Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter Solution Accelerator Administration Guide
Version 1.0
Published: July 2012 For the latest information, please see
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Contents Overview ..................................................................................................... 1 Benefits ................................................................................................. 1 Features ................................................................................................ 1 Supported Configurations for Machine Conversion ....................................... 2 Supported Configurations for Disk Conversion ............................................ 3 Assumptions .......................................................................................... 3 Partner Cobranding ................................................................................. 4 Installing Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter .................................................. 5 Prerequisites .......................................................................................... 5 Installation ............................................................................................ 5 Using Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter ....................................................... 6 Converting VMware Virtual Disks Using the Command-Line Interface ............ 6 Converting Virtual Machines Using the Command-Line Interface ................... 6 Converting Virtual Machines Using the GUI ................................................ 8 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................14 Using the MVMC Log File to Troubleshoot Issues ........................................14 Troubleshooting Issues in the Converter ...................................................14
Overview ®
The Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter (MVMC) Solution Accelerator is a Microsoftsupported, stand-alone solution for the IT pro or solution provider who wants to convert ® VMware-based virtual machines and disks to Hyper-V -based virtual machines and disks. The MVMC solution can perform full conversions of VMware-based virtual machines as well as conversions of VMware-based virtual hard disks to Hyper-V-based virtual hard disks (VHD). This guide is intended for the enterprise customer in an information technology (IT) role, such as the IT decision maker (ITDM), IT pro, or IT implementer. It provides an overview of MVMC features and functionality, as well as information about how to install and use the solution.
Benefits MVMC is the only stand-alone, Microsoft-supported solution to provide conversion of virtual machines and disks from VMware to Hyper-V. It can be deployed with minimal dependencies. Because MVMC has a fully scriptable command-line interface (CLI), it integrates especially well with data center automation workflows such as those authored and run within Microsoft System Center 2012 - Orchestrator. It can also be invoked ® through Windows PowerShell . The solution is easy to download, install, and use. In addition to the CLI, MVMC provides a wizard-driven GUI, making it simple to perform virtual machine conversion.
Features MVMC provides the following features: Converts and deploys virtual machines from VMware hosts to Hyper-V hosts running: ® Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 SP1 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Converts VMware virtual machines, virtual disks, and configuration (memory, virtual processor and so on) from the source to Hyper-V. Adds virtual network interface cards (NICs) to the converted virtual machine on Hyper-V. Supports conversion of virtual machines from VMware vSphere 4.1 and 5.0 hosts to Hyper-V. Note MVMC also supports conversion of virtual machines from VMware vSphere 4.0 if the host is managed by vCenter 4.1 or vCenter 5.0. You have to connect to vCenter 4.1 or 5.0 through MVMC to convert virtual machines on vSphere 4.0.
Offers fully scriptable command-line interface that integrates well with data center automation workflows and Windows PowerShell scripts. Has a wizard-driven GUI, making it simple to perform virtual machine conversion. Uninstalls VMware tools prior to conversion to provide a clean way to migrate VMware-based virtual machines to Hyper-V. Important MVMC will take a snapshot of the virtual machine you are converting prior to uninstalling VMware tools and then shut down the source machine to preserve state during conversion. The virtual machine will be restored to its previous state once the source disks attached to the virtual machine are successfully copied to the machine where the conversion process is run. At that point the source machine in VMware can be turned on if required.
Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
Supports Windows Server guest operating system conversion, including Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2003 SP2, and Windows Server 2003. See the section “Supported Configurations for Machine Conversion” in this guide for more details. ® Enables conversion of Windows client versions, including Windows 7 and Windows ® Vista . Installs integration services on the converted virtual machine if the guest operating system is Windows Server 2003 SP2. Includes a command-line utility for offline conversions of VMware-based virtual hard disks (VMDK) to a Hyper-V-based virtual hard disk file format (.vhd file). Note The offline disk conversion does not include driver fixes. Windows Server 2003 support is not included for the offline disk conversion.
Supports conversion from multiple VMDK formats to fixed-size and dynamically expanding VHD formats.
