emblem of the Swastika of Return, with Two Swords, from both worlds, clenched firmly in your fists, guarding the Gral of the Andes. Forsake everything, young heroes, awaken the sacred fire, be ready to resist prison, torture and death, falling, rising up again, until you arrive at the doors of the City where the Fuhrer awaits you, to enlist you in his Ultimate Battalion, his Wildes Heer, into his Furious Horde! Young comrades, men and women, young Vîras, young heroes, forward! Let us go together, at the side of our Fuhrer, to make the Golden Age return, putting an end to Kali Yuga, this terrible Age of the Lord of Darkness! HEIL! SIEG HEIL!



EPILOGUE This is not a book. It is the Song of the Minnesänger. Therefore it must be heard within, in the Memory of Blood, and be drunk in the Hyperborean Rite of Minnetrinken. And when great things happen, perhaps because Someone guides us from the innermost Ultimate Green Thunderbolt.

Noon, Tuesday, 7 February, 1984 Santiage del Nuevo Extremo Chilli - Mapu


The return to Thule, to Paradesha, to Asgard, the Nuptial Fatherland. With Lohengrin, King of the Gral, and with the Valkyrie. This Eagle of the Fifth Reich 508

has already destroyed Kali Yuga of the Age of Pisces, giving death to the Fish of Jehovah. Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar, the Fuhrer, sails with Parzival towards the Antarctic Oasis, towards the Impregnable Paradise, towards Venus, bearing the Gral. They are accompanied by the Birds of Paradise and the Child: the Son of Man.

PILGRIM OF GREAT LONGING The children of the Golden Age now wander, far and wide, through the lands of their forefathers, forgotten by the Gods of Destiny. In some other place. And no longing can make them return? Are they never to see my eyes? Oh! Never shall you find through the thousand paths of the verdant earth the one who seeks you, with shapes equal to the Gods? And I understood, by luck, your language, your legend, so alone because my soul was seeking your shadows? I wanted to approach you, there where your forests still grew, where the clouds hid your solitary summit, Holy Mountain. There I yearn to go, and, when gleaming in the shadow of the Holm Oak, I find the Fountain of Origin, Oh, you sleepers! Oh, holy shades! I want to live with you ..! Hölderlin



Appendix Two The Runic KRISTOS of Atlantis Sixty thousand years before Christ there were Germans in the vicinity of the Externsteine. Over generations they kept up there the radiant center of Midgard, as they called their country, and of Asgard, the City of Roses of the Aesir. In those ages, making use of catastrophes of nature, in the fourth "soft rock" of the Externsteine they carved the gigantic "Crucified God," corresponding to the fourth Rune OS:

. It is also identified with the eighteenth rune, GIBOR -der Geben,

to give, to gift: . It is the Rune of the Asengott (of the God Ase) that returns to his Heavenly Country of origin, "beyond the stars" (with the fylfot swastika). The Stone Age extends over hundreds of thousands of years and is rich in magical buildings and tombs: megaliths, Brunhild chairs, Troy castles, dolmens, menhirs, cromlechs - down to 12,000 B.C. From unnatural spiritual stone the Crucified God of the Externsteine is born, in the center of Germany. Today his face lacks clearly defined features, since the ages and weathering have blurred them. But his head is of the Nordic kings. On the right side of his chest is a deep lance-wound, made by the hands of hunter-farmers of the Age of Stone and the Cro-Magnon. Zarathustra is wounded by a lance as is Krishna, in their "mysterious deaths." It is the original sacred magic tradition. The Crucified God is Yrman, Hermann, ER, Eros (Hero), Heru, Cheru, of the Cherusker or Cherusci. He is the God-Tree, YR-MAN-SOL, or Yrminsul; the sixteenth Rune, YR: , of the exit from and entrance to the world of demiurgic jehovitic matter. It corresponds to the accepted struggles and mystic deaths, to the entry by the Window of Venus, the Star of Morning, that is, Lucifer and Wotan. Thus the Asengott, Wotan (the Man-God-Hero), has been crucified in the YR-MAN-SOL Tree of the fourth rock of the Externsteine. He is pierced by the lance of light of the Star of Morning and by the Evening Star, which is Lilith, the Goddess Valkyrie Brunhild (Shakti-Kundalini), also Woewre-Saelde (Isolde), the Sign-Wife of the Minnesänger. The triumphant Warrior enters by the Door of 510

