Microsoft Oice PowerPoint: PowerPoint: 2013 Part I
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Objective..........................................................................1 Getting Started with PowerPoint........................................1 Speaker Notes.................................................................1 Saving PowerPoint PowerPoint without Notes Pages.........................2 Design a PowerPoint...........................................................2 Saving a PowerPoint...........................................................3 Saving to SkyDrive.......................................................... !roadcasting a S"ide Show.............................................. Saving to a #ideo.............................................................$ %ore on Design and &he'es..............................................$ (onts................................................................................$ Saving &he'es................................................................$ S"ide )ayouts...................................................................$ *usto'i+ing a S"ide )ayout................................................, -dding a New S"ide................................................... ......, -dding objects................................................................., nserting videos.............................................................../ *o'pressing to reduce 0"e si+e...................................... -dding -ni'ations and &ransitions.............................. &ransitions.................................... ......
-dding -ni'ations.......................................................... -dding &ransitions........................................................1 diting %u"tip"e Presentations.........................................1 Printing.............................................................................1 Preparing 4or Narration......................................................1 5ehearsing 6our &i'ings........................................ .....1 5ecording the Show........................................................1 Options 7nder the Share................................................2 8porting PowerPoints....................................................3 Password Protecting 6our PowerPoint............................
%icroso4t PowerPoint Part is an instructor "ead9 hands:on9 s'a"" group9 interactive workshop. &e'p"ates9 support 'ateria"9 and an opportunity to ;See and &ry< is the guiding 'ethodo"ogy o4 this workshop. Participant e8periences wi"" inc"ude= Objectives ● ● ● •
● ● ● ●
8p"oring the PowerPoint 5ibbon diting in Nor'a">?orking #iew Se"ecting a Design and &he'e %odi4ying and Save a *usto' &he'e %odi4ying a &he'e9 *o"or and (onts Saving a PowerPoint as various 0"e types *usto'i+ing a )ayout Printing @andouts and Note Pages
%icroso4t PowerPoint Part A *reating Narrations in 2139 is an instructor "ead hands:on9 s'a"" group9 interactive workshop. &e'p"ates9 support 'ateria"9 and an opportunity to ;See and &ry< is the guiding 'ethodo"ogy o4 this workshop. Participant e8periences wi"" inc"ude= Objectives Opening a PowerPoint Show &esting a %icrophone ● 5ecording a Narration 4or a PowerPoint Presentation Show ● Packaging a Presentation with Narration 4or transporting to *D9 ● %e'ory Stick or ?eb ● *onverting a S"ide Shows to PD(9 #ideo or 'age (i"e ●
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Getting Started with PowerPoint %S PowerPoint is "ocated in the %icroso4t Oice (o"der under -"" Progra's. ?hen PowerPoint is opened9 the %icroso4t Oice 5ibbon is visib"e. On the "e4t side view thu'bnai"s o4 current s"ideBsF and the rest o4 the window contains the 'ain editing area. On the "e4t navigation pane9 you can togg"e 4ro' &hu'bnai" view to Out"ine #iew.
Now is a good ti'e to take a 'o'ent and "ook at the 5ibbon &abs9 the 'ain editing area and the taskbar underneath the editing area. &his taskbar is used as a shortcut to take you to a particu"ar s"ide or it indicates which s"ide you are on. t a"so revea"s the tit"e o4 the PowerPoint. On the right side o4 the "ower task bar "ook 4or icons that disp"ay views o4 the PowerPoint9 such as Nor'a" BeditingF window view9 &hu'bnai" )ayout view9 5eading #iew9 and S"ideShow view.