Supported Configurations for Machine Conversion Any combination of the following is supported: VMware sources including: vCenter Server 5.0 vCenter Server 4.1 ESXi Server 5.0 ESXi/ESX Server 4.1 Note MVMC supports ESXi/ESX 4.0 if the host is managed by vCenter 4.1 or vCenter 5.0. In this case, you must connect to vCenter 4.1 or 5.0 through MVMC to convert virtual machines on the 4.0 hosts.
Destination Host Server: Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise Hyper-V on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Datacenter Hyper-V on Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 Guest operating systems supported for conversion: Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with SP2 x86 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with SP2 x64 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP2 x86 Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP2 x64 Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition with SP2 x86 Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition with SP2 x64 Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition with SP2 x86 Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition with SP2 x64 Windows Vista Enterprise x64 Windows Vista Enterprise x32 Windows 7 Enterprise x86 Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Windows 7 Professional x86 Windows 7 Professional x64
Administration Guide
Windows 7 Ultimate x86 Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x86 Windows Server 2008 Enterprise x64 Windows Server 2008 Datacenter x86 Windows Server 2008 Datacenter x64 Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise x64 Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter x64
Supported Configurations for Disk Conversion The following VMware virtual disk types are supported for conversion: monolithicSparse vmfsSparse monolithicFlat vmfs twoGbMaxExtentSparse twoGbMaxExtentFlat delta disk conversion Stream optimized disks
Assumptions MVMC will successfully perform virtual machine conversions when the following conditions are met: The virtual machine to be converted is in a running state. The virtual machine has VMware tools installed. ® The virtual machine is joined to an Active Directory domain. Remote access through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is enabled on the VMware-based virtual machine to be converted and the destination Hyper-V host. See the “Troubleshooting” section in this guide for more details. The account used for connecting to the VMware-based virtual machine that needs to be converted is part of an Active Directory domain and also a local administrator on that machine. You have the correct credentials to connect to the required environments. The Windows user account that you are using has write access to the UNC path specified on the destination Hyper-V host for copying the virtual hard disks. The Hyper-V host has the required disk space available for the converted virtual hard disks. The following assumptions are valid after a successful conversion: The destination virtual machine will be in a started or stopped state depending on the settings chosen by the user. Once the virtual disks attached to the virtual machine are copied successfully to the converter machine, the source virtual machine will be restored to a started or stopped state, depending on the settings chosen by the user.
Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
Product activation requires each instance of a Windows operating system installation to be activated with Microsoft. Because conversion creates a second instance of the virtual machine on Hyper-V, this instance needs to be activated.
Partner Cobranding You can customize the MVMC Wizard by cobranding and incorporating your logo into it. If you are a Microsoft partner who wants to learn more about customizing MVMC, you can contact us at
[email protected].
Administration Guide
Installing Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter Prerequisites Before you install MVMC, you must install the following software on the computer on which MVMC will run: Operating systems: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012 (full installation) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and Microsoft .NET Framework 4 if installing MVMC on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 if installing MVMC on Windows Server 2012
Installation To install MVMC 1. Download the Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter Solution Accelerator MSI to your local machine. 2. Run the MSI. 3. Enter a location where you want to install MVMC or use the default location and continue with the installation. Important
The account executing the setup must be the local administrator on the machine.
Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
Using Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter Now that you have installed MVMC, you can use it to: Convert VMware virtual disks using the command-line interface. Convert virtual machines using the command-line interface. Convert virtual machines using the GUI.
Converting VMware Virtual Disks Using the Command-Line Interface MVDC.exe is the command-line interface used to perform offline virtual disk conversions. It converts a VMware-based virtual disk to a Hyper-V-based VHD. To convert VMware virtual disks using the CLI 1. On the computer on which MVMC is installed, click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. 2. When prompted, click Continue. 3. At the command prompt, navigate to the location where the tool was installed. 4. Run MVDC.exe using MVDC.exe SrcDisk DstDisk [Options]. SrcDisk specifies the source VMDK disk to be converted. DstDisk specifies the destination Hyper-V virtual hard disk. /Dyn is an optional parameter that indicates the destination VHD should be dynamic rather than fixed. For example, MVDC.exe '.\VMDK\Test.vmdk' '.\vhd\Test.vhd' Note The SrcDisk parameter should point to a VMDK file that contains the descriptive data about the virtual hard disk.