Venus in the direction of the Black Sun and the Green Thunderbolt. BrunhildKundalini-Shakti makes delivery to him of the 18 runes (Chakras), thereby returning his immortality to him. It is the Double Star, Venus, of mystic death and resurrection, of the second birth of the Aryans, of the Warrior initiation of Wotan and Esoteric Hitlerism. The Double Rune HAGAL:

. HE and SHE as well as

SHE and HE. The Absolute Man and Woman. The Two Grals. The Bronze Age begins twenty thousand years B.C. During the sacred ceremonies of the Germans, beside the Externsteine, initiated musicians, Lurenbläser, made the Luren sound. These most ancient Nordic instruments have five principal tones, corresponding to the five points of visible light of the Star of Morning. They were tuned in pairs. The sacred musicians wore sandals made of leather, with a short wool tunic, and the rest, including the helmet with horns, the sword and dagger, all of them of gold. The Heroes, (ER-OS, Herus, Cheru-Cherusci, Cheru = vassal, for in the Externsteine there is also a rock with a vassal's head), the Aryans adore the ERMAN-SOL Tree (YR:

. MAN:

. The two runes together = "GIBOR", the

Rune HAGAL = GRAL). The Tree was represented by the fourth rock of the Externsteine, by the God Wotan crucified, the Runic Kristos, the Kristos of Atlantis. In relation to the Runic Kristos great care must be taken with the use of the Runes. You may not engrave them without divine authorization and a higher knowledge, because otherwise it could cause insanity and even death. Your vibrations must be synchronized with the Aryan blood, in relation to its greater or lesser purity. Therefore Jews cannot take possession of the Runes. Their aura is hostile to the Runes and would be devastating, fatal, for them. In the esoteric Third Reich the visible use of these very magical and sacred symbols was greatly restricted, and only very few Runes were in use. In the Chancellery, in other public buildings, in Berchtesgaden, one almost never found them engraved, except for the flyflot swastika: (the GIBUR Rune) and the Rune SIEG:


. Even in the SS Castle of

Initiation at Wewelsburg they never engraved many Runes. The Runenlauteren, the Sages of the Rune-Ways, would not allow it.

Appendix Three VENUS, DOUBLE STAR OF THE WARRIOR INITIATION OF ESOTERIC HITLERISM. THE EIGHT-POINTED STAR Venus is the Star of Warrior Initiation of Esoteric Hitlerism. It is Lucifer, the Most Beautiful Light. It is the Morning Star, through which the warriors of Wotan, heroes, vîras, enter to combat the enemy Demiurge, the One Yahweh. They enter (or fall) like this: Heads down, with arms outstretched downwards:

. The YR

Rune. Venus is also the Double Star because she is at the same time Evening Star, Lilith, the Valkyrie Brunhild (Shakti-Kundalini). Thus the triumphant warriors go out, resurrected vîras, transmuted into Divyas, into Gods, after having died and resuscitated. They are Aryans, the twice born. They leave (they escape) from the world of the Demiurge. Like this:

. With arms outstretched upwards: the MAN

Rune. And once having crossed the threshold of Venus and penetrated the Black Sun (Black Hole) they are already the Absolute Man:

. The YR Rune and the

MAN Rune together. That is to say, the HAGAL Rune Death and Resurrection. HE and SHE. WE. But in Venus the resurrected hero also again meets his Valkyrie, his She, who once died on earth, and the power is given him to resuscitate her, before both of them are swallowed up by the maelstrom pull of the Black Sun, the Black Hole. And so SHE is transmuted into SHE and HE, the Absolute Woman. This is symbolically expressed by the Double Rune HAGAL, Eight-Pointed Star, of the Morning and of the Evening, Absolute Man and Woman, resurrected. It is the eight-pointed star of Ré-Ché, of pure Aryans and of the Mystic Fatherland, of the Magical Fatherland, Chilli-Mapu. Of Chile. 512


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