Speaker Notes 7nder the 'ain editing screen is the notes area. Notes wi"" not be visib"e to the audience o4 your PowerPoint but you can 4or'at and print the' in a way to use the' as handouts. 4 'ore disp"ay o4 the notes area is needed9 hover over the
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border between the editing window and the notes area. )ook 4or the change in 'ouse behavior. Se"ect the border and drag it upward or downward. &he author can create notes whi"e in Nor'a" #iew but wi"" not be ab"e to add i'ages and *harts to the Notes Page whi"e in Nor'a" #iew. nstead go to Notes Page #iew9 here 4or'atting is enab"ed and the Notes Page is avai"ab"e whi"e working on the Presentation. ?ant to add i'ages and charts to your Notes PageH 'ages and charts appear whi"e in Notes Page #iew and when Notes are printed9 but not whi"e giving the PowerPoint Presentation. %aking 'ore roo' on a Notes Page is easy a"so. !y de4au"t the PowerPoint s"ide is on the upper ha"4 o4 the screen and a s'a"" a'ount o4 the Notes Page is seen be"ow. 4 you need 'ost o4 the s"ide to beco'e a Notes Page9 go to Notes Page #iew and great"y reduce the thu'bnai" i'age o4 the PowerPoint s"ide. 5e'e'ber9 notes do not show during the Presentation but the s"ide wi"".
Saving PowerPoint without Notes Pages -4ter the PowerPoint is 0nished and a"" the associated notes are co'p"eted9 the PowerPoint is to be up"oaded to D2) or to a server 4or a con4erence. &he -uthor decides he or she does not want to up"oad the associated notes9 but does want the basic PowerPoint S"ides to be avai"ab"e. @ere are the steps to re'ove the notes. 1. Save the PowerPoint with a dierent na'e. a. &he author cou"d add a nu'ber or so'ething si'p"e that wi"" identi4y this is the one without notes 2. Go to the (i"e &ab 3. Se"ect n4o E. Se"ect *heck 4or ssues . Se"ect ne8t nspect Docu'ent $. Se"ect the !utton that says nspect
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,. Presentation Notes wi"" have an e8c"a'ation Point to the "e4t o4 ;Presentation Notes< /. 5e'ove a"" &his wi"" re'ove a"" the associated notes 4ro' the PowerPoint and it can be share the audience or students.
Design a PowerPoint &here are severa" ways to bui"d a design and the'e in PowerPoint. One way is to "ook 4or avai"ab"e te'p"ates under the (i"e &ab. &he area under the (i"e &ab is ca""ed !ackStage. !ackStage contains the I*reate a New PowerPointI button. Once this is se"ected "ook 4or te'p"ates avai"ab"e. 6ou wi"" a"so 0nd recent"y used te'p"ates or te'p"ates that have been 4ound on"ine and insta""ed. (ind the te'p"ate you want to use and se"ect *reate. 4 'ore te'p"ate choices are needed9 go to http=>>' : te'p"ates. O4 course9 the standard bui"t in te'p"ates are avai"ab"e inside a !"ank Presentation. - use4u" characteristic o4 PowerPoint is itIs abi"ity to switch te'p"ates Juick"y. So'e 'ay or 'ay not 0t your in4or'ation but adjusting si+e or tit"es or paragraphs can be 'uch easier than starting 4ro' scratch. &o change 4ro' one te'p"ate design to another9 go to the Design &ab and se"ect a dierent design.