Converting Virtual Machines Using the Command-Line Interface MVMC.exe is a command-line utility that converts VMware virtual machines to Hyper-V. Note For best performance, it is recommended that you run the conversion on the destination host (this means that MVMC is installed and run from the Hyper-V hypervisor).
To convert virtual machines using the CLI 1. On the computer on which MVMC is installed, click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. 2. When prompted, click Continue. 3. At the command prompt, navigate to the location where the tool was installed. 4. Run MVMC.exe as follows: MVMC.exe /SourceHost /SourceHostUser /SourceHostPassword /GuestVM /TargetHost /TargetVHDPath [Options]
Administration Guide
The following parameters are required. Required parameters
Fully qualified domain name or IP address of the virtual machine to be converted. Note Make sure you pass the fully qualified domain name of the virtual machine.
Name or IP address of the source VMware vCenter server or the ESXi host.
User name to use when connecting to the source VMware vCenter server or the ESXi host.
Password to use when connecting to the source VMware vCenter server or the ESXi host.
Name or IP address of the target Hyper-V server where the converted virtual machine will be created.
UNC path where the converted virtual hard disks (VHDs) should be copied.
The following parameters are optional. Optional parameters
Password to use when connecting to the virtual machine.
User name to use when connecting to the virtual machine.
Password to use when connecting to the source VMware vCenter server or the ESXi host.
Password to use when connecting to the target Hyper-V server where the converted virtual machine will be created.
User name to use when connecting to the target Hyper-V server where the converted virtual machine will be created.
Switch that indicates whether the source VMware virtual machine should be turned on or off once the virtual hard disks have been copied to the machine where the conversion is run. By default, the virtual machine will be turned off.
Switch that indicates whether the destination virtual machine created on Hyper-V should be started or not. By default, the virtual machine will be in a stopped state.
Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
Example usage: MVMC.exe /SourceHost:Source001 /SourceHostUser:MVMCAdmin /SourceHostPwd:Passw0rd / / /TargetVHDPath:\\Target001\D$
Converting Virtual Machines Using the GUI Use the following procedure to convert virtual machines using the GUI. Note For best performance, it is recommended that you run the conversion on the destination host (this means that MVMC is installed and run from the Hyper-V hypervisor).
To convert virtual machines using the GUI 1. Open MVMC, open the Source page, and then enter the details to connect to a VMware vCenter Server, ESX server, or ESXi server. In the Address box, type the server IP address or the name of the VMware source server. In the User name box, type the user name. In the Password box, type the password. Click Next.
Figure 1. The Source page
Administration Guide
2. On the Virtual Machines page, select a virtual machine on the source VMware server to convert. Note MVMC assumes that the virtual machine is in a running state. Virtual machines that are not running (offline virtual machines) cannot be converted by MVMC. Note The virtual machine must have VMware tools installed and be connected to an Active Directory domain. Note The boot disk attached to the source virtual machine will be converted to an IDEbased VHD and all data disks attached to the source virtual machine will be converted to SCSI VHDs. Important MVMC will create another instance of the virtual machine on Hyper-V based on the source virtual machine configuration. The source virtual machine will remain intact but will be shut down during the conversion process.
Click Next.
Figure 2. The Virtual Machines page
Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
3. On the Virtual Machine Connection page, enter the credentials of an administrative account that can connect to the virtual machine. The connection is required for uninstalling VMware tools on the source virtual machine. The virtual machine must be joined to an Active Directory domain. In the Virtual machine box, type the name of the virtual machine. In the User name box, type the domain and user name. In the Password box, type the password. In the Final state of source virtual machine option, select whether the source virtual machine should be turned On or Off when the restoration is complete. In the Final state of target virtual machine option, select whether the target virtual machine should be turned On or Off when the conversion is complete. Important MVMC always takes a snapshot of the original source virtual machine before the tools are uninstalled and will restore the virtual machine to its original state once the disks attached to the virtual machine are successfully copied to the machine where the conversion takes place. Important Remote access through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) must be enabled on the source virtual machine. For more information, see the “Troubleshooting” section in this document.