Saving a PowerPoint -s soon as a the'e is se"ected 4or your PowerPoint9 suggest it be saved and na'ed. a"so suggest saving o4ten. &o save a PowerPoint9 go to the (i"e &ab and se"ect Save -s. 6ou have severa" options avai"ab"e but begin with either a .ppt or .ppt8 e8tension. n other words i4 on"y 4o"ks with Oice 2, or Oice 21 or Oice 213 wi"" be viewing or editing the PowerPoint then wou"d se"ect PowerPoint Presentation .ppt8. &his 4or'at wi"" give the 'ost 4eatures9 so'e o4 which are avai"ab"e on"y in the .ppt8 4or'at. !ut9 i4 so'e 4o"ks have o"der co'puters or other co""aborators are using 23 PowerPoint wou"d save as PowerPoint Presentation ,:23 : .ppt. - good ru"e o4 thu'b is to save every i'age9 every docu'ent9 every ite' used in the PowerPoint in one (o"der. &his wi"" 'ake it easier to 'odi4y and 'ay prevent a ha+ardous e8perience shou"d you try to take the PowerPoint to another co'puter or to a con4erence. t is diicu"t to re'e'ber to inc"ude every ite'. 4 the ite' is not in the 4o"der a"ong with the PowerPoint it 'ay not appear when giving the Presentation. -nd even i4 you wi"" be packaging the PowerPoint or turning it into a #ideo9 saving it 0rst as a basic PowerPoint wi"" provide the opportunity to re:use s"ides and edit in the 4uture. One way to save IeverythingI is to save the Presentation as a Show or to Package 4or *D. PowerPoint co""ects a"" the ite's and stores the' in a 4o"der. ?hen Packaged 4or *D9 PowerPoint asks i4 you want to inc"ude a Presentation S"ide Show
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#iewer. t wi"" 'ake the si+e o4 the 4o"der "arger but is he"p4u" shou"d others not have %S PowerPoint. (o"ks without %S PowerPoint shou"d be ab"e to view the s"ide show. &his cou"d be a "i4e saver. 4 you want to Package9 *reate @andouts or *reate a #ideo9 the too" to do this is 4ound under the (i"e &ab in !ackStage #iew in the KPO5& option.
7se the Save L Send options 7nder the S@-5 option are two groups o4 too"s. One group is the S@-5 and the ne8t group is the Save as (i"e &ypes. ach o4 these options produce a nu'ber o4 ways or 'ethods that can be used 4or sharing the co'p"eted PowerPoint. (or e8a'p"e9 the Send 7sing :'ai" enab"es a PowerPoint to be sent as an attached Presentation or PD(. &he Save to ?eb enab"es the PowerPoint to be sent to SkyDrive. &he Pub"ish S"ides opens a path to an on"ine storage area where the presentation can be 4ree"y shared with the wor"d.
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Saving to SkyDrive %icroso4tIs *"oud storage and co""aborating container is ca""ed SkyDrive. &his is a web based storage area 4or %icroso4t docu'ents. &he owner o4 the docu'entBsF can share and enab"e editing privi"eges. &he docu'ents can be edited direct"y in SkyDrive or down"oaded 4or editing in %S Oice. 7sers "og in to SkyDrive using a ?indows )ive D. &his 'ay or 'ay not be a barrier 4or so'e 4o"ks. &o create a ?indows )ive D go to http=>>e8p"ore."'>
Broadcasting a Slide Show %icroso4t supports a PowerPoint !roadcast Service. &his !roadcast Service is 4ree. Go to S@-5 and se"ect Present On"ine. Start !roadcasting by c"icking Present On"ine nter the ?indows )ive D. - warning appears at the top o4 the screen9 between the 5ibbon and PowerPoint. t says that you are broadcasting and can not 'ake changes to the presentation. &o 'ake changes Ind the !roadcastI. &here4ore9 you wou"d not !roadcast and "eave the presentation on the server 4or a "engthy period o4 ti'e9 but it is a great new way to share.
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Saving to a Video. &his appeared 4or the 0rst ti'e in %S PowerPoint 21. (ina""y9 without the assistance o4 another piece o4 so4tware9 you can convert your PowerPoint a"ong with itIs ani'ations and narrations into a video 4or showing. Go to 8port under the (i"e &ab and "et PowerPoint convert to a video. Se"ect *reate a #ideo. denti4y where the video wi"" p"ay. ?i"" it p"ay on a co'puter9 up"oad to the nternet or on a hand:he"d deviceH Do you want to use the ti'ings and narrations that have been saved with the PresentationH 4 not9 use the ti'ing associated with the recording or 'odi4y the seconds to spend on each s"ide.
More on Design and Themes ?hat i4 you 4ound a &he'e9 but the co"or sche'e is not e8act"y what you had in 'ind. 6ou can change the co"or sche'e by going to the Design &ab. )ook 4or the group ca""ed &he'es. @ere you can 'odi4y the co"ors associated with the the'e. %ake changes and Save as a New &he'e with a na'e o4 your choosing. -s you se"ect and 'odi4y co"ors9 see what it wi"" "ook "ike in the sa'p"e that is "ocated to the right o4 the edit co"or dia"og bo8.
onts &his is how to change the &he'e (onts in 213. Go back to the Design &ab9 on the "ower right corner or the #ariants Group9 using the dropdown9 "ook 4or (onts. See an dit (onts Dia"og bo8 that provides an option to change the @eading (onts and !ody (onts. 4 you se"ect *reate New &he'e (onts9 you wi"" see the Sa'p"e !o8 to the right side to see how your 4ont wi"" "ook. Save the new *usto' (ont and na'e it.
Saving Themes Go to the Design &ab again9 "ook 4or the &he'es Group. Se"ect the "itt"e upside down triang"e a drop down with 'ore options appears. Save everything as a *urrent &he'e with a na'e o4 your "iking. &he &he'e wi"" appear in ;%y &he'es< and a"so in the "ist o4 the'es under the &he'es group. &he e8tension added to custo'i+ed the'es is .th'8.
Slide !ayouts
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?hat is a s"ide "ayoutH &he "ayout inc"udes how and where the heading9 headers and 4ooters9 tit"e9 i'age p"ace ho"ders9 bu""ets9 videos9 shapes9 tab"es and charts are positioned on a s"ide. %ost PowerPoints have a tit"e s"ide and then s"ides that 4o""ow with a "ayout that 'eets an in4or'ation need. %S PowerPoint "ayouts contain 'ost o4 the p"aceho"ders that are needed 4or a PowerPoint Presentation. t is a good idea to use the "ayout and it>'>v>O1NbdS(?!H versionQ3La'ph"QenT7SR>para'para' na'eQRa""ow(u""ScreenR va"ueQRtrueR>para'para' na'eQRa""owscriptaccessR va"ueQRa"waysR>para'e'bed srcQR>>'>v>O1NbdS(?!H versionQ3La'ph"QenT7SR typeQRapp"ication>8:shockwave:MashR widthQR$R heightQR31R a""owscriptaccessQRa"waysR a""ow4u""screenQRtrueR>e'bed>object *ode !o8. -dd http in the beginning o4 the 75). &he code copy wi"" be= http=>>'>v>O1NbdS(?! Step $. 5eturn to PowerPoint and the s"ide that needs the video e'bedded Step ,. Go to the Deve"oper &ab IF you do not have the Developer a!" do the followin#$%o to File" Option" &usto'i(e )i!!on" and on the ri#ht side colu'n" chec* the !o+ that says Developer
Step /. n the *ontro"s Group se"ect %ore *ontro"s Bit "ooks "ike a screwdriver and wrenchF Step . (ind Shockwave Object9 *"ick and Drag to 'ake a container B"ooks "ike an enve"opeF on the s"ide Step 1. 5ight *"ick the nve"op and Open Property Sheet Step 11. Paste the 75) in the *e"" that says %ovie http=>>'>v>O1NbdS(?! &he #ideo is now e'bedded in the PowerPoint. &he #ideo wi"" p"ay without the additiona" advertise'ents in the window9 but the user sti"" needs internet access so the e'bed code can reach out to 6outube or other Socia" %edia.
"ompressing to reduce (le si#e One o4 the drawbacks o4 creating a PowerPoint with video9 sound and graphics is the 4act that the si+e o4 the Presentation beco'es un'anageab"e. Soon it is too "arge to send by e'ai" or up"oad into a web or course 'anage'ent so4tware such as D2). %S PowerPoint 213 contains a *o'press %edia too". Go to the (i"e &ab Support *ontact= !arbara *ha'ber"ain E3:/$11F
and se"ect n4o. ( a PowerPoint contains a video or other 'edia9 under the (i"e &ab n4o button you wi"" see bo8 ca""ed I%edia Si+e and Per4or'anceI. &he Presentation ua"ity options appear. denti4y the current si+e o4 the presentation and see how it changes as you reduce the Jua"ity.