Click Next.
Figure 3. The Virtual Machine Connection page
Administration Guide
4. On the Workspace page, click Browse to select a workspace folder path from where the UI can be run. Be sure to select a location that has enough disk space for the converted VHD files. Click Next.
Figure 4. The Workspace page
Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
5. On the Hyper-V Host page, enter the details to connect to the destination Hyper-V server where the virtual machine will be created following conversion and specify the UNC path for placement of the VHD files. In the Address box, type the server IP address or the name of the Hyper-V source server. In the User name box, type the domain and user name. In the Password box, type the password. In the Path box, click Browse to select the UNC path to where the VHD file will be copied on the destination Hyper-V server. Select whether the VHD file should be Fixed size or Dynamically expanding. Important MVMC expands the dynamic VHD file to its full size. To reduce a VHD file by removing blank space on the disk, see Edit Virtual Hard Disk Wizard at
Click Next.
Figure 5. The Hyper-V Host page
Administration Guide
6. On the Summary page, review the details and click Finish to complete the conversion. If warnings are displayed, review them before proceeding with the conversion. Important Once the conversion has completed successfully, MVMC starts the virtual machine and leaves it as it is. If you do not want the virtual machine to be started, go to the Hyper-V manager in the destination server and shut down the virtual machine.
When the virtual machine conversion has completed successfully, you will see the Completion page. 7. On the Completion page, when the virtual machine conversion is complete, click Close.
Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
Troubleshooting This section provides information about common or known issues that you might experience while using the Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter and the techniques you can use to troubleshoot these issues.
Using the MVMC Log File to Troubleshoot Issues The tool logs information and error details in the MVMC.log file in the user’s Temp folder.
Troubleshooting Issues in the Converter Issue number 1: The Next button is not enabled when I select a virtual machine for conversion through the MVMC wizard. Possible Causes and Solutions for Issue Number 1 Possible causes for issue number 1
Possible solutions for issue number 1
The virtual machine is not running.
Make sure that the virtual machine is running on the VMware in the ESX or ESXi host. Refresh the Virtual Machines page in the MVMC Wizard.
The guest operating system does not have VMware tools installed.
1. Install VMware tools on the guest using standard tools and procedures in VMware. 2. Restart the guest. 3. Refresh the Virtual Machines page in the MVMC Wizard.
The virtual machine does not 1. Install VMware tools on the guest using standard tools and procedures in VMware. have a DNS name. 2. Restart the guest. 3. Refresh the Virtual Machines page in the MVMC Wizard. Or
1. Make sure the virtual machine is joined to an Active Directory domain. 2. Refresh the Virtual Machines page in the MVMC Wizard.
Administration Guide
Issue number 2: MVMC is not able to connect to the virtual machine. I get the following error when I run MVMC.exe: Microsoft.Accelerators.Mvmc.Engine.RpcServerUnavailableException: The RPC server is unavailable. I get an error when I click Next on the Virtual Machine Connection page in the wizard. Possible Causes and Solutions for Issue Number 2 Possible causes for issue Possible solutions for issue number 2 number 2 Remote access through Windows Management Instrumentation is not enabled on the virtual machine.