$dding $nimations and Transitions ?hatIs the dierence in -ni'ations and &ransitions. -n ani'ation is assigned to an object9 a word9 a phrase9 an i'age or shape. t is an eect that contro"s the appearance9 disappearance9 'ove'ent or other behavior o4 a object on a s"ide. transition is how the entire s"ide 'oves 4ro' one s"ide to the ne8t.
$dding $nimations %S PowerPoint 213 has an -ni'ation &ab. 7nder the &ab you wi"" 0nd pre:set ani'ations. So'e o4 the 'ost o4ten used ani'ations are disp"ayed. &o test an ani'ation se"ect an object. %ove your 'ouse over an ani'ation and watch the behavior o4 the object. &ry various ani'ations to see which one is best. )ike 'ost co''and options in PowerPoint9 use the "itt"e upside down triang"e to see an e8panded "ist o4 ani'ations avai"ab"e 4or use. n addition to the ani'ation itse"49 depending on the ani'ation9 you wi"" be given a choice 4or the eect you want to assist the ani'ation. &o the "e4t o4 the -dd -ni'ation !utton see the ects Options. (or e8a'p"e te8t or bu""ets have dierent eects than a photo or graphic. ?hen you have picked an ani'ation se"ect -pp"y. -"though we wi"" cover editing ani'ations in greater detai" in the ne8t PowerPoint c"ass9 it is good to see how the ani'ation "ooks in the ani'ation pane. On the 5ibbon se"ect -ni'ation Pane. P"ay the ani'ation on the s"ide. ?atch the ti'ing and behavior in the ani'ation pane. &his is a"so where you can re:order the ani'ation9 there4ore giving 'ore contro" and editing options.
$dding Transitions )ike the -ni'ations &ab9 'ost co''on"y used transitions are avai"ab"e 4or your se"ection. @over the 'ouse over transition icons and watch the s"ideIs behavior. So'e o4 the options inc"uded in the PowerPoint are the sound9 how "ong it takes to transition9 whether to app"y a transition to a"" the s"ides or just this one9 and how to 'ake the s"ide advance. Do you want the s"ide to advance a4ter a speci0c a'ount o4 ti'e or do you want it to advance on"y when the 'ouse c"ick 'akes it advance.
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)diting Multiple Presentations %S PowerPoint a""ows 4or 'u"tip"e presentations to be opened at one ti'e. ach PowerPoint opens in a new window. 6ou can reduce the si+e and a"ign PowerPowers side by side or view a dierent PowerPoint on dierent 'onitors. ?hat i4 you want to re:use a sideH 6ou 'ay copy a s"ide 4ro' one presentation to another. &he easiest way is to open two PowerPoint Presentations. Se"ect the s"ide you want to copy. 5ight c"ick the s"ide and se"ect copy. Go to another PowerPoint and paste. -nother way is to drag a s"ide 4ro' one PowerPoint to another. ither way9 you wi"" be asked whether you want to re4or'at or 'aintain the 4or'atting>design o4 the previous PowerPoint. Shou"d you want to i'port 'u"tip"e s"ides use this 'ethod= Go to the @o'e &ab9 nsert New S"ide9 use the drop down and pick 5e:7se S"ides. (o""ow the pro'pts and se"ect one s"ide or a"" the s"ides. "ect to app"y a current the'e on one or a"" se"ected s"ides. 6ou 'ay even copy the s"ide the'e and not its contents. -"ong the sa'e "ine o4 thought9 PowerPoint has a -ni'ation Painter !rush just "ike the other Oice Products have a (or'at Painter !rush. Se"ect a 4avorite ani'ation or group o4 ani'ations and go to the -ni'ation Painter !rush9 then app"y that to another object in the current PowerPoint or another PowerPoint.