Ensure that Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is allowed through Windows Firewall. To allow WMI 1. Click Start and then launch Control Panel. 2. Click Windows Firewall and then select Allow programs through Windows Firewall. 3. In the list of allowed programs and features, select Windows Management Instrumentation and then select the Domain check box. To enable WMI through Group Policy settings, enable the Remote Administration exception for computers that have Windows Firewall enabled. This exception opens TCP port 135. If you have another host firewall installed, you will need to allow network traffic through this port. To allow remote administration 1. Click Start and then click Run. In the Open box, type gpedit.msc and then click OK. 2. Under Console Root, expand Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Network\Network Connections\Windows Firewall and then click Domain Profile. 3. Right-click Windows Firewall: Allow remote administration exception and then click Properties. 4. Click Enabled and then click OK. Enable the File and Printer Sharing exception for computers that have Windows Firewall enabled. This exception opens TCP ports 139 and 445 as well as User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports 137 and 138. If you have another host firewall installed, you will need to allow network traffic through these ports. Other troubleshooting resources: The WMI Diagnosis Utility can help system administrators diagnose and repair problems with the WMI service. Download the WMI Diagnosis Utility.
Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter
Issue number 3: I converted a VMware Windows Server 2003 virtual disk using MVDC.exe. When I attached the converted VHD to a virtual machine in Hyper-V, I was not able to successfully start the operating system. Possible Causes and Solutions for Issue Number 3 Possible causes for issue Possible solutions for issue number 3 number 3 The tool does not support Windows Server 2003 as part of the offline disk conversion.
Convert the running source virtual machine using MVMC.exe, the command-line utility available for machine conversion. Alternatively, you can convert using the wizard-driven GUI that supports full machine conversions.
Issue number 4: I connected to an ESX or ESXi host through the MVMC UI, but when I click Next I get an empty message box. When I click OK in the message box, I get a page that does not list the virtual machines on the host that I am connecting to. Possible Causes and Solutions for Issue Number 4 Possible causes for issue Possible solutions for issue number 4 number 4 You are trying to connect to an unsupported version of an ESX or ESXi host through MVMC.
If the unsupported version is ESX 4.0 or ESXi 4.0, MVMC can convert virtual machines on the host if the host is managed by vCenter 4.1 or vCenter 5.0. Make sure you connect to vCenter 4.1 or 5.0, whichever one is managing the ESX/ESXi 4.0 host. You should then be able to see the list of virtual machines.
Issue number 5: I get the message UNC Path \\SERVERIP\Share is not valid or does not have write permission in the summary page of the MVMC UI and I am unable to click Finish to start the conversion. Possible Causes and Solutions for Issue Number 5 Possible causes for issue Possible solutions for issue number 5 number 5 The machine on which you are running the conversion and the destination HyperV host are not members of the same Active Directory domain.
Make sure that the machine on which you are running the conversion and the destination Hyper-V host are members of the same Active Directory domain.
Administration Guide
Issue number 6: I was able to successfully convert a virtual machine but when I logged on to the converted virtual machine and opened the disk management console, I noticed that one or more disks attached to the converted virtual machine were set to offline. Possible Causes and Solutions for Issue Number 6 Possible causes for issue Possible solutions for issue number 6 number 6 The guest operating system installed on the converted virtual machine is either Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter, or Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise with one or more disks connected to the SCSI controller. This is due to a default policy setting on the guest operating system called VDS_SP_OFFLINE_SHAR ED that sets these nonboot disks to offline. For more details on the policy, see Knowledge Base Article ID: 971436.
To bring the disks online using Diskmgmt.msc 1. To open Disk Management, run Diskmgmt.msc from a command line or type it into the Run dialog box on the Start menu. 2. Right-click the disk you want to bring online and click Online on the Action menu. To bring the disk online using DiskPart 1. Run DiskPart. 2. Select the disk that needs to be made available. Select Disk 3. If the disk is offline, bring it online by running Online Disk. 4. View the attributes by running Detail Disk.
Issue number 7: I see warnings in device manager when I log on to the converted virtual machine. Possible Causes and Solutions for Issue Number 7 Possible causes for issue Possible solutions for issue number 7 number 7 Drivers are missing or not installed correctly on the converted guest operating system.
Repair the installation of the Integration Services. To repair the installation of the Integration Services 1. Insert the Integration Services Setup Disk through the Hyper-V console. 2. Choose Repair to repair the installation. 3. Restart the system when prompted.