Printing Print PowerPoint Sides and Notes Pages by going to the (i"e &ab. Se"ect Print and choose Print S"ides9 to Print just the s"ides wanted or to print in Gray Sca"e. 7nder Settings in Print S"ides 0nd the Print )ayout. Se"ections are (u"" Page S"ides9 Notes Pages and Out"ine. 7nder the @andouts settings options inc"ude 1 s"ide up to s"ides on one page. &wo 'ore options to i'prove the "ook o4 your handouts9 you 'ay se"ect (ra'e S"ides to give a nice border and Sca"e to (it Paper so a"" o4 the 'ateria" 0ts on one page inside the 'argins. -dditiona" 5esources= (or 'ore in4or'ation ca"" &S7 -&S e)earning= E23:E3:/$11 or e'ai" -&SC&S7.D7 ●
?eb= http=>>oice.''>en:us>powerpoint>de4au"t.asp8
?eb= http=>>oice.''>en:us>te'p"ates>resu"ts.asp8H JuQpowerpoint ●
?eb= http=>>www.''>oice>powerpoint:s"ide4est>s"ide:schoo": 11.asp8U ●
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Preparing *or Narration On the 5ibbon Bthe %enu !ar at the topF in Oice 213 "ook 4or the &ab ca""ed S"ide Show.
Re%ea&s'() Y*u& T'+'()s 6ou can rehearse a presentation. PowerPoint starts a ti'er and records the "ength o4 the presentation. t wi"" re'e'ber how 'any seconds or 'inutes were spent on each s"ide9 and i4 reJuested wi"" set the s"ides to advance auto'atica""y at that rate. Steps to 5ehearse= ● S"ide Show &ab 5ehearse &i'ings ● &he S"ide Show begins. )ook 4or the s'a"" ti'er in the upper "e4t hand corner that tracks your progress *"ick to transition past the "ast side and the ti'er stops. - dia"og bo8 ● disp"ays the presentation "ength. *heck the bo8 to app"y s"ide ti'ings. ( you p"an to convert this PowerPoint to a video or i4 editing wi"" be reJuired in the 4uture suggest ti'ing and sound be "inked to the S"ide Show.
+ecording the Show • • •
7nder the S"ide Show &ab 5ecord S"ide Show Start 5ecording 4ro' *urrent S"ide or (ro' !eginning
Se"ect what you want to record be4ore you begin recording S"ide and ani'ation ti'ings o o Narrations and "aser pointer Start 5ecording o
ip: ,ow to use the laser pointer in a presentation- .hile showin# the presentation hold down the &ontrol *ey and the 'ouse pointer will turn into a laser pointer-
nd the 5ecording by 5ight *"icking and Se"ect nd Show or 7sing the scape Vey.
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&he de4au"t settings in the Set Up Group are= P"ay Narrations9 7se &i'ings9 and Show %edia *ontro"s. 4 Narration is unchecked9 the associated Narration wi"" not p"ay during the Presentation. 4 the Narration is enab"ed BcheckedF but is 'ore 4ree Mowing rather than c"ear"y associated with a particu"ar s"ide9 you cou"d uncheck the 7se &i'ings. 4 the author does not want 4o"ks to pause or rep"ay the Narration whi"e viewing the S"ide Show9 uncheck Show %edia *ontro"s. Ne8t9 in the Set 7p Group 0nd a *o''and ca""ed 5ecord S"ide Show.
IP:est the 'icrophone you are usin# !efore !e#innin# a /arration recordin#- o test a 'icrophone in .indows #o to the &ontrol Panel fro' the .indows utton elect ound- nder the )ecordin# a! select Microphone- 4our sound properties dialo# !o+ 'ay loo* dierent than 'ine- elect &on5#ure and use the 6et up Microphone6 to test-
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,ptions -nder the Share Go to the (i"e &ab and Se"ect Share. &he author can nvited Peop"e to view on SkyDrive9 'ai" as an attach'ent9 Send -dobe PD( 4or Sharing9 Present On"ine or Pub"ish the S"ides to a Server. %S PowerPoint in Oice 21 Save L Send has severa" he"p4u" 'ethods 4or sharing a S"ide Show. 7nder the Save L Send you can :'ai"9 save to the ?eb9 save to SharePoint9 !roadcast or Pub"ish the S"ides. •
Sending in an E-mail: &he co'puter atte'pts to reduce and co'press the S"ide Show to a si+e that it can be :'ai"ed to other 4o"ks. &he de4au"t :'ai" so4tware opens with the S"ide Show attached to the 'essage. &he ne8t
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option9 creation o4 an :'ai" with "ink assu'es we have a Share Point server environ'ent9 which &S7 does not have at this ti'e. &he "ast option under sending by :'ai" converts the S"ide Show to a PD( and sends it as an attach'ent. Saving to te !e": &he ?eb Option enab"es a save as a ht' type 0"e so it can be added or viewed 4ro' %icroso4tIs SkyDrive . Save to Sare #oint: &he SharePoint option reJuires the author to have access to a SharePoint server. &his option wou"d a""ow other 4o"ks in your organi+ation to have access to 0"es that are stored on the SharePoint server. -t this ti'e &S7 does not have an avai"ab"e SharePoint Server but it is in the works. #re$ent %nline: !roadcasting a S"ide Show reJuires a ?indows )ive -ccount. Other 4o"ks who have a ?indows )ive account can "og on and use the "ink you send to view the s"ide show. &his 'ethod is 4or presenting a S"ide Show on"y9 not 4or co""aboration and editing. #u"li$ Slide$: Send a S"ide Show to a Shared Drive. 8a'p"e9 S"ide Shows cou"d be pub"ished to the depart'enta" S drive.
)porting PowerPoints &reate #'(: S"ide Shows can be converted to PD(. &reate )ideo: 4 the Narrated PowerPoint S"ide Show wi"" be presented to students and i4 the show wi"" be up"oaded into D2)9 converting to #ideo is a great idea. - Narrated PowerPoint with saved ti'ings can be converted by se"ecting the *reate #ideo !utton. Na'e the #ideo. &he conversion happens whi"e you continue to work at your co'puter. -s "ong as you do not c"ose PowerPoint the conversion continues unti" 0nished. &he #ideo wi"" be a ?indows %ovie #ideo. t can be sent to -cade'ic &echno"ogy Support 4or up"oading to a Strea'ing Server. 6ou wi"" be given a 75) B"inkF to the video. Put the "ink to the video in D2). &his reduces the strain on D2)9 on the Students trying to view the video and everyone is happier. %ost PowerPoint S"ide Shows and #ideos are too "arge to send though :'ai". 4 you need to send the PowerPoint by e'ai" go to http =>>www .etsu .edu>dropbo8. &ype in your e'ai" and oicia" &S7 password9 add i' (u"brightIs address *ul"rig+,et$uedu and !rowse to up"oad the 0"e. #a./age #re$entation *or &': Veeping track o4 severa" PowerPoint 0"es can be diicu"t. - S"ide Show 'ay have photos9 videos and sound. ?hi"e preparing the S"ide Show an author 'ay store 0"es in dierent areas on his or her co'puter. *reating and storing everything in ON 4o"der is best. S"ide Shows are created 4or sharing. ?hen taking the show on the road9 you cou"d accidenta""y 4orget to copy an audio 0"e9 4or instance. -nother way to
Support *ontact= !arbara *ha'ber"ain E3:/$11F
be sure everything is packed 4or showing and sharing is to package a PowerPoint S"ide Show. %S PowerPoint gathers everything needed to p"ay the show and copies it to a 4o"der 4or you. - PowerPoint #iewer is inc"uded in a packaged PowerPoint. &his a""ows 4o"ks who do not have PowerPoint to view the S"ide Show. &o package a S"ide Show= 1. Se"ect the (i"e &ab 8port Package Presentation 4or *D. 2. Na'e the Presentation. 3. *"ick *opy to (o"der or *opy to *D. Se"ect a "ocation on your co'puter 4or the 4o"der to be created or 4o""ow the pro'pts in preparation to burn to *D. E. 7nder Options9 i4 you need to reduce the 0"e si+e you cou"d e"ect to "eave out the PowerPoint #iewer and "eave out the 'bedded 4onts. Not a"" co'puters are eJuipped with the sa'e 4onts. %any peop"e down"oad 4onts to i'prove the appearance o4 their docu'ents or presentations. 4 you want to 'ake sure your presentation "ooks the sa'e on the viewer